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Idoc Pub - Manual-Maxsurf (121-144) Es en

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• Isoparametric Curves (Parametrics)

Selecting Parametrics will represent the curves
surface isoparametrics, i.e. the surface data calculated by Maxsurf
from which other surface contours are derived. This view is useful for
examining the surface as a whole.

Isoparametric curves are not in any particular plane and give a good
indication of any inconsistencies in surfaces, which may be due to
poorly placed control points. Below is a parametric representation of
a design.

• Edges
Normally all surface edges will be visible. However, in some cases
you may prefer to hide the edges of the surface and show only the
frames. In this case, disabling the Edges option will obtain the
following result.

• Surface Curves
Surface Curves are curves that lie on the surface. For now these
curves are generated only by the Workshop program in which they
are used to define the path of the longitudinals on the surface and
the limits of the plates. No

Page 121
However, any design that has been saved using Workshop can make
these curves visible in Maxsurf.
• Inclined Sections Workshop also allows arbitrarily inclined
intersection with the hull. The resulting inclined sectionsof
can also be
viewed in Maxsurf.

qShading (Render)
Selecting Render eliminates hidden lines in the design with the
possibility of choosing the type of surface shading used.
Isoparametric curves can be selected for all options and, in
particular, can highlight variations in colors used for curvature

• Shading On
Selecting Shading On performs shading of the surface using a fixed
light source. The base colors for the interior and exterior of the
surface can be chosen in the Color option of the View menu.

• Shading Off
Selecting Shading Off produces a hidden line removal view, with all
surface panels shaded white. This option assumes that isoparametric
curves are visible.

• Gaussian curvature
It shows a shading of the surface assigning different colors to the
different degrees of Gaussian curvature at each point on it.

• Longitudinal Curvature
It shows a shading of the surface assigning different colors to the
different degrees of longitudinal curvature for each point, taken
perpendicular to it.
• Transverse Curvature
It shows a shading of the surface assigning different colors to the
different degrees of transverse curvature for each point, taken
perpendicular to it.
• Convexity
It shows a shading of the surface assigning different colors to the
different degrees of convexity of the surface.

qAnimate (Animation)
Animate can only be selected when the Perspective view window is
active. Maxsurf will attempt to draw as many views as possible,
according to the available memory capacity, up to the maximum
number specified in the Animate dialog.

Once all these views have been drawn, they can be represented as a
movie, moving the mouse from one side to the other. Clicking with
the mouse will end the animation.

Page 122
Page 123
Data MenuqSize
The Size function allows the designer to modify the scale and
proportions on the main dimensions of a surface or group of
surfaces. This function is especially useful when modeling "geosim"
variations from a base design, and also allows a precise definition of
the main design parameters.

To resize a design
qSelect Size from the Data menu.

You may have to wait some time while sizes are calculated.

qSelect the surfaces whose size you want to modify.

Do this by checking the corresponding surface names in the

selection boxes located on the left side of the dialog box. When a
single surface is selected, the size displayed will be the full
dimensions of the surface. When multiple surfaces are selected, the
size displayed will be the full dimensions of all selected surfaces

qSelect whether you want to use proportional scaling.

If, for example, you want to maintain a length/beam ratio or scale in

length, beam and depth simultaneously, simply select proportional
scaling on the left side of the dimension boxes. When any of the
dimension boxes are changed all boxes selected for proportional
scaling will be changed proportionally.

qSelect and modify the appropriate dimension boxes and alter

the size.

You can do this either by directly modifying the text or by using the
scale increment/decrement arrows located on the side

Page 124
right of the dimension boxes. These can be introduced in any type of

Note: Only the current surfaces are changed by rescaling. The

spacing of Grid elements does not change when the hull is rescaled.
This means you may have to readjust the mesh to accurately reflect a
new waterline length.

Various metric and imperial units can be specified.

Regardless of the default units specified, the Size, Grid Spacing, Girth
and Markers options, and data entry windows will accept dimension
data in any unit. For example, if the default unit were the meter, all
of the following inputs would be accepted and converted

3 (interprets it as 3.00 meters) 2.5c

650.44 thousand

6ft 3.1in
5f 5i
11.25 feet
4 inches

qGrid Spacing This menu function allows you to precisely specify the
positions of all frames, waterlines, longitudinals, and diagonals.

qFrame of Reference
Choosing this function allows you to adjust the positions for the bow
and stern perpendiculars, master frame, reference waterline, and
baseline for the design. All values entered are in relation to the
coordinate origin. However, it may happen that it is adjusted to the
position of one of the elements in the Frame of Reference dialog
box. In this case, the coordinate origin is not updated until you click
OK in the Frame of Reference dialog box.

qZero Point (Coordinate Origin)

This function adjusts, for all measurements, the longitudinal and
vertical reference point.

qGirth (Chain)
Chains or perimeters for all visible surfaces can be found using the
Girth function in the Data menu.

Page 125
To locate the position of a given string:
qEnter the length of the chain.
qClick on Calculate Position.

To calculate the string at a given position:

qEnter the position at which you want to calculate the
string. qClick on Calculate Girth.

qCalculate Offsets
When Calculate Offsets is selected, the Offsets window will be filled
with layout primer data for the Grid that has been specified using
the Grid Spacing command.

qCalculate Areas
Maxsurf has a function that allows you to accurately calculate the area of
a surface along with its center of gravity in the x, y and z planes. To carry
out the calculation, select the Area Calculation command from the Data

When you click Overall, Maxsurf calculates the total areas of all
surfaces as well as their centers of gravity. A line for totals gives the
sum for all surfaces.

If Immersed is clicked, only areas below the current reference

waterline (defined in Frame of Reference) are calculated.

To carry out the calculations, a fine triangular mesh is used, which

avoids the errors inherent in the use of Simpson's rule. The higher
the selected precision, the denser the triangulation and the more
accurate the result. The positions of the centers of gravity are given
relative to the current coordinate origin.

It is important to distinguish between the center of gravity of the surface

area and the center of the lateral area given by the viewing window.

Page 126
Calculations. In the first case the center is that of the entire area in
three dimensions, while in the second case the center is that of the
two-dimensional projection of that area.

It is possible to copy the data columns from the dialog box by

clicking and dragging the mouse over the desired cells and using the
Copy command to copy to the clipboard.

Appendix A - Plotter Plotting

Page 127
To use a plotter you need to adjust the communications parameters
using the various Plotter Setup options in Maxsurf and/or the DIP
switches or front panel of the plotter. In general, it doesn't matter
too much what parameters are chosen as long as Maxsurf and the
chartplotter are set identically.

For those who are not communications experts, a brief explanation

of the various parameters along with suggested settings follows.

Transmission speed (Baud The transmission speed (Baud rate) refers to the number of bits
rate) transmitted per second. In general it is better to use the highest
value available (9600 Baud on most plotters). However, in some
cases where the chartplotter is not capable of receiving high values,
or when there is an interference problem causing data loss, it may
be necessary to work with a lower value (2400 baud is slow enough
to be compatible with all the plotters we have found and fast
enough so that normally no deterioration in the plotting speed of
the plotter is noticeable).

Data Bits Although the standard byte is 8 bits long, the characters used by
most plotters use only seven of the eight bits. As a result, you can
save some time and effort by transmitting only those seven bits and
not the entire byte. In practice, the difference is negligible for plotter
commands since the amount of data sent is small and the plotter is
typically much slower than the data transmission rate.

Stop Bits They are the end of each data character. Traditionally only one is
used. However, if you saved a bit by using only seven-bit data, you
now have an extra bit that can be used as an additional stop bit.
Again, the difference is of little importance to the average plotter
user. Most plotter manufacturers recommend seven-bit data with
two stop bits.

Parity Parity is a form of error checking in which the values of all the bits
of a character are added and the result stored in an additional bit
that is transmitted with the character. If the value is even and you
have chosen even parity, the parity bit will be set to unity.
Conversely, if the value is odd and you have chosen odd parity, the
parity bit will also be set to unity. This will allow the device receiving
the data to verify that the data has not changed since the data
sending element set the parity bits. Even or odd parity will operate
equally well although parity can be set to not be used (parity none)
(no error checking), with little or no loss in transmission reliability.

Page 128
Flow Control – Hardwire vs. Flow control refers to the method used to regulate the flow of data
Xon/Xoff. to the plotter. When Maxsurf sends instructions to the plotter, they
are directed to a memory area, the buffer, which has a certain size. If
the buffer fills faster than it can be emptied by the plotter, a
message must be sent to the sending element to cut off the data
flow and thus avoid data overload. The plotter can regulate this data
flow in two ways - it can directly modify the voltage in one of the
wires of the cable that connects or disconnects the flow (hardwire),
or it can send a character through the data line that tells the plotter
computer to stop sending (the Xoff character) or start it again (the
Xon character).

In most cases hardwire flow control is the ideal solution. However, if

you are having problems with buffer overloads, it may be worth
trying Xon/Xoff. Buffer overload symptoms appear when the plotter,
after drawing normally for several minutes, begins to draw random
lines across the page. If this occurs, it is likely that the cable you are
using is not the correct one or that the types of flow control used by
Maxsurf and the chartplotter are not the same.

Cables Most plotters use standard cables. The Houston Instruments range
requires an RS-232C female-female adapter on the plotter side and
the Graphtec range requires a special connection cable. If you are
using a Macintosh Plus/SE/II you will need the MacXL to Imagewriter
II printer cable.

In all Graphtec plotters, the following cable interface must be

inserted between the Imagewriter cable and the RS-232C port of the

Note: Pins 4 and 5 are soldered together on the Graphtec end.

For Houston Instruments plotters, a female-female adapter is

required on the plotter side to connect the Imagewriter cable.

Page 129
Appendix B - Data Export

Maxsurf provides a number of alternative methods to transfer data

between Maxsurf and other applications on other computers. Each
of the different data transfer methods has advantages and
disadvantages. This technical note will help you determine which
method is best suited for your job.

Broadly speaking data sharing can be divided into five types.

1. Images and Text

2. 2D Drawing Data

Page 130
3. 3D Drawing Data
4. Layout Booklet Data
5. 3D Surface Description

1. Images and Text Maxsurf supports transferring images and text tables to the
clipboard or pointer for use in other applications. (If you are not
familiar with copying information to the clipboard, consult the
manual for your computer or operating system.) In Maxsurf you can
copy images using the Copy command in the Edit menu.

The Copy dialog box allows you to choose the scale at which you
want to copy the image. An image from the clipboard can be pasted
into word processors, desktop publishing programs, or drawing

The main disadvantage of the images is their limited resolution.

Images on the Macintosh only store their shapes at 72 dots per inch
(the same resolution as the Macintosh screen). This means that
curves copied from Maxsurf to the clipboard will appear distorted
when printed on an ImageWriter or LaserWriter printer, since the
precision of the end points of those lines is limited to 1/72 of an inch.
Below is an example of this problem.

This effect can be minimized by copying at a large scale and then

reducing the image size in the target application. Claris CAD, for
example, has a 'Rescale when Pasting' option that allows you to
reduce a set of lines copied to the clipboard from Maxsurf at a 1:1
scale to the scale you are currently using.

Postscript Files An alternative to the Macintosh image format is the Encapsulated

Postscript file (EPS or EPSF). This is a high-quality 2D drawing file that
is compatible with many illustration, desktop publishing, and word
processing programs.

Copying Text As with copying images to the clipboard, Maxsurf also allows you to
copy texts from the Control Points, Marks and Layout Book windows
to the clipboard. It is also possible to paste texts in these windows.

Before copying or pasting, it is necessary to select the range of data

that or over which you want to copy or paste. The graphics below
illustrate the options available to do this in Maxsurf. By

Page 131
Now, you can select a number, row, column, or the entire table of
data. In the next version of Maxsurf it will also be possible to select
an arbitrary rectangular range of numbers within the table, just as
can be done in a spreadsheet.

Text copied from Maxsurf will be placed on the clipboard in tab

delimited format. This means that each number is separated from
the next in the row by a Tab character and each row ends in a
carriage return. If you paste this text into a word processor or editor
such as MacWrite or Microsoft Word, the data will be displayed with
each row on a separate line and with tabs between the numbers. If
you paste the text into a spreadsheet such as Excel, the numbers will
be presented in individual cells exactly the same as they appear in
Maxsurf tables.

It is also possible to save the contents of the Control Points, Marks

and Layout Card windows as text files. With the appropriate window
in the foreground of the screen, choose Save As… from the File menu
and Maxsurf will save the contents of the window to a text file. This
data will also be in tab-delimited format, that is, the contents of the
text file will be exactly the same as the text placed on the clipboard if
you copy the entire table. Text files created in this way can be read in
a word processor or editor or in a spreadsheet.

If you want to write a program that reads data from Maxsurf, these
text files are an easy way to access the data. If you want to
accurately reconstruct a Maxsurf surface, you can read the positions
of the control points and use them to generate the surface
coordinates from the standard B-spline algorithm (see Appendix C

Note: There is no indication in the control point text file of the

surface flexibility in each direction, so these flexibilities will need to
be manually adjusted. For a more complete definition of the surface
see point 5 below.

2. 2D Drawing Data Maxsurf includes support for IGES and DXF files, the two most
commonly used exchange formats for computer-generated
drawings. These files are the most effective way to transfer line
drawings to a CAD system for subsequent drafting work.

Page 132
DXF is Drawing Exchange File format and was created by AutoCad. It
is supported by almost all CAD programs on Macintosh and other

IGES (International Graphics Exchange Standard) is widely supported

by CAD programs on all types of computers and is published by the
US Dept of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. IGES is also
generally supported by workstations and CAD programs working on
mainframe computers.

These files are the most accurate system for transferring line
drawings from Maxsurf to a CAD program with a data precision of
five decimal digits.

Note: Maxsurf designs copied by this procedure are copied with the
current Maxsurf precision. For best quality, set Maxsurf precision to
High or Highest before saving the file.

When you choose Export from the File menu with a drawing window
in the foreground, Maxsurf will present you with the Export dialog
box, allowing you to choose between saving the data in DXF or IGES
format. If you choose either option and click OK, Maxsurf will ask you
for the file name and allow you to save it to disk. This file will contain
the data in DXF or IGES formats that can be read in your CAD
program (for example, using the DXFIN command in AutoCad). Use
the 2D option in the Export dialog box to copy drawings by this

Note: Many programs (such as AutoCad) require an extension in the

name for both DXF and IGES file types. The file names must
therefore have the DXF or IGS extension.

Maxsurf supports the latest version of the DXF format and is

backward compatible up to version 10. It supports Line and Polyline
entities. Each contour generated in Maxsurf will be saved as a
Polyline in the DXF file.

Maxsurf supports the most recent version of IGES, 4.0. Supports

IGES entity type 106. Each contour generated in Maxsurf is saved as
a multi-segment contour with x,y,z coordinates.

3. 3D Drawing Data If you use your 3D CAD program, you can use the DXF or IGES
formats to save the Maxsurf design lines as three-dimensional lines
instead of 2D. This allows you to perform tasks such as three-
dimensional interior space planning. To use this option, simply set
the “Dimensions” button in the Copy dialog box to 3D, instead of 2D.

Page 133
Maxsurf supports 3DLine and 3DPolyline entities. Each contour
generated in Maxsurf will be saved as a 3Dpolyline in the DXF file.

Maxsurf supports IGES entities type 106, 128 and 141. Each contour
generated in Maxsurf will be saved as a multi-segment contour with
x,y,z coordinates.

4. Layout Card Points In addition to saving the chart point table as a text file from the
Offsets window (see section 1), Maxsurf can save Chart point data in
other formats suitable for be able to be read from other more
complex hydrostatic calculation systems. This is done with
HydroLink, a standalone application from the Maxsurf family.
HydroLink can read a Maxsurf design and save the Layout Chart
points in a format suitable for reading from the BMT Microship
calculation program. HydroLink also incorporates communications
software that allows you to directly send data from HydroLink via
cable to another computer.

5. 3D Surface Definition If you use a professional CAD program, such as Intergraph EMS, that
supports B-spline surfaces, Maxsurf supports IGES entities that allow
an exact description of the surface to be transferred from Maxsurf.
This is the most advanced and accurate way to transfer a model and
ensures that accuracy is maintained. To use this option, make sure
mesh display is enabled in Maxsurf and use the Export function to
export a 3D IGES format file. When your CAD program reads the
data, it will accept the surfaces and allow you to manipulate them
using the tools available in that program.

As with the usual contours, which are saved as an IGES type 106
entity, when mesh is activated Maxsurf will save an IGES type 128
entity for each Maxsurf surface. This entity is a NURB (Non Uniform
Rational B-spline) type surface with the positions of the control
points and information about the flexibility of the surface stored
within it.

If you want to create custom software that requires reading exact

descriptions of Maxsurf surfaces, we recommend that you support
reading IGES files and this particular entity as this is the most
effective way to access the description of Maxsurf surfaces.

Page 134
Appendix C - Surface
definition algorithms
This appendix describes the mathematical foundations of the
Maxsurf models and will be of interest to users who wish to write
software that reproduces Maxsurf surfaces.

Maxsurf constructs its shapes using the Rational B-spline

formulation as described in the IGES standard. Maxsurf uses a
uniform node vector. However, non-uniform node vectors are

B-spline curves and surfaces depend on a set of Basis functions that

define the influence of each control point at any given point on the
curve. The Base functions are determined by a vector of nodes T
where T={t0,...,tYo,ti+1,...,tm} ym=number of control points+order of the

curve. The parameter t varies between zero and n-k+2. In general,

the Basis function of the B-spline on a curve of degree p (order
k=p+1) is given by

1 if youYo=t<ti+1ytYo<ti+1
Ni,0(t) =
0 otherwise

Ni,p(t) =_ t-ti Ni,p-1(t) + ti+p+1-t Ni+1,p-1(t)

ti+ptYo ti+p+1-ti+1assuming 0/0=0.

Page 135
The elements of the vector of uniform nodes, tYo, are given by
tYo=0 1=i=k
tYo=ik k+1 = i = n+1
tYo=n-k+2 n+2 = i = n+k+1

where there are n+1 control points on the curve with k being the order of
the curve (k=p+1).

A rational B-spline surface is given by

m n

ΣΣ Ni,p(u) Nj,q(v) Wij Pij

i=0 j=0
S(u,v) = _______________________
m n

Σ ΣNi,p(u) Nj,q(v) Wij

i=0 j=0
where S(u,v) is a point on the B-spline surface with parametric
coordinates u,v,
Ni,p(u) and Nj,q(v) are the basis functions of the B-spline, Wijare the
rational values of weights, and Pijare the positions of the control

Page 136
The code in Pascal to implement the rational and uniform B-spline type surface is based on the
following variables -

Reads a Maxsurf Checkpoint File into the Cont_Points array.

Sets LimitU equal to the number of Control Point Columns. Sets

LimitV equal to the number of Control Point Rows.

Set KValU according to the Row Flexibility. Set

KValV according to Column Flexibility.

Flexibility - Linear = Order 2, Grade 1 (Linear)

Flexible = Order 3, Grade 2 (Quadratic)
Order 4, Grade 3 (Cubic)
Order 5, Grade 4
Rigid = Order 6, Grade 5

Call CalcSurface to create a B-spline parametric surface

{************************************************* ***************

Point_3D = RECORD
x : REAL;
and : REAL;
z : REAL

ControlPoint4D = RECORD
x : REAL;
and : REAL;
z : REAL
h : REAL;
knotN,knotK,I_Main :INTEGER;
limitU,limitV :INTEGER;
Cont_Points :ARRAY[0..15,0..15] OF

{************************************************* ****}


{******************************************* **********}

Page 137
IF i < knotK THEN
KnotVal := 0
IF i > knotN THEN
KnotVal := knotN - knotK + 2 ELSE

KnotVal := i - knotK + 1; Knot :=


{************************************************* ****}


{************************************************* ****}
v :REAL;
IF k = 1 THEN
v := 0;
IF (Knot(i) <= u) & (u < Knot(i + 1)) THEN
v := 1;
IF (u = knotN - knotK + 2) & (I_Main = KnotN) THEN
v := 1;
v := 0;
t := Knot(i + k - 1) - Knot(i); IF t <> 0 THEN

v := (u - Knot(i)) * Bspline (i,(k - 1),u)/ t; t := Knot(i + k) - Knot(i +

IF t <> 0 THEN
v := v + (Knot(i + k) - u) * Bspline(i + 1,(k -
Bspline := v;

{************************************************* ****}


{************************************************* ****}

Page 138
IF K > n + 1 THEN
K := n + 1;
u := u * (n - K + 2); I_Main :=
KnotK := K;
KnotN := n;
Calc_Bval := Bspline(i,K,u); END;

Page 139
{************************************************* ****}
FUNCTION Calc_Point(U,V:REAL):Point_3D;


{**************************************** *************}

b :REAL;
shape_pt :Point_3D;
shape_pt.x := 0;
shape_pt.y := 0;
shape_pt.z := 0;
D:= 0;
FOR i := 0 to limitU DO
FOR j := 0 to limitV DO
B := Calc_Bval(KValU,i,limitU,U) *
Calc_Bval(KValV,j,limitV,V) *
D := D + B;
shape_pt.x := shape_pt.x + Cont_Points [i,j].x *
shape_pt.y := shape_pt.y + Cont_Points [i,j].y *
shape_pt.z := shape_pt.z + Cont_Points [i,j].z *
shape_pt.x := shape_pt.x / D;
shape_pt.y := shape_pt.y / D;
shape_pt.z := shape_pt.z / D;
Calc_Point := shape_pt;

PROCEDURE CalcSurface;
{************************************************* ****}


{***************************************** ************}
Res = 32;
surface :ARRAY[0..Res,0..Res] OF Point_3D; :INTEGER;

FOR l := 0 to Res DO
FOR m := 0 to Res DO
Surface[l,m] := Calc_Point(l/Res,m/Res);

Page 140

Appendix D - Command Keys

There are several functions in Maxsurf that are not obvious to the
user, since they are activated by key combinations. Most of them are
described in the Maxsurf documentation, but they are scattered
throughout several sections, while in other cases the orders are not
documented as they have been included for the purpose of
facilitating debugging work.

This is a summary of the various key combinations and their effects-

• Uppercase - point selection–Select multiple Checkpoints.

• Shift - point drag–Restricts movements to horizontal or vertical

• Command - Option - 3–Dumps the contents of the active drawing
window to a PICT file.
• Option - Plot–On the Macintosh, this command saves a text file of
plotter commands instead of sending them directly to the plotter.

• Option - Copy–On the Macintosh, this command copies the

column headers along with the data into a data window such as
Control Points or Marks.
• Uppercase - Save–Saves the current hull shape as the default
surface, that is, one of the surfaces displayed when the add surface
command is selected.
• Option - PlotorOption - Copy–On the Macintosh, this command
disables the algorithm that removes excess curve segments.

• Option - Animate–On the Macintosh, this command saves the

animation to a Quicktime movie.
• Option – Uppercase - Animate–On the Macintosh, this command
saves the animation as a PICS file suitable for Macromind Director.

Page 141

Opening a Design 15 Close 110

Open 110 Clipping 115
Grouping Control Points 79 Grouping Color 113
117 Starting 14
Group vs. Compact 79 Adjusting Command Keys 146
Communication Parameters 103 Aligning Compacting control points 78 Compacting
Control Points 74 118
Aligning surfaces 85 Aligning Compress 121
Surfaces 119 Enlarging the image Configure Plotter 111
(Zoom) 35 Enlarging or reducing Contours 122
the image 35 Adding elements to Flow Control – Hardwire vs. Xon/Xoff. 133
the Grid 99 Adding Marks 46 Straightening Controls 117
Smoothing Controls 117
Adding new Surfaces 82 Copying 106
Adding control points 67 Copying numerical data 107
Adding a Column 31 Adding a Copying the Layout Chart 54
Row 29 Copying Text 136
Adding a Surface 19 Add Copying and Pasting Grid Elements 99
117 Copy 112
Add Brand 112 Cut 112
Add Surface 119 Creating your first design 19
Animation 126 Creating custom paper sizes 103 Curl 122
Appendix A - Plotter Plot 132
Appendix B - Data Export 135 Surface Curvature 65
Appendix C - Surface definition algorithms 140
2D Drawing Data 137 3D Drawing Data
Appendix D - Command Keys 146 138 Control Point Data 69 Defining 3D
Postscript Files 136 Surface 139 Defining the Zone Division
Arcs of Circumference 57 Point 40 Ungroup) 117
Arcs of Ellipse 58
Starting Maxsurf 15
Assigning materials to surfaces 93 Unmask 118
Assigning Memory on Macintosh 14 Undo 112
Attributes 120 Screen Scrolling 113 Screen
Surface Attributes 62 Scrolling (Pan) 36 Discontinuities
Enlarge Image 113 and Knuckles 79 Zoom Out Image
Bibliography 13 Duplicating Surfaces 84
Data Bits 132 Duplicating Surface 119
Stop Bits 132
Lock 119 Reading Mark Files 49 Reducing
Bond Edges 117 Lining Thickness 52 The Origin of
Coordinates 96 Deleting Grid
Cables 133 Elements 100 Deleting Marks 47
Chain 130
Calculating the Layout Chart 52 Eliminating Control Points 33, 68
Calculate areas 130 Eliminating Surfaces 83
Calculate Layout Booklet 130 Delete 117

Page 142
Delete Brand) 112 Edit Menu 112
Delete Surface 119 File Menu 110
Masking 115 Surfaces Menu 119
Masking the Control Point Mesh 81 View Menu 113
Half 121
Mask 117 Modeling Edges 20
Writing a Layout Chart Point File 55 Modifying Grid elements 98
Modifying Marks 48
Shape Plane Grid Spacing 129 Spacing Grid Modifying Control Points 49 Showing
Elements 100 the Control Point Mesh 25 Showing
Text Style 114 Clipped Surfaces 89 Moving Surface 119
Export 111
Expressions 42 Moving Control Points 17, 69
Moving Surfaces 83
Setting the display format of Control Points 50
Brightness Level 66 Normal
Setting minimum margins to Surface 122 New 110
106 Set Default View 113
Fill Down 112 Surface Flexibility 60
Shape 121 Operations with complete surfaces 82
Ordering Grid elements 99 Orders
File Formats 106 Force affected by the union of edges 77 Origin
Coordinates 70, 118 of coordinates 129
Internal Functions 43
Bread 36
Saving Spreadsheet 45 Parametrics 125
Saving Your Design 25 Parity 133
Save 110 Paste 112
Save As 110 Customizing the Layout Chart 54
Accuracy 120
Images and 135 Surface Accuracy 64
Import 111 Preferences 114
Printing 105 Plotter Preferences 105
Color printing 105 Prepare Page 111
Print 111 Basic Principles 9
Print to Plotter 111 Printing 105
Local Influence 61 Processing in the background
Inserting Control Points 29 108 Layout Card Points 138
Installation 14 Control Points 67
Macintosh Installation 14
Windows Installation 14 Trimming Surfaces 86 Trimming
Discontinuing Maxsurf 109 122
Introduction 8 Reducing the image (Shrinking) 36
Maxsurf reference 110
The analogy of the bead and the spring 9 Shape Plane Grid 122 Render
The Control Box 27 126
The Grid of the Plane of Forms 97 Solving Calculations 43
Restricting Movements 69
Mesh 121 Rotating Surfaces 85
Keeping an Orderly Mesh 26 Rotate surface 119
Marks 122
Frame of Reference 95, 129 Data Output 103
Controls Menu 117 Exiting Maxsurf 111
Data Menu 128 Separating Edges 76
Display Menu 121 Separate Edges 117
Shrink 36
Symmetry of Surfaces 84
Horizontal Symmetry 119
Vertical Symmetry 119
Command Syntax 42
Smoothing or Straightening a patch 73
Smoothing and Straightening 71
Surfaces 56
Circular and elliptical surfaces 58
Developable Surfaces 90

Size 128
Alternative surface types 60
Surface Types 56
Plotter layout 103 Layout and
selection of scales 104 Units 43,
Joining edges of two surfaces 76 Joining edges
within the same surface 77 Joining Edges 76

Using Maxsurf 34

Internal Variables 42
Transmission speed (Baud rate) 132 Body
Plan Window 27 Body Plan Window 37
Calculations Window 41

Layout Chart Window 51 Area

Curve Window 50 Marks
Window 45
Control Points Window 49
Perspective View Window 40
Windows 34
Visibility 119
Default View 113
Default View (Home View) 37 Viewing
Split Frames 39 Viewing Shapes 71

Viewing the Control Points Mesh 71 Viewing

the Control Points 70 Half Hull Viewing 38

Viewing Brands 46
Viewing points of the Layout Chart 54

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