Adobe Scan Oct 18, 2023
Adobe Scan Oct 18, 2023
Adobe Scan Oct 18, 2023
converted into industrial and commercial or rigidity of social customs, rituals, values and
other urban land uses. inhibitions which are more powerful in rural
The economic opportunities offered by a areas. In social change, the role played by
developing city has initiated a series of new education, advanced scientific knowledge and
activities for the villagers, signalling a point of new technology is most important which
departure from their traditional occupations. primarily radiates from urban centres to rural
For instance, around large cities in India, areas. Thus, the process of urbanization has
villages have entered the market economy not brought a considerable change in social life of
only by selling vegetables and milk products people. Besides anumber of mal-practices have
but also by selling labour. The cities have also reached people in rural areas which were
opened up for the villagers a wider range of absent before some decades when they were
employment opportunities to choose from the not or very little influenced by the light of
range offered by more commercialization of modern urbanization.
agriculture. The Indian citiesparticularly
Urban emnployment and development of metropolitan cities are much influenced by
trade and comnerce have not only led to a Western culture and now city culture has
greater differentiation of occupational roles mostly become the synonym of Western
than that caused by commercialization of modern culture which is some what different
agriculture, but have also resulted in different from our Indian culture. Villagers influenced
combinations of occupations on the one hand by any city are engaged in copying life style,
and occupational mobility on the other (Rao, habit and behaviour of urban people.
M.S.A., 1974, 513).
Change in occupation is one of the indices 5. ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF
for a change in the status of the people which URBANIZATION
has brought about a shift in the social and
economic status of the people in rural and urtban The process of urbanization in the world
both area. Villagers have not only beern affected has a long history. Within the course of history,
by occupational mobility caused by some periods have been more favourable than
urbanization but are also confronted by a others to the rise of urban centres. "Brisk town
growth is noticed in times of busy trade
variety of goods and services the cities offer.
There is a wide range of possibilities in which movements, at times whn internal and external
they choose to spend the incomes acquiring colonisation has brought on human
through new economicgains. displacements and migrations. But it is noticed
also in time of insecurity, when some
Modern urban occupation has a prestige communities have been driven to adopt this
element and some are more prestigious than manner of uniting for defence." (Perpillou, 1986,
others. The white-collar workers are 478).
differentiated from the manual workers. Besides (1) The Ancient Period : The urban
status differentiation, urban employment has centres were originated during the prehistoric
led to the creation of a category of commuters period when primitive man started
with an identifiable style of life, which is domestication of plants and animals around 10
somewhat different from that of non thousand years ago. In prehistoric and historic
commuters. Each caste has become highly periods, numerous permanent settlements were
differentiated on the basis of new status established in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Grece,
components (Roa, M.S.A., 1974,517). Indus valley (India), China and Central
In India, the influence of increasing America. In these areas, agrarian communities
urbanization has reduced considerably the eventually gave rise to urban communities and
296 Human Geography
urban centres. The excess production of food (3) ModernPeriod:The modern period
grains was perhaps, the main reason for the forms a third period in the history of
development of urbanization in prehistoric urbanization. Since the Age of Discovery, the
period. Ur and Babylon in Mesopotamia, economic development of the world has steadilw
Thebes and Alexandria in Egypt, Athens in favoured the growth of urbanisation and the
Greece, Harappa and Mohenjodaro in India strengthening urban functions. Since the
were noted prehistoric cities of the world. Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century,
In ancient times the increase in the the introduction of machine age its large.
number and size of urban centres occurred at scale industry has added to townswithand
the time of the two great colonizing periods of old countriesan enormous flood of cities in
the Greeks and of the Romans. As early as the "The swarming in all parts of thepopulation.of
seventh century B. C. there were many cities world
Europeans, imbued with urban civilization and
boardering the Aegean Sea. The Greek natural founders of cities, has given birth to
colonizing movement derived its energy from large numbers of new towns, first in North
the expansion of trade which promoted the America, then throughout the southern
growth of towns and cities. These towns were hemisphere, and more recently in Soviet Asia
cyrene, Neapolis, Alexandria, Salonica, Priene, and in the frozenregions of the north of Canada
Damascus etc. Various Roman Çolonists and of Siberia" (Perpillou, 1986, 482).
founded a sprinkling of towns ovr vast In modern time, urban
territories particularly along big rivers. and growth was
main traffic routes. Amongst Roman cities provoked by the development of industry due
Aosta, Turin, Autun, Lyon, Mainz, strasburg, to machinery and coal. Similarly, the
Lincoln, Chester, York, Istambul, Antioch, improvement brought about by modern means
of transport -and communication and the
Timgad etc. were important. With the fall of apprearance of various new trade routes have
Roman empire, the organization and security definitely strengthened all trade centres and
were destroyed and consequently many cities urban places. The modern trend of urbanization
were deserted throughout western Europe. has profoundly transformd the structure of
(2) The Medieval Period:The towns and various countries of the world, though in
cities in Europe reemerged in medieval period. varying degrees. In Europe and Anglo-America,
During medieval period a whole swarm of little the districts
which there was an outburst of
towns sprang up spontaneously which were urbanization coinside with industrial areas. In
usually placed under the protection of a feudal twentieth century, some Asian countries and
stronghold. Some medieval towns were also the U.S.S.R., have passed
founded during periods of colonisation. After through an
the eleventh century the European
extraordinary spell of increase in the number
and size of towns.
gained great increase in their overseas trade. Africa came latest in the field of
Consequently, the West European countries urbanization but is now undergoing an
were linked by trade and the merchants travels
which played a vital role in the revival of towns extraordinary development of nw towns
which are growing
and cities. Thus, there was a sudden surge in continually due to a regular
influx of population.
urbanization. At the end of thirteenth century, Before 1930, Africa had
towns only on its coasts but now it has
Paris, London, Geneva, Milan, Venice and towns with populations exceeding some 50
Colonge were important cities of Europe. A population. Major cities in Africa are1,00,000
number of European cities kept their leading Nairobi, Mombasa, Bulawayo, Duala,
part as a Christian capital particularly in Italy Abidian, Logos, Accra, Addis Ababa,
such as Venice, Geneva, Milan, Rome and
Pretoria etc. Luanda, Cape Town, Natal,
Urbanization 297
Thus, in modern age, the accelerating started in the beginning of the nineteenth
urbanization is resulting in a redistribution century which obtained very fast speed after
of population throughout the world. In industrial revolution. In the end of nineteenth
general, every country of the world century, 13.6 per cent of the world's population
is experiencing an increasing proportion of was living in urban places of 5000 and 5.5
urban to total population after Second World percent in the cities of 1,00,000 or more
War. The number of million cities is growing population. In the middle of the twentieth
continually, and the oldest of them continue to century, about 30 percent of the world's
become distended with new immigrants. population was found inhabiting in towns of
5000 or more, while cities of 1,00,000 inhabited
6. PATTERNS OF URBANIZATION IN nearly 13 per cent of total population of the
THE WORLD world. In the end of twentieth century, the
world's population crossed the limit of 6000
The growth pattern of urbanization in the million and its 48.0 percent was living in urban
world as a whole isshown in Table 17.1.In 1800 places of 5000 and 25.0 per cent in the cities of
A.D., total population of the world was some 1,00,000. It is also estimated that for 2025,
900 million and its about 3.0 percent was about 57 percent of the world's population
residing in urban places with 5000 inhabitants. would be urban which may rise to 66 percent
The rapid growth in urban population was in 2050.
Table 17.1
Trend of Growth of Urban Population in the world (1800-2000)
Table 17.2 illustrates that among the towns and cities. The New World is closely
continents, North America and South America followed by Europe (68 percent) and Oceania
are the most urbanized continents with above (72 percent).
80 per cent of their total population residing in
298 Human Geography
H60° 30° 430° 60
180°E Tropic
of Fquator ropic.of
Capricon S
Cancer 180°E
90° 4000
30° Urbaniz
0 T Patterno
30° Regional
60° Fig.
120° %Urban/
Pacific 120°
W 75 -5250
+ 25
> 150
75 N 60° 30°
30° 60°
Urbanization 299
Table 17.2
Level of Urbanization by continents in the World (1950-2050)
Continents Percentage of Urban to total population
1950 2018 2030 2050
Africa 14.3 42.5 48.4 58.9
Asia 17.5 49.9 56.7 66.2
Europe 51.7 74.5 77.5 83.7
Latin America 41.3 80.7 83.6 87.8
Northern America 63.9 82.2 84.7 89.0
Oceania 62.5 68.2 68.9 72.1
World 29.6 55.3 60.4 68.4
Source : World Urban Prospects : The 2018 Rivision.
Africa is the least urbanized continent with (1) Very highly urbanized areas (75
percent or above)
only 42.5 per cent of its population living in Highly urbanized areas (50-75
urban places. The situation of Asia (50 percent) (2)
is not very different from that of Africa. The percent),
agrarian nature of economy and a long colonial (3) Medium urbanized areas (25-50
past are the factors responsible for their poor percent)
(4) Less urbanized areas (below 25
urbanization. Due to enormnous socio-economic
problems and limited resources in Africa and percent).
(1) Very Highly Urbanized Areas : The
Asia continents,the processes of socio-economic
transformation and urbanization are bound to countries having urban population 75 per cent
be gradual. or above are included under this category.
Generally highly industrialized and developed
Table 17.3 illustrates that total population countries are very highly urbanized. Some
of Singapore, Kuwait, Qatar and Hongkong lives other countries of Asia and Latin America have
in urban places. On the contrary, only 13 also high percentage of urban population.
percent population of Burundi and Papua New Following are the countries which have very
Guinea resides in urban centres. Thus, on the high level of urbanization :
basis of level of urbanization all the countries Europe : Belgium, Iceland, United Kingdom,
of the world may be classified into following 4 Denmark, Sweden, Luxemburg,
groups: Netherlands, Norway, Spain, France,
Germany, etc.
Table 17.3
2 3
66.9 75.6 79
More developed countries
Human Geography
Less developed country 26.5 42,7
Least developed country 14.8 26.7
(A) Very Highly Urbanized Countries (75.0 per cent and
Singapore 100.0 100.0
Hong Kong 89.7 100.0
Kuwait 100
89.4 98.5
Qatar 88.9 100
Belgium 100
94.5 97.2
Malta 98
89.7 95.3 95
Uruguay 83.4 92.0 95
Iceland 86.7 92.8 94
Netherlands 63.2 80.2 92
Argentina 81.0 90.1
Japan 56.8
Israel 65.8 92
86.6 91.6 91
Luxemburg 77.3 82.8 91
Jordon 57.7 82.2 90
67.0 86.6 89
85.0 96.5 89
82.2 85.6 88
Sweden 82.7 84.2 87
83.6 76.7 87
78.0 87.6 87
Australia 85.9 88.2 86
New Zealand 82.8 86.2 86
Brazil 61.7 84.2 86
Saudi Arabia 58.4 80.8 84
United Kingdom 82.7 89.7 83
South Korea 48.0 81.0 82
US.A. 73.7 80.8 82
Canada 75.6 80.1 81
Norway 68.2 77.4 81
Libya 5.73 84.8 80
Spain 69.6 76.7 80
France 72.9 76.7 80
64.2 75.5 77
Germany 72.7 75.2 77
Malaysia 37.2 67.3 75
Urbanization 301
Asia: Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Bahrain, Europe : Zcech Republic, Russian Federation,
Qatar, Israel, Lebnon, Jordan, Saudi Belarus, Ukraine, Switzerland, Italy,
Arabia, Korea, United Arab Emirates, etc. Ireland, Austria, Lithuania, Portugal,
North America: United States of America, Hungary, Poland, Greece, etc.
Canada, Mexico, Cuba etc. Asia: Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, Japan, Philippines,
South America : Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Kazakhstarn, Mongolia, etc.
Uruguay, etc. South America : Colombia, Peru, Ecuador,
Africa : Libya. Paraguay Bolivia, etc.
(2) Highly Urbanized Areas : Many Africa : Tunisia, Algeria, Congo, South Africa,
countries Europe, Asia, Latin America and
of Morocco, Gambia, Angola, etc.
Africa are included in this category. These
(3) Medium Urbanized Areas : The
3ountries according to continents are: countries having level of urbanization from 25
percent are included under this category. of urban population during the coming 20 years
These countries are: or so.