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© 2019 JETIR April 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Shahrukh Sikander Ali Khan
Guide - Shaikh Salman
Structure Department ,
Sanmati College of Engineering, Washim, India.

Abstract : A multi-storey, multi-paneled frame is a complicated statically intermediate structure. A design of R.C building of
G+6 storey frame work is taken up. The vertical load consists of dead load of structural components such as beams, columns ,
slabs etc and live loads.In order to compete in the ever growing competent market it is very important for a structural engineer
to save time. as a sequel to this an attempt is made to analyze and design a Multistoried building by using a software package
staad pro rather then manual method. For analyzing a multi storied building one has to consider all the possible loadings
and see that the structure is safe against all possible loading conditions. There are several methods for analysis of different
frames like kani’s method cantilever method portal method Matrix method. The present project deals with the analysis of a
multi storied residential building of #$%consisting of & apartments in each floor. The dead load 'live loads are applied and
the design for beams columns footing is obtained.

Index Terms - Base Shear, Response Spectrum Method, Shear Wall, Static Method Analysis, a seismic design, beam-column
joints, building codes, earthquake, multi-storied buildings, reinforced concrete, structural collapse
In the seismic design of buildings, reinforced concrete structural wall, or shear wall, acts as a major earthquake Resisting
member. Structural walls provide an efficient bracing system and offer great potential for lateral load resistance. Shear wall
systems are one of the most commonly used lateral-load resisting systems in high-rise buildings. Shear walls have very high
in-plane stiffness and strength, which can be used to simultaneously resist large horizontal loads and support gravity
loads, making them quite advantageous in many structural engineering applications. The properties of these seismic shear
walls dominate the response of the buildings, and therefore, it is important to evaluate the seismic response of the walls
appropriately. In this study the main focus is to compare the dynamic responses of frame structure with and without shear wall.

Three models are generated with varying height with and without shear wall. G+5, G+10 and G+15 R-C frame models with
and without shear walls are generated with varying structural member dimensions according to height. The models are
analysed by Static Method and Response Spectrum Method considering seismic zone V in STAAD. Pro V8i. Parameters like
lateral displacement, story drift, base shear and mode shapes are determined for all the models (with and without shear walls)
by the three methods and are compared and the effectiveness of shear walls is enumerated. Also, comparisons are made
based on some studies previously done by the other authors.


A low-rise building is a building with up to four stories. A mid-rise building is generally between four to eleven or twelve
stories. And a high-rise building is anything twelve stories or greater. Some contend that there sure be an ultra or super high-
rise to classify those buildings which are incredibly high. Most of these terms are associated to the International Building Code
(IBC), as well as local jurisdictions’ own interpretations. But not all definitions will hold true across all disciplines, sectors,
and countries.

Reinforced concrete is ideally suited for the construction of floor and roof slabs, columns and beams in residential and
commercial structures.
The present trend is to adopt reinforced concrete for bridges of small, medium and long spans resulting in aesthetically
superior and economical structures in comparison with steel bridges. Due to development of modern concrete, the
desired properties of concrete such concrete strength and durability can be achieved for any type of construction.

Benefits of multi storey buildings

Cost effective: When the building is under construction, the expenditure to the labor and equipments being used is lesser than
that for other conventional buildings.

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© 2019 JETIR April 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Light in weight: By the use of light weight Slabs and steel, floors of Multi storey steel Building are very light in weight, make
these buildings impressive and keep them overall lighter in weight than other conventional buildings.

Designing freedom: One of the crucial features of multi storey building is its freedom of geometry, which make them more
creative than other conventional buildings.

Well Mechanized construction: Since steel is not only a construction material but also delivers technical prowess, the steel
components used in the installation of multi storey buildings are made with well mechanized practice and high precision
software to achieve accuracy in construction.

Access to fire Safety: These buildings are designed and constructed to ensure that adequate fire safety provisions are
incorporated to avoid threat to lives.

Natural light and ventilation: Exposure to Natural light and adequate ventilation enhances productivity. Multi storey building
provides a good scope to natural light and Ventilation.

Sturdy Structure: Multi storey PEB building are engineered to cater a sturdy structure that even exhibit an excellent
earthquake resistant behavior.


A structure refers to a system of two or more connected parts use to support a load. It is an assemblage of two or more basic
components connected to each other so that they serve the user and carry the loads developing due to the self and super-
imposed loads safely without causing any serviceability failure. Once a preliminary design of a structure is fixed, the
structure then must be analyzed to make sure that it has its required strength and rigidity. To analyze a structure a structure
correctly, certain idealizations are to be made as to how the members are supported and connected together. The loadings are
supposed to be taken from respective design codes and local specifications, if any. The forces in the members and the
displacements of the joints are found using the theory of structural analysis. The whole structural system and its loading
conditions might be of complex nature so to make the analysis simpler, we use certain simplifying assumptions related to
the quality of material, member geometry, nature of applied loads, their distribution, the type of connections at the joints and
the support conditions. This shall help making the process of structural analysis simpler to quite an extent. Methods of
structural analysis When the number of unknown reactions or the number of internal forces exceeds the number of
equilibrium equations available for the purpose of analysis, the structure is called as a statically indeterminate structure.
Most of the structures designed today are statically indeterminate. This indeterminacy may develop as a result of added
supports or extra members, or by the general form of the structure. While analyzing any indeterminate structure, it is
essential to satisfy equilibrium, compatibility, and force-displacement requisites for the structure. When the reactive forces
hold the structure at rest, equilibrium is satisfied and compatibility is said to be satisfied when various segments of a structure
fit together without intentional breaks or overlaps. Two fundamental methods to analyze the statically indeterminate structures
are discussed below.

Force methods-
Originally developed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1864, later developed by Otto Mohr and Heinrich Muller-Breslau, the
force method was one of the first methods available for analysis of statically indeterminate structures. As compatibility is
the basis for this method, it is sometimes also called as compatibility method or the method of consistent
displacements. In this method, equations are formed that satisfy the compatibility and force-displacement requirements
for the given structure in order to determine the redundant forces. Once these forces are determined, the remaining reactive
forces on the given structure are found out by satisfying the equilibrium requirements.

Displacement methods-
The displacement method works the opposite way. In these methods, we first write load-displacement relations for the
members of the structure and then satisfy the equilibrium requirements for the same. In here, the unknowns in the equations
are displacements. Unknown displacements are written in terms of the loads (i.e. forces) by using the load-displacement
relations and then these equations are solved to determine the displacements. As the displacements are determined, the
loads are found out from the compatibility and load- displacement equations. Some classical techniques used to apply
the displacement method are discussed. Slope deflection method- This method was first devised by Heinrich Manderla and
Otto Mohr to study the secondary stresses in trusses and was further developed by G. A. Many extend its application to analyze
indeterminate beams and framed structures.
The basic assumption of this method is to consider the deformations caused only by bending moments. It’s assumed that the
effects of shear force or axial force deformations are negligible in indeterminate beams or frames. The fundamental slope-
deflection equation expresses the moment at the end of a member as the superposition of the end moments caused due to the
external loads on the member, while the ends being assumed as restrained, and the end moments caused by the displacements
and actual end rotations. A structure comprises of several members, slope-deflection equations are
applied to each of the member. Using appropriate equations of equilibrium for the joints along with the slope-deflection
equations of each member we can obtain a set of simultaneous equations with unknowns as the displacements. Once we get

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© 2019 JETIR April 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4 (ISSN-2349-5162)
the values of these unknowns i.e. the displacements we can easily determine the end moments using the slope-deflection

Moment distribution method-

This method of analyzing beams and multi-storey frames using moment distribution was introduced by Prof. Hardy
Cross in 1930, and is also sometimes referred to as Hardy Cross method. It is an iterative method in which one goes on
carrying on the cycle to reach to a desired degree of accuracy. To start off with this method, initially all the joints are
temporarily restrained against rotation and fixed end moments for all the members are written down. Each joint is then
released one by one in succession and the unbalanced moment is distributed to the ends of the members, meeting at the same
joint, in the ratio of their distribution factors. These distributed moments are then carried over to the far ends of the joints.
Again the joint is temporarily restrained before moving on to the next joint. Same set of operations are performed at each
joints till all the joints are completed and the results obtained are up to desired accuracy. The method does not involve
solving a number of simultaneous equations, which may get quite complicated while applying large structures, and is
therefore preferred over the slope-deflection method.

Kani’s method-
This method was first developed by Prof. Gasper Kani of Germany in the year 1947. The method is named after him. This is an
indirect extension of slope deflection method. This is an efficient method due to simplicity of moment distribution. The
method offers an iterative scheme for applying slope deflection method of structural analysis. Whereas the moment
method reduces the number of linear simultaneous equations and such equations needed are equal to the number of
translator displacements, the number of equations needed is zero in case of the Kani’s method. This
method may be considered as a further simplification of moment distribution method wherein the problems involving sway
were attempted in a tabular form thrice (for double story frames) and two shear coefficients had to be determined which
when inserted in end moments gave us the final end moments. All this effort can be cut short very considerably by
using this method.

We would like to express our profound sense of deepest gratitude to our guide and motivator Prof. Shaikh Salman, professor,
Structure Engineering Department, Sanmati College of Engineering for his valuable guidance, sympathy and co-operation for
providing necessary facilities and sources during the entire period of this project.
We wish to convey our sincere gratitude to all the faculties of Civil Engineering Department who have enlightened us during
our studies. The facilities and co-operation received from the technical staff of Civil Engineering Department is thankfully
We express our thanks to all those who helped us in one way or other.
Last, but not least, we would like to thank the authors of various research articles and books that were referred to.

2) Vazirani & Ratwani, “Concrete Structures” New Delhi. Khan Publishers.1990.
3) Sayal & Goel. “Reinforced Concrete Structures”, New Delhi. S.Chand, Publication.2004.
4) Allan_Williams, “Structural Analysis In Theory And Practice”
5) B. Taranath, “Reinforced Concrete Design Of Tall Buildings” (CRC, 2010)
6) IS 456-2000, Code For Plain And Reinforced Concrete
7) SP-16, Design Aids For Reinforced Concrete

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