AP Physc em R L Circuit Lab 2014-06-06
AP Physc em R L Circuit Lab 2014-06-06
AP Physc em R L Circuit Lab 2014-06-06
Date__________ Period_______
To gain an understanding of inductors and its properties through the observation of data
collected from a simple RL circuit, set up by measurements of its voltages and currents
through the inductor and resistors.
The RL Circuit describes a circuit
that consists of a resistor(s), a
inductor(s), and a voltage input into
the circuit.
● PASCO RLC Circuit Board
● (2) Voltage Sensor (CI-6503)
● (2) banana plug patch cords (ex. SE-9750)
● PASCO 850 Universal Interface (built in power amplifier)
● Pre made PASCO Capstone file (LRCircuits.cap file)
1. Connect ends of the two voltage sensors into channels A and B of the interface.
2. The ends of the voltmeter stemming from Channel A will represent the voltage
output across the inductor for the purposes of this lab. Hence, connect the
alligator clips of Voltage Sensor A across both sides of the inductor coil that is
built into the given circuit board.
3. Do the same for the other voltmeter, except that it will be across the 10 ohm
© DRAFT ONLY Electric Circuits
resistor. Voltage Sensor B will represent the voltage output across the resistor.
4. Remaining banana plug patch cords should be connected from the output of the
built in power amplifier that is located on the very right of the universal interface.
Both plugs should be connected to the banana jacks as shown in the following,
that will act as the driving voltage source.
5. Open the given file labeled “LRcircuit.cap.” Ensure under signal generator that
the current being driven through the circuit is in the form of an AC square wave.
a. The AC square wave will have no effect on the given circuit - it will rather
VL = L(di/dt)
VL = Vo e−(t/τ)
VR = Vo (1 − e−(t/τ) )
2. Sketch below the expected graph of both the voltage across the inductor and
resistor below based on the derived equations.
3. The lab should now be ready to run. Once ready, click on the record button (red
circle near the bottom of the screen) to record data.
4. All graphs should be labeled by a given key on the screen itself.
*TEACHER NOTES ONLY: The changes in voltage occur instantaneously (usually less
than a quarter of a second). Therefore, in order to properly observe the gradual change
of output voltage in the circuit, properly adjust the axis of the graph so that the time value
on the x axis is decreased, and the graph overall somewhat looks like this:
τ = L/ΣR, where L is given by 8.2 mH = 0.0082 H, and ΣR is the total resistance of the
circuit that includes both the resistance of the resistor and the resistance of the coil.
Hence, the R value here would be (10 + Ri).
The definition of t1/2 is the time for the current to rise or fall (and thus the voltage across
the resistor, since they’re in phase with each other) to half it maximum. It is equal is
equivalent to τ(ln 2).
The experimental value of t1/2 presents a challenge, however, as the graphs are not the
ideal perfect circuit as given in CollegeBoard problems. The following are given sample
graphs the student should be seeing:
Take the time difference between this reference point and the point where voltage
reaches its half-peak. This will be your experimental value of t1/2; in the example, it
reaches the half-peak at .0155s, so t1/2 = .0005s
The final value of (t1/2) will have an error bound, due to the imperfect circuit leading to a
non ideal graph of the voltage graph. The error bound is ±𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎. With this error
bound in mind, compute a range for possible values of the internal resistance.
RL = L/(t1/2 ) − Rr
Calculate the internal resistance of the inductor using the following equations.
𝟎 = 𝟎/𝟎𝟎
𝟎 = 𝟎𝟎 /𝟎𝟎
𝟎 = 𝟎𝟎 /𝟎𝟎
𝟎𝟎 /𝟎𝟎 = 𝟎𝟎 /𝟎𝟎
Solve for the value of 𝟎𝟎 . Confirm that this value falls under your range from Part I.
Given RR = 10Ω, and VR and VL are calculated values from the graph at 4V and 2V
respectively, the resistance that the inductor provides can be given. Value should = 5Ω
2. If the circuit was turned on long enough for constant values of current to be
reached, and then all of a sudden the voltage source was cut off, how would the
graphs measuring the values of voltage across the inductor and resistor differ
3. Add the iron core given with the circuit into the coil of the inductor. Run the same
experiment again. Is there any difference to the given values, such as the value
of the inductor? Explain why or why not.