Developments in Nuclear Valve Actuation Technology - Valve World 2012

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Keywords: Actuation • Nuclear • Torque Limiting A c t u at i o n & N e t w o r k s

Developments in nuclear
valve actuation technology
Rotork has been involved in the
supply of electric actuators for
installation in nuclear power
plants since the 1960s and since
the 1970s the company has
been a participant member of
the sub-committees of the US
Standards Committee responsible
for drafting various IEEE 382
standards. This extensive
experience of nuclear operations
and nuclear qualifications is now
contributing to the development
of new products.

Fig 1 – Rotork is investing millions of pounds in the future of its nuclear valve actuation business

By Ivan Burnell, Rotork working life. Electric actuators are motorised valves must perform their
normally inactive and even in conventional safety related functions.
plant applications, where the valve is in Rotork electric actuators utilise ‘O’ ring
Electric actuator developments regular use, most actuators are idle for sealed sleeve jointed watertight and dust
The company is introducing its latest
over 99% of the time. In safety related tight enclosures as standard, housing
electric valve actuator ranges for nuclear
systems the operating frequency and all internal components in a pressure-
new-builds, tailored to suit the specific
duration is even lower, dictated almost tight enclosure which excludes dirt and
requirements of the internationally
entirely by the periodic plant test moisture and prevents temperature
predominant nuclear island designs. The
programme. Therefore the ultimate change induced breathing. For added
NE actuator range has been developed
reliability of electric actuators depends on security a separately ‘O’ ring sealed
for use in EDF and AREVA (EPR) nuclear
how well the electrical components are terminal compartment is used to ensure
power stations. The ND DC (direct
protected from the external environment. that internal electrical components are
current) and NA AC (alternating current)
Inside the nuclear containment, the fully protected even during on-site wiring.
actuator range has been developed for
ambient temperature and humidity will This ‘double-sealed’ design protects the
Westinghouse AP1000 Pressurised Water
rise to extreme levels during a Design actuator even if leaking through conduit
Reactor (PWR) nuclear power stations.
Basis Event (DBE), at which time the seals is experienced, as this can only
These new designs are developments
of the widely proven Rotork NA range
that has been fully qualified to IEEE 382-
1996/2006, comprising a simple single-
stage worm drive in an oil bath gearbox,
electric motor, torque and limit switches
and a separate terminal compartment to
which all electrical components are wired.
The actuators are designed for a working
life of sixty years.

Environmental sealing
The importance of effective environmental
sealing cannot be over-emphasised,
particularly in view of the length of Fig 2 – Rotork Type NA (left) and NE electric valve actuators July/August 2012 1

A c t u at i o n & N e t w o r k s

affect the terminal compartment itself. Its

effectiveness has been confirmed during
nuclear environmental qualification testing,
when conduit entry leakage was simulated
during the loss of coolant accident test
and the actuator continued to operate
during and after the test.
In a further development, during site
maintenance in nuclear installations
it is advantageous to keep personnel
exposure times to a minimum, so the
demand for a quick disconnect system
has increased. Rotork has therefore
designed a combined power and control
plug-and-socket assembly for use inside
the containment area, conforming to
the relevant IEC safety standards. ‘O’
ring sealing is included in the design to
preserve the environmental protection
when the plug components are
disconnected, maintaining the ‘double-
sealed’ design principle.

Torque limiting
Some nuclear actuators on safety-
related valve duties are sized to ensure
that they will operate under abnormal
conditions such as voltage drop and high
temperatures. This results in actuators
being sized so that they are capable
of producing up to 4 times the valve
design thrusts at normal voltage and
temperatures, which could cause valve
damage. Additionally this often results in
valves having to be designed to accept
the increased loads, meaning that they are Fig 3 – Environmental protection provided by the Rotork ‘Double Sealed’ enclosure
usually larger and heavier, which impacts
torque limiter that is totally independent the actuator output torque reaches an
piping design and adds cost to the plant.
of environmental conditions, voltage and adjustable limit between 1.4 and 2 times
It is possible to protect the valve by
control system delays will guarantee the required valve torque.
fitting a brake. However, the prevention
protection under any circumstances. The greater the torque applied by the
of damage by an electro-mechanical
Working with a number of customers motor, the greater the braking force and,
brake cannot be guaranteed as it remains
and end users, Rotork has developed because the brake is dealing with the
energised with the motor. A mechanical
an innovative and entirely mechanical lowest force at the input rather than the
patented solution that will ensure that output end of the actuator, wear and
excess motor torque cannot be applied tear on the brake is negligible through
to the valve, even in the event of a torque thousands of operations. Under normal
switch failure, incorrect wiring, incorrect torque switch control, the brake is never
phase rotation or an electrical fault. engaged. Independent adjustment of
The Torque Limiting Brake is fitted the open and close brake discs is easily
internally between the actuator motor achieved through access plugs on the
and gear case, without adding to the actuator gear case and does not involve
actuator’s overall dimensions. It works any dismantling. Swift and accurate
on the axial movement of the worm adjustment can be further facilitated
shaft, which is always proportional to the by means of a ‘smart’ valve stem and
torque produced at the actuator output. diagnostic plug fitted to the actuator.
A brake disc fitted to the worm shaft Tests have shown that the adoption of
Fig 4 – Plug and socket assembly for Rotork Type comes into contact with brake pads in the the Torque Limiting Brake can eliminate
NE nuclear actuator. open and close operating directions when the practise of over-sizing valve structures

2 July/August 2012

A c t u at i o n & N e t w o r k s

Fig 5 – Torque limiting brake configuration Fig 6 – Typical Torque Limiter Performance Curve

because of the risk of stall torque damage, isolation valve (MFIV), replacing what and hydraulic actuators for other locations
particularly in high speed valve operating was previously a customised solution for and duties in nuclear power stations is also
conditions. individual valve designs into a standardised in an advanced stage of development.
The NE and ND actuator ranges are in range. The resulting NH range of gas
the process of full qualification testing to charged hydraulic actuators retains all
IEEE 382-1996/2006 and to plant specific the features of the previous generation About the Author
requirements. Rotork’s established nuclear with a reduced number of components Mr Ivan Burnell
ranges of actuators have already achieved and reduced overall weight. A key works as Nuclear
accreditation to IEEE 382-1996/2006 feature is the ability to lock into position Engineering
following the completion of testing in hydraulically, which prolongs the life of the and Business
2010, ensuring the continued support of equipment by eliminating extra cycles that Development
existing installations and legacy product, would otherwise be needed to correct Manager at Rotork
and enabling controlled obsolescence drift. MSIV actuators have recently been Controls Ltd. He
management. A new generation of supplied to Hainan and Qinshan nuclear has over 30 years experience working
nuclear qualified gearboxes has also power plants in China and Mochovce in in the nuclear power market with
been designed, consisting of quarter-turn Slovakia Rotork products. His current role is
worm and multi-turn bevel and spur The development of the NH actuator to ensure that Rotork has a complete
gear designs. Designed for manual or has been comprehensively assisted by offering of products from its electric,
motorised operation, the new designs the engineering expertise available from fluid power and gearbox divisions to
feature increased gear ratios, enabling Rotork Fluid Systems, the company’s meet the needs of the nuclear new
the selection of economical and efficient pneumatic and hydraulic actuation build programme and interface with end
gearbox and actuator combinations. division. Rotork Fluid Systems has also users, valve makers and certifying/testing
successfully qualified a new range of laboratories to ensure the correct
Fluid power actuators quarter-turn pneumatic actuators to the standards and specifications are met.
Rotork has invested heavily in developing requirements of IEEE382–1996/2006 for
the actuators for main steam isolation inside containment safety related duty and
valves (MSIV) and main feed water AP1000 PWR for the PV10, PV11 and
PV41 packages. A range of linear actuators
is qualified to the same levels. Continuing
this work, a new range of linear pneumatic

Fig 7 (left) Nuclear qualified quarter-turn pneumatic actuator; (right) MSIV actuator July/August 2012 3

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