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Brochure Big Data

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The course is broadly divided into two parts: i) Analytics & ii) Technology.

The analytics part covers machine

learning algorithms and implementing them. The technological part is about learning to work in Hadoop
and Kafka ecosystems including NoSQL databases. The course is project oriented. All tools, GUI
environments, analytics platform (including Hadoop and Kafka ecosystems) and data necessary for learning
analytics are provided to the participants in advance. We teach two most popular data science languages: R
& Python-- another unique aspect of this program.

Be able to clean, Be able to select a Gain sufficient Finally put to use as

transform & visualize subset of appropriate proficiency over also assemble relevant
the dataset to gain machine learning different analytics tools, techniques and
deeper insights and algorithms that could be platforms and platforms to get a
make it ready for applied to get desired software reasonable predictive
analysis. predictive results environments accuracy
necessary to extract
Data being ubiquitous, the program cuts across job or academic profiles. The techniques taught are generic in nature.
These will be valuable to anyone who wishes to interpret data to advance his or her knowledge and insights of
environment. The course will be useful for:

Ambitious executives LecturersLecturers and DEVELOPERS
and Professors DEVELOPERS
RESEARCH SCHOLARSSCHOLARS from private / public for
extending thefrom
executives horizon Techniques taught for
Professors Techniques
to Students currently taughtsectors
enrolled to of theirStudents
them will have
in any graduate
private or post extending the horizon
/ public them will have enrolled in any graduate or
through deepening their applications
applications in a in a broad graduate program
post-graduate who have
sectors of their knowledge
research skills array of disciplines undertaken an introductory course in
through deepening broad array of who have undertaken an
their research skills disciplines introductory course in


FORE School of Management, New Delhi and University of California, Riverside,
Graduate in any discipline Extension USA


We strongly
believe that
that aacourse
coursein in data
data analytics
analytics can be
can only only beIntroductory• Business
practice-based Statistics
Introductory practice-based
Business Statistics
rather than theory based. As it is a distance course
rather than theory based. Also, a practice based course requires constant • Data Mining & Data Analytics
but in real-time,
interaction with thethe teaching
teacher duringpedagogy will in
lecture hours bereal
First the Data Mining &oData
teaching Analytics
Machine algorithm
Learning will be
conceptually explained without getting into  Machine
pedagogy is like this: First, the theory part is conceptually explained without Learning algorithms mathematics and then a project will be
o Hadoop and Kafka Eco System;
getting to implement
into mathematics thena Hadoop
andthe project isand Kafka Eco
undertaken System; Data
to implement the technique. Datasets for implementation will be
made available in for implementation
stream processing and analysis Data stream processing &
techniques. Datasets are made available advance
in advanceandandso also a copy of code we need to execute. The
also a
socode NoSQL
copy of code and(orGraph
hints onDatabases
it) that wewill betonumbered
need and copiously
execute. During the commented so thatanalysis
long after the
lecture, we execute this code, line-by-line, and explain the steps. At his end, Business o NoSQL
Analytics& Graph Databases
Capstone (Python
lecture has finished, students can go back through
the student simultaneously executes the required code on his laptop and the • Business Analytics Capstone (Python
may seek clarifications. In short, both the teacher and students are working Oriented) code/comments
onand refresh
their theirlaptops
respective knowledge. During
together. The the lecture,
whole we is just as if
experience • Web Analytics
will execute
everyone thisincode,
is sitting line-by-line
a laboratory and explain
and working the Follow
together. steps.up his end, Web Analytics the student
will alsobyexecute Exercises • Exercises and Projects
exercises studentsthe andsame code.
providing Consequently,
feedback on them results
are an important part and Projects will be available
our end as also on Students Laptop/desktop.

Duration Frequency Class Schedule Timings

140 hours Twice a week Saturday-Sunday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Registration Fees Admission Fee 1st Installment
Date At the time of registration 14th September 2017 15th December 2017
`55,000/- +GST
Amount `10,000/-* `25,000/- `20,000/-

Books and Material Fee: `5,000 +GST per participant, payable to ‘FORE School of Management, New Delhi’
* Any request for refund of registration fees on account of valid reason prior to the closure of registrations or 10 working days before the date of course commencement whichever is earlier, the amount paid shall be
refunded with a deduction of `5,000 + applicable taxes.


Education Lanes is Tech Mahindra Growth Factories’ initiative that offers certificate programs from premier institutes on a
virtual platform. Education Lanes offers a comprehensive direct-to-device education suite with real-time interactive and
participative virtual classroom sessions.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Harnal, Professor in IT Area at FORE SChool of Management:
Graduated from IIT Delhi; M.Phil, MA (Economics): Expert in Big Data and Data Analytics
both on the technology side as also on Analytics side. Extensively taught faculty and
students on the subject of big data technology and analytics. Participated in various machine
learning problems in areas of business and marketing.

Prof. Kemal Oflus, Professor at UCR: Capstone Project Faculty covering Python module,
Ex-rocket scientist. Highly motivated and versatile data scientist with fifteen plus years of
proven analytics performance. Skilled at building effective and productive working
relationships with customers, team members, executive management. Excellent time
management, negotiation, interpersonal and presentation skills. A talent for analyzing
problems, developing simplified procedures, and finding innovative solutions those improve
operating efficiency and lower costs for customer. Successful in bringing methods long have
been used in engineering and scientific communities to business customers and decision

Prof. Hitesh Arora is a Professor in the area of Quantitative Techniques/ Operations

Management at FORE School of Management, New Delhi. A graduate in Mathematics and
a post graduate in Operational Research from University of Delhi, he has earned his
Doctorate in Mathematical Programming from Department of Operational Research,
University of Delhi. He has qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted jointly by CSIR
& UGC for Lectureship with Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Mathematical Sciences.
He started his teaching career from University of Delhi and taught subjects like Optimization,
Queuing Theory, Inventory Management and Statistics besides guiding students in their
project work. Prof. Arora has also worked as an Actuarial Consultant with
a UK-based MNC. As an actuarial consultant, his work involved Data Modeling and Reserving for Personal and
Commercial Lines of different UK-based insurance companies. He has over seventeen years of experience in
academics and industry. Prof. Arora has worked immensely in the area of Mathematical Programming and his
present areas of research interest are measurement of Productivity, Service Quality and effect of information
technology in Indian banking sector. He has to his credit, a number of research papers in national and
international journals of repute. He has also conducted various Management Development Programs (MDPs)
in Decision Making Techniques for Managers.

Prof. Rakhi Tripathi, Associate Professor at FORE: PhD (IIT, Delhi) and MS (Computer
Science) from Bowie State University (University of Maryland System). She has an
experience of more than 10 years in research. She has worked on prestigious projects on
Computer Networks and E-government at IIT Delhi. She has also presented and published
several research papers in national as well as international reputed journals, conferences
and books. Her current areas of interest include Computer Networks, E-government, Cloud
computing, Mobile computing, Digital strategy and Social Media

For queries, call us at: 08377831825

Email us at: info@educationlanes.com

A Mahindra Group Initiative Program website is at this link

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