Transportation Research Board 2016 Annual Meeting Lisa Burgess

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Transportation Research Board 2016 Annual Meeting

Lisa Burgess
January 12, 2016
Project Team
§ Cooperative Transportation Systems Pooled Fund Study
• Melissa Lance (Virginia Department of Transportation)
• Hyungjun Park and Brian Smith (University of Virginia)

§ Project Team
• Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
• Noblis
• DGD Enterprises
Future TMCs….
§ What are the potential impacts of CV on transportation
management centers?
• New operational capabilities
• New data sources
• Key considerations
o Staffing and required skills
o How will operations change? Source: USDOT/NHTSA

o Policy and institutional issues

§ How can TMCs ready for a future CV environment?

Project Overview
§ February 2013 – February 2014
§ Outreach to a variety of TMCs throughout country
§ Wide net approach to input; focused interviews with
candidate states
§ Other related efforts
• Overall Connected Vehicle Research Program
• AASHTO Footprint Analysis
• Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture
• Multiple test beds
§ Total of 16 completed
§ Awareness of connected vehicle research
§ Multi-source data
§ How connected vehicles would enhance, expand or
impact TMC operations
• Staffing/skill set needs
• Policy and legal considerations
• Systems and networks
§ Basis for more detailed interviews
Real-Time Data from Other Sources
Priority CV Application Areas
Primary focus: Enhance Core Functions, Expand Situational
Awareness (arterials)

§ Incident Detection (11)

§ Probe Data Collection - Vehicle position, speed, and heading
§ Arterial Management - Advanced Traffic Signal Systems (e.g.
leveraging connected vehicle data to support traffic signal
operations including adaptive traffic signal systems) (8)
§ Traveler Information - Traffic Conditions (7)
§ Traveler Information – Travel Times and Incidents (4)
§ Safety Applications (CICAS) – Signal/Stop Sign Violation (3)
How TMCs Prefer to Acquire Data
Processed Other data
Information - interface
regional public- 3%
agency supported
data/information Raw data -
clearinghouses roadside
21% equipment (RSE)
units deployed by
agencies and
integrated into
Raw data - the ATMS
regional public- 29%
agency supported Processed Raw data -
data/information Information - Private Third
clearinghouses Private Third Party Data
13% Party Data Provider
Provider 13%
TMC Interviews with Early Adopters
§ In person – Detroit and Arizona
§ Telephone – Florida and Virginia
§ Common Themes:
• Incident information, verification, system recovery
• Situational awareness, decision making
• Would complement agency data, not replace
• Better information to travelers
• Support for dynamic strategies (ICM and ATM)
• Excited about data potential – addressing today’s data
§ CV activity and testing has not reached the TMCs
§ What can be demonstrated (cost/benefit) for TMC with
limited number of vehicles?
§ First focus is on issues with field infrastructure
§ Mixed response regarding staffing impacts
§ Unknowns on data management issues, communications
§ Agency IT environment and relationships
Agency Concerns and Potential Impacts
§ Avoiding TMC operator ‘data overload’
§ Will CV be viewed as ‘verified’ data?
§ Rapid technology lifecycle turnover
§ Managing data
§ Ability for legacy equipment to support new technologies
§ Ability to transition to new field and TMC equipment
§ Software and operating system capabilities to support
multi-source data environment
Expected Changes
§ Change to the TMC data environment – “Big Data”
• Enhancements needed to store, process, retrieve, and present data
• New opportunities for working with third party data providers and
§ Development of software modules and algorithms to support CV
• Automating processes and information processing for TMC operators
§ Customer expectations in a CV environment will change
Expected Changes
§ Deployment, maintenance and operations of roadside equipment
(RSE) units
• A transition period will exist in the near and mid-term
§ Integration of CV infrastructure and data into existing ATMS
§ Connecting to the Core System
§ Training for TMC operations and maintenance staff
§ Hopefully Connected Vehicle Pilots will address TMC needs
Future of TMCs in a Connected Vehicle Environment
§ Operational concepts across various TSM&O areas
§ No single path for all TMCs – no prescriptive end state
§ Data environment – single biggest change

Incidents Weather Speed Field Work Special

(Detection Devices Zones Events
New Data Types and Processes
New/Expanded Functions at TMCs
§ Asset Management – much more dynamic!
§ IT Network Management
§ Non-Typical Infrastructure Monitoring (bridges, tunnels)
§ Real-time performance analysis
§ New tools for data
§ Elevate regional

Source: Arizona DOT

Staffing Skill Set Needs
§ Information Technology and Data Management
§ System Analytics and Processing
§ Network and Device Maintenance
§ Operations Engineering Decision Making
TMC Operational Readiness (think CMM….)
§ Geographic Scale of the Transportation Network (managed by
the TMC)
§ Device and Communications Infrastructure
§ Staffing Levels and Skill Sets
§ Data Storage Support
§ Data Analysis
§ System Functionality
§ Operational Processes
§ System Performance Reporting
§ Institutional Support
Data Analysis
Robust Data analysis done by · Invest in data mining applications or software packages that could automate
dedicated staff data analysis for better efficient use of staff time
knowledgeable of traffic · Regular review of data analysis performed to encourage creativity and
operations and engineering innovation in data mining and story-telling through data comparisons
principles, analysis applied
to enhance TMC
operations and traffic
Adequate Data analysis by studies or · Consider investing in data mining applications or software packages that
planning group, not could automate data analysis for better efficient use of staff time
necessarily with traffic · Training or education on types of analysis that would be beneficial to justify
operations and engineering before-and-after investments in TMC operations, devices and
principles, not typically communications, or system enhancements
applied to real-time
operations strategies

Limited No data analysis · Identify resource to perform data analysis based on types of reporting
capabilities or resources to required to justify current investments or support future investments
support this effort · Training or education on types of analysis that would be beneficial to justify
before-and-after investments in TMC operations, devices and
communications, or system enhancements
Important Considerations
§ “Day 1” not certain
§ CV Pilots – what is the role of the TMC?
§ NCHRP 20-102 – Impacts of CV/AV on Local
Transportation Agencies
• Advance additional TMC research
• Near-term applications and potential impact on TMCs
• What will emerge in the meantime??
§ AV was not a part of the convo a couple of years ago…..
§ All things are pointing to a more robust data environment
(CV, AV, other)
TMC Role in Test Beds and CV Pilots
§ How can the test beds and CV Pilots be leveraged:
• Impacts on operating systems – including legacy systems
• Impacts on processes
• Data storage, acquisition, application
§ Opportunities to broaden the test bed focus to include
• Partner with TMC PFS
• Define requirements
• Get software and system developers engaged
Advancing the Dialogue
§ Various Coalitions/Committees
• Other private industry – IT and system developers (beyond
auto OEMs)
§ TMC Staffing and Resource Needs
• Partner with TMC PFS/CTS PFS/TRB
§ Input to next wave of USDOT Guidance
§ Inreach within agency
• What other agency dept/division needs could CV data support?
• Who are the internal and regional partners?
• What is the current appetite at your agency for advancing
For More Information
All deliverables are located at:

Project Contacts
Melissa Lance, PMP Hyungjun Park, Ph.D.
Virginia DOT University of Virginia
[email protected] [email protected]

Lisa Burgess, PMP

Kimley-Horn and Associates
[email protected]

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