S R E D B O C T H E: Ignal and Esolution Nhancements in UAL EAM Ptical Oherence Omography of The Uman YE
S R E D B O C T H E: Ignal and Esolution Nhancements in UAL EAM Ptical Oherence Omography of The Uman YE
S R E D B O C T H E: Ignal and Esolution Nhancements in UAL EAM Ptical Oherence Omography of The Uman YE
In the past 10 years, a dual beam version of partial coherence interferometry has been developed for mea-
suring intraocular distances in vivo with a precision on the order of 0.3 to 3 mm. Two improvements of this
technology are described. A special diffractive optical element allows matching of the wavefronts of the
divergent beam reflected at the cornea and the parallel beam reflected at the retina and collimated by the optic
system of the eye. In this way, the power of the light oscillations of the interfering beams incident on the
photodetector is increased and the signal-to-noise ratio of in vivo measurements to the human retina is
improved by 20 to 25 dB. By using a synthesized light source consisting of two spectrally displaced super-
luminescent diodes with an effective bandwidth of 50 nm, and by compensating for the dispersive effects of
the ocular media, it was possible to record the first optical coherence tomogram of the retina of a human eye
in vivo with an axial resolution of ;6 to 7 mm. This is a twofold improvement over the current technology.
© 1998 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S1083-3668(98)01601-3]
Keywords partial coherence interferometry; optical coherence tomography; resolution; dispersion; diffrac-
tive optics; human eye; retina.
capable of obtaining two-dimensional sections of crease in resolution and interference fringe contrast.
the human retina.18–21 For a recent overview of We have recently demonstrated that this effect be-
OCT, see Ref. 22. Recent developments in OCT are comes dominant if measurements through the dis-
concerned with improving axial resolution23 and persive media of the eye to the retina are performed
with the development of an alternative OCT with source bandwidths larger than about 25
scheme that enables the recording of en face nm.29,30
images.24,25 In order to achieve optimum resolution of OCT
The measurement of intraocular distances by the by applying a light source with a broad emission
dual beam PCI technique is based on the detection spectrum, the dispersion of the object to be mea-
of interference fringes caused by light beams re- sured (in this case the ocular media) has to be com-
flected at the various intraocular interfaces whose pensated for. This can be achieved by placing a dis-
distances are to be measured. In order to be de- persive element in the reference arm of the
tected, the spacing of the interference fringes must Michelson interferometer that causes the same
be wider than the effective diameter of the photo- group dispersive effect as the ocular media.30 It is
detector. Since the positions of the intraocular inter- the second purpose of this paper to demonstrate
faces are measured with respect to the anterior cor- the improvement in resolution that is obtained by
neal surface as the reference surface, a concentric compensating for the object dispersion and using a
ring-shaped interference fringe system is formed light source of 50 nm bandwidth consisting of two
due to the dual beam interference of the divergent spectrally displaced SLDs. Furthermore, we present
beam reflected at the anterior corneal surface and the first OCT image recorded with this technique in
the almost parallel beam reflected at the retina and a human eye in vivo with an axial geometrical reso-
refracted by the lens and the cornea.11 Owing to the lution of about 6 mm.
wavefront mismatch of the two interfering beams,
the corresponding interference fringes are narrow
and a photodetector with a small area (50 mm diam- 2 METHODS
eter) has to be used. This limits the intensity inci- 2.1 DUAL BEAM PARTIAL COHERENCE
dent on the photodetector and hence the signal-to- INTERFEROMETER
noise ratio (S/N) obtainable with the motion-
insensitive dual beam PCI technique. In order to The theory and experimental details of measuring
improve the S/N, the PCI technique has now been intraocular distances by dual beam PCI was de-
further extended by using a diffractive optical ele- scribed in previous papers.13,14 Therefore, only a
ment that compensates for this wavefront brief summary is presented here.
mismatch.26,27 By the use of this element, both of As depicted in Figure 1, a superluminescent di-
the interfering beams reflected at the cornea and the ode emits a light beam of high spatial coherence but
retina will be collimated when they recombine at short coherence length l c which illuminates an ex-
the photodetector so that all the optical power re- ternal Michelson interferometer. The interferometer
flected by the eye may be collected. In this way, a splits the beam into two coaxial components that
significant improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio have a phase difference corresponding to twice the
is achieved. This paper demonstrates the signal im- interferometer arm length difference d. This dual
provement achieved in this way and presents the beam illuminates the eye, where each subcompo-
first retinal in vivo tomograms recorded in a human nent is reflected at the various intraocular interfaces
eye with this technique. separating regions of different refractive indices. If
In OCT, longitudinal resolution depends on the the difference in arm length of the Michelson inter-
spectral bandwidth of the light source used and on ferometer equals (within l c ) one of the intraocular
the dispersion of the media to be measured. In non- distances to be measured, the beams reflected at the
dispersive media, the resolution is approximately respective intraocular interfaces will interfere. Dur-
equal to the coherence length of the light used, ing the measurement, one of the mirrors of the
which is inversely proportional to the width of the Michelson interferometer is moved by a stepper
emission spectrum.28 Hence a broad emission spec- motor with a constant speed n, which causes a Dop-
trum yields a short coherence length and conse- pler shift of the light frequency of the correspond-
quently a good resolution. With currently used su- ing beam. In the case of a coincident path length,
perluminescent diodes (SLDs), resolutions on the the intensity of the corresponding interference pat-
order of 10 to 15 mm are achieved. By using a tern is modulated by the Doppler frequency f D
broadband Ti:Al2O3 source, a resolution of a few 52 n /l. The superimposed reflected beams are
microns was recently demonstrated in biological then focused onto the photodetector, amplified, and
tissue with a total thickness of a few hundred filtered by a bandpass filter that transmits only sig-
microns.23 However, if the tissue under investiga- nals with f D . The envelope of this signal is re-
tion is dispersive, the coherence envelope of the sig- corded as a function of the interferometer’s arm
nal broadens due to the different velocities of the length difference d with a personal computer. The
various wavelengths of the broad emission spec- signal curves recorded in this way are called PCI
trum in the dispersive medium, leading to a de- scans, or optical A-scans, and contain characteristic
Fig. 1 Schematic of the improved dispersion compensated partial coherence interferometer with the modified illumination unit employing a
diffractive optical element and the implementation of a fundus camera. BSC, beamsplitter cube; BS, beamsplitter; IOD, intraocular distance.
signal peaks. From the positions of these peaks on to-noise ratio due to the wavefront mismatch of the
the d axis, the respective optical intraocular dis- two interfering beams reflected at the anterior cor-
tances (IOD) can be determined: IOD5d6l c . Using neal surface and the retina. If the probing beam is
a cursor readout to determine the signal peak posi- collimated, the light reflected at the retina will be
tion in the PCI scan provides a precision even better collimated by the optical elements of the human
than l c . To convert the optical intraocular distance eye (in case of emmetropic subjects) while the beam
into the appropriate geometrical distance, it must reflected at the cornea will be divergent. If the prob-
be divided by the group refractive index n g of the ing beam is focused at the cornea, the reflected
respective medium.13 beam from the cornea will again be collimated by
Simultaneous with the optical A-scans of the PCI the focusing lens, but the light reflected at the retina
system, the eye under investigation can be exam- will be divergent. In either case, a concentric ring-
ined by a fundus camera.27 As depicted in Figure 1, shaped interference fringe system as depicted in
the laser light illuminates the eye via a short-wave Figure 2 is formed.12 The spacing of these circular
pass beamsplitter that reflects light in the near- interference fringes becomes smaller at the periph-
infrared (IR) region (l5760 to 850 nm) and trans- ery of the fringe pattern. Ideally, the photodetector
mits the white light of the fundus camera in front of should be aligned with the center of the fringe sys-
the eye (l5450 to 650 nm). For this purpose, the tem. Because ocular motion cannot be completely
pupil of the eye to be measured has to be dilated by avoided during in vivo measurements, this ideal
a mydriaticum. First the eye is aligned with the in- alignment cannot be perfectly maintained. There-
cident laser beam; then the fundus camera is ad- fore, the diameter of the photodetector has to be
justed to its appropriate working distance in order small enough that even in the case of slight mis-
to get the fundus image showing the position of the alignments, only a single fringe is imaged onto the
incident laser spot on the retina. The image of the detector surface. A detector diameter of ;50 m m
fundus camera can be observed on-line via a visible turned out to be optimal.13 In this case, however,
and near-IR sensitive CCD camera that is connected the total light power collected by the detector is
to a personal computer via a frame grabber card to rather low, and therefore the S/N is poor.
store the appropriate fundus images and enable the In order to overcome this drawback, we used a
exact localization of the measurement position. special diffractive optical element for wavefront
matching.26,27 This sort of Fresnel’s zone lens is
2.2 WAVEFRONT MATCHING implemented in front of the eye in order to focus
The major drawback of the dual beam version of part of the incident laser beam on the vertex of the
partial coherence interferometry is the poor signal- cornea (f570 mm). The other collimated parallel
Fig. 2 Schematic of the concentric ring-shaped interference fringe system due to the dual beam interference of the divergent corneal
reflection and the parallel retinal reflection. The photodetector has to be aligned approximately coaxially to the center of the interference
fringe system.
part of the beam passes through uninfluenced (Fig- alignment of the DOE in front of the eye takes only
ure 3). This part of the beam will be focused onto a few seconds and is easy to perform. Once the eye
the retina (in case of emmetropic subjects) by the under investigation is adjusted properly, the align-
optical elements of the human eye. ment is not more sensitive to movements of the eye
The beams remitted from the anterior corneal sur- than with the previous arrangement.
face and the retina will thereby both be converted
into parallel beams when they pass again through 2.3 LIGHT SOURCE
the diffractive optical element (DOE) on their way
As already mentioned, the resolution of PCI is ap-
back to the detection unit. Assuming a reflectivity
proximately equal to the coherence length of the
of r 52% of the anterior corneal surface and r
light source used. Assuming a Gaussian shape of
51% of the retina (corresponding to data recorded
the emission spectrum, the full-width at half-
with an experimental laboratory setup), the DOE
maximum (FWHM) round-trip coherence length l c
has been designed to focus 40% of the intensity of
in a PCI system with a Michelson interferometer
the incident laser beam on the vertex of the cornea
can be calculated23:
and to let 60% pass through as a collimated parallel
beam. Under these circumstances, the theoretical
2 ln~ 2 ! l 20
visibility of the interference fringes should be ap- l C5 3 , (1)
proximately 1. Consequently, two collimated paral- p Dl
lel beams will interfere and the light power oscilla- where l 0 is the center wavelength of the source and
tions in the corresponding interferograms will be Dl is its FWHM spectral width.
much stronger than those of the narrow interfer- Within the scope of this work, two different light
ence fringes obtained without that technique. This sources have been used: A single superluminescent
improves the signal-to-noise ratio considerably. The diode (EG&G C86142E, EG&G Optoelectronics,
Canada) with l 0 5830 nm and Dl526 nm. Accord-
ing to Eq. (1), the coherence length l c 511.7 m m. For
demonstration of high-resolution OCT, a synthe-
sized light source generated by superimposing two
superluminescent diodes (EG&G C86142E, EG&G
Optoelectronics, Canada) with different center
wavelengths (l 015830 nm, Dl 1 526 nm, l 02
5855 nm, and Dl 2 525 nm) has been used. Owing
to a beat effect,31–33 these two combined light
sources have an effective spectral width of Dl eff
Fig. 3 Schematic of the principle of the diffractive optical element.
550 nm. The coherence length of this synthesized
Part of the incident laser beam will be focused on the vertex of the
cornea, the other collimated parallel part of the beam will pass light source l c '8 m m.
through uninfluenced. This part of the beam will be focused onto
the retina (in case of emmetropic subjects) by the optical elements 2.4 DISPERSION COMPENSATION
of the human eye. Both of the beams reflected at the cornea and the
retina will be collimated when they pass through the DOE on their If one of the beams in a PCI system travels through
way back to the detection unit. a dispersive medium while the other travels
through air (or if the path lengths through To obtain OCT images, several optical A-scans
dispersive media differ in length), the coherence are recorded at different equidistant angles to the
envelope of the optical A-scans broadens and vision axis. The angle increment was 0.5 deg, corre-
the resolution decreases. If the length of a disper- sponding to length increments of ;150 m m on the
sive medium in one of the interferometer arms is retina. The intensity values of the optical A-scans
L and the group dispersion of the medium are converted into pixel colors (logarithmic scale)
is dn g /dl, the width of the coherence envelope, and mounted to form a two-dimensional false color
after double passing through the medium, can image. The pixels between the individual scanning
be calculated by29,30: directions are obtained by linear interpolation.
dn g
l C,m 5 l 2C 1 3L3Dl . (2) SAFETY
In vivo measurements were performed in healthy,
The mean group dispersion of the ocular media is volunteer subjects after full informed consent was
approximately 21.831025 /nm34 in the near infra- obtained. Optical A-scans were performed over a
red. Assuming a mean axial eye length of 24 mm, maximum length increment of 3 mm, which takes
the signal width, after passing through the eye me- approximately 0.4 s. Performing eight scans at most
dia to the retina and returning, can be calculated by for each measurement direction for further im-
Eq. (2) to be ;16.2 m m in the case of the single SLD provement of S/N by averaging, the maximum
with Dl526 nm and ;22.5 m m in the case of a time of continuous illumination of one point on the
combination source with Dl eff550 nm. This means retina is about 4 to 5 s. During this time, the eye is
that the resolution in the case of a larger source illuminated with a laser light power of approxi-
bandwidth is not improved, but degraded. In order mately 200 mW or an intensity of 520 m W/cm2 (av-
to achieve the optimum resolution obtainable with eraged over a 7-mm aperture). This is permitted for
the broadband light source, the dispersion of the 25 min for a wavelength of l5830 nm in the case of
ocular media has to be compensated for. This can intrabeam viewing.36 Since only 60% of the incident
be achieved by placing a dispersion-compensating light power is focused at the retina, the laser safety
element in the longer arm of the external Michelson limit can be easily met.
interferometer (Figure 1). This element must fulfill
the condition 3 RESULTS
L el S D
dn g
5L ob
dn g
dl ob
, (3)
In order to quantify the improvement in the signal-
to-noise ratio from the use of the diffractive optical
where the indices el and ob refer to the compensa- element, measurements were taken on a model eye
tion element and the object, respectively. As a dis- that consisted of a biconvex lens (f530 mm) and a
persion compensation element we used a plane- mirror (simulating the fundus of the eye) at a dis-
parallel plate of BK7 optical glass with L el512 mm tance approximately 30 mm from the lens. Various
and (dn g /dl) el'431026 /nm at a wavelength of neutral density filters were put between the lens
l>840 nm. 35 This element fulfills Eq. (3) to within a and the mirror in order to reduce the intensity re-
few percent and therefore compensates for most of flected at the mirror with respect to that reflected at
the dispersive effects of the ocular media.30 the anterior lens surface. The model eye fundus
measurements were performed under the same ex-
perimental settings as was the case for in vivo mea-
2.5 TOMOGRAPHIC MEASUREMENTS surements. A single SLD (l 0 5830 nm, Dl526 nm)
For tomographic recordings, a separate fixation was used to illuminate the model eye with a light
light was installed in front of the eye under inves- power of approximately 200 mW. According to the
tigation, which encloses an adjustable vertical and model eye measurement, the application of the
horizontal angle with the measuring beam and is DOE increased the signal-to-noise ratio by about 40
collimated in order to make the subject look toward to 45 dB compared with previous measurements
infinity. This allows the rotation of the eye to be without that element.
measured in order to adjust a defined arbitrary In vivo measurements have been performed at
angle between the vision axis and the measuring various positions along the papillomacular axis of
direction. Once the eye looks at the fixation target, the fundus, within the angular range of 5 deg tem-
it is aligned with the measuring beam so that the poral to 20 deg nasal. As an example, Figure 4
two image points of the anterior corneal surface shows an optical A-scan obtained in a healthy hu-
and the retina are centered and become confocal on man eye in vivo at an angle of 4.5 deg nasal to the
the detector. For observation purposes, the detec- vision axis. The signal intensity (ordinate), which is
tion plane is imaged onto a CCD camera where the proportional to the interference fringe contrast, is
confocal alignment can be monitored. plotted as a function of the interferometer’s arm
Fig. 6 Retinal tomograms recorded in a human eye in vivo demonstrating different longitudinal resolutions, depending on the spectral
properties of the light source used. A horizontal section of the fundus across the fovea from 5 deg temporal to 5 deg nasal is shown
corresponding to a width of approximately 3 mm on the retina. The vertical scale indicates the optical distance to the anterior corneal
surface in millimeters. (a) Single SLD with Dl526 nm without dispersion compensation. (b) Single SLD with Dl526 nm with dispersion
compensation. (c) Synthesized light source of two spectrally displaced SLDs with Dl eff550 nm and with dispersion compensation.
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