Purposive Communication HandOuts 2

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Module 2

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. know how to communicate in an ethical manner, know about globalization, and also public speaking; and
2. apply these ethical principles to their communication process

Communication Ethics is how a person uses language, media, journalism, and creates relationships that are guided by
an individual's moral and values. These ethics consider being aware of the consequences of behavior and consequences;
it's to “respect other points of view and tolerate disagreement”. Principles of ethics include being honest, being fair, as
well as integrity of one's own words.
Ethical communication is crucial due to its emphasis on the responsibility of people to keep society civil. With the
concern of fake news becoming more prevalent in today's society, the importance with ethical communication has been
In their Credo, there are four ethical principles of communication that are especially relevant for students today.
Firstly, they “advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of communication”
(NCA, 1999)
Secondly, the NCA also endorses “freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and tolerance of dissent to achieve
the informed and responsible decision-making fundamental to a civil society” (NCA, 1999)
Thirdly, the NCA (1999) states that they “condemn communication that degrades individuals and humanity through
distortion, intimidation, coercion, and violence, and through the expression of intolerance and hatred” (1999)
Lastly , the NCA (1999) states that communicators should “accept responsibility for the short and long term
consequences of our own communication and expect the same of others”.
Everytime we communicate, we should consider the consequences of our actions.


Connecting with people on the other side of the world is now much easier than it was a few years ago. Satellites,
fiber-optic cables and the internet make it effortless to share information with those in different time zones and
locations. Global communication is directly affected by the process of globalization, and helps to increase business
opportunities, remove cultural barriers and develop a global village. Both globalization and global communication have
changed the environmental, cultural, political and economic elements of the world.

World Englishes
David Crystal (2003) begins the first chapter of the book English as a Global Language with the assertion that English
is, in fact, the global language. After giving various examples to support this statement, he questions the assertion by
asking, “What does it mean to say that a language is global?” (Crystal, 2003). In asking this, he considers the implications
of English having this status, especially for its many users who speak different mother tongues.

Culturally Sensitive and Bias Free Language

Just as important as awareness of the existence of World Englishes is that of practicing cultural sensitivity. To write in
a culturally sensitive way means to be aware that cultural differences and similarities between people exist and that
these should not be assigned a positive or negative value via words and descriptions selected in writing. Academic and
professional writings are characterized by bias-free language. Students, scholars, professionals, and anyone wishing to
maintain harmonious communicative relations should be careful in using words and phrases that do not discriminate
against particular groups, whether in terms race, ethnicity, gender, social class, age, and disability. The essential point is
to communicate in a way that is respectful of diversity.
Here are some general principles to follow when referring to different groups or categories.
1. Race and Ethnicity; Racism is a form of discrimination against a person of a different race.
2. Gender and Sexual Orientation; Sexism refers to prejudice and discrimination based on sex or gender.
3. Social Class; Class discrimination of classism is a form of prejudice against a person or people because of their social
4. Age; Ageism is a form of discrimination against other people because of their age, or assuming that older people are
less physically, intellectually or emotionally able than other age groups.
5. Disabilities; Discrimination in this area often arises because of lack of understanding and awareness.
What is public speaking? Basically, it's a presentation that's given live before an audience. Public speeches can
cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain, or influence the listeners.
Often, visual aids in the form of an electronic slideshow are used to supplement the speech. This makes it more
interesting to the listeners.
A public speaking presentation is different from an online presentation. The online presentation is available any
time. A public speech is typically limited to a specific time or place. Online presentations often use slideshows. Or they
use pre-recorded videos of a speaker. This includes recordings of a live public speaking presentation).
Because speaking in public is done before a live audience, you need to consider some special factors. We'll touch on
those shortly. Now you've got an understanding of the meaning of public speaking so let's take a quick look at the
history of (and the importance of) public speaking.

History of Public Speaking

What is the history of public speaking? And why is public speaking important?
There's a good chance that there's been public speech, in one form or another, as long as there've been people. But
most public speaking experts involved with public speaking in business communication, trace the origins of modern
public speaking back to ancient Greece and Rome.
Of course, those societies didn't have slideshows to help with public speech. But they did have a need for speaking in
public. As a result, they developed public speaking methods that are still studied today.
The ancient Greeks used public speech primarily to praise or persuade others. At one point, all Greek citizens had
the right to suggest or oppose laws during their assemblies. This resulted in a need for skilled public speakers. Speaking
in public became a desirable skill and was taught. Public speaking in the time of the Greeks was called rhetoric.
  Later, when Rome came to power, speaking in public was used during the Roman senate sessions. The Romans
adopted the public speaking rhetoric methods of the Greeks. In fact, most public speaking teachers of the time were
  The Latin style of public speaking was popular in the U.S. and Europe until the mid-20th century. After World War II,
a less formal and more conversational speaking style of speaking became popular. Also, electronic tools became
available to enhance public presentations. Towards the end of the 20th century, those electronic tools migrated to the
computer. They evolved into the computer software tools. PowerPoint, is one of those tools that we know and use
Don't be fooled, though. Even though today's public speeches are less formal, they still need to be well organized.

The Importance of Public Speaking

If you ask most people, they'll probably say they don't like public speech. They may even admit to being afraid of it
since fear of public speaking is a very common fear. Or they may just be shy or introverted. For those reasons, many
people avoid speaking in public if they can. If you're one of those people who avoid speaking in public, you're missing
Over the years, public speaking in communication has played a major role in education, government, and business.
Words have the power to inform, persuade, educate, and even entertain. And the spoken word can be even more
powerful than the written word in the hands of the right speaker.
Whether you're a small business owner,  or a student, you'll benefit from improving your public speaking skills.
Some benefits to speaking in public include:
 improves confidence 
 better research skills
 stronger deductive skills
 ability to advocate for causes
 and more
Speaking in public is especially important for businesses to market their offers. This allows them to get their
message in front of potential customers. Sales people and executives are often expected to have good public speaking
To help you become better at giving public speeches, we'll take a look at these five areas:
 writing the speech
 overcoming a fear of speaking
 practicing the speech
 preparing your presentation slide designs
 giving the speech
Module 2

NAME:________________________________________ Instructor:______________
Yr. and Section: _______________________________ Date: _______________

Learning Task 1: Essay

1. Why is it important to be ethical in communicating today?

2. Is honesty still a virtue valued today? Why or why not?
3. When you think of politicians today, would you say that they have been communicating in an ethical
4. Why do people communicate in an unethical manner?
5. What consequences can you think because of this? Refer to question number 4.
6. How do you feel about the role and status of English in the Philipinnes?
Learning Task 2:
Choose a topic and write a script for public speaking.

Prepared by: Ms. Celeste A. De Vera

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