Ryan Dexter Roche - Week 6 Worksheets (Pred 2011)

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Course and Year/Section: BEED 1st year A
Class Schedule:

Module 13: Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles-MIDTERM

[Week No.6]

Topic Title: Cognitive Development of Infants and Toddlers

Activating Prior Knowledge

Answer the following questions:
1. Do you remember anything about yourself when you were two years old? Share
something here.
ANSWER: Yes I remember when I was in room of my auntie while playing then
I broke the flower vase then she slap my ass and I cry a lot then for another
day she smile at me then she give me an ice cream for her forgiveness I really
remember it because I know I made a mistake but she apologized.

2. At what age were your first memories? Share those memories here:
ANSWER: When I was in 6 years old when my mother gift me an small bike.

It is said that children learn language faster than adults. Why is this so? Give your
ANSWER: For me children learn language faster than adults because As a
youngster grows older, his or her brain determines which of all the new
information is the most relevant.
Studies show that when parents, teachers and caregivers talk more to children and
ask any questions, they create more stimulating language environments for their
children. What recommendations can you give to parents for them to provide
stimulating language environments? You may want to do further research on them
or from what you observe to others. Give at least 3 recommendations.
1.Make it easier for them to listen.
2.Face your child or sit down with them.
3. Use simple words.

Learning Exercise
Test Your Understanding
___A___1. In which order do the following substages of Piaget’s sensorimotor stage take
place in the toddler’s cognitive development?
1. Simple reflexes
2. First habits and primary circular reactions phase
3. Secondary circular reactions phase
4. Coordination of secondary circulation reactions stage
5. Tertiary circular reactions, novelty and curiosity
6. Internationalization of schemes
a. 1-2-3-4-5-6 c. 6-5-1-2-3-4
b. 2-3-1-4-6-5 d. 1-3-4-2-5-6
___A___2. Which practice can enhance cognitive development among toddlers?
a. Shared reading
b. Early enrollment in found school
c. Making child compete with other toddlers
d. Buying expensive toys for the toddler

Read research related to cognitive development of infants and toddlers. Give a
summary of the research by filling out the matrix.

Problem Research Methodology

Children from eight LMICs were

Millions of children in low-income
followed from birth to 24 months to
and middle-income countries are at
understand the influence of repeated
risk of not reaching their full
enteric infections on child growth
cognitive potential. Malnutrition
and development. Data from six sites
and enteric infections in early life
evaluated associations between
are implicated as risk factors. Here,
infection, illness, home
we examine the interaction between
environment, micronutrient intake
infections and illness on cognitive
and status, maternal reasoning, and
development in LMIC community
cognitive development at 24 months.

Findings Conclusions

Children with lower environmental Targeting of interventions to

health/safety scores and lower improve cognitive development
intakes of vitamin B6 and folate had should include improving the safety
more enteropathogenic detections and healthfulness of the child's
and illness in the first 17 days of environment, according to the
life. Lower weight infants were more authors.
susceptible to the negative effects of
enteropathogenesis and illness.

Based on Piaget’s sensorimotor stage and the first year of pre-operational stage of
cognitive development, reflect on how you, as a mother/future mother or nursery
teacher can:
1. Enhance infant and toddlers’ cognitive development
ANSWER: As a future teacher I enhance the infant through teach a playing
that combine dancing, singing and do a simple jigsaw puzzles, building
boxes or play with cardboard boxes.

2. Impede infants and toddlers’ cognitive development

ANSWER: As a future Teacher I can teach it slowly and make it easy to
every child who did not easy to cope up the problems or the activities.

Module 14: Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles-MIDTERM

[Week No.6]

Topic Title: Socio-emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers

Activating Prior Knowledge
Read Nolte’s poem then answer the following questions:
1. Do you agree with D. Nolte’s poem?

2. Which line of the poem is most meaningful to you? Explain.

ANSWER: The most meaningful line for me is “If children live with
encouragement They can learn confidence” because for me it is one of big
thing to help our children to grow as a better person. If the children live
with encourage he/she will have a strong courage to do good things.

Analysis: Answer the following questions.
1. Based on Nolte’s poem, which plays a very important role in the socio-emotional
development of children?
ANSWER:If the children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a
nice place in which to live.

2. From what kind of home environment do children who are well adjusted most
probably come? What about maladjusted children?
ANSWER: A well adjusted child is given the chance to grow at their own
pace, given plenty of opportunity to experience all facets of life and not
sheltered from the truth. I cant speak on behalf of the maladjusted child
other than to say that the parents go it wrong, not to child.

3. State in a sentence what the poem is saying about a child’s socio-emotional

ANSWER: In the poem tells how the child learn what they live in this

Guide Questions for Ideal Parenting and Caregiving

● You must have experienced babysitting or serving as one at present. Determine

if your child care was/is ideal:
● How ideal are you as a parent or caregiver? Try to answer these guide questions
to find out. Rate yourself from 1-4, 1 as the lowest and 4 as the highest. Put a
check in your desired number.

1 2 3 4

1. Are you generally in good spirits and encouraging when

interacting with the child?

2. Do you smile often at the child?

3. Do you hug the child, pat the child on the back or hold the
child’s hand?

4. Do you comfort the child?

5. Do you repeat the child’s words, comment on what the child

says or tries to say and answer the child’s questions?

6. Do you encourage the child to talk or communicate by asking

questions that the child can answer easily, such as “yes” or
“no” questions, or asking about a family member or toy?

7. Do you talk in other ways, such as praising or encouraging;

teaching by having the child repeat phrases or naming
shapes; singing songs; and telling stories?
Learning Exercise
Test Your Understanding
_A____1. What does the social phenomenon of attachment mean in an infant’s and
toddler’s healthy socio-emotional development?
The infant/toddler…
a. Wants to interact with people and the world
b. Understands that mother continues to exist even if she is not seen
c. Needs to establish an enduring emotional bond manifested in a tendency to
maintain closeness to a specific figure
d. Thrives on social interaction
__D___2. Which is/are TRUE of the infant and toddler socio-emotionally?
I. Can self-regulate feeling/emotions
II. Capable of empathy
III. Develops healthy attachments to significant adults
a. I and II c. I and III
b. II and III d. I, II and III

I and III 3. Which does an infant learn when caregivers are neglectful or even abusive?
I. Learns mistrust
II. Learns trust
III. Learns that the world is hostile
a. I and II c. I and II
b. II and III d. I, II and III

Expound on this idea by coming up with a video clip of not more than 1 minute. Save/
upload your video in your google drive and you just have to give me the link. Copy the
link and paste it in the private comment section of this worksheet in google classroom

“The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the world.”

Read and reflect on the given situations. Choose only one situation you would like to
reflect with yourself.

Situation 1.
Based on stories you heard from your parents and grandparents about your first two
years in the world, reflect on the kind of micro system as explained by Bronfenbrenner
that you have had as an infant and as a child. How has it affected you?
Situation 2
One theme of Erikson’s basic philosophy is that failure is cumulative. True, in many
cases an individual who has to deal with horrendous circumstances as a child may be
unable to negotiate later stages as easily as someone who didn’t have as many
challenges early on. For example, we know that orphans who weren’t held or stroked
as infants have an extremely hard time connecting with others when they become
adults. (http://www.learningplaceonline.com/stages/organize/Erikson,htm)
Do you believe that there are exceptions? Reflect and, if you can, cite concrete
examples. Don’t forget to give yourself as an example if it can be!


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