Thursday (Evening) 1
Thursday (Evening) 1
Thursday (Evening) 1
Topic: Chapter 8 Social Media
I. Social Media...........................................................................................................................................1
IV. Blogging................................................................................................................................................6
What is blogs?........................................................................................................................................6
V. Microblogging........................................................................................................................................8
What is microblogging?........................................................................................................................8
Quick communication...........................................................................................................................9
VI. Wiki......................................................................................................................................................9
What is a wiki?.........................................................................................................................................9
One of the negative aspects of social media is the potential for addiction and excessive
use. Many people find themselves spending excessive amounts of time on social media, which
can negatively impact their productivity, mental health, and personal relationships. It can lead to
feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying and online harassment are
prevalent issues on social media platforms. The anonymity and distance provided by the internet
can embolden individuals to engage in harmful behavior, leading to psychological distress and
even suicide in extreme cases. It is important to be aware of these negative aspects and use social
media responsibly, setting boundaries and being mindful of its potential effects on our mental
health and overall well-being.
1•Remember that it's a conversation, not a lecture or a sales pitch. One of the great appeals
of social media is the feeling of conversation, of people talking with one another instead of one
person talking at everyone else. For all their technological sophistication, in an important sense
social media provide a new spin on the age-old practice of word-of-mouth communication. As
more and more people gain a voice in the marketplace, companies that try to maintain the old
"we talk, you listen" mindset are likely to be ignored in the social media landscape. People
generally join social networks for the chance to interact, and you can help stimulate
conversations by asking followers for their ideas, options, and feedback.
2. Write informally but not carelessly. Write as a human being, not as a cog in a faceless
corporate machine. At the same time, don't get sloppy; no one wants to slog through misspelled
words and half-baked sentences to find the message.
3• Create concise, specific, and informative headlines. Avoid the temptation to engage in
clever wordplay with headlines. This advice applies to all forms of business communication, of
course, but it is essential for social media. Readers don't want to spend time and energy figuring
out what your witty headlines mean. Search engines won't know what they mean, either, so fewer
people will find your content.
4• Get involved and stay involved. Social media understandably make some businesspeople
nervous because they don't permit a high level of control over messages. How-ever, don't hide
from criticism-it can be valuable feedback. Take the opportunity to correct misinformation or
explain how mistakes will be fixed.
5.If you need to promote something, do so indirectly. Just as you shouldn't impose on people
with a sales pitch during an informal social gathering, refrain from blatant promotional efforts in
social media.
6.Be transparent and honest. Honesty is always essential, of course, but a particular issue that
has recently tripped up a few companies is hiding behind an online persona-either a fictitious
character whose writing is actually done by a corporate marketing specialist or a real person who
fails to disclose an affiliation with a corporate sponsor.
7. Think before you post! Individuals and companies have been sued because of careless twitter
updates, employees have been fired for inappropriate Facebook posts, vital.
III. Social Networks
What is social Networks?
Social networks, online services that help people and organizations form connections
and share information, have recently become a major force in both internal and external bus-
ness communication. In addition to Facebook, a variety of public and private social networks
are used by businesses and professionals. These can he grouped into three categories:
overcoming structural barriers in communication channels. bypassing the formal
communication system to deliver information where it is needed in a timely fashion.
Fostering collaboration Networks can play a major role in collaboration by identify the best
people, both inside the company and at other companies, to collaborate on projects; finding
pockets of knowledge and expertise within the organization; giving meeting or seminar
participants a way to meet before an event takes place and to maintain relationships after
events; accelerating the development of teams by helping team members get to know one
another and identify individual areas of expertise; and sharing information throughout the
Building communities Social networks are a natural tool for bringing together communities of
practice, people who engage in similar work, and communities of interest, people who share
enthusiasm for a particular product or activity: Large and geographically dispersed companies
can benefit greatly from communities of practice chat connect experts who may work in
different divisions or different countries. communities of interest that form around a specific
product are sometimes called.
Brand communities, and nurturing these communities can be a vital business communication
task. Some communities spring up spontaneously when product enthusiasts connect online,
whereas others are more formal organizations established by companies to help customers use
their products more successfully and engage with like-minded individuals.
The SAP Community Network, for instance, set up by the enterprise software company SAP,
has more than 2.5 million members. Socializing brands and companies. According to one
survey of company executive, socialization now accounts for more than half of a company's or
brand's global reputation. Brand socialization is a measure of how effectively a company
engages with its various online stakeholders in a mutually beneficial exchange of information.
The game and doll maker Mattel engages its Twitter followers by answering product questions,
reposting fan videos, and acknowledging enthusiastic praise from customers.
Understanding target markets With hundreds of millions of people expressing themselves via
social media, you can be sure that smart companies are listening. When asked about the value
of having millions of Facebook fans, Coca-Cola's CEO Muhtar Kent replied, "The value is you
can talk with them. They tell you things that are important for your business and brands." In
addition, a number of tools now exist to gather market intelligence from social media more or
less automatically. For example, sentiment analysis and reputation analysis tools use advanced
language-analysis algorithms to assess the reputations of companies and individuals, measure
the emotional quality of online conversations, identify outrage "hot spots" on social media, and
uncover trending topics of interest. 1°
Recruiting employees and business partners Companies use social networks to find
potential employees, short-term contractors, subject-matter experts, product and service
suppliers, and business partners. A key advantage here is that these introductions are made via
trusted connections in a professional network. On LinkedIn, for example, members can
recommend each other based on current or past business relationships, which helps remove the
uncertainty of initiating business relationships with strangers.
Connecting with sales prospects Salespeople on networks such as LinkedIn can use their
network connections to identify potential buyers and then ask for introductions through those
shared connections. Sales networking can reduce cold calling, telephoning potential customers
out of the blue--a practice that few people on either end of the conversation find pleasant.
Supporting customers Customer service is another one of the fundamental areas of business
communication thar have been revolutionized by social media. Social customer service
involves using social networks and other social media tools give customers a more convenient
way to get help from the company and to help each other.
Extending the organization Social networking is also fueling the growth of networked
organizations, sometimes known as virtual organizations, where companies supplement the
talents of their employees with services from one or more external partners, such as a design
lab, a manufacturing firm, or a sales and distribution company.
Crowd speaking Companies, nonprofits, musicians, authors, and others can use crowd
speaking to "boost a signal." Crowd speaking services such as Thunderclap and Head Talker
work in much the same manner as Kickstarter and other crowdfunding sites. Someone with a
message to spread sets a campaign goal, such as recruiting 100 supporters to help share the
message. If that goal is reached, the message is" triggered " and automatically sent to all the
followers in all those supporters' social networks. By taking advantage of the social reach of
their supporters, communicators can reach hundreds or thousands of times as many people as
they could on their own.
Choose the best compositional mode for each message, purpose, and network. As you
visit various social networks, take some time to observe the variety of message types you
see in different parts of each website. For example, the informal status update mode
works well for Facebook posts but would be less effective for company overviews and
mission statements.
Offer valuable content to members of your online communities. People don't join
social networks to be sales targets. They join looking for connections and information.
Content marketing is the practice of providing free information that is valuable to
community members but that also helps a company build closer ties with current and
potential customers.
Join existing conversations. Search for online conversations that are already taking place.
Answer questions, solve problems, and respond to rumors and misinformation.
Anchor your online presence in your hub. Although it's important to join those con
versations and be visible where your stakeholders are active, it's equally important to
anchor your presence at your own central hub-a web presence you own and control.
(Control is important because trying to use Facebook, Twitter, or another service as a hub
leaves you at the mercy of changes in design, terms of service, and other variables.) The
hub can be a conventional website or a combination of a website, a blog. and a company-
sponsored online community, for example. Use the hub to connect the various pieces of
your online "self" (as an individual or a company) to make it easier for people to find and
follow you. For example, you can link to your blog from your LinkedIn profile or
automatically announce new blog posts on Twitter.
YouTube, Flickr, Yelp, and other user-generated content (UGC) sites, in which users,
rather than website owners, contribute most or all of the content, have become series
business tools. On YouTube, for Example, companies post everything from product
demonstration and TV commercials to company profiles and technical support
IV. Blogging
What is blogs?
Blogs is a serve as a platform for individuals to express their thoughts, experiences,
opinions and share in sights and reflections on various topics. Example: A food blogger who
share their favorite recipes, culinary techniques, and restaurant recommendation with their
Communicate with personal style and an authentic voice: in order to build a strong
connection with the audience, it is important for a business blogger to communicate in a personal
and authentic manner. Example: A blogger writing for a health and wellness brand could share
their own personal journey towards adopting a healthier lifestyle, sharing both successes and
failures. This would create a more relatable and authentic connection with the audience.
Deliver new information quickly: In today's fast-paced world, people have less time and
patience to read long-form articles or blog posts. Therefore, it is important for a business blogger
to deliver new information quickly and in an easy-to-digest format. The blogger should use
subheadings, bullet points, and images to break up the text and make it more scannable. This will
help readers quickly grasp the main points and stay engaged. Example: A blogger writing for a
tech company could share the latest trends and updates in the industry, highlighting the top three
takeaways in the first paragraph of the post.
Choose topics of peak interest to audiences: The success of a blog largely depends on
choosing topics that resonate with the target audience. Therefore, it is important for a business
blogger to research and understand the needs and interests of the readers before selecting topics
to write about. This will ensure that the blog posts are relevant and valuable to the readers,
leading to higher engagement and shares. Example: A blogger writing for a health and wellness
brand could share their own personal journey towards adopting a healthier lifestyle, sharing both
successes and failures. This would create a more relatable and authentic connection with the
Encourage audiences to join the conversation: A blog post should not be a one-way
communication channel, but rather a place for discussion and engagement. Therefore, a business
blogger should encourage the audience to join the conversation by asking questions, requesting
feedback, and responding to comments. This will create a sense of community and build loyal
readership. Example: A blogger writing for a food company could ask readers to share their
favorite recipes and cooking tips in the comments section, and respond to the feedback by
creating a follow-up blog post highlighting some of the best submissions.
Recruiting: Blogs can be used for recruiting by sharing job postings and company culture.
Example: A startup company can use a blog to share information on their company culture and
share job postings.
Market research: Businesses can use blogs for market research by sharing surveys and
gathering feedback from their customers. Example: A beauty company can use their blog to
conduct a survey on what beauty products their customers want.
Customer education: Blogs can be used for customer education by sharing informative articles
and tutorials. Example: A finance company can use their blog to educate their customers on
financial planning and investment options.
V. Microblogging
What is microblogging?
Microblog Is a Variation on Blogging in Which Messages Are Sharply Restricted to
Specific Character Counts. These platforms enable users to publish and interact with content in
real-time, creating a smaller scale and more immediate form of blogging.
What is twitter a popular microblogging platform?
One of the most well-known microblogging platforms is Twitter, where users can post
updates known as "tweets" with a character limit of 280 characters. Twitter is a popular
microblogging platform because of its simplicity, real-time nature, and wide reach. It allows
users to quickly share their thoughts, news, or updates in a concise format.
Quick communication
Microblogging platforms like Twitter have character limits that force users to condense
their messages into short and concise posts. This brevity enables quick and efficient
communication, as users can quickly read and respond to multiple posts in a short amount of
Concise updates: Microblogging focuses on brevity, allowing users to share short bursts of
information, opinions, or links.
Real-time sharing: Microblogging platforms emphasize real-time information sharing, enabling
individuals or organizations to quickly disseminate news, thoughts, or updates to a wide audience
as events unfold.
Hashtags and trends: Microblogging platforms often use hashtags to categorize posts and make
them easily discoverable. Users can search for or click on a hashtag to find related posts.
Interaction and engagement: Microblogging encourages interaction and engagement through
features like retweets, likes, comments, and shares. Users can amplify content by sharing it with
their followers or engaging in conversations through replies and discussions.
Microblogging has become a popular way for individuals, organizations, and even public figures
to share updates, perspectives, news, and personal experiences. Its concise format and focus on
real-time communication have made it an effective tool for discussing current events, generating
conversations, and building online communities.
VI. Wiki
What is a wiki?
wiki [WIK-ee] is an online hypertext publication collaboratively edited Collaborative editing and
managed by its own audience, using a web browser A typical wiki contains multiple pages for
the subjects or scope of the project, and could be either open to the public or limited to use
within an organization for maintaining its internal knowledge wiki, which means fast in
Wikis are commonly used for knowledge management project collaboration and intranet
they are a great resource for businesses, teams, and individuals who need to share information
quickly and efficiently.