Chapter 1 Answers

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1. (b) five 2. (c) Planning 3.(c) Planning 4. (b) Appropriate Planning 5. (6) Better coordination 6. (a)
Planning 7. (d) Organising 8. (c) staffing 9. (6) Directing 10. (c) Controlling 11. (b) Ground and
equipment committee 12. (c) Prepare budget of the tournament 13.(c) Marketing 14. (6) Before the
tournament 15. (a) Knockout tournament 16. (a) Knockout tournament 17. (c) Combination 18. (a)
less 19. (a) Round Robin Tournament 20. (c) Fixture 21. (b) Seeding 22. (b) 14 23. (c) N(N-1)2
24. (d) first 25. (b) 13 26. (c) League tournament 27. (c) n/2 28. (d) (n - 1) 2 29. (a) Previous
performance 30. (c) Increasing anti social behaviour 31. (d) defining course of action 32. (b)
NB +1
Transportation 33. (c) Combination Tournament 34. (a)
35.(a) 3 36. (b) Last team of Upper
half 37. (c) 4 38. (c) Art integration 39. (c) Facilitate recreation 40. (a) Knockout tournament 41. (b)
Staffing 42. (d) Finance 43.(a) Pre event 44. (a) 18 45. (a) Elimination tournament 46. (d) 29th August
47. (c) Run for Unity


1. (A)a-i, b-ii, c-i, d-iv 2. (B) a-ii,b-i, c-ii, d-iv 3.(A) a-ii, b-i, c-ii, d-iv
Q.1. 1. (d) All of the above 2. (6) Planning 3. (c) Before the tournament
Q.2. 1. (b) Knockout tournament 2. (b) 7 3. (a) takes less time
Q.3. 1. (c) True Winner 2. (a) 42 3. (c) N(N-1)2
1. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
2. (c) (A) is true but (R) is false.


1. 1.(d) :82d) 40% 3. (a)


Q.1.1.(6) Reception committee 2. (a) Publicity committee 3. (c) both (a) &(b) 4. (b) Administrative
director 5. (b) during tournament
Q. 2. 1. (b) Knockout 2. (b) N-I 3. () both (a) and (b) 4. (a)
5. (b) bye

n(n 1) WI
0 (0) Staircase method (b) 2
(c)maximum points (d) 21 An
Q. 1. Define Management.
Ans. According to Harold Koontz. "Management is the art of getting things done through others ar
with formally organised groups."
Q. 2. List the functions of sports events management. F
Ans. The five basic functions of management include planning, organising, staffing, directing and A

controlling. a ma

Q.3. What do you meanby planning ? (July, 2016, March, 2019 the n
Ans. According to Kennith H.Killen, "Planning is the process of deciding in advance what is to h 16
done and when is to be done, who is to do it, how is to be done and where is to be done."
Q.4. Define tournament.
Ans. A tournament is a competition between various teams playing a particular game according to a are
fixed schedule in which a team finally wins and rest of the participating teams lose the matches.
Q.5. Define and classify fixtures. (201 betw
What do you mean by Fixture ? (Delhi, 2019

Ans. Fixtures are the schedules fixed for the matches to be played, their time, place, court or ground
number and date etc. It is a detailed programme made by the organisers before few days or on the same
day of the competition.
Q.6. What is knock-out tournament ?
Ans. In this type of tournament, a team once defeated gets eliminated. Only the winners continue in
the competition. It is a fast method to know about the winner team in the tournament. ma

Q.7. Explain the meaning of CombinationTournament. (July, 201n

Ans. Combination tourmaments are conducted when there are large number of teams. These teams are
arranged into groups and zones. The winner teams of the groups or zones play together to determine he
final winner.
Q. 8. List the various types of tournaments.
Ans. The various types of tournaments are : (i) Knock out Tournament (ii) League or Round Robu
Tournament (iii) Combination Tournament (iv) Challenge Tournament.
Q.9. Define seeding. (2011, 12)
What do youmean by 'Seeding' ? (All India, 2018)
What is 'seeding' in fixture for tournaments? (Delhi, 2016)
Whatis seeding ? (C.B.S.E. Sample Paper, 2019)
Ans. Secding is the proces of sorting the teams and fitting them in the fixtures so that the stronger
teams do not meet cach other in carlier rounds. This procedure is generally implemented to reduce the
chance of elimination of good teams at an carly stage.
0. 10. What is bye ? Or Explain procedure for giving 'Bye'. (2012)
Write formula for giving Bye. (AIlIndia, 2016)
Fiktures are the schedule fixed for the matches. What is a Bye ? (Delhi, 2017)
Ans. Bye isthe advantage given to a team usually by drawing a lot, exempting the team from playing
amatch in the Ist round. Fomula : The number of byes are decided by subtracting the number of teams
fromthe next higher number which isin power of2. For example,if 12 teams have entered for a tournarnent,
the next higher number above 12 which is power of two is l6(2*). So the number of Byes to be given are
16- 12 = 4.
0. 11. What is league or round robin tournament?
Ans. League tourmament is also called round robin tournament. In league tournament all the teams
are treated at par. One team has to play with all other teams irrespective of victory or defeat.
Q. 12. Round-Robin Tournament is of two types. Name them and give one major difference
between them. (AM India, 2017)
Ans. There are two types of round robin tournament. () Single league tourmament (i) Double league
() In single league tourmament every team plays with every other team once in its pool. No of matches
is determined by using formula

(ü) In double league tournament every team plays with every other team twice in its pool. No. of
matches is determined by using formula n (n - 1).
Q. 13. Define single league tournament.
Ans. In single league tournament every team plays with every other team once. The total number

of matches is determined by using the formula , where 'n' refers to the total number of

Example:If8teams are taking part, then total number of matches to be played

n(n-1)_ 8(8-1)_ 8(7)_56 =28
2 2 2

Q. 14. Define double league tournament.

Ans. In double league tournament every team plays with every other team twice. The number of
matches is determincd by using the formula n(n ) where 'n' refers to the total
number of MANAGEMENT
Example: If teams are taking part in a double league tournament, then total number of
matches to Q. 22. Give
Ans. (i) Pro
n(n - 1) 9(9- 1) 9(8) - 72 competitive sp
Q. I5, What do you mean by Intramurals ? ability to deal
Ams. The word 'intramural' is derived from a Latin word "INTRA' which means WITHIN' more mentally
MURALIS' which means WALL'. Thus, intramural means Within the Walls'. It can be and tournarments, s
intramurals are the activities within the campus or institution. said, tha (ii) Develor
Q. 16. Enlist two objectives of Intramurals. By participatír
Or (Delhi, 2015) competitions,
they lose, but
Write the main objectives of Intramural activities. (C.B.S.E. Sample paper, 2016)
Ans. () Selection for extramural: Intramural tournaments provide an opportunity to select
cormpetitive, b
talented Q. 23. Wh
players or team to participate in extramural tournaments. Those players who show skill and fites Ans. It is
these events can be selected for extramurals. which are requ
(i) Group cohesion : Intramurals allow students from different classes and houses to e It means de

together as a team, promoting cooperation and coordination. Students from different background. and the field of sp
communities come together as a group and gain self-confidence, develop social relations, toleranceit
culture etc.
Q. 17. What do youmean by extramurals ? Q. 1. Wh
Ans. Extramural word is a Latin word. 'Extra' & 'Muralis' means outside the walls. In other woris Ans. Acco
these activities are played outside the walls of the institution or school college. Extramurals are the Inter selected peop
school college competitions. Post planning
Q. 18. In which conditions knock out tournaments are better than round robin ? Organising is
(C.B.S.E. Sample Paper, 2015) involves de
Ans. If there are money and time constraints, then knock out tournaments are better than round robin accomplishm
Knock out tourmaments are less expensive and less time consuming. jobs, as well
0. 19. Differentiate between knockout and league Some Main
tournament. (C.B.S.E.)
Ans. Knock-out tournament : In this type of tournament, a team once defeated gets
eliminated. Oniy Assign1
the winners continue in the competition. It is a fast method to know about the winner team in the Classify
tournament " Coordin
League or Round Robin tournament : League tournament is also called round robin tournament.
In League or Round Robin Tournament, a player or team will play fixed number of Coordir
allotted before the start of the tournament. In league tournament allthe teams are
matches that are Develo
treated at par. Q. 2. Def
Q. 20. What does the organizers intend by stating that, Only such
the Intramurals who have not represented the school in any Footballstudents shall participate in Ans. Acc
and minimum 10 substitutions shall be compulsory in a90 min game". Championship in the past organisation
to fill the rol
(C.B.S.E. Sample Paper, 2015) Staffing i
Or as well as no
Wbat does the school intend by stating that, "Only such students shall participate in tne and evaluatin
Basketball Intramurals who have not represented the school in basketball in the past and minimun the human e
10substitutions shall be compulsory"? (AlIndia, 2015) right person
Ans. Every student should get a chance to play and participate in the game. Some Main
Q. 21. Suggest any two disadvantages of league tournament. (Delhi, 2019) " Definin
Ans. (i) It requires lot of time to finish and know the winner. (ii) It costs

0. 22. Give two objectives of Extramural activitles. (AIl India, 2019)

Ans. () Provide experience to students : Extramurals help students toget introduced in the world of
competitive sports. By participating in extramurals, students get experience to face pressure and gain
ability to dealwith challenges. They train harder when they face more skilled opponents. They become
more mentally and physically prepared for further competitions. By continuous participation in such
toumaments, students display good performance.
(i) Develop sportsmanship : Competitions tend todevelop the traits of sportsmanship in students.
By participating inextramurals, they get the experienceto play with tougher opponents. Through these
competitions,they can learn how to accept and manage defeats. Students can understand that it's okay if
they lose, but the important part is to get back up and try again. They learn that there's no harm in being
competitive, but if they lose, they should show good sportsmanship and accept defeat.
Q. 23. What do you understand by Planning in Sports' ? (Al India, 2019)
Ans. It is an intellectual process of thinking in advance about setting of goals and developing strategies
which are required to attain the goal efficiently in the field of sports.
It means deciding the future course of action and developing strategies to attain the goals efficiently in
the field of sports.
Q. 1. What do you mean by organising ?
Ans. According to Henri Fayol, "Organising is aprocess of establishing authority relationships among
selected people, work and workplaces so that the group can work together efficiently."
Post planning comes organising the resources and teams so that the action plans can be implemented.
Organising is to focus on how to achieve objectives. Organising is the function of management that
involves developing an organisational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the
accomplishment of objectives. Decisions must be made about the duties and responsibilities of individual
jobs, as well as the manner in which the duties should be carried out.
Some Main Functions of Organising are as follows :
Assigning duties to various departments
Classifying various groups of activities
Coordinating resources and logistics required for event success
Coordinating with external partners and vendors as needed
Developing policies and procedures for event operations
Q.2. Define Staffing, How is it important ?
Ans., According to Koontt &O'Donnell, "Managerial function of staffing involves manning the
organisation structure through the proper and effective selection, appraisal &development of personnel
to fill the roles designed in the structure".
Staffing is the function of hiring and retaining asuitable work-force for the enterprise both at managerial
as well as non-managerial levels. It involvesthe process of recruiting, training, developing,compensating
and evaluating employees and maintaining this workforce with proper incentives and motivations. Since
the human element is the most vital factor in the process of management, it is important to recruit the
right personnel.
Some Main Functions of Staffing are as follows :
Defining staffing requirements for the event
event staff
Developing ob descripions and qual1fications for Example :
" Recruiting and hiring eventstaff
Training and developing event staff
" Scheuling event stafl and assigning tasks and
Managing event staf and addressing any performance issues that
" Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to
Developing contingency plans for stafing emergencies Method of
0.3. What is Directing ? Explain. (a) If nurn
Ans. According to John A. Pearce IIl and Richard B. Robinson, Ir, "Directing is a managerial nb
function that involves the responsibility of managers for communicating to others what their roles are in 2
achieving the company plan".
(b) If nur
The directing function is concermcd with leadership, communication, motivation and supervision so
that the emplovees perfom their activities in the most efficient manner possible, in order to achieve nb
the desired goals.
Some Main Functions of Directing are as follows : If the numb
Communicating expectations and responsibilities to event staff and volunteers If 16 teams ha
" Delegating tasks and responsibilities to appropriate individuals Q. 6. Write
Providing guidance and support to event staff and volunteers Ans. Advat
Addressing anyconflicts or issues that may arise among team members in a timely and effective (i)These ar
manner. (iü) Standar
Fostering good relationships between team members, stakeholders and volunteers to ensure everyone competition.
is working effectively and efficiently towards the success of the event. (ui)There is
0.4. Discuss the various types of tournaments. Disadvant
Ans. Various types of tournaments are : ()A good
1. Knock-out tournament : In this type of tournament, a team once defeated gets eliminated. Only team.

the winners continue in the competition. It is a fast method to know about the winner team in the toumament. (i) Fear of
Types :(i) Single knock-out, (ii)Consolation Tournament (a) Type I, (b) Type Il, (iüi) Double knock (iii) Interes
Out. Q. 7. Dise
2. League or round Robin Tournament : League tournament is also called round robin tournament. Explain
In league tournament all the teams are treated at par. One team has to play with all other teams irespective Ans. See
of victory or defeat. Q. 8. Wri
Types : (i) Single league, (i) Double league. Ans. Adv
3. Combination tournament: Combination tournaments are conducted when the matches are to be () It decic
played on group basis or zonal basis. team losses b
Types : (i) Knock-out cum knock-out tournament, (i) Knock-out cum league tournament, (üi) League (ü) Greate
cum knock-out tournament, (iv) League cum league tournament ( )Ever
4. Challenge tournament : In this type of tournament there are one to one contests or there are two (iv) The t
players on each side. One player challenges the other and the other player accepts the challenge. Games (v) Every
in which such tournaments are held are - Boxing, Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton etc. teams.
Types : (i) Ladder tourmament, (ii) Pyramid tournament, (üi) Cobweb tournament. Q.9. Wh
Q. 5. Discuss the method of fixing byes in knock-out tournament.
Ans. The number of byes in a knock-out tournament are decided by subtracting total number ot Write b
teams from the next higher nearest number in power of 2.
Example : Total number of teams 11
Next higher nearest number in power of 2 16 (i.e. 24)
Thus number of byes 16 - Il 5
I1. Total number of teams 20
Next higher nearest number in power of 2 = 32 (i.e. 2)
Thus number of byes 32 - 20 = 12
Method of determining number of byes to be given in upper and lower half
(a) 1f number of teams are even then number of byes in each half (i.e. Upper and Lower) =
managerial nb
roles are in where nb = number of byes
pervision so (b) If number of teams are odd then number of byes in upper half = 2
, and in lower half
to achieve nb+1
where nb = number of byes.
If the number of teams in a tournament is equal to the power of 2then no bye is given. For e.g.
If 16 teams have entered for a tournament, there will be no byes i.e. 16 - 16 = 0.
Q. 6. Write the advantages and disadvantages of knock-out tournament.
Ans. Advantages of knock-out tournament are :
deffective ) These are less expensive and can be finished in less timne.
(i) Standard of game improves as every team has to perform at the highest level to remain in the
everyone competition.
(üm)There is a need of less officiating staff.
Disadvantages of knock-out tournament are :
() A
good team can get eliminated in the earlier rounds if it gets defeated giving chance to a weaker
ated. Only team.
umament. (ii) Fear of defeat makes even a good team feel psychologically depressed.
le knock (iüi) Interest in tournament is lost when some times good teams are eliminated.
0. 7. Discuss about seeding method with an example. Or
nament. Explain method for giving seeding. (2012)
espective Ans. See Text Book, Page 17, Example on Page 20-23
Q. 8. Write the advantages of league tournamnent. (C.B.S.E. Sample Paper, 2019)
Ans. Advantages of League Tournament :
are to be (0)It decides the real strong team as winner because one team has to face all other teams. In case one
team losses by chance that team gets chance in other matches to cover up.
) League (ii) Greater number of matches are played by the teams.
(iüi) Every team gets the rank according to its ability.
are two (iv) The teamsneed not wait to know the winner of the round as in knock-out tournament.
e. Games (v) Every team gets the equal chance to show their capability because they have to play with all other

Q.9. What are the objectives and principles of intramurals ?

mber of Write briefly about the objectives of Intramurals. (July, 2016)
Intramurals : MANAGEMENT
Ans. Objectives/Advantages of
described below :
There are various advantagesof intramurals which are Q. 11. Wh
1. Mass participation : The major objective of Intramurals is that every student should take part in Ans. The f
or district level games and (1) Particip
theMass Generally, few students are able to participat at zonallevel
participation is not possible at higher level tournaments, but intramurals provideample opportunities watch the spo
games and sports of his or her chojce. (úi) Extram
to cach and every student to take part in
2. Development of leadership qualities : Intramural activities are helpful in developing leadership with each othe
amongthe students who participate in these activities. Younger leaders can effectively develop leadership (iii) Extrar
qualities through sports. Spending time learning, practicing and then executing your skills in ateam (iv) Social
leadership qualities in oneself other students
game against a committed opposition helps build effective (v) Extrarr
Develop sportsmanship : Through sports, children can learn sportsmanship. They can learn how Q. 12. W
3. completely defeated. Through sports, children c
to accept and cope with losses rather than Teeling Ans.
understand that sometimes it's okay if they lose. The important part is to get back up and try again. Thes,
learm that there's no harm in being competitive, but if they lose, they should show good sportsmanshin
and accept defeat. 1. Acti
ADevelopment of Social Skills :Intramurals develop social skills among students. Playing a sport of the
helns children develop social skills which would benefit them even when they grow older. Playing sports 2. Activ
Teaches them about teamwork and cooperating with others. They learn to interact with people from bers

different ages. Also, joining a sports team helps give children a sense of belonging and gives them an 3. Provz
opportunity to make friends. With more friendship circles it would help improve their communication
skills, which willhelp them in their future careers and relationships. pate
4 It ma
5. Developing Self-Esteem : Taking part in a sport at school level can help in the development of regul
child's selfesteem and confidence. Gestures such as a high-five from a teammate, a pat on the back, or a 5. Spec
handshake, when a match is over, helps build confidence. Also, words of praise or of encouragement be re
frorm the coach or players help build self-esteem. This also helps them learn to trust their own abilities
6. Obje
and push themselves in their pursuits.
Q.10. What is the significance of intramurals ? 7. Exar
Ans. The following points can express the significance of intramurals for students
() Intramurals provide opportunity to the students to compete with similar level competition. Q. 13. L
(i)Intramurals help to explore the hidden talent of the students in the institution which Ans. T}
helpful in identifying potential players for the school teams. tioned belo
(iü) Intramurals help to develop the knowledge of students about the basics of any 1. Tourr
sports activity.
(iv) Intramurals are significant for developing various social values like ()
brotherhood etc. co-operation, patience (iii)
(v) Intramurals are significant to develop overall (v)
personality of the students.
(vi) Intramurals are helpful for making students fitness (vii)
(vii) Intramurals provide an opportunity to organize sports (ix)
schoolwithout fear of failure which is helpful in gaining competitions within the four walls of (ri)
(viif) experience and developing organizing sk1lls.
Intramurals are significant for developing leadership qualities in (xiii)
(i) Intramurals help to create recreational students. Q. 14.
stress among students and teachers at the same environment in the school Premises which helps in reducing Out.
o. I1. What is the signiflcance of extramurals ?
significance of extramurals for students :
Ans. The following pointscan express the spirit to
feel for their team/school and maintain the
dtake part
in o Participation in exttamurals help students to
esandsports. watch the sport in which their school is participating. schools to compete
students of different
opportunities (m Extramurals are significant to provide opportunities to
wIthcach other to display their abilitics.
mental toughness.
g leadership ( ) Extramurals organized outside the own school help in developing chance to interact with
extramurals. It provides
pleadership (n) Social development is always possible through
team other students.
Is in a
aspects of the game.
(1) Extramurals have great impact on enhancement of technical (Delhi, 2017)
Intramurals and Extramurals.
an learn bow 0. 12. Write three differences between
children can Ans.
again They Extramurals
rtsmanship 1. Activities outside the Campus.
1. Activities within the wall/compound
of the campus.
ing a sport mem 2.. Activities are organized for more than two
2. Activities are organized only for the schools/colleges/institutions.
ying sports
bers of the schools/colleges/institutions.
ople from 3. Only selected members participate in the
shem an
3. Provides ample opportunities for every extramural activities.
member of the school/institution to partici
nunication pate in the activities.
and 4. Played under fixed rules and regulations of
4. It may not be played under fixed rules
ppment of regulations of the game. the game.
back, ora 5. Specific skills, techniques strategies may not 5. Required specific skills, techniques and
ragement be required.
aabilities 6. Objective is recreation or talent hunt. 6. Objective is to enhance performance of
individuals or team.
7. Example : Inter-house, Inter-class etc. 7. Example : Zonal, District, State etc.
(Delhi, 2011)
Q. 13. List down the important committees during tournament.
a tournament are men
becomes Ans. The various committees which are required during organization of
tioned below
Organising Committee
1. Tournament Director /President / Chairman 2. Executive Committee 3.
activity. (i) Accreditation Committee (ii) Finance Committee
(iii) Marketing Committee (iv) Boarding and Lodging Committee
(v) Transport/Logistics Committee (vi) Reception Committee
Certificates Committee
(vii) Ceremony and Decoration Committee (iii) Prizes and
(ix) Ground and Equipment Committee (x) Refreshment Committee
walls of (xii) Announcemnent Committee
ng skills. (xi) First-Aid Committee
(xii) Committee for Officials (xiv) Entries and Programmes Committee
Tournament on the basis of knock
areducing Q. 14.Draw a fixture of 11 Football teams participating in a (All India, 2016)
knock-out basis. (July, 2017)
draw a Nxtureof 11 Volley Ballteams on Fixtu
Calculate and
Ans. Knock-out fxture for 1l teams: ||
number of teams
ntl 12
Number of teams in upper 2 2

n-1 ||-1 10
lower half = 2 Q. 16. Yo
Number of teams in 2 2
technical an
I Rd.I| Rd. IV Rd. Ans. The
| Rd.
() Accre
1, A Seeded Bye of accreditat

2. Ke A
production a
assigns the
3. H A
(ü) Tech
Upper Half 4 F G
etc. They ha
technical co
5. G (iiü) Fin
6. C Seeded Bye C WinnerA expenditure
finance for
Runner up B for the tour
7. D Seeded Bye
are done by
8. Ee related to s
Lower Half E Q. 17. I
B Ans. V
10. Bye 1. Tou
B activities.
11. B Seeded Bye
to organis

Total number of byes = 16 - 11 = $

nb-1 5-1 4
Number of byes in upper half = ==2
2 2 2

nb+1 5+1 6
Number of byes in lower half = -=3
2 2 2
Number of rounds = (2y+ = 4
Number of matches = n - |= 1| l = 10
Q. 15. Drawa fixture of 6 teams on league basis following the cyclic method. (Delhi, 2016)
Ans. Fixture of6teams :
If total number of teams = 6

Total number of matches n(n - 1) 6(6- 1) 6(5) 30

= 15
2 2 2 2
Number of rounds =n- I=6- I= 5

(Juby,20I) Fixtures

Rd. (Rd, I1) Rd. ) Rd. IV) (Rd, V)

4 A6
2 6

Q. 16. Your school is organising "Run for Unity', explain the responsibilities of acereditation,
technical and finance committee. (Delhi, 2016)
Ans. The responsibilities of accreditation, technical andfinance committee are as follows:
()Accreditation Committee : The responsibility of accreditation committee includes management
of accreditation centers during the activity. It also registers all participants with an operational role. The
production anddistribution of the validation pass is also the duty of accreditation committee. It also
assigns the access rights and privileges to which a participant is entitled.
(ü) Technical Committee : Technical Committee is responsible for grounds,equipmet, referees, umpires
etc. They have toensure that the field of play is safe for competitors and officials. It is the responsibility of
technical committee to apply the rules without fear and favour. It also ensures the quality of equipments.
(ün) Finance Committee : Finance Committee prepares the budget of the tournament and every
expenditure is maintained by the finance committee. It is the duty of the finance committee to arrange
finance for the tournament. It also helps in making purchases of sportsequipment and other things required
for the tournament. Financial reporting as well as monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies
are done by the finance committee. Once the event is over, the Finance Committee examiners all records
related to settlement of the bills and accounts and prepares the financial report.
Q. 17. Howvarious committees are formed for tournaments ? Write briefly. (AI India, 2016)
Ans. Various committees that are formed for tournaments are :
1. Tournament Director /President / Chairman : Director of tournament is incharge of over all
activities. He has to see everything regarding tournament and conducts meetings with various committees
to organise the tournament successfully.

Tournament Director/President/Chairman

Executive Committee

Organistng Committee l

(Delhi, 2016) Accreditation) Finance

Committee Comnittee
Boarding &] Transport Receptlon]Ceremony& Prlzes &
Comng Commtteel Commiteeco Cerificates
mittee Committee

Ground & Refreshment First Ald Announcement Committee Entries &

Equipment Committee Committee Committee for officials Programmes
Committee Committee
14Executive Committee : Executive Committee consists of the members fromn various Committe
Executive Committee may have One member from each committee to decide important matters regardi
Q. 19. Dr=
tournament. equipment Ans. Kno
responsible for grounds,
3. Technical Committee : Technical Committee is
responsibility of technical
umpires etc. They have to committee
ensure that to field of play is safe for competitors and
theapply the rules without fear and favour. It also ensures th

quality of equipments. tournament

any protest during the
4. Jury of Appeal or Protest Committee : If there is the yn
five or seven members in the jury.
nembers decide the matter There mav be three.
5. Organizing Committee : It includes the following :
(1) Accreditation Committee
(ii) Finance Committee
(ii) Marketing Committee
(iv) Boarding and Lodging Committee
(v) TransportLogistics Committee
(vi) Reception Committee
(vii) Ceremony And Decoration Committee
(viii) Prizes and Certificates Committee
(ix) Ground and Equipment Committee
(r) Refreshment Committee
(xi) First-Aid Committee
(xii) Announcement Committee.
(xiii) Committee for Officials
(xiv) Entries and Programmes Committee
Q. 18. Draw a fixture of 9 volleyball teams on league basis following the staircase method.
(July, 2016
Ans. The fixture of 9 volleyball teams is as follows :

1-3 2-3
1-4 2-4 3-4
1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5
1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6
1-7 2-7 3-7
4-7 5-7 6-7
1-8 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8
1-9 2-9 3-9 4-9 S-9 6-9 7-9 8-9

Total number of matches played = n(n-1) 9(91) 9(8) 72

2 2 = 36 matches
ious committees.
0. 19. Draw knock-out fixture of 24 teams. (C.B.S.E. Sample Paper, 2016)
Ans. Knock-out fixture of 24 Teams
ipment, referees, Number of Teams =24
bfficials. It is the Number of Matches = n-1
ensures the
= 24-1 23matches
nt the jury Number of teams in upper half = =12
2 2

Number of teams in lower half = =12
2 2
Number of Byes = Next Nearest power of 2-Number of teams
= 32-24 = 8 byes.
Number of Byes in upper half = 2
Number of Byes in lower half = ==4 Byes
2 2
Number of Rounds =5
IRd. IIRd. IIIRd. IV Rd. V Rd.
1 Bye
2 Bye
e method. 4

(July, 2016) Jddn


11 Bye
12 Bye Winner
13 Bye
14 Bye
23 Bye
24 Bye
Q. 20. How would youplan for an IntramuralTournament? Highlight any two problems yon
may encounter. How will you deal with them? (C.B.S.E.)
Ans. To plan for an Intramural tournament, firstly committees should be based on three levels of Q. 1. De
management -top, middle and lower levels. Members of the governing body or the Principal will form the Ans. (Fc
top level of management. They will prepare policies or aims and objectives of the sports event. Middle level (Planning (
of management willconsist of department heads, physical education teachers ete, to execute policies and Q.2. W
achieve aims and objectives.The lower level of managerment consists of teachers, administrators, finance Ans. [
officers, students etc. They will implement the orders and directives of the top level. Responsibi
responsibilities which Q. 3. D
To organise sports tournament in a smooth way, different committees will be
responsibilities and post Ans. Fi
can be classified into pre-tournament responsibilities, during tournament
tournament responsibilities. ground nur
tournament are as follows :
The problems that may occur while planning for the same day o
depends on finding suitable plaved by t
1. Finding suitable volunteers : Success of an Intramural tournament officials, f
volunteers who can perform their duties in various roles and committees.
finance is the foremost requirement Bye :E
2. Problem related to Finance: While planning for a tournament, a match in
as any tournament requires money.
not to play
Solutions : " Une
on committees will help reduce the chances of
1. Delegation of roles and duties and keeping a check power of t
mistakes and better coordination.
related issues can be solved by creating a budget and deciding in advance the money " Sepa
2. Finance "To av
required for various tasks. for somne.
are 11 teams participating in a Knock-out Tournament. Explain the procedure to
0. 21. There which is
allot Byes'.
calculate number of Byes' and also with the help of diagram Seedir
(C.B.S.E. Sample Paper, 2021)
he basis
Ans. For explanation see Text Book Page neet wvith
Controlling to organize sports event.
o. 22. Briefly explain the functions of Directing and quarter f
(C.B.S.E. 2023) sf sorting
(Directing, Controlling) arlier ro
Ans. For explanation see Text Book Page 6-7 a
spread health awareness and harmony in vour eams at
O 23. Discuss a metb0d you WOuld ch00se to (C.B.S.E.) Knoc
SSupport your answer with
area. ior l1 tea
Health Runs : Health runs are organised by various social organisations, sports departments or
Ans. people aware about health. In these programmes people are made to know Q. 4.
health departments to
health. Health run does not require any specific preparation. People can run according to Draw af
about good capacity. The main aim of a health run is to make people aware of the importance of Ans
need and
doing so people are maade healthhealth
conscious sothat they can lead ahealthy lifestyle. Regular he winn
fitness. By good
helpful for people to enjoy ourmame
exercise is n some

we must
o. 1. Define Management. Explain in detail the functions of sports events management.
vels of
ormthe Ans. (For explanation see Text book Page No. 4-7, Topic Il.I Functions of Sports Events
Jdlelevel Planning. Organising, Stafling, Directing and Controlling.)
liciesand o.2. Write about the various committees and their responsibilities.
Committees & Their
finance Ans. (For explanation see Textbook page No. 7-10, Topic 1.2 Various
Responsibilities (Pre, During & Post)]
ies which 0.3. Define terms fixture, bye and seeding. Make a knock-out fixture for 11 teams.
time, place, court or
and post Ans. Fixtures : Fixtures are the schedule fixed for the matches to be played, their
before few days or on
ground number and date etc. It is a detailed programme made by the organisers
time, place and date of the match to be
same day of the competition. Thisis to inform the teams about the
time, grounds, equipment,
zsuitable played by their team. There are many typesof fixtures, that are fixed according to
officials. facilities and teams participating etc.
exempting the team from playing
uirement Bye: Bye is the advantage given to a team usually by drawing a lot,
assigned to teams by the organizing committee
a match in the lst round. In a tournament, bye is generally
reasons :
not to play a round due to one of the several
out tournament, nunber of teams equals to
ances of "Uneven distribution of teams in tournamnent (In knock number of teams.
tournament, if there is an odd
power of two (e.g., 8, 16, 32, 64, ....]and in League
to create even competition,
"Separate pooling of previous winners in same group
e money
day than the other, so creating disadvantage
"Toavoid one team from playing more matches on a single above 12
entered for a tournament, the next higher number
for some. For example, if 12 teams have
edure to
Byes to be given are 16- 12= 4.
which is power of two is 16(24). So the number of
fixture is drawn by lots. If the draw is purely on
Seeding: Generally in a knock-out tournament, the teams can
er, 2021) standard of the teams, it is likely that two strong
the basis of lots without thinking about the to
in earlier rounds and get eliminated. So the weak teams get chance to reach
meet with each other
ent. semifinal stages. To avoid this defect the strong teams are seeded. Seeding is the process
quarter final or other in
the teams and fitting them in the fixtures sothat the stronger teams do not meet each
E 025 of sorting chance of elimination of good
implemented to reduce the
carlier rounds. This procedure is generally
teams at an early stage.
in your
teams :(For explanation see Textbook page No. 19-20, Knock-Out fixture
C.B.S.E.) Knock-ont fixture for 11
tments or for 11 teams) types of knock-out tournaments.
tournament ? Explain different
to know Q. 4. What is a knock-out (2012, 2015)
knock-out basis.
nding to Draw a fixture of 21 teams on tournament, a team once defeated gets
eliminated. Only
this type of
tance of Ans. Knock-out tournament : In the winner team in the
continue in the competition. It is a fast method to know about placed
KCgular the winners teams are written on same size slips of paper,
names of the
tournament. To draw the fixtures the order drawn. Each pair then plays in order of
drawn out and recorded in the tournament,
m Some receptacle, then winner is arrived at. To know more about knock-out
Selceion and this continues till a
we must know about seeding and bye.
18 are as follows:
() Singletypes
of knock-out tournaments
tournament : In this tournament, every team losing once is eliminated.y
once lost cannot make a
n-1. Good team come
Number of matches = ba,
second chance is given.
defeated teams to play again
It is less expensive. : It provides a chance to the and sho
Tournament the factthat in single knock out
(i) Consolation know
theirskill performance
and win subsidiary
eliminated by
honours. We
chance or by other
reason it does not have another
a good team may get itself tournaments are suggested.
worth therefore consolation
to show its real defeated in the first match
of tournament all the teams that were playamo
Type I : In this type tournament.
themselves in the consolation opportunity .
every loser of the regular round is given
Type II : In this type of tournament honour.
in the consolation round to win the subsidiary consolation toe
tournament: This tournament is an extension of the
(üi) Double knock-out consolation winner to dcs
the winner of the regular tournament will have to play with
type IInd i.e
the true winner.
second chan
is eliminated. Every losing team gets a
Every team losing twice except the winner expensive.
lost can make a come back. It is
Number of matches = 2(n-1). Good team once
Knock-out fixture for 21 teams:
Fixture for 21 teams : Number of teams = 21
Number of matches =n - |= 21 -l=20
Number of rounds = Nearest Next power of 2 to 21
= (2) = 5 rounds Q. 5. What is
Number of teams in each quarter nl4 =21/4 = Q = 5, R = 1 Ans. Tourna
Number of teams in quarter 1 = 5 + 1=6 ame according
Number of teams in quarter 2=5 Knock-out fi
Number of teams in quarter 3 =5 Example
Fixture for 2
Number of teams in quarter 4 =5
Number of byes = Next power of 2-Number of teams
=32-21l = 11|

Number of byes in upper half =

nb-1 l1-1_10_s
2 2 2
nb+ 1 11+1 12
Number of byes in lower half = =6
2 2
minated. No 1
come back
n and shou
her chanc 6 Bye

7 Bye
alay among 8
Q2 9.
ity to play 10. Bye
11. Bye
ournamen 12. Bye -Winner
to decide 13. Bye
nd chance 15.
16. Bye

17. Bye
Q4 19.
20. Bye
21. Bye
Q. 5. What is the
meaning of tournament ? Draw knock-out fixture for 27
Ans. Tournament : A tournament is a teams.
garne according to a fixed schedule in which a winner isbetween various teams playing a particular
Knock-out fixture for 27 teams :
Fixture for 27 teams :
Number of teamns = 27
Number of matches =n-|= 27-l= 26
Number of rounds = Nearest Next power of 2 to 27
= (2) = 5 rounds
IRd. IRd. III Rd. IV Rd. VRd.
1. Bye


Q2 12.
14. Bye
15. Bye
Q3 18.
Lower 19.
22. Bye
Q4 25.
27. Bye
Number of teams in each quarter
4 4
Quotient =6
Remainder = 3
Number of teams in quarter | =6+ l=7
Number of teams in quarter 2 =6+1 =7
Number of teams in quarter 3 =6+l=7
Number of teams in quarter 4 =6
Number of byes = Next power of 2-Number of teams
=32 - 27 =5

nb-1 5-1 4
Number of byes in upper half 2 2 2

nb+1 5+1 6
Number of byes in lower half = =3
2 2 2

Q.6. Draw a knock-outfixture of 27teams andexplain the advantage of knock-out tournament.

(March, 2018)
Ans. Refer to Answer No. S of Long Answer Type Questions
Advantages of Knock-out tournament :
() These are less expensive and can be finished in less time.
(ü)Standard of game improves as every team has to perform at the highest level to rernain in the
(ü) There is a need of less officiating staff.
Q. 7. Draw a fixture of twenty six teams participating in the knockout tournament.
(C.B.S.E. Sample Paper, 2019)
Ans. Total Number of teams = 26

Number of matches = n-1

= 26- 1


Number of rounds = Nearest next power of 2 to 26

= (2)5
=5 rounds.

Number of teams in each half ==13


Number of byes = Next Nearest power of 2 to 26 - No. of teams

=32 -26 = 6

Number of byes in each half = 2 =3
IIRd. IV Rd. V Rd.
| Rd. || Rd.
1. Bye
2. Bye

13. Bye e Winner
14. Byee
16. -

Q. 8. Mention all calculations and steps involved to draw a Knock-out fixture of 19 tes
where 4 teams are to be seeded. (Delhi, 20
Ans. Total no. of teams = 19(N = 19); No. of matches =(N - 1) = 19- 1= 18
N+1 N-1
No. of teams in upper half = =10;No. of teams in lower half =9
2 2

Total no. of byes(NB) =next power of 2- N=32 19 = 13

NB 1 NB + 1
No. of byes in upper half 2
=6; No. of byes in lower half = 2

Seeding -2 teams in upper half withbyes

2 teams in lower half with byes
IRd. | Rd. I|| Rd. IVRd. V Rd.
1. Bye (seeded)
Upper 2. Bye
3. Bye
8. Bye
9. Bye
10. Bye (seeded)
11. Bye (seeded)
12. Bye
13. Bye
Lower 14.
16. Bye
17. Bye
18. Bye
19.Bye (seeded)
Q.9. Discuss the various methods used for drawing fixtures in league tournament.
Ans. (For explanation see Textbook Page No. 25-27, League or Round Robin Tournament)
Q. 10. Define league tournament ? Drawa fixture for 6teams using round robin method. (2012)
Ans. League tournament : League tournament is also called round robin tournament. In league
15 tournarment all the teams are treated at par. One team has to play with all other teams irrespective of
victory or defeat. It can be called the best type of tournament because it provides every team with the
opportunity to show its best performance.
Fixture for 6 teams using Round Robin Method : (For explanation see Textbook page No. 26,
Fixture for 6 teams using Round Robin Method.)
Q. 11. What is league tournament ? Draw a fixture of nine (9) teams on the basis of league
tournament using ceyclic method. Explain British method todeclare the winner. (AlIndia, 2019)
Ans. Total number of teams =n =9
n(n-1) 9(9-1) 9x8 72
Total number of matches = 36
2 2 2 2
Number of rounds =n=9
RoundRouNd 3Round 4Round 5 Round

7Round 8 Round 9 Round


6 1 5 9 8 3
7 6

See Text Bk Pag No 8 (Bitish Mtethod)

Q 12 Wat de youmean by extramurals ? Explain the significance of extramurals.
Aæs For eplanstion see Textbook Page no. 30-3 1, Meaning of Extramurals, Objectives/ Advantage
Significance of Extramurals
Q. 13 Write the prrocedure to draw fixtures in ladder tournament.
Ans. Prene to Draw Fixtures in Ladder Tournament
Ladder Setup Guidelines : Ladder competition administrators can use a number of methods
initially set up the ladder and seed the players to rank them strongest to weakest. Around-rob
event with the participants who have signed up for the ladder can be played and depending on t
results. players will be assigned a position or rung on the ladder. Seeding can also be based on t
2 B
3F 3
1st Round Hchallenges Gand wins 4 E 2nd Round Hchalenges Cand loses
ChallengeCchallenges Aand loses Challenge Echallenges Fand wins
Matches Bchallenges Fand wins 5A Matches B challenges Dand loses
G 7|H
8G| G
Original New Ranking New Ranking
Ranking after 1st Round after 2nd Round
matches matches
previous season's results, with new players added to the bottomrungs. Ladders can be set up accordi
to the players' official rating. In tennis,for example, players may have an NTRP rating, and this can!
used to position the players within a ladder or to organize different skill-level ladders. Other optio
include positioning players randomly, or according to the date and time of their registration.
Ladder Procedures : Most ladders only allow players to challenge upwards no more than th
positions. An alternale method is to set how high up the ladder a player can challenge based on'
current position. For example, with a 20-player ladder, players in positions 15 to 20might only beable
tochallenge upwards a maximum of four positions,players in positions five to 14 a maximum of three
positions and the top four players, only two positions. Ifa challenge is issued and the challenger wins,
he takes the spot of the losing player and the ladder is adjusted. The losing player and everyone below
him move down one rung.
To keep the ladder moving, set up timing rules for challenging, accepting or denying challenges,
playing the match and reporting the score. For example, give challenged players three days to accept or
deny a challenge. If the challenge is denied, the challenger is awarded the win and takes over the
challenged player's rung. If the challenge is accepted, give the players 10 days to complete the match.
Have the winner report the score to the ladder administrator within 48 hours of playing the match. To
avoid too many challenges against one player, no acceptance or denial of a challenge can be made
within one week of playing a match.
0. 14. Define Combination Tournament. Drawa fixture of 16 teams using Knock-out cum League
Method. (All India, 2018)
Ans. Combination tournament : Combination tournaments are conducted when there are large
number of teams. These teams are arranged into groups and zones. The winner teams of the groups or
zones play together to detemine the final winner. For example, in case of national level competition, it
becomes difficult for all the state teams to reach at one place for tournament. To. avoid such type of
difficulty, Zones can be made and a tournament can be organised at a central place in each zone. After
that, winner of each zone can participate at national level. Depending upon the number of teams in each
zone and the availability of time, the tournament can be organised on the basis of knock-out or league
and after that at national level the tournament can also be conducted either on knock-out or league basis.
Afixture of 16 teams using Knock-out cum League Method :
16 teams are divided into 4 groups with 4 teams in each group.
Knock out Tournament :

4 Winner
6 -7Winner
3 7
4 4

9 10 13 13
10 14 13 Winner
12 Winner
12 12 16 16

League Tournament
n(a-1)_ 4x3 =6
Inter Group Tourament on League Basis (Staircase Method) No of matches=

Fixture : 4-7
7-12 Winner
4-13 7-13 12 - 13
Q. Is. Draw a Msture of 12 teams on lemgue basts Aeeordiuy to the stalrease method. MANAGEMEN
you decide the winner in a league tournament ? ), 17. r
Ans. Ans.Vizty
12 Mairca
I3 2-3
|4 2-4 34
1-5 2-S 3-5 4-5
|-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6 1-3
1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7 14
1-8 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8
1-9 2-9 3-9 4-9 5-9 6-9 7-9 8-9 1-7 2
1-10 2-10 3-10 4-10 5-10 6-10 7-10 8-10 9-1) 2
1-11 2-1| 3-11 4-1| 5-1| 6-1| 7-1| 9-1| 10-11
1-12| 2-12| 3-12|4-12 5-12 6-12 7-12 8-129-12 |10-12 11-12
Q. 16. Draw a knockout fixture for 23 teamns.
(SOP 2020

IRd, Rd, VRd, VRd.

2, 2J1
7,Bye 12 >
10, 12 -
11. 12
12, Bye 12 -
13.Bye 13
14, 146 Winner
16. 16
12. 16 e
18, Bye 18
19. Bye 21 16
21 21
22 Bye 22
23 Bye 2323

Q. 17.Draw a Fixture for 9 teams by Round robin method. (SOP 2020)

Ans. Fixture of 9 teams
Staircase Method
Total teams = 9

Number of matches = 9(9-1) 9X8 72

=36 matches
2 2 2
1-3 2-3
14 2-4 3-4
1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5
1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6
1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7
1-8 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8| 6-8 7-8
1-9 2-9 3-9 4-9 5-9 6-9| 7-9 8-9

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