Announcement Text

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Announcement Text: Definitions, Structure, and Examples of Text

Have you ever taken the train again, and suddenly the conductor announced that the train you were
on is about to arrive at the destination station? Would you ever be familiar with what’s called an
announcement, dong?

Announcement is Pengumuman in Bahasa Indonesia. The announcement is both verbal and written.
This time the English Academy will discuss the written version, alias Announcement Text.

Just like any other text that has been discussed in the English text type articles, the announcement
text also has its own language structure and structure. Let’s learn it, We can tell you about the
announcement text, complete with the example!

What is Announcement Text?

Announcement text is a written statement in the form of a public declaration that is publicly
intended for the general public. Usually, the content of an announcement text can be a fact, event,
event or information that is considered important.

In short, in English, an announcement text is an “official notification” or official notice of a matter.

For example, if in school you will rarely find a variety of important information attached to the
mading (wall magazine) or class announcement boards. Whether it’s an announcement about school
events, announcements about competitions, annual events, and many more.

What is the purpose/function of an announcement text?

The purpose of or the social function of announcement text is to announce an information officially
so that the public who reads the announcement can receive information according to the facts.

Oh yes, if the announcement text contents is about an event, then the event is likely to have
occurred or will happen in the future.

How many types of announcements?

In fact, there are many types of announcement text, depending on what you want to announce to
the public. However, some types of announcement text that we often find among them are business
announcement, school agenda, school event announcements, graduation announcements, birth
announcments, company announcations, marriage and wedding announcments, and many more.

Features of Announcement Text

Don’t let the understanding of the announcement text be exchanged with other types of text. Then,
Yuk, understand the characteristics or characteristics of the announcement text:

1. Loading information brief, compact, and clear.

2. Can answer questions what, when, where, and how.

3. It is usually accompanied by a call to action or call to readers to do something.

Generic Structure of Announcement Text

Yes, like any other type of text, announcement text also has its own generic structure. Generic
structure of announcement text consists of opening, content, and also closing.

1. Opening or Opening

This is the first structure in the announcement text. Generally, the opening part of the
announcement text will be marked with the title (title/type of event), greeting, purpose of the
announcement, or large lines to be submitted in the content of the notice. You can write an
interesting title to attract the attention of a lot of people to read the announcement.

2. Content by Alicia

Yes, this is definitely the core part of the announcement text. Oh yes, not seldom the content part is
also called explanation, guys. You can pour out detailed information here to answer questions about
what, where, when, and how.

3. Closing a.k.a covers

In fact, the cover is quite different. Here, you can write invitations, additional information, contact
person, social media, call to action, thank you, and also a closing greeting.

Media to Write Announcement Text

If we talk about the media, in the modern era today, we have a lot of media to publish an
announcement text. If the announcement is oral/audio, we can hear it through electronic media such
as radio.

For the announcement text itself, we can easily read in visual media such as newspapers, magazines,
billboards, or school mading. Eits, but, in today’s digital age you can see announcement text through
social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and many more.

Language Features Announcement Text

The language of the announcement text is quite simple. This language features of the announcement

1. Simple present tense

Tensions that serve to explain an event, event, or fact that is taking place in the present time.

2. Simple Future Tense

Well, the announcement text is also closely related to events or events that will happen in the future.
For example, you want to announce a wedding plan to friends, obviously, the announcement will not
be announced after the wedding was completed, right? hehe.
3. Imperative sentence or command sentence

You’ve never read the phrase, “Join us and wear the dress code properly!”

Yes, this is one example of an imperative sentence aimed at readers. This type of phrase usually
appears on an announcement text that contains about an invitation or invitation to an event.

4. Declarative sentence

Based on the explanation in the English article types of sentences, declarative sentence is a sentence
to reveal a statement, convey a fact, or explain an event.

Well, this is in line with one of the functions of the announcement text, which is to deliver
information to the public. Example as this:

“To face the National Sport Day, our school will prepare the School Sport Team.”

The above sentence is only information from the school on the whole student, and the most visible
feature is always ended with a point mark. (fullstop).

5. Change the verb to noun with suffix (Akhiran Kata)

Remember what suffix is? In short, a suffix is a reward at the end of a word.

There are several verbs that turn into nouns and we often find in the announcement text. For
example, for the announcement of the race, not seldom the wording used is competition.
Competition is derived from the verb “competit” with the ending –tion. When the suffix is added, it
changes shape into a noun with the competition vocabulary.

Tips and Tricks for Creating Announcement Text

To create an announcement text, you can pay attention to a few things below so that the information
submitted can be well received by readers:

1. Make it easy for readers to get information quickly.

2. Keep it short, make someone who reads feel “interested”, and convey information to the point.

3. Write clearly, complete with date and time.

4. For bad information (such as announcement of dead people, missing people, etc.), it is not
necessary to list various statements that are misleading.

Example of Announcement Text

1. Contoh Announcement Text “School Agenda”

English Speech Contest

For all students of Ruang Raya School, in celebrate “Bulan Bahasa” and school anniversary, we
announce an event called the “English Speech Contest.”
Time : Monday, 29th August 2022

Place : English Laboratory

Each class should register at leaset one student with one of these following topics:

1. The Advantages of Learning English

2. The Difficulties of Learning English

3. The Effective Ways of Learning English

For classes that do not take part in this event will be fined Rp200.000,-. So, join us and prepare your
best delegate!

For further information, visit the committee of this English Speech Contest in English Student Room,
or you can contact through Instagram @englishspeechcontest.

2. Contoh Announcement Text “School Competition”

Art Festival Competition

In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Art School, we proudly present an Art Festival

Time: 24-28 August 2022

Place: School

Participant: 12th Graders

List of competitions (choices of competitions):

– Musical competition

– Poetry competition

– Theatre competition

– Special bazaar

To make a successful event, please join a class meeting tomorrow, 15 August 2022 in the student
council room after school hours (03.00 p.m). See you!

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