Assessment of Hirsutism Impact On Quality of Life: Association With Severity, Marital Status and PCOS

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Assessment of Hirsutism Impact on Quality of Life:

Association with Severity, Marital Status and PCOS
Dr. Zarka Sarwer
MBBS M.Phill (Physiology) Assistant Professor BKMC-MMC
Dr. Ammad Ali
MBBS, D-Derm (U.K), Aesthetic Medicine (KMU)
Dr. Tabinda Ashfaq
MBBS FCPS (M.MED) Consultant AGA Khan Karachi, Hod Isra University Karachi Campus
Dr. Atifullah
MBBS, M-Phil Physiology, Assistant Professor BKCD-MKMC/MMC
Dr. Sundas Barkat
MBBS Demonstrator Physiology Department BKMC
Dr. Muhammad Umair
MBBS M-Phil Assiatant Professor GMC Dikhan
Dr. Abida Munir Badini
Mbbs Fcps (F.Med) MRCGP Aesthetic Physician (KMU)

Corresponding Author:
Name: Dr. Tabinda Ashfaq
Designation: MBBS FCPS (F.MED) Hod ISRA University Karachi Campus

Abstract:- Keywords:- PCOS, Hirsutisim, Women’s, Life Quality,

Objective: The main goal was to assess how hirsutism Education.
affected the female patients' quality of life. Evaluation of
potential relationships between DLQI scores and I. INTRODUCTION
hirsutism severity, marital status, and PCOS status were
secondary goals. The most prevalent endocrinological condition
Method: At the Dermatology OPD mmc mardan, affecting women of reproductive age is polycystic ovarian
participants were systematically recruited from January syndrome (PCOS), which has 8–13% prevalence1.
2022 to December 2022. Demographic data, mFG scores According to the Rotterdam diagnostic standards, hyper
for assessing the severity of hirsutism, and DLQI ratings androgenism is regarded as a key factor in the pathogenesis
for assessing quality of life were all collected. Calculating of PCOS2. Acne, metabolic (increased prevalence of
descriptive statistics, conducting pertinent association obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease),
tests, and applying a significance level of p 0.05 were all psychological (depression, disordered eating, body image
parts of the statistical analysis. distress, and decreased quality of life) and reproductive
Result: The 80 participants were 32.5 years old on (irregular menstruation, infertility, and pregnancy
average. There were three levels of hirsutism severity: complications) traits are linked to PCOS3. The first-line
mild (n = 4), moderate (n = 6), and severe (n = 7). DLQI treatment for PCOS is advised to be lifestyle modification.
ratings and hirsutism severity did not correlate in a way However, pharmaceutical medicines, such as the combined
that was statistically significant (p = 0.363). Similarly, oral contraceptive pill (COCP), anti-obesity drugs,
PCOS status was linked to considerably higher DLQI metformin, and anti-androgen medications, could be used
ratings, but marital status had no significant impact on for clinical care in some situations where lifestyle control is
DLQI levels (p = 0.05). failed4. Adult women with PCOS are frequently prescribed
Conclusion: The study found that hirsutism had a the COCP to treat their irregular menstrual cycles and
considerable negative influence on the patients' quality clinical hyperandrogenism (hirsutism and acne)5. The 2018
of life. Even though there were no connections between PCOS guidelines came to the conclusion that there was
DLQI scores and the degree of hirsutism or marital insufficient evidence to support the use of any of the
status, it was discovered that PCOS increased the identified anti-androgen medicines in PCOS, despite the fact
psychological load. These findings highlight the necessity that anti-androgens and their mechanisms of action hint at
of holistic care strategies, particularly for patients with possible advantages. To our knowledge, no systematic
hirsutism brought on by PCOS, in order to improve reviews have looked at the use of anti-androgens in the
their wellbeing. Larger sample sizes and different management of PCOS. Existing systematic reviews,
demographics in future studies may yield more in-depth including a network meta-analysis, have focused on women
understandings of these linkages. with idiopathic hirsutism or larger hirsute populations6.
Acne, hirsutism, hypertrichosis, seborrhea, and alopecia are

IJISRT23OCT1437 1323

Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
among the aesthetic manifestations of hyperandrogenism quality of life and its relationships to hirsutism severity,
that are frequently seen in women with this illness. In marital status, and PCOS status. The study included 80
addition to a variety of reproductive problems and female hirsute individuals in total. Between January 2022
psychological difficulties, they also exhibit metabolic and December 2022, patients who presented to the
dysfunction linked to obesity, insulin resistance, Dermatology OPD were sequentially recruited. Ages of the
hyperinsulinemia, and diabetes7. While mental health and patients ranged from 15 to 50. Age, marital status, and
menstrual abnormalities were the most upsetting QOL pertinent medical history, including PCOS status, were
categories in unmarried adolescents with PCOS in India, noted among the participant's demographic data. Utilizing
regionally, infertility and menstrual abnormalities were most the Modified Ferriman-Gallwey (mFG) scoring system, the
significantly influencing QOL in Iran 8. Age, socioeconomic severity of hirsutism was assessed. The impact of hirsutism
status, education level, societal pressure to improve on participants' quality of life was evaluated using DLQI
appearance, trust in the healthcare provider (HCP) to treat scores. The DLQI is a popular survey that examines several
PCOS symptoms, parental criticism because of PCOS, a facets of life quality impacted by skin disorders. Continuous
family history of PCOS, excessive physical activity, and variables like age and DLQI scores were given descriptive
BMI are additional potential factors that may affect the statistics, including mean and standard deviation. Using the
quality of life (QOL) of women with PCOS9-10. In Pakistan, proper statistical methods (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA),
48% of the 212 million people in this age group are female, associations between DLQI scores and the degree of
making up one-third of the population 11-12. hirsutism, marital status, and PCOS status were examined.
Statistical significance was defined as a p-value 0.05. The
II. METHODOLOGY study was carried out in compliance with ethical standards.
Before the study got started, it received ethical approval
This study was carried out at the Mardan Medical from the bkmc-ethical committee. Before they were
Complex's Dermatology Outpatient Department (OPD). The included, all individuals gave their informed consent. Data
purpose of the study was to evaluate how hirsutism affects analysis was performed using spss vr 24.


Total 80 women were examined at opd . Following data was obtained.

Table: 1 variable with dlqi score and p-value

Variables Mean dlqi score p-value
Age group 15-30 years 5.69± 3.80 N/A
>30 years 8.70± 5.20
hursutisim Mild 4.49± 4.61 0.363
Moderate 6.62± 4.49
Severe 7.79± 4.19
Marital status Married 8.63± 5.38 0.05
Un married 5.41± 3.60
occupation Student 5.41±3.1 N/A
House wife 8.11±6.31
employed 8.1±3.11
education No education 11 N/A
Secondary 6.21±4.59
graduate 7.40±4.11
pcos Present 9.86±5.59 0.03
absent 5.59±3.61
Socio-economic Can Afford 4±3.09 N/A
status Will manage 6.29±4
Have to manage 5.06±4.66

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 2:variables with percentages and participants
Variable Percentages N= participants
hursutisim Mild 21% 17
Moderate 41% 33
severe 38% 30
Scio-economic status Can afford 46% 26
Will manage 37% 37
Have to manage 17% 17
pcos Present Mild hursutisim 17.4% 4
Moderate hrsutism 30.4% 7
Severe hursutisim 52.2% 12
absent Mild hursutisim 20% 11
Moderate hrsutism 44.2% 26
Severe hursutisim 33.8% 20

IV. DISCUSSION score is defined as mFG 8 in Caucasian and women of

African descent. It is important to measure both morning
Participants in the study were split into two age total and free testosterone levels14. Participants with PCOS
groups: 15–30 years and >30 years. Women over the age of had a mean DLQI score that was considerably higher (9.86)
30 were found to have a mean DLQI score that was than that of participants without PCOS (5.59). There is a
considerably higher (8.70) than younger women (5.69). This statistically significant difference, as shown by the low p-
shows that hirsutism may have a more negative effect on value of 0.03. This result underlines the fact that women
older women's quality of life. There are three levels of with PCOS are more severely affected by hirsutism's effects
hirsutism severity: mild, moderate, and severe. With on quality of life. Three subgroups of socioeconomic
increasing hirsutism severity, the mean DLQI score position were identified: Can Afford, Will Manage, and
increased. In spite of the fact that severe hirsutism had a Have to Manage. The DLQI score of participants who can
higher mean DLQI score (7.79) than mild (4.49) or afford was the lowest on average (only 4), indicating a less
moderate (6.62), the p-value (0.363) indicates that this drastic impact on their quality of life. The highest mean
difference was not statistically significant. This suggests that DLQI score (5.06) was obtained by those who have to
there may not be a substantial difference in the severity manage, which would suggest a greater influence. The lack
categories for the influence on quality of life. In comparison of p-values, however, makes it difficult for us to assess
to single women, married women had a higher mean DLQI statistical significance. The distribution of participants
score (8.63). The difference has a p-value of 0.05, which across different categories is shown in table 2, which sheds
denotes that it is statistically significant but not significantly light on the prevalence of various characteristics and their
so. This suggests that, when compared to single women, impact on how hirsutism affects quality of life.
married women may face a more pronounced impact from
hirsutism on their quality of life. Based on profession, the V. CONCLUSION
study examined the DLQI scores. Housewives (8.11) and
employed people (8.1) both exhibited higher mean DLQI The results of the study indicate that PCOS has a
scores than students (5.41) despite the absence of p-values. significant impact on DLQI scores, while hirsutism severity
This shows that people who work or perform household and marital status may not. These findings highlight the
duties may be more affected by hirsutism's negative effects significance of taking into account underlying disorders,
on their quality of life. Participants in the study were such as PCOS, when estimating the psychological impact of
grouped according to their degree of education. The highest hirsutism. It's vital to recognize that these results could be
mean DLQI score was found among those with no formal impacted by restrictions and potential confounding
education (11), followed by graduates (7.40) and people variables. Deeper insights into these correlations might be
with only a secondary education (6.21). The participants' provided by additional study using larger and more diverse
level of schooling was likewise related to QOL. Literature sample sizes.
suggests that as one's education level rises, they become
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