2012 Paper1

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level



Additional materials:
Answer paper

.TIME 3 hours


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paper/answer booklet.

Answer all questions.

Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided.

If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers.

This question paper consists of 4 printed pages.

Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, N2012.

©ZIMSECN2012 [Turn over

1 (a) Express the binary number 11011101010110101011 in octal and hex form. [4]

(b) Distinguish, giving one example, between data and information. [4]

2 (a) A type of computer memory is said to be volatile.

Define the term volatile and name this type of memory. [2]

(b) Modern methods of data entry into a computer system fall in three groups.

Name these three groups of data entry methods. [3]

3 The ASCII and EBCDIC are two important character coding schemes.

(a) Write these abbreviations in full and describe how each scheme represents
characters. Give an example of each. [6]

(b) Show how 7910 may be represented in a 16-bit word as

(i) BCD numeric digits, [3]

(ii) Pure binary natural number. [2]

4 (a) Write a procedure to reverse the order of elements in the array below.

[5 3 6 4] [5]

(b) Interpreters and assemblers are programming language translators.


(i) two differences in the way each translates the computer programs,

(ii) the programming languages translated by each. [4]

5 The operating system, translation programs and utility programs are three different
types of systems software.

(a) State any three functions of an operating system. [3]

(b) Name any two utility programs and explain their uses. [4]

(c) Distinguish between spooling and buffering outlining the importance of each. [4]

(d) Explain the importance of loaders in the execution of a computer program. [2]

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6 A systems analyst is hired by a company to develop a computerised system.

(a) Explain why the System Analyst should define the problem accurately. [2]

(b) State three methods which the systems analyst can use to collect information
and give one advantage of each. [6]

7 The new system developed by a team of programmers can be implemented using one
of the following methods:


Explain each method of implementation and outline the effects of each method in
software development applications. [9]

8 It is given that OD 726 C is a car paint code.

(a) Suggest possible meanings for the parts of the code. [2]

(b) Give any two reasons why such codes are used. State with an example the
meaning of such codes [4]

(c) Distinguish between human-sensible and machine-sensible. [2]

9 The addresses of jobs in need of printing services are placed in a queue waiting for
their turn.

(a) Give two reasons why the queue should be stored in a linked list instead of an
array. [2]

(b) When the queue is stored in a linked list, describe an algorithm for

(i) inserting an address into the queue, [3]

(ii) reading an address from the queue. [3]

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10 When data is electronically transferred from one place to another, maintenance of its
security and privacy is important. .

(a) Explain the terms security and privacy, giving in each case an example of
how it might be maintained in a mailing system. [4]

(b) (i) State three considerations which might cause people to worry about the
privacy of data stored in a computer system. [3]

(ii) Briefly describe two applications where either of the consideration in

(b )(i) might be relevant. [4]

(c) The use of computers has changed the style of working. Among the changes is the
introduction of telecommuting by workers.

Describe any five other changes in style of working which occur as a result of
,introducing computer systems. [10]

919511 N2012

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