Southern Lights by Flight Brochure 2022 - 0

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Southern Lights

by Flight
Witness the Aurora Australis
over the Southern Ocean
Punta Arenas
Punta Natales
El Calafate Torres del Paine



Aurora Australis Au r o r a l Z o n e

Join Chimu with expert astronomers and fly into the night, to witness WHAT TO EXPECT ON BOARD NEW ZEALAND

Book with Confidence

one of the world’s most magical natural phenomena.
Aboard our privately chartered aircraft, you will experience unparalleled
Take off onboard a Qantas Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, and we will viewing of the magical Aurora Australis. Enjoy Qantas service –
head south over the Southern Ocean towards Antarctica, aiming for including premium drinks, delicious meals, and access to a range of
latitudes of 62 degrees south where the Aurora Australis is brightest. Should government lockdown restrictions imposed due to
inflight entertainment.
COVID19 outbreaks prevent you from reaching the flight
We will take you far away from light pollution, high above the clouds departure point or prevent the flight departing altogether, The duration of the flight varies between 10-13 hours depending on
and weather systems to see a magical and unforgettable display with *This map is an example. Each flight route differs according to conditions.
you can choose from either of the following: departure airport and we’d typically hope to see a 3/4 of hours of
uninterrupted view of the southern lights. Along the way you will see Auroral activity over the course of the trip.
constellations, stars, and planets as you have never witnessed before. 1. Transfer to an alternative departure date
Viewing of the Aurora is an exciting experience, but it is important to S P E C I A L D E PA RT U R E
at no extra cost. Subject to availability.
Throughout the flight you will receive a full inflight catering service note that there is a difference between viewing the Aurora with the AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC FESTIVAL FLIGHT
in both business and economy classes. An expert astronomer will 2. Receive a full refund, excluding a $75 per person
naked eye versus what the camera captures. Striking images and
provide information en route about how an aurora is created, as well administration fee. Depart Melbourne and fly deep into the Southern Auroral zone to
videos of the Aurora that you may have seen are captured thanks to
as pointing out their favourite night sky objects. They will instruct you 3. A 100% travel credit to use when booking another witness the Southern lights before returning to Hobart in time to
the extreme sensitivity of modern digital cameras. To help guests we
on how to photograph an aurora and we will have a photographer Chimu Adventures product. enjoy the Australian Antarctic Festival. Here you can indulge in the
will have a professional photographer onboard who can assist you in
onboard to assist on how best to use your cameras. fascinating program of Science and discovery of the enigmatic
getting the best possible results. If you are an avid photographer or
White Continent.
At the Latitudes we are heading to, it doesn’t get properly dark astronomer, we highly recommend you choose a premium seat or
between October and March. That’s why The Aurora flights run book a full row in economy to guarantee window access throughout
between Autumn and Spring and we’ve chosen our flight times the duration of the flight.
carefully during this period. Guests should be aware that once in the Aurora zone the cabin lights
will be turned off to enable best viewing.

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What to expect Antarctic Festival
The single most important thing that you can do to maximise On the whole, older eyes are less sensitive to light perception in dim Come join us for this unique experience departing from Melbourne
your visual experience of the aurora is to allow your eyes to conditions. The result is that during the same display some people to witness the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) before touching AUSTRALIA
fully adjust to the darkness. will report seeing obvious colour while others will report seeing only down in Hobart to celebrate the biennial Australian Antarctic Festival.
I’m sure most of us have seen those beautiful colourful aurora grey. Even two people of similar age may report differences in colour This festival will take you on a journey of the worlds highest, driest,
perception during the same display. windiest and coldest continent and learn all about Australia’s role and Melbourne
images, and some of you may have wondered if the colours in these
pictures are in fact real, or are they just the product of over zealous The single most important thing that you can do to maximised your influence over this fascinating continent.
photoshopping. Well the answer is “yes”, the colours are indeed visual experience of the aurora is to allow your eyes to fully adjust to You will be met at Hobart airport by a Chimu representative and Hobart
very real, however it’s important to realise that modern cameras are the darkness. This ensures that the pupils are maximally dilated and transferred to your hotel in Hobart where your room will be available
significantly more sensitive to colour than the human eye. The human that the rods and cones are operating at peak sensitivity. It takes up to check in from 2pm.
perception is therefore always something a little less intense. to 20 minutes for the human eye to fully dark adapt. Even a glimpse THE HOBART INTERNATIONAL ANTARCTIC FESTIVAL
To understand how the eye perceives the colour of the aurora, it’s of bright light for just a few seconds will set your dark adaptation back An explosion of science, discovery and Antarctic expeditionary history,
useful to have a basic understanding of the structure and function of several minutes. This is why we completely darken the cabin of the the Australian Antarctic Festival celebrates the incredible work of
the eye. The retina (the layer of cells at the back of the eye that sense aircraft while in the auroral zone. If you want to take lots of photos, be the Australian Antarctic Community. Take a tour of the incredible
aware that this will invariably involve frequently looking at a relatively
and respond to light) contains two type of photo sensor cells, the
bright LCD view screen, and this will prevent your eyes from fully dark
Mawson’s Huts replica, a full scale model of the huts Sir Douglas SOUTHERN
“Rods” and the “Cones”. Rods are exceptionally sensitive to light, but Mawson used as his base of operations in Antarctica for over two OCEAN
they are relatively low resolution and only “see” in black and white. adapting. years. This unforgettable adventure will truly showcase the vital
The cones on the other hand can perceive full colour and are highly In over 20 years of auroral observing, I have concluded that it is not and often overlooked history and legacy of the Australian Antarctic ANTARCTICA
concentrated in the central retina producing high resolution central possible to capture the perfect photo and have the perfect visual program. Hobart serves as the incredible home of the Antarctic
colour perception, but they are less sensitive than rods so require a experience at the same time. I therefore encourage passengers to Festival. Combining picturesque waterways, rugged mountain
Package Priced from
brighter light source to be activated. So dim auroral displays which are give some thought about what they want to get out of the experience, scenery and captivating history, Hobart truly emulates the very spirit
and plan accordingly. of expeditionary history of the Festival itself. Southern Lights + Antarctic Festival 3 nights - $1,994
only capable of triggering the rods will only be perceived in black and
Southern Lights + Antarctic Festival + Bruny Ext 4 nights - $2,339
white - the aurora appears as a whitish or grey cloud of constantly If you do decide to take photos, it’s essential that you get to know Optional - Bruny Island Extension
per person twin share
changing light. Brighter displays have a greater chance of triggering your camera properly (practice using it in the dark before the flight), Enjoy a 2 hour wildlife cruise around the south coast of Bruny Island,
the cones and resulting in some colour perception. Even still, in all but and if possible turn off the LCD screen (or at least turn the brightness the last stop heading south before Antarctica. This wildlife cruise
the very extreme displays, colour will appear muted in comparison to down to minimum) beforehand. In the end we can’t absolutely offers an insight to what Antarctic travellers experience when they
the photos. guarantee what you will see, but with appropriate understanding and first arrive to the great white continent, with the possibility of sighting
Penguins, seals, Albatross, whales and other sea birds that frequent

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Providing optimal comfort and space

Providing optimal comfort and space for every passenger is at the Choose your seating options:
core of the Qantas Dreamliner design which features 236 seats - less
than most other aircraft of its type. PREMIUM BUSINESS CLASS
Cabin Crew will advise you when You will be required to tidy your Refer to your second boarding Crew will move through the
The aircraft is fitted with state-of-the-art technology to reduce BUSINESS CLASS
the seat swap process will own seat area prior to vacating pass for the location of your cabin to collect rubbish once
turbulence, improve noise quality and reduced aircraft vibrations for
PREMIUM ECONOMY CLASS commence. as follows: next seat. seat swap has been completed.
a smoother flight. Every seat has been designed to offer the ultimate
comfort for long-haul flyers. ECONOMY NO WING Seat swap process will occur by • Collect all rubbish from the You will need to take with you to Please remember face masks
cabin and by row number. seat back pocket and within the your next seat: are mandatory during the flight.
The windows on the Dreamliner are 65% larger than comparable ECONOMY CLASS WING seat area, placing in the white
Our team on board will assist in • Blanket Wipes will be provided by crew
aircraft windows, providing an increased sense of space and the bag provided
ECONOMY CLASS - LIMITED VIEW the seat swapping process. • Pillow during the flight.
opportunity for passengers to see more of the world.
• Wipe down tray table
• Headset
All seating classes will experience spectacular views • Wipe down seatbelt
• Your personal items will remain
and an unforgettable round-trip including: and buckle
in the original overhead locker
• Wipe down IFE screen
• Two full-service Qantas meals plus in-flight snacks
and control
• Celebrate your adventure with champagne, wine, beer, spirits,
• If in window seat, wipe down
and soft drinks as you enjoy a full bar service onboard.
window and shade
• Choose your viewing on the in seat
entertainment system.

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Reserved Empty seat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 20 21 22 23 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Admire wide views of the Aurora Enjoy the same wonderful seating Stretch out and relax in Qantas’s These economy seats have unobstructed These economy seats are over the wing. Limited View seats do not have direct
Australis in utmost comfort with full and service as Premium Business Class award-winning Premium Economy views from the windows. All economy This does obstruct views of the night access to a window. These passengers
international business class service in a customers. The difference is the seats cabin, with luxurious levels of space customers will enjoy a full meal service sky however many photographers like are given priority access to stand in the
Premium Business Class seats. The are situated over the wing. This does and attentive service. Seated in an the wing as it gives great perspective common areas to enjoy the views of
for dinner & breakfast. On the Dreamliner
windows in the Dreamliner are 65% slightly obstruct views of the night sky intimate and private cabin, you’ll in images and video. All economy Aurora Australis.
B787’s you’ll enjoy the next generation
larger than comparable aircraft however many photographers like enjoy the benefits of flying premium customers will enjoy a full meal service Passengers will enjoy Qantas’s
and award-winning Recaro seat, for dinner & breakfast.
windows. the wing as it gives great perspective with a well thought out seat design, International service. All economy
ergonomically designed for optimal As per the below diagram there will be a customers will enjoy a full meal service
in images and video. These seats will indulgent touches to make you feel
In Premium Business Class, you will undergo a swap as per the below at home plus a refreshed menu and comfort. Everything has been thought seat swap during the flight to give for dinner & breakfast as well as inflight
enjoy a super soft leather seat that diagram to ensure everyone gets ample an extensive wine list. All while you of to support your travel needs – everyone the opportunity to get entertainment.
transforms into a luxurious two-metre time in a window seat. enjoy magnificent views of the Southern mood lights, storage areas, inflight better views through the large windows.
lie-flat bed, with a memory foam Lights through large windows. entertainment and even a personal These seats do no rotate.
mattress, two full-size pillows and As per the below diagram there will be a electronic device shelf. Seat swap:
Seat swap:
a cosy duvet. The extensive storage seat swap during the flight to give As per the below diagram there will be a
space, wide range of seat adjustments everyone the opportunity to get seat swap during the flight to give A B C D F H J K
and in-seat massage options will suit A E F K better views through the large windows. everyone the opportunity to get
your personal needs. And all lie-flat better views through the large windows.
beds have direct aisle access. As per the
below seat swap diagram the window Seat swap: Seat swap:
and adjacent aisle seats will swap
throughout the flight to give everyone
ample time in the window seat. A B D E F J K A B C D F H J K

Seat swap:


8 Call 1300 818 634 | Call 1300 818 634 | 9
What is the probability of seeing an Aurora? What are the Aurora colours going to look like?
As we are in Nature’s hands we cannot guarantee a sighting, but there Depending on the activity on the night, most people will be able to
is an over 95% chance of encountering the stunning beauty of the see at least some Auroral activity. The depth and range of colours
Southern Lights in a magnificent, unforgettable display. that people can see sometimes vary from person to person. Modern
How long will we see the Aurora for? digital cameras have greater sensitivity and can capture more colours
As you will appreciate, the Aurora is a natural phenomenon, so this and greater contrast.
can never be guaranteed. However, on previous two charter flights, Are there any age Restrictions for the Flight?
passengers enjoyed 4 and 6 hours of viewing. There are no age restriction on the flights, although please be aware
How does the seat swap work? that there is no discounted pricing for children.
We will be doing a seat swap during the flight. As can be seen on the Please Note: this is a long flight for young children and we do not
Seat Swap diagram on the Seating Plan the aim is to give passengers recommend the trip for children aged 8 years and younger.
in the seating classes that will be doing a seat swap time in a window Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
seat or seat next to a window. Please Note the Economy Class – Can I use or redeem Qantas Frequent Flyer points or credits for
Limited View category will not be doing a seat swap. The helpful my flight?
Qantas staff onboard will be facilitating the seat swap and instructing As this is a chartered flight, they do not accumulate or accept frequent
on the cleaning regime required during the process. flyer points. Any credits held with Qantas can also not be used to
What if it is bad weather? purchase these flights.
SOUTHERN LIGHTS NIGHT FLIGHT As we fly above the clouds and the weather systems and due to the Can I access the Qantas Airport Lounge?
CITY & PREMIUM BUSINESS PREMIUM ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY great navigational ability of the Dreamliner sightings of the Aurora Yes, the Qantas Airport Lounges can be accessed for passengers
DEP DATE BUSINESS ECONOMY NO WING WING LIMITED VIEW should not be affected by weather. who hold the required loyalty status.
ADELAIDE Where will we fly? Can I reserve a particular seat?
From departure, we will head south aiming for latitudes of 62 degrees You can select a seating class but not a particular seat. The Seating
23 SEP 2022 $6,995 $6,395 $3,995 $2,495 $2,095 $1,295 south, our ultimate flight path will depend on where we find the allocation will be finalised close to departure taking into consideration
BRISBANE Aurora. all booking requirments.
24 MAR 2023 $7,695 $6,995 $4,495 $2,895 $2,395 $1,395 What time will we fly? Can I offset the carbon emissions from my flight?
SYDNEY To get the best Aurora’s we need to fly at night. This means that the As a member of Responsible Travel, Chimu Adventures have always
flights will depart mid evening and arrive home early the next morning. put measures in place to reduce our impact on the environment. We
24 SEP 2022 $6,995 $6,395 $3,995 $2,495 $2,095 $1,295
will be offsetting the carbon emissions of all the Southern Lights
17 MAR 2023 $6,995 $6,395 $3,995 $2,495 $2,095 $1,295 Flights.
25 AUG 2022 $6,995 $6,395 $3,995 $2,495 $2,095 $1,295
(MEL-Southern Lights-HBA-MEL)
18 MAR 2023 $6,995 $6,395 $3,995 $2,495 $2,095 $1,295
27 AUG 2022 $7,695 $6,995 $4,495 $2,895 $2,395 $1,395
We take the health and safety of our passengers and crew seriously during COVID 19. As such we will be undertaking these additional COVID
safety measures during your Aurora flight, in partnership with Qantas and airport authorities:
• To reduce congestion on board, not all seats in Economy Class will be utilised. This will allow more space for passengers.
AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC FESTIVAL FLIGHT - 25 AUGUST 2022 • Each passenger will receive a personal Qantas pack for the flight including disposable mask, sanitiser and disinfectant wipes.
DEPARTURE & PREMIUM BUSINESS PREMIUM ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY • There is enhanced cleaning of the aircraft with a disinfectant effective against coronaviruses including during the seat swap process. The
ARRIVAL CITY BUSINESS ECONOMY NO WING WING LIMITED VIEW aircraft’s air conditioning system is fitted with hospital-grade HEPA filters, which remove 99.9% of all particles, including viruses. Air inside
MELBOURNE-HOBART $6,995 $6,395 $3,995 $2,495 $2,095 $1,295 the cabin is refreshed every few minutes, ensuring high air quality.
(MEL-Southern Lights-HBA)
• Additional sanitisers will be available on board throughout the duration of the flight.
HOBART-HOBART $6,995 $6,395 $3,995 $2,495 $2,095 $1,295
(HBA-MEL-Southern Lights-HBA)

Pricing listed is $AU Per Person

10 Call 1300 818 634 |

Charter Manager Seat numbers Governing rule
Chimu Adventures Pty Ltd, 65 110 269 380, 01/308 Will not be confirmed in advance of the flight. They The charter proposal set out herein and the
Pacific Hwy, Crows Nest, NSW, 2065. will be issued on your boarding pass at the departure participants’ acceptance by completion of the
Charter airline airport. booking form creates an agreement between the
Qantas Airways Limited has been contracted as the Charter Manager and the participants. The booking
Your flight contract is with Chimu Adventures
operating Airline. However all bookings for this flight
must be made via the charter. Pty Ltd. We have made every effort to ensure that form forms part of this documentation.
photographs, pricing and all other services will be Special note: An Qantas 787 aircraft will
Deposit and final payments
as represented. Please note that we cannot be
A non‑refundable deposit per passenger is due at the operate all flights; however, other Qantas
time of booking equivalent to: responsible for the act or omissions of suppliers
aircraft may be substituted without notice.
1. Economy class seats AUD$500.00 per person or services, or for any representation made by
Frequent flyer points do not apply.
suppliers or third parties. The services are subject to
2. Premium Economy AUD$750.00 per person Depending on prevailing weather conditions the
the conditions imposed by the suppliers and their
3. Business class seats AUD$1000.00 per person routing and points of interest viewed may vary.
liability may be limited by their tariffs, conditions of
Final payment of your booking balance is required Alternative flight paths may enable viewing of
carriage, international conventions and agreements,
eight weeks prior to your departure date.
or customs of their businesses. Therefore, Chimu many spectacular points of interest but clear
Fares: views cannot be guaranteed.
Adventures Pty Ltd. cannot assume responsibility
All fares and charges are per person in Australian If flight booking numbers do not reach
for any claims, losses, damage, costs, or expenses
dollars, including GST.
of any nature arising out of injury; accident; or death, minimum numbers then the flight may be
Cancellation fees
loss of, damage to, or delay in connection with cancelled prior to departure date and if this were
Should government lockdown restrictions imposed
baggage or other property; delay; inconvenience; to occur we’d provide a full refund but will not be
due to COVID19 outbreaks prevent you from reaching
the flight departure point or prevent the flight upset; disappointment; stress; frustration; or loss of responsible for any additional indirect costs. Passport
departing altogether, you can choose from either of employment or loss of holiday time resulting from: identification is NOT required upon check-in.
the following: As this is classed as a domestic charter flight,
1. The act or fault or omission of any party other than
1. Transfer to an alternative departure date at no extra Chimu Adventures Pty Ltd. or its employees. a valid photo identification card such as a drivers
cost. Subject to availability. licence is required upon check in.
2. The passenger’s failure to obtain related
2. Receive a full refund, excluding $75 per person Photos/videos Photographs or videos of the
administration fee. documentation.
flight may be used for promotional purposes.
3. A 100% travel credit to use when booking other The passenger will not be entitled to any refund if
Agreeing to these terms online and acceptance
Chimu Adventures product. the passenger fails to follow the instruction of Chimu
of the documents indicates your acceptance
If you cancel, the following fees will apply; Adventures Pty Ltd or its representatives.
and release for this material to be used for
1. Between confirmation and eight weeks prior to We reserve the right to alter or cancel any services you
departure – full loss of deposit. promotional and/or resale purposes.
have purchased and inclusions may vary depending
2. Between eight weeks and four weeks prior to Airline levy Airline fuel and/or security levies may
on weather, or other uncertainties, and are subject to
departure – full refund less 50% cancellation fee. apply.
change. The photographs appearing in this brochure
3. Between four weeks and departure date – no Chimu Adventures COVID-19
are representational only and are not a guarantee that
refund Vaccination information
everything will be exactly as depicted at the location
Travel insurance is strongly recommended.
upon arrival. Whilst every endeavour will be made to Safety of everyone in our travelling community is our
adhere to the proposed route, weather conditions priority.
Your ticket can be transferred to another person up
may determine the actual route, according to the
to 48 hours prior to departure. An AUD$150 name For all travellers on all Chimu Adventures’ scenic
absolute discretion of the Captain of the aircraft. No
change service fee per change will apply. This same flights, we recommend at least a double dose of
service fee will apply for change of class. guarantee can be given of clear viewing conditions
a reputable COVID-19 vaccination and time for
Travel documents and no refund or part refund will be made if the views
immunity to take effect, prior to departure.
Trip information and travel documents will be are fully or partially obscured. Alternative routes will be
forwarded to you approximately 10 days prior to travel, selected to give the best viewing if the planned route
providing full payment has been received. has unfavourable weather conditions.

Your travel agent:

Call 1300 818 634

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