CH 2

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Chapter 2

Electric Circuit Elements

2.1 Circuit Elements (1)
Active Elements Passive Elements

• A dependent source is an active

element in which the source quantity
is controlled by another voltage or

• They have four different types: VCVS,

CCVS, VCCS, CCCS. Keep in minds the
Independent Dependant signs of dependent sources.
sources sources 2
2.1 Circuit Elements (2)
Example 1

Obtain the voltage v in the branch shown in Figure 2.1 for i2 = 1A.

Figure 2.1

2.1 Circuit Elements (3)


Voltage v is the sum of the current-independent

10V source and the current-dependent voltage
source vx.

Note that the factor 15 multiplying the control

current carries the units Ω.

Therefore, v = 10 + vx = 10 + 15(1) = 25 V

2.2 Capacitors and Inductors

2.2.1 Capacitors
2.2.2 Series and Parallel Capacitors
2.2.3 Inductors
2.2.4 Series and Parallel Inductors

2.2.1 Capacitors (1)
• A capacitor is a passive element designed
to store energy in its electric field.

• A capacitor consists of two conducting plates

separated by an insulator (or dielectric).
2.2.1 Capacitors (2)
• Capacitance C is the ratio of the charge q on one
plate of a capacitor to the voltage difference v
between the two plates, measured in farads (F).

q=C v  A
and C=

• Where  is the permittivity of the dielectric material

between the plates, A is the surface area of each
plate, d is the distance between the plates.
• Unit: F, pF (10–12), nF (10–9), and F (10–6)
2.2.1 Capacitors (3)
• If i is flowing into the +ve
terminal of C
– Charging => i is +ve
– Discharging => i is –ve

• The current-voltage relationship of capacitor

according to above convention is

dv 1 t
i =C
and v=
C 
i d t + v(t0 )

2.2.1 Capacitors (4)
• The energy, w, stored in
the capacitor is

w= Cv 2

• A capacitor is
– an open circuit to dc (dv/dt = 0).
– its voltage cannot change abruptly.

2.2.1 Capacitors (5)
Example 2

The current through a 100-F capacitor is

i(t) = 50 sin(120 t) mA.

Calculate the voltage across it at t =1 ms and

t = 5 ms.

Take v(0) =0.

v(1ms) = 93.14mV
v(5ms) = 1.7361V
2.2.2 Series and Parallel
Capacitors (1)
• The equivalent capacitance of N parallel-
connected capacitors is the sum of the individual

Ceq = C1 + C2 + ... + CN

2.2.2 Series and Parallel
Capacitors (2)
• The equivalent capacitance of N series-connected
capacitors is the reciprocal of the sum of the
reciprocals of the individual capacitances.

1 1 1 1
= + + ... +
C eq C1 C 2 CN

2.2.2 Series and Parallel
Capacitors (3)
Example 3
Find the equivalent capacitance seen at the
terminals of the circuit in the circuit shown below:

Ceq = 40F

2.2.2 Series and Parallel
Capacitors (4)
Example 4
Find the voltage across each of the capacitors in
the circuit shown below:

v1 = 30V
v2 = 30V
v3 = 10V
v4 = 20V

2.2.3 Inductors (1)
• An inductor is a passive element designed
to store energy in its magnetic field.

• An inductor consists of a coil of conducting wire.

2.2.3 Inductors (2)
• Inductance is the property whereby an inductor
exhibits opposition to the change of current
flowing through it, measured in henrys (H).

di N2  A
v=L and L=
dt l

• The unit of inductors is Henry (H), mH (10–3)

and H (10–6).
2.2.3 Inductors (3)
• The current-voltage relationship of an inductor:

1 t
L t0
v (t ) d t + i (t 0 )

• The power stored by an inductor:

w = L i2
• An inductor acts like a short circuit to dc (di/dt = 0)
and its current cannot change abruptly. 17
2.2.3 Inductors (4)
Example 5
The terminal voltage of a 2-H
inductor is
v = 10(1-t) V

Find the current flowing through it at

t = 4 s and the energy stored in it
within 0 < t < 4 s.
Assume i(0) = 2 A. i(4s) = -18A
w(4s) = 324J

2.2.3 Inductors (5)
Example 6

Determine vc, iL, and the energy stored in the

capacitor and inductor in the circuit of circuit shown
below under dc conditions.

iL = 3A
vC = 3V
wL = 1.125J
wC = 9J
2.2.4 Series and Parallel
Inductors (1)
• The equivalent inductance of series-connected
inductors is the sum of the individual

Leq = L1 + L2 + ... + LN

2.2.4 Series and Parallel
Inductors (2)
• The equivalent capacitance of parallel inductors
is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of
the individual inductances.

1 1 1 1
= + + ... +
Leq L1 L2 LN

• Current and voltage relationship for R, L, C


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