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Action Research Manuscript - Bped

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Effectiveness of Recreational Games

In Improvement of Physical Education

and Comprehension of UBHS Students.

Presented to the

Faculty of the School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts

University of Baguio

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Physical Education (BPED)

Bagtila, Dexter
Bomogao, Islay Erika
Bugayao, Geraldine
Calpito, Angela
Drio, Cristina Jeanelle
Jasa, Jedion Josiah
Licudo, Aldrin
Managad, Angelika
Olosan, Ezra Jr.
Ronquillo, Alexis
Saydoquen, Anicah Sayran
Tudlong, Duer Bhoz

All learners in general have different areas of intelligence, not all can always catch up in
spatial and kinetic intelligence, some may find it difficult and may take longer to learn compared
to others. But the junior high school period which is at the age of approximately 12 to 16 years,
has more interest in playing and games. There are only a few learners who like purely lectures
and activity onwards. Most would like a fun learning environment where they can improve
holistically and a fun learning environment can be attained through the use of games as a use of
learning, and may also meet the motto of physical education which is “Move to learn, Learn to
move” in which children are lacking in physical activities today which is one of the causes of
unhealthy living. For this reason, according to Basoglu, 2018, the likelihood of obesity in
children is increasing. Knowing and teaching physical literacy in primary education, even in
kindergarten, is becoming a necessity. This research aims to improve the performance of students
in UBHS through the use of games which promotes a fun learning environment. Additionally,
learners are in the adolescence stage wherein the stage of being physically active is present. The
school is more of promoting a fun learning environment, but still do not want to neglect the
literacy of their students. Going back to the recreational games, these use mechanics more than
instructions. Although they are almost the same, mechanics are more detailed and demonstrated.
Thus, it may enhance the understanding of the learners even more.

Literature review
Research suggests that increasing physical activity may improve performance and
recreational activities conducted in school during recess, and physical education classes may also
facilitate academic performance of the learners. Given the importance of time on task to
learning, students should be provided with frequent recreational activity breaks that are
developmentally appropriate. Kendzoir (2016) discussed in research extracurricular activities are
often more than just playing games for students. It helps teenagers develop better work and
discipline, which they can use in the classroom. Soytürk and Öztürk (2020) show sports and
extracurricular activities allow students to develop positive life skills, learn behavior
management skills, and be motivated to do well academically to participate in competitions.
Trudeau and Shephard (2008) found participation in extracurricular physical activity was a
significant predictor of better academic results and higher academic expectations. Their study
also found extracurricular activities were predictors of better academic achievement because of
the motivation for students to participate in those sports (Trudeau & Shephard, 2008). Moreover,
physical activities held at school helps develop the learner's Holistic Health.
According to Mohammed 2022, Games greatly contribute to children and adolescents’
quality of life regarding both physical and mental wellbeing. However, it can have a more
positive impact if it is included in the curriculum of PE wherein this study was conducted
internationally. This research aims to incorporate the effectiveness of games in improvement of
physical education and of comprehension to students especially those who were having a hard
time following. Incorporating games involves four dimensions which can improve instructions or
mechanics. These dimensions are goals or objectives, materials or topics, methods or procedures,
and assessment or evaluation.

Additionally, some games and interactional activities are appropriate for health and PE as
they promote enchantment and assist high school students to broaden knowledge and skills in
PE. Specifically, running, throwing, catching, gross motor skills, and fine motor skills, including
balance, teamwork, speed, and agility, are discovered by the means of health and PE
activities/games. (Mohammed 2022)

Theoretical framework

This section of the research paper presents the concepts to be used to support the study
and to explain further the variables that will help in the interpretation and analysis of the research

We are all aware that in order to improve the effectiveness of the teaching and learning
process, we must also ensure that the students enjoy what they are doing.
This study backs up the importance of games and enjoyment in an individual's learning. Because
the greater the level of interest, the greater the level of learning. It also promotes a fun learning
environment for all students. This study was also designed to emphasize the importance of
comprehension when it comes to instructions, which is beneficial for a learner in any area of
learning and subject. Furthermore, recreational activities may support and preserve health and
well-being, though there is limited scientific evidence to support this.

The study's goal was to look at the links between socioeconomic differences in
recreational activity participation in the area and population health and well-being.
And here is the list of research that will support our studies.
Learning by doing

Numerous studies have demonstrated how practical instruction and hands-on activities
aid students in conceptualizing technological knowledge and growing as thinkers. Researchers
have also noted that applying a variety of cognitive abilities to a practical situation can foster
higher-order thinking abilities. Making things with your hands and learning by doing have long
been important components of Finnish craft and technology education. (Niiranen, 2019)

Move to learn, learn to move

Growing concern is being expressed over the global trend of childhood obesity and
unhealthy lifestyles. Physical activity habits are better created and maintained if they are initiated
early on, and childcare environments have been recognized as the most relevant elements for
children's physical activity. As a result, early childhood learning environments are perfectly
situated to encourage physical activity and enable physical activity interventions in order to
counter the trends toward obesity and inactivity.

Significance of the study

This study supports the importance of games and enjoyment in the learning of an
individual. For when interest is aroused, the more learning will take place. It also supports a fun
learning environment for every individual. This study also is created in order to emphasize as
well the value of comprehension when it comes to instructions which is beneficial for a learner in
any area of learning and in any subject. Additionally, recreational activities may support and
preserve health and wellbeing, although there is limited scientific proof for this (Christina Bjørk
Petersen et al, 2021)

The study will assess relationships between differences of learners in skills and as well as
in the ability to absorb instructions in recreational activity participation in the vicinity and
population's health and well-being can also be a factor of the study.

Benefiting the study are the various sections as follows: (1) The Students. The direct
recipients of this research are the students. This will help them in their motivation to the subject
and perform even better. (2) The Teachers/workers. This study will be beneficial to the workers
as it will give them knowledge and awareness on the integration of recreational activities
specifically in games as a form of learning and instruction. wellness regardless of learning
modes. (3) The School. This research study will help the institution to recognize the significance
of recreational activities as well as to continue and sustain or even improve the fun learning
environment in which the university instills. Moreover, they could influence students to engage
more in any physical activities, recreational games and events, as well as other more activities
that the school may offer.
Objectives of the study

This study is focused on observing the effectiveness of recreational games in the

improvement of physical education and comprehension of UBHS Students and to raise the
possibility of using it as a tool in teaching and promoting physical fitness among individuals.
With that, the following are objectives of the study which aims to:

1. Explain the relevance of motivation with the use of recreational games in promoting physical
fitness especially to those lacking engagement in physical activities.

2. Determine and check the comprehension of students in terms of instruction that is made for
the recreational games.

3. Determine the individuals in the actual recreational game who find it hard to execute the skill
needed as well as those who show lack of interest. An authentic assessment through a
recreational game will be conducted and results will be interpreted.

4. Impose the relevance of comprehension when it comes to instructions by the use of

recreational games integrated in physical education.

5. Find a solution or recommendation to the problem arising which is the lack of interest and
comprehension of students in physical education.

6. Find the suitable way of motivation for everybody to drive them through on
executing physical activities.

Study design

The study was established using a descriptive method of research since the
research determined the demographic characteristics of the respondents in the University of
Baguio High School and the factors that affects the student’s performance in Physical Education

Furthermore, this research shall establish the perception on the learning facilities and the
characteristics that both teachers and learners would want to improve more thus making it a
factor that influences their performance in the subject.

Sample/Population of the Study

The University of Baguio is an institution in Baguio City, Philippines that has

been declared an Autonomous and private non-sectarian University. Participants of this study are
from the grade 10 at the University of Baguio High School who are currently enrolled for the
school year 2022-2023.

They are the learners that take Physical Education subjects. Participants are from a
chosen section due to the benefit that the subject matter of the grade 10 for the last quarter of the
school year is recreational activities.

Data Gathering Tools

The researchers will be using observation as a tool in data gathering. Thus, they
will be recording their observations through quick notes. To support the observations, the
researchers shall be using performance measurements to the UBHS students.

The researchers will conduct the data gathering during recess/break time and during
physical education class with the approval of the teacher who is in charge of the certain students
that are being surveyed. The result of the survey will be tabulated, analyzed and interpreted
through the use of the most appropriate statistics procedure.

Data Gathering Procedures

After gathering the result of the assessment from the response of the respondents, the
researchers will tabulate and interpret the results of the assessment based on the responses of the
respondents by computing and calculating the result. The researchers will determine if it is
negatively or positively skewed, or if it is in the middle. With these being done, the effectiveness
of games in the learning process in Physical education may be determined.
Treatment of Data

The researchers use the observation method as well as the grounded theory in order to
come up with an interpretation of the data gathered based on the interview using the
questionnaire created. The data that was collected are based on the performance of the learners
which were assessed and written form which is to be summarized and analyzed by the
researchers in order to answer the hypotheses of the research.

The researchers transcribed the results of the performances of the learners in order to
scrutinize, compare and contrast the results and make a conclusion from their different
performance and then summarize their assessment from the different questions in order to find an
answer about the effectiveness of recreational games in improvement of Physical Education as
well as comprehension of University of Baguio High School students specifically in the grade 10

Ethical Considerations

The researchers ask volunteers from the grade 10 class in order to play a recreational
game which also serves as their assessment in their subject matters and therefore they all took
turns to play and be instructed. Individuals who were able to volunteer have the choice to either
accept or reject the request. Once the learners which are the respondents volunteered, the
researchers guarantees and secures that all information and identities
provided which will be also recorded in this data for this study will be given absolute assurance
for confidentiality. Even before the researchers start the assessment which is also used for class
purposes, the respondents will already be informed by the procedures and rules. Much more, it is
guaranteed that the data of the respondents will be highly respected and valued with no
discrimination and the scores of the respondents will be kept confidential along with the identity
of the respondents. The data of every respondent will be processed and analyzed well by the
researchers for furthermore summarization and interpretation. Findings will be truthfully and
fairly stated for the benefit of the readers of the research,

In the observation that the researchers conducted, the respondents played Patintero which
is a game for recreation wherein the sample population had 3 sets in playing. They were grouped
equally and 20 among the 39 present at that time won the first set.

After that, the researchers explained again the mechanics of the game and asked the
learners about the skill being developed in the game. 21 of the participants answered agility, 5 of
them answered endurance, and 13 of them answered aid speed.

The second and third set came to play and it was the other way around at this point. The
20 who won in the first set lost in the second and third set.


The researchers saw a relationship between motivation and interest of students and their
ability to use the different components of physical fitness which is a relevant part of Physical

The researchers also concluded that recreational games or recreational activities in

general can be used for better instruction and as a learning tool for the part of the sample
population that performed better than their first set after being instructed again.

Lastly, the researchers have concluded that recreational games can be used as a tool for
improvement for Physical Education due to its holistic attribute wherein the skills needed in
sports and the components in Physical fitness is all observed in recreational games.
With the results and conclusions that has been developed, the researchers came up with
the following recommendations in order to utilize more the potential of recreational games in the
improvement of Physical Education and comprehension:

● The teachers are advised to develop recreational games as their way of motivation for the
students. For example, mathematics specifically in geometry or trigonometry can make
recreational games such as games like “jolens“ involving angles.

● The teachers in Physical Education may use existing recreational games like Patintero
which is used in the study or develop other recreational games to assess students in
Physical fitness test rather than the one that PE teachers are used to doing which is having
individual activities and associating them with one Physical activity. Using recreational
games can spare more time due to the holistic nature of it.

● Recreational programmes should be organized periodically in line with the interests of

the learners and that also promotes awareness to the community.

Basoglu, U.D. (2018) The importance of physical literacy for Physical Education and
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Gemini Drive #99416, Beaverton, OR 97008. Tel: 503-828-0536 ext. 503; Fax:
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Physical education for homeschool, classroom, and recreation settings (no date) Google
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Mohammed, S.S. and Baysen, E. (2022) Peer assessment of curriculum content of group
games in Physical Education: A systematic literature review of the last seven years, MDPI.
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. Available at:

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Niiranen, S. (2019) Supporting the development of students' technological understanding

in craft and technology education via the learning-by-doing approach - International Journal of
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