Debate Writing - B
Debate Writing - B
Debate Writing - B
Debate is a process that involves formal discourse on a particular topic, often including a
moderator and audience. In a debate, arguments are put forward for often opposing viewpoints.
Debates have historically occurred in public meetings, academic institutions, debate halls,
coffeehouses, competitions,
The first and the foremost step is to choose the side, whether you want to write for,
or against the motion. Always try to select the side you personally want to support and have
more material information to write on. It is preferable to make a choice during the reading
An ideal debate must consist of 4 paragraphs, namely, Introduction/Salutations, Problem,
Solution and the concluding part. Let us discuss each of them in detail.
• Introduction
• Body (Problem)
• Solution
• Conclusion
Q1. You are Mukul / Mahima of Alps Public School. Your school has organized a
debate on “social media and Its Effects “A and you will be participating in your
school. Prepare your views against or in favour of the motion. (120 – 150 words).
How many people do not have a smile on their faces on finding an old friend on Facebook?
Well, social media has removed all the barriers and boundaries to communication by bringing
the globe on a single platform. While business opportunities have widened, marketer’s reach
has broadened. It keeps us updated about everything going on in every nook and corner of the
world on a real-time basis.
From emergency alerts, announcements and declarations to knowing how our friends are doing
has all become so convenient. It provides freedom of speech and thus, enables everyone to
speak their mind. Not to forget the incalculable access it provides to the extensive information.
With so much advancement and innovation, it would be an unimaginable world without having
social media in it. Someone has rightly put it into words by saying,
“Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something that the real-world lacks: it
gives us immediacy, direction and a value as an individual.”
Thank you.
What a world it is, with everyone on their phones, all the time, faking their lives and keeping
a count of their likes?
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I am Mukul/ Mahima and my topic for the day is,
“Social media and its effects”. I would like to speak against the motion.
It has now become doubtful to trust the saying that goes like “Technology was developed to
save time and make our lives easier”, because people have become addicted and unproductive.
It takes a lot of effort and discipline to stay away from social media. Results have shown that
it has had adverse effects on human minds and their functioning. Outdoor activities among
children have also reduced significantly.
No doubt it provides access to useful information, but it is hard to ignore the quantum of fake
news that spreads like wildfire and the extent of impact it has on the society. In fact, fake
WhatsApp forwards was a clear pattern that was observed behind the recent mob lynchings or
rather, “Death by social media”.
It is one of the reasons behind insecurities and depression among teenagers. It is right that
technology was introduced to save time, but we forgot to mention, “In the right amount “A.
So, remember, you leave the present moment every time you check the phone.
Thank you.