June 2004 Paper 1

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General Certificate of Education

Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level

Paper 1
May/June 2004

2 hours
Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/Paper


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Answer all questions.

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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 4 printed pages.

IB04 06_9691_01/2RP
 UCLES 2004 [Turn over

1 (a) State what is meant by

(i) operating system software; [1]

(ii) applications software. [1]

(b) Explain the difference between

(i) batch processing and real-time modes of computer system use; [2]

(ii) on-line processing and off-line processing. [2]

(c) A computer game involves steering a car around a course. State which two of the terms:
batch, real-time, on-line and off-line would be needed for this example, justifying your choice.

2 (a) Explain the meaning of the term utility software. [2]

(b) Describe two examples of utility software. [4]

3 (a) State the meaning of the following types of testing.

(i) White box testing.

(ii) Black box testing.

(iii) Alpha testing.

(iv) Beta testing. [4]

(b) Explain what is meant by the following types of programming error. Give an example in each

(i) Syntax.

(ii) Logic.

(iii) Arithmetic. [6]

(c) A program has been written using a top-down technique.

The individual modules in the program have been fully tested and there are no errors in any
of them.
Explain why the program may fail to run or may produce incorrect results, despite the testing
that has been done. [2]

 UCLES 2004 9691/01/M/J/04


4 (a) (i) Explain what is meant by the character set of a computer. [1]

(ii) Describe how the character set is represented in the computer system. [2]

(b) A stock file in a warehouse has the following fields in each record.

• Name of item.
• Date of last delivery.
• Price of item.
• Whether or not an order is outstanding.
• Number of that item left in stock.

(i) State data types suitable for each of the fields. [5]

(ii) Given that there are approximately 10000 different items in the warehouse, estimate the
size of the stock file. You should clearly show all the stages in the calculation. [5]

5 (a) Explain the meaning of the following modes of data transmission.

(i) Simplex.

(ii) Duplex.

(iii) Half-duplex. [3]

(b) (i) Describe how buffers and interrupts are used in the transfer of data from primary
memory to secondary storage. [5]

(ii) State which of the modes of data transmission would be most suitable for the procedure
in (i), justifying your answer. [2]

 UCLES 2004 9691/01/M/J/04 [Turn over


The following questions refer to this information.

A manufacturing company uses computer systems to store details of customers, suppliers and
The employee file contains details of all employees including their name, address, rate of pay, tax rate
and other details.

6 Much of the information in the employee file is personal and should remain confidential.

(a) Describe measures that can be taken to persuade workers that their personal information
remains as confidential as possible. [3]

(b) Describe the health and safety issues affecting those workers who need to work with the
computer systems, and how to overcome them. [6]

7 Each employee record contains a picture of the employee.

Explain how an image can be captured and then stored on the employee file. [4]

The company decides to investigate the use of computer systems to automate the production line.

8 A systems analyst is hired to carry out a feasibility study.

Describe four areas that the systems analyst should report about in the feasibility study. [8]

9 The present computer system runs a set of integrated software packages.

(a) Communication with the user is via a human computer interface (HCI).
Discuss the importance of

(i) colour;

(ii) layout;

(iii) content

in the design of the HCI. [9]

(b) Software will be necessary to run the new automated production line.
Explain why custom written software is appropriate to this application. [2]

10 Information from the files is used by the management to inform their decisions.

(a) Identify two types (or levels) of information that a management information system (MIS) can
produce. [2]

(b) State three output formats that can be used to present information to a manager, giving an
advantage of each. [6]

 UCLES 2004 9691/01/M/J/04

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