Business Plan Web 2021 2023

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Business Plan

Warwick Senior High School is committed to providing a
high standard of education for secondary students as part
Our Beliefs
of the public education system of Western Australia. As At Warwick Senior High School our staff:
a school community we will plan and work to achieve the • Believe that our students can do better and that
three pillars of the public education system: teachers make a difference.
• Warwick Senior High School is a good public school; • Acknowledge that whoever dares to teach, must be
• Every teacher at Warwick Senior High School is an prepared to learn.
effective teacher; and • Have stated a commitment to: helping others, building
• Every student at Warwick Senior High School is a character, providing opportunity for all, and learning for
successful student. life.
The teaching and learning program in place at Warwick Staff aim to foster positive relationships with students and
Senior High School is designed to be meaningful and colleagues to make the school community happier and more
engaging, ultimately providing students with the productive.
opportunity to achieve success through appropriate
pathways to employment and/or further studies with a
State Training Provider or tertiary institution.
This business plan details our school’s vision, together with Our Motto
the agreed values, priorities and targets for whole school
improvement. Working together as a school community,
Aspire, Learn, Grow
focusing on shared goals and strategies for success, is the Aspire: Believe to achieve
foundation for our school improvement. Strive beyond our limits

Our Vision Learn: Acquiring new knowledge, skills,

understanding and behaviours
Creating possibilities for your future
Creating Positive Futures
Warwick Senior High School aims to deliver a world class Grow: Have courage to take risks
education through its programs and services, to facilitate Treat our mistakes as learning experiences
positive futures for our students. Build your personal portfolio
With a focus on the whole child, we aim to develop students Develop positive relationships
who are empowered to have strong self belief to achieve, Strive to be the best person we can be
have courage to take risks and to strive towards being the
best person they can be.
They will strive to acquire new knowledge, skills and
understandings and behaviours that will create endless
possibilities for their own futures.
We will provide our students with opportunities for
growth and development in all areas: academic, cultural
and sporting with a focus on citizenship and personal
Students will leave Warwick Senior High School and be
equipped to engage confidently and successfully with a
global community and be an active contributor to society.

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Our Values
Warwick Senior High School aims for commitment, integrity Teaching and Learning
and excellence in every endeavour. Staff, students and
parents can work together to make a difference and help to At Warwick SHS we believe that our major focus should be
ensure that every young person achieves to their maximum on creating the optimum conditions at our school for our
potential. students to maximise their achievements, and to grow and
Our core values underpin all aspects of our school: develop socially and emotionally, while at school. From
this we firmly believe that we are assisting our students to
• Respect
“create positive futures” for themselves after their school
• Caring career has finished.
• Responsibility
We recognise that our teachers’ actions make the MOST
• Environmental sustainability difference to students’ learning, so we focus on creating
the highest quality teachers through on going professional
School Priorities 2021 - 2023 learning, classroom observations and formal feedback
• Teaching Excellence: promoting a culture of reflection from other teachers, training to improve classroom
and staff support through performance management, management, and mentoring by school leaders and expert
professional development, and shared teaching and teachers. Teacher development activities focus on use of IT
learning strategies, ensuring preparedness to meet the in learning, questioning techniques, co-operative learning
requirements of curriculum change. strategies (group work), and differentiation in lessons to
cater for the range of learners’ abilities.
• Learning for Success: promoting a culture of
developing young people to be confident in taking We have high expectations of both our students and our
opportunities, being persistent in their endeavour staff and we believe that every child can learn and progress
and achieving success through a focus on continued in their education. Our expectations of students includes
improvement. their behaviour, as an orderly school environment is
essential for all students to feel safe and secure and feel
• Enhancing Wellbeing: endeavouring to provide
able to take risks, and gain knowledge and try new skills,
targeted programs and learning opportunities to grow a
without fear of ridicule or bullying.
mentally and physically healthy school community and
• Strengthening Partnerships: providing distinctive
learning experiences for students through the
development, enrichment and extension of our
community partnerships.
Our current school priorities align very well with 2020-2024
DOE Strategic Plan priorities.

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Our Instructional Model How Our Business Plan Works
All classrooms at Warwick will operating under a common This School Business Plan is supported and/or underpinned
framework, which is called an Instructional Model. All by operational plans and other documents including:
teachers will aim to operate under this structure. • School Budget
The lesson features include: • Learning Area Plans for Mathematics, English, Science,
• Learning Intentions: which are prominent to students, History and Social Sciences (HASS), Health and Physical
either written on the board or printed materials or Education, and the Technologies and Arts
verbally outlined. Research shows these are vital for • VET (Vocational Education and Training)
students to succeed, as they know where the lesson will • Literacy
lead. • Numeracy
• Success Criteria: are also visible, based on the lesson • Attendance
goals and allow students to assess when they have been • Student Services
successful in their learning.
• Learning: when explicit teaching of new material occurs
and/or students are involved in activities that develop • Year 6 Student Transition
new understandings and skills. • Communication and Marketing
• Reflect, Review, Feedback: at the lesson end the • Workforce Plan
teacher ties it all together, checks for understanding
and concludes the lesson. Students can self assess in
terms of the success criteria. Timely, constructive and
corrective feedback is given.
Research shows that a well designed instructional model
contributes to increased learning time in class, as all
students understand the structure of any lesson in the
school. Our focus is to maximise the effective learning time
in all the classrooms. All of the actions are simple but have
been proven to have great impact on improving learning in
The model that we embrace at Warwick involves classroom
practices that produce effective classroom management
by using invisible discipline practices and visible learning
instructional strategies.
Invisible discipline means that teachers should win
the students over by building positive and productive
relationships. Within everyday classroom practice, teachers
should be aware of the activity in the classroom and aim
to employ low-key responses and proximity, to encourage
positive behaviours in students.
Visible learning is about using instructional strategies that
are proven to improve student results. Teachers will express
clear learning intentions and share with students what the
successful attainment of the learning intention will look like.

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Student Improvement Targets
Target Area 2021 Targets

Target 1 NAPLAN Year 9 students to have better progress from Year 7 to 9, than LIKE schools.

Increase the percentage of Year 9 students in Bands 8 or higher.

Target 2 NAPLAN Decrease the percentage of Year 9 students at or below the NAPLAN National
Minimum Standard.

Increase OLNA achievement to 95% of Year 12 for Reading, Writing and

Target 3 OLNA Attainment

In the Regular Attendance category increases to between 63-65%.

In the Indicated Attendance category decreases to 20-22%.
The overall attendance for Aboriginal students to be better than WA and LIKE

All Warwick SHS ATAR course means to increase to be better than LIKE schools,
Target 5 YEAR 12 Attainment
and working towards equalling the state mean.

Increase the percentage of Year 12 students in General subjects achieving A or

Target 6 Year 12 Achievement
B grades, to improve students’ post school options.

Increase the percentage of in-boundary student enrolments.

Target 7 Year 7 Intake
Maintain the overall Year 7 enrolment between 150 to 160 students.

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Our Priorities
PRIORITY 1 Teaching Excellence
Goal Warwick Senior High School promotes a culture of reflection and supports our staff through
performance management and professional development, as well as shared teaching and
learning strategies, ensuring preparedness to meet the requirements of curriculum change.

High Quality Teaching

Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
Performance Management & Development • By the middle of the year, all staff will have been observed
• Reflective practices including classroom by their HOLA and given targeted feedback in line with the
observation by HOLAs, to provide professional industrial agreements.
feedback. • Mentoring program for TFAs and Graduate teachers.
• Provide staff with opportunities to reflect • By the end of Term 3, all teachers will have surveyed their
on and improve their teaching practices, classes, received feedback and shared with their HOLA in PM&D
to improve classroom performance by meetings or as a Learning Area or Curriculum team.
strengthening of PM&D process. • 95% of all staff trained in Foundation CMS, maintaining this level
• Employ AITSL Standards as the basis for staff as staff change, and increasing training in ISE 20% for 2021, 35%
reflection and review. PM processes allow staff for 2022 and 50% for 2023.
to make performance judgements and plan for • Classroom observations indicate that all staff using LI & SC with
self-improvement. classes by end of Term 1 2021 and all staff show appropriate use
• Linking professional learning to targeted of technology in line with BYOD implementation.
areas for improvement in each teacher’s
• Use of student feedback to staff on classroom
practices and pedagogy (use PIVOT or other
• Building staff capacity and competency to use
a variety of instructional strategies through
CMS practice.
• Incorporate the use of our Instructional
Model, and a wide range of instructional
strategies into classroom planning via the
Instructional Model, and through CMS
Instructional Stategies for Engagement
• Build capacity to use technology for teaching
and learning in the student BYOD program.
Data Analysis • HOLAs indicate at the mid-year and end of year reviews that
• Use of data analysis (NAPLAN, students staff are using data to support planning in each class.
surveys, K-10 data) to underpin lesson • PM&D process indicates staff demonstrating an understanding
planning. of class data to inform teaching.

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High Quality Teaching
Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
Professional Learning • Professional learning program is well organised and allows
Provide professional learning to support targets and for all school priorities to be addressed.
priorities in the business plan. • Staff surveys indicate satisfaction with professional
learning opportunities.
• Invest in targeted professional learning to support
high quality and innovative teaching.
• Using IT and student BYOD.
• Differentiation
Staff trained in use of data including:
• SAIS: a range of reports.
• NAPLAN: individual students results, NAPLAN
Pathways, NAPLAN Progress, NAPLAN Achievement,
ONLA, ESTs, Attendance.
• SAER data.

Professional Development and Growth

Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
Use workforce planning to attract and retain quality • At the end of Term 4 each year, the classes in the next year
staff. are staffed with the appropriately trained staff.
• Workforce planning that addresses: STEAM, ICT, and • Staff surveys indicate staff satisfaction with overall PL
specialist teacher needs. program and staff opt in to opportunities for growth and
• Leadership Strategy for advancement and
supporting staff professional and career
development: Staff PL program, L3 Teacher aspirant
program, Aspirant leader program.

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PRIORITY 2 Learning for Success
Goal Warwick Senior High School promotes a culture of developing young people to be confident in
taking opportunities, being persistent in their endeavour and achieving success through a focus
on continued improvement. Staff, students and parents can work together to make a difference
and help ensure that every student achieves to their maximum potential.

Successful Learning
Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
We will develop students’ academic abilities to be • Students in the Literacy/Numeracy classes improve their
able to engage fully into their learning program and be achievement and confidence in classes across the school.
successful. School wide focus on school priorities of: • Successful implementation of BYOD program for 2022.
• Literacy. • Year 9 Students to have higher progress from Year 7 to 9
• Numeracy. than LIKE schools.
• ICT: Office 365 Application. • Increase the percentage of Year 9 students in Band 8 or
• Implementation of BYOD. higher.
• Decrease the percentage of Year 9 students at or below the
We will aim to develop funamental knowledge and skills
NAPLAN National Minimum Standard.
for students to progress in all subjects while at school.
• Increase OLNA achievement to 95% of Year 12 students.
Student skill development through:
• Student feedback about Elevate program feedback
• Literacy and Numeracy support classes in Years 7 is positive and students increase achievement and
and 8. confidence in assessments and examinations.
• Revision and study skills program for all students. • Longitudinal survey over 2 years to gauge improvement.
• Development of digital literacy skills for students in
Year 7 and 8.

Pathways For Success

Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
We will maintain a range and variety of programs and • Growth of programs in Year 11/12 as student numbers
pathways to develop talent and student aspirations and increase.
ensure future employment. Timetable development • STEAM/high order thinking skills embedded in all classes
will enable the school’s key programs to operate and be through whole school pedagogy implementations.
• Warwick SHS continues to be recognised by the wider
• Specialist and Elite programs. educational community as a leader in STEAM. This will
• ATAR, General and VET courses. include awards, invitations and professional learning
• STEM/STEAM skills and abilities. opportunities.
• Consistently experience high demand for places in Year
Schools focus on planning opportunities for innovation,
creativity and entrepreneurial skills, building on STEAM 7 including Specialist and Elite programs. Increased
capabilities and providing opportunities to demonstrate advertising of AEP program.
these skills. • Increase the percentage of in boundary student enrolments
We will ensure successful transitions occur at all key each year.
stages of a students’ schooling. Policy, procedures and • All Warwick SHS ATAR course means to increase to be
planned activities will ensure that students feel they better than LIKE schools and constant improvement
belong and are comfortable with every transition while towards equalling that state mean.
at high school including:
• Counselling provides students with appropriate pathways
• Year 6 to 7. into Year 11.
• Year 10 to 11. • Support provided for Year 12 students and those who
• Year 12 to post school. transition early through Individual Pathway Plans as they
exit the school.
• Increase the percentage of Year 12 students in General
Subjects achieving A or B grades, to improve students’ post
school options.
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Engagement and Retention
Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
We will aim for our students to attend school regularly • Warwick SHS achieves attendance rates higher than Like
and be ready to learn and engage in school work, for schools.
successful learning to occur. • Parents recieve regular communications via CONNECT and
Maintain and improve student attendance through: SEQTA/Compass.
• Regular monitoring and follow up. • High percentages of students retain their Good Standing
throughout the year. Students who lose their Good
• Promotion of importance of regular attendance.
Standing apply for reinstatement when able to.
• Rewarding excellent attendance.
• More school events linked to Good Standing Policy.
• Use of student engagement strategies.
• Use of a hard copy school Diary for Year 7 and electronic
• Highlighting of staff responsibilities at all levels. CONNECT calendar for Years 8 to 12 as a trial in 2021.
Strengthening communication to parents through
regular messages of attendance requirements and its
importance to student’s educational success. Success
or failure to engage in learning programs and complete
assessments will also be communicated to parents.
A focus on student engagement through consistent
implementation of the Good Standing policy for
Behaviour, Attendance and Academic Progress.
A focus on organisational skills and implementation
of consistent strategies across year groups to ensure
students are organised with study, assessments and
other school requirements/responsibilities.

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PRIORITY 3 Enhancing Wellbeing
Goal Warwick Senior High School endeavours to provide targeted programs and learning
opportunities to grow a mentally and physically healthy school community and environment.

Positive and Safe Learning Environment

Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
We will create a positive and safe learning environment • Whole school approach to managing student behaviour
that is conducive for all students to learn and achieve through PBS and CMS and implementation of the BEES
to their potential. We will aim to enhance the learning (Believe, Engage, Equip and Show Respect) in every
spaces and the external environment, to enhance classroom every day.
student engagement, wellbeing and learning while at • Improvements to gardens, facilities and seating in the yard
school. areas.
• Development of a whole school approach to • Upgrading of furniture and airconditioning within the
wellbeing through the BeYOU program. school.
• Focus on development of the Positive Behaviour • Increase parent/carer attendance at school assemblies and
School (PBS) approach. events.
• Use of effective classroom management techniques • Students participate in a variety of opportunities to
in all classrooms (CMS). experience success for academic achievement, athletic
• Continued improvements to the school prowess, excellent attendance, maintaining Good Standing
environment. and participation in extracurricular excursions, rewards
• Fostering positive relationships between students, and events. Acknowledgement of achievements is
staff and parents through increased parental regularly made at assemblies.
engagement with Warwick SHS.
• Identifying students at risk and providing
appropriate staff support and programs through
Student Services e.g. Youth Mental Health First Aid.
• Building student resilience by providing challenges
and opportunities to all students including: Relay
for Life, GreenBatch, Pedal Prix etc.

School Pride and a Sense of Belonging

Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
Our students will develop a sense of belonging to • Regular reward excursions/activities occuring in all year
our school community and pride in being a Warwick groups.
student, through a range of school activities which • Participation in whole school events such as school and
promote inclusion. interschool swimming, athletics, lightning carnivals, house
We will aim to enhance the learning spaces and the competitions and other sporting activities.
external environment, to enhance student engagement • BEES prominently displayed in all classrooms and around
and learning while at school. the school.
• Recognition and reward of positive behaviours. • Students represent Warwick through participation
• Conducting whole school events that encourage in competitions and events e.g. Robocup, Pedal Prix,
participation and being part of a team. Mathematics competitions, Contemporary Dance
Competition, interschool carnivals etc.
• Explicit displays of school expectations via PBS
• House competition to improve the physical and
mental health of students and encourage a sense of

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Positive Health and Wellbeing
Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
We will aim to develop initiatives in our school that • Staff activities take place on a regular basis incorporating a
support positive wellbeing for students by planning wide range of interests and activities.
student activities that acknowledge students, promote
• Programs offered to staff and students to improve student
personal health and wellbeing and develop positive
health and wellbeing, including Teen Mental Health First
relationships between students.
Aid, Gatekeeper, Respectful Relationships, Team Teach,
• Whole school involvement in R U OK? Day and annual
Health Expo.

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PRIORITY 4 Strengthening Partnerships
Goal Warwick Senior High School will provide distinctive learning opportunities for students through
the development, enrichment and extension of our community partnerships.

PR and Marketing
Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
• Increase parent knowledge of the school, and • Facebook provides interactive content for parents. Develop
engagement and commitment to the school and its advertising through Facebook.
• Website contains up to date articles and supports the
• An improved digital presence through Facebook vision of the school.
directing users to the Warwick SHS website.
• Displays of student work at local shopping centres.
• Coordinated approach to PR and Marketing
• Dedicated school officer time to coordinate PR and
Marketing activities and create engaging content.
• Raise the profile of Warwick SHS in our partner
• Warwick SHS brochures available in all local primary
primary schools and their communities, and the
wider community.
• Increased events to widely promote the school in
the local community.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
We will build and consolidate community partnerships • Each Learning Area provides opportunities for primary
that support student achievement and opportunity. school engagement particularly in Year 4 and 5.
• School Networks links • Music and Dance performance in local primary schools.
ͳ Local partner primary schools: East Hamersley, • Specialist programs (Netball, Football) provide coaching
Glendale, Hawker Park, and Greenwood. and umpiring opportunities.
ͳ Balcatta, Greenwood, Warwick (BGW) network of • Links with ECU.
schools. • Workplace Learning employers publically thanked and
ͳ Instrumental Music School (IMS). promoted.
• Other educational institutions • Service organisations are recognised and promoted.
ͳ Universities, TAFEs, RTOs, SMYL. • Strengthen and develop links with Follow the Dream
schools and continue to create and expand opportunities
ͳ Local members of parliament.
for Aboriginal students.
ͳ Workplace Learning employers.
ͳ Curtin AHEAD.
• Service organisations:
ͳ Karrinyup Rotary, Duncraig Lions.
• Follow the Dream/Creating the Dream programs.

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West Coast Secondary Education Support Centre Partnership
Operational Plan will expand on the following: Milestones/Targets:
We will aim to develop a strong partnership with the • Students participating in integrated classes have a positive
West Coast SESC that focuses on the success of students learning experience and achieve satisfactory results.
from both schools. • Positive relationships are formed between Warwick SHS
• MOU established and regularly reviewed. and West Coast SESC students and staff.
• Regular collaborative meetings between Executive • Warwick SHS and West Coast SESC students and staff
teams. participate in shared events when possible.
• Facilitation of integrated classes and shared
learning spaces.
• Planning joint school activities when appropriate.
• Integrated class teachers to participate in
professional learning with West Coast SESC as
• Resource management.

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• 355 Erindale Road, Warwick WA 6024
• 08 6240 4400 |
[email protected]

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