Northcote High School Newsletter 30 August 2011

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Volume 85 Issue 14
Celebrating 85 years of education in 2011

30 Aug 2011

WHATS COMING UP 30 Aug: Yr 9 Course Counselling

(No Yr 9 Classes)


LAST sunday the NHS Aerobics Team placed 2nd at the National Championships in Launceston. An amazing achievement for our first ever team and a team initiated by students. Erin Langley, Angela Di Carluccio, Anna Slater, Annabelle Stray, Cindy Huynh and Lizzy Ralph represented the school proudly. After qualifying in 3rd place at State, the girls trained hard to prepare for Nationals. The nerves and excitement were high as they entered The Silverdome and the team were in awe of the professionalism of the event. The team performed outstandingly and screamed and cried with astonishment The Spirit and the atmosphere at the compewhen the results were announced and tition was truly uplifting and we formed a they ran up to get their medals. The girls would like to thank Yr 12 student Carina Petersen who helped coach the team. Without her expertise and skill in sport aerobics the team would not have had such a successful year. We would also like to acknowledge our number one supporters, the families. Thank you for all your encouragement and support throughout. In a large crowd it was energising to hear some Northcote voices cheering hard for the girls. A special thanks to Tim Stray who met us at the airport with a big Blue Beauties sign and happily chauffeured us at ridiculous hours to and from airports, accommodation and the venue. It was a fantastic experience for all involved and an even better result. Miss Ingrid Mibus
Just moments before the 2nd place was announced the silence was unbearable. When the host said our school name we were all jumping around and embracing each other with glee. Cindy Huynh, 7D. bond with fellow Victorian competitors The Energetic Stars, and although they beat us into first place we couldnt be happier.

3 0 A u g : Hig h R es ol v e s 8 A ,B ,C 3 1 A u g : H ig h R es ol v e s 8 H , I, J 1 S e p : Hi gh R eso l ve s 8D ,E, F,G 1 S e p : Jun io r B an d So ut h S t C o mp et it ion 2 S e p : Y r12 Au st ra li an H i st o r y Ca mp t o Boh o 2 S e p : Melb ou rne Mand ari n s p ea k in g Co m p e ti t ion 5 S e p 9 S e p : Y e a r 1 0 Go ld C oa s t Ca mp 5 Sep: Yr7-9 progress reports are on compass 6 S e p : C hoi r Sou th St co mp et i ti on 9 S e p - 1 1 S e p : V CE Bi olo g y camp to Boho 1 3 S e p : Y r11 Ma cb eth pl ay 1 3 S e p : C hin a 201 1 tri 1 5 S e p : C hin a 201 1 t rip . Fin a l Meetin g G CC, 7.00 p m 1 5 S e p : Y e a r 7 -9 P a re n t T e a ch e r Me et in gs 1 8 S e p : No rth co t e Hi gh S ch ool Ch in a T ou r D ep a rt s

Thurs Sep 15 1.30-7.20

Years 7-9 Parent Teacher Meetings Book online through Compass

Id like to thank our parents and Ms Mibus on behalf of our team, without her dedication and guidance we never would have gone as far. GO BLUE BEAUTIES!!! Erin Langley, 9E.

School Contacts
General Office 9488 2300 Student Absence line 9488 2330 Student Absence email [email protected] School Website School Email [email protected] Compass Parent Portal Compass Queries [email protected]

NHS International Students at Government House.See Page 6

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Acting Principals Report

School size. Many thanks to parents who fed back comments regarding the challenges of school size. I appreciate that its not an easy question to resolve and Northcotes staff have been trying for some years to grapple with it!! Right now, we have 260 students for 2012, and 27 requests for review of our decision not to accept, all from students outside the area. To take all of these would bring our Year 7 to almost 290 students, way beyond our capacity. There may also be more requests at the Regional office of the Department of Education. As I indicated last newsletter, there is only a limited range of options available to us as a community. We must take students for whom NHS is the closest school. (Many of these already have siblings in the school.) Then we must take all non-local siblings. We can ONLY take curriculum claims once all siblings are placed. Looking to the future, our only solution seems to be to work backwards on this list not taking curriculum claims, not taking non-local siblings, as required. This reality applies to the ACE program and general entry. Its very hard, but I cant see any other way. Perhaps that process wont be required next year, but growth in local primary schools seems to indicate it will be sooner or later. As always, if you have thoughts, I invite you to send them through to me. New appointments for 2012. We are delighted to welcome some new leading teachers at Northcote in 2012. Some are our own staff moving into new roles, several come from other schools. We will provide a short profile and outline of their tasks in a future edition. We welcome *Prue Morris (Northcote High School) *Kate Archibald (Brunswick Secondary College) *Melody Gabriel (Northcote High School) *Kerren Diamond (Mentone Girls Secondary College) *Effie Sgardelis (William Ruthven Secondary College) *Natalie Wood (Brunswick Secondary College) * Sean Butler (Northcote H.S.) as Assistant Principal Italy Trip5 Sept Final Information Evening for the Italy trip will be on Monday the 5th of Sep at 6.30 pm in the Arts Centre China Trip13 Sept Final Information Evening for the China trip will be on Tuesday 13th Sept at 7.00 pm in the GCC Principal for the Day 6 September On Tuesday 6 September we welcome Mr Patrick Murphy, (no relation!) Manager of Remuneration and Support from the NAB, who will be working with me as Principal for the Day. Parent Teacher Meetings for Years 7-9, Thursday September 15 An article appears in this newsletter showing how you can access bookings through the Compass portal for Year 7-9 parent teacher meetings, to be held on Thursday September 15. The system goes live for parent bookings on Monday September 5, at 9 am. A few things to note: *You will find all your childs teachers listed, as well as Year Level Coordinators etc, who may not actually teach your child. You can book with some or all who are available. *You have to log into Compass with your own code NOT that of your son or daughter! If you have forgotten or lost it, please contact the office for assistance. Parent Opinion Survey If you were one of the parents chosen at random to complete the 2011 Parent opinion Survey, please return it asap by post to Northcote . You will qualify to be in the draw for two Gold cinema passes! Stop Press Our Junior Strings gained an honourable mention at Royal South Street on Sunday August 29. Congratulations! Other NHS music groups will perform at South St this week.

And some congratulations: * Our mighty sports Aerobics team 2011 Cybersafety Once again, Id like to remind parents to be vigilant with * Our shining Girls Soccer teams who drove to social networking sites. Parents who have allowed their Bendigo to play off in state semi-finals son or daughter onto Facebook need to monitor its use * Anna Langford, Alistair Watson and Walter Dyson and check the privacy settings. You can find a how to who competed in the Chinese Non-Background do this download on our website under Cybersafety, Reading Competition representing Northcote High together with useful links. School admirably in each case. Next month, 35 students and teachers who were inMr Nick Murphy volved in filming the Federal Governments Cybersafety Acting Principal film Tagged will attend the Australian launch at ACMA. I again congratulate our students for the enthusiastic welcome they gave the filmmakers and crew in Term 2. A trailer for the film is linked from our website.

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Celebrating Science Week Women in Science

sented papers on: A smarter way to deliver drugs: Georgina Such, University of Melbourne, is inventing a smarter way to deliver drugsa miniscule capsule designed like a set of Russian babushka dolls that sneaks through the blood stream to target cancer cells and nothing else. Georgina spoke about how she was inspired by her father who is also a Chemist and how she can apply the principles of chemistry to a range of situations beyond the imagination. Can we save the tiger with mathematics: Eve McDonaldMadden, University of Queensland/CSIRO, is using mathematics and artificial intelligence to develop systems that allow us to make tough conservation decisions with limited information. Eve told us about the journey from her dream of becoming a Veterinarian to studying a degree in Mathematics to bringing both passions together in her current practice.

On Wednesday 24th August, 20 Y10/11 girls were invited to attend the 2011 LOral Australia Girls in Science Forum. This year it was held at the Australian Synchrotron. Each year, LOral Australia awards fellowships worth $20,000 each to support the research of three women scientists chosen from applicants across Australia. The Fellowships are part of LOreals global For Women in Science program. LOral employs almost 3,000 scientists worldwide 50% of these are women.

The complex life of coral: Tracy Ainsworth, James Cook University, is changing our understanding of the life of the tiny coral animals that built Australias Great Barrier Reefnow threatened by a warming These inspiring women are in the early stages of their caocean and by bleaching. Tracy elaborated on her fascireers. Many are juggling the demands of raising a family nating work which allows her to see some of the most while pursuing a career in science. spectacular and unimaginable places on the planet. Students heard from this years Fellows, about their discoveries She spoke about how her passionate teachers in high in a way that was understandable, interesting, relevant and school were her driving force for studying science.
empowering. The girls were invited to ask questions about the work as a scientist and the pathways taken along with the challenges they faced. Following the discussion forum the girls were taken on a tour of the Synchrotron and learnt about its diverse applications.

All three women spoke about their broad range of interests. The women were inspirational and spoke passionately about their love of Science and the work they were doing. Ms Melody Gabriel Head of Science

This years three remarkable young women scientists pre-

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MORE SCIENCE NEWS: From Barking Dogs to Magic Sand Putting Chemical Toys to Work
On Friday 19th August 50 students from the Year 10 Moving & Reacting subject attended the RACI Hartung Youth Lecture. This year it was presented by Jeff Hughes (RMIT University). The focus of the activity was on chemical toys and reactions, many of which were used in demonstrations and display unusual effects. These chemical toys are fun to try but in many cases also demonstrate properties of new or unusual materials. Students were amazed by the demonstration carried out by Jeff Hughes these included the use of Magnetic fluids, thixotropic fluids, non-newtonian materials, super-absorbent polymers, shape-specific alloys and chemiluminescent compounds, these are all examples of these materials. They not only have fun properties but also have been found to have important applications. These range from disposable nappies to waterproof raincoats to detecting bloodstains at crime scenes. During the show students looked at some of these toys not just their fun properties (which were amazing) but also how they work.

Northcote High Super Chef.

Its here again!!!

This is the third year of the famous cook off at NHS. We have been blown away with the quality of the food presented to our judges. We are now down to the final five competitors and looking forward to the guest appearance by last years winner Nickolas Vokolos in the last challenge. Once again we look forward with eager anticipation to show case the skills of our students at Northcote High School. Ms Delahunty and Ms Corkery Super Chef competitors and George, Garry and Matt (Or Ms Donnelly, Mr Ramsay and Ms Hill)

HUGE STREET GARAGE SALE When Saturday Sept 2nd Where : Munro Street Northcote (6 households) Time:10am onwards There will be an abundance of items for sale!

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CAMPS:Year 8 and policy review.

YEAR 8 BOHO SOUTH TERM 4 All Year 8 students should have received their parent information form for the Term 4 Boho South Camps by now any student who hasnt needs to see the Year 8 Program Leaders. The camp dates are: 8F Tuesday 18th Friday 21st October 8C Tuesday 25th Friday 28th October 8GTuesday 8th Friday 11th November at least the deposit by Friday 16th September (Final payment is to be made 2 weeks prior to the camp departure date). Many families have already paid for this camp and this has been indicated on the permission form sent home. CAMPS POLICY REVIEW The Education & Governance Committee of School Council is currently reviewing the NHS Camp Policy. The updated draft policy can be found on the NHS website on the front page. Please take the time to have a look and email any comments or suggested improvements to Rohan Griffiths. Mr. R. Griffiths Camps Coordinator

8I Tuesday 15th Friday 18th November 8A Tuesday 22nd Friday 25th November 8H Tuesday 29th November Friday 2nd December Back up date: Tuesday 6th Friday 9th December Permission forms are to be returned to the office with

Sustainability News
Year 7 Revegetation Project
On the last two days of Green Week and again on Thursday 25th August all Year 7 students (plus some Year 12) were involved in revegetating the areas around the Gym car park. Students planted about 280 trees, shrubs & groundcovers. The Year 7 students will be able to monitor the progress of their plantings over the next 5 years at NHS.

Merri Stationeers Working Bee

If you are a traveler on the Epping line, you may have noticed the big planter boxes west of the station. These were constructed as part of the Merri Stationeers beautification and revegetation program Now it is time to put in plants and trees! This is an invitation to a working bee which has been scheduled for Sunday, 11 September, from 10 am until 2 pm. Mark this date on your calendars or in your diaries as we can do with extra man- and womanpower, not only to assist with the planting, but also to help us with a clean-up of the wider area around the station. Make sure you wear sturdy shoes and please bring relevant tools and equipment, such as spades and secateurs. Refreshments will be provided by local member Fiona Richardson who has supported the Merri Stationeers from the start. For further details phone 9486 8483

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From Darebin HealthImmunisation

Do you have a student in Year 7 or 10 in 2011? Darebin Immunisation Service has attended all Secondary schools to offer scheduled immunisation to year 7 and 10 students. Year 7 students were offered Gardasil (girls only) Chickenpox and Hepatitis B vaccine. Year 10 students are recommended to have the Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough (brand name Boostrix) booster. The final visit to secondary schools is scheduled for September/October this year. Please note that the Cervical cancer vaccine is only funded by the government for girls in Year 7, 2011. The 3 dose course of this vaccine will cost $405 if not commenced in 2011. It is important that your daughter receives her first dose of the vaccine this year to be eligible to complete any doses in 2012. If you have any queries about your childs immunisation please contact Darebin Immunisation Service on 8470 8562.

International Students Meet the Governor of Victoria and the Minister of Education.
Six Northcote High School International Students recently attended a Welcome Reception at Government House. Our students felt the great honour to have the opportunity to meet both the Lieutenant Governor and the Education Minister and have photo taken with them; all had a great time! Ms Lixia Wang

In other news, five international students participated in the 2011 School Maths Olympics games held at Melbourne Uni. Our students had a great time in the very competitive event.

The VCAL group at PRACE are having a garage sale! Where: PRACE Merrilands Community Centre. Crn Asquith & Sturdee Street, Reservoir. When: Tuesday 13th of September: 10:00am to 2:00pm There will be a Sausage Sizzle, Tea, Coffee & Soft Drinks. Why? We are having this garage sale to help out the VCAL students to raise money for camp.

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Bookings open soon for Years 7-9 Parent Teacher Meetings,Thursday Sept 15.

to make online bookings from Monday 5 September

A. The Year 7-9 Parent Teacher Meetings are Thursday September 15, 1.30-7.20 pm B. The whole school operates periods 1-4, with dismissal at 12.40 pm C. Bookings will be made online, using Compass School Manager. How Yrs 7-9 parents can make a booking on Compass after Monday 5 September 1. 2. On the welcome page, after you have logged into Compass, you will find Parent Teacher Conference. Click on it to follow the link. Under available events you will see Yr 7-9 PTM 15 Sept Click on this Up will come two panes. At the top is My Bookings, with available spots in green. At the bottom are the names of your son/daughters teachers Available Staff



Click on the time you would like to see a teacher, in the top pane. Pull down to find your teachers name. Click the Update button. A green sign at the top will show you its done! Its a good idea to print or copy down your bookings! If you dont have a computer at home, you will be able to contact the office for assistance. Or you can email compass at [email protected]



Recently, thirty year nine students undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award took part in a first aid training course. We were earning our Level 2 First Aid certification, which involved quite a lot of work. Our instructor was rather hilarious and, through the use of many bad jokes, taught us the principles behind first aid, and our rights and responsibilities as first aiders. He taught us about DR.ABCD, which stands for Danger, Response, Airways, Breathing, Compressions, and Defibrillation. The defibrillation was one of my favourite parts. We practiced our CPR on dummies, and it's very exhausting! The instructor showed us a video of someone actually being resuscitated using this method, and it was very confronting, and absolutely nothing like what you see in movies. We also learnt how to tend to broken bones, cuts, and snake and spider bites. Making slings and bandages was fun, but it degenerated a bit into wrapping each other up like mummies. We were all awarded our Level 2 First Aid certificates. By Eilinor Mills 9E

NHS Adult Singers & Musicians seeking men.

Our NHS adult singing group is growing and looking for more people to join us. Everyone is welcome and as men are outnumbered by about 10:1 it would be great if we could have just a few more of them. But we would be very pleased to hear from anyone who is interested. Please get in touch if you are interested so we can keep this going. The group is led by Stephen Sharpe who is a parent at NHS as well as a songwriter and music teacher, who has directed other community choirs. We will be meeting again on Tuesday 6 September. To register your interest contact Brenda at [email protected]

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Parent Feedback Request: 2012 Day Structure

Dear Parents, In order to improve student access to subject choices and provide greater flexibility in the timetable Northcote High School is changing the structure of the school day and timetable cycle for 2012. Summary of changes The school will be moving to a 10 day (two week) timetabling cycle in 2012. To facilitate more time in class and less movement around the school the period length will change from 48 minutes to 60 minutes which will result in 5 periods per day. The school will also introduce a new 12 minute 'home group' period to enable regular communication between students and a significant teacher. Consequently the schools daily schedule will change. Your feedback is being sought on the structure of the school day for 2012. The key issues are The starting time of the day The finish time of the day The timing of lunch The scheduling of the new 12 minute home group session to enable regular communication between each student and a significant teacher either before school, before recess or after recess. Please note this is not a vote, as range of factors need to be considered. It is however, a means of gaining feedback from the wider school community. The key aspects for consideration: What scheduling promotes the best learning environment? What is the optimal timing of breaks for food refuelling and exercise How to minimise movement and loss of learning time - particularly with regard to the inclusion of the home group period. Two models have been put up for consideration Option one with a 8.45am start and 3.12pm finish time Option two with a 9.00 start and a 3.27 pm finish time There is scope to suggest other arrangements and to provide comments. The link to provide feedback is

This feedback mechanism will be active until 3.30pm, Tuesday September 13th Thank-you in advance for your contribution, Kevin Hoole Assistant Principal.

My name is Sean Gilmartin. After graduating from Northcote High School in 2008 I am currently studying Chemical Engineering at The University of Melbourne. I have three years experience successfully tutoring high school students in Maths, English and Chemistry subjects at all year levels. Call or text me on 0438 702 549 or email me at [email protected] for information or to book a session.

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Da Shans Sports update

The past two weeks has been busy in interschool sport. Our Senior Basketball boys have been together for 5 years and continue to improve their results each year. They have finally won through to the State finals playing on Tuesday 30th August at MSAC. At Regional level we had runners up in Football with our Year 7 boys and junior girls and Year 8 Boys in Badminton. Our Year 7 and 8 Boys played some great soccer at Regional level and will develop even more next year. Our Senior and Intermediate Girls both won at Regional level in Soccer. At Conference level in Bendigo our Intermediate Girls (shown at right) won both of their games in Soccer scoring 9 goals to 0. This was a great team effort with Stacey Papadopoulos, Jade Vias and Shakirah Stephens scoring regularly. Tilly Johnson and goalkeeper Elinor Mills dominated in defence. They have now won through to State finals on Friday 2nd September at DISC. Our senior girls also played well in Bendigo with a large number of parents attending. Our Year 7 Girls have a great Soccer team and they play in Bendigo in Conference finals on Tuesday 30th August. Our Term 3 Divisional days are fast approaching with Basketball, Tabletennis and Hockey teams playing. The Coles dockets are most welcome and can be handed into the General Office. A special thanks to all of the students, staff and many parents who have helped out in transporting, training, coaching and advising our students in sport. Opportunities are endless in our Sporting program and it isnt just the players who make up the teams we put out on the courts and fields to play.

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2012 Captains Positions Now Open

The school is now inviting applications from students who are interested in being captains. We are looking for school captains, level captains, sport captains and music captains. Students who are interested in leadership roles can obtain more information by speaking to Ms P. Morris in room L3 about Level and School Captain positions, to Mr Price in the Gym Office about Sport Captain positions and to Mr Lewis about Music Captain positions. Captains at NHS are expected to involve themselves in organising school events, presenting the views of students to school leadership. They also represent the school at formal events and are expected to participle in a leadership education program. An information meeting will be held on 5th September at lunchtime in the school conference room, and applications close on Friday 9th September. Applications can be submitted to Ms P. Morris or the General Office. Prue Morris Student Leadership Coordinator

The Science staff and Library Team celebrated Science Month and Book Week with the annual quiz contest Neurofactor. Three teams of students competed to be the most knowledgeable team in the school. The winning students were Louis Becker, Yianni Petroulias Romios and David Tran, all from 8F. Well done boys.

Bonjour tout le monde!

On the 26th of July, the year 10 French students of Madame Beattie went to un crperie, Breizoz on the corner of Gertrude and Brunswick street, to experience the rich French culture and all of its magic. As we walked towards the cosy little crperie, the smell of the buttery crepes and the sharp tang of the apple cider wafted out of the front door. Upon entering the cosy little nook, we were greeted by the waiters with a friendly Bonjour! We sat down, looking around at the French books and artwork that created the perfect authentic provincial French atmosphere of a real crperie. There were several items to choose from off the menu. One galette (savoury) crpe, one dessert crpe and complementary non-alcoholic cider. As the waitress took our orders in French, the sizzle of the crpes and the delicate aromas from the kitchen made our mouths water. The students of year 10 French left the crperie with their stomachs full and satisfied, but most importantly with the experience of speaking and ordering in French. Au Revoir! By Rachel Luu year 10

Maths Excursion to the ABC by Albert Rex, 8E

On Friday 8E went to ABC studios to see the filming of two episodes of the show Letters and Numbers. Before hand we got to do a tour and a new murder mystery being filmed in a house that the ABC had built inside a studio. We weren't allowed to see more though, as it was all restricted. We then got to the ABC3 studio. It was interesting to see how it all worked but first we had to wait in a room outside. There was Tea and Biscuits! That is so incredibly ABC that it was beyond belief. We then got to go into the filming. There were these huge bulky cameras that looked awkward but somehow flowed incredibly well. The warm-up guy kept on making really bad jokes and giving everyone lollies. It was a genius excursion and I think that we should go on more maths related excursions this was maths and it was great fun.

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