JEE Main 2023 6 April Shift 2

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1. If gcd (m, n) = 1 and

12 – 22 + 32 – 42 + ….. + (2021)2 – (2022)2 + (2023)2 = 1012 m2n
then m2 – n2 is equal to :
(1) 180 (2) 220 (3) 200 (4) 240
Sol. (4)
(1 – 2) (1 + 2) + (3 – 4) (3 + 4) +……+ (2021 – 2022) (2021 + 2022) + (2023)2 = (1012) m2n
(– 1) [1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + … + 2022] + (2023)2 = (1012) m2n
 2022  2023
( – 1) + (2023)2 =(1012) m2n
(2023) [ 2023 – 1011 ] = (1012) m2n
(2023) (1012) = (1012) m2n
m2n = 2023
m2n = (17)2 × 7
m = 17, n = 7
m2 – n2 = (17)2 –72 = 289 – 49 = 240
Ans. Option 4

2. The area bounded by the curves y = |x –1| + |x – 2| and y = 3 is equal to :

(1) 5 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) 3
Sol. (2)
y = |x – 1| + |x – 2|

A= [1+3] [2]
Ans. Option 2

3. For the system of equations

x + 2y + z = 10
x + 3y + 5z = , which one of the following is NOT true :
(1) System has a unique solution for  = 3,   14.
(2) System has a unique solution for  = –3,  = 14.
(3) System has no solution for  = 3,  = 24.
(4) System has infinitely many solutions for  = 3,  = 14.
Sol. (1)
1 1 1
1 2 
1 3 5
= (10 – 3) – (5 – ) + (3 – 2)
= 6 – 2
6 1 1
x  10 2 
 3 5
= 6(10 – 3) – (50 – 13) + (30 – 2)
= 40 – 18+  – 2
1 6 1
 y  1 10 
1  5
= (50 – ) – 6(5 – ) + ( – 10)
= 10 + 6 – 
1 1 6
 z  1 2 10
1 3 
= (2 – ) – ( – 10) + 6 (1)
= –
 for Infinite solution  = 0, x = y = z = 0
 = 3,  = 14
For unique solution   3
Ans. Option 1

4. Among the statements :

(S1): (p q)  ((~ p)  q) is a tautology
 (S2): (q p) ((~ p)  q) is a contradiction
(1) only (S2) is True (2) only (S1) is True
(3) neigher (S1) and (S2) is True (4) both (S1) and (S2) are True
Sol. (3)
P Q ~p ~p^q pq (pq) v (~p^q)

P Q qp ~p (~p)^q (qp)  (~p^q)
Ans. Option 3

1 1
 1 1
  1 1
5. lim  2 2 – 2 3  2 2 – 2 5  ......  2 2 – 2 2n 1   is equal to
n 
    
(1) (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 0
Sol. (4)
 12 1
 12 1
  12 1

P= lim  2  2 3
 2  2 5
 .........  2  2 2n 1

n 
    
1 1
2 2  23 Smallest
1 1
2 2
2 2n 1 Largest
Sandwich th.
n n
 12 1
  1 1

 2  2 3   P   2 2  2 2n 1 
   
 lie b / w 
 
 0 and 1 
 1 1

lim  2 2  2 3   0
n 
 
 1 1

lim  2 2  2 2n 1   0
n 
 
P = 0

6. Let P b a square matrix such that P2 = I – P. For , , ,  N, if

P + P = I – 29P and P – P = I – 13P, then  +  +  –  is equal to :
(1) 40 (2) 22 (3) 24 (4) 18
Sol. (3)
P2 = I – P
P + P = I – 29P
P – P = I – 13P
P = (I – P)2 = I + P2 – 2P
P = I + I – P – 2P = 2I – 3P
P = (P)2 = (2I – 3P)2 = 4I + 9P2 – 12P
= 4I + 9(I – P) – 12P
P8 = 13I – 21P ….(1)
6 4 2
P = P .P = (2I – 3P) (I – P)
= 2I – 5P + 3P2
= 2I – 5P + 3(I – P)
= 5I – 8P ….(2)
(1) + (2) (1) – (2)
P8 + P6 = 18I – 29P P8  P6  8I  13P
From (A)  = 8,  = 6
 = 18
 +  +  –  = 32 – 8 = 24

7. A plane P contains the line of intersection of the plane r.(iˆ ˆj k)ˆ = 6 and r.(2iˆ 3 ˆj 4k)
ˆ  –5. If P passes
through the point (0, 2, –2), then the square of distance of the point (12, 12, 18) from the plane P is :
(1) 620 (2) 1240 (3) 310 (4) 155
Sol. (1)
eqn of plane P1 + P2 = 0
(x + y + z – 6) +  (2x + 3y + 4z +5) = 0
pass th. (0, 2, – 2)
(– 6) +  (6 – 8 + 5) = 0
(– 6) +  [3] = 0  = 2
eqn of plane
5x + 7y + 9z + 4 = 0
distance from (12, 12, 18)
60  84  162  4
25  49  81
310  310
d2 
d2  620
Ans. Option 1

8. Let f(x) be a function satisfying f(x) + f ( – x) = 2, x . Then  f (x)sin x dx is equal to :

 2
(1) (2) 2 (3) 22 (4)
2 4
Sol. (2)

I   f  x  sin x dx …..(1)

Apply king property

I   f    x  sin    x  dx …..(1)


2I   f  x   f    x  sinx dx

2I   2 sinx dx

2 I  2  2 

I  2
Ans. Option 2

11 11
 1   1 
9. If the coefficients of x7 in  ax 2  –7
 and x in  ax – 2 
are equal, then :
 2bx   3bx 
(1) 64 ab = 243 (2) 32 ab = 729 (3) 729 ab = 32 (4) 243 ab = 64
Sol. (3)
 2 1 
 ax  
 2bx 
11 2  7
r 5
6 1 
Coefficient of x7 is  11 C5  a   
 2b 
 1 
 ax  
 3bx 2 
11  1   7 
r 6
Coefficient of x–7 is  11 C6 
36 b6
 1  a5
 11 C5 (a 6 )  5 5   11 C6  6 6
2 b  3b
 ab 
 729 ab  32
Ans. Opiton 3
9 
10. If the tangents at the points P and Q are the circle x2 + y2 –2x + y = 5 meet at the point R  ,2  , then the area
4 
of the triangle PQR is :
5 13 5 13
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4 4 8 8
Sol. (3)
x2 + y2 – 2x + y = 5

R P' P

(9/4, 2)

with resperct to R PQ is C.O.C

eqn of C.O.C is T = 0
9  9 1
x  2y –  x     y  2  – 5  0
4  4 2
5 5 25
x y 0
4 2 4
5x + 10y – 25 = 0
x  2y  5
Area   P ' PQ   PQ  2 r 2  p2 = 5
1 5
  
2 4 
 5 P'  4
5  5  5
   4
8 4 5
Method II
area =
R 2  L2
81 9
L  4  25
16 2

area = 
Ans. Option 3

11. Three dice are rolled. If the probability of getting different numbers on the three dice is , where p and q are
co-prime, then q – p is equal to :
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 3
Sol. (3)

Fav. 
 6
C3   3!

 20  6   20  5  p
6  6  6 36 9 q
p  5
 qp4
q  9
Ans. Option 3

12. In a group of 100 persons 75 speak English and 40 speak Hindi. Each person speaks at least one of the two
languages. If the number of persons, who speak only English is  and the number of persons who speak only
 
Hindi is , then the eccentricity of the ellipse 25 2 x 2  2 y2  22 is :

129 117 119 3 15

(1) (2) (3) (4)
12 12 12 12
Sol. (3)
n(AB) = n(A) + n(B) – n(AB)
n(AB) = 75 +40 – 100
n(AB) = 15

Only E  60  = 60
Only H  25  = 25
Both = 15
25x 25y2
 1
2 2
25x 2

 25y   1

 60   25
2 2

 25  25 
e2  1   
  60  
 60    25
2 2

e 

 60 

e2 
 60  25  60  25 
60  60

e2 
 35 85   119
60  60 144

13. If the solution curve f(x, y) = 0 of the differential equation (1 + loge x) – x loge x  e y , x  0, passes through
the points (1, 0) and (, 2), then  is equal to :
2 e2 2 2 2
(1) e (2) e e (3) e 2e (4) e2e
Sol. (4)
1  n x  x n x  ey
Let x nxt
dx dt
1  n x 
dy dy
 t  ey P = – 1, Q = ey

I  F  e
 dy
 e y
Solution -
 t   e y     e y  ey  dy
t(e–y) = y + c
(x n x) e–y = y + c  pass (1, 0) c = 0
pass (, 2)
  e2e

Ans. Option 4

14. Let the sets A and B denote the domain and range respectively of the function f (x)  , where [x]
[x] – x
denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. Then among the statements :
(S1) : A  B = (1, ) – N and
(S2) : A  B = (1, )
(1) only (S1) is true (2) neither (S1) nor (S2) is true
(3) only (S2) is true (4) both (S1) and (S2) are true
Sol. (1)
f x 
x  x
If x  I  x  = [x] (greatest integer function)
If x I  x   [x]  1
 1
 [x]  x , x  I

 f (x)  
 1
, x I
 [x]  1  x
 1
 {x} , x  I,(does not exist)

 f (x)  
 1
, x I
 1  {x}
 domain of f(x) = R –I
Now, f(x) = , x I
1  {x}
 x < {x} < 1
 0  1 1  {x}  1
 1
1  {x}
 Range (1,  )
 A=R–I
B = (1  )
So, A  B  (1, )  N
A  B  (1, )
 S1 is only correct.

15. Let a  b be two-zero real numbers. Then the number of elements in the set
X {z : Re(az2 bz) a and Re(bz 2 az) b} is equal to :
(1) 0 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 3
Sol. (1) Bonus
 z  z  2Re  z  If z = x + iy  z  z  2x z2 + ( z )2 = 2 (x2 – y2)
(az2 + bz) + (a z 2 + b z ) = 2a ……….(1)
(bz2 + az) + (b z 2 + a z ) = 2b ……….(2)
add (1) and (2)
(a + b) z2 + (a + b) z + (a +b) z 2 + (a + b) z =2(a + b)
(a + b) [z2 + z + ( z )2 + z ] = 2(a + b) ……….(3)
sub. (1) and (2)
(a – b) [z2 – z + z 2 – z ] = 2(a – b) ……….(4)

z + z –z–z =2

Case I: If a + b  0
From (3) & (4)
2x + 2 ( x2 – y2) = 2 x2 – y2 + x =1 ……….(5)
2( x – y ) – 2x = 2
2 2
x – y – x =1
2 2
(5) – (6)
2x = 0 x = 0
from (5) y2 = – 1 not possbible
Ans = 0
Case II: If a + b = 0 then infinite number of solution.
So, the set X have infinite number of elements.
16. The sum of all values of , for which the points whose position vectors are i  2j  3k, 2i  3j  4k,    1 i  2k
and 9iˆ  ( – 8)ˆj  6kˆ are coplanar, is equal to :
(1) –2 (2) 2 (3) 6 (4) 4
Sol. (2)
A  1, 2,3 

B   2, 3, 4  
C     1,0, 2  

D   9,   8,6  
AB AC AD   0
 
1 1 1
 2 1  0
8 6 3
(6 +  – 6) + 1 (3 + 8) + (2 – 6 – 16) = 0
2 – 2 –8 = 0
 = 4, –2
 sum of all values of  = 2
Ans. option 2
x –1 y – 2 z – 3
17. Let the line L pass through the point (0, 1, 2), intersect the line   and be parallel to the
2 3 4
plane 2x + y – 3z = 4. Then the distance of the point P(1, –9, 2) from the line L is :
(1) 9 (2) 54 (3) 69 (4) 74
Sol. (4)

(2, 1, –3)
P(0, 1, 2)
Q [2+1, 3 + 2, 4 +3]

x 1 y  2 z  3
  
2x + y – 3z = 4 2 3 4

PQ = (2 +1, 3 +1, 4 + 1)
PQ  n  0 (2 +1).(2) +( 3 +1) (1) + (4 + 1) (–3) = 0
– 5 = 0
 = 0
Q = (1, 2, 3)
eqn of line
x  0 y 1 z  2
  
1 1 1
distance of line from (1, –9, 2)
(P'Q').(1, 1, 1) = 0
–+ = 0
 –
 Q' = (– 3, –2, 1)
P'Q' = 16  49  9  74

18. All the letters of the word PUBLIC are written in all possible orders and these words are written as in a
dictionary with serial numbers. Then the serial number of the word PUBLIC is :
(1) 580 (2) 578 (3) 576 (4) 582
Sol. (4)
B ––––––––––––––––– = 5! = 120
C ––––––––––––––––– = 5! = 120
I –––––––––––––––––– = 5! = 120
L ––––––––––––––––– = 5! = 120
PB –––––––––––––––– = 4! = 24
PC –––––––––––––––– = 4! = 24
PI ––––––––––––––––– = 4! = 24
PL –––––––––––––––– = 4! = 24
PUBC ––––––––––––– = 2! = 2
PUBI –––––––––––––– = 2! = 2
PUBLC –––––––––––– = 1
PUBLIC ––––––––––– = 1
Rank = 582
Ans. Option 4
19. Let the vectors a, b,c represent three coterminous edges of a parallelepiped of volume V. Then the volume of
the parallelepiped, whose coterminous edges are represented by a,b  c and a  2b  3c is equal to :
(1) 2 V (2) 6 V (3) 3 V (4) V
Sol. (4)
v  a b c 

v1  a b+c a + 2b + 3c 
1 0 0
v1  0 1 1 a b c 
1 2 3
v1 = (3–2)v
Ans. Option 4

20. Among the statements :

(S1) : 20232022 –19992022 is divisible by 8
(S2) : 13(13)n –11n – 13 is divisible by 144 for infinitely many n 
(1) only (S2) is correct (2) only (S1) is correct
(3) both (S1) and (S2) are incorrect (4) both (S1) and (S2) are correct
Sol. (4)
xn-yn = (x – y) [xn–1+xn–2y+xn–3y2+……+yn–1]
xn–yn is divisible by x – y
Stat 1  (2023)2022 – (1999)2022
(2023) – (1999) = 24
 (2023)2022 – (1999)2022
   is divisible by 8
Stat 2  13 (1 + 12)n – 11n – 13
13 1  n C1 , 12   n C2 12   ...  11n  13
 
 156n  11n   13  n C2 12  13  n C3 12  ....
2 3

 145n  13  n C2 12  13  n C3 12  ....

2 3

If (n = 144m, mN) then it is divisible by 144 for infinite values of n.

Ans. Option 4

21. The value of tan 9° – tan 27° – tan 63° + tan 81° is ____ :
Sol. 4
(tan 9º + cot 9º) – (tan 27º + cot 27º)
1 1

sin 9º cos9º sin 27º cos 27º
2 2

sin18º sin 54º
2  4 2  4

5 1   5 1

8  5  1 8  5  1

4 4

2 5 1 
   5 1 

22. If (20) 19 + 2(21)(20)18 + 3(21)2 (20)17 + …. + 20(21)19 = k(20)19, then k is equal to _____ :
Sol. 400
S = (20)19 + 2(21) (20)18 + ……. + 20(21)19
S = 21(20)18 + 2(21)9 (20)17 + ……. + (21)20
 21 
1   S = (20) + (21) (20) + (21) (20) + ……. + (21) – (21)
19 18 2 17 19 20

 20 
  21 20 
1    
 1  19   20   – (21)20
  S = (20)  21 
 20 
 1  20 
 
 1 
  S = (21) – (20) – (21)
20 20 20

 20 
S = (20)21 = K (20)19 (given)
K = (20)2 = 400

x 2 y2
23. Let the eccentricity of an ellipse   1 is reciprocal to that of the hyperbola 2x2 –2y2 = 1. If the ellipse
a 2 b2
intersects the hyperbola at right angles, then square of length of the latus-rectum of the ellipse is _____:
Sol. 2
x 2 y2
E : 2  2 1 e
a b
H : x 2  y 2   e'  2
e2 
b2 1 b2 1
1 2
  2 
a 2 a 2
a 2  2b2
E & H are at right angle
they are confocal
Focus of Hyperbola = focus of ellipse
 1   a 
  2,0     ,0 
 2   2 
a 2
a 2  2b2  b2  1
2b 2  1
Length of LR  
a 2
= 2
Square of LR = 2

24. For , , z  and  > 1, if  – 1 is the radius of the circle |z –|2 + |z –|2 = 2, then | – | is equal to
Sol. 2
z  z1  z  z2  z1  z2
2 2 2

z1  , z2  
   2

    2
2r  2
2   1  2
 4    1  2
   2
 3  1
25. Let a curve y = f(x), x  (0, ) pass through the points P 1,  and Q  a,  . If the tangent at any point
 2  2
R (b,f(b)) to the given curve cuts the y-axis at the points S(0, c) such that bc = 3, then (PQ)2 is equal to _____:
Sol. 5

Equation of tangent at R(b, f(2)) is

y – f (b) = f '(b).(x – b)
which passes through (0, c)
c – f (b) = f '(b).(–b)
 – f (b) = f (b).(–b)
bf '  b  – f  b  3
 2
=– 3
b b
 f b  3 f b 3
 d  3   2 
 b  b b 2b
Which passes through (1, 3/2)
3 3
  0
2 2
 f b 
1 1 3
f a     b3
2 2 2b
 c  1  Q  3,1/ 2 
 PQ2  22  1  5

x –1 2 – y z – 3 x – 4 y –1 z
26. If the lines   and   intersect, then the magnitude of the minimum value of
2 –3  5 2 
8 is _____:
Sol. 18
x –1 2 – y z – 3 x – 4 y –1 z
If the lines   and   intersect Point of first line (1, 2, 3) and point on second
2 –3  5 2 
line (4, 1, 0).
Vector joining both points is 3i  j  3k
Now vector along second line is 2i  3j   k
Also vector along second line is 5i  2 j  k
Now these three vectors must be coplanar
2 3 
 5 2 
3 1 3
 2(6 – ) –3(15 + 3) + (11) = 0
 –  = 3
Now  = 3 + 
 Given expression 8(3 + ). = 8 (2 + 3)
 9 9  3
 8  2  3     8      18
 4 4  2
So magnitude of minimum value = 18

27. Let f (x) 1
,x – {–1}, n ,n 2. If fn (x) =n (fofof….. upto n times) (x), then
n n
1 x
lim  x n –2  f n (x)  dx is equal to _____:
n 

Sol. 0
Let f (x) 1
,x – {–1}, n ,n 2.
n n
1 x
If f (x) =n (fofof….. upto n times) (x)

then lim  x n –2  f n (x)  dx
n 

f  f  x  
1  2x  n 1/n

f f  f  x    x
1  3x  n 1/n

Similarly f n  x  
1  n  x  n 1/n

x n  2  xdx x n 1  dx
Now lim   lim 
n 
1  n  x  n 1/n n 
1  n  x n 1/n

Now 1 + nxn = t
n2  xn 1dx  dt
x n 1dx  2
1 1 n dt
 lim 2 
n  n 1 t1/n
1 n
 1 1 
1 t n 
 lim 2 
n  n 1
1  
 n 1
1  n 1
 1
 lim
n  n  n  1
 1  n  n  1 Now let n 

  h
1 h
 1
1    1
 lim 
h 0 1 1 h

h h
Using series expansion

28. If the mean and variance of the frequency distribution.

xi 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
fi 4 4  15 8  4 5
are 9 and 15.08 respectively, then the value of 2 + 2 –  is _____:
Sol. 25

N   f i  40    

f x i i  360  6  12

f x i
i  3904  36  144

Mean  x  
f xi i
f i

 360 + 6 + 12 = 9 (40 +  + )

3 = 3   = 
f x   fi x i 
2 2

   
  f 
2 i 1

fi  i 

3904  36  144

   x   15.08

40    
3904  180
   9   15.08

40  2
 = 5
Now,  + 2 –  = 2 = 25

29. The number of points, where the curve y = x5 –20x3 + 50x + 2 crosses the x-axis is ____:
Sol. 5
y = x5 – 20x3 + 50x + 2
= 5x4 – 60x2 + 50 = 5(x4 – 12x2 + 10)
= 0  x4 – 12x2 +10 = 0
12  144  40
x2 =
 x 2  6  26  x 2  6  5.1
 x 2  11.1,0.9
 x  3.3, 0.95
f(0) = 2, f (1) = + ve, f (2) = – ve
f(–1) = – ve, f (–2) = +ve

The number of points where the curve cuts the x-axis = 5.

30. The number of 4-letter words, with or without meaning, each consisting of 2 vowels and 2 consonants, which
can be formed from the letters of the word UNIVERSE without repetition is _____:
Sol. 432
Vowels Consonant
E, E N, V,
I, U R, S
Case I 2 vowels different, 2 consonant different
 3
C2  4 C2   4!
= (3) (6) (24)
= 432
31. The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 200 K to 800 K. If r.m.s. speed of gas at 200 K is v 0 . Then,
r.m.s. speed of the gas at 800 K will be:
(1) 4v 0 (2) 2v 0 (3) v 0 (4)
Sol. (2)
using vrms =
3R  200
v0 = ….(1)
3R  800
(v’) = ….(2)
dividing (2) by (1)
v' 800
= = 4 =2
v0 200
or v’ = 2v0

32. Given below are two statements : one is labelled as assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : The phase difference of two light wave change if they travel through different media having same
thickness, but different indices of refraction
Reason R : The wavelengths of waves are different in different media.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
(1) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(2) A is not correct but R is correct
(3) A is correct but R is not correct
(4) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
Sol. (1)
Both the statements are true
As we know speed of light in a medium
c c
v= or f =
 
therefore 

when light will travel through two different mediums their phase difference will change
Q = x

and R is correction explanation

33. For an amplitude modulated wave the minimum amplitude is 3 V, while the modulation index is 60%. The
maximum amplitude of the modulated wave is :
(1) 10 V (2) 12 V (3) 15 V (4) 5 V
Sol. (2)
Given, modulation index = 60% = 0.6
A m 0.6

Ac 1
Using componendo – dividendo, we can write
Am  Ac 0.6  1 1.6
= =
Am  Ac 0.6  1 0.4
Am + Ac = × (Am – Ac)
= × (-3) = 12 V
34. The ratio of speed of sound in hydrogen gas to the speed of sound in oxygen gas at the same temperature is :
(1) 1 : 4 (2) 1 : 2 (3) 1 : 1 (4) 4 : 1
Sol. (4)
Using v =
U H2 m O2 32 16
= = = =4:1
v O2 m H2 2 1
(since both hydrogen and oxygen are di-atomic,  will be same)

35. A dipole comprises of two charged particles of identical magnitude q and opposite in nature. The mass 'm' of
the positive charged particle is half of the mass of the negative charged particle. The two charges are separated
by a distance 'l'. If the dipole is placed in a uniform electric field ' E '; in such a way that dipole axis makes a
very small angle with the electric field, ' E '. The angular frequency of the oscillations of the dipole when
released is given by :
4qE 8qE 8qE 4qE
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3ml ml 3ml ml
Sol. (1)
In this case, since masses of both charges are not same, therefore, we need to find center of mass (COM), about
which dipole will oscillate and then we will find moment of Inertia about this axis, to find torque & hence .
As we know, COM will divide length in the inverse ratio of the masses, therefore, COM will be at a distance of
L 2L
from 2m & from m.
3 3
MI about this axis E
2 2 q1 m
L  2L  L q
I = 2m   +  
3  3  –q2 m
2mL2 4mL2 6mL2 2mL2
Or I = + = =
a a a 3
Using  = & p = qL
qLE 3qE
= 2
= None of these given option is correct. (BONUS)
2L 2mL
36. Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : When you squeeze one end of a tube to get toothpaste out from the other end. Pascal's principle
is observed.
Reason R : A change in the pressure applied to an enclosed incompressible fluid is transmitted undiminished
to every portion of the fluid and to the walls of its container.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
(1) A is correct but R is not correct
(2) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(3) A is not correct but R is correct
(4) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
Sol. (2)
As per pascal’s law, when we apply pressure to an ideal liquid it is equally distributed in the entire liquid and
to the walls as well.
Since due to applied pressure, every morning, the tooth paste does not get compressed and we can safely
consider it on incompressible liquid.
Therefore both statements are true and R is correct explanation of A.
37. A student is provided with a variable voltage source V, a test resistor R T  10 , two identical galvanometers
G 1 and G 2 and two additional resistors, R 1  10M  and R 2  0.001 . For conducting an experiment to
verify ohm's law, the most suitable circuit is :

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Sol. (2)
This question is based on the conceptual clarity that we should connect ammeter in series and voltmeter in
parallel to measure current and potential difference, respectively
Also, when we use a galvanometer to create an ammeter, shunt resistance should be very small and should be
in parallel.
When we create a voltemeter shunt should be large and in series with galvanometer.
All these criteria are satisfied in option (2)

38. A body cools in 7 minutes from 60 o C to 40 o C . The temperature of the surrounding is 10o C . The temperature
of the body after the next 7 minutes
(1) 30 o C (2) 34 o C (3) 32 o C (4) 28o C
Sol. (4)
Using exact law of cooling
T – Ts = (T0 – Ts) e-Kt
Case-I: (40 – 10) = (60 – 10) e-7K
30 = 50e-7K ….(1)
Case-II: (T – 10) = (40 – 10) e-7K or T - 10 = 30 e–7K
Dividing (2) by (1)
T  10 30
30 50
30  30
 T – 10 = = 18
or T = 28 °C
Using newton’s average law of cooling
Ti  Tf  T  Tf 
=k  i  Ts 
t  2 
60  40  60  40  20
Case-I:- =R   10   = k [40] ….(i)
7  2  7
40  T  20  T 
Case-II:- =R   ….(2)
7  2 
Dividing (2) by (1)
40  T 20  T
20 80
160 – 4T = 20 + T
5T = 140
T = 28 °C

39. The energy density associated with electric field E and magnetic field B of an electromagnetic wave in free
space is given by ( 0  permittivity of freespace,  0  permeability of freespace)
0 E 2 B2 E2  B2
(1) U E  , UB  (2) U E  , UB  0
2 2 0 2 0 2
E2 B2 0 E 2  B2
(3) U E  , UB  (4) U E  , UB  0
2 0 2 0 2 2
Sol. (1)
By theory of electromagnetic waves
UE = 0E2 and
1 B2
UB =
2 0

40. The weight of a body on the surface of the earth is 100 N. The gravitational force on it when taken at a height,
from the surface of earth, equal to one-fourth the radius of the earth is :
(1) 64 N (2) 25 N (3) 100 N (4) 50 N
Sol. (1)
using newton’s formula F =
GM e m
at surface of earth, 100 = ….(1)
Re 2
R 5
at r = Re + e = Re
4 4
GM e m 16 GM e m
F’ = 2
= ×
5  25 R e2
 R e 
4 
F’ = × 100 = 64 N
41. A capacitor of capacitance 150.0 F is connected to an alternating source of emf given by E = 36 sin(120t) V.
The maximum value of current in the circuit is approximatively equal to :
(1) 2A (2) 2 2A (3) A (4) 2A
Sol. (4)
Given alternating AC source E = 36 sin (120 t) v & capacitor C = 150 F
using Q = CV
we can write Q = (CE0 sin t)
Current i = = (CE0  cos t)
max. value of current i0 = CE0 
or i0 = 150 × 10-6 × 36 × 120
= 2.03 A
42. A 2 meter long scale with least count of 0.2 cm is used to measure the locations of objects on an optical bench.
While measuring the focal length of a convex lens, the object pin and the convex lens are placed at 80 cm mark
and 1 m mark., respectively. The image of the object pin on the other side of lens coincides with image pin that
is kept at 180 cm mark. The % error in the estimation of focal length is :
(1) 0.51 (2) 1.02 (3) 0.85 (4) 1.70
Sol. (4)
Based on the data provided
U = 100 – 80 = 20 cm
V = 180 – 100 = 80 cm
1 1 1 uv 20  80
Using   or f = = or f = 16 cm
f v u u  v 20  80
For error analysis,
1 1 1
 
f v u
Df Dv u

= – 2

f v u2
To calculate u & v
U = (100 ± 2) – (80 ± 0.2) = (20 ± 0.4) cm
Therefore u = 0.4 cm,
Similarly v = 0.4 cm.
f  v u 
Now = f 2  2 80
f v u 
 0.4 100
f 0.4 
= 16    180 cm
f   80  2 (20) 2 
 
(Note: every data is in cm)
f 16  0.4  1 
=  2  1
f  20   4 

16  0.4 17 17  0.4
=  =
2 16 400
f 17  0.4
% Error : × 100 =  1000
f 400
= 1.7

43. Figure shows a part of an electric circuit. The potentials at points a, b and c are 30 V, 12 V and 2 V respectively.
The current through the 20  resistor will be

(1) 1.0 A (2) 0.2 A (3) 0.4 A (4) 0.6 A

Sol. (3)
Let potential of the junction be x volts
using junction law ii + i2 + i3 = 0
x  30 x  12 x2
or + + =0
10 20 30

or 6x  180  3x  36  2x  4   0
or [11x  220]  0
or x =  20V
x  12
current through 20  is =
20  12
i2 =  0.4A

44. A small particle of mass m moves in such a way that its potential energy U  m 2 r 2 where  is constant
and r is the distance of the particle from origin. Assuming Bohr's quantization of momentum and circular orbit,
the radius of nth orbit will be proportional to,
(1) n (2) n2 (3) (4) n
Sol. (4)
Given U = m2r2, to find radius r as f (n), where n is orbit
Using Bohr’s postulate : angular momentum L = mvr =
or mr2 =
r n

45. Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A : Diffusion current in a p-n junction is greater than the drift current in magnitude if the junction is
forward biased.
Reason R: Diffusion current in a p-n junction is from the n-side to the p-side if the junction is forward biased.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
(1) A is not correct but R is correct
(2) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(3) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(4) A is correct but R is not correct
Sol. (4)
Statement A is correct and Statement R is wrong as per the theory of p-n junction.

46. Choose the incorrect statement from the following :

(1) The linear speed of a planet revolving around the sun remains constant.
(2) The speed of satellite in a given circular orbit remains constant.
(3) When a body falls towards earth, the displacement of earth towards the body is negligible.
(4) For a planet revolving around the sun in an elliptical orbit, the total energy of the planet remains constant.
Sol. (1)
Since planets revolve around the sun in an elliptical orbit its linear speed is not constant, hence option 1 not
correct (and right choice).
Other statement are correct as per theory.

47. A child of mass 5 kg is going round a merry-go-round that makes 1 rotation in 3.14 s. The radius of the merry-
go-round is 2 m. The centrifugal force on the child will be
(1) 40 N (2) 100 N (3) 80 N (4) 50 N
Sol. (1)
Given, m = 5kg, R = 2 m
time t for 1 rev = 3.14 sec or  sec
q for 1 rev = 2  rad
q 2
Therefore  = = = 2 rad/s
t 
centrifugal force F = mR2
or F = 5 × 2 × 22 = 40 N

48. As shown in the figure, a particle is moving with constant speed  m/s. Considering its motion from A to B, the
magnitude of the average velocity is :

(1)  m / s (2) 2 3 m / s (3) 3m /s (4) 1.5 3 m / s

Sol. (4)
Given speed v =  m/s
or R = 

or  = rad / s
angular displacement q = 120° or
uising q = t
q 2 / 3 2R
t= = =
 /R 3
linear displacement d = 2 R sin (q/2)
 120 
d = 2R sin  
 2 
=2R × sin 60 = 2R ×
= R 3
d R 3 3 3
average velocity = = =
t 2R / 3 2

49. The work functions of Aluminium and Gold are 4.1 eV and and 5.1 eV respectively. The ratio of the slope of
the stopping potential versus frequency plot for Gold to that of Aluminium is
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 1.24 (4) 1.5
Sol. (1)
Using KEmax = eVs = hf –0
where 0 is work function, Vs is stopping potential and f is frequency
h 
or Vs = f  0
e e
therefore the slope m will be same for all graphs and will be independent of 0.
50. A particle starts with an initial velocity of 10.0 ms-1 along x-direction and accelerates uniformly at the rate of
2.0 ms-2. The time taken by the particle to reach the velocity of 60.0 ms-1 is __________.
(1) 3s (2) 6s (3) 25s (4) 30s
Sol. (3)
Using Ist equation of motion
60  10 50
t= = = 25 sec
2 2

51. A simple pendulum with length 100 cm and bob of mass 250 g is executing S.H.M. of amplitude 10 cm. The
maximum tension in the string is found to be N . The value of x is __________.
Sol. (99)
For pendulum
mv 2
Tmax = mg + ….(1)
Given m = kg, L = 1m, g = 9.8 m/s2
and amplitude A = m
1 1
For SHM, KEmax = mv2 = m2A2
2 2
using  =
 g  2 mgA 2
mv = m 
 A = ….(2)
 L L
using (2) in (1)
mgA 2
Tmax = 2 mg +
 1  1 01
= mg 1  2  = × 9.8 ×
 10  4 100
or Tmax =
Therefore x = 99

52. Experimentally it is found that 12.8 eV energy is required to separate a hydrogen atom into a proton and an
electron. So the orbital radius of the electron in a hydrogen atom is  10 10 m . The value of the x is : _______.
(1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J,  9  109 Nm 2 / C2 and electronic charge = 1.6 × 10-19 C)
Sol. (16)
ke 2
Using E =
Re 2
Given E = 12.8 eV = 12.8 × e Joule
9  109 e 2 9  109  1.6  10 19
r= =
2  12.8e 2  12.8
9  10 10
9  10 10
r= = m
(2  12.8 / 1.6) 10
Therefore x = 16

53. A beam of light consisting of two wavelengths 7000 Å and 5500 Å is used to obtain interference pattern in
Young's double slit experiment. The distance between the slits is 2.5 mm and the distance between the place of
slits and the screen is 150 cm. The least distance from the central fringe, where the bright fringes due to both
the wavelengths coincide, is n × 10-5 m. The value of n is ______.
Sol. (462)
Let n1 maxima of 7000 Å coincides with n2 maxima of 5500 Å
therefore n11 = n22
n  5500 11
or 1  2 = =
n 2 1 7000 14
therefore 11 maxima of 7000 Å will coincide with 14th maximum of 5500 Å

To find the least distance of this

y = n11
n  D 11  7000  10 10  150  10 2
or y = 1 1 =
d 2.5  10 3
11  7  5
= × 10-5 m
or y = 462 × 10-5 m
therefore n = 462

54. Two concentric circular coils with radii 1 cm and 1000 cm, and number of turns 10 and 200 respectively are
placed coaxially with centers coinciding. The mutual inductance of this arrangement will be _______ × 10-8 H.
(Take,  2  10)
Sol. (4)

a = 1000 cm
b = 1 cm
or b << a
we will take larger coil as primary
 0i p N
 0i p N
flux s = BA = × b2 × n
Mutual inductance M =
 0 Nnb 2
4   10 7  200  10    1  10 4
or M =
2  1000  10 2
2 -9
= 4 × 10
or M = 4 × 10-8 (using 2 = 10)
55. As shown in the figure, two parallel plate capacitors having equal plate area of 200 cm2 are joined in such a way
that   b. The equivalent capacitance of the combination is x 0 F. The value of x is _______.

Sol. (5)
As per the arrangement given, distance between the capacitor plates are a and b and a  b
using the diagram we can write
b = 5 – a – 1 = (4 – a) in mm
 A
as we know capacitance of capacitor C = 0
and in series arrangement
1 1 1
 
Ceq C1 C 2
1 a 4a 4(in mm)
= + =
C eq 0 A 0 A 0 A
0 A
or Ceq =
Given A = 200 cm2
  200  10 4
Ceq = 0
4  10 3
= 0 50 × 10-1
or Ceq = 50 farad
therefore n =5

56. A proton with a kinetic energy of 2.0 eV moves into a region of uniform magnetic field of magnitude  10 3 T.
The angle between the direction of magnetic field and velocity of proton is 60 o. The pitch of the helical path
taken by the proton is ______ cm.

(Take, mass of proton = 1.6 × 10-27 kg and Charge on proton = 1.6 × 10-19 C).
Sol. (40)

B= × 10-3
K.E. = mV2

PItch = v cos 60° × time period of one rotation

= v cos 60° ×
2  2  1.6  10 9 2   1.6  10 27
= × cos 60° ×
1.6  10 27 
1.6  10 19   10 3
= 2 × 104 × × 4 × 10-5
= 4 × 10-1 m = 40 cm

57. A body is dropped on ground from a height 'h1' and after hitting the ground, it rebounds to a height 'h2'. If the
ratio of velocities of the body just before and after hitting ground is 4, then percentage loss in kinetic energy of
the body is . The value of x is ________.
Sol. (375)
Let u and v be speeds, just before and after body strikes the ground.
u 4
Given 
v 1
1 1
mu 2  mv 2
loss in KE: KE = 2 2
mu 2
v 1 15
KE = 1 -   = 1  
u 16 16
Percentage loss = × 100 = 375

58. A ring and a solid sphere rotating about an axis passing trough their centers have same radii of gyration. The
axis of rotation is perpendicular to plane of ring. The ratio of radius of ring to that of sphere is . The value
of x is ______.
Sol. (5)
Given radius of gyration is same for ring and solid sphere
KR = Kss
RR = R ss
R 2
or R =
R ss 5
therefore x = 5

59. As shown in the figure, the voltmeter reads 2 V across 5  resistor. The resistance of the voltmeter is ___  .

Sol. (20)
5R 10  7R
Req = 2 + =
5R 5R
3 3(5  R)
i= =
R eq 10  7R
2 2
i1 = , i2 =
5 R
i = i1 + i2
3(5  R) 2 2 2(5  R)
=  =
10  7R 5 R 5R
15R (5 + R) = 2 (5 + R) (10 + 7R)
75R + 15R2 = 2 (50 + 35R + 10R + 2R2)
15R2 + 75R = 14R2 + 90R + 100
R2 – 15 R – 100 = 0
15 225  1  100
15  625 15  25
= =
2 2
R = 20 
Given potential across 5and voltmeter is 2V. To find resistance R of voltmeter.
Let current in 5 be i1, and in R i2.
2 2
i1 = and i2 =
5 R
V across 2will be 1 volt and i = A.
Using junction law: i = i1 + i2
1 2 2
= +
2 5 R
2 1 2 1
= – =
R 2 5 10
R = 20
60. A metal block of mass m is suspended from a rigid support through a metal wire of diameter 14 mm. The tensile
stress developed in the wire under equilibrium state is 7 × 105 Nm-2 . The value of mass m is _____kg.
(Take, g = 9.8 ms-2 and   )
Sol. 11
force mg
Using stress = 
area A
S A 7  105  R 2
m= =
g g
7  105   (7  10 3 ) 2
  7 (Note: 14 mm is diameter)
= 11 kg
61. Match List I with List II
List I List II
(Natural Amino acid) (One Letter Code)
(A) Arginine (I) D
(B) Aspartic acid (II) N
(C) Asparagine (III) A
(D) Alanine (IV) R
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A) – III, (B) – I, (C) – II (D) –IV (2) (A) – IV, (B) – I, (C) – II (D) –III
(3) (A) – IV, (B) – I, (C) – III (D) –II (4) (A) – I, (B) – III, (C) – IV (D) –II
Sol. 2
Natural Amino acid One Letter Code
(i) Arginine R
(ii) Aspartic acid D
(iii) Asparagine N
(iv) Alanine A

62. Formation of which complex, among the following, is not a confirmatory test of Pb2 ions
(1) lead sulphate (2) lead nitrate (3) lead chromate (4) lead iodide
Sol. 2
 Pb(NO3)2 is a soluble colourless compound so it cannot be used in confirmatory test of Pb+2 ion.

Topic : Redox Reaction

Sub Topic : Titration
Level : Easy
63. The volume of 0.02 M aqueous HBr required to neutralize 10.0 mL of 0.01 M aqueous Ba(OH)2 is (Assume
complete neutralization)
(1) 5.0 mL (2) 10.0 mL (3) 2.5 mL (4) 7.5 mL
Sol. 2
m.eq. of HBr = m.eq. of Ba(OH)2
M1 × n1 × V1(mL) = M2 × n2 × V2(mL)
0.02 × 1 × V1(mL) = 0.02 × 2 × 10
V1(mL) = 10 mL

64. Group–13 elements react with O 2 in amorphous form to form oxides of type M2 O3 (M = element). Which
among the following is the most basic oxide?
(1) Al2O3 (2) Tl2 O3 (3) Ga 2 O3 (4) B2O3
Sol. 2
As electropositive character increases basic character of oxide increases.
B2 O3 Al2 O3 Ga 2 O3 In 2 O3 Tl2 O3
acidic amphoteric basic

65. The IUPAC name of K3[Co(C2O4 )3 ] is -

(1) Potassium tris(oxalate) cobaltate(III) (2) Potassium trioxalatocobalt(III)
(3) Potassium trioxalatocobaltate(III) (4) Potassium tris(oxalate)cobalt(III)
Sol. 3
IUPAC name of K3[Co(C2O4)3] is Potassium trioxalatocobaltate(III)
Topic : Atomic Structure
Sub Topic : De-Broglie Principle
Level : Moderate
66. If the radius of the first orbit of hydrogen atom is a0, then de Broglie’s wavelength of electron in 3rd orbit is
a a
(1) 0 (2) 0 (3) 6a 0 (4) 3a 0
6 3
Sol. 3
By De-Broglie principle
2r = n
2  a 0  n
2  a 0  
  2  a 0  6a 0

Topic : Chemistry in everyday life

Sub Topic : Pesticides
Level : Easy
67. The group of chemicals used as pesticide is
(1) Sodium chlorate, DDT, PAN (2) DDT, Aldrin
(3) Aldrin, Sodium chlorate, Sodium arsinite (4) Dieldrin, Sodium arsinite, Tetrachlorothene
Sol. 2
(Fact base)
DDT & Aldrin are used as pesticide

Topic : Surface Chemistry

Sub Topic : Chromatography
Level : Moderate
68. From the figure of column, chromatography given below, identify incorrect statements.

A. Compound ‘c’ is more polar than ‘a’ and ‘b’

B. Compound ‘a’ is least polar
C. Compound ‘b’ comes out of the column before ‘c’ and after ‘a’
D. Compound ‘a’ spends more time in the column
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and D only (2) A, B and C only (3) B and D only (D) B, C and D only
Sol. 2

(i) Since C is eluting first and a is last that means C is least power and a is most polar.
(ii) So incorrect options will be (A), (B), (C)

Adsorption of compound  Attraction

 Polarity
 Spend time in column

come out from column
Order of polarity  a > b > c
Come out from column order  c > b > a
Spend time in column  a > b > c

69. Ion having highest hydration enthalpy among the given alkaline earth metal ions is:
(1) Be2 (2) Ba 2 (3) Ca 2 (4) Sr 2
Sol. 1
Hydration enthalpy 
Down the group as size increases hydration enthalpy decreases
Order: Be2+ > Mg+2 > Ca+2 > Sr+2 > Ba+2

Topic : Alcohol
Sub Topic : Acidic Strength
Level : Easy
70. The strongest acid from the following is

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Sol. 4

Cl CH3 NO2
–I +I –I
Since –I of –NO2 > Cl
So, most acidic will be (4)
Topic : Hydrogen
Sub Topic : Alkene-Chemical Properties
Level : Moderate
71. In the following reaction, ‘B’ is

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Sol. 4






72. Structures of BeCl2 in solid state, vapour phase and at very high temperature respectively are:
(1) Polymeric, Dimeric, Monomeric (2) Dimeric, Polymeric, Monomeric
(3) Monomeric, Dimeric, Polymeric (4) Polymeric, Monomeric, Dimeric
Sol. 1
In solid state BeCl2 as polymer, in vapour state it form chloro-bridged dimer while above 1200K it is monomer.
Topic : Chemical Kinetic
Sub Topic : Complex Reaction/Activation energy
Level : Moderate
73. Consider the following reaction that goes from A to B in three steps as shown below:

Choose the correct option

Number of intermediates Number of Activated complex Rate determining step
(1) 2 3 II
(2) 3 2 II
(3) 2 3 III
(4) 2 3 I
Sol. 1

AC-1 AC-3

Inter- Inter- B
mediate-1 mediate-2

Number of Intermediate  2
Number of Activated complex  3
Rate determining step  II

Topic : Electrochemistry
Sub Topic : Electrolyte Cell
Level : Easy
74. The product, which is not obtained during the electrolysis of brine solution is
(1) HCl (2) NaOH (3) Cl2 (4) H 2
Sol. 1
Brine solution (NaCl + H2O)
NaCl  Na+ + Cl–
H2O  2H+ + OH–
At Cathode  2H + 2e  H2
At Anode  2Cl–  Cl2 + 2e
Na+ + OH–  NaOH
Answer 1 (HCl)

75. Which one of the following elements will remain as liquid inside pure boiling water?
(1) Li (2) Ga (3) Cs (4) Br
Sol. 2
Li, Cs reacts vigorously with water.
Br2 changes in vapour state in boiling water (BP = 58°C)
Ga reacts with water above 100°C (MP = 29°C, BP = 2400°C)
76. Given below are two statements: one is labelled as “Assertion A” and the other is labelled as “Reason R”
Assertion A: In the complex Ni(CO)4 and Fe(CO)5 , the metals have zero oxidation state.
Reason R: Low oxidation states are found when a complex has ligands capable of  –donor character in addition
to the  – bonding.
In the light of the above statement, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
(1) A is not correct but R is correct.
(2) A is correct but R is not corret
(3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(4) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
Sol. 2
Low oxidation state of metals can stabilized by synergic bonding so ligand has to be -acceptor.

Topic : Chemistry in everyday life

Sub Topic : Chemical in medicines
Level : Easy
77. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Morphine is a narcotic analgesic. It helps in reliving pain without producing sleep.
Statement II: Morphine and its derivatives are obtained from opium poppy.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) Statement I is true but statement II is false (2) Both statement I and statement II are true
(3) Statement I is false but statement II is true (4) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
Sol. 2
(i) Morphine is a narcotic analgesic, it help in relieving plan and producing sleep.
(ii) Morphine and its derivatives are obtained from opium.

78. Find out the major product from the following reaction.

(1) MeMgBr/CuI
(2)n Pr l

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Sol. 3
O O
 
Me + MgBr n—Pr—I

79. During the reaction of permanganate with thiosulphate, the change in oxidation of manganese occurs by value
of 3. Identify which of the below medium will favour the reaction
(1) aqueous neutral (2) aqueous acidlic
(3) both aqueous acidic and neutral (4) both aqueous acidic and faintly alkaline
Sol. 1
In neutral or weakly alkaline solution oxidation state of Mn changes by 3 unit
7 4
Mn O4–1  Mn O2

80. Element not present in Nessler’s reagent is

(1) K (2) N (3) I (4) Hg
Sol. 2
Nessler reagent is- K2[HgI4]
Topic : Electrochemistry
Sub Topic : Reactivity Series of Metal
Level : Moderate
81. The standard reduction potentials at 298 K for the following half cells are given below:
NO3–  4H  3e –  NO(g)  2H2O E  0.97V
V2 (aq)  2e –  V E  –1.19V
Fe3 (aq)  3e –  Fe E  –0.04V
Ag  (aq)  e –  Ag(s) E  0.80V
Au 3 (aq)  3e –  Au(s) E  1.40V
The number of metal(s) which will be oxidized by NO3– in aqueous solution is ____________
Sol. 3
Metal + NO3–  Metal Nitrate
(V, Fe, Ag)
Less value of reaction potential then 0.97 volt.
Answer 3

Topic : Solid State

Sub Topic : Types of Crystal System
Level : Tough
82. Number of crystal system from the following where body centred unit cell can be found, is__________
Cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, hexagonal, rhombohedral, monoclinic, triclinic
Sol. 3
BCC present in  Cubic, Tetragonal orthorhombic

Topic : Carbonyl
Sub Topic : Chemical Properties
Level : Easy
83. Among the following the number of compounds which will give positive iodoform reaction is________
(a) 1–Phenylbutan–2–one
(b) 2–Methylbutan–2–ol
(c) 3–Methylbutan–2–ol
(d) 1–Phenylethanol
(e) 3,3–dimethylbutan–2–one
(f) 1–Phenylpropan –2–ol
Sol. 4
Iodo form test
(a) Ph –NO

(b) –NO

(c) –Yes
(d) –Yes

(e) –Yes

(f) –Yes
For carbonyl compound —C—CH3 for alcohol —CH—CH3 should be present for idoform test.

Topic : Nitrogen Contain

Sub Topic : Isomerism
Level : Moderate
84. Number of isomeric aromatic amines with molecular formula C8 H11N , which can be synthesized by Gabriel
Phthalimide synthesis is_________
Sol. 5
By Gabriel phthalimide synthesis  i-amine is prepared
C8H11N  Should be aromatic & i-amine
Du = C + 1 –
11 – 1
= 9– = 9 – 5 = 4  it means benzene ring
NH 2

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


Topic : Liquid Solution
Sub Topic : Osmotic Pressure
Level : Easy
85. Consider the following pairs of solution which will be isotonic at the same temperature. The number of pairs of
solutions is/are______________
A. 1 M aq. NaCl and 2 M aq. Urea
B. 1 M aq. CaCl2 and 1.5 M aq. KCl
C. 1.5 M aq. AlCl3 and 2 M aq. Na 2SO4
D. 2.5 M aq. KCl and 1 M aq. Al2 (SO4 )3
Sol. 4
A. 1 M aq. NaCl  2 M aq. Ions
2 M aq. Urea  2 M aq. Urea

B. 1 M aq. CaCl2  3 M aq. Ions

1.5 M aq. KCl  3 M aq. Ions

C. 1.5 M aq. AlCl3  6 M aq. Ions

2 M aq. Na 2SO4  6 M aq. Ions

D. 2.5 M aq. KCl  5 M aq. Ions

1 M aq. Al2 (SO4 )3  5 M aq. Ions

Topic : Surface Chemistry

Sub Topic : Classification of Colloids
Level : Easy
86. The number of colloidal systems from the following, which will have ‘liquid’ as the dispersion medium,
Gem stones, paints, smoke, cheese, milk, hair cream, insecticide sprays, froth, soap lather
Sol. 5
Liquid dispersion medium
Paints, milk, hair cream, froth, soap lather

Topic : Solid State

Sub Topic : Classification of Solid
Level : Moderate
87. In an ice crystal, each water molecule is hydrogen bonded to_____________ neighbouring molecules.
Sol. 2


Topic : Thermochemistry
Sub Topic : Heat of Combustion
Level : Moderate
88. Consider the following date
Heat of combustion of H2 (g) = –241.8 kJ mol–1
Heat of combustion of C(s) = –393.5 kJ mol–1
Heat of combustion of C2 H5OH(l) = –1234.7 kJ mol–1
The heat of formation of C2 H5OH(l) is (–) __________________kJ mol–1 (Nearest integer).
Sol. 278
2C(s) + O2  2CO2 –393.5 × 2 = –787 kJ …(1)
3H2 + O2  3H2O –241.5 × 8 × 3 = –725.4 kJ …(2)
C2H5OH + 3O2  2CO2 + 3H2O –1234.7 kJ …(3)
3H2O + 2CO2  C2H5OH + 3O2 +1234.7 kJ …(4)
2C(s) + 3H2(g) + O2 C2H5OH …(5)

eq (5) = eq (1) + eq (2) + eq (4)

= (–787) + (–72537) + (1234.7)
= –277.7 = 278

Topic : Chemical Equilibrium

Sub Topic : Dissociation
Level : Tough
89. The equilibrium composition for the reaction PCl3  Cl2 PCl5 at 298 K is given below:
[PCl3 ]eq  0.2mol L ,[Cl2 ]eq = 0.1 mol L ,[PCl5 ]eq = 0.40 mol L–1
–1 –1

If 0.2 mol of Cl2 is added at the same temperature, the equilibrium concentrations of PCl5 is _____×
10–2 mol L–1
Given: K C for the reaction at 298 K is 20
Sol. 48
[PCl5 ] 0.4
Kc    20
[PCl3 ][Cl2 ] 0.2  0.1
PCl3 + Cl2 PCl5
teq1 0.2 M 0.1 M 0.4 M
teq2 0.2 – x 0.1 + 0.2 – x 0.4 + x
0.4  x
K c  20 
(0.2  x)(0.3  x)
After solving by quadratic equation. We can get value of x.
X = 0.084
[PCl5] = 0.4 + x
= 0.4 + 0.084
= 0.484 = 48.4  10–2
Ans. 48

90. The number of species having a square planar shape from the following is___________________
XeF4 ,SF4 ,SiF4 ,BF4– ,BrF4– [Cu(NH3 ) 4 ]2 ,[FeCl 4 ]2– ,[PtCl 4 ]2–
Sol. 4
XeF4 ,BrF4– [Cu(NH3 ) 4 ]2 ,[PtCl4 ]2– has square planar shape.

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