Parental Education and Academic Performance of Students at Secondary Level

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International Journal of Advanced Education and Research

ISSN: 2455-5746, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.34
Volume 1; Issue 3; March 2016; Page No. 26-29

Parental education and academic performance of students at secondary level

Dr. Sunita Singh, 2 Nandita Horo, 3 Dr. Vinod Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor, faculty of education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
TGT, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Lumding, Assam
Assistant Professor, Faculty of education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Parents’ education level determines the education of the children for a long. The school performances of the children are greatly
affected by the home. The objectives of presents study are 1) To assess the level of parental education of students at secondary
level. 2) To study the academic performance of students at secondary level. 3) To find out the relationship between parental
education and academic performance of students at secondary level. Ex-post facto was used. Data were collected on 100 students
of class IX, Kendriya Vidyalya Lumding, Assam. In the present study two tools were used for collection of data i.e. Inquiry form -
For collection of data on parental education and School Performance Record (SA-I, record on the basis of CCE pattern conducted
by the school) to know the performance of the students in the Science and technology, English and Mathematics.

Keywords: parental education, academic performance, secondary level students

Introduction Students achievement exaggerated by home environment and

It is universally accepted that education is the basic input for parental involvement. (Avinashilingan, et al 2005,
any sustainable development, especially in the context of Vamadevappa, H.V. 2005, Ahuja and Goyal 2006, Rajani
socio-economic development. Elementary education is the Dingra and Sarika Manhas 2009) [2, 1, 15]. Family
fundamental right of all children within the age group 6-14 as authoritativeness also affects the performance of child (Heaven
per the 86th Constitution Amendment Act, 2002 (Article 21A). and Ciarrochi 2008) [6]. Achievement of the students having
The National Policy on Education (NPE, 1986), POA (1992), favorable family climate are better than students having
National Curriculum Framework (2005) accorded top priority unfavorable climate (Kalra, R. et al 2004). Parents are likely to
for achieving the goals of universalization of elementary create an environment that is intellectually stimulating for a
education. child. This hidden curriculum at home depends on parental
A child is born in an environment, live and grows there. During education. Education and occupation of parents positively
the process the child tries to understand environment. As the influence the academic achievement of students (Suman Bala
children grow older, the environment, particularly the family 2011) [18]. The academic performance of the students of one
plays an important role in ensuring his/her proper development. parent working group was better than both parents working
The studies reveal that home stimulation makes a significant group (Saini, S. 2005, Pandey 2008) [12, 16, 13, 14].
difference in the activity level, and in the social, language, Parental education is also important in determining the
emotional intellectual growth of children. The home aspiration of the child. The educated parents convey their
environment includes factors like availability of modern expectations and belief more effectively and influence them to
equipment, books, magazines, and of course the quality of adapt a pattern of life. The illiterate parents may have
interaction between parents and the child. expectations but they fail to guide their child properly and
In India, a great majority of children receive very little direct him how to aspire high and achieve success. Children
stimulation at home. Neither do they get opportunity for cannot be properly trained in an illiterate environment.
attending pre-school where compensatory education may be Therefore to provide sound education before the children
attempted. At about 5 years of age where formal schooling of parental education is very essential. Parents’ education level
children usually begins, it is observed that a great majority of determines the education of the children for a long. The school
children in rural and tribal areas as well as in urban slums do performances of the children are greatly affected by the home
not go to the school. Poverty has been identified as sole factor (Kalra, R. et al (2004, Saini, 2005; NCERT, 2005,
responsible for the some children are supposed to help their Avinashiligan and Sharma 2005, Heaven and Ciarrochi 2008)
[12, 16, 9, 2, 6]
parents in earning their day to day livelihood. Elder children , school and the community etc.
have also to take care of their younger brother and sister at Parental socio-economic and educational background play an
home when their parents are up to for work during the day important role for academic achievement of elementary school
time. As these parents are illiterate, they are unable to children as found by many researchers (Diwedi, 2005, Kalra,
understand the importance of schooling. Home is regarded on al 2004, Saini, 2005; NCERT, 2005, Avinashiligan and
the first school of the child and parent on the first teacher. Sharma 2005, Heaven and Ciarrochi 2008) [12, 16, 9, 2, 6]. Most of
Parent is considered on main teacher of a child because most of the above studies have been conducted at elementary school
the child uses to spend their time at home rather than school education stage. Not a single study has been conducted in
and child learn various things from the home by their parents. secondary level. So the present study seeks to answer the

questions like: 1) what is the parental educational of secondary Result and discussion
school students? 2) What is the performance of students in Data were analyzed to use the various statistical methodslike
Language, Mathematics and Science? 3) Is there any difference frequencies, percentages, mean and chi-square test and
in the academic performance of secondary school students objective wise results are shown in tabulated form.
coming from different parental education level? The present The first objective of the study was to find out the level of
research is proposed to find the answer of above questions. parental education of students. The result has been shown in
Objectives of the Study the following table.
1. To assess the level of parental education of students at
secondary level. Table 1: Parental Education of Secondary School Students
2. To study the academic performance of students at Sl. Level of Parental Percentage
secondary level. Frequency
No. Education (%)
3. To find out the relationship between parental education 1 Low 21 21
and academic performance of students at secondary level. 2 Average 64 64
3 High 15 15
Hypothesis of the Study Total 100
There is no significant relationship exist between parental
education and academic performance of students at secondary

Design of the Study

In the present study researchers are try to find out the
relationship between parental education and the performance of
students hence descriptive survey ex-post facto type study is
used. Here the performance of students (Average score
obtained from SA-I in Science, Mathematics and English of K
V Lumding class IX students) was dependent variable and the
level of parental education (low, average and high) was the
independent variable. All the students of secondary level in
Kendriya Vidyalaya’s situated under Silchar Region, Assam,
were the population of the study. The sample of this study Fig 4.1: Graphical representation of parental education.
comprises of 100 students of Class IX, Kendriya Vidyalaya
Lumding, Assam were selected purposively. In the present The above table and figure indicates that more than half of the
study two tools were used for collection of data i.e. Inquiry parents are having average level of education. It is observed
form - For collection of data on parental education etc. and that the average educational levels are those parents whose
School Performance Record (SA-I, record on the basis of CCE educational qualifications are Graduate and Higher Secondary
pattern conducted by the school) to know the performance of passed. Most of the parents are government employees (mostly
the students in the Science and technology, English and railway employees) as Lumding is a railway junction in Assam.
Mathematics. Inquiry form for Parents included personal The second objective of the study was to find out the academic
information of the parents like - Name of the respondent, age, performance of students at secondary level. The academic
sex, occupation, place of residence, qualification etc. Parental performance of students of class-IX, KV-Lumding, Assam in
educations collected as per the inquiry form. In the present SA-I test, have been shown in the following table.
study five type of educational level i.e. illiterate, secondary
(10), senior secondary (10+2), graduation and post-graduation Table 2: Academic Performance of Students.
were identified. For calculating the level of education of each Sl. Level of Academic Percentage
parent, it was divided in three parts High educated, Average Frequency
No. Performance (%)
educated and Low educated. High educated has been assigned 1 Low 24 24
to the parents who were post graduate, average educated were 2 Average 65 65
assigned to those who have Graduate and Secondary level 3 High 11 11
education and low educated were assigned to the parents who Total 100
were having elementary education or illiterate. School
Performance Record included summative assessment–I
(conducted by K. V. Lumding) for three subject, these are
Science and technology, Mathematics and English.
Achievement of students categorizes as high performance,
average performance and Low performance. High performance
was assigned to those students who obtained their average
score more than or equal to 80%, average performance was
assigned to those students who obtained their average score
between 41% to 79%, Low performance was assigned to those
students who obtained their average score less than or equal to
40%. Summative assessment test comprise multiple type Fig 4.2: Graphical representation of academic performance of
question, short answer objective question. students.
The above table and graph shows that majority of students have aware of their studies. Summative Test is conducted at the mid-
average level of academic performance. The average session where nearly two-third syllabus (April to September
performing students have scored between 41 to 79% in their syllabus) is completed.
SA-I, test performance. The students of Class-IX are generally

Table 3: Overall Academic Performances of Students in Science, Mathematics and English.

Level of Academic Performance Low Performers Average Performers High Performers
Subjects (no. of students) (no. of students) (no. of students)
Science 8 67 25 100
Mathematics 12 61 27 100
English 20 61 19 100
40 189 71 300

good, may be also due to fact that parents and students want to
opt for science stream in future for which they are working
hard. In Mathematics majority of students are average
performers. General awareness is seen among the students to
perform well. Mathematics being a subject of logical approach
and with practice interest’s students. Since this is the formative
years of study for higher secondary classes, teachers to take
proper care for the studies. Parents and Students in general
want to opt for engineering and other Mathematics demanding
streams so try to perform well through their combined efforts.
Majority of students are average performers in English. In
comparison to Science and Mathematics, we find maximum
number of low performers in English. This may be due to the
Fig 4.3: Graphical representation of comparison in overall academic fact that local language, regional language has an influence on
performance of 100 students in Science, Mathematics and English the child. English is the first language in school but in actual
practice it comes after ones mother tongue which is the first
The above table and graph revealed that majority of students spoken language of the child. Another reason of low
are average performers in Science 67%. The new CCE pattern performance in English may be due to the fact that there is gap
of education has given enough scope for step-wise learning, between spoken English and writing English which lowers the
understanding, through demonstration, practical etc. The performance.
subject was made interesting through various activities which The third objective of the study was to find out the relationship
helped in the performance of students. Proper infrastructures of between parental education and academic performance of
laboratory are available which help the teachers and students in students at secondary level. The result has been shown in the
the teaching learning process. The performance of students was following table.

Table 4: Students Performance and Parental Education

Students Performance
Low Average High Total
Parental Education
Low 3 (5.4)* 12 (13.65)* 6 (2.31)* 21
Average 13 (15.36)* 47 (41.6)* 4 (7.04)* 64
High 8 (3.6)* 6 (9.75)* 1 (1.65)* 15
Total 24 65 11 100
* Number within the bracket indicates the expected frequencies.

The chi-square value is 13.56 with df. 4 which is not parents are educated and sincere towards education of their
significant at 0.01 level (table value=13.27). There is ward. If parents aware about importance of education then they
significant relationship exist between parental Education and worried about their child performance and try to focus on their
academic performance of students at secondary level. Parental study It is therefore concluded that Parental Education has a
Education influences the academic performance of students. role on Academic Performance of the child. Findings have also
Those parents, who take interest in their wards studies, go been supported by the studies of, Vamadevappa (2005),
through their books, give them time and are aware of the trends Hill(2001) Barbara, R.D(2001) [4], Devi. al (2003) [5],
of education, see better performance by their children. Home Karla, al (2004), Saini (2005) [12, 16] and NCERT (2007).
environment too has a role in academic performance of the
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social) which is reflected in the academic performance. background. The average levels of educational background
Parenting is a dynamic task. When parents show their loving, are those parents whose educational qualifications are
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