Announcement Text: By: M. Rafly Naufal Hafidz, M. Sefta Rahmansyah, M. Dede Munandar

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By :

M. Rafly Naufal Hafidz,

M. Sefta Rahmansyah,

M. Dede Munandar.

Bongas Str. No. 421 Talang Kerangan Pendopo Talang Ubi,
Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir – Sumatera Selatan

First of all, I want to thank Allah SWT. for the opportunities given throughout this

paper’s author life. Because of that and all the work which had been done in the past, the author

continues to strive in life looking for more experiences and good deeds. Also, may all praises be

to Allah SWT. for what this paper has become which it was properly and fully worked on.

This is a paper which primarily functions as a way of completing a task given by our

teacher. While it still might have some mistakes, it can also be used for studying purposes. This

paper was done by one of the members on the cover, but other tasks were handed out to other

members as a help for the author and our grade.

This paper which is about “announcement texts” is based on the internet and books given

by our school. Our topic was given by our teacher Ma’am Vera and we would like to make her

proud as our side goal. We would also kindly appreciate the work our teacher went through for

these past few months.

Hopefully, this paper will succeed as it was intended to be and may the readers have a little

more knowledge on the topic given. All critics and advices from readers are to be gladly

accepted, for we are still learning and trying to be perfect. Thank you.


CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………………….3


CHAPTER II……………………………………………………………………...4


1.1 Definition and General Functions of Announcement Texts

1.2 Language Features and Generic Structure of Announcement Texts
1.3 Types of Announcement Texts and Example of Announcement Texts
1.4 Special Vocabularies of Announcement Texts
1.5 Few and Little for Plural Nouns


As a start, some things are needed to be known by the readers before reading and
understanding the material given by this paper. First, the English language. English has now
been fairly used throughout the world, even in Eastern countries which meant that learning
English is now almost important for everyone. The reason on why this language is important are
many, but there are the top 4 on the list. First, English is the language of international
communication, English is the language of business, speaking English gives you access to a
world of entertainment, and learning English gives you access to more of the internet.

Now, based on these reasons we can say or assume that English really plays a big role in
our lives. That’s why we as a group of students made this paper. To give you readers a share of
learning materials in studying English. Materials which will be shared are the kind that are
related to announcement texts and a bit of a “Few and Little for Plural Nouns”. Few and little are
to be learnt really swift. For it is only a side explanation in this paper and books based for this

Second, the word announcement. Announcement means a written or spoken statement in

public or formal words containing information about an event that has happened or is going to
happen so publicly people know what, when, and where it is about. Third, it is also
recommended to know a thing or two about literature and especially the types of texts, such as
narrative texts, descriptive text, recount text, and etc. Fourth, a dictionary may also be used if
you have difficult words needed to be revealed to you.


1.1 Definition and General Functions of Announcement Texts

Announcement text is a type of text which is a written statement in public or formal
words containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen so
publicly people know what, when and where it is about. It came from the word “announce”
which almost has the same definition as the text. It can also be used as a poster or a notice
Ultimately, it functions as a way to inform people on an event in the present, and also
future. But, events can be described such as information on missing people, a school notice,
warnings, and etc. By definition, texts are written information that it can be put up to sign.
1.2 Language Features and Generic Structure of Announcement Texts
Announcement text uses language features such as :
- Using simple present tense and simple future tense. Simple present tense are
simple sentences using the formula S + V1( s/es ) + Object and is to describe
everyday activities or an activity happening currently. Simple future tense are
sentences using the formula S + will + V1 + Object and to describe events which
are going to happen. For example :
a. You can contact us at...
b. This event will be held at....
- Using certain pronounciation and intonation ( in spoken announcement ). Certain
intonation is to live up the scenery when speaking the announcement as it was
meant to be.
- Using correct spelling and punctuation. Correct spelling and punctuation are
helpful when it comes to state yourself and this announcement fully and to make
the readers or listeners pay attention.

The common structure of the text is :

- Opening ( Title ).
- Content ( Content can come from various topics and is the message which
needed to be sent by the writer).
- Closing ( Closing is a part where additional notes and information regarding the
writer may be ).

The generic structure of the announcement texts is a way how the text is constructed
matching the purpose of the text or the function. They are :

- Stating the purpose of the text means that the text contains what event is there
- Stating day and date means that the text contains when is the event.
- Stating place means that the text contains where the event is.
- Informing sender means the text contains info on the person who wrote the text.
1.3 Types of Announcement Texts and Examples of Announcement Texts
Types of announcement texts are :
- Public Service Announcements.
- High School Graduation Announcements.
- College Graduation Announcements.
- Engagement Announcements.
- Marriage and Wedding Announcements.
- Pregnancy Announcements.
- Birth Announcements.
- Adoption Announcements.
- Student’s Organization Announcements.
- Save The Date Announcements.
- Moving Announcements.
- And etc.
Examples are :

Public Service Announcements.

1.4 Special Vocabularies of The Announcement Text
In announcement texts, there are special vocabularies which tend to pop up in the
text itself. Those special vocabularies may be searched in dictionaries and the internet, but
we have provided them, which are :
- Inform ( Give or tell someone facts or information ).
- Address ( Say or write something to the intended recipient ).
- Notify ( Inform someone of something, typically in a formal manner ).
- Departure ( The action of leaving, typically to start a journey ).
- Cancel ( Decide or announce that an arranged or planned event will not take
- Postpone ( Cause or arrange for something to take place at a time later than the
first scheduled ).
- Attend ( Be present at ).
- Registration ( The action or process of recording in an official list ).
- Gathering ( An assembly or meeting, especially a social zone ).
- Conduct ( Organize and carry out ).
- Celebrate ( Mark a significant or happy day or event with a social gathering ).
- And etc.
1.5 Few and Little for Plural Nouns
In English, there are rules of the use of “few” and “little” for countable nouns and
uncountable plural nouns. These two words have the same meaning, in which a quantity is
very small. Where it is the same as “some”. Yet, these words functions are to be used in
negative sentences. We use them to mean ‘not as much as may be expected or wished for’.
But, meanings will change when we add “a” before these words. It will be the same as
“some”, for it gives a positive idea on the quantity.
Examples include :
- Few.
a. We have few people on this case.
- A few.
a. They had a few marbles for our game.
- Little.
a. He had very little patience.
- A little.
a. I have a little sugar that I can give.

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