Debate Writing 11

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Debate Writing Samples (English Core-XI)

1. You are Prem / Reema of ABC Public School. Your school has organized a debate on “Social Media
and It’s Effects” and you will be participating in your school. Prepare your views against or in
favour of the motion. (120 – 150 words)


“We are all now connected by the internet, like neurons in a giant brain”

Honourable judges, teachers and my worthy opponents thank you for giving me the opportunity to join this
debate on the topic, “Social Media and It’s Effects”. I am Prem/ Reema and I would like to speak in favour
of the motion.

How many people do not have a smile on their faces on finding an old friend on Facebook? Well, social
media has removed all the barriers and boundaries to communication by bringing the globe on a single
platform. While business opportunities have widened, marketer’s reach has broadened. It keeps us updated
about everything going on in every nook and corner of the world on a real-time basis.

From emergency alerts, announcements and declarations to knowing how our friends are doing has all
become so convenient. It provides freedom of speech and thus, enables everyone to speak their mind. Not to
forget the incalculable access it provides to the extensive information.

With so much advancement and innovation, it would be an unimaginable world without having social media
in it. Someone has rightly put it into words by saying,

“Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something that the real world lacks: it gives us
immediacy, direction and a value as an individual.”

Thank you.


What a world it is, with everyone on their phones, all the time, faking their lives and keeping a count of their

Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen! I am Prem/ Reema and my topic for the day is, “Social media and its
effects”. I would like to speak against the motion.

It has now become doubtful to trust the saying that goes like “Technology was developed to save time and
make our lives easier”, because people have become addicted and unproductive. It takes a lot of effort and
discipline to stay away from social media. Results have shown that it has had adverse effects on human
minds and their functioning. Outdoor activities among children have also reduced significantly.

No doubt it provides access to useful information, but, it is hard to ignore the quantum of fake news that
spreads like wildfire and the extent of impact it has on the society. In fact, fake whatsapp forwards was a
clear pattern that was observed behind the recent mob lynchings or rather, “Death by social media”.

It is one of the reasons behind insecurities and depression among teenagers. It is right that technology was
introduced to save time, but we forgot to mention, “In the right amount”Â. So, remember, you leave the
present moment every time you check the phone.

Thank you for your cooperation and patient hearing.

either for or against the motion. (120 – 150 words).




Honourable judges and worthy listeners,

“If you are so old minded and think that computers will be distracting children from studies, with a sincere
sorry for you, let me tell you that the young generation has gone a long way with computers!”

Thus, I am here to talk about the endless possibilities of computer and internet based teaching methods.

When most parents think of learning from computers, socializing websites like facebook appear before their
eyes. It is the biggest cyber tragedy. There are definitely a large number of sites beyond just facebook.

Udemy, Coursera, Khan academy, Byju’s teaching app, the list of online teaching platforms is endless and
ever growing. There are millions of students and teachers who use these websites and apps for their exam-
preparation. They are mostly free and it is what makes one turn away from traditional paper-guides. With a
smartphone in every hand, city and village alike, these online libraries are within everyone’s reach.

Google has already replaced the word Guru to become the greatest knowledge-provider.

With seven hundred billion population and six hundred trees, it is the need of the century to go paperless. In
this context you can find no better solution than eLearning.

Rather than living the life of a consumer, let’s be contributors. Instead of buying paper books, let’s buy
eBooks. Instead of collecting a thousand books in our shelves, let’s convert our phones or computers into
virtual libraries and learn.

Thank you.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! My topic for the day is “Online Classes are the Future of Education
Style” and I choose to speak against the motion.

Online learning or e-learning refers to learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet.
There is no face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the student. It decreases the scope of adjusting
and modifying the language or the concept according to various audiences. Moreover, humans are known to
be social animals and are thus, more interested in direct tuition than virtual tuition.

There is lack of proper guidance and self-assessment mechanisms. Not only this, it would also reduce
employment among teachers.

Since it involves only brain work and not physical work, they tend to get lethargic resulting in altered
physiology. Also, it leads to lack of discipline. Attending a school makes one have a time schedule in a day.
This helps them learn some good habits like, bathing, breakfast, going to bed at the right time etc. Physical
school help children adopt a discipline.

Not to forget the excellent interactions involved in physical learning. People tend to make friends who
support them and mentors who guide them. Thus, no matter how fast technological developments are taking
place, the traditional way of learning should not be displaced.
Thank you.

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