7 National Parks

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A Few Minutes Series Kerala

Important Inputs
• Shola forests are exclusive to the Western
Date – 27th February 2023 Ghats in South India.
Click here to watch the following • Mathikettan derives from the Tamil word
topics on YouTube literally meaning 'mind confuser’ (as the
local people say that one forgets the path
7 Important National Parks to
once he enters into the park).
• It is an elephant strip.
1. Keibul Lamjao National Park, Manipur
• Located between other reserve forests
like Eravikulam National Park and
Pampadam Shola National Park.

3. Satpura National Park, Madhya Pradesh

Satpura National Park, Madhya Pradesh

Important Inputs
• Only floating park in the world.
• Located in Manipur
• An integral part of Loktak Lake
• To protect and conserve the deer now Important Inputs
called Eld's deer's subspecies brow-
• Only national park in India, where one
antlered deer or Sangai in Meitei
can go on a walking safari
• Located in the Narmadapuram District of
• The park is a swamp with floating mass
MP, taking name from the Satpura range,
of vegetation created by accrual of
part of a unique central Indian highland
organic garbage and biomass with soil
particles that has been thickened into a
solid form called phumdis. • Extremely rich in biodiversity. The
animals include leopard, sambar, chital,
2. Mathikettan Shola National Park, Kerala Indian muntjac, nilgai, four-horned
antelope, Chinkara, wild boar, bear, black
buck, fox, porcupine, flying squirrel,
mouse deer, and Indian giant squirrel.
• There are a variety of birds like Hornbills
and peafowl.
Mathikettan Shola National Park,
• The flora consists of mainly sal, teak, Hemis National Park, Ladakh
tendu, Phyllanthus emblica, mahua, bel, Important Inputs
bamboo, and grasses and medicinal
• It is largest National park in India
• A high-altitude national park in Ladakh
4. Desert National Park, Rajasthan with snow leopards
• It has Snow Leopards, Argali (Great
Tibetan Sheep), Bharal (Blue Sheep),
Shapu (Ladakhi Urial), Asiatic ibex,
Tibetan wolf, the Eurasian brown bear
(endangered in India), the Red Fox,
Himalayan marmot, mountain weasel
and the Himalayan mouse hare
• Birds include Golden Eagle,
Lammergeier vulture, Himalayan griffon
vulture, brown accentor, robin accentor,
Tickell's leaf warbler, streaked rosefinch,
Desert National Park, Rajasthan black-winged snowfinch, chukar, Blyth's
swift, red-billed chough, Himalayan
Important Inputs
snowcock, and the fire-fronted serin
• One of the largest national parks, with
Sand dunes covering more than 40% of 6. Khangchendzonga National Park, Sikkim
the Park.
• The Chinkara or Indian Gazelle (Gazella
bennettii) is a common antelope of this
region along with desert fox, wolf and
desert cat.
• Birdlife includes sandgrouse, partridges,
bee-eaters, larks, and shrikes, demoiselle
crane, MacQueen's bustard and the great
Indian bustard, a critically endangered Khangchendzonga National Park, Sikkim
species found only in India.

5. Hemis National Park, Ladakh

Important Inputs
• Part of UNESCO World Heritage Sites,
becoming the first "Mixed Heritage" site
of India.
• Part of UNESCO Man and the Biosphere
• Mount Kangchenjunga is the third-
highest peak in the world at 8,586 metres
• Home of Lepcha tribal settlements. Important Inputs
• It is also home to musk deer, Indian • It was India's first Marine Wildlife
leopard, snow leopard, Himalayan tahr, Sanctuary and first marine national park.
dhole, sloth bear, viverrids, Himalayan • It has 42 islands on the Jamnagar coast
black bear, red panda, Tibetan wild ass, with most surrounded by reefs.
Himalayan blue sheep, mainland serow,
• This fragile ecosystem includes 70 species
goral and takin, rat snake and Russell's
of sponges, 52 species of Coral.
• As the sea recedes, the sea creatures are
• Birds include blood pheasant, satyr
exposed to the harsh sunlight before they
tragopan, osprey, Himalayan griffon,
retreat to deeper waters or take cover.
lammergeier, Western tragopan, green
pigeon, Tibetan snowcock, snow pigeon, • The western reef heron (dark morphed)
impeyan pheasant, Asian emerald visits the Narara coasts during low tide to
cuckoo, sunbird and eagle. pick on the fishes and crustaceans hiding
beneath the rocks and reefs.
• A new species of bird named Himalayan
thrush has been found in 2016.

7. Marine National Park, Gulf of Kutch

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