Civil War

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North South

+ Population (22 mil) - Population (9 mil)

+ 3x as many men of fighting - 4 mil of the 9 were slaves


+ Huge advantage in industry - Little industry (total of all

manufactured goods was ¼ of
what NY made

+ ⅔ of RR in the North - RR not interchangeable

+ Better civilian leadership + Better military leaders

+/- of the War

➔ North had clear cut advantage (on paper).

➔ Both sides felt the war would be over in 6 months or less.
Southern Strategy:
➔ Main goal was to exist as an independent nation, defend
➔ Lee will fight offensively for most of the war. Employed
Napoleon-like tactics.
◆ His aggressiveness and tactics were part of the reason
war lasted as long as it did
+/- of the War

Northern Strategy
➔ Main goal was to reunite country
◆ Beat south back into union if need be
➔ Gen. Winfield Scott suggested starve the south to
+/- of the War

➔ Anaconda Plan
◆ = naval blockade and cut of all supplies
➔ Blockade was part of 3 prong plan:
◆ 1. blockade
◆ 2. River valleys
◆ 3. Richmond
➔ Problems: too much territory to cover, too slow
➔ By 1863, Lincoln will order generals to switch
to attrition (search and destroy, use
◆ MX-AM War taught generals that offensive
tactics won more times than not
➔ This war was not a “gentleman’s war”
➔ Weapons were much
more advanced than
tactics (high casualty
◆ Rifled musket, rifled
cannons with better
types of cannonballs,
repeating rifles

➔ July 1st battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

◆ Spectators came out to watch (short war, no clue)
➔ Union troops had pushed into south in the hopes of
getting to Richmond
➔ Confederate Gen. Thomas Jackson (“Stonewall”) turns
tide of battle
◆ Northern troops and observers fled
➔ October, Trent Affair
◆ British ship carrying confederate diplomats was
captured by northern ship.
◆ British govt was upset
◆ Southern govt tries to convince British govt into
forming an alliance with them
◆ Lincoln does everything he can to smooth out
◆ British decided they needed proof of southern
chances to win
● (didn’t want to lose yet another war in America)
◆ They want the south to win a major and decisive

➔ No one thinks war will be short anymore

➔ Battle of Shiloh (TN), 25,000 dead
➔ Naval blockade intact, but not 100% effective
➔ Confederacy passes an act of conscription
➔ 2nd battle of Bull Run - Lee wins
➔ Battle of Antietam (MD), bloodiest day of war, 22,000
dead in one day
➔ January, Emancipation
Proclamation = “freed”
◆ On paper only
➔ Served 2 other
◆ 1) global cause
◆ 2) Gave northern troops
more to fight for
➔ Conscription now in both south and north
➔ Northern industry booming, south starting to
experience food shortages
➔ Gettysburg
◆ July 1-3
◆ PA
◆ Lee made a northern
◆ Decisive Union victory
● Turning pt of war
◆ 50,000 dead in 3 days

➔ Lincoln gave Gettysburg

Address in Nov
➔ Lincoln put Grant in
charge of all Union forces
◆ Only a matter of time
before Union will win

➔ ’64 was an election year, Lincoln reelected

➔ Gen. Sherman began March to sea
◆ Started at Miss. R, went toward Atlantic Ocean
with over 60,000 men
◆ Made a 5 mi wide path of destruction
◆ Reached Atlanta = burned it to ground

➔ Feb of ’65 reached Savannah

◆ then turned north to Columbia, SC...burned it
➔ Misc fighting going on
➔ Richmond fell on Apr 2

➔ April 9 - Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, VA

➔ 5 days later, John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln
at Ford’s theater
➔ over 600,000 casualties

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