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Numerical Investigation of Erosion Wear Characteristics of
Hydraulic Spillway
Cong Zhang 1,2 , Yuqi Zhang 1,2 , Huadong Zhao 1,2, *, Mao Wang 1,2 and Tongtong Wang 1,2

1 College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China;
[email protected] (C.Z.); [email protected] (Y.Z.); [email protected] (M.W.);
[email protected] (T.W.)
2 Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450001, China
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: There are many sand-laden waters in China, and the wear of hydraulic structures caused
by sand-laden water diversion has been paid more and more attention. Taking the spillway of a
reservoir as the research object, the numerical model of erosion wear caused by sediment-laden
particle flows on the spillway was established by using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
method, VOF (Volume of Fluid) multiphase flow model and DPM (Discrete Phase Model). Through
the simulation analysis of the spillway’s overall erosion, the distribution of the spillway erosion
wear was obtained. Then, according to the main wear parts, the single variable, such as sediment
diameter, sediment concentration, flow velocity and gate opening degree, was changed to study the
erosion amount of the spillway and the distribution law of the spillway erosion parts. The results
 show that the main erosion sites of the spillway are at the bottom of the gate chamber and the
 middle section of the spillway. The maximum erosion increases linearly with the increase in sediment
Citation: Zhang, C.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, concentration. With the increase in sediment concentration, the sediment concentration changed from
H.; Wang, M.; Wang, T. Numerical 1 kg/m3 to 6 kg/m3 , and the maximum erosion of the spillway increased from 2.58 × 10−7 kg/m2 to
Investigation of Erosion Wear 1.53 × 10−6 kg/m2 . The erosion at the bottom of the spillway and gate leaf increases first and then
Characteristics of Hydraulic Spillway. decreases with the increase in sediment diameter and reaches the maximum value when the particle
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118. https:// size is 0.002 mm. The erosion at the bottom of the spillway and the gate leaf increases with different
growth trends as the flow velocity increases, when the flow velocity increases from 2 m/s to 9 m/s
and the maximum erosion amount at the bottom of the spillway increases from 3.66 × 10−7 kg/m2 to
Academic Editors:
1.14 × 10−6 kg/m2 , and the maximum erosion of the gate leaf increased from 1.66 × 10−8 kg/m2 to
Alessandro Ruggiero and
8.98 × 10−6 kg/m2 . The erosion amount at the bottom of the spillway increases with the increase in
Ramin Rahmani
the gate opening between 0 and 3 m and tends to be stable when the gate opening is greater than 3 m.
Received: 22 June 2021 The maximum erosion position moves to the rear part of the spillway with the change in the gate
Accepted: 27 August 2021 opening. The change in the gate opening has no obvious effect on the erosion amount of the gate leaf
Published: 31 August 2021 but only changes the area of the gate erosion part. Thus, the erosion wear distribution of spillway
under different work conditions is summarized, and the qualitative study between the erosion wear
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral and the distribution of sediment diameter, sediment concentration, flow velocity and gate opening
with regard to jurisdictional claims in degree is made.
published maps and institutional affil-
iations. Keywords: hydraulic structures; erosive wear; computational fluid dynamics (CFD); VOF (Volume
of Fluid); multiphase; DPM (Discrete Phase Model)

Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. 1. Introduction
This article is an open access article
China is rich in water resources; with the full use of water resources in China, a
distributed under the terms and
variety of hydraulic constructions are under-constructed. China is a country with many
conditions of the Creative Commons
sediment-laden rivers, and the Yellow River basin is famous for its sediment. The erosion
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
and wear of hydraulic structures caused by sand flow is a common disease of hydraulic
structures [1–3]. According to the survey, 70% of hydraulic structures in sandy rivers suffer

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 2 of 17

from wear and damage caused by high-speed sediment-laden flow. For example, since
Yuzixi [4] Hydropower Station in Sichuan Province was put into operation in May 1986,
the reinforced concrete and steel plate lining in the sand drainage tunnel cannot withstand
the impact wear caused by flood discharge and sand discharge every year. Four years
after the completion and operation of Ertan Hydropower Station [5], the local abrasion
pit of the No.1 spillway tunnel was 20~30 mm deep. After working for 8666.34 h in total,
serious abrasion pits appeared at the bottom of the curved gate of Xiaolangdi No.1 Sand
Drain Tunnel, which seriously affected the safe operation of the gate. One year after the
construction and operation of Daquke Hydropower Station, the erosion damage occurred
in the sand scouring tunnel, the steel lining of the bottom plate of the working gate was
seriously damaged, and the water sealing bolt on the bottom edge of the working gate was
worn and fell off.
At present, the erosion wear of hydraulic structures is mainly studied by scouring
experiments with various scour experimental instruments. Hu et al. [6] concluded through
experimental studies that the erosion rate of concrete is basically linear with the increase in
sediment concentration, and the change in velocity at a low angle scour has a great influence
on the erosion rate. A.W. Monber [7] and Yin [8] improved the traditional erosion wear
equipment, and conducted experiments with the improved equipment, and found that the
erosion wear amount of concrete increased exponentially with the increase in jet velocity.
Xiong [9] carried out the erosion wear experiment on Q345 steel and concluded that the
erosion amount increased with the equivalent increase in particle size and concentration.
With the change in impact angle, the wear quantity increases first and then decreases with
the change in impact angle and reaches the maximum value at 30◦ . Leporini et al. [10]
carried out a preliminary experimental study on the three-phase flow (air–water–sand) in
a horizontal pipe and introduced the application of the sand–liquid model in the literature.
The results show that sand transport characteristics and critical deposition rate are closely
related to gas–liquid two-phase flow state and sand concentration.
With the development of computers, numerical simulation is widely used in erosion
simulation [11,12], such as black water pipelines, bifurcation pipelines of hydropower
stations and oil–gas pipelines [13,14]. Qiao [15] used the computational fluid dynamics
method to numerically simulate the erosion wear behavior and mechanism of solid–liquid
two-phase pipeline in coal gasification wastewater treatment system and optimized the
bend of black water pipeline. Farokhipour et al. [16] simulated and analyzed the influence
rules of fluid velocity, particle diameter and solid concentration on pipeline erosion and
wear caused by multiphase flow mud. The simulation study by Wang et al. [17] shows that
there are two serious erosion positions in the oil delivery elbow, and the layout of the elbow
and the particle size will significantly change the serious erosion positions of the elbow.
Huang etc. [18], on the basis of previous research, put forward a theoretical calculation
model, which is the calculation of the solid particles in the mud flow of tube wall erosion
situation, and found that the erosion rate and average mud speed is very closely related,
and the pipe diameter and fluid viscosity hedge the impact of corrosion rate is lesser, and
the results also show that there is an exponential power relationship between erosion rate
and average mud velocity, pipe diameter, particle size and fluid viscosity. Zhang [19]
studied the erosion wear mechanism of tee tubes in-depth based on CFD; his research
showed that under the confluence effect, the higher the gas flow rate in the tee, the lower
the pressure, and the more likely the section is to suffer severe erosion. Based on the DPM
erosion prediction model, Zhong et al. [20] studied the erosion wear of a new high-pressure
manifold quick connection device on the surface of some well sites. Hashemisohi et al. [21]
studied the bubbling characteristics and separation of multi-component particle mixtures
in fluidized beds by using a dense discrete phase model combined with particle flow
mechanics theory and experiment. Chen et al. [22] took the vertical grinding machine as
the research object, applied the method of combining experiment and simulation, solved
the particle motion trajectory with the bidirectional coupling calculation method of discrete
phase model DPM and analyzed the mutual coupling effect of two-phase flow in the
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 3 of 17

vertical grinding flow field and the particle classification and screening characteristics from
the aspects of velocity, pressure and discrete phase distribution. In terms of numerical
simulation and experimental research on turbine wear, Liao et al. [23] carried out full flow
channel numerical simulation on a Francis turbine by using VOF model and DPM model,
and analyzed the sediment distribution and solid–liquid two-phase velocity on runner
blade surface under different working conditions, which provided a theoretical basis for
the transformation of turbine in this power station. Hong [24] established a CFD-DPM
model to investigate the erosion of 90◦ elbow in a shale gas field under gas–solid two-phase
flows, His findings include the influence of six factors on the maximum amount of erosion
which including gas velocity, mass flow rate of sand particles, particle diameter, shape
coefficient of sand particles, pipeline diameter, elbow radius of curvature. Zhu and Qi [25]
used a CFD-DPM method which is based on Euler–Lagrange method and erosion model to
study the flow erosion of sand-bearing oil flow in the U-bend. The finding shows that the
maximum erosion part occurs on the outer elbow, the lower surface of the elbow and the
downstream pipe. Zhang et al. [26] carried out numerical simulation and sediment wear
test on the turbine of Hatta Hydropower Station, and predicted the sediment wear of the
turbine, which provided an important reference for the anti-wear design and operation
of the turbine of Hatta Hydropower Station. Si et al. [27] applied the wear model and
DPM model to simulate the stay vane of a certain type of turbine, and the wear rate on
the surface of the guide vane of the numerical simulation results are compared with the
experimental data, the forecast and verified the turbine guide vane fixed under the rated
conditions of wear situation of fixed for the turbine guide vane abrasion in the late design
provides reference basis.
As a large hydraulic conservancy structure, the operating environment of the spillway
is relatively complex; there are many factors that affect the sand flow, such as sand diameter,
concentration, flow rate, gate opening and so on. It is difficult, through the prototype
observation and in-situ experiment methods, to study the erosion wear characteristics.
The numerical simulation method can be used to systematically and comprehensively
study the influence of different factors on the erosion of spillways, and the actual erosion
situation of spillways can also be used to verify the accuracy of the numerical simulation.
According to the above discussion, this paper adopts the method of numerical simulation,
combined with the VOF model and DPM, and takes the spillway of a reservoir in the middle
reaches of the Yellow River as the research object to analyze the influence of different factors
on the erosion wear of the spillway. This will lay a foundation for the intelligent operation
and maintenance of hydraulic engineering and provide important guiding significance,
and at the same time, it will provide basic ideas and general methods for the erosion
research of hydraulic structures.
The main research points of this paper include: (1) Summing up the theoretical
basis of spillway erosion and establishing the numerical model of spillway erosion; (2) The
spillway fluid zone erosion was simulated to analyze the main locations of spillway erosion,
and the accuracy of simulation results was verified by combining field conditions and
relevant actual cases; (3) Change single variables such as sediment particle size, sediment
concentration, inlet velocity and gate opening degree to analyze the influence of single
variable on spillway erosion and its mechanism. There is a brief introduction to the
engineering background of the spillway, and a summary of the numerical basis of the
numerical model of spillway erosion is provided in Section 2, then the finite model of the
spillway was established. In Section 3, the distribution of wear on the spillway is specific
and, the influence of different factors on the spillway was further studied. Finally, the main
content of this paper is summarized in Chapter 4.

2. Numerical Model
2.1. Engineering Background
Taking the spillway of a reservoir as the research object, the spillway is composed of
the front section, the gate chamber section, the middle section and the rear section. The gate
2. Numerical Model
2.1. Engineering Background
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 4 of 17
Taking the spillway of a reservoir as the research object, the spillway is composed of
the front section, the gate chamber section, the middle section and the rear section. The
gate chamber section is a three-hole curved gate structure, and these curved gates are sep-
arated bysection
chamber the gate
is apier. The bottom
three-hole and
curved gatewall of the spillway
structure, arecurved
and these formed by concrete
gates pour-
are separated
by theand
gatethe gate
pier. Thematerial
wall The size
of the and structure
spillway of the
are formed by spillway are shown
concrete pouring, andin
the gate1.material is Q435B. The size and structure of the spillway are shown in Figure 1.

(a) Isoaxial view.

(b) Profile along the flow direction.

Figure 1. Spillway
Figurestructure diagram.
1. Spillway structure diagram.

The reservoir locatedin
reservoir is located inthe
thethe Yellow
Yellow River,
River, with
with an average
an average sedi-
ment concentration 3 . More than 90% of the sediment is concentrated in the
concentration of 3.2ofkg/m
3.2 kg/m
3. More than 90% of the sediment is concentrated in the flood
flood season,
season, and theand the water
water level inlevel in theseason
the flood flood season isso
is 6.5 m, 6.5the
so the floodof
season season of the
the spillway
spillway is seriously eroded by sediment. According to the relevant literature
is seriously eroded by sediment. According to the relevant literature [28–30], the particle [28–30], the
particle size of sediment in the Yellow River Basin ranges from 0.008 to
size of sediment in the Yellow River Basin ranges from 0.008 to 0.034 mm, and the average 0.034 mm, and
the average
density density
is 2.73 is 2.73
× 103 kg/m 3. In 103 simulation
× the kg/m3 . In calculation,
the simulation calculation,
the influence the influence
of particle shape ofon
spillwayshape on spillway
erosion erosion isand
is not considered, not the
considered, and the
sand particles aresand particles
assumed to beare assumed to
be homogeneous spheres.
2.2. Numerical Model
2.2. Numerical Model
2.2.1. VOF Model Theory
When the spillway is discharged, the continuous phase is water and air. The VOF
model is a surface tracking method based on a fixed Euler grid. The VOF model can track
the phase interface of each computing unit by introducing volume fraction. The VOF
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 5 of 17

model is used to track the interface between water and air, and its continuity equation is
expressed as [31]:
∂αq S∂q
+ v · ∇ ∂q = (1)
∂t ρq
where, q represents the corresponding q phase, α represents the volume fraction, v repre-
sents the velocity in the system region, Saq represents the mass source and ρ represents the
density. The sum of each phase volume fraction is 1, which can be expressed as:
∑ ∂q = 1 (2)

The momentum equation is expressed as [32]:

∂v h  i
ρ + ρv · ∇v = −∇p+ µ ∇v + ∇v T + ρg + F (3)
In the formula, F represents the external force applied.

2.2.2. DPM Model Theory

The volume fraction of sand particles in the water body is very small, so the collision
between particles is not considered in the analysis of sediment erosion. In the fluid, the
force of particles can be expressed as [33,34]:

du p  g ρp − ρ
= FD u − u p + + Fy (4)
dt ρp

18µCD Re p
FD = (5)
24ρ p d2 p
ρd p u − u p
Re p = (6)
α2 α
CD = α1 + + 3 (7)
Re p Re p
In the formula, up is the particle velocity, ρ is the fluid density, ρp is the particle density,
and Fy is the force in the Y direction. CD is the drag coefficient, and Rep is the relative Reynolds
number. dp is particle diameter, u is the fluid velocity and µ is the hydrodynamic viscosity; α1 ,
α2 and α3 are constants. The Erosion model agreed to the Erosion/Accretion model.
The Erosion amount of this model is related to fluid velocity and particle parameters,
and its Erosion model equation is [35]:

Np  b(v)
m p C d p f (α)u p
Re = ∑ A f ace
p =1

In the formula, Re is the wall wear, Np is the number of particles, mp is the mass of
particles, C(dp ) is the particle diameter function, F (α) is the invasion angle function, up is
the velocity of particles relative to the wall, and b(v) is the relative velocity function. In
general, the empirical constant is 2.41, and Aface is the wall area of the calculation region.

2.3. Mesh Partitioning and Boundary Conditions

Modeling and meshing were carried out for the spillway fluid area, and the mesh-
independent verification showed that when the number of meshing approached 10,000,
the obtained erosion value tended to be stable. Considering the accuracy and efficiency of
the simulation, the obtained finite element model of the fluid region is shown in Figure 2.
The finite element model consists of 106,081 elements and 112,278 nodes.
2.3. Mesh Partitioning and Boundary Conditions
Modeling and meshing were carried out for the spillway fluid area, and the mesh-
independent verification showed that when the number of meshing approached 10,000,
the obtained erosion value tended to be stable. Considering the accuracy and efficiency of
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 6 of 17
the simulation, the obtained finite element model of the fluid region is shown in Figure 2.
The finite element model consists of 106,081 elements and 112,278 nodes.

Finiteelement modelofoffluid
element model fluidregion.

TheThe mediuminside
medium inside the
the fluid
fluidarea is is
area water
air; air;
the turbulence modelmodel
the turbulence is the standard
is the stand-
k-ω model, the inlet is set as the speed inlet, the outlet is set as the pressure
ard k-ω model, the inlet is set as the speed inlet, the outlet is set as the pressure outlet, outlet, the the
outlet pressure is set as the standard atmospheric pressure, the surface of the gate pier and
outlet pressure is set as the standard atmospheric pressure, the surface of the gate pier
the spillway wall is set as the standard wall. The particles were set as inert particles in the
the model,
spillwayandwall is set as
the particle thewas
flow standard
from The particles
the inlet weredomain
of the fluid set as inert
along particles
in the DPM model, and the particle flow was injected from the inlet
normal surface direction, the boundary set as reflect. The Erosion/Accretion model of the fluidwasdomain
along the in
opened normal
the DPM surface
physical direction,
model. the boundary set as reflect. The Erosion/Accretion
model was opened in the DPM physical model.
3. Result and Analysis
3.1. Spillway
3. Result Erosion Analysis
and Analysis
The fluid area of the spillway was simulated and analyzed. The velocity of the fluid
3.1. Spillway Erosion Analysis
and discrete phase particle flow was set as 5 m/s, particle diameter was 0.025 mm, particle
The fluid area
concentration wasof3.2the spillway
kg/m was degree
3 , opening simulated and
of the analyzed.
three The velocity
radial leaves of the fluid
of the spillway
discrete phase
2 m, and theparticle
water levelflow was set
before the as 5 m/s,
radial leafparticle
was 6.5 diameter was 0.025 process,
m. In the simulation mm, particle
the discrete phase
concentration was is 3.2opened
kg/mafter the flowdegree
3, opening is stable,ofand
thethe distribution
three of spillway
radial leaves erosion
of the spillway
is observed
were 2 m, andafter 20 s oflevel
the water particle flowthe
before erosion.
radialThe leaferosion
was 6.5amount of each
m. In the part of the
simulation process,
spillway obtained from simulation analysis is shown in Figure 3. As
the discrete phase is opened after the flow is stable, and the distribution of spillway ero- can be seen from
Figure 3a, serious erosion at the bottom of the spillway is mainly distributed gate chamber
sion is observed after 20 s of particle flow erosion. The erosion amount of each part of the
section and the front part of the middle section of the spillway, while the erosion at the
spillway obtained from simulation analysis is shown in Figure 3. As can be seen from
front section and the rear section of the spillway is very slight. Figure 3b shows the erosion
3a, erosionwall,
of the spillway at the andbottom ofno
there is theobvious
spillway is mainly
large-scale distributed
erosion gate chamber
phenomenon on
section and thewall.
the spillway front part 3c
Figure of shows
the middle section
the erosion of the
of the gatespillway,
pier in thewhile the and
spillway, erosion
thereat the
front section
is no anderosion
obvious the rearof section
the gate of theFigure
pier. spillway is verythe
3d shows slight. Figure
erosion 3bgate
of the shows
leaf the erosion
in the
situation of and
the the erosionwall,
spillway is obvious
and thereand evenly distributed
is no obvious on the curved
large-scale gatephenomenon
erosion leaf. on
the spillway 4a shows that 3c
Figure there
showsis significant
the erosionerosionof wear on the
the gate gate
pier inchamber sectionand
the spillway, and there
is no front part of the middle
erosion section
of the gate of the
pier. spillway.
Figure Figure
3d shows the4b,c shows of
erosion that
gateare noin the
obvious erosion on the spillway wall and the spillway pier. Due to the lack of detailed
spillway, and the erosion is obvious and evenly distributed on the curved gate leaf.
information on the erosion of spillway by sediment during the actual operation of the gate,
this paper only makes a quantitative analysis when comparing the simulation results with
the actual situation. Because the erosion wear parts of the simulation results are the same as
the actual situation, it can be considered that the simulation results are consistent with the
erosion wear situation in the actual hydraulic construction operation process. Considering
the actual erosion situation and the important role of the gate in the spillway for water
storage and flood discharge, the key parts to be considered in the study of the spillway
erosion are the gate leaf, the gate chamber section and the front part of the middle section
of the spillway.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11,2021,
Appl. Sci. x FOR11,PEER
8118 REVIEW 7 of 17 7 of 18

(a) Erosion cloud diagram of spillway bottom.

(b) Erosion cloud diagram of spillway wall.

(c) Erosion cloud diagram of spillway pier. (d) Erosion cloud diagram of gate leaf.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 18
Figure 3. Erosion
Figure cloud
3. Erosion clouddiagram
diagram ofof various
various parts
parts of spillway.
of spillway.

Figure 4a shows that there is significant erosion wear on the gate chamber section
and the front part of the middle section of the spillway. Figure 4b,c shows that there are
no obvious erosion on the spillway wall and the spillway pier. Due to the lack of detailed
information on the erosion of spillway by sediment during the actual operation of the
gate, this paper only makes a quantitative analysis when comparing the simulation results
with the actual situation. Because the erosion wear parts of the simulation results are the
same as the actual situation, it can be considered that the simulation results are consistent
with the erosion wear situation in the actual hydraulic construction operation process.
Considering the actual erosion situation and the important role of the gate in the spillway
for water storage and flood discharge, the key parts to be considered in the study of the
spillway erosion are the gate leaf, the gate chamber section and the front part of the middle
section of the spillway. (c) the gate pier portion
(a) the bottom of the rear (b) the sides of the spillway walls
of the spillway chamber
Figure 4.
4. Erosion
Erosion wear
wear of
of spillway.

3.2. Effect of Erosion under Different Conditions

The influence of different factors on the spillway was further considered. According to the analysis
results in 2.1, the main erosion positions of the spillway occurred at the bottom of the gate chamber
and the middle section of the spillway. This part suppressed part of the flow field in Figure 1, and
only the erosion conditions of the middle gate chamber and the corresponding middle section of the
spillway under different conditions were analyzed. The finite element model of fluid domain in
middle gate chamber and corresponding middle gate section is shown in Figure 5.
(c) the gate pier portion
e bottom of the rear (b) the sides of the spillway walls
of the spillway chamber
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 Figure 4. Erosion wear of spillway. 8 of 17

3.2. Effect of Erosion under Different Conditions

3.2. Effect
The influence of different of Erosion
factors on theunder Different
spillway was Conditions
further considered. According to the analysis
results in 2.1, the main erosion
The influence of different factors occurred
positions of the spillway at the bottom
on the spillway of the
was further gate chamber
considered. According to
and the middle section of the spillway.
the analysis results inThis partmain
2.1, the suppressed part of the
erosion positions offlow field in Figure
the spillway 1, and
occurred at the bottom
only the erosion conditions
of the gateof chamber
the middle andgate chamber
the middleand the corresponding
section of the spillway.middle section
This part of the part of
spillway under different
the flowconditions were 1,analyzed.
field in Figure and only The finite element
the erosion model
conditions of fluid
of the middledomain in
gate chamber and
middle gate chamber theand corresponding
corresponding middlemiddle gateofsection
section is shown
the spillway in Figure
under 5. conditions were analyzed.
The finite element model of fluid domain in middle gate chamber and corresponding
middle gate section is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Finite
5. Finite element
element model
model of domain
of fluid fluid domain in middle
in middle gate chamber
gate chamber and corresponding
and corresponding middle gatemiddle
gate section.
In the process of spillway drainage, the erosion of the spillway by sediment is affected
by many factors. drainage,
In the process of spillway Based on the
erosionof of
spillway characteristics
by sediment of is the
af- sediment
flow and the working characteristics of the curved gate, the effects of sediment particle size,
fected by many factors. Based on the analysis of the hydrological characteristics of the
sediment concentration, flow velocity and gate opening degree on the spillway erosion are
sediment flow and the working characteristics of the curved gate, the effects of sediment
only considered in this paper.
particle size, sediment concentration, flow velocity and gate opening degree on the spill-
way erosion are only
3.2.1.considered in this
Effect of Particle paper.
Size on Corrosion
The sand particle diameter is an important factor affecting the erosion wear of the
3.2.1. Effect of Particle Size
spillway on Corrosion
caused by sand-laden water flow. In this paper, the effects of sediment with
The sand particle diameter is andimportant
particle sizes of 0.005 mm, 0.01 mm,
factor 0.015the
affecting mm,erosion
0.02 mm, 0.025
wear ofmm,
the 0.03 mm,
0.035 mm and 0.04 mm on the erosion amount of spillway are simulated. In consideration
spillway caused by sand-laden water flow. In this paper, the effects of sediment with dif-
of the impact of sand particle size on spillway erosion, the sediment concentration in water
ferent particle sizes d of 0.005 mm, 0.01 mm, 0.015 mm, 0.02 mm, 0.025 mm, 0.03 mm, 0.035
is 3.2 kg/m3 , the water depth before setting the spillway is 6.5 m, the opening degree of the
mm and 0.04 mmgate on the
is 1 erosion amount
m, and the of spillway
flow velocity are simulated.
is 5 m/s. In consideration
The simulation process is thatof
flow model is opened after the water flow is stable, and the erosion cloud images of the
bottom of the spillway and the gate leaf five seconds later are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
Obviously, when only sediment diameter changes, the position of maximum erosion at the
bottom of the spillway remains unchanged, which is in front of the ground sill (the position
of the ground sill is indicated in Figure 6), and the erosion position is mainly concentrated
around the ground sill. With the increase in sediment diameter, the erosion of gate leaf
tends to be evenly distributed.
The relationship between the maximum erosion amount and sediment diameter is
shown in Figure 8. When the particle diameter varies from 0.005 mm to 0.04 mm, the
relationship between sand particle diameter and erosion amount is not monotonic: The
erosion amount increases with the increase in particle size when the sediment diameter is
0.005 mm~0.015 mm, and decreases with the decrease in particle size when the sediment
diameter is 0.015 mm~0.04 mm.
flow model is opened after the water flow is stable, and the erosion cloud images of the
bottom of the spillway and the gate leaf five seconds later are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
Obviously, when only sediment diameter changes, the position of maximum erosion at
the bottom of the spillway remains unchanged, which is in front of the ground sill (the
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 position of the ground sill is indicated in Figure 6), and the erosion position is mainly
9 of 17
concentrated around the ground sill. With the increase in sediment diameter, the erosion
of gate leaf tends to be evenly distributed.

Figure clouddiagram
diagram ofofspillway

This result is inconsistent with the experimental results of Xiong [9], whose research
results show that under the condition of consistent velocity, the particles with large particle
sizes will produce greater erosion amounts on the erosion surface. However, when consid-
ering the effect of water flow, particle size will affect the carrying capacity of water flow on
particles, so that sediment particles with different particle sizes can obtain different veloci-
ties under the condition of the same flow velocity. According to the velocity distribution of
particle flow in Figure 9, when the particle diameter is 0.008 mm, the maximum velocity
of particle flow is 15.1 m/s, while when the particle diameter is 0.04 mm, the maximum
velocity of particle flow is only 10.8 m/s. When the sand particle diameter is larger, the
mass of a single sand particle is also larger, and the carrying effect of water flow on sand
particles is significantly reduced, leading to a lower velocity of particle flow. Therefore,
when the sand particle size increases to a certain range, the erosion amount will decrease
with the increase in the sand particle size.

3.2.2. Effect of Sediment Concentration on Erosion

The sediment concentration in the spillway reservoir area is greatly affected by the sea-
son, and the sediment concentration is also an important index affecting erosion. Combined
with the actual situation, six different conditions of sediment concentration of 1 kg/m3 ,
2 kg/m3 , 3 kg/m3 , 4 kg/m3 , 5 kg/m3 , 6 kg/m3 were taken for simulation analysis. Sed-
iment particle size is 0.025 mm, the water depth before the spillway is set at 6.5 m, the
opening degree of the gate is 1 m, and the flow velocity is 5 m/s. The shapes of erosion
cloud diagrams corresponding to different sediment concentrations are consistent, and
the erosion conditions are basically the same as those in Figures 6e and 7e, except that the
amount of erosion varies with different sediment concentrations. The maximum value of
erosion amount corresponding to different sediment concentrations is shown in Figure 10.
The value of erosion amount shows an obvious linear relationship with the increase in
sediment concentration, and this distribution rule is also obviously consistent with the
conclusion of Hu [6].
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 10 of 17
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 18

Figure 7. Erosion
Figure cloud
7. Erosion clouddiagram
of gate leafunder
gate leaf undersediment
sedimentof of different
different diameters.

The relationship between the maximum erosion amount and sediment diameter is
shown in Figure 8. When the particle diameter varies from 0.005 mm to 0.04 mm, the re-
lationship between sand particle diameter and erosion amount is not monotonic: The ero-
sion amount increases with the increase in particle size when the sediment diameter is
0.005 mm~0.015 mm, and decreases with the decrease in particle size when the sediment
diameter is 0.015 mm~0.04 mm.

Figure 8. Relationship between erosion and sediment diameter.

distribution of particle flow in Figure 9, when the particle diameter is 0.008 mm, the max-
imum velocity of particle flow is 15.1 m/s, while when the particle diameter is 0.04 mm,
the maximum velocity of particle flow is only 10.8 m/s. When the sand particle diameter
is larger, the mass of a single sand particle is also larger, and the carrying effect of water
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 flow on sand particles is significantly reduced, leading to a lower velocity of particle11flow.
of 17
Therefore, when the sand particle size increases to a certain range, the erosion amount
will decrease with the increase in the sand particle size.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 18

(a) particle diameter is 0.008 mm.

(b) particle diameter is 0.04 mm.

Figure diagramofofparticle
Cloud diagram particle velocity
velocity distribution
distribution under
under different
different particle
particle sizes.

3.2.2. Effect of Sediment Concentration on Erosion

The sediment concentration in the spillway reservoir area is greatly affected by the
season, and the sediment concentration is also an important index affecting erosion. Com-
bined with the actual situation, six different conditions of sediment concentration of 1
kg/m3, 2 kg/m3, 3 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3, 5 kg/m3, 6 kg/m3 were taken for simulation analysis.
Sediment particle size is 0.025 mm, the water depth before the spillway is set at 6.5 m, the
opening degree of the gate is 1 m, and the flow velocity is 5 m/s. The shapes of erosion
cloud diagrams corresponding to different sediment concentrations are consistent, and
the erosion conditions are basically the same as those in Figures 6e and 7e, except that the
amount of erosion varies with different sediment concentrations. The maximum value of
erosion amount corresponding to different sediment concentrations is shown in Figure
10. The value of erosion amount shows an obvious linear relationship with the increase in
sediment concentration, and this distribution rule is also obviously consistent with the
conclusion of Hu [6].

Spillway bottom
Gate leaf


Figure 10. Relationship

between erosion and sediment concentration.
3.2.3. Effect of Flow Velocity on Erosion

Under the condition of other factors being the same, the influence of the inlet velocity
10 of the spillway on erosion was analyzed. The inlet velocity of the fluid domain is 2 m/s,
3 m/s, 4 m/s, 5 m/s, 6 m/s, 7 m/s and 8 m/s, 9 m/s. The sediment concentration is
3.2 kg/m 3
6.0x10,-7 the sediment particle size is 0.025 mm, the water depth before setting the
spillway is 6.5 m, and the opening degree of the gate is 1 m. The cloud diagram of the
bottom erosion
4.0x10 -7 of spillway corresponding to different flow velocities is shown in Figure 11.
Under different inlet flow velocities, the maximum erosion area of the spillway remains
2.0x10-7and is always in front of the ground sill, while the most obvious erosion area is
also distributed around the ground sill. As the inlet flow velocity increases, the bottom
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sediment concentration(kg/m )

Figure 10. Relationship between erosion and sediment concentration.

m, and the opening degree of the gate is 1 m. The cloud diagram of the bottom erosion of
spillway corresponding to different flow velocities is shown in Figure 11. Under different
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 12 of 17
inlet flow velocities, the maximum erosion area of the spillway remains unchanged and
is always in front of the ground sill, while the most obvious erosion area is also distributed
around the ground sill. As the inlet flow velocity increases, the bottom erosion area of the
spillway becomes
erosion area of thelarger. When
spillway the speed
becomes is When
larger. greaterthe
than 7 m/s,
speed there are
is greater also
than noticeable
7 m/s, there
erosion areas in the rear part of the middle section. The erosion amount distribution
are also noticeable erosion areas in the rear part of the middle section. The erosion amount of
different flow
distribution ofrates corresponding
different to the gate leaftopart
flow rates corresponding the is basically
gate leaf parttheissame, andthe
basically thesame,
sion amount
and the cloud
erosion diagram
amount is basically
cloud diagram isthebasically
same asthethatsame
of Figure
as that7e.
of Figure 7e.

Figure Erosioncloud
11.Erosion cloud diagram
diagram ofofspillway

The maximum
The maximum erosion
erosion amount
amount corresponding
corresponding to to different
different inlet
inlet flow
flow velocities
velocities isis
shown in Figure 12. In general, the erosion amount increases with the increase
shown in Figure 12. In general, the erosion amount increases with the increase in flow in flow
velocity, but
velocity, but the growth trend
the growth trend is more complex.
is more complex. ForFor the
the bottom
bottom ofof the
the spillway,
spillway, the
the erosion
increment decreases with the increase in the flow velocity. When the velocity
increment decreases with the increase in the flow velocity. When the velocity is greater is greater
than 7 m/s, the erosion increment does not increase much and tends to be
than 7 m/s, the erosion increment does not increase much and tends to be stable. For stable. For the
gate, the erosion increases exponentially with the increase in flow velocity.
gate, the erosion increases exponentially with the increase in flow velocity.

Figure 12. Relationship between erosion amount and inlet velocity of flow field.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 13 of 17

The relationship between erosion and flow velocity at the bottom of the spillway and
gate leaf is complicated. The relationship between erosion velocity and flow velocity is
analyzed from particle energy and particle velocity vector. For particles, the kinetic energy
equation is:
e k = m p v2 (9)
where, ek is the kinetic energy of the particle, mp is the mass of the particle, and v is the
velocity value of the particle. When particles impact, their own kinetic energy will affect
the erosion amount. However, the relationship between kinetic energy and velocity is a
quadratic function, so the change rule of erosion amount and velocity cannot be explained
from the perspective of kinetic energy alone. From the perspective of particle movement,
the impact of sediment particles on the face plate and the bottom of the spillway is shown
in Figure 13. For the impact angle of gate leaf α1 , the gate leaf radian is ignored, and the
impact angle is as follows:
vy v + v0
α1 = arctan = 0 (10)
vz gt
The impact angle α2 at the bottom of the spillway is expressed as:

vz gt
α2 = arctan = arctan (11)
vy v0 + v 0

where, v0 represents the initial velocity of the sand inlet, vy and vz represent the velocity
components of the sand in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, represent the
velocity increment caused by water carrying action, g is the acceleration of gravity, and T is
the time value of the particle moving from the flow field inlet to the current position. As v0
increases, α1 tends to be 90◦ , and α2 tends to be 0◦ . The study of Xiong et al. [9] shows that
the erosion amount will change with the change in erosion angle. Therefore, the complex
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 18
relationship between the maximum erosion amount of the gate and the inlet velocity of the
flow field is caused by the change in particle erosion velocity and impact angle.

(a) Particle impact angle at gate leaf. (b) Particle impact angle at bottom of spillway.

Therefore,thethe flow
flow velocity increases
increases the
impacting thethe spill-
andandalsoalso changes
changes the incidence
the incidence angleangle of sediment
of sediment erosion.
erosion. The conclusion
The conclusion of Xiong
of Xiong et al. et
al. that both
[9] shows that flow
both velocity and incident
flow velocity angleangle
and incident have have
an effect on erosion.
an effect WhenWhen
on erosion. sand-
bearing flow flow
sand-bearing erodes the spillway,
erodes the inlet
the spillway, theflow
inletvelocity simultaneously
flow velocity changes
simultaneously the erosion
changes the
erosion and incident
velocity angle of
and incident sediment
angle particles.
of sediment It is the
particles. It isjoint action
the joint of this
action factor
of this that
that the the
makes relationship between
relationship erosion
between quantity
erosion and inlet
quantity flow flow
and inlet velocity moremore
velocity complex.
3.2.4. Effect of Gate Opening on Erosion
Gate opening
3.2.4. Effect is one ofon
of Gate Opening theErosion
main parameters of gate operation. Gate opening will
affect the characteristics of water flow in the spillway,
Gate opening is one of the main parameters so operation.
of gate it will also Gate
the erosion
fect the characteristics of water flow in the spillway, so it will also affect the erosion wear.
Under the condition of water depth of 6.5 m, the erosion wear of spillway with the open-
ing of 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m and 6.5 m is simulated. The sediment concentration is 3.2
kg/m3, the particle size of sediment is 0.025 mm, and the inlet velocity of the fluid domain
erosion velocity and incident angle of sediment particles. It is the joint action of this factor
that makes the relationship between erosion quantity and inlet flow velocity more com-

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 3.2.4. Effect of Gate Opening on Erosion 14 of 17

Gate opening is one of the main parameters of gate operation. Gate opening will af-
fect the characteristics of water flow in the spillway, so it will also affect the erosion wear.
Under the condition of
the condition of water
depthof of6.5
spillway with
with thethe open-
ing of 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m and 6.5 m is simulated. The sediment
of 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m and 6.5 m is simulated. The sediment concentration is 3.2 kg/m concentration is 3.2
kg/m 3 , the particle
the particle size of sediment
size of sediment is 0.025 is
andmm,the and
inletthe inlet velocity
velocity of the
of the fluid fluid is
domain domain
5 m/s.
The5 m/s.
cloud The cloud diagram
diagram of spillway of spillway erosion
erosion results is results
shown isinshown
Figure in
As the14. As thedegree
opening open-
ing degree
of the of the gatethe
gate increases, increases,
location the
wherelocation where the
the maximum maximum
erosion occurserosion occurs at
at the bottom of the
spillway gradually moves backward, and the overall distribution of the erosion areaero-
of the spillway gradually moves backward, and the overall distribution of the has
sion area has
no obvious no obvious
rule. The change rule.
erosioninwith gatethe
opening with the opening
is mainly is mainly
reflected in thatre-
flected in that
the increase inof the
the increase
gate opening,in the
thegate opening,
contact the contact
area between gatearea
andbetween gate andsmaller,
water becomes water
becomes smaller, and the
and the corresponding corresponding
erosion area becomes erosion area becomes smaller.

Figure Erosioncloud
14.Erosion cloud diagram
diagram ofofspillway

The relationship
The relationship between
between the
the maximum
maximum erosion
erosion amount
amount and
and the
the opening
opening of
of the
the gate
is shown in Figure 15. The erosion amount at the bottom of the spillway has a negative
is shown in Figure 15. The erosion amount at the bottom of the spillway has a negative
linear correlation with the opening of the gate when the opening of the gate is between 1 m
and 3 m and tends to be stable when the opening of the gate surface reaches 3 m.

Figure 15. Relationship between erosion and gate opening.

The research objects of the other literature are all related to the influence of gate
opening to offset erosion. According to the research results of Chen [36], gate opening
15will change the flow field velocity. As this paper concludes in Section 3.2.3, flow velocity
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 15 of 17

also affects erosion. As shown in Figure 16, the change in gate opening causes significant
changes in the flow velocity around the gate. When the gate opening is 1 m, 3 m and
6.5 m, the corresponding flow velocity behind the spillway gate is 13.7 m/s, 11.1 m/s and
9.52 m/s, respectively. In essence, the change in gate opening causes the change of flow
velocity behind the gate, which leads to the change in erosion amount.

(a) 1 m opening degree (b) 3 m opening degree

(c) 5 m opening degree (d) 6.5 m opening degree

Figure 16. Flow field velocity near the gate with different opening degrees.
Figure 16. Flow field velocity near the gate with different opening degrees.
4. Conclusions
(1) The spillway erosion mainly occurs at the bottom of the spillway chamber and
the middle section, and the most serious erosion wear occurs near the ground sill.
Compared with the bottom of the spillway, the gate leaf wear is relatively slight, but
due to the importance of the radial leaf in hydraulic construction, the erosion wear of
the gate leaf should not be underestimated;
(2) Under the same other conditions, the erosion amount increases first and then de-
clines with the increase in sediment particle size, and the maximum erosion amount
increases linearly with the increase in sediment concentration;
(3) The maximum erosion of the spillway is positively correlated with the flow velocity.
At the bottom of the spillway, the erosion increment decreases with the increase in
the flow velocity. At the gate, the erosion increases exponentially with the increase in
the flow velocity;
(4) The opening of the radial leaf will affect the amount and location of sediment erosion
on the spillway. When the gate opening degree is small (0~3 m when the water level
is 6.5 m), the erosion at the bottom of the spillway reduces with the increase in the
gate opening. When the opening reaches a certain range, the maximum erosion at
the bottom of the spillway is usually stable. At the same time, with the increase in
the opening, the highest erosion area at the bottom of the spillway changes gradually
from the bottom sill of the gate to the rear section of the gate;
(5) In this paper, a mechanism model of spillway erosion is built through numerical
simulation, which can predict the erosion of the gate to a certain extent. Further
research in this paper can be carried out by collecting information such as sediment
diameter, sediment concentration, flow velocity and gate opening degree of the
spillway at each working time. Then the erosion simulation model is used to simulate
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8118 16 of 17

the erosion of the spillway so as to realize more economical and effective operation
and maintenance of the spillway.

Author Contributions: Formal analysis, Y.Z.; Investigation, C.Z.; Resources, T.W.; Software, M.W.;
Supervision, Y.Z.; Writing—Original draft, C.Z.; Writing—Review & editing, C.Z. and H.Z. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Project of Integrated Standardization and New Mode Appli-
cation of Intelligent Manufacturing of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China,
grant number 2018037. This research was also funded by Water Conservancy Science and Technology
Project of Henan Provincial Water Resources Department, grant number GG202068No.2018037.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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