Frequently Asked Questions Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
Frequently Asked Questions Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
Frequently Asked Questions Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
7. What is AutoConfig?
AutoConfig is a configuration tool that supports automated configuration of an Oracle Applications Instance. All of the
information required for configuring an Applications instance is collected into a central repository, called the Applications
Context. When the AutoConfig tool runs, it uses information from the Applications Context file to generate configuration
files and update database profiles. See OracleMetaLink Note 165195.1 for details on installing and migrating to
9. We are running Release 11.5.7 (or any prior release), which cloning method can we use?
Due to the advancements in the cloning solution with Rapid Clone, all customers are now recommended to move to
using Rapid Clone. if you are on release 11.5.7 or any release before 11.5.7, you will need to first enable AutoConfig on
your system, if not already done, before you can use Rapid Clone as documented in the Cloning Oracle Applications
Release 11i with Rapid Clone white paper.
10. We are running Release 11.5.8 (or any later release), which cloning method can we use?
In 11.5.8 AutoConfig is enabled on the middle tier out of the box. In 11.5.9 and any later release, AutoConfig is
enabled by default on both the database tier and the middle tier. Update AutoConfig and Rapid Clone code to the latest
code line and use Rapid Clone to clone your system. Full instructions are in Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with
Rapid Clone document 230672.1 on Oracle Metalink.
11. Our Oracle Applications system is on Windows, which cloning method can we use?
If your system is on a release prior to 11.5.7 and is not AutoConfig enabled, use the method documented in the Cloning
Oracle Applications Release 11i white paper. If your system is on any AutoConfig-enabled 11i release, use the method
documented in the Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone white paper.
12. We have a Platinum installation of Oracle Applications. Can we clone our system?
Yes, cloning a Platinum system using the Rapid Clone method is no different than cloning a non-Platinum installed
13. Can I clone from one operating system version to another?
Yes, if the target system platform is binary compatible with the source system platform. For example, if you have an
existing single-node Oracle Applications system on Solaris 2.6, you could clone it to a node running Solaris 8, but not to
a node running HP-UX. Note that cloning from a higher version of a platform to a lower version is not supported, for
example, from Solaris 8 to Solaris 2.6. Other examples of binary compatibility for Oracle Applications are:
AIX 4.3.3 to AIX 5.1 (32-bit)
HP-UX 11.0 to HP-UX 11i
17. What cloning options are available for each cloning method?
The table below shows the cloning options that are currently available for each cloning method.
Multi-node Single node
Single node to Multi-node to With Oracle9i Windows
Recloning to to
Single node Single node Database Platform
Multi-node Multi-node
Cloning Oracle
Available Available Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Available
Cloning Oracle
Available Available Available Available Available Available Available
with Rapid
20. What is the port pool? What if I want to give a specific value to a Server Port?
If you are cloning on the same machine or want to redefine the server ports, you will be prompted for a port pool. The
port pool provides a way to use a set of predefined server ports. There are 100 port pools. For example, if you select 3,
the default database port number (1521) becomes 1524. The following table lists all the server ports. To see how the
port pool calculation works, enter a number between 0 and 99(both inclusive) in the form and click "Get Ports". If you
want to give a specific value to a port on the target system, independently from the port pool, you must first complete
the Target System configuration with (temporarily select a value for the port pool). Once
completes successfully, edit the new target context file with editcontext or OAM and modify
24. Can I change the database dbf files layout while cloning?
Yes, Rapid Clone allows adding or removing database mount points or redistribute dbf files among mount points in the
target system. As long as all the source system dbf files are present in the target system database mount points
specified during the adcfgclone prompts (see question "How does know the target system values?"),
Rapid Clone will find them and re-create the database control file accordingly.
31. Why don't I need to manually copy the oraInventory when cloning?
The local inventory is automatically copied from the source system to the target system as part of copying the ORACLE
_HOME itself. The Global Inventory is machine specific and therefore should not be copied. If you are cloning from one
machine to a different machine, Rapid Clone will simply register the target ORACLE_HOME in the target machine Global
Inventory (This action will automatically create the Global Inventory if it did not exist on that machine).
1. What is AutoConfig?
AutoConfig is a configuration tool that automates the configuration of an Oracle Applications system. The information
required for configuring an Applications system is collected into a repository, called the Applications Context; there is
one Applications Context for each application tier, and one for the database tier. When AutoConfig runs, it uses
information from the Applications Context file to generate all configuration files and update database profiles.
2. What is the difference between the application tier and the database tier?
Before we can answer that, let's define a few terms in the context of the Release 11i architecture: A node or machine is
a computer. A server is a collection of one or more computer processes that perform a specific function. A tier is a
logical grouping of one or more servers or computer processes. Now let's answer the question. The application tier (also
called the middle tier) consists of a number of servers, such as the concurrent processing server, web server, forms
3. How can I identify the application tier and the database tier in a multi-node system?
A node can contain one or more servers, and can therefore belong to one or more tiers. In a single node system, that
node belongs to both the application tier and the database tier, since all servers are contained on that single node.
In a multi-node system, each node contains one or more servers, and therefore belongs to one or both tiers. If the
node contains any of the application tier servers, including the web server, forms server, concurrent processing server,
or administration server, which means that there is an APPL_TOP on the node, then the node belongs to the application
tier, and is considered an application tier server node. If the node contains the database server, which means that there
is an Oracle8i or Oracle9i ORACLE_HOME and the Applications database instance on the node, then the node belongs to
the database tier, and is considered a database server node.
Let's analyze a common configuration where the database server and the concurrent processing server exist on one
node (Node 1), and the other servers exist on a second node (Node 2). Since Node 1 contains both an application tier
server (the concurrent processing server) and the database server, Node 1 belongs to both the database tier and the
application tier. But since Node 2 contains only application tier servers, Node 2 belongs only to the application tier.
AutoConfig Template On the application tier: Include named tags which are replaced with instance-
Files <PROD_TOP>/admin/template specific information from the Applications Context.
For example: There is one template file for each configuration file.
<AD_TOP>/admin/template For example:
<FND_TOP>/admin/template apps_nt.conf
On the database tier: apps_ux.conf
AutoConfig File Driver On the application tier: Used by AutoConfig to list the AutoConfig Template
<PROD_TOP>/admin/driver Files, their destination locations, and the commands
For example: to be executed, for example, the commands to
<AD_TOP>/admin/driver/adtmpl.drv update profile options. Every Product Top contains its
<FND_TOP>/admin/driver/fndtmpl.drv own AutoConfig File Driver.
10. What are the different AutoConfig scripts and what do they do?
Scripts Location Description On the application tier: A wrapper script that calls adconfig.cmd.
adautocfg.cmd <COMMON_TOP>/admin/scripts/ Instantiates template files with values specific to the
<Context_name> instance (taken from the Applications Context). Updates
On the database tier: configuration files and profile options.
scripts/ <Context_name> On the application tier: A wrapper script that calls In earlier versions of
adconfig.cmd <AD_TOP>/bin AutoConfig used to call the Java
On the database tier: API to start AutoConfig.
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin/ On the application tier: A wrapper script that calls the Java API to start AutoConfig.
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin On the application tier: Generates a report that highlights differences between the
adchkcfg.cmd <AD_TOP>/bin original config files and AutoConfig-generated config files.
On the database tier: The report is named cfgcheck.html. It is located under:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/out/
AutoConfig pre-requisites
Do I need to upgrade to Apache 1.3.12s?
Answer: If you are applying the AutoConfig patch to an instance created with a Rapid Install version lower than Release
11.5.5, upgrade to Apache 1.3.12s.
Refer to Metalink Document 161779.1 on OracleMetalink.
Note: Rapid Install for versions 11i7 and higher installs Oracle HTTP Server 1.3.19 from iAS
12. I want to execute the adbldxml utility on a fresh RDBMS Oracle Home. How can I build the Context file,
when the database environment file is not present?
The adbldxml utility requires the following environment variables to be set:
Set the variables according to your instance. For example:
On Windows set LOCAL=PROD
15. Which files / profile options get changed when I run AutoConfig?
Run the adchkcfg utility to get an html report that lists all the files and profile options that get changed when you run
AutoConfig. If you have AD.I or higher applied and you want to see the list of files and profile options that will get
changed when adpatch is run, then run adpatch with the apply=no option before applying the patch. For more
information, refer to Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures - Section Patching - Testing a Patch before Applying it. For
instructions on how to run the adchkcfg utility and a discussion about the report that the utility generates
20. How does AutoConfig know which scripts to create for service controls?
The following variables in the Applications Context File let AutoConfig know which scripts to create:
Context Variable Action
s_isAdmin If set to Yes, create administration service scripts
s_isConc If set to Yes, create concurrent processing and reports service scripts
s_isWeb If set to Yes, create web service scripts
s_isForms If set to Yes, create forms service scripts
The variables are set according to your configuration when you create the Applications Context file:
Single-node system: All the service control scripts are present on the same node. Therefore, all variables are set to
"YES" in the Applications Context file.
Multi-node system: Example
Node 1 = forms server, web server
Node 2 = concurrent processing server, administration server, database server
On Node 1 only the forms and web service control scripts are created. On Node 2 only the admin and concurrent
processing service control scripts are created. The Applications Context files contain the following values:
Node 1 Node 2
Context Variable
Value Value
s_isAdmin NO YES
s_isConc NO YES
s_isWeb YES NO
s_isForms YES NO
21. How does AutoConfig know what application tier node type the APPL_TOP supports?
The AD Utilities such as AutoPatch and AD Administration patch and maintain files based on the application tier node
type that the APPL_TOP supports. The following variables in the Applications Context file define which files are patched
and maintained for the APPL_TOP:
Context Variable Action
s_isAdAdmin If set to Yes, the APPL_TOP contains binaries and scripts used to maintain the Applications system.
If set to Yes, the APPL_TOP can be used to provide the CP and Reports services. All binaries, scripts,
reports and other files related to these services exist in the APPL_TOP.
s_isAdWeb If set to Yes, the APPL_TOP contains the necessary files to provide Oracle HTTP services
s_isAdForms If set to Yes, the APPL_TOP contains the necessary files to provide Forms services
The variables are set according to your configuration when you create the Applications Context file: Single-node system
All the application tier types are present on the same node and there is only one APPL_TOP. All variables are set to ‘YES’
in the Applications Context file. Multi-node system sharing the same APPL_TOP: A shared APPL_TOP contains all the
necessary software components to run any service. All variables are set to "YES" in the Applications Context files
sharing the APPL_TOP. Multi-node system, where every node has a separate APPL_TOP: Example:
Node 1 = forms server, web server
Node 2 = concurrent processing server, administration server, database server
Every node has its own APPL_TOP that only patches and maintains the files specific to the node. The Applications
Context files contain the following values:
22. What do I do when a patch or Oracle documentation instructs me to manually modify an AutoConfig-
maintained file?
Contact Oracle Support to incorporate the necessary changes in the AutoConfig templates: Identify the patch or the
note that is requesting the manual change. Log a Service Request with Oracle Support, providing the same information.
Patching AutoConfig
23. How do I get the latest changes to AutoConfig?
Updates to AutoConfig are delivered in the ADX product patch. The latest patch at the time of this writing are patch
number 3453499.
Database connectivity
39. Should the database server remain available during the AutoConfig run?
Yes. The database server and the database listener must remain available during the AutoConfig run. This is true when
running AutoConfig on the application tier, as well when running AutoConfig on the database tier. If you run AutoConfig
on the application tier, then the 806 database listener must remain available also.
42. What steps do I need to follow to maintain my database connectivity when I migrate my database from
one host/platform to another?
Perform the steps in the order listed: Before the migration: Deregister the database tier from the Net Services Topology
Data Model. Refer to the question "How do I deregister a database tier from the Net Services Topology Data Model?" If
you haven't enabled AutoConfig on the database tier, you can ignore this step. After the migration: Reset the context
variable s_apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor in the context file for the application tier to an empty string. Update the
context variables s_dbhost and s_dbport in the context file for the application tier to reflect the new values in the
middle tier context file.
43. I migrated my database tier to a new host/platform, but the application tier still tries to connect to the
old database. How can I fix this situation, so that the application tier connects to the new database?
Your old database tier is still registered in the Net Services Topology Data Model. Perform the following steps: You have
to clean up the data model by following the steps described in the question: "How do I purge the complete Net Services
Topology Data Model?" Perform the step described in the question: "How do I seed the Net Service Topology Data
53. What should I do if my AutoConfig script exits with non-zero status?
If AutoConfig exits with non-zero status, open the adconfig.log and check for the reported errors: Errors in the
instantiation phase: Check to see if the template files listed in the error summary exist in your file system. If they do
not exist, the AutoConfig File Driver of the product is faulty. Report the problem to Oracle Support. If the template files
Created by Bhaskar Ivaturi 8
exist, check for permission issues. If you cannot fix the issue, report the problem to Oracle Support. Error encountered
in the SETUP/PROFILE/APPLY phase: Check the adconfig.log file to see the reason for the failure. If you cannot fix the
issue, report the problem to Oracle Support.
56. My concurrent managers don't start after running AutoConfig? How do I resolve this issue?
Look in the file APPLSYS_ux.env (UNIX) or APPLSYS_nt.env (Windows) located in <AD_TOP>/admin/template. If the
version of the file is 115.15 or lower, your environment file hard codes variables, which prevent the concurrent manager
to start. Apply the latest AutoConfig patch to get the templates that use Application Context variables.
58. How do I resolve an address in use (could not bind to port) when staring Apache?
The error "Address already in use: make_sock could not bind to port" occurs when non-SSL Apache and SSL Apache
occupy the same port. The latest AutoConfig patch makes sure, that these ports don't conflict.
59. I get the message "You are not authorized to view this page" when I access the application. How do I
resolve this problem?
After applying TXK AutoConfig Template Rollup F (patch 3104607) or later, the Apache configuration won't allow
symbolic links per default. Standard security practice and our strong recommendation is that you don't use symbolic
links for E-Business Suite files. If you want to enable symbolic links, use the Context Editor to change the value of the
variable s_options_symlinks from "Options -FollowSymLinks" to "# Options -FollowSymLinks". Run AutoConfig to reflect
the change and restart the applications services. The pre-patch report txkValidateRollup of TXK AutoConfig Template
Rollup G (patch 3239694) or later provides you more detailed instructions.
60. On HP/UX Itanium fails because of a missing POSIX module. How do I resolve this
When you get the error message "Can't locate loadable object for module POSIX @INC." while running AutoConfig on
HP/UX Itanium, then download and apply patch 4261525 .
Concurrent Manager
Note: 105133.1
FND Concurrent Manager FAQ's
1. When would one be required to bounce (stop and restart) the Concurrent Manager?
Using the printer definition process within Applications, it is imperative that the Internal Manager (ICM) is bounced in
order to pick up the changes. If only a concurrent program definition is modified, running a verify on the Internal
Manager will pick up the changes without the need for bouncing the manager.
2. Does the Internal manager schedule requests to be run or does it put requests into queues to be run by
other managers?
This is a very common misconception. The ICM really does not have any such scheduling responsibilities. It has nothing
to do with scheduling requests, or deciding which manager will run a particular request. Its function is only to run
‘queue control' requests, which are requests to startup or shutdown, other managers. It is responsible for startup and
shutdown of the whole concurrent processing facility, and it also monitors the other managers periodically, and restarts
them if they should go down. It can also take over the Conflict Resolution manager's job, and resolve incompatibilities.
If the ICM itself should go down, requests will continue to run normally, except for 'queue control' requests. You can
restart it with 'startmgr', you do not need to kill the other managers first.
14. What is the syntax for controlling the concurrent manager using startmgr and concsub in NT?
On NT, the concurrent manager is run as an NT service; you start and stop the managers using the Services control
panel. See the Applications Installation manual for NT, Appendix A for details. See pg. 5-9 of this manual for
instructions on creating the concurrent manager service.
15. Why am I seeing pinging entries like this in the ICM logfile?
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.705 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.120 ms
Process monitor session ended : 29-FEB-2000 10:38:43
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.985 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=1.006 ms
Pinging other machines is used in Distributed Concurrent Processing.
This means you have DCP turned on, using the environment variable
APPLDCP. Set APPLDCP to OFF and restart the managers.
16. I hit the Restart button to start the Standard manager, but it still did not start?
Telling a manager to restart just sets the status to Restart. The ICM will start it the next process monitor session or the
next time the ICM starts. Use Activate to start a manager immediately. When a manager is deactivated manually, the
ICM will not restart it, you will need to set it to Restart, or activate it manually.
1. How to delete an Oracle Applications user
The ability to delete applications users is not planned. Applications users cannot be deleted since records belonging to
users are kept for security and monitoring purposes. The only thing to do is to invalidate the user by assigning an end
date to the effective period for the user. The user is recorded in Who columns, so deleting would cause foreign table
data integrity problems. The only supported method for "deleting" users from Apps is to END DATE them from within
Apps. Do so by navigating to Security -> User -> Define.
2. How to manually change the APPLSYS, APPS and APPLSYSPUB passwords for Applications
The APPLSYS and APPS passwords always have to be the same. Always change both at the same time. When changing
these passwords, it is important to change the APPLSYS password first and the APPS password second. If the correct
procedure, to change these passwords is not followed, users will not be able to login after the change. As a precaution,
please back up the FND_ORACLE_ID and FND_USER tables before beginning.
1. Have all users log out of applications.
2. Shutdown the concurrent managers.
3. Log in to applications as System Administrator.
4. Navigate to Security> Oracle> Register
5. Query up all available Oracle Ids. (NOTE: do not log out of this session of Applications until you have verified that all
the following steps have been completed successfully).
6. At the same time, login to SQL*PLUS as the SYSTEM user.
7. In the applications session, enter the new password for APPLSYS. Re-enter the same password when asked to re-
enter the password to confirm.
8. Save the change.
Note: At this point of the procedure you will see a "Caution" dialog
box which states the following: You are changing the APPLSYS password. Doing so will affect the whole system.
NOTE: The first character of the APPLSYS password MUST NOT BE a numeric. Use only alpha characters for the first
character in the APPLSYS password.
In Application Object Library release 10.7 or later, you must also change all APPS schema passwords to match the
APPLSYS password. You should only change the APPLSYS password while no other users are signed on. After you
change the APPLSYS and all APPS schema passwords, you should exit and sign-on again. Be sure to change the
APPLSYS and APPS schema passwords in the database before signing on again. Use: ALTER USER <APPLSYS
USERNAME> IDENTIFIED BY <NEW PASSWORD>& #059; While the instructions contained in this dialog box are critical
to successfully changing the APPLSYS & APPS passwords the dialog box does not indicate that you have made an error.
Once you have read and understand the caution information you can simply click OK and proceed.
9. In the same applications session, change the APPS password.
10. In the same applications session, change the APPLSYSPUB password if necessary.
11. Save the change.
Note:Re-query the form (query - run) every time after changing the APPS password. If it is not re-queried and the
APPS password is changed again, it is
impossible to continue.
12. In the SQL*Plus session, issue the following statements to change the passwords in the database, where 'XXX' is
the password assigned to that user in the previous steps:
13. Log out of SQL*Plus.
14. Open a NEW session in applications, WITHOUT CLOSING THE PREVIOUS SESSION,
and log in. If log in is successful, the change was successful. Otherwise, repeat steps 5 onward, ensuring the same
password is used for both APPLSYS and APPS, in both applications and SQL*Plus.
15. Restart the concurrent managers.
6. You receive an APPLMNT error when trying to view output using the Report Review Agent.
When trying to view the output of a report from the PC, you receive the following error: Environment variable APPLMNT
is not set.
Follow the steps listed below:
a) Log into Applications as system administrator.
b) Open the System Profiles form.
c) Set the Fileserver Enabled profile option to 'Yes' at the site level.
d) Stop and restart the concurrent manager.
e) Log out of Applications on the PC, and log back in for the change to take effect.
7. You receive an APP-0075 error when trying to delete an assigned printer. How can you find out who it is
assigned to?
You try to delete a printer through the Register Printers form and receive the following error: APP-0075 printer is
currently in use
CAUSE: A profile option currently uses this printer. You cannot delete the printer until it is no longer in use.
ACTION: Change the profile option value.
To determine where the printer is defined, and to correct the problem, perform
the following steps:
Note: Issue the commands in SQL*Plus logged in as apps.
a. sql> select profile_option_id,profile_option_name from fnd_profile_options where profile_option_name like
You see output similar to the following:
----------------- -------------------
b. sql>select level_id,profile_option_id,profile_option_value,level_value from fnd_profile_option_values where
You see output similar to the following:
-------- ----------------- -------------------- -----------
10004 109 colprt21 1036
c. sql>select user_id,user_name form fnd_user where user_id = 1036
The output looks similar to:
------- ---------
This is the responsible user profile that needs to have the Printer profile option deleted.
d. Log into Applications under the \navigate profile system screen.
e. Query up the user profile option for ACLARK. The printer profile option should correspond to the printer you need to
f. Delete this line and then you can delete the printer.
8. You are unable to delete a printer because it has been referenced by a concurrent program.
10. How can you display the name of the Applications user on a form?
Problem:How can the user name of the user currently signed into Applications be displayed on a form that they are
Solution:In GUI use: FND_PROFILE.GET('USERNAME'). In character mode use:#FND_GETPROFILE
11. How can you find the name of a needed profile option?
Problem: If you want to find a value that is stored in a profile option, but you do not know what the profile is called,
how can you find the profile option name?
Solution: To find the name of the profile option, go into Dev Utils examine and select $PROFILE$. Then search for the
profile. It may be necessary to add Dev Utils to a character menu.
12. How do you tell what product is installed Full and Shared within Applications?
This information can be accessed within Applications from the Alert Manager Responsibility. Navigation Path: SYSTEM
14. How do you test out the Initilization strings used in Applications Printer Drivers?
- Create a sample directory and copy a rpt file into that directory.
- Type: FNDPRESC "init_string" > foo (init_string = the exact
init string used wtihin applications)
- vi the report file and insert a line at the top of the report.
Shift + o
- vi the foo file and copy / paste the init string at the inserted
line of the report file.
- lp -d<printername> l#####.out
15. What is the proper way to change the Applications privileged passwords?
- Shutdown the Concurrent Manager
- Change the APPS, APPLSYS and APPLSYSPUB passwords at the
Database level
- Change the APPS, APPLSYS and APPLSYSPUB passwords at the
Application level
- Change the APPS password in any Concurent Manager startup
16. How to manually change the APPLSYS, APPS and APPLSYSPUB passwords for Applications?
The APPLSYS and APPS passwords always have to be the same. Always change both at the same time. When changing
these passwords, it is important to change the APPLSYS password first and the APPS password second. If the correct
procedure to change these passwords is not followed, users will not be able to login after the change. As a precaution,
please back up the FND_ORACLE_ID and FND_USER tables before beginning.
1. Have all users log out of applications.
2. Shutdown the concurrent managers.
3. Log in to applications as System Administrator.
20. Why does Oracle Support always tell me to recompile my invalid objects?
Compiling invalid objects on your database is almost the equivalent of running scandisk on a PC hard drive. This should
be one of the first things you check if you start experiencing problems with your Oracle database. It is also a good idea
to schedule regular checks for invalid objects.
When you call in to Oracle Support with a database or installation issue, one of the first questions they will probably ask
is whether you have checked for and resolved any invalid objects.
21. Are invalid objects ever acceptable? How many is too many?
If the invalid objects exist for a product or application that is not installed, it may be ok to have some, but it is
preferable to have no invalid objects existing at all. If invalid objects exist for a product or application that you do have
installed and are using, then it should be considered unacceptable and any existing invalid objects should be resolved
before further issues can occur.
There is no set number of invalid objects that could be considered 'acceptable' as each situation will vary widely from
one database to the next. You could just have a few invalid objects or they could number in the hundreds or even
thousands, but every effort should be made to resolve them one way or another.
22. How can I get a quick count of my invalid objects (if any) for regular maintenance?
To get a quick count of the number of existing invalids (if any), use the following select statement:
For a more detailed query, use the following script:
25. What if I still have invalid objects than can not be resolved by ADCOMPSC.pls?