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INFORMATICS LECTURE MIDTERMS adherents frequently work together on specific

practical projects.
UNIT III: OPEN SOURCE AND FREE SOFTWARES - The key commonality between FSF and OSI
(OSS/FSS) philosophies is that the source code is made
available to the users by the programmer.
Microsoft Word, Excel LibreOffice, OpenOffice
PowerPoint Free vs. Open Source Software
Windows Media Player, VLC ▪ Software is given free. ▪ Software + source
Winamp, RealPlayer, ▪ Developed by one or a code (program is freely
iTunes few Individuals or an distributed)
Microsoft Outlook Thunderbird organization. ▪ Collaborative
Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Scribus ▪ May or may not be development.
Publisher updated ▪ Updated
AutoCAD FreeCAD ▪ Individual efforts ▪ Collaborative effort
Microsoft Visio, Smart Dia ▪ May put price tag ▪ Always free New
Draw ▪ New features may not versions with improved
Adobe Premiere OpenShot, Handbrake be available features
Apple Logic Pro, FL Studio Audacity
Kinds of Software
A number of acronyms are used to denote a combination a. Proprietary Software
of free software and open source software. OSS/FS is is that on which an individual or company holds the
the term that is used for preference in this chapter; exclusive copyright, at the same time restricting
others include the following: other people’s access to the software’s source code
and/or the right to copy
OSS: Open source software b. Commercial Software
is software developed by businesses or individuals
OSS/FS: Open source software/free software FOSS: with the aim of making money from its licensing and
Free and open source software FLOSS: Free/libre/open use.
source software c. Freeware
is software offered free of charge, but without the
GNU: GNU is Not Unix Project (a recursive acronym). freedom to modify the source code and redistribute
This is a project started by Richard Stallman, which the changes, so it is not free software (as defined by
turned into the Free Software Foundation (FSF, the FSF)., to develop and promote alternatives to d. Shareware
proprietary Unix implementations. is another form of commercial software, which is
offered on a “try before you buy” basis. If the
GNU/Linux or Linux: The complete operating system customer continues to use the product after a short
includes the Linux kernel, the GNU components, and trial period, or wishes to use additional features, they
many other programs. GNU/Linux is the more accurate are required to pay a specified, usually nominal,
term because it makes a distinction between the kernel- license fee.
Linux- and much of the software that was developed by
the GNU Project in association with the FSF. Freeware Shareware
Freeware refers to software that Sharewares give users a chance
anyone can download from the to
BACKGROUND Internet and use for free.
try the software before buying it.
a. OPEN-SOUCRE SOFTWARE/ FREE SOFTWARE All the features are free. Most of the times, all features are
not available, or have limited use.
- While we use the term open source (and the To use all the features of the
acronym OSS/ FS) in this unit, we do so loosely to software, user has to purchase
the software.
cover several concepts, including OSS, FS, and
Freeware programs can be Shareware may or may not be
GNU/Linux distributed free of cost. distributed freely. In many cases,
- While the two major philosophies in the OSS/FS author's permission is needed, to
distribute the shareware.
world, i.e., the free software foundation (FSF)
Adobe PDF Google Talk, yahoo Winzip, Internet Download
philosophy and the open-source initiative (OSI) messenger, MSN messenger Accelerator 3.1
philosophy, are today often seen as separate
movements with different views and goals, their
Free Software Source Code
- defined by the FSF in terms of four freedoms for - The program must include source code and must
software users: to have the freedom to use, study, allow distribution in source code as well as compiled
redistribute, and improve the software in any way form.
they wish. - Where some form of a product is not distributed with
- The FSF believes that users should be free to source code, there must be a well-publicized means
redistribute copies, either with or without of obtaining the source code for no more than a
modifications, either gratis or through charging a fee reasonable reproduction cost preferably,
for distribution, to anyone, anywhere without a need downloading via the Internet without charge.
to ask or pay for permission to do so - The source code must be the preferred form in
- Free software is described in terms of the users’ which a programmer would modify the program.
freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, and Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed.
improve the software - Intermediate forms such as the output of a
More precisely, it refers to four kinds of freedom for the preprocessor or translator are not allowed.
users of the software: Rationale: We require access to obfuscated source
a. Freedom 0- The freedom to run the program for any code because you cannot evolve programs without
purpose modifying them
b. Freedom 1- The freedom to study how the program Derived Works
works, and change it to make it do what you wish. - The license must allow modifications and derived
Access to the source code is a precondition for this. works and must allow them to be distributed under
c. Freedom 2- The freedom to redistribute copies so the same terms as the license of the original
you can help your neighbor. software.
d. Freedom 3- The freedom to distribute copies of your Rationale: The mere ability to read source is not
modified versions to others. By doing this you can enough to support independent peer review and
give the whole Community a chance to benefit from rapid evolutionary selection
your changes. Access to the source code is a
precondition for this.
Integrity of the Author’s Source Code
Open-Source Software - The license may restrict source code from being
- said to promote software reliability and quality by distributed in modified form only if the license allows
supporting independent peer review and rapid the distribution of “patch files” with the source code
evolution of source code as well as making the for the purpose of modifying the program at build
source code of software freely available. time.
- In addition to providing free access to the Rationale: Encouraging lots of improvement is a
programmer’s instructions to the computer in the good thing, but users have a right to know who is
programming language in which they were written, responsible for the software they are using. Authors
many versions of open-source licenses allow and maintainers have reciprocal right to know what
anyone to modify and redistribute the software. they are being asked to support and protect their
- The opensource initiative (OSI) has created a reputations
certification mark, “OSI certified.” In order to be OSI No Discrimination against Persons or Groups
certified, the software must be distributed under a - The license must not discriminate against any
license that guarantees the right to read, person or group of persons. Rationale: In order to
redistribute, modify, and use the software freely get the maximum benefit from the process, the
maximum diversity of persons and groups should be
The distribution terms of open-source software must equally eligible to contribute to open sources.
comply with the following criteria: No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
Free Redistribution - The license must not restrict anyone from making
- The license shall not restrict any party from selling or use of the program in a specific field of endeavor.
giving away the software as a component of an For example, it may not restrict the program from
aggregate software distribution containing programs being used in a business, or from being used for
from several different sources. genetic research.
- The license shall not require a royalty or other fee Rationale: The major intention of this clause is to
for such sale prohibit license traps that prevent open source from
Rationale: By constraining the license to require free being used commercially
redistribution, we eliminate the temptation to throw
away many longterm gains in order to make a few
short-term sales dollars. If we did not do this, there
would be lots of pressure for cooperators to defect.
License Must Not Be Specific to a Product OSS/FS Healthcare Applications
- The rights attached to the program must not depend - It is suggested that in healthcare, as in many other
on the program’s being part of a particular software areas, the development of OSS/FS may provide
distribution. If the program is extracted from that much-needed competition to the relatively closed
distribution and used or distributed within the terms market of commercial, proprietary software and thus
of the program’s license, all parties to whom the encourage innovation.
program is redistributed should have the same rights - This could lead to lower cost and higher quality
as those that are granted in conjunction with the systems that are more responsive to changing
original software distribution. clinical needs.
Rationale: This clause forecloses yet another class - OSS/FS could also solve many of the problems
of license traps. health information systems (HISs) currently face
License Must Not Restrict Other Software including lack of interoperability and vendor lock-in,
- The license must not place restrictions on other cost, difficulty of record, and system maintenance
software that is distributed along with the licensed given the rate of change and size of the information
software. For example, the license must not insist needs of the health domain, and lack of support for
that all other programs distributed on the same security, privacy, and consent.
medium must be open-source software.
Rationale: Distributors of open-source software have BOWEN
the right to make their own choices about their own summarize a number of advantages that open-source
software software offers when compared with proprietary
License Must Be Technology-Neutral software, including, but not limited to, the following:
- No provision of the license may be predicated on 1. ease of modification and or customization,
any individual technology or style of interface. 2. large developer community and its benefits,
Rationale: This provision is aimed specifically at 3. increased compliance with open standards,
licenses which require an explicit gesture of assent 4. enhanced security,
in order to establish a contract between licensor and 5. increased likelihood of source code availability in the
licensee. event of the demise of the vendor or company,
6. easier to adapt for use by healthcare students, and
OSS/FS DEVELOPMENT MODELS AND SYSTEMS 7. flexibility of source code to adapt to research efforts.
Bazaar Method of Development
- OSS/FS development is likened to a bazaar, ClearHealth
growing organically from an initial small group of ClearHealth is a Web-based, fully comprehensive
traders or enthusiasts establishing their structures medical suite offering a wide range of tools to practices
and beginning businesses. of all sizes.
- The bazaar grows in a seemingly chaotic fashion, - It includes scheduling and registration features;
from a minimally functional structure, with later EMR including alerts, patient dashboard, laboratory
additions or modifications as circumstances dictate. ordering and results, and barcode generation and
- Likewise, most OSS/FS development starts off uses; SNOMED; access via mobile devices; billing
highly unstructured, with developers releasing early, and reporting features; and specialist clinical
minimally functional code and then modifying their modules
programs based on feedback. Other developers may
then join and modify or build on the existing code; Indivo
over time, an entire operating system and suite of Indivo is the original personal health platform, enabling
applications develops, evolves, and improves an individual to own and manage a complete, secure,
continuously. digital copy of her health and wellness information.
- Indivo integrates health information across sites of
Proposed benefits of OSS/FS care and over time.
Can transform healthcare - Indivo is free and open source, uses open,
- OSS/FS has been described as the electronic unencumbered standards, including those from the
equivalent of generic drugs SMART Platforms project and is actively deployed in
- In the same way as the formulas for generic drugs diverse settings.
are made public, so OSS/FS source code is - Indivo is an OSS/FS personally controlled health
accessible to the user. record (PCHR) system, using open standards.
- A PCHR enables individuals to own and manage a
complete, secure, digital copy of their health and
wellness information.
OpenMRS v1
- OpenMRS® is a community-developed, open-
source enterprise EMR system platform (Wolfe et
al., 2006).
- Of particular interest to this project is supporting
efforts to actively build and/or manage health
systems in the developing world to address AIDS,
tuberculosis, and malaria, which afflict the lives of

District Health Information System

- The District Health Information System (DHIS)
provides for data entry, report generation, and
- It is part of a larger initiative for healthcare data in
developing countries, called the Health Information
System Programme (HISP).

- Raw uninterrupted facts that are without meaning
- ex. A patient’s weight is recorded as 168lb, without
additional information this fact or datum cannot be
- when data is interpreted information is produced
- for data to be interpreted and information produced,
the data must be processed.
- Several approaches to organizing data: sorting,
classifying, summarizing, and calculating.
- Organized collection of related data
- Placing notes in folders and folders in cabinets is
one sample of creating a database
- Can be stored and organized in many different
- Ex. Phonebook, patient’s medical record

Types of Data
1. Computer based data
Cloud Server
➔ Server
➔ Mobile
➔ Notebook
➔ Database
➔ Network
2. Conceptual Data Types
- Reflect how users view the data
- Can be based on the source of data
- Ex. Lab produces lab data, X-ray department
produces image data
- Can also be based on the event that the data are
attempting to capture

Types of Files
1. Data Files
- Contain data that have been captured and stored on
a computer using a software program
- Ex. Microsoft word document- will have the
extension DOC
2. Processing Files
- Executable files consist of a computer program or
set of instructions that, when executed, causes the
computer to open or start a specific computer
program or function.
- Files that tell a computer what actions the computer
should perform when running a program. Example
- Allows users to access a distant computer as though
The history of the Internet has its origin in information they were sitting in front of it.
theory and the efforts of scientists and engineers to build
and interconnect computer networks. 1. Domain name system
The Internet Protocol Suite, the set of rules used to - Give globally unique names to networks and
communicate between networks and devices on the computers
Internet, arose from research and development in the Benefits:
United States and involved international collaboration, a. Name is easier to remember than the long string of
particularly with researchers in the United Kingdom and numbers
France. b. Name allows change of physical location

Data Communication Ex:

The concept of data communication – transmitting data or
between two different places through an electromagnetic or
medium such as radio or an electric wire – pre-dates the
introduction of the first computers. Such communication Top Level Domain (TLDs)
systems were typically limited to point to point Each country, as of 2003, has a two-letter TLD
communication between two end devices. Semaphore
lines, telegraph systems and telex machines can be Ex:
considered early precursors of this kind of o .CA (Canada)
communication. The telegraph in the late 19th century o .UK (Great Britain)
was the first fully digital communication system. o .DE (Germany)
o .BIZ (For businesses)
Technology behind the Internet o .COM (Commercial/ Business organizations)
- Standardized communication protocols enable o .COOP (For cooperatives)
Internet to function o .EDU (Restricted to 4-year degree granting
PROTOCOLS institutions)
- agreed on format for doing something (in terms of o .INT (Restricted to organizations that were
internet) established by international treaty)
- Determine how data will be transmitted between two o .PRO (For professions)
devices. Some have more than 1 dot
- The main protocols on which the functioning of the Ex:
Internet is dependent are referred to as TCP and IP
- ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
TCP (1973-80’S) merging of networks and Numbers) – created October, 1998
- allows computers to connect to a network and - responsible for the technical coordination of the
exchange data internet; nonprofit, private sector corporation
- carries out the task of breaking messages into small - Introduced by Paul Mockapetris
Use of emoticon and abbreviations
Packet switching is a rapid store and forward networking - To make up for the inability of message recipients to
design that divides messages up into arbitrary packets, accurately judge the mood of the sender, the
with routing decisions made per-packet. It provides practice of typing characters available on a standard
better bandwidth utilization and response times than the keyboard to form a “picture” was begun
traditional circuit-switching technology used for - Emoticons/ smileys- small icons to denote a mood
telephony, particularly on resource-limited - to make up for the inability of message recipients to
interconnection links accurately judge the mood of the sender, this
practice, typing characters available on standard
IP (INTERNET PROTOCOL) keyboard to form a picture begun
- Lower level protocol Example:
- Responsible for making decisions about the packets ;-) winking
and routing them :-( Sad
- Hypertext transmission protocol (HTTP) ---- supports :-X lips are sealed
HTML docs, images, videos, links etc.
Supports the World Wide Web (WWW) – this parses
the internet. A form of request, comparable to an
area code when you are about to dial a number
- File Transmission Protocol (FTP) large or small files.
Permits users to send all types of electronic files
over the Internet.
Basic E-mail Guidelines
a. Mail on the Internet is not secure.
b. Be careful if you send anything but plain text (also
known as ASCII text) as email.
c. Be cognizant of the size of the e-mail messages and
attachments that you send.
d. Include a signature
e. Do not request a “read receipt” for every e-mail
message that you send.
f. Be sure to double-check the “To” and “From” fields
prior to sending your message
g. Do not type in ALL CAPS.
h. Do not type in all lower case
i. Be to the point without rudeness or being abrupt.

Business E-mail Etiquette

a. Sending threatening, slanderous, insubordinate
messages is strictly prohibited.
b. Sending racially and/or sexually harassing
messages is strictly prohibited.
c. Pyramid schemes are illegal and should not be
transmitted through e-mail.
d. The representation or you as someone else, real or
fictional, or a message sent anonymously is
e. Use discretion in using sayings or quotes attached
to the signature line.
f. Watch punctuation and spelling.
g. For important items, let senders know you have
received their e-mail, even if you cannot respond in-
depth immediately.

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