Chitosan As A Valuable Biomolecule From Seafood IndustryWaste in The Design of Green Food Packaging

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Chitosan as a Valuable Biomolecule from Seafood Industry Waste in the

Design of Green Food Packaging

Article in Biomolecules · October 2021

DOI: 10.3390/biom11111599


27 8,005

2 authors:

Bárbara Teixeira-Costa Cristina Andrade

Federal University of Amazonas Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


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Chitosan as a Valuable Biomolecule from Seafood Industry
Waste in the Design of Green Food Packaging
Barbara E. Teixeira-Costa 1,2, * and Cristina T. Andrade 1

1 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência de Alimentos, Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de

Janeiro, Avenida Moniz Aragão 360, Bloco 8G/CT2, Rio de Janeiro 21941-594, RJ, Brazil; [email protected]
2 Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Avenida General Rodrigo Otávio 6200,
Manaus 69077-000, AM, Brazil
* Correspondence: [email protected] or [email protected]

Abstract: Chitosan is a versatile biomolecule with a broad range of applications in food and pharma-
ceutical products. It can be obtained by the alkaline deacetylation of chitin. This biomolecule can be
extracted using conventional or green methods from seafood industry residues, e.g., shrimp shells.
Chitin has limited applications because of its low solubility in organic solvents. Chitosan is soluble in
acidified solutions allowing its application in the food industry. Furthermore, biological properties,
such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, as well as its biodegradability, biocompatibility and nontoxicity
have contributed to its increasing application as active food packaging. Nevertheless, some physical
and mechanical features have limited a broader range of applications of chitosan-based films. Green
approaches may be used to address these limitations, leading to well-designed chitosan-based food
packaging, by employing principles of a circular and sustainable economy. In this review, we summa-
 rize the properties of chitosan and present a novel green technology as an alternative to conventional

chitin extraction and to design environmentally friendly food packaging based on chitosan.
Citation: Teixeira-Costa, B.E.;
Andrade, C.T. Chitosan as a Valuable Keywords: chitin; chitosan; bioactive molecules; seafood industry residues; crustacean shells;
Biomolecule from Seafood Industry green solvents; plasticizer; biodegradable food packaging; coatings; polysaccharides
Waste in the Design of Green Food
Packaging. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599.
biom11111599 1. Introduction
Natural biomolecules from renewable sources, such as chitosan, appear as good al-
Academic Editor: Diaa Youssef
ternatives for the development of biodegradable food packaging. Chitosan is a linear
Received: 4 October 2021
polymer obtained by alkaline deacetylation of chitin. This biopolymer is extracted from
Accepted: 24 October 2021 crustacean exoskeleton, provided by seafood industry waste [1,2]. The biomass of crus-
Published: 28 October 2021 taceans is comprised of proteins, calcium carbonate, chitin, pigments, and lipids [2]. The
extraction process leads close to 20–30% of chitin, by applying mechanical and chemical
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral treatments [2]. The alkali/acid conventional treatments of crustacean biomass to obtain
with regard to jurisdictional claims in chitin and chitosan can present low efficiency and may be considered disadvantageous
published maps and institutional affil- when looking at the environment and labor conditions. However, green solvents, such as
iations. 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide and 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate, can be
used to replace those methods and improve the efficiency of chitin extraction and chemical
modification processes [3].
The use of natural materials has advantages, in addition to reducing the consumption
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
of petroleum-derived polymers and environmental pollution. These materials present good
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. bioavailability, biocompatibility, and biodegradability. They also act as antioxidants, antimi-
This article is an open access article crobials, with low toxicity and low allergenicity [4,5]. In the development of biobased films,
distributed under the terms and their hydrophilic character should be considered, because humidity may be a problem
conditions of the Creative Commons to the shelf life of the product, as well as to the physical stability of the packaging. To
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// overcome this issue, hydrophobic or less hydrophilic substances can be incorporated to the films modifying its physical properties. These substances, denominated plasticizers,

Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599.

Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 2 of 19

are responsible for increasing the matrix free volume and molecular mobility of amor-
phous biopolymers, competing with intermolecular H-bonding [6,7]. Glycerol, sorbitol,
polyethylene glycols (PEG), lipids and their derivatives are the most used plasticizers to
biobased films, although novel sustainable alternatives, e.g., deep eutectic solvents (DES),
have also been used [8–10]. These sustainable substances are obtained by complexation
of a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) with a quaternary ammonium salt (hydrogen bond
acceptor—HBA), producing liquids with physical and solvent properties analogue to ionic
liquids (ILs) [11,12]. The mixture between choline chloride and glycerol (ChCl-Gly) has
been the most used DES for plasticizing of chitosan-based coatings [8,9,13].
In this context, this review aims to summarize the application of waste from fishery
industries as a source for chitin, mainly from crustaceans’ shells. As the deacetylated
derivative chitosan is a bioactive molecule that can be used in several industrial processes,
its biological properties and novel green technologies to design environmentally friendly
food packaging are also reviewed.

2. Seafood Industry Waste

Seafoods are delicacies enjoyed globally because of their nutrients and sensorial
properties, such as particular flavor and texture [14]. Fishes are an important source of
proteins (~17% of protein intake), micronutrients, vitamins and essential fatty acids (omega
3) for human health [15]. The global production of seafoods has been growing rapidly
during the last years, as a relevant component of the population’s diet and reaching more
than 180 million metric tonnes in 2016 [1,16,17]. Of this, the capture method has been
dominant and representing more than the half of this production [17].
Reports from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) have
listed that the world production of crustacean in 2013 was 12,607.540 tonnes, of which
Asia was the biggest producer (81.4%), followed by the Americas (13.7%), Europe (3.5%),
Africa (1.1%) and Oceania (0.3%) [18]. In 2018, the global aquaculture production reached
82.1 million tonnes, representing a total sale of USD 263.6 billion, which were dominated by
fish (54.3 million tonnes), molluscs and bivalves (17.7 million tonnes), and finally crustacean
(9.4 million tonnes) productions [19]. From this report, Asia is by far the largest producer
of all aquaculture species, reaching more than 72 million tonnes, followed by the Americas
(4 million tonnes), Europe (3 million tonnes), Africa (2 million tonnes) and Oceania with
around 200 tonnes. The major types of marine crustaceans globally produced by capture
over the last two decades are presented in Figure 1 [19].

Figure 1. Major types of marine crustaceans globally produced by capture over the last two decades.
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 3 of 19

The intensive growing of the aquaculture industry, including crustaceans, fishes, mol-
luscs, and others, is related to higher rates of fish consumption, which is among the most
traded of food commodities [17]. However, a great number of challenges have shaken the
seafood industry, mainly related to its environmental and social unsustainability. Some of
these issues are due to the destruction of seabed when using bottom drag nets, overexploita-
tion and illegal fishing, lack of sanitary conditions on fishing boats, killing untargeted sea
animals that get trapped in fishing lines, disposition of inedible parts of sea animals directly
into the water, pollution, forced and analogous slavery works, among others [1,14,17].
Fishing activities are known for generating a high amount of waste, since bones, shells,
heads, skins, and visceral parts are not commonly eaten by humans. Between 2010 and
2014 the annual residue generated by global marine fisheries reached more than 9 Mt and
close to 45% of it was from capture using bottom dragging nets [1]. The loss of global fishes
was estimated to be close to 12 Mt per year, representing 10% of total seafood capture and
aquaculture [20]. A recent report indicated that around 60% of all processed fishes are
discarded, which are composed of ~20% muscles, ~18% viscera, ~15% bones, ~12% heads,
5% of scales and up to 3% of skin and fins [21]. However, the estimation of seafood losses
and waste have been reported to be conflicting, because of the lack of information and
uniformity in the assessment of data [15]. To these authors, waste generation is linked
to issues during the different steps in the processing chain, such as primary and post-
production, processing, distribution, and consumption, as well as a lack of uniformity in
the definition of loss type, such as physical, quality, nutritional losses and others.
These seafood by-products end up being majorly utilized as animal feed, agricultural
fertilizer, lipids extraction, biogas and biodiesel production [1,2]. Technological approaches
of the valorization of seafood by-products are needed since those materials are great sources
of bioactive compounds, such as amino acids and proteins, gelatin, collagen, vitamins,
pigments, calcium carbonate, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and chitin [1,14].

3. Chitin and Chitosan

Chitin is an important structural component of the invertebrate exoskeleton of insects
and other terrestrial arthropods (e.g., beetles and locusts), majorly present in crustaceans
(e.g., crab, shrimp, and krill), which can be extracted from it or produced by microorganisms
(e.g., fungi, and some algae) [22,23]. The earliest reports on chitin are from the early
19th century, when Antoine Odier extracted an alkaline-insoluble fraction from an insect’s
exoskeleton and named it Khiton, which in Greek means tunic or an envelope [24].
Chitin is a linear polymer of mainly β-(1→4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose
units and low amounts of β-(1→4)-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose residues
(Figure 2) [23,25]. In a solid state, it can be found in three different crystalline poly-
morph structures, anti-parallel N-acetylglucosamine chains or α-chitin, parallel chains
of N-acetylglucosamine or β-chitin and two parallel chains alternated with a single anti-
parallel one, forming the γ-chitin [3,26]. The first two forms are the most frequent in nature
and these arrangements may contribute to its mechanical properties [26].
About 20 to 30% of chitin, as well as proteins, minerals, and pigments, can be ex-
tracted from shrimp shell waste [27]. Researchers have investigated the transformation of
crustaceans’ shells into a more valuable compound and a potential source of ingredients
for the food industry [28]. Japan have been dominating the chitin/chitosan market since
the 1980s until now, being responsible for more than 35% of its industrialization in 2015
and consuming more than 800 tonnes per year [29]. According to the Markets and Mar-
kets [30] the global market of chitosan was valued at around USD 476.6 million in 2016.
Increasing projections indicate that chitosan market can reach around USD 1088.0 million
in 2022, presenting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.5% between 2017 and
2022 [30]. This study also estimated a market size of around 63.7 kilotons in 2022, from
Asian countries, such as China and India, the leaders in the average propensity to consume.
In another study, the chitosan market was estimated to increase to around 24.7% of CAGR
till the year 2027, highlighting its prominent position to a wide range of industrial applica-
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 4 of 19

tions [31]. A substantial amount of waste is produced during seafood processing, making
the extraction of chitin from this residue a good opportunity to add value to this market
and to reduce the environment contamination.

Figure 2. Chemical structure of chitin.

However, chitin is an underutilized biomass resource, being mostly used for the
chemical production of chitosan. About 33 kg of shrimp shells (in a wet basis), 0.02 L of
diesel for bulldozer operation, 8 kg of HCl 32%, 1.3 kg of NaOH, 1.3 kWh of electricity and
around 170 L of freshwater, are needed to produce one kilogram of chitin [32]. To obtain
1 kg of chitosan, 1.4 kg of chitin, 5.18 kg of NaOH, around 1.1 kWh of energy and 250 L
of water are needed [32]. Although during the production of chitin and chitosan, some
chemicals and other resources are used, the use of seafood shells as raw materials helps
prevent the accumulation of composting materials that end up polluting the environment,
and could alter the sea life cycle, and save composting emissions such as ammonia [32].
As chitin is a highly acetylated polymer, insoluble in water, traditional methods, such
as chemical deacetylation, or enzymatic hydrolysis, are most commonly used to make it
less hydrophobic, which results in the production of chitosan [25,26,33,34]. Its chemical
deacetylation involves an alkaline treatment at high temperatures. Different factors, such
as alkali concentration, processing time, chitin:alkali ratio, temperature, and chitin source,
can affect the degree of N-acetylation (DA) of chitosan.
To overcome the use of hazardous chemicals during chitin extraction, an alterna-
tive green extraction method has been reported [35]. Some researchers have easily used
ionic liquids, such as 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide (AMIMBr), followed by dem-
ineralization by employing 1.5% of citric acid and subjecting it to different extraction
temperatures (80–120 ◦ C) for 6–48 h, achieving a chitosan yield up to 12.6% [36]. More-
over, according to some authors, 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate was able to recover
higher amounts, around 94%, of chitin from shrimp shells [37]. To these authors, the
extracted chitin exhibited a higher Mw and the processing conditions were less harsh than
the conventional methods to chitin extraction. This result demonstrates the benefits of
using green solvents to improve chitin extraction.
Chitin is insoluble in many organic and inorganic solvents, due to its high intra and
intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Its dissolution is essential to estimate the molecular weight
(Mw ). However, the presence of aggregates in chitin dispersion trickles the measurements
by light scattering, which fails in determining molecular weight [38]. To bypass this, green
solvents as ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents, e.g., 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium
bromide, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium alkanoates and others, have been recently used
for chitin solubilization [3]. A schematic summary of conventional and green extraction
techniques and potential applications of chitin/chitosan are presented in Figure 3.
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 5 of 19

Figure 3. Summary of chitin/chitosan extractions and applications.

Chitosan is a natural polysaccharide derived from chitin. Both polysaccharides are the
most abundant biopolymers from an animal source [22]. The first work with chitosan dates
from the 1850s, when Charles Rouget reported that he had obtained a novel chitine modifiée
after treating chitin with a concentrated alkaline solution under reflux, making modified
chitin soluble in organic acids [24]. Many years later, in the 1890s, shells from crabs,
scorpions and spiders were treated by Felix Hoppe-Seyler with a solution of potassium
hydroxide at 180 ◦ C. This researcher obtained a soluble acid solution product named
chitosan [22,24]. Up to the 1950s, chitin and chitosan gained considerable attention due to
the increasing exploitation of natural polymers.
Chitosan is a versatile natural polymer with a broad range of applications in food
products, mainly because of its biodegradability, biocompatibility, nontoxicity, and bioac-
tive properties, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anticancer activities [4]. Chitosan
is a linear random copolymer of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (A-units) and deacetylated D-
glucosamine (D-units) units connected by β-1,4 glycosidic linkages (Figure 4), obtained
from the chemical alkaline deacetylation of chitin [4,33]. In each repeating unit, the chi-
tosan molecule has three functional groups, i.e., primary, and secondary hydroxyl groups
and amine groups. These groups allow chemical changes under pronation, and influence
its biological, mechanical, and physical-chemical characteristics, including solubility, hy-
drophilicity, and crystallinity [3,4]. The amine groups, NH2 , located on C-2 of the rings
on the D-glucosamine repeated units, may be pronated and induce changes on chitosan
chains under acidic conditions, acquiring a polycationic characteristic [4,28].
The properties of chitosan in solution depend on the degree of acetylation (DA), chain
length, and distribution of acetyl groups along the chain [26]. The DA is given by the
ratio between its acetylated and deacetylated units and is expressed as molar percentage
(mol%). The DA can range between 0.05 and 0.30. Below DA = 50%, chitosan is soluble
in aqueous acidic media [25,33]. The chitosan origin has an influence on its DA as well
as on its Mw . Generally, microbial chitosan exhibited a lower DA than those extracted
from the exoskeleton of crustaceans [34]. Heterogenous deacetylation played on solid-state
chitin may produce a block-wise distribution of acetyl groups causing chain linkage and
consequently affecting its dissolution and Mw quantification [38]. The DA and the Mw
are the most important factors contributing to the physicochemical identity of chitosan
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 6 of 19

and influence its structure-properties relationships, e.g., solubility, viscosity, and gelling
abilities, among others [39,40].

Figure 4. Chemical structure of chitosan.

The main characterization of chitosan starts with the determination of its molecular
weight in solution, followed by the DA quantification and finally the distribution of acetyl
groups along the backbone chain (by nuclear magnetic resonance—13 C NMR) [38]. Various
methods have been used to quantify the molecular weight of chitosan, e.g., viscosimetry,
light scattering, osmometry, size exclusion chromatography and more recently the multi-
detection asymmetric flow-field flow fractionation [39]. The chitosan DA can be determined
by infrared spectroscopy, potentiometric titration, and elementary analysis, although, 1 H
liquid state and solid-state 13 C NMR spectroscopy have been favored [38,40]. Besides
these parameters, the intrinsic viscosity, [η], is also an important factor to be considered
for chitosan characterization. The [η] may be determined by double extrapolation to zero
concentration of Huggins’ and Kraemer’s equations (Equations (1) and (2)) [28].
= [η] + k 0 [η]2 C (1)
( Ln ηrel )
= [η] + k00 [η]2 C (2)
where ηrel and ηsp are the relative and specific viscosities, k0 and k” are the Huggins’ and
Kraemer’s coefficients, respectively, and C is the chitosan solution concentration.
The intrinsic viscosity is essential to determine the viscosity average molecular weight,
Mv , using the Mark-Houwink-Sakurada relationship as expressed in Equation (3) [28,38].
[η] mL g−1 = KMv (3)

where [η] is the intrinsic viscosity, K is the intercept and a is the equation slope, and M is
the viscosity average molecular weight for chitosan.
Brugnerotto et al. [41] characterized chitosan by steric exclusion chromatography with
different DA (0.5 to 25 mol%) and found values for the K and a constants varying from
0.080 to 0.068, and 0.796 to 0.800 (random coil), respectively, when the used solvent was
AcOH 0.3 M/AcONa 0.2 M at 25 ◦ C. High values (>0.800) of a coefficient indicates a semi-rigid
feature of the polysaccharide with a very stiff chain, and when a presents a low value (<0.650)
it is an indication that the chain has adopted a compact sphere conformation. This variation
affects their hydrodynamic volume, dimensions, and viscometrical properties [38]. However,
the most frequent values reported for the constant a ranged between 0.7 and 1.0, indicating
that chitosan behaves like a flexible or linear conformation depending on the solvent [42].
Chitosan is a versatile material, used for a wide range of applications. It is considered
an eco-friendly biopolymer since its biodegradability in various environments as other
natural polysaccharides (Figure 5). For environmental purposes, it can be used for wa-
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 7 of 19

ter purification, as filtration membrane, flocculation/coagulation of dyes and proteins,

and wastewater treatments, as it is a competent sorbent material for heavy metals, pes-
ticides, and dyes [26,29,33,43]. In agricultural production, chitosan (CS) can be applied
as micro/nanoparticles acting as fertilizer carriers aiming to mitigate deleterious effects
to plants and human health [33,44]. It can be used in the development of electrochemical
sensors in combination with conducting materials, ionic liquids, green solvents, and carbon
nanotubes, and many other purposes in the chemistry industry [29,43].

Figure 5. Biodegradability of chitosan and other natural polymers on various environments.

The most important application of chitosan is oriented to pharmaceutical, cosmetic,

nutrition and food markets, mainly because of its classification as a safe substance (GRAS—
Generally Recognized as Safe), by regulatory agencies of many countries. In the United
States, CS is classified as a preservative and antioxidant substance by the Environmental
Protection Agency [45]. In Brazil, CS is approved as a functional health ingredient for
food products by the National Health Surveillance Agency of Brazil, Agência Nacional de
Vigilância Sanitária [46]. In the food and nutrition field, CS has a significant market in Asia,
mainly Japan, China, and South Korea, followed by the USA in North America, and Europe,
who reached more than 2000 metric tonnes in 2018 [29]. This demand is mostly related to
the utilization of CS as a nutraceutical/functional ingredient in dietary supplements and
as a natural additive with a wide range of functions in food products.
The countless biological activities of chitosan, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial,
antifungal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, immunostimulant, and prebiotic benefits
have been well documented by different studies [29,33,34,47]. Chitosan is non-digestible
in the upper gastrointestinal tract, influencing/blocking the absorption of carbohydrates,
fats, and cholesterols, and contributing to a faster intestinal transit time. Additionally, it is
reported that CS could increase the excretion of atherogenic saturated fatty acids, which
could lead to a reducing risk of developing a chronic disease [34]. Furthermore, as a dietary
fiber, chitosan can be considered as a prebiotic material, due to the improvement of gut
microbiota [47]. For this reason, CS has been commonly used as a dietary product as part
of an effective body weight regimen and control of fat mass, even though this effect is not
completely unanimous in the literature [34,47].
A recent single-blinded, placebo controlled and random clinical study (500 mg of CS) for
body weight reduction found that CS from fungal origin reduced the average body weight
by up to 3 kg after 90 days. Additionally, it promoted an improvement in body composition,
and anthropometric parameters [48]. In another work that performed a systematic review
of CS consumption, through a meta-analysis of 15 randomized controlled trials, found a
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 8 of 19

significant reduction (p < 0.05) in body weight and body fat of overweight/obese participants
that received CS supplementation [49]. However, studies aiming to investigate this question
may differ, as there are different sources and types of chitosan. Moreover, approaches using
different dosage, timing, methodologies to assess end points (weight loss vs. fat loss), lack of
well-constructed clinical trials, and other issues can affect these studies [50].
Another common utilization of CS by the food industry can be highlighted due to its
excellent antimicrobial/antioxidant properties. To this purpose, CS can be used in many
different forms and applications, e.g., as a solution, in powders, gels, beads/particles, fillers,
films, casting or sprayed coatings, as well as its blends. The use of chitosan for preservative
purposes of foods as an antimicrobial/antifungal agent has been well reported by many
authors [22,51–54]. CS has a broad range of antimicrobial activity against pathogenic
microorganisms, a bacteriostatic effect against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria,
e.g., Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae and Shigella dysenteriae. CS also acts against yeasts and
molds, generally being more active against them than with bacteria [22,47,55]. A summary
of chitosan applications is listed in Table 1.
Mainly, the physical state as well as the solubility of chitosan are the most significant
factors that affect its antimicrobial activity. It was observed that microbial inhibition by
chitosan only occurred in acidic mediums, where it is soluble and has a net positive charge [53].
Although not completely elucidated, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties have
been correlated to interaction with chitosan protonated groups, involving electrostatic stacking
at the cell surface, chelation of essential trace elements and metalloenzymes, protonation forms
and cell membranes disruption, and blockage of RNA transcription from DNA when chitosan
molecules are inside cell’s nucleus [22,25,34,51,56]. This electrostatic staking occurs by the
interaction between protonated amino groups of glucosamine and negative cell membrane
of microorganisms, affecting its integrity and permeability and consequently altering their
metabolism, which can lead to cell death [22]. Moreover, CS can prevent the production of
toxins and bind essential trace metals and spores acting as a chelating agent, which affects the
essential supply of nutrients, inhibiting microbial growth [22].
Other environment factors, such as molecular weight, DA, positive charge density,
pH, ionic strength, and temperature, can also influence its antimicrobial activities [53,55].
Furthermore, chitosan easily forms quaternary ammonium salts at low pH values. Thus, or-
ganic acids, such as acetic, formic, and lactic acids can dissolve it [27]. Acetic acid, generally
at 1% concentration, is the most common organic acid used for chitosan dissolution [57].
When chitosan is dissolved in an acidic media, generally below pH 6.5, its amino groups
in the main chain protonate and turns in to a cationic polysaccharide. These positively
charged groups, protonated amines, allow the interaction with a wide range of negative
charged molecules forming complexes. Some of these negative charged substances are an-
ionic synthetic or natural polymers, dyes, lipids, fats and cholesterol, metals ions, enzymes,
biological cells, DNA and RNA [3].

Table 1. Broad application of chitosan for different purposes.

Application Purpose Product Reference

Body weight reduction Oral capsules [50]
ingredient Assai polyelectrolyte
Food packaging [58]
Rice noodles;
Texture controlling agent [59,60]
Additive in meat product
food products Films; microparticles [61,62]
Emulsifying/gelling agent
Pastes [33]
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 9 of 19

Table 1. Conts.

Application Purpose Product Reference

Preservation agent
Rice [63]
in powder
Fish fillet [64]
Chicken fillet [65]
Biological, antimicrobial Meat cutlets [66]
or antioxidant activity Fruits [57,67,68]
Active food
Nanofibers [69]
Hydrogels Delivery of enzymes [70]
Delivery of
Liposomes [71]
bioactive substances
Remineralization of
Dentistry application Hydrogel [72]
enamel surface
3D multilayered
Layer-by-layer coating microchannels [73]
in hydrogels
Nanoparticles [74]
Biomedical application magnetic
Self-assembly system [75]
Nanovesicles [76]
coated niosomes

3.1. Food Packaging

Packaging protects foods from the environment. Over the years, packages have
changed to follow the different demands of consumers and the evolution of the food
industry. Packaging is responsible for maintaining food quality, improving safety and
shelf life, as well as providing label information of ingredients, and promoting the world-
wide distribution of food products to reach final consumers [4,77]. From all of these, the
maintenance of food quality across the whole supply chain is the most critical factor when
choosing a packaging material [22,78]. To fulfill these functions, the materials for the pack-
aging design must have good thermo-mechanical properties, to be properly processed by
different means, resist the surrounding aspects through distribution, exhibit an adequate
shelf life for product storage and prevent cross contamination of unwanted substances
to their content [79]. Moreover, packaging technology is dynamic and has evolved since
ancient times until nowadays changing humans’ lifestyle. Through this timeline, different
materials have been used for food packaging, such as glass, metal, paper, and plastic,
though these last two are more often utilized for this purpose [4,57,80].
Conventional plastic packaging made from synthetic polymers are items of one-time
use, generally discarded in the environment after using. Around 40% of petrochemical-
based plastics are used for packaging purposes and close to 60% of plastic packaging are
used to pack food and beverages [81]. About 95% of plastic packaging are wasted after a
single-use cycle and end up in the environment, where it can be broken down into micro
or nanoplastics [82,83]. These microplastics are carried out by ocean currents and can be
ingested by the sea-wild life and birds, in which they accumulate in their digestive system,
modify their health, and end up in the food chain [84].
Another issue that negatively affects plastic packaging production is concerns about
human occupational health, since different hazardous chemicals added intentionally and
unintentionally are used during processing [81]. Moreover, during the manufacturing
of synthetic petroleum-based plastics, greenhouse gases and particulates are released
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 10 of 19

in the environment, also contributing to world pollution [79]. In addition to all of this,
packaging manufacturers face a new market challenge due to consumer demand for
biobased resources for food packaging [79,85]. Thus, all these circumstances have been
stimulating the search for new biobased materials and the development of biodegradable
packaging from renewable sources as strategies to mitigate pollution and sustain the planet.
In response to these challenges, there is a great opportunity for the development of novel
food packaging. In this context, biobased, biodegradable, compostable, edible, active and
intelligent packaging are innovative trends in the field.

3.1.1. Chitosan-Based Films to Food Packaging

Chitosan is among the most studied polysaccharides for the development of film/
coating packaging. This is justified by its versatility, good physical-chemical and biological
properties. Mechanical properties are affected by the chitosan DA, solvent, pH, concentra-
tion, viscosity, and molecular weight [4]. Moreover, chitosan is generally less expensive
and commercially available when compared to other biopolymers [25]. The first reports
of chitosan films are from the mid-1930s, when George W. Rigby patented it [24]. Since
then, the employment of chitosan as films, coatings, or composites, to different products
has been extensive. Recent works on the sustainable application of chitosan-based films for
food packaging were reviewed by Haghighi et al. [22] and Mujtaba et al. [4].
As with any other packaging, edible films and coatings must protect the food integrity,
maintaining quality, controlling mass and volatile losses, extending its shelf life, preventing
surface contamination, offering mechanical protection, and improving its sensory prop-
erties (Figure 6) [22,86–88]. Although, it is not expected that edible films can completely
replace all conventional packaging, they can be used to significantly reduce the use of
petroleum-based plastics, decrease food losses, and reduce the environment pollution in
the long-term. Edible films and coatings may have in their composition two main based
materials, a biomacromolecule-based matrix, and additives, such as plasticizers, cross-
linkers, other reinforcements substances and functional ingredients [88]. These materials
can be used alone or blended. As edible packaging is composed of natural-based materials,
it can be classified as a subgroup of biobased and biodegradable packaging [87]. Generally,
polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and their mixtures are used for the development of edible
films and coatings [88].
Films based on chitosan are environmental-friendly materials and can be degraded
by microorganisms [89]. Leceta et al. [90] have studied the environmental assessment
between two different food packaging systems, polypropylene, and chitosan films, during
different life cycle stages. For them, from about 1 kg of chitosan-based film waste, 20%
can be considered as compost and the remaining 80% degraded as organic matter by
microorganisms. Furthermore, these authors found that the highest positive impact of
chitosan-based films was related to the end-of-life scenarios, especially associated with
composting and carcinogens, when compared to polypropylene films, which can provide a
reduction of environmental pollution generated by the food packaging industry.
In another work, the biodegradability of chitosan-based films on three different soils,
industrial compost, commercial garden soil, and soil from a vineyard, was evaluated. The
authors found that the properties of the chitosan-based film deteriorated in less than 3 days
and its biodegradation occurred in all tested soils after 14 days [91]. Moreover, when
these films were incorporated with Quercus polyphenol extract its active properties in
compost and garden soil occurred in 6 days, whereas the total biodegradation process
was not completed in the vineyard soil during the 14 days. These authors also found that
adding water to the soil decreased the rate of biodegradation from the chitosan film on
the terrestrial environment. These findings are relevant to confirm the biodegradability of
chitosan films when using it as a sustainable alternative food packaging.
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 11 of 19

Figure 6. Main purposes of an edible food packaging.

Pure chitosan films can only be prepared via solvent casting. In this process, chitosan
is dissolved using enough solvent, mainly, acidified water, placed on a flat surface and let
to dry until constant weight. Generally, these pure films are reported to exhibit a smooth,
continuous, and compact surface, but are brittle and fragile possessing low mechanical
properties [26,33,92]. To overcome the low mechanical performance and high sensitivity
to water, the addition of plasticizers and other different approaches have been indicated.
Some of these use crosslinking, complexation, graft copolymerization, surface coating,
filler incorporation and others [22]. Blending chitosan with other polymers by solution
or extrusion blending to form composite films could also be a strategy. Binary or ternary
blends, e.g., CS-gelatin, CS-alginate, CS-gelatin-caprolactone, have been developed for
food and biomedical applications [33]. The formation of a cohesive film-forming material
resistant to rupture between CS and cellulose in the paper industry have also been reported,
as the wet strength of paper can be improved by CS addition [33]. In another study, CS
was used as a surface coating agent on printing paper, improving its mechanical properties,
such as its strength, and inhibited the growth of bacteria, such as E. coli [93].
Regarding the mechanical properties, tensile strength (TS) and elongation at break
(EB) are two of the most important characteristics for film applications [25]. TS is related
to the maximum tensile stress that a film can hold up [94]. Moreover, the TS of chitosan
films with high and low molecular weight was described as dependent on storage time
due to the conformational changes of chitosan molecules by the free volume reduction [95].
The type of solvent acid used to prepare chitosan-starch composite films also influenced
TS according to the following order: lactic acid < malic < acetic acid [96]. In another work,
chitosan film displayed a significantly lower TS, 18.252 MPa, but a higher EB, ~40%, than
gelatin and composite films [97]. In the development of chitosan-zein composite films,
Sun et al. [94] found that TS was influenced by different plasticizers, sorbitol < glycerol and
PEG-400; this result was explained by the number of hydroxyl groups in the plasticizer.
Sorbitol has the capacity of binding a higher number of water molecules. The TS values
may also decrease with the increase in pH because of a lower chitosan dissociation [57].
Furthermore, in chitosan composite films with quinoa protein, it was observed that TS and
EB were influenced by the presence of protein in the films [98]. Some application examples
of chitosan-based films are listed in Table 2.
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 12 of 19

Table 2. Broad application of chitosan-based films and their main results.

Films Matrix Composite Ingredients Applications Main Results References

Permeability increased with higher
Glycerol, PEG-400,
Chitosan/Zein Potential food application plasticizer concentration. [94]
and sorbitol
PEG-400 promoted a better barrier property.
SNPs decrease the crystallinity of the films.
Aloe vera gel and silver Potential biomedical
Chitosan SNPs affected the structure and viscoelastic [99]
nanoparticles (SNPs) applications
behavior of chitosan films.
Protection of the fruit against fungi.
Chitosan Glycerol Strawberries Maintenance of flavor, appearance, texture, [100]
and aroma.
The films preserved the quality of apples for
Chitosan/purple four weeks of storage.
Glycerol Coating of apples [101]
yam starch Weight loss from the coated apples was less
significant than the uncoated.
APP significantly increased thickness,
density, solubility, opacity, and swelling ratio
Apple peel Potential bio-composite of films.
Chitosan [102]
polyphenols (APP) food packaging material APP decreased the moisture content, water
vapor permeability, tensile strength and
elongation at break of the films.
OrgMMT significantly reduced the
elongation at break of all oil containing
Olive oil and corn oil Potential food samples, acting as stress concentrator
nanocomposites [103]
as plasticizers packaging applications upon deformation.
Corn oil was a less effective as plasticizer
than olive oil.
The addition of red grape seed extract and Z.
Red grape seed extract clinopodioides essential oil improved total
Potential food
Chitosan/gelatin and Ziziphora clinopodioides phenolic content, antibacterial and [104]
packaging applications
essential oil antioxidant activities, thickness, and water
vapor barrier property.
Potential The water vapor permeability and moisture
Chitosan/corn starch Glycerol as plasticizer food/pharmaceutical content of films increased with an increase in [105]
applications chitosan concentration.
The incorporation of nanocapsules into the
Glycerol as plasticizer and
CHC films increased their tensile strength
Chitosan epigallocatechin gallate Potential food
and percentage of elongation at break. [89]
hydrochloride (CHC) (EGCG) packaging applications
The produced films could prevent lipids
nanocapsules (NCs)
oxidation of fatty food products
All chitosan/Propolis films inhibited bacteria
on contact surface underneath the film.
Potential food Mechanical properties, oxygen and moisture
Chitosan Propolis extract [106]
packaging applications barrier, antioxidant and antimicrobial
properties were improved by the addition of
Propolis extract into the films.
The shelf life of cooked pork sausages
Clove oil
Chitosan Cooked pork sausages increased from 14 to 20 days with the [107]
(Syzygium aromaticum)
chitosan/clove oil films.
Myoglobin oxidation during retail display
was reduced and the percentage of
Chitosan/gelatin Glycerol as plasticizer Beef steaks [108]
deoxymyoglobin increased with gelatin
content in films.
Enhanced water vapor permeability and
Glycerine, chokeberry Potential food reduced oxygen permeability by addition of
Chitosan [109]
pomace extract packaging applications chokeberry extracts. The films showed
significant antioxidant properties.
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 13 of 19

Table 2. Conts.

Films Matrix Composite Ingredients Applications Main Results References

Low antioxidant activity and greater
antimicrobial properties. Decreased moisture
Urtica dioica leaf extract content, water holding capacity,
derived copper oxide Food film packaging and and solubility.
Chitosan [110]
(CuO) and zinc oxide shelf life of guava fruit The nanocomposite chitosan films improved
(ZnO) nanoparticles the quality and shelf-life attributes of guava
by one week when compared to
unpackaged fruits.
Sodium sulfoethyl Effect of the polyelectrolyte complex layer on
Multilayer chitosan cellulose (SEC), sodium Potential biomedical and the properties of the poly-layer composites
composites films alginate (ALG), and food applications decreases in the order
sodium hyaluronate (HA) CS/SEC > CS/HA > CS/ALG.

Water vapor and the oxygen barrier are relevant factors to consider in the development
of food packaging since both can influence the food quality and shelf life. The evaluation
of water vapor permeability (WVP) of polysaccharide-based films provides information
of diffusion and solubility of water molecules through the polymeric matrix and will be
influenced by its composition. In this context, the WVP of high and low molecular weight
chitosan films was investigated by Kerch and Korkhov [95]. They found that the high
molecular weight chitosan films exhibited higher permeability. The addition of a natural
phenolic antioxidant, protocatechuic acid, significantly decreased the WVP of chitosan
composite films [112]. Furthermore, the addition of vegetable olive and corn oils displayed
a significant effect decreasing the WVP by reducing the hydrophilic content of the film [103].
Different mechanical and barrier properties of chitosan films have been reported. These
properties are affected by chitosan molecular weight, solvent, plasticizer content, film
composition, and pH, which makes the comparison between them more challenging.

3.1.2. Plasticizing Biodegradable Films with Green Solvents

In the development of biobased films, the hydrophilic character of their natural
macromolecules matrix should be considered since water molecules may be a problem for
the shelf life of the product as well as the physical stability of the packaging. To overcome
this issue, hydrophobic or less hydrophilic substances can be incorporated to the films
modifying the physical properties. These substances are denominated plasticizers and are
generally of low molecular weight. Plasticizers are responsible for increasing the matrix
free volume and molecular mobility to amorphous biopolymers, competing chain-to-chain
H-bonding along the polymer chains [6,7]. They are often used to reduce the brittleness
by reducing the polymer interchain interactions by putting themselves between polymer
molecules, although they do not chemically bind to it [88].
The most commonly used plasticizers are glycerol, sorbitol, polyethylene glycols
(PEG), lipids and their derivatives, such as fatty acids, phospholipids, lecithin, oils, and
waxes, low molecular weight sugars, e.g., fructose-glucose syrups and honey, and oth-
ers [6,88,92]. Crosslinkers and micro/nano-reinforcements can be incorporated into film
packaging aiming superior tensile, gas and water barrier properties. The improvement
of coatings cohesive strength can be achieved by application of other physical treatments,
i.e., irradiation, by crosslinking formation [6]. More recently, films’ plasticization can be
performed using deep eutectic solvents (DES), as sustainable solvent systems [8–10].
DESs are obtained by the complexation of a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) with a
quaternary ammonium salt (hydrogen bond acceptor—HBA), producing liquids with
physical and solvent properties analogue to ionic liquids (ILs) [11,12]. Ionic liquids are
liquid solvents with a melting point below 100 ◦ C and are formed from systems composed
primarily of one type of discrete anion and cation. Initially, DESs were extensively used to
decrease the temperature of molten salt. Nowadays, they have been used for a wide range
of applications, from lubrication of steel to synthesizing drugs [12,113].
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 14 of 19

DESs contain large asymmetric ions of the HBA that have low lattice energy and so, low
melting points, caused by hydrogen bonding formation. A wide range of mixtures of sub-
stances can form DES, which was critically reviewed by Smith et al. [12]. For plasticizing film
packaging the most common DES used are the mixture of choline chloride-citric acid (ChCl-
CA), choline chloride-urea (ChCl-Urea) and choline chloride-glycerol (ChCl-Gly). The latter
has been used mainly for chitosan-based coatings [8,9,13]. Particularly, the eutectic mixtures
of ChCl:Gly at a molar ratio of 1:2 were found to efficiently plasticize starch and starch/zein
blends, and chitosan and chitosan/micro-crystalline cellulose/curcumin composites [9,10].
Many advantages can be pointed out from using DES as they are much cheaper,
safer and easier to manufacture than ionic liquids. Moreover, DES are chemically and
thermally stable, non-flammable, possessing high dissolution ability, lack of flammability,
low volatility, low melting point and tailorability, as well as being water neutral, and
low- or non-toxic. The DES toxicity, including cytotoxicity and phytotoxicity, is highly
dependent on the testing species used on the mixture and their responses, as well as their
physicochemical properties, concentration, and salts counteranion species [13]. In the work
of Mbous et al. [114], the toxicity of some DES was tested, and they found that pure ChCl
exhibited lower cytotoxic values than its aqueous solutions (EC50 30 ≥ ChClaq ≤ 40 mM),
suggesting that ChCl did not dissociate after crossing the cellular membrane, implying
a nontoxic profile of ChCl-based DES, although more in vivo or in vitro studies could be
further investigated [114]. As they are often biodegradable, they can be considered green
solvents. DESs are appropriate for biobased packaging processing and application. For the
preparation of polysaccharide films, the DES mixture should be separately prepared and
incorporated to the matrix materials or can be formed in situ after heat homogenization
with other components [13].

4. Conclusions
In this review, we discussed the increasing industrial seafood production and the chal-
lenges related to its growth, mainly due to the high waste generation and the consequences
of the environmental pollution. Valuable biomolecules for the food and pharmaceutical
industries, such as chitin and chitosan, can be extracted from these residues. Eastern mar-
kets have been leading the industrialization of these biopolymers. Japan may be cited as
an example for consuming more than 800 tonnes per year of both biopolymers. Chitin and
chitosan are linear polysaccharides. The first is insoluble in many organic and inorganic
solvents. This limitation is overcome by alkaline deacetylation forming chitosan, which is
soluble in acid solutions. Chitosan is a versatile biomolecule with a broad range of applica-
tions in food products, mainly because of its biodegradability, biocompatibility, nontoxicity,
and bioactive properties. These biological properties as well as their mechanical and
physicochemical characteristics depend on the chitosan acetylation degree, chain length,
and distribution of acetyl groups along the chains. Because of those versatile properties,
chitosan is among the most studied polysaccharides for the development of film/coating
packaging. The first reports on chitosan films are from the mid-1930s and until now it
has been applied differently in the development of biodegradable food packaging. One of
the main challenges for using chitosan to design food packaging is related to its physical
properties, e.g., water vapor permeability and processability. The use of green reagents
as DESs, are allies to defeat those difficulties and to improve the mechanical properties
of chitosan films. The most commonly used DES to plasticize chitosan-based films is
choline chloride-glycerol. Many advantages can be pointed out by using green solvents as
they can be safer, thermally stable, non-flammable, and easier to manufacture than other
conventional reagents and even ionic liquids. Moreover, DESs can exhibit low toxicity and
are considered biodegradable and nonpolluting, making them a valuable additive to the
development of chitosan-based films. Furthermore, the exploitation of chitin and chitosan
from seafood waste contributes to the seafood chain production by reducing the amount of
crustacean residues discarded in the environment. Indeed, this is an important approach in
a circular and sustainable economy. From another perspective, the conventional extraction
Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1599 15 of 19

of both biomolecules requires the use of hazardous chemicals, such as sodium hydroxide
and hydrochloric acid. However, innovative technological approaches, like the use of green
solvents, can once again be used to replace those, making the extraction process more
efficient and more environmentally friendly.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.E.T.-C. and C.T.A.; literature data collection, B.E.T.-C.;
writing—original draft, B.E.T.-C.; writing—review and editing, B.E.T.-C. and C.T.A.; supervision,
C.T.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors acknowledge Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico—
Brazil (CNPq) (Grant no. 306482/2019-3), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de
Janeiro—Brazil (FAPERJ) (Grant no. E-26/010.000984/2019) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento
de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES), Finance Code 001.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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