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Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(9): 1614-1620, 2017 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050919

The Impact of Parental Level of Income on Students'

Academic Performance in High School in Japan
Chioma Henrietta Machebe*, Bernedeth N. Ezegbe, Joseph Onuoha

Department of Social Science Education, University of Nigeria, Nigeria

Copyright©2017 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract The socioeconomic status of a child parent of their children. Their involvement in the education of the
impacts on the educational development and achievement of children is of immense benefit to the child, the school and the
the child. This study evaluated the effect of socioeconomic parents as well [1]. A recent report [2], noted that children
status, specifically parents income and parents-child from parents that are more active in the process of imparting
relationship on student’s academic performance in Senior educational knowledge excel in their academic career and are
High School in Japan. Three hundred students of Senior often more productive in the society. With adequate care,
High Schools in Osaka and Hyogo prefectures of Japan were tutelage and active participation of parents in the child’s
randomly selected and used as the sample population. A educational activities like monitoring of homework,
well-structured questionnaire was used as an instrument for participation in extracurricular activities, parent-teacher
data collection to ascertain the effect of parent’s income association, and other school related activities, the child is
status and attitude on student’s academic performance at more likely to be courageous and as such do well at school.
school using a four point Likert scale methodology. Earlier report [3] indicate that the extent and form of parental
Academics grade point of students in an examination was involvement are strongly influenced by family social class,
also used as the determinant of students’ academic maternal level of education, material deprivation, maternal
achievement. Results showed that greater academic psycho-social health and single parent status and, to a lesser
achievement for a student is attained by those students from degree, by family ethnicity. Parents who are more involved
financially buoyant families (Mean ± SD = 2.97 ± 0.88, with their children's schooling become knowledgeable about
X2 = 11.991, P = 0.007), however, 29.7% of students strongly school goals and procedures [4]. In addition, they
disagree. More than half of respondents (>50%) disagree that communicate the importance of education to children and
financial constraint determines the number of children that help children learn strategies to enhance their perceptions of
goes to school in low income families. Average exam grade competence and control over achievement outcomes [5].
(Mean ± SD) points for students from parents with high, Among the several parental factors that have been linked to
medium and low-income status was 77.29 ± 13.1, 77.9 ± 23.3 their children academic achievements at school is the
and 80.79 ± 10.13, respectively (P > 0.05). In conclusion, our parent’s level of income. According to Mayer, a casual
finding show parents involvement in children school observation is that the children of affluent parents are more
likely to succeed in life than the children of poor parents
activities matter most than the parent’s financial status in
probably because the rich parents spend more than poor
uplifting the children academic performance in school. Our
parents on their children and these “investments” lead to
recommendation is that parents should always encourage
better outcomes for their children [6]. If the situation is
their children and provide moral support as well for the child
correct, the author also suggested that government can
to be emotionally stable and have confidence in their
improve the life chances of poor children by providing
academic pursuit to achieve excellence.
families with the means to make the investments or by
Keywords Socio-economic Status, Academic providing the investments directly in the form of schooling,
Achievement, High School, Family, Income health care, and other human capital inputs. It is not out of
place to imagine that parental socio-economic background
can have possible effects on the academic achievement of
children in school [7]. When parents are financially
capacitated, and also give moral support to the children by
1. Background/Objectives and Goals guiding their reading at home, the students perform better
than their counterparts. Although it has been argued that the
Parents play a pivotal role in the educational development most accurate predictor of students’ achievement is the
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(9): 1614-1620, 2017 1615

extent to which the family is involved in the child’s buoyant families. Data from the two prefectures was
education, and not the family‘s level of income [8]. It is not analyzed using chi-square statistic to test the null hypothesis
clear if the situation is the same across developed and and results presented as tables of frequencies and charts.
developing economies in the world. Japan is one of the Mean academic grade point of students (dependent variable)
leading economies in the world with a population of 126.88 was compared using ANOVA with parent income status as
million inhabitants as at December 1, 2015 an independent variable. The null hypotheses were tested at
( 5% level of significance.
It is documented that prior to the 21st century, Japanese
students established great academic achievements that were
admired worldwide [9]. These were evidenced in the 3. Results
student’s excellent achievements in mathematics and Results of the student’s response of the effect of parental
sciences. Unfortunately, these huge academic achievements
income on students’ academic performance are shown in
began to falter during the 21st century and the reason calls for
Table 1 and in Figures 1 to 5 [a & b] (Hyogo and Osaka
great concern and investigation. The aim of the present study
prefectures). Results showed that greater academic
was to evaluated the effect of socioeconomic status,
achievement for a student is attained by those students from
specifically parents income and parents-child relationship on
financially buoyant families (Mean ± SD = 2.97 ± 0.88,
student’s academic performance in Senior High School in
Japan X2 = 11.991, P = 0.007), however, 29.7% of students strongly
disagree. This was followed by parents’ financial constraint
as being the major determinant of the number of students that
will go to school in low income earned families (Mean ± SD
2. Methods = 2.50 ± 0.87). Collectively for both prefectures, more than
Three hundred students of Senior High Schools in two half (54.0%) of the students agree that parents who are
prefectures namely Osaka and Hyogo were randomly professionals encourage their children in academic activities
selected and used as the sample population. A (Figure 1b) while the other students have a contradictory
well-structured questionnaire was used as an instrument for opinion (46%). About 44% of students from both prefectures
data collection to ascertain the impact of parent’s income agree that students from well rich families are provided with
status on student’s academic performance in an examination. all the learning materials (figure 2b). In figure 3b, about 60%
This questionnaire was designed using four point Likert of students agree that mothers who work all day have less
scale (SA, strongly agree; A, agree; D, disagree; and SD, time to assist their children in out-of-school reading (Jukun).
strongly disagree) methodology with 2.5 as average decision While about half (50%) of students in Hyogo Prefecture
mark. Academics grade point of students in an examination disagree that financial constraint often determines how many
was also used as one of the variables considered to denote child will go to school in low income earned families, 47% of
students’ academic achievement. The students opinion the students in Osaka prefecture agree to the statement
concerning parents income and their involvement in the (Figure 4a). However, on average, greater number of
student’s academic activities vis-à-vis students’ academic students disagree that financial constraint poses a threat to a
performance were ascertained by their responses to the number of children that are allowed to go to school in low
questions; (i) parents who are professionals encourage their income earned families (Fig. 4b). In Figures 5a and 5b, the
children academic activities; (ii) students from well rich entire students disagree that greater academic achievements
families have all the learning materials needed for studies (iii)
is attained by those from financially buoyant families.
mothers who work all day don’t have enough time to assist
Average examination grade (Mean ± SD) points for students
their children in out-of-school reading; (iv) financial
from parents with high, medium and low income status was
constraint often determine how many children will go to
77.29 ± 13.1, 77.9 ± 23.3 and 80.79 ± 10.13, respectively
school in low income earned families; and (v) greater
(P > 0.05; Table 2)
academic achievements is attained by those from financially
1616 The Impact of Parental Level of Income on Students' Academic Performance in High School in Japan

Table 1. Mean student’s response on influence of parental level of income on students’ academic performance

Items Mean ± SD Decision

Parents who are professionals encourage their children’s
2.24 0.76 M < 2.5
academic activities.
Students from highly rich families have all the learning
2.14 0.82 M < 2.5
materials needed for studies.
Mothers who work all days don’t have enough time to
2.00 0.70 M < 2.5
assist their children in out-of-school reading (Jukun).
Financial constraints often determine how many will go to
2.57 0.87 M > 2.5
school in low income earned families.
Greater academic achievement is attained by those from
2.97 0.88 M > 2.5
financially buoyant families.

Table 2. Effect of financial status of parents on students mean grade points of students (Mean ± SD)

Parents financial status Students grade point (%) Probability

High income 77.29 ± 13.10
Medium income 77.90 ± 23.30 0.56 NS
Low income 80.79 ± 10.13
NS –Not significant

Figure 1a. Parents who are professionals encourage their children academic activities

Figure 1b. Parents who are professionals encourage their children academic activities (Combined)
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(9): 1614-1620, 2017 1617

Figure 2a. Students from well rich families have all the learning materials needed for studies

Figure 2b. Students from well rich families have all the learning materials needed for studies (Combined)

Figure 3a. Mothers who work all day don't have enough time to assist their children in out-of-school readings
1618 The Impact of Parental Level of Income on Students' Academic Performance in High School in Japan

Figure 3b. Mothers who work all day don't have enough time to assist their children in out-of-school readings (Combined)

Figure 4a. Financial constraints often determine how many will go to school in low income earned families

Figure 4b. Financial constraints often determine how many will go to school in low income earned families (Combined)
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(9): 1614-1620, 2017 1619

Figure 5a. Greater academic achievement is attained by those from financially buoyant families

Figure 5b. Greater academic achievement is attained by those from financially buoyant families (Combined)

4. Discussion time to assist their children in out-of-school readings (Jukun).

For such mothers (especially single mothers) in Japan,
The present findings have demonstrated that the income finding the time and energy to help their kids keep up at
level of parents impacts on the academic achievements of the school is often difficult and as such the academic
students. Also, parents have a critical role to play in performance of the child is hampered [11]. Reports in
improving the academic achievements of their children by literature [12] have demonstrated that parental involvement
providing the moral, financial and material support needed is key in facilitating academic achievement of children. In
for their children to be encouraged to perform academically Japan, it is known that a huge financial investment is
at school. This agrees with a report that parents have a key required by parents to sustain their children in High School.
role to play in advancing the academic achievement of their As reported, one in six Japanese Children lives in poverty
children [3]. According to a report in the literature, parents and the prospect of acquiring a good education is often
who are more involved with their children's schooling hampered by their parent’s inability to finance their
become knowledgeable about school goals and procedures schooling to High School [11]. On average, our finding show
[4]. Indeed, other reports indicate that parents’ education and that Japan High school students disagree with the opinion
family income positively influence the types of that financial constraint is a determinant for knowing the
literacy-related materials, behavior in the home and parents number of children that will go to school in low income
and child relationship [10]. Our finding also shows that earned families (39%). This may not be surprising since
children from parents who are professionals have the Japan has a compulsory education till the age of 15 which is
capability and potential to perform better and improve in relatively free during the period up to Junior High School in
their academic pursuit probably because of the provision of public schools [11]. In addition, although 45% of students in
learning materials needed by their children. On the other High School in the two prefectures disagree that a greater
hand, it has been argued that in Japan such parents are academic achievement is attained by students from
sometimes too busy at work and spend less time on their financially buoyant families, an analysis of means of the
children school activities [11]. This is in line with our present sample population for the variable shows a mean of 2.97
findings that mothers who work all day don’t have enough which is greater than the 2.5 average point indicating that
1620 The Impact of Parental Level of Income on Students' Academic Performance in High School in Japan

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