A Precise Theory For The Proton Radius and The Elements As Mathematical Sets Fourth Edition

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A Precise Theory for the Proton Radius and the Elements as Mathematical Sets

Fourth Edition


Ian Beardsley

Copyright © 2023
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1.0 Ground Work……………………………………………6

2.0 The Elements As Proton Sets….. …………………..10

3.0 Solving The Calendar………………………………….14

4.0 Predicting The Meter…………………………………..23

5.0 The Constant k…………………………………………26

6.0 Discussion……………………………………………..35

7.0 Solar System A Quantum Mechanical System…….36

8.0 Solar Luminosity A QM State………………………..43

9.0 Genesis Project Equations……………………………47

10.0 Another Theory For The Radius Of A Proton……..49

11.0 The Macro and Micro Planck Constants………….53

12.0 The Exact Radius of a Proton………………………57

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One of things I wanted to go into in this paper but didn’t is that you can speak of the structure of
the solar system even though it changes with time. This is important to understand when I refer
to sizes the Moon and the planets, and their orbital distances.

The whole object of developing a theory for the way planetary systems form is that they meet the
following criterion: They predict the Titius-Bode rule for the distribution of the planets; the dis-
tribution gives the planetary orbital periods from Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation. The
distribution of the planets is chiefly predicted by three factors: The inward forces of gravity from
the parent star, the outward pressure gradient from the stellar production of radiation, and the
outward inertial forces as a cloud collapses into a flat disc around the central star. These forces
separate the flat disc into rings, agglomerations of material, each ring from which a different
planet forms at its central distance from the star (it has a thickness). In a theory of planetary for-
mation from a primordial disc, it should predict the Titius-Bode rule for the distribution of plan-
ets. When I speak of the state of the solar system I speak of this point toward which the solar
system has formed and not the small changes that happen over millions of years due to mutual
interference between the bodies. In fact, mutual interference has torn apart possible forming
planets resulting in the current distribution we have today, because the current distribution is
more or less stable. The asteroid belt is a good example of this — it is a location where a planet
cannot form due to harmonic (repetitive) action on the orbital period at its distance by orbital
periods of planets beyond it. In short we take the state of the solar system as an inflection point
between what it became, and what it might minutely be going away from in billions of years af-
ter it dies and can no longer support life.
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The natural constants measure the properties of space and time. We can list some of them here:
mP :1.67262 ×10 k g (Proton Mass)
h :6.62607 ×10 J ⋅ s (Planck Constant)
r p :0.833 ×10 m (Proton Radius)
−11 m
G :6.67408 ×10 N 2 (Gravitational Constant)
c :299,792 , 459 m/s (light speed)
α :1 /137 (Fine Structure Constant)
q p=q e =1.6022 E−19 c o u lo mb s
k e=8.988 E 9 2
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In this the fourth edition in section 12.0 we suggest if the nature of space and time is such the ra-
dius of a proton is given by the golden ratio, then we can determine its value exactly in theory
and we find this in turn gives the momentum-distance of quantum mechanics, and the asymp-
tote of the special relativity hyperbola of spacetime diagrams that is the world-line of a light sig-

In the third edition we create in section 11.0 a Planck constant on the macro-scale and compare
it to the Planck constant of quantum mechanics and see that the Earth/Moon/Sun system is a
quantum mechanical system as well because the kinetic energy of the Earth is an eigenvalue
mapping the macro-scale Planck constant to the micro-scale Planck constant, as well as the
Planck constants being eigenvalues as in quantum mechanics for proton/electron systems but
here for the Earth kinetic energy around the Sun. This is done by setting out to show that the
second is a natural unit, a natural constant, which we achieve.

The proton is the fundamental charged particle that makes up atoms. We develop a theory of in-
ertia with the proton as a 3d cross-section of a 4d hypersphere and suggest in terms of set theory
that since no proton is unique that number of protons is actually number. This describes the el-
ements of the periodic table as sets of protons in a mathematical sense, and we suggest this is
geared around six-fold symmetry in a way that optimizes the conditions for biological life. The
radius of a proton is the least precise data value among the constants but new methods of mea-
suring it are honing in on its actual value. If our set theory for the elements in terms of protons
optimizes for life, then we have from our theory a value that is more within the current finest
measurements. We also suggest the unit of a second is a natural unit as luck would have it, and
that it occurs in the orbital elements of the Earth/Moon/Sun system. We determine a constant k
and intermediate mass that bridges the macrocosmos to the microcosmos that predicts many
things both on the atomic and astronomical and cosmological scales. It appears our moon orbit-
ing the earth may have connections on the atomic and cosmological scales. We present the Solar
System as quantum mechanical. In the second edition we come up with another equation for the
radius of a proton independent of Avogadro’s number which gives us more equations for the
unit of a second as natural to relate to the orbit of our Moon.
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The old enigma, the Universe is here, but it needs a cause. If we present a cause, then when need a cause
for that cause. Essentially it is as if the Universe is magic because it should not be here; it is an uncaused
cause. But, can we see that that can happen in terms of mathematics?

I had a theory for what matter is, or inertia. Mass is that which fills space over time. What is space and
time? We don’t know, it is our starting point and is not described by anything. For instance what is veloc-
ity? It is the change in distance with time, meters per second (m/s). Let us write velocity:

Equation 1. v=x /t

But what is the distance x? It is velocity over time, that is how we define it. Let’s write that:

Equation 2. x=v t

Let’s put our value of velocity into equation 2:

x= t

We have t cancels with t leaving x=x meaning distance is distance, so we have not said anything about
distance (spacial extension in one of the dimensions). We can in fact put all of the relationships between
mass, length, and time in any equation in physics and it will return

m a s s=m a s s

d i s t a n c e=d i s t a n c e

t i me=t im e

So in the end we may have formally written out for instance an equation for gravity that will land us on
the Moon, but the equation reduces to saying nothing about what reality actually is.

Back to my theory that is my theory for inertia. That theory is another subject, but I would like to show
how it suggests we can have something from nothing, which makes me wonder if this mathematical trick
I have found, is connected to how we might actually have something from nothing, or that perhaps even
something is nothing. Let’s lay the groundwork of that theory briefly:

1.0. Ground Work

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We suggest the property of matter to have inertia, which is to say it resists change that the particle a pro-
ton, a fundamental unit of matter, is a the cross-section of a 4D hypersphere in 3D space. As such one
could consider inertia as the “friction” of space given by the normal vector holding the space-bubble in a
lower dimensional “plane”:

Thus the mass of a proton m p is given by the force of space measured by G, the energy given to it given
by h, the speed at which things happen c, and the surface area of this sphere 4 π r p that is the cross-sec-
tion of the hypersphere and the fine structure constant squared α 2 because the fine structure constant
squared is the ratio of the potential energy of an electron in the first circular orbit to the energy
given by the mass of an electron in the Bohr model times the speed of light squared, that is it
represents the ground state. It is

2 Ue
Equation 1.1 α = 2
me c

Thus the equation of inertia can be expressed as proton-seconds. We find that it is six-fold in na-
ture given the smallest integer for time (1-second) gives carbon the core element of life chem-
istry, and 6-seconds is the largest integer before you get fractional protons. That is

Equation 1.2. 2
α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=6 p r o t o n ⋅ s e c o n d s=c a r b o n(C)

Equation 1.3. 2
α mp Gc√
h 4 π r 2p
=1 p r o t o n ⋅6 s e c o n d s=h y d r o g e n(H )

From which instead of saying the left sides of these equations are seconds, we say they are proton-sec-
onds by not letting m p cancel with the bodies of these equations on the left, but rather divide into them,
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which are in units of mass, giving us a number of protons. I say this is the biological because as we shall
see our equations are based on one second is 6 protons is carbon, and 6 seconds is one proton is hydrogen,
these making the hydrocarbons which are the skeletons of biological life. We see this is a mystery of six-
fold symmetry based around biological life in the following computer program I wrote and its output:

α mp √
h 4 π r 2p

Is proton-seconds. Divide by time we have a number of protons because it is a mass divided by the mass
of a proton. But these masses can be considered to cancel and leave seconds. We make a program that
looks for close to whole number solutions so we can create a table of values for problem solving.

By what value would you like to increment?: 0.25

How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): 100
24.1199 protons 0.250000 seconds 0.119904 decpart
12.0600 protons 0.500000 seconds 0.059952 decpart
8.0400 protons 0.750000 seconds 0.039968 decpart
6.0300 protons 1.000000 seconds 0.029976 decpart
4.0200 protons 1.500000 seconds 0.019984 decpart
3.0150 protons 2.000000 seconds 0.014988 decpart
2.1927 protons 2.750000 seconds 0.192718 decpart
2.0100 protons 3.000000 seconds 0.009992 decpart
1.2060 protons 5.000000 seconds 0.205995 decpart
1.1486 protons 5.250000 seconds 0.148567 decpart
1.0964 protons 5.500000 seconds 0.096359 decpart
1.0487 protons 5.750000 seconds 0.048691 decpart
1.0050 protons 6.000000 seconds 0.004996 decpart
0.2487 protons 24.250000 seconds 0.248659 decpart
0.2461 protons 24.500000 seconds 0.246121 decpart

A very interesting thing here is looking at the values generated by the program, the smallest integer value
1 second produces 6 protons (carbon) and the largest integer value 6 seconds produces one proton (hy-
drogen). Beyond six seconds you have fractional protons, and the rest of the elements heavier than car-
bon are formed by fractional seconds. These are the hydrocarbons the backbones of biological chemistry.
Here is the code for the program:
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

int n;
float value=0, increment,t=0, p=1.67262E-27, h=6.62607E-34,G=6.67408E-11, c=299792459,protons[100],r=0.833E-15;

printf("By what value would you like to increment?: ");
scanf("%f", &increment);
printf("How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): ");
scanf("%i", &n);
while (n>=101);

for (int i=0; i<n;i++)


int intpart=(int)protons[i];
float decpart=protons[i]-intpart;
if (decpart<0.25)
{ printf("%.4f protons %f seconds %f decpart \n", protons[i], t-increment, decpart);

We find exactly our equation predicts the second as

Equation 1.4
6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

That this equals so perfectly one second leads us to suggest the second is a Natural Unit. We find it is,
that it is in the kinetic energy of the Moon to that of the Earth times the Earth Day which is the Earth rota-
tion period:

K Em o o n
Equation 1.5. (E a r t h D a y )=1.2 s e c o n d s
K E E ar t h

But that was using the average orbital velocities. We find using aphelions and perihelions:

K Em o o n
Equation 1.6. (E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h
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2.0. The Elements As Proton Sets

To get the Universe from nothing we consider equation 1.2 and 1.4:

Equation 1.2. 2
α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=6 p r o t o n ⋅ s e c o n d s=c a r b o n(C)

Equation 1.4.
6 α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

We can consider equation 1.2 to be two equations. The first is where the numerator

1 h4 π rp
=k i lo g r a m s ⋅ s e c o n d s
α Gc

Cancels with the denominator



Equation 2.1. 2
α mp Gc√
h 4 π r 2p
=6 s e c o n d s

And the second equation is where m p does not cancel with the numerator but divides into it giving us a
number of protons times one second:

Equation 2.2. 2
α mp Gc√
h 4 π r 2p
=6 p r o t o n−s e c o n d s

Now we find if we divide the left hand side by one second (t 1) then the right hand side becomes six pro-

Equation 2.3.
1 1
t1 α 2 m p √
h 4 π r 2p
=6 p r o t o n s

Now consider equation 1.4

6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s
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It is approximately t 1=1 s e c o n d . Let us put it into equation 2.3:

Equation 2.4.

( √ )( √ )
2 2
α mp Gc 1 h 4 π r p 6 p r o t o n ⋅s e c o n d s
6 = =6 p r o t o n s
1 2
h4 π rp
α mp Gc 1s ec ond s

However factor 1

( √ )
α mp Gc
1 h 4 π r 2p

Cancels with factor 2

( √ )
1 h4 π rp
α mp Gc

When this happens it says 6 equals 6 protons:

6=6 p r o t o n s

The connection between number and form and they are the carbon atom that is at the core of life. We can
do the same thing with hydrogen (Equation 1.3):

α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=1 p r o t o n ⋅6 s e c o n d s=h y d r o g e n(H )

We see carbon is given by one second and hydrogen is given by six seconds ( equation 1.2)

α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=6 p r o t o n ⋅ s e c o n d s=c a r b o n(C)

Thus they are out of phase with one another by a factor of 6. We see this six-fold symmetry pro-
duced hydrogen and carbon from nothing, and that they may in fact exist, but be nothing, that
they make up the skeletons of life that are the hydrocarbons, used as the basic chemical struc-
ture underlying our mind that is consciousness. Thus we are conscious, but don’t really exist. We
seem to be conscious in a universe where the atom, the proton, is described by one second,
which came historically from our way of dividing up the calendar in ancient times without
knowledge of the atom in terms of the these modern constants. We also see this second exists
not just with the atom and its proton but with the Earth/Moon/Sun system which I found was
equations 1.5 and 1.6:
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K Em o o n
Equation 1.5. (E a r t h D a y )=1.2 s e c o n d s
K E E ar t h

Using the average orbital velocities. We find using aphelions and perihelions:

K Em o o n
Equation 1.6. (E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h

Earth day=(24)(60)(60)=86,400 seconds.

Using the Moon’s orbital velocity at aphelion, and Earth’s orbital velocity at perihelion we have:

K Em o o n = (7.347673 E 22 k g) ¿

K Ee a r t h = (5.972 E 24 k g)¿

Using the Moon’s orbital velocity at aphelion, and Earth’s orbital velocity at perihelion. We can
even use not the solar day used here (rotation of Earth with respect to the Sun) but the sidereal
day (rotation of Earth with respect to the stars) and the equation has even slightly more accurate

In my work A Contemporary Anthropological Cosmology I derived the unit of a second in

terms of the hydrogen atom, and created a constant k that enabled me to predict the radius of a
proton with our equation 1.2 and 1.3 within experimental errors. But for now the point of this
paper is to show that either something can come from nothing, and that something is nothing,
and that this nothing actually creates life chemistry, if not physical chemistry in general, that
gives us consciousness, and that this consciousness has a connection with the Moon that it sees
in the sky from its planet Earth.

Interestingly the Moon perfectly eclipses the Sun which means as seen from the Earth the Moon
appears to be the same size as the Sun. This is because

r e R⊙

r m Rm

Where r e is the Earth orbital distance, r m is the Moon’s orbital distance, R⊙ is the Sun’s radius,
and Rm is the Moon’s radius.

The Moon at its inclination to the Earth in its orbit makes life possible here because it holds the
Earth at its tilt to its orbit around the Sun allowing for the seasons so the Earth doesn’t get to ex-
tremely hot or too extremely cold. We see the Moon may be there for as much of reason as is Al-
pha Centauri, for a first manned mission beyond Earth.
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If every proton in the universe is the same, none having any distinguishable features, that is
none are unique because they all have the same mass, same size, and same charge, then six pro-
tons is the number 6 is carbon, and 1 proton is the number 1 is hydrogen, and carbon being the
number 6 tells us what the number 6 is, and hydrogen being the number 1 tells us what the
number 1 is. Because quanta such as protons and electrons are so small that the Heisenberg un-
certainty principle applies, then our proton, for instance, has no position in space only a proba-
bility of existing in a given region at a given time. If then the proton has no position, it cannot be
distinguished from another proton by where it is in space. Thus I suggest the chemical elements
are sets, where each proton is the element of a set. Carbon is the set of six protons, and hydrogen
is the set of one proton. Because sets by set theory cannot have repeating elements, we cannot
say the set of protons that is carbon is

C={ p r o t o n , p r o t o n , p r o t o n , p r o t o n , p r o t o n , p r o t o n }

But rather we have to say

C={ p r o t o n1 , p r o t o n 2 , p r o t o n 3 , p r o t o n 4 , p r o t o n 5 , p r o t o n 6 }

And the set of protons that is hydrogen is

H= { p r o t o n }

We need not put the identifier 1 onto proton because hydrogen can never have more than one
proton because if it does it ceases to be hydrogen and is another element, like helium if you add
another proton. Hydrogen is thus the number 1 and does not need an identifier and 6 (carbon)
does need identifiers. I find this interesting because hydrogen cannot be identified as a metal or
non-metal but carbon can be identified as a non-metal. When a non-metal like carbon combines
with hydrogen it loses an electron to become H 1+¿ ¿ thus ionizing like a metal and carbon gains 4
electrons to have noble gas electron configuration the same as neon (Ne) the noble gas in group
18 the last group of its period. But since carbon gains 4 electrons to become C 4−¿¿ it must com-
bine with at least 4 hydrogens each H 1+¿ ¿ to be neutral. This is C H 4 which is methane gas. This
is C+4H=10 protons which is the element neon (Ne). This gives a time value of



(6.62607 E−34)
10 1.67262 E−27 6.67408 E−11
⋅¿ ¿ ¿

Methane is the most basic hydrocarbon and hydrocarbons are the skeleton of biological life
chemistry. Methane gas was in the primordial Earth and when combined with ammonia N H 3,
H 2 O, and H 2 other gases thought to have been in the primordial Earth atmosphere, they make
some of the amino acids, the building blocks of life as was shown in the Miller-Urey experiment.
The radius of a proton is the least well known constant in our equation and is the subject of
much research to determine precisely. If our value of time t is supposed to be precisely

6 car bo n
0.6= =
10 ne on

So as to center for it allowing for biological life then the radius of a proton is
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r p=
√ (6.67408 E−11)(299792459) 10
(6.62607 E−34)4 π 18769
⋅(1.67262 E−27)(0.6)=8.2885873 E−16 m ≈ 0.829 E−15 m

This is in the range of the PRad (JLab) electron scattering method, a most recent method for de-
termining the radius of a proton, which is

r p =0.831 E−15 m± 2 %

3.0 Solving The Calendar Thus the duration of a second is

1 1 1 1
1 s e c o n d= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =0.0000000316881 y e a r
365.25 24 60 60

Thus we developed a system to measure time from the motion of the Earth around the Sun that
creates a system where we measure time with a second that is 3 hundred millionths of a year, the
time it takes the Earth to go around the Sun once, and where there are 86400 of these seconds
(solar day) in the time it takes the Earth to rotate once on its axis with respect to the Sun. With
respect to the stars it takes 86164.0905 seconds. This is called the sidereal day. The solar day is a
little longer because the Earth has moved around the Sun a little before the Earth aligns with it
again in its rotation. It is this duration of a second that has given us

α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=6 p r o t o n ⋅ s e c o n d s=c a r b o n(C)

α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=1 p r o t o n ⋅6 s e c o n d s=h y d r o g e n(H )

Where 6 seconds is the largest integer before we get fractional atoms and 1 second is the small-
est integer that produces atoms and hydrogen and carbon are the hydrocarbons that make the
chemical skeletons of life chemistry.

6 α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

That this equals so perfectly one second leads us to suggest the second is a Natural Unit. We find it is,
that it is in the kinetic energy of the Moon to that of the Earth times the Earth Day which is the Earth rota-
tion period:

K Em o o n
(E a r t h D a y )=1.2 s e c o n d s
K E E ar t h

But that was using the average orbital velocities. We find using aphelions and perihelions:

K Em o o n
(E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h
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These equations derive their meaning from classical and modern physics, yet the second came to
us from Ancient history of lost civilizations. We wish to present that as a mystery to add on to
these discoveries about Nature. We begin

It takes the Moon 27.3 days to go around the Earth, but since the Earth has orbited the Sun
since then it takes 29.5 days with respect to the Sun, or from New Moon to New Moon in other
words. Thus we say the lunar month is 30 days, the average of the 29 day month and the 31 day
month. I think I have solved the Calendar and why it is structured the way it is, why there are
365.25 days in a year. Well we know why that is, the earth rotates 365.25 times after it has gone
around the Sun once. But I think when making the calendar from which we got the second we
considered that 365.25 days is approximately 360 days, because we divide the circle into 360 de-

At the dawn of civilization, the Sumerians who settled down from wandering, gathering, and
hunting, to invent agriculture and and build ceramic homes, developed the first mathematics,
and it was sexagesimal (base 60) that passed on to the Babylonians, then ended up with the An-
cient Greeks, who divided not just the hour into 60 minutes of time and the minute into 60 sec-
onds of time, but who divided the sky into hours, minutes, and seconds of arc which was mea-
sured in time counted by the rotation of the Earth, and its orbital period around the Sun, and
the orbital period of the Moon around the Earth.

We are suggesting nature is founded on six-fold symmetry, six which is constructed by multiply-
ing together the first two prime numbers, 2 and 3. Two factorial is two, three factorial is 6. Two
times six is twelve, the number of months in a year, approximated by our moon’s approximately
12 orbits around the earth in the time it takes the earth to go around the Sun once. There are
four weeks in a lunar month, and
1 ⋅2⋅3 ⋅ 4 ⋅60 =86,400

Is the number of seconds in the 24 hour Earth day. The duration of one second comes from di-
viding up time and the sky like this in base 60, that came from the Sumerians, Babylonians, and
Ancient Greeks and it is believed they did this because 60 is evenly divisible by


I think I have solved the calendar and why it is structured the way it is, and that it is not just sex-
agesimal where 60 seconds and 60 minutes are concerned, but all the way through. We have
found the second pivotal to the atom and the Earth/Moon/Sun System in terms of sciences that
came long after the calendar’s formation. But, if we want to suggest the calendar was influenced
by advanced life from another planet, or that the Ancients lucked out because there was an idea
behind it, and we want to connect it to our equations of the proton and of the Moon and Earth
kinetic energies, which are dynamic, we have to find out why it is dynamic. I begin with the sec-
ond in terms of the calendar:

1 1 1 1
1 s e c o n d= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =0.0000000316881 y e a r
365.25 24 60 60

We write:
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( 360y edaary s )( 24dhao uy r s )( 60h omiu rn )( 60msine c )=31104000 s e c o n d s/ y e a r

There are actually 31557600 seconds per year, but we approximated 365.25 days with 360 days.
This however has an accuracy of


I then factor this into other ratios but keep the units:

( 60ydeaa yr s )( 1dhao uy r )( 60h omuinr )( 60mis enc )
1 h o u r=60 m in

60 d a y s= y e a r

360 15
Earth rotates through: =
24 h o u r
∘ ∘
360 12
Moon moves around Earth: =
30 d a y s d a y
∘ ∘
360 1
Earth moves around Sun: =
360 d a y s d a y

60 d a y s=2(30 d a y s )=Lu n a r O r b it

Thus our equation becomes

( ) ( 60ydeaary s )( 1dhao uy r )( 60h omuinr )( 60mins e c )

12 d e g d a y

d a y de g

We then notice in one hour the earth rotates through 15 degrees giving

24 h o u r s
⋅15 d e g=1 h o u r
360 d e g

It does the same in 60 minutes. We also have

∘ ∘
2(60 )=120
∘ ∘
2(120 )=240
∘ ∘
4 (60 )=240
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se c
Seconds in a day: (24 h o u r s)(60 m in)(60 s e c)=86400 , and we write
da y

1 ∘ 1
⋅360 = d eg r ee s
86400 s e c 240

We have

( ) ( 60ydeaary s )( 24 360 ) h o u r )( min )

⋅15 (
12 d e g d a y hour s 60 m in 60 s e c

⋅ ∘
d a y de g

( 60h omiurn ⋅ 60mis enc )= 3600

se c

1 1
⋅360= d e g r e e s
3600 10

( )( )( )

15 d e g 60 mi n 60 s e c 15
24 h o u r s ⋅ =86400 s e c ⋅ ∘
360 d e g hour m in 360


1/ x=72

=1200 s e c o n d s
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Thus we have reduced the second to special triangles. The same second in our equation for the
proton, and for the kinetic energies of the Earth and Moon, and the rotation of the Earth. If we
can explain all three of these; the proton, the kinetic energies, and structural evolution of the
calendar, in terms of these triangles, we can speak of how they are all part of an underling idea
common to all three.

We have the following expression for seconds in a year:

( ) ( 60ydeaary s )( 24 360 ) 60h omuinr )( 60mins e c )

⋅15 (
12 d e g d a y hour s ∘
⋅ ∘
d a y de g

We write out the angular velocities of the Moon and Earth in their orbits:
12 d e g
θm =
da y
θe =
da y

· 2

( 2 ⋅30y edaar y s )( 24360 ) 60h omin

⋅15 ( )( mi n )
θm hour s ∘60 s e c
· ∘

Put in the orbital periods of the Moon and the Earth T m and T e:

( ) ( )(
· 2


)( )
θm Tm 15 60 mi n 60 s e c
2 Te⋅
Te 360∘ hour mi n

( )(
· 2

)( () 60h omiu rn )( 60msine c )

θm Tm 30
Te 360∘

· 2

( )(

)( 60mis enc )
θm 30 1 min
(T m)
6∘ hour

· 2

( 60h osuerc )
· (T m) ( 5)
19 of 62

· 2

( 300h osuerc )
· (T m)

1 h o u r=3600 s e c o n d s

· 2

( 3600 s ec )
θm 300 s e c
· (T m) =

· 2

( 121 )
· (T m)


θm se cond s
· ( T m )=
y ear

Which is true because it is

( 12 ) ( 30 d a y s ) =360 d a y s

And we had made the approximation that there are 360 days in year because there are 360 de-
grees in a circle. We see the calendar divides units of measurement into base 60

( ) ( 60ydeaary s )( 24 360 ) 60h omuinr )( 60mins e c )

⋅15 (
12 d e g d a y hour s ∘
⋅ ∘
d a y de g

Which describes the motion of the moon and the Earth

θm se cond s
· ( T m )=
y ear

In the literature it says we use base 10 probably because we have 10 fingers to count on. But 10 is
2 times 5 and 2 is the smallest prime number. Base 60 is 10 times six and sixfold symmetry is
the most dynamic because it is 2 times 3 and 2 and 3 are the smallest prime numbers one even,
one odd. The regular hexagon, a six-sided polygon has its radii equal to its sides because it di-
vides-up into equilateral triangles. But I suggest we have base 10 not just because we have 10
20 of 62

fingers to count on but because 2 times five is 10 and 10 times 6 is 60 and 60 is evenly divisible
by so much. Evenly divisible by


It is known that the physical like snowflakes are based on 6-fold symmetry and life is based on
5-fold symmetry like starfish or two arms, two legs, and a head. More often than not a flower
will have 5 petals. If it has hundreds like a rose, it will be based on the golden spiral and the
golden ratio is derived from the regular pentagon (five-sided polygon). Thus we have not just
solved the calendar, but found more reasons why we have base 10 counting. It alls has to do the
physical, that of six, and the organic, that of five.

Since we have

K Em o o n
(E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h

θm se cond s
· ( T m )=
y ear

Then it follows

( )(

Tm )( ) K Em
K ee
( E a r t h D a y )=1 s e c o n d

We want to write this in terms of the sizes of the Moon and the Sun, the masses of the Earth and
the Sun, and the orbital radii of the Moon and the Earth.

Essentially that the Moon perfectly eclipses the Sun as seen from the Earth means while it is 400
times smaller than the Sun it is 400 times further from the Sun than it is from the Earth. This
determines its orbital velocity and mass, as well as that of the Earth and the mass of the Sun.
The orbital velocities of the Moon and the Earth are given by:

v e=
√G M⊙
and v m=
G Me
rm √
M⊙ rm

M e re

√ M ⊙ rm
⋅ =
Me re √
1.989 E 30 k g 1.74 E 6 m

5.972 E 24 6.957 E 8 m

The Moon perfectly eclipses the Sun because

21 of 62

r e R⊙

r m Rm

Where r e is the Earth orbital radius, r m is the lunar orbital radius, R⊙ is the solar radius, and Rm
is the lunar radius. This gives:


M ⊙ Rm
⋅ =28.6
M e R⊙

We have more explicitly:

ve R m M ⊙ re
= ⋅
v m R⊙ M e r m√
√⋅ =

Rm M ⊙ r e 1.74 E 6 m 1.989 E 30 k g 1.496 E 11m

R ⊙ M e r m 6.957 E 8 5.972 E 24 k g 3.84748 E 8 m

The rotational period of the moon is T m=27.3 d a y s=2,358 , 720 s e c o n d s is the same as its
orbital period, and the rotation of the Earth is Γ e=24 h o u r s=86,400 s e c o n d s is the ratio 27.3
which gives

T m R m M⊙ re
= ⋅
Γ e R⊙ M e r m √

( )(
Tm )( )K Em
K ee
( E a r t h D a y )=1 s e c o n d

We have

() √
T e θ e R⊙ M e r m K E m
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ( E a r t h D a y )=1 s e c o n d
Γ e · R m M ⊙ r e K Ee

We want to see how accurate this is:


86400 s
⋅ ·

31557600 s 1 7.1544 E 8 m 5.972 E 24 k g 3.6323 E 8 m

1.7371 E 6 m 1.989 E 30 k g 1.496 E 11m
(1.08 s)=(1.07)(1.08 s)=1.1556 s
22 of 62

But the radius of the Sun is difficult to pinpoint. Beyond the bulk of its mass it has a thin atmos-
phere that reaches far out into space. However, the Moon nearly perfectly eclipses the Sun as
seen from the Earth allowing us to study its outer atmosphere during an eclipse. The moon
nearly perfectly eclipses the Sun as seen from the Earth because the Sun may be 400 times
larger than the Moon, but the Moon is 400 times further from the Sun than it is from the Earth.
This is to say that

r e R⊙

r m Rm

Where r e is the Earth orbital radius, r m is the lunar orbital radius, R⊙ is the solar radius, and Rm
is the lunar radius. So why not let the size of the Moon as seen from the Earth define the radius
of the Sun by writing

R⊙ = R
rm m

The Moon at closest approach to Earth (perigee) is 1.7371E7 meters:

1.496 E 11m
⋅1.7371 E 6 m=7.154446 E 8 m
3.632289 E 8 m

This is the radius of the Moon I used to verify our equation. But let us take

() √
T e θ e R⊙ M e r m K E m
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ( E a r t h D a y )=1 s e c o n d
Γ e · R m M ⊙ r e K Ee

And verify it with

⋅ ·

Equal to its exact value for the Earth year, and the sidereal month of the moon.

1 ∘
θe = 360 =0.9856deg/day
365.25 d a y s

1 ∘
θm = 360 =13.1868 d e g /d a y
27.3 d a y s


86400 s
⋅ ·

31557600 s 1 7.1544 E 8 m 5.972 E 24 k g 3.6323 E 8 m

1.7371 E 6 m 1.989 E 30 k g 1.496 E 11 m
(1.08 s)=(0.988)(1.08 s )=1.067 s
23 of 62

And our results just become better. Now we just have one more thing to do, to take our equation
for the second in terms of the proton

6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s


() √
T e θ e R⊙ M e r m K E m
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ( E a r t h D a y )=1 s e c o n d
Γ e · R m M ⊙ r e K Ee

To get,

() √
T e θ e R⊙ M e r m K E m
⋅ ·
θm m
⋅ ⋅
M ⊙ r e K Ee
6 α mp G c √
( E a r t h D a y )= 1 2 ⋅ p h 4 π
24 of 62

4.0 Predicting The Meter In the last section we took our equation for a second as given by the cal-

1 1 1 1
1 s e c o n d= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =0.0000000316881 y e a r
365.25 24 60 60

And found we could write it in sexagesimal (base 60)

( 60ydeaa yr s )( 1dhao uy r )( 60h omuinr )( 60mis enc )
Which resulted in

· 2

( 2 ⋅30y edaar y s )( 24360 ) h o u r )( mi n )

⋅15 (
θm hour s 60 min 60 s e c

· ∘

Which we found was

θm se cond s
· ( T m )=
y ear


( 12 ) ( 30 d a y s ) =360 d a y s

We then used that the Moon perfectly eclipses the Sun

r e R⊙

r m Rm

And Universal gravity for the Earth and Moon

v e=
√ G M⊙
and. v m=
G Me
rm √
To get

() √
T e θ e R⊙ M e r m K E m
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ( E a r t h D a y )=1 s e c o n d
Γ e · R m M ⊙ r e K Ee

And since we had for the proton

25 of 62

6 α mp
h 4 π r 2p
Gc √
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

We ended-up with

() √
T e θ e R⊙ M e r m K E m
⋅ ·
θm m
⋅ ⋅
M ⊙ r e K Ee
( E a r t h D a y )= 1 2 ⋅ p h 4 π
6 α mp G c √
We now want to put certain quantities in parenthesis:

( )( ) (


R ⊙ M e rm

Rm M ⊙ r e )( K Em
K Ee )1 r
(E a r t h D a y ) = 2 ⋅ p
h4 π
6 α mp G c √
We have the key orbital elements and the equation of a proton:

( )
T e 360 d a y s
1d a y ( K Em
K Ee )
(E a r t h D a y) =1 s e c o n d


θe 1 /d a y 1 rp h4 π
= ⋅ =1 s e c o n d
12∘ /d a y 6 α2 mp G c

We want to consider

( √ R⊙ M e r m
⋅ = ) √
7.15448 m 5.972 E 24 k g 3.6323 E 8 m

R m M ⊙ r e 1.7371 E 6 m 1.989 E 30 k g 1.496 E 11m


411.858 refers to the Sun being 400 times larger than the Moon allowing for an eclipse because
the Moon is 400 times further from the Sun than from the Earth. Since we have rounded the
year to 360 days because there are 360 degrees in a circle and we have rounded the lunar angu-
lar orbital velocity to 12 degrees and that of the Earth to 1 degree, both per day, then let us write

( 360 ) ( 121 ) ( 400 )( x ) ( 1 s e c )=1 s e c

Then 0.000085383 becomes x=0.000083333 and we have

√ M e rm
⋅ =0.000083333
M⊙ re
26 of 62

We notice that the radius of a proton is r p =0.833 E−15 m . Thus we have

0.000083333 −1
=1.000 E 11m

We know the average orbital distance of the Earth from the Sun is an astronomical unit (AU)
which is 1 AU=1.496E11m. That is r e =1 A U because the orbit is close to circular. Thus we have

√ M⊙ re
⋅ r p re=
M e rm √
1.989 E 30 k g 1.496 E 11m

5.972 E 24 k g 3.6323 E 8 m
⋅(0.833 E−15 m)( 1.496 E 11 m)=1.4595 m2

√ 1.45954 m2=1.208 m≈ 1.2 m

Using the orbital velocity of the Earth at perihelion (closest approach to the Sun when it is going
fastest) v e=30,290 m/s and the average orbital velocity of the Moon, v m=1,022 m/s, we have

K Em
(E a r t h D a y)=1.2 s
K Ee

As you can see

K Em= (7.3476731 k g)¿

K Ee = (5.972 E 24 k g)¿

3.83726 E 28
(86,400)=1.210 s
2.7396 E 33

And you will find there is little difference of you use the sidereal lunar month which is 86,164.1
seconds. You get 1.20687 seconds, which is even closer, in fact almost exact.

(√ )
M ⊙ re 2
⋅ ⋅r r
M e rm p e 1.2 m e t e r s m
= =1.0
K Em 1.2 s e c o n d s s
(E a r t h D a y )
K Ee

We call upon

6 α mp Gc√
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

And have
27 of 62

(√ )
M ⊙ re 2
⋅ ⋅r r

M e rm p e 1 rp h4 π
⋅ 2
=1.0 m e t e r s
K Em 6 α mp G c
(E a r t h D a y )
K Ee
5.0 The Constant k We introduce a constant k, which is determined by the velocity of the Earth:

5.1 √ k v e =6
Six for six-fold symmetry. To derive this we introduce Giordano’s relationship.
5.2 h( 1+ α )⋅ 10 =G

The number on the left is the number on the right, but with different units. I found I could eliminate the
10 and gain six-fold symmetry by creating an equation of state for the periodic table of the elements us-
ing Avogadro’s Number (6.02 E 23). We say that

pr ot ons
5.3 N A =6 E 23
gr am


gr am
5.4 H=1
pr o ton

Which is basically true, hydrogen is one proton and the mass of the electron is nominal. For ev-
ery 6E23 protons of hydrogen, there is one gram. Then we always have

5.5 N A ⋅ E=6 E 23

We can say for any element E

Z ⋅6 E 23 p r o t o n s
N A=
Z⋅gr ams

Z ⋅gr ams
Z⋅ pr ot ons

Where Z is the number of protons in the element, so for carbon C

6 gr ams
6 pr o ton s

6(6 E 23 p r o t o n s)
N A=
6 gr ams
28 of 62

N A C=6 E 23

Thus by equation 5.2 we have

(1+α ) s
5.6 h ⋅ N A E=6.00 k g 2 ⋅
G m

And we have introduced our 6 of six-fold symmetry. We need an intermediary mass between the
microcosmos the proton mass m p and the mass of a star M. We use as the limiting factor for the
mass of a star as the Chandrasekhar limit, the upper limit of mass for a white dwarf star to form
without collapsing into a blackhole star. It balances with its gravity by radiation pressure alone.
It is:

3 3
c ℏ
5.7 M ≤ 0.77 3 4
=1.41 ⊙
GN m p

We say the intermediary mass, m i, is

5.8 m i=√ M m p

Inserting 5.7 into 5.8, we have

(√ )
1/ 2

5.9 m=
√3 c ℏ
3 3

i 3 2
2 G mp

Where we made the approximation 0.77 ≈ 3 /4 . This results in

(√ )
1 /2

5.10 m=
√3 c h
3 3
=67.9943 k g
i 3 3 2
2 8 π G mp

We can hone this by reintroducing 0.77 for 3/4

Thus precisely:

√3 =0.8660

√ 0.77=0.8775
We have


We have honing our m i

29 of 62

mi=(67.9943)(1.01328)=68.897 k g ≈ 69 k g ≈70 k g

Multiplying 6 by 1/m2i we have our value for k.

1 (1+ α) 1 s
5.11 k= 2
h ⋅ N A E= ⋅
mi G 773.5 m

This gives a value of k as

1 m
5.13 =788.4626
k s

Putting this in equation 5.1 we have

5.14 √ k ve= √ 29790 m/s

788.46 m/s

Which is very close to our prediction of six-fold symmetry. v e is the average orbital ve-
locity of the Earth. I find this constant k predicts the duration of the Universe in the
standard Friedman Model. We can write

5.15 K E=mi

This is

5.16 K E=(68.897 k g)¿

The constants suggest a basic Universal Energy by dimensional analysis

h c
5.17 ⋅ =1.599298 E 29 J
G mp

6.62607 E−34 299792459
⋅ =1.599298 E 29 J
6.67408 E−11 1.67262 E−27

So we can write
h c

G mp 1.599298 E 29 J
5.18 (1 s e c o n d )= =3.734 E 21 s e c o n d s
( 1k )
42831358 J
30 of 62

1 Earth year = (365.25)(24)(60)(60)=31557600 seconds

3.734 E 21 s
=1.1832332 E 14 y e a r s ≈ 1 E 14 y e a r s
31557600 s

The universe is theorized by standard models to die in 100 trillion years, which is when the last
stars born will die out. This is exactly 1E14 years. We have
h c

G mp
5.19 (1 s e c o n d )=L i f e S p a nU n i v e r s e

K E E ar t h
(1 s e c o n d)= E a r t h D a y
K Em o o n

6 α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

We find as well that k predicts the Earth year. We suggest for some mass M , we have
h c

G mp
( 1 s e c o n d)=1 E a r t h Y e a r

It is given by
h c

G mp
5.20 M= (1 s e c o n d )
(1 E a r t h Y e a r)
h c 6.62607 E−27
⋅ = ⋅ ¿¿
G mp 6.67408 E−11


1 E a r t h Y e a r =(365.25)(24 )(60)(60)=31557600 s

1.599 E 36 1
M= ⋅ =8.15 E 22 k g
621673 31557600
31 of 62

For all practical purposes this is the mass of the Moon, which is exactly 7.34767E22kg.

8.15 E 22 k g
=1.10919516 ≈ 1.12m o o n s
7/34767 E 22 k g

We have:
h c

G mp
5.21 (1 s e c o n d)=1 E a r t h Y e a r

K E E ar t h
(1 s e c o n d)= E a r t h D a y
K Em o o n
6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

We also find that k predicts the radius of a proton. We have the radius of a proton is given by carbon
by evaluating at one second:

5.22 r p=
18 2
α mp
4πh √
=8.288587 × 10−16 m=0.829 f m

But to get that we have to multiply by one second and we need one second in terms of the atom
for a theory of the proton. I find we can do that…

t 1= 2 ⋅
6α √
h 4 π r 2p

5.23 1
t 1= 2 ⋅
6α Gc √
h 4 π r 2p

rp h4 π
5.24 t 6= 2
α mp Gc

Substitute R H /2 for r p to get

RH h4 π
5.25 t= 2
2 α mp Gc

Where R H is the Van Der Waals radius for a hydrogen atom. We have now introduced the
radius of a hydrogen atom R H =1.2 E−10 m . Our formulation of inertia as proton seconds is a
form of impulse. To change that to momentum we have to divide by a second. This radius of the
hydrogen atom is the Van Der Waals radius, which is the closest distance between two hydrogen
atoms non-covalently bound. It is 120 pm. Divide that by c k where 1/k is our constant
32 of 62

1 3 1
= ⋅
c3 h



1 3 1
= ⋅
c3 h

k 4 mp 8 π G 1+ α N A E k 4 m p 8 π G N A E
3 3

And we find

t 3 √ 2 6.626 E−34 18769

5.26 = ⋅ ⋅
c k 16 6.674 E−11 ¿¿

3 √2 h 1 RH
5.27 ⋅ ⋅ 2 2⋅ =1.12 s e c o n d s
16 G π α m p N A E

We have our equation for the radius of a proton

r p=
18 2
α mp
4πh √
=8.288587 × 10−16 m=0.829 f m

We only need to multiply it by t /c k=1 s e c o n d to have the right units, and we get

9 1 hc R
5.28 r p= √ 2⋅ 3
⋅ H
8 mp 4 π G N A E

Then suggest we picked up 9/8 in approximations which is close to one anyway so we write

1 hc R
5.29 r p= 3
⋅ H
mp 2 π G N A E

r p =8.26935 E−16 m ≈ 0.827 f m

√( )( )( RH
2 2
1 m m s 1
r p= kg kg 3 = (k g )m
kg s s m NA H k g

We form constants:

√ hc
2 π3G
=6.93 E−9 k g

=1.99 E−34 m

And we have the Equation:

5.30 r p m p=k
33 of 62

We can say that Avogadro’s number is not an arbitrary number because it is such that there are
twelve grams of carbon and carbon is 6 neutrons plus 6 protons equals 12. We now want to add
to this section the equation of the mass of a proton.

1 hc R
5.31 m p= 3
⋅ H
rp 2π G N A E

If our equation is right and we put it into natural units then the product r p m p should be close to

Let us start with the units with which we are working:

G= 2
k g ⋅s
h=k g ⋅


And convert these to proton-masses and proton-radii:

G=6.67408 E−11 2
⋅1.67262 E−27 k g ¿
k g⋅s
m s
h=6.62607 E−34 k g ⋅ ⋅
s ¿¿

(299,792, 459 m/ s)(1 s e c )

c= =3.6 E 23
(0.833 E−15 m)

1.2 E−10 m
RH= =144,058
0.833 E−15 m

Now we find k in these units:

√ hc
2 π3G
=6.93 E−9 k g

√ (5.71 E 23)(3.6 E 23)
2 π 3 (193131756)
=4 E 18 p r o t o n−ma s s e s

Thus we have from equation 30:

r p m p=k
34 of 62

(4 E 18)(144058) 5.76 E 23
r p m p= = =0.96 ≈ 1
(6 E 23) (6 E 23)

We can also predict the charge of an electron with k…

I construct the electric field as such (Fig. 2): x is one component of R3 (x , y , z ). Events in
R (x , y , z ) are through time with components c t 1 and c t 2 where c is the speed of light. The elec-

trons and the protons q e and q p in the presence of one another cross c t 1 into c t 2 giving them-
selves acceleration in the x and −x directions.

Fig. 2 We have
⃗ ⃗ ⃗

( )
i j k ⃗
0 c t1 0 =(c t 1 −c t 2 )i
0 0 ct2

We suggest
35 of 62

·· ⃗
5.32 x ∝(c t 1−c t 2 )i

The position of x changes in the space of R3 (x , y , z ) and has travelled to t (0 , c t 1 , c t 2) a place in

·· ⃗ m
time, as well. Since ct=meters there is a g such that x =g(c t −c t )i . Thus since g ⋅m= 2 and
1 2 s
1 1 1 m m
g= = 2 that is 2 ⋅ ⋅s= 2 . Thus g is frequency squared ( f 2) and we suggest it is derived
s t s s s
from the separation between the charges q e and q p. That there is some velocity v such that

x() . We call upon our equation for 1 second:

rp h 4π
=1 s e c o n d
m p Gc

() √
v 2 r p h 4 π k e q2
(c) = ⋅
x m p G c m x2

rp h4 π q2
v 2( c) =k e
mp G c m
α 1
Letting v= ⋅ from our equation for k
6 k

4 8π G 1 s
k = mp (1+α )⋅ N A E=
3 3
c h 773.5 m

1 m
k s

And m=mp we have

( )√ h 4 π r 2p 2
2 2
5.33 c α 1
⋅ =q
ke 6 k Gc

√ h 4 π r 2p
=√ (6.626 E−34)( 4 π )¿ ¿ ¿

We get

q= (0.033)
36(18769 )
773.52 (5.37 E−31)=9.1435 E−19 C
36 of 62

q 9.1435 E−19C
5.34 =⋅ =5.71 p r o t o n s ≈ 6 p r o t o n s
qp 1.602 E−19 C

6.0 Discussion

When factor 1 and factor 2 cancels (page 11) it says 6 equals 6 protons. The connection between
number and form.

Interestingly this harkens back to the Logical Positivists. At the time mathematicians realized
nothing had any meaning that we didn't even know what 1, or 2, or 3, or 4....meant. So Bertrand
Russel set out to make a mathematics that explained it. It was said 4 was 4 objects and and set
theory was invented to show that a set was a collection of objects, for which its inventor Georg
Cantor made rules to explain what an object was. But in the end the British mathematician
Bertrand Russel showed it to contradict itself, then Gödel came along and proved that all formal
systems have at least one unprovable statement, and are thereby incomplete with his Incom-
pleteness Theorem. So they gave up. I think this is connected to 6 equals 6 protons in my theory.
They couldn’t say what an object was though it was tried to establish that it could be anything
but here it may be a proton and I think that works because any object is made of protons, and
protons are the basic units of matter and are uniformly the same. I am getting interested now in
this set theory and Gödel's theorem. But the recently added chapter on solving the calendar has
got me very intrigued as well, just where the Ancients got it, or if it evolved to something natu-
rally on its own.

The logical positivists may have given up on logical positivism, but set theory is used today in
applications even though it never said what an object is or a number. I think it is interesting that
I get 6 is 6 protons, is carbon or hydrogen is 1 is 1 proton because objects are made up of pro-
tons. Interesting are the quarks which are inferred from experiment, but cannot owning to the
principle of color confinement, exist in isolation, they must be found in hadrons. Hadrons are
protons and neutrons. But the proton can exist in isolation.
37 of 62

7.0 Solar System A Quantum Mechanical System The constant k in this paper is a sort of intermediate
velocity in the Universe, and so is the intermediary mass used to determine it. While there are small
masses in the universe like pebble sized rocks and debris in the asteroid belt there are larger masses like
planets. The intermediary mass is determined by a proton and white dwarf star. It combined with the in-
termediary velocity 1/k which gives an energy that predicts the life span of the universe in the standard
Friedman model predicted by when the last stars would be made and burn out from the mass of the Uni-

This intermediary mass and energy seems to be associated with the masses and speeds in the human realm
between atoms and stars, like a mean for mass and velocity in the universe. It predicts the radius and
charge of a proton as well as the life span of the universe. But I asked what do we know of that has ex-
actly these masses and velocities.

The intermediary mass is 68.897 kg is about 152 pounds. I knew a wolf is less than this a jaguar more, but
I found it is exactly an adult male mountain lion, a cougar.

But what speed is 1/k=788.4626m/s. It is 1,764 miles per hour. That is the speed of a fast military jet. it is
about mach 2 or twice the speed of sound, which is about 767 miles per hour. Our fastest jet (record
holder) went mach 6.7. But it was a real milestone to achieve mach 2 which was first achieved by the
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter.

The fastest running animal is the Cheetah. So it would be like the record holding jet at mach 6.7. But the
Cougar for which the adult male is nearly exactly the intermediary mass in the Universe, would be like
the F-104 Starfighter which goes almost exactly 1/k.

We have suggested that the unit of a second and the unit of a meter are Natural and pertain to the structure
of the Universe. But what would be the Natural unit for mass. We could suggest it is a kilogram, but that
does not necessarily make sense. We have described the second in terms of the proton

6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

And in terms of the Moon/Earth/Sun system

K Em o o n
(E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h

And the meter in terms of the proton Earth/Moon/Sun system

(√ )
M ⊙ re 2
⋅ ⋅r r

M e rm p e 1 rp h4 π
⋅ 2
=1.0 m e t e r s
K Em 6 α mp G c
(E a r t h D a y )
K Ee

We want to describe the kilogram as a Natural unit. We already have the kilogram described as a
natural unit. It is described in terms of the density of water at standard temperature and pres-
38 of 62

1 k g ≡ ρ H 2 O ⋅m e t e r

But we want something more natural (Sure water is natural and a primary ingredient of life, and
standard temperature and pressure is ideal for life) but we want things in terms of the proton
and Earth/Moon/Sun system because we want to suggest the Earth/Moon/Sun system has a
Universal idea behind it and the proton is already Universal.

The mass of the Moon

M m=7.34767 E 22 k g

The mass of the Earth

M e =5.97219 E 24 k g

The intermediary mass

mi=68.897 k g

( m )=(0.0123)(68.897 k g)=0.847 k g
Me i

This needs to be multiplied by 1.2 to get 1 kg. But remember

K Em
(E a r t h D a y)=1.2 s e c o n d s
K Ee

It is actually closer to 1.25 seconds. And, remember

1 rp h4 π

6 α2 mp G c √
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

Thus our equation is

Mm K Em m Gc
6 α 2⋅ (mi) (E a r t h D a y )⋅ p =1 k g
Me K Ee rp h4 π

α =1/137 , 1/α 2=1/18769, 2

6 /α =0.00032

Using mean orbital velocities for the Earth and the Moon

K Ee = (5.97219 E 24 k g)¿

K Em= (7.34767 E 22 k g) ¿
39 of 62

K Em 3.837 E 28
(E a r t h D a y)= (86,400 s)=1.251 E 28 s e c o n d s
K Ee 2.65 E 33

Remember using the sidereal day just makes it closer to 1.2s but makes little difference in the re-
sults. We have

(0.847)(1.251) =1.054 k g ≈ 1.0 k g
1.005 s

Thus for units of mass, length, and time as Natural Units we have…

6 α mp Gc √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

K Em
(E a r t h D a y)=1 s e c o n d
K Ee

(√ )
M ⊙ re 2
⋅ ⋅r r

M e rm p e 1 rp h4 π
⋅ 2
=1.0 m
K Em 6 α mp G c
(E a r t h D a y )
K Ee

Mm K Em m Gc
6 α 2⋅ (mi) (E a r t h D a y )⋅ p =1 k g
Me K Ee rp h4 π

And we point out that (because it really is quite incredible) for the unit of time the second is de-
scribed by just the proton, independently of the Earth/Moon/System and is described by just
the Earth/Moon/System, independently of the proton. In the case of the meter and the kilogram
they are described in terms of both, not independently of one another. The incredible thing
about the second is it comes from the evolution of the calendar since ancient times by reconcil-
ing the periodicities of the Moon and Sun in the Earth sky by using sexagesimal, or base 60
counting, which we already went into in full. We have that

(√ )
M ⊙ re 2
⋅ ⋅r r
M e rm p e
=1.0 m/s
K Em
(E a r t h D a y )
K Ee

(√ )
M⊙ re 2
⋅ ⋅r r

M e rm p e mp G c 2
6α =1.0 m/s
K Em rp 4 π h
(E a r t h D a y)
K Ee
40 of 62

Then force, F, or k g 2
=1 N is

(√ )
1/ 2
4Mm M ⊙ re m2p G c
36 α ⋅ (m ) ⋅ ⋅r r =1 N
Me i M e rm p e 2
rp 4 π h
We finally have energy, Joules, or J=k g 2 is

(mi )(m p)

K Em
√G c M⊙ re
⋅ ⋅r
4 π h Merm e
=1 J
(E a r t h D a y )
K Ee

Something very interesting is going on here so we want to start a new page to look at it so all the
equations are on one page…
41 of 62

Let us look at our equation for kilograms. This is actually incredible. Let’s see that: We write it

( )( )( √ )
Mm K Em 2 mp Gc
(mi ) (E ar t hD a y) 6α ⋅ =1 k g
Me K Ee rp h 4 π

And say that

( Mm
(m ) =m a s s=0.847 k g
Me i

( K Em
K Ee )
(E a r t h D a y) =s p in=1.2 s e c o n d s

( √ )
mp G c
6 α2 ⋅ =f r e q u e n c y=1 s e c o n d−1
rp h4 π

The mass above is the intermediary mass adjusted by the ratio of the Moon’s mass to the Earth’s
mass. The spin is given by the rotation of the Earth adjusted by the kinetic energy of the Moon to
the kinetic energy of the Earth and is close to one second, and in some cases is one second. The
frequency is given by the size and mass of a proton and is one cycle per second, its inverse is ac-
tually one second. The product of all three is actually one kilogram even. The second turned out
to be a natural unit, and now so is the kilogram. We want to point out that the intermediary
mass m i is, where we made the approximation 0.77~3/4:

(√ )
1 /2

√3 3
c h
=67.9943 k g
i 3 3 2
2 8 π G mp

The constant k is

1 (1+ α ) 1 s
k= 2
h ⋅ N A E= ⋅
mi G 773.5 m

Which putting in m i is

k = mp
8 π3 G
c h √
(1+α )⋅ N A E

And finally we see k with the velocity of the Earth v e defines the sixfold symmetry in this

√ k v e =6

mi =(68.897 k g)¿
42 of 62

In so-much-as we have

( )( )( √ )
Mm K Em m Gc
(mi ) ( E a r t h D a y ) 6 α 2⋅ p =1 k g
Me K Ee rp h 4 π


( Mm
(m ) =m a s s=0.847 k g
Me i

( K Em
K Ee )
(E a r t h D a y) =s p in=1.2 s e c o n d s

( √ )
mp G c
6 α2 ⋅ =f r e q u e n c y=1 s e c o n d−1
rp h4 π


√ k v e =6
Is like a quantum number where

1 (1+ α) 1 s
k= 2
h ⋅ N A E= ⋅
mi G 773.5 m


(√ )
1 /2

√3 3
c h
=67.9943 k g
i 3 3 2
2 8 π G mp

Since quantum mechanical states are described by mass, spin, and frequency, it may be that the
Earth/Moon/Sun system is a quantum mechanical system. Which is interesting because the
Earth is the planet in our solar system brimming with life and the Moon makes that possible by
holding the Earth at the inclination to its orbit around the Sun that it has allowing for the sea-
sons preventing extreme hot and extreme cold. Thus we want to introduce the energy

E=mi =(68.897 k g)¿

And note that in a quantum mechanical system, the energy of a quantum is

E=h ν

Where h is Planck’s constant and ν is frequency.

43 of 62

We apply our formulation to predict the Earth orbital period as a quantum mechanical system.
In so far as we have for the solar system

E=mi =(68.897 k g)¿

And, for the the atom

E=h ν

We introduce what we will call a universal energy

h c 6.62607 E−27
⋅ = ⋅ ¿¿
G mp 6.67408 E−11

The mass of the Moon is

M m=7.34767 E 22 k g

We have

E=M m =7.34767 E 22 k g ¿
h c

G mp

Mm ( 1k )


m √
1 rp 4 π h
p G c
1.599 E 36 J
4.56785 E 28 J
⋅1 s e c o n d=35005527 s e c o n d s

(365.25 d a y s)(24 h r s /d a y)(60 m/h r )(60 s e c /m in)=31557600 s e c o n d s

This is the Earth year (Earth orbital period) to an accuracy of

44 of 62

8.0 Solar Luminosity A QM State That I have found the Earth/Moon/Sun system is quantum me-
chanical like the atom, is interesting because we find the orbital period of the Earth around the Sun from
the mass of the Moon orbiting it, alone. In classical mechanics, to get the orbital period of the Earth you
have to use the mass of the Sun and the Earth’s distance from it. To explain this curious phenomenon that
I have found regarding the Earth I am looking at why it is the distance it is from the Sun because that is
given by the orbital period (Kepler’s law, T 2=a3 ). I am suggesting it is the distance it is from the Sun be-
cause it allows for life (puts it in the habitable zone, where water exists in its liquid phase abundantly at a
good temperature). This is determined by the luminosity of the Sun. The luminosity of the Sun at its sur-
face is determined by its temperature at its core which is determined by its mass and radius. But the tem-
perature at the surface comes from the temperature at the core cooling by the time it reaches the surface.
We want to explain
h c

G mp

Mm ( 1k )
⋅ 2
6 α mp G c√
1 rp 4 π h
⋅ =1 y e a r

That is, the Earth year is given by the Moon’s mass because The Earth is ideal for life. The temperature of
the Sun at its core is described by

mp G
1. T ⊙= ⋅ M
R⊙ k B ⊙

1.67 E−27 k g 6.67 E−11 ∘

= ⋅ 1.989 E 30 k g=2.3 E 7 K
6.957 E 8 m 1.38 E−23

But we don’t want to just consider the mass of hydrogen (m p) but the mass of helium as well. The sun is
91.0% hydrogen and 8.9% helium by number of atoms. We have



2 E−27 k g 6.67 E−11 ∘

⋅ 1.989 E 30 k g=2.7637 E 7 K
6.957 E 8 m 1.38 E−23

Heat dissipates by an inverse square law. The core of the Sun is 1.33E6m and its radius is 6.957E8m.
Thus the temperature at its surface would be if the only factor was the inverse square law (which it isn’t,
it is complex and requires the inclusion of many factors):

2. T S= ( ) Rc 2

( )
1.22 E 6 m
= (2.7637 E 7 ∘ K )
6.957 E 8 m
45 of 62

=84.98975 ≈ 85∘ K

The actual temperature at the surface of the Sun is 5,780 degrees K. So we are off by a factor of


It is at this point that we suggest we can bypass the complex factors that also affect the surface tempera-
ture of the Sun by using our Quantum Mechanical system for the solar system. Not that the Sun isn’t de-
scribed by Quantum mechanics in looking at its atoms, but in that our Quantum Mechanical system treats
the sun as if it is one proton with planets orbiting it. To do this we notice that the factor of 68 is very close
to our intermediary mass 68.897 k g. But that is in kilograms and our factor is dimensionless. But we de-
veloped a quantum mechanical description of 1kg in the last section for the Earth/Moon/Sun system. It

( )( )( √ )
Mm K Em m Gc
3. (mi ) ( E a r t h D a y ) 6 α 2⋅ p =1 k g
Me K Ee rp h 4 π

Equation 1, 2, and 3 yield

4. T S=
( )(
mp G
⋅ M
R⊙ k B ⊙
1 rp 4 π h

M m K Em

6 α 2 mp G c

⋅ (E a r t h D a y )
M e K Ee

( ) ( 26.957 (1.989 E 30 k g) )(
7.34767 E 22 k g ) 1.25 s
1.22 E 6 m E−27 k g 6.67 E−11 5.97219 E 24 k g 1.005 s
= ⋅
6.957 E 8 m E 8 m 1.38 E−23

=(0.000003075)(2.7637E7deg K)((81.28)(0.804)=5553.6 deg K

The luminosity of the Sun is given by

2 4
5. L⊙=4 π R ⊙ σ T S

=4 π ¿

The actual luminosity of the Sun is 3.846E26 Watts. This was using the second given by Earth and Moon
kinetic energies as 1.2 seconds from average velocities. We can go as low as 1.08 seconds using apogees
and perigees. And we can get values in between because though the orbits of the Moon and Earth are
close to circular, they aren’t exactly, so there is slight variations in the result, so the above wavers around
the exact answer.

We want to consider how much sunlight reaches the Earth. We use our value for solar luminosity:

L0=3.28 E 26 J / s

The separation between the Earth and the Sun is

46 of 62

r e =1.496 E 11m

The solar luminosity is reduced at Earth by the inverse square law giving the solar constant:

3.28 E 26
S0 =
4 π ¿¿

S0 intercepts the Earth disc π R 2 and distributes itself over the entire surface 4 π R2 and because the
Earth’s albedo, a , is 0.3 it reflects 30% of the light back into space. We have

(1−a)S0 2
4π R 4

Temperature to the fourth is proportional to radiation by the Steffan-Boltzmann constant, σ : T e means

temperature entering:

4 S0
σ Te= (1−a)

So we have the annual average temperature would be

T e=

4 S0


σ =5.67 E−8

T e= 4
√ 1166
4(5.67 E−8)
(0.7)=245 K

The solar constant is usually 1361 (Well established). Let’s convert this to centigrade:

T e =245 K−273.15 K=−28.15 C

(−28.15)(1.8)+32=−18.67 F

The actual annual average temperature of the Earth is 14C or 57F. But we have not included the effect of
the Earth’s greenhouse gases holding in heat. In a one layer atmosphere model we consider that the radia-
tion entering the system equals the radiation leaving the system when the Earth is in radiative equilibrium.
The atmosphere radiates T a=T e back to the surface. So the temperature at the surface of the Earth is

4 4 4 4
σ T S =σ T e +σ T a=2 σ T e

T S=2 T e
47 of 62

T S=(1.18921)245=291.356 K

T S=302.75−273.15=18.206 C

18.206(1.8)+32=64.771 F

So this is hotter than the annual average temperature we said was 14C or 57F but we have not considered
cooling by convection; A lot of the radiation goes into warming the ocean, which has a high specific heat
(4.184J/g-K) and when this water evaporates it precipitates and returns as rain. If we include this we get
much closer to accurately predicting the global temperature. There are other cooling mechanisms to con-
sider as well.

We have done what we set out to do to show it is possible that the Earth year is given by the mass of the
Moon because the Earth/Moon/Sun system is like a quantum mechanical one that provides a state opti-
mum for life. We have shown
h c

G mp

Mm ( 1k )
⋅ 2

1 rp 4 π h

6 α mp G c
=1 y e a r

T S=
( )(
mp G
⋅ M
R⊙ k B ⊙ )
1 rp 4 π h

M m K Em

6 α 2 mp G c

⋅ (E a r t h D a y )
M e K Ee

Where m p, hydrogen, is weighted with 4 m p, helium according to their relative abundances by number of
atoms of each.
48 of 62

9.0 Genesis Project Equations We have for the Earth/Moon/Sun system for there to be life on Earth that
the temperature of the Sun at its surface is:

T S=
( )(Rc
mp G
⋅ M
R⊙ k B ⊙ )
1 rp 4πh

M m K Em

6 α2 m p G c
⋅ ( E a r t h D a y)
M e K Ee

And that the Earth orbital period is:

h c

T ea r t h=
G mp

Mm ( 1k )

1 rp 4π h

6 α m p Gc √
We let the following ratio be approximated as 1:

1 rp 4πh

6 α2 m p G c
K Em
√ ≈1
(E a r t h D a y )
K Ee

So we have

( )( )
Rc mp G Me
T S= ⋅ M⊙
RS R⊙ k B Mm

We notice that Rc ≈ R m. That is, the radius of the core of the Sun is on the order of the radius of the
Moon. R S the radius at the surface of the Sun, is the solar radius R⊙. We find Rm /R⊙ must be multiplied
by a factor somewhere between the golden ratio ϕ and 2/3 the fibonacci ratio that approximates it. We
find that value is 4 2 /52=16 /25. Thus our equation for the temperature of the Sun is:

( )( )
R G M⊙ Me
T S= m mp ⋅ ⋅
R⊙ kB R ⊙ M m

This gives us

( ) (2 E−27 6.67
1.38 E−23 6.957 E 8 7.34767 E 22 )
16 1.7374 E 6 E−11 1.989 E 30 5.972 E 24 ∘
T S= ⋅ ⋅ =5,738 K
25 6.957 E 8

From this we can compute the luminosity of the Sun:

L⊙=4 π R ⊙ σ T S
49 of 62

=4 π ¿

The actual solar luminosity is 3.846E-26 watts, so this is a very good estimate. We have our system of
equations for a Earth/Moon/Sun life bearing system is

(( ) ( ) )
2 4
Rm G M Me
L⊙=4 π R σ 2
⊙ mp⋅ ⋅ ⊙
R⊙ k B R⊙ M m

h c

T ea r t h=
G mp

Mm ( 1k )

1 rp 4π h

6 α m p Gc √
S0 = 2
4 πre

2 3
T ea r t h=r e

(√ )
1 /2

√3 c h
3 3
=67.9943 k g
i 3 3 2
2 8 π G mp

1 (1+ α) 1 s
k= 2
h ⋅ N A E= ⋅
mi G 773.5 m

k = mp
8 π3 G
c h √
(1+α )⋅ N A E

√ k v e =6
We can call these the Genesis Project equations after the Genesis project in the Star Trek movie
where they created a technology that converted dead worlds into living worlds.
50 of 62

10.0 Another Theory

For The Radius Of A

The ancient Greeks knew motion to be an illusion. We see this in Zeno’s arrow. An arrow is fired so as to
travel from A to B. Since to go to B it must travel to (1/2)B, then to half way to B from there or to 1/4,
then to halfway from 1/4 to B or to 1/8, and so on. Since we can keep dividing the successive distances
distances in half that must be traveled, the arrow never gets to B. Mathematically this is
∑ i=1+2+3+ . ..+n= lim ¿ ∞
i=1 2 n⇀∞

n i 1 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
∑ = + + +. . .= + + +. . .
i=1 2 2 2 2 2 4 8

() ()() ()
n i 1 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
lim ∑ = + + + . ..= + + + .. .=1
n ⇀ ∞ i=1 2 2 2 2 2 4 8

( ni )= n(n+n 1)
lim ∑
n ⇀ ∞ i=0

1 1
∑ i
=2− n−1
i=0 2 2

( 21 )=2− 21 =2− 21 =1
lim ∑ i 1−1 0
n ⇀ 1 i=0

As the number of partitions, n , go to infinity their widths go to zero and distances converges on one. But
for Zeno’s arrow the number of partitions never go to infinity so their widths never go to zero, so the dis-
tance never converges on one and we see that motion is an illusion. The conundrum is where we have
said 20=1 . Is two raised to the zero really one? It was established as a convention, there is no explanation
for it. Couldn’t it just as easily be zero (two times itself zero times is 0)? Or two times itself zero times is
two? In
51 of 62

we can say n can always take on a larger value so there can always be another partition. If 20
were zero then =∞ and any distance is infinite, can never be traversed.

In traveling from A to B something in motion at some time passes through all points but never exists at
any of them for any amount of time because there and infinite number of points between A and B and
they have all been passed through in a finite amount of time. This is only possible if the object in motion
wasn’t at any point for any amount of time, or the journey would have taken forever. Motion is adding up
an infinite amount of zeros adding up to a finite time. Velocity is then the rate at which something passes
through a point. Since an object in motion exists at a point for no time regardless of its velocity, the time
it is at one point is the same if its velocity was different. Something only exists at a given point for an
amount of time if it has stopped moving. So velocity must be described by energy, the energy it has at a
point at a given time. Thus we have Planck’s constant h is J o u l e ⋅s e c o n d s or energy over time.
Thus energy is described by frequency:

E=h f , f =1/ s, h=J ⋅ s , h f =(J ⋅ s)(1/ s), E=J =J o u l e s=e n e r g y

Then the rest frequency of a proton is

10.1. E=(1.67262 E−27 k g)¿

E 1.503275897 E−10 J −1
10.2. f= = =2.3687 E 23 s
h 6.62607 E−34 J ⋅ s

We have
10.3. f p=

If we take the radius of a proton to be

0.8438E-15m which is very close to the CODATA results around 2018 (0.842E-15m) the we have

0.8438 E−15 m
10.4. =2.8146 E−24 s
299,792,459 m/s
10.5. (2.3687 E 23 s )(2.8146 E−24 s )≈ 0.6667=2/3

The result is that the radius of a proton is, given its mass

2 h
10.6. m p r p= ⋅
3 c

2 h 2 h
10.7. r p= ⋅ , 10.8. m p= ⋅
3 c mp 3 c rp

The radius of a proton is not well known, but h , c , mp are all well known.
52 of 62

We found using aphelions and perihelions:

K Em o o n
Equation 1.6. (E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h

And we had equation 1.4

6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

Using 10.7 and 10.8

2 h 2 h
10.7. r p= ⋅ , 10.8. m p= ⋅
3 c mp 3 c rp

And equation 1.4, we can describe the kinetic energies of the Moon and Earth with respect to
Earth rotation (Earth Day) in terms of proton mass and in terms of proton radius, as well as
come up for expressions for one second in terms of each of these.



9 α 2 m2p c G c √
h h4 π
=1.062836 s e c o n d s

1 rpc h 4 π

4 α2 h Gc √=0.94536 s e c o n d s

1 1
⋅ 2 2⋅

h h 4 π K Em
9 α m p c G c K Ee
(E a r t h D a y )

10.12. ⋅
4 α2 h √
1 r p c h 4 π K Em
G c K Ee
(E a r t h D a y )

And dividing one by the other, we have

4 h 1
10.13. ⋅ 2 2 ⋅ 2 ≈1
9 r p mp c

That is

1.062836 s e c o n d s
0.94536 s e c o n d s

Which is about 89% accuracy. At this point we should write out what we had from the outset of
this paper combining equation 1.4 and 1.6
53 of 62

Equation 10.14.

1 r p h 4 π K Em
6 α 2 m p G c K Ee
( E a r t h D a y)

And now we have

Equation 10.11.
1 1
⋅ 2 2⋅ =

h h 4 π K Em
9 α m p c G c K Ee
(E a r t h D a y )

Equation 10.12. ⋅
4 α2 h √
1 r p c h 4 π K Em
G c K Ee
(E a r t h D a y )


Equation 1.4.

1 rp h4 π
6 α2 mp G c

K Em o o n
Equation 1.6. (E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h

And we now have

1 1
⋅ 2 2⋅
h h4 π
9 α mp c G c √
=1.062836 s e c o n d s

1 rpc h 4 π

4 α2 h Gc √
=0.94536 s e c o n d s

We see again that our Moon orbiting our Earth is pivotal to the Universe, and that the second is
a natural unit of measurement. If
4 h 1
10.13. ⋅ ≈1
9 r 2p m2p c 2

Is supposed to be exactly 1, then the radius of a proton is

2 h 1
10.15. r p = ⋅ ⋅
3 mp c

2 (6.62607 E−34) 1
r p= ⋅ ⋅ =0.880941 E−15 m
3 (1.67262 E−27) 299,792,459
54 of 62

11.0 Macro and Micro Planck Constants

We found using aphelions and perihelions:

K Em o o n
Equation 1.6. (E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h

And we had equation 1.4

6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

We write 1.6 in a form of Joule-seconds so we have a Planck constant given by the Earth orbit which is
determined by the Sun, we will call it the solar Planck constant h⊙ which we will distinguish from
Planck’s constant by making the Planck constant h the proton Planck constant, h p . We have

11. 1. K Ee a r t h (1 s e c o n d)=h⊙=J ⋅s

11.2. 1 s e c=
K Ee

From 1.4 we have

11.3. h p =¿

From 10.6 we have

2 h
10.6. m p r p= ⋅
3 c

11.4. hp= r p m pc

These give

11.5. h⊙ = 2

K E e 1 r 3p c π
6 mp G c

From 11.4 we have

h⊙ 2 K E e 1 1 r p π
= ⋅
hp 3 c
⋅ 2 ⋅ 3⋅
α 6 mp G √
h⊙ =(6.62607 E−34)
=2.8314 E 33 J ⋅s
2 2.7396 E 33
3 299,792,459
⋅18769 ⋅

1 (0.833 E−15)

6 1.67262 E−27 ¿ (6.67408 E−11)
55 of 62

Using aphelions and perihelions

K Ee a r t h = (5.972 E 24 k g)¿

Multiply that by our 1 second as a natural unit.

2.7396 E 33 J
h⊙ = 100=96.76 %
2.8314 E 33 J

If we use

6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

h⊙ =(2.7396 E 33 J )(1.004966 s )=2.7533 E 33 J ⋅ s

2.7533 E 33 J
h⊙ = 100=97.24 %
2.8314 E 33 J

We can write equation 11.6 as

11.7 ⋅

h⊙ 1 K E e 1 2 π r p
= ⋅
h p 3 α 2 c 3 G m3p

This gives us that h⊙ /h p is given by some constant C times the kinetic energy of the Earth. Let us see
what that constant is:

11.8. ⋅

1 1 1 2π rp
C= ⋅ 2
3 α c 3 G m3p

= ⋅
18769 1
3 299792459 3 √
2π ¿¿¿

=1.5597656 E 33 J −1 ≈1.56 E 33 J −1 This gives

h⊙ =h p (1.56 E 33 J ) K E e=(6.62607 E−34)(1.56 E 33)(2.7396 E 33)

We notice that h p C=1.033667 s ≈ 1 s e c o n d

So we have

11.9. h⊙ =(h p C )K Ee
56 of 62


11.10. (h p C)=1 s e c o n d

Which means h p C is an Eigenvalue because it maps something into itself because

11.12. h⊙ =K E e


6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

Is approximately 1 second. In quantum mechanics eigenvalues describe atomic energy states, discreet or-
bits of electrons around a proton. Here we see that is something happening but with the Earth orbiting the
Sun to relate the solar Planck constant on the macro-scale to the proton Planck constant on the micro-
scale. We can also say that

11.13. h⊙ =(C ⋅ K E e )h p

Which makes C ⋅ K E e an eigenvalue as well because it maps h⊙ into h p because h⊙ is the macro-scale
analog of h p . That is the incredible thing about

6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

Being approximately 1 second where 1 is the identity mapping something into itself. Thus we have shown
that the Earth/Sun/Moon orbital system is a quantum mechanical system connected to the the proton/elec-
tron quantum mechanical systems. We include the Moon because

K Em o o n
(E a r t h D a y)=1.08 s e c o n d s
K E ea r t h

Is approximately 1 second. We have shown what we set out to do as well, and that is show that
the second is a natural unit, and a natural constant. We found it is

11.14. 1 s e c o n d=h p C

1 1 1 2π rp
C= ⋅ 2 ⋅

3 α c 3 G m3p
57 of 62
58 of 62

12.0 The Exact Radius of a Proton We may be able to come up with the actual value of the
radius of a proton by suggesting space and time are such that it is given by the golden ratio, Φ .
Since we have 1 second is given by equation 1.4

Eq 1.4.
6 α mp √
h 4 π r 2p
=1.004996352 s e c o n d s

And we now have that one second is given by as well

Eq 12.1.

1 h 1 2π rp
⋅ ⋅
3 α 2 c 3 G m3p
=1.06 s e c o n d s

Then we have

( √ )( √ )
1 4πh 3 α2 c 3 G mp
⋅r p m p ⋅ =1

Gc 1 h 2π rp

Which is

3 c
Equation 12.2. ⋅ ⋅ m r =1
2 h p p

Which is our equation 10.15 for the radius of a proton

2 h 1
10.15. r p= ⋅ ⋅
3 mp c

We see this gives

3 299,792,459
⋅ ⋅1.67262 E−27 ¿(0.833 E−15) ¿ =0.945579897=1
2 6.62607 E−34 1

Is an accuracy of 94.56%. We suggest that the nature of space and time is such that the equation
holds if 3/2 is supposed to be Φ=( √ 5+1)/2. Then since h , c , and m p are well known, we would
be able to determine exactly what the the radius of a proton r p , is. Since
Φ=1/ϕ=( √ 5−1)/2=0.618034 , we have

h 1
Equation 12.3. ϕ ⋅ =r p
c mp

This gives

Equation 12.4. r p =0.816677 E−15 m ≈ 0.817 m

We see this is the momentum times distance of Quantum Mechanics. That is

59 of 62

cmp rp
Equation 12.5. =1


Equation 12.6. c m p r p =(mo m e n t u m)(d i s t a n c e)=p x

Equation 12.7. ϕ h=(m o m e n t u m)(d i s t a n c e)= p x

We find it in the Schrödinger wave equation

Equation 12.8. (i ℏ)∂ Ψ =−p ∂ x Ψ

But we see as well this the the asymptote of set g, the clock hyperbola, in Special Relativity in
spacetime diagrams, it is the world-line of a light signal. This is the hyperbola of special relativ-
ity given by

2 x
Equation 12.9. t − =1

See following illustrations….

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The Author

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