Numerical Methods and Computation Syllabus

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Course No.

Title of the Course Course Pre-

Structure requisite
MEMTC04/ MPMTC04/ Numerical Methods & L-T-P: 3-1-0 None
MVMTC04/CGMTC04/CEMTC04 Computation
After completion of this course, the students are expected to be able to demonstrate the following
knowledge, skills and attitudes:
1. To apply numerical methods for solving a system of algebraic equations and eigen value
2. To understand how to interpolate and extrapolate the given data, Splines.
3. To understand the concept of numerical integration.
4. To apply numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations.
5. To solve partial differential equation using different numerical techniques.
UNIT-1: System of Algebraic Equations and Eigen Value Problems: Newton’s method for
system of nonlinear equations, SOR Method, Convergence Analysis of Iterative Methods, Optimal
Relaxation Parameter, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Bounds of Eigen Values, Jacobi Method for
Symmetric Matrices.

UNIT-2: Interpolation & Curve fitting: Interpolation, Newton’s Forward and Backward
Interpolation, Lagrange’s Interpolation formula, Central Interpolation, Extrapolation, Linear Splines,
Quadratic Splines and Cubic Splines.

UNIT-3: Integration: Romberg’s Integration, Gauss Quadrature, Gauss Chebychev’s, Gauss

Legendre’s Methods, Adaptive Quadrature.

UNIT-4: Ordinary Differential Equations: Boundary-Value Problems and Initial Value Problems,
Convergence and Error Studies, Single and Multistep Methods for Differential Equations,
Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations.

UNIT-5: Partial Differential Equations: Classification of Partial Differential Equations, Solution of

Parabolic, Elliptic and Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Solution of Linear Partial
Differential Equations by Finite Differences.

Programs based upon above methods using C/C++ or MATLAB.

1. Numerical Methods for Engineers - Chapra and Canale, McGraw Hill.
2. Introduction to Numerical Analysis - Shastry, PHI.
3. Numerical Methods for Engineers - Gupta, New Age International.
4. Applied Numerical Methods for Digital Computation - James, Smith and Wolford, Harper-
Collins College Division.
5. Numerical Analysis and Computation: Theory and Practice - Blum, Addison-Wesley.
6. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation- Jain, Iyengar and J ain, New
Age international Publishers

*** MEMTC04: Mechanical Engineering (main campus)

MPMTC04: Manufacturing and Automation process (main campus)
MVMTC04: Mechanical Eng. (Electrical vehicles; west campus)
CGMTC04: Geo Informatics (west campus)
CEMTC04: Civil Engineering (west)

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