The Status of Seagrass Health: Supporting Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in Misool Marine Protected Area, Raja Ampat, Indonesia

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ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences September 2021 Vol 26(3):135-146 e-ISSN 2406-7598

The Status of Seagrass Health: Supporting Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries

in Misool Marine Protected Area, Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Selvi Tebaiy1*, Denny Clif Mampioper2, Marjan Batto1, Agnestesya Manuputty2,

Syafri Tuharea3, Krista Clement4
1Fishery and Marine Science Faculty, University of Papua

Jl. Gunung Salju Amban, Manokwari, Papua Barat, Indonesia

2Yayasan Meos Papua Lestari

Jl. Tugu Jepang RT 009 RW 001Manokwari, Papua Barat, Indonesia

3BLUD UPTD KKP Kep Raja Ampat

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Distrik Waisai Kota, Kab. Raja Ampat, Indonesia
4 School of Environmental Studies, Queen's University

99 University Ave, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada

Email: [email protected]


Seagrass plays an important role in aquatic resources, such as to support the sustainable management of small-
scale fisheries, ensuring the availability of seagrass stocks for generations of local communities to cultivate in a
sustainable manner. The purpose of this study is to provide information on the seagrass health status to support
sustainable small-scale fisheries in the South Misool Regional Waters Conservation Areas which is located within
the Raja Ampat Marine Protected Area of West Papua. The research was conducted in January 2019 in the Yefgag,
Yellu and Harapan Jaya island. A total of ten quadratic transects measuring 1x1 m were laid perpendicularly to the
coastline adapted from the seagrass watch method to collect the seagrass data, i.e. the species and the frequency
of seagrass found, the dominance and the percentage of seagrass cover. Additional data on fish species were
collected by interviewing the local fishermen directly. The relationship between seagrass cover and the number of
fish species was analyzed. Th results showed that there were eight species of seagrass found in three observation
stations, i.e. Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila minor, Syringodium isoetifolium,
Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata and Enhalus acoroides. According to the standard criteria for the
health status of seagrass beds, the three locations are classified as less rich/less healthy. It because the seagrass
coverage was in the range of 30-59%. The relationship between the percentage of seagrass cover and the number
of fish species resulted equation of Y= 15,923x + 0,3174 with R2= 0,763. It means that the percentage of seagrass
cover affects the abundance of fish species by 76,3% with the remaining being influenced by other variables, such
as water quality.

Keywords: seagrass health, small-scale fisheries, South Misool, Raja Ampat MPA

Introduction continents (Unsworth et al., 2018). Seagrass beds

serve an essential function as a fish habitat, where
Papua is a strategic island with diverse they form a community (Sedberry and Carter, 1993)
terrestrial and marine flora and fauna (Kartikasari et such as in the Indian Ocean (Pinto and Punchihewa,
al., 2012). Its natural resources and biodiversity, 1996), Pacific Ocean (Tzeng and Wang, 1992) and
which have the most unique features and endemicity Mozambique (Gullström and Mattis, 2004). The
in Indonesia, must be carefully maintained. Seagrass higher abundance of fish is found in the ecosystem
is one of the resources with significant promise in with seagrass beds than without seagrass
Papua’s marine environment. It has the potential to (Horinouchi, 2006). Besides, seagrass has a socio-
be a very productive fishery resource which provide economic benefit for local communities in Papua
local people with a sustainable fisheries stock. (Tebaiy, 2012 and 2013).

Seagrass ecosystem is found in coastal The physical role of seagrass ecosystems in

environments primarily in very shallow waters to a shallow waters is to help reduce the force of waves
depth of 60m. Seagrass beds are widely distributed and currents, filter dissolved sediment in water and
across the globe and are highly productive across all stabilize the bottom sediment (Kiswara, 1999).

*) Corresponding author Received : 10-06-2021

© Ilmu Kelautan, UNDIP DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.26.3.135-146 Accepted : 15-08-2021
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences September 2021 Vol 26(3):135-146

Seagrass ecosystems play an important role in communities interact with the environmental services
survival of fish as a shelter to hide from predators as provided by seagrass ecosystems. Most studies
well as a feeding ground for prey species, particularly describe the comprehensive management of
small juvenile fish (Shervette et al., 2006; Irawan et seagrass (Tebaiy and Denny 2017). This suggests
al., 2018). It also acts as a habitat for other biota that there are still gaps in understanding on how
including sea cucumbers, mollusc and crabs. In seagrass ecosystem services could be accessed by
addition, seagrass-related fish species contribute to local communities. Additionally, public knowledge is
the small-scale fisheries industry (SSF) (Unsworth et lacking on seagrass in general, as well as the benefits
al., 2018; Irawan et al., 2019). it provides.
Balancing human well-being and ecosystem
The potential of seagrass resources in eastern
health are essential to achieve sustainable fisheries.
Indonesia has a much richer status than the western
Commercial fish populations and the ecosystems in
which they live must be maintained in such a way so Indonesia region. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are
that all stakeholders who rely on fish for food and established in Indonesian waters to maintain the
livelihood are involved. The socio-ecological system health of seagrass in Indonesian marine ecosystems
developed between humans and the potential of according to its function. Regional Waters
seagrass in a given location has an impact on Conservation Areas (KPPD) protect seagrass and
fishermen and coastal communities' major reliance coral reef ecosystems as habitats for fish and other
on seagrass habitats (Wawo, 2017). biota that support small-scale fisheries. One good
example is the South Misool KKPD, which has a
Examining the features of seagrass, such as 366.000 ha marine protected area in the Misool
the species, its density, and coverage can help to Islands, Raja Ampat (Suraji et al., 2015). In this MPAs,
understand the state of seagrass resources in Papua. a 22% area is set as a no-take zone to protect the
This information is critical to understand the stock of fish. This area could produce fish stocks for
condition of the ecosystem as a whole, and to what small-scale fishing activities.
extend the seagrass community is able to take
advantage of the existing area (Erina, 2006). The purpose of this study was to provide
Understanding the condition of seagrass could also information on the status of seagrass health in the
be used to understand their status in ecosystem. The South Misool Regional Waters Conservation Areas
status of seagrass condition were range from good, located within the Raja Ampat MPA in West Papua in
less rich or unhealthy, to poor. Seagrass with 60% order to support the sustainable small scale fisheries
coverage means rich condition, and unhealthy
seagrass has 30-59% coverage and while poor or
damaged seagrass has < 29,9% coverage (Decree of
Stated Minister of Environment No. 200/2004). Materials and Methods

The condition of seagrass coverage represent This research was conducted in January 2019
a status of its ecosystem has been studied in Papuan in South Misool. The data were collected from Yellu,
marine ecosystems. The status of less rich or less Yefgag, and Harapan Jaya Island (Figure 1.). The
healthy was found in Jayapura Bay which was 0.04- stations were selected based on their characteristic,
49.27% (Tebaiy, 2014), in Aisandami, Wondama Bay in which Yefgag Island represent tourist resort zone,
(30-59,9% cover) (Tebay et al., 2020), and in while Yellu and Harapan Jaya Island are residential
Yosudarso Bay, Jayapura seagrass (25-78.3% cover) zone. Each station was consisted of three sub-
(Sari et al., 2015). Seagrass status classified as stations.
moderate or unhealthy was found in Manokwari
waters (14,19-45,33% cover) (Lefaan et al., 2013) A total of ten quadratic transects measuring
and 40-60% cover (Kopalit, 2010). Seagrass 1m x 1m were laid perpendicularly to the coastline,
conditions in healthy status were found in Salawati adapted from the Seagrass Watch method (Hutomo
Utara Raja Ampat (60% cover) (Hoek et al., 2016) and and Nontji, 2014) (Figure 2.). Sampling was carried
in Waisai waters, Raja Ampat (77,78-100% cover) out during low tide. Prior to data collection,
(Ansal et al., 2017). preliminary field observations were made to observe
the distribution of seagrass species and to determine
Seagrass provides a variety of ecosystem the transect line points. The vertical distance of the
services that directly or indirectly benefit to human line transect was 20m x 20m parallel to the coastline
needs. Research on community interactions with on Yefgag Island, 30m x 60m parallel to coastline in
seagrass resources are limited locally and globally Yellu Island and 20m x 50m parallel to the coastline
(Nordlund, 2018). In Indonesian, including Papua, in Harapan Jaya island. These results are used to
there is also a little documentation on how local determine the distance of the sample plots to the sea

136 The Status of Seagrass Health in Misool Marine Protected Area (S. Tebaiy et al.)
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and to determine the distance of the transect lines regression using Microsoft Excel 2010. The status of
parallel to the coastline. seagrass coverage was done based on the Stated
Minister of Environment Decree No. 200/2004. Data
The data collected included the species of on fish species were collected by direct interviews the
seagrass, the frequency of seagrass found, local fishermen and fish collectors (totally 26
prevalence of seagrass species and the percentage respondents) and then analyzed descriptively and
of seagrass cover. The identification of seagrass presented in the form of a perceptual relationship
species was carried out in situ referred to Azkap between seagrass cover and the abundance of fish
(1999), Seagrass Watch Northern Fisheries Center- species in observation stations.
Australia (McKenzie, 2003), the Field Guide to the
Identification of East Asian WESTPAC (2010), and
Hutomo and Nontji (2014). The distribution of Result and Discussion
seagrass species and its frequency and dominance
were determined based on Fachrul (2007) and Distribution of seagrass
Hutomo and Nontji (2014).
The South Misool Regional Water Conservation
The number of seagrass cover per station was Areas (KKPD) is a part of the Raja Ampat Marine
obtained by summing the seagrass cover per square Protected Area network, an area renowned for its rich
observed on all transects in one station. The sum marine biodiversity where the protection of coral and
was then divided by the number of squares at that mangrove ecosystems is prioritized (Sala et al.,
station (English et al., 1997) and the correlation 2018). While seagrass ecosystems play the same
between number of fish species and the percentage role and function as coral reefs and mangrove
of seagrass coverage was analysed using linear ecosystems. It is not yet been well understood how

Figure 1. Research location part of South Misool Regional Marine Protected Area

The Status of Seagrass Health in Misool Marine Protected Area (S. Tebaiy et al.) 137
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences September 2021 Vol 26(3):135-146

Figure 2. Placement of quadratic transects at each data collection station

seagrass ecosystems benefit to small-scale fisheries. Islands (Hartati et al., 2012; Prasetya et al., 2017),
According to Arkham et al. (2015), seagrass bed is a five species at Panjang Island, East Kalimantan
part of ecosystem that provides services to give (Nurzahraeni, 2014), and four species in Otiola
benefits to organisms that live with it and the humans Village, North Gorontalo (Bratakusuma, 2013).
around it. Seagrasses need to receive the same
consideration and protections as coral reefs and Frequency of seagrass species
mangroves for their important role in coastal
ecosystems. The most frequent seagrass species found at
Station 1, 2, and 3 were C. serrulata (97%), E.
The results of this study revealed that there acoroides (60%), and E. acoroides (97%) respectively.
were varies substrate among three stations. At Yellu While C. rotundata (3%). H. pinifolia, and H. minor
Island, seagrass grew on the substrate of coral (3%) were the less frequent found in Station 1, 2, and
rubbles and sand along the slope, from the seagrass 3 (Figure 3.). The presence of each seagrass species
toward coral reefs. The substrate at Station 2 (Yefgag in each station is influenced by the substrate where
Island) was dominated by sand, while substrate at the seagrass lives. At Stations 2 and 3, the presence
Station 3 (Harapan Jaya Island) was dominated by of E. acoroides is higher because this species was
sand towards the sea and muddy sand substate able to live in sand, muddy and coarse substrates in
toward the land. On the land and coastline, shallow estuary waters (Tomascik et al., 1997). The
mangroves were found, therefore the seagrass C. serrulate and H. ovalis species have a higher
ecosystem at Station 3 was associated with coral reef presence at Yefgag Island because these species
and mangrove ecosystems. prefer growing in areas with coral, rubble or sand
substrates (Rawung et al., 2018). The frequency at
There were eight species of seagrass found in which species of seagrass occur indicates how each
the three observation stations. Those seagrass species of seagrass is distributed in an ecosystem. A
species were belong to two families i.e. species of seagrass that has a high-density value is
Cymodeoceacea and Hidrocharitacea and constisted not certain to have a high frequency value. The high
of eight species including Halophila ovalis, H. minor, frequency value of seagrass shows the distribution of
Halodule uninervis, H. pinifolia, Syringodium species across all sampling stations (Hardiyanti,
isoetifolium, Cymodocea serrulata, C. rotundata and 2012). Based on the data presented in Table 1, it can
Enhalus acoroides (Table 1.). This demonstrates that be seen that there is not much variation in the
South Misool has higher diversity of seagrass species frequency of seagrass species. This indicates the
compared to several areas in Indonesia, such as six ability or adaptability of each seagrass species to
species at Mara’Bombang, Makassar (Hardiyanti, grow and spread over the substrate and occupies
2012) and at Kumbang island of Karimunjawa with favorable environmental.

138 The Status of Seagrass Health in Misool Marine Protected Area (S. Tebaiy et al.)
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Dominance of seagrass species subtidal locations (Duarte et al., 1997). Therefore,

under unfavorable conditions C. serrulata dominates
By observing seagrass species in the three over other species at both Yefgag and Yellu Islands.
observation stations, an overview of seagrass species
that are more dominant can be provided (Figure 4.). The environmental conditions present in these
C. serrulata was found to be dominant at Yefgag and locations- substrate sand mixed with mud- make this
Yellu Island, while E. acoroides was the most species more dominant as it shows its ability to adapt
dominant at Harapan Jaya Island. C. serrulata is a and compete in stagnant aquatic environments.
species that is sensitive to disturbance and turbidity.
However, those species are also could be found in The seagrass E. acoroides was found to be
high turbidity locations and demonstrate adaptability more dominant than other species at Harapan Jaya
in disturbed conditions (Lefaan, 2008). It also Island. This is due to shallow and relatively calm
showed to thrive in poor aquatic conditions, such as waters at low tide which is favorable for muddy
in the estuary of the river that received domestic and substrate habitats that support the growth and
industrial waste (Nainggolan, 2011). presence of the seagrass. E. acoroides is easier to
grow than other species and is the most common
The foliage of C. serrulata is thought to have species found in fine to mud sediments. It is still able
physiologically tolerant to drought, it also has a longer to grow in medium to coarse sediments since it has
vertical rhizome that helps to stay away from wet long and strong roots that can stand firmly and
substrate. Its fronds are narrower and thinner which absorb food well (Tomascik et al., 1997). E. acoroides
are not able to prevent water loss. These are generally found growing on muddy substrates in
morphological characteristics are unfavorable in an turbid waters and can easily dominate seagrass
intertidal area as shown by Tanaka and Nakaoka communities (Susetiono, 1993; Hemminga and
(2004) in which it has a very low survival rates in the Duarte, 2000; Yusmiati, 2015). This species of
intertidal zone. The long vertical rhizomes seagrass has also been found in the Tasilaha Lagoon
characteristic of C. serrulata are considered favorable where it has sandy and sandy mud substrate
for obtaining light and to avoid being buried deeper in (Yusniati, 2015).

Table 1. The species of seagrass found at three observation stations

Species of Seagrass Family
Yefgag Island Yellu Island Harapan Jaya Island
Halophila ovalis Hidrocharitaceae + + +
Halodule uninervis Cymodoceaceae + + +
Halodule pinifolia Cymodoceaceae - + -
Halophila minor Hidrocharitaceae - - +
Syringodium isoetifolium Cymodoceaceae + + +
Cymodocea serrulata Cymodoceaceae + + +
Cymodosea rotundata Cymodoceaceae + - +
Enhalus acoroides Hidrocharitaceae + + +

Frequency of seagrass found





Halophila Halodule Halodule Halophila Syringodium Cymodocea Cymodosea Enhalus
ovalis uninervis pinifolia minor isoetifolium serrulata rotundata acoroides
Seagrass species
Yefgag island Yelu island Harapan Jaya island

Figure 3 Frequency of seagrass species across three observation stations

The Status of Seagrass Health in Misool Marine Protected Area (S. Tebaiy et al.) 139
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Seagrass coverage Environmental Ministerial Decree No. 200/2004

concerning to standard criteria for determining the
The percentage of seagrass cover is an health status of seagrass beds and damage to
estimate of how much seagrass grew in one quadrant seagrass, seagrass cover of ≥60% can be classified
transect and how it is influenced by morphometric as rich or heavy, 30-59,9% can be classified as less
conditions (Sari, 2015). High density and tidal rich or healthy and ≤29,9% can be classified as poor.
conditions can also affect the estimated value of In present work, the seagrass in the three locations
seagrass cover. E. acoroides, a physically large can be classified as less rich or healthy as seagrass
seagrass species, has a higher coverage rate than the coverage was in the range of 30-59%. This condition
H. ovalis species because of the size of its foliage. is related to the number of species found and their
Meanwhile, smaller seagrass species such as H. densities. This pertains to species with wide leaf
minor have a smaller percentage of cover (Patty, morphology such as E. acoroides and C. serrulata as
2013). Present work showed that the highest they are able to cover the area and/or substrate
percentage of seagrass cover in the research area beneath.
was found at Yellu Island (42%) followed by Station
Harapan Jaya Island (41%), with the lowest coverage With regard to the percentage of seagrass
of seagrass found at Yefgag Island (17%) (Figure 5.). coverage at each station, Yefgag Island had a lower
value than the other two stations. This low coverage
The level of damage in seagrass beds was the is due to narrow distribution of seagrass in the area
impacts of the ecosystem condition. According to and the species are small size. The other two stations

60.00 54.83

Percent of seagrass species


30.00 25.83 24.83

21.67 23.17
20.5 19.5
20.00 15
12.83 13.33
10.00 7.33 6.33 4.33
1.67 2.67 3.67
0.33 1
Ho Hu Hm Si Cs Cr Ea Ho Hu Hm Si Cs Cr Ea Hp Ho Hu Hm Si Cs Cr Ea
Yefgag Island Yelu Island Harapan Jaya Island

Dominance of seagrass species at observation location (%)

Figure 4. Dominance of Seagrass Species at South Misool




Yefgag Island Yelu Island Harapan Jaya Island

Figure 5. Percent of seagrass cover at the three study sites

140 The Status of Seagrass Health in Misool Marine Protected Area (S. Tebaiy et al.)
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have a higher seagrass cover, since the stations are pasture, as well as act as food, for various
located on slopes some distance from the sea and herbivorous fishes. The abundance of fish in a waters
bordered by a large coral reefs which enable seagrass is not only influenced by ecological aspects, but is
to have the sufficient opportunity to grow, dominate also depended on socio-economic aspects utilization
and occupy the habitat. In Harapan Jaya island, E. of fish resources by fishermen.
acoroides is more dominant and grows along the
substrate. It is also an area that is broad and open to The socio-economic aspects of fisherman in
the sea, as well as adjacent to a coral reef. the area research based on the interaction of
fishermen with their environment are characterized
Several variables observed on seagrass in the by ethnic distribution, number of family members per
three sampling locations explained how many household, average respondent age, average
environmental elements are interrelated within education level and economic variables such as fixed
seagrass habitats in their ecological systems. These costs, production costs, types of production, and
ecological systems connect individual environmental income distribution from fishermen. Based on Tebaiy
elements in a functioning habitat in which a et al. (2019), several tribes caught fishes in South
comprehensive arrangement enables all Misool such as Ternata, Tidore, Flores, Lembata and
environmental elements to influence each other. The Raja Ampat. For Raja Ampat consists of fisherman
existence of seagrass in its habitat is supported by from Yellu, Fafanlap and Harapan Jaya villages.
other elements including substrates, properties Number of family members of the respondents
contained in salt water, as well as other supporting was 6-7 people per household, the average education
factors that influence how seagrass survives, grows level is junior high school and most of fishermen
and adapts. Therefore, the ability of seagrass to respondents is 34-45 years old. Prior to fishing, the
survive, grow and adapt contributes to the survival, fishermen have to purchase supplies, such as nylon,
growth and adaptation of associated biota in the fishing rods, drinking water, cigarettes, fuel, ice
same habitat. cubes, areca nuts and transportation expenses
(Tebaiy et al., 2019).
The supporting environmental elements in the
seagrass habitat encourage seagrass species to grow The relationship between fish species
with various characteristics that occupy a particular abundance (Y) and the percentage of seagrass cover
area and cover various types of substrate. The (X) was described using simple linear regression
presence of various species of seagrass with varying analysis. The results showed that Y= 15,923x +
morphological sizes was found in three observation 0,3174. The value R2 was 0,762 indicated that the
sites. Eight species of seagrass were found percentage of seagrass cover affects the abundance
illustrating its diversity of species. This species of fish species by 76,3% and the rest is influenced by
diversity plays a very important role in its ecosystem, other variables such as environmental conditions.
especially for associated biota, including various fish The number of fish species found at each observation
species. Research conducted by Rappe (2010) station varied. This difference is caused by different
looked at the structure of fish communities in environmental conditions and factors. The diversity of
different seagrass beds to evaluate its ecological fish species in the seagrass ecosystem also depends
functions based on the difference in type of seagrass on the presence of other ecosystems around the
species and density, found that the stations with seagrass habitat such as coral reefs, mangroves,
denser seagrass had a higher number of fish species. river estuaries and estuaries (Adrim, 2006).
Stations where seagrass was sparse but contained
many species still found several types of economically The percentage of seagrass cover or individual
viable fish species. However, stations with less density of seagrass in an area can explain the
vegetation did not contain many species of fish. This significant relationship between seagrass health
demonstrates that fish prefer to congregate in areas status with the number of fish species and/or the
with rich seagrass. Even artificial seagrass with abundance of individual fish. This is shown by studies
complex structures attract a diversity of fish (Rani et of Nafidza (2018) whose found that at Pramuka
al., 2010). Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, seagrass density
affects fish abundance by 69,32. The correlation
Relationship between seagrass beds and the
number of fish species value between seagrass density and the abundance
of Baronang fish is 0,971 with a coefficient value of
According to Kikuchi and Peres (1977), 94,2% demonstrating a very strong relationship
seagrass plays an important role as a habitat of many between seagrass density and the abundance of fish
marine organisms where it provides shelter as well as (Fakhri et al., 2016). Linear regression analysis
a place for various animals and plants to attach. between fish abundance and seagrass density at
Besides, seagrass beds also play as a nursery or Hoga Island, Kaledupa District, Wakatobi showed that

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seagrass density has a significant effect on fish Table 2. The species of fish caught by fishermen
abundance and diversity, in which its ecological index
analysis indicated that the seagrass and fish No Local Name Scientific name
communities are in stable condition (Sarisma and 1 Sikuda, Gutila Lethrinus erythropterus
Ramli, 2017). 2 Sikuda, Gutila Lethrinus microdon
3 Geropa Epinephelus fasciatus
The health status of the seagrass in the study 4 Geropa Cephalopholis cyanostigma
area can be explained by the percentage of seagrass 5 Geropa Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
cover. Yefgag Island has 19,5% seagrass health 6 Geropa Plectropomus areolatus
status and 22 fish species were caught by fishermen, 7 Geropa Variola albimarginata
Yellu Island has 46,3% seagrass health status and 30 8 Geropa Aethaloperca rogaa
species of fish were caught by fishermen, and 9 Gorara Lutjanus ehrenbergii
Harapan Jaya village has 45,2% seagrass health
10 Tatapeh Parachaetodon ocellatus
status and 35 fish species were caught by fishermen
11 Bobara Caranx ignobilis
(Table 2.). Primary data processing results indicate
12 Gorara Lutjanus fulvilamma
that seagrass habitat with good health will provide
habitat for various species of fish caught by 13 Geropa Cephalopholis argus
fishermen. At Harapan Jaya station, there were more 14 Sunu Plectropomus maculatus
species of fish caught by fishermen than the other 15 Singaro Lutjanus bohar
two observation locations. This is due to the fact that 16 Oci Selar boops
the waters surrounding the village contain three 17 Bobara Caranx tille
complete coastal ecosystems- mangroves, seagrass 18 Tibok Pomacentrus opisthostigma
and coral reefs. The level of diversity of biota within 19 Selender Cheilinus sp
the three types of coastal habitat is higher compared 20 Gurisi Nemipterus peronii
to the two other observation stations which only 21 Tambak Pasir Gymnocranius griseus
contain two types of coastal habitat, seagrass and 22 Bitak Balande Saurida gracilis
coral reefs. 23 Tibok Stegastes nigricans
24 Beloso Synodus dermatogeny
Maintaining the health status of seagrass is 25 Dakocan Dacyllus melanurus
very important because coral reefs in the tropics are
26 Kapas-kapas Gerres Oyena
threatened, available fish stocks have decreased,
27 Biji nangka Parupeneus Multifasciatus
and their management requires significant energy
28 Bangarau Lutjanus decussates
and resources (Unsworth et al., 2018). The areas
within the South Misool MPA tend to have a high 29 Gofo Monotaxis granduculis
abundance of target fish but are dominated by certain 30 Samandar Siganus chrysospilos
species and fish communities are less diverse (Figure 31 Sako Tylosurus strongylurus
6.). The ecological status of the target fish inside and 32 Paparok Sphyraena jello
outside of the MPA is likely to be influenced by the 33 Mula Hermigymnus melapterus
condition of coral reefs in the surrounding areas (Sala 34 Suo Sillago sihama
et al., 2019). 35 Mamahe Myripristis burndti

With increasing threats of climate change and

increases in global temperatures, fishermen who Understanding the role that seagrass health
depend on coral reefs have had to rely on resources plays in supporting sustainable small-scale fisheries
from other habitats. Seagrass beds, in particular, are in the South Misool KKPD needs to be addressed in
the management of Raja Ampat MPA. One practice in
becoming increasingly important to humans and to
the conservation area management found within the
the planet. Seagrass conservation efforts are needed
South Misool is sasi (an unwritten customary law of
to achieve sustainable ecological systems (Unsworth
Indigenous peoples in Raja Ampat which prohibits the
et al., 2018). Seagrass conservation needs to be harvest of marine animals within a certain peiord of
improved not only to increase seagrass viability, but time) (Tebay et al., 2019) which is still being
also to support the increasing dependence of implemented to support small-scale fisheries (Tebaiy
fishermen on the fish that inhabit in seagrass et al., 2019). The benefits obtained from sasi
habitats. MPA management plans must include production activities include the increase in fish
seagrass management as a strategic and primary targets, reduced levels of exploitation, and
activity to support small-scale fisheries development restoration of fish stocks, as well as increasing the
(Unsworth et al., 2018). income of the people who inhabit in this conservation

142 The Status of Seagrass Health in Misool Marine Protected Area (S. Tebaiy et al.)
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences September 2021 Vol 26(3):135-146


The number fish species of fish 30

y = 0.3174x + 15.923
20 R² = 0.76387



0 10 20 30 40 50
Seagrass Percent Cover

Figure 6. Relationship between seagrass status and fish abundance in the study site

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