Development and Characterization of Biodegradable Chitosan Films Containung Two Essential Oils

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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 74 (2015) 289–296

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Development and characterization of biodegradable chitosan films

containing two essential oils
Zhu Shen, Donatien Pascal Kamdem ∗
School of Packaging, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Active biodegradable films from chitosan containing 10% to 30% w/w of citronella essential oil (CEO)
Received 8 September 2014 and cedarwood oil (CWO) were developed by casting and solvent-evaporation method, and their phys-
Received in revised form 4 November 2014 ical, mechanical and thermal properties were investigated. Possible interactions between the chitosan
Accepted 21 November 2014
chains and the essential oils were confirmed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Vari-
Available online 24 December 2014
ous amounts of CEO or CWO had significant effects on the films’ mechanical properties, with the exception
of 10% of CEO, which did not significantly affect the tensile strength of the films. The incorporation of
the two tested oils provoked a remarkable reduction in the water-vapor permeability properties, with a
Essential oils
Biodegradable film
decrease of about 63% when 30% CEO was added in chitosan films. Thermogravimetric analysis showed
Chitosan that degradation temperatures of the films containing CEO and CWO improved only slightly in compari-
SEM son to control films without essential oils. FTIR spectra analysis provided some insights on the possible
Tensile properties. interactions between chitosan and the two essential oils used. This study suggests that active films can
be developed by including CEO and CWO in a chitosan matrix. Such films can provide new formula-
tion options for packaging industries in developing active packaging with potential food-technology
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction polymers combined with natural antimicrobial and/or antioxidant

compounds appears as one of the most interesting strategies in
Petroleum-based packaging is extensively used in various fields the near future. Therefore, many researchers are seeking ways
due to its low density and high mechanical and barrier proper- to maintain food quality, minimize the growth of undesirable
ties [1]. Although many types can be recovered and recycled, in the microorganisms on the surface of food and provide extra protec-
United States, approximately 26 million metric tons of them end up tion against oxidative agents have studied the concept of “active
in landfills or the environment annually [2]. Given the increasing packaging” [5–7]. One of the current methods to design active food
environmental concerns created by excessive plastic accumulation, packaging is to include active compounds, such as antioxidants
as well as consumer demand for healthy, nutritive food products and antimicrobial agents, within the packaging material. However,
and extended shelf life, the food and packaging industries have paid concerns about the potential health risks associated with the con-
increasing attention to biopolymer and edible films over the last sumption of synthetic additives that may be released into food
two decades [3]. Edible and biodegradable natural-polymer films products have led investigators to develop active food packaging
have been considered attractive alternatives to plastic packaging based on biodegradable materials and natural substances.
due to their excellent biodegradability, biocompatibility and edibil- Chitosan is a cationic natural polymer derived by the deacetyla-
ity, and the range of their potential applications [4]. Furthermore, tion of chitin, the major component of the shells of crustaceans. It
they may operate as carriers for incorporating a wide variety of is a linear binary heteropolysaccharide composed of ␤-1,4-linked
additives, such as antioxidants and antimicrobials agents. Since glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine, and has been proven to be
food quality and safety are major concerns in the food industry, a non-toxic, biodegradable and biocompatible polymer [8]. It has
development of bioactive edible coatings based on biodegradable also been shown to have great potential as antimicrobial packaging
material owing to its antimicrobial activity [9,10]. The literature
has shown that chitosan can produce films with acceptable per-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 517 355 7735; fax: +1 517 353 8999. meability to gases (CO2 and O2 ) and good mechanical properties
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Shen), [email protected], [11]. However, their uses are currently limited owing to their
[email protected] (D.P. Kamdem). hydrophilic character and weak water resistance. Many strategies
0141-8130/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
290 Z. Shen, D.P. Kamdem / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 74 (2015) 289–296

have been proposed to improve the barrier and mechanical proper- 2.2. Chitosan characterizations
ties of chitosan-based films. To improve water-barrier properties,
hydrophobic compounds, such as lipids, are usually included in the The number average molecular weight (Mn) and weight average
polymer matrix. Over recent years different works have studied molecular weight (Mw) were calculated by using data from the gel
the use of fatty acids as lipid components to be incorporated in permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis. The GPC system was
chitosan films to modulate the water vapor barrier [12–14]. The carried on an Agilent 1100 series HPLC equipped with two Waters
incorporation of plant essential oils into these films represents an Styagel HR 4 Column Waters Hydrogel 250 and Waters Hydrogel
interesting alternative to lipids. Essential oils extracted from plants 500, Milford, MA, USA. About 1% v/v acetic acid was used as eluent
or spices are rich sources of phenolic compounds, and have been at a flow rate of 0.65 mL min-1 at room temperature close to 30 ◦ C.
demonstrated to have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity The sample concentration was 1% (w/v). Six standard references
[15]. Despite the essential oils’ potential for food preservation, their with molecular weights ranging from 6000 to 2,000,000 gram per
usage is often restricted because of their intense aroma, toxicity mole (g/mole) were used for calibration following a method pre-
problems and possible changes in the organoleptic properties of viously described by Stoklosa et al. [29]. Mn and Mw of chitosan
the food [16]. To avoid this problem, an interesting approach to were calculated by using the elution time multiply by the flow rate
inhibit their diffusion into food products is to incorporate them of the eluent obtained from GPC following the procedure reported
into the chemical structure of the film [17]. Furthermore, compared by Wu [30]. The Mn and Mw are expressed in g/mol.
with direct application, use of edible coatings to carry essential oils
could reduce the required doses of essential oils by the encapsula-
tion effect in the polymer matrix, thus reducing the oils’ negative 2.3. Preparation of the film-forming dispersions
Citronella essential oil (CEO), from Cympobogon spp (Poaceae), A chitosan solution with concentration of 1% (w/v) was prepared
is popular in mosquito-repellent formulations [18]. Candles and by dissolving the chitosan powder in a 1% (w/v) aqueous acetic
incense containing CEO have been reported to be sold as insect acid while stirring at 250 rpm on a magnetic stirrer set at 45 ◦ C,
repellents in several countries [19]. Pires et al. [20] demonstrated following the method of Ojagh et al. [31]. The chitosan solution
that the main chemical components of CEO can be categorized as was stirred overnight at room temperature to achieve complete
38.3% sesquiterpenes hydrocarbons (␤-elemene, ␦-cadinene and dispersion. The emulsions were obtained by adding either CEO or
eremophilene), 27.6% monoterpene hydrocarbons (3 -carene and CWO to the chitosan solution to reach final concentrations of 10%,
␥-terpinene) and 22.5% oxygenated monoterpenes (␤-citronellal 20% and 30% w/w. Tween 80 was added as an emulsifier in quanti-
and ␤-citronellol). Huang et al. [21] reported that citronellal is ties proportional to the essential oils (0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3% w/w) to
the main component of CEO. Cedarwood oil (CWO) is an essen- help distribute and completely incorporate the oil. Finally, emul-
tial oil generally obtained from Juniperus species. The main sions were homogenized for 4 min at 2500 rpm with a Dual-Range
chemical components of CWO have been found to be cedrol Mixer (IKA, Canada) and then degassed under vacuum to remove
(13–15%), widdrol (9–12%), 8,14-cedranoxide (7–8%), 14-hydroxy- dissolved air bubbles. The quantities of Tween 80, CEO and CWO
(E)-caryophyllene (5–9%), cis-thujopsene (10–11%) and ␣-cedrene were defined according to our preliminary tests and based on liter-
(6–8%) [22]. CWO is reported to be produced in China (Cupres- ature data, taking into account the maximum levels of two essential
sus funebris) [23]. Studies have indicated inhibitory effects of oils which could be incorporated into the matrix without oil phase
CEO on ectoparasites and pathogenic microorganisms, includ- separation during film drying. Composite film without essential oil
ing bacteria and fungi [24–26]. CWO has also been reported to and emulsifier was also produced and considered as control. The
have antifungal, antitermite and anti-inflammatory effects [27,28]. suspension were then poured in polystyrene petri dishes measur-
These two essential oils have received approval from the FDA ing 65 mm diameter, which was placed on a leveled surface and
for use as food additives, and could be considered as potential allowed to dry for approximately 48 h at 30% RH and 22 ◦ C. Uni-
alternatives to synthetic additives in antimicrobial food pack- form film thicknesses were achieved by casting the same amount
aging. However, there is as yet little information about their of film-forming solution onto each plate. After drying, the films
possible application as components of edible films. Considering were peeled off the casting surface and maintained at 22 ◦ C and 53%
that CEO and CWO are gaining importance for their consid- relative humidity (produced with saturated Ca(NO3 )2 solution) in a
erable antimicrobial activities, this study focuses on two main conditioning desiccator until further evaluation. For each test, three
specific objectives: (1) to develop an antimicrobial–antioxidant different samples were prepared by taking three portions from each
film based on chitosan and two essential oils – CEO and film at different positions (two at the edges and one at the center)
CWO; and (2) to evaluate some characteristics of these films, with the exception of the water vapor permeability analysis, where
such as their physical, mechanical, thermal and structural prop- the whole sample was used, and replicates of each type of film were
erties, to examine their potential applications as packaging evaluated.

2.4. Film characterization

2. Materials and methods
2.4.1. Film thickness
2.1. Materials Film thickness was determined using a hand-held digital
micrometer (Mitutoyo No. 293-766, Tokyo, Japan) with a precision
Chitosan (CH) used in this study was from shrimp shell with a of 0.0001 mm. Measurements were carried out on at least five ran-
deacetylation degree of 75%. Tween 80 and 98% glacial acetic acid dom locations, and the mean thickness value was used to calculate
were all purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA). the permeability and mechanical properties of the films.
Citronella essential oil (denoted as CEO) was supplied from Spec-
trum Chemical Corp. (Gardena, CA, USA) and cedarwood essential
oil (denoted as CWO) was purchased from Atomergic Chemicals 2.4.2. Film density
Corp. (Farmingdale, NY, USA) and stored in a closed glass container To determine film density, samples of 1 cm × 1 cm were main-
at 23 ◦ C until further use. tained in a desiccator with calcium sulphate desiccant (0% RH) for
Z. Shen, D.P. Kamdem / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 74 (2015) 289–296 291

20 days and weighed. Dry-matter densities were calculated using 0.8 mm/min. A microcomputer was used to record the stress-strain
Eq. (1): curves. Tensile strength (TS and elongation at break (EAB) were
m calculated. Four replicates were used for the tensile testing.
s = (1)
2.4.6. Thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis
where A is the film area (1 cm2 ), ı is the film thickness (cm),
Thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis was performed to evaluate
m is the film dry mass (g) and s is the dry-matter density of the
the thermal stabilities of composite films using a TGA 2950 running
film (g/cm3 ). The film density was expressed as the average of three
with the Universal Analysis Software package V.3.9a (TA Instru-
ments, New Castle, DE, USA). Samples of approximately 5 mg were
heated from 50 to 500 ◦ C at 10 ◦ C/min heating rate under a nitrogen
2.4.3. Moisture uptake
flow of 70 mL/min. Weight losses of samples were measured as a
Moisture uptake was measured as described in our previous
function of temperature. TGA was run in duplicate.
study [32]. Prior to testing all specimens were cut to a square piece
of 2.0 cm × 2.0 cm and conditioned using anhydrous calcium sul-
phate at 0% RH for 48 h. The films were accurately weighed to 2.4.7. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
give the dried film (Wi ). After weighing, they were conditioned at A differential scanning calorimetry was performed using a DSC
23±1 ◦ C in a desiccator containing potassium sulphate saturated Q100 (TA Instrument, New Castle, DE, USA) in accordance to ASTM
solution to ensure a relative humidity of 97%. The samples were D3418 [35] with some modifications as described below. An empty
removed from the desiccator after 48 h and weighed (W1 ). The pan was used as an inert reference and the calibration was per-
moisture uptake values of the samples were calculated using the formed using the indium standard. Samples were heated up at a
following equation (2): heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min between temperature ranges of 0 and
350 ◦ C under a nitrogen flow of 70 mL/min. The data obtained
(W1 − Wi )
% moisture uptake = × 100 (2) was then analyzed by using the Thermal Analysis Universal 2000
version 4.5A software (TA Instrument, New Castle, DE, USA). DSC
where W1 is the weight of the film sample after exposure to 97% analysis was conducted in duplicate.
RH for 48 h, and Wi is the initial weight of the sample. Each test con-
sisted of triplicate measurements and expressed as the mean value. 2.4.8. Fourier-transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)
FTIR spectra were obtained using ATR accessory. The used of ATR
2.4.4. WVP (Water vapor permeability) to collect IR spectra on solids and liquids has been widely reported
The WVP of films was determined gravimetrically in accordance by Subirade et al. [36]. Other advantages of ATR are the reduced
with ASTM E96/E96 M [33] with some modifications. Films with- time and efforts for sample preparation.
out pinholes or defects were cut into discs with a diameter slightly The Fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectra in the wave-
larger than the diameter of special glass cups with a circular open- length range of 500–4000 cm−1 . were recorded with a Shimadzu
ing of 0.000324 m2 . Each cup was completely filled with calcium IR-Prestige 21 (Columbia, MD., USA) equipped with Miracle ATR
sulphate desiccant (0% RH) and covered with a disc, leaving an accessory from Pike Madison, WI., USA. ATR accessory was
air gap of 1 cm between the film underside and the desiccant. The equipped with a ZnSe crystal and a clamp to optimize the contact
whole system was then placed in a desiccator containing a satu- between the sample and the crystal to control the spectrum qual-
rated sodium chloride solution (75% RH). The RH inside the cell was ity. FT-IR was performed on films measuring about 25 ␮m thick by
always lower than outside, and water-vapor transport was deter- 5 mm width and 5 mm long with a resolution of 8 cm−1 on 64 scans
mined from the weight gain of the permeation cell at a steady state for each spectrum on reflectance mode. Prior to data analysis, all
of transfer. The cups were weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g. Changes the FTIR spectra were normalized by ratioing the intensity of peaks
in the weight of the cup were recorded six times at 1 h interval to the intensity of the highest peak in the region between 2000 and
before a steady state was reached. The slope of each line was calcu- 500 cm−1 .
lated by linear regression using Microsoft® Office Excel 2010 (the
lines’ regression coefficients were >0.998). The water vapor trans-
mission rate (WVTR) was obtained by dividing the slope (g/h) by 2.4.9. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
the effective film area (m2 ). This was multiplied by the thickness of A focused ion beam scanning electron microscope cross beam
the film and divided by the pressure difference between the inner (FIB-SEM) from Carl Zeiss Auriga (Tescan Mira 3 XMU, Cranberry
and outer surfaces to obtain the WVP value, which was expressed Township, USA) was used to scan the cross section of the film to
as [g m−1 s−1 Pa−1 ] and calculated according to Eq. (3): examine the microstructure and the morphology. Film was placed
in liquid nitrogen and hand fractured using a pair of plies to gen-
m X erate cross section. Cross sections were tungsten coated at 3 nm
WVP = (3)
At p thickness under vacuum level of 10−5 Torr. Imaging was collected
using a dual column focused ion beam with Gallium as ion source.
where m is the weight of moisture gain per unit of time (g/s),
t The ion and electron columns were set at a fixed angle of 36◦ . Film
X is the average film thickness (m), A is the area of the exposed
samples were tilted to 54◦ so that the surface is perpendicular to
film surface (m2 ) and p is the water vapor pressure difference
the ion beam. A 5 kV beam energy was used.
between the two sides of the film (Pa). WVP was measured for three
replicated samples for each type of film.
2.4.10. Statistical analysis
2.4.5. Mechanical properties The results were presented as the mean ± standard deviation of
The mechanical properties of the composite films were deter- each treatment. The experiments were factorial with a completely
mined at 22 ◦ C and 30% RH with an Instron 5565 Universal Testing randomized design using analysis of variance (ANOVA), analyzed
machine (Instron, Canton, MA, USA) according to ASTM standard using SAS software (version 9.3; Statistical Analysis System Insti-
method D882 [34]. Films were cut in rectangular strips of 50 mm tute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Duncan’s multiple range tests were used
long and 6.35 mm wide. The films were fixed with an initial to compare the differences among the mean values for the films’
grip separation of 25 mm and stretched at an extension speed of properties at the level of 0.05.
292 Z. Shen, D.P. Kamdem / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 74 (2015) 289–296

3. Results and discussion 4.5

3.1. Molecular weight of chitosan

The molecular weight of chitosan was determined by using

WVP (g. s-1m-1Pa)× 1010

gel permeation chromatography (GPC) to be 199,000 g/mol with 3.5
a number-average (Mn) of 138,000 g/mol. Islam et al. [37] reported
chitosan molecular weight of 165,000 g/mol using viscosity and the 3
Mark–Houwink equation. The difference in the molecular weight
may be due to chitosan origin and method of preparation. Tsai et al. 2.5
[38] reported a wide variation of the molecular weight of chitosan
from 108,000 to 491,000 g/mol functions of the method of prepara-
tion. Kasaai et al. [39] also noted the variation of chitosan molecular
weight due to solvent used in the preparation and the pH. The
molecular obtained in our work is within the variation described 1.5
in the literature [39]. 0 10 20 30
Essenal Oil Con. (%)
3.2. Physical properties of the films
Fig. 1. Comparison of the water vapor permeability (WVP) of the chitosan com-
posite films including different concentration of citronella essential oil (CEO) and
The composite films incorporating CEO and CWO were visu-
cedarwood oil (CWO).
ally homogeneous with no brittle areas or bubbles, and could be
easily peeled from the casting plates. To identify the highest con-
centration of either CEO or CWO that could be incorporated into differences (P > 0.05) at concentrations of 10% and 20% (w/w),
the CH matrix, increasing amounts (up to 50% w/w) were tested in although the data showed a general downward trend. The lower
the film-forming solution. As we expected, a stronger aroma was concentration of essential oil might not have been high enough
found when the concentration of essential oil increased. No lipid to induce structural changes in the CH structure. However, a sig-
separation occurred in composite films even when the essential- nificant decrease (P < 0.05) was observed when 20% CWO was
oil content was high. Generally, the effects of additives on the added (2.7 ± 0.2 g s−1 m−1 Pa−1 × 10−10 ), much lower than that for
properties of the films depended on the type of compounds and films emulsified with CEO (3.2 ± 0.2 g s−1 m−1 Pa−1 × 10−10 ). As
concentrations and their inherent hyrophilicity and hydrophobic- explained previously, the lower WVP of the CH films with either
ity indices. The composite CH film thickness varied between the CEO or CWO may be due to the hydrogen and covalent interac-
range of 22 and 27 ␮m, and the incorporation of two essential oils tions between the CH network and these polyphenolic compounds.
(CEO and CWO) did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect the result- These interactions may reduce the availability of the hydrophilic
ing film thickness (data not shown). Control CH films generally groups to form hydrophilic bonds and diminish their interactions
were very hydrophilic, and swelled when they absorbed water with water, leading to a more water-resistant film. Moreover, the
quickly. As shown in Table 1, CH films without any essential oil presence of a hydrophobic disperse phase, even at small ratios,
had significantly higher (P < 0.05) moisture uptake than did CH introduces discontinuities in the hydrophilic phase that increase
films incorporating either CEO or CWO. The moisture uptake of the tortuosity factor for mass transfer, thus decreasing the WVP.
both CEO and CWO incorporated films decreased as the concentra- The effect of CEO or CWO addition observed in the present study
tion of essential oil increased from 10% to 20% w/w, although this was in agreement with Shojaee-Aliabadi et al. [43], who found
reduction was not found to be significant (P > 0.05) in films incorpo- that adding 3% (w/w) Satureja hortensis essential oil into kappa-
rating either CEO or CWO. Moisture uptake decreased significantly carrageenan-based films resulted in a considerable reduction in
(P < 0.05) to 41.1% and 38.8% for the films containing 30% w/w CEO the films’ WVP. Similarly, Salarbashi et al. [40] observed a signifi-
and CWO, respectively. This was in accordance with our expec- cant decrease in the WVP of soluble soybean polysaccharide films
tation that increasing the concentration of essential oils would incorporated with Zataria multi-flora Boiss or Mentha pulegium. The
decrease the films’ hydrophilicity. The lower moisture content of present study also confirmed the outcome of earlier research by Ali-
CWO-containing films compared to those containing CEO may be heidari et al. [44], who had concluded that incorporating Matricaria
attributed to more hydrogen and covalent interactions between recutita essential oil in casein-based films decreased its WVP.
CH chains and CWO components, which reduced the availability of
hydrogen groups to form hydrophilic bonds with water molecules. 3.4. Mechanical properties
This would result in a decrease in the tendency of CH film to absorb
water [40]. These findings were similar to those of other authors Table 1 shows the influence of essential oil incorporation on the
when they incorporated a hydrophobic agent such as ␣-tocopherol mechanical properties of CH-based films. The addition of CEO and
or cinnamon essential oil into CH films [41,42]. CWO in the considered concentration range significantly affected
(P < 0.05) the mechanical properties of the CH-based films. The TS of
3.3. Water vapor barrier properties CH films slightly decreased (P < 0.05) when CEO content increased
from 10% (33.0 MPa) to 20% (29.4 MPa); this behavior was more evi-
The WVP of CH films containing CEO or CWO is shown in Fig. 1. dent at the highest concentration (30%). Our findings suggest that
In the present study, the WVP of the CH composite films was an increase in the concentration of the CEO significantly increased
significantly (P < 0.05) affected by the incorporation of CEO or the EAB. Nonetheless, the EAB showed an opposite trend in CH
CWO compared to control films. The addition of either CEO or films containing 30% CEO, exhibiting a reduction of 36% compared
CWO significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the WVP of the films, hav- to the control films. On the other hand, in the case of CWO, TS
ing attained a maximum permeability reduction of 63% in the did not significantly change when the essential oil concentration
film prepared with 30% w/w CWO. Films containing CWO had was increased from 0% to 10%, but significantly changed when con-
lower WVP than those with an equal concentration of CEO. In centration was increased to 30%. The EAB of CH film containing
the present study, CH films containing CEO showed no significant 10% CWO increased. However, a significant difference (P < 0.05)
Z. Shen, D.P. Kamdem / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 74 (2015) 289–296 293

Table 1
Physical and mechanical properties of chitosan films containing CEO and CWO essential oils.

Film type Essential oil conc. (% w/w) Moisture uptake (%) Density (g/cm3 ) Tensile strength (MPa) Elongation at break (%)

Control 0 55.71 ± 9.94 a

1.04 ± 0.04a 39.68 ± 1.85a 13.00 ± 2.74a
CWO 10 50.04 ± 7.15ab 1.10 ± 0.02ab 36.54 ± 3.78ab 25.80 ± 1.53b
20 45.93 ± 2.43ab 1.13 ± 0.01b 28.47 ± 1.42c 18.33 ± 2.17c
30 38.78 ± 3.05b 1.21 ± 0.05c 22.29 ± 0.83d 5.07 ± 1.01d

CEO 10 51.93 ± 5.78ab 1.12 ± 0.03b 33.00 ± 1.94b 14.50 ± 0.50a

20 45.61 ± 5.87b 1.14 ± 0.02b 29.42 ± 0.47c 24.50 ± 0.50b
30 41.11 ± 5.75b 1.17 ± 0.03bc 17.12 ± 2.25e 8.25 ± 1.92e

Values represent the mean ± standard deviation of four replicates for tensile strength and three replicates for other test
Values in a column having different superscript letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).

in EAB was shown after adding 30% CWO; the greatest reduc- 100
tion of EAB was when 30% of CWO was incorporated. This effect
could primarily be explained by the partial replacement of stronger (a)
polymer–polymer interactions by weaker polymer–oil interactions
in the film network when essential oil components are present,
which may reduce the cohesion of the polymer network forces, thus

Weight (%)
decreasing the TS. Values of mechanical properties obtained for CH
films were similar to those found by some investigators [41,45], 60
but differed from those obtained in other works [46,47]. Due to the
differences in reactivity in binding or interacting with the polymer
network, different essential oils affected the mechanical properties Chitosan
of the films differently. Moreover, the source of chitosan, the acid CWO 10 %
medium used to disperse the polymer and the experimental condi- CWO 20 %
tions (pH, concentration, RH used during equilibration of the film, CWO 30 %
presence of emulsifiers) can explain the observed differences [47]. 20
50 150 250 350 450 550
3.5. Thermal stability Temperature (oC)
TGA thermograms showing thermal degradation behavior of CH
films with or without CEO and CWO are shown in Fig. 2. (b)
The films’ corresponding degradation temperatures (Td), weight
loss (w) and residue are presented in Table 2. The control CH
film generally exhibited three main stages of weight loss. Previ-
Weight (%)

ous studies have also shown that the thermal degradation of CH

films follows a three-step weight loss [48]. However, five main 60
stages of weight loss were observed in films incorporated with
both CEO and CWO. The first weight loss (w1 = 5.90–9.18%),
observed at an approximate temperature (Td1 ) of 100–122 ◦ C, is Chitosan
generally due to the evaporation of residual water and the acetic CEO 10 %
acid in the film. It was found that CH films incorporated with CEO 20 %
CEO had lower weight loss than those containing CWO. This is CEO 30 %
mainly attributed to the lower amount of water in films incorpo- 20
rated with CEO, which could be partially explained by the more 50 150 250 350 450 550
hydrophobic nature of the main components of this essential oil. Temperature (oC)
The weight loss (w2 = 15.00–20.30%) in the second stage, which
Fig. 2. DSC curves of chitosan composite films made of chitosan and various con-
corresponds to the degradation of lower molecular weight frac-
centration of (a) cedarwood oil (CWO) and (b) citronella essential oil (CEO). Please
tions or structurally bound water in the film network, occurred at see online edition for color images.
258–286 ◦ C. For the third stage of weight loss, w3 of 21.76–33.22%
and Td3 of 334–342.48 ◦ C were observed for all film samples, pos-
sibly associated with a complex process including the dehydration for control CH films, the fourth stage of weight loss (w4 ) disap-
of the saccharide rings, depolymerisation and decomposition of the peared. This fourth stage in films containing either CEO or CWO
acetylated and deacetylated units of the polymers. A higher ther- was possibly associated with the loss of thermally stable compo-
mal degradation temperature of the second and third stages was nents in the essential oils incorporated into the film matrix [47].
observed in films incorporated with both CEO and CWO compared The fifth stage of weight loss (w5 = 7.73–12.49%) appeared at Td5
with the control film. Our results indicated that both essential oils of 465–480 ◦ C, and was most likely due to the presence of highly
at a level of 20% did not improve the matrix’s thermal degradation. stable substances in the film containing essential oils or Tween 80
However, it was found that when the essential oil content reached that might possess higher heat resistance than CEO or CWO. Overall,
30%, CH films began thermal degradation at lower temperatures. films with CWO had lower residual mass than other films, consis-
The higher thermal stability of the films with essential oils could tent with their weaker film network, as indicated by the lowered
be associated with the interaction between the CH and oil, which TS. Amongst all films, those containing 30% CEO had the highest
might delay the thermal degradation of the composite films. The residual. TGA study clearly showed that CEO and CWO at various
fourth stage of weight loss (w4 of 6.38–11.83%) was obtained for concentrations led to different thermal stability of the resulting CH
films incorporated with each of the two essential oils. Nevertheless, films.
294 Z. Shen, D.P. Kamdem / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 74 (2015) 289–296

Table 2
Thermal degradation temperature (Td, ◦ C) and weight loss (w, %) of chitosan films incorporated different concentrations of citronella essential oil (CEO) and cedarwood oil

Essential Oil Concentration 1 2 3 4 5 Residues (%)

oil type (% w/w)
Td1,onset w1 Td2,onset w2 Td3,onset w3 Td4,onset w4 Td5,onset w5

Control – 122.79 7.84 258.86 17.26 338.56 33.22 – – – – 41.68

CEO 10 100.11 7.42 277.62 16.35 336.56 22.71 424.31 11.83 465.23 7.97 33.72
20 105.36 6.75 284.94 15.89 337.6 26.11 438.38 8.56 472.82 7.73 34.96
30 112.67 5.90 286.39 15.00 342.21 25.39 442.33 8.90 475.36 8.30 36.51

CWO 10 117.67 8.94 278.67 18.99 334.43 21.76 423.74 9.75 472.95 9.36 31.19
20 103.04 9.18 274.33 17.22 338.43 24.71 443.16 6.38 480.04 12.46 30.05
30 119.87 6.40 260.51 20.30 342.31 22.73 440.96 9.84 477.86 12.49 28.24

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 indicate the first, second, third, fourth and fifth stage weight loss, respectively, of film during heating scan

3.6. Thermal properties exothermic peak at the higher temperature was associated with
polymer decomposition. As shown in Fig. 3, the exothermic tem-
Typical DSC thermograms (Fig. 3) show that all CH film (with peratures of those films containing 10% w/w CEO and CWO were
or without essential oils) produces one broad endothermic peak higher than the control films. This clearly showed that both CEO
at approximately 140 ◦ C and one exothermic peak at 290 ◦ C. As and CWO contributed to an improvement in the thermal stability
we commented in the TGA results, the endothermal effect can be of the CH films. However, adding more of either CEO or CWO did
related to the evaporation of residual solvent used in the prepa- not further improve the films’ thermal stability.
ration of the films. With the 10% w/w increase of either CEO or
CWO, no difference was found in this endothermic peak. However, 3.7. Structural properties
the peak tended to shift to lower temperatures with the increase
of oil concentration to 30% w/w. This change could be explained To identify possible molecular interactions between CH func-
by the crystallinity of film samples. The results suggested that tional groups and the two essential oils studied in this work, FTIR
adding high concentrations of CEO or CWO into CH film changes the spectroscopy analysis was performed. The FT-IR spectra of control
film’s intermolecular interactions, leading to the observed changes
in the degree of crystallinity. Similar behavior was observed 1022
when ␣-tocopheryl acetate adding into chitosan film [49]. The (a) 1060
CWO 10 % 894
CWO 20 % 1149

3352 CWO 30 % 1562

(a) 2870


CWO 10 %
CWO 20 %
CWO 30 % 3600 3100 2600 2100 1600 1100 600
Wave number (cm-1)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Temperature (oC)
Chitosan 894
(b) CEO 10%
(b) CEO 20% 1562
2870 CEO 30%


CEO 10 % 1022
CEO 20 % 1257
CEO 30 %

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 3600 3100 2600 2100 1600 1100 600
Temperature (oC) Wave number (cm-1)

Fig. 3. Results of thermal stability of chitosan composite films containing various Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of chitosan composite films including various concentrations
concentrations of (a) cedarwood oil (CWO) and (b) citronella essential oil (CEO) of (a) cedarwood oil (CWO) and (b) citronella essential oil (CEO). Please see online
analyzed through TGA. Please see online edition for color images. edition for color images.
Z. Shen, D.P. Kamdem / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 74 (2015) 289–296 295

CH films and those incorporated with CEO and CWO at different of CEO and CWO-containing films were analysed and compared,
concentrations are shown in Fig. 4. it was hard to find any difference; this that little chemical inter-
All FTIR spectra showed quite similar general features, with action had taken place during the film preparation. However, the
most of the peaks characteristic of CH films as reported by Silva- addition of more CEO (30% w/w) resulted in a marked increase in
Weiss et al. [50]. The peaks at 894, 1022, 1060 (C O stretching) the intensity of the CH stretching peak at around 2870 cm−1 , sug-
and 1149 cm−1 (asymmetric stretching of C O C bridge, glycosidic gesting an increase in the content of ester groups, which might
linkage) were associated with the structure of pure CH, and were come from the CEO molecule. A new peak at 1257 cm−1 was
common to all films. The band located at 1378 cm−1 is assigned to observed at higher concentrations of CEO, which can be related
the acetamide groups, indicating that CH is not completely deacety- to the bending vibration of the OH groups from the phenol group
lated [51]. The absorption peak at 1647 cm−1 was attributed to present in the essential oil structure [40]. Besides, the new peak
C O stretching (amide I), and the one at 1554 cm−1 corresponded appeared at 1562 cm−1 which might be due to the interaction of the
to N H bending (amide II) [52]. At the same time, these bands amine group with a functional group of the essential oil. Another
showed stronger peak intensity in those films containing oils com- important change was found with a new peak at 1647 cm−1 , indi-
pared with those of pure CH. The bands appearing at 2930 and cating an ester linkage, which could be attributed to the more
2870 cm−1 in the spectrum of CH film occur because of stretching intensive interaction between CH and essential oil. The absorp-
vibrations of the C H bond in CH2 and CH3 groups, respec- tion intensity increased with increasing oil concentration. A shift
tively [53]. These peaks became more flattened when 30% essential of the peak at 1026 cm−1 to 1022 cm−1 was noted for the 10%
oil was included. This may be due to hydrogen bonding between w/w CEO-containing film; this could be ascribed to C O stretching
the OH group in functional groups in oil ingredients and the of hydroxyl and ether bonds. Such a shift toward lower wave-
NH and OH groups in CH. Moreover, the CH film exhibited a number values indicates weaker interactions with these essential
strong absorption band between 3190 and 3352 cm−1 that cor- oils. All these changes led to an assumption that intermolecular
responded mainly with the stretching vibration of free hydroxyl interaction and molecular compatibility between the essential-oil
and to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching of the N H bonds ingredients’ functional groups and hydroxyl and amino groups in
[46]. When the band intensities of the spectra of 10% and 20% w/w the CH matrix could exist. This information may explain the weaker

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs of the cross section of films (a) chitosan film, (b) film containing 10% essential oil, (c) film containing 20% essential oil, and
(d) film containing 30% essential oil viewed at a magnification of 6500×.
296 Z. Shen, D.P. Kamdem / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 74 (2015) 289–296

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