MDG Needs Assessment - Costing 2009-2015

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"Support to Monitoring PRS & MDGs in Bangladesh" is being implemented by General Economics

Division, Planning Commission, supported by UNDP, which strengthens the capacity of Government
professionals to track and monitor PRS/MDG progress and estimate the costs of achieving MDG targets.



Published by
General Economics Division
Planning Commission
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
July 2009

General Economics Division, Planning Commission hereby extends special gratitude to UNDP
Bangladesh for their continuous technical support in finalizing this document through the project titled
"Support to Monitoring PRS & MDGs in Bangladesh".
Air Vice Marshal (Rtd.) A. K. Khandker
Ministry of Planning
Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh


I am happy to learn that the General Economics Division (GED) of the Planning Commission has
prepared ' Millennium Development Goals: Needs Assessment and Costing 2009-2015 ' with the
technical support from the UNDP.

Bangladesh is committed to achieve the MDGs within stipulated time, i.e. by 2015. MDGs have been
integrated into the successive Bangladesh PRSPs and Annual Development Programmes (ADPs).
Bangladesh has already initiated actions to prepare Sixth Five Year Plan (2010-2015) that focuses on
achieving the MDGs within the stipulated time frame.

Bangladesh has already achieved a commendable niche in attaining the MDGs. The MDGs needs
assessment and costing is a very timely exercise and will contribute in the resources requirement
estimation for the Sixth Five Year Plan.

The Report has come out with a resources requirement of BDT 7,126.76 billion (USD 104.18 billion) to
attain all the MDGs in Bangladesh during 2009-2015. The estimated resource requirement to attain all
the MDGs in Bangladesh is a huge amount that would also require mobilization of resources by the
development partners of Bangladesh. I would urge our development partners to come forward with the
required resources as they pledged in the Millennium Declaration.

I congratulate GED and other Ministries/ Agencies for their cooperation in carrying out this exercise. I
would also like to appreciate UNDP for providing necessary technical support to carry out this exercise.

Air Vice Marshal (Rtd.) A K Khandker


The MDG Needs Assessment and Costing exercise for Bangladesh emanates from a joint effort of the
Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh and UNDP to estimate the resources needed for
achieving MDGs in Bangladesh by 2015. The focal point for the activities has been the General
Economics Division (GED), Planning Commission, through implementing the project titled ' Support to
Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh' supported by UNDP. The Report has put together the status
and trends in progress of achievement of MDGs in Bangladesh, the challenges ahead, the major
interventions and targets for MDGs, as well as the resources requirements for attaining MDGs by 2015.

To conduct the MDG Needs Assessment and Costing, five thematic areas were identified based on the
UNDP developed templates i.e. poverty and hunger (MDG1), education (MDG2), gender (MDG3),
health (MDG 4, 5 and 6) and environment (MDG7). Each thematic area was worked out by a Thematic
Working Group (TWG) led by the respective Ministry with members from different Ministries and UN
Agencies. All the five thematic reports are synthesized with technical assistance from UNDP Regional
Office to prepare the final report Millennium Development Goals: Needs Assessment and Costing

The Report has assessed that BDT 7,126.76 billion (USD 104.18 billion) would be required to attain all
the MDGs in Bangladesh during 2009 - 2015. The per capita resources requirement would be BDT
5,115.95 (USD 74.79) in 2009 and BDT 8,289.48 (USD 121.19) in 2015. Thus, according to the
estimate, annually about BDT 1,018 billion (USD 14.9 billion) would be required to attain all MDGs in
Bangladesh by 2015, implying annual per capita cost of about BDT 6,676 (USD 98).

The estimated resource requirement to attain all the MDGs in Bangladesh is a huge amount that would
require mobilization of resources by the development partners of Bangladesh. Rich countries have
already committed in the Millennium Declaration to develop a global partnership with the poor countries
(MDG 8) to attain MDG goals by 2015.

Prof. Dr. Shamsul Alam

General Economics Division
Planning Commission



The ‘Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Needs Assessment and Costing Report, 2009-2015’ in
Bangladesh was prepared by the General Economics Division (GED), Planning Commission with the
technical support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The Report has been prepared through a highly participatory and consultative process through Five
Thematic Working Groups (TWG). Each of the TWGs was lead by the respective lead Ministry for the
thematic area. We would like to acknowledge the leadership and the contributions of the lead Ministries
of the TWGs. They include General Economics Division (GED), Planning Commission, Ministry of
Primary and Mass Education, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Ministry of Environment and Forests. Besides, other ministries / agencies and UN bodies as
part of the TWGs contributed through a series of consultations.

The MDGs thematic area reports prepared by Dr. Md. Akteruzzaman, Dr. Sadeka Halim, Dr. Habibur
Rahman, Ms. Nahid Akter Jahan and Dr. Nepal Chandra Dey formed the backbone of the final report.
Coordination of the exercise with consultants and TWGs, and the compilation of the report was done
by Mr. Narendra Mishra, Local Development and MDG Localisation Specialist, Support to monitoring
PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh, UNDP Bangladesh.

Dr. Yubaraj Khatiawada Senior Economist, MDGI, UNDP Regional Center Colombo, Ms. Menaka
Gunwardene, UNDP RCC and Mr. Neil Fernando (formerly UNDP RCC) and other officials of UNDP
Regional Center Bangkok and UNDP Regional Center Colombo provided training on use of the costing
tools and technical backstopping for the MDG Needs Assessment and Costing exercise.

Dr. M. Golam Sarwar provided the leadership for the ‘MDG Needs Assessment and Costing exercise’
as National Project Director ‘Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh’ and Mr. Kalyan Raj
Pandey, Project Manager, provided necessary managerial support.





















5.1 OVERVIEW 115





















Table 1 : Total Annual Costs for Achieving MDGs by 2015 in Bangladesh 31

Table 3.1 : Sector wise GDP and growth rate (Base year: 1995-96) 50
Table 3.2 : Number of smallholder HH, average farm sizes and coverage of practiced interventions, 2006 51
Table 3.3 : Proportion of population below national poverty line 51
Table 3.4 : Annual rate of poverty reduction (%) over 1990-2007 54
Table 3.5 : Proportion of population below national poverty line by divisions 55
Table 3.6 : Annual rate of poverty reduction over 2000-05 by divisions 56
Table 3.7 : Proportion of population below national poverty line by farm size 57
Table 3.8 : Annual rate of poverty reduction over 2000-05 by farm sizes 57
Table 3.9 : Poverty gap ratio during 1990-2005 58
Table 3.10 : Annual rate of reduction of poverty gap ratio over 1990 to 2015 and time required for
achievement of target 58
Table 3.11 : Poverty gap ratio by region in 2005 59
Table 3.12 : Gini index of inequality 59
Table 3.13 : Share of poorest quintile in national income 60
Table 3.14 : Sector wise share in GDP (%) 61
Table 3.15 : Sector wise labour absorption (%) 61
Table 3.16 : Employment as percent of total population in Bangladesh 62
Table 3.17 : Employment to population ratio by sex and residence 62
Table 3.18 : Growth of population, employed population by sex and residence 62
Table 3.19 : Percentage change of labour force aged 15 years and over by regions 63
Table 3.20 : Employment in different sector over 1995-96 to 2005-06 63
Table 3.21 : Growth of employment in different sector 63
Table 3.22 : Youth (15-29 years) employment to population by residence 64
Table 3.23 : Growth of youth (15-29 years) employment to population by residence 64
Table 3.24 : Nominal and real agricultural daily wage rate, 1990-2007 64
Table 3.25 : Prevalence (%) of underweight children under five years of age 66
Table 3.26 : Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption 66
Table 3.27 : Coverage target of farm interventions in Bangladesh agriculture 73
Table 3.28 : Status of transport sector in Bangladesh during 2006-07 75
Table 3.29 : Current coverage and targets for the transport infrastructure in Bangladesh 76
Table 3.30 : Resource needs estimates for agriculture and rural development 78
Table 3.31 : Resource needs estimates for transport infrastructure 78
Table 3.32 : Resource needs estimates for Promoting Decent Employment 79
Table 3.33 : Total Resource Needs Estimate for MDG1 during 2009-15 80
Table 3.34 : Resource needs estimates for MDG1 during 2009-15 excluding private sector investment 81
Table 4.1 : Physical Infrastructure (Primary) 102
Table 4.2 : Teacher Requirement 102
Table 4.3 : Textbooks and Teaching Guides 103
Table 4.4 : Demand side interventions, targets and coverage 103
Table 4.5 : Recurrent, Capital and unit costs for Primary Education 104
Table 4.6 : Infrastructure requirements (General and Technical Schools) 105
Table 4.7 : Teaching and non-teaching staff 105
Table 4.8 : Number of Textbooks and Teaching Guides 106
Table 4.9 : Demand side Intervention 106
Table 4.10 : Recurrent, Capital and unit costs for Secondary Education 107
Table 4.11 : Classroom requirement 107
Table 4.12 : Teacher requirement 107
Table 4.13 : Teaching - learning materials 108
Table 4.14 : Demand Side Intervention, Target and Coverage 108
Table 4.15 : Recurrent, Capital and unit costs for Pre-primary Education 108
Table 4.16 : Recurrent, capital and unit cost for Literacy programs 110
Table 4.17 : Total Resource Needs Estimates for Education Interventions 111
Table 5.1 : Adult Literacy Rate of population 15+ years and over 118
Table 5.2 : Women in Non-Agricultural Wage Employment (Age 15 Years+) 119
Table 5.3 : Proportion of female member in the parliament 120
Table 5.4 : Coverage and Target for Community based awareness 126
Table 5.5 : Coverage and Target for Helping girls transition to work 127
Table 5.6 : Coverage and Target for encouraging political participation 127
Table 5.7 : Coverage and Target for ending violence against women 128
Table 5.8 : Coverage and Target for day care center 128
Table 5.9 : Coverage and Target for systemic issues 129



Table 5.10 : Community Based Awareness Programs -Coverage and Costs 130
Table 5.11 : Helping Girls Transition to Work - Coverage and Costs 131
Table 5.12 : Encouraging Political Participation - Coverage and Costs 131
Table 5.13 : Ending Violence Against Women- Coverage and Costs 132
Table 5.14 : Systemic Issues- Coverage and Costs 133
Table 5.15 : Day Care Centre -Costs 133
Table 5.16 : Capital & Recurrent Costs for achieving MDG3 133
Table 5.17 : Cost summery for MDG 3 on Gender during 2009-2015 134
Table 6.1 : Trends in under-five mortality by gender and location of the household 139
Table 6.2 : The trends in under-five mortality by division (last ten years) 139
Table 6.3 : Trends in infant mortality rate by gender and location of the household 141
Table 6.4 : The trends in infant mortality rate by division 141
Table 6.5 : Trends in percentage of children age 12-23 months who have received vaccination
for measles by gender and location of the household 142
Table 6.6 : The trends in percentage of children age 12-23 months who have received
vaccination for measles by division 143
Table 6.7 : Coverage, target and unit cost of major interventions for attaining MDG 4 145
Table 6.8 : Yearly resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 4 by specific interventions 146
Table 6.9 : The trends in percentage of delivery assisted by medically trained personnel by
location of the household 150
Table 6.10 : The trends in percentage of delivery assisted by medically trained personnel by division 150
Table 6.11 : Coverage, target and unit cost of major interventions for attaining MDG 5 153
Table 6.12 : Yearly resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 5 by specific interventions 154
Table 6.13 : Malaria cases and deaths by year 157
Table 6.14 : Coverage, target and unit cost of major interventions for attaining MDG 6 163
Table 6.15 : Yearly resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 6 165
Table 6.16 : Distribution of physician, nurse, dentist per 10,000 population by gender, area and division. 167
Table 6.17 : Estimated up-gradation/construction costs of DHs and MCH under HNPSP 171
Table 6.18 : Yearly resource needs estimates for health systems for attaining health related MDGs 172
Table 6.19 : Total resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 4, 5 and 6 173
Table 6.20 : Yearly resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 4, 5 and 6 174
Table 7.1 : Ratio of protected area to surface area for maintaining biological diversity 180
Table 7.2 : List of Ecologically Critical Areas (ECAs) in Bangladesh 181
Table 7.3 : Status of inland and resident vertebrates of Bangladesh 182
Table 7.4 : Status marine and migratory vertebrates of Bangladesh 182
Table 7.5 : Carbon dioxide per capita emission 183
Table 7.6 : Top five polluters that causes air pollution 183
Table 7.7 : Comparison of flood situation 186
Table 7.8 : Valuation of losses from land degradation 191
Table 7.9 : Threat of Eviction: Tenure Insecurity 192
Table 7.10 : Income group 192
Table 7.11 : Household structure 193
Table 7.12 : Interventions to Reducing Exposure to Environmental Health Impacts 196
Table 7.13 : Interventions for improving livelihoods 199
Table 7.14 : Intervention for Reduced Vulnerability 201
Table 7.15 : Interventions, coverage target and unit cost for institutions, capacity and systemic issues 203
Table 7.16 : Resource needs during 2008-2015 204
Table 7.17 : Proportion of population using solid fuels 208
Table 7.18 : MDG Interventions-Sectors/End-uses 209
Table 7.19 : Annual Cost of Meeting MDG Energy Needs 213
Table 7.20 : The proportion of population with access to safe drinking water 215
Table 7.21 : The proportion of population with access to safe drinking water 216
Table 7.22 : Circle-wise water sources & coverage 216
Table 7.23 : Source of Drinking water by City 217
Table 7.24 : Tap Water Sharing Pattern by City 217
Table 7.25 : The proportion of population with access to sanitary latrines 217
Table 7.26 : Reasons for not having a Latrine 218
Table 7.27 : Rural Sanitation Infrastructure Coverage and Unit Cost 220
Table 7.28 : Urban Water Infrastructure Coverage & unit cost of each water infrastructure 221
Table 7.29 : Urban Sanitation Infrastructure Coverage & unit cost of each sanitation infrastructure 222
Table 7.30 : Annual Cost for resource needs for rural water and sanitation 224
Table 7.31 : Annual Cost for resource needs for urban water and sanitation 225
Table 7.32 : Annual Cost for resource needs for water and sanitation 225



Figure 3.1 Growth of poverty gap ratio over 2000-2005 59

Figure 3.2 Gini-ratio during 1990-2007 60
Figure 3.3 Growth of GDP 61
Figure 3.4 Prevalence of underweight children under five years age 65
Figure 3.5 Share of cost in roads infrastructure 79
Figure 4.1 Primary school enrollment 86
Figure 4.2 Trend in Net Enrollment Rate (NER) 88
Figure 4.3 Primary School completion rate - current and required trend 90
Figure 4.4 Adult Literacy Rate 93
Figure 5.1 Trends in primary school enrollment (by gender), 1990-2005 116
Figure 5.2 Trends in secondary school education (excluding intermediate) 117
Figure 5.3 Proportion of female member in parliament 120
Figure 5.4 Share of female member in parliament 120
Figure 6.1 Under-five mortality rate 138
Figure 6.2 Infant Mortality rate 140
Figure 6.3 Child immunization against measles 142
Figure 6.4 Maternal mortality rate 148
Figure 6.5 Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel 149
Figure 6.6 Condom use rate 156
Figure 6.7 Contraceptive prevalence rate 157
Figure 6.8 Notified cases of malaria per 100,000 population 158
Figure 6.9 Malaria mortality rate per 100,000 population 158
Figure 6.10 Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS 159
Figure 6.11 Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS 160
Figure 7.1 Proportion of forest coverage 179
Figure 7.2 Changes of forest depletion 179
Figure 7.3 Yearwise vehicle growth in Dhaka city 184
Figure 7.4 Annual average PM10 and PM2.5 in Dhaka 184
Figure 7.5 Consumption of ozone depleting CFCs 185
Figure 7.6 Changes in organic matter 190
Figure 7.7 Proportion of households with access to secure tenure 191
Figure 7.8 Energy use 207
Figure 7.9 Primary commercial energy consumption by source 207
Figure 7.10 Consumption of biomass fuel 208
Figure 7.11 Percentage of households using different sources of fuels in rural areas 208



ADB Asian Development Bank

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ANC Ante Natal Care
AQMP Air Quality Monitoring Project
ATP Acceptance Test Procedure
AWG-LCA Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under UNFCCC
BANBEIS Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics
BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BDHS Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey
BDT Bangladesh Taka
BGMEA Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association
BIDS Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
BNFE Bureau of Non Formal Education
BNWLA Bangladesh National Women's Lawyers Association
BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport Authority
BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board
CAGR Compound annual growth rate
CAMPE Campaign for Popular Education
CBN Cost of basic needs
CC Community Clinic
CCA Common Country Assessment
CEDAW Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
C-EmOC Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care
CFC11 Trichlorofluorometehe
CGE Computable general equilibrium
CMMU Construction and Maintenance Management Unit
CNG Compressed natural Gas
CNS Child Nutrition Survey
CSBA Community Skilled Birth Attendant
CSO Civil society organization
CUS Center for Urban Studies
DCC Dhaka City Corporation
DFA Dakar Framework of Action
DGFP Directorate General of Family Planning
DGHS Directorate General of Health Services
DH District Hospital
DoE Department of Environment
DOF Department of Forest
DOTS Directly Observed Treatment - Short Courses
DPE Directorate of Primary Education
DPHE Department of Public Health
DSP Deep Set Pump
DSW Department of Social Welfare
DWA Development of Women Affairs
EFA Education for All
EMIS Education Management Information System
ETP Export Trading Policy
EU European Union
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FSSAP Female Secondary School Assistance Project
FY Fiscal year
FYP Five Year Plans



GDP Gross domestic product

GER Gross Enrolment Ratio
GNI Gross national income
GoB Government of Bangladesh
HCFC-22 Chlorodifluoromethene
HIES Household Income and Expenditure Survey
HNPSP Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program
HPSP Health and Population Sector Program
HRD Human resources development
ICT Information Communication Technology
IDEAL Intensive District Education for All
INFEP Integrated Non Formal Education Programme
IFI International Financial Institutes
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMR Infant Mortality Rate
LDC Least development countries
LGED Local Government Engineering Department
LPUPAP Local Partnerships for Urban Poverty Alleviation Project
MCH Medical College Hospital
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio
MoA Ministry of Agriculture
MoE Ministry of Education
MoEA Ministry of Economic Affairs
MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests
MoHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
MoIC Ministry of Information and Communications
MOPME Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
MOWCA Ministry of Women and Children Affairs
MWTL Multiple Ways of Teaching and Learning
NASP National AIDS/STD Program
NER Net Enrolment Ratio
NFE Non Formal Education
NFEP Non Formal Education Project
NGO Non-government Organization
NHS National Health Survey
NILG National Institute of Local Government
NPA National Plan of Action
NRR Net Reproduction Rate
NSP National Strategic Plan
NTP National Tuberculosis control Program
O3 Ozone
OCC One Stop Crisis Centre
ODA Official Development Assistance
ODS Ozone Depleting Substance
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
PEDP Primary Education Development Program
PG Poverty gap
PLCE Post Literacy and Continuing Education
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
PWD Public Works Department



ROSC Reaching Out of Schools Children

SEQAPE Secondary Education Quality and Access Enhancement Project
SME Small & Medium Enterprises
SAM Social accounting matrix
SEDA Sustainable Energy Development Agency
SEP Sustainable Energy Programme
SHD Sustainable human development
SPG Squared poverty gap
STW Shallow Tubewell
SVRS Sample Vita Registration System
SWAp Sector Wide Approach
TLM Total Literacy Movement
TWG Thematic Working Group
UHC Upazila Health Complex
UNCT UN country team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNICEF United Nations International Children's Education Fund
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UPE Universal Primary Education
USC Union Sub Center
USD United States Dollar
VAW Violence Against Women
VGD Vulnerable Group Development
VGF Vulnerable Group Feeding
VTI Vocational Training Institute
WASA Water Supply Authority
WCEFA World Conference on Education for All
WFP World Food Programme
WID Women in Development
WSC Women Support Centre



Proportion of population below $1 (PPP) per Decent work: The ILO describes decent work as
day: Proportion of population below $1 per day is 'opportunities for women and men to obtain decent
the percentage of the population living on less then and productive work in conditions of freedom,
$1.08 a day at 1993 international prices. equity, security and human dignity'. Decent work is
Poverty gap ratio (incidence multiplied by depth fundamental to promoting sustainable development
of poverty): Poverty gap ratio is the mean distance and ensuring poverty reduction in a country like
separating the population from the poverty line Bangladesh. Decent work can be elaborated in
(with the non-poor being given a distance of zero), terms of the following six dimensions:
expressed as a percentage of the poverty line. Opportunities for work: All persons (women and
Share of poorest quintile in national men) who want work should be able to find work. In
consumption: Share of the poorest quintile in this respect, the underlying concept of work is a
national consumption is the income that accrues to broad one encompassing all forms of economic
the poorest fifty of the population. activity including self-employment, unpaid family
work and wage employment in both formal and
Prevalence of underweight children under five informal sectors.
years of age: Prevalence of (moderately or
severely) underweight children is the percentage of Work in conditions of freedom: This dimension
children under five years old whose weight for age requires that work should be freely chosen and not
is less than minus two standard deviations from the forced on individuals, along with the condition that
median for the international reference population, certain forms of work are not acceptable (e.g.
ages 0-59 months. bonded labour, slave labour and child labour). Also
workers should have the freedom to join workers
Proportion of population below minimum level organizations.
of dietary energy consumption: Proportion of the
population below the minimum level of dietary Productive work: It is essential for workers to
energy consumption is the percentage of the have acceptable livelihoods as well as to ensure
population whose food intake falls below the sustainable development and competitiveness of
minimum level of dietary energy requirements. This enterprises.
is also referred to as the prevalence of under- Equity in work: There should be fair and equitable
nourishment, which is the percentage of the treatment and opportunity in work, absence of
population that is undernourished. discrimination at work and in access to work, and
Unemployment rate of young people aged 15-24 workers should be able to balance work with family
years, each sex and total: Unemployment rate of life.
young people aged 15-24 years is the number of Security at work: The conditions should be
unemployed people ages 15-24, divided by the mindful of the need to help safeguard health,
labour force of the same age group. Unemployed pensions and livelihoods, and to provide adequate
people are all those who are not employed during a financial and other protection in the event of health
specified reference period but are available for and other contingencies. This also recognizes a
work and have taken concrete steps to seek paid worker's need to limit insecurity associated with the
employment or self-employment. possible loss of work and livelihood.
Total Labour Force and Youth Labour Force: Dignity at work: Workers should be treated with
The total labour force covers labour force respect at work, and be able to voice concerns and
participants 15 years and over while youth labour participate in decision-making about working
force refers to age group 15-24 years. The labour conditions. Workers' freedom to represent their
force is based on 'extended definition' which interests collectively is also an essential ingredient
includes, in addition to persons employed or of ensuring dignity.
unemployed, persons who engage themselves in
such household activities as threshing, cleaning, The first two dimensions relate to the availability
care of livestock and poultry, food processing and and acceptable scope of work, the remaining four
similar activities. dimensions define the quality of employment.
Taken together, these dimensions highlight the
comprehensive nature of the concept of decent
work. In addition, the concept of decent work has



significant gender implications in Bangladesh since Proportion of population with sustainable

women constitute a vast majority of the labour access to improved sanitation: The Proportion of
force, particularly youth labour in many sectors population with sustainable access to improved
(e.g. readymade garments industries), and women sanitation refers to the percentage of the population
are usually the worst victims of failures to ensure with access to facilities that hygienically separate
decent work conditions. human excreta from human, animal and insect
Proportion of land area covered by forest: The contact.
proportion of land area covered by forest areas as Proportion of population with access to secure
a share of total land area, where land area is total tenure: The proportion of population with access to
surface area excepting water bodies' areas. Forest secure tenure is 1 minus the percentage of urban
includes both natural forest and forest plantation. population that lives in slums. Lack of security of
Ratio of area protected to maintain biological tenure is defined as the lack of formal
diversity to surface area: The ratio of area documentation for the residence or perceived risk
protected to maintain biological diversity to surface of eviction.
area is defined as national protected area as a Jhupri: Jhupri structures are those structures
percentage of total surface area of the country. made of temporary materials like; jute stalk, sack,
Energy use (Kg oil equivalent) per $1000 GDP leaves of trees etc.
(PPP): The Energy use (Kg oil equivalent) per USD Kutcha: Kutcha structures are those structures
1,000 GDP (PPP) is commercial energy measured made of bamboo, wood, straw, sun hemp and other
in units of oil equivalent per $1000 of gross semi-durable materials like CI sheet, etc.
domestic product converted from national Semipucca: Semi-pucca structures are those
currencies using PPP conversion factor. structures where the wall and floor are made of
Carbon dioxide per capita emission: The carbon brick and cement and the roof is made of CI sheet,
dioxide per capita emission is the total amount of tiles etc.
carbon dioxide emitted by a country as a consequence Slum: A slum is a contiguous settlement where the
of human activities divided by the population of the inhabitants are characterized as having inadequate
country. housing and basic services. A slum is often not
Consumption of ozone depleting CFCs (ODP recognized and addressed by the public authorities
Tons): Consumption of ozone depleting CFCs, is as an integral or equal part of the city.
the sum of the consumption of the weighted tons of Secure tenure is the right of all individuals and
the individual substances in the group-metric tons groups to effective protection by the state against
of the individual substance. unlawful evictions.
Proportion of population using solid fuels: The A slum household is a group of individuals living
proportion of population using solid fuels is the under the same roof that are lacking in at least one
proportion of the population that relies on biomass of the components of access to sanitation, access
(wood, charcoal, crop residues and dung) as the to safe water, secure tenure, durability of housing
primary source of domestic energy for cooking and and sufficient living area (UN Habitat, 2003).
Pucca: The pucca structures are those structures
Proportion of population with sustainable where both walls and roof are made of cement and
access to improved water source: The brick.
proportion of population with sustainable access to
improved water source is the percentage of the
population who use any of the following types of
water supply for drinking: piped water, public tap,
borehole or pump, protected well, protected spring
or rainwater. Improved water sources do not
include vendor-provided water, bottled water,
tanker trucks or unprotected wells and springs.



Bangladesh's effort towards attainment of the 1. MDG 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty and
MDGs has thus far been encouraging. It has made Hunger
good progress in achieving targets, especially
those under MDG1 (halving the proportion of Bangladesh has made significant progress in
population living below poverty line); MDG2 (Net reducing poverty in recent decades. Estimates from
enrollment rate in primary education); MDG7 sources such as the Household Income
(sustainable access to safe drinking water and Expenditure Survey (HIES) indicate that the
sanitation); and MDG4 (reducing child mortality). It population below the poverty line decreased from
also already achieved some Targets under MDG3 58.8 percent in 1991-92 to 48.9 in the year 2000,
(Gender parity in primary and secondary schooling) and further to 40.0 percent by the year 2005. While
by 2005. But Bangladesh faces challenges in many the present economic upheavals have impacted the
areas, especially in MDGs 4, 5 and 6 (on health). ratio of population below poverty line, but it is
Although it has shown good progress in some of evident that Bangladesh has made good strides in
the Targets, sustaining the achievements of the reducing poverty and achieving MDG1.
recent past, while giving additional attention to
those Targets lagging behind, is a challenge. However, variations exist between rural and urban
areas and evidence also shows that there are very
The MDG Needs Assessment and Costing for large regional disparities in virtually all of the MDG1
Bangladesh is a joint effort of the UN family and indicators in Bangladesh. Some of the regional
the Government of People's Republic of areas such as Barisal, Khulna and Rajshahi
Bangladesh to estimate the resources needed for Divisions have generally been lagging behind on
achieving MDGs in Bangladesh by 2015. The focal several of the MDG1 indicators as compared to
points for the activity are the General Economics other Divisions and national averages. However, on
Division (GED), Planning Commission, average, the rural areas did better than urban areas
Government of Republic of Bangladesh and United in reducing the depth and severity of poverty
Nations Development Programme (UNDP). implying growth in rural areas has been pro-poor.

Five Thematic Areas were chosen to conduct the An assessment of the poverty situation based on
MDG Needs Assessment and Costing : Poverty the farm categories size shows an inverse relation
and Hunger (MDG1), Education (MDG2), Gender between size of farms and the population below
(MDG3), Health (MDG 4, 5 and 6) and Environment poverty line when with the decreasing farm size,
(MDG7). Each thematic area was covered by a the population below poverty line tends to increase.
Thematic Working Group (TWG) to ascertain the Most of the farmers/households with farm sizes
progress achieved in Bangladesh, while assessing less than 0.50 hectares were below the national
the challenges to achieve the Targets by 2015. A list poverty line. Further, on poverty gap ratio,
of interventions was then identified to address the estimates show that poverty gap ratio decreased
challenges remaining within each Thematic Area by from 17.2 in 1990 to 12.9 in the year 2000, and to
the respective TWGs. Costing of interventions was 9.0 in 2005 highlighting an encouraging trend of
done using nine costing models: Agriculture and reduction in the poverty gap ratio by the year 2015.
Rural Development, Transport, Education, Gender,
Health, HIV/AIDS, Environment, Energy, and Water Prevalence of underweight children under five
Supply and Sanitation. Trainings on use of these years has decreased from 67 percent in 1990 to 51
models developed by the Millennium campaign percent in 2000 down further to 39.7 percent in
were done for the members of the TWGs by the 2005. However, evidence suggests that the
representatives of UNDP and other relevant UN proportion of underweight children in Bangladesh is
Agencies. The TWG was lead by the respective higher than 16 other Asian countries. According to
thematic area lead Ministry, and consisted of the Task Force on Hunger (Millennium Project) 'Poverty
members from different ministries and UN is a major cause of hunger'. The prevalence of
agencies. underweight children in Bangladesh is mostly
amongst the poor, yet, about one third of the
children from the richest quintile are also suffering
from malnutrition. This suggests that factors other
than income play an important role in this



phenomenon. In analyses by the Task Force on under agriculture and rural development in
Hunger and other researchers, the following factors which increasing agriculture productivity and
emerged as strongly correlated with high levels of increasing rural income and access to markets
underweight pre-school children in developing were identified as main intervention areas. To
countries: poverty, low food production, mothers' increase agriculture productivity the interventions
lack of education, poor water, sanitation and health include investments to improve soil health, increase
facilities, and climatic shocks (Task Force on access to use of improved seeds and plant
Hunger, 2003). protection, improve and expand small scale
irrigation and water management, establish
The TWG on Poverty and Hunger chaired by the effective agricultural research and extension
GED/Planning Commission, based on analysis of services and subsidies in agriculture. Bangladesh
the current situation in Bangladesh of MDG already provides subsidies in agriculture, but
indicators related to poverty and hunger, identified making agricultural inputs available at affordable
a set of challenges and the major interventions prices through subsidies in a right mix of support
related to poverty and food production. In addition, programmes is essential to ensure full coverage of
the TWG also discussed interventions for roads needy farmers.
infrastructure to provide better access, and
interventions for promoting employment. Properly functioning markets are critical in ensuring
Accordingly the coverage and targets were set by that people are able to earn an income, obtain the
the TWG in consultation with government inputs they need to raise crop yields, and sell their
documents and PRS-II. The interventions related to produce at fair prices. To increase rural incomes
mother's education, health facilities are discussed and market access for the poor the major
in section on MDGs 4, 5 and 6 (Health); and interventions identified by the TWG are: building
interventions related to water, sanitation and the storage facilities to reduce post-harvest losses,
climatic shocks are discussed in section on MDG 7 enhance agro-processing activities; improving
(Environment). access to micro credit; and promoting community
mobilization. These interventions in agriculture and
In Bangladesh, agricultural performance in the rural development are projected to cover all
1990s has been relatively better with the growth in targeted smallholder households each year, since
agricultural GDP estimated at 3.5 percent per year they are important for all smallholder farmers, and
compared to 2.6 percent during 1974-90. Despite are deliverable on a per-farm basis.
yield gains in agriculture, challenges persist in rural
areas especially areas that are most remote from The total costs estimated for agriculture and rural
markets or who have poor grain storage capacities, development interventions using the Millennium
etc. The main challenges identified by the TWG Project's Agriculture and Rural Development costing
are: reducing hunger and malnutrition, creation of model is estimated to be BDT 1591.07 billion (USD
youth employment, protecting the vulnerable, 23.26 billion) for the period 2009-15 with an average
promoting pro-poor growth, and expansion of rural per capita cost of BDT 1284.65 (USD 18.78) in the
infrastructure to ensure access to health and year 2009 increasing to BDT 1684 (USD 24.62) in year
modern facilities, and strengthening the rural-urban 2015.
market linkages by the poor.
However, the major contribution of agriculture and
The major interventions identified by the TWG are: rural development will be borne by household
increasing agricultural productivity, rural incomes contribution (private individuals). Government
and access to markets, development of road expenditures during 2009-2015 will relate to mainly
infrastructure, and promoting decent employment. to the provision of subsidies costing about BDT
415.55 billion (USD 6.07 billion), and in addition,
As mentioned above small scale farming families the government will need to incur the costs of
represent most of the poor/hungry in Bangladesh. national interventions and a portion of the farm
Improving their productivity of crops, vegetables, interventions. It is estimated that the Bangladesh
trees and livestock is a major priority to reduce government will need to incur an expenditure of
hunger, in addition to the infrastructure required for about BDT 865.99 billion (USD 12.66 billion) from
storages, agro-processing and micro-credit. These 2009-2015 for agriculture and rural development.
interventions areas were considered by the TWG



The TWG also identified the promotion of decent interventions related to and rural development,
employment as an important priority. Interventions development of road infrastructure, and promotion
to promote decent employment include food for of decent employment are BDT 1587.18 billion
work programs which act as safety nets for food- (USD 23.20 billion) for the period 2009-2015 at an
insecure households; social safety net programs average cost of BDT 226.74 billion (USD 3.31
(SSNPs) through employment guarantee schemes; billion) per annum.
and skill development programmes. It is estimated
that the total costs for interventions to promote 2. MDG2 Achieve Universal Primary
decent employment are around BDT 385 billion Education
(USD 5.63 billion) for the period 2009-2015 with an
average per capita cost of BDT 375.09 (USD 5.48) Since 1990, Bangladesh has undertaken a number
in 2009 decreasing to 349.73 (USD 5.04) in 2015. of programmes with a view to achieving the
Millennium Development Goal for education (MDG
In total for agriculture and rural development and 2). Many of these began following the World
for the promotion of decent employment the total Conference on Education for All (EFA) in 1990, and
estimated costs are BDT 1871.07 billion (USD have had activities that deal with both qualitative
27.52 billion) for the period 2009-2015 at an and quantitative aspects of education. Until recently
average per capita cost of 1557.46 (USD 22.77) in (before PDEP II that was initiated in 2003), the
2009 to BDT 1934.85 (USD 28.29) in the year major focus was on increasing the enrolment rate
2015. and bringing about gender parity. These programs

It is also generally agreed that markets will not

develop without public investment in road
infrastructure. Interventions for development of
road infrastructure include construction and
maintenance of roads at village, union, upazila,
district and national level; and the construction and
maintenance of bridges and culverts on village,
union, upazila, district and national roads in
addition to investments in waterways and railways.
The total costs estimated for development of road
infrastructure are BDT 336.19 billion (USD 4.92
billion) with an average per capita cost of BDT
321.17 (USD 4.7) in 2009 gradually increasing to
BDT 307 (USD 4.49) in 2015. included construction of new classrooms, training
of teachers to increase the access to education;
The total costs estimated for achieving MDG 1 free distribution of educational materials, school
using the costing model within the three categories uniforms, nutritional food for poor students,
of agriculture and rural development, development particularly girls; establishing of Satellite and less
of road infrastructure, and the promotion of decent expensive community schools nearer the door
employment are BDT 2312.26 billion (USD 33.80 steps of the children; providing food rations to the
billion) for 2009-2015 at an average cost of BDT families of rural poor children/later cash for
330.32 billion (USD 4.82 billion) per annum. Per education; applying innovative teaching methods,
capita expenditures are estimated to be BDT social mobilization, monitoring learning
1,980.88 (USD 28.96) in 2009, increasing to BDT achievement; and recruiting new teachers. These
2,335.87 (USD 34.15) in 2015. programs have contributed significantly to
improving the enrolment and gender situation in the
However as mentioned above, the major country particularly at the primary level.
contribution for agriculture and rural development
would be borne by households, with government
expenditures mainly in subsidies, public investment
in road and other infrastructure, and safety net
programmes. Considering only the government
expenditures, it is estimated that the costs for



The Primary school Net Enrolment Rate (NER) Improving the quality of primary education, creating
recorded significant improvement from 60.48 a child friendly atmosphere at the primary schools,
percent (1990) to 91.1 percent (2007). A creating adequate physical infrastructure
considerable proportion of this improvement may provisions, reducing opportunity cost of school
be attributed to faster progress in girls' enrolment attendance, providing incentives for the key players
(50.76 percent in 1990 to 94.7 percent in 2007) as at both demand and supply levels, and building
opposed to that for the boys' (69.43 percent in 1990 mass awareness are the key areas that need
to 87.8 percent in 2007). This gives a gender parity particular attention for achieving the education
index of 1.08 in 2007, which was 1.37 in 1990. MDG targets. These interventions also comply
Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) has also improved more broadly with the National Plan of Action
substantially during the same period: 63.26 percent prepared for the improvement of the primary
in 1990 to 98.8 percent in 2007 with significant education sector, and the recently prepared
contribution from girls' participation (63.26 percent Poverty Reduction Strategies "Moving Ahead" for
in 1990 to 104.6 percent in 2007). All these Bangladesh.
achievements however helped keeping
Bangladesh well on track in meeting the first The interventions needed to address the time-
indicator of MDG 2: a 100 percent Net Enrolment bound MDGs targets can broadly be categorized as
Rate and bringing about gender parity particularly supply side and demand side interventions. Supply
at the primary level. side interventions deal with provisions for
infrastructure (classrooms, laboratories for
The TWG on Education chaired by the Ministry of secondary schools, sanitation facilities, etc.),
Primary and Mass Education identified major provisions for teaching/learning materials, and
challenges in achieving MDG2 on Education. human resources needs (teachers, trainings,
Analysis shows that, despite improvements in NER excellence allowance to teachers, etc.). Demand
and GER, there is little room for complacency with side interventions address the needs of the service
regard to achieving MDG2 because of the recipients (i.e., the students enrolled in different
disappointing growth performance in the other two education/literacy programs) and include pro-poor
indicators: primary cycle completion and adult subsidies, school feeding programmes, and
literacy rate. stipends.

The Primary cycle completion rate or survival rate The interventions considered under MDG2 covered
to grade five has increased by a very low margin: not only Primary Education, but also three other
from 40 percent in 1991 to 51.9 percent in 2007. sectors related to pre-Primary (Early
Survival rate is higher for the girls (54.9 percent) Childhood/Pre-Primary Education), post-Primary
than for the boys (48.9 percent). High drop out and (Secondary Education), and non-Formal
repetition rates in grade one through grade four are Education.
also found in the 2007 primary school survey.
These two rates are lower for the girls than for the Using the costing model, total estimated costs for
boys. Progress in adult literacy situation is also not 2009-2015 in Pre-Primary Education are BDT
satisfactory. In 2007 it was recorded at 53.5 82.2 billion (USD 1.2 billion), at an average per
percent, with 58.7 percent for men and 48 percent pupil cost of BDT 1739.37 (USD 25.43) in 2009,
for women. In 1991 this was 35.3 percent, with 44.3 rising to BDT 3052.8 (USD 44.6) in 2015. The per
and 25.8 percent respectively for males and capita cost would vary from BDT 39.18 (USD 0.57)
females. in 2009 to 123.5 (USD 1.8) in 2015 to achieve the
interventions in Pre-Primary education.
In view of the current situation it appears quite
challenging to attain 100 percent primary cycle Total estimated costs for 2009-2015 in Primary
completion rate and 100 percent adult literacy rate Education are BDT 859.69 billion (USD 12.56
within the remaining seven years. The TWG on billion), at an average per pupil cost from BDT
Education has however identified certain necessary 4,940.68 (USD 72.23) in 2009 to BDT 9,712.8
measures, in addition to continuing the existing (USD 142) in 2015. The per capita cost would vary
ones, that aim to improve the present education from BDT 531.84 (USD 7.78) in 2009, to BDT
situation and achieve the goals under MDG2. 1,123.8 (USD 16.4) in 2015 to achieve the
interventions in Primary education.



Estimated costs for 2009-2015 in Secondary There also still exist regional variations, for instance
Education are BDT 60.44 billion (USD 8.83 billion), Barisal Division is yet to achieve gender parity in
at an average per pupil cost from BDT 12,117.39 primary enrollment. Furthermore, post-primary
(USD 177.15) in 2009 to BDT 20,143.7 (USD education opportunities for girls also need to be
294.5) in 2015. The per capita cost would vary from strengthened.
BDT 23.08 (USD 0.34) in 2009, to 99.7 (USD 1.4)
in 2015 to achieve the interventions in Secondary The TWG on Gender chaired by Ministry of
education. Women and Children Affairs (MOWCA) discussed
the main challenges in achieving and sustaining
Estimated costs for 2009-2015 in Non-Formal gender parity. The main challenges identified by the
Education are 85.68 billion BDT (USD 1.25 billion), TWG center on: gender parity in education in
at an average per pupil cost from BDT 1,985.6 Primary Education, in Secondary Education, for
(USD 29.03) in 2009 to BDT 3,327.2 (USD 48.6) in Adult Literacy; ending Violence Against Women;
2015. The per capita cost would vary from BDT providing day-care facilities; increasing the number
7.04 (USD 0.1) in 2009, to 252.11 (USD 3.69) in and percentage of women in non-agricultural wage
2015 to achieve the interventions in non-formal employment and women in Parliament; and finally
education. on gender sensitizing all institutions involved in
implementing interventions to promote gender
Estimated costs for 2009-2015 in achieving MDG2 equality.
related interventions in education covering all four
sectors (Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary and Non- The main interventions identified by the TWG
Formal Education) are BDT 1,087.97 billion (USD include a set of initiatives listed below: Awareness
15.90 billion), at an average per pupil cost from programmes for sustaining gender based equality
BDT 20,783 (USD 303.85) in 2009, to BDT 36,236 in education through community based awareness
(USD 529.78) in 2015. The per capita cost would and school based awareness programmes; helping
vary from BDT 601.14 (USD 8.79) in 2009, to BDT girls transition to work through vocational training,
1,599.31 (USD 23.39) in 2015 to achieve the school to work programs, and income generating
interventions in education (for all four sectors training and credit service; encouraging political
above). Thus the average cost needed to achieve participation through training of women candidates
MDG2 in education, including four sectors for election and support to women elected
mentioned above, is about BDT 155.42 billion (USD representatives; ending violence against women
2.27 billion) per annum. through community-based awareness campaigns,
building one-stop crisis centers, women support
3. MDG3 Gender centers, and safe home and shelters; the provision
of day care facilities; and addressing systemic
Bangladesh has already achieved Gender parity in issues related to gender mainstreaming.
primary education. This can largely be attributed to
the first Primary Education Development It is estimated that to achieve the goals under
Programme (PEDP I), implemented from 1990 and MDG3 on promoting gender equality and
PEDP II (initiated in 2003). Further, women in empowering women approximately BDT 280.90
Bangladesh are becoming increasingly visible in billion (USD 4.11 billion) would be needed from
economic spheres. Increasing women's 2009-15, at an average per capita cost of about
involvement in both agricultural work and in non - BDT 188.81 (USD 2.76 in 2009) to BDT 416.04
farm activities has provided them with increased (USD 6.08) in 2015. Thus the total costs estimated
opportunities for wage work and certain economic for achieving interventions to promote gender
independence. equality and women empowerment in Bangladesh
are approximately BDT 40.13 billion (USD 0.58
However, despite the large scale involvement of billion) per annum, at an average per capita cost of
women in economic activities, there remain many approximately BDT 302.38 (USD 4.42) per annum.
challenges for gender parity in Bangladesh. While
the country remains broadly on track to ensure
gender equity in basic education, there are some
significant challenges that need to be addressed.



4. MDG 4, 5 and 6 Health On reducing child mortality, Bangladesh has

achieved remarkable progress in reducing under-
The current Health, Nutrition and Population Sector five mortality rate (from 133 per 1,000 live births in
Program (HNPSP) in Bangladesh outlines activities 1989-1993, to 65 per 1,000 in 2002-2006), and
from 2003-2011. These objectives are aimed at infant mortality rate (from 87 per 1,000 live births in
improving health outcomes, reducing health 1993-94 to 52 per 1,000 live births in 2002-2006).
inequities, enhancing the quality of care, The coverage of child immunization has also
modernizing the GoB health sector, and attaining improved significantly in Bangladesh.
the health-related MDGs. This document has tried
to incorporate the MDG (4, 5 and 6) targets, while One of the main challenges ahead in achieving the
offering slightly different targets for HNPSP. The MDG4 is the presently high neonatal mortality, and
Revised Program Implementation Plan (RPIP) of the proportion of newborns receiving care from
Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program trained providers. This situation is still
(HNPSP) 2003-2011, proposed a budget for the unsatisfactory due to low skilled attendance during
whole sector dividing it into four sub-sectors: Health delivery. Despite various interventions designed
Program (HP), Nutrition Program, Population under National Nutrition Project (NNP), low birth
Program (PP) and Ministry Level Sector weight and malnutrition continue to be important
Development. Major Reproductive Health (RH) causes of infant mortality and under-five mortality.
components are under HP and PP.
Major interventions identified for MDG4 on
The TWG on Health, chaired by Ministry of Health reducing child mortality are: increasing
and Family Welfare, considered the challenges vaccination coverage through expanded
faced by health sector covering MDGs 4, 5 and 6. programme on immunization; training of health
It was agreed that while issues related to health personnel under integrated management of
systems such as infrastructure and human childhood illness programme of the government;
resources are common to all the three goals, the treatment of diarrhea, ARI and fever; micronutrient
direct interventions (i.e those related to treatment) supplementation; and increasing the coverage of
should be considered separately for the three skilled birth attendants during delivery and post
MDGs. natal care.



It is estimated that around BDT 322.64 billion (USD a variety of approaches aimed at raising awareness
4.71 billion) would be needed under MDG4 on of HIV/AIDS under a new program. However,
reducing child mortality between 2009-15, at an gender and regional disparities in awareness and
average per capita cost of about BDT 186.8 (USD knowledge about prevention of HIV/AIDS among
2.73) in 2009 rising to BDT 365.3 (USD 5.34) in citizens still need to be reduced.
While Bangladesh has made good progress in
It is evident that some of the interventions to reduce halting the prevalence, and increasing the
child mortality will also impact on the improvement prevention of Malaria and Tuberculosis, but
of maternal health (MDG5). The Government of challenges remain, as malaria prevalence although
Bangladesh has attached utmost emphasis on decreased significantly during 2006, increased
rapidly improving maternal health by way of again in 2007.
drastically increasing the use of modern health care
amongst all segments on population. While it has The TWG with the help of the costing model,
achieved some progress in reducing maternal estimated that around BDT 231.50 billion (USD
mortality from 574 per 100,000 live births in 1991 to 3.38 billion) would be needed under MDG6 on
320 per 100,000 live births in 2001, challenges combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other
remain. Estimates show that around 85 percent of diseases between 2009-15, at an average per
childbirth takes place at home in Bangladesh, and capita cost of about BDT 126.37 (USD 1.85) in
thus the need for births attended by trained and 2009, and about BDT 327.26 (USD 4.78) in 2015.
qualified skilled health personnel is important.
Special attention is needed to improve these The analysis shows that improvement of health
indicators to achieve the MDG target by 2015. systems for attaining MDGs 4, 5 and 6 in
Bangladesh (including infrastructure and human
The TWG identified a set of interventions based on resources) need urgent attention. Scarcity of skilled
the analysis related to MDG indicators under health personnel is one of the main challenges. The
MDG5. These interventions include: Antenatal density of qualified providers including doctors,
care, skilled birth attendance during delivery, basic nurses and dentists in the country is around 7.7 per
and comprehensive emergency obstetric care 10,000 population, while according to WHO, the
(EmOC), treatment of other maternal threshold density of doctors, nurses and mid wives
complications, family planning, and demand-side is 22.8 per 10,000 population, below which,
financing to increase access to heath care by the coverage of essential interventions to attain the
poor population. MDGs is not possible (BHW 2007). Further, from
the total 13,500 community clinics supposed to be
It is estimated that around BDT 126.45 billion (USD constructed under HPSP, only 11,883 have thus far
1.85 billion) would be needed under MDG 5 on been constructed. As also recommended by the
improving maternal health between 2009-15, at Task Force report on Health (Millennium Task
an average per capita cost of about BDT 76.3 (USD Force), the highest priority should be given to
1.1) in 2009 rising to BDT 154.22 (USD 2.2) in strengthening the primary healthcare system, from
2015. community-based interventions, to first referral-
level facilities at which emergency obstetric care
On combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other (EmOC) is available. This implies a focus on the
diseases (MDG 6), the limitation of data on district level interventions. However, the availability
HIV/AIDS prevalence is a major obstacle in tracking of comprehensive EmOC services in public
these MDG targets under MDG6. Further, the social facilities, especially at district level and below in
stigma and other cultural barriers contribute to low Bangladesh is not yet up to the target level.
levels of participation among the general population
in HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Bangladesh. The TWG carried out an assessment of the
The National AIDS committee in Bangladesh was availability of existing levels of health facilities at
formed in 1985 and the National Policy on three levels: Primary healthcare (Upazila Health
HIV/AIDS and STD related issues was adopted in complex, Upazila Health and Family Welfare
1996, concentrating mainly on surveillance, testing Center, USC and Community Clinics), Secondary
policy, management and counseling of patients and health care (District Hospitals) and tertiary health
safe blood. Since the year 2000, there have been care (medical college hospitals and super



specialized care institutions). Interventions As a least developing country (LDC) Bangladesh

identified for these health systems in Bangladesh does not have any commitment to green house gas
involve scaling up of existing facilities in form of up- (GHG or CO2 emissions) reduction.
gradation, the provision of new equipments, new Notwithstanding its favorable position, sustained
facility construction, and pre-service and in-service efforts are still being made to actively control major
training for human resources. sources of CO2 emissions in order to mitigate the
country's impact on global climate.
It is estimated that BDT 778.57 billion (USD 11.38
billion) is needed for health systems from 2009- Output of major Ozone Depleting Substances
2015, at an average per capita cost of dropped from 280.68 metric tons in 1995, to 155.14
approximately BDT 465.12 (USD 6.8) in 2009, to metric tons in 2007. In 2005, the country
about BDT 902.88 (USD 13.2) in 2015. programme was updated with financial support of
multilateral fund (MLF), under the Montreal
The Total Estimated costs for interventions in Protocol. A national ODS phase-out plan was
health covering three MDG goals - MDG4 on finalized in 2004 to reduce 85 percent of ODS use
reducing child mortality, MDG5 on improving by the end of 2007, with the goal of 100 percent
maternal health and MDG6 on combating reduction by 2010. The National ODS Phase-out
HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases including the Plan is now being implemented by the DOE.
health systems during the period 2009-2015 are
BDT 1,459.15 billion (USD 21.33 billion), at an Poor families in urban towns live in slums and
average per capita costs of about BDT 865.7 (USD squatters' settlements in un-hygienic and
12.6) in 2009, and about BDT 1,774.3 (USD 26) in unsustainable environments. Basic services like
2015 pure drinking water, sanitation, footpaths, drainage
are totally absent in these areas. The population
The proportion of resources required for direct density in the slums is 200 times greater than the
interventions to improve child health is 22.1 usual density of Bangladesh. Despite these
percent, maternal health 8.6 percent, and to reduce problems, migrants from rural areas continue to
burden of HIV/AIDS 12.6 percent, tuberculosis 2.3 migrate to the cities. There is currently no land title
percent, and malaria one percent. About 37.6 for slum dwellers.
percent of the resources should be invested on
salaries, in-service and pre-service training of The per capita annual fuel consumption in
health personnel, and 6.2 percent on infrastructure. Bangladesh is only 56 litres of oil, one of the lowest
in the world. With a predominantly agro-based
In Bangladesh, according to estimates, household population, bio-fuel is the main cooking fuel in the
expenditure on health is around 65 percent of the rural sector. Rural Bangladesh is characterised by
total expenditure. Accordingly, costs to be incurred minimal energy supply, and the country as a whole
by the government for the period 2009-2015 to has the lowest usage of electricity in the world (only
achieve the targets under MDGs 4,5 and 6 on 95.85 kilowatt hours (kWh) per capita). Biomass
health would be much lower than the costs (fuel wood, tree leaves, crop residues and animal
presented above. residues, mainly in the form of dried cow dung
cakes or sticks) is the principal form of energy used
5. MDG 7 Environment by the people, particularly in rural areas.
In Bangladesh at present, actual forest coverage is
11.32 percent, which is much less than the target The introduction of safe drinking water through
set by the government. Bangladesh has less than tube-wells, higher sanitation coverage and
0.02 hectares of forest land per person, one of the improved primary health care has contributed to a
lowest forest-man ratios in the world. There are 19 significant drop in mortality rate from diarrhoeal
Protected Areas in Bangladesh covering an area of diseases. Water-related diseases however,
2441.75 sq. km which is 12.7 percent of the total continue to account for the majority of deaths.
forests areas of the country and about two percent Arsenic contamination and bacterial contamination
of the country. Government of Bangladesh has also remain a problem in Bangladesh.
recently declared eight areas as Ecologically
Critical Area (ECA) under Environmental
Conservation Act, 1995.



Sanitation programmes have also been be required between 2009-2015, with the per capita
implemented since 1970s, but success in improving costs of BDT 571.91 (USD 8.36) in 2009 to BDT
sanitation coverage has been far less compared to 1117.86 (USD 16.34) in 2015. The annual costs for
other development sectors, primarily due to a lack interventions related to Energy are about BDT
of awareness among people of the benefits of 128.28 billion (USD 1.88 billion) per annum.
improved sanitation. The sanitary condition of
urban slums is deplorable. Most slum dwellers The interventions under water supply and
have literally no latrines, and only a few have pit or sanitation were divided into urban and rural areas
surface latrines. They often defecate on the drains, and costs were thus derived. It is estimated that a
in open fields, near the roads, or on the riverbanks. total of BDT 965.26 billion (USD 14.11 billion) will
The problem is acute for female residents who be required to undertake the interventions on water
have to wait till sunset for defecation or use a supply and sanitation for the period 2009-2015, at a
neighbor's latrine, where available. Unhygienic per capita cost of around BDT 819.27 (USD 11.98)
hanging latrines are still prevalent in urban slums. in 2009 and BDT 947.71 (USD13.86) in 2015. The
average annual estimated costs are BDT 137.89
The government has targets of safe drinking water billion (USD 2.01 billion) for water supply and
and sanitation for all by 2011 and 2010 respectively. sanitation to meet interventions related to meeting
The Ministry of Local Government, Rural MDG targets.
development and Cooperatives, through the Local
Government Division (LGD), and in the association 6. The total costs
with its NGOs and development partners, have
taken the lead to achieve the national sanitation According to the above estimates, a total of
goal. approximately Total BDT 7,125.76 billion (USD
104.18 billion) is needed to be spent to achieve all
Based on the above challenges, the TWG on MDGs in Bangladesh from 2009-2015. This
Environment chaired by the Ministry of translates to a per capita cost of BDT 5,115.95
Environment decided on the interventions in three (USD 74.79) in 2009, and BDT 8,289.48 (USD
major sub-categories for MDG7: on Environment, 121.19) in 2015. Annually approximately BDT
on Energy and on Water-supply and sanitation. 1,017.97 billion (USD 14.88 billion) will be needed
to achieve MDGs in Bangladesh, at an annual per
capita costs of about BDT 6,676.15 (USD 97.60)
The interventions on Environment focused on (Refer Table 1).
reducing exposure to environmental health
impacts; improving Livelihoods (including In 2004, the Millennium Project conducted an MDG
ecosystem services); reducing vulnerability through Needs Assessments for Country Case Studies of:
improved capacity and investments for disaster Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Tanzania and
management and climate adaptation; and Uganda (lead by Jeffery Sachs). According to the
governance, institutional, capacity and systemic study, in order to meet the MDGs, Bangladesh
issues. To achieve the Environment related goals would need to spend a total of USD 66 per capita in
under MDG7, it is estimated that BDT 122.23 billion 2005, increasing to USD 102 per capita by 2015.
(USD 1.77 billion) would be required between This translated into a total investment need of USD
2009-2015, with a per capita cost of BDT 99.72 155 billion between 2005 and 2015, equivalent to
(USD 1.46) in 2009, rising to BDT 122.96 (USD an average annual per capita need of USD 84.
1.80) in 2015. The average annual costs are BDT
17.46 billion (USD 0.26 billion) per annum for However the study also notes certain important
interventions related to environment. observations that will have impact on the total
costs. The study notes "When interpreting these
The interventions on Energy under MDG7 focused
results, it is important to note the gaps in the current
on energy costs related to modern fuels for
analysis……we have so far not been able to
cooking/heating, lighting at household level, and for
include a number of interventions for each sector or
other institutions including educational institutions,
area. In the case of Bangladesh, the missing
health centers/hospitals, markets, government
interventions, which might have the strongest
institutions, agricultural uses, etc. To achieve the
impact on the overall results, are summarized
Energy related goals under MDG7, it is estimated
that BDT 897.96 billion (USD 13.13 billion) would



Important cost factors not included in the MDG

Needs Assessment and resource estimates for
Bangladesh according to the 2004 study by
Millennium Project are:

z Prevention and treatment of arsenic

z Water storage and transport
infrastructure, including large-scale
z Improving the lives of slum dwellers;
z Interventions to ensure environmental
z R&D expenditures (except for health) and
higher education systems;
z Information and communication
z Ports and railways;
z Large-scale fuel distribution and storage
infrastructure; and
z Disaster response and food aid.

However, the current MDG Needs Assessment and

Costing done by the Government of Bangladesh
and UN family partners, and supported by the
"Support of Monitoring PRS and MDGs in
Bangladesh" project, has included some of the cost
factors mentioned above. These are:

z Prevention and treatment of arsenic

poisoning (within the costing for MDG 7 on
z Improving the lives of slum dwellers
(within the costing of MDG7 on
z Interventions to ensure environmental
sustainability (within the costing of MDG7
on environment);
z Railways, waterways and transport
infrastructure (within costing for Roads
Infrastructure); and
z Disaster response and food aid (within the
costing of MDG7 on environment)

Given this the estimated costs are different due to

the inclusion of additional cost factors mentioned
within the current exercise. However these
assessments are not too far apart. A summary of
the costs is given below for easy reference, while
the detailed cost estimates are given in the
respective chapters.



Table 1: Total Annual Costs for Achieving MDGs by 2015 in Bangladesh

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
MDG 1 - Agriculture and Rural Development including employment generation
Sub-total in BDT Billion 243.37 255.01 268.81 281.55 294.89 308.87 323.57 1,976.07 282.30
Sub-total in USD Billion 3.56 3.73 3.93 4.12 4.31 4.52 4.73 28.89 4.13
Per capita in BDT 1,659.74 1,714.90 1,782.62 1,841.14 1,901.54 1,964.02 2,028.87 1,841.83
Per capita in USD 24.27 25.07 26.06 26.92 27.80 28.71 29.66 26.93
MDG 1 - Roads Infrastructure
Sub-total in BDT Billion 47.09 47.41 47.72 48.03 48.34 48.65 48.96 336.20 48.03
Sub-total in USD Billion 0.69 0.69 0.70 0.70 0.71 0.71 0.72 4.92 0.70
Per capita in BDT 321.17 318.80 316.43 314.06 311.70 309.35 307.00 314.07
Per capita in USD 4.70 4.66 4.63 4.59 4.56 4.52 4.49 4.59
MDG 2 - Education including pre-primary, primary, secondary and non-formal education
Sub-total in BDT Billion 87.01 102.38 120.89 143.64 172.33 209.78 251.95 1,087.98 155.43
Sub-total in USD Billion 1.27 1.50 1.77 2.10 2.52 3.07 3.68 15.91 2.27
Per capita in BDT 601.14 697.34 811.90 951.18 1,125.19 1,350.51 1,599.31 1,019.51
Per capita in USD 8.79 10.20 11.87 13.91 16.45 19.74 23.38 14.91
MDG 3 - Gender parity
Sub-total in BDT Billion 24.01 29.19 34.36 39.28 46.16 51.49 56.42 280.90 40.13
Sub-total in USD Billion 0.35 0.43 0.50 0.57 0.67 0.75 0.82 4.11 0.59
Per capita in BDT 188.81 225.60 261.36 296.49 345.70 382.67 416.04 302.38
Per capita in USD 2.76 3.30 3.82 4.33 5.05 5.59 6.08 4.42
MDG 4, 5 and 6 - Health Systems including health infrastructure and HR common for MDG 4,5 and 6
Sub-total in BDT Billion 68.08 80.84 101.26 120.00 133.17 131.27 143.95 778.57 111.22
Sub-total in USD Billion 1.00 1.18 1.48 1.75 1.95 1.92 2.10 11.38 1.63
Per capita in BDT 465.12 540.36 670.32 786.6 855 834.48 902.88 722.11
Per capita in USD 6.8 7.9 9.8 11.5 12.5 12.2 13.2 10.56
MDG 4 - Child Health excluding health systems
Sub-total in BDT Billion 27.39 38.55 43.71 47.93 52.25 54.59 58.22 322.64 46.09
Sub-total in USD Billion 0.40 0.56 0.64 0.70 0.76 0.80 0.85 4.72 0.67
Per capita in BDT 186.80 259.20 289.80 313.40 337.10 347.00 365.30 299.80
Per capita in USD 2.73 3.79 4.24 4.58 4.93 5.07 5.34 4.38
MDG 5 - Maternal Health excluding health systems
Sub-total in BDT Billion 11.19 13.29 15.64 17.99 20.68 23.07 24.58 126.45 18.06
Sub-total in USD Billion 0.16 0.19 0.23 0.26 0.30 0.34 0.36 1.85 0.26
Per capita in BDT 76.30 89.40 103.70 117.67 133.43 146.65 154.23 117.34
Per capita in USD 1.12 1.31 1.52 1.72 1.95 2.14 2.25 1.72
MDG 6 - HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB
Sub-total in BDT Billion 18.53 23.83 27.08 31.19 36.04 42.66 52.17 231.50 33.07
Sub-total in USD Billion 0.27 0.35 0.40 0.46 0.53 0.62 0.76 3.38 0.48
Per capita in BDT 126.37 160.26 179.6 203.98 232.53 271.21 327.26 214.46
Per capita in USD 1.85 2.34 2.63 2.98 3.40 3.97 4.78 3.14
MDG 7 - Environment
Sub-total in BDT Billion 14.62 16.07 16.1 18.09 18.47 19.27 19.61 122.23 17.46
Sub-total in USD Billion 0.21 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 1.79 0.26
Per capita in BDT 99.72 108.05 106.75 118.3 119.1 122.53 122.96 113.92
Per capita in USD 1.46 1.58 1.56 1.73 1.74 1.79 1.80 1.67



2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
MDG 7 - Energy
Sub-total in BDT Billion 83.93 98.59 111.01 125.07 140.98 158.99 179.40 897.96 128.28
Sub-total in USD Billion 1.23 1.44 1.62 1.83 2.06 2.32 2.62 13.13 1.88
Per capita in BDT 571.51 661.67 734.08 814.84 904.95 1005.53 1117.86 830.06
Per capita in USD 8.36 9.67 10.73 11.91 13.23 14.70 16.34 12.14
MDG 7 - Water Supply and Sanitation
Sub-total in BDT Billion 120.13 131.48 148.53 131.68 137.93 144.37 151.14 965.26 137.8943
Sub-total in USD Billion 1.76 1.92 2.17 1.93 2.02 2.11 2.21 14.11 2.02
Per capita in BDT 819.27 884.2 984.94 861.13 889.4 918.04 947.71 900.67
Per capita in USD 11.98 12.93 14.40 12.59 13.00 13.42 13.86 13.17
Grand Total for all MDGs
Total in BDT Billion 745.34 836.63 935.12 1,004.45 1,101.23 1,193.01 1,309.98 7,125.76 1,017.97
Total in USD Billion 10.90 12.23 13.67 14.68 16.10 17.44 19.15 104.18 14.88
Per capita in BDT 5,115.95 5,659.78 6,241.50 6,618.79 7,155.63 7,651.99 8,289.42 6,676.15
Per capita in USD 74.79 82.75 91.25 96.77 104.61 111.87 121.19 97.60
1 USD = 68.4 BDT
Note: Since there would be substantial household (out of pocket) expenditures especially in MDGs 1, 4,5 and 6, the real total expenditures required
by Public Financing may be lower. A detailed Financing study is required to realize the requirements through public and private financing, while
also recognizing the household (out-of pocket) expenditures occurring.



The Millennium Declaration (GA Resolution A/54/2000) adopted by all 191 member states of the United
Nations commits them to put in place measures necessary to attain peace, security and development. The
declaration was further elaborated in the subsequent UN Secretary General's report entitled "A Road Map
Towards the Implementation of the UN Millennium Declaration" (GA Resolution A/56/326). Arising out of
these two declarations and on the basis of further consultations and agreement reached between the UN,
OECD/DAC, World Bank and IMF, eight target-oriented Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were
formulated as a set of quantifiable and time-bound goals for significantly improving human lives by 2015.
This commitment by the international community to improve human lives was re-affirmed at the Conference
on Financing for Development held in Monterrey, and World Summit on Sustainable Development held in
Johannesburg in 2002.

While the Millennium Declaration calls on all development stakeholders to adopt a goal-oriented approach
to policy, planning and implementation, it apportions differentiated responsibility to the various parties. It is
expected that developing countries will be committed to the practice of good governance and sound use of
resources for human development, while developed countries will increase their financial assistance to
developing countries up to at least the 0.7 percent of GNI mark. Developed countries are also expected to
support a development-friendly international economic system with specific commitments to promote fair
trade, reduce the debt burden and promote technology transfer to developing countries.

As the international community's negotiated set of quantifiable and time-bound targets for reducing poverty,
the MDGs offer a unique framework to guide development planning, resource allocation, and higher
resource mobilization in low income developing countries like Bangladesh. They enable all actors in the
development process to shift from asking "how well can Bangladesh do with respect to the MDGs with its
given constraints?" to asking: "in order to achieve the MDGs, what does Bangladesh need to do?"

This shift will enable Bangladesh to systematically plan its national strategies around the MDGs, especially
those targets that are lagging behind. In order to do so, however, the first step is to conduct a detailed MDG
needs assessment and costing that attempts to answer the question of what Bangladesh needs in order to
achieve the MDGs, in terms of human resources, infrastructure and financial resources?

The MDG goals are being effectively integrated into the national development planning process. Bangladesh
made noteworthy progress in poverty reduction and the attainment of "Millennium Development Goals"
during the 1990-2000 period in spite of pitfalls such as instability, inefficiency, leakage, mis-targeting and the
erosion of regulatory standards. The observed rate of actual progress achieved by Bangladesh during 1990-
2000 is consistent with, or even higher than, the pace of annual progress required for achieving the MDGs
by 2015 (set against the benchmark of 1990). A review of the progress at the aggregate level suggests that
the country is "on track" in relation to a number of targets such as reduction of infant mortality and child
mortality, expansion of primary and secondary education, reduction in many aspects of gender disparity,
eradication of hunger (proxies by the prevalence of child malnutrition), and environmental sustainability
(proxies by expansion of tree cover).

1.1 Macroeconomic Environment for Pro-poor Economic Growth in Bangladesh

According to the second PRSP 2009-11, 'Moving Ahead', a stable macroeconomic environment
characterized by increasing growth rate, a comfortable budget and external sector balance and low
employment rate was maintained in 2006-07. In 2007-08 domestic and international shocks disturbed this
stability, and the economy experienced lower growth and a higher inflation rate.

The economy has improved its growth performance since 2000-01 from 5.27 percent to 6.21 percent in
2007-08, peaking in 2005-06 at 6.63 percent. Revenue reforms lead to increased revenue/GDP ratio from
9.6 in 2000-01 to 11.2 in 2007-08. However due to an increase in expenditure on SSNPs in 2007-08 to
mitigate the impact of Sidr and cushion the poor from increases in price of food grains, the Expenditure/GDP



ratio peaked at 17.3 percent, and remained close to 15 percent during the period 2003-04 to 2004-05. The
rate of inflation rose from 1.94 percent in 2000-01 to 9.94 percent in 2007-08. The second PRSP identifies
sustaining revenue growth and raising investment to GDP ratio as key challenges. A rising inflation rate also
threatens to put back the past gains in poverty reduction. Maintaining export growth also remains a
challenge. Furthermore, providing productive employment to the growing labour force, especially among the
poor, remains a challenge.

For accelerating growth for poverty reduction, the second PRSP (2009-11) mentions several approaches
including promoting growth in the agriculture sector; supporting industry and services focusing on pro-poor
segments/sectors; promotion of rural towns; channeling and increasing the share of government expenditure
on social and infrastructural sectors; and direct poverty reducing projects/programmes.

The second PRSP, 'Moving Ahead', as with the first PRSP, 'National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty
Reduction", maintains pro-poor economic growth as the focus. The impacts of implementation will be
relevant for the achievement of MDGs.

As a link to the PRSP, the current joint effort of the Government and the UN family through this report MDG
Needs Assessment and Costing in Bangladesh, will assess the status and trend in progress of
achievement of MDGs through MDG1 to MDG7: the challenges ahead, the major interventions and targets
for MDGs and finally the resource needs estimates. To assess the costs/resource needs, costing models
were used covering nine investment clusters. A detailed methodology of the process is explained in the next
chapter. Given below is introduction to the thematic areas covered during the MDG Needs Assessment and
Costing exercise.

1.2 Poverty and Hunger

Incidence of income poverty decreased from 59 percent in 1991 to 49.8 percent in 2000, giving an annual
rate of decline of 1.5 percent, which is however lower than the required rate of two percent per annum. A
growth of per capita real income of four to five percent per annum is required to achieve the income poverty
target. An overall real income growth rate of six to seven percent per annum on a sustained basis, along with
a population growth of around 1.5 percent is needed to attain the target per capita income growth and hence
reduction in income poverty.

Projections based on past historical trends indicate that Bangladesh may be able to attain most of the MDGs
at the aggregate level by 2015. Hence, pro-poor but adequate economic growth is needed to help reduce
income-poverty and raise Bangladesh's ability to spend on social needs. Furthermore, this would also
generate additional resources for social sector programmes. From this angle, the halving of income-poverty
within a reasonable time frame (perhaps by 2020, if not by 2015) appears to be one of the main
preconditions for achieving many social goals.

The MDG Mid-Term Progress Report (2007) mentioned that Bangladesh either achieved some MDGs and
some were or on track to be achieved. It is found that MDG1 (halving the proportion of population below the
national poverty line, and minimum level of energy consumption) is on track to be achieved by 2015. This
has been possible largely due to its steady economic growth of nearly five per cent annually on average in
the 1990s, and nearly six per cent annually on average in the new millennium. The higher growth will not
necessary ensure that the MDG targets are met.

However, the recent dramatic surge in food prices has plunged millions of poor people and many net food
importing poor countries like Bangladesh into a food crisis (End Poverty, 2015). Consequently, it has also
put at risk their chances of achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Whilst the focus has been
on the impact on the MDG1 of reducing poverty and hunger, given the close inter-connectedness between
all eight MDGs, the impact on these sections of the poor on health, education and livelihoods more broadly,
cannot be underestimated.



To improve road infrastructure, PRSP-II consulted on the present coverage and targets with RHD, railway
and water transport, LGED etc, and here both the PRSP-II targets and after 2011 have been considered,
calculated on the basis of the rates made by PRSP-II. The Government operates a large number of social
safety net programmes which generate income and employment, help human resource development, create
infrastructure and directly reduce poverty of the beneficiaries, and these targets were considered for
estimation of required resource needs.

1.3 Education

Getting access to basic education is a fundamental human right of every citizen of a country. This
fundamental right has been denied to a large section of the population living below the poverty line in many
developing countries of the world including Bangladesh. Acute poverty in their families may be singled out
as the major cause behind such a situation. Recognizing the critical importance of transforming them into
effective human resources and thereby making them worthy citizens, the Millennium Summit that held in
Dakar in 2000 declared 'achieving universal primary education' as one of its major agendas. As set out in
the Millennium Declaration this goal, known as MDG2, has the goal of providing access to primary education
to all by the year 2015. Bangladesh, as a signatory to the Dakar declaration, expressed a strong commitment
towards achieving the goal of universal primary education which has sustainable positive implications for
reduction in poverty by significantly large margin.

To fulfill the commitment to the international community, and also to meet the constitutional obligation of
ensuring universal and free compulsory primary education to all children, Bangladesh has undertaken
several initiatives for the development of primary education and achieving the time-bound MDG targets.
Although government initiatives in the area of primary education began in 1981, through a couple of
Universal Primary Education projects, more focused initiatives were made in the 1990s following the World
Conference on Education for All (WCEFA) that held in Jomtien, Thailand, in 1990. The present study
however focuses on the progress made since 1990 towards achieving MDG2 with regard to the set target
'ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of
primary education'. Progress with regard to this MDG target and the future potential for achieving the 2015
target has been assessed by analyzing the current status and the trend growth in each of three selected
indicators under this target for education namely: net enrolment ratio in primary education, primary school
completion rate, and adult literacy rate.

1.4 Gender

In terms of MDG3 there are several areas where women are at a disadvantage and gender gaps are quiet
apparent. Therefore, while the country remains broadly on track to ensure gender equity in basic education,
there are some significant challenges that need to be addressed. Bangladesh has enhanced the number of
laws at the national level to protect equality of rights and opportunities for men and women. The Constitution
of Bangladesh grants equal rights to women and men in all spheres of public life (Articles 27, 28(1) 28(2),
28(3), 28(4), 29(1), 29(2) and 29(3), and has been supplemented by a number of Acts and Ordinances that
safeguard women's equal rights such the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1980, the Child Marriage Restraint Act
(amended in 1984) and the Family Court Ordinance of 1985. At the international level, Bangladesh has
ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against women (CEDAW)
agreeing to the optional Protocol in 2000. However, reservations on articles two and 16 pertaining to
marriage, divorce and inheritance remain in force.

The Ministry of Women's and Children Affairs (MOWCA) established in 1978 has the mandate for protecting
women's interest and further the rights of children and working in 64 districts of the country. At present it
consists of the Ministry itself and three implementing agencies: the Department of Women Affairs (DWA),
Jatiya Mohila Sangstha (National Women's Council), and Shishu (Children's ) Academy. MOWCA is
mandated to act as the central motivating agent on issues of women's equality and development and to
promote a broader and more consistent response by all government agencies to the needs and priorities of



women. WID (Women in Development) focal points have been established in various ministries. The National
Policy for the Advancement of Women was adopted in 1997 and amended (2004, 2008) and includes
commitments to eliminate discrimination against women in all spheres. A National Action Plan (NAP) for
implementing the policy as well as meeting commitments under the Beijing Platform for Action (PFA) was approved
in 1998. Following the PFA, Gender Focal points were appointed in all central government ministries and
committees as early as 1990. Bangladesh Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) finalized in October 2005
and PRSP 2 in 2008 also provides comprehensive gender analysis with policy guidelines.

1.5 Health

The first Bangladesh PRSP 'National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction' (NSAPR 2005) considered in
particular the human dimensions of poverty (deprivation of health, education, nutrition, gender gaps), and
committed the MoHFW to reach the poor and vulnerable, especially women and children. The second PRSP
'Moving Ahead' (2008) identifies that Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) are intimately related and
complementary to other sectors of the economy.

The current Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) outlines activities from 2003-2010, with
objectives to improve health outcomes, reduce health inequities, enhance quality of care, modernize the GoB
health sector, and attain the health related MDGs. This document has tried to incorporate the MDG (4, 5 and 6)
targets, while offering slightly different targets for HNPSP. The Revised Program Implementation Plan (RPIP) of
Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) 2003-2010, proposed budget for the whole sector by
dividing it into four sub-sectors: Health Program (HP), Nutrition Program, Population Program (PP) and Ministry
Level Sector Development. Major Reproductive Health (RH) components are under HP and PP.

Although Bangladesh has made significant progress in some health outcomes such as reducing Infant Mortality
Rate and Maternal Mortality Rate, however challenges remain. The main challenges identified in the health sector
center on the fact that the nutritional status of children and women in Bangladesh is very poor, and require special
attention in order to improve the overall health status of the population. Despite various interventions designed
under National Nutrition Project (NNP) low birth weight and malnutrition continue to be important causes of infant
and under-five mortality. A significant proportion of pregnant women are also iodine deficient and develop night
blindness during pregnancy.

In Bangladesh, the improvement in births attended by skilled health personnel is not satisfactory. Rapid training of
skilled health personnel, an increase in infrastructure, and cautious monitoring is needed if the country wants to
reach the target by 2015.

The availability of comprehensive EmOC services in public facilities, especially at district level and below, are also
not up to the target level. One important intervention of the Maternal Health Strategy 2001 was to train medical
officers in obstetrics or anesthesia (one year diploma level or four months EmOC training), and placing them in
functional teams at District and Upazila facilities. So far 206 obstetricians and 118 anesthetists have been trained.
Moreover, only 57 percent of obstetrics and 69 percent of the anesthesia are appointed in designated positions
with frequent failure to retain both the obstetric and the anesthesia to perform caesarian sections in a facility due
to variety of reasons (MTR 2008). The Government should take steps to overcome this problem with special
emphasis on reducing absenteeism in rural areas.

Limitation of available data on HIV/AIDS prevalence is also a major obstacle in tracking the MDG targets. The
gender and regional disparities in awareness and knowledge about prevention of HIV/AIDS among citizens should
be reduced.



1.6 Environment

Forestry is an important way to sequester carbon, ensure energy security by providing fuel wood; guarantee
livelihood security by employing people in forest plantations; generating income through harvesting and trade in
forest products; and protecting soil from erosion and landslides, particularly in hilly areas. Actual forest coverage
in Bangladesh is 11.32 percent much less than the target set by the government. Bangladesh has less than 0.02
hectares of forest land per person, one of the lowest forest-man ratios in the world. Intensive afforestation and
reforestation programme can improve the forest coverage for meeting MDGs target.

Water pollution is a major problem in most parts of Bangladesh. Surface water pollution affects the health of poor
people. Waterborne diseases are the major cause suffering for the poor people living in rural and urban areas.
Surface water scarcity in the dry period, water logging, groundwater pollution by arsenic, water resource
management are also some key challenges.

Air pollution is more acute in urban areas than in rural areas. In urban areas, the main sources of air pollution are
emission of harmful gases from vehicles, industrial sectors, construction, and the open dumping of garbage. In
rural areas, the main sources are brick kilns and wood and biomass consumption. Automobiles on the road are
often very old, overloaded and poorly maintained, and emit smoke far exceeding the prescribed limit. Industrial
development is another major source of air pollution. Most industries in Bangladesh are situated in major urban
areas. The food industry emits the greatest amount of pollutants, followed by cement, pulp and paper industry and
textiles. Among the food industry, most of the pollutants come from sugar mills.

Rising use of pesticides has led to fears of adverse health consequences and of water contamination. A major
portion of the urban waste of Bangladesh is composed of organic materials, which produce methane (CH4) as they
decompose. The unit contribution of methane to global warming as well climate change is much higher than that
of carbon dioxide.

Soil salinity, land degradation, improper water resource management, river bank erosion, and vulnerability to
natural disasters threaten the lives of many people in Bangladesh. Polluted soil builds-up persistent toxic
compounds, chemicals, salts, radioactive materials, or disease causing agents in soils that have adverse effects
on plant growth and animal health.

Expanded energy services are essential to meet the MDGs for reducing hunger and poverty, improving health care
and educational opportunities, and addressing gender equity. In addition, energy is central to all aspects of
sustainable development, including access to water, agricultural and industrial productivity, health care,
educational attainment, job creation and climate change impacts. Affordable, accessible and reliable energy supply
is critical for uplifting the poor, as well as for economic growth of a country.

Migration of people to urban cities from rural areas has become a common phenomenon in Bangladesh over the
last several decades. Poor families in urban towns live in slums, squatters' settlements in un-hygienic and
unendurable environment. Basic services like pure drinking water, sanitation, footpaths, and drainage are totally
absent in these areas. The population density in the slums is 200 times greater than the usual density of
Bangladesh. Despite the problems, migrants from rural areas continue to migrate to the cities. There is currently
no land title for slum dwellers.



1.7 The MDG Needs Assessment and Costing for Bangladesh

Based on the discussion above it is imperative that a MDG Needs Assessment is done based on a situation
analysis of the national development record in achieving MDGs from 1990 to identify the trends and major
challenges for achieving the targets by 2015. Finally, selecting major interventions to achieve the Targets, and
Costing these interventions for each of the MDGs is a major activity of this report. This report will enable
Bangladesh to plan MDG-based national strategies and focus especially on those targets that are lagging behind,
while sustaining the good achievement in those that are on-track or have been achieved. A detailed methodology
is discussed in Chapter 2.



2.1 The Process

The purpose of the MDG needs assessment and costing in Bangladesh is intended to identify interventions
and assess comprehensively the financial, human and institutional infrastructure resources needed for the
attainment of the MDGs in the country. The specific objectives of the MDG Needs Assessment (NA) and
Costing are to:

z Take stock of the country's development record on each MDG from 1990 to present;
z Analyze the existing policy frameworks and strategies that contribute to the achievement of MDGs;
z Identify the major challenges for the government/s to meet the attaining MDGs;
z Identify a set of integrated interventions that will enable Bangladesh to meet the MDGs by 2015;
z Identify the necessary infrastructure, human, and financial resources required to support a scale-
up of interventions through to 2015.

2.2 Formation and Training of MDG Thematic Working Groups (TWGs)

In order to undertake the Needs Assessment and Costing analysis, Five Thematic Working Group (TWGs)
were set-up with participation from relevant sectoral ministries and UN agencies:

1. TWG1 on Poverty and Hunger covering MDG1 was lead by the General Economic Division (GED)
under Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
2. TWG2 on Education covering MDG2 was lead by Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
3. TWG3 on Gender covering MDG3 was lead by Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MOWCA)
4. TWG4 on Health covering MDG4, 5 and 6 was lead by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
5. TWG5 on Environment covering MDG7 was lead by Ministry of Environment (MoE)

The Task Force works were supported by short-term national experts and by UNDP's MDG/PRS Project's
national and international representatives. The main activities of the TWGs and its members were to
undertake the following functions:

z reviewing of existing plans, programmes/ projects, data and setting the base line;
z developing a comprehensive list of interventions;
z specifying coverage target for each intervention (e.g. percent of population to be targeted by each
z estimating unit costs and resource requirements for each intervention;
z refining targets, improving cost estimates, accounting for synergies and trade-offs, and addressing
cross cutting issues;
z consulting different stake holders through the NA process;
z Preparing Thematic (sectoral) Task Force Reports;

Overall Responsibility

The GED of Planning Commission, the executing agency of UNDP MDGs project, undertook the overall
responsibility of liaison with other concerned ministries to form the TWGs. UNDP provided technical support
for overall coordination and facilitation, including training for the MDG Needs Assessment and Costing
exercise. For the composition of the MDG Needs Assessment TWGs (see Annexure).

In order to undertake the needs assessment and costing exercise the MDG Needs Assessment and
Costing methodology adopted the UN Millennium Project interventions-based approach, of identifying a



comprehensive range of relevant interventions (goods, services and infrastructure) that serve as the
fundamental basis for estimating the resource needs for MDGs achievement. The Costing exercise was
undertaken with the help of nine costing tools/investment clusters for which training was provided by UNDP
Regional Center in Colombo (UNDP RCC).

Training to the TWG Members on Costing Tools

The TWG members, including the NA Consultant, were provided with in-depth training on the methodology
of the NA and costing, developed by the UN Millennium Project and UN agencies in other countries in the
region. The estimations of resource requirement needs were done by using pre-developed spread sheet-
based models to project the gradual scaling up of investments and resource requirements. The nine costing
tools for the investment clusters that were used for the costing exercise are:

1. Agriculture and Rural Development

2. Transport
3. Education
4. Gender
5. Health
7. Environment
8. Energy
9. Water supply and sanitation

Use of Costing Tools for Needs Estimates and Costing

Based on the situation analysis, the existing data for the base years was entered into the costing tools while
the targets for interventions were discussed and decided with the TWG members. The Unit costs were
derived from existing national planning documents, project budgets, national expenditure reviews and other
planning documents. In cases where existing unit costs appeared uncharacteristically low (e.g. salaries for
civil servants), a more competitive and realistic figure was used. These costs were applied to the targets to
get the total cost of the interventions, per annum. In cases where it was not possible to calculate the
resources required for each individual intervention, more aggregate estimates from other studies (e.g PRSP
and MTEF cost estimates were used). However, in view of data quality constraints, some unit costs are
crude estimates and will need to be readjusted over time to arrive at more realistic figures.

As such, the NA and costing, and supporting documents and worksheets will require constant updating and
fine tuning. For each intervention specific targets were set after assessing the current coverage and
projecting future coverage. In terms of target setting, in keeping with the advice of the Millennium Project,
the TWG have been quite ambitious in setting targets. This was then used as the basis for calculating the
resources required to meet the MDG after a linear scaling up of interventions and investments over the years
from the baseline year of 2006 up to 2015. As advocated in the Millennium Project approach, costing here
include both recurrent and capital expenditures. This is particularly pertinent to Bangladesh, where
extremely high levels of capital investments have invariably high associated recurrent expenditure costs, that
rise exponentially and absorb a large part of future development budgets.

2.3 Estimating the Trend Growth Rates

Growth rate is estimated by a liner equation, r = (P1-P0)/P0 x t, where, P0 is initial value, P1 is final value, t is
the duration (year). For projecting the time-path of the different MD outcomes to 2015, linear and sometimes
logarithmic equations are followed. Missing data are estimated by regression equation based on available
data collected from different sources. Target values of some indicators are not set and in that case new
target is set based on projection value from the regression equation.



2.4 Data Sources

Poverty and Hunger

This costing report is based on national documents and surveyed data. Data was collected from several
visits and reports of the Government of Bangladesh. These include the Yearbook of Statistics, Household
Income and Expenditure Surveys (HIES), Labour Force Survey, Child Nutrition Survey (CNS) conducted by
the Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
(MICS) survey conducted by UNICEF and BBS. Research reports from different research organizations such
as BARI, BRRI, BLRI, BFRI and BAU were also used. The policy documents such as PRSP-I, IPRSP and
draft PRSP-II, different reports published from GED, Planning Commission have been consulted.


The analysis in the current study has been done based on secondary data. Reports and documents
published by the government, national and international agencies, development journals, have been the key
sources of data which includes, among others, MOPME, DPE, BBS, National Plan of Action, BANBEIS,


The data for the coverage and costing have been gathered from the following ministries and departments :
MOWCA, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Ministry of
Education, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs. Local Government Enginering Department
(LGED) and Youth and Employment, National Institute of Local Government (NILG), Department of Primary
and Mass Education, Department of Secondry education and Bangladesh Public Administrastion Training
Centre (BPTAC).


An intensive literature review was conducted by collecting various reports/articles on performances of health
sector of Bangladesh. The trend analysis of the health related MDGs mainly used the secondary data
available from the survey reports of BDHS, SVRS, and MICS. Information was also taken from serological
surveillance report/annual report of NASP and NTP.
Information from government's plans and strategies, (e.g. HNPSP, PRSP, National Strategic Plan for
HIV/AIDS), played a key role in identifying interventions and setting targets. Review of these documents
helped to analyze current programs and future plans for improving maternal and child health, and reducing
the burden of tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS.
Data was collected also using key informant/stakeholder interview for the costing exercise. The data, which
was not available in the reports, plans, strategies, and, government documents, was collected directly from
services providers and policy makers. Collected data was cross checked with others and also discussed in
the TWG meeting.


This analysis report is prepared based on data collected from several survey reports of the Government of
Bangladesh as well as primary data collected from expert panel discussions. Data, relevant reports,
departmental publications were collected from the Department of Environment, Forest Department,
Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Local Government Engineering Department, Bangladesh
Power Development Board (BPDB), Rural Electrification Board (REB), Bangladesh Demographic and Health
Survey (BDHS), Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted
by UNICEF and BBS, Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Chemical Engineering Department
of BUET. The policy document such as PRSP, different reports published from GED, Planning Commission
have been reviewed.



2.5 Limitations

It is important to note that the results and simulations presented in this report may give an impression of
precision. They should be treated as indicative of possible broad trends, and could usefully be
complemented with other analyses using different methodological approaches.

Results are no better than data. It is important to note that some of the data were generated from
guesstimates which form a crucial limitation of this report. The guesstimates were taken into consideration
in some cases with previous year's data, and some were taken with discussions with relevant stakeholders.
By its very nature, such data either over-emphasizes or under-emphasizes, such as households practicing
relevant technologies, level of adoption, and access to infrastructure.



MDG Goal 1 - Eradicate extreme Poverty and Hunger

Summary Statistics: MDG Goals, Targets, Indicators and Achievements


2005 2015 PROGRESS

Halving proportion of
population below national
58.80 40.00 29.40 ON-TRACK
poverty line from 58.8
Target 1(a):
Halve, between percent in 1990 to 29.4
1990 and 2015, percent by 2015
the proportion
of people whose Poverty gap ratio 17.20 9.00 ON-TRACK
income is less
than one US
dollar a day Share of poorest quintile
6.50 5.30 n/a -
in national income
Goal 1:
Target 1(b):
Achieve full and
poverty and Employment to NEEDS
employment and - 34.57 for all
hunger population ratio ATTENTION
decent work for all,
including women and
young people

Prevalence of underweight
Target 2: children under five 67.00 47.80 33.00 ON-TRACK
Halve, between years of age
1990 and 2015, the
proportion of people Proportion of population
who suffer from below minimum level of
dietary energy 28.00 19.50 14.00 ON-TRACK
consumption (1800 kcal)

Source: CNS 2007

3.1 Overview of Development Progress

3.1.1 Economy of Bangladesh and Agriculture

Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with a population of about 140
million. The population of Bangladesh is growing at the rate of about 1.42 percent per annum, and is
expected to reach 150 million by 2010 and 200 million by 2030 (BBS, 2006). Agriculture is the most
significant source of economic growth and has a fundamental role to play in the fight against poverty.
Agriculture benefits the poor most and it is central to the livelihoods of the rural poor who account for the
majority (or around 75 percent) of the country's population (BBS, 2006). 21 percent of the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) comes from agriculture and this sector involves 48 percent of labour force (BBS, LFS 2005-
06). During the 1980s agricultural contribution to GDP was more than 30 percent, with over 60 percent of
the labour force (MOF, 2007). Though the contribution of the agriculture to the national economy and
employment is diminishing, it remains the single largest contributor to income and employment generation.
The poverty situation of the country requires greater efforts on sustainable agricultural production for the
food and nutrition security of all people, particularly the rural poor. The country has a total land surface of
approximately 14.4 million hectares of which nine million hectares are used for agricultural purpose (BIDS,



2001). The natural environment is generally favourable for crop production and it is a vital element in the
country's challenge to achieve self-sufficiency in food production, which will, consequently, help reduce rural
poverty and promote economic growth. Although there are some positive trends in agriculture in respect to
productivity and overall economic growth, this sector is facing numerous problems such as the incidence of
increasing small, marginal and landless farmers; unequal land distribution; and a lack of skills and education
(Huq, 2000 and Hoque, 1999). Currently, Bangladesh is a food-deficit country and does not have readily
available resources to make up the shortfall. Thus importing food grains every year is the only solution to
feed an enormous population, making the country a net food importing country from rest of the world.

The country is particularly vulnerable to the exogenous shocks such as for instance, sudden floods, cyclones
and drought. Natural disaster is an almost regular phenomena for Bangladesh and thus for agriculture.
Naturally occurring adversity like heavy rainfall or drought can cause severe fluctuations in agricultural
production specially food grains, which affects the market price and even national GDP growth. The
economic structure has a rapid movement away from agricultural predominance. The transformation of
sectoral shares of GDP in the Bangladesh economy is shown in Table 3.1. Agriculture share of GDP declined
from 62 percent in 1975 (Ahmed and Karim, 2006) to 21 percent in 2007 (MOF, 2007), but the employment
share has not declined as quickly (78 percent in 1975 and 48 percent in 2006). This declining share of
agriculture in GDP does not reflect a diminishing role of agriculture in the overall economic growth or in
poverty reduction. Still, agriculture is a direct vehicle to reduce poverty (Klytchnikova and Doip, 2006).
Remarkably, the industrial sector (including agricultural processing and especially Ready Made Garments
(RMG) industries) has expanded at a rapid pace during last few decades of economic revolution (Ahmed,
2006), agricultural growth has followed almost the same rate since the 1980s. In comparison, industrial
growth reached nearly double when compared to the early years of eighties (about 5.13 percent in 1980-81
and 9.51 percent in 2006-07 (Table 3.1)). In relation with industrial expansion, the overall GDP growth rate
also followed the same trend.

Table 3.1: Sector wise GDP and growth rate (Base year: 1995-96)

1980-81 1985-86 1990-91 1995-96 2000-01 2005-06 2006-07

Contribution to GDP (%)

Agriculture 33.07 31.15 29.23 25.68 25.03 21.84 21.11
Industry 17.31 19.13 21.04 24.87 26.20 29.03 29.77
Service 49.62 49.73 49.73 49.45 48.77 49.13 49.12
Growth rate (%)
Agriculture 3.31 3.31 2.23 3.10 3.14 4.94 3.18
Industry 5.13 6.72 4.57 6.98 7.45 9.74 9.51
Service 3.55 4.10 3.28 3.96 5.53 6.40 6.74
Overall GDP 3.74 3.34 3.28 4.47 5.41 7.02 6.77
Source: MOF (Bangladesh Economic Review), 2007

In order to achieve the six to seven percent growth rate of GDP per year, agriculture must grow by at least
four percent (MOA, 2007). The National Agriculture Policy (NAP) indicated that agricultural land has been
declining by one percent per year and land quality also degrading due to the reducing soil fertility, soil
erosion and salinity. Small farms dominate the agriculture sector in Bangladesh. Around 53 percent of the
farms are marginal (less than 0.20 ha), while 33 percent are small (less than 1 ha), nine percent of farms
are medium (less than three ha) and only one percent of farms are large (more than three ha) in agricultural
production (BBS, HIES 2005). Therefore, there is a need to increase agricultural growth through the
intensification of agricultural production, diversification and value addition to achieve food security and
poverty reduction.



The agriculture sector is the sum of crops, forests, fisheries and livestock where crop sub-sector alone
contributes 71 percent of the total agricultural GDP (MOF, 2007). In terms of contribution to country's GDP,
within the broad agriculture sector, the contribution of agriculture and forestry and fisheries are estimated at
16.38 percent (crop 11.72 percent, livestock 2.90 percent and forestry 1.76 percent and 4.73 percent
respectively in FY 2006-07 (MOF, 2007). Main agricultural commodities include rice, wheat, jute, tobacco,
sugarcane, pulses, oilseeds, spices, potato, some vegetables and tropical fruits. In FY 2006-07, the export
earnings from agricultural products stood at USD 1,070 million, which is 10.05 percent of total export
earnings. Though Bangladesh has comparative advantage on some agricultural production like HYV (High
Yielding Variety) rice but because of food insufficiency and higher transfer costs it is not possible to export
rice. Bangladesh is net food importing country in agriculture sector. Yet now the country depends upon
imports for about 14 percent of its food requirement (BBS, 2005). In FY 2006-07, the overall food grains
import reached at 2.43 million metric tons of which rice is 0.72 million metric tons and wheat 1.71 million
metric tons (MOF, 2007).

However, the crop sector still dominates in terms of area and manpower used in production systems,
especially rice. Production of rice increased from 9.7 million tons in 1971-72 to 26.0 million tons in 2005-06,
although the area under rice increased marginally from 9.3 to 10.3 million ha with a decrease in area form
10.8 million ha in the beginning of this century (BBS, 2006). It implies the average rate of production growth
is 7.6 percent per year which is much faster than the growth of population. Development and diffusion of
high-yielding rice varieties and minor irrigation through shallow tube wells and power pumps was the main
driving force behind this growth (Hossain, 1988; Hossain et al., 1994). Almost half of the land is now irrigated
and around 70 percent of the rice areas (Table 3.2) are under the cultivation of the high yielding rice varieties
(MOA, 2005). Food grains production in Bangladesh is still dominated by the subsistence farmers. Only a
small percentage of total production follows commercial way. The study by Raihan and Razzaque (2007)
noted that the poor peoples are mostly dependent on cereals (rice and wheat) for their livelihood.

Table 3.2: Number of smallholder HH, average farm sizes and coverage
of practiced interventions, 2006

Parameters Bangla-
Dhaka Chittagong Rajshahi Khulna Sylhet Barisal desh

Percent smallholder
farmers in rural 82.00 76.00 80.00 77.00 73.00 79.00 78.83
Average farm size (ha) 00.43 0.38 0.49 0.53 0.89 0.51 0.54
% of area under 70.60 67.00 61.28 78.00 70.65
69.00 78.00
HYV rice
% irrigated area 50.56 40.13 65.60 46.29 36.03 9.13 48.32
Source: BBS, 2006

3.1.2 Linkages to PRSP

Government of Bangladesh has prioritized the agriculture sector to meet the domestic food demand and to
make the sector commercially profitable. The first Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) for Bangladesh
"Unlocking the potential: National strategy for accelerated poverty reduction" was prepared by the
government in collaboration with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) where the
agriculture sector was highlighted as the topmost priority sector for rapid poverty reduction. The National
Agriculture Policy of 2007 also mentioned that to reduce rural poverty and improve the rural livelihood, it is
necessary to extend the existing agricultural production system into a more dynamic, diversified and
commercial sector. In addition, investment in road and infrastructure in the western region will help improve
household characteristics and livelihood of the poor suggested by PRSP-II (GoB, 2008).



The second PRSP for Bangladesh "Moving Ahead" has also now been prepared under full government
ownership and direction. Twelve sectors were identified and an equal number of thematic groups set up by
the Government to coordinate the preparation of the various thematic background papers. A mapping of the
sectors indicates that most sectors address MDG1 by focusing on poverty eradication. The PRSP-II already
emphasizes the importance of agricultural and rural development in increasing productivity, and employment
generation in rural areas. To increase foreign remittances, the skills-oriented manpower export from the
youth labour force is suggested as a key target and the policy matrix has been suggested accordingly. To
this end, the Government has also reinvigorated its pro-poor bias, allocating from FY08 an increased annual
pro-poor spending of one percent of GDP. This pro-poor bias is illustrated by, for example, the guaranteed
employment scheme for two million pro-poor people, providing employment for 100 days at the rate of Taka
100 per man-day. For this programme, BDT 20 billion which was allocated in the national budget of FY
08/09. The link between national budgeting and MDG1 was also clearly stated in the Finance Minister's
budget speeches of FY 08 and FY09.

3.1.3 Situation of Poverty in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has made a significant improvement in poverty reduction in recent decades. Available estimates
indicate that Bangladesh succeeded in reducing poverty on an average one percent per year during 1990s
and nearly two percent in first half of the current decade. According to the HIES report, the poverty head
count ratio declined from 58.8 percent in 1991-92 to 48.9 percent in 2000, and to 40.0 percent in 2005.
Immediately after independence, Bangladesh's poverty level was estimated at 88.15 percent (1972-1975).
Compared with this, the current figures suggest that Bangladesh has achieved a substantial reduction in the
incidence of poverty over the last three decades (Ahmed and Sattar, 2004).

Bangladesh has enjoyed steady growth in per capita income over the past two decades. An increase in rice
productivity through improved seeds varieties, and through improved fertilizer and irrigation technologies
and use, has contributed to an increase in farmers' income. A large expansion in the RMG sector, as well as
increasing remittances and a liberalized trading environment also had a large impact on income levels (Arndt
et al., 2002). Structural changes in the agricultural sector in the early 1990s through the liberalization of the
import of irrigation equipment and the fertilizer market, led to a significant increase in rice productivity in
Bangladesh (Klytchnikova and Doip, 2006). Increasing rice production has been associated with a decrease
in price of approximately 25 percent. Analysis results show that the net effect of increased rice production
and lower market price mostly benefited poor households. Large producers of rice were the principal losers
due to lower market prices. Since net buyers are poorer than net sellers in the rural areas, agricultural trade
liberalization has tended to benefit the poor most.

Liberalization also favourably contributes to output growth, market size, size of the private stock, seasonality
as well as declining real rice prices. National import dependency for food grains fell from 12 percent in 1980
to 5.5 percent in 2004. This might reflect movement towards self sufficiency in food grain production, but the
average volume of import is still more than previously because of the higher demands of an increasing
population. The size of the market surplus of rice over the last two decades grew at twice the rate of output
growth. This can be attributed to increasing productivity due to the adoption of modern rice varieties
(Hossain et al., 2003), better market development, and infrastructural development. Liberalization led to
complete replacement of the public imports by the private sector. Because of low entry barriers, trading
became extremely competitive. Evidence showed that due to liberalization there has been an increase in
competition, and at the same time, an increase in the rate of growth of during the reforms period (Krisna and
Mitra, 1998). Real price of food grains decreased remarkably. Seasonal fluctuation was also reduced
between the 1980s and 2000s, and there was greater spatial market integration following liberalization
(Chowdhury et al., 2006).

Adopting MV (Modern Variety) rice technology, combined with other non-rice crops as well as non-crop
agriculture like poultry, livestock and fisheries have a significant contribution to the household income level,
which in turn helping to escape from poverty (Sen, 2003). Privatization of irrigation system and agricultural
input market through reducing import barriers providing incentives to the private sector import since 1980s



helped for the adoption of MV in 1990s (Hossain et al., 2003). Findings show that 50 percent of households
have experienced direct positive impact from the adoption of MVs through higher yields and higher farm
incomes. It is argued that although profitability is comparatively less due to the lower output price, the lower
price has largely poor households by achieving food security and reducing vulnerability. Evidence also
suggests that the real wage increased about 4.8 percent per year, from 1987 to 2000.

There is also impressive progress in the diffusion of improved agricultural technology, which has helped the
country to sustain the food-population balance. This consequently has contributed to a decline in the real
price of food grains to the benefit of the rural landless and the urban poor (Hossain, 1996). The author also
mentions that technological progress took place when government reforms were transforming agricultural
policies and changing public sector control to the private sector for the procurement and distribution of
fertilizer and irrigation and elimination of subsidies on agricultural inputs. The major changes happened in
agricultural production from the spread of minor irrigation following the removal of the ban on private sector
imports of irrigation equipment and a reduction in import tariffs. This policy reduced the irrigation cost through
increased competition which helped to reduce water charges, and helped with the adoption of new modern
varieties of rice. Policy reforms in trade and the marketing of inputs have an effect through influences on
price mechanisms.

3.2 Progress in Achieving the MDG 1

The experience of the last few decades indicates that, on average, economic growth in Bangladesh has
been associated with reductions in income poverty and hunger, and faster reductions in non-income poverty
and hunger. Poverty and hunger reduction, however, has not proceeded at the same rate as growth of
income in different sub-periods. The rate of poverty and hunger reduction varied in different sub-periods. It
may be noted that a simple measure of pro-poor growth is given by the growth elasticity of poverty, defined
as the ratio of the percentage change in the poverty headcount ratio to the percentage change in the growth
rate. The higher the growth elasticity of poverty, the more pro-poor the economic growth. The need for a
pro-poor growth strategy emerges out of the fact that poverty and hunger are not only disgraceful to the poor
but also a barrier to development since they limit economic demand, squeeze human capability and hamper
social cohesion and the political stability of a society. A pro-poor growth strategy is thus a precondition for
the more sustainable and stable development of a society especially where there is the enormous magnitude
of poverty and hunger as in Bangladesh.

Target 1(a): Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less
than one US dollar a day

To achieve MDG1, Bangladesh must reduce by 2015 the proportion of population with an income less than
one US dollar (PPP) a day from 58.8 percent in 1990 to 29.4 percent.

3.2.1 Poverty reduction

The proportion of population below national poverty line in 2005 was 40.0 and the extrapolated value was
47.2 in 2007 though the price hikes on general commodities increased proportion of the population below
poverty line (by some estimates it could be as much as more than 8.50 percent) (Table 3.3).



Table 3.3: Proportion of population below national poverty line

Year Rural Urban National

1990 61.20 44.90 58.80

1995 55.30 29.50 51.00
2000 52.30 35.20 48.90
2005 43.80 28.40 40.00
Normal 42.30 27.60 38.66
2007* If 8.50% additional added
due to price hikes in 2007/08 50.80 36.10 47.20
2015 30.60 22.50 29.40
Source: i) Mid-term progress report of MDG, 2007, ii) HIES 2000, 2005 iii) BBS 2006

The poverty situation varied in different periods of time, as well as between urban and rural areas. The rate
of poverty reduction was found higher during 2000-05 (Table 3.4). The plausible reason for higher growth of
poverty reduction during this period could be due to productions of all major crops which include rice, wheat,
jute, pulses, oilseed, and sugarcane, which account for approximately 79 percent of total cultivated area and
which increased steadily during the first PRS. Policy support in the form of liberalization of equipment
imports, deregulation, rationalization of subsidy and restructuring of agricultural research-extension-farmers'
linkages and public-private partnership approach, buttressed by private sector investment in production,
seed production (especially hybrid seeds), chemical and blended fertilizers, and agro-processing enterprises
has facilitated the progress in the crop sector (Draft PRS-II, 2008). On the other hand, the flood in 1997 and
1998 seriously affected human life and crops and animals were severely damaged.

Table 3.4: Annual rate of poverty reduction (%) over 1990-2007

Period Rural Urban National

1990-95 1.93 6.86 2.65

1995-00 1.08 3.86 0.82
2000-05 3.25 3.86 3.64
2005-07 1.71 1.41 1.63
1990-2007 (Normal existing rate) 1.82 2.27 2.01
Required rate (Normal) 1.46 0.64 1.16
Time required to achieve targets (yrs) (normal rate since 2007) 6.43 2.25 4.63
Status On-track On-track On-track

The rate of poverty reduction was also higher in the urban areas during 2000-05 due to rapid expansion of
private sector involvement in the sectors like textile, ICT, telecommunication, hydrocarbon, electricity, air
transport, tourism, railway and banking and insurance. In the recent years, private sector activities have
expanded significantly in diverse economic fields. The private sector acts as the engine of growth in a market
oriented economy. At present it accounts for about 80 percent of GDP, 90 percent of employment, 77 percent
of investment, 93 percent of domestic saving, 74 percent of consumption expenditure, and 72 percent of
domestic credit in Bangladesh (Draft PRS-II, 2008). Rural non-farm (RNF) households grew at 5.0 percent
per annum, compared with only 1.5 percent per annum growth in the number of farm holdings, from the



mid-eighties to the mid-nineties (Draft PRS-II, 2008). Non-farm activities (NFA) including rural paved roads,
markets, river jetties, warehouses, rural electrification facilitated production, storage and marketing;
multipurpose credit societies developed and are providing fund for NFA.

The reduction of poverty remains lower in rural areas and a relatively higher rate of reduction is required to
achieve the target within the stipulated timeframe. But if the existing rate prevails there is marginal scope to
achieve the targets by 2015 in rural areas, while urban areas have a better scope. It was found that if the
existing rate of poverty reduction prevails it will take another six years to reach the targets in rural areas, and
more than 2 years in urban areas, while on an average approximately five years is required to achieve the
target by 2015. This shows that the indicators are on the right track to reduce by half poverty by 2015.
However of the additional population below poverty line is considered (added as a result of price hikes in
2007/08) then the achievement is far from the target needed by 2015 and it will take another 20 to 27 years
to achieve the target from 2007. Thus, there remain some challenges to achieve the targets, discussed in
the following section.

Poverty situations have also varied at regional levels. Large variations of poverty among the regions can be
noted (based on data observed for years 2000 and 2005). For instance, it was found that Rajshahi and
Barisal are far behind the national poverty level (Table 3.5). This means that these areas remain
undeveloped. In urban areas the proportion of poverty was 28.40 in 2005, against 35.20 in 2000. This is still
lower than in rural areas where the poverty level was 43.80 in 2005 and 52.30 percent in 2000.

Table 3.5: Proportion of population below national poverty line by divisions

2000 2005
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

Barisal 53.10 55.10 32.00 52.00 54.10 40.40

Chittagong 45.70 46.30 44.20 34.00 36.00 27.80
Dhaka 46.70 55.90 28.20 32.00 39.00 20.20
Khulna 45.10 46.40 38.50 45.70 46.50 43.20
Rajshahi 56.70 58.50 44.50 51.20 52.30 45.20
Sylhet 42.40 41.90 49.60 33.80 36.10 18.60
BANGLADESH 48.90 52.30 35.20 40.00 43.80 28.40
Source: i) BBS, 2006 ii) HIES, 2000 iii) HIES, 2005

In the case of regional variance, an investigation has been made to explore whether specific lagging regions
will ultimately achieve the targets or not. It has been found that the rate of reduction over 2000-05 was
higher in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet while the condition was worse in Rajshahi, Khulna and Barisal even
in urban areas of Rajshahi (Table 3.6). This may be partially a result of rural people of Rajshahi division
migrating to urban slums, where they become poorer due to less work opportunities in the monga (off-peak)



Table 3.6: Annual rate of poverty reduction over 2000-05 by divisions

Required rate of Time required (years)

Rate of reduction poverty reduction
over 2000-2005 to achieve targets Based on Based on
Divisions required existing rate
by 2015
rate Since 2005
Total Rural Urban Total Total Total

Barisal 0.41 0.36 5.25 4.35 5.20 55.12 (Off-track)

Chittagong 5.12 4.45 7.42 1.35 3.40 0.90 (On-track)
Dhaka 6.30 6.05 5.67 0.81 3.20 0.41 (On-track)
Khulna 0.27 0.04 2.44 3.57 4.57 61.26 (Off-track)
Rajshahi 1.94 2.12 0.31 4.26 5.12 11.24 (Off-track)
Sylhet 4.06 2.77 12.50 1.30 3.38 1.08 (On-track)
BANGLADESH 3.64 3.25 3.86 2.65 4.00 2.91 (On-track)

In PRSP-II, "Moving Ahead", it has been mentioned that there exists statistically significant difference in
some of the covariates of the households between the eastern (Dhaka and Chittagong divisions) and the
western regions (Barisal and Khulna divisions). Households in the eastern region have more assets
comprising house, land, business assets and durable goods compared to those in the western region. The
persistence of these differences is attributable to the emergence of two growth poles, namely Dhaka and
Chittagong, in the eastern region and easier access of people living in this part of the country to these cities.
Growth of these cities is also spreading in nearby rural areas. People in the western part of the country have
less access to the growth poles because of lesser connectivity. Faster poverty reduction in this region of the
country can be achieved through investment in infrastructure, especially road infrastructure, and bridges
especially over the Padma to increase connectivity. Another policy would consist of investment in human
capital and improvements in employment opportunities which will improve household characteristics. Table
3.6 above shows the number of years required to achieve the targets on poverty reduction and as evident,
in Khulna, Barisal and Rajshahi, there is less chance to achieve the targets within the next decades if the
existing rate of poverty reduction prevails. The recommendations emerging from these findings is that MDG
localization at the Divisional level is crucial to achieve MDG1 in Bangladesh.

In addition, extreme poverty is observed in some of the pockets of Bangladesh. The persistence of extreme
poverty in some identified areas of the country has been a stark reality in Bangladesh (Annex Table A1-A2).
People living in remote char areas with little assets and a lack of employment opportunities during particular
periods of the year, are common victims of extreme poverty. Further, people living in remote areas of the hill
tracts region and ethnic people are also victim of extreme poverty. Investment in infrastructure, creation of
employment opportunities during the lean period, and increased coverage of SSNPs will improve the poverty

An assessment of national poverty situation based on farm categories found that as the farm size increased,
the proportion of population below poverty line decreased. The situation was far better in 2005 compared to
2000 (Table 3.7). It is shown that most farms above 0.50 acres had lower poverty levels than the target set
for 2015.



Table 3.7: Proportion of population below national poverty line by farm size

2000 2005
Farm size (acre)
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

Landless 46.60 69.70 36.60 46.30 66.60 40.10

Less than 0.05 57.90 63.00 38.30 56.40 65.70 39.70
0.05-0.49 57.10 59.30 27.30 44.90 50.70 25.70

0.50-1.49 46.20 47.50 27.40 34.30 37.10 17.40

1.50-2.49 34.30 35.40 10.20 22.90 25.60 8.80
2.50-7.49 21.90 22.80 9.10 15.40 17.40 4.20
7.50 and above 9.50 9.70 0.00 3.10 3.60 0.00
BANGLADESH 48.90 52.30 35.20 40.00 43.80 28.40
Source: i) BBS, 2006 ii) HIES, 2000 iii) HIES, 2005

Table 3.8 below explains the time required for achieving the target by 2015 in different farm categories. It
has been found that the urban landless will never achieve the targets while the rural landless would take
another 39 years from 2005 to achieve the targets. Thus, the situation for landless as well as farm owners
having less than 0.05 acres of land remains grim as shown below. Poverty reduction for such sections
should be done either through an effective land reform or by giving massive ceiling incentives. Ministry of
Food could take responsibility for addressing this issue.

Table 3.8: Annual rate of poverty reduction over 2000-05 by farm sizes

rate to Time required (years)
Rate of reduction over
Farm size 2000-2005 Since 2005
targets by
(acre) 2015
Total Rural Urban Total Total Rural Urban

Landless -0.36 -0.93 1.75 -1.69 128.61 38.67 -10.08

Less than 0.05 -0.53 0.82 0.71 -2.70 50.76 -42.71 -24.39

0.05-0.49 -5.43 -3.39 -1.25 -1.55 2.85 5.92 2.57

0.50-1.49 -6.94 -5.61 -11.49 -0.49 0.71 1.16 -0.44

1.50-2.49 -9.96 -7.66 -3.18 0.65 -0.65 -0.65 -4.31

2.50-7.49 -8.44 -6.21 -23.33 1.40 -1.66 -2.13 -0.78
7.50 and above -41.29 -33.89 0.00 2.63 -0.64 -0.80 0.00
BANGLADESH -4.45 -3.88 -4.79 -1.06 2.38 3.40 1.23
Never possible Possible out of target period
Notes: Already achieved
Possible within target period



3.2.2 Poverty gap

To achieve MDG1, the poverty gap ratio must be reduced to halve by 2015. Trends in the poverty gap show
a drop from 17.2 in 1990 to 12.9 in 2000 and 9.0 in 2005. The target by 2015 is 8.6. This suggests that even
among the poor, greater numbers of people are now closer to the poverty line than at the beginning of the
1990s. It is worth noting however, that the distributional sensitive measures (PG, SPG) declined relatively
more rapidly than the poverty headcount rate. On average, rural areas did better than urban areas in
reducing the depth and severity of poverty, which implies that growth in rural areas was more pro-poor than
in urban areas. The urban poverty gaps stood at 9.5 percent in 2000 and 6.5 percent in 2005 (Table 3.9).

Table 3.9: Poverty gap ratio during 1990-2005

Year Rural Urban National

1990 18.10 12.00 17.20

2000 13.80 9.50 12.90

2005 9.80 6.50 9.00

2015 9.05 6.00 8.60

Source: i) Mid-term progress report of MDG '07, ii) Bangladesh Economics Review '07

Trends in the poverty gap show a rate of change of 2.50 and 6.05 percent during 1990-2000 and 2000-05.
The overall rate was 3.18 during 1990-2005 (Table 3.10). The additional requirement will be less than the
existing rate which will result in early achievement of these targets irrespective of rural and urban areas. It
has happened due to the impact of privatization and deregulation which stimulated good economic
performance during 2000-05.

Table 3.10: Annual rate of reduction of poverty gap ratio over 1990 to 2015 and time required for
achievement of target

Period Rural Urban National

1990-2000 2.38 2.08 2.50

2000-05 5.80 6.32 6.05

1990-2005 (existing rate) 3.06 3.06 3.18

Required rate 0.77 0.77 0.44

Time required in existing rate (years) 0.25 0.16 0.13

Time required in required rate (years) 0.97 0.65 0.52
Status of progress On-track On-track On-track

There was also large variation of poverty gap between the regions. Like poverty, the poverty gap ratio was
found to be higher in Khulna, Barisal and Rajshahi, where the poverty gap was 10.8, 15.5, and 11.9
respectively in 2005 (Table 3.11). The growth of the poverty gap (Figure 3.1) suggests that the poverty gap
may not be eradicated by 2015 in Barisal and Khulna Divisions mainly because the access to roads and
infrastructure is comparatively lower than in other areas.



Table 3.11: Poverty gap ratio by region in 2005

2000 2005
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
Barisal 14.20 8.30 13.70 16.30 10.70 15.50
Chittagong 11.20 11.40 11.30 6.50 5.60 6.30
Dhaka 15.90 6.50 12.90 8.60 4.00 6.90
Khulna 10.00 10.30 10.00 10.40 12.30 10.80
Rajshahi 16.50 13.60 16.20 12.00 11.40 11.90
Sylhet 9.00 12.50 9.20 7.60 4.50 7.20
BANGLADESH 13.80 9.50 12.90 9.80 6.50 9.00
Source: i) HES, 2005 ii) BBS, 2006

Figure 3.1: Growth of poverty gap ratio over 2000-2005

4.0 3.0 2.6
-2.0 ra
n tal
Ru Ur To
Growth rate over 2000-2005
Barisal Chittagong Dhaka Khulna Rajshahi Sylhet BANGLADESH

3.2.3 Income inequality

Bangladesh has been able to lower the overall incidence of poverty at the rate of one percentage point per
year. Bangladesh has experienced good economic growth, and this has contributed much to the progress.
This was achieved despite a rise in inequality during the nineties with overall Gini coefficient rising from
0.259 in 1990 to 0.306 in 2000, 0.467 in 2005 (Table 3.12) and 0.530 in 2007 by applying the method of
extrapolation (Figure 3.2). Further, the income is more unequally distributed in urban areas compared to
rural areas during 1990-2005. The growth-poverty link underlying the observed poverty trends show that
Bangladesh has moved from a situation of lower growth with equity having a smaller impact on poverty
reduction in the nineties, to a situation of higher growth with inequality having a larger impact on poverty
reduction in the twenties. This implies that the latter is later clearly a better alternative than the former,
however, the policy challenge lies in bringing about a sharper pro-poor orientation to the growth process.

Table 3.12: Gini index of inequality

Year Rural Urban National

1990 0.24 0.30 0.25

1995 0.26 0.34 0.28

2000 0.27 0.36 0.30

2005 0.42 0.49 0.46

Source: i) Mid-term progress report of MDG, 2007 ii) Bangladesh Economics Review, 2007



Figure 3.2: Gini-ratio during 1990-2007

1990 1995$ 2000 2005 2007*

The inequality in Bangladesh is explained by the fact that the lowest quintile represented only 6.5 percent of
the national income in 1990, which decreased to 5.30 percent in 2005. In rural areas, the lowest quintile
share to total national income was relatively better than the urban areas (Table 3.13). The share of the
poorest in national income in rural areas was better than the urban poor, indicating that the situation of the
poorest in urban areas was worse in severe poverty than the rural poor. Rich people in urban areas are
becoming richer than the rich people in rural areas. During the last two decades, the Government of
Bangladesh (GOB) has been pursuing a number of Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs). As records
shows, there are at least 47 well-recognized SSNPs which have been implemented by different ministries or
agencies (Draft PRS-II, 2008) and 26 percent of the national budget is allocated for those programs. Even
though there are several complaints against the delivery systems of SSNPs but the impact was found more
pro-poor in the rural areas. The SSNPs for the urban poor is suggested in addition to strengthening the rural
pro-poor programmes.
Table 3.13: Share of poorest quintile in national income

Year Rural Urban National

1990 6.74 6.40 6.50

1995 6.49 5.12 5.71
2000 7.09 5.04 6.15
2005 5.88 4.84 5.30

Growth rate over 1990-2005 -0.85 -1.63 -1.20

Sources: i) BBS, 2000 ii) Statistical year book of Bangladesh, BBS, 2006 iii) HIES, 2000 & 2005

Target 1(b): Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including
women and young people.

3.2.4 Growth rate of GDP

The GDP growth rate for the nation as a whole, per capita GDP growth rate and per employed person GDP
growth rate has been estimated. It is found from Figure 3.3 that the national GDP growth rate was higher
than the per employed person GDP growth rate. This means that the employed person contributed
considerably to the national GDP. The situation together increased per capita GDP growth since 2004-05.
The relative share of agriculture to GDP is declining (Table 3.14) and labour absorption also decreasing
(Table 3.15), though labour absorption was much higher than the other sector. It is found that the industrial
sector's share of GDP increased from 20.78 per cent to 29.77 per cent while the share of agriculture
decreased from 29.52 to 21.11. Agriculture was a promising sector even though the labour absorption
decreased from 63.10 per cent to 51.69 per cent and the replaced labour neither engaged in manufacturing
sector nor other sectors. There may be plausible cause of either unemployed or job in abroad.



Table 3.14: Sector wise share in GDP (%)

Year Service Industry Agriculture Total

1989-90 49.70 20.78 29.52 100.00

1994-95 48.70 24.78 26.52 100.00
1999-00 48.72 25.70 25.58 100.00

2005-06 49.12 29.77 21.11 100.00

Source: Seminar paper, 2008. Financing growth and poverty reduction: options and Challenges in Bangladesh, Planning Commission, Dhaka.

Table 3.15: Sector wise labour absorption (%)

Year Manufacturing Agriculture

1990-91 12.70 65.10

1995-96 9.80 63.20

1999-00 9.49 50.77

2002-03 9.74 51.69
Source: Seminar paper, 2008. Financing growth and poverty reduction: options and Challenges in Bangladesh, Planning Commission, Dhaka.

Figure 3.3: Growth of GDP

3.2.5 Employment to population ratio

The employment to population ratio is the measure of human poverty for nations. In Bangladesh it was found
that both the numbers of total population and the employment population were increasing (Table 3.16). The
female contribution to total employment population was increasing at a very high rate (Table 3.17). About 48
million people were employed which was approximately one third of total population. Yet of these, only 11.30
million women were employed in 2005-06, amounting to only 17.43 percent of the total female population.



Table 3.16: Employment as percent of total population in Bangladesh

Employment population (mn)

Total population Employment as % of
Year (mn) total population
Total Self employed

1995-96 119.96 34.80 15.80 29.01

1999-00 124.36 39.00 18.23 31.36

2002-03 133.41 44.30 19.80 33.21

2005-06 137.10 47.40 19.86 34.57
Source: LFS, 2002/03, LFS 2005/06, BBS, 2006

Table 3.17: Employment to population ratio by sex and residence

By residence (mn) By sex (mn)

Rural Urban Male Female
1995-96 26.90 7.90 29.80 5.00
1999-00 30.30 8.70 31.10 7.90
2002-03 33.60 10.70 34.50 9.80
2005-06 36.30 11.10 36.10 11.30
Source: LFS, 2002/03, LFS 2005/06, BBS, 2006

The growth of population over 1995/96 to 2005/06 was slightly higher than one percent. The employment
rate increased at the rate of 3.62 percent indicating that employment was experiencing a better situation
(Table 3.18) during 1999/00 to 2002/03. The growth of employment of females also increased at a higher
rate (12.60 percent) than males, similarly and also in urban areas compared to rural areas. It is implied that
the government program on female secondary school assistance program (FSSAP) had a direct impact on
increasing female employment. This is further taken up in Chapter 3: of this report on gender.

Table 3.18: Growth of population, employed population by sex and residence

Employment Growth Employment Growth

rate by residence rate by sex Growth rate
Year Employed
Rural Urban Male Female Population
1995/96-1999/00 3.16 2.53 1.09 14.50 0.92 3.02

1999/00-2002/03 3.63 7.66 3.64 8.02 2.43 4.52

2002/03-2005/06 2.68 1.25 1.55 5.10 0.92 2.33

1995/96-2005/06 3.49 4.05 2.11 12.60 1.13 3.62

On the regional variation of employment as per Division, a marginal increase in the employed population
over ten years was found in some Division, while a large decrease was found in Barisal over 19995/96 to
2002/03 (Table 3.19). Employment in different sectors was examined and found that around 52 percent of
the labour force was engaged in agriculture (Table 3.20). Further, labour employment (irrespective of sector)
has increased. Labour employment growth though increased, but a lower rate was observed in agriculture
(Table 3.21) compared to manufacturing and other sectors.



Table 3.19: Percentage change of labour force aged 15 years and over by regions

1995/96 2002-03 % change over 1995/96-

Division 2002/03
Percent Percent

Barisal 11.90 8.10 -3.80

Chittagong 17.50 18.60 1.10
Dhaka 27.20 28.30 1.10
Khulna 12.90 14.00 1.10
Rajshahi 24.40 24.90 0.50
Sylhet 6.10 6.00 -0.10
Source: LFS, 2002/03, 2005/06, BBS, 2006.

Table 3.20: Employment in different sector over 1995-96 to 2005-06

Year Agric. Manufacturing Other sectors Total

mn mn mn mn
1995-96 17.00 3.50 14.30 34.80
1999-00 20.00 3.70 15.30 39.00
2002-03 22.90 4.30 17.10 44.30

2005-06 22.80 5.20 19.40 47.40

Source: LFS, 2002/03, 2005/06, BBS, 2006

Table 3.21: Growth of employment in different sector

Period Agric. Manufacturing Other sectors Total

1995/96-1999/00 4.41 1.43 1.75 3.01
1999/00-2002/03 4.83 5.41 3.92 4.53
2002/03-2005/06 -0.14 6.98 4.48 2.33
1995/96-2005/06 3.41 4.86 3.57 3.62

3.2.6 Unemployment of youth labour

The study examines the present status and future challenges relating to the unemployment rate of youth
labour (aged 15-29 years in the case of Bangladesh). The proposed decent work indicator by the ILO,
however, emphasized that there is a need to arrive at a new set of indicators that better cover the different
dimensions of decent work. This would require further refinements in the light of relevant features of the
collected data.

Employment of youth labour increased from 18.0 million in 1995/96 to 19.50 million in 2005/06 (Table 3.22).
The growth of youth employment is mostly accounted for by the increasing rural youth (5.78 percent
compared to decline at the rate of 1.19 percent during the same (Table 3.23)). Youth employment however
declined in urban areas but a small incremental was observed for the whole period. The participation of
youth labour force increased from 1995/96 to 2005/06 in rural areas, attributed to government efforts on
reducing gender and regional disparities as reflected in PRSP-I and will also be considered in PRSP-II.



Table 3.22: Youth (15-29 years) employment to population by residence

Rural Urban National

Economic category 1995- 2002- 2005- 1995- 2002- 2005- 1995- 2002- 2005-
96 03 06 96 03 06 96 03 06
(mn) (mn) (mn) (mn) (mn) (mn) (mn) (mn) (mn)

Youth population 20.10 26.41 25.50 8.90 8.88 8.81 29.00 35.29 34.31
Youth labour force 11.00 14.95 16.80 4.20 4.40 3.60 19.20 18.99 20.40

Employed 10.28 13.75 16.22 3.72 4.03 3.28 18.00 17.78 19.50

Unemployed 0.72 1.20 0.58 0.48 0.37 0.32 1.20 0.83 0.90
Source: LFS, 2002/03, 2005/06, BBS, 2006

Table 3.23: Growth of youth (15-29 years) employment to population by residence

Rural Urban National

1995/96- 2002/03- 1995/96- 1995/96- 2002/03- 1995/96- 1995/96- 2002/03- 1995/96-
2002/03 2005/06 2005/06 2002/03 2005/06 2005/06 2002/03 2005/06 2005/06
4.48 -1.14 2.69 -0.03 -0.26 -0.10 3.09 -0.93 1.83
labour 5.13 1.77 5.27 0.68 -2.60 -1.43 -0.16 1.06 0.63
Employed 4.82 5.99 5.78 1.19 -6.20 -1.18 -0.17 3.22 0.83
Unemployed 9.52 -17.22 -1.94 -3.27 -4.50 -3.33 -4.40 2.81 -2.50

Since the poorest of the poor are typically employed as agricultural labourers, it is worthwhile to look at
trends in agricultural wages. The trends in the agricultural daily wage rate are shown in Table 3.24. Real
wage rates (based on price per kg rice) of agricultural male labourers were higher in 2000 and 2005 than
the years of 1990 and 1995. The real wage decreased again in 2007 due to price hikes of common foods,
by which the rice based wage rate decreased and welfare of the poor decreased. Thus, the government
should continue subsidies or price support programs for producers as well as for consumers for the welfare
of the poor people.
Table 3.24: Nominal and real agricultural daily wage rate, 1990-2007

Nominal wage rate (Taka/day) Rice price Rice wage rate (kg/day)
Year (BDT/kg)
Male Female Male Female
1990 42.95 28.50 12.33 3.48 2.31
1995 46.22 31.58 13.75 3.36 2.30
2000 61.10 47.94 14.25 4.29 3.36
2005 84.04 61.05 17.39 4.83 3.51
2007 103.00 76.00 24.43 4.22 3.11
Source: i) Statistical Bulletin Bangladesh, BBS, June 2007
ii) A strategy for poverty reduction in the lagging regions of Bangladesh, Planning Commission, GoB, 2008



Target 2: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.

3.2.7 Prevalence of underweight children below 5 years

The proportion of underweight children in Bangladesh is 16 percent higher than 16 other Asian countries at
similar levels of per capita GDP (GoB, 2005). Nearly half of all children in Bangladesh are underweight. This
suggests that children in Bangladesh suffer from short-term acute shortfalls in food intake, as well as longer-
term under-nutrition. Much remains to be done in this vital area. There are also large differences in child
malnutrition rates across economic groups. Child malnutrition is pervasive among the poor. More than 60
percent of children 6-71 months old suffering from stunting, belong to the bottom consumption quintile
(Figure 3.4). Contrary to expectation however, nearly a third of the children from the richest quintile also
suffer from malnourishment. This suggests that factors other than income play an important role. Such
factors include per capita household food intake; infant feeding practices; maternal schooling and hygiene
practices; access to safe drinking water, sanitation and health facilities, quality of village infrastructure and
protection against natural disasters. The presence of NGOs and public relief programs has been found to
have strong correlation to reduction in child malnutrition in the lowest consumption quintile.

Figure 3.4: Prevalence of underweight children under five years age

80.00 Rural
70.00 Urban
Per cent
60.00 National
1990 1995 2000 2005 2007*

The prevalence of moderately underweight children (6-71 months) has declined noticeably from 67 percent
in 1990 to 51 percent in 2000, and 39.70 percent in 2005. The severely underweight children of the same
age group have been halved from 25 to 13 percent during roughly the same period. Further, the proportion
of underweight children decreased from 70.0 to 53.0 percent during 1990 to 2000 in rural areas, while the
rate was 57.0 to 42.0 during 1990-2000 in urban areas. The reduction of malnourished children was higher
in urban areas. This may be due to government efforts of mother and child health programs more effectively
implemented in urban areas than in rural areas. Given the annual reduction rate of 2.4 percent (Table 3.25),
then it would take another eight years for rural and six years for the urban areas since 2000 to achieve the
targets. However, the achievement is still far behind that targeted for 2015. Thus, it remains a challenge,
particularly for rural areas, to achieve the target.



Table 3.25: Prevalence (%) of underweight children under five years of age

Year Rural Urban National

1990 70.00 57.00 67.00

1995 59.00 46.00 57.00
2000 53.00 42.00 51.00
2005 47.00* 38.00* 39.70
2007* 44.60 36.40 35.20
2015 35.00 29.00 33.00
Annual reduction rate
2.43 2.63 2.39
(%) during 1990-2000
Time required (yr.) in existing
growth rate since 2000 7.82 5.42 7.40
Note: *- Calculated by extrapolation
Source: i) A future within the reach 2005. Reshaping institutions in a region of disparities to meet the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific, UNDP
ii) Mid-term progress report of MDG, 2007.

3.2.8 Population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption

The number of people falling below the hardcore poverty mark (consume 1805Kcal/day) is shown in Table
3.28. It is found that the population below the hardcore decreased from 28.3 million in 1990 to 17.6 in 2007.
The population below the hard core poverty mark was 24.6 million and 20.0 million respectively in 1995 and
2000 which clearly demonstrates a sharp decrease. At the existing rate of reduction (Table 3.26) the status
of progress is 'Off-track' for absolute poverty in both urban and rural areas, and 'Off-track' for hard core
poverty in rural areas.
Table 3.26: Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption
(DCI method in mn)

Absolute poverty Hard core poverty

Year (2122 Kcal/person/day) (1805 Kcal/person/day)
National Rural Urban National Rural Urban
1990 47.50 47.60 46.70 28.30 26.30 28.00
1995 47.50 47.10 49.70 24.60 27.30 25.10
2000 44.30 42.30 52.50 20.00 18.70 25.00
2005 40.40 39.50 43.20 17.90 24.40 19.50
2007* 36.80 36.80 36.10 17.60 24.20 19.30
2015 23.80 23.80 23.30 14.20 14.10 13.20
Rate of reduction 1.34 0.50 2.15 0.48 2.03
During 200-2005
Required yrs to
achieve target at the 16.66 13.83 39.80 1.50 21.38 3.11
above reduction rate
Status of progress Off-track Off-track Off-track On-track Off-track On-track
Note: *- Calculated by extrapolation
Source: i) BBS, 2006 ii) HIES, 2005.



3.3 Challenges and Opportunities in Reducing Poverty and Hunger

Much will need to be done to achieve the MDG1 target of halving the proportion of poor whose income is
less than one dollar a day, and halving the
proportion who suffer from hunger and
malnutrition. Bangladesh has nearly 140
people, of whom 75 per cent live in rural
areas and 63 million are poor (the third
largest poor population in any country after
China and India). Bangladesh also has one
of the highest rates of child malnutrition in the
world. One third of the population lives in
extreme poverty, and nearly half of
Bangladesh's children are underweight.
Demographic changes in upcoming years
are likely to affect poverty and hunger in
adverse ways. Achieving the MDG1 by 2015
will require Bangladesh to develop and
implement more ambitious and effective
strategies. The primary challenges and
actions needed to address them are summarized below.

Challenge 1: Reducing hunger and malnutrition: Comprehensive programme of integrated

actions on many fronts.

Agricultural growth as an indicator of economic development is necessary for rural poverty alleviation
(Ravallion and Datt, 1996; Odhiambo and Nyangito, 2005). Recent research shows that a one percent
increase in agricultural yields reduces the number of people living on less than USD 1 per day by between
0.6 and 1.2 percent. No other economic activity generates the same benefits for the poor (Irz et al., 2001).
In Bangladesh, agricultural performance in the 1990s has been relatively better as compared to the previous
two decades. During 1990s, the growth of agricultural GDP was estimated at 3.5 percent per year compared
to 2.6 percent during 1974-90. At the same time, national income grew at 5.3 percent compared to 4.1
percent in the previous two decades (BBS, 2000). Agriculture is the economic activity mostly dependent on
land resources. Bangladesh is an extremely densely populated country, with approximately five percent of
households classified as landless, and approximately 55 percent of households are having less than 0.2 ha
of land (BBS, HIES 2005). Furthermore, another 30 percent of households have less than one ha, and only
ten percent of households have more than one ha of land. According to HIES 2005, on an average around
29 percent of household income comes from agricultural sources in rural areas. The share is six percent in
urban areas (HIES, BBS, 2005).

A BIDS-IRRI survey conducted in 2000 estimated that the average land size of poor household in rural areas
is 0.29 ha and per capita income per year is USD 46, much lower than the overall rural average of USD 100.
Both are less than the rural poverty line of USD 141 per person per year (Hossain, 2004). Therefore, limited
land size leads households to seek the other income generating activities like non-farm activities to escape
poverty. In terms of expenditure, more than half of rural household expenditure is for food consumption
(BBS, HIES 2005). The national average food consumption as a share of total expenditure is 54 percent
(BBS, HIES 2005). The bottom 40 percent of households are spending approximately 67 percent of their
total expenditure on food, whereas upper income groups are spending proportionately less. Therefore, the
challenge is to increase the food supply while keeping food prices within an affordable limit so that low
income poor people can achieve food security.

In Bangladesh, recent growth of agricultural incomes was accelerated mainly by the expansion of non-crop
agriculture sectors particularly livestock and fisheries. These sub-sectors had significant increase in physical



output, as well as favorable prices compared to the crop sector. Thus, agriculture has become much more
diversified than it was at the time of independence (Ahmed and Chowdhury, 2000).

Privatization of minor irrigation systems and a reduction in import duties helped to adopt modern variety rice
in the 1990s, and the upper 50 percent households have directly benefited in the form of increased yields,
reduction in per unit cost, and average farm incomes (Hossain et al., 2003). On the other hand the increased
productivity leads to reduced output market prices which have caused limited income gains for producers.
Although not highly profitable, indirectly there have been positive impacts to the both poor and rich
households in the form of reduced real prices of rice, improved food security and reduced vulnerability.
Further, the rice equivalent wage has increased about 4.8 percent per year from 1987-2000 (Hossain et al.,

The development of agriculture also contributed to reductions in poverty in an indirect way. The expansion
of non-farm sector (which is vertically integrated with agriculture) has also been contributing to increases in
the income of poor households. Infrastructural development with roads and transportation system have also
created employment opportunities in transporting surplus agricultural produces from rural to urban areas as
well as trading with rice, vegetables, fruits etc. Many NGOs are supporting marginal and landless farmers to
generate income through raising livestock, poultry, and small trading by providing logistic and micro-credit

Improvement of the growth performance of the agriculture sector with various sub-sectors calls for a
comprehensive multi-sectoral approach to address all aspects of agricultural production focusing on food
production (cereals and non-cereals), food security, employment, and income generating activities (IGAs).
Bangladesh faces tremendous challenges in doing this. Some of the important challenges are as follows:
z In the face of decreasing farm sizes, degrading soil quality and limited water resources, the main
challenge for the country is to maximize production in order to improve food availability from
domestic sources;
z With the present production technology package approaching a limit, one major challenge is to
harness productivity gains by making breakthroughs in yield frontier technology (i.e.,
hybrids/crossbreds, biotechnology, genetic engineering in crop, livestock, fisheries and forestry);
z Against the backdrop of decreasing water resources and increasing irrigation costs due to rising
fuel/energy prices, an emerging challenge is to improve water use efficiency in rice production and
to shift to water-efficient food crops;
z The growing competition in global markets due to trade liberalization has, without doubt, created
opportunities as well as constraints for Bangladeshi small holders (in horticulture, dairy, poultry,
shrimp, fish and wood products) who account for four-fifths of all farm holdings. They have to be
given effective support to allow a level playing field for them to compete with others, and to reap
the benefits of a globalized world;
z With 63.0 million people living below the poverty line, Bangladesh has a formidable challenge to
strike a balance between ensuring adequate incentives for the numerous small producers (rice,
poultry, dairy, fish, nursery etc.) on the one hand and keeping food prices low for poor consumers
on the other;
z With economic growth, income inequality in rural areas is also on the rise, which brings forth a
challenge to escalate income generating programmes and accelerate poverty reduction in rural
z While there has been an overall improvement in food availability at the household level, intra-
household food entitlements between men and women (especially lactating women), and between
adults and children remains an issue to be addressed;
z The already vulnerable food security situation worsens when food production (crops, livestock and
fisheries) drops due to natural disasters. This means that the country needs to bolster its capacity
in agriculture production to guarantee food security, especially in vulnerable disaster-prone areas;
z With the increase in population, increases in the production of fish, milk, meat and eggs, and self-
employment of fishermen and livestock-rearing farmers are important to supply balanced food for
a growing population, possibly through encouraging small holders and private sector promotion in
poultry, dairy and fisheries sub-sectors;



z Coping with the effects of climate change, maintaining ecological balance and conserving
biodiversity for the growing population is a key challenge for Bangladesh;
z To meet these challenges, the overriding task is to mobilize resources for the agriculture sector
including adequate financial support from internal and external sources, and to strengthen
cooperation between countries in the region in the fields of science, technology and knowledge

Challenge 2: Youth unemployment

The challenge in the case of youth labour (which is likely to reach a level of nearly 30 million in 2015), is to
create employment at a much faster rate compared with other segments of the labour force. For example, if
the target is to reduce the youth unemployment rate to the same growth rate of labour force in 2015, then
Bangladesh will have to generate more than 11 million jobs specifically for the youth population.

There are two important issues to be considered here. First, the problem of unemployment mostly affects
youth labour in Bangladesh. The economy therefore needs to accelerate the generation of employment
opportunities for the youth. Second, the large majority of the educated youth remain unemployed due to a
mismatch between supply and demand in the labour market, inappropriate and inadequate skills, and the
slow pace of job creation, particularly in the formal sector. In order to meet the challenge of the growing youth
labour market, Bangladesh will need to rapidly expand the productive and skill-intensive formal and informal
sectors. Reforms in the education sector to match these emerging priority demands of the labour market is

Global partnerships can contribute by providing new formats and strategic directions in creating decent and
productive employment for youth. Although domestic investment is the main driver of growth and foreign
direct investment (FDI) flows are yet to rise rapidly in Bangladesh, development dimensions of the youth can
be made an integral part of the country's FDI policy through global partnerships in transferring technology,
upgrading skills and management capabilities of the youth labour force in ways that not only attract more
FDI but that also support higher productivity.

Challenge 3: Protecting the vulnerable: Supporting effective and sustainable safety net
programmes for the vulnerable in poor areas

The persistence of disparities in poverty and hunger warrants the evaluation of social safety net options that
target particular groups and areas. Some groups of the poor and hungry are chronically vulnerable, and
some face vulnerabilities that are regional or seasonal in nature. Targeted interventions need to be designed
and prioritized taking into account their financial sustainability and the country's other demands for pro-poor
spending. Tradeoffs between reaching the poorest and the not-so-poor, and the distinctions between short-
term palliatives and long-term measures to enhance the prospects for poverty reduction, must be

Types of targeted interventions that should be introduced include:

z Identifying and promoting infrastructure investment projects with high expected impacts on
employment, growth, and market access in poor (especially rural) areas.
z Supporting safety nets for protection against natural disasters and the associated hardships in
disaster-prone areas.

Challenge 4: Reaching the poor: Promoting pro-poor growth

The initial level of inequality of income and ownership of assets and its possible further deterioration will
determine the poverty outcome. Pro-poor growth, therefore, needs to be promoted so that the positive
impact of economic growth on poverty reduction is increasingly larger than the adverse impact of income



inequality, and the poor are able to participate more actively in the growth process and derive increasingly
higher benefits from it. The creation of more jobs and opportunities for entrepreneurship and self
employment by the poor will need to be speeded up aggressively, so as to address the massive backlog of
underemployment, as well as the large annual addition to the labour force on account of demographic
factors. Income growth in rural areas has proven to be pro-poor in Bangladesh, and its continuation will need
to be promoted proactively. Pro-poor policy reforms are suggested, and the coordinated actions will be
required in areas such as:
z Building the income-generating capacities of the poor by pursuing social sector programmes and
policies that develop their human capital. This should include improving poor people's access to the
essential health service packages (ESP), addressing the problem of child malnutrition, and
undertaking a comprehensive programme to improve the coverage and quality of education and
skill development. These are covered in later section on health and education.
z Enabling the poor to participate more actively in economic activities through initiatives to facilitate
their access to markets for credit, land, and labour.
z Enhancing cooperation and partnership among Government, the private sector, and civil society in
scaled-up efforts to implement the PRSP.

Challenge 5: Expansion of rural infrastructure to ensure access to health and modern

facilities, and also to strengthen the rural-urban market linkages by the poor

z Upgrading and construction of paved secondary or district roads.

z Upgrading and construction of small paved roads connecting villages and farmers to the nearest
district road.
z Extension and improvement of footpaths connecting individual rural farmers to feeder roads.
z Institutional structure and funding arrangements for adequate road maintenance.
z Investments in supply and distribution systems for bicycles and motorized vehicles.
z Deregulation of transport market to increase competition.
z Support to small-scale transport entrepreneurs to reduce barriers to market entry.

Challenge 6: Creation of job opportunities to the urban poor

The urban population and the urban labour force experiences accelerated growth due to natural increases,
rural-urban migration, and the reclassification of rural as urban areas. As the large majority of the urban
labour force will belong to the youth labour category, the formal sector will be required to provide
employment to a progressively larger segment of the youth labour force. This has direct implications for
ensuring decent work to meet the dual role of employment in terms of both generating income and fulfilling
the individual's social functions. In the situation analysis it was found that the urban poor were worse off than
the rural poor. Thus, there remains a challenge to create job opportunities for the urban poor.

3.4 Major Interventions and Targets for MDG1

3.4.1 Agriculture and Rural Development

Agriculture has been and will continue to be the life line of the Bangladesh economy representing about 21
percent of total GDP. Agriculture continues to be the most important sector in a sense that it plays significant
role in the production of food, employment and income in the rural areas for improving the well-being of the
poor. As one of the largest private enterprises, crop production contributes about 12 percent to the GDP
(MOF, 2007) and is a major supplier of raw materials in agro-based industries.

The agriculture sector is the sum of crops, forests, fisheries and livestock where only crop sub-sector
contributes 71 percent of the total agricultural GDP (MOF, 2007). In terms of contribution to country's GDP,
within the broad agriculture sector, the contribution of agriculture and forestry and fisheries are estimated at



16.38 percent (crop 11.72 percent, livestock 2.90 percent, forestry 1.76 percent and fisheries 4.73 percent
respectively in FY 2006-07 (MOF, 2007).

To meet the challenges in agriculture and rural development, the overriding task is to mobilize resources for
increasing agriculture productivity, increasing rural incomes, and access to markets. These two interventions
for agriculture and rural development are discussed below in detail:

a) Increasing Agricultural

The investment in agriculture is aimed at

increasing agricultural productivity of
smallholder farmers, as they often do produce
levels required for subsistence. Food grain
production was 27.8 and 28.4 million metric
ton respectively in 2005-06 and 2006-07, while
the food deficit and imported were 2.56 and
2.43 million metric ton. To meet the food
deficit, the government allocated BDT 1100
and BDT 2000 core in FY 2005-06 and 2006-
07 respectively.

The interventions which are essential in addressing agricultural productivity to the smallholders are
discussed below.

i. Investments in soil health

This intervention is critical for increasing yield as depleted levels of nitrogen in the soil can severely curb
agricultural production. Use of additional use chemical fertilizers and manures are treated here for improving
soil health which ultimately increased crop productivity. The percentage of households using chemical and
organic fertilizers are varied 60-90 percent irrespective of region. The use of chemical fertilizers decreased
recent years due to its price hike and lack of availability

ii. Improved seeds

Investments in improved seeds, in combination with greater soil nutrients, are essential for increasing
agricultural productivity of smallholder farmers. The intervention encourages farmers to grow improved crops
include crop seed, vegetable seed and fodder crop production, vegetative propagation, tree nurseries, and
seed delivery. The use of improved seed increased one-two percent each year, with variance from region to

iii. Plant protection

Plant protection is mainly done by using pesticides. The flood protection and drainage has been planned to
cover an area of 4.621 million hectares within the year 2010-11, with an incremental area of 0.1 million
hectares which will ensure an additional food grain production of 0.4 million metric tons. Recently, the
integrated pest management is being practiced by a large proportion of farmers using pesticides in crop

iv. Small scale irrigation and water management

Policies towards deregulation and market liberalization have encouraged private sector participation in minor
irrigation systems. Public sector irrigation systems are being rationalized for improvement of performance
and cost recovery. Expansion of irrigation facilities to 5.35 million hectares of land is undertaken by operating
different modes of irrigation equipment. Emphasis has been given to minor irrigation for efficient use of
ground water. The suggested interventions include facilitating tube wells for lifting ground water irrigation in
crop production. The number tube well increased dramatically increased after the mid nineties due to trade



liberalization and it is expected that the number will be 400,000 to 450,000 during 2009-20015 while the
number of pumps will be decreased from 25,000 to 20,000 during 2009-2015.

v. Agricultural research
Along with production and delivery, research is also an important component of supplying farmers with
improved seeds. The UN Millennium Project recommends allocating around two percent of agricultural GDP
for agricultural research. In Bangladesh, currently, this amounts to around two percent of agricultural GDP
and expected to increase three percent by 2015. The agricultural research institutions are BRRI, BARI, BJRI,
BLRI, BFRI, BSRI, BTRI, BFRI with coordination by BARC.

vi. Extension services of DAE, DLS and DoF

Increasing agricultural productivity depends on a strong extension system that is participatory and reaches
up-to-date knowledge of soil health, small-scale water management, improved seeds, high value niche
products and other ecologically sound products. Extension services in the country are supported by DAE,
DLS and DoF. About 24,000 extension workers are working on best practice production methods, tools and
demonstration plots, among others. The livestock and fisheries services especially, need strengthening in
terms of manpower, resources and policy support. These two sectors have only 12,000 extension workers,
and need to be increased. Emphasis will be given to facilitate partnership of DAE, DLS, DoF and BRDB
cooperatives with the private sector and NGOs, and which have developed many successful approaches to
disseminating promising technologies. DLS is also trying to increase livestock production by delivering best
practices of updated knowledge to farmers. Farmers are also very much aware about the best methods of
production required to produce different species of livestock and poultry. Similarly, the DoF is supplying the
delivery and services of best practicess for production of different species of fish.

vii. Subsidy in agriculture

Bangladesh has increased subsidies for agricultural inputs. Indeed, the main challenge for the Government
is to maintain the right type and mix of support programmes and to prioritize the implementation strategy, so
that the support package may contribute to productivity gains as well as benefit poor farmers most. At this
moment, about BDT 45 billion is used to subsidize fertilizers while diesel costs are also subsidized by the
government (cost of BDT 2.50 billion in 2007-08). The pump owners rebate 20 percent of electricity bills for
irrigation purposes. It is expected that the subsidization policy will not be increased due to budgetary
constraints, but efficient delivery and coverage from 70 percent to 100 percent smallholders are targeted.

The Millennium Project developed costing model was used to calculate the costs of farm, community and
national-level interventions in the agricultural sector, as well as the cost of roads and infrastructure using the
Excel spreadsheets.

In some cases, the current coverage data was not available. In these cases, they have been considered with
some previous micro level studies and/or through the key informant discussions and interviews in addition
to the discussions in the Thematic Working Group (TWG) members (Table 3.27).



Table 3.27: Coverage target of farm interventions in Bangladesh agriculture

Dhaka Chittagong Rajshahi Khulna Sylhet Barisal
Cover- Cover- Cover- Cover- Cover- Cover-
Target Target Target Target Target Target
age age age age age age
64.00 74.00 62.00 72.00 62.00 72.00 63.00 73.00 60.00 70.00 65.00 75.00
farm size 0.43 0.33 0.38 0.29 0.49 0.38 0.53 0.41 0.89 0.69 0.51 0.39
Percent of
rural 28.00 na 18.00 na 27.00 na 13.00 na 6.00 na 8.00 na
% of area
under HYV 73.00 90.00 80.00 100.00 86.00 100.00 45.00 75.00 55.00 80.00 33.00 58.00
% irrigated
area 50.56 60.56 40.13 50.13 65.60 75.60 46.29 56.29 36.03 46.03 9.13 19.13

61.78 75.00 60.06 75.00 75.80 75.00 45.65 75.00 45.52 75.00 21.07 75.00
and target

Source : BBS. 2006

Note : na is not appropriate, many cases trends were taken into consideration

b) Rural incomes and access to markets

In addition to increasing agriculture productivity, improved access to credit, storage facilities, processing, and
value added technologies can help raise incomes. Access to markets, farmer cooperatives/associations, and
physical market spaces are also beneficial. Interventions to increase rural incomes and access to markets
are discussed below:

i. Building storage facilities to reduce post-harvest losses

Promoting farmers associations and cooperatives to improve economies of scale and bargaining. Promoting
value added food processing for smallholders is also important for access to fair prices to the farmers. About
4 percent of the total households are using the existing 2700 storage facilities especially for cold storage
where one storage facility is used on an average by 300 households. It is expected that the storage facilities'
usage will increase by 10 percent and while on an average 200 households will use each storage facility that
will reduce post harvest losses and help in getting fair price to the farmers.

ii. Agro-processing Activities

Agri-business and agro-processing are given top priority as thrust sectors to promote value addition to crops,
livestock, fish and horticultural products. Increased budgetary allocations will be made for supporting agro-
processing activities, which remain predominantly in the private sector. The private sector will also get
support for technical training, technology development, and improvement of hygienic standards, handling
and packaging of processed products. It is important to recognize that without compliance with international
standards for food safety, sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures, exports are unlikely to become significant.
For agro-processing, the existing rice mills numbering 22,000 units have been considered with increased
coverage from 90 to 100 percent by 2015.



iii. Access to Micro Credit

NGOs operate a large number of micro credit programmes which generate income and employment, and
which directly reduce poverty among beneficiaries. As of December 2006, as many as 611 NGOs were
operating micro-credit programmes with the total number of beneficiaries standing at approximately 30.8
million, of whom 3.8 million were male and 26.9 million were female. Ventures like small poultry farms, seed
production, processing and marketing, fruit orchard development, marketing of quality fruits, vegetable
production and group marketing, shrimp hatcheries, fish farming, shrimp processing and marketing and
processing of fruits at farm level (such as preparation of jam, jelly, chatny, dry vegetable etc.) can be
supported through ensuring credit in agriculture sector in PRS II period for fostering the reduction of poverty.
From FGD with civil society organizations, it is expected that the use of micro credit will shift from 48.0
percent to 68.0 percent across the total number of rural households by 2015, by which agro-based
production and entrepreneurship should be developed.

3.4.2 Development of transport infrastructure

In PRSP-II, it is mentioned that the interventions on improving rural access would be directed at achieving
the target of reducing the proportion of the rural population living more than an hour's walk from the nearest
road to less than 20 percent. There are three main modes of transport in Bangladesh: road, rail and
waterways with an increasing emphasis on roads. Both the quality and quantity of the railways and
waterways has declined over recent decades.

The key challenge in the transport sector is to expand the country's relatively new and small roads network.
The major interventions include the expansion of national, district and feeder roads (including bridges and
culverts), where necessary. It is expected that interventions on roads and transports will increase access of
communities to socio-economic development, thus reducing poverty and facilitating the achievement of
MDG1. The government has recently placed increased emphasis on roads and transport. However, despite
investment in the system, the cost of transport, construction and maintenance remain high due to
topographical obstacles such as the extensive river system, periodic flooding and poor soil conditions (BIDS,

The development of the provisions for an efficient transport system facilitates generation of economies of
scale, expansion of competitive markets, reduction of transportation costs, urbanization and exports growth
which will exert beneficial effects on the economy. The provisions of transport services improved significantly
in the past few years along with the construction of rural roads and key major highways. The development
of the transport network and the provision of better services facilitate movement of raw materials and goods
from the place of origin to the place of destination at cheaper costs.

Status of transport sector in Bangladesh

Bangladesh witnessed rapid growth in the transportation sector since independence. The road network has
expanded rapidly to 182,286 km, covering national and other categories of roads to provide nation wide
transport services to all (Table 3.28). The 159,853 km of the road network in rural areas had significant
impact on ensuring affordable transport services in the rural sector and improving the living conditions of the
rural poor.



Table 3.28: Status of transport sector in Bangladesh during 2006-07

Road Type Route in kilometer Bridge & culvert in meter

National highway 3,570
Regional highway 4,323 24,200
District highway 13,678
Upazila road 36,168 48,296
Union road 42,328 44,656
Village road-A 94,059 53,133
Village road-B 77,276 23,905
Rail: Broad gauge 659
Meter gauge 1,831
Source: RHD Database 2008, LGED Database 2008 and Railway handbook 2008

The role of government is to promote, regulate and provide facilities particularly to those areas where the
required services are not forthcoming. Strategies for improvement of service delivery in the transport sector
include: (a) develop a comprehensive master plan for transportation of passengers and goods by different
modes of transports; (b) develop an efficient road network connecting major cities with secondary towns by
up-gradation of roads; (c) develop a viable public transportation in districts and cities connecting surrounding
growth centers; (d) expand and intensify railway operations connecting ports and towns; (e) develop an
effective railway time-table with an eye on public requirement; (f) develop and maintain road, rail and
waterways on routine basis; (g) promote commercialization of all public transportation; (h) build and
strengthen public-private partnerships in rail and road transportation; and (i) develop a sustainable
transportation system with complete awareness of the potential social, environmental and economic impact.

Major interventions for development of transport infrastructure

z Construction of village, union, upazila, district and national roads

z Maintenance of village, union, upazila, district and national roads
z Construction and maintenances of bridges and culverts on village, union, upazila, district and
national roads
z Strengthen railroads

The PRSP been strongly addressed the construction and maintenance of road infrastructure for reducing
poverty. It is principally local government and the engineering department that are playing a significant role
in this. In addition, RHD and Bangladesh Railway can also play a role. In FY 2006-07, it was found that
138.08 million man-days were utilized in the construction and maintenance of the road infrastructure in
Bangladesh. It has been also found that due to road access, villagers were using 92 percent higher fertilizer,
the price of fertilizer was 12 percent lower in villages with good access to road areas, labor costs were 12
percent lower, crop production was 32 percent higher, and there was 71 percent higher use of modern rice
varieties. Thus, the intervention of construction and maintenance of road infrastructure increased poverty
reduction in lagging regions.

It is estimated that the total length of rail roads and bridges will increase at a very slow rate because the
government has placed less emphasis due to the high costs of construction (Table 3.29). National roads
which consist of national highways, regional highways and district highways are targeted to increase by 8-
14 percent by 2015 depending upon categories. In the case of the feeder roads that are maintained by LGED
and consist of village roads, union and upazila have been targeted to increase by ten percent during the
period of 2009-2015. The feeder roads directly help for improving rural livelihood.



Table 3.29: Current coverage and targets for the transport infrastructure in Bangladesh

Route in kilometer Bridge & culvert in number

Road Type Coverage in Target as 2015 Coverage in Target as 2015
2006 (additional) 2006 (additional)

Railway roads 2,835 165 3,452 48.00

National highway 3,570 430 6,000 650.40
Regional highway 4,323 677 8,000 1,127.60
District highway 13,678 1,322 10,200 869.90
Upazila road 36,168 3,620 48,296 483.00

Union road 42,328 4,200 44,656 446.60

Village road-A 94,059 9,000 53,133 531.30
Village road-B 77,276 7,500 23,905 239.10

3.4.3 Promoting Decent Employment

With the current growth (3.32 percent), labour force will grow to 58.28 million in 2010-11, resulting in an
incremental labour force of 5.44 million during 2009-11. With the prevailing employment growth, total
employment will increase to 55.75 million in 2010-11 with an incremental employment of 5.17 million. This
means that, including the backlog of 1.88 million unemployed, 7.32 million additional jobs will have to be
created during 2009-11, requiring an employment growth rate of 4.67 percent. Besides this, the
underemployed will amount to 26.58 million during 2009-11, and if productive employment is to be created
for at least 75 percent of them, 27.26 million additional jobs will need to be created during 2009-11. This
indicates the challenge of employment generation to absorb a large and growing labour force. Several
approaches can be adopted to ease the employment problem: (i) introducing policies for making growth
more employment-friendly; (ii) increasing overseas migration of workers; and (iii) undertaking special
schemes for job creation (especially through micro-credit) and employment-based safety nets through public
works programs. Support for off-farm income-generating activities includes the following:

a) Food for work programs

This program is a means to provide rations for the food insecure and at the same time improve the access
of remote and isolated households to educational, health and agricultural services. The government must
continue these programs as they act as a safety net for food insecure households, especially the rural
landless, and contribute to improving access of isolated communities to socioeconomic services. It is
targeted that in each year this program will be maintained to improve the pro-poor people for poverty
reduction. Moreover, 138 million man-days were used in 2006-07 for construction of roads and infrastructure
of roads infrastructure.

b) Social safety net through employment guaranteed scheme

This intervention package provides smallholder farmers and landless households with opportunities to
access alternative sources of income as a safety-net. The Government operates a large number of social
safety net programs which generate income and employment, help human resource development, create
infrastructure and directly reduce the poverty of the beneficiaries. The existing programs cannot guarantee
a minimum amount of jobs and income security to the poor. The government is planning to introduce
guaranteed employment program in the FY2008-09 for rural people during lean season. The main aim of
this new program is to guarantee 100 days of work in a year for 20 million people at the rate of Taka 100 per
day. If the government fails to provide work, it would compensate the persons during the lean season with



c) Skill development
There exists a skills mismatch in the labor market generated by shift of labor from non-tradable to tradable
sector, as well as by the educational system turning out graduates whose supply exceeds demand. Skills
training, imparted through public sector and private sector polytechnic institutes, some specialized institutes,
private sector institutions, public sector technical schools and colleges (TSCs), Technical Training Centers
(TTCs) and Department of Youth should be expanded and diversified and the quality and content of
vocational training would be upgraded and reoriented in general to cater to the emerging needs of the
economy. In particular, for skills upgrade of workers in the unorganized sector, flexibility in the duration,
training and location of training courses should be introduced. Skills of entrepreneurship, management and
marketing will be introduced as part of training courses. Skill development from the Ministry of Labor under
BMLD was arranged a substantial number of skill training for working at country and abroad.

Overseas employment has greatly contributed to the absorption of a growing labor force in the country.
Annual flow of migrant workers has increased from 6,087 in 1976 to 8, 21,223 in 2007, a 17.14 percent trend
rate of growth. The long-term strategies for expanding overseas employment include the search for new
markets, skills development training, export of human power from Monga areas (the area with less
opportunities for work), welfare program, controlling the works of recruiting agencies, bringing about
transparency in the migration process, increasing the flow of remittance and ensuring their proper use and
special initiatives for sending women workers. It is estimated that about 500,000 human resources should
be trained up as semi skilled and skilled labour where the training cost per person is estimated Taka 7,000
per year.

d) Financial support to urban poor

The urban poor are worse off than the rural poor. Given this, some financial based sub-interventions should
be introduced. It has been proposed to provide financial support to urban poor to work abroad with easy
terms and conditions. Moreover, the skilled or semi-skilled oriented training should be facilitated by arranging
long term based micro-financing to urban poor people. This should help them to engage themselves in self-
employment based small trading. In the spreadsheet model, it is assumed that the 500,000 poor people per
year those who are residing in the unfavorable agro ecological zone should be supported with free interest
rates (about 11.50 percent on average) when they will decide to work in abroad.

3.5 Resource Needs Estimates for MDG1

The total amount of resources required for the period 2009-2015 for interventions in the agriculture and rural
development cluster amounts to approximately BDT 1591.07, equivalent to 23.26 billion US dollar. Of this,
around three fourths are intended for recurrent expenditures and one fourth for capital expenses. From the
requirement of approximately BDT 188.37 billion in 2009, the annual costs rise to BDT 226.55 billion in 2012,
and BDT 268.57 billion in 2015 (Table 3.30).

3.5.1 Agriculture and Rural Development

About 69 percent of the total cost or approximately BDT 1095.81 billion is required for farm interventions to
increase agricultural productivity. Around one fourth will be needed for the cost of subsidy in agriculture
during 2009-2015. The overall resource needs for this cluster are shown in Table 3.30. Details of each
intervention, its coverage and costing, as calculated by the Agriculture Rural Development Model are
available with the Project. Rural credit forms a critical element for the success of some of the interventions
mentioned above, and access to affordable micro-finance schemes, particularly for poorer and vulnerable
households should be enhanced. Similarly, enhancing other rural income generation opportunities such as
creation of facilities of mass storages, community mobilization, agro-processing and adaptive research will
require policies that support the development of small and micro intermediaries and economic facilities.



Table 3.30: Resource needs estimates for agriculture and rural development

Area % of total
Billion BDT Billion USD

Farm intervention 1,095.81 16.02 68.87

Community intervention 29.61 0.43 1.86
Small scale irrigation 48.83 0.71 3.07
National intervention 1.27 0.02 0.08
Subsidy in agriculture 415.55 6.08 26.12
Total 1,591.07 23.26 100.00
1 USD = 68.40 BDT

In order to successfully achieve the MDG1 related to poverty and hunger, economic growth must have a
stronger pro-poor orientation with the overall macroeconomic policy and budgetary should focus on the
successful implementation of the proposed poverty alleviation interventions, including focused and targeted
poverty interventions. It is especially crucial that higher growth rates for the agriculture sector are stimulated
through increased allocation of resources and investments in policies on agricultural subsidies (BDT 415.55
billion) and national extension and research (BDT 1.27 billion) over 2009-15. Thus approximately BDT
450.44 billion (one third of the total cost of agricultural and rural development) is required to be borne mainly
by the government, of which subsidies account for 26.12 percent of the total cost.

3.5.2 Transport Infrastructure

Improving rural access for the economic growth of Bangladesh, will require road construction in rural areas
and the maintenance of transport infrastructure. Long-term strategies will address poverty by developing
infrastructure to improve the living standards of the poor. There is a need to effectively address the growing
rural-urban migration trends that have serious implications for the emergence of poverty. In addition,
possibilities should be explored to develop appropriate compensation schemes for farming communities.
Food security and rural income generation interventions need to be improved through the development of
roads infrastructure. Table 3.31 depicts the cost estimates for construction of roads infrastructure and found
that LGED can make feeder roads play a vital role in market access and in minimizing rural-urban migration
by improving livelihoods in lagging regions. The estimated cost during 2009-15 was BDT 336.24 billion of
which feeder road alone requires approximately BDT 117.47 billion which is about 35 percent of the total cost
(Figure 3.5).

Table 3.31: Resource needs estimates for transport infrastructure

Infrastructure type % of total
BDT billion USD billion

District road 19.64 0.29 5.84

Feeder road 117.47 1.72 34.94
Bridge 67.40 0.99 20.05
Railway 122.60 1.79 36.47
Waterways 9.10 0.13 2.71
Total 336.24 4.92 100.00
1 USD = 68.40 BDT



Figure 3.5: Share of cost in roads infrastructure

35 36
% of cost 40
30 20
6 3
0 District Feeder
road road Bridge Railway Waterways

% of total Road types

Feeder roads can contribute significantly to access by rural smallholders to markets and make migration
costs lower for them, thus reducing poverty by earning additional income from seasonal migration. The RHD
is reluctant to construct new district roads and are rather optimistic about the maintenance of already
constructed roads.

3.5.3 Promoting decent employment

Prevailing conditions of unemployment, under employment and overseas employment have been
considered for coverage and target, and is accordingly estimated at approximately BDT 385 billion (Table

Table 3.32: Resource needs estimates for Promoting Decent Employment

Parameters % of total
Billion BDT Billion USD

VGD 105.00 1.54 27.27

Employment guaranteed scheme 140.00 2.05 36.36
Skill development for
unemployment and overseas 35.00 0.51 9.09
Financial support to urban poor 105.00 1.54 27.27
Total 385.00 5.63 100.00
1 USD = 68.40 BDT



Table 3.33: Total Resource Needs Estimate for MDG1 during 2009-15
(BDT Billion)

Interventions 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total

A. Agriculture & Rural development
Farm intervention 129.06 137.16 147.27 156.17 165.48 175.22 185.45 1095.81
Community intervention 2.59 3.01 3.49 4.05 4.69 5.45 6.33 29.61
Small scale irrigation 5.40 5.86 6.36 6.89 7.47 8.09 8.77 48.83
National intervention 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.23 0.27 1.27
Cost of subsidy 51.21 53.85 56.54 59.27 62.05 64.88 67.75 415.55
Sub-total in BDT Billion 188.37 200.01 213.81 226.55 239.89 253.87 268.57 1591.07
Sub-total in USD Billion 2.75 2.92 3.13 3.31 3.51 3.71 3.93 23.26
Per capita in BDT 1284.65 1345.03 1417.89 1481.48 1546.88 1614.29 1684.00
Per capita in USD 18.78 19.66 20.73 21.66 22.62 23.60 24.62
B. Roads Infrastructure

District roads 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.80 2.80 19.64
Feeder roads 16.60 16.66 16.72 16.78 16.84 16.90 16.96 117.47
Bridges 9.35 9.44 9.53 9.62 9.71 9.80 9.90 67.36
Water ways 1.30 1.30 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 9.14
Railways 17.03 17.19 17.35 17.51 17.67 17.83 17.99 122.57
Sub-Total in billion BDT 47.09 47.41 47.72 48.03 48.34 48.65 48.96 336.19
Sub-total in USD Billion 0.69 0.69 0.70 0.70 0.71 0.71 0.72 4.92
Per capita in BDT 321.17 318.80 316.43 314.06 311.70 309.35 307.00
Per capita in USD 4.70 4.66 4.63 4.59 4.56 4.52 4.49
C. Promoting Decent Employment
VGD program 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 105.00
Employment guaranteed 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 140.00
Skill development for
unemployment & 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00
overseas employment
Financial support to
15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 105.00
urban poor
Sub-total in BDT Billion 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 385.00
Sub-total in USD Billion 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 5.63
Per capita in BDT 375.09 369.87 364.73 359.66 354.66 349.73 344.87
Per capita in USD 5.48 5.41 5.33 5.26 5.19 5.11 5.04
Grand Total in BDT Billion 290.46 302.42 316.53 329.58 343.23 357.52 372.53 2312.26
Yearly total cost in 4.82
4.25 4.42 4.63 5.02 5.23 5.45 33.80
USD Billion
Per capita in BDT 1980.88 2033.77 2099.06 2155.22 2213.27 2273.36 2335.87
Per capita in USD 28.96 29.73 30.69 31.51 32.36 33.24 34.15
1 USD = 68.40 BDT



The total resource needs estimates above (Table 3.33) indicates that the total requirement of the three
sub-interventions are BDT 2312.26 billion during the period of 2009-15, of which BDT 1591.07 billion
(USD 21.67 per capita per year) is for agricultural and rural development; BDT 336.20 billion for
transport infrastructures (USD 4.59 per capita per year); and BDT 385.00 billion (USD 5.26 per capita
per year) for promoting decent employment in Bangladesh. Thus, the average cost for the interventions
is approximately 4.83 billion USD per year (USD 31.52 per capita per year) of which a large portion will
be borne for capital expenditure. Out of the total cost, subsidy and national intervention would be
completely borne by government, and a portion of the total cost also would come from government
(Table 3.34). It is estimated that about one third of the community and farm interventions would also be
made by government from country's domestic resource and/or from donors.

Table 3.34: Resource needs estimates for MDG1 during 2009-15 excluding private sector
(BDT Billion)

Interventions 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 2009-2015

A. Agric. & rural

105.84 111.58 117.45 123.44 129.57 135.84 142.25 865.99

B. Transport Infrastructure 47.09 47.41 47.72 48.03 48.34 48.65 48.96 336.19
C. Promoting Decent
55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 385.00

Total in BDT Billion 207.93 213.99 220.17 226.47 232.91 239.49 246.21 1587.18

Yearly total cost in 3.13 3.22 3.31 3.41 3.50 3.60 23.20
USD Billion
Per capita in BDT 1,418.04 1,439.08 1,460.05 1,480.95 1,501.89 1,522.85 1,543.81
Per capita in USD 20.73 21.04 21.35 21.65 21.96 22.26 22.57
1 USD = 68.4 BDT





MDG Goal 2 - Achieve Universal Primary Education

Summary Statistics: MDG Goals, Targets, Indicators and Achievement


2005 2007 2015 PROGRESS

GOAL2 RATIO IN PRIMARY 60.50 87.20 91.10 100 ON-TRACK
36.90 51.50 53.50 100 ATTENTION

Source: DPE 2006, MDG Mid-Term Progress Report 2007

4.1 Overview of the Primary and Adult Education

Bangladesh sustains one of the largest primary education systems in the world with as many as 81,434
institutions of ten different kinds namely, GPS, RNGPS, NRNGPS, experimental schools, community
schools, kindergartens, NGO schools, ebtedaee madrashas, primary sections of high madrashas, primary
sections of high schools. According to the School Survey Report 2008, GPS, RNGPS, Experimental and
community schools constitute 75 percent of the total institutions. These four categories of institutions are
providing primary education to 81.9 percent of the total primary school enrolled children of over 16.3 million.

The proportions of boys and girls enrolled at the primary level are 49.3 percent and 50.7 percent
respectively. A total of 364,494 teachers are engaged in primary teaching in all the ten categories of
institutions comprising 40.4 percent female and 59.6 percent male. The proportion of female teachers in
GPS, RNGPS, PTI and community schools is 50.2 percent, 32.2 percent, 39.0 percent and 73.6 percent
respectively, and the pupil-teacher ratio is 51.4, 44.7, 48.1 and 43.35 respectively. NGOs in the country have
been making significant contribution to the education sector. Currently around 500 NGOs are running 48,855
learning centers providing primary education to 10,24,495 girls and 6,06,802 boys in Bangladesh (CAMPE,

A total of 518 NGOs are engaged in education programs, of which more than 450 have adult literacy
programs integrated into NFE. These NGOs are providing adult education to 1,19,277 females and 26,193
males through 6,574 learning centers (CAMPE, 2007). Some of the major NGOs in the country offering adult
education are BRAC, Proshika, Dhaka Ahsania Mission, FIVDB, Action Aid, Swanirvar Bangladesh. BRAC
is the largest NGO in the country operating the largest non-formal education program. It runs 34,000 NFPE
schools serving 1.02 million un-enrolled and drop out children from marginal families.

Although the focus of this study is primary and non-formal education, pre-primary and secondary education
has also been covered on certain logical grounds. Effectiveness of Pre-Primary education in increasing
enrolment at the primary level has been well established. It prepares the potential primary-age group
children for attendance at primary education institutions. Secondary education creates strong awareness
among the parents about the necessity and importance of education for their children, supplies human
resources for most MDGs, and realizes certain returns to education particularly for girls. Moreover, non-
formal education has been covered here to deal with Indicator -3: Adult Literacy Rate. The non-formal
education system plays a considerable part in covering the school drop-out group, the hard to reach group,
and illiterate adults in the society.



4.2 Progress in Achieving MDG2

4.2.1 Enrolment Ratio in Primary Education

The accessibility situation at the primary education levels is generally assessed using two common
indicators - Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) and Net Enrolment Rate (NER).

The Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) calculation considers all children or young people enrolled in a given
education level regardless of age, while the Net Enrolment Rate (NER) takes into account only the primary
school age group children (6 - 10 years).

Figure 4.1: Primary School Enrolment

Primary Level Enrolment


GER / NER(%)

80.00 GER:Boys
60.00 GER:Total




































Source: DPE, 2008

Net Enrolment Rate (NER)

Net Enrolment Rate refers to the number of pupils in the official school age group in a grade, cycle or level
of education in a given school year, expressed as percentage of the corresponding population of eligible
official age group. Although the gross enrolment rate has wider coverage, NER gives a concrete picture of
the proportion of the specific age group children (e.g., 6-10 age group) actually enrolled at the primary level.

Status and Trend

Achievement in bringing primary school age children to schools has so far been quite satisfactory. According
to the School Survey Report 2008, net enrolment rate in the year 2007 is 91.1 percent (with 94.7 percent for
the girls) which was 60.48 percent in 1990. In 2005 the baseline survey NER was 87.2 percent (with 90.1
percent for the girls). However, the growth in NER picked up in the early 1990s following the World
Conference on Education for All. In the first half of the 1990s average annual growth rate was estimated to
be approximately five percent. An important feature of the improvement in NER growth is faster and relatively
consistent growth in girls' enrolment compared to that for boys. In the year 2006 net enrolment for boys and
girls was estimated at 87.60 percent and 94.50 percent respectively, which was 69.43 percent for boys and
50.76 percent for girls in 1990.



The recent NER scenario for boys and girls however demonstrated the attainment of gender parity at the
primary level. The rate of growth of NER for girls picked up in 1993 and resulted in a situation when the
proportion of boys was overtaken by girls in 1997. The increase in girls' enrolment resulting in reduction in
gender gap may be attributed to certain initiatives by the government that include the stipend program,
media outreach, satellite and village-based schools, and the recruitment of female teachers (Kalene, 2005).

Increase in the growth momentum in NER in general may be attributed to the focused and substantial
initiatives made by the government in the 1990s through a number of programs undertaken to meet the
Dakar Framework of Action commitment. The major three programs undertaken during this period which
have made a significant contribution to the development of primary education in Bangladesh have been The
General Education Project; Primary Education Development Program; and the Food for Education Program
(later replaced by Cash for Education program) (NPA II, 2007). Running multiple shifts in three roomed
schools and hiring an increased number of teachers contributed largely to the increase in primary enrolment
(Latif, 2004).

A multivariate analysis carried out under the World Bank study (2005) found a strong and highly significant
association between Net Enrolment Rate (NER) and the Food for Education and VGD programs of the
government. Moreover, free distribution of textbooks, scholarships examinations in primary schools, and
stipends for primary school children from poor families have been considered as the major interventions that
contributed significantly to the increase in enrolment rate at the primary level.

Detailed information on different aspects of primary education in the country and, in particular, the enrolment
situation has been provided for the first time by the baseline survey conducted in 2005 by the MIS cell under
the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE). Recently, two school survey reports (2006 and 2007) by the
same directorate were conducted and are in process of publication. According to the 2007 survey report the
NER for boys has increased in 36 districts and decreased in 26 districts over the baseline figures collected
in 2005. Across all 64 districts, Jamalpur recorded the highest NER of 98.6 percent for the boys while Sylhet
and Sunamganj had the highest NER for the girls with 99.7 percent. On the other hand, NER for the boys
and the girls was the lowest in Cox's bazar (69.0 percent) and Netrokona (79.1 percent) of districts

Target achievement in Net Enrollment Rate (NER)

Achievement of Bangladesh in enrolling primary school age children has so far been quite satisfactory. The
trend growth rate of net enrolment since 1991 has been estimated at 1.97. The rate of growth gathered
momentum in the first half of the 1990s when the major programs for development of the primary education
sector were initiated. At the current rate of growth 100 percent net enrolment target will be achieved before
the stipulated timeframe implying that the country is well on track in this area. To achieve the target by the
year 2015 a sustained 1.40 percent average annual growth rate of enrolment in the remaining years will be
required (Figure 4.2). For this to happen, appropriate supportive measures that are currently in place need
to be continued in the future years



Figure 4.2: Trend in Net Enrolment Rate (NER)

NER Trend: Current and Required

NER (%)


























Source: DPE 2008

Gross Enrolment Rate (GER)

Gross Enrolment Rate is defined as the total enrolment of students in a grade or level of education,
regardless of age, expressed as percentage of the corresponding eligible official age-group population in a
given school year.

Status and Trend

According to the latest available database (DPE, MIS 2008), overall GER is calculated to be 98.8 percent
with 93.4 percent for boys and 104.6 percent for girls. Gross enrolment rate attained high growth in the first
half of the 1990s - the period immediately after the WCEFA declaration. Theoretically, faster growth can be
achieved in the initial years of intervention which
continues up to a certain high level. After that the
growth rate slows down. The growth in GER
reached a peak of 12.79 percent in 1995. But in
the second half of the same decade, the growth
rate slowed down and fell to less than one
percent a year over the next few years. It also
recorded negative growth rates in some years.
Fluctuations in the GER have also been
observed (it reached 104.77 percent in 2003
and then dropped down to 93.71 percent in
2005). This has however picked up in the last
couple of years. Faster growth in girls' enrolment
than boys' is observed which may be attributed
to special incentives provided to girls by the
government. (refer Figure 4.1 above).



According to the school survey of 2007, GER increased in 29 districts and decreased in 31 districts over the
2005 baseline survey findings. The highest GER for boys was found in Magura (114.9 percent) followed by
Narail (109.5 percent), Tangail (109.2 percent) and Jhalkathi (107.5 percent). For the girls the highest GER
was also recorded in Magura (119.5 percent) followed by Mymensing (117.3 percent) Barisal (117.2 percent)
and Sylhet (115.9 percent).On the other hand, Netrokona (73.8 percent) recorded the lowest GER followed
by Cox's Bazar (77.6 percent) and Nawabganj (78.6 percent). For the girls Netrokona (84.6 percent) is at
the bottom followed by Sherpur (85.3 percent) and Sirajgonj (89.5 percent).

Target achievement in Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER)

Although there was no target set for GER under MDG2, the National Plan of Action II suggested targets for
2005, 2010 and 2015 as 103, 108 and 110 respectively. Comparing these targets with the current GER
growth trend it can be concluded that with a little acceleration in the current growth rate will put the country
close to the EFA target of 110 by the year 2015. It should also be mentioned that when the NER increases
and reaches at universal level, the GER is expected to drop, and the gap between GER and NER become
narrower, before finally converging.

4.2.2 Proportion of Pupils Starting Grade I who reach Grade V

Primary school completion rate, measured as the number of pupils starting grade I and completing grade V,
has been one of the three indicators for attaining the target set for achieving universal primary education i.e.,
MDG2. The target set for this indicator is 100 percent by the year 2015.

Status and Trend

In comparison with progress in other fronts of primary education (such as net and gross enrolment rate)
achievement in the area of primary cycle completion has not been quite satisfactory. Data on completion and
drop out rate is available only for a few years with no gender level dis-aggregation. However, in the first half
of the 1990s the growth in completion rate was 7.5 percent per annum which slowed down to 5.8 percent in
the second half of the decade. Compared to other indicators the baseline completion rate figure was very
low (only 40 percent in the year 1991). Since 2000 the rate became virtually stagnant at 67 percent.
Moreover, in 2005, the survival rate to grade five and the drop out rate are calculated at 52.9 percent and
47.2 percent respectively. Both are however significantly higher than earlier figures. In the last two school
surveys (2006 and 2007) survival rate is found to have fluctuated a bit: 50.2 percent in 2006 and 51.9
percent in 2007.

The potentially low primary cycle completion rate, and a very high drop out rate, is manifest in all three
survey findings. Survival rates of primary level students to grade five (i.e. 4 years of primary schooling) is
also important for a sustainable level of education. Before 2005, completion rate was calculated based on
the sample survey conducted in Dhaka, using only the reconstructed cohort method. Since 2005, completion
and drop out rates have been calculated based on the data collected from GPSs and RNGPSs. The pupils
who left these two categories of schools and joined other schools are not taken into account. As a result, the
drop out rate is considered to be slightly overestimated because transfer of pupils is treated as dropouts
(DPE 2008).

Several reasons behind the low primary completion rate or high drop out rate at the primary level have been
identified. Among these, poverty in the family has been identified by several studies as the major one. This,
however, leads to student absenteeism in general in schools due to high opportunity costs and other hidden
costs. The 2007 baseline survey data estimated 20 percent rate of absenteeism in the three major
categories of schools (GPS, RNGPS, and community schools). Overcrowded classrooms and a lack of
facilities at schools are generally considered to be responsible for low school attendance rates (Chowdhury,



A World Bank study (2005) on the progress of the MDGs in Bangladesh revealed a positive correlation
between enrolment rate and household living standards. The underlying logic may be the same in the case
of high drop out rates as the poor face a higher opportunity cost when sending their children to school. The
study also found positive correlation between consumption expenditure per capita and primary completion
rate. This finding is consistent with the perception that poverty in the family causes drop out in general.

Target Achievement in Primary School Completion Rate

The current trend growth rate of primary school completion has been estimated at as low as 0.47 percent.
If this growth trend is sustained till the end of the scheduled time Bangladesh would be able to achieve only
65 percent completion rate, which is well below the 100 percent target set for the year 2015. As shown in
(Figure 4.3) the gap between the required and actual completion rate is predicted as widening further as time
progresses. However, to achieve the target by the year 2015, the required growth rate to be attained is 11.6
percent per year on an average. Achieving such high level of growth in completion rate appears to be highly
challenging for a country like Bangladesh that had a very low value of 40 percent in 1991. It may be
mentioned here that high growth rate had been achieved in the first half of the 1990s because of the major
interventions for improving the completion rate that were initiated during this period.
Figure 4.3: Primary School Completion Rate - Current and required trend

Primary Cycle Completion Rate

Completion Rate (%)

60.00 Current
50.00 Required














Source: DPE (2008)

The Programs undertaken by Government of Bangladesh for achieving the MDG targets in Primary
Education since 1990s

Following the World Conference on Education for All in 1990, several initiatives were undertaken to achieve
primary education goals. A number of NGOs also extended their support to the government in this regard.
The major initiatives of the government towards development of primary education in the country include the
The General Education Project was undertaken for a period of six years from 1990 to 1996 with an
estimated cost of USD 310.2 million. The major activities of the project include, among others, construction
and reconstruction of classrooms; Satellite Schools Pilot Program with training of teachers towards
increasing the access to education; training of teachers; upgrading facilities at the PTIs; and curriculum and
textbook development towards improving the quality of education.
School Attractiveness Program: This was initiated in ten Upazilas of five Divisions in the country under
the General Education Project. The program aims at motivating students to go to school regularly by making
schools more student friendly. An important feature of this program was the provision of educational



materials, school uniforms, sports equipment and occasionally nutritive food to poor students, particularly
girls. About 400,000 children benefited from this project. The rates of enrolment and attendance in these
schools increased, and rates of dropouts decreased remarkably in the project areas.

Satellite schools have been established to bring the schools nearer to the doorsteps of the children who
cannot travel to the main school. A total of 194 schools were established experimentally under the General
Education Project. Then another 5000 schools were set up by 2001. After completing grade two from these
schools, students are admitted to mother primary schools. Rate of attendance of the students in such
schools is almost 100 percent.

Under the General Education Project, the government established less expensive community schools in
areas with no school. School buildings were constructed on land donated by local people, and necessary
facilities were provided by the government.

Establishment of the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education in 1992: The major objective of
establishing a separate ministry was to universalize primary education as well as elimination of gender and
poverty gaps. The Bureau of Non-formal Education was established in 2003.

Enactment of the Compulsory Primary Education Act in 1990: A National Plan of Action for Education for
All was prepared with the major objective of increasing access to primary education and reducing poverty.
This act provided five year primary education free for all in the government run schools, and free education
up to grade eight for girls in rural areas. In addition, textbooks at the primary level are free for students in all
government and registered non-government schools.

The government-financed Food for Education Program was introduced in 1993 to compensate opportunity
costs of poor parents when sending their children to school. It provided food rations to 20 percent of poor
primary school age children in specifically targeted rural areas. This helped increase enrolment and school
attendance and prevented child labour. About 2.2 million disadvantaged students were taken under the
"Food for Education Program". In July 2002, the Cash for Education Grant replaced the Food for Education
Program which provides stipend to the poor children targeting an estimated of 5.5 million beneficiaries.

Primary Education Development Program (PEDP I) was designed and implemented by the government
between 1998 and 2003 with an estimated total cost of USD2.7 billion. The project had a particular focus
on improving the quality and efficiency of the school system, while continuing to improve equitable access
to quality primary schools in underserved areas. PEDP I had ten major components and sub-components
(out of the total 26) intended to enhance access and improve quality of primary education. Nine of the
projects were dedicated to improving the quality.

Intensive District Approach to Education for All (IDEAL) project, created by the UNICEF and devoted to
the development of primary education in Bangladesh, has been implemented by the DPE under the PEDP
I. It was started in 1996 and continued up to 2004. The project had four major components to achieve its
goal: (a) local level planning, management and monitoring; (b) school quality; (c) social mobilization and
communication; and (d) monitoring of learning achievement. An innovative teaching method was developed
based on Multiple Intelligence theory called "Multiple Ways of Teaching and Learning (MWTL)" under the
project to make the teaching-learning method more child-centered, participatory and joyful for the children.
Because of its very attractive nature this program has been able to create considerable amount of interest
among the teachers and the children (DPE, 2003).

An important feature of this program was taking up micro-level planning through the coordinated efforts of
the management committees, teachers, students and guardians. By the year 2003, the project had covered
36 districts and over 9.8 million primary school students. Evidence suggests that the initiatives undertaken
under the IDEAL project made a significant contribution to improvements in the quality of education in the
IDEAL schools in comparison to the non-IDEAL schools (IER, 2002).



PEDP II was initiated in 2003 at an estimated cost of USD 1,815 million. The key objectives of the program are
increasing schools access, participation and completion in accordance with the government's EFA, MDGs and
PRS commitments. It covers 83 percent of the primary level students mainly through four types of schools namely
GPS, RNGPS, community schools, and experimental schools attached to PTIs. Infrastructure support is provided
to the GPSs only while free text books are supplied to all the four types.
Of the four components of PEDP II, components two and four are attributable directly to improving the quality and
access to primary education in particular. Component two focuses especially on the quality improvement in
schools and classrooms. Over 45,000 new and existing teachers have received one year C-in-Ed training with
another 19,000 undergoing this training out of a target of 90,000 resulting in better trained teachers placed in
schools. Component four focuses on equitable access to quality education for those who have never attended
formal school or who have dropped out before completing class five. Under this component under the GOB stipend
project, approximately 4.8 million children (comprising around 40 percent of the poorest children) from all eligible
schools in rural areas have received stipend support.

4.2.3 Literacy Rate of 15+ years (Adult Literacy Rate1 )

Adult Literacy and Non Formal Education programs offer not
only instruction in reading, writing, and calculation but also
provide information and skills to assist participants in obtaining
employment, improving their productivity and achieving a better
quality of life. These skills also helped participants to adapt to
new workplace environments. Survey results of different
countries suggest that a basic education can cause adults to
reconsider and improve their use of land, water, crops and
financial resources. Learners gain the skills needed to work in
groups, to communicate effectively, and learn leadership,
management and accounting skills.
Status and Trend
As envisaged in the data for Bangladesh provided by the UNESCO, adult literacy rate in the year 2007 is 53.5
percent with 58.7 percent for the male and 48 percent for the female. In the first half of the 1990s adult literacy
rate grew at an average rate of about two percent per annum which continued until the end of the decade. During
2000-05 the growth rate increased considerably (4.5 percent) which slowed down again in the last couple of years.
During 1991 to 2007, the growth rate for females (5.4 percent) was much faster than that for males (2.0 percent).
NGOs have historically demonstrated their interest in this particular area. In the 1990s, the support of DNFE
enhanced NGO involvement towards achieving the millennium target. But with the abolition of DNFE, for reasons
of administrative convenience, in 2003, public sector investment on basic literacy programs particularly for adults
have been abandoned2 . In the absence of government involvement, NGO activity in adult literacy and adult
education has drastically declined.
The major adult literacy programs in Bangladesh such as Total Literacy Movement (TLM) had very little impact on
improving the literacy status of the population (CAMPE, 2003). NGOs, who are the key players in providing
services in this area, pointed to a number of difficulties in implementing their programs including, the lack of
community ownership of the programs; lack of sufficient motivation and guidance among the concerned staff; lack
of interest among learners due to absence of immediate results, and a perceived lack of utility and community
acceptance (World Bank, 2007). All these factors contributed to a very sluggish growth progress in improving the
adult literacy rate in Bangladesh, making the MDG target extremely difficult to achieve within the specified
timeframe. Despite such overall slow growth performance, there has been progress particularly in the area of
gender parity. As demonstrated by the Gender parity index data3 , adult women literacy rate recorded significant
improvement over the years. As compared to 0.58 in 1991, the index reached to 0.80 in 2005 and 0.82 in 2007.
1 Adult literacy rate is defined as the population of men or women who can read and write with understanding a short simple statement on their everyday life
2 Bureau of Non Formal Education (BNFE) was established in April 2005.
3 Gender Parity Index (GPI) value of 1 indicates parity between the two sexes



Target Achievement in Adult Literacy Rate

Currently, the estimated trend growth rate of adult literacy is only 1.3 percent. If this rate continues the adult
literacy rate at the end of the MDG target year will be about 63.8 percent meaning a huge shortfall of 36.2
percent from the targeted 100 percent rate. (Figure 4.4) To achieve the target by the year 2015 the required
average annual growth rate over the remaining years is estimated to be as high as 10.7 percent. Given the
existing pace of growth resulting from the initiatives undertaken so far it appears such a rate will quite
demanding within the remaining about seven years time. Nevertheless, more effective initiatives have to be
designed and implemented based on earlier experience which would lead the country to get closer to target
rate though not achieve it fully within the stipulated timeframe.

Figure 4.4: Current Trend and Required Growth in Adult Literacy Rate

Adult Literacy Rate

Adult Literacy Rate (%)

50.00 Adult
40.00 Literacy Current
20.00 Literacy Required
0.00 15















The Programs undertaken for achieving the MDG targets in Adult and non-formal education

Major initiatives of the government towards the development of Adult and non-formal educations in the
country include the following:

Integrated Non Formal Education Program (INFEP) was launched in 1991 for the period until 1997 had
the target population of 300,000 of the 15-45 years age group. The major objective of this program was to
institutionalize a comprehensive non-formal education system in the country. This program provided support
to 2.47 million people against a targeted 1.67 million. The Directorate of Non Formal Education was
established in 1995 as a permanent infrastructure for primary and mass education with the responsibility of
execution of policy decisions and plans relating to non-formal education. The project was aimed at
introducing pre-primary education for the four-five year age group (targeting 75,000 children); basic non-
formal education for the six-ten year age group (targeting 150,000); basis non-formal education for the
adolescents of 11-14 year age group (targeting 300,000); adult education with special emphasis on the 15-
45 year age group; and life-long continuing education for all these groups (targeting 11,400,000).

Total Literacy Movement (TLM) had been initiated in the Lalmonirhat and Chuadanga districts. A total of
192 NGOs were involved in the implementation of the non-formal education that includes adult literacy
programs. Some of the important achievements of this program was the generation of huge inspiration
among people in different parts of the country, and a spirit of volunteerism among local communities;
necessary skills and experience in undertaking and implementing NFE on a wider scale; developing and



extending areas of cooperation between the government and NGOs; experience and skills in implementing
post literacy programs and material development (Rashid, Harun. 2003).

Based on the experiences of the INFEP some non-formal education projects were undertaken namely,
NFEP 1, 2, 3, 4. NFPE 1 was formulated with the major objectives of reducing poverty and improving the
status of women. This program, implemented between 1996-2001 included only illiterate young adults aged
15-24 years, estimated to be approximately 2.95 million people. The program started in 32 of the 64 districts
selected based on below 45 percent literacy rate criteria. The estimated total cost of the project was BDT
2,208.90 million composed of GoB, World Bank, ADB and SDC funding.

NFPE 2 was implemented during 1995-2002 with a target population of 5.88 million falling in the group aged
11-45 years. A special feature of the program was large scale mobilization and motivation of non-literates
and adults educated with a view to developing sense of belonging among them. The program was
implemented through the three delivery modes: TLM, CBA, and NFE through books. Terminal evaluation of
the program undertaken in Lalmonirhat indicated a 94 percent success rate and a drop out rate of three
percent (Haque, 1997).

NFPE 3 was targeted to the Hard to Reach urban children of the age group of 8-14 years living in the six
metropolitan cities of the country. The project was implemented during 1996 to 2004 following Centre Based
Approach covering 35 thousand slum, street, floating and working children. The course duration was two
years targeting 270,000. The estimated total cost of the project was BDT805.5 million with financial
assistance from the GoB, SIDA, UNICEF and DFID.

NFPE 4 was undertaken for those in the age group of 11-45 years and who could not be covered under other
non formal education projects. This project was implemented in 448 Upazilas of 62 districts with an
estimated cost of BDT 6,829.96 million during 1997 and 2003. The major objectives of these programs were
to provide literacy to 22.89 million people, and to create employment opportunities for the educated and
unemployed young male and female following TLM approach.

PLCEHD-1, a five-year project, was implemented by the government during January 2001 to December
2007, supported by the World Bank and Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation with the fundamental
objective of consolidation of literacy followed by application of literacy skills in skill training for income
generation. The coverage of this program is 1.3626 million neo neo-literates in 230 upazilas of 32 districts.
The target achievement of the project is about 72 percent (i.e., only 0.973 million people have been provided
post literacy and continuing education).

PLCEHD-2, similar to the above, supported by ADB, SDC and DFID that came into operation at the field
level in May 2008 and due to be completed in 2011 has a coverage of 1.60 million neo-literates of age group
11-45 years in 210 Upazilas of 29 districts.

PLCEHD-3, a pilot project, was designed with support from the IDB to cover 63,000 neo-literates who have
dropped out of schools and/or graduated from TLM, in two Upazilas in the age group of 11-45 years.

Reaching Out of Schools Children (ROSC) project is currently under implementation (2004-2009) with an
estimated cost of about USD 63 million. The major objective of this project is promoting primary education
through a non-formal community managed approach targeting a total of 500,000 children during the project
period. This project is being implemented in 60 Upazilas. ROSC develops interventions to encourage out of
school children to attend school, and to retain these children by improving the quality of education in these

The Basic Education for Hard to Reach Urban Children Project (BEHTRUC) was implemented during
1997-2003 with the major objective of providing non-formal education (including basic education up to grade
three as well as life skills) to poor and under-privileged working children in the age group of 8-14 years,
often engaged in hazardous jobs. The total budget for the project, as of March 2004, was BDT 805.799



million comprising of BDT 778.592 million donor and BDT 27.207 million GoB contribution. The project was
designed to provide education to 351,000 working children two years of schooling (two hours a day) in six
divisional head quarters. UNICEF provided technical support while funds were drawn from DFID, SIDA,
UNICEF and the Government of Bangladesh. The project offered a 24 month course on literacy and
numeracy and skill development. The terminal evaluation report prepared in 2004 revealed that the project
benefited 346,000 children across the six divisional cities and successfully attained gender equity in terms
of numbers.

Basic Education for Hard to Reach Working Children (BEHTRUWC) Project Second Phase is designed
for an implementation period of five years, begun in October 2004. This is in fact a formal approach in a non-
formal way. A total of 8000 centers are to be set up under this project for serving about 200,000 working
children aged 10-14 years, comprising 60 percent girls in six divisional cities of the country. The learners are
selected from children engaged in hazardous and exploitative occupations without access to education. Of
the target 200,000 children, 20,000 are to be selected for livelihood skills training (of the age 13 years and
above) and 5,000 of them would be provided with livelihood skills training by the project.

4.2.4 Overview of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and Secondary Education

Although the focus of this study is primary and non-formal education but pre-primary and secondary
education has also been covered on certain logical grounds. Effectiveness of Pre-Primary education in
increasing enrolment at the primary level has been well established. It prepares the potential primary-age
group children for attendance at primary education institutions. Secondary education creates strong
awareness among the parents about the necessity and importance of education for their children, supplies
human resources for most MDGs, and realizes certain returns to education particularly for girls. Moreover,
non-formal education has been covered here to deal with Indicator on Adult Literacy Rate. The non-formal
education system plays a considerable part in covering the school drop-out group, the hard to reach group,
and illiterate adults in the society.

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)

For pre-school aged children, preschool or early childhood education can contribute to human capital
development especially among poor children (Danzinger and Waldfogel, 2000). In line with EFA goals, NPA
I proposed an Early Childhood Education Development Programme, covering the four-five year old children.
NPA II also envisages that by 2015, all pre-school children, aged three-five, will be attending ECCE
programs of some kind and will have access to programmes of health, nutrition, social, physical and
intellectual development, and initiated into formal education.

In Bangladesh although Early Childhood Care and Development is a relatively new concept several
initiatives have already been undertaken by the government, NGOs, and development partners. BRAC,
DAM, Save the Children USA, Plan International, UNICEF can be named as some of such organisations
working in this area with a number of innovative programs which are mostly at their pilot stage and are
running on a relatively small scale. These initiatives include, 'baby classes' within and outside primary
schools, need-based school preparedness skills programmes, pre-school programmes for the
disadvantaged, 'baby classes' in satellite schools, pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-numeracy skills
programmes, introduction of play groups and kindergarten classes in English medium schools, pre-primary
religious education in maktabs, and literacy skills training in day care centres (UNESCO-IBE, 2006). The
target groups for these programmes are mothers, facilitators, community monitors.

The Integrated Non Formal Education Program began ECCE in 1993 in 69 thanas implemented by NGOs
with support of the government and UNICEF. The major objective of this program was to prepare children in
poor, rural households for primary schooling. Ministry of Women and Children Affairs started an ECD project
in 2001 (up to 2004) which was implemented by Bangladesh Shishu Academy. Advocacy, caregivers'
education, school readiness, and networking and capacity building had been the major activities of this



Ministry of Religious Affairs has been undertaking programs (2006-08) to provide pre-primary education to
1,620,000 children through 18,000 education centers (mosques) at an estimated cost of BDT 2,160 million.
They also have future targets aimed at covering 3,600,000 children through 24,000 centers during 2009-13.
Another program that is currently underway (2006-08) of the ministry is to provide pre-primary education to
80,610 children through 2,687 temples at an estimated cost of BDT 75.7 million. Further extension of this
project (2009-10) will cover 161,220 children through the same number of temples.

BRAC and NGO has initiated its own program of one year pre-primary class. As of 2005, 16,025 pre-primary
centers are in operation with 400,625 children (25 in each class).

Secondary Education

At the secondary level three categories of schools are in operation across the country (Junior secondary,
public secondary and private secondary schools). According to BANBEIS data of 2005, the total number of
secondary schools in the country is 18,500 comprising 4,322 Junior secondary schools, 317 Public
Secondary schools and 13861 Private Secondary schools. About 20 percent of these schools are exclusively
for the female students. Approximately 86 percent of these schools are located in the rural areas. The total
number of teachers working in these schools is 238,158 with 20.28 percent female. The average teacher-
student ratio is 1:33. The proportion of trained teachers is much high in the public schools (73.08 percent)
than in the private schools (53.53 percent). On average, female enrolment (52.28 percent) is higher than that
for males. But the issue that needs special attention is the consistently low rate of completion at the
secondary level. In 2005, the completion rate is estimated at a mere 19.98 percent (23.46 percent male and
16.71 percent female).

During the last decade the government has undertaken a number of programs aimed at improving access
to, and increasing the quality of, secondary education, as well as reducing the drop out rate, and increasing
female enrolment and survival rate at the secondary level. Developing and expanding physical infrastructure,
the construction of new buildings, supplying computer and other office equipments, providing financial
support to the female students through the stipend program, imparting training to the teachers and the head
teachers to improve their efficiency have been the major activities under these initiatives. These projects are
supported by the government and development partners. The programs include the following:

z Improvement of Selected Madrashas (government and non-government) Project (1997-2004) at an

estimated cost of BDT 1,997.5 million funded by the government;
z Improvement of Selected Secondary Schools (government and non-government) Project (1997-
2007) at an estimated cost of BDT 5,200 million and funded by the GoB.
z Extension of the existing buildings of the Selected Education Institutions Project (1999-2006) with
an estimated cost of BDT 4,830.7 million funded by the GoB
z Construction and re-construction of the Education Institution Buildings Project (1998-2006) with an
estimated cost of BDT 5,000 million funded by GoB
z Secondary Education Sector Improvement Project (1999-2006) funded by GoB and ADB at an
estimated cost of BDT 4,902 million
z Female Secondary Stipend Project - Phase II (2005-08) at a cost of BDT 5,029.86 million from GoB
z Female Secondary School Assistance Project - Phase II (2001-07) at a cost of BDT 7,662.68 million
funded by IDA
z Female Secondary Education Stipend Project - Phase III (2004-06) at an estimated cost of BDT
209.96 million funded by NORAD
z Teaching Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Project (2005-11) at an estimated cost of
BDT 6,301.9 million funded by GoB, CIDA, and ADB



4.3 The Challenges ahead in achieving Universal Primary Education

Although there has been satisfactory progress in certain areas in achieving the goal of universal access to
education, there are still many challenges that must be met to fully realize the MDG2 target. Some of the
major challenges facing basic education are mentioned below.

4.3.1 Primary Education

Although the MDG target for net enrolment rate has been set 100 percent by the year 2015, and the current
progress that the country is well on track for achieving the target, in reality it may be difficult to achieve this
target fully for several reasons. One of the reasons is an anticipated slow down of the rate of growth as it
approaches the 100 percent target. Indeed, it has been empirically demonstrated that, once countries attain
a NER of say 90 to 95 percent, it usually becomes very challenging and costly to reach the last five-ten
percent of children who, for various reasons, are difficult to cover (nomadic, marginal populations,
populations living in remote and land-locked areas, the poorest, and sick or disabled children, ethnic
minorities having difficulties in understanding Bangla, etc.) (UNESCO, 2005).

Bangladesh is currently running one of the largest primary education sectors in the world. Yet the
organizational capacity needed to run such a huge primary education system would be a big challenge for
any country in the world. Insufficient instructional time, inadequate number of classrooms and teaching staff,
low teacher effectiveness, lack of sufficient teaching-learning materials, and a lack of adequately trained
manpower to manage such a large education system are identified as some of the major constraints facing
the country's primary education system (DPE, 2006).

Government expenditure on education in Bangladesh is still low compared to other countries in South Asia.
Although about 39.51 percent of the annual budget is dedicated for primary education it accounts for only
2.28 percent of the country's GDP. The proportion needs to be enhanced to four-five percent to effect efforts
towards achieving the MDG targets.

Despite satisfactory achievements in providing access to primary education, a large part of the population
(especially the physically and mentally challenged, geographically, socially or economically hard to reach
children) remain out of the facility. A large proportion of the tribal/indigenous populations, living mainly in the
Chittagong and Sylhet divisions, and in remote parts of the north of the country, have not yet been
adequately reached by the primary school expansion of the government (ADB, 2005)

Eradicating the high incidence of poverty has been one of the biggest challenges on the way of achieving
the MDG2 targets. Low incentives for attending schools vis-à-vis acute poverty in the families keep the
children away from the schools as they have to engage in wage-earning for a living. This contributes to a
low attendance rate and a high drop-out rate.

Linkages between infrastructure and education have already been established. Improved roads and
transportation have major implications for enrolment ratios, especially for girls' enrolment and attendance
rates (particularly those living in rural areas), Many government schools are too far away or too crowded,
discouraging the parents from sending their children to school. It is especially true in the case of girl students
in rural areas.

Current progress in net enrolment and the gender situation gives a strong indication that the country is well
on track in achieving the respective targets (100 percent net enrolment and gender parity in primary schools)
well ahead of the stipulated time frame. The current trend growth rate for net enrolment rate at the primary
level is estimated at 1.97 percent. If this growth continues the target will be achieved by the year 2012.
Nevertheless, there is no scope for complacency from sustaining the current rate of growth in enrolment and
gender ratio with the ongoing initiatives at the primary level.



On the other hand, progress in primary school completion or the survival rate to grade five poses a big
challenge in achieving the education MDG. The trend growth rate for primary cycle completion is estimated
to be 1.3 percent during 1990 and 2005. This growth performance is way below the warranted growth rate
for achieving the 100 percent target due the low completion rate (40 percent) in the initial year. In 2007 the
achievement in this area is only 51.9 percent. If current growth trend continues in the remaining years only
about 80 percent completion rate will be achieved by the year 2015. At this situation achieving the target by
the year 2015 requires an average annual growth rate about 11.5 percent. This indeed appears to be quite
challenging from the Bangladesh perspective because of certain realities such as high incidence of poverty
and resource constraints. However, interventions to deal with these issues are suggested in this study which
would help in improving the situation greatly and achieving the MDG target.

4.3.2 Adult Literacy

In the case of adult literacy the situation is even worse. During 1991 and 2007 adult literacy rate increased
from as low as 35.3 percent to 53.5 percent. Although female literacy rate during this period has increased
at an average annual rate of 5.4 percent that for the male recorded two percent growth per annum. The trend
growth rate for this indicator, estimated at 1.3 percent, suggests that only 63.8 percent literacy rate will be
achieved by the year 2015. This situation however warrants special attention in view of the MDG target.
Creating adequate opportunities for the adults is vitally important for addressing this issue despite the
challenges posed by the prevailing poverty situation. Continuity of adult literacy programs for longer periods
with wider coverage through increasing the number of learning centers can contribute to increasing the adult
literacy rate by a significant proportion. This initiative can really take the country much closer to the 100
percent target by the end of the MDG target period.

As seen above, although the progress in achieving the targets has been commendable in Bangladesh,
challenges remain especially in primary cycle completion rates and adult literacy. This issue is really a great
cause of concern for the government as well as for the development partners who are taking part in the
initiatives in Bangladesh. It is imperative that current efforts be carried on and new initiatives introduced
focused especially on retaining enrolled pupils for the full five years of the primary education cycle, and on
providing teaching to an increased percentage of the adult population. This study, however, makes an
attempt to assess the current situation and identify the needs for meeting the Millennium Summit
commitment. Based on these needs, the study also attempts to estimate the resource requirements
(physical, human and financial) for achieving universal access to primary education by the year 2015.

4.4 Major Interventions and Targets for MDG2

In view of the current situation however, it appears quite challenging to attain 100 percent primary cycle
completion rate and 100 percent adult literacy rate within the remaining seven years. This study has however
identified certain necessary measures, in addition to existing ones, to improve the current situation and
achieve the education MDG. These measures or interventions have been identified through a wide range of
consultations within and outside the education thematic working group. The education thematic working
group comprises representatives from relevant ministries, government departments and agencies, and
development partners. Consultation also made with NGO professionals, and academics. In addition,
relevant research, policy and other documents have also been reviewed.

Improving the quality of primary education, creating a child friendly atmosphere at the primary schools,
creating adequate physical infrastructure provisions, reducing opportunity cost of school attendance,
providing incentives for the key players at both demand and supply levels, and building mass awareness
have been the key areas that need particular attention for achieving the millennium targets. These
interventions, however, have strong theoretical and practical backing as having successful test results from
different countries of the world including Bangladesh. These interventions also largely comply with the
National Plan of Action prepared for the improvement of the primary education sector and the recently
prepared Poverty Reduction Strategies of the government thereby meeting the MDG target.



The interventions that address the requirements for achieving the time-bound targets can broadly be
categorized as supply side and demand side interventions. Supply side interventions deal with provisions for
infrastructure and human resources needs. On the other hand, demand side interventions address the
needs of the service recipients (i.e., the students enrolled in different education/literacy programs). The
recommended interventions, along with the current and future coverage targets for each of the four
education sectors considered under this study, are discussed below separately.

4.4.1 Primary Education

Infrastructure provisions: Creating adequate accommodation for primary school aged children is
important from both enrolment and completion perspective. Although success in net enrolment has been
quite remarkable, primary cycle completion remains a major challenge with regard to achieving the 100
percent target by the year 2015. High pupil -teacher ratio (54:1) and low contact hours have been identified
as the areas that require special attention. In Bangladesh about 90 percent of primary schools, particularly
in the public sector, are run on two shifts following the staggering system. Therefore, increasing the contact
hours will require all the existing double shift schools to convert to single shift systems. In this system there
will be an increased requirement of classrooms and other rooms for conducting the learning activities.
Classroom requirement in a single shift school system has been estimated in this study based on a standard
class size (one classroom per 40 children). The study proposes, in line with the National Plan of Action,
provision of nine rooms in each school which includes five classrooms for primary section, one classroom
for Pre-primary section, one library, one staff room, and one computer room. However currently, the
classroom-staff room ratio stands at 6:1.

Adequate sanitation facilities for all enrolled children (separate toilets for the boys and the girls) and the
teachers have been proposed in this study. These two interventions are expected to contribute significantly
to increasing enrolment and also the primary cycle completion rate. The cost of construction that includes
classrooms, office rooms, laboratories and other rooms is estimated at, on an average, BDT 210,000 and
construction cost of toilets is estimated at BDT 50,000.

Human resource provision and its development: Human resource provisions include supply of required
number of teachers. The requirement for new teachers is determined based on the standard pupil-teacher
ratio of 40:1. The targeted proportion of trained teachers (or skilled) for the year 2015 is set at 100 percent
which is currently 72 percent. Adequate financial provisions for a variety of skill development training for all
teachers (including subject-based training and monthly refreshers training) has been made while estimating
the cost and assessing the human resource needs in light of achieving the MDG2. The estimated per teacher
cost of these trainings together approximately stands at ten percent of teachers' salary per annum.

Teaching - Learning Materials: Textbooks for children and teaching manuals for the primary level are
proposed to be provided free to children and teachers. Free distribution of these two categories of teaching-
learning materials is already in place at both primary and non-formal levels. However, the life span for the
textbooks and teaching guides has been estimated at one year and five years respectively.

Other Supply side Interventions: Other supply side interventions, in the current study, include programs
to be initiated at the primary level in general. Enhancing salaries of the primary school teachers by
approximately 20 percent, and giving excellence allowances to stimulate better performers are the two other
major supply side interventions that might contribute significantly to motivating the teachers to provide
quality teaching with regular attendance and adequate levels of sincerity. The amount of this award is
estimated to be approximately BDT 3,500 (one month's basic salary) each to 1,000 teachers every year.

Demand side interventions: Demand side interventions are those that have been proposed in the current
need assessment and costing exercise for the service recipients (i.e., the primary school attending children).
The interventions such as school feeding program have been the tested cases with quite encouraging
results in increasing the enrolment rate. Currently the program is in place covering two percent of the total



enrolled population. The study proposed that coverage be extended to 20 percent of the total primary school
enrolled children, targeting in particular the poorest section (comprising approximately 40 percent who are
currently living below the poverty line).

Pro-poor subsidies in the form of cash incentives have been considered here as a demand side intervention.
This is undertaken as a compensation for the opportunity costs of poor children attending primary schools.
An average amount of BDT 125 per month may be given to the parents of the enrolled children with 30
percent coverage across the country.

In addition to the above mentioned provisions, other support, equivalent to an estimated BDT 500 per year
has been created for each child. This includes health cards, remedial classes, and examination fees etc.
Moreover, BDT 1,000 worth of additional support may be provided to each primary class per annum for
buying teaching-learning materials such as mats, chalk, duster, and sports materials etc.

4.4.2 Secondary Education (General and Technical):

Infrastructure provisions: Infrastructure provisions including the required number of classrooms, toilets for
adequate sanitation facilities, and laboratories and other rooms have been determined based on the
standard ratio. Classrooms requirement is estimated based on the suggested student-classroom ratio of
40:1. Moreover, three laboratories (approximately 20 percent of classrooms) have been suggested for each
school for conducting practical classes properly.

For technical education classroom requirement is determined based on a student to classroom ratio of 20:1.
As lessons in technical education are more practical oriented compared to general education, the
requirement targets for laboratory and other rooms have been set at 50 percent and 15 percent respectively
of the total number of classes.

Human resource: Provisions for human resources are estimated based on the standard student-teacher
ratio. The requirement of teachers at the secondary level is determined based on the student-teacher ratio
of 40:1 (with an attrition rate of five percent). For teacher development in-service training should continue
for all categories of teachers. As an effective measure of human resource development regular in-service
training that includes monthly subject-based refresher training for the teachers is suggested.

In technical education, due to its specialized nature, the majority of teachers (90 percent target) are required
to be well trained in their respective fields. To make lessons more interactive, and effective, the student-
teacher ratio target for secondary level technical education is set at 20:1. In addition to the teaching staff, a
considerable proportion of supervisory staff (target: 30 percent of teaching staff) is required to support the
teachers in conducting practical classes. Moreover, clerical and other staff requirement target is set at 20
percent (of the total teaching staff).

Demand side interventions: To increase enrolment and the secondary completion rate, pro-poor subsidies
in the form of stipends are already in place. But the current coverage is only two percent of the total enrolled
students. The coverage may be extended to 20 percent by the year 2015. The amount of stipend may also
be increased to BDT 150 from the existing rate of BDT 125 on the average.

4.4.3 Non-Formal Education

The major intervention in increasing enrolment in non-formal education programs targeted for illiterate adults
or youth could be increasing the number of learning centers. These learning centers are to be located
generally close to the work places of the learners, and the programs are to be run with flexible timing



Facilitators and supervisors at the field levels are directly engaged in implementing these programs.
Currently two non-formal education programs exist, namely Post Literacy and Continuing Education for
Human Development Phase II (PLCEHD 2) and Basic Education for Hard to Reach Urban Working Children
(BEHTRUWC). The capacity of each learning center is 25 for PLCEHD, and 30 for BEHTRUWC programs.
One facilitator takes care of each center. One supervisor is in charge of every 10 centers. However, the
increasing enrolment-adult literacy rate requires an increased number of learning centers to accommodate
the proportion of the population who are illiterate. The number of facilitators and supervisors required to
conduct these programs on a larger scale is based upon the currently maintained proportions. As a measure
for teacher development, there will be regular in-service training programs for all the teachers/facilitators and
for that, an estimated cost equivalent to ten percent of the total individual salary is required per teacher.

Although there is no cash incentives for attending the literacy programs, provision is made for providing all
necessary learning materials such as books, writing pads, pencils etc free to all the program participants.

4.4.4 Early Childhood / Pre-primary Education

To run the pre-primary/early childhood education program NPA 2 has already suggested for constructing an
extra classroom in each government primary school. Since the pre-primary education program will be run
using the public primary school infrastructure and there will be no requirement for any separate infrastructure
facility. For this program, the pupil-teacher and pupil-classroom ratio has been set at 35:1 in each case.

4.5 Resource Needs Estimates for MDG2

Resource requirements have been estimated in light of the interventions identified for addressing the
challenges associated with achieving the universal access to primary education. In doing this, the year 2005
has been used as the base year as most of the relevant data is available for this year. Infrastructure and
human resource requirements that include number of classrooms, laboratories, toilets and other
infrastructure facilities, teachers, etc are determined following the guidelines of the national policy
documents. In other cases (e.g., in the area of demand side and other supply side interventions), estimation
bases are finalized through consultation with the education thematic working group members (comprising
representatives from relevant ministries, government departments, development partners), professionals
working in the relevant areas and review of different research documents. The resource requirements for
primary, secondary, non-formal and early childhood education are provided separately in the following.

Further, the tables presented below provide a snapshot of capital, recurrent and per pupil cost for the period
2005 through 2015 separately for all the four programs (pre primary, primary, secondary and adult literacy)
studied for achieving the MDG for universal access to primary education in Bangladesh. Capital costs
comprise new construction of classrooms, laboratories, staff rooms and other rooms, toilets etc. Buying
equipments for the teaching/learning activities is also considered under this head of expenditure. On the
other hand, recurrent costs cover all the day to day expenses of the programs that include staff salaries,
textbooks, teaching guides, rental cost, training costs, and costs incurred by any demand side interventions
considered in the cost estimation.

4.5.1 Primary Education

Primary education has been the major focus of the current exercise as MDG2 deals largely with universal
access to primary education. Therefore, creating greater access, as well as retaining the current success in
enrolment, and also dealing with the major problem of low rate of primary cycle completion, a number of
interventions in terms of physical infrastructure, human resource, and other demand and supply side
supports have been proposed. The physical and financial requirements for achieving the MDG in the area
of primary education are given below.



Physical Infrastructure Requirement

The Table 4.1 provides information on the infrastructure requirements of government primary schools
including classrooms (including one extra room for pre-primary section), staff rooms, library and one
computer room. Total number of toilets required has also been estimated for each year up to 2015 taking
into consideration separate toilet facilities for boys, girls, and teachers. The figures for the year 2005 provide
the existing situation at the primary schools. For the year 2015 the total number of classrooms required is
estimated at 455,705. In addition 227,852 toilets will be required to provide adequate sanitation facilities for
children (separate facilities for boys and girls) and teachers.

Table 4.1: Physical Infrastructure (Primary)

2009 2010 2015
(Base year)

Classroom 198,785 278,049 300,903 455,705

Staffroom 9,549 46,341 50,150 75,951
Other rooms 241,740 33,366 36,108 54,685
Toilets 121,983 139,024 150,451 227,852

The unit construction cost for all types of new rooms and the toilets have been estimated at an average of
BDT 210,000. Therefore, the total construction cost for the year 2015 stands at approximately BDT 66.11

Human Resources Requirement

Government primary schools in general do not have any non-teaching staff. The head teacher with support
of the other teachers does the necessary administrative work besides their regular teaching. To address the
existing high pupil-teacher ratio (54:1) the teacher requirement has been estimated base on a standard ratio
of 40:1 as suggested in the National Plan of Action. The total teacher requirement for the year 2015 is
estimated at 455,705. (Table 4.2) In the base year the proportion of trained teachers is 73 percent which is
targeted at 100 percent by the year 2015.
Table 4.2: Teacher Requirement

2009 2010 2015
(Base year)

Trained 180,781 271,204 296,781 455,705

Teacher Untrained 66,846 52,416 46,308 0

Total 247,627 323,620 343,089 455,705

Remuneration of the teachers for the year 2015 is estimated at BDT 60.96 billion. This includes basic salary,
house rent and medical allowance. Moreover, teacher development costs that include monthly refresher
training, and subject based training for each teacher is estimated at ten percent of a teacher's remuneration.
The total in-service training cost for the year 2015 is estimated at approximately BDT 6.10 billion.
Teaching-learning materials
Teaching-learning materials comprise basically text books and teachers' guides. There are five textbooks
and one teacher's guide at the primary level. These materials are provided by the government free to both
pupils and teachers. Because of the quality of paper, the life span for a textbook and teacher's guide is fixed
at one year and five years respectively. The total requirement of textbooks and teachers' guides is
estimatedat 91,140,966 and 91,141 respectively for the year 2015 (Table 4.3).



Table 4.3: Textbooks and Teaching Guides (Numbers)

Life span 2005 (Base year) 2009 2010 2015

Textbook (5) 1 year 67,461,985 77,911,996 80,085,263 91,140,966

Teaching guide (1) 5 years 49,525 64,724 68,618 91,141

Total 67,511,510 77,976,720 80,153,880 91,232,107

Unit costs for textbook and teaching guides are estimated at BDT 15 and BDT 50 respectively. The total
costs for these two categories of materials stands at approximately BDT 3.55 billion and BDT 120 million
respectively for the year 2015.
Demand side Interventions

Three kinds of demand side interventions have been suggested in this study namely: cash incentives for the
families of the enrolled children, school meals, and school uniforms. The coverage targets for these
interventions are fixed at 30 percent for pro-poor subsidy (cash incentive) and 20 percent for school feeding.
Total number of beneficiaries for pro-poor subsidies and school meal programs are estimated at BDT
5,468,458 and BDT 3,645,639 respectively (Table 4.4).
Table 4.4: Demand side interventions, targets and coverage

Coverage (number of enrolled pupils)

Interventions Target for 2015
2009 2010 2015

Pro-poor subsidy (cash 30% of the enrolled 3,739,776 4,004,263 5,468,458

incentive for the families)

School feeding program 20% of the enrolled 1,246,592 1,601,705 3,645,639

Cash incentive of BDT 100 for each ultra poor family sending their children to school has been allocated.
The total amount required for this pro-poor subsidy is estimated at BDT 6.01 billion and BDT 820 billion
respectively for 2010 and 2015.

The coverage target for school meals is set at 20 percent of primary school enrolled pupils in the year 2015.
BDT 10 per child has been estimated as the cost of this meal per day. It is also estimated that BDT 2,000
will be required per pupil as the possible number of school days in a year is approximately 200. The total
amount required for this program is estimated at BDT 3.20 billion and BDT 7.29 billion for the years 2010
and 2015 respectively.

In addition to the above interventions financial provision of BDT 500 per child per annum has also been
made for enrolled children for health care, remedial classes, sports materials etc.

Considering the importance of proper motivation for imparting teaching with sincerity, provision has been
made for annual salary adjustment for dealing with the rise in general price level. A two percent salary
stabilization index with scaling up provision up to 22 percent in the year 2015 has been used while estimating
the financial resource requirements for paying the teachers' salaries. Moreover, provision of excellence
allowance for the teachers has also been recommended as a supply side intervention which will help
motivating the teachers in imparting quality teaching with high degree of sincerity. A total of 1,000 best
performing teachers will be selected every year for this allowance which is equivalent to one month's basic



salary. The amount is estimated to be approximately BDT 3,500 for each teacher on an average. The total
financial resource requirement for this intervention is estimated at BDT 3.5 million per annum.

Capital, Recurrent and Per Pupil Costs for Primary Education

The (Table 4.5) provide a snapshot of capital, recurrent and per pupil cost for the period 2005 through 2015
to achieve the MDG for universal access to primary education in Bangladesh.

Table 4.5: Recurrent, Capital and unit costs for Primary Education

2005 2008 2009 2010 2014 2015

Primary education
45,086.90 66,680.60 76,987.70 88,860.00 158,680.70 177,048.50
(public) (million BDT)

Recurrent costs 30,656.10 47,093.50 53,517.70 60,679.70 98,579.40 110,937.10

(million BDT)
Construction & other 23,470.00 28,180.30 60,101.30 66,111.40
14,430.80 19,587.10
investments (million BDT)
Unit cost 3,342.00 4,401.00 4,941.00 5,548.00 8,924.00 9,713.00
Teacher salaries as % of 55% 54% 54% 54% 55% 55%
recurrent total
Non-teacher recurrent as
45% 46% 46% 46% 45% 45%
% of recurrent total

Capital costs comprise of the costs for construction of new classrooms, laboratories, staff and other rooms,
and toilets etc. Buying equipment for teaching-learning activities is also considered under this head of
expenditure. As well, recurrent costs that cover all day-to-day expenses for running the programs (including
staff salaries, textbooks, teaching guides, rental cost, training costs, and costs incurred by any demand side
interventions) are considered in this cost estimation.

Implementing the interventions identified for the primary education sector towards achieving the education
MDG requires an estimated cost of BDT 76.99 billion for the year 2009 and BDT 177.05 billion for the year
2015. Recurrent cost for these two years is estimated at 68 percent and 63 percent respectively. Teachers'
salaries comprise the major part of the recurrent costs, and are estimated at 54 percent and 55 percent in
2009 and 2015 respectively. Cost per pupil for these two years is estimated at BDT 4,941 and BDT 9,713

4.5.2 Secondary Education

To create greater access in general secondary education, several measures have also been taken. These
measures include the construction of new classrooms, laboratories and other rooms, recruiting new teaching
and other staff, providing teaching-learning materials, financial incentives for compensating opportunity cost,
and raising teacher salaries etc. The resource requirements and estimated costs for meeting them are
presented in the following:

Physical Infrastructure Requirement

To bring down the current (2005) student-classroom ratio from 45:1 to 40:1, new classrooms need to be
constructed. The estimated classroom requirement to meet the increased number of students at the above
standard ratio for the years 2010 and 2015 are 5,518 and 10,874 respectively at government secondary
schools. Requirements of laboratory and other specialized rooms is approximately 40 percent of the total



number of classrooms. For the year 2015 a total of 4,350 laboratories will be required for the public
secondary schools. (Table 4.6)

Table 4.6: Infrastructure requirements (General and Technical Schools)

Education 2005
Infrastructure 2009 2010 2015
category (Base year)

Classroom General 4,986 4,733 5,518 10,874

Vocational 498 2,801 4,142 21,863

Laboratory and other General 1,956 1,893 2,207 4,350

specialized rooms
Vocational 320 1,400 2,071 10,932
General 1,210 1,183 1,379 2,719
Other rooms
Vocational 256 420 621 3,280

For secondary technical schools, the student-classroom ratio has been proposed at 20:1 (current ratio is
36:1) as the course is more practical oriented in nature. Based on this ratio the total number of classrooms
required for the years 2010 and 2015 are estimated at 4,142 and 21,863 respectively. The laboratory and
other specialized room requirements for technical schools are estimated at approximately 50 percent of the
total number of classrooms.
An estimated total cost of all new construction (general and technical schools together), at the unit cost of
BDT 200,000, for the years 2010 and 2015, is BDT 1.55 billion and BDT 6.11 billion respectively.
Human Resource
The requirement of teachers has been estimated based on the standard student-teacher ratio of 40:1 for
general secondary public schools. The total teacher requirement for the years 2010 and 2015 is estimated
at 7,828 and 14,499 respectively.
For the technical schools teacher requirement is determined based on the student - teacher ratio of 20:1.
Thus, the total teacher requirement for the years 2010 and 2015 is estimated at 5,798 and 21,863
respectively. (Table 4.7)
Table 4.7: Teaching and non-teaching staff

Education 2005
Staff 2009 2010 2015
category (Base year)

Teacher General 7,452 6,796 7,828 14,499

Vocational 498 4,144 5,798 21,863
General 0 0 0 0
Supervisory staff
Vocational 192 1,622 2,277 8,745
General 1,796 1,662 1,922 3,625
Clerical and other staff
Vocational 512 3,054 3,850 6,559

Teacher wages (that include basic salary, house rent, medical allowance and two festival allowances a year)
stands at an average of BDT 8,750 per month. Total remuneration for the required number of both general
and technical secondary school teachers together amount to BDT 1.86 billion for the year 2010 and BDT
6.39 billion for the year 2015.



To improve teaching quality several teacher development in-service training programs are already in place.
However, improving these programs and making them more effective, week-long subject-based training,
along with monthly refresher training programs, need to be organized regularly. For this purpose an average
an amount equivalent to ten percent of a teacher's annual salary is allocated per teacher. Given this, the total
amount required for conducting in-service training programs in the year 2010 and 2015 is estimated at BDT
230 million and BDT 730 million respectively.

Teaching - learning materials

The number of textbooks used in general public secondary schools is 12 and the life span for each text book
is considered to be two years. On the other hand, 11 books are used in the technical schools; the life span
for these is also considered as two years. (Table 4.8)

Table 4.8: Number of Textbooks and Teaching Guides

Education 2005
Materials Life span 2009 2010 2015
category (Base year)

Textbook General (12) 2 1,331,322 1,217,715 1,403,679 2,609,794

Vocational (11) 2 54,802 455,947 637,902 2,404,969
General (1) 5 1,490 1,359 1,566 2,900
Teaching guide
Vocational (1) 5 100 829 1,160 4,373

Unit costs for textbooks and teaching guides is estimated at BDT 28 and BDT 40 respectively. The total cost
for the textbooks is estimated at BDT 88 million for 2010 and BDT 327 million for 2015. Total costs for
teaching guides stands at BDT 180,000 for 2010 and BDT 750,000 for the year 2015.

Demand side Intervention

The only demand side intervention recommended for secondary schools is the pro-poor subsidy (student
stipend). Although currently in place, the coverage is limited to only two percent of girls enrolled. This study
however, proposes to extend the coverage to ten percent of total enrolled students belonging to the ultra
poor section of the population with no gender discrimination. A student stipend is introduced as a
compensatory measure to reduce the opportunity costs of attending school. The expected number of
beneficiaries of this program is 18,214 for the year 2010 and 78,018 for the year 2015 (Table 4.9). The
amount of BDT 150 per student is allocated for this program, and the total amount stands at BDT 350 million
and BDT 140 million in 2010 and 2015 respectively.
Table 4.9: Demand side Intervention

Target for Coverage (number of enrolled Students)

Interventions 2015 2005
2009 2010 2015

Pro-poor subsidy 10% of the students

2% of the
(Stipend program) enrolled @ BDT150/ 12,551 18,214 78,018
girls enrolled

Capital, Recurrent and Per Pupil Costs for Secondary Education

The estimated total cost for implementing these programs is BDT 3.34 billion for the year 2009 and BDT
15.71 billion for the year 2015 (Table 4.10). Recurrent cost comprises 66 percent and 61 percent of the total
cost in 2009 and 2015 respectively. Per student cost at the secondary level (technical and general secondary
public schools together) is estimated at BDT 12,117 and BDT 20,144 respectively for the years 2009 and



Table 4.10: Recurrent, Capital and unit costs for Secondary Education

2005 2008 2009 2010 2014 2015

Secondary (public) (million BDT) 1,266.70 2,492.90 3,341.00 4,442.60 13,237.70 15,715.60
Recurrent costs (million BDT) 1,221.20 1,663.50 2,205.80 2,889.00 7,681.20 9,603.50
Construction & other investments
45.40 829.40 1,135.20 1,553.60 5,556.50 6,112.10
(million BDT)

Unit cost 5,463.00 11,024.00 12,117.00 13,324.00 19,880.00 20,144.00

Teacher salaries as 67%
69% 65% 65% 64% 66%
% of recurrent total

Non-teacher recurrent as 31% 35% 35% 36% 34% 33%

% of recurrent total

4.5.3 Early Childhood / Pre-primary

Physical Infrastructure
To run the early childhood/pre-primary education programs there is no need to create extra physical
infrastructure facilities. Government-run programs will be run using the existing facilities at the four types of
public primary institutions (GPS, RNGPS, PTI Experimental schools and Community Primary schools).
Moreover, infrastructure provisions that include classrooms, toilets and other infrastructure facilities have
been created in the government primary schools for running pre-primary programs (Table 4.11) (suggested
in the National Plan of Action II).

Table 4.11: Classroom requirement

Basis 2005 (Base year) 2009 2010 2015

Classroom Pupil / Classroom = 30 43,105 101,587 118,005 212,589

Human resource
Pre-primary education program are run in some of the government primary schools using the existing
infrastructure and human resource facilities. One teacher takes care of one baby class in the GPS
comprising about 30 children. The Ministry of Religious Affairs has its own pre-primary education programs
which are run in the mosques and temples. One Imam or Purohit conducts the classes which comprise 30
learners with equal number of boys and girls. Therefore, increasing the number of pre-primary learning
centers will result in requirement for proportionate increase in the number of teachers in the future years
(Table 4.12). NPA II recommends the class size for this kind of program to be 30 children.

Table 4.12: Teacher requirement

Basis 2005 (Base year) 2009 2010 2015

Teacher / 1 Teacher in each

43,105 101,587 118,005 212,589
Facilitator center (30 learners)

An amount of BDT 1200 per month is paid to each teacher taking care of each center other than baby
classes run in the GPS. The total remuneration for teachers required for the years 2010 and 2015 is
estimated to be BDT 2,360 million and BDT 5890 million respectively. In-service teacher development
programs cost 20 percent of a teacher's annual salary. BDT 470 million and BDT 1,780 million have been
estimated as the total cost of the teacher development programs for the years 2010 and 2015 respectively.



Teaching-learning materials
One book for the children and one teaching guide for the teachers have been the major teaching-learning
materials for pre-primary classes (Table 4.13). These books are provided free to learners and teachers. In
addition, school bags, slates, and pencils etc, are provided free to each children participating in the program
which is equivalent to approximately BDT 500 per child per annum. In addition, each class is supplied with
mats, colorful posters, toys and other small learning materials which will cost approximately BDT 500 per
annum. These two supports together cost approximately BDT 3.12 billion in 2010 and BDT 8.55 billion in 2015.
Table 4.13: Teaching - learning materials

Number of 2005
2009 2010 2015
materials (Base year)
Textbook 1 per student 1,443,830 3,260,685 3,746,410 6,377,671
Teaching guide 1 per teacher 43,105 101,587 118,005 212,589

Demand side Intervention

School meals are the only demand side intervention proposed in this study as an incentive for attending the
government pre-primary education programs. This program is estimated to cover 20 percent of total children
enrolled. The expected number of beneficiaries of this program is 1,275,534 for the year 2015 (Table 4.14). An
allocation of approximately BDT10 per day per child has been made for the children enrolled in the four types
of public primary schools. Total cost for the school meal program for the years 2010 and 2015 is estimated at
BDT 0.75 billion and BDT 2.55 billion respectively.
Table 4.14: Demand Side Intervention, Target and Coverage

Target for 2015 Coverage (number of enrolled students)

Interventions 2005
2009 2010 2015

School meal
20% of the enrolled Nil 260,855 374,641 1,275,534
(BDT 10/child/day)

Capital, Recurrent and Per Pupil Costs for Pre-primary / Early Childhood Education
Total cost comprising both recurrent and capital costs (construction and other investments) is estimated at
approximately BDT 5671.5 million for the year 2009 and BDT 1,9470 million for the year 2015 (Table 4.15).
Recurrent costs for these two years are estimated at 96 percent and 97 percent respectively. The reason for
low capital cost is due to the fact that construction cost is almost absent for this sector. Cost per pupil for
these two years is estimated at BDT 1,739 and BDT 3,053 respectively.

Table 4.15: Recurrent, Capital and unit costs for Pre-primary Education

2005 2008 2009 2010 2014 2015

Pre-primary (public)
1,625.70 4,375.20 5,671.50 7,199.60 16,299.25 19,470.00
(million BDT)

Recurrent costs 1,552.50 4,214.60 5,469.00 6,947.00 15,733.00 18,847.10

(million BDT)
Construction & other 202.50 252.60 566.30 622.90
73.20 160.60
investments (million BDT)
Unit cost 1,126.00 1,569.00 1,739.00 1,922.00 2,799.00 3,053.00

Teacher salaries as 36% 35% 34% 32% 31%

% of recurrent total
Non-teacher recurrent as
60% 64% 65% 66% 68% 69%
% of recurrent total



4.5.4 Non-formal Education

Currently two government programs namely Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human
Development (PLCEHD 2) and Basic Education for Hard to Reach Working Children (BEHTRWC) are in
operation to address the educational needs of adults and hard to reach working children. These programs
are being implemented through a number of NGOs.

Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development II (PLCEHD 2)

In PLCEHD 2 the size of enrolment is 63,240 with equal proportion of male and female participation covering
the age group 11-45 years. Each learning center/class comprises 30 learners and is taken care of by one
facilitator. This program is being implemented by a total of 2108 learning centers. Enrolment in this program
is expected to increase by approximately 66.5 percent for males and 71 percent for female learners to
achieve 100 percent literacy rates by 2015 with an enrolment target of 7,062,496 learners by the year 2015.

A total of 2108 facilitators are currently imparting literacy training. One supervisory staff is responsible for
every ten centers. There are also 18 clerical and other staff involved in this program.

Monthly remuneration for a teacher and a supervisor are BDT 1500 and BDT 2500 respectively. Total
remuneration required for teachers in this program are estimated at BDT 666.31 million for 2010 and BDT
12,683.83 million for 2015. Total remuneration required for the supervisors and other staffs engaged in this
program are estimated at BDT 169.62 million in 2010 and BDT 4141.99 million for the year 2015
respectively. An amount equivalent to ten percent of a teacher's salary is spent on programs undertaken for
a teacher's quality development.

A number of learning materials and teaching guides are provided free to the learners and teachers
participating in the program, the estimated cost of which is BDT 328.10 million and BDT 7275.91 million for
2010 and 2015 respectively.

On an average BDT 100 is spent per learner every year for other supports that include writing pads, pens,
other learning materials, and buying fuel, etc. An estimated amount for this support stands at BDT 139.61
million and BDT 3096.13 million for 2010 and 2015 respectively.

PLCEHD is run generally in rented rooms or spaces. BDT 10,500 is spent annually for rental purpose for
each learning center.

Basic Education for Hard to Reach Working Children (BEHTRWC)

This program was undertaken to address the educational needs of the working children who are basically
dropped out of the formal system. Although the target age group for this program is 11-14 years, this program
will contribute to increasing the adult literacy rate in the country. This program is currently being implemented
through 2000 learning centers with a total enrolment of 20,000 male and 30,000 female learners. Enrolment
in each center is 25 and is taken care of by one facilitator. The enrolment rate is targeted to increase by 15
percent through increasing the number of learning centers.

A total of 2000 facilitators are providing non-formal education to the working children. There is one
supervisory staff for every ten centers. Monthly remuneration of a teacher and a supervisor is BDT 1500 and
BDT 2500 respectively. Total amount required to pay teachers and supervisors in the years 2010 and 2015
are estimated at BDT 117 million and BDT 326 million respectively. Like the earlier programs an amount
equivalent to ten percent of a teacher's remuneration is spent for teacher development in-service training
programs annually.



Total costs for learning materials that include books (unit cost BDT 75) and teachers' guides (unit cost BDT
100) is estimated at BDT 25 million and BDT 82 million respectively for the years 2010 and 2015.
On an average BDT 100 is spent per learner every year for other supports that include writing pads, pens,
other learning materials, and buying fuel, etc. An estimated amount for this support stands at BDT 6.47
million and BDT 20.98 million for 2010 and 2015 respectively.

Capital, Recurrent and Per Pupil Costs for Non Formal Education (Adult Education)
Non formal education programs are implemented without involving any construction or other investment
programs. The total estimated cost of the programs is BDT 1,019.37 million and BDT 39,716.94 million for
the years 2009 and 2015 respectively (Table 4.16). Estimated per learner cost is BDT 1,986 and BDT 3,327
respectively for these two years.
Table 4.16: Recurrent, capital and unit cost for Literacy programs

2005 2008 2009 2010 2014 2015

Literacy programmes
89.06 554.04 1,019.37 1,875.93 21,559.58 39,716.94
(million BDT)

Recurrent costs 1,019.37 1,875.93 21,559.58 39,716.94

89.06 554.04
(million BDT)
Construction & other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
investments (million BDT)
Unit cost 1,408.00 1,822.00 1,985.65 2,163.88 3,052.68 3,327.23

Teacher salaries as 39% 36% 36%

37% 33% 32%
% of recurrent total
Non-teacher recurrent as
% of recurrent total 61% 63% 64% 64% 67% 68%

Total Costs for MDG2

Total Capital, Recurrent and Unit costs to implement the interventions towards achieving MDG2 in different
years are provided in the (Table 4.17) Total costs for pre-primary, primary, secondary and non-formal
education together has been estimated at BDT 87,010.61 million and BDT 251,951.07 million for the years
2009 and 2015 respectively. Recurrent cost, however, accounts for 65-70 percent of the total cost. Per
student cost stands at BDT 20,783 and BDT 36,237 for these two years respectively when all the sectors
are added together.



Table 4.17: Total Resource Needs Estimates for Education Interventions

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total

Pre-Primary Education

Pre-primary (million BDT) 5,671.54 7,199.6 8,989.66 11,076.07 13,497.85 16,299.26 19,469.99 82,203.97

Pre-primary (million USD) 82.92 105.26 131.43 161.93 197.34 238.29 284.65 1,201.82

Recurrent costs (million BDT) 5,469.01 6,946.99 8,677.41 10,693.00 13,030.84 15,732.99 18,847.09 79,397.33

Recurrent costs (million USD) 79.96 101.56 126.86 156.33 190.51 230.01 275.54 1160.77

Capital Costs (million BDT) 202.52 252.61 312.24 383.07 467.01 566.27 622.90 2806.62

Capital Costs (million USD) 2.96 3.69 4.56 5.60 6.83 8.28 9.11 41.03
Per Pupil cost (BDT) 1,739.37 1,921.73 2,117.57 2,328.11 2,554.71 2,798.90 3,052.84
Per Pupil cost (USD) 25.43 28.1 30.96 34.04 37.35 40.92 44.63
Per Capita Cost (BDT) 39.18 49.04 60.37 73.35 88.13 104.93 123.59
Per Capita Cost (USD) 0.57 0.72 0.88 1.07 1.29 1.53 1.81
Primary Education
Primary education (million BDT) 76,987.67 88,860.02 102,578.71 118,487.72 137,011.82 158,680.71 177,048.50 859,655.20
Primary education (USD) 1,125.55 1,299.12 1,499.69 1,732.28 2,003.10 2,319.89 2,588.43 12,568.06
Recurrent costs (million BDT) 53,517.65 60,679.73 68,665.36 77,570.35 87,501.79 98,579.42 110,937.07 557,451.40
Recurrent costs (million USD) 782.42 887.13 1,003.88 1,134.07 1,279.27 1,441.22 1,621.89 8,149.88
Capital Costs (million BDT) 23,470.02 28,180.3 33,913.34 40,917.37 49,510.03 60,101.30 66,111.43 302,203.80
Capital Costs (million USD) 343.13 411.99 495.81 598.21 723.83 878.67 966.54 4,418.18
Per Pupil cost (BDT) 4,940.68 5,547.84 6,234.10 7,013.42 7,902.93 8,923.93 9,712.89
Per Pupil cost (USD) 72.23 81.11 91.14 102.54 115.54 130.47 142.00
Per Capita Cost (BDT) 531.84 605.26 688.92 784.62 894.58 1,021.56 1,123.85
Per Capita Cost (USD) 7.78 8.85 10.07 11.47 13.08 14.94 16.43
Secondary Education
Secondary (million BDT) 3,341.03 4,442.64 5,869.99 7,718.39 10,115.79 13,237.72 15,715.64 60,441.20
Secondary (million USD) 48.85 64.95 85.82 112.84 147.89 193.53 229.76 883.64
Recurrent costs (million BDT) 2,205.81 2,889.03 3,741.99 4,798.23 6,096.47 7,681.23 9,603.50 37,016.26
Recurrent costs (million USD) 32.25 42.24 54.71 70.15 89.13 112.30 140.40 541.18
Capital Costs (million BDT) 1,135.21 1,553.62 2,128.00 2,920.16 4,019.32 5,556.49 6,112.14 23,424.94
Capital Costs (million USD) 16.60 22.71 31.11 42.69 58.76 81.24 89.36 342.47
Per Pupil cost (BDT) 12,117.39 13,323.99 14,666.79 16,176.53 17,895.02 19,880.29 20,143.70
Per Pupil cost (USD) 177.15 194.80 214.43 236.50 261.62 290.65 294.50
Per Capita Cost (BDT) 23.08 30.26 39.42 51.11 66.05 85.22 99.76
Per Capita Cost (USD) 0.34 0.44 0.58 0.75 0.97 1.25 1.46



2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total

p ( )
Adult Literacy
Literacy Programs (million BDT) 1,019.37 1,875.93 3,452.92 6,356.92 11,705.70 21,559.58 39,716.94 85,687.36
Literacy Programs (million USD) 14.90 27.43 50.48 92.94 171.14 315.20 580.66 1,252.75
Recurrent costs (million BDT) 1,019.37 1,875.93 3,452.92 6,356.92 11,705.70 21,559.58 39,716.94 85,687.36
Recurrent costs (million USD) 14.9 27.43 50.48 92.94 171.14 315.20 580.66 1252.75
Capital Costs (million BDT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Capital Costs (million USD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Per student cost (BDT) 1985.65 2163.88 2358.17 2569.98 2800.9 3052.68 3327.23
Per student cost (USD) 29.03 31.64 34.48 37.57 40.95 44.63 48.64
Per Capita Cost (BDT) 7.04 12.78 23.19 42.10 76.43 138.80 252.11
Per Capita Cost (USD) 0.10 0.19 0.34 0.62 1.12 2.03 3.69
Total Education Costs
Total Cost (million BDT) 87,010.61 102,378.19 120,891.28 143,639.10 172,331.16 209,777.27 251,951.07 10,879.79
Total Cost (million USD) 1,272.22 1,496.76 1,767.42 2,099.99 2,519.47 3,066.91 3,683.50 15,906.27
Recurrent Cost (million BDT) 62,211.84 72,391.68 84,537.68 99,418.50 118,334.80 143,553.22 179,104.60 759,552.30
Recurrent Cost (million USD) 909.53 1,058.36 1,235.93 1,453.49 1,730.05 2,098.73 2,618.49 11,104.58
Capital Costs (million BDT) 24,807.75 29,986.53 36,353.58 44,220.60 53,996.36 66,224.06 72,846.47 328,435.40
Capital Costs (million USD) 362.69 438.39 531.48 646.50 789.42 968.19 1,065.01 4,801.68
Per student cost (BDT) 20,783.09 22,957.44 25,376.63 28,088.04 31,153.56 34,655.80 36,236.66
Per student cost (USD) 303.84 335.65 371.01 410.65 455.46 506.67 529.77
Per Capita Cost (BDT) 601.14 697.34 811.90 951.18 1,125.19 1,350.51 1,599.31
Per Capita Cost (USD) 8.79 10.20 11.87 13.91 16.46 19.75 23.39
Note: 1 USD = 68.4 BDT



MDG Goal 3 - Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women

Summary Statistics: MDG Goals, Targets, Indicators and Achievements


2005 2015 PROGRESS


GENDER FEMALES TO MALES 42:65 46:65 100:100
12.73 33 %

5.1 Overview

Women in Bangladesh are becoming increasingly visible in economic spheres, and in practically in all
spheres of the development women are contributing to the growth of economy. Women's increasing
involvement in both agricultural work and in non -farm activities has provided increased opportunities for
wage work and certain economic independence. Yet, despite the large scale involvement of women in
economic activities "women are ignored socially, politically, deprived legally, exploited economically." It is
against this that the situation of the girl's and women's socio-economic and political status needs to be

In terms of MDG3 there are several areas where women are at a disadvantage and gender gaps are
apparent. While the country remains broadly on track ensuing gender equity in basic education, there are
some significant challenges that need to be addressed. These include the strengthening opportunities
through increased awareness to effectively sustain post-primary education for girls, the weak transition of
girls to tertiary level education and the workplace, high levels of female youth unemployment and
underemployment, involve more women in productive income generating activities, providing women with
child care, low levels of female participation in political and high public office, reduction of violence and
mainstreaming of gender.

Bangladesh has enhanced a number of laws at the national level to protect the equality of rights and
opportunities. The Constitution of Bangladesh grants equal rights to women and men in all spheres of public
life (Articles 27, 28(1) 28(2), 28(3), 28(4), 29(1), 29(2) and 29(3) and has been supplemented by number of
Acts and Ordinances to safeguard women's equal rights such the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1980, the Child



Marriage Restraint Act (amended in 1984) and the Family Court Ordinance of 1985. At the international level,
Bangladesh has ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against women
(CEDAW) agreeing to the optional Protocol in 2000. However, reservations on articles 2 and 16 pertaining
to marriage, divorce and inheritance remain in force.

The Ministry of Women's and Children Affairs (MOWCA) established in 1978 has the mandate for protecting
women's' interests, and further the rights of children. It is presently working in 64 districts of the country. At
present it consists of the Ministry itself and three implementing agencies: the Department of Women Affairs
(DWA), Jatiya Mohila Sangstha (National Women's Council), and Shishu (Children's) Academy. MOWCA is
mandated to act as the central motivating factor on issues of women's equality and development and to
promote a broader and more consistent response by all government agencies to the needs and priorities of
women. WID (Women in Development) focal point has been established in various ministries. The National
Policy for the Advancement of Women was adopted in 1997 and amended (2004,2008) includes
commitments to eliminate discrimination against women in all spheres. A National Action Plan (NAP) for
implementing the policy as well as meeting commitments under the Beijing Platform for Action (PFA) was
approved in 1998. Following the PFA Gender Focal points were appointed in all central government
ministries and committees as early as 1990. Bangladesh Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) finalized
in October 2005 and PRSP 2 in 2008 also provides comprehensive gender analysis with policy guidelines.

5.2 Progress of achieving MDG3

It is against the evaluation of the performance of indicators of MDG3 that the current status has been
evaluated. The relevant challenges have been identified based on a review of relevant programmes and
discussions with the TWG members.

5.2.1 Gender and Primary Education

The MDG target was set for 2005 to achieve gender parity in primary enrollment and it has been achieved.
During the last 15 years, the primary school enrollment has increased 1.4 times from 11.9 million in 1990 to
16.2 million in 2005. Total primary education enrollment was 11.9 million in 1990 with 6.6 million boys and
5.4 million girls and it has reached 16.2 million in 2005, of whom half of the enrollment was girls. Gender
parity in primary enrollment was attained in 2005.

Girls' enrollment in primary education in 1990 was 45 percent and reached 47 percent in 1995. The trend
shows that in the subsequent five years a gradual increase in the girls enrollment happened which was 49
percent in 2000 while gender parity has been achieved in 2005 (Figure 5.1). The achievement is largely the
result of The First Primary Education Programme (PEDP-I) implemented in 1990 and the Second Primary
Education Development Programme (PEDP II) between 2004 and 2009 through several projects.

Figure 5.1: Trends in primary education enrollment (by gender), 1990-2005

52.61 51.12 50.17
50.00 49.83
47.39 48.88



1990 1995 2000 2005




5.2.2 Gender and Secondary Education

The secondary education enrollment of girls in rural areas has increased gradually, from 46 percent to 53
percent during 1995 to 2000, whereas it has declined to 52 percent by the next five years. Boy's enrollment
has declined gradually from 54 to 47 percent between 1995 to 2000. However, it has increased by one
percent in the next five years as shown in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5. 2: Trends in secondary education (excluding Intermediate) enrollment (by gender), 1995-2005

60.00 53.03 52.57
66.07 52.28

40.00 46.97 47.43 47.72

30.00 33.93 Girls

1990 1995 2000 2005

The share of secondary education (excluding intermediate) enrollment in urban areas by sex shows a
positive trend for girls' enrollment from 49 to 52 percent during 1995 to 2005. On the other hand the
enrollment rate of boy's has declined from 51 percent 48 percent during the same period. The annual growth
rate of secondary enrollment shows a declining trend for both the boys and girls during two time periods,
namely 1995-2000 and 2000-2005. However, the relative share of declining growth has been less
pronounced for girls than that for boys: the annual average growth for girls has declined from 5.04 percent
in 1995-2000 to 2.38 percent in 2000-2005, the same for the boys has been 3.76 and 1.28 percent

The secondary education system in Bangladesh consists of two levels: secondary education (grades six-ten,
of which six-eight is junior secondary), and higher secondary education (grades 11-12). Excluding the
intermediate between 1990 and 2000, the secondary education enrollment for female students depicts sharp
increase (34 percent in 1991, 47 percent in 1995) whereas the enrollment of boy students substantially
decreased (from 66 percent in 199 to 53 percent in 1995). In 2000, girls' enrollment surpasses than boys
(51 percent for girls and 49 percent for boys). The similar pattern of enrollment for both sexes was seen in

This impressive enrollment rate of girls in secondary school is the consequence of a government initiative,
the Female Secondary School Assistance Program (FSSAP), launched in late 1980's and nationally covered
in early 1990's. Under the FSS, the government provides a cash incentive or stipend to secondary school
girls to cover a large portion of direct school expenses incurred by girls in grades six-ten. The FSS
programme also provides tuition assistance, though this part of the financial assistance is paid to the school
where the girl is enrolled, rather than to girls directly. The coverage of other costs rise with grade because
extra incentive is needed in the upper grades to reduce high dropout rates.

The program, with twin objectives, seems to be successful in increasing the number of female students
entering secondary school, and in keeping them in school until graduation. Thus this type of stipend



programme which is pioneer in South Asia need to be continued for increasing secondary enrollments and
in addressing narrowing gender disparities at the secondary level. This is discussed in the earlier chapter
(see section 4.5.2).To maintain gender parity, government secondary education projects need to be
continued. In addition, to ensure good quality education, improvements in the course curricula and support
for the learning needs of diverse groups of students (taken as actions in PRSP II, pg 400) need to be
effectively implemented.

However, gender parity at tertiary education levels are still low and will need considerable improvement. The
target was set to achieve no later than 2015; unfortunately only 24 percent has been reached by 2005.
During the last ten years, the enrollment of students at the tertiary level has increased 4.5 fold from 62,125
in 1997 to 280,516 in 2006. During 1997-2005, female enrollment in tertiary has increased 2.6 times and
male 3.6 times. This implies low rate of tertiary enrollment among females as compared to that of the males.

There are several factors which could be attributed to the decline growth of girl's enrolment. Social and
cultural attitudes still reinforce girl's /women's subordinate position in the society. Various forms of violence
, acid throwing, sexual harassment on the street and in educational institutions, early marriage (despite The
Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1984 which raised the legal age of marriage of girls from 15 to 18) are hindering
girl's to take opportunities to continue education smoothly.

5.2.3 Gender and Adult Literacy

By 2015 adult literacy rate of 100 percent is to be achieved for both male and female. The rate of male
literacy is 58 percent and 48 percent for female in 2005, as shown in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1: Adult Literacy Rate of population 15+ years and over

Year Adult literacy rate Male Female Rural Urban

1991 35.30 44.30 25.80 NA NA
1992 NA 42 65 NA NA
1994 47.30 55.60 38.10 NA NA
1995 45.30 55.60 38.10 42.90 63.50
1998 52.60 59.40 42.50 48.20 68.30
1999 52.70 60.70 42.80 48.40 68.90
2000 52.80 61.00 43.20 48.70 69.30
2002 49.60 55.50 43.40 45.30 66.50
2003 50.30 56.30 44.20 46.10 67.10
2004 51.60 57.20 45.80 47.40 68.30
2005 52.30 57.60 47.90 48.60 68.30
2006 52.80 58.20 48.40 49.30 69.40
Source: BBS report on Registration System, BBS-2006

The adult literacy rate (15 years and above) has increased from 35.3 percent in 1991 to 52.8 percent in
2006. In 1991 the rate was 44.3 percent for males and 25.8 percent for females (i.e; 18.5 percentage points
less for females). In 2006, this rate increased to 48.4 percent for females, the gap being 9.8 percentage
points against females. Therefore, despite the general improvement in school enrollments, a large disparity
continues to exist between adult-male and adult-female literacy rates. While no data for 1990, 1993, 1997
and 2001 is available for the suggested global indicator (ratio of literate females to males of 15-24 year olds)
literacy rates by age cohorts help to give an indication of the youth literacy rates. The literacy rate of 15 and
over shows a substantial increase with male rates at 66 percent to 68 percent between 2002-2006, and



female 43 percent to 48 percent. From 1998-2002 the adult literacy rate was 53 percent however from 1998
onwards the gap between male and female literacy has increased from 16 to 18 percent.

5.2.4 Violence Against Women

Although VAW (Violence Against Women) has not been considered as one of the indicator nonetheless to
achieve true empowerment for women this component need to be taken into consideration. The country
must address the issue of domestic and other forms of VAW. VAW could be associated with broader
problem of the low social and economic status of women. The worst form of manifestation of discrimination,
deprivation, devaluation and injustice takes place in terms of VAW. Such violence takes place both in public
space and within the household. The occurrence of family violence is endemic and cuts across ethnicity,
religion and class groups. In most cases the incidence of domestic violence often goes unreported therefore
it is difficult to obtain statistics on this. Many more cases are known to go unreported due to fears of social
stigma, emotional and financial insecurity and the lack of support mechanisms.

5.2.5 Women in Non-Agricultural Wage Employment

Another major area of concern is low female engagement in non-agricultural wage employment. The
situation of women in non-farm employment depicts a discouraging situation. However this report has taken
into consideration the total number of women working in BGMEA regard to projection of women in non-
agricultural sector. The projection of women in non-agricultural employment (using 1995 as base year)
shows much discouraging situation (Table 5.2). The share of women in non-agricultural employment has
declined from 23.7 percent in 2002-03 down to 20 percent in 2005-06. The emergence of the feminization
of poverty in both rural and urban areas is possibility if the above issues are not addressed proactively and
through effective gender mainstreaming. This declining share of women in non-agricultural employment
implies that in order to ensure further improvement in the livelihoods and empowerment of women, their
share in non-agricultural employment, especially in various income generating activities and wage
employment should be pursued by the public and private sectors as proposed in the PRSP II and in the
National Policies for the Advancement of Women 2008.

Table 5.2: Women in Non-Agricultural Wage Employment (Age 15 Years+)

Year Total Male Female % Male % Female

1995-1996 19,089,000 14,747,000 4,342,000 77.30 22.70
1999-2000 21,236,000 15,992,000 5,244,000 75.30 24.70

2002-2003 23,558,000 17,986,000 5,572,000 76.30 23.70

2005-2006 26,631,000 21,299,000 5,332,000 80.00 20.00

Source: Report on Labour Force Survey in Bangladesh, BBS, 1996, 2004, 2008

During the last ten years population aged 15 years and above engaged in non-agricultural employment has
increased 1.4 fold, from 19,089,000 in 1995-96 to 26,631,000 in 2005-06. During the same ten years the
increase in male engagement has been 1.5 fold, while the same for females has not been changed and
remained at low level.

The male-female ratio of engagement in non-agricultural employment has been 77:23 in 1995-96 which went
up to 80:20 in 2005-06, implying relative decline of females share in the non-agricultural employment. The
more revealing anti-female bias is evident in the annual growth rate: for males the annual growth rate in
engagement of non-agricultural employment has increased from 0.88 percent during 1995-99 to 2.07
percent during 1999-2005, to the contrary, for females this has decreased from 2.05 percent to 0.12 percent
during above two periods. Therefore, in order to expedite the process of women employment it is imperative
to undertake vigorous economic empowerment efforts for the females.



5.2.6 Women in Parliament

The situation of women empowerment and gender equality is most deplorable when one looks into the share
of women in the highest policy making elected body - the National Parliament. During 1991-2001, there have
been 30 out of 330 seats in the National Parliament reserved for women. (Figure 5.3 & 5.4) The other (non-
reserved) seats (300) are those where either men or women can contest the election. The situation of women
in the National Parliament in terms of their numbers in the parliament shows a low-level static situation with
only 42 seats (out of 330 including 30 reserved seats) in 1991, 43 in 1986, and 41 seats in 2001 (Table 5.3).
In fact women's share of seats in the National Parliament depicts a downward trend during the last three
governments of parliamentary democracy with 12.7 percent in 1991-95, 13 percent in 1996-200, and 12.4
percent in 2001-06. Attaining gender equality in the National Parliament will mean increasing the number of
elected women parliamentarians from 11 to 150, about a 14-fold increase. This is a subject of unprecedented
political awakening for women's participation in politics and parliamentary reform in future Bangladesh.

Table 5.3: Proportion of female member in the parliament

Year Female member Total seats Percentage

1991 (30+12) = 42 330 12.73
1996 (30+13) = 43 330 13.03
2001 (30+11) = 41 330

Figure 5.3: Proportion of female member in the parliament

350 330 330 330

Number of seats

42 43 41
1991 1996 2001

Figure 5.4: Share of female member in the Parliament

12.90 12.73
12.60 12.42
1991 1996 2001




5.3 Challenges in promoting gender equality and empowerment of women

5.3.1 Challenges in Education

Although primary and secondary education is free in the country, increase enrolment in the tertiary sector is
yet to reach the desired level of gender parity. Attaining the target of full gender parity at tertiary level seems
improbable and requires serious attention if the country is even to come close to realizing it. Lower levels of
female enrolment at the higher secondary and tertiary levels, and thereby weaker educational attainments
and lower tertiary levels, also explains to some extent, the prevailing gender gaps in representation in
politics, public office and the civil service.

National level primary enrolment shows that Bangladesh has achieved gender parity by 2005. However,
regional variation in terms of primary enrolment exists; Barisal is yet to achieve the desired position while
negative growth for Rajshahi and Khulna exists. Thus more concentration is required to strengthening -
primary education projects, programmes in above mentioned divisions. In addition, it is also vital to
strengthen opportunities for post-primary education for girls while meeting commitments to universal

Increased girls' enrolment in secondary schools has been a significant phenomenon in Bangladesh. The
challenge is to sustain the twin objectives of the FSSAP in keeping increasing number of girl students in
secondary schools and retain them until graduation. Regional and urban -rural variation in terms of
secondary enrollment requires special attention. To maintain the impressive enrollment of girls in secondary
school effective continuation of secondary education projects are required.

The accelerated attainment of gender parity in secondary through successful implementation of FSSAP and
SEQAEP suggests that in regard to achieving such success at tertiary levels, the major challenge is to
effectively continue such programmes to reach gender parity by 2015. A major challenge is the need for
greater effort towards attaining gender parity at the tertiary education levels by 2015. This is an area has
been highlighted in the MDG Progress Report 2005 as requiring critical attention. Concerted efforts will be
required to address the particular challenges of easing the transition of females from the secondary through
the continuation to tertiary levels and thereafter to the workplace; reducing their dropout after the completion
of secondary education and promoting greater enrolment into technical, professional and vocational

Despite many improvements in primary and secondary school enrollments a large disparity exits between
male and female literacy rates more in rural areas, and divisions like Sylhet. The challenge is to narrow the
gap through intensive public and private initiatives. Extensive social mobilization programme need to be as
well implemented.

5.3.2 Challenges in Encountering Violence Against Women and Protecting Women

The other important matter of concern is VAW. Physical assault, sexual assault and acid throwing are
common in Bangladesh. In addition, trafficking, death due to dowry are also reported. Most of the affected
women and children are poor. Poverty, dowry, early marriage, superstition, social attitude among many are
the major causes of violence against women. Violence affects children's health, education and overall
wellbeing. To combat such violence, well articulated policy interventions are required. The PRSP II has given
due importance in this regard and demanded for ensuring 100 percent reporting of VAW incidence.
Moreover the target has also been fixed to reduce the rate of incidence to 50 percent violence.



5.3.3 Challenges for Women in Non-Agricultural Wage Employment

The situation of women in non agricultural employment depicts a discouraging situation. The challenge is to
involve women more in to productive income generating work to ensure improvement in livelihoods to
empower them. Further, actions in regard to women's employment mentioned in PRSPII need to be
effectively implemented.

5.3.4 Challenges in Providing Day Care Facilities

Early childhood care and development is not well advanced in Bangladesh, though many national NGOs
have started to provide pre-school education programmes linked to primary education. On the other hand,
traditional child rearing practices and indigenous knowledge are also disappearing from the society, due to
changes in family members' roles, family patterns, rural to urban migration and an increase in restlessness
and tension. Daycare facilities are necessary for women's overall socio-economic enhancement. Further, for
a child to develop and learn in a healthy and normal way, it is important not only to meet the basic needs for
protection, food and health care, but also to meet the basic needs for interaction, stimulation, affection,
security and learning through exploration and discovery.

5.3.5 Challenges on Women in Politics

Women's engagement in political leadership is also not encouraging. In the national arena, majority women's
network lobbied throughout the 2003 for direct elections for women to Parliamentary seats. Mobilisation
around the issue took great impetus after the existing provision for women members (allowing for 30 women
to be nominated by elected members of parliament) lapsed in 2001. However, women demand for direct
election was turned down and 45 seats have been given to women through selection by the majority in the
parliament. The other factor hindering women's effective participation in politics is limited leadership
positions; there is still limited involvement of women in party hierarchical structures. Female members are
conveniently used during election campaign, organizing meetings, rallies, etc. The challenge is to have
farsighted policy interventions. Therefore awareness, and mobilization programmes to encourage the direct
involvement of women in mainstream politics is needed. Holistic policy interventions may include subjective
changes of the decision makers, amendment of laws, promoting women candidates nominations by political

5.3.6 Challenges on Gender Sensitizing all Institutions Involved in Implementing Interventions for
Promoting Gender Equality

Another major challenge is the weakness

of institutional mechanisms set out to
implement women's development
activities. MOWCA and DWA are yet to
have effective planning, implementation
and monitoring units to administer the
programmes effectively. Intersectional and
inter-ministerial cooperation and the
function of the WID focal point is also
inadequate. There is no sufficient linkage
between government agencies and
NGOs, women's organizations and
research institutes for the exchange of
information and sharing of experiences.
The WID focal points have been
established as active agents of
mainstreaming women's development in
each sect oral ministry. This mechanism



was set up from the realization that looking after women's interests and progress is the responsibility of all
development sectors. However, there is still scope for strengthening networking and linkages and the
capacity development of WID focal points. (Country Briefing Paper...Women in Bangladesh)

Overcoming the situation of the major gender gaps in female participation in national parliament, public office
and civil service represents a significant challenge in itself. The ground realities must conform to, and reflect
the spirit of, gender equality and non-discrimination that is inherent in the Constitution. This is however,
constrained by a general lack of awareness among government employees, the judiciary, police and the
private sector on gender equality and the lack of clarity of existing policy measures aimed at preventing
gender discrimination against women. The situation is further complicated by the lack of in-depth
understanding of the various causal factors and conditions that create these significant gender gaps. In other
areas of decision-making such as the bureaucracy and high level jobs, which entail visibility and exercise of
authority, women's presence is negligible4 .

5.4 Major Interventions and Targets for Achieving MDG 3

5.4.1 Community Based Awareness for Sustaining Gender-based Equality

The broad intervention suggested to sustain gender equality in education is community based awareness.
The sub-intervention gender based equality would be achieved through community based awareness. To
ensure equity and equality in education at the primary/secondary level community based awareness is
suggested to strengthen opportunities for primary and post primary education for girls while meeting
commitment to universal education. The major activities to achieve interventions are as follows:
workshop/dialogue/seminars, training, meetings, uthan boithoks, and TV/Radio campaign.

To ensure increased enrolment in secondary girls, the stipend programme FSSAP, SEQAEP and the other
need to be continued. To maintain the impressive enrolment of girls in secondary school effective
continuation of secondary projects are required. Sustenance of girls at the secondary level will be enhanced
through continuing awareness on the provisions of adequate facilities such as stipend/scholarships.
Continuing focus on stipend/scholarships facilities to target needy students, both girls and boys, to reduce
the gender gap.

5.4.2 Helping Girls Transition to Work

The progress of gender parity in tertiary education remains discouraging in comparison to primary and
secondary levels. This suggests that in order to achieve such success in tertiary level of education the major
challenge is to facilitate the unemployed dropped out female for gainful employment/self employment
providing vocational/skill development training. The broad activities chalked under this intervention include
the following: i) create more opportunities at the vocational level to help girls/women who are unable to
continue with school to learn skills to enable them to get employed ii) facilitating programmes to familiarize
graduates with available job opportunities. The major activities to achieve the target are: professional
training, vocational training (includes computer basic course, electronics, live stock poultry, fishery &
agriculture, modern office management, dress making, wool knitting, hair dressing, housekeeping
communicative english, etc) and to initiate school to work programme . The objective of above mentioned
trainings is to involve the young females in socio-economic development activities like literacy programme,
disaster management, primary health care, environmental improvement, resource conservation and
awareness building against anti-social activities, drug abuse, AIDS/STD etc.

4 Millennium Development Goals: A people's progress report, BANGLADESH, Overview, September 2005



The other sub interventions under this broad intervention aim to increase the share of women in wage
employment in non-agricultural sector will be effectively enhanced through: providing women with productive
IGA, (Income Generating Activities) Micro credit. The low share of women in non-agricultural employment
implies that in order to ensure further improvement in the livelihood of women and to economically empower
them, their share in non-agricultural employment, especially in various income generating activities and
wage employment should be pursued by the public and private sector as proposed in the PRSP II and in the
National Policies for the Advancement of Women 2008.

5.4.3 Encouraging Political Participation

While there is a highly supportive legal and policy in the development sector to encourage women's
participation in development activities and in decision making, women are still poorly represented in the
legislative, judiciary and executive branches of government Therefore women encounter greater difficulties
in changing their realities in their favour. To influence decisions in favour of women, full women's participation
in political decision-making process is essential.

Increasing the proportion of elected women by encouraging their political participation will be effectively
promoted through the following interventions: i) promotion related activities primarily through
training/support/awareness for women candidates contesting for election, holding relevant workshops,
dialogue to motivate and prepare them for effective participation in politics, ii) providing training/support for
elected female parliaments. The aim of the major intervention encouraging political participation aims at
increasing the number of women parliamentarians in the national parliament. Increasing the proportion of
elected women by encouraging their political participation will also be effectively also promoted through
mass media campaign.

5.4.4 Ending Violence Against Women

Although Bangladesh Constitution mentioned earlier guarantees equality and equal protection for all
citizens, the principle is often curtailed with respect to women's right. It is necessary to reduce various forms
of violence to ensure girls' productive and reproductive role. Furthermore, women's security needs to be
ensured while taking opportunities of primary/secondary and post secondary education and employment. As
the issue of domestic violence has not been addressed in the past on an institutional basis, there is very little
capacity and experience in the country to deal with this effectively. As such, promoting relevant remedial
measures such as encouraging women and child friendly police and court services, taking care of affected
women, raising awareness through community, safe homes and mass media programmes is needed. Also
effective implementation of activities which are hampered by a lack of professional and institutional capacity
is important. Therefore, following interventions are seen to be significant.

z Prevention-related activities promoted primarily through Community-based Awareness Campaigns

including mass media campaigns; holding relevant workshops, seminars, trainings and orientation
programmes; undertaking relevant research and dissemination of research findings; building
network and linkages involving relevant NGOs; building partnerships at the grassroots etc.
z Curative services provided through One Stop Crisis Centres (OCC) established in six administrative
divisions under the auspices of public medical colleges hospitals. These OCCs provide legal,
medical and social services.
z Violence prevention cells exists at the DWA and Jatio Mahila Sangtha (National Women
Organization). The government and NGOs, although largely inadequate, have also established
shelter homes for abused and tortured women. Both preventive and curative service activities are
provided through Women Support Centre (WSC). The WSC in forty areas provides among others,
training and legal services.
z Department of Social Welfare has Safe Home for children under 16 to provide protection . Further
BNWLA (Bangladesh National Lawyers Women's Association) also has safe home for shelter
victims which provides medical care, counseling , repatriation and reintegration services to the
victims of trafficking.



5.4.5 Day Care

The other intervention is to provide women with Day Care facilities to enable women to seek gainful
employment. Day Care is essential to facilitate women workers to participate in various income generating
activities with young children. This facilitates breast-feeding and enables parents to have peace of mind
about their children's care during working hours. Day Care assists women to acquire the management skills
they need in order to compete with men and "move-up" in their workplace.

5.4.6 Systemic Issues (Gender Mainstreaming)

The relevant interventions to address various systemic issues are: to provide support to for capacity
development of focal points in line ministries to mainstream gender, sensitization campaigns covering
judges and judiciary officials including registrars, civil servants, police officers and Registration officers to
effectively address various women's issues. Sensitization campaign/training for officials, judges and others
is necessary to effectively implement gender related programmes.

5.4.7 Expected Outcomes of Interventions

Gender disparity is a reflection of complex social, economic and cultural issues. While some achievements
have been acquired in education, health, labour employment and democratic participation however, in
Bangladesh meaningful empowerment is still a distant goal. Therefore, if the above mentioned interventions
are effectively implemented substantial women's socio-economic and political development is not far away.

5.5 Coverage and Resource Needs Estimates for MDG 3

Estimates of coverage and costs by specific interventions have been done using the computerized
programme designed for this purpose by UNDP. This programme requires input data on three broad areas,
namely national demographic, coverage rate (by specific intervention), and relevant costs. The national
demographic data were needed to identify the relevant denominator against specific intervention, the



coverage data by specific interventions were needed to estimate the current coverage rate (for 2005 and
2008-as year-of-start) as well as the expected rate for 2015 (the terminal year of MDG); the costs data by
specific interventions were needed to understand the existing cost-pattern as well as to work out costs for
2015. All these data input have been identified for each year between 2005 and 2015.The current coverage
rate by specific interventions have been estimated based on in-depth review and assessment of the existing
programmes (by specific interventions).The coverage rate for the terminal year, 2015 has been identified
based on thorough discussion with the relevant persons of the Thematic Working Group (TWG) and different
ministries mentioned below. In accomplishing these rates (especially the terminal year's rate), key emphasis
was given on the relevant MDG goals and targets by indicators.

The data for the coverage and costing have been gathered from the following ministries and departments:
MOWCA, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Ministry of
Education, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs. Local Government Engineering Department
(LGED) and Youth and Employment, National Institute of Local Government (NILG), Department of Primary
and Mass Education, Department of Secondary education and Bangladesh Public Administration Training
Centre (BPTAC).

The costs estimates by specific interventions have been done based on critical review of the existing
programmes (by specific sub-interventions). The cost estimate for the terminal year, 2015 has been done
based on repeat discussions with the relevant persons of the concerned ministries /departments and
representatives from TWG. Repeat run of the cost model has been done to ensure that the trend is in line
with the national budget (development and revenue). Accordingly, in some cases, re-work of existing cost
was needed, which was done in consultation with the knowledgeable informants of the TWG. The costs
estimation has been worked out for both capital and recurrent costs. In addition, for supplementary
interventions and sub-interventions, both coverage and cost estimations have been accomplished.

The MDG 3 will have seven broad interventions with 15 different sub-interventions. Appropriate coverage
rates for all interventions have been worked-out in line with the MDG-3 indicators, and costs estimates have
been done accordingly.

5.5.1 Coverage and Costs: Community Based Awareness Programs

The coverage target of Community Based Awareness Programs (CBAP) will be increased to about 30
percent by 2015 from current level nine percent in 2008. In 2005 less than one percent was covered. The
target for 2015 has been set to 30 percent to substantially address MDG goal to sustain gender based
equality in education and paved the way for girls/women's development. (Table 5.4)
Table 5.4: Coverage and Target for Community based awareness

Interventions 2005 2008 2015

Community Based Awareness Program

To sustain gender based Community based awareness

0.08 % 9.00 % 30.00 %
equality in education coverage rate
Primary school coverage rate 20.00 % 38.00 % 80.00 %
School based awareness
program Secondary school coverage rate 13.00 % 27.00 % 60.00 %

On the basis of these coverage levels to be attained, the interventions to facilitate community based
awareness to continue effectively schooling are expected to cost BDT 56,852 million during 2008-2015
period with BDT 759 million in 2005, BDT 4379 million in 2008, and further to BDT 9885 million in 2015.The
cumulative cost of Community Based Awareness Program intended to facilitate girls education will constitute
39 percent of the total cost of MDG3 interventions. The Community Based Awareness Programme has two
broad sub-interventions namely, Sustaining Gender Based Equality and School Based Awareness
programme. Estimates show that people reached by CBAP will increase from 11.3 million in 2008 to 40.7



million in 2015. "Secondary School Students reached through CBAP "will increase from 4.64 million in 2008
to 10 million in 2015. Accordingly, the estimated cost of sub-intervention "Sustaining Gender based Equality'
will increase from BDT 2921 million in 2008 to BDT 6828 million in 2015, and that of "School Based
Awareness Programme" from BDT 1,457 million in 2008 to BDT 3,056 million in 2015 (terminal year of
MDG). (Table 5.5)
Table 5.5: Community Based Awareness Programs -Coverage and Costs
Coverage in Cost (in BDT
Interventions physical # Million)
2008 2015 2008 2015

To sustain gender based equality

Implied # of people reached by Community Based

Awareness Program 11,300,077 40,684,930

Implied # of Community Based Awareness Program 133,256 369,863

173,232 739,726 2,921 6,828

Implied # of trainers

Implied # of Staff 306,488 1,109,589

Implied # of Materials 133,256 369,863

School Based Awareness Programs

Implied # of primary school students reached 6,485,937 13,204,355

1,457 3,056
Implied # of secondary school students reached 4,647,215 10,023,164

5.5.2 Coverage and Costs: Helping Girls Transition to Work

The coverage target will be to increase female enrolment in vocational training institutes to about 30 percent
(2015) from current levels of ten percent (2008) of the total enrolment. The other intervention is to increase
the girl's school to work programme from six percent in 2008 to 20 percent in 2015. The coverage target will
be to provide income generating training to two percent (2008) to five percent (2015) of the total adult female
population. Similarly, credit coverage will be increased from one percent to 30 percent to benefit women
economically. To effectively rise the number of females other trainers/staff and materials strength have also
been scaled up accordingly (Table 5.6).
Table 5.6: Coverage and Target for helping girls transition to work

Interventions 2005 2008 2015

Helping girls transition to work

Vocational training Coverage of out of school

1% 10 % 30 %
secondary girls
School to work program Coverage of secondary
1% 6% 20 %
school girls graduates

Empowerment of women Income generating training 0.04 % 2% 5%

Credit Service 0.033 % 2% 5%

On the basis of these coverage levels to be attained, the interventions to facilitate the transition of girls to
work are expected to cost BDT 82,728 million during 2008-2015 period with BDT37 million in 2005, BDT
4,168 million in 2008, and BDT 17,361 million in 2015. The cumulative cost of "Helping Girls Transition to
Work" involved to facilitate employment opportunities will constitute 28 percent of the total cost of MDG



Helping Girls Transition to Work has three broad interventions namely, Vocational training and School to
work programme. Estimates show that girls reached by vocational training will increase from 0.41 million in
2008 to 1.15 million in 2015. Under the second intervention (i.e. Secondary school girls graduated will
increase from 0.015 million in 2008 to 0.069 million in 2015). Accordingly, the estimated cost of sub-
intervention "Vocational Training"' will increase from BDT 386 million in 2008 to BDT 858 million in 2015,
and that of "School to Work Programme" from BDT 1.1 million in 2008 to BDT 3.6 million in 2015 (terminal
year of MDG). Similarly, the estimated cost of sub-intervention "Empowerment of Women (non-farm)" will
increase from BDT 3,781 million in 2008 to BDT 16,500 million in 2015 (Table 5.7).

Table 5.7: Helping Girls Transition to Work - Coverage and Costs

Coverage in Cost (in BDT

Interventions physical # Million)
2008 2015 2008 2015

Vocational Training

Implied # of girls reached by vocational training 405,787 1,155,502

Implied # of vocational training Program 11,272 23,110

Implied # of Materials 385.00 858.00

11,272 23,110

Implied # of trainers 21,417 92,440

Implied # of Staff 29,307 92,440

School to work Programs

Implied # of secondary school girl graduates reached 14,929 68,768 1.10 3.60
Empowerment of women (non-farm)
Implied # of adult female reached income generating training 622,092 2,672,029
3,781.00 16,500.00
Implied # of adult female reached credit 3,673,560 16,032,173

5.5.3 Coverage and Costs: Encouraging Political Participation

The current (2008) coverage rate of the female candidates standing for office is 16 percent which is expected
to reach about 50 percent of the female candidates contested/standing for the election by 2015 (Table 5.8).
The current (2008) 15 percent of the women elected representatives getting training/support is projected to
reach 25 percent by 2015 through training and mass media campaigns. The interventions towards
promoting greater political participation and representation of women are projected to cost total of BDT 242
million between 2008 and 2015 with BDT 5.2 million in 2005, BDT 34 million in 2008, and BDT 30 million in
2015. The cumulative cost of encouraging political participation is 0.1 percent of the total cost of MDG3
Table 5.8: Coverage and Target for encouraging political participation

Interventions 2005 2008 2015

Encouraging political participation

Training of Women Coverage of awareness of

1% 16 % 50 %
Candidates for Election female candidate standing for office
Support to women Coverage of women elected
11 % 15 % 25 %
elected representatives representatives



Encouraging political participation has two broad interventions namely, (i) Training of women candidates for
election, and (ii) Support to women elected representative. Estimates show that women candidates reached
by training are 8,045 in 2008 and will increase to 27,133 candidates in 2015. Under the second intervention,
"Support to women elected representative" the physical number will increase from 378 in 2008 to 638 in
2015. Accordingly, the estimated cost of sub-intervention "Training of Women Candidate for Election"' will
decrease from BDT 34 million in 2008 to BDT 30 million in 2015, and that of "Support to Women Elected
Representative" from BDT 0.046 million in 2008 to BDT 0.047 million in 2015 (Table 5.9).

Table 5.9: Encouraging Political Participation - Coverage and Costs

Coverage in Cost (in BDT
Interventions physical # million)
2008 2015 2008 2015

Training of Women Candidates for Election

Implied # of candidates reached training 8,045 27,133

Implied # of Programs 2,174 2,713

Implied # of Materials 2,174 2,713 34.00 30.00

Implied # of trainers 2,174 2,713

Implied # of Staff 2,174 2,713

Support to women elected representatives

Implied # of women elected representatives reached 378 638

Implied # of support programs 28 32
Implied # of Materials 28 32 0.046 0.047
Implied # of trainers 28 32
Implied # of Staff 28 32

5.5.4 Coverage and Costs: Ending Violence against Women

The Government of Bangladesh in collaboration with civil society including the relevant NGOs is committed
to put all-out efforts toward ending violence against women (for details see PRSP II). The current (2008)
coverage rate of the community-based awareness campaign programme is five percent of which is expected
to reach about 15 percent of the adult population by 2015. The one stop crisis centers currently cover less
than three percent (2008) of the total female population which is expected to cover ten percent of the eligible
population by 2015. Women support centers are to address and reduce domestic violence. Shelter home
cover two percent in 2008 and expected to cover five percent under 16 years of age by 2015. The current
rate of domestic violence among adult female population is 42 percent. It is planned to radically improve the
activities under women support centre to ultimately reduce the prevalence of domestic violence to ten
percent by 2015 (Table 5.10). The interventions towards reducing violence against women are projected to
cost a total of BDT 58,338 million during 2008- 2015 period with BDT 34.5 million in 2005, BDT 4,440 million
in 2008, and BDT 9,216 million in 2015. The cumulative cost of ending violence against women is 19.5
percent of the total cost of MDG3 interventions.



Table 5.10: Coverage and Target for ending violence against women

Interventions 2005 2008 2015

Ending violence against women

Community Based Community based

0.05 % 5% 50 %
Awareness Program awareness coverage rate
One stop crisis centre (OCC) Coverage of OCC 0.003 % 3% 10 %
Domestic violence prevalence rate 42 % 32 % 10 %
Women Support Centre (WSC)
Shelter coverage rate 0.013 % 2% 5%
Safe Home and Shelter Shelter coverage rate 0.003 % 2% 5%

Ending Violence against Women has four sub interventions namely, Community based awareness
programme, One stop Crisis Center (OCC), Women's Support Center, and Safe Home. Estimates show that
women covered by community based awareness is 14.7 million in 2008 which will increase to 55.6 million
in 2015. Under the second intervention, OCC women reached by OCC programmes is 2.24 million in 2008
and will reach 8.2 million in 2015. The third intervention by WSC women reached by shelter 0.20 million in
2008 will reach to 0.27 million in 2015. The fourth intervention i.e. Children under 16 reached by Safe Home
are 0.72 million in 2008 will reach to 2.2 million in 2015. The National Forensic DNA Profiling Laboratory
(NFDPL) was established at Dhaka Medical College in 2006. There are five divisional DNA Laboratories in
five medical college hospitals. Substantial numbers of women are getting benefit from DNA test.

Accordingly, the estimated cost of sub-intervention "Community Based Awareness Programme"' will
increase from BDT 299 million in 2008 to BDT 598 million in 2015, and that of "OCC" from BDT 386 million
in 2008 to BDT 928 million in 2015, WSC from BDT 754 million in 2008 to BDT 397 million in 2015, and Safe
Home from BDT 3.0 billion in 2008 to BDT 7.29 billion in 2015 (terminal year of MDG) (Table 5.11).



Table 5.11: Ending Violence Against Women- Coverage and Costs

Coverage in Cost (in BDT

Interventions physical # million)
2008 2015 2008 2015
Community Based Awareness Programs
Implied # of people reached 14,696,847 55,617,755
Implied # of awareness Programs 341,787 1,112,355
Implied # of Materials 341,787 1,112,355
299 598
Implied # of trainers 341,787 1,112,355
Implied # of Staff 888,647 4,449,420
Implied # of vehicles 1,025 3,337
One Stop Crisis Centre (OCC)
Implied # of female reached 2243054 8,138,752
Implied # of OCC 19,505 54,258
Implied # of OCC Programs 15,003 27,129 386 928
Implied # of Staff 34,508 81,387
Implied # of required infrastructure 19,504 54,258
Women to support centre
Implied # of women in need of shelter 13,190,960 5,344,058
Number of women reached by shelter 199,065 267,203
Implied # of shelters 3,462 3,563
Implied # of materials to shelters 5,213 7,125 754 397
Implied # of infrastructure units to shelters 4,501 92,630
Implied # of staff to shelters 7,963 10,688
Safe Home and shelter
Number of children reached by shelter 723,562 2,207,544
Implied # of shelters 10,049 22,075
3001 7295
Implied # of materials to shelters 20,099 44,151
Implied # of infrastructure units to shelters 13,064 44,151
Implied # of staff to shelters 251,237 551,886

5.5.5 Coverage and Costs: Systemic Issues (Gender Mainstreaming)

The various systemic issues to address gender mainstreaming effectively are: to active 44 focal points in
various ministries/organizations during 2008-2015 period. To achieve gender mainstreaming adequately
enhance coverage of judges from 15 percent (2008) to 50 percent (2015); civil servants from 29 percent in
2008 to 60 percent in 2015; police 16 percent in 2008 to 50 percent in 2015, and registration officials from
7 percent in 2008 to 20 percent in 2015. To adequately sensitize the above mentioned government officials',
the trainers/staff and material per sensitization programme will also be substantially increased (Table 5.12).
Table 5.12: Coverage and Target for day care center

Interventions 2005 2008 2015

Children in Day care 0.016 % 2% 5%
Day Care Centre
Awareness program for women/mother 20 % 26 % 40 %

The interventions towards strengthening systemic issues are projected to cost a total of BDT 81,457 million
during 2008- 2015 period with BDT19 million in 2005 ,BDT 4,477 million in 2008, and BDT 16,199 million in
2015.The cumulative cost to address the proposed systemic issues is 27 percent of the total cost of MDG 3



Systemic issues have four sub-interventions: i) strengthening women's ministries ii) institutional support to
gender mainstreaming iii) sensitization and awareness iv) and registration system. Estimates show that
number of focal points in 2008 is 44 and will remain same in 2015. Under "Sensitization and Awareness
Programme" total number of programmes are 2,888 in 2008 and will reach to 4,907 in 2015. In the other
intervention "Registration Systems" the number of women with identity cards is 2.2 million in 2008 and will
reach to 8.2 million in 2015.

Accordingly, the estimated cost of sub-intervention "Strengthening Women's Ministry"' will increase from
BDT 4,338 million in 2008 to BDT15,948 million in 2015. That of "Systematic support to Gender
Mainstreaming" will remain same at BDT 6160 million throughout. The cost of "Sensitization Programme"
will in increase from BDT 134 million in 2008 to BDT 244 million in 2015, and that for "Registration System"
from BDT5.4 million in 2008 to BDT 6.3 million in 2015 - terminal year of MDGs (Table 5.13).
Table 5.13: Ending Violence Against Women- Coverage and Costs
Coverage in Cost (in BDT
Interventions physical # million)
2008 2015 2008 2015

Strengthening Women's Ministries 4,338 15,948

Systemic support to Gender Mainstreaming

Implied # of ministries with focal points 44 44

0.0061 0.0061
Implied # of focal points 44 44

Sensitization and Awareness Programs

Implied # of judges reached by Sensitization and 173 720

Awareness Programs
47 72
Implied # of Sensitization and Awareness Programs

Implied # of civil servants reached by Sensitization 27,143 57,626

and Awareness Programs
Implied # of Sensitization and Awareness Programs 899 1,441

Implied # of police officers reached by Sensitization 19,438 65,250

and Awareness Programs 134 244

Implied # of Sensitization and Awareness Programs 1,906 3,263

Implied # of registration officials reached by Sensitization 481 2,637
and Awareness Programs
37 132
Implied # of Sensitization and Awareness Programs

Total number of Sensitization Programs 2,888 4,907

Implied # of materials 3,755 9,814

Implied # of trainers 2,888 4,907

Implied # of staff 2,888 4,907

Registration Systems

Implied number of women with identity cards 2,220,947 8,165,491 5.40 6.30

5.5.6 Coverage and Costs: Day Care

To enable women to participate effectively in the workforce the Day Care facilities is of immense importance.
The coverage target of children in daycare would be increased from 2 percent in 2008 to 5 percent in 2015.
The awareness to encourage women with children to inform them about daycare facilities would be
enhanced from 2 percent in 2008 to 40 percent in 2015. (Table 5.14)



Table 5.14: Coverage and targed for systematic issues

Interventions 2005 2008 2015

Systemic issues
Institutional Support to
Coverage rate of focal points (%) 100 100 100
Gender Mainstreaming

Coverage of judges (%) 0.15 15 50

Sensitization and Coverage of civil servants (%) 15 29 60
awareness program
Coverage of police officers (%) 1 16 50

Coverage of registration officers (%) 1 7 20

Registration Systems Issuance of ID documents coverage (%) 0 3 10

Day Care is projected to cost a total of BDT 6,351 million during 2008- 2015 period with BDT 472 million in
2008, BDT 1,110 million in 2015. The cumulative cost of Day Care is 4.38percent of the total cost of MDG
3 interventions.

The Day Care has two sub-interventions: Number of children in daycare; and Awareness for mothers to keep
children in daycare. Accordingly, the estimated cost of sub-intervention "Cost of Children" will increase from
BDT 226 million in 2008 to BDT.669million in 2015, and that of "Awareness for Women" is BDT 472 million
in 2008 to BDT 1,110 in 2015 (Table 5.15).

Table 5.15: Day Care Centre -Costs

In million BDT.

Day Care Centre 2008 2015

Cost for children 226 670
Cost for women (for awareness) 212 428
Total 438 1,098

5.5.7 Total costs

Table: 5.16: Capital & Recurrent Costs for achieving MDG3

In million BDT

Cost items 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009-2015
Capital 2,000.28 1,926.07 1,813.77 1,553.86 1,501.11 1,351.13 871.74 11,017.96
Recurrent 21,477.24 26,645.92 31,835.89 36,932.58 43,732.21 49,130.63 54,453.40 264,207.86
Total (BDT million) 24,005.24 29,186.34 34,355.54 39,278.40 46,156.61 51,492.47 56,422.41 280,897.02
Total (USD million) 350.95 426.70 502.27 574.25 674.80 752.81 824.89 4,106.68

The Table 5.17 given below depicts annual cost summary for MDG 3 during 2009-2015 by each



Table 5.17: Cost summary for MDG 3 on Gender during 2009-2015

(BDT million)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total AVERAGE
Community Based Awareness Programs
Total Capital Cost 1,225.03 1,171.75 1,119.69 1,010.83 960.98 916.44 876.54 7,281.26 1,040.18

Total Recurrent Cost 3,922.13 4,759.91 5,612.09 6,448.99 7,293.90 8,146.89 9,008.02 45,191.93 6,455.99

Total cost 5,147.16 5,931.66 6,731.78 7,459.82 8,254.88 9,063.33 9,884.56 52,473.19 7,496.17

Helping Transition of Girls to Work

Total Capital Cost 119.82 105.52 93.28 82.74 73.60 65.64 58.66 599.26 85.61

Total Recurrent Cost 5,524.60 7,101.41 8,759.90 10,341.29 13,533.45 15,397.56 17,302.58 77,960.79 11,137.26

Total cost 5,644.42 7,206.93 8,853.18 10,424.03 13,607.05 15,463.20 17,361.24 78,560.05 11,222.86

Encouraging Political Participation

Total Capital Cost 4.90 3.30 2.37 1.79 7.41 1.19 0.98 21.94 3.13
Total Recurrent Cost 24.23 25.09 25.70 26.17 28.09 28.4 28.65 186.33 26.62
Total cost 29.14 28.39 28.08 27.96 35.50 29.58 29.62 208.27 29.75
Ending Violence Against Women
Total Capital Cost 605.24 601.13 554.43 414.55 414.97 323.34 - 2,804.19 400.60
Total Recurrent Cost 4,913.38 5,837.44 6,645.25 7,420.13 8,142.07 8,809.99 9,325.73 51,093.99 7,299.14
Total cost 5,518.62 6,438.57 7,199.68 7,834.69 8,557.04 9,133.32 9,216.26 53,898.18 7,699.74
Systemic Issues
Total Capital Cost 45.28 44.38 43.99 43.95 44.15 44.52 45.03 311.30 44.47
Total Recurrent Cost 5,974.92 7,561.50 9,190.59 10,863.30 12,580.73 14,343.91 16,153.90 76,668.85 10,952.69
Total cost 6,020.20 7,605.88 9,234.58 10,907.25 12,624.87 14,388.43 16,198.93 76,980.14 10,997.16
Supplementary Intervention
Total 527.72 614.35 705.89 791.97 923.29 1,010.71 1,097.27 5,671.20 810.17
Total Supplementary 527.72 614.35 705.89 791.97 923.29 1010.71 1097.27 5,671.20 810.17
Total Capital Cost 2,000.27 1,926.08 1,813.76 1553.86 1,501.11 1,351.13 871.74 11,017.95 1,573.99
Total Recurrent Cost 20,359.26 26,645.92 31,835.89 36,932.58 43,732.21 49,130.63 54,453.40 263,089.89 37,584.27
Total BDT million 24,005.24 29,186.34 34,355.54 39,278.40 46,156.61 51,492.47 56,422.41 280,897.01 40,128.14
Total USD million 350.95 426.70 502.27 574.25 674.80 752.81 824.89 4,106.68 586.67
Per Capita BDT 188.81 225.60 261.36 296.49 345.70 382.67 416.04 302.38
Per Capita USD 2.76 3.30 3.82 4.33 5.05 5.59 6.08 4.42



MDG Goal 4 - Reduce child mortality

Summary Statistics: MDG Goals, Targets, Indicators and Achievements


2005 2006 2015 PROGRESS

151 82 62 ON-TRACK

Source: MDG Mid Term Progress Report, SVRS, BBS, Estimates

6.1 Overview of the health, nutrition and population sector

Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world with a population of 142 million people, 40
percent of whom live in poverty (BBS 2007a, HIES 2005). The Bangladesh National Strategy for Accelerated
Poverty Reduction (NSAPR 2005) considers in particular the human dimensions of poverty (deprivation of
health, education, nutrition, gender gaps) and commits the MoHFW to reach the poor and vulnerable,
especially women and children. The Health and Population Sector Strategy (HPSS), which commenced in
1998, sets the stage to develop the SWAp and for the development of the Health and Population Sector
Program (HPSP) which adopted some reforms to ensure improved and efficient service delivery. The main
sectoral objectives of the HPSS were to maintain the momentum of efforts to lower fertility and mortality
rates; reduce maternal mortality and morbidity; and reduce the burden of communicable diseases.

The current Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) outlines activities from 2003-2011,
with objectives to improve health outcomes, reduce health inequities, enhance quality of care, modernize
the GoB health sector, and attain the health related MDGs. This document has tried to incorporate MDGs
(4, 5 and 6) targets, while offering slightly different targets for HNPSP. The Revised Program Implementation
Plan (RPIP) of Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) 2003-2011, proposed a budget for
the whole sector by dividing it into four sub-sectors: Health Program (HP), Nutrition Program, Population
Program (PP) and Ministry Level Sector Development. Major Reproductive Health (RH) components are
under HP and PP.

The Bangladesh Health and Family Planning Program is well-established with a vast network of infrastructure
spread down to union and village level. Over a hundred thousand field staff of Health and Family Planning
Program have been trained and are being re-oriented/retrained through decentralized in-service training
program. There are mainly three levels of public health facilities which are: primary health care facilities
located up to Upazila level; secondary healthcare facilities at District level; tertiary health care facilities
including Medical College Hospitals (MCH); and super specialized care (specialized institutions). Despite this
organized health systems the utilization of healthcare is still not up to the mark and challenges remain.

Health service delivery in Bangladesh basically involves three types of health care providers: public, for-
profit private and not-for-profit private providers. At present the public sub-sector overwhelmingly dominate
the sector and supply side financing has so far been the main strategy for improving the access of poor and
vulnerable people to health services. Despite the availability of free or subsidized public health services
universal access to modern healthcare could not be ensured. The country spends 3.2 percent of GDP on
health and the per capita health expenditure is USD 12 and 65 percent of the total health expenditure is out-
of-pocket spending by the households (NHA 2000).



6.2 Progress in Achieving MDG 4

6.2.1 Under-five mortality rate

Bangladesh has achieved remarkable progresses in reducing the under-five mortality rate and infant
mortality rate in the last two decades. The under five mortality decreased significantly from 133 to 94 per
1000 live births between 1989 and 1999 (BDHS 2007). The most common diseases among children under
five were common cold/URI (19 percent), influenza (14 percent), diarrhea (13 percent), acute
cough/bronchitis (10 percent) and fever (9 percent). A total of five percent of the children also suffered from
immunizable diseases like measles, whooping cough, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis and tetanus (BBS 1999).

The reduction in under-five mortality rate from 2000 to 2003, compared to the earlier period, was not
satisfactory (Figure 6.1). In these years the major causes of deaths among the children under five were
possible serious infections5 (31 percent), acute respiratory infection (21 percent), birth asphyxia (12
percent), diarrhea (7 percent) and prematurity/low birth weight (7 percent) (BDHS 2004).

Figure 6.1: Under Five Mortality Rate (per thousand live births)

MDG indicator 13: Under five mortality rate

94 88
80 65
60 50
1989- 1992- 1995- 1999- 2002- 2015
1993 1996 1999 2003 2006

Source: BDHS, SVRS

During 2003-2006 the under-five mortality rate reduced from 88 to 65 at a momentous rate of 4.3 percent
per year. Given this situation, the under-five mortality rate will have to reduce at the rate of only 2.6 percent
per year to attain the MDG target level, which is 50 per 1000 live births6 , in 2015. Given this, Bangladesh
is on track towards meeting the under-five mortality MDG target.

Table 6.1 indicates that for the period of 1986-1996 and 1993-2003 on average, male under-five mortality
rates were higher than female under five mortality rates as male infants are naturally more vulnerable than
female infants. However, during 1983-1993 and 1989-1999 the average under-five mortality rate was higher
for girls than for boys possibly indicating the relative nutritional and medical neglect of female children
(BDHS 2004).

The disaggregated data shows that the under-five mortality rate is considerably higher in rural areas than in
urban areas. This might be due to poor access to health services in rural areas compared to urban areas.
The rural urban variation was highest during 1983-1993 and gradually reduced afterwards (Table 6.1).

5 Possible serious infections include ARI and diarrhea.

6 According to SVRS the under five mortality was 151 per 1000 live births in 1991 and as it should reduce by two third by 2015, the MDG target is 50 per
1000 live births.



Table 6.1: Trends in under-five mortality by gender and location of the household

Data Source (Reference Period)

Residence BDHS 1993-94 BDHS 1996-97 BDHS 1999-00 BDHS 2004
BDHS 2007
(1983-1993) (1986-1996) (1989-1999) (1993-2003)
Male 149.00 128.00 108.00 102.00 NA
Female 150.00 127.00 112.00 91.00 NA
Urban 114.30 96.20 96.70 92.00 NA
Rural 153.20 130.90 112.60 98.00 NA
National 133.00 116.00 94.00 88.00 65

Source: BDHS

There is also regional disparity in the under-five mortality rate. Sylhet division has experienced highest
under-five mortality rate followed by Chittagong in all the survey periods apart from BDHS 1999-2000.
Khulna division has the lowest under-five mortality rate in all reference periods (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2: The trends in under-five mortality by division (last ten years)

Data Source (Reference Period)

Division BDHS 1993-1994 BDHS 1996-1997 BDHS 1999-2000 BDHS 2004
(1983-1993) (1986-1996) (1989-1999) (1993-2003)
Barisal 146.50 119.50 108.70 92.00
Chittagong 166.70 131.30 109.90 103.00
Dhaka 157.10 130.70 115.10 99.00
Khulna 111.80 86.80 79.10 78.00
Rajshahi 134.70 126.20 100.90 86.00
Sylhet NA 179.10 161.90 126.00
National 133.00 116.00 94.00 88.00
Source: BDHS

The under-five mortality rate is also associated with some high risk fertility behavior such as the mother's
age, birth spacing and number of children in a family. Evidences show that under-five children have a higher
probability of dying if they are born to mothers who are too young or too old, if they are born after a short
birth interval, or if they are born to mothers with high parity (BDHS 2004).

A significant proportion of children in Bangladesh are still severely malnourished. This is an important
determinant of under-five mortality. Among all children under five 43 percent of children were stunted and
16 percent severely stunted according to BDHS 2007. Evidences also show that 17 percent of children were
wasted and three percent severely wasted. Weight for age results illustrate that 41 percent of the children
were under weight, with 12 percent severely under weight (BDHS 2007).



6.2.2 Infant mortality rate

The Infant mortality rate

(defined as mortality between
zero to one year olds per
thousand live births), in
Bangladesh, like under-five
mortality rate, also has
decreased impressively from
1990 to 2006. Data on infant
mortality is available from two
sources, BDHS and SVRS.
The infant mortality rate was
87 per 1000 live births in
BDHS 1993-94 and it reduced
to 66 per 1000 live births in
BDHS 1995-1999 (Figure 6.2).
General diseases among
infants were the common cold
(22 percent), diarrhea (16
percent), fever (12 percent),
and influenza (11 percent). About seven percent of the infants were suffering from immunizable diseases
and more than five percent has had measles (BBS 1999).

Figure 6.2: Infant Mortality Rate (per thousand live births)

MDG indicator 14: Infant mortality rate

90 87 82
66 65
60 52
40 31
1989- 1992- 1995- 1999- 2002- 2015
1993 1996 1999 2003 2006

Source: BDHS, SVRS

During 1995-2003 the infant mortality rate remained almost constant. The major causes of death among
infants in this period were acute respiratory infection (ARI), diarrhea, birth asphyxia, and premature
birth/LBW. A significant number of infants also died because of congenital abnormality and neonatal tetanus
(BDHS 2004).

Similar to the trend of under-five mortality rate in Bangladesh, the infant mortality rate improved considerably
in the period 2002-2006. Data from SVRS 2006 show that the infant mortality rate was 45 per 1000 live births
in 2006, indicating that the trend of infant mortality rate is well on track to achieve MDG target of 31 per 1000
live births7, in 2015.

7 According to SVRS the infant mortality rate in Bangladesh was 94 per thousand live births, which should reduce by 67 percent between 1991 and 2015.
Therefore the MDG target is 31 per thousand live births.



The data disaggregated by gender shows that, as expected, male children are more likely to die in infancy than
female children. In all reference periods infant mortality rates were higher for boys than for girls (Table 6.3).
The rural-urban variation in infant mortality rate is also evident from the analysis. The differences in infant
mortality rate amongst divisions are large. Khulna division has the lowest levels of infant mortality rates while
Sylhet division has the highest levels of infant mortality rates in all years. However the gap between the
highest and lowest infant mortality decreased from 63 per 1000 live births in 1992-1996 to 39 per 1000 live
births in 1999-2003 (Table 6.4).

Table 6.3: Trends in infant mortality rate by gender and location of the household

Data Source (Reference Period)

Residence BDHS 1993-94 BDHS 1996-97 BDHS 1999-00 BDHS 2004
(1989-1993) (1992-1996) (1995-1999) (1999-2003)
Male 107 95 82 80
Female 93 84 77 64
Urban 81 73 75 72
Rural 103 91 81 72
Total 101 90 80 NA
Source: BDHS

Table 6.4: The trends in infant mortality rate by division

Data Source (Reference Period)

Division BDHS 1993-94 BDHS 1996-97 BDHS 1999-00 BDHS 2004
(1989-1993) (1992-1996) (1995-1999) (1999-2003)
Barisal 102 86 76 61
Chittagong 103 77 69 68
Dhaka 106 91 84 75
Khulna 89 75 64 66
Rajshahi 95 95 76 70
Sylhet NA 138 127 100
Total 101 90 80 NA
Source: BDHS

The infant mortality rate, as the under-five mortality rate, is also highly correlated to mother's age, birth
spacing and number of children in a family. Infant mortality is likely to be higher if the mothers are less than
18 years of age or over 34 years of age at the time of delivery. Birth spacing is negatively related to infant
mortality rate and birth order is positively associated with infant mortality rate (BDHS 2004).

6.2.3 Child immunization against measles

Bangladesh has improved significantly in childhood vaccination coverage, which is crucial for reducing infant
and child morbidity and mortality. Under the government's Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI),
children under one year of age should receive immunization for six vaccine-preventable diseases
(tuberculosis; diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT); poliomyelitis; and measles). Recently a Hepatitis B
vaccine was also recommended as part of the immunization schedule in Bangladesh. This program has
been highly successful in increasing the immunization coverage from less than one percent in 1981 to 84
percent in 2006 (MICS 2006).



The data shows an increasing trend of childhood vaccination coverage in the country from 1990 to 2006
except for the period 1992-96. The decline in the percentage of children age 12-23 months who received
all vaccinations between BDHS 1993-94 to BDHS 1996-97 was due to drop in the polio vaccination from 67
in 1993-94 to 62 percent in 1996-97. 82 percent of Bangladeshi children aged 12-23 months8 were fully
immunized during 2002-2006, most of them by 12 months as recommended while 2 percent received no

There are also significant regional variations in the proportion of childhood immunization. In the Barisal and
Khulna divisions around 90 percent of children received all vaccines, while in Sylhet only 71 percent children
were immunized in 2002-2006.

According to MDG indicator 15, all children should be immunized against measles by 2015. Evidence shows
that there has been significant improvement in immunization against measles in recent years. The proportion
of children vaccinated to protect against measles increased from 76 percent during 1999-2003 to 83 percent
during 2002-2006 (Figure 6.3).

Figure 6.3: Child immunization against measles

MDG indicator 15: Child immunization against measles

100 83
70 71 76
80 69
Year Year Year Year Year Year
1989- 1992- 1995- 1999- 2002- 2015
1993 1996 1999 2003 2006

Source: BDHS

Evidence shows that the proportion of children immunized against measles is higher in urban areas than in
rural areas for all years from 1989 to 2006 but that this urban-rural disparity is improving over time (Table 6.5).
Table 6.5: Trends in percentage of children age 12-23 months who have received vaccination for
measles by gender and location of the household
Data Source (Reference Period)
Residence BDHS 1993-1994 BDHS 1996-1997 BDHS 1999-2000 BDHS 2004 BDHS 2007
(1989-1993) (1992-1996) (1995-1999) (1999-2003) (2002-2006)
Male 72.50 71.90 73.20 75.60 82.10
Female 65.10 67.80 68.20 75.70 84.00
Urban 77.90 79.70 80.70 82.80 87.60
Rural 67.80 69.10 68.90 73.90 81.60
Total 69.00 70.00 71.00 76.00 83.00
Source: BDHS

8 Both the BDHS and MICS collected data on vaccination coverage of children aged 12-23 months. However no data is available for the children less
than one year. The TWG decided to use the BDHS data.



Data disaggregated by division shows that Barisal (90 percent) experienced the highest rate of childhood
immunization against measles, followed by Khulna (89.6 percent). On the other hand only 73 percent of
children received immunization against measles in the Sylhet division (Table 6.6).

Table 6.6: The trends in percentage of children age 12-23 months who have received vaccination
for measles by division
Data Source (Reference Period)
Division BDHS 1993-1994 BDHS 1996-1997 BDHS 1999-2000 BDHS 2004 BDHS 2007
(1989-1993) (1992-1996) (1995-1999) (1999-2003) (2002-2006)
Barisal 81.20 77.50 70.20 77.30 90.20
Chittagong 63.20 65.50 77.20 77.10 79.60
Dhaka 60.70 64.80 65.90 72.00 83.30
Khulna 85.40 87.10 81.00 86.60 89.60
Rajshahi 77.30 74.90 70.40 77.00 86.10
Sylhet NA 56.00 58.20 66.30 73.10
Total 69.00 70.00 71.00 76.00 83.00
Source: BDHS

6.3 The challenges ahead in achieving MDG 4

z The nutritional status of children and women in Bangladesh is very poor and needs special
attention in order to improve the overall health status of the population. Despite various
interventions designed under National Nutrition Program (NNP), the low birth weight and
malnutrition continue to be important causes of infant and under-five mortality. Significant
proportions of pregnant women are also iodine deficient and develop night blindness during

z According to BDHS (2007) the under five mortality was 65 per thousand live births during 2002-
2006, and the neonatal mortality was 37 per thousand live births in the same period. Clearly, under
five mortality can be reduced significantly if the country can reduce the high neonatal mortality,
which is one of the major challenges of current health sector strategies against specific causes of
neonatal deaths, for example birth asphyxia or neonatal infection.

z Safe delivery is very important for reducing child mortality. But the proportion of institutional delivery
and births attended by skilled health personnel is very low in the country.

z Drowning is an important cause of childhood mortality in Bangladesh and strategies should be

developed to reduce the incidence of injuries and drowning among children.



6.4 Major Interventions and Targets for attaining MDG 4

This section describes the key interventions for reducing child mortality in Bangladesh.
6.4.1 Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
The specific objectives of this Program were to increase the vaccination coverage with full series of
routine EPI vaccines to 90 percent by 2010; to achieve neonatal tetanus elimination in all districts; and
to reduce the prevalence of HepB chronic infection by 80 percent by 2010 among three to five years
old children compared to pre-vaccination era (MIS 2007). According to BDHS, the vaccination
coverage for BCG was 97 percent, DPT was 91 percent, Polio was 91 percent, Hepatitis B was 83
percent, and Measles was 83 percent during 2002-2006. The coverage in 2007, calculated using the
trends and the corresponding figures, were 98 percent, 94 percent, 93 percent, 84 percent, and 85
percent respectively. It is expected that the Hib vaccine will be provided with DPT and HepB
(pentavalent vaccine) from 2009 (EPI data 2008). The target set by the TWG was 100 percent
coverage for all vaccines by 2015 (Table 6.7).
6.4.2 Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
To reduce infant and under five child mortality, the government has started the Integrated Management of
Childhood Illness (IMCI)9 programme in 2001 in three Upazilas. In 2007, the IMCI was expanded to 274
Upazilas. The main objectives of this program were to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with major
causes of diseases in under-five children and to promote healthy growth and development by preventing
diseases and promoting healthy practices (MIS 2007). Under the Program, clinical management training is
provided to doctors and paramedics. Other interventions under this program included: facilitator training for
the doctors; IMCI training for basic health workers and village doctors; training on Control of Diarrhoeal
Diseases (CDD) and Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in the non IMCI area; and counseling training for
community-based health volunteer. So far, 1704 doctors, 4510 paramedics, 1600 basic health workers and
1800 village doctors have been trained under this program (MIS 2007). The Second PRSP suggested
increasing the use of IMCI at union level.
6.4.3 Treatment of Diarrhea and ARI
Dehydration from diarrhoea is an important contributing cause of childhood mortality. The estimated number
of deaths due to diarrhea was about 250,000 per year in the late 1980s. The innovation and widespread use
of ORT (Oral Rehydration Therapy) with either oral rehydration salts (ORS) or home fluids have greatly
reduced the diarrhea-related mortality and the number of deaths due to diarrhea was 45,000 in 2004
(HNPSP 2008). The coverage of ORT was around 80 percent in 2007 (BDHS). The target set by the
study/TWG was 100 percent coverage by 2015.
6.4.4 Treatment of ARI and fever
Data from BDHS 2007 also show that about 40 percent of children under-five had fever and around 21
percent suffered from acute respiratory infection. The current coverage of ARI is only 20 percent. About 70
percent of the ARI cases can be managed by the community-based case management through an increase
in early detection and modern treatment. Thus the coverage should be increased to 50 percent by 2011
(HNPSP 2008). The National Task Force for MDGs 1, 4 and 5 in Bangladesh also set target of 50 percent
coverage for 2015. The TWG used the target coverage of 50 percent for the costing exercise.
6.4.5 Micronutrient Supplementation
The objective of the micronutrient supplementation program is to reduce the micronutrient deficiencies of
vulnerable groups like children, women and adolescent. The vitamin A is an important micronutrient and high
levels of vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness among children as well as increase severity of other
illnesses like measles and diarrhea. Under the Nutrition Blindness Prevention Programme (NBPP) children
under one year are provided high potency vitamin A capsule during measles vaccination. Children aged on
9 WHO and UNICEF have developed the strategy of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in the early nineties and promoted in more
than 100 developing countries to reduce childhood morbidity and mortality and for promoting healthy growth and development.



to five years are also given vitamin A capsule supplementation twice a year through national event (MIS
2007). Vitamin A supplementation program in Bangladesh has been highly successful for the children aged
one to five years and the coverage of this group was about 91 percent in 2007. However, vitamin A
supplementation among children age 9-11 months was only 47 percent (BDHS 2007). The TWG decided to
attain universal coverage of vitamin A supplementation, for both the groups, by 2015.
6.4.6 Skilled birth attendant during delivery and postnatal care
Only 18 percent of newborns received care from a trained provider within two days of birth, and the coverage
should increase substantially to reduce the incidence of birth asphyxia, low birth weight (LBW)/prematurity
of the newborn, and sepsis (BDHS 2007). The MDG target is to increase the coverage to 50 percent by 2015
and the TWG used the same target in the costing exercise.

6.5 Resource Needs Estimates for MDG 4

The study used the "Integrated Health Systems Model" developed by the UN Millennium Project to estimate
the resource requirement of attaining MDGs 4, 5 and 6, including health systems. Costs of direct
interventions, including expenditure on drugs and medical supplies, were calculated for child health,
maternal health, tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS separately. Costs of indirect interventions, including
costs of infrastructure and human resources (health systems), were estimated jointly for MDGs 4, 5 and 6.
To conduct the costing exercise 2007 was selected as the base year by the TWG as most data were
available for that year. Data on the coverage/utilization of the direct interventions in 2007 among the
target/coverage population were taken from survey reports, plans, strategies and journal articles.
Information was also collected through health personnel and other stakeholders' interview. As already
mentioned in section 6.4 the targets for the interventions were set following the MDG targets, HNPSP and
PRSP targets for 2011, and Action Plan of National Task Force on MDGs 4 and 5. In some cases, it was
discussed and decided in the TWG meeting (Table 6.7).

Table 6.7: Coverage, target and unit cost of major interventions for attaining MDG 4

Coverage in Target coverage Unit/Average

2007 (%) in 2015 (%) cost (BDT)
Childhood immunization and nutrient supplementation
BCG 98 100 8
DPT 94 100 36
Polio 93 100 30
Measles 85 100 18
Hepatitis B 84 100 60
Vitamin A 90 100 7.5
Treatment of diarrhea - children < 1 yr 82 100 130

Treatment of diarrhea - children > 1 yr 86 100 100

Treatment of ARI - children < 1 yr 22 50 1,460

Treatment of ARI - children > 1 yr 30 50 2,000

For the MDG4 (specifically on direct costs), the coverage population for the group of interventions improving
child health was the total number of children aged one to five years (13,803,507) and total number of children
age less than one year (2,792,678) in 2007 (BBS 2007). The corresponding coverage, in 2015, will be
18,057,358 and 3,123,376 respectively.



Table 6.8 shows the yearly resource needs estimates to reduce child mortality by specific interventions. Here
the interventions are mainly divided into two groups, one for the children aged less than one year and the
other for the children aged 1-5 years. According to the model a total of BDT 322,639 million should be invested
on child health interventions during 2009-2015. Most of the resources are needed for the primary and referral
care of ARI, diarrhea and fever among the children aged less than one year and one to five years.

The total number of children aged one to five years was almost seven times higher than the total number of
children aged less than one year, and consequently, as according to the Integrated Health Model, about 15
percent of the fund should be spent to improve the health of the children aged less than one year and 85
percent on the children aged one to five years. The results show that the estimated allocation needed for
ARI is BDT 48,877 million, diarrhea is BDT 92,971 million, fever is BDT 109,722 million, and bacterial
infection is BDT 14,091 million (Table 6.8).

Table 6.8: Yearly resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 4 by specific interventions
(in million BDT)

% of
Interventions 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
Child Health (1-5 years) -Primary care

ARI 2,236 3,306 3,761 3,851 3,941 4,033 4,242 25,370 7.80
Diarrhea 5,782 7,924 8,277 8,474 8,674 8,876 9,336 57,343 17.80

Fever 6,502 9,971 11,666 13,437 15,281 15,637 16,446 88,940 27.50

Measles 408 645 769 900 1,036 1,179 1,240 6,177 1.90

Ear infection 1,012 1,442 1,553 1,705 1,825 1,949 2,136 11,622 3.60
Malnutrition 1,323 1,804 2,110 2,377 2,654 2,830 2,976 16,074 4.90
Anemia 432 580 713 851 996 1,145 1,339 6,056 1.90
Child Health (1-5 years) -Referral care
ARI 1,734 2,812 3,544 3,671 3,774 3,879 4,093 23,507 7.30
Diarrhea 1,314 1,848 2,016 2,148 2,275 2,407 2,582 14,590 4.50
Fever 1,265 2,111 2,596 3,110 3,654 3,848 4,198 20,782 6.40
Malnutrition 291 406 485 559 637 693 744 3,815 1.20
Anemia 81 124 171 227 292 367 446 1,708 0.50
Child Health (<1 years) -Primary care
Bacterial infections 1,345 1,507 1639 1,820 1,967 2,123 2,353 12,754 3.90
Diarrhea 1,765 1,868 1976 2,136 2,304 2,431 2,585 15,065 4.60
Feeding problems (Low birth weight) 915 1,083 1175 1,274 1,377 1,487 1,647 8,958 2.80
Child Health (<1 years) -Referral care
Bacterial infections 113 148 176 181 211 237 271 1,337 0.40
Diarrhea 584 665 750 844 948 1,039 1,143 5,973 1.80
Childhood immunization and 334 365 402 427 445 2,568 0.80
286 309
nutrient supplementation
Total (in BDT) 27,390 38,548 43,714 47,929 52,247 54,589 58,224 322,639 100.00
Total (in USD)* 400.40 563.50 639.10 700.70 763.80 798.10 851.20 4,716.90
Per capita (in BDT) 186.80 259.20 289.80 313.40 337.10 347.00 365.30
Per capita (in USD)* 2.73 3.78 4.24 4.58 4.93 5.07 5.34
* 1 USD = 68.4 BDT



The required per capita expenditure on drugs and other supply related interventions for improving child
health is USD 2.73 in 2009. The per capita resource invested on child health need to be increased gradually
to USD 5.34 in 2015 as both the coverage population and the target utilization rate will increase, during
2009-2015, to attain the MDG4 targets and indicators (Table 6.8).

The estimated resource needs are much higher than current spending on child health. The estimated
allocation for 2008-2011 under HNPSP is BDT 9,574 million. According to the Second Revised Program
Implementation Plan 2003-2011, the estimated allocation for 2008-2011 is BDT 216 million for IMCI; BDT
335 million for CDD; and BDT 5,845 million for routine EPI. However, these figures represent only public
expenditure on health and exclude the huge household healthcare expenditure, which is about 65 percent
of the total health expenditure in Bangladesh.



MDG Goal 5 - Improve maternal health

Summary Statistics: MDG Goals, Targets, Indicators and Achievements


2001 2006 2015 PROGRESS


TARGET 6 RATIO 574 320 290 143 ATTENTION

Sources: MDG Mid term Progress Report 2007, BBS, BDHS, SVRS

6.6 Progress in Achieving MDG5

6.6.1 Maternal Mortality Ratio

The government of Bangladesh has attached the utmost emphasis to rapidly improve maternal health, by
way of drastically increasing use of modern health care among all segments of the population. Reflecting
this priority, there has been some success in making progress on some of the MDG indicators. According to
MDG5, the maternal mortality ratio should be reduced by three-quarters between 1990 and 2015. In
Bangladesh maternal mortality ratio has reduced from 574 per 100,000 live births in 1991 to 320 per 100,000
live births in 2001 (Figure 6.4). In 2006 the estimated maternal mortality ratio was 290 per 100,000 live births
(UNFPA). However, currently the maternal mortality ratio is expected to be higher than 290 because of
recent floods and cyclones. Further, this rate also does not include the abortion related deaths.

Figure 6.4: Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)

MDG indicator 16: Maternal m ortality ratio

400 320 290
200 143
1990 2001 2006 2015


Yet the trend in the maternal mortality ratio shows that the country is more or less on track to meet the target
of 143 per 100,000 live births, by 2015.The decrease in maternal mortality ratio between 1990 and 2006
might be due to the increase in the rate of pregnant mothers receiving antenatal care and tetanus toxoid
vaccine from 1990 to 2006 as this reduces the risks for the mother and child during pregnancy and at
delivery. The proportion of pregnant mother who received at least one ANC and who received it from
medically trained providers (doctor/nurse, trained midwife) almost doubled (28 percent in 1989-92 to 49
percent in 2002-06) in this period. The mothers, who received two or more tetanus toxoid vaccines during
pregnancy increased from 49 percent in 1990-93 to 64 percent in 2002-06.

The most common maternal complications experienced by the pregnant mothers are prolonged labour,
hemorrhage/excessive bleeding, foul-smelling discharge with fever, convulsion/eclampsia and retained
placenta. The results of the BDHS 2004 and BDHS 2007 show that the proportion of women with at least



one of the above complications around the time of delivery reduced significantly from 26 percent in 2004 to
14 percent in 2007.

6.6.2 Births attended by skilled health personnel

Approximately 85 percent of childbirth delivery takes place in the home in Bangladesh. The proportion of births
delivered at health facility increased from four percent in 1989-93 to 15 percent in 2002-2006. Institutional
deliveries in Bangladesh increased significantly in the last three years compared to the progress in earlier
years. However, there are high rural-urban variations and regional disparities in institutional deliveries.
According to BDHS 2007 the birth delivered at facilities was three times higher in urban area than that in rural
area. The proportion of institutional deliveries was highest in Khulna followed by Dhaka and Chittagong.

Proportion of assistance during delivery by medically trained providers was only five percent in 1990 and it
increased to 18 percent in the period 2002-2006, at an annual average rate of 16.25 percent. This is still
considerably lower than the MDG target, which is 50 percent, in 2015 (Figure 6.5).

Figure 6.5: Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel

MDG indicator 17: Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel

20% 12% 13%
5% 8%
Year 1990 Year 1992- Year 1995- Year 1999- Year 2002- Year 2015
1996 1999 2003 2006

Source: BDHS

If the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel increases at the current rate then
Bangladesh will not be able to achieve the MDG target. The required annual average growth rate is equal
to 19.75 percent. Moreover, in addition to qualified doctors, the medically trained providers include trained
nurses, midwives, paramedics, family welfare visitors (FWV), and CSBAs; who are not trained to prevent
many of the obstetric complications. In Bangladesh steps should be taken to significantly increase
institutional deliveries in order to improve maternal health to a satisfactory level.

The statistics show that the proportion of deliveries assisted by skilled health personnel is considerably
higher in urban areas than that in rural areas. 35 percent of deliveries were attended by medically trained
providers in urban area and only seven percent in rural area during 1991 to 1993. In the period of 2002-2006
the corresponding figures were 37 percent and 13 percent respectively. It indicates an improving trend in
number of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in rural area as compared to urban area while also
recognizing that the numbers are still low in both areas (Table 6.9).



Table 6.9: The trends in percentage of delivery assisted by medically trained personnel by location of
the household

Data Source (Reference Period)

Residence BDHS 1993-94 BDHS1996-97 BDHS1999-00 BDHS 2004 BDHS 2007
(1991-1993) (1992-1996) (1995-1999) (1999-2003) (2002-2006)
Urban 34.70 34.70 33.00 29.40 36.60
Rural 6.70 5.60 8.00 9.20 13.20
Total 9.80 8.00 12.10 13.20 18.00
Source: BDHS

Table 6.10 shows the trends in percentage of deliveries assisted by medically trained personnel by the
divisions. The regional disparity is very high in terms of assistance during delivery. The proportion of births
attended by skilled health personnel in Khulna division is 26.6 percent which is about 2.5 times higher than
that in Sylhet division having only 10.9 percent childbirth delivery assisted by medically trained personnel.
Further, only 13.4 percent childbirth deliveries in Barisal division and 15.4 percent childbirth deliveries in
Rajshahi division are assisted by medically trained providers.

Table 6.10: The trends in percentage of delivery assisted by medically trained personnel by

Data Source (Reference Period)

Division BDHS 1993-94 BDHS1996-97 BDHS1999-00 BDHS 2004 BDHS 2007
(1991-1993) (1992-1996) (1995-1999) (1999-2003) (2002-2006)
Barisal 7.20 8.50 10.50 11.40 13.40
Chittagong 8.20 7.80 11.80 11.70 18.50
Dhaka 13.10 9.10 12.30 14.90 19.80
Khulna 11.80 14.30 19.20 21.20 26.60
Rajshahi 6.00 4.90 10.30 10.60 15.40
Sylhet NA 5.20 9.30 11.10 10.90
Total 9.80 8.00 12.10 13.20 18.00
Source: BDHS

6.7 The challenges ahead in achieving MDG5

z Despite various initiatives undertaken by the Government, improvement in number of births

attended by skilled health personnel is not satisfactory. About 85 percent of deliveries still take
place at home and the proportion of those receiving assistance during delivery by medically trained
providers was only 18 percent in the period 2002-2006. Rapid training of skilled health personnel,
increase in infrastructure and cautious monitoring are needed if the country is to reach the MDG
target by 2015.

z The availability of comprehensive EmOC services in public health facilities, especially at district
level and below, is also not up to the target level. One important intervention of the Maternal Health
Strategy 2001 was to train medical officers in obstetrics or anaesthesia (one year diploma level or
four months EmOC training) and place them in functional teams at District and Upazila facilities. So
far 206 obstetricians and 118 anaesthetists have been trained. Moreover, only 57 percent of the
obstetricians and 69 percent of the anaesthetists are appointed in designated positions. There is
also frequent failure to retain both the obstetricians and the anaesthetists to perform caesarian



sections in a facility due to variety of reasons (MTR 2008). The Government should take steps to
overcome this problem by giving special emphasis to reducing absenteeism in rural areas.
z The lack of reliable data on maternal morbidity and the low level of care seeking increase the
burden of maternal complications and unsafe delivery. The problem is exaggerated by high cost of
treatment of fistula which is an important cause of lifelong disability if not treated properly.
z Misperceptions regarding the need for care and social barriers contribute to low levels of demand
for maternal and child care in Bangladesh. Effective health education programs are needed to
increase the demand for modern healthcare.
z About 64 percent of total healthcare expenditure in Bangladesh is out-of pocket expenditure by
households. This huge household spending is mainly related to expenditure on drugs, diagnostic
tests and transport to facilities. Demand side financing schemes, which subsidize these costs, can
increase the utilization of healthcare by women and children, who are usually the non-earning
members in the family, and also by the poor.

6.8 Major Interventions and Targets for attaining MDG5

This section describes the key interventions for improving maternal health in Bangladesh.
6.8.1 Antenatal Care
Antenatal care is an essential intervention for
reducing risk of morbidity and mortality during
pregnancy and vital to the health and well-being of
pregnant mothers and their infants. WHO
recommends a minimum of four antenatal visits
during pregnancy with care provided by skilled
health personnel (doctors, nurses, or midwives).
In Bangladesh, skilled health personnel include
doctors, nurses/midwives, community skilled birth
attendants (CSBAs) or medical
assistants/SACMO (BDHS 2007). According to
the WHO guidelines, the content of the antenatal
care visits should include blood pressure
measurement, urine testing for bacteriuria and
proteineuria, blood testing to detect syphilis,
severe anemia and weight/height measurement
(optional) (UN 2008). The proportion of pregnant
mothers seeking at least one antenatal care visit
has gradually increased from 26 percent in 1991-
1993 to 52 percent in 2002-2006. Only 21 percent
of women made four or more antenatal visits in
2007, far below the target of universal coverage.
The UN Joint Maternal and Neonatal Health
(MNH) Program has set a target of 60 percent
antenatal coverage (four visits) for 2011(HNPSP
2008). The research used the same target for
2011 and then increased the target gradually to
100 percent coverage in 2015.



6.8.2 Skilled birth attendance during delivery

Assistance by medically trained personnel during delivery is a key intervention for reducing both maternal
and neonatal mortality. Only 18 percent of births in the country were attended by skilled health personnel
during 2002-2006. This very low level of trained provider assisted delivery is one of major obstacles in
attaining MDG5 and coverage should increase substantially for safe home delivery and appropriate referral
care. The target set in the second PRS is to increase coverage of skilled birth attendants during delivery to
35 percent in 2011. The MDG target is to increase the coverage to 50 percent by 2015 and the study/TWG
used the same targets to estimate resource requirements of this essential intervention.

6.8.3 Basic and Comprehensive emergency obstetric care (EmOC)

Availability of basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care at the facility level is also very important
for achieving MDG5. According to the guideline jointly developed by WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA, there
should be four facilities offering basic10 and one facility offering comprehensive emergency obstetric care11
for every 500,000 people (UNFPA 2008). Currently, CEmoc is provided at district and upper level facilities
with very limited access in Upazila level. The government should strengthen the existing facilities to provide
EmOC and increase coverage in public and not-for-profit private health facilities, specially in all UHCs, in
order to achieve MDG 4 and 5.

6.8.4 Treatment of other maternal complications

The results of the national maternal mortality survey show that maternal complications like haemorrhage and
eclampsia are the major causes of maternal deaths in Bangladesh (NIPORT 2003). Proper and timely
treatment of these maternal complications can significantly reduce maternal mortality ratio in Bangladesh.
During 2002-2006, only 43 percent of the women, who suffered from haemorrhage around delivery time,
sought care from a medically trained provider. The treatment coverage for eclampsia and prolonged labor
was 56 percent and 51 percent respectively during the same period (BDHS 2007). The target coverage of
these treatment interventions of maternal complications was set at 100 percent in 2015.

6.8.5 Family planning

The contraceptive prevalence rate for currently married women in Bangladesh was about 56 percent in the
period of 2002-2006. The most common methods of family planing were oral pills (28.5 percent), injectables
(7 percent), female sterilization (5 percent) and male condom (4.5 percent) (BDHS 2007). The HNPSP aims
to reduce total fertility rate (TFR) from 3.3 to 2.2 per women and to increase CPR from 56 percent to 72
percent by 2011 (HNPSP 2008). The study/TWG set the same target for 2011 and slightly increased the
target to 80 percent in 2015.

6.8.6 Demand Side Financing (DSF)

Some major constraints for improved maternal healthcare is the cost of delivery, the fear of costs (especially
for a complicated delivery), and the inability to find money when needed. The Health, Nutrition and
Population Sector Program (HNPSP) identified demand side approaches as a means to increase access of
the poor to health services particularly maternal health services. With this aim the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare (MOHFW) has embarked on piloting a DSF scheme initially in 21 Upazilas and recently the
pilot has been expanded to 12 more upazilas. Under this scheme, eligible pregnant women (means tested)
are entitled to receive 3 ANC (BDT 150), safe delivery (BDT 750) including c-section (BDT 6000) and
complication management (BDT 2000) and 1 PNC (BDT 50). In addition cash benefits are provided including
BDT 500 for transport, BDT 500 for nutritious food and other items and BDT 500 for referral. Designated
providers get reimbursed upon providing the designated services to the voucher holders (MIS 2008 and

10 Basic emergency obstetric care (BEmOC) includes administration of antibiotics, oxytocics, and anticonvulsants, manual removal of placenta, removal
of retained products following abortion, and assisted vaginal delivery (UNFP 2008).
11 Comprehensive emergency care (CEmOC) includes caesarean section and safe blood transfusion in addition to all BEmOC.



Coverage and Targets for Major interventions for attaining MDG5 are shown in Table 6.11.
Table 6.11: Coverage, target and unit cost of major interventions for attaining MDG 5
Interventions Coverage in 2007 Target coverage in 2015 Unit/Average cost (BDT)

Antenatal care (four visits) 21% 100% 500

Skilled attendance at birth 18% 50% 1200
Postpartum care 18% 50% 1500
Prolonged labor 51% 100% 2500
Forceps or vaccume assisted delivery 80% 100% 1500
Cesarean section 70% 100% 3500

Postpartum hemorrhage 43% 100% 1500

Maternal puerperal sepsis 50% 100% 1200
Eclampsia/convulsion 56% 100% 1000

Post abortion complications 43% 100% 1200

6.9 Resource Needs Estimates for MDG 5

As explained in Section 6.5 above the 'Integrated Health Systems model' used for the costing of health
related interventions to achieve MDGs 4, 5 and 6. For MDG-5, specifically on direct costs, the number of
currently married women was 28,265,608 in 2007 and this was the coverage population for the set of
interventions on improving maternal and reproductive health. As estimated the coverage will increase to
33,192,662 in 2015.

The results of the study show that a total of BDT 126,450 million should be spent on a range of interventions
for improving maternal health during 2009-2015. The disaggregated data on resource needs estimates for
each of maternal health interventions show that the major expenditure items are family planning (BDT
21,093 million), skilled birth attendance during delivery (BDT 11,247 million), postpartum care (BDT 13,853
million), and treatment of STDs (Table 6.12).

In case of all the drug and supply related interventions aiming to improve maternal and reproductive health,
except for the long-term family planning methods, the estimated per year expenditure flow show increasing
trend in resource requirements during the period of 2009 and 2015. The length of use of the long term family
planning methods usually is more than three years and therefore, the yearly estimated cost of it is lowest
(BDT 277 million) in 2012 (Table 6.12).

The required per capita expenditure on maternal and reproductive health interventions is USD 1.1 in 2009
and it will slowly go up to USD 2.2 in 2015 to achieve the MDG 5 targets and indicators (Table 6.12).



Table 6.12: Yearly resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 5 by specific interventions
(in million BDT)

% of
Interventions 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
Family planning - short term methods 1,848 2,103 2,386 2,655 2,970 3,208 3,426 18,596 14.70

Family planning - long term methods 301 328 357 277 345 372 517 2,497 1.90

Antenatal care (exl. IPT) 631 816 1,013 1,222 1,445 1,681 1,987 8,795 6.90
Antenatal care - IPT for malaria 152 192 251 314 383 457 536 2,285 1.80
Skilled attendance at birth 964 1,097 1,338 1,592 1,896 2,089 2,271 11,247 8.90
Postpartum care 1,181 1,417 1,673 1,945 2,241 2,558 2,838 13,853 10.90
Prolonged labor 339 357 410 466 527 586 624 3,309 2.60

Forceps or vaccume assisted delivery 113 122 132 142 153 163 170 995 0.80

Cesarean section 286 317 351 387 425 444 463 2,673 2.10

Postpartum hemorrhage 122 130 152 177 208 243 267 1,299 1.00
Maternal puerperal sepsis 139 142 160 179 200 222 245 1,287 1.00
Eclampsia/convulsion 42 43 47 53 59 66 76 386 0.30
Post abortion complications 83 86 100 118 135 152 172 846 0.70
Obstetric fistula 597 704 743 719 681 575 476 4,495 3.50
Urinary track infection 425 510 597 695 796 818 834 4,675 3.70
Mastitis 91 117 144 174 205 237 268 1,236 0.90
Gonoria 679 843 1,015 1,205 1,404 1,610 1,647 8,403 6.60
Syphilis 1,494 1,855 2,233 2,651 3,088 3,543 3,624 18,488 14.60
Trichomonas 688 854 1,028 1,221 1,423 1,632 1,669 8,515 6.70
Pelvic Inflammatory disease 1,012 1,255 1,510 1,795 2,095 2,409 2,471 12,547 9.90

Total (in million BDT) 11,191 13,291 15,643 17,992 20,681 23,068 24,584 126,450 100.00
Total (in million USD)* 163.61 194.31 228.70 263.04 302.35 337.25 359.42 1,848.68
Per capita (in million BDT) 76.30 89.40 103.70 117.67 133.42 146.64 154.22
Per capita (in million USD)* 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.90 2.10 2.20
* 1 USD = 68.4 BDT

The estimated resource need for drug and supply related interventions for achieving the MDG 5 is also much
higher than the current allocation of resources for the same sub-sector. The estimated allocation for 2008-
2011 under HNPSP is BDT 3096 million for reproductive health under ESP, BDT 4,020 million for clinical
contraception service delivery, BDT 7,845 million for family planning health service delivery, and BDT 4994
million for maternal, child and reproductive health services under DGFP (HNPSP 2008). However, these
figures only include the public health expenditures and exclude the significant household out-of-pocket



MDG Goal 6 - Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Summary Statistics: MDG Goals, Targets, Indicators and Achievements


2005 2007 2015 PROGRESS


BY 2015
AND BEGUN TO 4.30 4.20 4.50
Goal 6
Combat HIV/AIDS, PREVALENCE OF 34.00 35.00
malaria and MALARIA(PER 100,000 HALTING ON-TRACK
TARGET 8: (2000)
other diseases POPULATION)
TB(PER 100,000 406 391 HALTING
(DEATH)(PER 100,000 47.00 45.00 HALTING ON-TRACK
Sources : MDG Mid term Progress Report 2007, BBS, BDHS, SVRS

6.10 Progress in Achieving MDG 5

6.10.1 HIV/AIDS prevalence rate

The first case of HIV/AIDS in Bangladesh was detected in 1989 and the estimated total number of HIV
positive people was 7,500 in 2006. With a population of 142 million the HIV/AIDS prevalence has remained
at less than 0.01percent for many years (NASP 2007b). But what is alarming is that HIV/AIDS prevalence
among some of the high-risk groups is gradually increasing. The HIV prevalence among IDUs in Dhaka city
increased from 1.4 percent in 2000 to 7 percent in 2007 (NASP 2007a). The number of workers migrating
abroad is increasing in the country and neighboring countries like India and Myanmar have higher HIV/AIDS
prevalence rates.

In Bangladesh, there have been various efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission. Both the government and
non governmental organizations are providing public health education through the media and program
activities, especially with the high risk groups, which are IDUs, female sex workers, male sex workers, MSM
and hijras. The total number of population belonging to these different risk groups is available from different
sources. There were 54000-90000 female sex workers, 40000-150000 male sex workers/MSM, and 20000-
40000 IDUs in the country in 2005 (NASP 2007). The number of returnee migrants were 268,000-536,000,
clients of female sex workers were 1,882,080 -3,136,800 and transgender (hijras) was 10,000 -15,000
(UNGASS 2006).

The National AIDS committee was formed way back in 1985 and the National Policy on HIV/AIDS and STD
related issues was adopted in 1996, which concentrated mainly on surveillance, testing policy, management
and counseling of patients and safe blood. Since 2000 there have been a variety of approaches to raising
awareness of HIV/AIDS under a new program. The sources of information are TV, radio, newspaper, and
educational packages targeting specific groups at the community level.



In Bangladesh, the level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS and its prevention among the population is increasing,
but 85 percent of men and only 67 percent of women have heard of AIDS showing gender inequality in
awareness regarding HIV/AIDS (BDHS 2007). This varies largely among ever married women by place of
residence, level of education and divisions. Seventy eight percent women in Khulna and 55 percent women
in Sylhet had some knowledge about HIV/AIDS. The disparities among the women by level of education are
even higher. Ninety nine percent of the women with secondary or above level of education knew about
HIV/AIDS, but only 42 percent of women with no education did so (BDHS 2007).

6.10.2 Condom use rate

Overall, 55.8 percent of currently married women are using a contraceptive method, with only 4.5 percent
using condoms. Use of condom increased slowly from 3 percent in 1989 to 4.5 percent in 2006 (Figure 6.6).
However, the condom use rates among different HIV/AIDS high risk groups are considerably higher than the
national condom use rate.
Figure 6.6: Condom use rate

MDG indicator 19a: Condom use rate

5 4.3 4.5

1989-93 1992-1996 1995-1999 1999-2003 2002-2006

Source: BDHS

The condom use rate varied significantly among different high risk groups in the last few years. There has
been marked increase in condom use among the IDUs and female sex workers from 2004 to 2007. The
reported condom use rate among the injectors more than doubled from 21 percent to 44 percent during this
period. The results of the Behavioral Surveillance Surveys show that hotel based sex workers reported lower
rates of condom use (48 percent) than the brothel based sex workers (70 percent) or street based sex
workers (76 percent) during this period. However, there has been a sharp decline in the condom use by
MSM, from 49 percent in 2004 to 30 percent in 2007 (UNGASS 2008).

6.10.3 Contraceptive prevalence rate

The contraceptive prevalence rate in Bangladesh increased from 44.6 percent in 1993-94 to 55.8 in 2006 at
an annual average rate of 1.56 percent. However, the contraceptive prevalence was 58.1 percent in BDHS
2004 and it reduced to 55.8 in BDHS 2007 (Figure 6.7). There was no decline in use of modern methods,
but use of traditional method declined in this period without adversely affecting the TFR, which declined from
3.0 in 2004 to 2.7 in 2007.



Figure 6.7: Contraceptive prevalence rate

MDG indicator 19c: Contraceptive prevalence rate

80 72
70 62
58.1 55.8 58
60 53.8
50 44.6
1989-93 1992- 1995- 1999- 2002- 2008 2010 2012 2015
1996 1999 2003 2006

Source: BDHS

6.10.4 Prevalence and prevention of Malaria

Malaria is one of the major public health problems in Bangladesh and about 26 million people are at risk of
malaria, of which 14.7 million live in 13 border districts belonging to the high-risk malaria zone. Over 98
percent of all malaria cases in the country are concentrated in these districts. In 2007, there were 50,634
reported cases of malaria and 239 deaths due to malaria. The case fatality ratio was 472 per 100,000 in the
same year (Table 6.13).
Table 6.13: Malaria cases and deaths by year

Year Cases Deaths Case fatality ratio (per 100,000)

2000 55,599 468 841

2001 55,646 470 846
2002 63,516 589 927
2003 55,909 577 1,032
2004 59,514 498 837
2005 49,537 470 948
2006 34,346 442 1,287
2007 50,634 239 472

Source: WHO, IEDCR (personal communication)

The trend of the malaria cases per 100,000 shows that the disease's prevalence increased from 43 in 2000
to 47 in 2002, which is the highest prevalence in the period of 2000 and 2005. After 2002, it reduced to 42
and remained almost same in 2003 and 2004. Then, the prevalence of malaria reduced drastically in 2006
to 24 cases per 100,000 populations, but increased sharply again to 35 cases per 100,000 population in
2007 (Figure 6.8).



Figure 6.8: Notified cases of malaria per 100,000 population

MDG indicator 21a: Notified cases of malaria per 100,000 population

50 47
43 42 42 43
40 34 35

30 24


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


Changes in the malaria death rate per 100,000 population shows similar trend as the trend in reported cases
of malaria from 2000 to 2006. However the data show that it sharply declined to 17 death cases per 100,000
population in 2007. Malaria mortality rate was highest (0.44) in 2002 during this period (Figure 6.9).

Figure 6.9: Malaria mortality rate per 100,000 population

MDG indica tor 21b: Mala ria de ath rate pe r 100,000 population

0.45 0.42
0.4 0.37 0.36 0.36
0.35 0.31
0.2 0.17
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


The statistics indicate that Bangladesh has achieved success in treatment of malaria and reducing deaths
due to malaria markedly in recent years. However, challenges still remain in halting and reversing the spread
of malaria because of the rise in malaria prevalence during 2006-2007.

Despite this unusual rise in 2007, the overall trend shows that between the period of 2002 and 2007 the
malaria prevalence decreased at average annual rate of 9.22 percent. If the country maintains the rates of
reduction consistently, then it will be on track to achieve the MDG targets by 201512 .

12 The status and trends of prevention of malaria could not be analyzed due to limitation of the available data.



6.10.5 Prevalence and prevention of Tuberculosis

The country has made significant progress in halting and reversing the spread of tuberculosis (TB). In
Bangladesh during the last two decades, TB services were mainly curative and based in TB clinics and TB
hospitals before the Second Health Population Plan (1980-86). During this plan, TB services were expanded
to 124 UHCs and were operationally integrated with plan for leprosy during the Third Health and Population
Plan (1986-91). The National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTP) adopted the DOTS Strategy during the
Fourth Population and Health Plan (1992-1998), and it was integrated into Essential Service Package (ESP)
under the Health and Population Sector Program (HPSP) in 1998. Under the current Health, Nutrition and
Population Sector Program (HNPSP) TB control is also recognized as a priority and at the end of 2006 the
entire country was covered under the DOTS strategy (NTP 2007).

The TB prevalence rate has reduced from 406 per 100,000 per year in 2006 to 391 per 100,000 per year in
2007. During this period, TB mortality rate also reduced from 47 to 45 per 10,000 per year (NTCP and WHO,

The data on MDG indicator 24a, which is TB detection rate under DOTS, show that the country has been
highly successful in identifying the TB cases from 21percent in 1994 to 71percent in 2006 and well on track
towards 100percent detection rate by the year 2015. The most significant improvements in identifying TB
patients under DOTS were between 2002 (34 percent) and 2006 (71 percent), the detection rate more than
doubled in this period (Figure 6.10).

Figure 6.10: Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS

MDG indicator 24a: Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS


80 71

60 46
35 34
40 30 30

1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2015

Source: Annual Report 2007(NTP)

The country has made good progress in tuberculosis treatment under DOTS as well. The tuberculosis
treatment success rate under DOTS gradually and consistently increased from 73 percent in 1994 to 92
percent in 2006. Given this phenomenon Bangladesh is well on track towards achieving the MDG target -
which is 100 percent treatment success rate (Figure 6.11).



Figure 6.11: Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS

MDG indicator 24b: Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS

100 89 92
81 82 84
73 76

1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2015

Source: Annual Report 2007(NTP)

6.11 Challenges ahead in achieving MDG6

z Limitation of the data on HIV/AIDS prevalence is a major obstacle in tracking the MDG targets. Most
of the population data is based on assumptions and the seven National HIV/AIDS Serological
Surveillances are based on information collected on the high risk groups. Scaling up prevention
interventions to the general population is not yet a priority in Bangladesh, other than for young
people (UNGASS 2008).

z Social stigma and other cultural barriers are contributing to the low level of participation of the
general population in the HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Bangladesh. The existing gender and
regional disparities in awareness and knowledge about prevention of AIDS among the citizens
should be reduced in order achieve the MDG targets by 2015.

z Currently the HIV/AIDS treatment, care and support are mainly provided by the NGOs and steps
should be taken to mainstream HIV/AIDS into different public and for-profit private health sector to
improve access to the care and increase involvement of all types of providers.

z Halting and reversing the spread of malaria seems to be one of the major challenges faced by the
country. Though the malaria prevalence reduced significantly in 2006, but increased markedly
again in 2007.

z Despite the success of high cure rate of tuberculosis under the NTP, the case detection rate is
considerably lower than the target and needs special attention to accelerate the case detection rate
by ensuring improvements of the quality of diagnostic services.

z Lack of early diagnosis of tuberculosis is a key obstacle for the tuberculosis prevention program in
Bangladesh. Antibiotic resistance in tuberculosis is currently at a low level, but threatens to become
more common.

z In Bangladesh still now there is very little knowledge about the MDGs at the grassroots level. Until
and unless the concept is well understood by the general public, the achievement of the MDGs
might be hampered.



6.12 Major Interventions and Targets for attaining MDG6

This section describes the key interventions for attaining MDG6 in Bangladesh.
6.12.1 HIV/AIDS

The Second National Strategic Plan 2004-2010 prioritized some interventions of the HIV/AIDS Program and
also set targets for those interventions. Based on the analysis of the HIV/AIDS situation and vulnerability
factors to the epidemic in Bangladesh this MDG Needs Assessment and Costing study has finalized the
interventions for attaining the HIV/AIDS related targets of MDG 6 by discussing with the key stakeholders
and reviewing the policies and plans.

The interventions can be classified into four broad groups: HIV/AIDS prevention programs, treatment of
PLHIV, care and support programs for the HIV/AIDS infected and vulnerable population, and enabling
environment. HIV/AIDS prevention Program

The prevention programs are mainly targeted for specific risk groups like female sex workers, MSM, IDUs,
clients of sex workers, truck drivers, and migrant workers. The other important interventions which aim to
prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS infection in Bangladesh are youth education of HIV/AIDS, safe blood
transfusion program, mass media campaign, and voluntary counseling and testing (VCT).
Prevention Programs for the high-risk groups
The prevention program for the risk groups includes counseling and condom distribution. 57 percent of the
female sex workers, 47 percent of the male sex workers/MSM, 82 percent of the IDUs and 15 percent of the
transgender have been reached by the prevention programs in 2007 (UNGASS 2008, UNGASS 2006, MIS
2007). The Governments Strategic Plan 2004-2010 aims at universal coverage of prevention programs by 2010.
Considering the current situation the study/TWG set the same target coverage for 2012 in the costing exercise.
However the proportion of high-risk individuals who received HIV/AIDS testing in the last 12 months and who
know the results is quite low (five percent of the female sex workers, eight percent of the male sex
workers/MSM, and three percent of IDUs). The harm reduction program such as needle/syringe exchange
program for the IDUs has been launched few years back. Recent studies show that the program started to
positively influence the risk behavior of the IDUs. However, no data are available on the current coverage.
Safe Blood Transfusion Program (SBTP)
Safe Blood Transfusion Program (SBTP) was launched in Bangladesh in 2000 and before that blood
screening was not mandatory in either government or NGO facilities. Currently five transfusion transmissible
infections (TTI) - HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and Malaria are being screened before transfusion
in 99 blood centers. A total of 13,36,699 units of blood have been screened since 2000 to 2007 (MIS 2008).
The proportion of blood screened before transfusion per year in Bangladesh is yet not known, and as a result
the study used the percentage of safe blood donation in developing countries (57percent) as a proxy
indicator for 2007.
Youth Education of HIV/AIDS
The Bangladesh HIV/AIDS Program has successfully incorporated HIV/AIDS information into the secondary
and higher secondary school curriculum (grade VI to XII). Under this program around 36,000 teachers have
been trained in 2007. "Train the Trainer" program taught teachers how to develop lesson plans and lead
classroom sessions. These trained teachers have trained about 32,000 teachers of 6,375 institutes and
additional 63,750 teachers have participated in orientation sessions on HIV/AIDS (NASP 2007b). The school
HIV/AIDS Program, which now operates in 20 districts, will be scaled up to cover 40 of the 64 districts in
Bangladesh during 2007-2012 (UNGASS 2008).



Mass Media Campaign

Mass media campaigns are expected to play a key role in behavioral change towards HIV/AIDS prevention.
In Bangladesh the current mass media campaigns are using television, radio, newspapers and local folk
media to create awareness on various HIV/AIDS related issues and also to reduce stigma and discrimination
against the PLHIV.

Voluntary HIV/AIDS counseling and testing (VCT)

Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is client initiated testing, and coverage of VCT is extremely low in
Bangladesh because of fear of social stigma and discrimination and low perception of risk. VCT services
are still targeted at the high-risk population and there is little coverage for the general population. Only seven
facilities have been established for this purpose till 2006 and few of them are fully functional (UNGASS 2006,
UNGASS 2008). NASP is developing counseling modules and guidelines on minimum standards of VCT.
The VCT units are needed to be established for providing the counseling and laboratory services in blood
transfusion centers since all facilities for HIV/AIDS testing are available there. Treatment of PLHIV

Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)

Development of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has significantly improved the mortality and morbidity of
HIV/AIDS diseases around the world. This intervention can prolong and improve life for people living with
HIV/AIDS (PLHIV). In Bangladesh, only 13.3 percent of adults with advanced HIV/AIDS infection have
received ART in 2007 (UNGASS 2008)13 . Five organizations including four NGOs or self-help groups and
one public institute (Infectious Diseases Hospital) are providing ART. The current coverage is far below the
national demand and concentrated in Dhaka city. The study/TWG decided to set the target of universal
coverage of treatment by 2010 for the costing exercise.

Laboratory tests associated with ART

The people living with HIV/AIDS infection need to go through pathological investigations on a regular basis
and they are an integral part of the treatment procedure. The laboratory tests associated with ART are CD4,
viral load, full blood count, creatinine, ALT, cholesterol and screening for TB. Currently, only two institutes,
ICDDR,B and Combined Military Hospital, have the equipment to conduct the CD4 tests in the country. Care and Support

The most important care and support Programs of HIV/AIDS are clinical management of common
opportunistic infections (OIs), nutritional support to PLHIV, and support to orphans and vulnerable children.
Currently the treatment of common opportunistic infections is provided to those patients receiving ART
based on their disease profile. However, the number is considerably low compared to the total national
No current estimate is available on the number of children who have lost one or both of their parents due to
AIDS. In 2002, there may have been 100 orphans and in 2004 somewhere between 44 and 132 children
would have lost one or both parents, which is a very insignificant number in Bangladesh's population
(UNGASS 2008). Enabling environment

HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination is one of the major barriers to fight against HIV and AIDS
epidemic. Research should be conducted to estimate the extent of stigma and discriminations and to identify
appropriate measures to reduce it. AIDS case surveillance or routine AIDS reporting of AIDS cases is
currently not conducted in Bangladesh.

13 Six different types of ARV drugs are currently produced by two national pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh, but paediatric formulations and

ARV formulations for pregnant mothers are not available (Azim et al. 2008).



6.12.2 Malaria
Insecticide-treated Mosquito Nets
The use of insecticide treated bed nets for protection from mosquito bites effectively reduce malaria
transmission and thus widely used in malaria control programs. In Bangladesh, 70000 Long Lasting
Insecticide-Treated Nets (LLINs) and another 156000 Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets (ITMNs) were
procured in 2007 and supposed to be distributed within a short period (Malaria Program, DGHS). A total of
1.6 million LLINs will be distributed among the vulnerable families in 13 high-risk malaria-endemic districts,
by 2012, using Global Fund Grant (GFATM Round - 6) (WHO 2008).
Rapid diagnosis and treatment of malaria
Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of malaria can reduce the malaria mortality rate substantially.
Bangladesh launched the Revised Malaria Control Strategy (RMCS) in 1994 and subsequently reinforced its
efforts to control malaria in the high-risk areas. The Communicable Disease Control Program under the
HNPSP aims to reduce the malaria specific mortality and morbidity by 50percent by the year 2011 and as
the key intervention suggested universal access to Early Diagnosis and Prompt Treatment (EDPT) (HNPSP
6.12.3 Tuberculosis
Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS)
The NTP adopted the WHO recommended strategy of Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) in
1993. Since then, Bangladesh has achieved many of its TB-control goals. However, major challenge remains
to further improve the case detection rate. In 2007, the case detection rate was 72 percent and treatment
success rate was 98 percent. The research set the target at 100 percent coverage by 2015.
Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) Plus
Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) Plus are needed for the Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) TB
patients. Currently three percent of the new cases and 18 percent of the re-treatment cases require DOTS
Plus in Bangladesh (NTP data 2008).
Coverage and Target of Major Interventions for attaining MDG6 are shown in Table 6.14.
Table 6.14: Coverage, target and unit cost of major interventions for attaining MDG 6
Interventions Coverage in 2007 Target coverage in 2015 Unit/Average cost (BDT)

HIV/AIDS treatment
Antiretroviral therapy 13.3% 100% 66,000 per year
CD4 laboratory test 20% 100% 2,500
Viral load 1% 100% 10,000
Malaria prevention
Long lasting insecticide treated net 40% 100% 371
Insecticide treated mosquito net 40% 100% 37
Rapid diagnostic test 98% 100% 50
Malaria treatment
Uncomplicated 70% 100% 1,200
Complicated 70% 100% 2,660
Tuberculosis treatment
DOTS 92% 100% 2,500
DOTS+ 92% 100% 159,460
14 The need for universal access to HIV prevention and treatment by 2010 is reflected in UNAIDS targets and also in the National Strategic Plan 2004-
2010. Therefore, the TWG decided to set 100% coverage for all the HIV interventions.



6.13 Resource Needs Estimates for MDG 6

The Integrated Health Systems Model used to estimate the resource need included interventions for health
systems, MDG 4 and 5 and for the interventions related to malaria and TB for MDG 6. However for estimates
relating to combating HIV/AIDS, a separate HIV/AIDS costing model was used to estimate the direct

For estimates using the HIV/AIDS costing model for intervention to combat HIV/AIDS, following base year
data was considered: In 2006, the estimated people living with HIV infection were 7,500 in the country
(NASP 2007b). No confirmed estimate is available for 200715.The coverage population for HIV/AIDS
treatment and care was set at 11000 in 2007.
For estimates using Integrated Health Systems model, following data were considered for malaria: In
Bangladesh, there were 50,634 confirmed cases of malaria in 2007, but the presumptive or clinically
diagnosed number of malaria cases supposed to be much higher16. The data collected from the Malaria
Control Program, DGHS, show that about 24,000 confirmed cases of malaria and 22,000 clinical cases were
reported in three months only in the 13 malaria high-risk districts in 2008. Taking all these information into
consideration, the coverage for malaria was set around 300,000 including presumptive cases.
For estimates using Integrated Health Systems model, following data were considered for tuberculosis: The
tuberculosis incidence was 225 per 100,000 people in 2007 (NTP data 2008). Therefore, the coverage
population for tuberculosis prevention and treatment program was 320,850 in 2007 and will be 358,844 in
2015 (BBS 2007).

Resource Needs for combating HIV/AIDS

In Bangladesh, current coverage of the treatment and prevention programs for HIV/AIDS are considerably
low and if the country wants to provide appropriate treatment and care to all PLHIV, then it has to scale up
expenditure on HIV/AIDS significantly. The results of the costing exercise show that a total of BDT 184,161
million should be spent on HIV/AIDS programs during 2009-2015 to achieve the MDG targets. About 55
percent of the total expenditure should be on HIV/AIDS prevention programs and 34 percent on HIV/AIDS
treatment programs (Table 6.13).

The result of the cost analysis show that a total of BDT 102,296 million should be spent on HIV/AIDS
prevention programs to halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS in a densely populated country like
Bangladesh. The estimated resource requirement for this program is BDT 10,514 million in 2009 and BDT
16,496 million in 2015.

The costing exercise estimated the expenditure flow needed for treatment of PLHIV and the results suggest
that BDT 1,589 million will be needed, in 2009, to provide treatment to the PLHIV. The study/TWG estimated
the number of HIV positive people in 2009-2015 based on the data that the number of PLHIV was 7,500 in
2006 and 11,000 in 2007. The treatment cost will increase significantly over the years because of current
low levels of coverage of treatment procedures, the expected increasing number of PLHIV, and rising
treatment cost. A total of BDT 63,103 million will be required, from 2009 to 2015, for treatment of PLHIV and
the estimated resource requirement in 2015 will be BDT 21,606 (Table 6.13). The estimated allocation for
2008-2011 under HNPSP is BDT 3,327 million for prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS (HNPSP 2008).

15 There is data discrepancy in estimated number of PLHIV. According to some sources the estimated population living with HIV infection was 13000
in 2007 (HNPSP 2008, WHO 2007). However, reported estimated PLHIV from other sources were lower for same year.
16 According to World Malaria Report 2005, there were 400,000 clinical cases and more than 57,000 laboratory confirmed malaria cases per year in
Bangladesh (WHO 2005).



Resource Needs for combating Malaria

The model estimated the resource need for malaria prevention and treatment interventions and result shows
that BDT 5,097 million will be required for providing LLIN and ITMN to the high-risk population during the
period of 2009-2015. An additional BDT 8,689 million will be required to provide treatment to malaria patients
(Table 6.13). The total estimated allocation for 2008-2011 under HNPSP is BDT 962 million for malaria and
vector borne disease control (HNPSP 2008).

Resource Needs for combating Tuberculosis

The spreadsheets on tuberculosis estimated the yearly resource need for tuberculosis treatment
interventions (DOTS and DOTS plus) from 2009 to 2015. The estimated resource need during this period
for TB treatment is BDT 33,550 million (Table 6.18). The estimated allocation for TB and leprosy control
program for 2008-2011 under HNPSP is BDT 2,636 million (HNPSP 2008).

The estimated per capita total cost of MDG 6 related interventions is USD 1.85 in 2009 and USD 4.8 in 2015
(Table 6.15).

Table 6.15: Yearly resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 6 by various prevention and
treatment programs

Interventions 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total % of total

HIV/AIDS prevention
10,514 13,501 14,418 15,386 15,787 16,194 16,496 102,296 44.19

Treatment of PLHIV 1,589 3,262 4,760 6,947 10,139 14,800 21,606 63,103 27.26

Care and support 4,068 5,939 17,497 7.56

594 895 1,307 1,908 2,786

Enabling environments 193 192 178 163 198 163 178 1,265 0.55
Tuberculosis 4,162 4,351 4,548 4,754 4,968 5,191 5,576 33,550 14.49
Malaria prevention 434 528 633 756 854 900 992 5,097 2.20
Malaria treatment 1,040 1,102 1,239 1,274 1,310 1,345 1,379 8,689 3.75
Total (in BDT) 18,526 23,831 27,083 31,188 36,042 42,661 52,166 231,497 100.00
Total (in USD)* 270.85 348.41 395.95 455.96 526.93 623.70 762.66 3,384.46
Per capita (in BDT) 126.37 160.26 179.60 203.98 232.53 271.21 327.26

Per capita (in USD)* 1.85 2.34 2.63 2.98 3.40 3.97 4.78

* 1 USD = 68.4 BDT



Health Systems (MDGs 4, 5 and 6)

6.14 Health systems of Bangladesh: current status and future need

The following two subsections discuss the current status, and future needs of infrastructure and human
resources of the health, nutrition and population sector of Bangladesh to attain MDG 4,5 and 6 by 2015.

6.14.1 Infrastructure

There are three main levels of health facilities in Bangladesh: primary health care (UHC, UHFWC, USC &
CCs), secondary healthcare (District Hospitals), tertiary health care including Medical College Hospitals
(MCH), and super specialized care (specialized institutions).

Under the HPSP, about 13,500 new community clinics (CCs), each for 6,000 people, were supposed to be
constructed. So far, 11,883 CCs have been constructed and 8,426 are functioning either with DGHS Health
Assistant (HA) and DGFP Family Welfare Assistant (FWA) or handed over to NGOs (DGHS data 2008). The
HA and FWA are performing home visits and working from CCs (if operational) and are providing family
planning services, maternal and child health care, including immunization, communicable disease control,
symptomatic curative care for common complaints, and upward referrals (HNPSP 2008).

At Union level there are 3,622 Union Health and Family Welfare Centres (UHFWCs) under DGFP and
upgraded UHFWC (formerly called Union Sub-centres, USC) under DGHS (HEU 2008). UHFWC has one
Sub-Assistant Community Medical Officer (SACMO), one Family Welfare Visitor (FWV), one Pharmacist,
one Aya and one MLSS. In the Unions, where no UHFWC has been constructed, there is a post of FWV only
(HNPSP 2005). The training of FWVs in FWV Training Institutes managed by NIPORT started in 1970s, but
unfortunately has stopped since 1997. The termination of the training of FWVs is expected to have adverse
effect on maternal and child health in Bangladesh as FWVs provide services to mainly rural women (BHW
2007). Each of the 1,275 upgraded UHFWCs has the posts of a Medical Officer, a Medical Assistant and a
Pharmacist (HNPSP 2008).

There are 431 Upazila Health Complexes (UHCs) with 31-50 beds in each facility and 60 Rural Health
Centres (RHCs) with 10-20 beds in each facility, and providing both outpatient and inpatient care, at Upazila
level. A total 107 UHCs have been upgraded from 31-bed hospital to 50-bed hospital so far and in another
163 facilities the extension is under construction (CMMU data 2008). Another 16 UHCs (31 bed) will be
constructed soon. The 20 bed hospitals are located in remote areas of the upazilas where there are no UHCs
or the place is 10 to 15 kilometres away from the UHC and DH (CMMU data 2008).

In each of the UHCs, on the health side there are nine doctors including one dental surgeon, nursing
supervisor and senior staff nurses, two Medical Assistants, medical technologists (pharmacy, radiology,
dental) and an EPI technician along with other support staff. The UHCs also have the posts of Upazila Family
Planning Officer (UFPO), Medical Officer (Maternal and Child Health), Assistant Family Planning Officer,
Senior FWV and two FWVs on the family planning side (HNPSP 2005).

The second layer facilities on the health side in the country constitutes of 61 District Hospitals (DHs). DHs
are larger facilities in comparison with UHC, with an average bed size of 133 (range 50 to 375). There were
seventeen 50 bed DHs, one 75 bed DH, thirty-three 100 bed DH, one 120 bed DH, four 150 bed DHs, and
two 250 bed DHs in 2007 (HEU 2007).

The districts also have Maternal and Child Welfare Centres (MCWCs) based in the district town which offer
Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care (C-EmOC) and clinical contraception run by the DGFP. There
are a total 98 MCWCs in the country. Among them 62 are located at each district level17 , 12 at Upazila level

17 The construction of the other two MCWCs at the district level is suspended for some unknown reasons.



and 24 at Union level. The government has taken steps to up-grade all the MCWCs from ten-bed hospitals
to 20 bed hospitals. According to the Construction, Maintenance and Management Unit (CMMU) up-
gradation of 40 MCWCs have been completed and in the other 22 MCWCs the extension is under
construction. The up-gradation cost per MCWC is around BDT 3.5 million (CMMU data 2008).
The third layer of the public health system includes Medical College Hospitals (MCHs) and Post Graduate
Institutes and Hospitals. There are 15 Government and 34 Private Medical College Hospitals (MCHs), one
Dental College, one Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, and one Ayurvedic Degree College and
Hospital (HEU 2007). Another five public MCHs will be established in Pabna, Cox's Bazar, Jessore,
Rangamati and Noakhali. The estimated cost of construction per MCH will be BDT 1,000 million (PWD data
In Bangladesh there are also 21 specialised hospitals (mental, leprosy, infectious disease, chest diseases
etc.). There are a 200 bed Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH) and a 600 bed Institute of Diseases
of Chest and Hospital (IDCH) in Dhaka- the capital city. A 250 bed TB hospital is under construction in the
city as well.

6.14.2 Human Resources

The scarcity of skilled health personnel is one of the main challenges in the health sector of Bangladesh as
there are around five physicians and two nurses per 10,000 population (BHW 2007). The density of qualified
health care providers, including doctors, dentists and nurses, in the country is 7.7 per 10,000 population,
which indicate severe shortages of health workforce18. Moreover, the distribution of qualified providers is
highly urban biased. There are 18.2 physicians, 5.8 nurses and 0.8 dentists per 10,000 population in urban
area while the corresponding figures in rural area are 1.1, 0.8, and 0.08 respectively. The data also show
that the number of male physician per 10,000 population is five times higher than the number of female
physician per 10,000 population (Table 6.16).
There are also high regional disparities in the distribution of physicians, nurses and dentists in the country.
The highest number of physicians is concentrated in Dhaka division (10.8 per 10,000 population) followed
by Chittagong division (4.8 per 10,000 population). The availability of qualified health care provider is lowest
in Barisal, followed by Sylhet and Rajshahi (Table 6.16).
Table 6.16: Distribution of physician, nurse, dentist per 10,000 population and nurse per physician
ratio by gender, area and division.

Physician Nurse Dentist All Nurse per Physician ratio

Male 4.50 0.20 0.20 5.00 0.05

Female 0.80 1.80 0.03 2.70 2.10

Rural 1.10 0.80 0.08 2.10 0.70

Urban 18.20 5.80 0.80 24.90 0.30
Barisal 1.70 0.90 0.30 3.08 0.50
Chittagong 4.80 3.60 0.30 8.80 0.70
Dhaka 10.80 2.80 0.50 14.20 0.20
Khulna 1.30 1.90 0.05 3.30 1.40
Rajshahi 2.10 1.10 0.00 3.20 0.50
Sylhet 2.20 0.40 0.00 3.20 0.10
National 5.40 2.10 0.30 7.70 0.40
Source: BHW 2007

18 According to WHO the threshold density for the doctors, nurses and midwifes is 22.8 per 10000 population below which coverage of the essential

interventions to attain the MDGs is not possible (BHW 2007).



The current status of health personnel and the future capacity of the health sector are discussed below.

The total number of estimated doctors available in 2007 was 38,537 and only 38 percent of them are
employed in the public sector and 62 percent are employed in the private sector. The total number of dental
surgeons in the same period was 2995. The government owned institutes producing doctors include one
medical university, 23 post-graduate medical institutes (including medical colleges offering post graduate
degree/diploma), 15 medical colleges, one dental college and two dental units attached to Rajshahi and
Chittagong medical college. The private medical institutes producing doctors include 34 medical colleges,
nine dental colleges and five post graduate medical institutes. The total enrollment capacity of these
institutes is 4,816 seats including public medical colleges (2,260) and private medical colleges (2,556) (BHW
2007). Currently, these MCHs produce around 1,200 doctors per year (BHW 2007).
The total number of available doctors falls greately short of what is required for attaining the MDGs.
According to Main Report of Mid Term Review 2008, the estimated need of doctors was 98,550 (based on
Low Income Countries average) in 2007. This implies that there was a shortage of around 60,000 doctors.


There are 70 nursing institutes, 51 run by the Government and 19 by private entrepreneurs, in the country
offering three years Diploma in General Nursing and one year Diploma in Midwifery/Orthopedic. There is one
College of Nursing affiliated to the University of Dhaka offering two years Bachelor of Science Degree (BSc.)
in Nursing and Public Health Nursing (BHW 2007). Another Nursing College will be constructed soon.
Though the nursing institutes admit 2280 students every year, around 1200 students qualify as diploma
nurses (BHW 2007).

The total number of registered nurses in the country was 21,715 in 2007 and 14,971 nurses were employed
in the public sector (HEU 2007). The shortage of nurses was even much higher than the shortage of doctors.
A total of 163,177 additional nurses are required, based on the Low Income Countries average, to achieve
the MDGs (MTR 2008).

Medical Assistants

Medical Assistants provide assistance to doctors and play an important role in the health sector of
Bangladesh, specially in the primary health tier (UHC, UHFWC and USC). The Medical Assistants Training
Schools (MATS) was established in 1979 and it offers a three-year diploma course. All five MATS are located
at the district level and the teachers of the institutes are medical doctors. The main challenges to train
medical assistance are to teach SSC-passed students complex subjects like anatomy and physiology, and
lack of textbooks designed for such students, especially in Bengali. These training institutes train around 300
medical assistants each year (BHW 2007). More than 1900 medical assistants were employed in the public
health facilities under DGHS in 2007 (MIS data 2007).

Health Technologists

The demand for Health Technologist is rising rapidly with increasing number of hospitals, clinics and
diagnostic centers and also for the upgradation of the public facilities. The health technologists include
laboratory technicians, pharmacists, radiographers, sanitary inspectors, and physical therapists.

There were a total of 79 training institutes for the health technologists in Bangladesh in 2007. Under the State
Medical Faculty (SMF), MOHFW, there were 32 health technology institutes and 47 private health
technology institutes were functioning under the Technical Education Board of the Ministry of Education.
Another 30 institutes have been already sanctioned by the Ministry of Education. A total of 4,386 students
got admitted into the public and 3375 in the private health technologist institutes in 2006 (BHW 2007).



In 2007 there were 10,653 health technologists in Bangladesh (BHW 2007). Among them around 5,000
health technologists were employed in the public sector (MIS 2007). The generally acceptable ratio of health
technologist to doctor is 5:1. But in Bangladesh the ratio of technician to doctor is 1:3.6 implying severe
shortage of health technologists which is greatly hampering the cost effective health service delivery.

Skilled Birth Attendants

The WHO definition of skilled birth attendant is " an accredited health professional such as midwife, doctor
or nurse, who has been educated and trained to proficiency in the skills needed to manage normal
(uncomplicated) pregnancies, child birth and the immediate postnatal period, and in the identification,
management and referral of complications in women and newborn" (WHO 2004). However in Bangladesh
by definition assistance during delivery by skilled health professional includes doctor, nurse, midwife,
paramedic and also the Community Skilled Birth attendant (CSBA)19 (BDHS 2007). CSBA are the accredited
health workers working at the community level, i.e., Family Welfare Assistant and female Health Assistants,
who have been educated and trained to proficiency in all the midwifery skills.

The Government of Bangladesh started the "Community-Based Skilled Birth Attendant Training Program",
with technical and financial assistance from WHO and UNFPA, in 2003. Obstetrical and Gynaecological
Society of Bangladesh (OGSB) has been providing six month training to FWA and female HA in facilities like
the Family Welfare Visitor Training Institute (FWVTI), Nursing Institutes and Mother and Child Welfare
Center (MCWC). On average 480 CSBAs are produced each year by providing training to batches of 18
trainees in 38 centers in 48 districts. A total of 4,000 CSBAs have been trained out of the target 13,500 so
far, from 2003 to 2007, in 216 Upazilas (BHW 2007). To achieve the target by 2015 the OGSB will have to
train 1250 CSBA per year (UNFPA data 2008). The training cost per CSBA is BDT 150,000 and therefore
BDT 187,500,000 will be required annually to achieve the target by 2015.

6.15 The challenges ahead in Health systems in Bangladesh

z Scarcity and poor distribution of qualified health professionals is one of the major challenges faced
by the health sector of Bangladesh. Improved human resource management is required to address
the urban bias of the health workforce and the absenteeism in rural health facilities.

z Current capacity of the pre service training institutes falls greatly short of the requirement and new
training institutes, especially for nurses and medical technologists, should be built and the capacity
of the existing institutes should be increased.

z About 64 percent of the total healthcare expenditure in Bangladesh is out-of pocket expenditure by
the households. This huge household spending is mainly related to expenditure on drugs,
diagnostic tests and transport to the facility. Demand side financing schemes, which subsidize
theses costs, can increase the utilization of healthcare by the women and children, who are usually
the non-earning members in the family, and also by the poor.

z Misperceptions regarding the need for care and social barriers contribute to low levels of demand
for maternal and child care in Bangladesh. Effective health education programs are needed to
increase the demand for modern healthcare.

19 The community skilled birth attendants (CSBAs) are to provide normal safe delivery in homes and referral to the emergency obstetric care (EmOC)

sites, if needed.



6.16 Major interventions for Health systems

This section describes the key interventions for improving health systems for MDGs 4, 5 and 6 in

Construction of new health facilities

In Bangladesh the private health facilities are located mainly in urban areas and the public and not-for-profit
private hospital/health facilities are the predominant modern health service delivery points in rural areas.
Construction of new facilities in rural areas to increase the access to health care and reduce indirect cost 20
is essential to improve the health sector performance. In view of that more CCs, UHFWCs and UHCs need
to be built to increase the utilization of healthcare, especially by women and children. Under the current
health, nutrition and population sector program about 1600 CCs, 16 UHCs and 5 new MCHs will be
constructed by 2011 (HNPSP 2008).

Upgradation of existing health facilities

Upgradation of the existing health facilities is one of the key health system interventions of the current health
sector program. A total 107 UHCs have been upgraded from 31-bed hospital to 50-bed hospital so far and
in another 163 facilities the extension is under construction. Ten DHs will be upgraded from 100 bed
hospitals to 200 bed hospitals and in other two DHs, the capacity will be increased by additional 150 beds.
Two MCHs will be expanded from 500 bed hospitals to 1,000 bed hospitals (Table 6.17)

Pre-service training of health personnel

The current capacity of the post-graduate medical institutes and medical colleges need to be increased to
fill the gap between the required and actual number of qualified physicians in the health sector of
Bangladesh. More public and private nursing training institutes need to be established urgently to increase
the number of nurses.

In-service training of health personnel

The important in-service training programs for MDGs are clinical management training for doctors and
paramedics under Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), to train medical officers in obstetrics
or anesthesia under comprehensive EmOC program, and training of FWA and female HA to produce CSBA
by the Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Bangladesh (OGSB).

6.17 Resource needs estimate for Health Systems

For the health systems, the information on current number of health personnel employed in the health sector
was collected from MIS, DGHS. The study also collected detail information on cost of infrastructure and
equipment of each type of facilities. The construction costs of primary level facilities were collected from
Construction, Maintenance and Management Unit (CMMU) and secondary and above level facilities were
collected from Public Works Department (PWD). Under the previous and current health sector programs, a
significant numbers of facilities at primary (UHC), secondary (DH, MCWC) and tertiary level (MCH) have
been and will be upgraded by increasing the number of existing beds, with the aim of enhancing the capacity
of the hospitals. The estimated upgradation/construction costs of DH and MCH under HNPSP are presented
in Table 6.17 below. The estimated average upgradation/construction cost of the DHs is around BDT 80
million and of the MCHs is BDT 300 million.

20In public and not-for-profit private health facilities services are provided free of cost or at nominal prices. Yet the distance to the facility and travel cost,
which are often called as indirect costs, are important determinants of demand for health care.



Table 6.17: Estimated up-gradation/construction costs of DHs and MCH under HNPSP

Activities Estimated cost per facility

(in million BDT)
Up-gradation of DH from 50 beds to 200 beds 1 80
Up-gradation of DH from 100 beds to 250 beds 9 85
Up-gradation of DH from 150 beds to 250 beds 1 73

Up-gradation of MCH from 500 beds to

2 300
1000 beds (Mymensingh, Faridpur)

Extension of DH (establishment of CCU) 3 150

Modernization and extension of MCH 6 300

Construction of new facilities and modernization
of existing infrastructure of Dhaka MCH 1 600

Source: PWD data 2008

Total Resource Needs

The integrated model used for estimating resource need for the health related MDGs calculated the costs of
health systems for all the MDGs and related indicators. The result of the analysis shows that a total of BDT
778,571 million should be invested on health systems during 2009-2015 to achieve the MDGs 4, 5 and 6 21.
52 percent of the fund should be used for the salaries and in-service training of the health personnel.
Approximately 18 percent should be spent for pre-service training as there are severe shortage of qualified
providers, especially doctors, nurses, and technicians, in the health sector of Bangladesh (Table 6.18).

The results indicate that BDT 39,191 million should be spent on building new facilities. The operation and
maintenance costs of the existing and new facilities will be BDT 42,797 million during 2009-2015. The
estimated resource need for administration, monitoring, evaluation and research is BDT 44,659 million and
the programs for demand creation is BDT 69,471 million (Table 6.18).

The trend of the expenditure flow shows that the resource requirement for building new infrastructure and
pre-service training of the health care professionals will increase gradually from 2009 to 2013 and then
decrease slightly during 2014-2015. The reason behind this is investment on capacity development of the
health sector should be made earlier if the country wants to meet the increasing demand for healthcare by
the growing population in 2015. The estimated cost of the other health system interventions needs to be
increased gradually from 2009 to 2015.

The estimated per capita expenditure needed for health system is USD 6.8 in 2009 and USD 13.2 in 2015
(Table 6.18).

21 The integrated health model is designed in a manner that it is possible to costs only one type of facility in each level of care. Therefore, the costing
tool could only estimate the costs of one type of public health facility at each level of care including infrastructure, health personnel, equipment/referral
equipment administration/monitoring/evaluation etc.. The study/TWG decided to increase the costs of health system estimated by the tool by 40 percent
to incorporate the costs of the
· Public facilities which were not included in the model as there are different types of public facilities at each levels of care with different capacity,
service utilization and staffing pattern.
· Private not-for-profit health facilities (NGOs), and
· Private clinics and hospitals.



Table 6.18: Yearly resource needs estimates for health systems for attaining health related MDGs
by specific interventions
(million BDT)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total % of total


Construction costs 4,878 5,065 5,255 5,576 7,052 5,142 6,223 39,191 5.00
Equipment costs 773 797 819 916 1,033 840 1,152 6,330 0.80

Facility upgradation costs 487 485 226 154 154 280 126 1,912 0.24

Operation and maintenance costs 5,551 5,721 5,898 6,087 6,321 6,499 6,720 42,797 5.50

Human resources

Salaries and In-service training 31,710 36,159 45,309 62,483 70,757 76,304 85,047 407,769 52.40

Pre-service training 13,094 18,848 27,373 24,376 24,734 16,542 15,870 140,837 18.10

Referral equipment 1,957 2,203 2,321 2,587 2,723 2,967 3,116 17,874 2.30

Administration, Monitoring and

3,504 3,990 4,988 6,870 7,775 8,380 9,152 44,659 5.70
Evaluation, Surveillance, etc.

Demand creation 5,439 6,845 8,290 9,775 11,301 12,867 14,954 69,471 8.90

Commodity supply system 686 727 781 1,176 1,315 1,453 1,593 7,731 1.00
Total (in BDT) 68,079 80,840 101,260 120,000 133,165 131,274 143,953 778,571 100.00
Total (in USD)* 995.30 1,181.80 1,480.40 1,754.30 1,946.90 1,919.20 2,104.50 11,382.62
Per capita (in BDT) 465.12 540.36 670.32 786.60 855.00 834.48 902.88
Per capita (in USD)* 6.80 7.90 9.80 11.50 12.50 12.20 13.20
* 1 USD = 68.4 BDT



6.18 Total Resource need for health-related MDGs 4, 5 and 6

The results of the costing exercise show that a total of BDT 1,459,158 million (USD 21,333 million) will be
required during the period of 2009-2015 to attain the three health related MDGs (Table 6.19). On average
the country should spend USD 19.9 per capita on health interventions over the seven years period of 2009-
2015. But the most important challenge is that the estimated cost for attaining MDGs is much higher than
the current total health spending in Bangladesh.
Table 6.19: Total resource needs estimates for attaining MDG 4, 5 and 6
(2009-2015) by type of health interventions
(million BDT)

Total cost Total cost Average per Average per

(in million BDT) (in million US$) capita (in BDT) capita (in US$)

Infrastructure and equip. 90,231 1,319 84.30 1.20

Human resources 548,606 8,020 512.40 7.50
Child health 322,639 4,717 301.30 4.40
Maternal and rep. health 126,450 1,848 118.10 1.70
Tuberculosis 33,550 490 31.30 0.50
Malaria 13,786 201 12.90 0.20
HIV/AIDS 184,161 2,692 172.00 2.50
Administration, Monitoring and
44,659 653 41.70 0.60
Evaluation, Surveillance, etc.)
Demand creation 69,471 1,016 64.90 0.90
Referral equipment and
commodity supply system 25,605 374 23.90 0.30

Total 1,459,158 21,333 1,362.80 19.90

Year wise resource needs calculated by the integrated model show that a total of BDT 125,185 million should
be invested in 2009 and the required amount will increase to BDT 278,926 million in 2015 (Table 6.20). The
trend of the estimated cost of attaining health related MDGs show that the country needs to regularly
increase investment in the health sector during the period 2009 and 2015, but the rise in the estimated cost
from 2013 to 2014 is not that significant. Because once the country invests on the capacity development of
the health sector it will be receiving the benefit of it for some time without additional investment.



Table 6.20: Yearly resource needs estimates for attaining MDGs 4, 5 and 6
by type of health interventions
(million BDT)

Interventions 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total % of total

Infrastructure and
11,688 12,069 12,199 12,733 14,560 12,761 14,221 90,231 6.20
Human resources 44,804 55,007 72,682 86,859 95,491 92,846 100,917 548,606 37.60

Child health 27,390 38,548 43,713 47,929 52,247 54,589 58,223 322,639 22.10

Maternal and 15,643 17,992 20,681 23,068 24,584 126,450 8.60

11,191 13,291
reproductive health
4,162 4,351 4,548 4,754 4,968 5,191 5,576 33,550 2.30
Malaria 1,474 1,630 1,872 2,030 2,164 2,245 2,371 13,786 1.00

HIV/AIDS 12,890 17,850 20,663 24,404 28,910 35,225 44,219 184,161 12.60

Monitoring and 4,988 6,870 7,775 8,380 9,152 44,659 3.00
3,504 3,990
Demand creation 5,439 6,845 8,290 9,775 11,301 12,867 14,954 69,471 4.70

Referral equipment
and commodity 2,643 2,930 3,102 3,763 4,038 4,420 4,709 25,605 1.70
supply system

Total cost (in million BDT) 12,5185 156,511 187,700 217,109 24,2135 251,592 27,8926 1,459,158 100

Total cost (in million USD)* 1,830.20 2,288.10 2,744.10 3,174.10 3,539.90 3,678.20 4,077.80 21,332.7
Total cost per capita (in BDT) 865.70 1,067.60 1,262.30 1,439.70 1,583.60 1,622.10 1,774.30
Total cost per capita ( in USD)* 12.60 15.60 18.40 21.00 23.10 23.70 26.00
* 1 USD = 68.4 BDT

About 37.6 percent of the resources should be invested in salaries, in-service trainings and pre-service
trainings of the health personnel, and 6.2 percent on infrastructure. The proportion of resources required for
the direct interventions for improving child health is 22.1 percent, maternal health is 8.6 percent, and for
reducing burden of HIV/AIDS is 12.6 percent, tuberculosis is 2.3 percent and malaria is one percent.

The estimates on the per capita resource needs show that the per capita expenditure required to achieve
MDGs 4, 5 and 6 is USD 12.6 in 2009 and USD 26.0 in 2015.



MDG Goal 7 - Ensure Environmental Sustainability

Summary Statistics: MDG Goals, Targets, Indicators and Achievements



Proportion of land area 9.00 11.32 NEEDS

covered by forest ATTENTION

Proportion of protected NEEDS

area to surface area to 1.60 1.83 5.00 ATTENTION
Target 9
maintain biological diversity
Integrate the
principles of Carbon dioxide emissions LOW
sustainable development 0.14 0.30 -
(metric tons per capita) EMISSION
into country policies and
programmes and reverse Consumption of ozone 155.14
the loss of environmental 280.60 - ON TRACK
depleting CFCs (2007)
Energy use (kilogram oil equivalent) NEEDS
123.10 92.00 -
Proportion of population using - NEEDS
solid fuels
SUSTAINABILITY Target 10 Proportion of the population with rural 78.00 77.00 100 ON TRACK
Halve, by 2015, the sustainable access to an improved
proportion of people water source urban 76.00 71.00 100 ON TRACK
with sustainable
access to safe drinking Proportion of the population with rural 15.30 81.50 100 -
water and basic sustainable access to sanitary
Sanitation urban 61.20 80.00 100 -
Target 11
By 2020, have
achieved a significant Proportion of households with NEEDS
improvement in the 31.18 36.40 39.74 ATTENTION
access to secure tenure
lives of at least 100
million slum dwellers

7.1 Overview of state of Environment in Bangladesh

At present actual forest coverage in Bangladesh is 11.32 percent which is much less than the target set by
the government. Bangladesh has less than 0.02 hectares of forest land per person, one of the lowest forest-
man ratios in the world. Intensive afforestation and reforestation programme will improve the forest coverage
for meeting MDG targets.

Protected areas play an important role for conservation and for the protection of natural and cultural
resources. The unique and biological fitness of protected areas provide economic, recreational, educational,
scientific and spiritual benefits to man and serve as the gene bank of the more important flora and fauna.
Currently, there are 19 Protected Areas (PAs) in Bangladesh covering an area of 2441.75 sq. km which is
12.7 percent of the total forests areas of the country and about two percent of the country. It is recommended
that PAs should be at lease five percent of the country's total area.



Government of Bangladesh has recently declared 8 areas as Ecologically Critical Area (ECA) under
Environmental Conservation Act, 1995. DOE has designated six ECAs and has plans to designate several
more from 2006. Over the next five years, the DOE will concentrate on assessing the need and priorities for
designating and managing ECAs, and on defining a strategy for meeting these needs.

The primary source of the increased atmospheric concentration of CO2 since pre-industrial period is from
the use of fossil fuels, with land use change providing another significant but smaller contribution. Emission
of CO2 was 0.141 Mt in 1990 and increased about 20 percent in 2000 and reaching to 0.30 Mt in 2007. As
a least developing country (LDC) Bangladesh DOEs not have any commitment for GHG reduction.
Notwithstanding it's favorable position, sustained efforts are still being made to actively control major sources
of CO2 emissions in order to mitigate the country's impact on global climate.

The major Ozone Depleting Substances dropped from 280.68 metric tons in 1995 to 155.14 metric tons in
2007. The highest consumption (870.99 MT) of CFCs was recorded in 1997 which was reduced to 328.0 Mt
ODS used in 2002. Consumption reduced sharply during 2000-2002 due to the implementation of ACI
project. However, implementation of 'CFC Free Technology Transfer' project (1998-2002) by ACI Ltd reduced
the highest limit consumption in the aerosol sector and reduced about 50 percent consumption of CFCs.
Bangladesh undertook a good number of national policies and programmes to protect ozone layer at the
national and international level since 1994. The national ODS Phase-out Plan is being implemented by the

A major portion of the urban waste of Bangladesh is composed of organic materials, which produce methane
(CH4) as they decompose. The contribution of methane to global warming is much higher than that of carbon
dioxide. Proper management of urban waste could thus be an important area for mitigation while ensuring
a cleaner city. Some of the toxic and hazardous components of the wastes, particularly hospital and
industrial wastes while mixed with household garbage increase the risk of spread of diseases. Untreated
liquid garbage once dumped into the open water bodies destroys the fish habitat and some of it toxic
components may eventually go into the human food chain. Surface water pollution affects the health of poor
people. Waterborne diseases are the major cause suffering for the poor people living in the rural and urban
areas. Surface water scarcity in the dry period, water logging, groundwater pollution by arsenic are some
challenges of water resource management.

Community based schemes help low income fishermen by creating employment and livelihood opportunities
in backward and forward linkage activities, fingerling production, fish catching, processing, and marketing,
these are all has particular significance for poverty reduction. Poor fishermen in Bangladesh are
disadvantaged by policies that favor powerful people capturing fishing rights.

Effective and equitable land use policy will the best possible use of land resources and delivery of land
related services to people through modernized and efficient land administration. Land user's right will
enhance preventing land degradation. Land zoning will also provide the security of lands for improving
environmental activates.

The poor families in urban towns live in slums, squatters' settlements in un-hygienic and unendurable
environment. Basic services like pure drinking water, sanitation, footpaths, drainage are totally absent in the
areas. The population density in the slums is 200 times greater than the usual density of Bangladesh.
Despite the problems, migrants from rural areas continue to migrate to the cities. Currently there is no land
title for slum dwellers. Government policies and environmental interventions must focus on reducing the
incidences of environment related or environment conditioned poverty due to lack of access to resources or
loss of livelihoods.



7.2. Progress in Achieving Targets on Environment

7.2.1 Forest Cover

The role of forest is not only in maintaining the ecological balance but also plays an important role in the
national economy through creation of employment opportunity, support for subsistence and socio-economic
up-lift of rural poor. Poverty reduction through social forestry is now success story within Forestry Sector of
Bangladesh. About 0.335 million rural poor are now engaged directly to the participatory co-management
approach in the social forestry program. This sector is contributing five percent of the nation's GDP, which
is significant in highlighting the real importance of the sector. Notwithstanding this sector is the major source
of energy, furniture, construction materials etc. and plays a vital role of protecting extreme climatic events.

National Forest and Tree Resources Assessment 2005-2007 by Forest Department, SPARRSO and FAO
indicated that forest area was 11.32 percent of the total area. If the current growth rate is maintained, it will
be required fourteen years to reach the target of 20 percent forest coverage (Figure 7.1).

Figure 7.1 Proportion of forest coverage Figure 7.2 Changes of forest depletion
20 80000

Forest depletion, ha/year

Forest depletion
16 60000
Forest area (%)

8 8000
Forest coverage 10000
Target, 2015
4 1980 1990 2006/7
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Source: BBS 2002,2006

However, depletion of forest was 70,000 hectares per year and Bangladesh has less than 0.02 hectares of
forest land per person, one of the lowest forest-man ratios in the world. In the 1990, depletion rate was
37,700 ha per year which nearly doubled in 2006/7 (Figure 7.2). The average annual depletion rate was
0.053 during 1990-2006. More emphasis will be given to afforestation and reforestation, strip plantation
along roads, railroads, and canals/embankments which can contribute to increase the total forest coverage.

Forest Policy and Sustainable Forest Management

The current forest policy formulated in 1994 has been considered to be the most elaborate policy in the
history of the country. Under this policy, participatory social forestry has been institutionalized in Bangladesh.
The analysis shows that, progress is slow and is blocked on several fronts. A number of identified technical,
managerial and logistical problems are hindering policy and program implementation. In addition, corruption
contributes to the observed problems.



The real strength of Bangladesh forestry is locally based, participatory forestry with co-management of
protected areas and highly motivated people who increasingly recognize the need for a healthy forest
ecosystem that will provide future economic stability. Because it is the rich homestead forests of Bangladesh
that generate the majority of commercial forestry products, it is important that education continues at the
grass-roots level. In addition, educated forestry and environment professionals have been identified as the
future driving forces towards better and sustainable forest management.

7.2.2 Protected area for biological diversity

There are 20 Protected Areas (PAs) in Bangladesh covering an area of 2441.75 sq. km which is 11.32
percent of the total forests areas of the country (FD, 2008) and about two percent (Table 7.1) of the country.
But PAs should be at lease five percent of the country's total area but presently these are below it. Estimates
indicate that the protected area under national parks and wildlife sanctuaries increased over the years. It
was only 1.64 percent of the total land area over 1990-95 and increased to 1.73 in 2000 and further
increased to 1.83 in 2005. In 2007 it raised to 1.84 percent. If the present growth rate (0.35) is maintained
than PAs would be 2.3 percent in 2015 which is much less than the expected (5 percent) areas. The areas
have been demarcated as biological corridors which connect the wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, game
reserve to allow the free and uninhibited movement of animals and birds within the natural range.
Table 7.1: Ratio of protected area to surface area for maintaining biological diversity

Year 1990-95 2000 2005 2006 2007 Target 2015 Predicted 2015

Protected Area (%) 1.64 1.73 1.83 1.84 1.843 ? 2.30

Source: Compendium of Environment Statistics of Bangladesh, BBS, 2005
*Forest Department, 2008,



A total of 19 PAs are notified under the Bangladesh wildlife (preservation) order 1973 except Hazarikhil
Wildlife Sanctuaries. The biggest Protected Area in Bangladesh is the Sundarbans West Wildlife Sanctuary
with an area of 71502.103 hectares and the smallest Protected Area is the Ramsagar National Park with an
area of 27.76 hectares. The protected area harbors around 500 species of wild vascular plants and around
840 species of wild animals. These flora and fauna are vital ingredients to the people's existence and
important components of ecological balance.

Ecologically Critical Areas

Government of Bangladesh has recently declared eight areas as Ecologically Critical Area (ECA) under
Environmental Conservation Act, 1995, with the notice issued in April 1999. The ECAs are ten kilometers
around the Sundarbans Rserve Forests, Cox's Bazar Teknaf Sea Beach, Saint Martin's Island, Sonadia
Island, Hakaluki Haor, Tanguar Haor and Marjat Baor (Table 7.2). Activities banned in these areas include:
felling or collecting trees; hunting, catching or killing wildlife; industrial establishment; fishing and other
activities that might affect fish and aquatic life; and any activities that could destroy or change the natural
characteristics of soil or water.
Table 7.2. List of Ecologically Critical Areas (ECAs) in Bangladesh
Serial No ECAs District/s Total area in Hectares

1 Around the Sundarbans Reserve Forest Bagerhat, Khulna, Satkhira 10 Km

2 Cox's Bazar (Teknaf, Sea beach) Cox's Bazar 10,465
3 St. Martin Island Cox's Bazar 590
4 Sonadia Island Cox's Bazar 4,916
5 Hakaluki Haor Maulavi Bazar 18,383
6 Tanguar Haor Sunamganj 9,727
7 Marjat Baor Jhinaidha 200
8 Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara Lake Dhaka -

The ECA introduces the concept of a supportive role for DOE to perform in helping other agencies deliver
their conservation mandates. However, it assigns limited authority to DOE itself, and that is to designate
ecologically critical areas, and to prescribe allowed or prohibited uses for those areas. DOE has designated
six ECAs and has plans to designate several more since 2006. However, the DOE's resources for this work
are extremely limited. Over the next five years, the Department will concentrate on assessing the need and
priorities for designating and managing ECAs, and on defining a strategy for meeting these needs. This
includes developing proposals for establishing and institutionalizing clear processes and procedures for
designating and managing ECAs. Follow-through depends upon securing GOB commitment, consensus and
cooperation among government agencies and stakeholders to move forward, and upon securing the-
resources necessary to begin implementing the strategy. District authority should be integrated with the
ECAs management team. In the meantime, DOE will continue to liaise with other government agencies in
support of their efforts to safeguard biological productivity and biodiversity.

St Martin's Island is one of the few areas in the world where coral-algal communities dominate rocky reefs
that supports significant breeding areas for globally threatened marine turtle species and serving as a
stepping stone for several globally threatened migratory waders. In the recent times, the numbers of national
and international tourists are increasing rapidly to the Saint Martins Island. With the increasing tourist local
inhabitants with migratory labours including Rohingya refugees are increasingly putting pressure on the
island's environment to sustain their daily needs. Adverse impacts include those on endangered green
turtles and Olive Ridley turtles so much so that they no longer come to the island to lay their eggs. It is one
of the major indicators of the health of sea, are not getting the suitable environment for laying eggs.



The number of species, especially the flora and invertebrates, of Bangladesh not yet been counted exactly.
Khan (2001) reported that Chittagong zone alone possess over 2,259 species of flowering plants. Hassan
(2003) stated that there are over 700 species of flowering plants, 500 species of medicinal plants, 300
species of mangrove and mangrove associate plants and 300 species of wetland plants in Bangladesh. The
fauna, especially the wildlife includes 125 species of mammals, 750 species of birds, 500 species of fishes,
125 species of reptiles and 9 species of amphibian.

Bangladesh has lost about 10 percent of its mammalian fauna, thee percent avifauna and four percent reptile
during the last 100 years. IUCN Bangladesh has identified 201 species of wildlife in the country are
threatened under different degree of extinction risk (Table 7.3 and Table 7.4). Loss of species is mostly
coupled with loss of habitat. For most of these endangered species the forest and wetlands are the last
refuge. Forest cover, as indicated above, is also under constant threat. Forests are increasingly being
degraded and denuded by encroachment and faulty management practices. Wetlands are in worse condition
compared to that of forests. Wetlands are being converted into agricultural land and substantially degraded
through the development activities.

Table 7.3: Status of inland and resident vertebrates of Bangladesh

(IUCN, 2000a)

(EN) (VU)


226 0 12 28 14 54 66 146
AMPHIBIANS 22 0 0 3 5 8 7 7

REPTILES 109 1 12 24 22 58 39 12

BIRDS 388 2 19 18 4 40 53 17

MAMMALS 110 10 21 13 6 40 53 17

TOTAL 895 13 64 86 51 201 323 371

Source: ADB, 2004

Table 7.4: Status marine and migratory vertebrates of Bangladesh

(IUCN, 2000a)

(EN) (VU)

FISH (MARINE) 442 0 0 0 1 3 0 438

REPTILES 17 0 5 0 0 12
0 1 4

240 0 0 2 4 6 6 4 224
3 0 0 2 1 0 0 0

TOTAL 702 0 1 9 8 18 6 4 674

Source: ADB, 2004



In recent years, Bangladesh has demonstrated increased determination and commitment to address the
challenges of ensuring sustainable use and conservation of its natural resources, including its biodiversity.
The objective of these activities is to develop a National Biodiversity Action Plan which fulfils Bangladesh's
international commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), while also reflecting national
priorities and the country's unique cultural, historical and geographical setting. A number of specific policies,
laws, action plans and strategies have been developed in this regard.

7.2.3 Carbon dioxide per capita emission

The main source of CO2 emission in Bangladesh is the combustion of fossil fuels which contributed more
than 40 percent CO2 in the air. Though current National Figures are not available but according to GED
(2007) Carbon dioxide emission has increased over the years 20percent in 2000 and it became 0.30 Mt in
2007 (Table 7.5). The net effect of CO2 gas emission was reduced to 11 percent by the cooling effect of
aerosols during 1992-2002. As a least developing country (LDC) Bangladesh does not have any
commitment for GHG reduction under UNFCC. Bangladesh prepared her Initial International
Communication, based on 1994 emission inventory data and there is no National data on emission Inventory
since 1994. Government has been implementing the Second International Communication which will be
completed by August 2010. It is expected updated data on emission and future projection will be available
Table 7.5: Carbon dioxide per capita emission

1990-95 1996 1998 1999 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006

CO emission, Mt 0.14 0.183 0.177 0.189 0.218 0.247 0.256 0.266 0.30

Source: MDGs, GED, Planning Commission, GOB 2007, UNFCC - CDIAC via UNSTATS

Air pollution

Air pollution is more acute in urban areas than in rural areas, Dhaka is a more polluted city compared to the
other divisional cities. Due to rapid urbanization the total number of vehicles has increased rapidly (Figure
7.3). In 1995, the number of vehicles was about 150,000 which increased three times higher in 2007. The
automobiles on the road are often very old, overloaded and poorly maintained and emit smoke far exceeding
the prescribed limit. Industrial development is another major source of air pollution. Most industries in
Bangladesh are situated in major urban areas. Food industry emits maximum amount of pollutants followed
by cement, pulp and paper industry and textile (Table 7.6). Among food industry, most of the pollutants come
from the sugar mills.

Table 7.6: Top five polluters that causes air pollution

Rank Industrial Sector Emission (tons/ Year) % Contribution Cumulative Percent

1 Food industry 146,356.06 38.70% 38.70%
2 Cement/Clay 62,725.88 16.60% 55.30%
3 Pulp and Paper 51,963.92 13.70% 69.00%
4 Taxtile 39,831.01 10.50% 79.50%
5 Tobacco 16,992.22 4.50% 84.00%
(Islam, et. al., 2001)



Figure 7.3. Year-wise vehicle growth in Dhaka city.

Yearwise Vehicle Growth in Dhaka

Value 250000
Before 1997 2000 2003 2006*

Source: AQMP, DOE 2007

Air quality

Air Quality Monitoring being performed by the DOE has obtained some principal parameters values. The
principal parameters being measured during 2002-2007 for ambient air quality are PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx,
CO and O3. The equipment used to measure particulate matter is the PM10 inlet equipped high volume
sampler for PM10, the Partisol sampler for PM2.5 and subsequent sampler. Particulate matter concentrations
(as PM10 and PM2.5) on annual basis in the city of Dhaka indicate a slightly increasing tendency from 2002
to 2006 (Figure 7.4). Both PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations exhibit level exceeding WHO guidelines as well as
exceed more than the national standards of annual PM10 (50µg/m3) and PM2.5 (15µg/m3). Plotting the
average monthly concentrations from 2002 to 2007 shows a consistent trend in the seasonal variations.

Figure 7.4. Annual average PM10 and PM2.5 in Dhaka

Yearwise Average PM10 & PM2.5 Data


150 151 PM10 (Measured)

133 131 132
113 119 PM10(Standard)
100 95
75 86 PM2.5(Measured)
69 73 73
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 PM2.5(Standard)
15 15 15 15 15 15
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

(Source: AQMP, DOE 2007)

The direct costs related to hospitalization and medicine will increase tremendously in the coming years if
higher level of air pollution is not reduced in Dhaka and also in other urban locations. The cost of air pollution
to the nation will exceed few billions if other indirect costs like loss of life and loss of workdays are taken into

Two-stroke engines and old vehicles, which are very inefficient in burning fuel, are the major source of such
high air pollution level in Dhaka. At the same time, plying of motorized and non-motorized vehicles (like
rickshaws) on the same road together with bad traffic management often multiplies the level of pollution. In
rural area, main sources of pollution are brick kilns, wood and biomass consumption (indoor air pollution).



7.2.4 Ozone depleting CFCs

The consumption pattern of ozone depleting substances, CFC's, is presented in Figure 7.5 below. The major
Ozone Depleting Substances, such as CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-115 dropped from 280.68 metric tons in
1995 to 155.14 metric tons in 2007. During this period the highest consumption (870.99 MT) of CFCs was
recorded in 1997 which was reduced to 328.0 Mt ODS used in 2002. Consumption reduced sharply during
2000-2002 due to the implementation of ACI project. The highest value appeared due to the more
consumption in the aerosol sector. However, implementation of 'CFC Free Technology Transfer' project
(1998-2002) by ACI Ltd reduced the highest limit consumption in the aerosol sector and reduced about 50
percent consumption of CFCs.

Figure 7.5: Consumption of Ozone Depleting CFC's



Consumption of Ozone Depleting CFCs

Due to
600 sector
Due to project
500 implementation
by ACI Ltd





1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Source: Ozone cell, DOE 2008

Bangladesh undertook a good number of country policies and programmes to protect ozone layer at national
and international level since 1994. In 2005, the country programme was updated with the financial support
of multilateral fund (MLF) under Montreal Protocol. A national ODS phase out plan was finalized in 2004 to
reduce 85 percent of the ODS use by the end of 2007, and 100 percent by 2010. National ODS Phase-out
Plan is now being implemented by the DOE. Progress towards achieving these targets are being made also
through instituting licensing system to control the import of ODSs and ODS containing products that are
already in use the country.

The Government of Bangladesh undertook a reconnaissance study on import and consumption of ODSs in
1993 and based on the study, a detailed Country program was drawn up in 1994. According to the paragraph
1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, Bangladesh is operating activities and enjoining the ten year grace period of
phasing out the ODSs. Bangladesh's estimated baseline consumption by taking the average consumption
in 1995, 1996, 1997 and starting its phasing out operation since 1st January 1999 and a National Technical
Committee was formed in 1994 for phasing out ODSs within the timeframe.

There are a good number of projects that were implemented or are under the process of implementation
under the Montreal protocol. (i)Institutional Strengthening for Phase out ODSs; (ii) Conversion to CFC Free
technology for the production of Aerosol Products at ACI Ltd; (iii) Implementation of a National Programme
for Recovery & Recycling of Refrigerants; (iv) Training Programme on Good Practices in Refrigeration; (v)
Training Programme for Customs Officers; (vi) National ODS Phase-out Plan; (vii) Phasing out of CFC in the
manufacturing of metered dose Inhaler in Medicine manufacturing sector in Bangladesh. As per Montreal
Protocol obligations Bangladesh is now in full compliance.



7.2.5 Natural Disaster

Bangladesh regularly faces natural disasters like flood, tidal bore, tornado, cyclone, droughts etc. Floods and
tropical cyclones are the two most common natural disasters in Bangladesh. Seasonal flooding is a recurrent
phenomenon in the country. About 22 percent of the land area is flooded in the wet season even in a normal
year, and about 60 percent of the country are considered flood prone (ADB, 2004). Poor and marginalized
people were highly affected; especially women and children became vulnerable.

Table 7.7 explains that the most common type of natural disaster in Bangladesh is flood, which affects lives,
properties and the environment (two major floods occurred in 1998 and in 2000). The floods during 1998
were the longest duration in the history of Bangladesh (Table 7.7) and the water level did not recede for a
long time (flooding in Dhaka started in the 3rd week of July and continued till the 3rd week of September
Table 7.7: Comparison of flood situation

1988 1988 2004 2007


24TH JULY 2007
23 DAYS 72 DAYS 21 DAYS 5TH-15TH


Source: DOE, 2006

During the period 1973-1987, about 2.18 million tons (MT) of rice was damaged due to drought and 2.38MT
due to flood. Drought affects annually about 2.32 Mha and 1.2 Mha of cropped land during the Kharif
(summer) and Rabi (winter) seasons (Dey, et al., 2006).
Tropical cyclones, originating in the southern Bay of Bengal, strike the coast of Bangladesh in the months
of April-May and October-December. Cyclones are generally associated with storm surges of several meters
in height, which are mainly responsible for major devastation in terms of loss of life and damage to property
and infrastructure. In past years, two massive cyclones hit Bangladesh - one on 12-13 November 1970 and
another on 29 April 1991. The former killed about half-a-million people, but in the latter - though more severe
- loss of human life was lesser due to warning signals and disaster preparedness. The existing policies are
as follows:

The institutional responsibility for natural disasters is assigned to the Disaster Management Bureau under
the Ministry of Relief and Rehabilitation. The Act, the Policy and the Plan for disaster management are in
draft form, and are in process of finalization. However, the Standing Order on Disasters - revised in 1999 -
is a comprehensive document that outlines management activities, at all levels and by all partners, during
normal, emergency and post-emergency periods.
The Cyclone Preparedness Program of the government is aimed at minimizing loss of human life and
property through building public awareness, warning and providing protection in cyclone shelters. Since
1960s, nearly 2,000 cyclone shelters have been constructed along the coast. However, the capacity of these
shelters to be able to protect the local people is very minimal. In addition, the death of animals, both
domestic and wild, has so far been ignored.
Current flood prevention measures include structural interventions like embankments (over 8000 km in
length), drainage improvement and river training works - did not yield expected results due to inadequate or
poor operations and maintenance activities. Management of these infrastructures are not yet designed to
ensure participation by the people of the locality.



The Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (established in 1972) of the BWDB that collect rainfall and water
level data and provide flood forecasts is yet to deliver the results to the public. In this, accuracy in forecasting
and dissemination of information are essential ingredients for their success.
One of the tectonic faults passes through Bangladesh increasing the risk of earthquake. At the same time,
construction of high-rise buildings in the cities has increased risk of damages (both human life and cost of
property damages) due to an earthquake. The government cannot ignore this any more and should consider
the following actions:

z Construction of cyclone shelters should receive priority with the aim to provide protection to at least
80 percent of the high-risk population in an area. The recommendations of the Multipurpose
Cyclone Shelter Plan of 1992 can provide directions for implementation.
z All shelters must be equipped with facilities to provide a decent living for the people during
z Government shall take steps to review existing flood protection embankments for the shortcomings
and inadequacies and take measures to remove them.
z To manage the flood protection and irrigation infrastructure, an appropriate management structure
shall be developed so that it guarantees public participation both in selecting locations for any new
embankment as well as in sharing the costs of its operations.
z The 1998 flood has shown the weakness in the current structural protection plan of Dhaka city.
Consequently, embankments in all major and secondary towns to prevent urban flooding must be
maintained and water level within the protected area must be monitored to prevent any future
disasters. At the same time, the eastern side of Dhaka City shall be protected to reduce damages
of properties and resources. An embankment along the Balu river is, therefore, recommended.
z Recent floods have shown the inherent weakness of our existing flood forecasting system. It is not
possible for people to understand the true picture of the flood from the existing warning messages.
Consequently, it is strongly recommended that localized flood-warning languages be used to alert
people on the upcoming floods.
z Government should authorize local governments to monitor compliance of building codes during
constructions to minimize life and property damages during a earthquake.
z Government should actively consider introducing a 'disaster insurance scheme' to prevent a
sudden collapse of the economy in case of a natural disaster. This will help the government to
quickly rebuild the economy after disasters.

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change

Bangladesh is extremely susceptible to the impacts of natural disasters such as frequent tropical cyclones
and climate-related vulnerabilities. As a result, the coastal belt and its connected riverbanks are at serious
risk due to their geographical locations. The coastal area is ecologically sensitive and climatically vulnerable,
due to the continuous process of land accretion and erosion. In addition, current global climatic change is
expected to result in loss of human habitation and destruction of coastal resources through rising sea levels
Numerous environmental, cultural and socio-economic problems are predominant in the area due to water-
logging, salinity intrusion, river siltation, and reduction in the agricultural production are increasing poverty
and social conflicts.
Coastal Zone Management and Sustainability

The coastal zone of Bangladesh is highly fertile and characterized by rich biodiversity and natural resources
- both renewable and non-renewable. The world largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, is an important
world heritage area situated in this coastal system. Recently, coastal Bangladesh has also attracted
international attention for its high potential of inshore and offshore natural gas, minerals, aquaculture, food
availability, tourism industry and tidal power. However this zone is extremely susceptible to the impacts of
natural disasters such as frequent tropical cyclones and climate-related disturbances such as sea level rise
and loss of habitable land mass and vulnerability to natural disasters. As a result, the coastal belt and its
connected riverbanks are at serious risk due to their geographical locations. The coastal area is ecologically
sensitive and climatically vulnerable due to the continuous process of land accretion and erosion. In addition,



current global climatic change is expected to result in loss of human habitation and destruction of coastal
resources through increasing sea levels. Thus the inhabitants of coastal areas are under threat. The
management systems of coastal resources are also not well organised.

Coastal Bangladesh consists of 19 districts that comprises of 2.85 million hectares (7.6 million acres) in area
and is 200 km in length (120 miles) including about 148,000 square km of crisscrossed watercourses of the
mighty rivers - Padma, Jamuna, Meghna and Karnophuli and with a 710 km long coastline. Since 1974, the
coastal area has also been expanded to include an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles
that reaches the edge of the continental shelf. This is now under the economic jurisdiction of the country for
exploration, exploitation, conservation and management of its living and non-living resources.

Bangladesh has made its initial steps as to build on present achievements and develop further initiatives
such as promotion of an enabling institutional environment, supporting continued efforts in the process of
establishing ICZM in Bangladesh (as specified in the Coastal Zone Policy (CZP) and Coastal Development
Strategy (CDS)), coordinate the implementation of the CZP, CDS and the Priority Investment Program (PIP)
especially for the issues of climate change, monitoring and assess PIP and knowledge management and
social communication. An integration of tidal power into coastal development offers potential benefits in
economic, social and environmental improvement by involving local people through community-based co-
management. In the integrated coastal development process, multi-sectoral activities would contribute to the
sustainable livelihood of the communities, where tidal power would help to improve and modernise the
economy of the coastal community through integration of aquaculture, livestock, poultry, agriculture, public
health, and micro-credit systems.

Impact of Climate change

The impact of climate change is a serious risk to poverty reduction and threatens to undo decades of
development efforts. As the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development states, "the adverse
effects of climate change are already evident, natural disasters are more frequent and more devastating and
developing countries more vulnerable". While climate change is a global phenomenon, its negative impacts
are more severely felt by poor people and poor countries like Bangladesh. Bangladesh is more vulnerable
because of its high dependence on natural resources, and its limited capacity to cope with climate variability
and extremes. Experience suggests that the best way to address climate change impacts on the poor is by
integrating adaptation responses along with the mitigation measures into development planning.

Adaptation Measures for Climate Change Impacts

As climate change is a global problem, so all countries must work to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions
and learn how to cope with the impacts of climate change. Bangladesh, however, have relatively small
greenhouse gas emissions, so mitigation is less important for her. Adaptation is more relevant for poorer
nations because of its relative vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, which stems partly from
geographic location funnel shaped Bay of Bengal's locations and the tidal affected areas of flood-prone
coastal Bangladesh. As a developing country, Bangladesh's adaptive capacity is also lower than that of
developed countries because of its limited financial resources, skills and technologies and high levels of
poverty. Reliance on climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture and fishing is also high.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognizes Bangladesh as one of the most
vulnerable to climatic variability and change because of multiple stresses, such as poverty, and its low
adaptive capacity. Actions should aim to reduce the vulnerability of a system (such as a city) or population
(such as a coastal village) to the negative impacts of anticipated human-induced climate change. Adaptation
to climate variability involves taking action to reduce vulnerability to short-term climate shocks. Often
adaptation to climate variability will also result in adaptation to climate change. Adaptation activities can be
of different types, from the purely technological (such as sea defense construction), to behavioral (such as
shifts in choice of food or recreation), managerial (such as changes in farming methods) and policy (such as



planning regulations). Climate risk assessment needs to be incorporated into development activities by all
of relevant professionals.
The IPCC states that in Bangladesh, agricultural production, including access to food, is projected to be
severely compromised by climate variability and change. Adaptation activities include using drought-
resistant crops, introducing new farming techniques and diversifying income sources. As climate-related
disasters such as floods, cyclones and droughts are recurring problems for Bangladesh, early warning
systems along with institutional plans are of crucial important. Some are quite successful (such as the
cyclone warning system in Bangladesh), but many are inefficient and unlikely to be able to cope with future
disasters exacerbated by climate change. Strengthening national and local capacity in disaster risk reduction
and disaster management by working with existing structures is thus a precursor for the disaster
management in Bangladesh.
This is fundamental to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs), including the over-arching goal
of halving extreme poverty by 2015, and sustaining progress beyond 2015. Climate change is now very
much a reality, and for the poorest of the poor the implications are particularly daunting. These often remote
or marginalized Bangladesh communities are so burdened they will struggle to meet the coming challenges.
Adaptation - learning to cope with rising temperature and other effects of climate change - is a difficult but
essential task for these vulnerable millions.

7.2.6 Solid Waste Management

With the high density of population and continued urban migration of more people, the task of managing
solid waste has become a monumental challenge for major urban center like Dhaka, Khulna, Chittagong,
Rajshahi etc. The present system (i.e., run by the Dhaka City Corporation), is inefficient and unsatisfactory.
Everyday the population of DCC area produces 3,200-3,500 tons of garbage and only 42 percent of this is
collected by DCC and disposed of in open landfill site. Solid waste management in the slum areas in the
three urban areas, like Narayangong, Chittagong and Kustia are deplorable with only 27.1 percent solid
waste being managed (UN-Habitat, 2007).
Collection of household garbage by the city corporations and the municipalities are insufficient and so a large
percentage (often more than 50 percent) of the garbage is left on city streets. These eventually find their way
into the city drainage lines and in the sewage system and are responsible for water logging in many cities.
Organic and inorganic garbages are not separated at source and the dumping in the landfill sites is
becoming risky as the possibility of groundwater contamination increases. Some of the toxic and hazardous
components of the wastes, particularly hospital and industrial wastes while mixed with household garbage
increase the risk of spread of diseases. Untreated liquid garbage once dumped into the open water bodies
destroys the fish habitats and some of it toxic components may eventually end up in the human food chain.
However, some success in the collection of household wastes should be noted. These are mainly
administered by local residents, organized local communities or associations, and also some NGOs.
Success in this area should be capitalized and efforts should be duplicated in other areas. The Kalabagan
method of waste collection from households and the work of Waste Concerns are some examples where
private and voluntary institutions were successful in building a 'clean neighborhood'.
To deal with the problem of waste management, following actions are suggested:
z Separation of toxic / hazardous components of hospital / industrial waste for appropriate treatment
and hospital wastes should be disposed-off using environmentally safe technology.
z All industries, new or existing, should have their respective ETPs constructed and running.
z Introduce area-based primary collection from households by NGOs and Community organizations
in all built-up residential areas.
z Promote recycling and resource recovery both at the industrial level and at the household level.
z Promote secondary collection and transportation of garbage by private and voluntary organizations.
z Establish Sanitary landfill sites.



Some NGOs have already demonstrated the success of involving community in waste recycling. This
community approach has been very successful in waste collection. But problem arises with the insufficient
capacity of City Corporation to collect this accumulated waste from community collection centers for further
dumping in the landfills. Long-term planning is needed in identifying future landfills. Improved management
of existing landfill sites should be given a high priority. Promising potential in reducing the need for landfill
sites needs strong support from the Government. Government also should promote 3R (reduce, recycle and
reuse) programmes. Solid waste from hospitals is a major concern for environmental quality in city areas.
Structural interventions like installing incinerators at the hospital premises can be a major intervention option.
But this must be backed by proper monitoring from the designated authorities that deal with environment and
health issues.

7.2.7 Agricultural Land Degradation and Salinity

Depletion of organic matter in the soil, degradation of the physical and chemical properties of the soil,
reduction in the availability of major micronutrients, imbalance in the fertilizer application and build-up of
toxicity through improper use of pesticides are the major reasons of soil fertility decline (Figure 7.6).
Furthermore, water erosion in terms of rill, sheet and gully erosion has a significant impact on the economy.
Clearing of vegetation, earth removal, road construction, etc. cause most of the land degradation. Other
issues related to land degradation include shifting cultivation (Jhum) in the Chittagong Hill Regions, and
unsuitable cultivation practices in the Barind and Madhupur tracts.

Figure 7.6: Changes in Organic matter from 1969-70 to 1989-90

2.50 1969-70
Percentage of organic Material





Madhupur Tract Barmd Tract Northeast Hilly

(Karim et. al., 1994)

Increase in salinity of the topsoil has a large impact on agricultural production. The northward movement of
the salinity frontier has already threatened the mangrove forests, part of the World Heritage site, reduced
agricultural productivity, and affected millions of people living in the south-western region of the country.

Land is being degraded by soil salinity, water logging and soil contamination, deforestation, water pollution,
drawdown of water table and drainage congestion. Climate change and sea level rise are also potential
threat to land resources. Due to soil salinity, water logging and acidification about 0.83 Mha, 0.7 Mha and
0.6 Mha respectively of crop land is degrading in every year (Dey, et al., 2006). More than half of the land
area is nutrient deficient, and subject to depletion of organic matter, or both. It has been estimated that loss
of agricultural productivity due to land degradation might account for between 0.5 percent and 3.5 percent
of GDP. The productivity loss per year equates to 4.3 percent of GDP (of 1997) and nutrient deficiency
accounts for 3.4 percent of GDP (of 1997). The total estimated cost of degradation is nearly 7.7 percent of
the 1997 GDP (Table 7.8).



Table 7.8: Valuation of losses from land degradation

(after Karim et. al. 2001)

Costs in million taka/year

Item Total loss (% of GDP of 1997
at Constant Market Price)
Water erosion-production loss 1.06 mt/yr 6613.84
Water erosion-nutrient loss 1.44 mt/yr 25,576.46
soil fertility decline-production loss 4.27 mt/yr 26,641.48
Soil fertility decline-additional input
1.22 mt/yr 21,66825
needed to replace
Salanization (Production loss) 4.42 mt/yr 27,577.25
A. Productivity loss 60,832.57 (3.33%)
B. Nutrient loss 47,244.71 (4.37%)
C. Estimated total loss 108,087.28 (7.70%)

7.2.9 Improving the Lives of Slum Dwellers

Migration of people to metropolitan cities, and particularly to the capital city of Dhaka, from the rural areas
has become the common phenomenon in Bangladesh over the last several decades. However, the potential
benefits of life in cities fail to reach the majority of the poor migrants. As a result, many migrants live in poor
housing like, slums, squatters' settlement with some living without a shelter in unhygienic and unsustainable
environment. The population density in the slums is 200 times greater than the usual density of Bangladesh
(CUS, 2005). One third of the urban population live in conditions of extreme poverty, with congestion and
lack of basic amenities, footpaths, drainage are often absent in different slums of Bangladesh
(LGED/UNDP/UN-Habitat, 2007). Despite the problems, migrants from rural areas continue to migrate to the
cities. The global indicator for Target 11 is the proportion of households with access to secure tenure. Four
additional dimensions of this target 8 have been identified by UN Habitat: i) Access to security/durability of
housing; ii) access to safe water; iii) access to sanitation; and iv) sufficient living area.

Secure tenure/Durability of housing

In the urban areas, the proportion of household with access to security of tenure declined from 68.28 percent
in the 1990 to 63.2 percent in 2007. Security of tenure at the national level increased from 31.18 percent in
1990 to 36.69 percent in 2007. The growth rate of urban tenure security declined more that 10 percent in
2007 from 1990. If this trend continues then population with access to security of tenure would be about 60
percent for urban, 40 percent for rural and overall 40 percent for national by 2015 (Figure 7.7).

Figure 7.7: Proportion of households with access to secure tenure

Sources: BBS, 2006; MICS, 2006



Bangladesh currently has no clear-cut policy for urban management. The Local Partnerships for Urban
Poverty Alleviation Project of LGED/UNDP/UN-Habitat during 1996-2006 has improved community
empowerment especially women and strong partnerships between the local government and communities
in some areas of Bangladesh.

Tenure Insecurity

Evictions of slums on government land are a common event. A study conducted by Center for Urban studies
(CUS, 2005) found of the 9,048 slums, 6.5 percent experienced one or more evictions in their present
location or were currently under the threat of eviction (Table 7.9). It must be emphasized, however, that this
provides only a partial indication of the extent of eviction.
Table 7.9: Threat of Eviction: Tenure Insecurity
(% of clusters)


NONE 95.50 89.60 82.50 91.10 98.90 94.90 93.50

ONCE 1.40 2.80 5.00 - 0.50 1.70 1.70
TWICE/MORE 1.90 1.90 6.00 6.90 0.10 3.10 2.40

1.20 5.70 6.50 2.00 0.40 0.30 2.40

DON'T KNOW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00

TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: CUS, 2005

To assure household security, it requires agreement of the landowner to at least ten years security of tenure.
It is not clear however that communities recognize this as sufficient security to risk investment of their own
capital and savings in improving their housing as seen in other Asian cities (LGED/UNDP/UN-Habitat, 2007).
Indeed, when questioned why families were not investing in improved shelter, the common response was
that this may be wasted investment if they are required to move.

The income status of different urban sites households describes in Table 7.10. It is found that household
incomes were to be less than BDT 5000 per month. The highest percentage was found within the range of
BDT. 2001-3000.

Table 7.10: Income group


<2000 0 0.00 1 10.00 2 22.20 3 10.70

2001-3000 4 44.40 3 30.00 4 44.40 11 39.30
3001-4000 4 44.40 3 3.00 30 2.00 9 32.10
4001-5000 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 11.10 1 3.50
>5000 1 11.10 3 30.00 0 0.00 4 14.30
TOTAL 9 100.00 10 100.00 9 100.00 28 100.00

Source: LGED/UNDP/UN-Habitat, 2007



Regarding the type of housing and services of the study area, it was found that 6.18 percent of households
live in pucca dwellings, 47.08 percent semi-pucca and 52.34 percent in kutcha houses (Table 7.11). Only a
few were found to live in 'Jhupris'-these being the most temporary of shelters.

Table 7.11: Household structure


KUSTIA 20 3.35 11.15 5.35 0.15

NARAYANGANJ 18 0.40 8.30 7.05 2.25
CHITTAGONG 70 2.43 27.63 39.94 0.00
4001-5000 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
TOTAL 108 6.18 47.08 52.34 2.40
Source: LGED/UNDP/UN-Habitat, 2007


In the urban areas, the slum dwellers pay high rent for staying in the slums with very poor facilities. They
lose even this inadequate shelter due to frequent slum eviction. It was estimated that urban population in
2000 would be 26 million. Under the assumption that population growth will stabilize by 2035, and that
current rate of rural-urban migration is maintained, it was estimated that urban population in 2015 will reach
nearly 50 million. The majority will be living in the four major cities of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and
Rajshahi. Quality of life is especially poor in the urban slums where residents often do not have proper
access to education, safe water and other health services. Traditionally, the majority of resources have been
allocated for rural development.

7.3 Major interventions for Target 9 on Environment

Interventions aimed at mainstreaming environmental concerns and their mitigation will ensure that all
development activities systematically take into consideration environmental issues as early as possible in
the decision making process. The identified interventions to strengthen the legal and policy framework will
promote compliances and enforceability while plugging existing loopholes, bridging identified gaps, cleaning
ambiguities and ensuring timely identification of emerging environmental concerns and issues by 2015.

The interventions aimed at ensuring compliance and enforcement of environmental regulations will greatly
assist in ensuring environment sustainability by 2015. Building the capacity of relevant agencies such as
DOE, FD within MOE&F, Disaster Management Bureau (DMB) of MF&DM, LGED of MLG&RD,
environmental employees are interventions that are expected to increase the country's currently limited
environmental management and help fully realize its environmental goals and objectives. The following are
the further elaborations of key identified interventions.

7.3.1 Reducing Exposure to Environmental Health Impacts

Major interventions for reducing exposure to environmental health impacts are presented in Table 7.12, while
the details for each intervention are mentioned below:



a. Water Quality Monitoring

Increase the numbers of water quality monitoring system to identify and monitor water quality
Water pollution is a major problem in most parts of Bangladesh. The nature of the problem varies between
regions and locations. For example, major urban water pollution is linked with disposal of untreated industrial
wastes in the rivers and lakes and major rural water pollution is linked with open-air latrine by the rivers and
lakes. Surface water pollution affects the health of poor people who cannot afford to choose between
contaminated and non-contaminated sources. Waterborne diseases are the major cause suffering for the
poor people living in the rural and urban areas. It is necessary to effectively monitor the surface water as
well as ground water sources to protect poor people from health affect. There are 30 water quality monitoring
systems are working in DOE. It is expected that additional 30 WQM systems will be added by 2015. Sixty
trained staff are working for water quality monitoring, it is expected that the number of staff will be 200 in the
coming days by 2015.

b. Air Quality Monitoring

Increase the numbers of air quality monitoring system for identify and monitor air quality standards
Outdoor air pollution has been a major problem in all most of the cities of Bangladesh, especially in Dhaka.
Air pollution in Dhaka is a serious health problem, which is growing worse as the population and number of
vehicles keep rising. Recently, the pollution level had reduced significantly due to the introduction of lead-
free gasoline in Bangladesh. However, the emission of lead has increased due to gasoline and total
suspended particulate matter (SPM) levels are 4 to 8 times higher than the Bangladesh standard of 200
µg/m3. The causes of air pollution are rise in vehicular traffic and increase in population density. In the rural
area, main sources are brick kilns and wood and biomass. To identify the source of pollution, it is therefore
necessary to increase AQM systems as well as more trained staff for implementation. Acceptance Test
Procedure (ATP) should be running in each industry. There are five air quality monitoring (AQM) systems
are working all over Bangladesh. It is expected that additional six AQM systems will be increased by 2015.
At present, there are 35 trained staffs working for AQM all over Bangladesh, it is expected that additional 85
air quality monitoring system will be added with the present numbers.

c. Reducing CO2 emission

Inter Dhaka train service

Population is increasing tremendously in Dhaka city day by day. Vehicular traffic is a common phenomenon
in Dhaka which increases air pollution. There no inter rail service in Dhaka. Mono rail service can reduce air
pollution as well as traffic jam in Dhaka. At least two train services are necessary to reduce air pollution as
well as traffic jam.

Alternative fuel- compressed natural gas (CNG)

To avoid health risks for millions of people, there is no alternative than switching to 'cleaner' fuel. In this
regard, Bangladesh is fortunate as CNG is a cleaner fuel compared to other imported fuels. It is expected
that within the next five to six years, all light vehicles will be converted into CNG system, and for
uninterrupted supply of gas to these vehicles more CNG stations will be planned.

d. Chemicals standard Monitoring

Pesticides use, which was on an average 3,850 metric tons annually during 1973-1990, has gradually
increased to a record consumption of 25,443 metric tons in 2005. Rising use of pesticides has led to fears
of adverse health consequences and of water contamination. Furthermore, many studies have documented
use of low quality and banned pesticides in the agricultural sector field which poses a serious threat to the
environment. It is an urgent need to increase monitoring activities to identify pesticides standard. The



Department of Agricultural Extension has a monitoring unit to identify pesticides quality standard. It is
expected that additional four pesticides quality monitoring units will be set-up in divisional cities.

e. Management of urban waste

A major portion of the urban waste of Bangladesh is composed of organic materials, which produce methane
(CH4) as they decompose. The unit contribution of methane to global warming is much higher than that of
carbon dioxide. Methane could be captured for subsequent use or waste could be incinerated to produce
electricity. Proper management of urban waste could thus be an important area for mitigation while ensuring
a cleaner city. Furthermore, the lowered emissions could be traded in the carbon market. Promote CDM in
waste management sector. All industries, new and existing, should have their respective ETPs constructed
and running. Promotion of 3R (reduce, reuse, recycling) through policy development, capacity-building,
awareness-raising and technological interventions can be effective modern action for waste management.

Increase the number of waste collection vehicles and equipment

Current waste collection vehicles and equipments are not sufficient and not environment friendly to collect
and transport the solid waste in the divisional cities, highest shortage of vehicles and equipments in Dhaka
city. Currently, 890 vehicles and equipments (trucks, container carriers & containers) are being used for
collecting waste and transport to all cities, with highest numbers (790 vehicles and equipments) in Dhaka
city. It is expected that additional 210 vehicles and equipments will be added by 2015 when no waste will be
kept on roads or dumped in drainage canals.

Community based primary collection

Introduce area-based primary collection from the households by NGOs and Community organizations in all
built-up residential areas. At present 280 CBOs are working for collecting waste from door to door. It is
expected that an additional 320 CBOs will be working by 2015.


Composting can enhance the life of landfill by reducing the volume of waste. The dumping site at Matuail,
will, within a year's time be filled up. Composting can create new jobs for the poor unemployed labour force
in the city. There is heavy demand for compost by the farmers because organic matter depletion from soil in
rural areas demands replenishment. About 82.90 percent of soils in Bangladesh have less than 3.5 percent
organic matter. Composting can reduce green house gas and attract investments from developed countries.
Recently the first Composting Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project has become operational in the
country. There are about 30 composting plants presently working in Bangladesh. It is expected that
additional 170 composting plants will be installed by 2015.

Sanitary landfill
Dhaka has only two landfill sites, one is Matuail and other is in Amin Bazar, Boliumpur, Dhaka. There is no
sanitary landfill site in the other five divisional cities. It is very important to develop at least five sanitary
landfills in the other five divisional cities.
Recycling programs
Recycling involves processing used materials into new products in order to prevent waste of potentially
useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution
(from incineration) and water pollution (from landfills) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste
disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling is a key component of modern waste
management and is the third component of the "3R" waste hierarchy. There are more than four recycling
programs are being used for recycling of waste in Bangladesh. It is expected additional ten recycling
programs would be started by 2015.



Table 7.12: Interventions to Reducing Exposure to Environmental Health Impacts

Target as 2015 Unit Cost

Intervention Parameter Unit Base (2006) (additional) (million BDT)

1 Water quality monitoring systems purchased nos. 30 30 1.00

Trained Staff for enforcement for Water quality 60 140
2 nos. 0.20
3 Arsenic purifying filter nos. 5,000 20,000 0.004
4 Trained staff for arsenic mitigation nos. 500 2,000 0.01
5 Air quality monitoring systems nos. 5 6 20.10

6 Trained Staff for enforcement for AQM system nos. 35 85 0.20

7 Increase the number of double Decker bus nos. 148 52 5.24
8 Alternative fuel- compressed natural gas (CNG) nos. 5,548 244,579 0.015
9 Inter Dhaka train service nos. 0 2 500.00
10 Monitoring Pesticide systems nos. 1 4 13.00

11 Waste Collection Vehicles and Equipment nos. 890 210 2.50

Community Based Organizations for solid waste nos.
12 280 320 0.10
collection system
13 Composting Plants nos. 30 170 4.00

14 Recycling programs nos. 4 10 35.00

Source: DOE, 2006, BBS 2006, DCC, Waste Concern

7.3. 2 Improving Livelihoods (Including Ecosystem Services)

Major interventions for improving livelihoods are presented in Table 7.13 while details are given below.
a. Land zoning
Land zoning provides the security of lands for improving environmental activities. The main aim of land
zoning is to achieve best benefit by preventing land degradation and conserve the natural environment. At
present government has taken initiative to zoning of lands with mapping in six Upazilas. The similar activities
will be implemented in other Upazilas of the country.

b. Create land market for easy access by potential buyer and seller
As there is no land market for easy access of all categories of people therefore it is difficult to identify the
exact true owner of that land. The present system keeps people in dark about the correct scenario of land
ownerships. There is an initiative from the Ministry of Land, GOB to open land market in one Upazila for easy
access to all categories people with the target to cover all other Upazilas by turn.

c. Small Scale Irrigation Programs for sustainable water access

Considering the perspective of the future population boom in Bangladesh and the global economic scenario,
the present trend towards self-sufficiency in food is not sufficient to meet future demand for the increasing
population. So, for economic emancipation of the people of this country and to maintain sustainable self-
sufficiency in food provision for the future additional population of the country, there is no alternative to
proper use and expansion of modern and environmentally friendly sustainable technology in the agricultural
sector. Small scale irrigation program brings opportunities for sustainable water access for attaining
substantial crop as well as fisheries production. Sustainable water access can reduce the production loss as



well as adverse environmental conditions. At present ten small scale irrigation projects are being
implemented all over Bangladesh. It is expected that the number will be increased to 50 by 2015.

d. Participatory Irrigation Management Program

Participatory approaches to irrigation through the exchange of best practices, lessons learned, training
materials and networking among professionals, researchers, policy makers and farmers is important. Proper
irrigation water management may allow irrigation of additional land with the same volume of water and
provide a remarkable increase in crop yield. The increased crop yields may contribute to the reduction in
hunger and poverty in rural Bangladesh. Bangladesh can save USD 8,962 million annually which is one-sixth
of total annual budget of fiscal year 2003/4 if irrigation is managed properly (Dey et al., 2006b). This type of
program is being implemented in 71 Upazilas, it is expected this program will be extend to 120 Upazilas by

e. Climate resilience seeds

Drought affects annually about 2.32 Mha and 1.2 Mha of cropped land during the Kaharfi (summer)
(November to June) and Rabi (winter) (July to October) seasons respectively (Sajjan et al., 2002), while soil
salinity, water logging and acidification affect 3.05 Mha, 0.7 Mha and 0.6 Mha of crop land, respectively
(BARC, 2000) in the country. During the period of 1973-87, about 2.18 million tons of rice was damaged due
to drought -the corresponding loss was 2.38 million tons due to flood (Paul, 1995). Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute (BRRI) has developed ten varieties (for Salt tolerant: BRRI Dhan 40, 41, 47; Drought
tolerant: BRRI Dhan 42, 43; Saline prone: BRRI Dhan 10, 23, 30; Cold tolerant: BRRI Dhan: 26, 27) in
adverse situation after a long research work of 15-20 years. It is expected that five more varieties would be
developed by 2015.

f. Forests and Biological Diversity: sustainable management that benefits poor people
From the situation analysis it can be seen that the actual forest coverage is much less than the target set by
the government. The similar situation has appeared in case of protected areas which is less that the
standard value. Many interventions have been suggested to improve forest coverage to reach target of 20
percent. Suggested interventions for forest and biological diversity for sustainable management that benefits
poor people are explained in Table 7.13. The present investments in forestry sector are explained in the
following aspects as cross-cutting issues of environment, under mainstream funding:

Co-managed forest initiatives for benefiting poor people

Co-managed forestry is a benefit sharing scheme in which the landless and the marginal farmers are
employed in tree plantation work. Today's forests are evolving toward the dynamic, economic, integrated,
diverse and shared forests of tomorrow. To a large extent, tomorrow's forests will be those of private and
community initiative. Tomorrow's forests will be everywhere-in farmer's fields, in fallows, on roadsides, in
compounds, and on hillsides and degraded lands. The aim of the co-managed forest is to protect the forests
involving local people for sustainable management that benefits poor. At present there are five co-managed
forest initiatives (in five PAs) that have been implemented. It is expected that 14 more initiatives will be
implemented by 2015.

Pro-poor forest and wild life management plans

Develop and implement forestry and wildlife management plans with stakeholders, especially poor residents.
At present there are nine management plans have implemented and it is expected that 35 plans will be
implemented by 2015.

Pro-poor timber and NTFP value addition schemes

The value addition schemes will give support to poor people for maintaining their daily requirements by



selling the value added products like, toys, furniture, flower branch, etc in the market from timber and non
timber forest products. Currently there is no such scheme in Bangladesh but it is expected that FD will
implement a scheme like to benefit the poor.
Pro-poor nature tourism initiatives for benefiting poor people
The aim of the nature tourism initiatives is to benefit poor through employment, local purchasing and
entrance fees etc. There are 28 pro-poor nature tourism initiatives already working in the field. It is expected
that 40 more initiatives will be implemented by 2015.
Afforestation and reforestation programme
Forestry is an important way to sequester carbon. In addition, the afforestation and reforestation of degraded
land contributes to food security by providing fruits and other edible products; energy security by providing
fuel wood; livelihood security by employing people in forest plantations; harvesting and trade in forest
products; and can protect land from soil erosion and landslides, particularly in hilly areas. Afforestation and
reforestation thus address multiple needs. The programme needs to be divided into several sub-
programmes. Currently forest coverage is ten percent of total area which is half the targeted coverage. There
is a pressing need to increase forest coverage with sufficient technological support. Following are some
areas that can increase the forest coverage:
Timber and non timber forest product development
51,800 hectares of forest plantations lands are covered by timber and non-timber forest. It is expected that
the total areas of timber and non timber forest will be 9,720 hectares by 2015.
Strip plantation
The total length of strip plantations along roads, railroads, and canals/embankments is 49,500 km which is
expected to be increased to 74,500 km by 2015.
Coastal belt afforestation
For the coastal belt, selection of species will be a major concern. As salinity is expected to increase with
rising sea levels, emphasis should be given to saline tolerant species. For freshwater wetlands, suitable
submergence tolerant species such as Hijol (Pongamia pinnata) and Coroch (Baringtonia actangula), which
can also protect against wave erosion, could be used. Currently, the area of the coastal belt afforestation is
160,000 ha and it is expected that additional 5,000 ha will be increased by 2015.
Biodiversity protection
Biodiversity in Bangladesh is significant. Like other sectors of Bangladesh ecology, the diverse biological
resources are also threatened by human activity. Forest area is already is a small proportion of the total land
area and is being depleted by the combined pressure from timber extraction, encroachment by expanded by
agricultural activities and by the land grabbers. Medicinal, food & fodder and indigenous plants have been
tinned out significantly in the recent years and will be extended in the coming days. 50 ha of medicinal and
indigenous pants were planted by 2006. It is expected that massive plantation will be taken by FD to reach
5,000 ha of medicinal & indigenous plants by 2015.
Increase the number of co-managed Protected Areas (PAs)
Protected Areas (PAs) in Bangladesh cover about two percent of the country's total area. But PAs should be
at least five percent of the country's total area. The unique and biological fitness of protected areas provide
economic, recreational, educational, scientific and spiritual benefits to man and serve as the gene bank of
the more important flora and fauna. The PAs have been demarcated as biological corridors which connect
the wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, game reserve to allow the free and uninhibited movement of animals
and birds within the natural range. At present number of protected areas is five which is expected to increase
25 by 2015.
Trained staff enforcement
There is a great shortage of trained staff in most of the sectors for sustainable environment. It is necessary
of trained staff enforcement in each sector for efficiently performing task.



g. Improvement of the lives of slum dwellers

Land titles for the security of Tenure for slum dwellers
Migration of people to metropolitan cities from the rural areas has become a common phenomenon in
Bangladesh over the last several decades. The main reason for migration is to fulfill the basic requirement
of the poor people. The poor families in urban towns live in slums, squatters' settlements in un-hygienic and
unsustainable environment. Basic services like pure drinking water, sanitation, footpaths, drainage are totally
absent in the areas. The population density in slums is 200 times greater than the usual density of
Bangladesh. Despite the problems, migrants from rural areas continue to migrate to the cities. Currently
there is no land title for slum dwellers. It is expected that there will be five new land titles to the security of
tenure for slum dwellers by 2015.
Slum livelihood upgrading scheme
The goal of the 'Local Partnerships for Urban Poverty Alleviation Project (LPUPAP)' was to alleviate poverty
through empowering urban people and create a sustainable process of supporting people's efforts to
overcome poverty for it to become the mainstream policy of urban governance. Urban poor have benefited
from the LPUPAP project supported by UNDP & UNICEF during 2000-2007. It is expected that additional
999 slum neighborhood upgrading schemes (one hundred families per scheme) will be taken up by 2015

Table 7.13. Interventions for improving livelihoods (includings ecosystem services)

Target as 2015 Unit cost

Intervention Parameter Unit Base (2006)
(additional) (million BDT)

1 Land zoning nos. 6 554 15.00

Create land market for easy access by potential
2 buyer and seller nos. 1 456 20.00

Small scale irrigation programs for sustainable nos.

3 10 40 15.00
water access

4 Environmentally vulnerable seeds nos. 10 5 2.50

5 Community based schemes for poor fishers nos. 1 1 20,00.00

Co-managed forest initiatives for benefiting 8
6 nos. 14 45.00
poor people

7 Pro-poor forest and wildlife management plans nos. 9 26 5.40

Pro-poor timber and NTFP value addition schemes nos. 0 5 3.60
9 Pro-poor nature tourism initiatives nos. 28 40 50.00
10 Timber & non timber forest plantation established ha 51,800 45,000 0.089
11 Strip plantation established Km 49,500 25,000 0.074
12 Coastal belt afforestation established ha 160,000 50,000 0.017

Medicinal, food & fodder and indigenous plants for ha 50 4,950 0.086
13 biodiversity protection

14 Increase the number of Co-managed PA schemes nos. 5 14 60.00

15 Land titles for the security of tenure for urban
nos. 0 5 1,200.00
slum dwellers

Slum neighborhood upgrading schemes (one

16 hundred families per scheme) nos. 1 999 35.00

Source: Task Force of MOL, FD, BWDB, FD, BBS



7.3.3 Reducing vulnerability through capacity and Investment for Climate Adaptation & Disaster

Major interventions for reducing vulnerability through capacity and investment for climate adaptation &
disaster management are presented in Table 7.16 while details are given below.

Capacity development for climate adaptation

Development of adequate human capacity to effectively manage climate resilient development programmes
and to take part in international negotiations. Adequately trained people do not currently exist in the country
to develop and implement climate change policies, programmes and projects. Due to this lack of expertise,
Bangladesh has been unable to grasp opportunities to effectively use new global financial instruments. Also,
climate change negotiations have now entered a phase where constant tracking and decision making at
short notice are required. While Bangladesh has so far been in the forefront of such negotiations, she has
often been unable to take part fully because of a shortage of exhaustive information in key areas. The AWG-
LCA negotiations need expertise of the highest order. Available expertise is neither adequate nor always of
the right type. It is therefore necessary to build human resource capacity in all these relevant areas across
Government departments, private business and civil society, as all will be involved in different aspects of
climate change management and action Activities will include short and long term training at home and
abroad, study tours, exchange programmes, and financing for attending negotiations.

Development of national strategy for climate adaptation

Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) will be main basis of efforts to combat
climate change over the next ten years. Adaptation to climate change is ultimately an issue of sustainable
development. Even without climate change, LDCs are already severely affected by climate variability and
extremes, and they remain extremely vulnerable to future changes in the regional climate that could increase
the risks. It is essential that Bangladesh prepares now to adapt to climate change and safeguard the future
well-being of population. It is expected that an additional national strategy and action plan will be added by
2015. It is important to note that Government of Bangladesh could able to establish of climate change fund
of USD 45 million from national resources.

Funds for additional cost for climate proofing

Climate proofing is a shorthand term for identifying risks to a development project, or any other specified
natural or human asset, as a consequence of climate variability and change, and ensuring that those risks
are reduced to acceptable levels through long-lasting and environmentally sound, economically viable, and
socially acceptable changes implemented at one or more of the following stages in the project cycle:
planning, design, construction, operation, and decommissioning. Funds for additional cost cover
infrastructure, human health and environment components. Climate proofing funds are not yet implemented
but government has an initiative to provide climate proofing fund. It is expected that climate proofing funds
will be invested in at least five programs by 2015.

Asset and Income support schemes

This support is for non-farm incomes in environmentally degraded rural areas, including voluntary migration.
At present there is no income support scheme however it is expected the number of income support
schemes will be ten by 2015.

Crop insurance

Crop insurance is purchased by agricultural producers, including farmers, ranchers, and others to protect
themselves against either the loss of their crops due to natural disasters (such as floods, drought, cyclone),
or the loss of revenue due to declines in the prices of agricultural commodities. Crop insurance schemes can



help to prevent a sudden collapse of the economy in case of a natural disaster. This will help the government
to quickly rebuild the economy after disasters. At present, there is no crop insurance scheme running in
Bangladesh, it is expected that government will start this program across the country.

Automation of meteorological observation stations

It is necessary to convert the meteorological parameters collecting system into automation. Real data is pre
requisite for getting true early warning. There is no digitized meteorological station all over Bangladesh. It is
expected that existing ten stations will be automated by 2015.

Consultant for policy and legislation on disaster preparedness

National, regional and local disaster preparedness planning requirements allow a wide range of responses.
A study in which such responses were cast against Quarantelli's minimum criteria and Levin's notion of
experience as a powerful source for change is studied. Data collection and comparative analyses were
accomplished through the examination of local school district plans and policies as well as interviews with
school leaders who had survived disasters. The study concludes that school districts meet minimum local
standards but few meet Quarantelli's minimum; and having lived through a disaster neither served as
impetus to initiate disaster preparedness plans nor resulted in plans incorporating knowledge gained. Two
consultants worked in 2006 for collecting information from the community, sub-division/divisional and
national level preparedness and for preparing policy and legislation documents. It is expected that additional
one new consultant will work for policy and legislation on disaster preparedness by 2015.

Awareness program for disaster preparedness

Public awareness is the most important for disaster preparedness. There are different ways to build public
awareness: mass media campaigns, seminar, symposium, workshop.

Table 7.14 Intervention for Reduced Vulnerability through Improved Capacity and Investments for
Disaster Management and Climate Adaptation

Target as 2015 Unit cost

Intervention Parameter Unit Base (2006)
(additional) (million BDT)

Development of a national strategy for

1 climate adaptation nos. 1 1 1.36

2 Fund allocations for climate proofing nos. 0 5 680.00

3 Asset and income support schemes nos. 0 10 2,978.40

4 Crop insurance schemes nos. 0 1 4,820.00

5 Automation of meteorological observation station nos. 0 10 10.10

Consultant for policy and legislation on disaster
6 nos. 2 1 0.12

7 Awareness program for disaster preparedness nos. 700 300 0.06

Source: Task Force of DOE, DMB



7.3.4. Governance Institutions, capacity and systemic issues

Interventions, coverage target and unit cost for Governance, institutions, capacity and systemic issues are
presented in Table 7.15.

Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening

Mainstreaming environment issues in national and sectoral development will require strong organizations
and a robust institutional framework to ensure that the activities are sustained over the next several decades
and beyond. Some organizations will be new (e.g., climate cells in Ministries and their agencies); others will
have to be reformed and strengthened. In all cases, organizations will need to be provided with adequate
logistics and other facilities for which adequate financing will have to be ensured. There is a pressing need
to strengthen a number of existing organizations that are already underperforming in implementing the
regular development programme.

Awareness, advocacy and education on environmental issues

Mass media campaigns:

Mass media include newspapers and other printed material, radio, television, billboards, etc. Mass media
has an important role in information delivery to a vast percentage of population. A mass-media campaign is
to promote important activities like, disaster preparedness, effectiveness of road safety public information
campaigns, bad impact of air and water pollution on health, properly waste management etc. Mass media
can also be effectively used for counter advertising and information delivery. There were 96 mass media
campaigns conducted in 2006 and it is expected that an additional 54 mass media campaigns will be working
by 2015.
Community based awareness programs:

Prevention of water resources from pollution, improvement in the local water supply and use, improvement
of solid waste management, prevention of surface water sources from pollution in any given community are
the some crucial community based awareness program which will make more water available for
communities across the sections. Crucial changes in behavioral patterns as well as simple technical
solutions can best be established at community level. There were 50 community based awareness programs
conducted in 2006 which is expected that additional one hundred fifty community based awareness
programs increased by 2015.
School based awareness programs

School based awareness program is very important because "our future is in the hands of our children". Most
of all are aware that we have to take care of our environment but our children are not completely aware of
it. School curriculum can make the school children more aware of such laws and the benefits of a healthy
environment. Two hundred and fifty school based awareness programs were conducted in 2006. It is
expected that awareness programs will be covered in all schools of Bangladesh.

Capacity building on EIA

Develop integrated impact assessment combining environmental, social and economic concerns to
strengthen government's ability to manage environment for poverty reduction. At present there is no EIA
program for poverty reduction however it is expected that this type of programs will be increased to 90 by
Develop data collection and management system

Data collection system as well as management is very weak in all concerned environment organizations. It



is essential to develop separate database systems in each institution and then make linkage to LAN as well
as WAN for easy access to vendors. RS and GIS can be used for real time data estimation and presentation.
MIS can also used for office management. It is expected that four data collection as well as management by
2015. At present there is no database system and it is expected that four database systems will be
developed by 2015.
Research and studies on emerging environmental issues

Intensive focus should be given to conduct more research on emerging environmental issues. 12 adaptive
researches on climate adaptation are conducted by different institutions supported by DOE. It is expected
that 88 more research programs will be conducted by 2015.

Departmental activities can be published monthly, half yearly or research publication can be half yearly.
Other issues of publications can be environmental quality guidelines, public notification on the developed
guidelines and regulations. Each department like DOE, FD and LGED publishes yearly, and sometimes half
yearly report. It is expected that four additional publications will be included by 2015.

Table 7.15: Interventions, coverage target and unit cost for Governance, institutions, capacity and
systemic issues

Target as 2015 Unit cost

Intervention Parameter Unit Base (2006)
(additional) (million BDT)

1 Mass media campaigns nos. 96 54 0.50

2 Community base awareness programs nos. 50 150 0.002
3 School based awarness programs nos. 250 9,861 0.003
4 Number of capacity building programs on EIA nos. 0 90 0.130
5 Develop data collection and management systems nos. 0 4 11.68
Research and studies on emerging
6 nos. 12 88 2.10
environmental issues

7 Publications and dissemination material nos. 4 4 0.98

Source: Task Force, DOE, FD, and DMB

7.4 Resource Needs Estimates for meeting Targets on Environmental issues

It is estimated that a total of BDT 122,227.30 million will be required to undertake the entire interventions
suggested above for the period 2009-2015 where capital cost is BDT 33,323.90 million and recurrent cost is
88,903.44 million. The cost breakup by interventions is shown in Table 7.16.



Table 7.16: Resource needs during 2008-2015

(million BDT)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average
Reducing exposure to environmental health impacts

Capital Cost 645.36 644.36 632.86 633.14 613.34 604.46 602.46 4,376.00 663.52
Recurrent Cost 1,813.20 1,889.02 1,961.94 2,034.56 2,107.58 2,180.24 2,251.20 14,237.74 1,921.37
Total 2,458.56 2,533.38 2,594.80 2,667.70 2,720.92 2,784.70 2,853.66 18,613.74 2,584.89
Improving Livelihoods (including ecosystem services)
Capital Cost 4,518.26 4,488.54 3,543.12 4,431.03 3,385.39 3,316.32 3,286.32 26,968.98 3,742.10

Recurrent Cost 5,812.41 7,422.60 8,021.00 8,762.78 9,321.16 9,834.53 10,332.90 59,507.41 7,421.81

Total 10,330.67 11,911.14 11,564.12 13,193.81 12,706.55 13,150.85 13,619.22 86,476.39 11,163.91

Reduced Vulnerability through Improved Capacity and Investments for Disaster Management and Climate Adaptation

Capital Cost 510.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 510.00 510.00 10.00 1,570.00 743.36

Recurrent Cost 1,248.19 1,548.51 1,848.76 2,149.01 2,449.26 2,749.51 3,049.76 1,5043.00 1,668.74

Total 1,758.19 1,558.51 1,858.76 2,159.01 2,959.26 3,259.51 3,059.76 16,613.00 2,412.11

Governance, institutions, capacity and systemic issues (not already covered)

Capital Cost 64.72 52.62 64.22 54.22 64.22 54.22 54.72 408.92 52.57
Recurrent Cost 10.15 11.94 14.92 16.23 19.21 20.52 22.30 115.29 12.713
Total 74.88 64.56 79.14 70.45 83.43 74.74 77.02 524.21 65.29

Capital Cost 5,738.34 5,195.52 4,250.20 5,128.39 4,572.92 4,485.00 3,953.50 33,323.90 5,201.56

Recurrent Cost 8,883.96 10,872.08 11,846.63 12,962.59 13,897.22 14,784.80 15,656.17 88,903.44 11,024.64
Total (BDT million) 14,622.29 16,067.59 16,096.82 18,090.98 18,470.16 19,269.80 19,609.67 122,227.30 16,226.20
Total (USD million)* 213.78 234.91 235.33 264.49 270.03 281.72 286.69 1,786.95 237.23

Cost per capita (BDT) 99.72 108.05 106.75 118.30 119.10 122.53 122.96
Cost per capita (USD)* 1.46 1.58 1.56 1.73 1.74 1.79 1.80
* 1 USD = 68.4 BDT



7.5 Overview of Energy Sector in Bangladesh

Energy is an important component to enable maximum benefits to the community acting as a key factor in
development. It is one of the main indicators for modernisation of society and appears to be a vital factor in
achieving sustainable development. Expanded energy services are essential to meet the MDGs for reducing
hunger and poverty, improving health care and educational opportunities, and addressing gender equity. In
addition, energy is central to all aspects of sustainable development, including access to water, agricultural
and industrial productivity, health care, educational attainment, job creation and climate change impacts.
Affordable, accessible and reliable energy supply is critical for uplifting the poor as well as for economic
growth of a country. Use of higher quantum of per capita energy is definitely desirable. Under this context
the fuel to generate the quantum target energy is a major case to decide upon, so that such increased
energy consumption, instead of enhancing the pollution and degradation of environment, will rather be an
environment friendly proposition. Domestic use of solar energy may be initiated. Solar energy may be used
for generating electricity or for heating the water. Small household type equipments need to be developed.
Bottling of condensates that comes out with the natural gas to produce LPG can be used for cooking. In
every gas field a condensate processing plant may be established to produce LPG.

The vision statement on power in Bangladesh identifies energy as a primary resource for poverty reduction.
Rural electrification has been made a key goal and the government has targeted 100 percent electrification
of all villages in the country by 2020. The national emphasis on rural electrification is also reflected in the
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) for Bangladesh, which identified rural electrification as a key
area to foster economic growth with a pro-poor orientation. Increased demand for electricity from
households, educational and health care facilities, and small & micro industry will require more than 50
percent increase in annual power supply. However, the big challenge for Bangladesh is to increase access
to electricity, ensuring that the poor are not excluded. Interestingly, compared to their urban counterparts,
rural Bangladeshi consumers receive fewer subsidies, pay their bills more promptly and engage in less
pilferage. The widening gap between the rich and the poor, however, could lead to greater challenges.



The performance of the power sector in the last two decades fell short of expectations. The present
generation capacity is not adequate to meet the peak power demand. The present generation capacity is not
adequate to meet the peak power demand. Present peak demand is 6000 MW and available capacity is
3800-4200 MW, resulting in anticipated load shed is 800-1200MW (BPDB 2009). About 87 percent of the
power generation capacity is gas based, 5.5percent is imported oil based, 5.0 percent is coal and 2.5 percent
is hydro-based. Power generation is highly dependent on natural gas. Currently gas production is not
sufficient to serve the existing power generation requirement. Further, due to gas transmission and
distribution bottlenecks, the gas cannot be transported in some locations, resulting in inadequate power
generation. Fuel diversity is essential to meet power generation needs in the face of gas shortage and high
oil prices in the international market.

Bangladesh per capita annual fuel consumption is only 56 litres of oil, which is one of the lowest in the world.
With a predominantly agro-based population, bio-fuel is the main cooking fuel in the rural sector. Rural
Bangladesh is characterised by insignificant energy supply and the country as a whole has the lowest usage
of electricity (only 156 kilowatt hours (kWh) per capita) in the world.

Biomass (fuel wood, tree leaves, crop residues and animal residues, mainly in the form of dried cow dung
cakes or sticks) is the principal form of energy used by the people, particularly in the rural areas. According
to a survey by BIDS, a rural household uses nearly three metric tons of biomass in a year. Of this about 1.7
metric tons is tree biomass composed of 1.2 metric tons of fuel wood and 0.5 metric tons of tree leaves.
Practically all of the biomass is used for cooking and parboiling of rice. The relationship between the amount
of fire wood use and levels of income is clearly positive and monotonic. This means that the poor have much
less access to quality fuel for cooking. Income poverty thus translates into energy poverty. While switching
to modern and better quality energy such as electricity is highly preferable, it is not possible to do so rapidly.

Secondly, it is highly desirable to have as much tree cover as possible for the benefit of the country.
Nationally and locally, this helps in reducing the energy deficiency while this also helps in keeping global
carbon emission at a lower level. Initiating, application and habitation of waste to resource recovery (both
biogas and fertilizer from solid waste, cow dung and night soil) is thus a good option and feasible too. A key
factor in successful scaling up of rural energy access is the demonstration of replicable and sustainable
institutional and financing mechanisms to deliver those services. The ground reality is quite stark. Population
pressures on land have been leading to conversion of forest land and land under tree cover into other uses.
At the same time this further lowers the supply of biomass and fuel wood for cooking raising their market
value stimulating further deforestation and cutting down of trees. Smoke due to fuel wood burning also is a
major cause of a significant rise in the level of indoor air pollution affecting adversely the health of women
and children. Increased demand for furniture also adds pressure to forestland.

Energy sources of wood fuel, agricultural waste, solar energy, animal power and wind energy are
decentralized, and can be considered renewable and environmentally friendly within demand limits.
Renewable energy technologies (RETs) create income-generating activities for male landless and marginal
farmers and for women from such households, while reducing environmental problems, like deforestation
and indoor air pollution from cooking with poor quality fuels. In Bangladesh, the average solar radiation is
3.85 kWh/m2/year which is quite good for photovoltaic (PV) applications, except the monsoon season. This
is now being used for lighting, radio and television in rural villages instead of kerosene lamps, which provide
poor illumination, inadequate working hours of rural people at night. RETs could thus be selectively applied
to various rural applications, potentially generating income, improving health and educational quality, and
increasing labour productivity.

Solar power, Wind Energy and Biogas will be major interventions for RETs for electricity generation.
Promoting energy saving bulbs will be one of the major interventions as electricity technologies which would
help in reducing pressure on less electricity supply. Clean energy (an environmentally preferable energy
source), in a crucial transition from short term 'environmental management' is also important for environment
friendly sustainable development. Its application not only benefits the environment but also improves overall
quality of life, raising standards of health and bringing about greater social and environmental equity. It could



involve the electricity which is generated from renewable resources and the sources of electricity that is
cleaner than the previous form/use leading to protection of human health and the environment.

7.6 Current Situation Challenges in Energy

7.6.1 Energy use

In the urban areas grid coverage electricity is the main source of lighting and kerosene is used mainly in the
rural areas. Changes in this ratio over time and across countries reflect structural transitions in the economy,
and energy efficiency of different fuel mixes in different sectors. In principle, the lower the ratio, the higher
the energy efficiency. Over time Bangladesh has been able to improve its energy efficiency from 123 per
USD 1,000 GDP (PPP) in 1990 to 88 in 2007 (Figure 7.8). Efficiency improved about 14 percent during 1990-
2000 and ten percent during 2000-2007.

Natural gas contributes more than 87 percent of the total net energy generated by public sector (BPDB) and
private sector (IPP) (BPDB, 2008) which meets 24 percent of the country's total fuel need while
hydroelectricity provides another three percent. About 11 percent of the fuel comes from imported coal and
mineral oil (Figure 7.9).

7.6.2 Use of Solid Fuels

Figure 7.8: Energy use Figure 7.9: Primary commercial energy

consumption by source, 2008
Energy consumption, Kg oil/$1000 (PPP) GDP








1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: BPDB 2008

Although not a global indicator, it was considered important for Bangladesh to track the proportion of
population using solid fuel. About 88 percent of commercial energy consumption is met from natural gas, the
remainder coming from oil augmented by hydropower and coal. Non-commercial energy sources, such as
wood, animal wastes and crop residues, are estimated to account for over half of the country's energy
Currently, 30 to 50 percent of the total organic energy demand is met by fuel wood, and the remaining from
agricultural by-products and cow dung (Table 7.17). As the heavy reliance upon bio-fuel in the rural areas
has direct influence on the physiochemical characteristics of soil and the availability of fodder and fruit trees,
there is urgent need for introducing alternative energy technology in the rural area. The lack of alternatives
has already adversely impacted the greener concerns of environment and if allowed to continue, will lead to
the rapid depletion of forest resources.

Bangladesh is also highly dependent on biomass fuels. More than 55 percent of the total energy



Table 7.17: Proportion of population using solid fuels

Residence 1990* 1997 1998 1999 2000 2006 2007*

Type of fuel National 35.35 34.50 39.50 35.60 37.80 38.35 38.95
Wood/Bamboo Rural 30.60 30.80 35.70 35.20 37.10 39.06 40.86

Urban 52.45 46.80 50.60 38.10 39.30 37.95 31.45

National 53.65 54.20 50.30 49.70 49.40 49.25 44.65

Leaves/Husk/ Rural 68.60 67.10 63.10 54.90 60.10 54.00 51.08

Cow-dung Urban 37.50 42.10 40.50 36.50 37.20 39.40 34.53
Total 89.00 88.70 89.80 85.30 87.10 87.60 88.74

Sources: MICS, 2006; Poverty Monitoring Survey 1999; Report of health and demographic survey, BBS 2006, *Calculated by extrapolation method

consumption comes from biomass fuels and rest from commercial fuels, namely, natural gas, oil, electricity
and coal of this country (Figure 7.10).

The energy needs of the estimated 85 percent of Bangladeshis living in the rural areas are primarily met
through biomass, straw, jute stick, animal dung and fuel wood (Figure 7.11). The impacts of energy
deprivation include drudgery for rural women and children burdened with the task of collecting, processing
and using biomass, as well as health impacts related to indoor air pollution. The development of informal
rural markets for even low-quality traditional biomass sources (for example, rice husk and animal dung)
indicates an impending rural energy crisis, with prices of even the most basic fuel sources spiraling out of
the reach of the very poor.

Figure 7.10 Consumption of biomass fuel Figure 7.11 Percentage of households using
different sources of fuels in rural areas

forms of

twings, etc


Source: BBS 2002



7.7 Major Interventions and Targets for Energy Sectors/End-uses

Table 7.18: MDG Interventions-Sectors/End-uses

MDG Interventions - Sectors/End-uses

Households Cooking/Heating Modern fuels for cooking and heating

Households Lighting Electricity for lighting

Electricity based end-uses like lighting,

Households - Other Electricity End-uses
refrigeration, information/communication, etc.

Electricity based end-uses like lighting,

Health Centres/Hospitals
cooling, information/communication, etc.

Electricity based end-uses like lighting,

Markets/Community Centres
cooling, information/communication, etc.

Electricity based end-uses like lighting,

Government Institutions
cooling, information/communication, etc.

Electricity based end-uses like lighting,

Other Institutions
cooling, information/communication, etc.

Electricity based end-uses like lighting,

Small and Micro-industry mechanical power, etc.; Modern fuels for
heating end-uses

Electricity based mechanical power

Agriculture Pumpsets
for pumping water

Other Agriculture Uses Modern liquid fuels for agricultural operations

Rural Transport Modern liquid fuels for rural transport

Attaining the MDG requirements, the focus will be on providing energy for meeting energy for household
lighting and cooking needs. The major interventions are identified for meeting the energy targets are shown
in Table 7.18 while details for costine are discussed bellow.

7.7.1 Modern Fuel for Cooking/heating

Natural Gas

Bangladesh has a good amount of reserved natural gas which has been contributing a lot in the urban areas
for cooking and heating. However, rural people are totally neglected from its best use. Natural gas has
access only 0.2 percent in the rural areas and 60 percent in the urban area in 2006. It is expected that NG
coverage will be increased to ten percent and 100 percent in the rural and urban areas respectively by 2015.
Sustainable Biomass

Increase the access of sustainable Biomass as modern fuel for improved Cooking/Heating for agro-
processing, micro-industry for improved Heating Systems. About 80 percent of population is dependent on
biomass fuel. It could have been an environment friendly scenario if a sustainable output of these biomass
fuels can be made available; leaving aside the organics from the farms to manure the agricultural fields to
alleviate the soil degradation problem. Intensive afforestation and management of denuded sites;
homesteads, roadsides, railroad sides, etc. may assist this issue to a great extent. Currently, sustainable



biomass (SB) has access one percent for cooking/heating as modern fuel. It is expected that access of SB
will be increased to 30 percent by 2015.

7.7.2 Renewable Energy

The objective is to maximize the use of renewable energy sources to lower GHG emission and ensuring
energy security. The scope for developing renewable energy supplies (e.g., solar, wind and sustainable
biomass technologies) has not been explored well in Bangladesh.

Electricity production

Off-grid electricity

Existing grid has access of 96.8 percent and rest 3.2 percent from off-grid solar PV (three percent) in the
rural area. It is expected that existing grid (grid-natural gas) coverage will be reduced to 68 percent and
access of grid-coal will be increased to 20 percent. The off-grid access will be increased to ten percent where
access of solar-pv and wind energy will be three percent and one percent respectively. In the urban area,
existing grid has access of 100 percent, however, it is expected that the existing grid access will be reduced
to 37 percent and access of grid-coal will be increased to 45 percent and off-grid access will also be
increased to 14 percent where solar-pv, wind energy and biomass gasifier will be seven percent, five percent
and two percent respectively.

Solar power

There is some use of solar power for limited domestic purposes. The main barrier to expanded solar energy
use is the capital cost. However, since the cost of solar cells and solar panels in global markets is expected
to fall gradually, Government of Bangladesh is actively considering for withdrawal of CDVAT-tax on solar
panels to gear up solar energy and is also considering encouraging entrepreneurs who wish to start solar
projects, possibly through incentives.

Wind Energy

The potential of harvesting wind energy, though recognized for many years, has not produced tangible
results so far. The initial capital cost remains the main stumbling block. High variations in wind speed and
sharp seasonal changes also present difficulties. The tidal range of the coastal belt is considered to be
adequate for the generation of tidal power. However, there has not been any attempt to harvest such energy.


Biogas development remains in its infancy. Even the popularization programs for improved cooking stoves,
which save a lot of fuel wood, have had limited success. There are, then, technical, economic, social and
institutional barriers to the adoption of renewable technologies. However, since renewable technology for
power generation or direct use is carbon-neutral (or nearly so), technologies such as these should be

The country has already set up a Sustainable Energy Development Authority to popularize renewable
energy technologies. It should be provided with adequate financial and other support so that renewable
energy becomes a part of the move towards a low-carbon development path. Each of these technologies,
however, will need to be evaluated carefully to understand the technological and economic barriers and
potential. If start-up costs are high, the issues of subsidy or other support may have to be considered. Power
generation policy should also take these technologies into account in its planning.



7.7.3 Electricity Technologies

Electricity demand was 5500 MW whereas supply was 3500 MW, resulting in a shortage of about 2000MW
in 2007. Alternative options are highly encouraged to meet the power demand of Bangladesh.

Promoting energy saving bulbs

Energy saving bulbs are nowadays very popular in different countries of the world. These bulbs are user-
friendly. They consume less electricity but produce more light. However the use of such lamps in Bangladesh
is insignificant due to lack of awareness about the benefits of using such lamps and most people in the
country continue to use conventional lamps that consume more electricity but emit less light.

The use of energy-saving bulbs is important for the country because of the crisis of power being faced for
some time. Bangladesh has a serious shortage of electricity as the total generation 3,500 MW falls short of
the total peak hour demand of 4,500 MW. The use of such bulbs would help reduce pressure on supply. It
is reported in the media that 30 per cent of total electricity is used for domestic lighting. It amounts to some
1050 megawatts a day. It is estimated that extensive use of energy saving bulbs can bring down this power
consumption for lighting to 300 MW with a saving of as much as 700-750 MW every day. Energy experts are
reported to have said that saving of this amount of power will help bring down load shedding to 50 per cent
with a decrease of household consumers' bill by 80 per cent.

The use of such bulbs is still very limited in Bangladesh as most people do not know about the merits of their
use. Another reason is that high prices of energy-saving bulbs discourage people from using these. People
of low income groups cannot buy such costly bulbs. It is thought that at present only eight enterprises import
them and maintain monopoly control over their marketing, thus the prices do not come down to the reach of
the majority of the consumers. To increase the use of such bulbs the government should take a number of
steps. On the one hand, publicity campaigns to make people aware of the availability and usefulness of
those must be undertaken. People's attention must be drawn to the fact that, though costly initially, those
bulbs are poor-friendly in the long run. They will also prove to be cost effective for big industries. On the
other, steps must be taken to reduce their prices. More business organizations may be allowed to import
energy saving bulbs. The Trading Corporation of Bangladesh may also be asked to import them to make
sales at price affordable for people of low income groups possible. Technologies may be imported to produce
these locally. The government may also withdraw or cut duty on import of energy-saving bulbs to popularize
their use.

7.7.4 Diesel Fuel for Transportation and Agricultural related end-uses

Increase the access of diesel fuel for Agricultural and Transport related end-uses in the rural areas. Access
of diesel fuel is 70 percent for transportation of agricultural use in 2006, it is expected that access will be
increased to 100 percent by 2015.

7.7.5 Training for Capacity Development

Capacity development through training will be necessarily important to the government (BPDB), public and
private sectors, CBOs and individuals for energy access.

7.7.6 Awareness and Education campaign

Mass media include newspapers and other printed material, radio, television and billboards, etc. Mass media
has an important role in information delivery to a large percentage of the population.

A mass-media campaign to promote important activities like, energy saving bulbs, indoor air pollution, and
increased use of sustainable biomass is necessary. Intensive afforestation and management of denuded



sites; homesteads, roadsides, railroad sides, etc. may assist with the increase sustainable biomass reserve
to a great extent.

Among others, the interventions in the energy sector will facilitate agricultural mechanization and agro
processing, stimulate employment generation and development generation and development of rural
enterprises, education of children, improve health, reduce deforestation and other forms of land degradation,
help to increasing carbon sinks and mitigating climate change, boost manufacturing, and generation of youth

7.8 Resource Needs Estimates for Energy

The needs assessment is primarily based on rural and urban electrification programme of the Bangladesh
Power Development Board (BPDB) which consists of on-grid and off-grid electrification programmes. The
off-grid programmes includes solar-pv, wind energy and biomass gasifier power. The solar programme will
need to be supplemented by other energy sources for cooking.

Data Sources

The sources of data for estimating resource needs are the BPDB 2006 data and data from Petrobangla of
Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation. Year 2006 data has been used as the base line in case of
discrepancies. Demographic data, number of institutions, number of vehicles, etc have been collected from
statistical year book, 2006, BBS. Number of small and micro-industry has been collected from Ministry of
Commerce and Industry's report.


The estimation of resource requirement needs was done by using the pre-developed spread sheet-based
model (Energy Costing Tool, Version 1.8) to project the gradual scaling up of investments and resource
requirements. In addition to human resources and infrastructure targets, these models also include capital
and operating/recurring costs. Unit costs were derived from existing national planning documents, project
budgets, national expenditure reviews and other planning documents. In cases where existing unit costs
appeared uncharacteristically low (e.g. salaries for civil servants); a more competitive and realistic figure
were used. These costs were applied to the targets to get the total cost of the interventions, per annum. In
cases where it was not possible to calculate the resources required for each individual intervention, more
aggregate estimates from other studies (e.g. PRSP and MTEF) cost estimates were used.

Resource needs

The Annual cost of meeting MDG energy needs in Bangladesh are given below. The annual average cost
for cooking/heating is BDT 78,358.02 million where capital cost is BDT 9,245.24 million and recurrent cost
is BDT 69,112.78 million. The annual average cost for electricity end uses is BDT 47,351.37 million where
capital cost is BDT 21,779.69 million and recurrent cost is BDT 25,571.68 million. The annual average
recurrent cost for Liquid Fuel End-uses is BDT 2,570.84 million.

The total cost for entire energy interventions for the period 2009-2015 is estimated at BDT 897,961.58
million. The total capital cost of interventions BDT 217,174.51 million and total recurrent cost is BDT
680,787.07 million with the total for 7 years (Table 7.19).



Table 7.19 Annual Cost of Meeting MDG Energy Needs

(million BDT)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Average

Capital Cost 6,900.01 7,899.84 8,524.47 9,198.48 9,925.79 10,710.60 11,557.47 64,716.66 9,245.24

Recurrent Cost 44,663.33 52,532.45 59,452.55 67,284.23 76,147.59 86,178.51 97,530.80 483,789.45 69,112.78

Total 51,563.34 60,432.29 67,977.02 76,482.72 86,073.37 96,889.11 109,088.27 548,506.12 78,358.02

Per Capita Cost 351.12 405.85 449.50 498.29 552.51 612.77 680.00 507.15

Electricity End-uses

Capital Cost 12,316.78 15,321.94 17,886.67 20,880.73 24,375.95 28,456.24 33,219.54 152,457.84 21,779.69

Recurrent Cost 17,822.17 20,529.54 22,724.07 25,153.20 27,841.99 30,818.20 34,112.56 179,001.73 25,571.68

Total 30,138.95 35,851.47 40,610.75 46,033.92 52,217.94 59,274.44 67,332.10 331,459.58 47,351.37

Per Capita Cost 205.23 240.62 268.54 299.92 335.19 374.88 419.56 306.28

Liquid Fuel End-uses

Capital Cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Recurrent Cost 2,225.52 2,304.42 2,425.23 2,552.37 2,686.17 2,826.99 2,975.19 17,995.88 2,570.84

Total 2,225.52 2,304.42 2,425.23 2,552.37 2,686.17 2,826.99 2,975.19 17,995.88 2,570.84

Per Capita Cost 15.15 15.47 16.04 16.63 17.24 17.88 18.54 16.71

Capital Cost 19,216.79 23,221.78 26,411.14 30,079.21 34,301.74 39,166.84 44,777.00 217,174.51 31,024.93

Recurrent Cost 64,711.02 75,366.41 84,601.85 94,989.80 106,675.74 119,823.70 134,618.55 680,787.07 97,255.30

Total BDT Million 83,927.81 98,588.19 111,012.99 125,069.01 140,977.49 158,990.54 179,395.56 897,961.58 128,280.23

Total USD Million 1,227.01 1,441.35 1,623.00 1,828.49 2,061.07 2,324.42 2,622.74 13,128.09 1,875.44

Per Capita Cost BDT 571.51 661.67 734.08 814.84 904.95 1,005.53 1,117.86 830.06

Per Capita Cost USD 8.36 9.67 10.73 11.91 13.23 14.70 16.34 12.14



7.9 Overview of Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

The introduction of safe drinking water

through tubewells, higher sanitation
coverage and improved primary health
care has contributed to a significant drop
in the mortality rate from diarrhoeal
diseases. Water related diseases
continue to account for the majority of
deaths. Unfortunately, when rural people
had developed the habit of drinking
tubewell water being aware of its
importance to avoid water borne
diseases, arsenic was found in too high
concentrations in tubewell water in many
parts of Bangladesh. This has drastically
reduced the coverage of safe water.
Arsenic mitigation technologies are the
alternative options for getting safe
drinking in the rural areas. However, 29
percent of tubewells are also
contaminated with bacteria which are
mainly due to poor maintenance of the
tubewell surroundings.

Most of the cases in urban areas water are supplied from ground water or surface water after treatment
through pipe line. In other cases individuals have their own shallow or deep tube well. Dhaka WASA and
Chittagong WASA supply between 80-85 percent of the total daily demand for drinking water. It is projected
in the National Water Management Plan that in the next 30 years the urban population will out-number the
rural population and tremendously increase the density of such areas. Such a situation forces the residents
in the metropolitan cities to collect water from alternative sources. In most cases rural areas water is
collected from either hand tubewell or surface water sources. It may be pond, river. Treatment processes or
pond-sand-filter may be used in very few instances while mostly they are absent.

Sanitation programmes have also been implemented since 1970s, but success in improving sanitation
coverage has been far less compared to other development sectors primarily because of lack of awareness
among people of the benefits of improved sanitation. Added to this is the fact that the economic and social
benefits of improved sanitation services are not always clearly visible to the policy makers. Technological
innovations in sanitation have therefore remained slow in fulfilling the varying needs of the people and in
facing the growing socio-economic and hydro-geological challenges. As a result, sanitation coverage in the
country has not been encouraging in the past decades.

The sanitary condition of urban slums is deplorable. Most of the slum dwellers have literally no latrines, only
a few have pit or surface latrines. They often defecate on the drains, in open fields, near the roads, or by the
riverbanks. The problem is acute for female residents who have to wait till sunset for defecation or use a
neibour's latrine, if available. Unhygienic hanging latrines are still prevalent in urban slums. The linkage
between sanitation and poverty is often overlooked. It is poor people who suffer most from lack of access to
basic facilities and services. Loss of earnings and production are additional handicaps for poor people, for
whom physical fitness is the main productive asset.

However, the government expects to achieve this target and has targets of safe water and sanitation for all
by 2011 and 2010 respectively. The Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives,
through the Local Government Division (LGD) and in the association with NGOs and development partners,



has taken the lead to achieve the national sanitation goal. The LGD has been able to mobilize the sector
and create vibrant collective of partners that have taken on a variety of tasks in promoting changes in
sanitation coverage.

The major intervention to make available access to safe drinking water in the rural areas will be for
construction of schemes like STW and DSP TW in the low covered areas. An increase of arsenic mitigation
technologies will also be encouraged. The major intervention to provide access to basic sanitation in rural
areas will be to increase the percentage of people with access to appropriate improved toilets. For urban
areas, the major intervention will be the provision of access to safe drinking water through the construction
of water treatment plants and piped connections to the house. For access to basic sanitation, the
interventions will be through construction of proper sewerage system to provide pour-flush latrines while
completely doing away with other inferior technologies. New sewerage and waste-water treatment plants in
the larger urban areas will be encouraged.

7.10 Current Situation and Issues on Water supply and sanitation

7.10.1 Rural water supply status

The basic level of safe water supply services in Bangladesh is achieved through handpump and tubewells.
It was estimated that in 1990 about 78.0 percent of population in rural population had access to safe drinking
water, the coverage increased to 96.3 percent in the 2000. However, arsenic contamination of 22 percent of
tubewells in the country proportionately lowered the service coverage. The implementation of Arsenic
Mitigation-Water supply project by MLG&RD during 1998-2004 changed the service coverage and became
increased to 77 percent in 2006 (Table 7.20 ). It is estimated that the total number of different types of
tubewells in the country installed by the Government (DPHE), NGOs and private individuals is about 7.0
million. 78 percent tubewells are installed by the individuals themselves while DPHE installed 18 percent and
NGOs four percent only.

Table 7.20: The proportion of population with access to safe drinking water

Rural Year
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007

Access to safe
Rural (%) 78.00 82.00 96.30 77.00 77.00 84.00
drinking water

Sources: Progress drinking water & sanitation, UNICEF/WHO, 2008, MICS 2006; BIDS 2004; LGD, MLG&RD, 2005, DPHE 2008

Groundwater contaminated by Arsenic

Arsenic contamination in the ground water is the biggest man-made problem in Bangladesh. Many village
people drink it without knowing it and some peoples drink it though knowing as there is no alternate source
of water. Bangladesh government and a number of NGOs are working to remediate this problem. Arsenic
contamination in ground-water provides a graphic picture of environmental degradation as well as its impact
on poor population of Bangladesh. It has been well documented by now that the first victims of such pollution
are the people with low nutrition (often people with low body weight). Women suffer from arsenic not only in
terms of physical illness but also social consequences as they can not get married and are seen as a burden
to their families and their communities. In a recent survey conducted in 270 villages, more than 7,000 arsenic
affected patients identified so far been identified. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
said that, in Bangladesh with regard to protected future cases of arsenic-related health burden, skin cancer
would affect 375,000 people (Roy, et al., 2008). The estimate also suggested that in Bangladesh
approximately 6,500 people may die from cancer every year, and a total of 326,000 people in a period of 50
years, while 2.5 million people will develop some kind of arsenicosis during that period. Over 30 million



people in Bangladesh are exposed to arsenic concentrations above the Bangladesh drinking water standard
of 0.05 mg/l; among them over 27 million or dose to 90 percent live in rural areas.

7.10.2 Urban Water Supply

It was estimated that in 1990 about 76.0 percent of population in urban population had access to safe
drinking water, the coverage increased to 95 percent in the 2000. The urban water supply access was
estimated to be 71 percent in 2006 (Table 7.21) of which coverage of piped water supply is only 39 percent
and the remaining 32 percent by handpump tubewells. If the present growth is maintained in the coming
years, it would be possible to reach the target by 2015. Thus, a large number of future urban populations
will be required to be brought under reliable and safe piped water supply system.

Table 7.21: The proportion of population with access to safe drinking water

Urban Year
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007

Access to safe
Urban (%) 76.00 80.00 95.00 71.00 71.00 86.00
drinking water

Sources: Progress drinking water & sanitation, UNICEF/WHO, 2008, MICS 2006; BIDS 2004; LGD, MLG&RD, 2005, DPHE 2008

Circle wise water source & coverage is shown in Table 7.22 The number of safe water pumps is highest in
Dhaka circle with the lowest in Chittagong circle. Circlewise coverage by running water pump is highest in
Khulna circle and lowest in the Chittagong circle. From the study it is revealed that Chittagong circle is still
lagging behind than other circles.
Table 7.22 Circle-wise water sources & coverage



1 DHAKA 12 93 283,510 12,254 295,764 29,300

2 CHITTAGONG 8 72 247,344 17,327 264,671 46,583

3 SYLHET 4 37 78,471 3,928 82,399 7,017

4 BARISAL 6 40 108,693 7,125 115,818 6,045

5 FARIDPUR 5 27 81,831 3,298 85,129 23,372

6 RAJSHAHI 6 49 135,497 6,540 142,037 5,932

7 RANGPUR 10 75 180,499 7,958 188,457 2,525

8 KHULNA 10 59 158,379 8,889 167,268 35,934

9 CHT 3 25 17,485 6,833 24,318 0

BANGLADESH 64 477 1,291,709 74,152 1,365,861 156,708

Source: NMIC, DPHE, February, 2008

Water Access to slum areas

The major sources of drinking water in slums areas were municipal taps and tube wells (Table 7.23). A small
portion of households (1.9 percent) collected drinking water from other sources (rivers, ponds, lakes, canals
etc.). Dhaka's slum residents typically relied on municipal tap water while those in other cities usually used
tube wells. In 40.9 percent of these clusters, one tap was shared by 6-10 households while in 22.7 percent
a single tap was used by 11 to 20 families.



Table 7.23 Source of Drinking water by City

(% of clusters)


DHAKA 92.30 6.50 1.20 4,966
CHITTAGONG 28.70 65.20 6.10 1,814
KHULNA 2.10 97.90 0.00 520
RAJSHAHI 12.80 87.30 0.00 641
SYLHET 36.30 62.80 0.90 756
BARISAL 15.60 84.40 0.00 351
ALL CITIES 61.10 37.00 1.90 9,048
Source: CUS, 2005

Table 7.24 Tap Water Sharing Pattern by City

(% of clusters, among those with tap water source)

NOT SHARED 1.40 24.20 38.10 8.70 1.00 - 4.50

2-5 19.60 24.40 4.80 20.90 6.50 26.10 19.60

6-10 45.80 23.70 4.80 34.90 20.30 14.50 40.90

11-20 21.70 15.70 28.60 28.60 45.90 43.50 22.70

21-30 4.70 3.90 23.80 4.40 20.30 8.70 6.80

ABOVE 30 6.80 8.00 - 2.40 5.90 8.70 6.80

TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Source: CUS, 2005

7.10.3 Rural Sanitation

In 1990, 15.3 percent of rural population had access to sanitary latrines (Table 7.25). Coverage increased
to 35 percent in 2000. A nationwide "Community based Total Sanitation' campaign was lunched in 2003 with
aim of reaching 100 percent coverage by 2010. Projects named 'alternative water supply/sanitation' and
'water sanitation & flood protection capacity building' were implemented by MLG&RD during 1998-2004. The
coverage increased to 57 percent in 2005. Again the rural sanitation coverage increased to 84.7percent in
2007 because during last twenty months following 2005, five million latrines were installed. The growth rate
is very encouraging, about 17 percent per annum. The country is expected to reach her target 100 percent,
if the present growth rate is maintained.
Table 7.25: The proportion of population with access to sanitary latrines

Sanitation Target Year

1990-95 2000 2005 2006 2007

Access to Rural (%) 15.30 35.00 57.00 81.50 84.70

Sanitary latrines Urban (%) 61.20 60.00 74.00 80.00 86.00

Sources: MDGs Mid Term Bangladesh Progress Report 2007; MICS 2006; BIDS 2004; LGD, MLG&RD, 2005; BBS 2006.



7.10.4 Urban Sanitation

It is estimated that sanitation coverage is 80 percent in urban areas. In 2003, the Government set a target
to of 100 percent sanitation coverage by 2010 and launched an awareness campaign, promotion and
construction components. The national sanitation campaign emphasizes installing pit latrines for both rural
and urban areas. The use of on-site sanitation (pit latrines and septic tanks) will be appropriate in many high
density areas due to lack of space and the risk of groundwater contamination. Different off-site approaches
(conventional or small-bore sewers) are needed in high-density urban areas which require higher level of
technical skills and high investment costs. De-sludging and safe disposal of the latrines and septic tanks is
another worrying environmental problem. Thus, is spite of the relatively higher percentage of sanitation
coverage in the urban areas compared to the rural ones the actual sanitation situation is worsen mainly
because of high population density.

However, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) by UNICEF & BBS, 2006 found that the percentage
population without access to sanitary latrines was 42 percent for urban and 68 percent for rural. A study
conducted by DPHE in 2003 found that lack of money more than 72.0 percent of rural and 80.0 percent of
urban population do not have a latrine. The values were 84.5 percent and 88.4 percent in case of City
Corporation and municipalities. The percentage was higher (31.5 percent) in case of city corporation
population of having latrine due lack of space. Lack of awareness, 25.3 percent of urban population was not
interested to have latrine. City corporation people (5.5 percent) do not have latrine because of preference of
open defection. However, due to lack of material, 3.2 percent population of City Corps, do not have a Latrine
(Table 7.26).

Table 7.26 Reasons for not having a Latrine



NATIONAL 8,982,551 73.23 10.64 25.13 4.23 1.99

RURAL 8,595,626 72.90 10.30 25.32 4.27 2.05
URBAN 386,925 80.47 18.26 20.85 3.32 0.59
CITY CORPS. 30,727 67.91 31.53 23.04 5.53 3.20
MUNICIPALITIES 356,198 81.55 17.12 20.66 3.13 0.37
Source: DPHE 2003

7.11 Major Interventions and Targets for Water supply and sanitation

The major intervention to make available access to safe drinking water in the rural areas will be construction
of schemes (source intake-STW, DSP TW) in the low covered areas. Arsenic mitigation technologies will
also be encouraged. The major intervention to provide access to basic sanitation in the rural areas will be to
increase the percentage of people with access to appropriate improved toilets. The use of other inferior
technologies will be discouraged at the same time.

The major intervention for the urban areas will be to provide access to safe drinking water through the
construction of water treatment plants and piped connections to the house. For access to basic sanitation,
the interventions will be through construction of proper sewerage system to provide pour flash latrines while
completely doing away with other inferior technologies. The interventions will include providing new
sewerage and waste-water treatment plants in larger urban areas.



Common interventions in both urban and rural areas will be to focus on improving drinking water standards
through monitoring of water quality and training to build up the capacity of the government (DPHE), NGOs
and private individuals. Rehabilitation and repair of old and non-functional infrastructure will continue, and
awareness and educational programmes will also be under-taken to emphasize the importance of safe
drinking water and basic sanitation.

The total population was 140.6 million in 2006 where 75 percent live in rural areas. The number of rural
household was 21.2 million. The average household size, 4.9 persons have been used. The population
growth rate was 0.95 for rural and 2.98 for urban areas.

As the MDG water and sanitation targets are well on track, the coverage targets for both urban and rural
areas are to provide universal access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2011 and 2010
respectively. The coverage targets for provision of sewerage and wastewater treatment facilities in the five
urban divisional cities by 2015.

7.11.1 Rural Areas

The major interventions for providing access to safe drinking water in the rural areas are:

Increase access of rural communities through the ongoing Rural Water Supply & Sanitation programme,
which include the construction of schemes and extension of existing ones; like increase the numbers of
Shallow Tubewell (STW), Deep Set Pump (DSP) Tubewell and Arsenic Mitigation Technology which are cost
effective, durable and simple.

Rural Water Infrastructure Coverage

The percentage of rural population who will be provided with access to safe drinking water will be increased
from the existing 71 percent to near 100 by 2011 through the construction of more schemes and
rehabilitation of existing ones.

Shallow Tubewell

The depth of STW is typically within 30-50 m. STW is a low cost, easy to operate and maintain robust
technology. It is the common technology in Bangladesh. When the GWT is below the suction limit of 7.5 m,
the STW are not functional. In some areas, water from shallow depths are contaminated by Arsenic. At
present 29 percent of population are covered STW and it is expected that water coverage will be nearly
same in 2015. Unit cost of a STW is BDT 5,000 (according to DPHE).

Deep Set Pump Tubewell

The depth of deep set tubewell (DST) is usually within 100 to 150 m. Due to excessive withdrawal of GW
for irrigation, the GW level is gradually lowering, particularly during the dry season. As such there is an
increasing trend of the LWT areas, which at present is estimated to be 26 percent of the total area of
Bangladesh. The use of DSP TW technology is also increasing in those areas. At present 19 percent
population is covered by DSP. Due to the increasing demand, it is expected that the coverage will reach to
32 percent by 2015. The unit cost of a DSP is set to be BDT 15,000

Deep Tubewell

Deep tubewells (DTW) are used to extract water from deeper aquifers. In Bangladesh, a handpump tubewell
is called a deep tubewell when its depth is over 75m. DTW technology operates under suction mode in the
same principal as a STW, the only difference is that the depth of the tubewell is more than 75m DTW
technology is mostly used in the saline zone (coastal belt) where the depth of tubewell is around 300 m.



However, due to arsenic in groundwater, DTW technology increased all over Bangladesh. Water from DTW
is free from arsenic that many studies documented. The technology is easy to operate and robust like STW.
At present seven percent population are covered by DTW and it is expected the coverage will be same in
2015 because of its installation cost is too high. As such, only, a limited number of houses can afford a
private tubewell and most of the population depends on the public community wells.

Arsenic Mitigation Technology

Arsenic mitigation technologies are considered as a separate technology because of the vast magnitude of
the problem. The government of Bangladesh has recommended four alternative technologies for arsenic
affected areas. These technologies avoid the use of arsenic contaminated groundwater. They are (i) dug
wells, (ii) pond sand filter, (iii) rain water harvesting and (iv) deep tubewells (using deep aquifer that is
arsenic free). Apart from these recommended technologies many household and community levels arsenic
removal alternative technologies are being tried out. Appropriate technological solutions are being tried out
though many are still in a development stage in Bangladesh. Piped water supply is also considered as a
feasible option for many arsenic affected areas. Arsenic removal technologies require validation from the
Government. More than 22 percent tube wells are contaminated by arsenic of Adopting alternative clean
water source technologies like arsenic mitigation technology that is cost effective, durable and simple.
Currently 16 percent population is covered by Arsenic mitigation technology and it is expected that the
coverage will be increased to about 22 percent by 2015. Unit cost of a DTW is set to be BDT 45,000

Rural Piped Water Supply System

There are a very limited number of rural piped water supply schemes in water-scarce LWT areas in
northwestern part of Bangladesh. Recently piped water supply is being promoted as an alternative to the
arsenic contaminated hand tubewells and also in villages where the socio-economic conditions are
favorable. Many villages in Bangladesh are believed to have potential to move from manually operated
handpump tubewells to piped water systems. Unlike HTWs and other alternative technologies, piped water
supply systems might need proper drainage system as domestic water use (bathing, washing, etc) is much
higher. It is expected the piped water supply will be increased to about ten percent by 2015.

Rural Sanitation

The percentage of the rural population who will be provided with access to sanitation through improved
toilets will increase from 81.5 to 100 by 2015. The main intervention for providing access to basic sanitation
in the rural areas is to increase access to rural communities by upgrading sanitation facilities. In rural areas,
sanitation infrastructures are generally single pit pour-flush water- seal latrines, improved pit latrine, septic
tank and VIP. Table 7.27 presents the rural sanitation infrastructures coverage and unit cost of each

Table 7.27: Rural Sanitation Infrastructure Coverage and Unit Cost

Rural Sanitation Infrastructure Coverage

Implied % pop Target % pop # HH per

Unit Cost (BDT)
Covered, 2006 covered, 2015 Connection

Single pit pour- flush water- seal latrine 26.00% 58.00% 1 10,618.00
Improved pit latrine (Two Pit) 32.50% 35.00% 1 7,190.00
Septic tank 17.00% 5.00% 1 50,690.00
VIP 6.00% 2.00% 1 10,618.00
Total 81.50% 100.00%



Single pit pour- flush water- seal latrine

The most widely used latrine in the rural areas is the single pit pour-flush water seal squatting pan and a pit
lined with few cement concrete rings or clay rings. The squatting pan may be directly over the pit or the pit
may be off-set. It needs flushing by hand using 1.5 to 2.0 liters of water every time it is used. The water-seal
prevent flies and odors. At present single pit pour-flush water-seal latrine covers 26 percent population and
it is expected that the coverage will be increased to 58 percent by 2015 due to its increasing demand.

Improved pit latrine

A twin pit latrine consists of one squatting pan and two offset pits and a Y-junction for directing excreta from
the squatting pan to either of the two pits. Currently, improved pit latrine covers about 33percent of
population. The cost of twin pit latrine is proportionately more than a single pit latrine because of extra pit
and the Y-junction. There is a little possibility to increase its coverage. It is expected the coverage will be
reached to 35 percent by 2015.

Septic Tank

A septic tank is not generally applicable in rural areas where there is no piped water system with house
connections. First it is costly to construct and only the rich families can afford to build a septic tank. The
design is elaborate and copious flow of water is needed. In course of time, a septic tank may need emptying.
However, in urban built-up areas where there is no water-borne sewer system, a septic tank is the solution.
The present coverage of septic tank is 17 percent which will be reduced to five percent by 2015.

Currently VIP covers six percent of population which is expected to decrease to two percent by 2015. Unit
cost of VIP is BDT 10,618.00 (cost from DPHE).

7.11.2 Urban Areas

The percentage of urban population who will be provided with access to safe drinking water will be increased
from the existing 84 percent to 100 percent by 2011 through the construction of more schemes and the
rehabilitation of existing ones. The main interventions for providing access to safe drinking water in the urban
areas are to increase through household connection. The use of HTW and public tap is decreasing due to
lack of maintenance. Table 7.28 shows the urban water infrastructure coverage, target and unit cost of each

Table: 7.28 Urban Water Infrastructure Coverage & unit cost of each water infrastructure

Urban Water Infrastructure Coverage

Implied % pop Target % pop # HH per

Unit cost (BDT)
Covered, 2006 Covered (2015) Connection

Household Connection 39.00% 85.00% 1.00 55,485.00

Hand tubewells 29.00% 12.00% 25.00 56,170.00
Public tap 3.00% 2.00% 40.00 17,810.00
Rainwater collection 0.00% 1.00% 1.00 20,550.00
Total 71.00% 100.00%



Urban Water Infrastructure Coverage

Household Connection
Houses that are directly connected to the piped system have the highest comfort of water supply since there
will be internal pumping with several water points inside the house like baths, showers and toilets. This type
of connection has the highest per capita use of water as a result of the high availability of the water (e.g. for
bath, shower and flush-toilet). The cost of one m3 is low as compared to other service levels, ranging from
BDT 30 to 200 per month, varying with pourashava / city but also depending on the size of the connection.
At present, household connection covered 39 percent of the total urban population which is expected to
increase 85 percent by 2015.
Hand tubewells
A number of hand tubewells (HTW) for public use have been sunk in the Pourashavas, mostly outside the
areas served by piped supply. These tubewells are maintained by the local DPHE office and by caretakers
and users themselves. As with public taps, over time the number of tubewells has gone down due to wear
of the pumps and boreholes and lack of maintenance. HTW currently covers 29 percent of the urban
population. It is expected that the coverage will be decreased to 12 percent by 2015.
Public tap
In many Pourashava, public taps are used by people who do not have house connection or public tap but
live within the area of the piped system. Usually there is no charge for the water thus obtained but also
comfort is lower than the other two types of piped connection. Supervision of the tap is not always available
leading to vandalism or theft, rendering the tap useless and often the tap is then closed and sealed off. Over
time the number of public taps in most municipalities has diminished. At present, public tap covered 2.5
percent of population which will go down to two percent by 2015 due to its proper supervision and
Rainwater collection
A very few numbers of people collect rain water for their consumption. There is a target to increase the
coverage of one percent by 2015.
Urban sanitation
The focus on sanitation in the urban areas will be to provide improved access of sanitation which is expected
to be increased from 80 percent to 100 percent by 2010. The above described rural sanitation options exist
also for urban areas, their applicability depending on the population density. Other options, specific for urban
areas, are described in Table 7.29. The main interventions for providing access to sanitation in urban areas
are described below:
Table: 7.29: Urban Sanitation Infrastructure Coverage & unit cost of each sanitation infrastructure

Urban Sanitation Infrastructure Coverage

Implied % pop Target % pop # HH per

Unit cost (BDT)
Covered 2006 Covered (2015) Connection

Conventional Sewer systems 20.00% 15.00% 1 20,550.00

Simplified sewerage 1.00% 0.00% 1 10,138.00
Septic tank 14.50% 10.00% 1 26,520.00
Pour flush latrine 34.00% 68.00% 1 10,618.00
VIP 5.00% 2.00% 1 10,618.00
Public toilets 4.00% 5.00% 1 500,000.00
Total 78.50% 100.00%



Conventional sewer systems

The collection and transport of wastewater by means of sewers is a well known method widely applied all
over the world. The amount of wastewater discharged to the system should be sufficient to let the self-
cleaning process take place in the sewer pipes. If the water use is low then too many blockage will appear.
The collected wastewater needs adequate treatment before the effluent can be discharged into open waters
to protect downstream water users from polluted sources.

Wastewater collection as well as treatment is a costly undertaking (for investment as well as in operation
and maintenance) and if cost-recovery methods would be applied to set the tariffs for users of the systems,
these probably would be just as high or higher than a full cost-recovery tariffs for drinking water supply. In
Bangladesh a very minor part of population is served by sewerage systems (only the central and south part
of Dhaka), it would be worthwhile to consider other methods of sanitation for the remaining areas of
Bangladesh. Therefore, it is expected that the coverage will be decreased from 20 percent in 2008 to 15
percent in 2015.

Pour flush latrine

Suitability of Pour flush latrine is described in the above section, the most widely acceptable latrine in rural
as well as urban areas. The present coverage is 34 percent which is expected to increase 68 percent by

Waste water treatment coverage

Currently 30 percent of sewer connections are fitted with wastewater treatment where ten percent for each
primary, secondary and advance treatment are taken place. It is expected that the 60 percent of existing
sewer connections will be connected for waste water treatment and 70 percent of newly built sewer
connection will be fitted for waste water treatment.



7.12 Resource Needs Estimates for Water Supply and Sanitation

It is estimated that a total of BDT 965,263.32 million will be required to undertake the entire interventions
suggested above for the period 2009-2015 where BDT 188,887.38 million for water and sanitation for rural
areas and BDT 776,375.94 million for urban areas. The cost breakup by interventions is shown in Table 7.30,
7.31 and 7.32.
Table 7.30: Annual Cost for resource needs for rural water and sanitation
(million BDT)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Average

Total Cost Estimates for Rural
Rural Water
Capital Cost 1,714.23 1,751.32 1,789.02 1,826.33 1,864.13 1,902.55 1,941.58 12,789.15 1,827.02
Operating Cost 1,441.81 1,528.39 1,617.37 1,708.80 1,802.71 1,899.17 1,998.22 11,996.48 1,713.78
Rural Water Total 3,156.04 3,279.71 3,406.39 3,535.13 3,666.85 3,801.72 3,939.80 24,785.64 3,540.81

Rural Sanitation

Capital Cost 10,037.41 10,249.23 10,464.47 10,683.19 10,905.43 11,131.25 11,360.70 74,831.68 10,690.24

Operating Cost 10,451.91 10,274.22 10,095.85 9,916.84 9,737.24 9,557.07 9,376.38 69,409.50 9,915.64

Rural Sanitation Total 20,489.32 20,523.44 20,560.32 20,600.03 20,642.67 20,688.32 20,737.08 144,241.18 20,605.88

Rural Hygiene and Education

Capital Cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Operating Cost 1,997.16 2,032.45 2,068.24 2,104.52 2,141.30 2,178.59 2,216.40 14,738.66 2,105.52

Total Hygiene and 1,997.16 2,032.45 2,068.24 2,104.52 2,141.30 2,178.59 2,216.40 14,738.66 2,105.52

Hospitals Total (Rural) 174.54 182.21 190.30 217.64 240.83 187.62 172.60 1,365.74 195.11
Schools Total (Rural) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.23 0.03

Human Resources
Total (Rural) 380.63 432.61 484.58 536.56 588.54 640.52 692.50 3,755.93 536.56

Grand Total for Rural (BDT) 26,197.71 26,450.45 26,709.87 26,993.91 27,280.22 27,496.80 27,758.41 188,887.38 26,983.91
Grand Total for Rural (USD) 383.01 386.70 390.50 394.65 398.83 402.00 405.82 2,761.51 394.50

Per capita cost (BDT) 240.24 240.27 240.34 240.61 240.88 240.51 240.51 240.48

Per capita cost (USD) 3.51 3.51 3.51 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52

Source: Water & sanitation NA &Costing Tool, version 1, 2006, GED, Planning Commission, GOB



Table 7.31: Annual Cost for resource needs for urban water and sanitation
(million BDT)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Average

Total Cost Estimates for Urban
Urban Water
Capital Cost 28,754.76 30,295.97 31,903.89 33,581.00 35,330.12 37,154.07 39,055.78 236,075.58 33,725.08

Operating Cost 11,932.11 13,443.69 15,039.74 16,724.09 18,500.75 20,373.88 22,347.81 118,362.08 16,908.87

Urban Water Total 40,686.87 43,739.66 46,943.63 50,305.09 53,830.87 57,527.95 61,403.59 354,437.66 50,633.95

Urban Sanitation

Capital Cost 13,594.64 14,256.88 14,947.20 15,666.70 16,416.52 17,197.87 18,011.98 110,091.80 15,727.40

Operating Cost 20,386.10 21,569.60 22,811.32 24,113.84 25,479.87 26,912.21 28,413.79 169,686.74 24,240.96

Urban Water Total 33,980.75 35,826.49 37,758.52 39,780.54 41,896.39 44,110.08 46,425.77 279,778.54 39,968.36

Urban Wastewater treatment

Capital Cost 8,688.17 13,032.25 21,720.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,440.85 6,205.84
Operating Cost 5,324.69 6,651.21 8,862.07 8,862.07 8,862.07 8,862.07 8,862.07 56,286.22 8,040.89

Urban Wastewater
14,012.86 19,683.46 30,582.49 8,862.07 8,862.07 8,862.07 8,862.07 99,727.07 14,246.72
treatment Total

Hygiene and Education for Urban

Capital Cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Operating Cost 2,149.74 2,436.35 2,945.97 1,909.82 1,981.23 2,054.76 2,130.45 15,608.32 2,229.76

Total Hygiene and

2,149.74 2,436.35 2,945.97 1,909.82 1,981.23 2,054.76 2,130.45 15,608.32 2,229.76
Education (Urban)

Hospitals Total for Urban 14.61 15.36 16.13 17.83 19.66 17.19 15.83 116.62 16.66

Schools Total for Urban 0.57 0.58 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.60 0.61 4.12 0.59

Human Resources Total

3,085.73 3,328.75 3,571.78 3,814.80 4,057.83 4,300.85 4,543.87 26,703.61 3,814.80
for Urban

Total for Urban (BDT) 93,931.12 105,030.65 121,819.10 104,690.74 110,648.64 116,873.49 123,382.20 776,375.94 110,910.85

Total for Urban (USD) 1,373.26 1,535.54 1,780.98 1,530.57 1,617.67 1,708.68 1,803.83 11,350.53 1,621.50
Per capita cost (BDT) 2,485.85 2,699.16 3,040.01 2,536.97 2,603.75 2,670.65 2,737.79 2,682.03

Per capita cost (USD) 36.34 39.46 44.44 37.09 38.07 39.04 40.03 39.21
Source: Water & sanitation NA &Costing Tool, version 1, 2006, GED, Planning Commission, GOB
Table 7.32: Annual Cost for resource needs for water and sanitation
(million BDT)

Total for Water

Supply and 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Average

Total for Rural (BDT) 26,197.71 26,450.45 26,709.87 26,993.91 27,280.22 27,496.80 27,758.41 188,887.38 26,983.91

Total for Urban (BDT) 93,931.12 105,030.64 121,819.10 104,690.73 110,648.64 116,873.49 123,382.196 776,375.94 110,910.85

Grand Total BDT million 120,128.84 131,481.10 148,528.97 131,684.65 137,928.86 144,370.30 151,140.60 965,263.32 137,894.76
Grand Total USD million 1,756.27 1,922.24 2,171.48 1,925.21 2,016.50 2,110.68 2,209.66 14,112.04 2,016.01

Per capita BDT 819.27 884.20 984.94 861.13 889.40 918.04 947.71 900.67

Per capita USD 11.98 12.93 14.40 12.59 13.00 13.42 13.86 13.17





Poverty and Hunger

In order to successfully achieve the MDG1 related to poverty and hunger, economic growth must have a
stronger pro-poor orientation. This should be reflect in overall macroeconomic policy and budgeting for the
successful implementation of the proposed poverty alleviation interventions, including focused and targeted
poverty interventions. It is especially crucial that higher growth rates for the agriculture sector are stimulated
through increased allocation of resources and investments in policies on agricultural subsidies, extension,
and legislation such as the Land Act. These will have considerable impact on the agricultural productivity of
smallholder farmers, and need to be reviewed to ensure that they facilitate poverty reduction and equitable
access. Rural credit also forms a critical element for the success, as indicated in some of the interventions
mentioned above. Ensuring access to affordable micro-insurance schemes, particularly for the poorer and
vulnerable households, should be enhanced. Similarly, enhancing other rural income generation
opportunities will require policies that support the development of small and micro intermediaries and
economic facilities.

Bangladesh's progress on the MDG1 indicators during the 1990s has been good, but challenges remain
moving forward. Indeed, there are several areas of concern highlighted in this report. First, there are very
large regional disparities in virtually all of the MDG1 indicators in Bangladesh. Divisions such as Barisal,
Rajshahi and Khulna have generally not performed well on several of the MDG1 indicators. Even if
Bangladesh as a whole attains some of the MDG1 indicators, there will be several areas of the country that
will remain distantly behind. In particular, these are specific rural and urban areas, as well as specialized
zones such as haor, hilly areas, coastal areas and char areas. The analysis also suggests that achievement
thus far of many of the MDG1 indicators is geographically concentrated in a few regions. This in turn means
that targeted interventions, central government resources, and economic growth opportunities to the lagging
divisions are needed to speed up the attainment of MDG1.

The primary challenges and actions needed to address are addressed to achieving the targets of MDG1 by
2015 are: reducing hunger and malnutrition; comprehensive programmes of integrated actions on many
fronts including youth unemployment; supporting effective and sustainable safety net programmes for the
vulnerable in poor areas; promoting pro-poor growth; expansion of rural infrastructure for ensuring access
to health and modern facilities; and strengthening rural-urban market linkages for the poor.

The major interventions and targets for MDG1 are agriculture and rural development which consists of
increasing agricultural productivity, investments in soil health, improved seeds, plant protection, small scale
irrigation and water management, agricultural research, extension services of DAE, DLS and DoF, and
subsidy in agriculture. Rural incomes and access to markets that includes building storage facilities to
reduce post-harvest losses, agro-processing activities, access to micro credit.

The long term strategies to address urban poverty including formulation urban development plans to improve
the living standards of the urban poor and the whole urban settlements at large should be initiated. There is
a need to effectively address the growing rural-urban migration trends that have serious implications for the
emergence of urban poverty and acute farm labour shortages. Improving rural access will require reviewing
policies and regulations related to road construction in rural areas, especially the prolonged delays in
acquiring required clearances, the maintenance of road infrastructure. Moreover, the following policies
towards addressing the roads infrastructure to the rural areas are mentioned as:

z Ensure rural-urban linkages through selective expansion of district to village road network
z Extension and improvement of railway network access to rural poor;
z Ensure water transport services to the mass people especially poor people in unfavorable zone.
z Prioritize development of road communication to link growth center, union head quarters, upazila
head quarters and national road system
z Extension of reliable and affordable electricity in the rural area of Bangladesh.



In addition, possibilities should be explored to develop appropriate compensation schemes to unemployed

people during the monga period to engage them in construction and maintenance of small village roads in
community level. Food security and rural income generation interventions need to be improved through
developed for the continuation of VGD, VGF and guaranteed employment scheme for the poor.

z Extending coverage of safety net Programmes;

z Increase average amount of payment under SSNPs;
z Increase duration of payment under SSNPs;
z Effective implementation of delivery systems of existing SSNPs; and
z Extending SSNPs during natural calamities

Finally, the preparation of a national strategic plan as well as the financing strategy is suggested to
implement and explore the required resource needs and the sources of fund.


In view of the current situation and considering the targets for the three MDG 2 indicators namely net
enrolment rate, primary cycle completion rate and the adult literacy rate the current study proposed a set of
interventions. These interventions have been broadly categorised as supply side and demand side
interventions. Major supply side interventions comprise infrastructure and human resource requirements,
incentives for the service providers etc. The demand side interventions mostly dealt with incentives provided
to the service recipients i.e., the students or the learners. Although the coverage is pre-primary, primary,
secondary, and non-formal education sectors the major focus is basically given on primary education as the
primary net enrolment rate and primary completion rates are the two critical indicators of the MDG 2. All
these interventions together will contribute to achieving the targets set for the two specific indicators in the
area of primary education. For adult education it is expected that increasing the number of learning centers
to cover the potential learners coupled with the existing provisions for distribution of free learning materials
will help achieve the specified target within the stipulated time period.

Policy support for implementing these interventions are in place through the two important national
documents - the National Plan of Action II: 2003-2015 and the Second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
(2009-2011). Large program like PEDP II has been in place with components addressing the issues that
have directly linkage with the MDG 2 indicators particularly in the area of primary education.



Still there are challenges in implementing these interventions within the specified timeframe in terms of
financial and human resource capacity. The estimated cost of implementing the suggested programs for
achieving the MDG for education will require a huge amount of budgetary allocation. Need for a large pool
of human resources with adequate managerial and technical skills cannot be denied. In both these areas
there is enough room for the development partners to participate in the development activities and help
achieving the MDG goals related to education. This will ease the path for achieving the other MDGs too.


The government's commitment to gender equity is the result of decades of development work in
Bangladesh. The suggested interventions are expected to contribute to achieve the goals set out in MDG
goals related to gender equality. The interventions for gender equality are believed to bring change in the
attitude of policy makers, civil servants, judiciary, police, public leaders and media personnel. The broad
interventions will address gender inequality for women's empowerment through dialogue with policy makers,
politicians, media personnel for involvement of women in decision -making and in political bodies.

It is important that the support and involvement of policy makers will ensure community based awareness
programme for sustaining gender based equality in education, helping girls transition to work, encouraging
women's political participation and parliamentary reform to encourage major political parties to increase the
number of women's nomination during national election.
Further attention of policy makers is necessary to reduce gender based violence and strengthening of
gender mainstreaming in all ministries and organizations. The policy makers are in such position that they
can influence the relevant bodies responsible to address gender inequality. They can advocate and lobby
for increased budgetary allocation for the gender based programmes to effectively meet the desired goals
of MDG goals on gender equality.

Support should be provided to address issues like discriminatory legislative and policy provisions and
practices against women and girls. Sensitization of various groups is important and need to be done in
culturally sensitive manner so they emerge as advocates for gender equality and speaks against VAW.

The practical understanding of the situation of women and prevailing gender inequality is needed to carry
forward the MDG 3. Gender equity & equality is therefore one of the most important focus areas of MOWCA
both at the organizational and the program levels. As an implementing ministry efforts by MOWCA to
institutionalize gender equity got a major boost from its first official Gender Policy in 1997. The ambitious
scope of this policy set the stage for much subsequent work in Gender, focusing MOWCA's organizational
culture, accountability, technical capacity, programme, design, implementation, monitoring & evaluation,
partnership and advocacy.

However the most important matter of concern is to develop mechanisms to provide a clear picture of how
to translate the Gender Policy into concrete, behavioral terms. MOWCA has focal points which strongly
encourage all sectoral ministries to have gender screening of their policies and to implement gender focused
programmes. The major burden of gender integration remains with the MOWCA, with its staff approaching
other sectors for assessment of gender component in their work. The onus should be actually be on the
other ministries to approach MOWCA, which they rarely do because gender is yet to be priority. MOWCA
should be at the lead to for ensuring integration of gender in other government sectors. This could be an
effective strategy given the marginalization of the MOWCA .
Some indicators of MDG related to reduce gender disparity are on track, some are not on track and some
have structural and socio-cultural barriers to be on the track in 2015 considering 2005 as benchmark.
Therefore, if the current trends of those indicators which are far from being on track continue to it will be
challenging to reach all the goals by2015. Even the recent trends may not be continued over the next two
years (2007-08 and 2008/09) owing to the global economic shock. Bangladesh will require massive levels
of investment to fully take up the challenges of MDG 3, in particular those where current performance is
behind schedule. It may not be possible to generate resources from domestic sources only, and will therefore
require the support and assistance of its development partners.




Bangladesh has made significant progress towards attaining the health related MDGs but much more must
be done if we hope to achieve the goals by 2015. The improvements in some health indicators have been
remarkable, especially reducing the under 5 mortality, providing vaccines to children and mothers, reducing
vitamin A deficiency, and others. In other areas the country is lagging behind and more must be done to
ensure that the promise of the MDGs is realized.

The country should give special emphasis to reduce neonatal mortality, improve nutrition during the early
months of life, prevent and treat the most common life-threatening infectious diseases to reduce the infant
mortality rate to the target level by 2015. Strategies for reducing drowning, which is a major cause of child
mortality in Bangladesh, will also contribute to achieving MDG 4.

A package of services is needed in the community level to make deliveries safe for both mother and child.
Access to health services to prevent and manage any maternal complications or any illnesses that occur in
the first few days of life of a newborn is essential for attaining the interrelated MDG 4 and 5. Poor quality of
care and misperceptions regarding need for care are the main causes of low level of care-seeking for
illnesses of the women and children in Bangladesh. An effective community based work force can help to
reduce the misperceptions of the families and parents regarding care for their children.

The country must ensure availability of CSBA for safe home delivery and CEmOC at all Upazila level for
referral care to reduce the maternal mortality ratio to 143 per 100,000 live births, by 2015. The financial
constraint of the poor women for seeking care at time of delivery can be removed by expanding the DSF in
all Upazila, and it will need increasing level of expenditure on demand creation.
Despite the successes in malaria control program plasmodium falciparum infections22 has increased notably
in the past few years because of emergence and spread of antimalaria drug resistance in the hilly areas
(ICDDR'B 2006). This seems to be one of the main obstacles for reverting malaria treatment failure rate.

Tuberculosis is a critical infectious disease in Bangladesh and additional resources and strategies are
needed to identify cases earlier, before they have transmitted their infection to others. The success of TB
control program largely depends upon an efficient monitoring mechanism and public awareness.
Involvement and participation of private practitioners, not-for-profit providers at upazila level, and medical
colleges are essential for successful control of tuberculosis.
22 Among the malaria infections, both plasmodium falciparum and p. vivax are prevalent, the former being the predominant (70 percent) in

Bangladesh (WHO 2008).



The low HIV/AIDS prevalence among the general population in Bangladesh places the country in a good
position to halting and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015. However, one of the major challenges is
to provide treatment and care to all PLHIV. The exact number of people living with HIV/AIDS infection is not
known and the coverage of VCT is extremely low. Moreover, the diagnosis, treatment and care of PLHIV
require costly interventions, which are unaffordable by most of the population of risk groups.

Bangladesh currently spends on health considerably lower than what is required to achieve the health
related MDGs. The country has to scale-up resources for the health sector and at the same time ensure
optimum utilization of resources. The capacity of the pre-service training institutes for the health personnel
should be increased substantially and strategies to increase the accountability of health sector professionals
and deal with absenteeism problem in rural areas are essential for improving health sector performances in


The natural environment is constantly changing due to both human interventions and natural phenomena
like floods, cyclone, river bank erosion, landslides, water logging, drought etc. To ensure long-term
environmental sustainability, environment policies have to keep up with the changing environment along with
the change in human and development activities that impact it. Policy interventions should seek to improve
environment outcomes that matter to improve by mainstreaming poverty environment issues into key
process and their implementation including the national plans, sectoral strategies and sub-national planning.

As mentioned in the report above, the forest cover is depleting fast in Bangladesh and it has only 0.02
hectares of forest land per person (one of the lowest forest-man ratios in the world). Further, interventions
are needed to reduce the air pollution including its timely and effective monitoring. It is evident that
undertaking interventions related to environment will also have impact on other areas as well, especially on

Further, the impact of climate change, the natural disasters and loss of land due to degradation and salinity
are important issues in Bangladesh. The TWG decided to consider the interventions on Environment in four
broad categories - Reducing exposure to environmental health impacts; Improving livelihoods; Reducing
vulnerability through capacity enhancement and investment for climate change and adaptation & disaster
management; and Governance Institutions, capacity and systemic issues.
For reducing exposure to environment, the interventions identified relate to monitoring of air and water
quality, reducing exposure to CO2 emissions through mass transit (railway) and through promotion of use
alternative fuel (CNG), and solid waste management. Further, it was agreed that improving livelihoods is
very important and interventions identified amongst other include co-managed forest initiatives for benefiting
poor people, pro-poor forest and wild life management plans, slum livelihoods upgradation schemes and
security of tenure for the slum dwellers.

The impacts of climate change have been a daunting challenge for Bangladesh, and the frequent natural
disasters need interventions that address the reduction of vulnerability through capacity enhancement for
climate adaptation while also providing asset and income support schemes. In addition capacity building and
mass awareness campaigns will help sensitize people on environmental issues.

The approach adopted by the TWG emphasizes on preventive measures while also on remedial action. It
was felt that addressing the key challenges will advance multiple goals and targets simultaneously and will
have faster, deeper, wider, more cost effective and more lasting impact on environmental sustainability and
human well being in the long-term than sequential interventions that address environmental challenges



The vision Statement on Power recognizes energy as a prime resource for poverty reduction. Rural
electrification has been made a key goal and the Government has targeted electrifying the country by 2020
through grid and off grid methods. The national emphasis on rural electrification is also reflected in the
national Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), which identified rural electrification as a key area to
foster economic growth with a pro-poor orientation (GOB 2005).

The interventions have been recommended by the Thematic Working Group for inclusion the MDG needs
Assessment and Costing relate to modern fuel for cooking/heating, promotion and use of renewable energy,
promotion of energy saving bulbs. Since grid electricity is highly subsided by the government, it is
recommended that government will consider grants for enhancing programmes, particularly solar PV and
bio-gas plant programmes.

Reduction of the use of fuel-wood and agricultural residues, exploring alternative energy resources,
precautionary measures against potentially harmful use of nuclear energy and nuclear radiation,
conservation of forest fuel and development of improved energy saving technology are recommended
options for the sector. Apart from these, EIA has been made mandatory before implementing projects for
exploration and extraction of fuel and mineral resources.

The provision of universal access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation will help to attaining basic
human needs. It will also contribute to the achievement of MDGs in other areas like health, education and
gender. Bangladesh has shown good progress towards achieving universal access to safe drinking water
and sanitation, but challenges still remain in ensuing 100 percent access to all. Access to clean water and
sanitation will result in reduction of water borne and sanitation related diseases such as typhoid, diarrhea,
dysentery and cholera. Provision of safe drinking water will help in reducing child mortality and improve
maternal health as both the child and mother. Women will not have to travel long distance to fetch water and
it will reduce their water carrying burden and enable them to carry out other more productive and useful
works. The additional income earned from the extra works undertaken in saved time will help to reduce with
fetching water will also have more time to spend on their studies and other useful activities.

Needs, Costs and Financing

Assessment of Needs based on the situation analysis and the challenges through the Thematic Working
Groups (TWGs) resulted in identification of interventions in all of the above mentioned areas with a view to
achieve the MDG Targets in Bangladesh by 2015. The exercise has been comprehensive and has had active
involvement of representatives of the respective Ministries of the Government of Bangladesh and the United
Nations Agencies. Use of costing tools to cost the interventions has facilitated a harmonized approach for
all sectors with MDGs.

An earlier study conducted by Millennium Project on MDG Needs Assessments in 2004 for Country Case
Studies of: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda (lead by Jeffery Sachs) mentions that, in
order to meet the MDGs, Bangladesh would need to spend a total of USD 66 per capita in 2005 increasing
to USD 102 per capita by 2015. This translated into a total investment need of USD 155 billion between 2005
and 2015, which is equivalent to an average annual per capita need of USD 84.

However the study also notes certain important observations that will have impact on the total costs. The
study notes "When interpreting these results, it is important to note the gaps in the current analysis …... we
have so far not been able to include a number of interventions for each sector or area. In the case of
Bangladesh, the missing interventions, which might have the strongest impact on the overall results, are
summarized below":

This MDG Needs Assessment and Costing done by the Government of Bangladesh and UN family partners
supported by the project "Support of Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh" has included some of the
cost factors mentioned above.



According to this current study, about Total BDT 7,125.76 billion (USD 104.18 billion) are needed to be
spent to achieve all MDGs in Bangladesh from 2009-2015 at a per capita cost of BDT 5,115.95 (USD 74.79)
in 2009 and BDT 8,289.48 (USD 121.19) in 2015. Thus annually about BDT 1,017.97 billion (USD 14.88
billion) would be needed to achieve MDGs in Bangladesh at an annual per capita costs of about BDT
6,676.15 (USD 97.60) (Refer Table 1).

Thus although the estimates costs are different due to inclusion of additional cost factors mentioned within
the current exercise. However these are not too far apart also considering the different time periods.

However, it is important to note that the estimated costs resulting from the MDG Needs Assessment and
Costing exercise will be borne not only through Government expenditure, but will also have its share of
household expenditure. Household expenditures will be an important part of estimated costs for MDG1 and
MDG 4,5 and6. It is thus essential that a follow-up study is done on Financing of MDGs in Bangladesh to
this MDG Needs Assessment and Costing exercise that will have a detailed budget analysis wherein the
expenditures regularly being incurred/planned by the Government of Bangladesh are reflected in addition to
the household contributions by the people of Bangladesh.




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MDG Needs Assessment and Costing Team

Dr. M. Golam Sarwar, National Project Director

Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh
Joint Chief, General Economics Division
Planning Commission
Ministry of Planning

Mr. Kalyan Raj Pandey, Project Manager

Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh

Mr. Narendra Mishra, Local Development and MDG Localisation Specialist

Coordinator for MDG Needs Assessment and Costing
Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh

Dr. Md. Akteruzzaman Consultant for Poverty and Hunger.

Dr. Habibur Rahman Consultant for Education.
Dr. Sadeka Halim Consultant for Gender.
Ms. Nahid Akter Jahan Consultant for Health.
Dr. Nepal Chandra Dey Consultant for Environment.

Resource persons from the UN Regional Offices and Country Offices:

Dr. Yuba Raj Khatiwada- MDGI, UNDP Regional Center Colombo.

Ms. Gabriele Koehler - UNICEF Regional Officer for South Asia.
Ms. Patricia Alexander - Gender Team, UNDP Regional Center Colombo.
Mr. Kazuyuki Uji -HIV/AIDS Practice Team, UNDP Regional Center Colombo.
Ms. Menaka Gunawardana -MDGI, UNDP Regional Center Colombo.
Mr. Neil Fernando - MDGI, UNDP Regional Center Colombo.
Dr. Nandita Mongia - UNDP Regional Center Bangkok.
Mr. Nabendra Dahal- UNICEF Bangladesh.
Mr. Tauhid Alam - UNFPA Bangladesh.
Mr. Paul Edwards - UNICEF Bangladesh.
Mr. Aminul Islam - UNDP Bangladesh.

TWG - Poverty and Hunger (MDG1)

Dr. Md. Golam Sarwar, Joint Chief, GED, Planning Commission, Dhaka & National Project Director, Support
to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh Project, Chairperson to TWG1.
Mr. Naquib Bin Mahmud, GED, Planning Commission, Dhaka & Deputy Project Director Support to
Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh Project.
Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Assistant Chief & Member Secretary of TWG 1 GED, Planning Commission, Dhaka.
Md. Matiur Rahman, Deputy Secretary, M/O Fisheries & Livestock.
Dr. Shahjahan Ali Khandaker, Deputy Chief, Rural Development and Co-operative Division.
Prof. Dr. Md. Akteruzzaman, Consultant for TWG 1, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh
Mr. Narendra Mishra, Coordinator - MDG Needs Assessment and Costing, Local Development and MDG
Localisation Specialist, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh Project, UNDP.



Md. Humayun Kabir, Sr. Assistant Chief, M/o Labour and Employment.
Mir Nadia Nivin, Result Management Officer, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh Project.
Ms. Naima Begum, Assistant Chief, M/o Food and Disaster Management.
Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Assistant Chief, M/o Health and Family Welfare.
Md. Zakir Hossain, Deputy Chief, M/o Social Welfare.
Mr. TIM Nurunnabi Khan, Senior, Program Officer, ILO, House-12, Road-12, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka,
Mr. Sayed kabir Ahmed, Head, PM & R Section, WFP, E/8-A, Begum Rokeya Sarani, Shere-Banglanagar,
Mr. Kalyan Raj Pandey, Project manager, UNDP, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh

TWG - Education (MDG 2)

Ms Shamima Ahmed, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Chairperson of the TWG
Md. Zakir Hossain Chowdhury, Senior Assistant Chief, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Member
Secretary of TWG 2.
Mr Sheikh Abdul Ahad, Director, Census Wing, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.
Md Amin Sharif, Assistant Chief, Local Government Division, Bangladesh Secretariat.
Mr Abu Jafar Md Farid Udding Chowdhury, Senior Assistant Chief, Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Md Mahbubul Haque Patwary, Senior Assistant Chief, Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Md Selim, Senior Assistant Chief (Education wing), Socio Economic Infrastructure, Planning Commission.
Mr Al Amin Sarkar, Assistant Chief, General Economics Division, Planning Commission.
Md Tariqul Islam, Assistant Statistical Officer, Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics
Ms Sajeda Begum, Assistant Director, M&E, Directorate of Primary Education.
Md Abu Taleb Mia, Assistant Director (Planning), Bureau of Non-formal Education.
Md Saifur Rahman, Assistant Chief, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Mr Zahirul Islam, World Food Programme.
Ms Shahida Akhter, World Food Programme.
Begum Shirin Akhter, UNESCO (Dhaka Office).
Mr Prodip Kumar Mohottom, Senior Assistant Chief, Ministry of Education.
Mr. Narendra Mishra, Coordinator - MDG Needs Assessment and Costing, Local Development and MDG
Localisation Specialist, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh Project, UNDP.
Dr. Habibur Rahman, Consultant for TWG 2, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh Project.

TWG - Gender (MDG 3)

Ms. Mushfiqa Ikfad (Joint Sectretary, MOWCA) Chairperson of TWG3.

Mr A.S. M. Ashraful Alam (MOWCA , Member Secretary of TWG3).
Ms Tania Khan (Ministry of Information).
Mr Mujiban Rahman (Ministry of Education).
Md Rafiqul Hasan (Ministry of Law).
Mr. Rafiqul Islam (Ministry of Labour and Employment).
Md. Sabbirul Haque (Ministry of Social Welfare).
Mr Narendra Mishra (UNDP).
Dr Sadananda (UNDP).
Nazia Afrin Chowdhury (GED).
Md. Mozaharul Islam Khan
Qurratul Ayen. S. (Ministry of Primary and Mass Education ).
Md. Shamsul Alam (BBS).
Mr. Mozaharul Islam Khan (UNDP).



Dr. Sadeka Halim, Consultant for TWG 3, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh Project.

TWG 4 - Health (MDG 4, 5 and 6)

Md. Jahangir, Joint Chief, Health Economics Unit, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Chairperson of
Abdul Hamid Moral, Assistant Chief, Health Economics Unit, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Member Secretary of TWG4.
Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Director (Demography & Health Wing), Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS),
Agargaon, Dhaka.
Ms. Hamida Begum, Senior Assistant Secretary (Admin. - 2), Ministry of Women and Children Affairs,
Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.
Mr. Probhash Chandra Roy, Senior Assistant Chief (Health Wing), SEI Division, Planning Commission,
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.
Mr. Md. Sajjadul Islam, Senior Assistant Chief, Ministry of Information, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.
Mr. Md. Sabbirul Haque , Assistant Chief, Ministry of Social welfare, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.
Mr. Md. Mahbubul Alam Siddique, Assistant Chief, General Economic Division (GED), Planning
Commission, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.
Dr. Md. Shajedul Hasan, DPM (AOP & Monitoring), SWPM, Planning Unit, DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
Dr. A. S. M. Alamgir, Officer -on-Special Duty, Department of Virology, IEDCR, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
Mr. Mir Sajedur Rahman, Assistant Chief (Planning Unit), DGFP, 6 Karwan Bazar, Dhaka.
Ms. Nahid Akhter Jahan, consultant for TWG 4, Support to monitoring PRS and MDG in Bangladesh.
Ms. Tahmina Begum, GTZ Consultant, 14/2 Topkhana Road (3rd floor), Dhaka.
Mr. Narendra Mishra, Coordinator - MDG Needs Assessment and Costing, Local Development and MDG
Localisation Specialist, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh Project, UNDP.
Ms. Nadia Nivin, Results Management Officer, UNDP, IDB Bhanan, 6th Floor, Agargaon, Dhaka.
Dr. Igor Kazanets, International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Dr. Amzad Ali, International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Mr. Tauhid Alam, UNFPA.
Mr. Abdul Quddus, WFP.

TWG 5 - Environment (MDG 7)

Dr. AHM Mustain Billah, Joint Secretary (Dev), Chairperson of TWG 5, M/O Environment & Forest.
Ms Dilruba Yasmin, Deputy Chief, M/O Environment & Forest.
Md. Mosharaf Hossain, Sr. Assistant Chief, SEI (Forest Wing) Agriculture WR & RI division.
Omar Md. Imrul Mohsin, Senior Assistant Chief, Energy & Mineral Resources Division.
SM Shawkat Ali, Director, Statistical StaffTraining Ins., BBS.
Md. Aminur Rahman, Deputy Secretary (Sec. 11), M/O Land.
Ms. Hasina Begum, Assistant Chief, General Economics Division.
Md. Jotirmoi Samadder, Deputy Secretary, M/O Science & Technology.
Ms Sirat Mahmuda, Assistant Chief, M/O Industries.
Mohammed Tasharuf Hossain Farazi, Senior Assistant Chief, M/O Local Govt. Division.
Mr. Molla Md. Anisuzzaman, Assistant Chief, M/O Housing & Public Works.
Md. Abdul Motalab, Deputy Chief of Forest Conservator, Forest Department.
Kazi Sarwar Imtiaz Hashmi, Deputy Director, Department of Environment.
Md. Shehab Ullah, P.Eng, Supt. Engineer, Dhaka City Corporation.
Robin Rahian Ahmed, Executive Engineer, Department of Public Health.
Ms. Mahabunessa, Executive Engineer, Water Supply and Sanitation.
Md. Abdullah, Director, Disaster Management Bureau.
M. Aminul Islam, Assistant Country Director, UNDP-Bangladesh.
Mr. Narendra Mishra, Coordinator, MDG Needs Assessment and Costing, Local Development and MDG
Localization Specialist, UNDP-Bangladesh.
Dr. Nepal Chandra Dey, Consultant for TWG 5, Support to Monitoring PRS and MDGs in Bangladesh





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