The Formula Digital Study Guide

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ISBN 978-1-944021-76-4 UPC 750440781044

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Participant Workbook

Table of Contents

The Journey to Finding The Formula ............cccocoeeee.

Thie Model of Trans tormmation uss messin

Stepping ints The Unknow «qqssmsvanaaassmanms 17

CEERI 8 DEW BUNS... ocociimssnsminmisisimiasmisnsiimssnsnisms 25
Finding the Present Moment ...........cccccvvvviiiiivineinnns 33
Living in Survival... 41
Braif COREMBNES cummins 49
Heat CohereneR. amass 61
Lig I Crealion sums 67
connecting tothe Pleld ....covsmmmmunsmsnnanss 73
DSI Your PUES 18 YO omnia 79

Mastering The Formula............oooooeviiiiiiiiiiieeeees 89


lesson 1

The Journey to Finding

The Formula

For more than 30 years, Dr Joe has been researching the

science of personal change and transformation. As a result,
he has developed a scientifically proven practical formula that
countless of people have been effectively applying to their
lives in order to change from the inside out.

In this course you will learn the steps to apply Dr Joe's Formula
in your own life.

Common Factors of Spontaneous Remission

After his own miraculous healing, Dr Joe began looking for

answers, seeking both a spiritual and scientific understanding
of what had happened in his own recovery. He researched
spontaneous remissions and interviewed hundreds of people
around the world about their own healing journey. In this
process, he discovered four important commonalities in the
people who experienced spontaneous changes in their health.

1. They believed there was an intelligence within them that

was giving them life.

This intelligence was responsible for balance, restoration, repair

and regeneration. In order for true healing to occur, they knew
that they had to make contact with this intelligence and give it a
specific design. When they became fully present with that invisible

consciousness and satisfied with the model of what they wanted,

they finally surrendered the healing to a greater mind — the mind
that knows how to repair the body much better than their
personality self.

2. They took responsibility for their own health.

They realized that their unconscious thoughts, behaviors and

emotions created the disease in their body, and they began to
change their personality. By becoming aware of their unconscious
state of being, they learned to break the habit of being themselves.

3. They decided to reinvent a new self.

They began to mentally rehearse who they would be if they

were given a new opportunity in life. As they became familiar
with this new future, they began to change their brain and body
by thought alone. Every day, they installed neurological
hardware that became the mind of their new personality. They
were so focused and present that their brain did not know the
difference between an experience in the outer world and the new
experience they were imagining in their mind. They were literally
changing their brain and body to look like the physical experience
had already happened.

4. They became so present in the moment, that they lost

track of space and time.

They learned to find the present moment by disconnecting from

their body, the environment, and time. When they would come
back to their senses after designing a new future, they would find
that more than an hour had passed when it had only felt like 10
minutes. Their frontal lobe had acted like a volume control,
lowering the volume to the circuits in the brain that process the
awareness of their body, their outer world, and linear time. With
regular practice, their inner world became more real than their
outer world.
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Scientific Measurements

Through collaboration with an international team of researchers, Dr Joe

has gathered data on how people’s brains and bodies change as a result
of practicing these techniques.

Our team’s research studies have included:

e Pre and post brain scan measurements e Heart rate variability (HRV). We have

(QEEG). We have scanned thousands of

people's brains at the start of a workshop,
and after four to seven days of participating
in various meditations. Through this
research, we have discovered that
significant changes are not just in people's
minds; the changes are actually recorded
in their brains.

Real-time brain scans during meditation

(QEEG). This has allowed the team of
researchers to see exactly what was
happening in people's brains at specific
moments during a meditation or an inward
exercise aimed at producing some type
of personal change. These studies have
given us a deeper understanding about
the process of personal transformation,
including specific patterns in EEG
measurements in the brain resulting
from a lasting, more permanent change.

conducted participants’ pre and post

workshop HRV measurements, as well
as 24hr measurements. This allowed us
to study the difference in a person’s HRV
patterns during a meditation and when not
in meditation. When people are impatient,
frustrated or upset, their heart beats very
differently than when they are in a state
of gratitude, joy, inspiration or kindness.
Through studying HRV patterns, we
have taught thousands of people how to
sustain heart coherence, allowing them
to self-regulate their emotional state and
stress reactions.

Energy in the room. We have measured

the collective energy of approximately a
thousand participants inside a ballroom
and saw how a unified group of individuals
could affect the environment around them.

Science is the contemporary

language of mysticism.
Science demystifies the mystical.

e¢ Gene expression. We have conducted a

randomly selected group of participants’
pre and post workshop salivary and blood

samples to measure their gene expression.

The results have proven that individuals

are able to change their gene expression
in just four days.

Immune regulation. We have taken

participants’ salivary samples before and
after a four-day workshop to measure their
immune regulation. The results have
showed us that people can strengthen
their immune system by sustaining certain
states of mind and body.

Telomere length. We have taken blood

samples from return participants before
and after a four-day workshop, and then
again 60 days later. By practicing our
meditations at least 5 days a week for 60
days, 74% of people in the research study
lengthened their telomeres and changed
their genetic destiny.

e Cellular Metabolism. We have partnered

with University of California San Diego to
study thousands of metabolic markers in
cellular biology before, during and after
meditation. Our research suggests that in
7 days, cells are more immune to bacteria
and viruses, have more energy for growth
and repair, downregulate certain genes for
age-related memory decline, and
suppress certain cancer activity.

All of these studies have allowed us to

capture and further examine the process of
change, which has ultimately given us more
information to teach transformation. Through
our research, we are closing the gap
between knowledge and experience.
Using the newest developments in science,
we are teaching people the tools to create
measurable and lasting change in their lives.
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What is The Formula?

Through years of extensive teaching and research, we have

distilled down our findings of how our inner world can affect our
outer world, to a very simple formula.

In this program, you will learn how to master The Formula by

learning techniques for:

e Getting beyond your body, the environment,

and time—and finding the present moment.

e Managing your mind to create more order,

or coherence, in your brain.

e Regulating your emotional state to create

more coherence in your heart.

You will also learn to get beyond your familiar past-present

personality, which is connected to your same past-present
personal reality. As you learn the process of getting beyond
yourself and creating from the quantum field instead of
creating from matter, you will begin to produce significant
changes in your mind, your body, and your life.

The Formula is a combination of brain

coherence and heart coherence. When
you combine these two techniques,

you have a more effective ability to

change your mind, your body,
and ultimately your life.


What are some circumstances that you want to change in

your own present reality?

What is the best version of yourself that you can imagine?

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lesson 2

The Model of Transformation

The average person thinks 60,000-70,000

thoughts every day, and 90% of those
thoughts are the exact same thoughts as the
day before. If you believe that your thoughts
have anything to do with your destiny, if 90%
of your thoughts are the same as the day
before, then your life will stay the same. The
reason that your life will stay the same, is that
the same thoughts lead to the same choices;
the same choices lead to same actions; the
same actions lead to the same experiences;
and the same experiences create the
same emotions.

By the same means, if you learn new

information, wire it in your brain, and decide
to use that information, you will naturally have
new thoughts that lead to new choices. New
choices lead to new behaviors, which create
new experiences. New experiences produce
new feelings and emotions, which influence
new thoughts. That is evolution.

How To Change Your Reality

Old State Of Being New State Of Being
Same Thoughts New Thoughts
4 <>
~ ~~
C Same Choices ) C New Choices )
2G oy
Same Actions New Actions
& Behaviors & Behaviors

<< » @
hd NS

("some Exorences ( New Experiences )


Same Feelings

New Feelings

Figure 2.1

Your neurocircuitry, your neurochemistry,

your hormones, and even your gene expression

are always equal to how you think,

how you act, and how you feel.

Your Personality Creates

Your Personal Reality

Your personality is made up of how you think,

how you act and how you feel.

Your personality creates your personal reality.

Most people try to change their life (their personal reality)

without changing themselves (their personality).


Past/Present Lo Future
pd ACT
Self | expERIENCE
Personal Reality A di Personal Reality

Figure 2.2

“One of the biggest problems

that | discovered in the process of
personal transformation is that most

people try to create a new personal

reality as the same personality, and
it doesn't work. You literally have to
become someone else."

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In order to change your life, you have to

change. You have to change your personality.
You have to start thinking about what you've
been thinking about and change it. You have
to become conscious of your unconscious
habits and behaviors, and modify them. You
have to become aware of how you have
been feeling and emotionally reacting to the
same circumstances in your life and shift
your emotional states.

Neurological Networks

Anytime you learn something new, nerve cells

or neurons in your brain make new connections
and new hardware is installed to reflect what

you are learning or experiencing.

Figure 2.3

There is a principle in neuroscience that says

nerve cells that fire together, wire together.
The repetition of firing and wiring the same
thoughts, the same behaviors and the same
emotions begins to hardwire your brain into

a very finite signature, which becomes your

identity or personality.

When you do something over and over, the

act of repeatedly firing and wiring creates a
neurological network in your brain. Those
clusters of neurons that have been assembled
into patterns become more automatic, and in
time, the hardware becomes a software
program. Everything that has a neurological
network in your brain is known to you.

Hardware + Repetition —* Software Program

By the time you're 35 years old, 95% of who

you are is a set of unconscious, automatic,
memorized programs. When it comes time
to change, most people try to use 5% of their
conscious mind to go against 95% of what
they have memorized subconsciously.

You could say “I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm

abundant...” but the body will never believe it.
The body says “No, you're miserable” because
that is what it has been programmed and
conditioned into being. These new “happy”
thoughts never get past the brain stem to
influence the body because mind and body
are in opposition.
For true change to happen, you have to
enter the subconscious mind where these
programs exist. You will learn how to do it
in future lessons.

-11 =

The Loop of Thinking

and Feeling

As you think certain thoughts, the brain

produces chemicals that cause you to feel
exactly the way you were thinking. Once you
feel the way you think, you begin to think the
way you feel. The redundancy of this cycle is
the conditioning process that creates familiar
hardwired thoughts in the brain and conditioned
feelings in the body. Thoughts are the language
of the brain and feelings are the language of
the body, and how you think and feel creates
your state of being.

Cycle of Thinking and Feeling



Thoughts of the Brain

+ —— State of Being

Feelings of the Body

Figure 2.4

To change is:
e To be greater than your environment.
e To be greater than your body.

e To be greater than time.


If something in your outer world is controlling

your thoughts, feelings and behaviors, it means
you are a victim to the circumstances in your
environment. Most people wake up every
single day and see the same people, go to
the same places, and do the same things at
the same time. It is no longer their personality
that is creating their personal reality, their
personal reality is creating their personality.
Their environment is controlling the way they
think, feel and act.

When you react to the same conditions in

your life, and you think and feel equal to
your environment (or the same way you
always do) you will keep creating the same
life. If things go well, you'll feel good; but if
things go poorly, you'll feel bad. To change
is to be greater than the circumstances in
your environment.

What is the environment

made of? Bodies, people,

objects, things, and places.

For the most part, all of
these are known to you.

-12 —-
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To be greater than your body means:

to be greater than the thinking-feeling

| loop that creates the conditioning

process where the body has been

subconsciously conditioned to become the
mind of the emotions of the past. The conscious
or unconscious repetition of combining the
same thoughts and feelings, conditions the
body to subconsciously become the mind.
Now the body is literally in the past.

to be greater than your unconscious

2 habituated programs. If you follow the

same routine every day, and you think

the same thoughts that lead to the same
choices, and you demonstrate the same
actions, which lead to the same experiences,
which produce to the same feelings, your
body is now on autopilot and it's dragging you
into the same predictable future based on
what you did in the past. You are living in a
habit of being yourself. A habit is when you
have done something so many times, you
no longer have to consciously think about it.
Your body, as the subconscious mind, knows
how to do it better than your conscious mind.
In other words, a habit is when the body has
become the mind. In a sense, your routine life
causes you to lose your free will to a series of
automatic unconscious programs.


When you stop thinking about the predictable

future (the known: your schedule, where you
need to be at a certain time, how you anticipate
an event unfolding, etc.) or the familiar past
(also the known: what happened yesterday,
how you felt after something that happened
a few days ago, how you replay an event in
your mind, etc.), then you enter the sweet
spot of the generous present moment
(the unknown: where all possibilities exist).

You will learn exactly how to do this in the

upcoming lessons.

-13 =


In order for true change to happen, you must become familiar with
your old programed self, and become so conscious of who you have
been that you don’t go unconscious ever again. Take some time to
deconstruct your present personality that is connected to your
present personal reality.

What old thoughts do you need to stop thinking?

Thoughts like: “I can’t, | don’t have enough time, I'll start tomorrow,
| want to give up”.

What habits and behaviors do you have to stop demonstrating?

Actions like: complaining, blaming others, making excuses, rushing
through things.

What familiar feelings do you have to stop experiencing?

How do you frequently feel? What emotions do you experience on
a regular basis? What are the familiar feelings that keep you from
believing in your future?

The first step to change

is to become conscious
of who you are.


lesson 3

Stepping into The Unknown

To truly change, you must become conscious

and aware of who you really are. Becoming
conscious of your unconscious self is called
metacognition. The act of observing your
automatic programs (unconscious states of
mind and body) means you are no longer
the program. The first step to change is
becoming conscious of your unconscious
thoughts, behaviors and emotions.

Being unconscious is being in a program.

When you can become so conscious of
your old personality that you no longer
go unconscious to it, you are mastering your
old personality self. When you master your
personality, you change your familiar past-
present personal reality, as well as your
predictable future-present personal reality.

Most people wait for crisis, trauma, disease

or diagnosis to make a change in their lives.
Why wait until you are at your lowest
denominator to begin creating the life
you want? Why not become inspired

by a vision of the future, elevate your

emotional state and begin the process
of change?

To condition your brain and body into

a new future, you must combine a clear

intention—a vision of who you want to be or
a new experience you want in your life—with
an elevated emotion-like love, gratitude,
awe, inspiration, and joy. It only takes a
thought combined with a feeling, a memory
(or an image in your mind) and an emotion,
a stimulus and response, to condition your
brain and body to biologically look like the
new unknown future has already happened.

-17 -

Crossing the River of Change

The hardest part about change is not making

the same choices that you did the day before.

The moment you decide to change some-

thing about yourself or make a new choice
to do things differently, you are stepping into
the river of change. Get ready, because it is
going to feel uncomfortable. The uncertainty
you feel when you make a new choice in
your life, means you are leaving the familiar
known biology of the brain and body, and
stepping into the unknown. In the unknown,
the only way you can predict the future is
to create it.

Crossing The River Of Change

River Of Change

Familiar Unfamiliar
Predictable Unknown/Void Unpredictable
Past Future
Figure 3.1

The unknown is the

perfect place to
create from.

Reflect on a time when the voices in your

head held you back from creating change
in your life. What or who did you blame?

Things like: “This is too hard. I'll start

tomorrow. | will never change. It's my ex's
fault. It's my mother's fault. | don't have
enough time. How long is it going to take?”

If you respond to these old familiar thoughts

as if they were true, those same thoughts
will lead to the same choices, which will
lead to the same behaviors, which will
create the same experiences, which will
produce the same feelings and emotions.
As a consequence, most people will say,
“This feels right.” Actually, what they are
unconsciously saying is, “This feels
familiar, or this feels comfortable.”

From One State of Mind and

Body to Another

When you can stop firing and wiring old

thoughts, you weaken their connections in
your brain. Now you are no longer making the
same choices, no longer creating the same
neurochemistry, no longer producing the
hormones, and no longer experiencing the
same feelings in the body. You are no longer
signaling the same genes with the same
behaviors and emotions.

When you can begin firing and wiring new

thoughts, you begin to install new neurological
hardware in your brain. If you keep doing this,
over time, that hardware will become a software
program and that will be the new voice in
your head.

-18 —-

What behaviors do | want to demonstrate?

The act of mental rehearsal changes your
brain to look like you already did what you
reviewed in your mind. If you keep practicing,
it will become more automatic and you will
begin to prime your brain to more naturally
act that way. By installing new neural
hardware, your brain will no longer be a
record of the past. It will become a map

to a new future.

When you can create elevated emotions

that connect you to your new future, you will
teach your body emotionally what your future

will feel like before it happens. Your body is

so objective that it will not know the difference
between the real-life experience that creates
those heart-centered emotions, and the
emotions you are creating by thought alone.
When you keep practicing cultivating those
emotions every day, you will feel like your
new future has already happened.

When you go from the old selfto the new self,

there is a neurological, biological, chemical,
hormonal, and genetic death of the old self.

Biological Model of Change

Familiar Past

New Future

Breaking the habit of being yourself
Pruning synaptic connections
Unfiring & unwiring

Unmemorizing an emotion
in the body

Losing your mind

Becoming familiar with the old self
Living in the same past

Old energy

Reinventing a new self
Sprouting new connections
Firing & wiring
Reconditioning the body
to a new mind/emotion
Creating a new mind
Becoming familiar with the new self
Creating a new future

New energy


Two Models of Reality

Waiting for something outside of you to change how you

think and feel is the Newtonian model of cause and effect.
This familiar paradigm of reality means you would:

e wait for your new relationship to feel love.

e wait for your wealth to feel abundant.

e wait for your healing to feel wholeness or gratitude.

e wait for your mystical experience to feel awe.

In this model of cause and effect, most people spend their

whole life waiting for something outside of them to take
away their feelings of lack or emptiness and to make them
feel better inside of them, believing they have no influence
over their reality. They become victims to their life.

The Quantum model of creating reality is changing how

you think and feel to create a new outcome. This progressive
paradigm is about causing an effect, and it means:

e the moment you begin to feel abundant, you are

generating wealth.

e the moment you're in love with yourself and your life,

you begin to draw an equal to you.

e the moment you start feeling gratitude and wholeness,

your healing begins.

e the moment you feel awe, the mystical experience

finds you.

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Becoming Familiar

The word meditation means fo become

familiar with.

In this work, you will use meditation to:

e Become so familiar (or conscious) of

your unconscious thoughts, behaviors
and emotions that you will no longer go
unconscious to those hardwired thoughts,
routine habits and automatic emotional
reactions in your waking day.

e Become so familiar with a new self by

changing the way you think, act and feel,
that you will install new circuitry in your
brain and condition your body emotionally
into a new future before it happens. You
will remind yourself who you do want to
be so many times, that being your new
personality will become easy, automatic
and effortless.

Meditation Suggestions

Choose a quiet place to sit where you

will not be disturbed.

Turn off lights and/or wear an eye mask.

Do not meditate in your bed, choose

another area that is not associated
with sleep.

Sit upright in a comfortable position where

you will not fall asleep or be distracted by
discomfort in your body.

Loosen any binding clothing.

Remove your watch - there is no time

where you are going.

Simply follow the instructions in the

meditation without analyzing.

Remember, every time you settle your brain

and body down, it's a victory. If you notice
your thoughts drifting, you have done nothing
wrong, simply become conscious of it and
return back to the guidance in the meditation.
That's another victory.


There is no such thing as

a bad meditation. There is

only you overcoming you.



Revisit what you wrote about your old self at the end of Lesson 2. Is
there anything you would like to add? Have you become more aware of
your old thoughts, habits and feelings since completing that exercise?

Next, reconstruct your new personality and become familiar with

your new self.

What new thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain?
What new behaviors and actions do you want to demonstrate?
What new emotions would you choose to feel every single day?
Write down a few impressions after completing Meditation 1:
“Becoming Familiar With...”.

What did you do well?

What do you want to do better or different next time?

What are you proud of and where are you grateful for your efforts?

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lesson 4

Creating a New Future

All creations begin with a new thought, a

vision or an open-ended question to self

The frontal lobe has three important functions

that are relevant in this course:

that speculates possibility. Questions like:

“What would it be like to be healthy?”

“What would it be like to be wealthy?”

“What would it be like to have a mystical


“How can | create a new career?”

“What is my vision of a new, fun and

loving relationship?”

When you ask yourself these kinds

of questions, you turn on the frontal
lobe. Let's call these types of
questions frontal lobe questions.

1. The frontal lobe is the creative center

of the brain. It is designed to answer open
ended speculative questions that we ask
ourselves when we are examining new
possibilities (like the ones listed above).

Book on

rd DVD about
= Compassion
ZC e— Personal

Experience of

(Neural Network)

Frontal lobe accesses

different neural networks from
past knowledge & experience

Frontal-lobe question:
What is compassion?


> —_—

Internal representation

of compassion J
Frontal lobe combines

individual neural networks

Figure 4.1 to form a new mind


2. When we are truly focused, the frontal

lobe acts as a volume control so we can
move beyond our associations to space
and time. The frontal lobe is the area of
the brain associated with paying attention,
and paying attention is being present. This
is how we move into the present moment.

Sensory Center
Motor Center (Feeling the body)
(Moving the body) | Parietal Lobe


(Time & space)

Visual Center
(Seeing the environment)



Temporal Lobe ai

Association Center

Figure 4.2

—- 26 -
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3. The frontal lobe makes it possible for us to

become conscious of our unconscious
thoughts, behaviors and emotions. We
called this ability metacognition at the
beginning of Lesson 3. Metacognition is
observing your thoughts without letting
them slip by your awareness unnoticed.

Neural Net
“I hate my coworker”

Neural Net
“She betrayed me”

Neural Net
“I'm going to get
back at her”

Neural Net
“She is so selfish”

Figure 4.3

-27 =

The frontal lobe is:

e The Boss, the CEO, the symphony leader of the brain.

e The marvel of our evolutionary development-the crowning

achievement of the human being because it is the largest

in humans.

e The powerhouse of our brain.

e The part of our brain that holds the responsibility for

our consciousness, will, and purpose.

e The frontal lobe is the doorway through which we can

break repetitive cycles.

e The frontal lobe is where we hold our intentions—our

intentional thoughts, choices, behaviors, experiences

and emotions.

When you ask yourself an open-ended creative

question to explore a new possibility, your
frontal lobe is responsible for answering that
question. As the symphony leader of the
brain, it can call up many different associated
circuits wired throughout the brain. These
pieces of neurological hardware have been
wired in your brain based on the vast amount
of knowledge you have learned as well as
memories of events that you have previously
experienced throughout your life. Your frontal
lobe will seamlessly piece all of them together
into an image in your mind. When the brain

freezes this new picture in your mind, it's

called intention. You are selecting a new
potential reality in the quantum field. When
you focus on that clear intention, your brain
will start to animate that vision and bring it to
life, and you will start to feel the emotions of
that future ahead of the actual real-life event.

When you combine a clear intention with

an elevated emotion, you can change your

state of being from the same familiar thoughts
and feelings, to thinking and feeling in a
new way.

—- 28 -

Remembering Your Future

To begin, select a new possibility in the future.

Once you are clear on what it is that you want
to bring to life and begin to feel the elevated
emotions of that future, you are changing
your state of being.

The more you can move into an elevated

emotional state—that is, the more you are
emotionally altered from your new intentional
creation—-the more you will pay attention to
the picture that you are creating in your mind.
Now you are beginning to brand that new
experience neurologically in your brain and
condition that emotion into your body. If you
keep doing this every single day, there will
be evidence in your brain and body to look
like that experience has already occurred.

Can you believe in a future that you can't

see or experience with your senses yet, but
you have thought about enough times in your
mind that your brain is literally changed to
look like the event has already occurred?

The latest research in neuroscience says

it is absolutely possible. You can change
your brain just by thinking differently.

Since there are infinite potentials in the

quantum field, can you select a new potential
and emotionally embrace that future reality
before it's made manifest? Can you do this
to such a degree that your body as the
unconscious mind—because it is so objective
—doesn't know the difference between the
real-life experience that is creating the
emotion and the emotion that you're creating
by thought alone? Can you do this to such a
degree that your body begins to change
genetically to look like that experience has
already happened?

The latest research in epigenetics says

you can change your body just by thinking

If you started every day with a meditation

in which you connected to the intentional

thoughts and feelings of your future, and if
you were able to maintain that modified state
of mind and body throughout the entire day,
you would no longer be looking for your
future. You would feel like your future has
already happened because you are feeling
the emotions of it. You are no longer separate
from your vision. You are no longer in polarity,
duality or lack, waiting for something outside
of you to take away the feelings of emptiness
or separation.


If you can maintain this modified state of

mind and body the entire day, over time

you will start to receive feedback from the

environment. Surprising and unusual things
will begin to show up in your life, and they will
come in a way that you least expect or predict
—because if you can predict it, it's nothing
new. Now you will start paying more attention
to what you did inside of you that is creating
the effects outside of you, which will inspire
you to do it again. As new opportunities,
coincidences, synchronicities, and experiences
flow to you, you will believe more that you are
the creator of your life instead of the victim
of your life.

You know that true change has happened

when you look at your past and you don’t
want to change a single thing. You understand
that you had to go through all of the challenges
in your life to bring you to your moment of
freedom. That's the moment the past no
longer exists.



Practice Meditation 1: Becoming Familiar With... again and

continue to become familiar with your old self and become familiar
with your new self.

What did you do well?

What do you want to do better or different next time?

What are you proud of and where are you grateful for your efforts?

lesson 5

Finding the Present Moment

These days, there is a lot of talk about being

present or being in the now. While most people
understand generally what this means, in this
lesson we will develop a different understanding
of the concept. Finding the present moment
will require that you get beyond everything
known in your physical material world.

In order to fully understand this concept,

let's first explore how we get caught up in
the familiar past and the predictable future.

How the Body Becomes

the Mind

You learned in Lesson 2 that your brain is

a record of the past. It is a living artifact of

everything that you have learned and
experienced up until this moment. All of
your memories are past experiences that
have been etched in your brain and are
connected to different people, objects and
things at certain times and places. When you
recall a memory, your brain is thinking in
the past. Most people “think” by remembering
past memories.

Remember from lesson 2 that everything

known that you have experienced in your life
has a neurological network in your brain, and
every memory also has an emotion associated
with it because you have experienced them.
Because emotions are the end product of an
experience, the moment you remember a past
event, you begin to feel unhappy, discouraged,
frustrated, or resentful and now your body
is in the past.

Most people wake up every morning reaffirming

the same emotional state of being because
they have been unconsciously doing that for
days, months, or even years. When they wake
up in the morning, they remember the problems
in their life, and their body begins to feel the
emotions associated with that memory.

Combining a thought and a feeling; a memory

and an emotion; a stimulus and a response,
starts the conditioning process. This is how
the body becomes conditioned to the mind of
that emotion. By repetition, it memorizes the
familiar emotion. Since emotions are a
record of the past, once the body becomes
the mind of any emotion, the body is literally

-33 =

in the past. The body is so objective that

it “believes” it is living in the same past
experience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
365 days a year.

If you cannot think greater than how you feel

(feelings have become the means of thinking)
and you are feeling familiar emotions from the
past, then you are thinking in the past. If
you believe that your thoughts have something
to do with your destiny, then your past is going
to be your future.


A Stimulus + Response

| C—

A Thought + Feeling
D @

Memory + Emotion


Familiar Past

Figure 5.1

Your Past Becomes Your Future

Most people start their day in exactly the

same state of being as the day before, in
an unconscious habit of being themselves.
A habit is a redundant set of automatic
unconscious thoughts, behaviors and
emotions acquired through frequent
repetition. A habit is when you have done
something so many times that your body
knows how to do it better than your
conscious mind.

For example, you wake up in the morning and

reach for your cell phone. You check emails,
social media, the news, and your texts. Then
you go through a series of routine behaviors.
You get out of bed on the same side, go to
the toilet, and head to the kitchen to make
coffee. While it is brewing, you let the dog
out. You have a cup of coffee and eat a little
breakfast. Then you shower, get dressed,
and drive to work.

At work, you see the same people and you

do the same things over and over—emails,
meetings, calls, and so on. On the way home
you stop at the same grocery store and you
buy the same food. In the evening, you sit in


the same chair and watch the same TV shows.

Then you call your friend to complain about
your day. You brush your teeth in the same
way. You get into bed on the same side, look
at your phone again, and then go to sleep.
The next morning, you wake up and do the
same habitual routine again.

Your body is on autopilot and it is dragging

you into the same predictable future based
on what you did in your past. Your past will be
your future. And you lost your freewill to a set
of programs.


The recurring, often unconscious and

automatic patterns of thoughts, behaviors,
and feelings that are acquired through
frequent repetition.

When you have done something so many

times that your body knows how to do it
better than your conscious mind.


Predictable Future

Figure 5.2

The Known or The Unknown

If conditioning is based on the familiar

past (which is the known) and a habit is
the expectation of the predictable future
(which is also the known), there is only
one place where the unknown truly exists.
That is the sweet spot of the generous
present moment.

Consider this: Where you place your attention

is where you place your energy. Therefore,
when you put your attention on your problems,
you are siphoning energy out of the present
moment into the familiar past. When you
wake up in the morning and become
conscious of all of the things you have to

do in your known familiar environment, you

are siphoning energy out of the present
moment into the predictable future. Thus,
you have no energy in the present moment
to create anything new.

Siphoning Energy Out Of The Present Moment

Electromagnetic Field
All of your energy is commingled in this known timeline

[tay SAN

Past Present Moment Future

Figure 5.3

e To change is to no longer think in the past and feel the

associated emotions that keep the brain and body
anchored to the past.

e To change means to be greater than the habituated

programs that keep us connected to a predictable
future. True change occurs when you execute a will
that is greater than the unconscious programs.

e To change means you must find the present moment-

that is the only place where the unknown exists.

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Present Moment

Familiar D Predictable
Past Future

Qe Conditioning

( Known )


In order for you to create something new—and create from

the field instead of from matter—here are three things for
you to remember:

Figure 5.4

1. You have to get beyond your awareness or attention

of your body or your identity.

2. You have to forget about your environment.

3. You must reach a point where you lose track of time.

-37 =

Finding the Sweet Spot of the

Generous Present Moment

e As you take your attention off your body,

you go from somebody to no body.

e As you take your attention off the people

in your life who you identify with, you go
from a someone to no one.

e When you no longer focus on the objects

and things in your life, you go from
something to no thing.

e When you stop thinking about the places

you live or work, you go from somewhere
to no where.

e As you take your attention off of the

familiar past or the predictable future,
you go from some time to no time.

That is the moment you become pure

consciousness and enter the door to the
quantum field. You are now in the eternal
now, the unknown, the sweet spot of the
generous present moment where all
possibilities exist.

In Meditation 2: Finding the Present

Moment, you will learn to become no body,
no one, no thing, no where, in no time. You
will learn to get beyond your body, your
environment, time, and labor for the sweet
spot of the generous present moment.

The moment you notice yourself returning

back to the known—when you think about
people, objects, things or places in your life
—simply become aware that your attention
is on the known. Stop and return back to the
present moment. Relax your body and put
your awareness on infinite space. In the next
few lessons, you will continue to build your
understanding of this so that when you
practice your meditations, you can assign
more meaning to what you are doing and why.

-38 -


Write down a few impressions after completing Meditation 2: “Finding

the Present Moment”.

After you complete the meditation, reflect on what you did

really well.

If you had another chance to do it again, what would you

do differently?
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lesson 6

Living in Survival

The first part of The Formula is to create brain coherence. Let's

begin with discussing brain incoherence so that you understand
how a person creates it, and then you can learn how to change it.

Living in Stress is Living in Survival

Stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of

homeostasis or balance. The stress response is what the body
innately does to return back to order. All organisms in nature,
including human beings, can tolerate short term stress.

There are 3 types of stress:

1. Physical - trauma, injuries, accidents, falls, strains,
fatigue/lack of sleep.

2. Chemical - toxins, colds, viruses, bacteria, hormones

in food, pesticides, heavy metals, blood sugar levels,
pollution, overeating.

3. Emotional - family tragedies, personal losses, finances,

second mortgages, parenting, changes in career, poor job
satisfaction, traffic.

All of these things knock the brain and body out of balance.

—41 =

When human beings perceive a threat or a danger in their

external environment, the brain turns on the fight or flight
response and the body mobilizes enormous amounts of energy
to prepare itself for the perceived threat or danger. The adrenal
glands become activated, and the body moves out of physiological
balance to deal with the imminent danger—the pupils dilate to let
more light in, the salivary juices shut down because it is not a time
to digest, the heart and respiratory rates increase, and blood is
mobilized to the extremities, etc. Now the body is in a state of
emergency. This state requires an enormous amount of the

body's vital resources.

When the stress response is normal and healthy, most of us

can return back to balance and order, once the episode ends.
However, when you are constantly reacting to everything in your
life, survival becomes your state of being. When you continue to
turn on the stress response—by reacting to traffic, to your ex, or to
the news—and you can’t turn it off, now you are headed for some
kind of physical, chemical, or emotional breakdown or disease.
That's because no organism can live in emergency mode for an
extended period of time. What was once a very adaptive survival
state now becomes a very maladaptive state.

—42 —

Becoming an Addict to Stress

Over time, the rush of energy that the stress hormones produce
can cause you to become dependent on that surge of energy in
order wake you up and feel more stimulated. Now you need the
problems and conditions in your life to reaffirm your dependence
on those chemicals. That means when you associate your
emotional reactions to the circumstances in your life (the bad job,
the poor relationship, the news, etc.) in order to give the brain
and body a rush of energy, it's very possible that you can become
addicted to a life you don’t even like.

Here are some examples of the survival emotions that are

derived from the hormones of stress:

Anger, aggression, hatred, frustration, impatience, resentment,

competition, envy, jealousy, fear, anxiety, worry, pain, suffering,
guilt, shame, hopelessness, and powerlessness.

Here are some great questions regarding the addiction to stress

in your life:

What emotions could you be addicted to? Are there

certain emotions that you have trouble stopping yourself
from feeling?

How do you use your environment—the same people,

objects and things at different times and places—to keep
these emotions going?

Can you see yourself in the same environment without the

same emotional response? Imagine how you could change

your emotional response.

—43 -

The Power of Your Thoughts

Human beings—because of the size of their

frontal lobe—can turn on the stress response
by thought alone. You can think about your
problems and produce the same chemistry
as if the event was actually occurring. If you
can turn on the stress response by thought
alone, you can become addicted to your own
thoughts. Now you are knocking your brain
and body out of balance by thought alone.

Becoming Materialists

The rush of chemistry triggered by the stress

response heightens your senses and
causes you to narrow your focus and pay
more attention to all of the elements in your
outer world. That's because that is where the
perceived danger exists. Therefore, when
you live in survival, the rush of energy causes
you to feel your body more; you put all of
your attention on the environment (people,
objects, things, places); and you become
over focused on time. Since where you place
your attention is where you place your energy,
all of your attention and energy are now

invested in this 3-dimensional reality, and

you have to play by the rules of Newtonian

physics—which means everything you want to
create is going to take time. In fact, you have
to plan and predict how long you have to work
or how much you have to save in order to pay
for the new experience or thing that you want
to create in your life.

When you are constantly living in survival,

your body draws from the invisible electro-
magnetic field of energy around your body
and turns that energy into chemistry. This
causes the field around your body to shrink
and you become more like matter, and less
like energy—more particle, less wave. When
you are living in survival, you feel separate
from everyone and everything and the only
way to create anything in your life is by matter
(you as a body) trying to influence matter.
When you create matter to matter, you always
try to force, control, manipulate, attempt to
predict, fight for and compete for outcomes.
That is because you feel separate from
your dreams.

If you can turn on the stress response by thought

alone, then your thoughts can literally make you sick.
If your thoughts can make you sick; is it possible that
your thoughts can make you well?

—44 —
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Incoherence in the Brain

What triggers a stress response?

e Not being able to predict something.
e Aloss of control.
e The perception that something is getting worse.

The moment you trigger a stress response, the arousal of stress

hormones activates the brain and body to become over aroused.
In an attempt to control and predict everything in your life, you
quickly shift your attention to all the known elements that make
up your known environment—from your boss to your kids, to your
coworkers, to running errands, to your cell phone, to your emails,
and to all of your problems. Since each of these different elements
in your known life has a neurological network in your brain
(because you have experienced them), as you quickly shift your
attention between these things, like a lightning storm in the brain,
different compartments in your brain begin to fire out of order or
very incoherently. When your thinking brain is firing incoherently,
there is a loss of energy in the brain.

When your brain is

incoherent, you are

When your brain isn't

working right, you're
not working right.

— 45 —

The Difference Between Coherent

and Incoherent Brain Waves

| feel whole

| love my life
| am spontaneous
| feel clear
| trust the universe

The News Job



Figure 6.1

Convergent to
Divergent Focus
(Open Focus)

Because stress chemicals

heighten your senses, you
narrow your focus on your
known material world to focus
on whatever person or object
—at a certain time and place—
that is causing your reaction.

Breaking the habituation

of living life from a narrow

(convergent) focus of putting
all of your attention on the
material world to a broad
(divergent) focus on nothing,
or energy (remember reality
is both particle and wave),
causes the brain to change
dramatically and move into
a more coherent state. When
you learn to do this properly,

you can learn how to move

into the present moment and
create from the field instead

of from matter.

When your brain is incoherent and you are living in survival,

you will select the worst-case scenario in your mind and prepare
for that future by embracing emotions like fear, worry, anxiety,
or hostility. If you are always preparing for the worst, there's a

better chance of survival. You will learn exactly how to

do this in upcoming lessons.

— 46 —


Write down a few impressions after completing Meditation 2: Finding

the Present Moment.

After you complete the meditation, reflect on what you did

really well.

If you had another chance to do it again, what would you

do differently?
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lesson 7

Brain Coherence

To create brain coherence, you first need to get beyond

yourself—beyond your identity, your personality, and your
same thoughts, behaviors and emotions—and linger as an
awareness in the place of nothing known or physical. In
quantum physics, it's called the vacuum, the void, because
it is empty from anything material. As you have learned in
previous lessons, you must take your attention off of
everything known, and find the sweet spot of the
generous present moment.

Go from...

somebody = nobody
some one 2 noone
some thing -> no thing
some where -> no where
some time > no time

This is your door to the quantum

field. You can't enter as a some

body you must enter as ano

body - as pure consciousness

—49 —

Understanding Brain Waves


e More attention is on your outer world than

your inner world

e You are using your analytical mind

e You are aware and conscious
® You are processing sensory information

e You have an inner voice in your head

There are three kinds of beta brain wave patterns.

Low-Range Beta Mid-Range Beta

You are relaxed, reflective | You perk up and become
and concentrating. more vigilant and aware.
You are demonstrating You become more
conscious and aroused.

rational thinking.

You can learn, remember, | yg pay more attention to

concentrate and make your outer environment.

decisions well.

A healthy state of beta A good kind of stress.

brain wave patterns.

High-Range Beta

You are in a highly arousal

state and your body is
producing stress chemicals.

You are in emergency mode,

a heightened state of
brain activity.

All of your attention is on

your environment, your
body and time.

This is not a time to learn

or create. Itis a time to
run, fight or hide.

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You cannot consciously change when you are in high beta. Why?

e In this state, you are altered by the self-preservation

chemicals of survival.

e You have no attention to your inner world. You are fixated

on the outer world and obsess about your problems.

e You are feeling emotions derived from the stress response

like anger, fear, impatience, frustration and pain.

e ltis hard to think clearly or learn anything new because very

little new information can enter your nervous system that is
not equal to your emotional state. Learning is not relevant
in survival-it's time to run, fight, or freeze.

| Delta Waves

50 .5-4 cycles/sec
I. Theta Waves
40 4-8 cycles/sec
I. Alpha Waves
30 8-13 cycles/sec
Cycles 25
Per Second | Low-BetaWaves
20 L 13-15 cycles/sec
(- I Mid-Beta Waves
10 L 15-22 cycles/sec
: L
II Hight-Beta Waves
0 L 22-50 cycles/sec

Delta Theta Alpha Beta

Figure 7.1

You spend most of your waking day in some

form of beta brain wave patterns. However,
when there is less sensory information
coming in, your brain waves will slow down
and move from beta to alpha.


e More attention is on your inner world

than your outer world

e A state of imagination

e The thinking analytical mind slows down

e Alight meditative state

e The brain’s creative state

As brain waves continue to slow down, you

will move from alpha to theta brain wave
patterns. In theta, the door to the subconscious
mind opens up completely. This is where you
can rewrite the program.


e The body is asleep, and the conscious

mind is awake

e You are half awake—half asleep

(a twilight or lucid state)

e You are more suggestible because

the door between our conscious and
subconscious mind is wide open

e [t's more of a deep hypnotic state

e Deep sleep
e You are not consciously aware

e An important time when your body

restores itself


Figure 7.2

-=52 -
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Getting Beyond the Analytical Mind

One of the main purposes of meditation is to slow down your

brain waves and move beyond the analytical mind.

Brain Waves
Getting Beyond the Analytical Mind

Tigh Beta ~~_

~~ MidBeta TY
Low Beta BR

/ Analytical Mind \
hil \

\ oot y

Deep Unconscious

Figure 7.3

The analytical mind separates the conscious mind from the

subconscious mind. When you change your brain waves you
move beyond your analytical mind, you enter the operating
system where emotional conditioning and unwanted subconscious
programs exist. From there, you can create a new program,
mentally rehearse a new behavior, and reprogram a whole new
way of being.

Up until this point, you have already been practicing the first part
of The Formula—creating brain coherence. Sensing space and

going from a narrow focus to a broad focus not only brings you
into the present moment, but it also creates more coherence in
the brain.

=53 -

Analytical Mind

7-12 years old

pF oN
Conscious Mind
Between the ages of six and seven,
the analytical mind begins to form.
The analytical mind acts as a barrier
to separate the conscious mind from
the subconscious mind, and it usually 95%,
finishes developing somewhere Subconscious Mind
between seven to twelve years old.

Figure 7.4

The Conscious & Subconscious

Mind of the Adult
Logic & Creativity

Reasoning Will & Faith

Conscious Mind

The total mind is made up of 5 percent

conscious mind and 95 percent subconscious
mind. The conscious mind is primarily logic
and reasoning, which gives rise to our will,
faith, creative abilities, and intentions. The
subconscious mind comprises our myriad

of positive and negative identifications and

associations, which give rise to hardwired
thoughts and habits, behaviors, skills, beliefs,
and perceptions.

Subconscious Mind

Habits &

Figure 7.5

— 54 —
Wiig bwstea com

Getting Beyond the Analytical Mind
Logic &

Conscious | Mind

Mind v

One of the main purposes of meditation is

to go beyond the conscious mind and enter
the subconscious mind, in order to change
self-destructive habits, behaviors, beliefs,
emotional reactions, attitudes, and
unconscious states of being.

Subconscious Mind

Habits &

- % Figure 7.6
Creating Brain Coherence

When you open your focus or your attention to energy or space

(instead of matter), the act of sensing the space around you causes
you to stop analyzing and thinking, and you move from beta into
alpha brain wave patterns. However, not just any kind of alpha brain
waves, but more coherent alpha brain waves. When this happens,
different compartments of the brain that were previously subdivided
because of the hormones of stress start to become unified.

Synchronized Coherent Alpha Brain Waves

eT — Eo ym - = . Alpha

mew | ros Lon Af A } & 7 a

. ves


Figure 7.7

55 -

When the brain starts moving into coherent

and orderly alpha brain wave patterns, it
resonates in a more holistic state, causing
you to move past the analytical mind and into
the subconscious mind.

As you sense nothing but space, our research

shows that you entrain your autonomic
nervous system (that's the “automatic”
nervous system that is constantly creating
balance and order when you are not living
in stress) to unify with the unified field. Now
the nervous system can function at a higher
level or order. And since it controls and
coordinates all other systems in the body,

it begins to bring your ENTIRE body back

to homeostasis.

Brain Waves

Brain Waves

Figure 7.8

What is The Blackness?

Think of the quantum field as an invisible

field of energy and information that exists
beyond this space and time. In the quantum
field, there are no bodies. There are no
people. There are no objects. There are
no things. There are no places, and time
doesn't exist. There is nothing material in
the quantum field. Everything material
exists in this 3-dimensional reality.

Imagine you take away all the bodies,

people, objects, things and places in the
universe. You continue to remove the earth,
the moon, all the planets, the moons on those
planets, and the sun. Now the light from the
sun goes away, and you take away all the
stars and light from those stars. When you
take away all of the galaxies and everything
physical or material in the known universe,
all you are left with is infinite black space.
We call this the blackness or no thing. That's
the void or the vacuum but just because you
can’t see something doesn’t mean it does not
exist. Itis filled with frequency, energy and
information. It is known as the wavefunction
in quantum physics.

— 56 -
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As you open your awareness and sense space, our research

shows that you suppress neurological information in your thinking
brain (neocortex), and energy moves out of the thinking brain
down into the limbic brain (right underneath the neocortex),
which is the seat of your autonomic nervous system. Now
you are becoming conscious of your subconscious mind.

The Flow of Consciousness

As Brain Waves Change


Limbic Brain

Brain Stem Cerebellum

Figure 7.9

As you learn to regulate your brain waves and slow them down
so that you can linger in a place where you are half awake
and half asleep (low level alpha and theta), you can learn

to rewrite programs.

= 57 =


Write down a few impressions after completing Meditation 3: Creating

Brain Coherence.

After you complete the meditation, reflect on what you did

really well.

If you had another chance to do it again, what would you

do differently?

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lesson 8

Heart Coherence

As you learned in previous lessons, stress

causes energy to leave the brain. In this
lesson, we'll explore more specifically what
happens in the heart.

Let's start with how stress creates incoherence

in the heart so that you know how to change it.

How Stress Impacts the Heart

The arousal of stress chemicals causes the

heart to beat faster. When the body prepares
for an emergency, the heart becomes quickly
activated and it sends blood to your extremities
to prepare the body to run, fight or hide. Now
the body is prepared for danger and the heart
is racing. But because it was an email that
triggered the stress response rather than
being chased by a lion, you are sitting still at
your desk and you're not running, fighting or
hiding. In a very real sense, you are stepping
on the gas pedal (the body saying accelerate,
survive) and you are stepping on the brake at
the same time. While you are sitting still and
pretending everything is okay, the heart pumps
blood faster and harder against a closed system.

This is the moment that your heart begins to

beat out of order. That's when it functions
very incoherently. Your vital energy is actually
leaving your heart center and moving into the
adrenal center. Since your heart is your creative
center, this is when you stop creating. You stop
imagining. You stop trusting. This is when you
stop believing in yourself and possibilities.

When energy leaves

the heart, there is
no energy for the
creative process.

When the heart

is incoherent, we
no longer feel the
emotions of

our future.

- 61 -

Heart-Rhythm Patterns The more you are conditioned by the

HRV Incoherence hormones of stress, the less you will
Frustration, anxiety, worry, irritation want to create. When you are in a state
of emergency, opening your heart and
being vulnerable goes against the
90 — survival gene. Many people have had
experiences of opening their heart and
Rate getting bruised, taken advantage of, or
manipulated in some way, and they want
60 to subconsciously protect themselves
from having those experiences again.
’ 3 5 i 5s oie If this has happened to you, opening
Time (Seconds) your heart may take some practice and
Impairs Performance you may not feel much at first. But with
practice you will learn to bring energy
back into your heart, activate that
creative center and feel the emotions

HRV Coherence
Positive emotions, appreciation, love, courage

of your future.
90 —
Heart 80
Rate 70 If you practice
1 feeling fear every
"7 T I day, it will be easy

Time (Seconds)

Promotes Optimal Performance for you to feel it

Figure 8.1; Compliments of HeartMath Institute on command. The

same goes for

love, gratitude,
kindness, trust,
or appreciation.

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Think of your heart as the creative center

of your body. It is:

e The union of polarity or duality. It is

where opposites unify as one.

e Where wholeness begins.

e The door to more divine aspects

of yourself.

Two important things happen when energy

moves into the heart and it begins to beat
more orderly and coherently.

sends more energy to the brain. When this

occurs, there is energy to create with.
Brainwaves naturally move out of beta
and into alpha, which is a much more

creative state.
magnetic field. As the field around

2 your body expands, your heart is

connecting you to the quantum field. The

There will be dramatic changes in

the brain. Heart coherence acts as an

The heart emits a very broad

frequency emanating from the heart carries

information which creates something similar
to a Wi-Fi signal. Once that field is coherent,

you can lay an intention or a thought equal

to that frequency. Now you are broadcasting

a whole new electromagnetic signature into

the field and whatever you broadcast into

amplifier to create brain coherence and

the field is your experiment with destiny. That

frequency of coherence in the creative center
of your heart can carry the thought of your
wealth, your health, and your new life. The
more you refine your brain coherence and
heart coherence, the more you're refining
that signal.

Vagus Spinal
Nerve —» «— Cord
Figure 8.2

Thought is the electrical charge in

the quantum field (coherent brain),

and feeling is the magnetic charge in

the quantum field (coherent heart).

Sustaining Heart Coherence

If you can practice sustaining elevated

emotions on a daily basis, eventually your
body will move out of stress and into balance.
This is because the body, as the unconscious
mind, is so objective that it believes that the
emotion you are experiencing is coming from
an experience in your outer environment.
Therefore, when you open your heart center,
practice feeling an emotion before the
experience you are creating, and marry it
with a clear intention, the body responds as
if it's literally in the new future experience.

If you finish a meditation and return back to

judging the people in your life or get angry in
traffic, you are returning back to the energy of
your past and disconnecting from the energy
of your future. When you return back to this
unconscious program of being a victim—
allowing your environment to control your
thoughts and feelings—you can’t expect

anything to change in your life. That's

because you returned back to the same
person and the same energy—thinking and
feeling the same way.

If instead, you can practice heart coherence

and learn to maintain it with your eyes open—
independent of the cravings, habituations and
reflexive emotional reactions of the body and
the conditions in your outer environment that
automatically cause you to feel and think in
the same ways as you always do-then you
will see things start to appear in your life.
These synchronicities, acting as feedback

in your life, show you that you are on track to

your new future. Your energy is synchronized
with a new future and experiences seem to be
coming to you.

In the next lesson you will learn the steps

to create heart coherence.

Elevated emotions that originate in the heart include

emotions like gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness,
kindness, awe, inspiration, and joy.


Practice Meditation 3: Creating Brain Coherence again.

What did you do well?
What do you want to do better or different next time?

What are you proud of and where are you grateful for your efforts?

lesson 9

Living in Creation

Creating from Separation

Most people naturally create from a place of

separation. When you see some “thing” that
you want or like, and recognize that you don’t
have it, you experience lack or separation.
Naturally, if you want it, you start imagining
having it. You automatically create a scene
in your mind where you have that thing, but
when you open your eyes, you remember
you don't have it and you experience even
more lack.

Then you try harder. You wish, hope, and

pray. In fact, you are unconsciously waiting
for the experience to happen to change in
your life in order to take away the lack and
separation that you feel within. Most people
don’t understand that they need to change
on the inside in order to produce changes
in their external world.

Creating from the Field

Remember, the heart is the center of

wholeness, the union of polarity—the opposite
of lack. When you create heart coherence,
more energy goes to the brain and influences
your imagination. Now you are restoring
energy back in the heart and back in the brain.

When you practice brain and heart coherence,

you move out of a state of survival and into
a state of creation. That is where you want
to be when you are in creation mode.

e When you can sustain heart coherence,

you will broadcast a signal and feel
more connected.

e When you can maintain brain coherence,

you will be able to focus your attention
and select a new possibility in the
quantum field.

e When you can be truly present, and no

longer focused on the knowns in your life,
you will be able to create a new thought
and combine it with an elevated emotion—
a new energy—and broadcast that new
signature into the field.

—- 67 -

How to Create Heart Coherence

Step 1: Heart-Focused Breathing. Focus your attention

on your heart and activate it with your breath. Inhale slowly

through your heart, hold the breath there for a few moments,
and then slowly exhale through your heart. Notice the energy
that builds in your chest. If your mind wanders, keep returning
your attention to your heart and your breath. As you breathe
slowly in and out of your heart, your body will relax, and your
brain will move into coherent alpha brain wave patterns.

Step 2: Activate and sustain elevated emotions.

Continue your heart-centered breath while you begin

to cultivate elevated emotions like gratitude, appreciation,

thankfulness, care, kindness, a love for life, a joy for
existence or freedom of expression. Practice feeling the
specific emotions that you will feel when your future goals
are realized. When you feel the emotions ahead of the
event, you give your body a taste of that future.

Step 3: Tune in to a frequency or energy and connect

to it with your heart. Simply radiate your intent. When you
feel connected with your heart, you feel like your future is
happening to you. You feel connected to the energy of your
future. You are no longer looking for an event to occur
because you feel the emotions of your future happening

in the present moment.

— 68 -

Impacts of Heart Coherence

e |t creates more energy in the brain.

e |t activates coherent alpha brain

wave patterns.

e |t converts from the sympathetic nervous

system to the parasympathetic nervous

e Throughout different systems of the

body, 1300 to 1400 different chemicals
are released that begin to repair and
regenerate the body.

e The heart sends a signal to the amygdala,

which is the survival center of the brain
where you experience fear and worry.

A coherent heart resets the baseline for

trauma and stress in the amygdala.

e The heart produces a broadened magnetic

field that makes you feel connected to the
unified field.

eo Coherence in the heart creates more

intuition and empathy.

Creating from the Field

Your door to the quantum field is when you

become no body, no one, no thing, no where,
in no time. This is the moment when you take
all of your attention off your known material
world, which is mapped in your brain and put
your awareness and attention on the immate-
rial unknown world of energy and frequency.

Practicing moving your attention from a

convergent focus—the 3-dimensional world,
to a divergent open focus, the 5-dimensional
world—entrains your autonomic nervous system
into more order and coherence.

When your brain is coherent, your thoughts

send an electric signal out into the field. When
your heart is coherent, your elevated feeling
magnetically draw a future event back to you.
And when all of your awareness is on energy
instead of matter and you are connected to
source—to the unified field—that invisible field
of energy that connects everything physical
and material, you can create from the field
instead of from matter.

If you do this properly and you can get

beyond your body, your environment and
time as well as your known personality self,
slow your brain waves down to move past
your analytical mind, and disassociate from
everything known, you can create a WiFi
signal and begin to synchronize your energy
to some new potential that already exists in
the quantum field. When there is a vibrational
match between your energy and some
potential in the quantum field, you will draw
experiences to you. You don’t have to go
anywhere to get your future, because you
are playing by a different set of rules. In other
words, if you are creating from the unified
field—the invisible field where everything
material is connected—-you are connected
to source, so why would you need to go
anywhere to get something? You simply
would be the magnet to a new destiny.

—- 69 -


Write down a few impressions after completing Meditation 4: Creating

Heart Coherence.

After you complete the meditation, reflect on what you did

really well.

If you had another chance to do it again, what would you

do differently?

-T] =
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lesson 10
Connecting to the Field

The quantum field, that invisible field of

energy and information, at its core—its source—
is pure love. Its signature is wholeness or
oneness. There is so much order at this zero
point of singularity that it is impossible to
experience separation. When you are truly
connected to the field, you are no longer
dependent on anything outside of you. You
realize that the wholeness and love that
you feel has been within you all along. The
things that you thought you wanted, no
longer matter. How could you want anything
when you feel so whole?

You already learned about brain waves

in lesson 7, but there is one more brain

wave pattern that is important in our work.
When the brain and heart are synchronized
in a state of coherence and you, as pure
consciousness, are connected to these
elevated frequencies beyond matter, a very
specific state of arousal takes place in the
nervous system. When this happens, there

is an enormous release of energy from the

body up into the brain, which creates highly

organized, coherent, very high amplitude
states of gamma brainwave patterns. This is
when you can experience a transcendental

This is a very important moment because

the arousal you experience in the nervous
system is not coming from any person, thing
or event in the outer environment. That
release of energy is coming from within you.
In the elegant present moment, you realize
that the incredible amount of wholeness and/
or love (words limit its description) that you
feel has always been within you. It is the most
familiar, unfamiliar feeling that you will ever
have in your life. It is a state of ecstasy, a
state of bliss, a state of being so connected
that everything is exactly the way it should
be in that moment.

Along with this heightened experience of very

coherent energy, are lucid profound pictures

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in your mind. The stronger the new emotion

that you are embracing, the more you pay
attention to those vivid images in a heightened
state of awareness. As a result, you are
branding new circuitry in the brain and
conditioning your body to higher amplitudes
of energy or more elevated emotional states.
When you come back to your senses, your
spectrum of reality is broadened. You have
laid down new circuits to recognize what has
always existed, but that you didn't have the
circuits in place to perceive.

We don't see things

how they are; we see

things how we are.

Our research repeatedly demonstrates

that it is the autonomic nervous system
(your automatic nervous system, seated
right under the thinking neocortex) that
experiences this high level of coherent,
organized frequency. Since the autonomic
nervous system controls and coordinates
all of the other systems of the body, new
information is being carried as increased
frequency in highly coherent patterns and

impulses right to a cellular level to all systems

in the body. Every cell in the body is now
receiving new energy and information. If all
disease is a lowering of frequency and an
incoherent message, then in one moment
your cells can receive a new high frequency
message of wholeness and order. Now, energy
is instructing matter and the body gets a
biological upgrade. Once all the cells get
this fast coherent frequency delivered to them,
they emit more coherent light and information.

This is when eczema, psoriasis or skin

conditions that existed since birth, vanish.
Tumors and cancer cells throughout the
body, shrink. Chronic health conditions like
Parkinson's disease, Rheumatoid arthritis,
Multiple Sclerosis, disappear. Instantaneous
change can take place because the mare
orderly whole patterns of energy from the
field are in-forming matter.

Why? Because it's not

matter that's emitting
a field; it's the field

that's actually creating

matter. Change the
field, change matter.


Overcoming Yourself

People come to this work for many reasons:

some for success and wellbeing, others for
health and wholeness, and others are seeking
spiritual meaning and happiness. Over the
years, we have learned that at our very core,
we really all come to this work for one thing—
and that is wholeness. When wholeness is
reflected in your biology, chemistry, energy,
coherence, brain circuitry, immune system,
and even gene expression, you are no
longer the same person living in lack or
separation. It seems as if your past has been
washed away.

You will have days when you don’t want

to do the work, and you come up with every

excuse not to do your meditation. But the
people who create lasting change in their
lives are the ones who do the work anyway.
Even when there is self-doubt, fear, or
judgement, they choose to surrender to love
and overcome a little bit more of themselves.

It is the act of repeatedly overcoming some

aspect of yourself every single day—to
overcome, to overcome, to overcome—that
causes you to ultimately become a new
person. When you create from wholeness
instead of separation, that is when you will
see dramatic changes take place in your life.
I'd say, it's always worth the effort.



Practice Meditation 4: Creating Heart Coherence again.

What did you do well?

What do you want to do better or different next time?

What are you proud of and where are you grateful for your efforts?

A i
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lesson 11

Drawing Your Future to You

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw

your future by creating from the field instead
of from the 3D habit of matter to matter. To
build this model and then use it to its fullest
measure, you are going to have to understand
that there are two different realms that we
create from. One is called space-time and
the other is time-space.


Space-Time is the physical Newtonian world,

which is based on our senses. We experience
‘every-thing’ in this 3-dimensional reality with
our senses. As we live, learn and experience,
we can define almost all the elements that
make up the material world. Thus, everything
becomes known.

Space is eternal in this 3D reality.

Characteristics of Space-Time:

e The dimension of particles and matter.

e Made up of bodies, people, objects, places,

and linear time.

e All things occupy one position in time

and space (called locality in physics)
with a height, width and depth.

e Your senses give rise to your experience

of this physical reality.

e You experience form, structure, mass,

and density.

e The past, present, and future all exist as

linear, distinct, separate moments in time.
Here, we can remember our past and
predict our future.

¢ In Space-Time, space is infinite. When you

move through space you experience time.


e In order to get from one point of

consciousness to another point of
consciousness, your material body
has to move through space and as you
collapse space, you experience time.
The greater the distance in the space,
the more time it takes to move from one
point of awareness to another point of
awareness. By the same means, the
faster you travel through space, the
shorter amount of time it takes.

e If you know the distance in space you

need to travel and the speed in which to
get there, you can predict how long it will
take you—based on the law of Newtonian/
Classical physics.

e Thus, Space-Time is based on knowns

and predictable outcomes.

e Objects, people and physical matter all

represent separate points of consciousness.
When you notice something or someone,
the space between you and another thing
represents that you are separate from that
someone or something. This idea also
applies to the separation between two
experiences (accomplishing a goal or
a shift in belief).

If you remember, the more you live in

survival, the more you narrow your focus
on the material world and use your senses
to define reality. As a consequence, the
more you live in survival, the more you will
experience separation, lack or duality (see
Becoming Materialists from Lesson 6).

In addition, when you live in a chronic state

of stress, you constantly draw from your vital
life force/energy around your body and it
shrinks in time. You become more matter,
less energy. Locked into the laws of Space-
Time, when you are matter trying to affect
matter, you will fight, force, manipulate,
predict, control, struggle, try and/or compete
for outcomes...and all of this takes time...
and energy.

To create from the field instead of from matter

and draw new experiences to you, you must
leave this realm of the 3rd dimension and
pass through the eye of the needle into the
4th dimension, which is time.

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Door to the Quantum (4D)

From Space-Time (3D) to Time-Space (5D)

As you move from a narrow focus (matter) to an open focus

(energy/quantum field) and surrender all aspects of the known
personality self, you take your attention away from the external
world of people, objects, things and places; you forget about your
body (pain, hunger, drives); you are no longer preoccupied by the
familiar past or the predictable future; and you practice turning
your attention to the world of energy, frequency and consciousness,
that is the moment when you become no body, no one, no thing,
no where and no time. You are disinvesting all of your attention
and energy out of this three-dimensional reality that is based on
knowns and investing your energy into possibility, the unknown,
the eternal present moment. This is what it means to get beyond
the self. When you go from the known to the unknown, that is the
moment you are entering the door to the quantum field.

You cannot enter the quantum field as a some-body. You can

only enter as a no-body. To move into the realm of time-space,
you must become pure consciousness and be in the sweet spot
of the generous present moment.

Anything material
that is moving faster

than the speed of light

turns into energy.



Time-Space is the immaterial quantum world—where there is nothing

physical. It is an inverse reality based on unknowns, endless possibilities,
energy, frequency, connection, consciousness, unity, and oneness. Itis

the multidimensional universe or the Multiverse.

In Time-Space, time is eternal.

eo The realm of the unknown. °

e The realm of frequency, energy, vibration,

thought, information, consciousness.

e Nothing material exists.

e Nothing is local in space in time (nonlocal).
e All possibilities exist in the eternal now. *

e You can tune in to frequencies and

possibilities with your consciousness (by
becoming aware of them).

e You experience this reality with your °

awareness, not your senses. Here, you
cannot operate as a body.

e Different dimensions exist as different

frequencies in the eternal present

e As you move through time, you experience

different dimensions or spaces. Change
the speed of your frequency/vibration or
consciousness/awareness, you move
through time (time travel) and different
possible realities exist.


Nothing is separate. There is no separation

between two points of consciousness.
Everything is connected in an invisible
energy whose signature is wholeness.

Time is infinite and eternal, meaning there

is no separation between past and future.

Since there is no space here--which means

there is no linear time, it takes no time to
move from one space to another, or one
dimension to another. Everything is
happening now.

The number of possible experiences

is equal to your imagination.
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In the realm of time-space, we can time travel by changing

the frequency of our energy. When you are in this realm and
connected to everything, to move from one point of consciousness
to another point of consciousness simply requires having a new
thought. Since every thought has a frequency, the moment you
have a thought in the realm of all possibilities, and can become
aware of its frequency/energy, you can create from the field
instead of from matter. As you change your thoughts and change
the frequency of those thoughts, you can move through time and
experience different space(s). It's possible to experience the
past, the present, and the future simultaneously by just changing
the thought and becoming aware of the frequency.

Getting Beyond The Self

When we get beyond ourselves, we move from:

A narrow focus —p An open focus

Attention is on objects, Attention is on space,
things, people & places —» energy, frequency &

(Particle) information (Wave)

Material (Matter) — Immaterial (Antimatter)

3-D Newtonian world —» 5-D Quantum world

Predictable — Unpredictable

Space-Time 3 Time-Space
(A realm of eternal space) (A realm of eternal time)

State of separation, » State of unity, oneness,

duality, polarity & locality ~~ wholeness & nonlocality

The known — The unknown

Limited possibilities —» Unlimited possibilities

The universe —> The multiverse

Domain of the senses —» Domain beyond the


Figure 11.1


Becoming a Vibrational Match

In the realm of time-space where all possibilities exist, you

don't actually create anything. You send out a thought with
a coherent brain, and draw the experience to you by feeling it
with a coherent heart and begin to produce an electromagnetic
field--a vibrational frequency.

When your energy is synchronized with a coherent brain and

a coherent heart and there is a vibrational match—when you are
creating from the field instead of from matter—you no longer
have to go anywhere to get what you want. Why? Because a)
there's no where to go here (there is no space and time), and b)
you are connected to source or the unified field—the energy
that connects all things material. When your consciousness is
merged with the consciousness of the unified field, you draw
experiences to you. You are the vortex. Now you are no longer
creating from duality or polarity—you are creating from
wholeness. And if you are experiencing the elevated emotions
of ecstasy, bliss, and wholeness, the joy of such emotions,
would want you to never leave the present moment. In fact,
you would believe it is happening to you in the moment and
that's when the magic happens. It happens in the moment.

As you take your

attention off some
thing, you move into
the realm of no thing,

How Common People Are »

Daing the Uncommen

you merge with

every thing, and thus, en i ag


you can have any thing. For a more detailed explanation

of Space-Time and Time-Space, see

chapter 11 of Becoming Supernatural

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The Realm of
Infinite Space

Newtonian World

The Present Moment

The Nexus
of the Quantum
The Bridge


The Realm of Eternal

Quantum World

Infinite Unknown

All Possibilities

Consciousness of:

3-Dimensional Universe-
density, structure, form

Matter is local (occupies

a position in space and
time) with Height, Width,

Senses determine
material world

Matter (particle): bodies,

people, things, objects,
places, time

Time is linear: past-

present-future. Time is

Senses create
separation, duality,

The known-predictable

4-Dimensional Universe-
Consciousness of:


Matter converts to
energy at the speed
of light

Getting beyond the

body, the environment
and time

The door to the quantum


Time is the present


Transition from material

world to immaterial
world. Getting beyond
the senses

Changing attention to

Consciousness of:

5Dimensional Multiverse-
formless and structureless-
nothing physical

is non local

determines immaterial
world- non sense

Antimatter (wave):
energy, frequency,
vibration combined with
thought, information,

Time is nonlinear: the

past-present-future are
all happening now. Time
is infinite, eternal

Nonsense (reality
beyond the senses):
Consciousness creates
connection, wholeness,
oneness, unity

The unknown-

Consciousness of:



Practice Meditation 4: Creating Heart Coherence again.

What did you do well?
What do you want to do better or different next time?

What are you proud of and where are you grateful for your efforts?

— 87 —-
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lesson 12

Mastering The Formula

When you begin to master The Formula, it makes sense

that there should be changes in your body. When you make

new connections in your brain by changing the way you think,
your neurotransmitters, your neurochemistry, your hormonal
expression, and even your gene expression should all change.
Epigenetics tells us that the environment signals the gene, so
when you do this meditation process properly you can select
and instruct your genes. How? The end product of an experience
in the environment is an emotion. So, by embracing the elevated
emotions of your future before it's made manifest, you are signaling
new genes ahead of the environment. And since genes make
proteins, and proteins are responsible for the structure and
function of your body, and the expression of proteins is the
expression of life, through this process, you can begin to
downregulate the genes for disease and upregulate the genes

for health. As you practice this method and continue to refine

your ability to connect and create from the field, you will come
back from your meditations truly changed.

Our research has proven this. And if anyone else can do it,
SO can you.

—- 89 —

Preparing to Tune In

Before you practice the next meditation,

it is very important that you get clear on the

potential experience that you want to have.
As part of this preparation, you will write
down your intention on paper, which is
important because it solidifies what you
want. Remember, all potentials already
exist in the quantum field (in Time-Space),
you just have to become aware of them
and tune in.

want to draw to you. Assign a capital

letter to it and write that down. Think

of the letter as a symbol that represents the
specific possibility in your life. Draw two
squiggly circular lines around the letter to
represent the electrical field (thought/brain)
and the magnetic field (feeling/heart), which
you will need to generate around your body
to match the potential in the quantum.

1 Identify a new experience that you

For example, you might choose the letter "J"

for a new job.

Next, make a list of your specific

2 conditions for this new potential
reality. This assigns more meaning
to the letter and helps you to become even
more clear on your intention. **The only thing

you should not include here is any reference

to a timeframe. Like “I need it in 2 weeks.”

Some specific conditions of your new dream

job might be: | own my own company. |
collaborate with brilliant people. | am making
a difference in the world. | can work from
anywhere. | travel for a living.

Lastly, create a list of the elevated

3 emotions you will feel when that

potential is made manifest. These are

the energy of the heart-centered emotions that
are going to carry your intent. If you are not
sure how you will feel, start with gratitude.
Gratitude is a powerful emotion to use for
manifesting because we usually feel gratitude
after we receive something.

Some elevated emotions you will experience

when you have your dream job are:
Empowered. Unlimited. Grateful. Free.

In awe. In love with life. Worthy. Joyful.



You need a WiFi signal: Your brain and

heart have to be turned on - they have to
be coherent.

You need to be so familiar with this new

energy that you can do it during your waking
day. No person or circumstance should move
you from your new state of being.

You should start seeing synchronicities

in your life in the form of coincidences,
opportunities, serendipities because you
have synchronized to a new energy. These
events are coming to you. You do not have
to go anywhere to get them.

Remember, you are tuning in to a frequency,

then drawing that experience to you with

your heart.



Write down a few impressions after completing Meditation 5: Tuning In

to a New Potential & Creating from the Quantum Field.

What did you do well?

What do you want to do better or different next time?

What are you proud of and where are you grateful for your efforts?
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Congratulations for taking the time to learn some of the knowledge

and practical tools to make lasting change in your personal reality.

During this course, | know that you received a lot of information and
you may have some questions. | understand that it's easy to get
overwhelmed when you are learning so many different topics.

What | recommend is that you deepen your study by either reading

one of my books, watching the Progressive and Intensive Online
Courses or reviewing the content in this course a few more times.
It usually takes some repetition to really wire all of this information
into your brain.

The more that you understand what you are doing and why you are
doing it, the how should get easier. Equally important to reviewing
or studying the course content is the practical application, which leads
to a greater experience of the knowledge. Experience will allow you
to embody the truth of the philosophy that you learned. With time
and practice, it will get easier and easier to do this work.

It is vital to keep consistent with your meditation practice for a period

of time. The pay off for all your work should be changes in either your
body, your life, and your future. Think of this course as a way to
experiment with your reality. If you change your personality — that is,
the way you think, act, and feel — will your personal reality change?

If you tune in to a new potential every day and change your energy,
what kind of changes will you observe in your life? If you make the
time every morning to be a creator, what synchronicities can you
draw into your life as a result of creating from the field instead of
from matter?

Once you experience the feedback in your outer world as a

consequence of changing your inner world, you will believe more
that you are at cause in your life instead of living at effect. Join the
movement of hundreds of thousands of people around the world that
are using our formula on a daily basis to create the life they love.

| hope you enjoyed The Formula Online Course.


Online Course

Online Course ! -
Intensive and Becoming

Progressive i Supernatural
Course Bundle

a ®@ 5% Breaking the Habit You Are

of Being Yourself the Placebo

Dr Joe Dispenza

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