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Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (Eds.

Big Data Security
De Gruyter Frontiers in
Computational Intelligence

Edited by Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

Volume 3
Already published in the series

Volume 2: Intelligent Multimedia Data Analysis

S. Bhattacharyya, I. Pan, A. Das, S. Gupta (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-11-055031-3, e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-055207-2,
e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-055033-7

Volume 1: Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis

S. Bhattacharyya, H. Baumik, A. Mukherjee, S. De (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-11-055032-0, e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-055143-3,
e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-055077-1
Big Data Security

Edited by Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee,

Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
An electronic version of this book is freely available, thanks to the support of libra-
ries working with Knowledge Unlatched. KU is a collaborative initiative designed to
make high quality books Open Access. More information about the initiative can be
found at

Dr. Shibakali Gupta
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University Institute of Technology
The University of Burdwan
Golapbag North
713104 Burdwan, West Bengal, India
[email protected]

Dr. Indradip Banerjee

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University Institute of Technology
The University of Burdwan
Golapbag North
713104 Burdwan, West Bengal, India
[email protected]

Prof. (Dr.) Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

RCC Institute of Information Technology
Canal South Road, Beliaghata
700 015 Kolkata, India
[email protected]

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License,
as of February 23, 2017. For details go to

ISBN 978-3-11-060588-4
e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-060605-8
e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-060596-9
ISSN 2512-8868

Library of Congress Control Number: 2019944392

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© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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Cover image: shulz/E+/getty images
Dr. Shibakali Gupta would like to dedicate this book to his daughter, wife & parents.
Dr. Indradip Banerjee would like to dedicate this book to his son, wife & parents.
Prof. (Dr.) Siddhartha Bhattacharyya would like to dedicate this book to his parents
Late Ajit Kumar Bhattacharyya and Late Hashi Bhattacharyya, his beloved wife
Rashni, and his youngest sister’s parents-in-laws Late Anil Banerjee and Late
Sandhya Banerjee.
With the advent of a range of data-driven avenues and explosion of data, research
in the field of big data has become an important thoroughfare. Big data produces
exceptional amounts of data points, which give greater insights that determine sen-
sational research, better business decisions, and greater value for customers. To ac-
complish these endings, establishments need to be able to handle the data while
including measures for using sensitive private information efficiently and quickly,
and thus the implementation of security issue creates a vigorous role. End-point de-
vices create the main factors for observance of the big data. Processing, storage,
and other necessary responsibilities have to be performed with the help of input
data, which is generated by the end-points. Therefore, an association should make
sure to use an authentic and valid end-point security. Due to large amounts of data
generation, it is quite impossible to maintain regular checks by most of the estab-
lishments. Therefore, periodic observation and performing security checks can be
utmost promising in real time. On the other hand, cloud-based storage has enabled
data mining and collection. However, this big data and cloud storage incorporation
have introduced concerns for data secrecy and security threats.
This volume intends to deliberate some of the latest research findings regarding
the security issues and mechanisms for big data. The volume comprises seven well-
versed chapters on the subject.
The introductory chapter provides a brief and concise overview of the subject
matter with reference to the characteristics of big data, the inherent security con-
cerns, and mechanisms for ensuring data integrity.
Chapter 2 deals with the motivation for this research that came from lack of
practical applications of block chain technology, its history, and the principle of
how it functions within the digital identity and importance of EDU certificate trans-
parency and challenges in their sharing. In the theoretical part of the chapter, a
comparison of the “classical” identity and digital identity is set out, which is de-
scribed through examples of personal identity cards and e-citizen systems. Then,
following the introduction into block chain technology and describing the method
of achieving consensus and transaction logging, the principle of smart contracts is
described, which provide the ability to enter code or even complete applications
and put them into block chains, enabling automation of a multitude of processes.
The chapter also explains common platforms through examples that are described
as business models that use block chain as a platform for developing their pro-
cesses based on digital identity.
Chapter 3 describes the anomaly detection procedure in cloud database metric.
Each and every big data source or big database needs a security metric monitoring.
The monitoring software collects various metrics with the help of custom codes,
plugging, and so on. The chapter describes the approach of modifying the normal
metric thresholding to anomaly detection.
VIII Preface

With the tangible and exponential growth of big data in various sectors,
every day-to-day activities like websites traversed, locations visited, movie timings,
and others were stowed by various companies such as Google through Android cell
phone. Even bank details are accessible by Google. In such situations, wherein a
person’s identity can be mentioned almost completely by just a small number of
datasets, the security of those datasets is of huge importance especially in terms of
situations where human manipulations are involved. Using social engineering to re-
trieve few sensitive information could lead to completely rip off a person’s identity
and his/her personal life. Chapter 4 deals with similar facts, that is, social engineer-
ing angle of hacking for big data along with other hacking methodologies that can
be used for big data and how to secure the systems from the same. This chapter
helps the users to visualize major vulnerabilities in data warehousing systems for
big data along with an insight of major such hacking in recent past, which lead to
disclosure of major private and sensitive data of millions of people.
Chapter 5 describes the information hiding technique as well as consumptions
of this one in big data. Global communication has no bounds and more information
is being exchanged over the public medium that serves an important role in the
communication mode. The rapid growth in the usage of sensitive information ex-
change through the Internet or any public platform causes a major security concern
in these days. More essentially, digital data has given an easy access to communica-
tion of its contents that can also be copied without any kind of degradation or loss.
Therefore, the urgency of security during global communication is obviously quite
tangible nowadays.
Some of the big data security Issues have been discussed in Chapter 6 with
some solution mechanisms. Big data is a collection of huge sets of data of different
categories, where it could be distinguished as structured and unstructured ways. As
are revolutionizing to zeta bytes from Giga/Tera/Peta/Exabytes in this phase of
computing, the threats have also increased in parallel. Big data analysis is flattering
essential means for automatic determination of astuteness that is concerned in the
recurrently stirring outline and secreted convention. This can facilitate companies
to obtain an improved resolution, to envisage and recognize revolution, and to cate-
gorize new fangled prospects. Dissimilar procedure in support of big data analysis
as well as numerical analysis, batch processing, machine learning, data mining, in-
telligent investigation, cloud computing, quantum computing, and data stream pre-
paring become possibly the most important factor.
Chapter 7 summarizes the main contributions and findings of the previously
discussed chapters and offers future research directions. A conclusion has also
been derived out on possible scope of extension or future direction. In this book,
several security issues have been addressed in big data domain.
The book is targeted to meet the academic and research interests of the big
data community. It would come to use to students and faculty members involved
in the disciplines of computer science, information science, and communication
Preface IX

engineering. The editors would be more than happy if the readers find it useful in
exploring further ideas in this direction.

Shibakali Gupta
October 2019 Indradip Banerjee
Kolkata, India Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Preface VII

List of Contributors XIII

Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

1 Introduction 1

Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

2 Digital identity protection using blockchain for academic qualification
certificates 9

Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta

3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 25

Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 47

Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

5 Steganography, the widely used name for data hiding 75

Santanu Koley
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 95

Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

7 Conclusions 143
List of Contributors
Ayan Mukherjee Santanu Koley
Cognizant, Kolkata, India Department of Computer Science and
[email protected] Engineering
Budge Budge Institute of Technology,
Goran Fijacko Kolkata, India
Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia [email protected]
[email protected]
Shibakali Gupta
Goutam Sanyal Department of Computer Science &
National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, Engineering
India University Institute of Technology,
[email protected] The University of Burdwan
Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Indradip Banerjee [email protected]
Department of Computer Science &
Engineering Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
University Institute of Technology, RCC Institute of Information Technology,
The University of Burdwan Kolkata, India
Burdwan, West Bengal, India [email protected]
[email protected]
Souvik Chowdhury
Leo Mrsic Oracle India, Bangalore, India
Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia [email protected]
[email protected]
Srilekha Mukherjee
Mislav Balkovic National Institute of Technology, Durgapur,
Algebra University College, Zagreb, Croatia India
[email protected] [email protected]
Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
1 Introduction
Security is one of the leading accomplishment of awareness in information technol-
ogy and communication system. In the contemporary communication epoch, digital
channels are used to communicate hypermedia content, which governs the field of
arts, entertainment, education, commerce, research, and so on. The users of the
field of the digital media technology are increasing massively, and they realized
that data on web is an extremely important aspect of modern life.
Devising discoursed certain security issues, there exist some chief principles.
Privacy principles specify that only sender and the receiver have a duty to be able
to access the message from the web. No other unsanctioned creature can access
this one. Authentication apparatuses help to launch the proof of identity. The au-
thentication confirms that the origin of a digital message is correctly recognized.
When the content of the message is altered after directing by the sender and be-
fore obtaining by the receiver, the uprightness of the message is lost. Access con-
trol regulates who should be able to admit the system and what. It has two areas:
role and rule management.
The digital data content includes audio, video, and image media, which can be
easily stored and manipulated. The superficial transmission and manipulation of dig-
ital content constitute an authentic threat to multimedia content engenderers and
Big data is a term that is used to explain datasets that are enormous in size
against normal database. Big data is becoming more and more popular each day. Big
data generally consists of unstructured, semistructured, or structured datasets. Some
algorithms as well as tools are used to process these data within the reasonable finite
amount of time, but the main prominence is known on the unstructured data [1].
The characteristics of big data mainly depend on 4Vs (volume, velocity, variety,
veracity) [2, 3]. Volume is a key characteristic of big data, which decides whether the
information is a normal dataset or not, the size of raw data or the data generated is
important because the time complexity, specifications cost which depend on it.
Velocity is the speed with a direction, which means the throughput or the speed of
the data processed. How fast the information can be generated in real time is to meet
the requirements. Variety is important in this literature because it stands for the qual-
ity and the type of data required in order to process it successfully. Data can be text,
audio, video, image, and so on. The quality of data on which the processing will be
done is vital, because if the information is corrupted or stolen then anybody can’t
expect accurate result from it.
2 Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

To resolve these potential threats, the awareness of “Information Hiding” has

been weighed [4, 5]. The idiom Information Hiding is discussed to construct the in-
formation undetectable as well as keeping the survival of the information secret.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary [6], the implication of information is the
“formation or molding of the mind or character, training, instruction, teaching.”
This word is originated in the fourteenth century for English and some other
European languages. The theories of cryptography [7] and watermarking [8] were
also developed after the birth of the information concept. But elevating computa-
tional supremacy of those has been developed with the generation of modern-day
cryptographic and watermarking algorithms.
The word “Security” is not identically synonymous what it was in 10 years back,
because the research in capsizal engineering techniques has incremented the proc-
essing power and the most important race between the study in cryptanalysis [9] and
watermarking detection [10]. To solve the above specified problems, the concepts of
steganography [11] has been proposed by the researchers. Steganography diverges
from cryptography. Cryptography refers to a secure communication, which trans-
mutes the data into a concrete form and for that reason an eavesdropper can’t under-
stand it. Steganography techniques can endeavor to obnubilate the subsistence of
the message itself, so that an observer or eavesdropper does not know that the infor-
mation is present or not.
The term big data is used for large and complex dataset, which systematically
analyzes and processes data easily with a lesser amount of time ensemble. The key
responsibility of big data is data capturing and storage, searching of data through
several behaviors, sharing and transfer of information, data analysis, querying like
visualization, updating, and so on. Thus the security of information is very much
important in this terminology. From these points of view, the big data security is
very challenging in this literature.
In the last few decades, researchers, engineers, and scientists have developed
new models, techniques, and algorithms for the generation of robust security system
and better analysis principle. Nowadays, the researchers used different methodologies
for achieving better performance as well as improving the privacy of the hidden infor-
mation. This book investigates the current state-of-the-art big data security systems.
There are different types of information in today’s world, which are in the form
of Text information, Digital Image or Video Frames related information and infor-
mation of Audio signal additionally. This book aims at contributing toward the un-
derstanding of big data security in the form of Text and Digital Images through
various security principles which addresses both the theoretical parts and practical
observations. In this book, a throughout mathematical restorative has been carried
out for achieving better security models.
The book has been organized into eight chapters. Following is a brief descrip-
tion of each chapter:
1 Introduction 3

Chapter 2: Digital identity protection using

blockchain for academic qualification certificates
This chapter deals with the motivation for this research came from lack of practical
applications of block chain technology, its history, and the principle of how it func-
tions within the digital identity and importance of EDU certificate transparency and
challenges in their sharing. In the theoretical part of the chapter, a comparison of the
“classical” identity and digital identity is set out, which is described through exam-
ples of personal identity cards and e-citizen systems. Then, following the introduc-
tion into block chain technology and describing the method of achieving consensus
and transaction logging, the principle of smart contracts is described, which provides
the ability to enter code or even complete applications and put them into block
chains, enabling automation of a multitude of processes. This chapter explains com-
mon platforms through examples describing business models that use block chain as
a platform for developing their processes based on digital identity. Also, traditional
models with those based on smart deals have been compared. Through examples of
cancelation or delays in air travel, voting, music industry, and tracking of personal
health records, it was established that how existing models are actually sluggish, in-
effective, and prone to manipulation, and through examples of block chain imple-
mentation, they showed that these systems functioned faster, more transparent, and
most importantly, safer. The application of technology in several industries, from the
Fintech industry to the insurance and real estate industry, is also described in this
chapter. Concepts and test solutions are described, which are slowly implemented in
the production phase and show excellent results. For this reason, we believe that sim-
ilar solutions will implement increasing adoption of block chain technology globally.
In the last, practical part of the chapter, a survey of existing solutions that offer crea-
tion of its own block chain and a multichain platform was selected. By having easy to
apply and understand guidelines, it is easier for wider audience to accept and use/
reuse sometimes complex digital concepts as part of their solutions and business

Chapter 3: Anomaly detection in cloud big database

This chapter describes the anomaly detection procedure in cloud database metric.
Each and every big data source or big database needs a security metric monitoring.
The monitoring software collects various metrics with the help of custom codes,
plugging, and so on. The chapter describes the approach of modifying the normal
metric thresholding to anomaly detection. In this concept, system administration
4 Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

possesses a common problem to deal with some intelligent alarm method, which
can produce predictive warnings, that is, the system can detect any anomalies or
problems before it occurs. The novel concept detects all the anomalies by analyzing
previous metric data continuously. The chapter also deals with the power exponen-
tial moving average and exponential moving standard deviation method to produce
an effective solution. The work has been tested on CPU utilization and memory uti-
lization of big database servers, which reflects the real-time quality of the solution.

Chapter 4: Use of big data in hacking and social

With the tangible and exponential growth of big data in various sectors, every day-to-
day activities like websites traversed, locations visited, movie timings, and so on were
stowed by various companies such as Google through Android cell phone. Even bank
details are accessible by Google.
In such situation, wherein a person’s identity can be mentioned almost completely
by just few datasets, the security of those datasets is of huge importance especially in
terms of situations where human manipulations are involved. Using social engineering
to retrieve few sensitive information could lead to completely rip off a person’s identity
and his personal life.
This chapter deals with similar facts, that is, social engineering angle of hack-
ing for big data along with other hacking methodologies that can be used for big
data and how to secure the systems from the same. This chapter helps users to visu-
alize major vulnerabilities in data warehousing systems for big data along with an
insight of such major hacking in recent past, which lead to disclosure of major pri-
vate and sensitive data of millions of people. The insight provided in this chapter
will help single users and corporates to visualize how their data are at stake and
what precautions they can take to secure them, let it be phishing type of social en-
gineering attack or Scareware type of attacks.

Chapter 5: Steganography, the widely used name

for data hiding
This chapter describes the information hiding technique as well as consumptions of
this one in big data. Global communication has no bounds and more information is
being exchanged over the public medium, which serves an important role in the
communication mode. The rapid growth in the usage of sensitive information ex-
change through the Internet or any public platform causes a major security concern
1 Introduction 5

these days. More essentially, digital data has given an easy access to communica-
tion of its content that can also be copied without any kind of degradation or loss.
Therefore, the urgency of security during global communication is obviously quite
tangible nowadays. Without the communication medium, the field of technology
seems to downfall. But appallingly, these communications often turn out to be fatal
in terms of preserving the sensitivity of vulnerable data. Unwanted sources hamper
the privacy of the communication and may even annoyance with such data. The
importance of security is thus gradually increasing in terms of all aspects of protect-
ing the privacy of sensitive data. Various concepts of data hiding are hence into
much progress. Cryptography is one such concept, the others being watermarking,
and so on. But to protect the complete data content with some seamlessness, this
chapter incorporates concepts of steganography. The realm of steganography rati-
fies the stated fact to safeguard the privacy of data. Unlike cryptography, steganog-
raphy brings forth various techniques that strive to hide the existence of any
hidden information along with keeping it encrypted. On the other hand, any appar-
ently visible encrypted information is definitely more likely to captivate the interest
of some hackers and crackers. Therefore, precisely saying, cryptography is a prac-
tice of shielding the very contents of the cryptic messages alone. On the other hand,
steganography is seriously bothered with camouflaging the fact that some confiden-
tial information is being sent, along with concealing the very contents of the mes-
sage. Hence, the data hiding in the seemingly unimportant cover medium is
perpetuated. The field of big data is quite into fame these days as they deal with
complex and large datasets. Steganographic methodologies may be used for the
purpose of enhancing security of big data since they also find ways of doing so.

Chapter 6: Big data security issues with challenges

and solutions
Some of the big data security issues have been discussed in this chapter with some
solution mechanism. Big data is a collection of huge sets of data of different catego-
ries, where it could be distinguished as structured and unstructured ways. As are rev-
olutionizing to zeta bytes from Giga/Tera/Peta/Exabytes in this phase of computing,
the threats have also increased in parallel. Big data analysis is flattering essential
means for automatic determination of astuteness that is concerned in the recurrently
stirring outline and secreted convention. This can facilitate companies to obtain an
improved resolution, to envisage and recognize revolutionize, and to categorize new-
fangled prospects. Dissimilar procedure in support of big data analysis as well as
numerical analysis, batch processing, machine learning, data mining, intelligent in-
vestigation, cloud computing, quantum computing, and data stream preparing be-
come possibly the most important factor. There is a gigantic open door for the big
6 Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

data industry in addition to plenty of possibilities for research and enhancement.

Besides big organizations, cost reduction is the criterion for the use of small- and me-
dium-sized organizations too, thus increasing the security threat. Checking of the
streaming data once is not the solution as security breaches cannot be understood.
The data stack up within the clouds is not the only preference as big data technology
is available for dispensation of both structured and unstructured data. Nowadays an
enormous quantity of data is provoked by mobile phones (Smartphone) of equally
the symphony form. Big data architecture is comprehend among the mobile cloud de-
signed for supreme consumption by means. The best ever implementation is able to
be conked out realistic for the use of a novel data-centric architecture of MapReduce
technology, while HDFS also acts immense liability in using data with divergent ar-
rangement. As time approaches the level of information and data engendered from
different sources, enhanced and faster execution is the claim for the same. Here in
this chapter the aim is to find out big data security vulnerable and also find out the
best possible solutions for them. Considering this attempt will dislodge a stride for-
ward along the way to an improved evolution in secure propinquity to opportunity.

Chapter 7: Conclusions
This chapter summarizes the main contributions and findings of the previously dis-
cussed chapters and offers future research directions. A conclusion has also been
derived out on the possible scope of extension or future direction. In this book, sev-
eral security issues have been addressed in big data domain. The book covers a
wide area of big data security as well as steganography and points to a fairly large
number of ideas, where the concepts of this book may be improvised. Design of nu-
merous big data security concept through steganography has been discussed,
which can meet different requirements like robustness, security, embedding capac-
ity, and imperceptibility. Experimental studies are carried out to compare the per-
formance of these developments. The comparative study of each method along with
the existing method is also established.

[1] Snijders, C., Matzat, U., & Reips, U.-D. “‘Big Data’: Big gaps of knowledge in the field of
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[2] Martin, Hilbert. “Big Data for Development: A Review of Promises and Challenges.
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Survey and analysis of current methods Signal Processing 90, 2010,pp. 727–752.
1 Introduction 7

[5] Capurro, Rafael., & Hjørland, Birger. (2003). The concept of information. Annual review of
information science and technology (s. 343–411). Medford, N.J.: Information Today. A version
retrieved November 6, 2011.
[6] Anthony Reading. Meaningful Information: The Bridge Between Biology, Brain, and Behavior.
Originally published: January 1, 2011.
[7] Liu, Shuiyin., Hong, Yi., & Viterbo, E. “Unshared secret key cryptography”. IEEE Transactions
on Wireless Communications, 2014, 13(12), 6670–6683.
[8] Hsu, Fu-Hau., Min-Hao, Wu., & WANG, Shiuh-Jeng., “Dual-watermarking by QR-code
Applications in Image Processing”, 2012 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous
Intelligence and Computing and 9th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted
[9] Kaminsky, A., Kurdziel, M., & Radziszowski, S.”An overview of cryptanalysis research for the
advanced encryption standard”, Military Communications Conference, 2010 – MILCOM 2010,
San Jose, CA, Oct.31 2010-Nov.3 2010, 1310–1316, ISSN: 2155-7578
[10] Bian, Yong., & Liang, S. “Locally optimal detection of image watermarks in the wavelet
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(6), 2372–2384.
[11] EL-Emam, N.N. “Hiding a large amount of data with high security using steganography
algorithm,” Journal of Computer Science, 3(4), 223–232, April 2007.
Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic
2 Digital identity protection using
blockchain for academic qualification
Abstract: Although it was always an important issue, digital era increases the im-
portance of both questions “what identity is” and “why is important to manage and
protect one.” There are many views and definitions of digital identity in the litera-
ture; however, this chapter explains the identity related to the identification of an
individual, his/her qualification, and his/her status in society. Using modern ap-
proach, this chapter focuses on the academic qualification of an individual where
blockchain is presented as an efficient concept for publishing, storing, and verify-
ing educational certificates/diplomas. Motivation for this research came from lack
of practical applications of blockchain and importance of EDU certificate transpar-
ency and challenges in their sharing (policy issues, national standard, etc.). By hav-
ing easy to apply and understand guidelines, it is easier for wider audience to
accept and use/reuse sometimes complex digital concepts as part of their solutions
and business processes. As part of institution research lab, explained approach and
proof of concept solution was developed in Algebra University College.

Keywords: digital identity, blockchain, smart contracts, academic qualification cer-

tificates, certificate Mrsic, Fijacko and Balkovic

2.1 Introduction
If we talk about a classical identity of an individual, we can think of personal identity
card, a birth certificate, a driving license but also a university certificate/diploma or
other EDU certificate. In terms of the digital identity of an individual, we can talk about
an e-personal ID card, e-birth certificate, e-homepages, e-driver’s license or e-diplomas
[1]. The e-name tag is electronic, which means these documents also have a digital
component. This digital component can be, for example, an electronic data carrier
(chip) that stores certain data or certificates that are readily uploaded to the computer
by a reader if needed. The data being displayed are centralized and are guaranteed by
and responsible to the institution issuing them, where the data is stored [2].
Digital identity does not necessarily have to be a physical document or docu-
ment [3]. It also includes our email addresses as well as various user accounts and

Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic, Algebra University College, Croatia, Europe.
10 Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

profiles on the Internet, such as an eCitizen account, Facebook profile, and email
(Figure 2.1).


1 3 5

7 Identity
Credentials PEP PDP store

2 Y/N

Authentification Security
server policy

Figure 2.1: Authentication process (adopted from Phil Windley, Digital identity, p. 37).

Blockchain is one of the disruptive technologies that are often called technology,
which will change the world and enable a new revolution. Blockchain represents a
decentralized database that is publicly available to everyone via the Internet. Take
for example databases and registers owned by the state and its institutions such as
ministries, banks, and mobile operators, and all listed registers and data are pub-
lished publicly by placing them in the blockchain. It allows us to access all data
concerning our own, with authorization and access to the Internet. Likewise, we
can present the same information to the other side as soon as we need to prove
their identity, valid information or some information.

2.2 Smart contracts

With the help of smart contracts in the blockchain you can enter a program code or
even entire applications. Smart deals define the relationships and behavior of two or
more sides in the blockchain that have some cryptocurrency or some other information
2 Digital identity protection using blockchain for academic qualification certificates 11

or value. With this type of blockchain technology, there is a possibility that in the fu-
ture there will be no standard services of attorneys, commercial courts, public notaries,
and the like. A good part of the services they currently offer is likely to be easily re-
placed by smart deals because the relationship between the users and the providers of
the above-mentioned services can be precisely defined through the code and entered
into smart deals that are later realized by meeting all the conditions within the transac-
tion. Realization of the services is automated and extremely fast, which in today’s form
is not. The use of smart deals allows the exclusion of a whole range of mediators in
different processes and thus enables faster and easier to perform activities, private,
and more importantly, business. They can be used, for example, in the following:
– Under insurance: If authorized agents in the blockchain register that the con-
ditions for the payment of the insurance are met, the payment will be automati-
cally made.
– Medical insurance: If a doctor finds that a patient is ill and unable to complete
his/her business obligations, blockchain inserts that information, and the pa-
tient automatically starts to pay the sickness benefit.
– Pension insurance: If an authorized person or a state body certifies that a per-
son has fulfilled the retirement conditions, a person will automatically be paid a
– Audio and video industry: If a user pays for viewing or listening to a certain ma-
terial, he/she automatically gets access to and rights to the purchased material.
– Gambling industry: The user who makes a bet is paid into the account of a
smart contract. After the event is complete, the authorized party registers the
data on the winner in the blockchain and those who successfully hit the results
automatically receive payments.

2.3 Digital identity protection

Identity is very valuable to us, and not to institutions; we are not behaving accord-
ingly [4]. The lack of awareness and education about importance of identity protec-
tion in digital world, powered with centralization of databases that store data about
identities in general, represents unavoidable weakening trend that undermine the
systematic value of our personal data. Centralized systems are a good booty for at-
tackers with bad intentions because, if they break into the system, they can easily
steal (copy) large amounts of data stored in that system. We have witnessed a lot of
attacks on centralized systems, not small business systems, but big and globally in-
fluential companies such as Yahoo, eBay, Adobe, JP Morgan Chase and Sony.
Blockchain technology offers the solution to this problem that is becoming
more and more constant due to constant needs, increased demand, and the use of
digital identity. But, as we mentioned earlier, this is a new technology and is just in
12 Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

the early stages of the project and we are still investigating all the possibilities and
the application of this technology [5].
With the need to prove our identity, we meet each day and in different places:
at work, in a bank, in a shop, in travel, in state institutions, and in many different
places [6].
Currently, there are many new and prospective projects and young companies
dealing with this problem and are trying to find their place in the market. In this part,
we will mention some of them and more specifically explain their business models.

2.3.1 Civic

Civic is a company that develops an identification system that allows users to selec-
tively share identifying information with companies. Their platform has a mobile
application, where users enter their personal information and then store them in
encrypted format. The company’s goal is to establish partnerships with state gov-
ernments and banks, that is, all those who can validate user identity data, and then
leave a verification stamp in blockchain. The system encrypts the hash of all veri-
fied data and stores it in the blockchain and deletes all personal information of the
user from their own servers.
As the company has written in its White Paper, the Civic Ecosystem is designed to
encourage the participation of trusted authentication bodies called “validators.”
“Validators” can be the aforementioned state governments, banks, various financial in-
stitutions, and others. As Civic currently validates user identity information through its
application, “validators” have the ability to verify the identity of an individual or a
company that is “user” of the application. They then affix the certificate and place it in
a blockchain in the form of a record known as attestation. This “verification” is actually
a user’s hash of personal information. Parties known as ’service providers wanting to
verify the same user identity data should no longer be able to independently verify that
information but rather use the verified information valid for those validators of that in-
formation. The goal is to remain a “ruler” of your identity and to have full control over
personal information so that it must give prior consent to each transaction of informa-
tion about its identity between the validator and the service provider. By smart deals,
validators have the ability to sell their approvals to service providers, but also to service
providers to see at what prices different validators offer their approvals. Each validator
can declare the price it is willing to sell personal user information. After the user, vali-
dator and provider confirm the transactions through the smart deal system, the service
provider pays the validator the required amount in the form of CVC tokens (utility to-
kens that support decentralized identity ecosystem supported by Civic’s model which
allow on-demand, secure and lower cost access to identity verification via blockchain).
After that, a clever contract will allocate CVC tokens and the user will get their share of
the participation. The user can use their tokens to purchase products and services on
2 Digital identity protection using blockchain for academic qualification certificates 13

the Civic platform. As we mentioned, the user is the one who is responsible for their
data and stores them on some of their personal devices using the Civic app, and it is
also recommended to back up a personal account on the cloud system. Since user iden-
tity data is not centralized, that is, not on Civic servers, there is no possibility of mas-
sive identity theft since the data of each user is actually on their devices and that data
will be stolen, so it is necessary to break it into each device separately. This information
largely helps to suppress the black market for personal information, for example, Black
credit card market is quite widespread because transactions can only be done by know-
ing these data without the knowledge of the user. If a credit card number needs to go
through the blockchain mechanism of proofing where the user’s consent for each
transaction should be, then the black market of such data slowly loses its meaning and
value (Figure 2.2) [7].

Service Service
provider provider
Provides validation
of identity data

Signs up for
service, providing Provides identity
identity information for validation

Introduces new
user to the platform


Figure 2.2: Civic concept.

2.3.2 HYPR

HYPR is a young company, founded in 2014. Their business model is based on merging
biometric identification methods and blockchain technology. Biometric identification
can replace a classic identification with a username and password, which is faster and
14 Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

safer. Biometrics can recognize different parts of the human body such as palm geom-
etry, fingerprint, eye iris, scent, face, and many long physiological elements unique to
the individual. Biometrics is a very good way of verifying an individual’s identity be-
cause it is very difficult or impossible to forge it.
HYPR therefore offers a password-free authentication platform with biometric en-
cryption. The company does not deal with the development and production of identi-
fication devices, but develops a distributed security system. As mentioned earlier,
every digital data can be used to insert some of the cryptographic algorithms and get
their hash. This hash can be used to validate these digital data without the need for a
validator to have a copy of that data. For example, we read our finger on a fingerprint
reader on a mobile phone, and a company that has access to the hash of our finger-
print in digital form can confirm our identity, without the possibility of being false as
we do. Digital print is just a part of the offering that is offered. HYPR supports many
types of biometric data, from simple authentication algorithms to face and speech al-
gorithms to much more complex algorithms such as keyboard typing, rhythm writing
on mobile devices, or the way we walk. With blockchain and data decentralization,
authentication becomes much faster and simpler. Each user is responsible for their
biometric data, such as on his mobile device. This avoids massive data theft, while
individual theft may still be possible if the user is not careful enough to protect their
data and devices. Such a system based on blockchain technology is resistant to de-
nial of service (DoS), which is a better centralized system. DoS attacks are attacks on
some computer service in order to disable its use. In this case, instead of attacking a
single server used to authenticate data, DoS attackers should identify and attack all
blockchain nodes in that system. The company emphasizes that protecting against
DoS attacks is equally important and the interoperability of business processes.
There is currently no possibility of authentication between two different corporate en-
tities such as a bank and an insurance company. Each company has a different iden-
tity database and they are not interoperable. Using blockchain technology, we can
have an interoperable distributed mainstream identity book between multiple entities
without the need for complex and expensive infrastructure. Thus, the insurance com-
pany can prove our identity to the bank through biometric data [8–10].

2.3.3 Blockverify

The problem of proof of identity does not only appear in people. It may also be pres-
ent in various products such as medicines, luxury products, diamonds, electronics,
music, and software. These products are often counterfeit, causing damage to man-
ufacturers in billions of dollars.
People behind the Blockverify project want to reduce the number of counterfeit
products on the market by preventing duplicate appearances. Different companies
2 Digital identity protection using blockchain for academic qualification certificates 15

from different industries can register and track their products using Blockverify and
blockchain technology.
The company believes that improvement in counterfeit products can only be
achieved by using decentralized, scalable, and safe solution attacks. Blockverify
has its own private blockchain, but it also uses Bitcoin’s blockchain to record im-
portant changes in its chain. Their chain is highly scalable and transparent so that
each manufactured product can enter into it as an asset. After that, each of these
assets will be added to the blockchain and assigned a unique hash. Anyone with
that hash can access blockchain and check whether the product is valid or not. The
primary goal of the company is to address the problem of counterfeit medicines,
which is first on the scale of counterfeit products, but also one of the more danger-
ous counterfeit products because it directly affects people’s health and causes mil-
lions of deaths per year. Another problem that a company wants to solve is the
problem of verification of ownership. Thanks to blockchain technology, ownership
changes can be easily recorded permanently. By this mode, individuals are pre-
vented from making duplicate records and unauthorized changes.

2.4 Digital identity and blockchain

The main features of blockchain are transparency and decentralization, which to-
day’s systems cannot boast. Digital identity combined with blockchain technology
will enable people to perform tasks that are faster, simpler, and safer, including
proof of identity, facts, status, and data. Incredibly, the fact is that searching for
new employees, checking candidate data, and job application itself could be a
process that would take just a couple of mouse clicks on the computer, with the
utmost certainty of the data being obtained [11]. But blockchain is just offering it.
By placing all the information on our identity on it, with cryptography that makes
the whole thing safe and transparent and always accessible through the Internet,
we spend all the time spent on proving identity, data, facts, and state of affairs on
the most important things. Imagine that we can also enclose three cryptographic
keys with the application for business, so that the employer can easily check with
the absolute certainty that we have actually completed the college we have stated
in his CV, whether we are unhappy and whether we are at all a person who claims
to be [12]. This process would take about a few minutes, while the same process
lasts for several days, if not weeks, as the data verification is done by writing
queries in each of these systems from which data comes [13, 14].
Blockchain got its name by the way it stores the transaction data that is hap-
pening. It stores them in blocks that together form a chain.
By increasing the number of transactions being made, the size of the chain in
which they arise increases (Figure 2.3). The blocks record the sequence and time of
16 Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

Block 1574 Block 1575 Block 1576

Block Hash: Block Hash: Block Hash:
0000057ec2fda71 0000087ea2ffe94 0000044bf2efe32

Previous Block Hash: Previous Block Hash: Previous Block Hash:

000000d68b2f0a3b 0000057ec2fda71 0000087ea2ffe94

Transaction: Transaction:
Hash: feb359ad27c907d Hash: 76f0ec56ce04423

Hash: 8d0df86ffc15cd62

Figure 2.3: Showing transactions stored in blocks that connect each other to a chain
(Source: Gupta, M., Blockchain for dummies, 2nd IBM Limited Edition, 2018, p. 14th).

the transactions that are then recorded in the network chain according to certain se-
curity rules agreed between the participants. Each block contains a hash, that is, a
digital imprint or unique identifier, then time-tagged valid transactions and hash of
the previous block. Hash of the previous block mathematically links the blocks to the
chain and prevents any change of data and information in the previous blocks or
inserting new blocks between the existing ones. Thus, each of the following blocks
increases the security of the entire chain and reduces the already small chance of ma-
nipulation and change of value or data in the chain.
There are several types of blockchains. In this chapter, we will mention the two
most common types:
A public blockchain, such as Bitcoin blockchain (the first and most known
cryptovalue based on this technology), is a large distributed network that runs with
the release of a native token. The public blockchain is visible and open to everyone
to use at all levels. An open code is maintained by the developer community.
Private blockchain is smaller in volume and usually does not run with token
issuance. Membership in this type of blockchain is highly controlled and is often
used by organizations that have confidential members or traded with confidential
All types of blockchains use cryptography to enable each participant to use
the network in a safe manner, and most importantly, without the need for a cen-
tral authority that applies the rules. Because of this, blockchain is considered rev-
olutionary because it is the first way to gain confidence in sending and writing
digital data.
An example, my name text, Goran, passing through the SHA-256 algorithm
gives the result

2 Digital identity protection using blockchain for academic qualification certificates 17

The word Goran will always result in an identical hash value. Adding any charac-
ter or letter at the input changes the complete hash appearance, but of course, the
mentioned 32-character length always remains the same. An example, word Gordan,
gives the result


In addition to the mentioned blocks and chains that are interconnected, there is an-
other very important segment, which is a network. The network consists of nodes
and full nodes. The device that connects and uses a blockchain network becomes a
node, but if this device becomes a complete node, it must retrieve a complete record
of all transactions from the very beginning of the creation of that chain and adhere
to the security rules that define the chain. A complete node can lead anyone and
anywhere, only the computer and the Internet are needed. But that’s not so simple
as it sounds.
Many people mix Bitcoin and Blockchain concepts or misuse them. Those are
two different things. Blockchain technology was introduced in 2008, but it was only
one year later launched in the form of cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Bitcoin is therefore a
cryptocurrency that has its blockchain. This blockchain is a protocol that enables
secure transmission and monitoring of cryptocurrency Bitcoin, all from the emer-
gence of its first block (genesis block) and the first transaction. Bitcoin is designed
solely as a criterion of vision that one day completely replaces fiat (paper) money
and crushes the money transfer barriers that are present today. Through the years
that passed, the community found that blockchain is more powerful than it origi-
nally thought, so if Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency does not live globally in everyday
life, it will leave behind a revolutionary invention that potentially can change the
technological world we are currently familiar with.
Blockchain through its mechanism of consensus eliminates the central authori-
ties that we know today and which are based on today’s technology.

2.5 Platform: issuing EDU certificate

MultiChain was selected as the platform for creating an application concept for
entering, issuing, and verifying educational certificates. MultiChain is an open-
source platform that allows you to create or block your own blockchain, and man-
age its capabilities. It is optimized for creating licensed chains (permissioned
blockchains). MultiChain is compatible with Linux, Windows, and Mac operating
systems. Currently optimized for Linux operating systems, here referred to as
Linux’s 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04.1 operating system with virtual machine on a single
physical server using Oracle VM VirtualBox.
18 Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

Virtualization of operating systems enables us to have multiple operating sys-

tems on one server, workstation, or computer, and we use them at the same time.
All operating systems share computer resources. The number of virtual machines is
unlimited, that is, it depends on the amount of disk space and the memory of the
computer hosted on.
In the Oracle VM VirtualBox workstation there is a File, Machine, Help, icons
for the most important activities on virtual machines (New, Settings, Discard,
Show), and below them there is a window where show installed virtual machines,
including Ubuntu’s virtual machine, with assigned 100 GB of disk space and 3 GB
of work memory. Before installing the operating system, it was necessary to create a
virtual disk of the specified size that the machine would use.
The complete work console and virtual machine installation is very intuitive
and simple. VirtualBox offers the ability of detachable virtual machine start-ups,
enabling the entire process to run without open windows and a graphical user
After installing and configuring a virtual machine, we must download and install
the MultiChain application. Download, install, and all other actions within MultiChain
are performed through the Terminal of Ubuntu Operating System Interface. The follow-
ing commands are used to download and install:

tar -xvzf multichain-1.0.6.tar.gz
cd multichain-1.0.6
mv multichaind multichain-cli multichain-util /usr/local/bin

The last command line transfers the most important files to the bin folder for easier
calling through the commands in the next steps.
After installing the MultiChain application, the first step is to create your own
chain. Since the goal of the application is to enter, issue, and validate educational
certificates for the purpose of this project, we called the chain BlockchainCertificate.
This is done by performing the following function:

multichain-util create BlockchainCertificate

Using this command, we create the chain of this name with the default settings.
After that, you must launch the created chain using the following command:

multichaind BlockchainCertificate -daemon

The chain was launched and its first block (genesis block) was created. After
launch, the newly created chain gets its IP address and port through which it can
be accessed from another device. The device on which the chain is created becomes
2 Digital identity protection using blockchain for academic qualification certificates 19

the first node, and each subsequent computer that connects to that chain over its IP
address and the default port receives the complete chain data and also becomes a
node. For the purpose of this chapter, only one node has been used, but in produc-
tion it is not recommended to use only one node, of course, for safety reasons men-
tioned earlier in the work.
If the other computer joins this chain, it must also have the installed MultiChain
application and must run the command:

multichaind BlockchainDiploma@[ip-adress]:[port]

After merging other computers/nodes, the first node only has the authority to as-
sign certain rights, such as read and write rights, to other nodes.
Among other things, MultiChain has the ability to store data in a blockchain
using the so-called stream. With storage, it also offers the ability to extract data.
This functionality is most important for the concept of the application shown here.
So, at the main node you need to create a new stream, which we will call certifi-
cate/diplomas in this example. The above statement is executed:

create stream certificate false

The false statement in the command means that only those explicitly licensed ad-
dresses can be written in that stream. Since in this example we have only one node
that created this stream, it is not necessary to assign special rights. If there is
a second node and some other address from which you want to write something on
that same stream, you need to assign the rights for each address from the first node
by a special grant command.
The next step is to store the data in the created stream certificate/diploma. Data is
stored in hexadecimal form. In this example, we will store name and last name and
OIBID (personal identification number) with the command publish certificate key1

Hexadecimal number

After issuing a command, we can obtain data record from stream using the simple
query. The following command gives us all the information recorded in the stream
certificate/diploma (Figure 2.4) liststreamkeys certificate

2.5.1 Application modules

This type of application is intended for private blockchain. This means that each
educational institution should have its own stream that only the people in the
20 Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

Figure 2.4: Displaying a textual (CLI) interface where chain creation, chain startup, and creation of
a graduate stream are shown.

institution have the authority to store the certificate. All streams are stored in the
main book that is distributed to all nodes, that is, educational institutions in this
example. The more nodes in the chain, the better, because the chain becomes ever
stronger and safer.
The application consists of three modules:
1. Module for certificate/diploma input
2. Certificate/diploma check module
3. Certificate/diploma print module

The first module is for entering a certificate/diploma. It switches the entered data
into a hexadecimal form and stores them in the chain and returns the transaction ID
(txid) back. Transaction ID is a private key that is awarded to a graduate student be-
cause it can be used to check the certificate/diploma data in the chain.
The Certificate/Diploma Check Module, combined with the OIB and Transaction
ID, sends a query to the chain and verifies whether there is a record in the chain.
Thereafter, it gives a positive or negative answer, depending on whether there is a
really required degree in the chain and whether it complies with the OIB entered.
2 Digital identity protection using blockchain for academic qualification certificates 21

The certificate/diploma printing module prints a certificate/diploma on the

screen in PDF format.
All of the modules listed in this example are displayed in the command-line
text interface, that is, in the Ubuntu Operating System Terminal. They can also be
programmed into a web application and used in WEB browsers.

2.5.2 User roles

Once the student successfully completes the faculty and defends his graduate the-
sis, the faculty system reports that the student has graduated. With this application
and the module for entering the certificate/diploma, an authorized person at the
university will enter the name, last name, and OIBID graduate student and this in-
formation will be stored in the chain. As a feedback, he receives a Transaction ID,
which gives the student and enrolls on the original print certificate/diploma. It can
also be printed in the form of a bar code whose scan is the value of the Transaction
ID (Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5: Certificate input.

The student gets his certificate/diploma and his private key certificate/diploma,
which in this case is


He then reports for a job and after a call from the employer goes to the job inter-
view. The employer asks for a degree to check his qualifications. The procedure is
currently being conducted so that the employer contacts the educational institu-
tion to verify the validity of the certificate/diploma, most often in writing. This
process is long-lasting and consumes a lot of resources. But in this case, the
22 Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

employer gets a certificate/diploma with a private key. The employer then ap-
points the OIBID of a person applying for a job and the public key in the applica-
tion. This way in a fraction of a second returns the information on the validity of
the diploma certificate.
After the application’s confirmation is answered, the screen prints (Figure 2.6).
The name and surname of the student, educational institution, orientation, date
and place of graduation are written in the print. The employer eventually has the
option of printing a copy of the certificate/diploma for his own archive. If you
choose a print option, the certificate/diploma will be generated and opened in PDF
For ease of use of the application after release to production, it is a better choice
to use it as a WEB application. This means that everything shown will be moved to a
web server and the application will access the https protocol (e.g., via URL https:// in web browsers. This means that users only need an Internet con-
nection and an account in the application to quickly and securely check the validity
of the certificate/diploma.

Figure 2.6: Certificate verification module.

2.6 Conclusion
This chapter presents blockchain technology, its history, and the principle of how it
functions within the digital identity [15]. In the theoretical part of the chapter, a com-
parison of the “classical” identity and digital identity is set out, which is described
through examples of personal identity cards and e-citizen systems [16]. Then, follow-
ing the introduction into blockchain technology and describing the method of achiev-
ing consensus and transaction logging, the principle of smart contracts is described,
which provide the ability to enter code or even complete applications and put them
into blockchains, enabling automation of a multitude of processes [17].
2 Digital identity protection using blockchain for academic qualification certificates 23

This chapter explains common platforms through three examples (Civic, HYPR,
Blockverify), and describes business models that use blockchain as a platform for de-
veloping their processes based on digital identity. Also, traditional models with those
based on smart deals have been compared. Through examples of cancellation or de-
lays in air travel, voting, music industry, and tracking of personal health records, it
was established how existing models are actually sluggish, ineffective, and prone to
manipulation, and through examples of blockchain implementation, they showed
that these systems functioned faster, more transparent, and most importantly, safer.
The middle part of this chapter describes the application of technology in several
industries, from the Fintech industry to the insurance and real estate industry.
Concepts and test solutions are described, which are slowly implemented in the pro-
duction phase and show excellent results. For this reason, we believe that similar sol-
utions will be implemented, increasing adoption of blockchain technology globally.
In the last, practical part of the chapter, a survey of existing solutions that offer
creation of its own blockchain and a MultiChain platform was selected. For the pur-
pose of this work, it was necessary to create an Ubuntu virtual machine in the
Oracle VM VirtualBox, on which we then installed the MultiChain. Through the
Ubuntu Terminal, the application concept for entering, issuing, and verifying uni-
versity certificate/diplomas is presented; and all functionalities and user roles are
described in this process.
Motivation for this research came from lack of practical applications of block-
chain and importance of EDU certificate transparency and challenges in their sharing
(policy issues, national standard, etc.). By having easy to apply and understand
guidelines, it is easier for wider audience to accept and use/reuse sometimes complex
digital concepts as part of their solutions and business processes. Taking place in
novelty approach, we believe this chapter will contribute and be valuable informa-
tion for future researchers looking to implement blockchain but moreover ones who
are looking to improve exchange, storing, and harmonization of often heterogeneous
EDU certificates (in forms, acceptability, and content). As part of institutional re-
search lab, explained approach and proof of concept solution was developed in
Algebra University College.

[1] Ashworth, Andrew. Principles of Criminal Law (5th ed, 2006).
[2] Avery, Lisa. ‘A Return to Life: The Right to Identity and the Right to Identify Argentina’s
“Living Disappeared”(2004) 27 Harvard Women’s Law Journal 235.
[3] Conte, Frances. `Sink or Swim Together: Citizenship, Sovereignty, and Free Movement in the
European Union and the United States’ (2007) 61 University of Miami Law Review 331.
[4] Buergenthal, Thomas. ‘International Human Rights Law and Institutions: Accomplishments
and Prospects’ (1988) 63 Washington Law Review 1.
24 Leo Mrsic, Goran Fijacko and Mislav Balkovic

[5] Klepac, G., Kopal, R., & Mršić, L. (2015). Developing Churn Models Using Data Mining
Techniques and Social Network Analysis (pp. 1–361). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/
[6] Mohr, Richard. ‘Identity Crisis: Judgment and the Hollow legal Subject,’ 2007 11 Passages –
Law, Aesthetics, Politics 106.
[7] Bromby, Michael., & Ness, Haley. ‘Over-observed? What is the Quality of this New Digital
World?’7 Paper presented at 20th Annual Conference of British and Irish Law, Education and
Technology Association, Queens University, Belfast, April 2005.
[8] Nekam, Alexander. The Personality Conception of the Legal Entity (1938).
[9] Palmer, Stephanie. `Public, Private and the Human Rights Act 1988: An Ideological Divide’.
Cambridge Law Journal, 559, 2007.
[10] Solove, Daniel. The Digital Person, Technology and Privacy in the Information Age (2004).
[11] Third, A., Quick K., Bachler M., Domingue J. (2018), Government services and digital identity,
Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University.
[12] Davies, Margaret., & Naffine, Ngaire. Are Persons Property? Legal Debates About Property
and Personality (2001).
[13] UNWTO. UNWTO World Tourism Barometer: Advance Release January 2017. UNWTO. [Online]
January 2017.
[14] World Economic Forum. Digital Transformation Initiative: Aviation, Travel and Tourism
Industry. Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2017. REF 060117.
[15] Derham, David. ‘Theories of Legal Personality’ in Leicester Webb (ed), Legal Personality and
Political Pluralism (1958) 1.
[16] Naffine, Ngaire. ‘Who are Law’s Persons? From Cheshire Cats to Responsible Subjects’(2003)
May Modern Law Review 346.
[17] Stacey, Robert. ‘A Report on the Erroneous Fingerprint Individualization in the Madrid The
Council Of Europe’s Convention On Cybercrime. (2001). European Treaty Series 185. Retrieved
Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta
3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database
Abstract: After cloudification of various big data sources or big databases, there is a
need to monitor health and security metrics of these big databases. Now there is
already a monitoring setup provided by various monitoring suites. The monitoring
software collects various metrics with the help of custom codes, plugins, and so on.
Here we are proposing a novel approach of modifying the normal metric threshold-
ing to anomaly detection. Every system administrator has a common problem to
deal with some intelligent alarm methods, which can produce predictive warnings,
that is, the system can detect any anomalies or problem before it occurs.
Here we are proposing an approach, which is basically a modification on stan-
dard monitoring where it will detect any anomalies by analyzing previous metric
data and indicate any problem. We are planning to harness the power exponential
moving average and exponential moving standard deviation method to implement
the solution.

Keywords: cloud, big data, statistics, monitoring, moving average, anomaly

3.1 Introduction
Anomaly occurs when a system deviates from its normal running operation. Normally
in any anomaly situations, except system overload, system malfunction, brutal net-
work attack, defect, or error during a program arises [1]. Anomaly is also being termed
as malware, intrusion, or outlier sometimes [2]. Any system, for example, monitoring
software generates data continuously, that is, in time series manner. The volume of
data is huge and due to its time series data, this is constantly changing; hence, proc-
essing of these data and tracking any kind of problem are very difficult by using a
traditional threshold-based monitoring approach.
Let us start with an example. Let’s consider a big database hosted in a server,
which is running various complex queries, data loading activities, and others. Now
we put a threshold of 70% for CPU utilization in that server. This may happen during
weekends, month ends, quarter ends as per business needs. A havoc of data loading
activity happens and due to that we saw a spike in CPU utilization till 99%. Does that

Souvik Chowdhury, Oracle India, Bangalore, India.

Shibakali Gupta, Department of Computer Science, University Institute of Technology, The
University of Burdwan, Burdwan, West Bengal, India.
26 Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta

mean there is a problem in CPU that time? No, the CPU spike happened due to extra
load. Now all the traditional monitoring software collects metrics, projects them in
graph, and triggers alarm in case if it breaches the predefined threshold. The anoma-
lies in various health and security metric could be due to bug in latest patch/upgrade
happened or random hardware failures. Simple metrics can support majority cases.
But this is not a good approach since it does not indicate any problem.
This is becoming tougher when the data is complex in nature. Because complex
data has various features to monitor. Anomaly detection for such a system is a tough
job [3]. That is why it is so important to do anomaly detection [4]. In real-time anomaly
detection setup, it constantly monitors the time series data and automatically detects
any anomaly and executes corrective actions based on the situation. Hence, this kind
of proactive prevention not only saves from a drastic system crash but also saves lot of
time and money.
Infrastructure as service is a private cloud-based infrastructure service avail-
able at a data center. End users can deploy their workloads using this secure on-
demand system. Resource management for information centers needs examining
user necessities and, it’s on the market resources to satisfy its client demands [5].
The system should have dynamic scalability in terms of infrastructure resource be-
cause of varying user demand to stay the pace of all these, an information center
should have a period observance system.
The system tracks the resource performance info that comes ceaselessly and de-
tects the abnormal behavior. It then reschedules its resources to remain the system in
balance. As an example, an information center allocates a tough and quick amount
of CPU and memory for sort of users [6]. After a certain time, if the users run extra
computationally expensive programs, the electronic equipment and memory usage
are high, which they have extra resources to try and do their job [7]. The amount the
system monitors the data and detects these abnormal resource statistics then allo-
cates extra resources dynamically.
Stream process could also be a time-sensitive operation. It needs info prepro-
cessing before doing any analysis. It converts continuous high-volume, high-rate,
structured, and unstructured Brobdingnagian info into amount price. Moreover,
these Brobdingnagian info volumes must be compelled to be processed with ease,
and delivered with low latency, even once info rate is high. To create such a system,
Brobdingnagian’s ascendible amount operational capability is needed. Recently,
we have got seen several massive info frameworks (e.g., Hadoop, Map Reduce,
HBase, Mahout, and Google Bigtable) that address the quantifiability issue [8].
However, they surpass batch-based process. The amount the system demands put
together the streaming process. Apache Storm could also be a distributed frame-
work that gives streaming integration with time-based in-memory analytics from
the live machine info as they’re accessible in stream. It generates low latency,
amount results. It has instant productivity and no hidden obstacles. When put to-
gether contains an easy cluster setup procedure [9].
3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 27

In statistics, smoothing of information set is to make necessary approximation

which helps to capture important patterns within the data and removal of noise or
alternative fine-scale structures/rapid phenomena. In smoothing is basically indica-
tion of change in square measure of info points i.e. individual points (mostly due to
noise) square measure reduced and points that square measure not up to the adja-
cent points’ square measure multiplied resulting in a Sander signal [10]. Smoothing
is also utilized in two vital ways, which aids in information analysis:
1. The setup must be able to get more information out of the data, provided the
smoothing assumption is reasonable enough.
2. This should provide both robust and flexible analyses. A variety of algorithms
are applied in smoothing technique.

– Smoothing technique can be differentiated from the partially and related over-
lapping concept of curve fitting in the below ways:
– Many times, an explicit function is being used in curve fitting to produce result
and if a function form is ever being used, then the immediate results from
smoothing are basically the smoothed values and which have no further user.
– Smoothing mainly generalizes the idea of relative slow movement of values,
where a small attention is being paid to the close matching of data, whereas
curve fitting focuses on matching to the nearest possible data values.
– A tuning parameter is often available with the smoothing method to control the
behavior of smoothing. To get the “best fit,” the data curve fitting can modify
any number of parameters.

Exponential smoothing may be a rule-of-thumb technique for smoothing statistic

knowledge victimization the exponential window operates. Whereas within the
easy moving average, the historical observations assigned equal weights, exponen-
tial functions would not allocate exponentially decreasing weights over time.
Its associate in nursing simply learned and applied the procedure for creating
some determination that supported previous assumptions by the user, like season-
ality. Exponential smoothing is usually used for the analysis of time series knowl-
edge [11].

3.2 Time series modeling

Before understanding the smoothing technique, we will have a quick look into time
series data and time series modeling to understand various smoothing techniques well.
A time series could be an assortment of observations created consecutively over
an amount. In different words, the information on any characteristic collected with
relation to time over a span of your time is named as statistic. Normally, we tend to
assume that observations square measure offered at equal intervals of your time,
28 Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta

for example, on associate hourly, daily, quarterly, or yearly basis. The ways of ana-
lyzing statistic represent a crucial space of study in statistics [12]. However, before
we tend to discuss the statistical analysis, we would prefer to show the plots of its
slow series from completely different fields. Within the next three sections, we
glance at the plots of three time series, namely, statistic with trend impact, statistic
with seasonal impact, and statistic with cyclic impact. These plots of square mea-
sure are known as time plots.

3.2.1 Trend effect

A trend could be a future swish variation (increase or decrease) within the statistic.
Once values in a very statistic area unit aforethought in a very graph and, on a me-
dian, these values show associate degree increasing or decreasing trend over an ex-
tended amount of your time, the statistic is named as the statistic with trend impact.
We should always note that incomparable series don’t show associate degree increas-
ing or decreasing trend [13]. In some cases, the values of the statistic fluctuate around
a continuing reading and don’t show any trend about time. We should always addi-
tionally remember that an increase or decrease might not essentially be within the
same direction throughout the given amount. Statistic could show associate degree up-
ward trend, a downward trend, or haven’t any trend in any respect, which allow us to
make a case for all three cases with the assistance of examples [14]. Time series with upward trend

If a time series exhibits upward trend, that is, the metric values that get increased as
time progresses is termed as time series with upward trend [15]. Figure 3.1 shows an
upward trend, which depicts the profit of a company plotted for the period 1981–2012.

Profit (in lakhs)

400 Profit (in lakhs)

19 1

19 5

19 9
19 1

20 8

20 2

20 6

20 0









Figure 3.1: Profit of a company from 1981 to 2012.

3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 29 Time series with downward trend

Metric values of a time series when plotted in a graph with respect to time showing a
downward trend are termed as time series with downward trend. Figure 3.2 shows
a downward trend in the time plot, which describes the values of mortality rate for a
developing country from 1991 to 2009.

Mortality rate
300 Mortality rate
1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 20012003200520072009

Figure 3.2: Mortality rates of a developing country from 1991 to 2009. Time series with no trend

Metric values in a time series when plotted in a graph with respect to time if it does
not show any trend or to be precise random behavior, thus not showing upward or
downward trend then the time series is described as time series with no trend.
Figure 3.3 shows the time plot of the commodity production in tons of a factory
from 1988 to 2012 where the time series shows no trend.

Production (in tons)

Production (in tons)

Figure 3.3: Commodity production in tons from 1988 to 2012.

30 Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta

3.2.2 Time series with seasonal effect

Metric values in a time series when plotted at a graph with respect to time if it re-
flects variation seasonally with respect to any period such as half yearly, quarterly,
monthly, or a yearly, then the time series is termed as time series with seasonal ef-
fect. Figure 3.4 describes time series with seasonal effect, which plots the data of
weekly sales of air.

Weekly sales of air coolers



Seasonal time series

0 10 20 30

Figure 3.4: Weekly sales of air coolers.

3.2.3 Time series with cyclic effect

Metric values in a time series when plotted in a graph with respect of time if shows
a cyclic trend then the time series is termed as time series with cyclic effect.
Figure 3.5 shows an example of time series with cyclic effect, which gives employ-
ees attrition rate in software industries for last 25 years.

Number of employees in software industries

1,200 (1988–2012)
400 Cyclic time series

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 3.5: Employees attrition rate in software industries for the last 25 years.
3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 31

3.2.4 Time series components

The variations within the time series statistic values square measure of various varieties
arise because of a spread of things. These differing kinds of variations within the values
of the information in a very statistic are referred to as elements of the statistic [16].
Various components of time series that involved in variations are (i) trend, (ii)
seasonal, (iii) cyclic, and (iv) remaining variations attributed to random fluctuations. Trend component

Usually statistic information shows random variations; however, over a protracted

amount of your time, there is also a steady shift within the mean level to the next or
a lower level. This steady shift within the level of your time series is thought because
of the trend. In other words, the final tendency of values of the information to extend
or decrease during a protracted amount of your time is named as the trend. Seasonal component

In a time series, variations that occur because of regular or natural forces/factors and
operate in an exceedingly regular and periodic manner over a span of bus or adequate
1-year area unit termed as differences due to the season [17]. Though we tend to typi-
cally think about seasonal movement in statistic as occurring over one year, it may
also represent any frequent continuance pattern that’s but one year in period. As an
example, daily traffic volume knowledge shows seasonal behavior at intervals a
similar day, with peak level occurring throughout rush hours, moderate flow through-
out the remainder of the day, and lightweight ensue hour to early morning. Thus, in
an exceedingly statistic, differences due to the season could exist if knowledge area
unit recorded on a yearly, monthly, daily, or hourly basis. Cyclic component

Sometimes time series show variation for a fixed period due to certain physical rea-
sons and this is not part of seasonal effects. For example, sometimes economic data
are prone to be affected by business cycles with a period varying from few to several
years (see Figure 3.5). A period of moderate inflation followed by high inflation is a
primary reason for these cyclic variations. Hence, the existence of these business
cycles causes some intermittent bias about various cyclic, trend, and seasonal ef-
fects [18]. To overcome this problem, we will consider a cyclic pattern or trend in
time series only when the duration is more than a year.
32 Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta Irregular component

The long variations, that is, the trend part, and short-run variations, that is, the sea-
sonal and cyclic parts, are referred to as regular variations. Except for these regular
variations, random or irregular variations, that don’t seem to be accounted for by
trend, seasonal, or cyclic parts, exist in virtually incomparable series [19].

3.3 Smoothing of time series

Smoothing of time series is basically filtering out the effect of irregular fluctuations
from any time series so that the trend and seasonal effect could be estimated easily
and error freely for any time series [20].
Smoothing can be done using three methods: simple moving average method
(equal weight), the weighted moving average (unequal) method, and the exponen-
tial moving average (EMA) method.

3.3.1 Simple moving average method (equal weight)

Here we calculate the simple moving average of time series data over n periods of time
called n-period moving averages. Below is the step to calculate simple moving average.
1. The average of the first m values of the time series is calculated.
2. First value has been discarded, and the average of the next n values has been
measured again.
3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated till all data are used.

The above steps generate a new time series of n-period moving averages [21].

3.3.2 Weighted moving average method (unequal)

The simple moving average methodology delineated in Section 4.1 isn’t typically
well compatible for activity trend though we are able to take away seasonal varia-
tion victimization. It should additionally not lie about to the most recent values.
Therefore, the weighted (unequal) moving average methodology is employed.
During this methodology, rather than giving equal weights to any or all values, un-
equal weights are given in such a way that each one of the weights is positive, and
there add is capable one. If wi depicts ith observation weight, the weighted moving
average value yt can be given as follows:
3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 33

X q
Yt = W Xi ti + ; wi ≥ 0, Wi = 1 (3:1)
i= −q i= −q

where xt is the actual series.

Simple moving average is nothing but a weighted moving average for
m = 2q + 1 and wi =
ð2q + 1Þ

3.3.3 Exponential smoothing

Exponential smoothing could be a golden rule technique for smoothing statistic

information victimization the exponential window operates. Whereas within the
easy moving average the historical observations square measure weighted
equally, exponential functions square measure would not assign exponentially
decreasing weights over time. Its associate in nursing simply learned and applied
the procedure for creating some determination that supported previous assump-
tions by the user, like seasonality. Exponential smoothing is usually used for the
analysis of time series information. Exponential moving average

Below are the steps to calculate exponential moving average (EMA) method.
1. If y1, y2, . . .,yt is a time series, then the first element of EMA is equal to first ele-
ment of time series, that is, y1ʹ = y1.
2. The second smoothed value based on EMA, y2ʹ= w*y2 + (1 – w)*y1ʹ, where y1ʹ is
the first element of smoothed series and y2 is the second element of original
time series and w is the smoothing factor and it ranges from 0 < w < 1.

In this way, tth smoothed value can be calculated by yt’ = w*yt + (1 – w)*y(t – 1)’. Exponential moving standard deviate

We have introduced the modified concept of exponential moving standard devia-

tion (EMSD), which is basically refined as smoothing technique over EMA method.
Steps to get EMSD as follows:
1. First element of EMSD is calculated as follows: y1ʹ = sqrt((1 – w) * (y1 – y1ʹ)2)
where y1ʹ is the first element of EMA.
2. Second element of EMSD is calculated by y2ʹ = sqrt(w*y1ʹ + ((1 – w) *(y2 – y2ʹ)2).
34 Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta

3.4 Working methods

Let’s check out the following graph for normal CPU utilization in a server based on
hourly aggregation. The graph suggests normal graphical representation of CPU uti-
lization metric being collected with normal thresholding set.
In Figure 3.6, the fixed threshold mechanism detects a problem well; however, let
us think an example where the server is very least loaded and normally during week-
ends runs some batch jobs, which adds load to the server. In these cases, fixed thresh-
old mechanism don’t hold good because it will detect the extra load as a problem.

120 CPU utilization

100 Threshold breaches





Figure 3.6: Fixed threshold-based mechanism with random spikes.

From Figure 3.7, it is evident that during weekends there is a high growth of CPU,
which could be due to some batch job being run on weekends. Hence, this fixed
threshold mechanism does not hold good in these cases.

120 CPU utilization

100 Threshold breaches






Figure 3.7: Fixed threshold-based mechanism with steady spikes.

3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 35

Hence, anomaly detection with its adaptive capabilities also can be called as
adaptive thresholding, which is more intelligent than the traditional fixed threshold
approach. We will see them in Figure 3.7.
In the following example (Figure 3.8), we will see a mix of both unusual growth
or spikes (which turn out to be a problem) and steady growth (which could be due
to some job) and hence not a problem is successfully being distinguished by this
new anomaly detection-based mechanism.


100 Unusual growths

80 Steady growth




Figure 3.8: Anomaly-based threshold mechanism for unusual spikes and steady spikes.

We will see some more graphs, for example, how the anomaly detection-based mecha-
nism works for memory utilization, where it shows a cyclic pattern as demonstrated
From Figure 3.9, we could see there has been a cyclic pattern and anomaly de-
tection-based method that successfully smoothed the raw metric data.

120 Blue line = adaptive threshold







Figure 3.9: Anomaly-based threshold mechanism for cyclic pattern (memory utilization in big
database servers).

Now we will see how this anomaly detection-based mechanism works good for
cyclic spikes as shown in Figure 3.10.


Figure 3.10: Distribution of normal metric data and exponential moving average value.
Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta 36
3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 37

In Figure 3.10, the blue line depicts normal metric data and red one gives EMA
in short EMA values. From the figure we could see for spikes that it is trying to
smooth the data which seems to work like normal average. This function works bet-
ter if the spike stays a bit, which could be due to some load, thus distinguishing a
problem with normal loaded situation.
Now we will see the difference between the normal standard deviation and EMSD.
From Figure 3.11 it is evident that EMSD is even a far more refined version
of standard deviation, where it is trying to smooth the data and track any real
problem. We could see only the extreme variations the standard deviation
value also spiked up; however, the case is not the same for EMSD which con-
tains historical knowledge and tries to smooth the data and detect any








Figure 3.11: Standard deviation (SD) versus exponential moving standard deviation (EMSD).

Figure 3.12 depicts the alert mechanism being set with the help of EMA and EMSD.
The orange dots on top are the cases when the alerts got triggered. Here we could
see in the highlighted portion that the spikes seem to be regular and this mecha-
nism did not trigger alert for this case.


Figure 3.12: Alert mechanism setup using exponential moving average and exponential moving standard deviation.
04-MAR-18 No alert since some job is running which caused the extra load
Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta 38
3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 39

3.5 Methodology section

We can use the below sample query to get the EMA value and this is specific to
Oracle Big database SQL.

with t1 as (
select <column names>, row_number() over (partition by <partition column> order by
<ordered column>) r_n,
--2 / (1 + row_number() over (partition by <partition column> order by <ordered col-
umn>)) k_i
0.5 k_i
from <metric table>
), t2 as (
select <column names>, (case when r_n = 1 then 1 else k_i end * c_i) a_i, case when
r_n = 1 then 1 else (1 – k_i) end b_i from t1
), t3 as (
SELECT <column names>,
xmlquery(REPLACE(wm_concat(bi) over(PARTITION BY <partition column> ORDER BY <ordered
column> rows BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT ROW), ',', '*') RETURNING con-
tent).getnumberval() mi
), t4 as (
select <column names>, m_i, (a_i / m_i) x_i from t3
SELECT <column names>,
round(m_i * SUM(x_i) over(PARTITION BY <partition column> ORDER BY <ordered column>
rows BETWEEN unbounded preceding AND CURRENT ROW), 3) ema
FROM t4;

We can use the following sample to query EMA using simplified method. Here we
have two options to select the weight factor w mentioned in Section

Special case w = 0.5. Here the weight factor has been fixed to 0.5, that is, giving
equal weightage to current metric data and past metric data, thus leaving a trail of
historical metric data in calculation:

with t1 as (
select <column names>, row_number() over (partition by <partition column> order by
<ordered column>) r_n, amount * power(2, nvl(nullif(row_number() over (partition by
<partition column> order by <ordered column>) - 1, 0), 1)) c_i
from <metric table>
select <column names>, round(sum(c_i) over (partition by <partition column> order by
<ordered column> rows between unbounded preceding and current row) / power(2, r_n),
3) ema
40 Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta

from t1;
Special case w = 2/(1 + i). Here it is dynamic; hence, for various levels it would
have different behavior:

with t1 as (
select <column names>, row_number() over (partition by <partition column> order by
<ordered column>) r_n, amount * row_number() over (partition by <partition column>
order by <ordered column>) c_i
from <metric table>
select <column names>, round(sum(c_i) over (partition by <partition column> order by
<ordered column> rows between unbounded preceding and current row) * 2 / (r_n * (r_n
+ 1)), 3) ema
from t1;

Now we will discuss about various jobs and procedure setup to achieve this task. The
challenge was to achieve good performance because the real-time calculation of EMA
and EMSD is a difficult one and with enormous number of targets and its metric for a
cloud big database, cloud datacenter is even getting worse. We concentrated on SQL
tuning part and tried to make the query as fast as possible. We included parallelism
in query. But still that was not good enough. We took another option to parallelize
the job itself. Hence, the current model has been depicted as follows:
Figure 3.13 depicts the job flow. Here, a master job is responsible for all
job allocations. It was being tested to use parallel 20 jobs. The main job
ANOMALY_COUNT_REFRESH analyzes currently running jobs and forks a new
session and attaches the job to the session (Figure 3.14).

Job: Main Job

Job pool

1 2 n–1 n
Figure 3.13: Job flow.
3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 41


Parallel job loader

(Spawns ANOMALY_COUNT1 job
and assigns the job to available job
from Job pool)


Figure 3.14: Job flow(1).

<Scheduler job create module> (
job_type => <Object Type>,
job_action => 'ANOMALY_COUNT',
start_date => <Job start date>,
repeat_interval => 'FREQ=<minutely,hourly etc>;INTERVAL=<interval duration 5
mins,1 hour etc>;',
end_date => NULL,
enabled => TRUE,
comments => <Job Description>);

Once this job is assigned to a session, the main job comes in which it collects all
necessary data and stores the output (Figure 3.15).
42 Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta


Metric data collection

from data source

Metric data collection

From data source

Calculate EMA and EMSD based on

previous historical data
Update last load timestamp

Mechanism to trigger alert for
anomalies detected

Figure 3.15: Job flow(2).

3 Anomaly detection in cloud big database metric 43

We have used the following sample commands to create pool of jobs. At present, only
two jobs have been shown.
<Scheduler job create module> (
job_name => 'ANOMALY_COUNT_JOB1',
job_type => => <Object Type>,
job_action => 'ANOMALY_COUNT1',
end_date => NULL,
enabled => FALSE,
number_of_arguments => 2);
<Scheduler job create module> (
job_name => 'ANOMALY_COUNT_JOB2',
job_type => <Object Type>,
job_action => 'ANOMALY_COUNT1',
end_date => NULL,
enabled => FALSE,
number_of_arguments => 2);

3.6 Future work

This chapter tested on CPU utilization and memory utilization of big database
servers. This approach can be extended to other types of hosts, servers, VM, and
so on. This method of new monitoring mechanism should be tested for network
devices as well. For network device monitoring, there lies special challenge be-
cause network devices have lot of interlinked metrics to detect a problem, for
example, for a network device the reduction in traffic does not necessarily mean
reduction in connected users. It could also be due to error, discards, packet loss,
and so on. The method can be extended to datacenter monitoring for complete
stack, say from security appliances to bare metal server. This kind of anomaly
detection-based mechanism can be helpful for capacity planning as well.
Capacity planning for network devices of a complete cloud datacenter footprint
is a tedious job. Because it consists of lot of network devices, and a cisco switch
or juniper device can have 1,000 or 2,000 network interfaces attached to it.
Hence, doing capacity planning or pinpointing problem for a network interface
is a difficult task.
44 Souvik Chowdhury and Shibakali Gupta

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Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee
4 Use of big data in hacking and social
Abstract: Nowadays, in the fast-paced world of Google and Facebook, every detail of
human being could be considered as a set of data or array of data that can be stored,
verified, and processed in several ways for the benefits of users. Big data would be
perfectly described with humongous large and complex data entities, where classic
approach application software is incompetent for them. Big data epitomizes the evi-
dence chattels classified by a high volume, velocity, and variability to require precise
technology and analytical approaches for its transformation into value. Big data in-
clude netting data, search, data stowing, transmission, updating, data scrutiny, visu-
alization, sharing, querying, data source, and information confidentiality. Big data
can castoff in innumerable sectors like defense, health care, and Internet of things.
The most famous example probably being Palantir, which was primarily sponsored
by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Its primary function was to deliver analytics
sway in the war against terrorism of any kind but with accumulative dependency on
big data, the menace of exploitation of this data also arises. The prominence of big
data does not gyrate around data magnitude or dimensions rather it revolves around
how you process it. You can consider stats from whichever cradle and analyze it to
discover answers that facilitate cost diminutions, interval time declines, fresh product
development and elevated offerings, and smart management. When you conglomer-
ate big data with efficient and dynamic analytics, you can achieve business-corre-
lated tasks such as detecting fraudulent behavior, recalculating entire risk portfolios
in shorter span of time, determining root causes of failures, disputes, and blemishes
in near real time. Few instances such as Cambridge Analytica lighten the insight of
the exploitation of the big data. There are several instances where large amount of
data has been stolen like in 2014, Yahoo Inc., where 3 billion accounts were effec-
tively compromised according to official sources or in 2016, Adult Friend Finder
where 412.2 million accounts were effected with credit card details compromised
as well.
Deprived of the encompassing span of big data, it is taut to perceive a conse-
quence where dappled endeavors and marginal verboten deeds would be a news-
flash. It is merely with the inclusion of big data, does the sheer extent of this
statistics turn heads. If one individual cheats during a test, it is just earnest of a
quip from the instructor. If the entire class collaborates and cultivates a structure of
cheating, it becomes newsworthy. The Panama Papers are an exceptional specimen

Shibakali Gupta, Department of Computer Science, University Institute of Technology, The

University of Burdwan, Burdwan, West Bengal, India.
Ayan Mukherjee, Cognizant, Kolkata, India.
48 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

of an event that is not a requisite illegal, but sketchy to say the least. The statistic
that several sets of international figures were acknowledged in this bulk data set is
what marks the news. With the evolution of big data, it makes treasured visions for
hackers invariably tempting, but it also provides a big structure of data that con-
verts it to payload utmost necessary to protect.
In such a scenario, the security of big data is very important. This chapter
shares sheer insight of how big data can be used in hacking and social engineering.
This chapter will try to list down the ways big data is mined from various sources
such as Google Services of Android and Facebook. It will list the various ways the
big data is used in day-to-day life by the given companies and other advertising
companies. This chapter will try to enlist all the major ill ways this data can be
used against us and the ways the important and private data can be protected from
the data-collecting companies.

Keywords: big data, ethical hacking, social engineering, Cambridge Analytica, big
data security, data privacy, risk and threat

4.1 Introduction to big data

Big data is humongous information collections, multifarious that customary processing
application software for data set that is derisory to pact. Big data encounters comprise
several functionalities such as netting, exploration, and examination of information
along with features like sharing and visualization. It also involves querying and updat-
ing information along with confidentiality. There are numerous theories concomitant
with big data that are veracity, volume, velocity, variety, and value.
The nomenclature big data implies to the practice of prognostic analytics, user
behavior analytics, or few other unconventional data analytic techniques that ex-
cerpt value from statistics, and seldom to a certain magnitude of dataset. Analysis
of datasets can reveal new correlations to highlight business trends, practitioners of
medicine, prevent diseases, combat crime, and so on. Often issues related to several
portfolios like government, researchers, marketing, and business executives alike
are met with the help of enormous datasets in ranges, including Internet search,
urban informatics, financial technology, and business informatics. Even scientists
encounter several limitations in various topics, including genomics, meteorology,
and environmental research comprising complex physics simulations.
The motivation of big data can be best demarcated as quoted by Carly Fiorina,
“The Goalmouth is to convert Facts into information which in-turn can be converting
to insight.” There is a massive growth in datasets because Internet of things devices
such as mobile devices, aerial (remote sensing), radiofrequency identification read-
ers, and wireless sensor networks, they are gradually gathered by cheap and abun-
dant information sensing. Big data exemplifies the asset of information with features
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 49

such as volume, variety, and velocity to oblige explicit technology and analytical
techniques for its transformation into value. Additionally, a new V, veracity, is added
by some officialdom to describe it, revisionism challenged by some industry authori-
ties. The three V’s have been primarily expanded to other harmonizing characteristics
of big data [1].
The systematic study of big data can lead to:
– Tuning according to target audience – Big data is used by business today
for scrutinizing gushes of the target audience and entertain them with opti-
mized services to upsurge the business.
– Cost cutting in various sectors – Scrutiny of such mammoth bulk of data
has also aided business in cutting down their overhead expenses in various
sectors. Several bucks are being saved by enhancements in operational effi-
ciency and more.
– Intensification in operating boundaries in different sectors – Big data
also aids businesses in increasing operational brims in different sectors. With
the help of big data, lot of blue-collar labor can be converted into machine
task and this helps in growing operating precincts.

Big data can be described by the following characteristics:

– Volume: Volume can be defined as the magnitude of generated data and
stowed data. The volume of the data regulates the value and potential insight
and whether it can be deliberated as big data or not.
– Variety: Variety can be defined as the category and attitude of the data. This is
usually for the people who scrutinize the data to increase the efficiency of the
resultant insight. Big data concludes the missing or the omitted pieces from
data fusion; it derives its information from sources like text to video anything.
– Velocity: This can be termed as the promptness at which the facts and figures
are bred and treated to fulfill the requirements and dares that lies in the route
of progress and expansion. Big data is frequently usable, reachable, and af-
fordable in real time.
– Veracity: This can be defined as data eminence of netted data that can vary
prominently, manipulating the precise analysis.

Cyber-physical and workshop systems may have a 6C system:

– Connection (sensor and networks)
– Cloud (computing and data on demand)
– Customization (personalization and value)
– Content/context (meaning and correlation)
– Cyber (model and memory)
– Community (sharing and collaboration)
50 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

Data as a requisite should be treated with cutting-edge analytics and algorithms to

reveal evocative statistics.
For example, to achieve success in a factory one must contemplate both visible
and invisible concerns with various components. Information generation algo-
rithms must distinguish and address obscure issues such as machine degradation
and component wear.

4.1.1 Application of big data

Big data helps in transmuting cream commercial progressions by appropriate and

precise analysis of accessible statistics. These processes generally embrace:
i. Procurement with big data: Ultimatum of requirements or necessities can
be appropriately conjectured as per various conditions and features offered
with big data.
ii. Big data in product improvement: It can approximately predict the type of
invention compulsory to intensify sales.
iii. Data warehousing in manufacturing industry: Data warehousing is a
major analytical methodology for categorizing apparatus or measures the
practice deviance from the quality benchmark.
iv. Data warehousing system for product dissemination: Grounded depend-
ing on statistics presented; records scrutiny is considered useful to confirm
symmetric circulation in arcade.
v. Data warehousing system in product advertisement: Data warehousing
system aids in significant advertisement stratagem that could upsurge sale by
several folds.
vi. Price administration using data warehousing system: Data warehousing
system helps business in studying market chart. This is an important part to
sustain position in arcade and price management.
vii. Merchandising: Retail arcade relies majorly on data warehousing system
and analytics to identify the recent trends of the goods.
viii. Data warehousing system in sales: Data analytics assists in optimizing
product mix. It helps in aggregating sale for the commerce. It is also consign-
ment of sales resources and accounts, and other operations.
ix. Store maneuvers using data warehousing system: Stored procedures can
be observed by various analytical tools that lead to shrink in manual work. It
regulates several factors like training of demographics or inventory echelons
based on predicted procurement patterns.
x. Data warehousing system in HRs: Data warehousing system has an altered
way of recruitment and other human resource maneuvers. You can also dis-
cover the physiognomies and behaviors of efficacious employees, as well as
other employee insights to accomplish talent better.
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 51

xi. Data warehousing system in banking: Data warehousing system has pro-
vided major prospect to corporations to visualize the larger scenario due to
harmonizing the delicate trend of the records for prioritizing the privacy and
shielding of information along with conveying value adds for customers. It
has been fully embraced by several companies to drive business and advance
the services they offer to customers.
xii. Data warehousing system in finance: Financial amenities have extensively
espoused data warehousing system analytics to advise enhanced investment
assessments with constant returns.
xiii. Data warehousing system in telecom: According to reports in “Global Data
Warehousing System Analytics Market in Telecom Industry 2014–2018,” it
was found that the usage of data analytic tools in telecom segment is pre-
dicted to propagate at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 28% over
the next four years.
xiv. Data warehousing system in retail: Retailers hitch data warehousing sys-
tem to suggest that consumer has personalized shopping experiences.
Evaluating customer is one-way data warehousing system technology in mak-
ing a spot in retail. Two-thirds of retailers have made financial gains in cus-
tomer management and CRM through data warehousing system.
xv. Data warehousing system in healthcare: Data warehousing system is used
for scrutinizing data in the electronic medical record system with the objective
of sinking costs and refining patient care. This data includes the amorphous
data from physician notes, pathology reports, and so on. Data warehousing
system and healthcare analytics have the technological advancement to pre-
dict, prevent, and cure diseases.
xvi. Data warehousing system in media and entertainment: Data warehousing
system is altering the broadcasting and entertainment industry, providing
users and viewers a much more tailored and enriched experience. Data ware-
housing system is utilized for growing revenues, analyzing real-time patron
sentiment, increasing promotion effectiveness, ratings, and viewership.
xvii. Data warehousing system in tourism: Data warehousing system is renovating
the global tourism. Information about the world is easily available than ever be-
fore. People have detailed itineraries with the help of data warehousing system.
xviii. Data warehousing system in airlines: Data warehousing system analytics
provides with necessary tactics to the aviation industry. An airline now knows
where each and every plane is heading, where any passenger is sitting in any of
the flight, and what a passenger is watching on the IFE (In-flight Entertainment)
or connectivity system.
xix. Data warehousing system in social media: Data warehousing system is a
motivating influence behind every marketing resolution made by social
media houses and it is driving personalization to the highest extent possible
(Figure 4.1).
52 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

Figure 4.1: Data warehousing system application in various industries. Why big data is a lucrative target

As we race into the future, a swelling amount of modules concomitant to the infra-
structure of our realm and enterprises are reliant on an Internet assembly. The
probability of devastating cyberattacks from aggressive states, cyberterrorists, and
hacktivists becomes much more real: This can be visualized pretty well in movie
named Die Hard 4.0, where several unmanned cars crashing or rerouting of energy
and electricity on a large scale thereby leading to blackout or tampering in traffic
signal leading to accidents.
Few technological loopholes would never lead to an efficacious kinematic as-
sault in a large scale. As an alternative to get access to the system, the invaders
use several diverse but fundamental methodologies over the time. Data sabotage,
that is, altering of data records can be considered one such cyberattack that
seems to be minute but could be used by invaders for major advantages. Small
manipulation in data could affect a lot in major sectors like stock market or de-
fense agencies. A small manipulation of rating of a particular fake product in re-
tail market could lead to its perception as a original product and major sale boost
in retail sector or a simple tickle in financial figure of a company’s remuneration
could provide a major boost in stock market.
US agencies such as CIA and FBI are perceived as major fronts in 2016 for
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 53

Several open confab concerning cyberterrorizations have been dedicated to the

concealment and accessibility of information. In near future, we might also visual-
ize several online maneuvers of manipulating major governmental decision, invest-
ors of stock market, or corporate decisions due to alterations and manipulation in
veracity of the electronic figures provided to them. New concerns for cybersecurity connoisseurs

Numerous sectors in recent years have seen ascending trends of data integrity out-
breaks. A false news of President Obama’s injury by Syrian hackers through Twitter
account of Associated Press, leading to a sharp 150-point dip in stock market, can
be seen as a simple but direct example of the same. The similar example can also
be seen as minute altercation in a cooling system by Stuxnet worm, which lead to
rescind Iranian nuclear program [2].
“Data veracity outbreaks have a number of dimensions to them,” said Eddie
Schwartz, universal vice president at ISACA, an international cybersecurity associa-
tion. “If you get hold of a meticulous system like the power grid or water system
that encompasses machinery operated by workstations and make minute alteration
in the operational directives for that equipment, it can lead to some cataclysmic
consequences – power outages or deviations in chemical balance.” Previous data warehousing system breaches in recent times

i. Yahoo
Date: 2013–14
Impact: 3 billion user accounts
Details: “In September 2016, the past prevailing Internet colossal, while in parleys to
peddle itself to Verizon, indicated that it had been the prey of the humongous data
breach in recent antiquity, probable by ‘a state-sponsored artiste.’ The outbreak com-
promised the original appellations, dates of birth, email addresses, and handset no.
of Five hundred million patrons. The corporation published that the preponderance
of the passwords had been hashed via the robust crypt algorithm.
Few months later, it buried that previous record with the revelation that a
breach in 2013, by a different set of black hat hackers had compromised 1 billion
records with names, dates of birth, security questions and answers, email addresses
and passwords that were not well secured as those involved in 2014. In October
2017, Yahoo reviled that, all 3 billion-user accounts were being compromised.
The breaches bashed a probable $350 million off from Yahoo’s sale amount.
Verizon eventually remunerated $4.48 billion for Yahoo’s core Internet industry.
The pact stated that the two corporations to share regulatory and legal obligations
from the breaches.”
54 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

ii. Adult Friend Finder

Date: October 2016
Impact: More than 412.2 million accounts
Details: “The Friend Finder website, which comprised spontaneous hookup and
adult content network like Adult Friend Finder,, etc., were pen-
etrated in mid-October 2016. Hackers unruffled two decades of data from six data-
bases that include complete details like names, email addresses and passwords.
The feeble SHA-1 hashing algorithm fortified most of the passwords, which was
predestined that almost cent percent of them were been decoded by the time circulated its scrutiny of the entire data next month.
CSO Online stated at the stage that, ‘a canvasser who has online Twitter identity
as 1x0123 and as Revolver in other networks displayed images of Adult Friend
Finder displaying an issue called LFI (Local File Inclusion vulnerability) which was
being targeted. The ID stated said that the vulnerability was exposed in a service
method on the production servers deployed by Adult Friend Finder. AFF Vice
President Diana Ballou acknowledged the same and confirmed, that the issue was
fixed which was prevailing due to injection vulnerability.’”
iii. eBay
Date: May 2014
Impact: Nearly 150 million user data
Details: “The Internet Giant known for its online auction testified a cyber-attack in
May 2014 that is said to have exposed all the details and hashed passwords of all of
its users. The company said, it was a scenario of Social Engineering where hackers
accessed the company intranet using the credentials of three internal employees,
and had a completed backdoor access for almost a year. In this tenure they paved
their way to the consumer database.
As mitigation, it requested its users to update their passwords, but alleged that
the financial statistics, such as credit card info, was stowed disjointedly and was not
compromised. The venture was condemned for a dearth of communication notifying
its consumers and pitiable implementation of the password-renewal procedure.”
iv. Equifax
Date: July 29 2017
Impact: 143 million consumers along with Credit Card info for 209,000 consumers
Details: “Equifax that is one of the dominant credit agencies in America revealed on
Sept. 7, 2017 that an application susceptibility on one of their networks led to a re-
cords breach that exposed roughly 147.9 million users. The breach was exposed on
July 29, but the enterprise stated that it possibly happened in mid-May.”
v. Uber
Date: Late 2016
Impact: 57 million along with 600,000 drivers exposed.
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 55

Details: “The Corporation came to know about the breach in late 2016 wherein cou-
ple of hackers was able to retrieve personal details of 57 customers of the Uber. They
were also able to retrieve the driver license details of 600,000 Uber drivers. Credit
card or Social Security numbers were secured as per the company. The hackers got
access Uber’s GitHub code repository account, where they retrieved user credentials
to Uber’s AWS account. Those authorizations should certainly not be on GitHub.
The Breach was made public a year later by Uber. They compensated the hack-
ers with $100,000 to rescind the records with no clause or way to authenticate that
same. The paid them stating it was a ‘bug bounty.’ Uber also sacked its CSO and
placed the responsibility on him.
The breach is said to have affected Uber in both reputation and money. At the
time that the break was announced, the business was in discussions to trade a
stake to Softbank. Uber’s valuation declined from $68 billion to $48 billion by the
time the deal was signed.” Vulnerabilities in data warehousing system for big data

Data warehousing system for big data or big data analytics was defined by the con-
noisseurs with the help of terminology like value of the data, volume, and variety of
the same, along with velocity and veracity of the data. This is also defined by 5V’s.
Recently, an additional V is gaining the focus of the market, let alone the experts of
big data analysis. Vulnerability, as it gains focus in the market, distresses entire en-
terprise sector and is urging for major attention since, if this is not handled, rest all
will be at stake. Due to numerous proficiency, it has now received the consideration
of entire domain.
Due to its capabilities of further optimizing the business by better understand-
ing of the habitué and enhanced productivity suggestion, it has made the life of de-
cision makers a lot easier. Then a clause of confidentiality also comes into the
picture, which mandates the enterprise to secure patron’s data from any unautho-
rized scrutiny and due to this the vulnerability dispute needs to be addressed as an
important contemplation. Reason for all the 6V’s

The data confidentiality is the major dimension several syndicates are dealing
with, still there are numerous unquestionable cradle for procurement of user’s
personal data. As stated by Marr, “Vulnerability addresses the information that a
mounting number of people are becoming comfortable on to the element that
their delicate data, the sensitive data of many commercial initiatives, is being
gulped up by the gigabyte, used to pry into their comportment and, eventually,
peddle things.”
56 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

Like several research organizations, an organization used for credit referencing

named as Experian mentions similar views in their white papers and other research
documents. To mien at the data susceptibility trait, one could mien at a sociological
facet at the issue. Several experts like head strategist of Experian named as John
Roughley states, “We think about things emotionally, and the emotion that’s associ-
ated with data is sometimes one of nervousness, anticipation or liability. That’s partly
because it’s new but it’s also because everyone’s seen stories in the various sources
of Media about data breaches, and record number of individuals have experienced
their records being tainted in some shape or form – the phone ringing off the hook
with people asking about payment fortification indemnification.”
The principal fears around data warehousing system susceptibility could be ad-
dressed through rudimentary questions like, how did my data reach these advertis-
ing companies contacting me? What extent of access they have to my data? What
around the financial info? How much easily hackers can access my data? Will all of
that be whipped by hackers to siphon off money from my account? Nevertheless, to
address these disquiets, there needs to be some key steps such as reassuring cus-
tomers, whose whatsoever information they offer to the company will be securely
stored, will not be misplaced, or used for malevolent purposes.
As John Roughley explained, “It’s about doing what you promise you will do,
and as officialdoms we have a prerequisite to mark certain that we always perform
with integrity and with regards to the custodianship of someone’s data. It’s about
keeping it secure, keeping it safe, and not breaking any promises with regards to
what we will do with it.”
Data garage such as NoSQL have several security susceptibilities, which cause
confidentiality issues. A conspicuous security blemish is that it is incompetent to
encrypt records during the cataloging or logging of data or while dispensing it into
diverse groups, when it is streamed or unruffled [2].
Out of all the majority of data warehousing system vulnerabilities being faced
by business, common six can be mapped as follows:

a) Pitiable authentication for records

With the cradle of informative data records being flowing in and out of a company’s
data warehousing unit specially if discussed about Retails Department, and the
ease of getting into the database with poor authentication system, it can act as an
entry point for any malicious person. Through Rouge scanners, this can open the
doors for fabricated transaction, improper rating systems, and so on into the func-
tional system.
This can be mitigated through a granular level of control on the data with 5W’s
questions to maintain a trail for all the inbound and outbound data flow in the sys-
tem endpoints along with a context-driven dogma podium for proper role settings.
As articulated in several security seminars, if you let the flow of improperly ar-
ticulated and unstructured data with garbage-type data security, the same will be
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 57

haunting you for the rest of your life span in the same company. Hence, it needs to
be ensured that the incoming records are from reliable sources, and that it is not

b) Apprehensive web consoles

Front-ends act as another security exposure for data warehousing systems.
Considerable amount of interaction with data warehousing uses Internet-based web
interface, which act as doors for cybercriminals due to their mostly unaddressed se-
curity loopholes. Using techniques like eves dropping, data can be captured easily,
which flows in and out using Internet and can be altered to complete their causes.
These types of scenarios do not depend on the size of data.
Authentication-related issues could also be instigated via techniques like SQL
injection, where web front ends with less or no authentication are at high stakes.
Stored procedures can be considered as a mandate to safeguard the data along with
parameterized queries for data statements as engagement in modus operandi.

c) Rudimentary security controls unavailability

The lack or unavailability of robust security incorporation in major firms acts as an-
other liability in data warehousing systems. Most of the mid-level or small-level
firms do not consider security as a part of fundamental design of any solution,
which leads to data leakage since several times these firms act as third-party source
for any functionality.
Security deployment should be both preemptive and responsive to safeguard
their data from getting into malicious hands. Firms should properly scrutinize for
the same. Security threats or various other anomalies can be identified using threat
scanning, which can be deployed along with perimeter defenses that can scrutinize
in real time.

d) Pitiful encryption system clubbed with derisory masking protocols

Masking can also be represented as a small manipulation of data. This is mostly
needed to cover the loopholes in the poorly defined encryption algorithm that can
occur in the data flow during the integration points of systems.
Another issue with customer data is anonymity. The use of automated technol-
ogies like machine learning can lead to uncovering the user’s identity via simple
derivation or direct accidental visibility. These data need to be anonymized for the
security of customer. Conceded concealment is a noteworthy area of data security
while still industries contemplate of safekeeping with the value of missing data.
Ensuring that a given syndicate has comprehensive set of algorithms and
guidelines in place for masking, and encryption is a major scenario in the current
market. In ingestion points, to avert any further security concerns, apt dogmas
need to be placed as well.
58 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

e) Record’s improper lineage and respective audits

Records that are misplaced or scattered can be considered as another epitome of data
warehousing system vulnerability. Improper or lost trail data creates an exposure to
further details of the customer along with the configurations of security control shield-
ing the data. Mostly, these scenarios can also arise due to records storage in multiple
locations like On-premise and Cloud without any proper documentation.
As stated by Security Expert Morrell, security of data warehouse is an integral
part for being innocuous. However, one should also take precautionary measure
of developmental cybersecurity disputes. This can be done by data tracing with
proper documentation. This is also critical for rules of compliance of confidential-
ity regulatory.
As a continuation of Morrell’s statement, every single strand of data and its
lineage requires a continuous audit trail to latent complications. It is very important
to maintain detailed log of records. Starting from ingestion to usage, and from
usage to authentication details and processing details, all should be maintained in
a log to avoid missing any unknown threat. Pinpointed authentication information
about the people acts as a precautionary measure to backtrack in case of security
breach as well as real-time security to avoid any major security breach.

f) Huge dataset
Data warehousing system is already a set with huge data processing in a data ware-
house. In such a scenario, data redundancy or data replication are not stringently
required for future system, and failure can act as an overhead security concern.
Rather securing networking with remote data and securing the same could provide
better security.
As stated by Morrell, keeping several replicas of data floating for the system
without proper trail cannot be considered as a way to assure data security. Hence,
secured system and definitive measures are applied on cloistered data used for
analysis to minimize Online surfacing and allow minimum public functions access
to it. This eradicating security concerns due to insecure replicas. Precautions needed to be taken

Will the above-mentioned issues and procedures thwart all data warehousing secu-
rity susceptibilities? Perhaps not. They can only act as a base for a good start but it
is rather important that all the firms should consider and focus seriously on data
warehousing system security. Ease of data management along with several cost-
saving processing methodology is the major reason for expanding popularity from
large organizations to smaller and medium sized as well. Data analytics can be fur-
ther broken down into service of data digging and data collection, which is nowa-
days being assisted by cloud-based stowing services. Nevertheless, the issue of
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 59

confidentiality and other security-related threats is still surrounding the integrated

system of data warehousing and cloud-based storage system.
Old or traditional algorithm-based classic security application, which are de-
signed to perform only on a particular volume of data, cannot handle this large vol-
umes and leads to data leakage and other security and confidentiality threat.
Dynamic data like that in stock markets that can be considered as of major impor-
tance in a nation’s economy, also cannot be handled by these traditional security
applications. Therefore, just a consistent security check will not be able to detect
security blotches for constant streaming data. For this scenario, you need full-time
seclusion while data streaming and data warehousing system analysis [3].

i. Security of transactional logs and shielding

Due to unavailability of data trails of their storage location, which is generally a
fault of auto-tiering technique, more and more such encounters happen. Even
though sensitive records like logs and other transactional records have erratic level
of security but without shielding it is all inadequate. Instances like necessitating of
auto-tiering system to manage the amplified accessible and scalable data due to
huge transmission of data being stimulated by IT executive create an issue that is
tough to handle at later stage.

ii. Percolation of input from end-points and validation

For data warehousing systems, front-end or end-point devices are the primary fac-
tors for preservation. Input data received from end-point are stowed and treated,
and other obligatory tasks are accomplished. This is the major reason for acquiring
legitimate end-point that is reliable to the maximum extend.

iii. Framework for fortifying dispersed calculation and procedures

Security arrangements and other fortifications in framework for dispersed calculation
like MapReduce (which is a utility in Hadoop) is mostly lacking for computational
safekeeping and other digital resources. Major preclusions are shielding the data and
safeguarding the mappers in the manifestation of an unauthorized attacker.

iv. On premise of real-time data safeguarding and shielding

Large volumes of data generation were the major reason for most groups that
were incompetent to preserve consistent validations. Nevertheless, favorable con-
dition would be to execute security checks and scrutiny in real time or virtually in
real time.

v. Encryption and defending access control method communication

To defend data from theft, a fortified data storage device can be considered as a
smart step. Yet, encryption is still one important parameter in data stowing devices
as vulnerability can arise anytime in any device.
60 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

vi. Data provenance

To categorize data facts, it is obligatory to be cognizant of its basis in mandate to
regulate the data source precisely; authentication, endorsement, and access regula-
tor could be achieved.

vii. Microlevel assessing and access controls

Low-level authentication control of data warehousing system by databases like
NoSQL D.B or the Hadoop Distributed F.S entails a proper and updated validation
methodology and obligatory authentication. Scrutinizing diverse records could be
expedient and these statistics could be obliging in distinguishing any kind of secu-
rity breach or other malevolent activity.

4.1.2 The result

Roughley stated that, “We can initiate to aid individuals with the methodology to
extract the utmost value from their data, the way to treasure an economical supply
of electricity or other energy source, benefits while acquire a bank mortgage, even
advance and enhanced medic services using the data shared by their fitness tracker.
However, we need to acknowledge the actual point that we have all become entities
in the Data Warehousing system with gradually being habituated to data analytics
and data sharing.”
To put it simply, there are numerous ways that data exposure can be secured,
let it be from securing and updating the servers up to date with security servers.
Essentially following a virtuous line of disclosure for customer records, and using it
for real worth ought to find a solution to the modern present-day problem.

4.2 Hacking
Hacking is an endeavor to abuse a computer system or a remote grid inside a larger
network. In simple words, it is the illicit access to or control over computer grid-
safety systems for some forbidden drive. The party engaged in hacking deeds are
branded as a hacker. These hackers may alter structure or security topographies to
achieve an objective that diverges from the original drive of the system. Hacking
can also denote to nonmalicious actions, generally concerning scarce or improvised
variations to equipment or processes.
Ethical hacking signifies the act of tracing flaws and vulnerabilities of worksta-
tion and information engines by duplicating the resolution and activities of malevo-
lent hackers. Ethical hacking is also acknowledged as penetration testing or
intrusion testing. An ethical hacker is a security expert who smears his/her hacking
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 61

abilities for defensive tenacities on behalf of the possessors of information systems.

By piloting penetration tests, an ethical hacker gazes for answer to the following
four basic questions like information/locations/systems: can an attacker gain ac-
cess, can an attacker see on the target, the value of available information to at-
tacker, and is the attempted hack recorded in the targeted system?
Hackers deploy the range of modus operandi for hacking, including
– Spoofing attack: It comprises of sites that fabricate information by imitating le-
gitimate websites, and they are consequently treated as trustworthy sites by
users or further programs.
– Vulnerability scanner: These types of programs scan remote computers on grids
for known vulnerabilities.
– Password cracking: It can be termed as the method of retrieving passwords
from information stockpiled or communicated by computer systems.
– Viruses: These are self-replicating set of codes that spread by injecting replicas
of themselves into other executable programs or documents.
– Packet sniffer: These can be defined as those applications that seize data pack-
ets with intentions of viewing information and passwords in transit over the
– Root kit: They epitomize a set of code packages that grind to sabotage function-
ality of an operating system from legitimate operators.
– Trojan horse: It functions as a back-door in a computer system to permit an in-
truder to achieve access to the system in future.
– Key loggers: These are the tools deliberated to record every keystroke on the
infested machine for later retrieval.

Certain organizations hire hackers as part of their upkeep staff. These authentic
hackers also recognized as ethical hackers or white hat hackers that use their capa-
bilities to discover faults in the syndicate’s security system, thus averting distinc-
tiveness in individuality larceny and further computer-linked delinquencies. White
hat hackers are typically perceived as hackers who use their expertise to assist peo-
ple. They may be rehabilitated black-hat hackers or may merely be well proficient
in the procedures and practices used by hackers. An organization can employ these
professionals to test and implement best methodologies that make them less sus-
ceptible to malicious hacking efforts in the future.

4.2.1 Big data versus ethical hacking

While the syndicates currently are converging on exploring data warehousing sys-
tem and analytics because of economical stowage, reachability, usability, and con-
ception of distributed computing, they unknowingly also create a prospect for
hackers in social engineering as well. A technique wherein the hacker can know the
62 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

inclinations and interests of employee in the enterprise that can assist in construct-
ing an efficacious social engineering attack. For example: With the predisposed
data warehousing system of the employee, the records can be excavated easily,
whose sites are frequently logged by the employees and the frequency of stopover
to the given site (Facebook, YouTube, etc.). With this information, a naive hyperlink
in a spam e-mail can be twisted to disclose not only his individual minutiae but can
also be enticed into providing corporate authorizations and thus providing numer-
ous accesses to the hacker.
Currently, data warehousing system and networks deliver “Just-in-time” back-
ing for governments, syndicates, and officialdoms during crises. It will also protect
forthcoming scenario of national and international network security, new proce-
dures of sovereignty. It also enriches the thoughtfulness of use, abuse, and net-
working of broad topical. These statistics if in mischievous hand can be a base
point for taking down an entire region or government off-guard.
Without the encircling span of data warehousing system, it’s tough to conceive a
scenario where dappled ventures and borderline illegal acts would make news. It’s
only with the application of data warehousing system does the utter scale of this evi-
dence turn heads. If one individual gazes at another individual’s sheet during a test,
it’s commendable of a red mark from the professor. If the whole class cooperates in
an organized way and develops a coordination of cheating, it becomes newsworthy.
The Panama Papers for illustration are an admirable example of something that is
not obligatory illegally, but sketchy to say the least. The element that hundreds of
high-profile global figures were acknowledged in this mass dataset is what makes the
news. With the evolution of data warehousing system, it makes opportunities for
hackers even more appealing, but it also creates a pool of data that becomes even
more necessary to protect [4] (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1: Instances of harms versus benefits of data warehousing system.

Scenarios of issue Pros Cons

Incursion of cloistered Shared and political engrossment on very Very truncated hurdles
communications enormous scale to intervention

Analytics illuminates to enhanced and well- Analytics can conjecture

Unrestricted revelation
timed treatments in the healthiness domain/ peculiar actualities from
of anecdotal cloistered
commercials that might be concerned to you, innocuous feedback
and so on data

Location sharing can be used for triangulation, A criminal can utilize the
Tracing, stalking judging shorter routes, proximate allies, even info to raid house when
evading natural calamities, and others empty
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 63

With data warehousing system set, hackers may possibly destruct or yank data
warehousing system sets with reasonably trivial alterations in instruction to achieve
benefit. Certain techniques might be anodyne to the community but hackers might
even exploit annual economic corporate reports for individual advantage. Such vi-
cissitudes in monetary reporting models might also alter the policymaking of man-
agement, investors, dealers, and further people who build their verdicts on these
monetary reports.
Industries like Equifax, which is one of the distinct consumer credit agencies,
functions on multibillion-dollar statistics advisor industry, which acts as a perfect
example. They decorate an exhaustive depiction of an individual’s life and that
sketch is utilized to style resolutions with direct impressions. As a corporation
swells to its stockpile of data, the worth matures exponentially; so, the imperative
of dataset traders is to uninterruptedly hoard as much data as conceivable.
In nearby impending, hackers might have the capability to intrude into worksta-
tions that pedal vital technological paraphernalia that regulates water distribution,
rail networks, gas distribution, and so on. By gaining admin access of this worksta-
tion, hackers can alter the operational configurations or manually construct anarchy.
This would have a disparaging consequence. Grounded on the research steered by
specialists, a point was established that this was undeniably conceivable. As per re-
ports, events of such potential have not achieved the public news, yet it’s a possibil-
ity that it could have occurred already.
Thankfully, the good people are keeping up and developing strategies to thwart
modern cyberattacks. Let us compare how cyberattacks have traditionally been de-
tected and how data-centric menace revealing system is updating the cybersecurity
sphere, leading safekeeping enterprises to design a contextualized and analytical
slant to threat recognition system. Scalability and data amalgamation: to detect infringements, you have to

validate each piece of data

Customary security incident and evidence management software was not capable
enough to accumulate ample and adequate information to perceive up-to-date, er-
udite infiltrations. Furthermore, although they utilize chronological data, most of
them do not have the storage or handling competences to scrutinize data later
than 30 days, which leads to overlook significant idiosyncrasies. Additionally,
these tools scrutinize diverse cradles of data discretely rather than in conjunction
with one another [5–7].
Updated tools that have occurred take into account the speed, size, variety, and
complexity of data in a mandate to distinguish the new era of cyberattacks. The fresh
paradigm appeals for layering predictive analytics and machine learning systems on
cream layer of all cradles of data in an organization’s cyberinfrastructure (Figure 4.2).
64 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

Figure 4.2: Monitoring UI of HADOOP (data warehousing system scalability and analysis) tool. Well-designed conception is crucial

Pictorial illustrations of infrastructure statistics can assist in making security expo-

sures visible. Conversely, present-day safekeeping mavens are not well proficient in
data conception. Stereotypically, their prescribed training includes just statistics,
computer science, and security. In such circumstances, if records are detained
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 65

across much longer time horizons and from several disparate sources, well-de-
signed visualization becomes indispensable to threat scrutiny.
Companies that use data conceptualization tools have customarily utilized
them for post-destruction design and not for real-time threats monitoring. If plat-
forms are integrated and paired with streamlined visualization, users can swiftly
and accurately pinpoint system susceptibilities [5, 6]. Smaller companies more exposed due to unaffordability of cybersecurity

Traditionally hackers used to hit substantial establishments with comprehensive

cyberattacks envisioned to disorder huge number of systems and make headline
news. The modern cyberattack, however, has more low-profile outbreak on confi-
dential records with the intent to go undetected. Small-scale corporations are most
exposed, as they can’t afford to implement and manage tech that traces the foot-
print of the data warehousing system over the endpoints of their organizations.
The artificial intelligence and human expertise for monitoring are not necessar-
ily boomingly costly, but the hardware for treating of such gigantic volumes of data
might be exceedingly exorbitant. Thus, the security tactic should majorly rely on
the worth of the chattels that need to be protected [10, 11, 12]. Fundamental challenges to combating cybersecurity coercions

Day by day, malware outbreaks intensify in volume and intricacy; they are grim for
traditional diagnostic tools and arrangement to tackle them because of majorly two
factors: scalability and data density.
For example, each day at Sophos Labs, more than 300,000 new potentially mis-
chievous files require scrutiny, and SQL-dependent infrastructure will not scale
well and has high maintenance cost [7, 8]. Data warehousing system analytics as a path forward to cybersecurity

Detection of hacking attempts and countermeasures to instantly respond is a major

focus area. Prevent, detect, and respond are collectively called as PDR paradigm. This
can be considered as the doors where data warehousing system analytics comes in.
Corporations and analytical firms are now confirming that these encounters might
probably be overwhelmed with data warehousing system analytics. Investigative cor-
porations have been scripting reports and counseling their patrons about the impres-
sions of data warehousing system analytics on cybersecurity across diligences: For
66 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

– IDC pinpoints that cloud and data warehousing system will avert cyberthreats
to the health organizations.
– According to Gartner, one-fourth of universal corporations has already adopted
methodology of data warehousing system processing [13].

4.3 Social engineering

Human user interface being used in various manipulative ways to accomplish mis-
chievous activities with vivid range can be explained as a definition for social engi-
neering. Social engineering, in the milieu of information security, discusses disclosure
of confidential info with psychosomatic influence of people. Category comprising as-
surance tricks for the system access, information congregation tenacity, or deceit di-
verges from a customary classic “con” in that it is frequently one of several steps in a
more intricate fraud structure.
Social engineering can also be explained as concomitant with the social scien-
ces, which are deed of psychosomatic influence of a human, but this recent security
vulnerability has surrounded the information security experts since few decades.
The cognitive biases are the basis of entire social engineering procedures that are
pinpointed on explicit characteristics of human judgment, sporadically referred to
as human hardware bugs [14].
Numerous combinations of mix and match are used to generate attack techni-
ques. The assaults cast off for this attack are utilized by the hackers to snip se-
cluded data of the users. There are several examples of this type of attack like the
one in which the user is called in their cell phones by people posing as bank em-
ployees to fetch their card details for malicious transaction or those in which a mail
is sent to the user with a link to click which will in turn take the user to a malicious
infected page to load virus into the system, and so on.
Generally, these types of attacks are transcripted with one or several book-
marks. Out of those steps, for a well-defined carefully planned attack, the first step
is generally the homework on the victim to collect circumstantial records that range
from user’s likes/dislikes to chalking out entry points via carefully validating the
security guidelines and protocols.
In the next step mostly, the preposterous person tries to gain victim’s trust to
provide him the stimuli which will trigger the actual attacking actions like breach
of security protocols and capturing subtle information.

4.3.1 Lifecycle of an well-organized attack

This can be considered as one of such attacks with no real-time protections except
maintaining logs, which will lead to finding out later. It basically acts in manipulation
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 67

or other humanoid faults, which let them as insider’s access without directly acting
upon the intrusion system for the hackers. Since inside attacks cannot be fully pre-
dicted based on human manipulation of authentic users, it is more tauter to recognize
such attacks, let alone the real-time protection. These types of attacks can only be
tackled when users are trained thoroughly with all the modes of attack and how to be
precautious for them (Figure 4.3).

Preparing the ground for the attack:

· Identifying the victim(s).
· Gathering background information.
· Selecting attack method(s).


Closing the interaction, Deceiving the victim(s) to gain a foothold:

ideally without arousing suspicion: Social

engineering · Engaging the target.

· Removing all traces of malware. · Spinning a story.
· Covering tracks. life cycle · Taking control of the interaction.
· Bringing the charade to a natural end.


Obtaining the information over a period of time:

· Expanding foothold.
· Executing the attack.
· Disrupting business or/and siphoning data.

Figure 4.3: Lifecycle of a well-organized attack.

4.3.2 Types of social engineering

There are several and diverse methodologies, which along with human collaboration
give shape to the attacks. Generally, these can be classified into five broad types of
assaults [15].

i. Baiting
As a fish is caught with the help of a bait or a rat catcher uses a bait to trap it, same
is this type of attack where the greed or curiosity of the victim is used as a bait to
provide a false assurance. This greed or curiosity either lands them right into the
deceptive trap compromising their personal information or wide opens their work-
station for viruses. The baits are generally having an authentic look, which provides
the victim with false assurance. Physical media is the mostly used form to disperse
these types of malwares.
Such a scenario like a malware infected flash drive can be considered as an ex-
ample, which contains the bait suitable for the target user. Due to inquisitiveness,
68 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

victim uses the flash drive in any workstation, thereby providing straight route for
the malware to infest the system.
These types of attacks are not confined to physical world only; advertisements
and other lucrative links to download any software act as a form of online bait. The
baits are mostly generalized form and not targeted to any particular user.

ii. Scareware
All the online users have generally seen or faced scenarios where multiple alarms
suddenly pop up in the browser or system. Series of fictitious threats are bom-
barded in the system. This type of attack is termed as scareware, where the victim
is threatened in a cyberway to make them believe that their system is compro-
mised and/or is infested with malware. This leads the user to actually download a
software suggested by the attacker, which is the real payload for the attacker to
compromise the system. So in short, a rogue scanner software or deceptive soft-
ware that threatens the user to act according to the attacker can be termed as
Figure 4.4 can be considered as one of the most common scenarios being en-
countered by almost every Internet user, where popup banners with utmost legiti-
mate looking banners are bombarded in the browser. These popups generally have
threatening messages or texts like the one in Figure 4.4. The users are forced to in-
stall malicious software or click a link that redirects them to a payload containing
site to compromise the system [9].

Figure 4.4: Example of a scareware.

4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 69

Spam emails with threat and warnings are a mode of operandi for this type of
attack, which lures the user to spend on worthless products.

iii. Pretexting
In this type of attack, series of well-planned manipulations are crafted by an in-
vader to acquire information of the victim. The perpetrator often instigates the at-
tack by pretending as someone else to the victim to requisite classified data to
accomplish the assignment. All varieties of apposite information and records are
congregated utilizing this swindle like as SSNs (Social Security Number) can be
considered as input or output for this type of attacks.
In a classic mode, invader kicks off the attack according to the following steps:
Imitates as colleague, law enforcement agency, bank and tax officials, or other
entities that under specific circumstances having authority-level access.
Enquires about classified, important but partial information of the victim to
avoid major doubts to the victim.
Uses the data received to data mine the rest of the classified and more impor-
tant data that can harm the victim in a major way.

iv. Phishing
One of the online’ s most prominent and prevalent type of manipulation attack de-
pendent on directly reaching the user via mailbox or messaging services can be de-
fined as attack style of phishing. It depends majorly on the human tendency of
receiving free services or earnestness or sense of distress. It focuses on a better form
of a lie in which subtle info is spit out to the victim to generate the sense of curiosity
or urgency, thereby leading them to clicking the malevolent link in the mails or
chats, which redirect them to payload pages or attachments.
As shown in Figure 4.5, using an electronic mail false sense of affection or car-
ing is injected in the user along with curiosity of knowing the identification of the
source showing the affection. The link that shows a greetings being shared by an
unknown user actually leads to a payload-containing website that is to be triggered
as soon as the user navigates into the webpage. Once the payload is installed, the
user falls on the mercy of predator only.
These types of attacks are generally send in a mass to huge set of receivers,
with almost similarity to the original links, and regularly updating the mail servers
with information from security platforms can actually help the admins to obstruct
these types of attacks.

v. Spear phishing
Since the phishing attack is more generalized and can easily be obstructed, it does
not have any specific target. The modified version is also available in manipulation
attacks where phishing is specifically directed according to a chosen victim that can
be an individual or a member of any large syndicate. They follow the below steps:
70 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

Figure 4.5: Example of phishing email.

Selection of a victim
Datamining more information about the victim like hobbies or interests, and
job-related information to make attack less suspiciously.
Closely monitoring the victim to initiate attack in a proper time to attack with
maximum success rate.
These types of attacks are generally long duration attacks but are ample tough
to sense out and have enhanced triumph rates.
These types of attacks can be visualized as any assailant impersonating as an em-
ployee of the same organization as the victim but with higher authority or access to
emergency services. After proper background studies and proper timing, a message is
delivered by the assailant that are mostly urgent or emergency routine services which
needs their authentications or other important details. The information shared by the
assailant like victim’s supervisor name and all are retrieved by the assailant during the
prerequisite data mining, thereby forcing the victim to believe the authenticity of
the call and disclosing all classified details or dispatching them via any web link.

4.3.3 Big data versus social engineering

Social schmoozing platforms are groundbreaking platforms because of their role in

transitional behavior among users and third parties with their business orientation.
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 71

Entities analyze the users’ data to operate commercial campaigns and, in lieu, foster
the financial development of the platform itself, thus subsidizing to comprehend the
visions of Internet pioneers, that is, to cultivate a digital grid where information is
free and can be utilized for the well-being and the financial development of the entire
Not surprisingly, however, data analysis might be easily misused, for instance,
by exploiting the detailed information about users toward morally questionable ob-
jectives (e.g., tailored persuasion techniques, for which we refer to another post of
this blog). In addition, once disclosed to the acquiring party, data are not anymore
in possession of the social network and, as such, might be illicitly forwarded to
other parties. Given this scenario, we try to briefly explain what are the current ca-
pabilities and consequences of such capillary data production and analysis, that is,
how much can be done starting from our digital shadow?
Nowadays, the combination of psychology and data analysis is so powerful that
70 likes on Facebook are enough to infer more about a users’ personality than what
their friends know about him; 300 likes are enough to know that user more than his
partner. Hence, online social networks are such privacy-invasive that there is almost
a coincidence between the daily life of a person and their digital shadow. Artificial
intelligence techniques are the today’s state of the art in many data analysis tasks
and, while already performing excellently, their growth is not expected to stop [16].
Considering that the Internet is widespread at any level of our lives, with the
online social networks acting as a giant magnifying lens on the society, and being
particularly suitable to foster the political discussions, the inferences performed on
our data should raise serious concerns. Data might be used to profile users, to en-
counter them in a much-tailored fashion, and consequently, leveraged to induce
them doing something they would not do in their own to perform social engineering
to the extreme, precisely. The more is known about users, the easier is also to em-
ploy persuasion techniques to propose them exactly what they like, or are scared
of, thus opening the doors for a plague of our time: the widespread diffusion of
fake news, which, in turn, have detrimental effects on the democracy of a country.
In fact, a group of attackers with sufficient available resources can spread miscon-
ceptions and fake news on a global scale to influence the results of huge events by
hacking the voters (which ironically has the same effect of vote rigging!) [9].
Very recently, the case of an alleged misuse of data carried out by a company
operating in the marketing sector, named Cambridge Analytica, came under the
spotlight of the media. It is a case worth discussing because it embodies much of
the issues described throughout this post. First, some details about the fact:
Cambridge Analytica is accused to have been involved in an illicit sharing of data
with Aleksandr Kogan, a researcher who developed a Facebook-based application
to gather information about users’ personalities [17, 18]. Before 2014, Facebook’s
rules about data sharing were not as stricter as they are now. Specifically, a user
allowing to disclose some of his/her data had also the capability to reveal pieces of
72 Shibakali Gupta, Ayan Mukherjee

his friends’ information. In this way, from the 270K users who deliberately shared
their data with the application, it had been possible to profile up to 50 million
American electors. With such information in hands, Cambridge Analytica is accused
to have performed microtargeting campaigns to favor the election of Donald
Trump, by employing unscrupulous means, such as the spread of fake news to cre-
ate a significant shift in public opinion (Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.6: Sample of Cambridge Analytica analysis report.

In our view, four main lessons should be learnt from this story:
Today’s data-driven business models come at the cost of sacrificing privacy and
require a high level of trust on the entities managing our data. Once data have been
disclosed, in fact, there is no guarantee that the party that is entitled to use them
(e.g., the legitimate application) illegally forward them to other entities or not.
Although rules are mostly imposed to limit the control that users have on their
friends’ information (as Facebook did in 2014), the issue is inherently present in on-
line social networks, since they are based on the friends/followers paradigm. Due to
this model, in fact, the boundaries among users’ information spaces have become
blurred. Just think of a picture where a user is inadvertently tagged. Moreover, it has
been shown that a target user’s information (e.g., location) could be accurately in-
ferred from the analysis of the profiles of his friends.
Social engineering benefits from the heterogeneity and volume of the available
data, and widely employs persuasion techniques. The data-centric and all-intercon-
nected world we live in represents the favorable scenario for the application of an ex-
treme social engineering, that is, people can be easily profiled, contacted, and
4 Use of big data in hacking and social engineering 73

deceived to induce effects that go far beyond the traditional industrial espionage. As a
matter of fact, social engineering has the potential to spread ideologies and influence
the result of huge political events by exploiting the structure of the democracy itself.
The Duolingo case, as explained in our project also, is an excellent example of
how tracking of people’s behavior on a large scale and inferring their behavioral
habits is one of the solutions to improve the efficiency not only of the attack pat-
terns, but also of the training systems.

4.4 Conclusion
Data warehousing system analytics is a major boom in current cyber industry. Data
warehousing system analytics if used correctly helps in identifying, understanding
customers, optimizing according to their needs, science and research, military, and
other defense applications. Data warehousing system analytics can help identifying
illegal or hacking attempts even from minute data availability. However, on the
contrary, data warehousing system can also be used in corporate espionage, spying
on people and even alter their decisions (e.g., U.S Elections) and with the rise in
social networking applications every details on every individual can be considered
to be achieved online in some way or the other.
Due to the above factor, data warehousing system security is one of the major
concerns in cyberindustry. As described by Einstein on the context of nuclear en-
ergy, tool that can provide major and sustainable development can also be the cra-
dle of foremost devastations. Data warehousing system security can be considered
as important in current cyber market.
The data warehousing system, which primarily meant 3V’s now, has been updated
to 6V’s, that is, volume, value, variability, velocity, variety, and veracity. Data ware-
housing system analytics and the related security measures are growing every day and
in this chapter an insight has been given for the same. With continuous growth in
data volumes and improvement and inclusion of new tools in the market for analyzing
the same, in future, data warehousing system security needs to be revamped every sin-
gle moment along with other methods to identify the hacking attempts as well.

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Modern Education and Computer Science. 9 (10), 1–9. doi:10.5815/ijmecs.2017.10.01.
[21] [online] Available:
[22] [online] Available:
[23] [online] Available:–data-
[24] [online] Available:
Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal
5 Steganography, the widely used name for
data hiding
Abstract: Nowadays, global communication has no bounds. More information is
being exchanged over some public channels that serve to be an important mode
of communication. Without them, the field of technology seems to collapse. But
awfully, these communications often turn out to be fatal in terms of preserving
the sensitivity of vulnerable data. Unwanted sources hinder the privacy of the
communication and may even temper with such data. The importance of security
is thus gradually increasing in terms of all aspects of protecting the privacy of
sensitive data. Various concepts of data hiding are hence into much progress.
Cryptography is one such concept, and the others being watermarking and so on.
But to protect the complete data content with some seamlessness, we incorporate
concepts of steganography. It provides complete invisibility to any sensitive data
that is being communicated. This prevents attracting unwanted attention from
third-party sources, which helps to some extent with information safety. The field
of big data is quite into fame these days as they deal with complex and large data-
sets. Steganographic methodologies may be used for the purpose of enhancing
the security of big data since they also find ways of doing so.

Keywords: Steganography, Cryptography, Mean Squared Error, Peak Signal-to-Noise

Ratio, Entropy

5.1 Introduction
The worldwide booming technological [1] trends bring along with it several disin-
centives, and overcoming that has become a challenging task. In these days mod-
ern research [2] has given a new dimension to almost all fields of technology. The
new technologies have stressed on mediums being digital [3]. Communication [4]
is the sole mediator between any sorts of technology that offers a service to man-
kind. Modern technologies are indeed a boon for the human race in many ways.
Global network of computers serves as an error-free mediator in the source to des-
tination delivery of any data/document [5]. Research is carried out at a rigorous
level, and hundreds and thousands of newer techniques are coming up so as to
sort complex day-to-day problems [6]. Technology has made life simpler and eas-
ier. But as it is said there is no rose without a thorn, so goes the way with these

Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India.
76 Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

new technologies. It is often necessary to transmit essential and confidential in-

formation globally. They face many problems. Their original goal and progress is
often hampered by few things, and security [7] is one such thing. Internet also
acts as a major source or base to numerous fields that want to endow a critical
grip while bracing communication. Information is being communicated or ex-
changed over the same.
We know that for technologies to reach and serve mankind, they are always
braced with communication. Without communication no technology can reach any
life. In these days, security is an extremely important issue [8] that has taken over
the attention and concentration of many. Of course there are enough valid reasons
of being so. The threat of data piracy has been a high risk factor for quite a long
time. The mass reproduction of information is also a huge problem. This leads to
security concerns [9], which became a major issue in communication. Modern com-
munication requires certain measures to repulse the attention of any third party,
which affirms immense secrecy along with full confidentiality of information. The
field of data hiding [10] hence came to their rescue.
A communication is a two-way [11] process. The first way is where it is being
packed and sends from the sender’s side. The second is where the receiver receives
and unpacks it. Now the receiver [12] is expected to receive the same exact package
what the sender has actually packed. No problem arises if the aforesaid is the case
and the receiver receives the same thing that was send by the sender. But the prob-
lem arises if the receiver does not receive the same packed thing that was send from
the sender’s side. Here lies the main disadvantage and flaw. Some third-party at-
tacks [13] are being made in the way of these communications. These third parties
tend to temper with the technological benefits from being achieved. The full-
fledged benefits of technologies are made to be jammed. Hence, the purpose is not
achieved or fulfilled. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect [14] the need of
originality for the information being communicated.

5.2 Security of information

In today’s highly dynamic and competitive world, information security serves to be
the actual fuel for the engine of global communication. Information can be defined
as processed data or facts. In order to safeguard its originality, several processing [15]
has to be made before communication. The main motive in these cases is to commu-
nicate privately [16], although it is actually done via a public communicator medium.
These days, the concept of covert communication is increasing at an alarming
rate. The safe end-to-end [17] delivery of data is the prime issue of concern in infor-
mation security. Also, this has to be ensured without any interference. For the rest
of the world, a seemingly unimportant and transparent communication takes place.
5 Steganography, the widely used name for data hiding 77

Cryptography [18] is a well-known technique of data protection. In this tech-

nique, any data or information to be transmitted is first encoded, that is, it is con-
verted to an encrypted [19] form. The main aim of cryptography lies in securing
these contents in a possible way. This can be done with the help of some secret
keys. Several policies of encryption, which completely facilitates data security, are
actually effectuated. This objective is achieved by transforming the original data
into an illegible form that cannot be understood by any eavesdropper [20] sitting in
middle. By encrypted form, it is meant that it can be portrayed as any noisy form of
the information. Any other form apart from the original one can be pointed as an
encoded one. The output is actually an illegible one. It cannot be read or under-
stood by any outsider. The original information is known as plain text [21] and the
encoded information is known as cipher text [22]. Cryptography may be further clas-
sified as symmetric key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography. The denot-
ing difference is pointed out with the help of the keys used for encoding and
decoding the information.
Shown next in Figure 5.1 are the types of cryptography that are used to encrypt
information into some illegible form.

Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext

A) Secret key (symmetric) cryptography. SKC uses a single key for both
encryption and decryption.

Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext

B) Public key (asymmetric) cryptography. PKC uses two keys, one for
encryption and the other for decryption.

Hash function
Plaintext Ciphertext

C) Hash function (one-way cryptography). Hash functions have no key

since the plaintext is not recoverable from the ciphertext.

Figure 5.1: Types of cryptography.

– Secret key cryptography

These methods use a single key [23] for both encryption and decryption. The
sender first uses this key for encrypting the necessary plaintext and generates
the cipher text. The generated cipher text is then send to the concerned
78 Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

receiver. On receiving it, the receiver again uses the same key for decrypting
the secret message. Thus, the receiver finally recovers the corresponding plain-
text. A single key is applied for both encryption and decryption functions;
therefore, secret key cryptography is again called as symmetric encryption.
Basically, these methods may be applied and used for provision of confidential-
ity and privacy [24].
– Public key cryptography
These methods apply a single key for encryption purpose and one another for
the purpose of decryption. Therefore, these methods are also known as asym-
metric encryption/decryption. They can primarily be used for the purposes of
authentication [25], key exchange, as well as nonrepudiation.
– Hash functions
Hash functions [26] are also known as message digests. They have one-way per-
mitted encryption. Mainly these are algorithms, which generally use no key.
Just a hash value of fixed length is estimated. This estimation is based on the
plaintext. Also, this makes it nearly impossible for either the length of the
plaintext or the contents to be recovered. The hash functions are most com-
monly used and applied by many operating systems for encrypting the entered
passwords. Further, the hash functions provide a different mechanism to as-
sure the integrity of a specific file.

Mainly, different methods or techniques of cryptography have been created for secur-
ing the secrecy of messages by encryption as well as decryption of data. The en-
crypted form of any data may often attract the attention of the third-party external
sources. This makes it inquisitive for any unwanted external source and might inter-
cept that this form may contain some hidden precious information from a source. This
feature of cryptography may actually provoke any unintended third party about the
covert communication that is being taking place. Hence, there arises an obvious re-
quirement to hide any form of encryption made to protect and secure sensitive data.
Steganography [27] solves this issue by completely masking the information
without making it visible to the outer sources. In order to avoid drawing any kind of
suspicion, it has its methods to make some changes in the structures of the host so
that it is not identifiable by any human eye. Therefore, the transmission of the hid-
den data is made in a completely undetectable manner. The communication in this
case is completely kept hidden. It is a skill of hiding any confidential information
within another media/entity such that nothing unusual appears in front of external
sources. It hides the contents of data/any information within a carrier [28] medium,
thus facilitating a seemingly invisible communication. Third parties are actually
not able to see the information that is being communicated. Only the sender and
receiver sides know and are aware about the secret communication being taking
place. This particular advantage of steganography has increased its usage to a
much higher level. It has given a new dimension to the concept of information
5 Steganography, the widely used name for data hiding 79

security. The safety and integrity of sensitive data is guaranteed. All the fields and
sectors have started using techniques that safeguards individual safety and secu-
rity. Due to its immense potential of secured connectivity, it has become wide-
spread. Therefore, the concepts of steganography are having huge demands in
today’s world. It facilitates privacy for several legitimate purposes during communi-
cation. Third parties are actually not able to see the information that is being com-
municated. Only the sender and receiver sides know and are aware about the secret
communication being taking place. More communications takes place electronically
in these days [29]. Likewise, for steganographic communications to take place, mul-
timedia signals [30] are mostly chosen as renowned message carriers necessary for
secured communication. There are many techniques that are figured out after high-
quality researches.
Another technique of watermarking [31] also has high usage in the field of infor-
mation security. The main advantage in this case is to confirm the authenticity of any
original data. Also, they may or may not be hidden in the host data. The watermark
[32] is hidden within the host data in such a way that it possibly can never be re-
moved. Even if its removal is made possible that can only be done at the cost of de-
meaning the concerned host data medium. Several watermarking applications, for
example, copyright protection or source authentication may have an active adversary
[33]. These stated groups may participate in making several attempts that removes,
forges, or invalidates the embedded watermarks. Special inks have been used for hid-
ing messages in the currencies as well. Steganography has its main goal of secure
communication intact. The controlling factor is that the people are not by any chance
aware of the presence of any hidden messages. This is what distinguishes steganog-
raphy from any other forms of data hiding or information security.

5.3 Steganography
Steganography might be defined as the science and art of hiding data or informa-
tion within another information, which appears to be harmless. The specific word
“steganography” is a mere combination of two different Greek words, that is,
“steganos” and “graphein,” which means “covered” and “writing,” respectively.
The sensitive message can be hidden within a selected carrier known as the cover
medium. This cover with the hidden data within is known as stego. The cover ob-
ject serves to be any kind of medium within which any private message might be
successfully embedded. This also aids to hide the presence of the very secret mes-
sage, which is being sent. Referring to an image as a medium, we may say that
the cover image is the seemingly unimportant image, within which the actual
confidential image is to be embedded. On the other hand, the stego-image serves
to be a carrier for communicating the private image across.
80 Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

5.3.1 History of steganography

Right from the ancient days [34], the concept of steganography had been used. The
ancient kings and rulers used many techniques for data hiding. One was shaving
the head of a trusted slave and then writing the message on his scalp. Once the hair
grew back, he was sent to the corresponding recipient with that message. The recip-
ient king shaved his head to read the message or information. A Greek historian
Herodotus mentions a remarkable history related to this. Histiaeus, the chief of
Miletus (an ancient Greek city), had sent a secret message to his concerning vassal,
Aristagoras, the leader of Miletus, by shaving the head of one of his trusted serv-
ants. He then marked the secret message on the shaved scalp [35] and had sent him
on his advised way when the hair on his scalp had regrown. This was one of the
many techniques of how communication was made during those days.
Demaratus, the king of Sparta, from 510 until 491 BC had used this strategy to
sent an anticipated warning for a forthcoming attack to Greece, by inscribing it di-
rectly on the underlying wooden support of some wax tablet. The final covering
step was applying and smoothening its beeswax covered surface. Also, these wax-
covered tablets were commonly used at that time as popular reusable writing surfa-
ces. Even quite for some time, they were used for shorthand purposes.
Mary, Queen of Scotland, used to hide several letters with the combination of
some techniques of cryptography and steganography. She had her secret letters hid-
den in a bunghole of some beer barrel that could freely pass in as well as out of her
concerned prison cell. During World War II, another steganographic method that
was practiced by the United States Marines was mainly the use of Navajo “code
talkers.” They applied a kind of simple cryptographic technique and the messages
used to be sent in all very clear text.
The vast uses of steganography were simply not limited to mere writing materi-
als. The ancient use of large geoglyphs of the known Nazca lines in Peru can also
be considered as a said form of the steganography. The figures vary in actual com-
plexity. These geoglyphs are open to view, though most of them were not identi-
fied/detected until they were viewed directly from the above air. The designs are
mainly shallow lines, which were made in the ground. It was done by removing the
naturally existing reddish pebbles as well as uncovering the whitish or grayish
ground underneath. Scholars have different opinion in interpreting their purposes.
Moreover, in general, they accredit some sort of religious significance to those.
Another description of a human vector example does include writing secret
messages on textures of silk. Later, this would be compressed and converted into
one ball. A final covering with wax was the last step. The messenger then had to
swallow this wax ball. In this case, the method for retrieving the secret message
was not described in the sources.
Another example of steganography is the one that involves some specific use
of the Cardano grille. Named after its very creator, Girolamo Cardano, this device
5 Steganography, the widely used name for data hiding 81

can be considered to be as simple as a sample of paper with some holes made in

it. The intended message can only be retrieved, when this grille is placed over
some printed text. Such techniques might be related to the stated Cardano grille,
which employs classical steganography techniques including methods of pin
punctures in any text materials (e.g., newspapers) or overwriting some printed
texts with any pencil.
Some evidences support that prior to the stated Civil War, there were certain
methods of providing private messages to captured slaves that aided in their own
escape. The quilts, which were mostly left to dry by hanging them from window-
sills, were used as the target source. Secret messages were passed to the captivated
slaves by some sort of patterns made in the quilts. This guided them in their venture
for freedom. We may consider the Bear Paw symbol as an example of one such said
quilt pattern. This represented an advice given to follow the found bear tracks over
some of the region of mountains.
Some of the other uses of the stenographic techniques involve one photograph of
the few captured crew members of the U.S.S. Pueblo. There all the crewmembers had
spelled the same word “snowjob” and this was done using various hand positions.
During the Vietnam era, some instances were found where during photo ops, the cap-
tured members in the U.S. Armed Forces would also use several hand gestures. This
was often just to make these gestures aired by the media. The techniques mostly em-
ployed were by using their eyelids to blink some hints in Morse code, for example,
torture. Also, the prisoners of the ill-famed Hanoi Hilton use to have a “tap code” for
communicating among each other. This code was mainly based on a 5 × 5 matrix,
where each of the residing letters is assigned a tap sequence. The sequence is purely
based on the stated matrix. The spaces or pauses between those characters were
twice as much long as the gaps or spaces in those particular letter codes.
There are many other examples from history, which relates to the same purpose
as well. Use of invisible inks that glows when heated was one such example.
Communication through microdots was one technique used during the World War
days. There were certain other techniques as well.

5.3.2 Modern steganography

Digital communication is the boon of the trending technology. With the progression
in this field of digital communication, the need of steganography serves to be a
backbone of global communication. The need of security for the information tra-
versed being the prime concern increases the demand of steganography. The sole
reason was to secure and hide sensitive data from everyone except its intended re-
cipient. This was the built-in feature of the domain steganography. It can actually
guarantee the covert communication. This heightens the application range of stega-
nography to an enormous extent.
82 Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

In the recent years, the global interest followed by research and development in
this field has almost inflated to a high level. The presence of redundancy [36] in some
of the representations of digital media (used as carrier or cover) is the targeted areas
of data hiding in steganography. It attracted the attention of many researchers and
developers, who decided to generate newer techniques of availing and sustaining co-
vert communication [37]. During the communication stage, any unauthenticated peo-
ple may only notice the transmission of a seemingly unimportant image.
A communication always takes place between two parties. One is the sender party
and the other being the receiver party. Similarly in steganography, two processes take
place: one in the sender side known as sender phase and the other at the receiver side,
also known as receiver phase. Robustness as well as transmission security during com-
munication are extremely essential for transmitting the vital message to its intended
sources while declining access to unauthorized people. Hence, a secret point-to-point
communication between the two trusted parties in the two sides should be ensured.
The communication channel is a public medium where any kind of untrusted
source may be present. Their main aim might be mainly to uncover any secret data
that passes by. Steganography evaluates and generates a number of ways until the
attacker does not find some way to detect and trace the hidden information. With the
communicating channel being selected, the communication proceeds with sending
the stego. Many new techniques came up for the purpose of hiding information.
In these days communication has become digital. Therefore, the techniques
used are digital steganographic techniques. A steganographic procedure has two
phases: one taking place at the sender side and the other at receiver side. On the
sender’s side, the sender embeds the message within a chosen cover medium. On
other hand, on the very receiver’s side, the receiver extracts the hidden message
from the received stego. The resemblance of the stego with its respective cover rep-
resents the efficiency of the procedure used. Also the efficiency of the algorithm lies
in extracting the hidden information in a lossless manner. The lossy [38] extraction
results in loss of data fields from the hidden information. This is definitely not what
is expected out of a steganographic procedure, whose main aim is to communicate
data secretly from sender to receiver. Therefore, if there is even a partial loss of hid-
den data, then the procedure is not fully efficient to what it promises.

5.3.3 Benefits of steganography

The primary demand of data integrity and authentication leads to absorption of cer-
tain effective measures in the respective systems. Government organizations have a
wide range of use in this area. Various purposes of individual interests are some
other important factors using the same. The self-conscience level of the modern
crowd regarding the security attacks has increased a lot. People have become much
more aware regarding protection of their personal and professional data. This self-
5 Steganography, the widely used name for data hiding 83

awareness has led to an increase in the use of enhanced security in the communica-
tion systems. Even several trade and business purposes make use of the potential of
steganography to communicate new product launching information or any other
trade secrets.

5.3.4 The major challenges of effective steganography

The major challenges of effective steganography should be successfully met so as

to achieve a potently secured communication. These requirements are for enabling
of a secured communication. Therefore, for a good steganographic system, the fol-
lowing parameters should be significant.
– Robustness and security:
The term robustness [39] refers to resisting the attacks and securing the contents
of the hidden data in a possible way. Thus, robustness is an important and chal-
lenging factor in any effective steganographic system. Also, for the facilitation of
security, the data hidden must appear to be invisible to the external world. This
concept of invisibility helps in achieving seamlessness in any carrier.
– Size of payload:
By the size of payload [40], we can say that this term is the total possible
amount of secret data/message that can be hidden in any carrier or cover. The
steganographic approach focuses in transmitting huge amounts of information
maintaining the factor of imperceptibility. This amount of information hidden
in any carrier should be maintained without breaking any of the other require-
ments (such as robustness and invisibility). Since steganography promotes hid-
den communication and therefore the requirements for higher payload along
with secured communication are sometimes contradictory.

Note: It is always not possible to maximize capacity simultaneously with the trait of
imperceptibility and improve robustness in any data hiding scheme. Henceforth, an
acceptable balance of the above stated parameters must be sorted based on the nec-
essary goal/application. For example, some steganographic schemes may forgo a
bit of robustness in the favor of capacity with low perceptibility. On the other hand,
a watermarking scheme, for which large capacity and low perceptibility is not a req-
uisite, would definitely promote high robustness. Since the prime aim of steganog-
raphy is hiding data, so the methods must promote sufficient capacity.

5.3.5 Types of steganography

Then, in Figure 5.2 the types [41] of steganography are based on the medium in
which data is hidden. For example, if data is hidden in any text file, then it is text
84 Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

steganography [42]. If the cover medium is image, then it is image steganography

and so on.


Text Image Audio Video Protocol

Figure 5.2: Types of steganography.

All these types are used in their relevant mediums, where hiding will be of utmost
important in such medium. Various sectors of public importance emphasize in in-
formation hiding in the respective required medium, as per their necessity.

5.3.6 Steganography using image as a medium

Due to some subsistence of restricted potential of our human visual system [43],
concealing information within digital images is asserted to be quite an efficient me-
dium. Image steganography is also considered to be a potential for facilitating a se-
cured communication globally. Types of image files

There are two primary types of image files [44]: raster and vector (as specified in
Figure 5.3). Any image may be catalogued in terms of either vector or any raster
graphics. The image preserved in raster form is often said to be a bitmap. We may
also define an image map as a file containing some information, which associates
different locations on some given specified image with their hypertext links.


Raster Vector
image image Figure 5.3: Two primary categories of image
5 Steganography, the widely used name for data hiding 85

– Raster image
Raster images (Figure 5.4) are made up of collection of dots called pixels. These
are generally more common (like PNG, JPG, GIF, etc.) and are widely used over
web. Each pixel is specified as a tiny colored square. Suppose we zoom in to
any raster image, we may see a lot of these little tiny squares. Raster images
are the ones that are created with pixel-based programs. They may also be cap-
tured with a camera or scanner. When an image is scanned, it is converted to a
collection of pixels, which we call a raster image.

Figure 5.4: A raster image.

– Vector image
A vector image (Figure 5.5) is specified as one of the two major image file types.
Vector graphics are those that are created with any vector software. These are
more common for image files, which are applied onto any physical product. All
vector images are object oriented while raster ones are pixel oriented. Since the
vector graphics are not formed of pixels; therefore, they are resolution indepen-
dent. Also, the vector shapes (called as objects) may be printed as large and at
that highest resolution what the printer or output device allows. They always
maintain all their details when zoomed in or out. Pixel

A pixel [45] is denoted as a physical point present in a raster image. It is actually

the smallest addressable element in any display device.
86 Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

Painting with pixels Drawing with vectors

<< Magnified >>

Figure 5.5: Rasters and vectors.

For example, in a 512 × 512 image that has 512 pixels considering side to side and
512 considering top to bottom has a total of 512 × 512 = 262,144 pixels. Types of image steganography

There are several types of steganographic techniques that efficiently hide data.
Broadly, it is categorized into two types of domain: spatial [46] and transform.
Figure 5.6 shows few categories from both the spatial and transform [47] domain


Spatial domain Transform domain

techniques techniques


Figure 5.6: Domains in steganography.

5 Steganography, the widely used name for data hiding 87

In the field of spatial domain, the secret data bits/messages are embedded di-
rectly into the cover bit planes. The least significant cover bits get directly replaced
with the specific bits of secret message. There are a wide variety of procedures that
use spatial domain techniques, like that of least significant bit [48] and pixel value
differencing [49]. They are efficient in terms of several aspects like that of maximum
data carrying capacity. In the transform domain, the secret message is embedded in
their respectively transformed cover. There are a number of efficient transform do-
main techniques, like discrete wavelet transformation [50], discrete cosine transfor-
mation [51], and discrete Fourier transformation [52]. Some analytic metrics

There are several benchmark metrics based on which the efficiency of the con-
structed steganographic procedure may be found out. Accordingly, its strength can
be determined. Given below are few such metrics, whose values may be computed
and the efficiency of the steganographic output or rather stego may be found.
– Payload is stated as the total data-carrying capacity of that specific image, re-
ferred to as the carrier host or cover. The carried one is termed as the confidential
or secret data. This carrier or confidential object might be any file, including
some text, image, audio, and video. Henceforth, the embedding capacity of any
cover or host image is the maximum capacity, which may denote that only on
crossing this particular point distortion is recorded.
– Mean squared error or MSE: This is in correspondence to that expected value of
the obtained squared error loss or the obtained quadratic loss. MSE [53] is actu-
ally a risk function. We may say that the difference occurs mainly due to the
presence of randomness or may be the estimator do not account for any infor-
mation that might generate a more accurate estimation. Thus, it supposedly in-
corporates both the variance of estimator along with its respective bias.
If we consider a cover image “CI” that has M by N pixels such that M==N
and a stego-image “SI(i,j),” which is obtained after hiding data within “CI,” the
MSE is found out as
1 X
MSE = ½CIðijÞ − SIðijފ2 (5:1)
ðM*NÞ i = 1 j = 1

– Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR): While the MSE represents the obtained cumu-
lative squared error measured between the images, the PSNR [54] represents a
specific measure of the existing peak error between the stego and original.
Now, for color images (i.e., having three RGB component values per pixel), the
PSNR definition is same. It’s just that the MSE is now calculated as the sum of
88 Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

all the squared value differences, which is divided by the respective image size
and also by three. It is formulated as

10log10 2552
PSNR = db (5:2)
– Structural similarity index measure (SSIM): In general, SSIM [55] is considered
to be a full reference metric. This signifies that the measure of any image qual-
ity depends on an uncompressed initial or rather distortion-free image, which
is used as a reference. Now, we may say that this structural information is the
primary idea that the resident pixels have very strong interdependencies. Also
this is especially the case when they are close spatially. These kinds of depen-
dencies always carry some relevant and important information related to the
very structure of objects in their visual scene. It is calculated as

ð2μc μs + v1Þð2σcs + v2Þ

SSIMðc, sÞ = (5:3)
ðμc 2 + μs 2 + v1Þðσc 2 + σs 2 + v2Þ

where μc is the mean of cover, μs is the mean of stego, σc 2 is the variance of

cover, σs 2 is the variance of stego, and σcs is covariance of cover as well as
– Mean and standard deviation: In probability and statistics, the mean [56] and
expected value synonymously refer to one particular measure of the central
tendency. Also, this pertains to either of a probability distribution or random
variable, which is characterized by the specific distribution. Also, we may say
that the standard deviation [57] or “σ” is the measured square root of the vari-
ance of “X.” Rather it is actually the square root of the estimated average value
of “(X − μ)2.”
– Entropy: Here, the term “message” may stand for any event, character, or sample,
which is drawn from specific distribution of data stream. Thus “entropy” [58] is
known to characterize our uncertainty regarding the source of information. Since
entropy is greater for more random sources, so it is understood as the measure of
uncertainty instead of certainty. Entropy may be defined in some context of any
probabilistic model. We may say that independent fair coin flips always have
some entropy of 1 bit each per flip. Considering a source generating one long string
of character B’s, it will always have entropy of 0. This is because the next character
here will always be a “B.” The next following points are to be considered:
– The net amount of existing entropy might not always be some integer num-
ber of the bits.
– Some data bits might even not convey any information. As an example, some
data structures sometimes redundantly store information. Also regardless of
the specific information residing in the very data structure, they might have
identical sections. Given any data source, it gives the average of the bits that
are needed for encoding it.
5 Steganography, the widely used name for data hiding 89

– Skewness and kurtosis: In case of any nonparametric skew, we can define it as

(µ – ν)/σ. Here, µ is its mean, ν is its median, and σ is its standard deviation. In
cases where distribution remains symmetric, the mean becomes equal to me-
dian. Thus, such distribution will always have zero skewness [59]. Kurtosis [60]
determines how sharp and tall the central peak could be when it is relative to
some standard bell curve. Also, there are several interpretations for kurtosis,
along with those how certain measures have to be interpreted. The primary
measures are tail weight, peakedness (i.e., width of peak), and also lack of
shoulders (i.e., when distribution primarily resides in peak and tails and not in

Consider some univariate data D1, D2,. . .,DN, then their skewness as well as kurtosis
is found as follows:

ðDi − μÞ3 =N
Skewness = (5:4)
ðDi − μÞ4 =N
Kurtosis = (5:5)
where μ is mean, σ is standard deviation, and N is number of pixels.

5.4 Conclusion
The rapid sprout in the usage of sensitive information exchange through the Internet
or any public platform causes a major security concern in these days. More essen-
tially, digital data has given an easy access to communication of its content that can
also be copied without any kind of degradation or loss. Therefore, the urgency of se-
curity during global communication is obviously quite palpable nowadays. Hence,
the data hiding in the seemingly unimportant cover medium is perpetuated. The
realm of steganography ratifies the stated fact to safeguard the privacy of data.
Unlike cryptography, steganography brings forth various techniques that strive to
hide the existence of any hidden information along with keeping it encrypted. On the
other hand, any apparently visible encrypted information is definitely more likely to
captivate the interest of some hackers and crackers. Therefore, precisely saying, cryp-
tography is a practice of shielding the very contents of the cryptic messages alone.
On the other hand, steganography is seriously bothered with camouflaging the fact
that some confidential information is being sent, along with concealing the very con-
tents of the message. Hence, using steganographic procedures in the field of big data
enhances their security.
90 Srilekha Mukherjee, Goutam Sanyal

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Santanu Koley
6 Big data security issues with challenges
and solutions
Abstract: Big data is a collection of huge sets of data with different categories where
it could be distinguished as structured and unstructured data. As we are revolutioniz-
ing to zeta bytes from Giga/tera/peta/exabytes in this phase of computing, the threats
have also increased in parallel. Besides big organizations, cost reduction is the crite-
rion for the use of small- and medium-sized organizations too, thereby increasing the
security threat. Checking of the streaming data once is not the solution as security
breaches cannot be understood.
The data stack up within the clouds is not the only preference as big data tech-
nology is available for dispensation of both structured and unstructured data.
Nowadays, an enormous quantity of data is provoked by mobile phones (smart-
phone) or equally the symphony form. Big data architecture is comprehended
among the mobile cloud designed for supreme consumption. The best ever imple-
mentation is able to be conked out realistically to make use of a novel data-centric
architecture of MapReduce technology, while Hadoop distributed file system also
acts with immense liability in using data with divergent arrangement.
As time approaches, the level of information and data engendered from different
sources enhanced and faster execution is the claim for the same. In this chapter our
aim is to find out big data security that is vulnerable and also to find out the best
possible solutions for them. We consider that this attempt will dislodge a stride for-
ward along the way to an improved evolution in secure propinquity to opportunity.

Keywords: Big data, Hadoop, MapReduce, data security, big data analysis

6.1 Introduction
Massive knowledge is employed by industries at all levels that have access to big data
and therefore the means to use it. Software package infrastructures like Hadoop
change developers to distribute storage. The distribution process of terribly giant
knowledge sets on computer clusters. It simply leverages a lot of computing nodes to
perform data-parallel computing [1]. With the mixture of the ability to shop for comput-
ing power on demand [2] from public cloud suppliers, such developments greatly dra-
matize the adoption of huge data processing methodologies. Therefore, new security

Santanu Koley, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Budge Budge Institute of
Technology, Kolkata, India
96 Santanu Koley

challenges have turned out from the coupling of big data with public cloud environ-
ments classified by heterogeneous compositions of hardware with operating systems
(OS), and software package infrastructures for storing and computing on knowledge.
Data security is a much-needed criterion in today’s Internet-based world that is
dependent on mobile phone technology. Real-time use of social media such as
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, WhatsApp, and further Internet-based sites pro-
duces an enormous quantity of data all the way through the world. Eric Schmidt,
the erstwhile CEO of Google, once said about the production in such a rate with the
aim that it is fashioned by this Internet world up to 2003 is around 5 exabytes.
These data are in an increasing manner in its day-to-day applications in a multipli-
cative manner [3]. The reason behind this growth of unstructured (e.g., MS-Word,
PDF, any Text, Media Logs) or semistructured (XML, CSV, JavaScript Object
Notation, etc.) data along with structured (data with relational databases) one is
mainly the grounds of facet data restricted by diverse associations due to dissimilar
reasons approximating enhancing of sales, detail study, analysis, escalation of so-
cial media, continuous survey, shared projects, IoT, multimedia, and so on.
Big data expertise works with other well-known technology, that is, cloud com-
puting, provides the user much flexibility in terms of services and money, pays as
per the use of singular services endowed with, eradication of costly computer hard-
ware, has little speculation on setup, moves threats in excess of contradictory sys-
tems, and furthermore has diminutive point of time to market make cloud systems
remarkably acknowledged. Cloud computing has set out novel applications in mo-
bile technology as the entire services and amenities are provided at its finest.
The traditional applications like RDBMS (relational database management sys-
tem) come into play for structured data of tabular approach stored in .csv or .xls cate-
gory of formats. Today the demand for applications like Facebook and WhatsApp
involves in storing unstructured data besides the structured one. The unstructured
data similar to images of diverse setup together with healthcare substantiation is
analogous toward X-rays, ECG, MRI images, travel and logistics as well as moveable
text layouts, forms of miscellaneous kind, video as well as audio, documents compa-
rable to text, doc, rtf, and additional setups, manuals, contacts, automotive data,
data associated with safety, accessory of electronic mail, energy/industry retails, and
others Prearranged one enlightens us concerning tables of early database manage-
ment systems .CSV’s and .XLS’s, where row and column are applicable, as conven-
tional database management systems represent superior.
Big data follows an essential part with cloud computing as data stores in cloud-
lets. Five V’s of big data provides strength to analyze the data with dissimilar ap-
proaches and finally find the results. Using the elucidation endows with Google,
Doug Cutting and his panel developed an open-source project called HADOOP.
Hadoop scuttles function with the MapReduce algorithm, where the data is routing
in comparison with others. In short, Hadoop is used to build up applications that
could carry out absolute numerical study on gigantic quantity of data.
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 97

Real-time privacy with big data analysis is required. The security problem arises
when distributed frameworks are used like MapReduce function of Hadoop, which
dispense huge processing tasks to dissimilar systems to save processing time and
breach of security crop up. These tasks are taken as input to endpoint devices.
These are the main factors of security violation as data processing, storage, and
other tasks are performed here.
Storage on endpoints can stock up this streaming data into several tiers. When
the next data is stored, the tiers are also changed as the criteria of the most used
and least used concept are there. The manual tiering system is replaced with auto-
tiering, thus transaction logs cannot cop up with and increase security crisis.
Nonrelational data stores like NoSQL cannot encrypt data during distributing with
endpoints when it is flowing or composed, labeling or logging also makes the same
problem. At the time of storing data into storage devices, a proper encryption tech-
nique is needed. Similarly the access control, encryption, and validation are also
necessary when users are associated with enterprise IT as a whole. Data mining so-
lution is another security breach as data collected from the provider and collector
provides this data to the miner. This technique involves a specified mining algo-
rithm, which ensures the privacy and security of data.
Granular auditing is a kind of security check on logs to ensure the result on dif-
ferent parts, where data is stored in case of external attacks. It may be an unsuc-
cessful hit, but auditing finds its consequences. Granular access control of big data
requirements by means of NoSQL databases or the Hadoop distributed file system
(HDFS) intended for a vigorous verification practice and obligatory admission
power. Data provenance is done with metadata, where users can check, verify, and
authenticate the data with high speed for any security issues.
Securing data storage endpoints is much necessary, but at the same time, it is
critical too in case of distributed architecture. When the data volume can rise up
to exabytes, autotiering system is essential. This will set streaming data involun-
tarily allocate to indicate and put together, organizing enormous dimensions of
data uncomplicated to manage. Unverified services or contradictory protocols like
crisis can occur as a result. This system generates logs that can store the data
about storage in tiers that can be isolated and preserved accurately. Secure un-
trusted data repository is a network file system that can protect the data and logs
from modifying them from external unauthorized users by constantly checking
and monitoring.
Organizations that employ huge unstructured data like photographs, video,
audio, and text cannot use typical structured query language (SQL), rather they
utilize NoSQL. It does not have default administrative user enabled, weak authen-
tication connecting server and client as communicating via plaintext. Weak pass-
word storage, lack of encryption support, susceptible to SQL injection, and denial
of service attacks are also responsible for severe security issues. A bit solution to
these may include server–client encryption algorithms approximating Rivest–
98 Santanu Koley

Shamir–Adleman, Advanced Encryption Standard, and SHA-256 Cryptographic

Hash Algorithm, as well as Secure Sockets Layer encryption.
The distributed framework separated into diverse endpoint devices need high
security. The reason behind the formulation of a trusted certificate at the point of
all endpoints will ensure safekeepings. Ensuring endpoint security measures in-
clude testing resources of data or information on a regular basis and usage of reli-
able, trusted networking devices only through the use of a platform like mobile
device management (MDM).
At every endpoint, the trusted certificates will facilitate to make sure that the
data stay protected. Supplementary actions to help the association ought to exploit
comprise usual resource testing and allowing merely trusted devices to associate
with the network all the way through the economic consumption of an MDM pro-
gram. After this hardware part, a data checking should also be there to guarantee
valid data received on endpoints. Now to get rid of the hackers and protect from
malware application, input devices as well as applications are defenseless.
Sometimes an external attacker copies with several identifications as users and fills
those endpoint storages with forged data to make the system unavailable.

6.2 Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the aspect of the present computing globe. It is a centralized
approach in stipulations of data storage, improved operations, and ubiquitous,
well-located, on-demand web access with smallest disbursement. It moves behind a
collective pool architecture, where essential networks, special servers, enormous
storage, numerous applications, and dissimilar services are incorporated [4]. The
cloud model is an amalgamation of five indispensable distinctiveness, three service
models, and four deployment models as looked for [5].
Cloud computing follows a service-oriented architecture (SOA), where it is di-
vided into three main categories of services like IaaS (infrastructure as a service),
PaaS (platform as a service), and SaaS (software as a service). This on-premises solu-
tion hardware or software is just like purchasing a car where driving, alteration, and
changing routes as per requirement is possible as per the buyer/user. While IaaS can
be an example of leasing a car from someone and drive it as we like, but in case of
upgradation several others can be taken. On the other hand, PaaS can be described
as taking a taxi for some time and pay the fare only, but cannot drive it either by
modifying anything we dislike. Conversely, SaaS is similar to using a bus with prede-
fined routes. Fundamentally, IaaS is employed by IT administrators; software devel-
opers are bringing into play; PaaS and SaaS make use of the simple end users.
IaaS cloud service providers are Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud
(EC2), Microsoft Azure, and Google Compute Engine. The big players of PaaS are
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 99

Heroku, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and Google App Engine. Finally, as an end user,
we are aware of the names of SaaS such as Gmail, Trello, Salesforce CRM, EventPro,
Office 365, and Google Docs.
The cloud does not stand for the traditional one as the name recommended is a
flexible service by means of service-oriented structure. It makes use of the Internet
intended for supplying certain services. The data, computer hardware along with
software everything, is shared in this construction. “Share and use of applications
and resources of a network environment to get work done without concern about
ownership and management of the resources and applications” (M-S. E Scale, 2009)
[6–8]. At this moment, the SOA put in the picture concerning the services provided
through this technology is not something except contradictory transformation of
several extraordinary technologies. The exceptional form of cloud service provides
service and deployment models. Service model can be divided into three different
varieties of perception, resembling PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS. Service models are de-
scribed as the NIST model [9] for the above structural design. The discussion divi-
sion for us is the IAAS cloud of the recently developed system.
The fantastically well-preferred cloud figuring is referred to as its notable high-
lights as pay-per-utilize model, which makes it a minimal effort, resource pooling,
simple to introduce and usage capacity, arrangement of services as required by the
client and ranch out capacity, QoS, wide network access, suppleness at a brief beat,
self-stipulation, decided upgrade of administration, adaptable, relentlessness, easy
upkeep with updegree, squat fence vitality, and so on [10].
“MCC at its simplest refers to an infrastructure where both the data storage and
the data processing happen outside of the mobile device. Mobile cloud applications
move the computing power and data storage away from mobile phones and into the
cloud, bringing applications and mobile computing to not just Smartphone users,
but a much broader range of mobile subscribers” [11, 12].
As the processing task isn’t finished by the cell phone, the power and memory
utilization is likewise less here and in the long run, the cell phone turned out to be
quick [13].
IaaS cloud innovation is the suggested technique for putting away information
on cell phones, apps, and so forth as second code portion or CDroid [14] server plot.
To achieve the minimal effort phrasing, we should find the cloud server in a neigh-
borhood land, where Fujitsu server is situated must have most reduced power cost
for every unit in this world [15, 16].

6.3 Big data

Big data is an expression that is used to allude different sets of data that are exorbi-
tantly tremendous or compound for customary information handling application
100 Santanu Koley

programming to viably manage. Information with numerous cases (lines) offers

more prominent measurable power, while data with higher multifaceted nature
(more qualities or segments) may prompt a higher false disclosure rate.
Big data challenges incorporate catching of data, data stockpiling, data analy-
sis, seeking, sharing, exchange, perception, questioning, refreshing, information
security, and data source problems. Big data are related to distributed (cloud) com-
puting as data put away onto clouds can be depicted in Figure 6.1.

Query engine, e.g., Hive, Mahout

Distributed configuration and

Decision making

synchronization service
Programming model
for processing large datasets
with a parallel, distributed algorithm
on a cluster like MapReduce
Data Data
storage visualization
in clouds
Distributed fault tolerant database
for large unstructured datasets
like NoSQL

Hadoop distributed file system API’s


Figure 6.1: Cloud computing with big data.

The present routine with regard to the expression “big data” is slanted to submit to
the utilization of prescient analytics, client conduct investigation, or certain other
propelled data analytic techniques that separate an incentive from data, and some-
times to a specific size of the dataset. “There is little doubt that the quantities of data
now available are indeed large, but that’s not the most relevant characteristic of this
new data ecosystem” [17]. Analysis of data collections can discover new relationships
to “spot business patterns, anticipate ailments, and battle wrongdoing thus on” [18].
Scientists, business officials, experts of drug, publicizing, and governments alike con-
sistently meet troubles with extensive datasets in territories including Internet look,
fintech, urban informatics, and business informatics. Researchers experience restric-
tions in e-science work, including meteorology, genomics [19], connectomics, com-
plex material science reproductions, science, and ecological research.
Big data is an idea to store, process, and break down gigantic sum (e.g.,
exabytes) of data that is almost incomprehensible with conventional RDBMS
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 101

framework. This is on the grounds that other than organized data it manages
semi- or unstructured data. Big data is grouped into a few classifications like
data sources, content arrangement, data stores, data organizing, and data pre-
paring. The detailed order can be comprehended with the assistance of
Figure 6.3.
Data sources are named as web and social media, a content format known as
structured, semistructured, or unstructured configuration.
The data format is document oriented, column oriented, graph based, and key
qualities while data staging can be depicted as cleaning, normalization, and
change. At long last, data processing should be possible with the assistance of two
unique strategies like batch processing and real-time processing.
Big data is able to illustrate by means of three ideologies of “V” such as volume,
variety, velocity, and it can be extended to veracity, validity, volatility, and value
(Figure 6.2).

Variety Terabyte
Structured records/arch
Unstructured tables/files Velocity
Multifactor distributed Batch
Probabilistic Real/near-time
Linked processes
Dynamic Stream

5 V’s of
big data

Veracity Statistical
Authenticity Variability Correlations
Origin/reputation Changing data Hypothetical
Availability Changing model
Accountability Linkage

Figure 6.2: The V’s of big data.

– Volume: Volume talks on the extent of the data created from various sources
and is prepared to extend as far as records, tables, or other forms. The size of
the data may vary up to terabyte, petabyte, and zetabytes. Information made
with definite data analysis and smartphone are the greatest maker of such sort
of longitudinal data [21].
102 Santanu Koley

– Variety: Variety means the class of data, for example, in various structures.
Furthermore, various sources will deliver big data, for example, sensors, gadg-
ets, social networks, the web, and cell phones. For instance, data could be web
logs, radiofrequency identification sensor readings, unstructured social net-
working data, gushed video, and sound. Other than unstructured data, both
structured and semistructured assortment of data stores into big data.
– Velocity: This implies how regularly the data is produced, for example, data anal-
ysis. For instance, each nanosecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day,
week, month, and year. Handling recurrence may likewise contrast from the cli-
ent necessities. A few data should be prepared real time, batch, or stream too and
some may not.
– Veracity: Veracity is the data in doubt, that is, uncertain, untrusted, and un-
clean. The uncertainty is due to data inconsistency and incompleteness, ambi-
guities, latency, deception, and model approximations. It is the management
of the reliability and predictability of inherently imprecise data types.
– Validity: Validity of input data based on accurate processing is done on the
data and provides a particular output as the product. The validity of data is
very near to the veracity of the data. Through big data, one should be spared
attentively regarding validity. For example, in the banking sector, data accu-
mulated from various banks must be valid to show the growth of the nation.
The finance ministry may plan their strategy for the next financial year regard-
ing the valid data provided.
– Volatility: Volatility is very common when data is needed to transform into
other types on a regular basis. If it is not accounted for analytical results, per-
haps invalid at the instant they are produced. Such types of circumstances are
very common, where businesses like the stock market or a telecom company
(call data records related to one day). Volatility is directly linked by means of
the challenges of invalidity and veracity.
– Value: In big data, value means exact data that are in reality and has some
meaningful aspects that take out from some usable system. Apparently, this
must be the output of big data processing. Value is an essential feature in the
big data. Extracting the exact value is only possible when proper roads are
there; here road refers to IT infrastructure arrangement to collect big data.
These can be possible in dealing with a business that is meant for a return on

There is another factor called inconstancy, which can be an issue for the individu-
als who break down and analyze the data. This alludes to the irregularity, which
can be appeared by the data on occasion, along these lines hampering the way to-
ward having the capacity to deal with the data adequately.
Big data are portrayed by various perspectives: (a) data sources, (b) data are
various, (c) data can’t be sorted into standard social databases, (d) content
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 103

arrangement, (e) data stores, (f) data organizing, and (g) data are created, caught,
and processed quickly. The real classification of big data can be illustrated in the
hierarchical structure as shown in Figure 6.3.

Big data classification

Data source Content format Data stores Data staging processing

Web and Document- Cleaning

Structured Batch
social oriented

Semistructured Real time
Machine Column-oriented

Sensing Unstructured Graph-based

Transactions Key value


Figure 6.3: Big data classification [20].

The distributed file system structure is utilized to store in big data utilizing two
unique strategies like HDFS and MapReduce programming system. The two are uti-
lized to store and keep up the entire data structure (Figure 6.4).

5 V’s of
Big data Analyze Result
big data

Figure 6.4: Life cycle of big data.

6.3.1 Hadoop distribution file system

HDFS is responsible to collect the data in lumps. Here data is parted into squares of
64 MB each. It is made perfect for executing its file framework on a hardware
104 Santanu Koley

platform where the cost is lower as well. It can endure the exceedingly imperfection
framework as it keeps up block replication. The Internet searcher for the web appli-
cation as named Apache-Nutch venture was the explanation behind the production
of this engineering. Apache-Hadoop is the great introduction as a subproject of the
resulting web crawler. An occasion of HDFS is made of a major number of server
PCs; some of the time the amount can leave a couple of thousand as well. These
servers reserve the data of the said record framework. They are not set up for a soli-
tary collaboration by the clients, yet for cluster preparing. The data documents are
a lot greater past evaluation, as they achieved the size close to TBs. Here the low
latency of data access is ignored; however, high throughput is upgraded and that is
much fundamental for a framework like HDFS. Data coherency and this throughput
are the establishment of the idea of “compose once and read various occasions”
idea of the files.
The Hadoop architecture contains data sources, Hadoop system, and big data un-
derstanding. The data sources contain site clickstream data, content administration
framework, outside web substance, and user created content. The Hadoop system
incorporates HDFS that is controlled with big data landing zone and MapReduce
algorithms. These algorithms are constrained by keywords investigate, content char-
acterizations, or subjects and client division. The big data knowledge holds keyword-
applicable substance-rich client focused on presentation pages.
HDFS is set up to utilize Java technology that takes care of business. The basic
plan of this document framework is given a name of NameNode – DataNode fol-
lowed on master–slave development. Serving read–write operation/application
from the file frameworks, customer is performed by the pair. The guidance from
NameNode is completed by performing block creation, cancelation, and replication.
They are expected to execute on item frameworks that might be OS as GNU/Linux
as NameNode is somewhat software same as DataNode. NameNode runs file system
namespace tasks like opening, shutting, and renaming files and directories. It is a
master server and administrates the file framework namespace and controls access
to documents by customers.
NameNode finishes up the mapping of different blocks to DataNodes. To guar-
antee the DataNodes working precisely, that is ordinarily single per bunch, the
NameNode engages time-to-time refreshing of heartbeat and a block report from
DataNodes in an ordinary interim. DataNode might be called as a vendor for the
hub with its arrangement, as a gathering of DataNode is upright for amassing of a
few blocks. These blocks contain part documents dispersed in changed blocks.
HDFS depicts a file system namespace and, put aside, client data to be put
away in these documents are in blocks.
NameNode does not flood with user data; it is an arbitrator for all of HDFS meta-
data. HDFS is planned such a way that it has a solitary NameNode in a bunch to the
most noteworthy degree that disentangles the design of the framework. Hadoop
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 105

system has the layer, in particular HDFS layer and MapReduce layer. The second one
is the known execution engine in a multinode cluster. A job tracker colleague tasks
trackers in both master and slave parts; then again, name node in the HDFS layer
partner’s data nodes in those parts as appeared in the outline in Figure 6.5.

Master Slave

Task Task
tracker tracker
MapReduce layer tracker

HDFS layer Name


Data node

Multinode cluster

Figure 6.5: Master–Slave architecture of HDFS.

6.3.2 MapReduce

MapReduce is a data handling worldview, where a major measure of data is trans-

formed into little. This programming model is combined with the task for doling out
and causing cumbersome data collections with a parallel, distributed algorithm on
a bunch [23, 24]. Hadoop is a framework that can store and control a lot of data all
around effectively, in light of basic master–slave engineering. It is the center of
Hadoop. Thoughtfully comparable methodologies have been very outstanding since
1995 with the Message Passing Interface [25] standard having decreased [26] and
dissipate activities [22].
MapReduce is separated into a few applications, patterns, examples of over-
coming adversity, utilities, capacities, highlights, and executions. Utilizations like
questions and examination, works as map and reduce, includes in the vein of a pro-
gramming model, huge-scale dispersed information handling, straightforward yet
limited, parallel programming, extensible, motivated in useful programming how-
ever not comparable and once in a while think in recursive arrangements.
Executions looking like with Google, apache-Hadoop, and a wide range of inno-
vations are utilized effectively in MapR. Different maps that lessen systems like
Signalcollect and storm are utilized here. Security and privacy challenges in big
data biological system are depicted in Figure 6.6 in the above section.
106 Santanu Koley

Data Output devices

Media data data data
● Image data data data
● Video data data data
● Audio
● Public
● Private Processing cluster result result result
● Third party cloud
result result result
platform MAP result result result
● Data publically
available Result
IoT Reduce
●Interconnection of
IoT devices
Databases Public/private/hybrid Data
● Traditional DB cloud storage
● Modern DB

Big data sources

Figure 6.6: Security and privacy challenges in big data ecosystem [22]. Big data security structure

Big data security structure can be characterized into various classifications. Some
of them can be named as infrastructure security, data protection, data manage-
ment, and integrity and responsive security [27]. The outline depicts the design in
detail. Foundation of security might be portrayed in cases like dispersed systems
and nonsocial information stores, although information protection shows infor-
mation mining and examination, cryptographically authorized information secu-
rity and granular access control. Data executives depict data tiering, exchange
logs, granular examining, and data provenance. Respectability and responsive se-
curity delineate constant protection and endpoint gadgets. The arrangement can
be portrayed in Figure 6.7.
Big data is the most recent innovation utilized by associations that get vulnera-
bility as we are uninformed of the vast majority of the things. The vast majority of
the devices bringing into play are open source, and accordingly discover assaults of
the hubs where information stores. Data stores here conveyed in nature; subse-
quently, ill-advised client verification happens. There is a significant prospect for
pernicious data input and inadequate data approval.
The examination of the advancement of big data uncovers the high adequacy of
big data as far as data handling. Be that as it may, the data preparing and informa-
tion stockpiling of big data raises the issue of the data security ruptures and in-
fringement of clients’ protection. At the equivalent time, the fundamental exercises
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 107

Compute cluster
DFS block 1 DFS block 1
data data data
data data data Map
data data data DFS block 1
data data data data data data
data data data DFS block 2 data data data
data data data data data data
Reduce data data data
data data data DFS block 2 Map data data data
data data data data data data
data data data Map
DFS block 2
data data data DFS block 3 DFS block 3
data data data
data data data
DFS block 3

Figure 6.7: MapReduce architecture.

learned are the questionable idea of big data in light of the fact that, from one per-
spective, the advancement of big data raises data security dangers; in any case,
then again, big data can possibly improve the data security in the event that they
are legitimately utilized. The capability of big data is gigantic and the consideration
regarding the data security is basic for the powerful improvement of big data and
the avoidance of various dangers. Real-time privacy

Constant supervision of real-time security is much demanding when dissimilar pro-

tection procedure engenders a gigantic amount of observant. The perceptive may
go ahead numerous tribulations. They are frequently unobserved as the users can-
not deal with the cut-off quantity. This may have a huge setback and also enhance
further amid big data as the volume and velocity of data pour out. On the other
hand, big data expertise endows with a prospect to facilitate this competence to
carry out and consent to prompt processing and analytics of a remarkable type of
data and this, in turn, can be worn out to formulate an existing real-time variance
discovery associated with scalable safekeeping analytics as well. In real-time pri-
vacy, analytics and the use cases are diverse in dissimilar business applications
where that particular industry will get benefitted (Figure 6.8).
For example, e-commerce and consumer marketing industry obtains huge sup-
port and profits in terms of monetary benefits. The same thing has to happen with
healthcare industry when doctors need accurate data in terms of report generation
for medical tests where doctors to prescribe. This situation is much similar when
tax paying for a country as well. The tax calculations, returns, payback, advance
108 Santanu Koley

Infrastructure Data Integrity and

Data privacy
security management reactive security

Data Data
Distributed tiering Real-time
mining and
frameworks privacy

Non Transaction
logs Endpoint
Cryptographically devices
data store
enforced data
access Data
control provenance

Figure 6.8: Different big data security and privacy challenges [22].

tax, and claims sometimes get frauds done on tax payments. Here the problem
arises when accessing the data between different parties, resources of those data,
and accessing the data in office or none office hours.
Today we move to computation on real-time data where big data faces most
challenges. Here, real-time updating or keeping an eye on the websites and web
pages is completed. The gigantic quantity of data (sometimes tera/petabytes) is
composed on or after a variety of resources, sorted out, scrutinized by means of
numerous data mining, data classification, and prediction algorithms, and conse-
quently, reports are kept up of all these analyses. These prepared reports are ex-
ceptionally helpful when decision-making standards are satisfied. The carrying
out of an organization depends to a great extent on those accounts. Language
processing is a real-time data processing language used to process data streams
coming from multiple sources (Figure 6.9).
IBM’s Stream Processing Language has three singular varieties of operators:
utility, relational, and arithmetic, which take data through input source operator
and give output through output source operators. These multiple operators present
in between the source filter, aggregate, join multiple data streams according to the
need of the user. As per the necessities, the formulations of the operators can be
executed manually by the users. Processing of streaming data is put in a more com-
petent technique in big data, whereas it also props up ad hoc queries.
Here the end users can write their own query in SQL as in custom database ap-
plication and straightforwardly submit them to relevant web applications too.
Thus, it can get further flexibility and power. But there is a larger security concern
of having ad hoc queries. The entire practice can be expressed in Figure 6.10.
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 109

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solutions provided

Infrastructure security Employ data analytics

Fraud detection
Monitoring code security Use of secure devices

Input source security Secure coding habits

Data poisoning Input source authorization

Figure 6.9: Time security monitoring (real-time privacy).

Ad hoc




SOCIAL, Conditioning,
WEB hoc analysis



Figure 6.10: Real-time streaming and continuous computation.

110 Santanu Koley

At that place should be a control on the admittance to the data; moreover, it ought to be monitored.
To put off illicit right of entry to the data, threat intelligence should be employed. Use big data
analytics to set up confidence acquaintances to come together to make sure that merely authorized
links to take place on a cluster. Scrutinizing tools like security information and event management
(SIEM) way out can be brought into play to stumble on uncharacteristic associations. They may
include: Secure authentication gateways

Powerless confirmation system is a standout among the most widely recognized
components that contribute toward information ruptures. Uncovering the vulner-
abilities present in client confirmation work, a programmer can possibly access del-
icate information. Imperfect execution of client confirmation process must be
counteracted at the plan organize. Guarantee that there are no broken confirmation
tokens, which can be misused by any unapproved clients. Utilize principle of least privilege

We ought to be in a perfect world to keep up a layered access control and actualize
standard of least benefit. It advocates constraining client access to the insignificant
dimension that will permit ordinary working. As it were, we should give a client
just those benefits that are fundamental for that client to deal with his/her duties. It
would keep unscrupulous IT experts from enjoying unlawful information mining
exercises. Utilize retrospective attack simulation

Not all associations can work in-house framework to help big data activities be-
cause of monetary requirements. Big data venture depends on an outsider cloud-
based (public or private) arrangement; at that point review assault recreation can
be utilized to discover vulnerabilities with the outsider application facilitated on
the cloud. On the off-chance that the assault succeeds, at that point you ought to
examine the issue further to locate changeless goals. Review reproduction would
assist with identifying plausible shortcomings in the framework before a veritable
programmer endeavors to abuse the helplessness. Utilize latest antivirus protection

Numerous antivirus merchants have concocted security arrangements that are ex-
plicitly focused toward big data activities. So dependably ensures big data condi-
tion with the most recent Antivirus suite. Ensure that the updates and fixes are
introduced when they are made accessible by the producer.
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 111 Utilize principle of least privilege

Big data is a developing business sector and the advancements are continually de-
veloping, making it hard for the current security answers to stay aware of the ex-
panding request. Intermittent reviews will assist identifying new vulnerabilities as
they make their essence felt. Subsequently, it can realign the security consistence
with the present security guidelines. Secure coding practices

While evaluating the code, one should ask himself the accompanying essential in-
quiries like, Am I ready to comprehend the code effectively? Is the code composed
after the coding norms/rules? Is a similar code copied more than twice? Will I unit
test/troubleshoot the code effectively to discover the underlying driver? Is this ca-
pacity or class too enormous? On the off-chance that truly, is the capacity or class
having such a large number of duties? On the off-chance that one may feel that the
appropriate response isn’t tasteful to any of the above inquiries; at that point you
can propose/prescribe code changes. Input source authorization

The utilization to constrain which wellsprings of information are substantial for em-
ployment accommodation, including workstations, gadget perusers, hubs, and inte-
rior perusers. For instance, it should need to keep certain clients from entering
employments from a specific workstation.
To approve the accommodation of work from explicit information sources, request
that the security administrator can enact the class and characterize a profile for each
information source. Furnish a security manager with info source and gadget names. Employ data analytics

Big data analytics is the regularly mind-boggling procedure of looking at extensive
and shifted data collections or enormous information to reveal data, including con-
cealed examples, obscure connections, advertise patterns, and client inclinations
that can enable associations to settle on educated business choices.
As a conclusion to real-time privacy, solutions endow with the use of security
devices, secure coding habits, input source authorization, and employ data analyt-
ics. Figure 6.8 briefs the story in short. Distributed framework

The distributed computing framework is the modern approach today, where not
only hardware, the software is distributed to. Here a software component shares
112 Santanu Koley

multiple computers in a network in order to get the faster processing capability.

Distributed programming frameworks (DPF) tie together the primary, secondary
storage, processing of data in an enormous quantity by size. Here in this framework
(MapReduce), they split the parallel computation; storage functions process mam-
moth volumes of big data. It could identify wicked mappers, and look over the data
entrusted mappers is the prevalent setback of big data and can potentially get in
the way big data seclusions endeavor.
For example, MapReduce in Figure 6.7 is a programming model and a related
usage for handling and creating substantial data collections with a parallel, distrib-
uted algorithm on a cluster. Normally, it segregates the input datasets into self-
regulating pieces. These components of a set are processed by map jobs in a com-
prehensive equivalent approach. MapReduce, in its initial stage, is naught but a
Mapper for each lump understands the data by a process called reading; there is a
little calculation is executed with the data already read and amount produced a list
of key/value couple. In the following stage, a reducer consolidates the qualities
that are in the correct circumstance to each unique key and yields the outcome.
The attack anticipation assesses in two special ways: mapper security and the se-
curity of the data in the existence of an untrusted mapper. The untrusted mappers
might revisit unidentified consequences, which will, consecutively, bring about an in-
accurate cumulative outcome. When using large-scale datasets, it is incredible to rec-
ognize the outcome of momentous smash up in scientific and financial calculations.
Different marketing and advertisement agencies collect and analyze buyer–retailer
data to reach consumers they have already marked. These errands include a high
measure of parallel estimations over expansive informational collections and are espe-
cially appropriate for MapReduce systems, for example, Hadoop. The information
mappers may contain spillages that might be deliberate or unexpected in nature. For
instance, a mapper may release an extremely particular incentive by breaking down
individual data, undermining clients’ security.

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solutions provided
Trust establishment:
Malfunctioning compute
initiation, periodic trust
working nodes

Application computation
Access to sensitive data Mandatory access control

Privacy of output Privacy-preserving

information transformations

Figure 6.11: Distributed frameworks’ secure computations.

6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 113

To carry out a gigantic quantity of data, DPF makes use of parallel computa-
tions. DPF makes use of parallelism in computations with storage space to practice
an enormous amount of data (Figure 6.11).
There are two different methods presented to make certain the trustworthiness
of mappers: trust organization and mandatory access control (MAC). Throughout
the first part, that is, trust establishment, “workers” must be genuine along with
prearranged belongings by “masters,” and only when they’re experiencing can they
be doled out mapper responsibilities. Subsequent to this requirement, periodic up-
dates must be constructed to ensure mappers, again and again, and congregate the
recognized procedure.
Alternately, MAC, the predefined security approach, will help to follow out. On
the other hand, while MAC makes certain that the input of mappers is safe and
sound, it does not put off data loss from mapper output. To keep away from this, it
is important to influence data de-identification techniques that will set off the erro-
neous info from being circulated among nodes.

The seclusion and security problem take into account of a number of questions like auditing, ac-
cess control, authentication, authorization, and privacy once bring into play the mapper and re-
ducer process. The way out pays trusted third-party monitoring and security analytics (Apache
Shiro, Apache Ranger, and Sentry) just as protection arrangement implementation with security to
put off information spillage. In that regard is inalienable lack of clarity in administering compound
application reconciliations on the creation-scale distributed framework. The system is to work by
methods for an undertaking class programming model that has the office to grasp remaining task
at hand strategies, tuning, and general observing and organization. At that point, when we make
an application for a solitary office or different capacities, we influence an IPAF (to entomb protocol
acceptability framework). The solution provided with the following: Trust establishment

This blended gift additionally commands the connection between big data and
trust. On the one hand, a lot of trust-related data can be used to build up creative
data-driven methodologies for notoriety-based trust of the board. On the other
hand, this is naturally attached to the trust we can put in the sources and nature of
the basic data. There may be situation when trusted nodes in distributed structure
malfunction with compute working nodes; the solution for this is to make regular
updates on each node periodically. Mandatory access control

MAC is a lot of security approaches obliged by framework arrangement, setup, and
confirmation where access to sensitive data can take place. Macintosh arrangement,
the board, and settings are built up in one secure system and restricted to framework
114 Santanu Koley

chairmen. Macintosh characterizes and guarantees a unified implementation of pri-

vate security strategy parameters. Privacy preserving transformations

Because of data gathering from various sources, odds of protection break have ex-
panded. It is hard to apply existing protection models (security safeguarding pro-
cedures) in big data investigation due to 3Vs: volume (substantial measure of
information), variety (organized, semistructured, or unstructured information),
and velocity (quick age and preparing of information) – qualities of big data.
Thus, distributed framework solutions afford trust establishments like com-
mencement, occasional trust update, obligatory access control, and protection safe-
guarding changes. This course of action is explained at this point in Figure 6.10. Endpoint devices

The above framework of big data accumulates data from an assortment of resour-
ces. They are generally called as endpoint devices. The technique of collecting data
split into two classes of perils such as data collection with validation and filtering
of data. The first part (data collection with validation) is to collect data from several
endpoints connected in a distributed network, where millions of hardware and soft-
ware are associated with it in an enterprise network.
Here another problem arises when an input validation is performed on the
piled-up data. Substantiation of the input data is important as infected data are too
compiled with some malware application with computer viruses that may harm the
data sources. Now the data should be filtered and modified as per the given format
of the data requirements. The second part (filtering of data) provides the exact out-
come improbable to validate and filter data. The data mapping can be done with
the help of knowledge processing and business goals or assess the scope of cus-
tomer data. Previous signature-oriented data filtering may perhaps be unsuccessful
to solve the input validation and data filtering to slow down completely.

Various solutions include the following: Corruption free software

Tamper-proof software is required to apply the accumulated data from diverse end-
points. Finding out the proper software is awfully essential with the existing setup.
The depravity of free software is much asked for swift operation, virus detection
and removal, and use of original software obligatory.
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 115 Trust certificate and trusted devices

The trust certificates are necessary with the use of trusted devices. These are really
difficult when collecting data from various sources, but during the filtration pro-
cess, one can ensure the said certificate and devices. Filtration process can include
firewall protection. Analytics to detect outliers

The purpose of data analytics may help to find outliers. When special interpreta-
tions on data that move away from normal path and produce extreme values are
called outliers, they will point out changeability during a measure, tentative inaccu-
racy, or a novelty. In alternative terms, an outlier is an associate inspection that
deviates from a taken whole outline on a section.
Outliers can be divided into two categories, namely univariate and multivariate.
Univariate outliers are originating on one occasion staring at an allocation of prin-
ciples during a particular attribute area. Multivariate outliers are set up during an
n-dimensional area (of n-characteristics). Staring at allotments in n-dimensional
areas is often terribly tough for the human intelligence, that’s why we need to pre-
pare a replica to try and do it for us.
Outliers can even be available in completely diverse flavors, looking on the sur-
roundings: point outliers, contextual outliers, or collective outliers. Point outliers
are distinct data tip that lay off from the remainder of the distribution. Contextual
outliers are noise in data, like punctuation symbols previously become conscious
text analysis or background noise signal once doing speech identification.
Collective outliers are subsets of novelties in data like a symbol that will point out
the invention of recent trend. Cryptographic protocol

Cryptographic protocols such as triple DES (put back the main data encryption
standard utilizes three individual keys with all 56 bits. The entire key length im-
plies 168 bits, yet masters would fight that 112 bits if key quality is progressively
like it), RSA (an open key encryption estimation considered as amiss computation
in light of its usage of two or three keys), Blowfish (symmetric consider parts mes-
sages along with squares of 64 bits and encodes them freely), Twofish (keys used
in this figuring may be up to 256 bits in length and as a symmetric framework,
only a solitary key is required), and AES (advanced encryption standard, incredi-
bly successful in 128-piece structure; similarly, uses keys of 192 and 256 bits for
significant encryption purposes) are there to compile the encrypted data collected
from other origins.
They may be exceedingly useful when using semistructured or unstructured
data. This procedure of endpoint input validations is exposed in Figure 6.12.
116 Santanu Koley

Smart grid
circumstances Threats/challenges Solutions provided

Corrupt device or software Cryptographic protocol

May clone fake devices Corruption-free software

Data poisoning
May directly manage data Trust certificate and trusted
source devices

Compromise in
Analytics to detect outliers
communication of data

Figure 6.12: Endpoint input validation/filtering. Data into several tiers

Tiered storage of data allocates to two or more dissimilar categories of storage

media. They depend upon the business value that data collected so far. This busi-
ness value enables the data tiering at an exceptionally low cost, but collecting the
maximum data possible within. Sometimes the significance of data alters over time.
There are some events that establish the altering worth of data, such as how often
we access the data and for what time, what capacity you need to fend for its func-
tions and exceptional circumstances that call for its quick retrievals, such as an ac-
count audit or financial account. Tiered storage includes the physical aspects,
where hard disk, tape, or disk storage, as well as logical aspects like cloud storage,
is associated.
Tiering approach of data storage in said devices depends upon the type of user
data with its applications. As time progresses, this data tiering complexity increases
(in a few cases, it decreases too) and it is classified into unusual types; thus consid-
ered necessary to store data in different types of storage medium. Generally, this is
done manually, but the system may upgrade to automatic data storage tiering. The
foremost companies help autotiering system, namely IBM, NetApp, and EMC. They
can submit application, that is, policy-based rules to shift data involving dissimilar
tiers automatically.
The advantages of the tiered storage system are cost efficient, operationally ef-
fective, and elastic. The tiered data storage system compels massive diminutions in
storage costs compared with untiered storage. Today, the organizations realize in-
stead of a single sort of depot for such data are a misuse of money for the majority
of jobs (Figure 6.13).
Tiering storage is operationally very much efficient as per the different need of
time and type. Such storage consists of the data that give out essential business
functions that end up in high-performance storage media, such as solid-state drives
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 117

Hot Warm Cold Frozen

Figure 6.13: Multi-temperature splits big data.

(SSD) through archival data among little significance that ends up in tape storage
or low-cost cloud storage services.
The normal manual train system is flexible enough, but automated tiering sys-
tem has the largest flexibility ever, to shift data among diverse storage media as its
value changes.
Big data describes distributed processing frameworks like Hadoop that are
worn for data processing and tiering storage for big data applications. Hadoop’s
substantial storage potential appears on or after its clustering architecture, wherein
data are distributed and lay-up in a network of compound computing possessions.
If subscribed with a specific cloud setup, the data tiering part may be stored in the
cloud data center; otherwise, Hadoop setup may be installed on-premise for enter-
prise-specific area.
At the very beginning, the datasets are created and afterward, they are used on
a regular basis by several users from the diverse user from dissimilar endpoints.
Seeing that large datasets come in Hadoop clusters, a component of the data is
stock up on individual computing machines or nodes in a cluster.
Yet, dissimilar variety of data along with the regularity of data access is very
frequent but with the progression of time, the value of data diminishes. Data tiering
is supported by Hadoop, and by splitting the cluster into different tiers based on
the frequency of use, it can considerably shrink the costs to pile up this data. This
technique of reduction of cost in data storage is continuous in nature. It is publi-
cized as (Figure 6.14).
Hot data: The real-time data analysis needs high-frequency entrance of data.
The regular reporting or ad hoc queries are also associated with this type of data.
The utmost computing power is utilized with this kind of data.
Warm data: This type of data accessed seldom. But it is functional at times so
that it is necessary to be stored on hard disks or sometimes in SSD storage too. The
computing power needed is obviously much less than hot data.
Cold data: Cold data is essentially a library type of data called archival data.
This character of data is used in enterprises at times when the periodic report is
generated or an enterprise wants to retain for compliance or once-off queries. This
data is located in storage by means of negligible processing power obtainable of it.
Frozen data: The frozen data means it will almost never be used. This kind of
data does not store in basic computer storage areas like HDD. Such kind of data is
118 Santanu Koley

Real-time data
analysis In memory

Frequently accessed Database flash


Operational Database storage

Raw and
achieved data Hadoop data nodes

Figure 6.14: Data tiering hierarchy.

almost unusable, so the power consumption is near to zero. They can be stored in a
node that uses minimal computing power, and less processing task is performed.
Here data is stored in an achievable manner (Figure 6.15).

Hot Warm

Disk Achieve

Figure 6.15: Mapping data to a storage tier based on temperature.

The cost reduction in data storage tiering is done for easy handling of data. Data is separated ac-
cording to the frequency of use of data with a specific time frame stored in different nodes.
Reduction of cost for data storage depends on the storage; when data stores on nodes with mini-
mum computing power or in case of achieving data, the data with minimum computing power
saves a huge amount of money. The data can move among said tiers via Hadoop tools, for instance,
Mover. If the system turns out to be relatively dynamic, it sets aside for superior competence in the
big data storage technique.
Now big data are classified into singular storage tiers per the occurrence of its usage. This is an
excellent opening tip for the enterprise that wants to store information in a less pricey manner.
After sometime, when this process is rationalized, user organization need not think about its stor-
age and reallocation of the same data with its cost minimization as they move between tiers.
The development of every job is directly proportionate with the addition of data as big as it con-
structs the peak of big data that gathers by themselves. A small part within big data is useful in
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 119

this instance as the cold and especially archive data exist. Thus there is a perspective to categorize
and tier enterprise level big data as soon as it gets into the clusters, leading to even greater
Storage tiering has immense prospective in a business world, where industries are under pres-
sure to accomplish useful imminent commencing the bulky bind of data they gather on a habitual
basis. Now the data will simply maintain to breed in volume and velocity in terms of big data.
Tiered storage brings cost optimizations to the table that can guarantee organizations achieve the
correct equilibrium between performance, capability, and cost on their big data clusters.
Storage tiering has extraordinary potential in this present reality where organizations are feel-
ing the squeeze to increase valuable bits of knowledge from the extensive swathes of data they
gather all the time; data that will just keep on developing in volume and speed. Layered capacity
conveys cost enhancements to the table that can guarantee associations that accomplish the cor-
rect harmony between execution, limit, and cost on their big data groups. Cryptographically enforced access control and secure communication

The big data analytics system can be made automated in terms of collecting data, but
as a result, it enhances data loss during this period. Different encryption techniques
and proper training of users can minimize the risk associated with it. Adequate pro-
tection method must be introduced as big data stored into clouds should be tested
accurately. This can be done for extra protection of data on the user side while cloud
service provider confers customary precautions review within the time frame.
Cloud service providers can be imposed penalties if the security standard does
not meet up to the expected standards. The right to use of power strategy must be
set up for authorized user access to both internal and external user sites. User au-
thentication for the data coming from different sites must be controlled up to some
level. To protect data from unauthorized access, a second-level security mechanism
is very much useful, namely encryption (Figure 6.16).
The reason behind doing the same is the use of raw data as well as analyzed data.
Confidentiality and integrity should be imposed on data as a measure of data protection.
Another aspect of the data security mechanism is the use of antivirus and fire-
wall protection. Today the trend is the creation of special attacks like ransomware –
a type of malware that is very common. They are breaching the defense of com-
puters throughout the world on a regular basis. Security mechanism includes some
other small techniques like disconnection of user devices with servers restraining
important information when they are unused. The security mechanism must pay at-
tention to the fortification of the function, rather than just safekeeping the device.
Proactive and reactive security skill should be supplied to big data.
Data visibility manages to different entities differently as there are two methods
for organizing, like systems, individuals, and organizations. The primary technique
systematizes the visibility of data in the form of preventive admittance to the main
scheme, for example, the OS itself or hypervisor. The secondary technique encapsu-
lates the data itself in a self-protective shell by means of cryptography.
120 Santanu Koley

Figure 6.16: Cryptography as encryption and decryption.

Both the approaches put in their remuneration and detriments. In the past, the fore-
most procedure was simpler to carry out and, as integrated among cryptographi-
cally protected statement. These may be customary on behalf of the prevalence of
computing and communication infrastructure.
The conventional security methods legitimate for an assortment of protective
intimidation. They include replay attacks, password-guessing attacks, spoofing log-
ins, intersession that has chosen plaintext attacks (Kerberos-specific attack), and
session key’s exposure. These attempts are really common in big data security tech-
niques. They are pertinent to any of the customary verification schemes. The pecu-
liar and more protected system, namely Kerberos fails sometimes. Today there is a
need for implementing a scheme that can forestall the attempts.

Instead of using cryptography in security control, steganography can be used where data is cov-
ered up by some other media. In the case of cryptography, data are actually changed in its format
but steganography creates an illusion for the intruders who want unauthorized access to user data.
To address the security problem like access control in big data is setting a revision in the secure
remote password (SRP) protocol to have room for the access control of the clients in authentication
level. This is the aim of assigning the access labels to the big data users to limit their access rights
in the big data environment. Simple remote password protocol is a secure password-based authen-
tication and key management protocol (Figure 6.17).

This protocol authenticates the clients to the server using a password-like mystery.
This mystery must be known to the client only. No other secret information is
needed to remember by the client. The server stores the verifiers for every user to
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 121

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solutions provided
Group signatures with trusted
Imposing access control
third parties

Identity and attribute based

Search and filter
Data integrity and privacy
Encrypting techniques
Outsourcing of computation
supporting search and filter

Integrity of data and

Fully homomorphic encryption
preservation of anonymity

Figure 6.17: Cryptographically enforced access control and secure communication.

authenticate the client, but if this verifier is compromised by an attacker, it cannot

be used to by the attacker to impersonate as a client. The foremost benefit of the
SRP protocol above further verification methods is that there is no need to store any
password equivalent data and the systems are immune to the password attacks.
When the client is verified by the server, a cryptographically strong secret is ex-
changed by the SRP protocol between the communication parties to pass securely.
Ultimately, the cryptographically enforced access control and secure communi-
cation solution present as a conclusion are identity and attribute-based encryp-
tions, encrypting techniques supporting search and filter, fully homomorphic
encryption, and group signatures with trusted third parties. Transaction logs

The protected data storage and transaction logs are really much linked up in the midst
of data warehousing, management, processing, and hence make the security tribula-
tions. Sometimes external security threats may distort the memory due to unautho-
rized access within big data. This deformed data is then transferred from one source to
another while the data transmission occurs between different nodes and users. The
tiered approach has already described how data is stored in different tiers. This case is
likewise for the transaction logs, and both data and transaction logs are stacked out in
multitiered storage media. The data moves frequently among tiers manually.
This procedure assures the developer direct authority over vitally what data is
moved and when. On the other hand, as the data set volume produces exponentially,
scalability and accessibility require autotiering for big data storage management. The
autotiering solution does not have any track of where the data is stocked up. This
leaves a new problem of protected data storage. For instance, on that point is an estab-
lishment that wants to ingest data from different departments of their own. There are
dissimilar types of data (every bit per data tiering approach) available within the
122 Santanu Koley

departments. The data that are virtually not used and mostly used both exist in paral-
lel. An autotiering storage system will help a great deal and can put away the money
via transferring the less used data to a lower grade and thus along. It may find that the
data stored in a lower tier is sensitive information. Usually the lower level data have
less security as companies do not desire to spend much for the unused ones, only in
this event, they must convert the policy to send data toward lower level or increase the
security of data.
Exchange logs can develop wild when not appropriately kept up. Each time
data is changed in the database, records get added to the exchange log. On the off-
chance that an exchange is kept running against an extremely huge table, the ex-
change log must record and store those data changes simultaneously until the ex-
change is finished. Since the log composes its data to disk, this can gobble up a ton
of disk space all around rapidly (Figure 6.18).

Users 2. Change is recorded in the trans- Transaction

1. Makes a change action log. This occurs immediately log
to a table and must complete before the query
returns to the user

3. A query
returns to the user
Database File
01 10 11 00 01 00
4. Change is recorded in 11 10 01 00 11 00
the data file, this happens 10 01 11
during the checkpoints

Figure 6.18: Transaction log (basic working procedure).

Data tiering in big data analysis plays a major role, especially when an autotiering scheme is
adopted. This autotiering must be fully log based so that the movements of data between tiers are
noted and side by side the sensitive data should be marked properly and increase the security of
the tier itself. Now, this may be the problem for huge data to provide high security, for this case
data should be isolated and kept in a safe place. The encryptions, especially policy-based encryp-
tion, and a signature on data safe secure data storage and transaction logs. The proof of data pos-
session and periodic audits of data are also recommended (Figure 6.19). Recuperation models

To begin with, pick the correct database recuperation model. There are three that
can be utilized with an SQL server database, yet the most normally utilized models
are SIMPLE and FULL. The third alternative, BULK_LOGGED, is normally utilized
briefly for expansive activities where execution is basic. The penance to get this ex-
ecution help is potential information misfortune if something turns out badly.
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 123

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solutions provided
Data confidentiality
Policy-based encryption
and integrity

Availability Encryptions and signatures

Consumer data archive
Consistency Proof of data possession

Conspiracy Periodic audit and hash chains

Figure 6.19: Secure data storage and transaction logs. Development limits

One method for evaluating a proper most extreme exchange log measure is to set it
at any rate the extent of the biggest list in the table. Since revamping the list re-
quires in any event a similar measure of room in the exchange log as the file itself,
the exchange log will dependably have enough space to finish the task. Backup
At last, take steady and robotized reinforcements. There are numerous methods for
setting this up (and is past the extent of this post). On the off-chance that the recu-
peration model is set to SIMPLE, the main alternative is to perform reinforcements
of the information; backing up the exchange log is beyond the realm of imagina-
tion. Every reinforcement will be a solitary depiction of the information in the data-
base at the season of the reinforcement.
In the event that the recuperation model is set to FULL, at that point of exchange
log reinforcements enable the database to be completely reestablished to a specific
point in time and aren’t obliged to just a single explicit minute in time. Log reinforce-
ments likewise play out the significant errand of stamping existing log records as dor-
mant. Idle log record space would then be able to be reused by the exchange log
when it returns to that area of the log document since it keeps in touch with the sign
in a consecutive request. It’s likewise essential to take note of that playing out a “full
reinforcement” from the reinforcement alternatives does not back up the exchange
log, notwithstanding when the database is in the FULL recuperation model. NoSQL

The contemporary big data analysis is the problem of synchronization between da-
tabase systems, which host the data and make available SQL querying, by means of
data analytic [28] packages that carry out numerous forms of non-SQL processing,
like data mining and statistical analysis.
124 Santanu Koley

Nonrelational data stores recognized as NoSQL databases are even under pres-
sure concerning security infrastructure.
The basic difference between NoSQL and SQL maybe thought of the difference in
nonrelational and relational structure of data. Data stored here in has NoSQL more
like document layout, whereas SQL has more table setup. This provides NoSQL to be
more flexible and trouble free to deal with the new data models than in SQL. NoSQL
is a open-source software; it signifies the minimum cost associated with it and can
act with low configuration hardware too. As a consequence, small software compa-
nies make use of it. Quick processing on big data is obtainable using NoSQL tools.
Elastic scalability is also useable with this database. Here no database models are
employed with NoSQL and thus a huge time is preserved. All the above points are
just opposite to SQL (shown in Figure 6.20). Examples of NoSQL database tools such
as MongoDB, CouchDB, CloudDB, and Bigtable are set up to use a decent variety of
difficulties presented by the examination world and subsequently security was never
part of the model at any time of its origination stage (Figure 6.21). Most engineers
utilizing NoSQL databases by and large incorporate security in the middleware. No
financing is offered by NoSQL databases for implementing it expressly in the data-
base. Such security rehearses represent extra difficulties. As far as hotel and prepar-
ing the colossal majority of data, associations managing enormous unstructured
informational collections may pick up the preferred standpoint by moving from a cus-
tomary social database to a NoSQL database. Subsequently, the security of NoSQL
databases depends on outside upholding systems.


Gaming Social media IoT Web

Web Mobile Enterprise Data mart

Mobile Enterprise Key value store

Relational table Relationships

storage use joins
database Column family store

Figure 6.20: Basic difference between NoSQL and SQL.

For instance, well-molded answers for NoSQL infusion are as yet not built up. Each
NoSQL databases was in parliamentary law to drop down the security episodes. The
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 125

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solutions provided

Enforcement through
Lack of rigorous
middleware-layer passwords
authentication and
should never be held in clear
authorization mechanisms
Data from diverse encrypted data at rest
and sensors
Lack of secure Protect communication
communication between using
compute nodes SSL/TLS

Figure 6.21: Security best practices for nonrelational data stores.

general public must continue through security arrangements for the middleware
adding things to its motor and toughen NoSQL database itself to coordinate social
databases without settling on its utilitarian qualities.

NoSQL database encryption solutions

Nonrelational or NoSQL databases are adaptable database arrangements that are composed for a
lot of changed data types. Since they include more than customary database tables – utilizing ob-
jects and lists rather – they require an alternate way to deal with enormous data security.
Clients would now be able to ensure data in any NoSQL database, including driving database
merchants, for example, MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase, and HBase.
Leverage file framework-level encryption answers for guaranteeing the documents, organizers,
and offers that contain the files and articles listed in the NoSQL outline.
Coupled with strategy-based access controls, clients hold a fine purpose of control regardless
of the gigantic information volumes.
Application-level big data encryption or tokenization arrangements append security legitimately
to the data before it ever is spared into the NoSQL diagram.
Operations stay straightforward to the end-client while the database holds its capacity to direct
inquiries, and convey data without reductions in execution. Proper encryption technique

To ensure that the most touchy private data is completely secure and just open to
the approved elements, data must be encoded depending on access control ap-
proaches. To guarantee confirmation, course of action, and decency among the dis-
persed substances, a correspondence system that is cryptographically verified must
be completed. Delicate data is for the most part put away decoded in the cloud.
Lack of designing security measures is also creating security problems such
as encryption, policy enablement, compliance, and risk management. If these
126 Santanu Koley

things are needed, they should be built on their own. Data masking policies and
aggregating datasets may be used as security measures. Here re-identifying indi-
viduals are the proper tools that may perhaps locate datasets back simulta-
neously. Confining solitude might show the way to augmented safety measures
menace, particularly if the data caught up be full of responsive and commercial
information. Assortment of data is another important security measure, where
data provider provides structured or unstructured data, but both are used by
high-, middle-, or low-level users. This is the newest among all technologies using
in today’s computing world. It is very clear when any technologies are not well
understood, certainly they become vulnerable.
The principle issue to scramble data is the win or bust recovery strategy of en-
coded data, which limits clients from effectively performing finely grained activities,
for example, sharing records or ventures. Quality-based encryption (ABE) reduces
this issue by using an open key cryptosystem where ascribes identified with the data
scrambled serve to unscramble the keys. Then again, the decoded less touchy data
helpful for investigation must be conveyed in a safe and settled upon way utilizing a
cryptographically secure correspondence system.

Hadoop encryption solutions

The SafeNet data protection portfolio can secure data at different focuses in the
Hadoop engineering – from Hive and HBase to singular nodes in the data spill with
Gemalto, clients have a decision. Incorporate straightforward application-level se-
curity by means of APIs to ensure data without changing their database structure.
Select a column-level answer for Hive that licenses typical questioning. Obtain
a file system-level arrangement with policy-based access controls. Every Hadoop
big data encryption and tokenization arrangement is totally straightforward to the
enduser and configuration saving encryption usefulness implies that customers will
keep on benefitting from the examination instruments that suck up additional in-
centive from developing information stores.
Come up a center ground among obscurity and validation through a group sig-
nature, a cryptographic configuration where individuals can sign their data yet can
just be named as individuals from a gathering. Just believed outsiders can perceive
the substance (Figure 6.22). Data mining

The use of big data can make out intrusion of security, obtrusive advertising, dimin-
ished common opportunities, what’s more, increment state and corporate control.
The special user data that appears really simple can be made usable when they
make in use to predict something after analyzing it.
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 127

Figure 6.22: Transparent data encryption [29].

Anonym zing data for investigation isn’t adequate to continue client privacy. For
instance, Netflix (an American worldwide entertainment organization that blesses
with spilling media and video on interest on the web) confronted an issue when cli-
ents of their anonym zed dataset collection were perceived by associating their
Netflix motion picture scores with IMDB scores. Consequently, it is critical to decide
rules and proposals for averting incidental security divulgences. User data marshal-
led by organizations and government experts are steadily mined and dissected by in-
side investigators and furthermore by outside contractual workers. A malevolent
insider or unapproved accomplice can manhandle these datasets and get private in-
formation from clients. Also, knowledge organizations require the amassing of im-
mense amounts of information. Hearty and adaptable, protection-saving calculations
will expand the likelihood of gathering pertinent data to complement client security.

Data mining is a useful means to dispense with the vast amounts of big data, as important informa-
tion can be pulled out, and then utilized to project future developments. The analysis of this data
can help to solve problems and to shape strategies for predicting future trends (Figure 6.23).

A class of data mining is named as basket analysis. This analysis process reveals with
reference to consumer buying options over a combination of different commodities at
128 Santanu Koley

Mining complex and dynamic data

Big data applica-

tions and knowledge Information
Big data
sharing and
data privacy

Local learning and model fusion

Mining from sparse, uncer-

tain and incomplete data

Figure 6.23: Data mining – system architecture.

a time for specific occupations. The pattern matching ability of data mining provides
retailers spending capability and increase out the products bought collectively.
Mining gives the analyzed data to the marketing section of the business, based on
those different items they advertise to the customer.
Another brand of data mining is sales forecasting; the operative procedure for
this is very simple. It memorizes which product a consumer bought at what timing.
This forecasting technique now determines when the purchaser failed to buy the
same product again and once more. For instance, coffee retailing is a lot higher in
winter than in summer, so retailers are acquainted with increased stock for the win-
ter months. It can be useful for the retailer to keep funds in monthly basis when
sales (maintaining inventories) budgeting plays a significant part in modern com-
mercial enterprise.
Finally, data mining helps to predict the customer needs at times and build
proper databases in a particular area with the quantity and quality of different prod-
ucts (Figure 6.24).
This enables retailers, dealers, distributors, as well as manufacturers to know
close to consumer needs and also launching new products at times. The encryp-
tions are necessary for data at rest, so that no external attack can harm data. Access
control and authorization mechanisms are likewise required to go through. The sev-
erance of duty, ideology, and comprehensible policy for logging access to datasets
are the big factors in data mining. For the awareness of re-identification issues, dif-
ferential privacy should also be preserved.
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 129

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solution provided
Developing vulnerability at Encryptions of data at rest,
host access control and
authorization mechanisms

Insider threat
Separation of duty principles,
Consumer data isolation clear policy for logging access
Outsourcing analytics to to datasets
untrusted partners
Consciousness of re-
Unintended leakage through identification issues,
sharing of data differential privacy

Figure 6.24: Scalable and compostable privacy-preserving data mining and analytics. Granular auditing

In real-time security settings, the system keeps an eye on each and every attack
with proper notification to the administrator of the system. Theoretically, the sys-
tem is 100% protected, but in reality, it may not happen every time. There are many
things to settle on like missed hit auditing of information is very much essential.
Periodic system audit information is required to analyze the system to enhance se-
curity. What information is to be checked, what to ignore, what and when went
wrong at times with other processes involved in it are also obligatory. The acquies-
cence, regulations, and forensic exploration are significant. System auditing is
mandatory in case of distributed data processing applications in big data applica-
tions as data volume is so big that a standalone system cannot process them prop-
erly. Distributed systems enable the computer hardware like gateway, router,
server; client computer system of numerous types, thus auditing system is put into
practice over these systems as well. The auditing system must involve with the soft-
ware systems too, which includes application software enabled and also the system
software (OS).
The data-level safekeeping assistance could be comprehended by means of the
pattern given. To analyze database activities, a standard statement is produced by
the sample organization. The database administrators (DBA) analyze and review ac-
tivity reports of their databases. The data accumulation and filtration are different
jobs; DBAs have the farm duties to sort out data that is not important to them.
Figure 6.25 describes two managers, namely DBA manager and audit director.
The DBA manager for Oracle databases can only see the data that belongs to the
same database. This procedure is the same for the DB2 and MySQL databases as
well. The DBA manager has permission to access all the data stored in the different
databases. There is an audit manager associated with the auditing section for in-
house audits. The SOX and HIPAA are two different auditors work under the same
130 Santanu Koley

DBA manager Audit manager


auditor auditor

Oracle Oracle DB2 MySQL

Fiance data Fiance data HR data Patient data

Figure 6.25: Granular audit process.

audit manager. The SOX auditor is accountable for the monetary data, i.e. sales, sal-
aries, and orders, no matter where that data are stocked up. The HIPAA auditor is
used in healthcare systems. It audits, data associated with patient information, no
issue where that data is accumulated (Figure 6.26).

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solutions provided
Comprehensiveness of audit
Sensible access to audit
information Infrastructure solutions (already
Audit of usage, pricing, billing
provided), scaling of SIEM tools
Veracity of audit information

Authorized access to audit


Figure 6.26: Granular audits.

6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 131

Granular access audits in the majority of the cases can facilitate to come across the attack. Audit
trials disclose the reason behind the nondetection of data at the beginning phase. The most signif-
icant mechanism of auditing may be talked about as the completeness of the required audit, well-
timed approach to audit information, the reliability of the information, and endorsed entrance to
the audit information.
Successful audit trial guarantees to incorporate the appropriate procedure and technologies
in the big data infrastructure, including function logging, SIEM, forensic tools, and enabling
SYSLOG on routers.
Split big data and audit data to differentiate among responsibilities. The audit data looks upon
information concerning what has turned out in the big data infrastructure; however, it must be re-
served taking, apart from the “regular” big data. A dissimilar network subdivision or cloud should
be set up to host the audit system infrastructure. Granular access control

The big data scheme acts as a significant task in data over the network of networks
and storages. They carry out an excellent job regarding execution and versatility.
But alas! It finds nearly no protection in mind. Existing RDBMS applications are se-
cure enough with several protection attributes regarding access control, clients, ta-
bles, and rows and even at the cell level. However, a change of essential challenges
put off big data solution to endow with comprehensive access control. The most im-
portant and foremost involvedness with course-grained get to components is that
data that could somehow or another be shared is frequently cleared into an increas-
ingly prohibitive gathering to ensure security.
Here granular access control is essential for diagnostic frameworks to adjust
to this continuously progressive complex security environment. Keeping a log of
jobs and experts of clients is one of the dangers alongside keeping up access
marks crosswise over diagnostic changes. Big data examination and distributed
(cloud) computing are progressively cantered around taking care of assorted data-
set collections, both as far as assortment of diagrams and necessities. Legitimate
and strategy confinements on data originate from different sources. Security ar-
rangements, sharing understandings, and corporate strategy additionally forces
prerequisites on data that dealt with. Dealing with this overabundance of the con-
finements has so far brought about expanded expenses for creating applications
and a walled pationursery approach in which few individuals can take an interest
in the analysis.
132 Santanu Koley

Granular access control as with any background is significant in a cloud environment to make cer-
tain that only the right people can have the right to use the right information and that the wrong
people can’t. The granular access control is vital to achieving this, and the cloud security alliance
has acknowledged three specific tribulations in the realm of cloud data admission authority such
as tracking confidentiality necessities that meant for individual essentials, supervising roles and
authorities of users, and properly implementing secrecy requirements with MAC (Figure 6.27).

The resolution includes addressing these tribulations: associations may want to put
into practice get to controls in the foundation layer, rearrange multifaceted nature
in the application space, and receive confirmation and required access control.
Nonetheless, scaling these technologies to the levels necessary to accommodate big
data can present their own set of unique challenges. Use the typical single sign-on
(SSO) method to condense the organizational work caught up in supporting a huge
user base. SSOs transfer the trouble of user verification from administrators to pub-
licly obtainable scheme.
As a conclusion, the data must pick the right dimension of granularity at the
row level, column level, and cell levels. At the base, comply with cross section to
get to impediments; progressively complex data changes are being considered in
dynamic research. The authentication, authorization, and compulsory access con-
trol are mandatory.

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solutions provided

Keeping track of secrecy Pick right level of granularity:

requirements of individual row level, column level,
data elements cell level

At the minimum, conform to

Maintaining access labels
lattice of access limitations, more
Data privacy across analytical
sophisticated data transforms are
being considered in active research

Keeping track of responsibilities Authentication, authorization,

and authorities of users compulsory access control

Figure 6.27: Granular access control.

6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 133 Data provenance

The information and process integrity are needed in big data. Thus, the term data
provenance comes into play, which integrates them by reporting the entities, frame-
works, and procedures working on and adding to data of intrigue. The lifetime of data
and its starting place must confer as unchangeable chronological evidence. The large
provenance graphs and diagrams are analyzed to perceive metadata dependence for
protection, and discretion application is computationally exhaustive. The beginning
of an application or the place (process) of creation must need to know to the assort-
ments of key security applications. This source of data is important for companies
based on financial trading. They need to know the origin, process, precision of data
for further research on market trends and future forecasting. Data provenances endow
with the safety measures and they are completed within the time frame and involve
speedy algorithms to switch the provenance metadata restraining this information.
Big data provenance architecture may be partitioned into few parts as big data
admittance, distributed big data platform, provenance, and application employing
provenance. Every partition will get in touch with particular live data, then data-
base engines calculate the provenance data from there. The above diagram de-
scribes a reference design; system developers force choice as well as make mind up
on component in each sub-framework that is dependent on the focused provenance
practice circumstances along with competence.
The subsystem called big data access describes the most proficient method to get
the various sorts of big data for provenance and distributed systems. System develop-
ers are required to find out the finest method, or tool to access the detailed datasets.
Further work is needed for experimentation requisite on the datasets. The synchroni-
zation involving data and computer system is extremely desirable. Based on this syn-
chronization, the provenance following the execution is an important aspect.
Distributed big data sub-framework manages development and execution sup-
port for big data applications and capacity support for big data provenance over
appropriated big data platform (Figure 6.28). Before executing with the definite big
data engine, the application designers will choose one big data work process frame-
work to construct their submission. Some systems similar to Spark are capable to
take action as both workflow production tool and distributed data parallel (DDP)
execution engine. By means of DDP programming models, a big data submission
can be constructed by covering inheritance tools or straight programming. The
provenance storage too requires selecting the appropriate (distributed) databases or
file handling systems (Table 6.1).
The provenance sub-framework settles on which provenance information will
be reported and how to record it. The provenance can be separated into three ex-
tents: data, lineage, and the environment. Revamping the definite condition of the
investigation over these three measurements is basic to repeat any information-
driven logical analysis. Data provenance catches the condition of the input halfway
134 Santanu Koley

Figure 6.28: Data provenance architecture [30].

and yield data at the season of the investigation. The fundamental pressure calcula-
tion is favored by this provenance relying on the data informational index. Lineage
provenance arranges the computational bustle of the trial, which is caught by put-
ting away the guidelines that actuated on these information datasets. System prove-
nance unites data concerning the careful condition of the framework design, which
assesses both equipment determinations and framework programming details (OS,
libraries, outsider apparatuses, and so on).
Large prospects of big data provenance carry on how we could make use of it.
Big data provenance can be worn for provenance question, test multiplication,
provenance mining, try checking, information quality administration, analyze ad-
aptation to noncritical failure, and numerous others as an uncommon sort of big
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 135

Table 6.1: Big data provenance work comparison [30].

Provenance Applicable big Provenance usage Environment

recording data engines provenance

Kepler Parallel recording in Unmodified Parallel query through N/A

a MySQL database Hadoop MySQL Cluster
RAMP Parallel recording in Extended Hadoop Backward provenance N/A
files tracing
HadoopProv Parallel recording in Modified Hadoop Parallel query through N/A
files index files
Pig Lipstick Parallel recording in Unmodified Pig/ Graph operation-based N/A
files Hadoop query

data. Each capability can be an individual application or an internal module in a

superior scheme.
Big data workflows need to discover modeling and capturing provenance infor-
mation by a small number of key learning. Here we make available a little outline
of the efforts that attempt the challenges. Several new studies on big data prove-
nance are not comprehensive in view of the fact that we spotlight on those that are
in the circumstance of DDP also, and that have test analysis.
Kepler distributed provenance framework is done on big data provenance. It
recommends a data model that can catch provenance contained by MapReduce oc-
cupations just as the provenance of non-MapReduce work process errands. It builds
up the Kepler DDP engineering to record and inquire provenance in a disseminated
manner on a MySQL cluster. It additionally offers an API to request the formed
provenance. The WordCount application and a bioinformatics application called
BLAST carry into play with the versatility of gathering and questioning provenance.
RAMP (reduce and map provenance) is an augmentation to Hadoop that under-
pins provenance catch and following for MapReduce work processes (). RAMP
catches fine-grained provenance by wrapping Hadoop APIs. This constant wrapper-
based methodology is perfectly clear to Hadoop and clients. RAMP implements vari-
ous realities working expense all through provenance catch and empowers skillful
in reverse following.
HadoopProv changes over Hadoop to incorporate provenance catch and investi-
gation in MapReduce employments. The goal is to diminish provenance-limit ex-
pense. It follows to treat provenance in the map and reduces fragment freely. It
likewise defers the structure of the provenance chart to the question stage by mix-
ing transitional keys of the map and reduces provenance files.
Pig lipstick suggests a provenance system that combines database-style (fine-
grained conditions) and work process style provenance (coarse-grained conditions)
136 Santanu Koley

Smart grid
Threats/challenges Solutions provided
Secure collection of data
Keeping track of
Consistency of data and
ownership of data Message digests
pricing, audit
Access control through
Insider threats
systems and cryptography

Figure 6.29: Data provenance.

over Pig Latin. It advances a far-reaching and squashed diagram-based portrayal of

fine-grained provenance for work processes that yield a more extravagant chart
model than the OPM-Open Provenance Model standard utilized in work processes.
It characterizes three graph revolution operations to ease the study of fiction work-
flow analysis queries.

Cloud computing involves big data applications within it; thus, provenance of metadata matures in
volume. They tend to be huge and thus intricacy grows very high. There are three most important
intimidation to protect provenance metadata in big data relevance such as faulty infrastructure
mechanism, infrastructure external hit, and infrastructure in the interior hit.
Secure data provenance is necessary to solve these threats. The system needs to improve trust;
the external attack should be condemned. The usability of secure provenance can be accomplished
by protecting origin finding technique, and data admittance is tuned up to some degree. The system
is based on clouds, and the infrastructure of the cloud setup solves the problem where collection
and preventing outside attacks, pairing a fast, lightweight authentication technique with current
provenance tools are present. The insider attacks must be prohibited, for that a dynamic, scalable
access control product is essential. To maintain the employability, connection ability of provenance
graphs fine-grained access control technology offers data access attribution in big data application.
Design goals must be identified in big data provenance. The layer-based architecture is fol-
lowed, where the access control mechanism is needed to address security. It can hold equally the
structured and unstructured types of data, but this can handle simple queries only. For handling
complex queries we will add additional components.
Finally, as a conclusion, it can be assured that the authentication techniques, message digests,
access control through systems, and cryptography are the supporting points. Other problems

Cloud computing technology enables dynamic collection of colossal data from dif-
ferent ends or nodes. These types of data generated by different organizations in-
clude unstructured as well as semistructured data. These data are commonly
referred to as big data. These data are needed for security from both ends (internal
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 137

as well as external), privacy for specific data. Cloud computing involves equally
with affirmative and unenthusiastic belongings.
Fake data generation is another problem in the big data analysis, where secu-
rity breaches made by cybercriminals fabricate data and store it in the same place
as it was there. The big data technology used so far is implemented through open-
source code that can be modified by an individual to have proper knowledge about
it. The attack is done using any one of the user sites that cannot be recognized,
checked, or imposed penalties in big data; at the same time, the server side is also
unaware about what measures to be maintained.
The most astonishing thing about this methodology is that the phony data
doesn’t have to coordinate the qualities of genuine data precisely. That data-to-data
coordinating is exceptionally difficult to incorporate with manufactured data, so it is
uplifting news that it is commonly not required. Rather, you simply need to coordi-
nate key performance indicators (KPIs) among phony and genuine data when utilized
as contribution for the procedure of intrigue. Note that these KPIs are in respect to
the particular issue and models you are working with. Android malware [31] some-
times cause problems in big data, and proper use of antivirus helps to remove them.
The volume of big data market increases exponentially where the growth of en-
terprise-level data is the fastest. It is relied upon to twofold at regular intervals, from
2,500 exabytes in 2012 to 40,000 exabytes in 2020. Figure 6.30 suggests that about
big data market today (2018) is about $24.3 billion and will be $49.1 billion in 2020
[32]. These will not only tend to increase complexity but also the problem of access-
ing and storing security measures that should be improved up to some extent.
Till now the discussion is all about hardware, and software associated with it,
but another part of big data security is left off. The data, software, and hardware
everything maintained by human beings are sometimes taking the system unani-
mous. The devices logged in but not in use yield access to further workforce as well
as the threat of admittance data passing through unrestricted Wi-Fi. Automatic user
log table with actual work seconds should be taken for an internal purpose for indi-
vidual systems, and proper training on usage of data is also be useful.
Another way out of the big data security problem is to use software tools that can
analyze and monitor in real time so that the system can get the happenings instantly.
Besides the actual hazard, the alarming system can find some artificial data works as
threats called false alarm. It must have the capability to differentiate between false
alarms and real threats. The tools produce a huge amount of network data; again, it
is problematic to maintain this data. Now each organization may not afford the cost
of tools as well as it needs to update the hardware system to execute 24 × 7 checking
capability. Big data analytics itself can resolve for the said problem by enhancing the
services of network protection. Log tables are maintained to take data about changes
made on the network; they can also be used for anomalous network connections.
Numerous large organizations, which are exercised on big data, their leading
apprehension are the security of the cloud-based systems. Malevolent assaults on
138 Santanu Koley


Market in billion U.S. dollars



2017 2018* 2019* 2020* 2021* 2022*

Figure 6.30: Year-wise big data market growth prediction.

IT systems are progressively thornier and an unmarked malware is being fashioned

every now and then. Regrettably, endeavors that employed through big data come
across such concern more or less on a daily basis. However, there is a clarification
for each predicament and pronouncement one is certainly significant for the secu-
rity apprehension.
The confrontation setup next to security, access control, compression, encryp-
tion, and compliance need to concentrate on in an organized manner as computing
atmosphere turns out to be contemptible, and application atmosphere converted to
the network along with system and analytics setting grow to be collectively more
with the cloud. For the data section, further mechanism may possibly be added to
grip composite queries.
Here, in the above section, we have marched from end to end and all the possible
big data security challenges and have put down a number of suggestions intended
for building big data processing and computation extra reliable and in turn making
its infrastructure more secure. Some of the security issues discussed so far are very
common in nature and are particular to big data crop up as of the numerous infra-
structure tiers – (both computing and storage) employ in support of big data process-
ing, the new-fangled computation infrastructures like NoSQL databases drawn on
prompt throughput that are indispensable meant for huge dimensions of data are not
comprehensively tenable as of most important security intimidation. The nonscalabil-
ity of real-time scrutinizing practice, the diverse arrangement of devices that produce
data, uncertainty by means of miscellaneous lawful limitations that come may lead
to ad hoc approach for security and privacy.
6 Big data security issues with challenges and solutions 139

For explicit big data tribulations, there must have a big ecosystem that exists.
The subject matter here provides to illuminate unambiguous characteristic of the
susceptible regions in the whole big data dispensation communications that require
being investigated on behalf of definite intimidation.
The dispute with big data is that the unstructured character of the information
creates it intricate to classify, model, and map the data as soon as it is confined to
moreover accumulate. The dilemma is ended most horrible by the actuality that the
data generally appear as of external sources, over and over again building it convo-
luted to substantiate its correctness.
Conflict resembling protection of data storage, data mining and analytics, transac-
tion log and secure communication do subsist. The study on an assortment of safety
measures faces up to roughly big data security and intact stack in large apparatus. Big
data infrastructure security mechanism can be more stretched and modified to their
directorial upbringing.
One of the modern approaches to secure big data is the use of blockchain. It
could transform the technique we move toward big data. The quality of data would
be improved and safekeeping on data has immediately two benefits to individuals
and businesses as the blockchain is all around to grip information that can be digi-
tized. The blockchains’ prevalent improvement is its decentralization and thus no
one owns the data entry or the integrity as it is established constantly by each com-
puter on the network. Certainly, as much as necessary, blockchain and big data are
a match made in heaven. The genuine issue at the present time is who will be the
first to endow with the good number of appropriate and paramount skilled artificial
intelligence/machine learning model working on top of distributed, transparent,
and immutable blockchain generated data layers. The business to do this will roll
in investments and engender enormous proceeds.

6.4 Conclusion
Big data analysis is flattering essential means for automatic determination of as-
tuteness that is concerned in the recurrently stirring outline and secreted conven-
tion. This can facilitate companies to obtain an improved resolution, to envisage
and recognize revolutionize and to categorize new fangled prospects. Dissimilar
procedure in support of big data analysis as well as numerical analysis, batch proc-
essing, machine learning, data mining, intelligent investigation, cloud computing,
quantum computing, and data stream preparing become possibly the most impor-
tant factors. There is a gigantic open door for the big data industry in addition to
plenty of possibility for research and enhancement.
Big data security solutions we have discussed so far may solve the current prob-
lem up to some extent. But it is to be said these are not the only solutions. They can
140 Santanu Koley

vary on a case-to-case basis, depending on the hardware devices or software applica-

tions used so far. The secure coding in a different language may fluctuate; encryption
protocols are singular as per requirement. The layer of data may afford an unusual
solution at times as authentication or authorization of data may be different. The
proper analysis of static and streaming datasets in big data technology can assure to
develop applications on medical and other scientific relevance and thus there can be
a huge scope of business opportunities. The need for developing data-driven algo-
rithms for creating applications on several other fields can open a new field of study.
Wish the problems and solutions given will be useful for the researchers and
the big data fraternity at its best. The future research plan is to extend the other
solutions possible as a new problem arises every corner of the world connected or
to be connected.

IoT Internet of things
SaaS Software as a service
Paas Platform as a service
IaaS Infrastructure as a service
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
HDFS Hadoop distributed file system
RDBMS Relational database management system
MCC Mobile cloud computing
QoS Quality of service
SQL Structured query language
IBM International business machines
SIEM security information and event management
DPF Distributed programming frameworks
MAC Mandatory access control
SSD Solid-state drive
HDD Hard disk drive
ABE Attribute-based encryption
DBA Database administrators
SSO Single sign-on
DDP Distributed data parallel
RAMP Reduce and map provenance

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Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
7 Conclusions
Security of data is a major concern in this work-a-day world of information technol-
ogy and communication systems. Unintended use and encroachment of data often
lead to breach in the security of the underlying data. As a result, the integrity of
data gets compromised, which leads to unsolicited system outcomes. With the ad-
vent of digital media technologies, a huge volume of data explosion has happened.
Digital data content includes audio, video, and image media, which can be easily
stored and manipulated. The superficial transmission and manipulation of digital
content constitute an authentic threat to multimedia content engenderers and trad-
ers. Thus, the issue of security of data has become imminent.
Several approaches are in vogue for thwarting unwanted attacks on the integ-
rity of data under consideration. The basic approach is based on ensuring a privacy
policy of the intended users. The different authentication apparatuses help to
launch the proof of identity of the end users. Access control regulations also add to
the mechanism of data handling to a great extent.
Big data refers to datasets that are enormous in size as compared to normal da-
tabases. Big data generally consists of unstructured, semistructured, or structured
datasets. Several algorithms as well as tools are in existence for processing these
data within reasonable finite amount of time. The most prominent type of big data
that has attached much attention is the unstructured form of data [1].
Big data is mainly characterized by the 4Vs (volume, velocity, variety, and ve-
racity) [2–5]. Volume is a key characteristic of big data, which decides whether the
information is a normal dataset or not. Velocity is the speed with a direction, which
means the throughput or the speed of the data processing. It indicates as to how
fast the information can be generated in real time to meet the requirements. Variety
is important in this literature because it stands for quality and the type of data re-
quired in order to process it successfully.
This book is targeted to discuss the fundamental concepts of big data forms
and the security concerns associated therein [7]. The first contributory chapter ex-
plains the common business models/platforms that use block chain as a platform
for developing their processes based on digital identity. Each and every big data
source or big database needs a security metric monitoring. The monitoring software
collects various metrics with the help of custom codes, plugging, and so on. The
next chapter describes the approach of modifying the normal metric thresholding
to anomaly detection. The third contributory chapter deals with the social

Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Department of Computer Science, University Institute of

Technology, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, India
144 Shibakali Gupta, Indradip Banerjee, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

engineering aspect of big data hacking along with other hacking methodologies
that can be used for big data and how to secure the systems from the same. The
fifth chapter describes the information hiding and data consumption techniques in
big data domain. The next chapter discusses some of the big data security issues
with reference to some solution mechanisms.
Given the varied content of the book, the book would surely serve as a good
treatise on the subject and would benefit the readers to grasp the inherent ideas of
big data manifestation and security mechanisms involved therein.

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