Second Quarter Examination in Practical Research 2 - Grade 12

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DIRECTION: Choose the letter that corresponds to the right 8. When can we consider a research sample as "best?"
answer. Write your answer on your paper. A. representative of population
B. systematically chosen
1. What is the aim Ex post facto research design? C. conveniently represented
A. determine a cause from already existing effects. D. purposely selected
B. establish cause and effect relationship
C. observe and describe a phenomenon 9. Given that your study will use stratified random sampling,
D. identify association among variables wherein population of your scope is 250 with a computed sample
2. “Effects of Type of Music to Aesthetic Performance of Ballet size of 152, how many samples for each stratum will you have if
Dancers”, what is the appropriate research design for the given group 1 has 92, group 2 has 86, and group 3 has 72 population?
title? A. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 54, Group 3 = 46
A. Correlational C. Survey Research B. Group 1 = 56, Group 2 = 45, Group 3 = 51
B. Descriptive D. Experimental C. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 52, Group 3 = 44
D. Group 1 = 54, Group 2 = 56, Group 3 = 41
3. Mr. Canuc would like to know further the type of social media
used between the male and female SHS students of East Pagat 10. What type of reliability is measured by administering two tests
National High School. What is the appropriate research design to identical in all aspects except the actual wording of items?
be used in his study? A. Internal Consistency Reliability
A. Quasi-Experimental C. Correlational B. Equivalent Forms Reliability
B. Experimental D. Descriptive C. Test-retest reliability
D. Inter-rater Reliability
4. Based on item number 3, what appropriate statistical test
should Mr. Canuc used to answer his research problem? 11. What type of validity is when an instrument produces results
A. T-test for two dependent samples C. Chi-square similar to those of another instrument that will be employed in the
B. Spearman’s rho D. ANOVA future?
A. Predictive Validity C. Criterion Validity
5. Which of the following statements is true about the conduct of B. Face Validity D. Content Validity
experimental research?
A. There is no random assignment of individuals. 12. The Ability Test has been proven to predict the mathematical
B. Individual subjects are randomly assigned. skills of Senior High School students. What type of test validity is
C. Groups are exposed to presumed cause. shown in the example?
D. Intact groups are used. A. Construct Validity C. Content Validity
B. Criterion Validity D. Face Validity
6. What is the difference between quasi-experimental research
and experimental research? 13. What indicator of a good research instrument when items are
A. Only one dependent variable is used in quasi- arranged from simple to complex?
experimental research, while multiple dependent A. Easily Tabulated C. Valid and Reliable
variables can be used in quasi-experimental research. B. Sequential D. Concise
B. Intact groups are used in experimental, while quasi-
experimental randomly assigned individuals into groups. 14. What is the purpose of Pearson’s r as a statistical technique?
C. Participants for groups are randomly selected in To test the
experimental, but not quasi-experimental research. A. difference between sets of data from different groups.
D. The researcher controls the intervention in the B. difference between two sets of data from one group.
experimental group, but not quasi-experimental C. degree of effect research intervention or treatment.
research. D. relationship between two continuous variables.

7. Why would a researcher choose to use Simple Random 15. What statistical technique should be used for this research
Sampling as a sampling technique? problem, “You would like to determine the differences between
A. To consider giving equal chance to the member of the opinions of men and women on the COVID – 19 local
accessible population being selected as part of the government response?”
study. A. T-Test for two dependent samples
B. To make sure that all subcategories of the population B. T-Test for independent samples
are represented in the selection of sample. C. Two-way Chi-square
C. To group the entire population into clusters since the D. Pearson’s r
location of the samples are widely spread.
D. To systematically choose samples from a given list of
16. Which of the following is an unethical practice in research?
A. Informing participants that they are free to backout at 24. Which of the following is a graph that uses a line to represent
any time data?
B. Requiring the participants to continue until the study A. A Vertical graph C. A line graph
is done B. A pie chart D. A bar chart
C. Assuring participants of confidentiality of gathered
data 25. Which of the following is not necessary when preparing your
D. Securing informed consent data analysis?
A. Create a conclusion after gathering your data.
17. Which of the following is not considered part of descriptive B. Encode and organize your data for analysis.
statistic values? C. Prepare your research instruments.
A. Standard deviation C. Pearson’s r D. Begin gathering your data.
B. Variance D. Mean
26. To fight boredom, Cindy is trying her luck by selling milk tea
18. What kind of correlation exists when two variables have no during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. The table below
relationship with each other? shows the number of cups sold from March to July 2020. What is
A. Strong Negative Correlation the best interpretation of the graph below?
B. Strong Positive Correlation
C. Negative Correlation
D. No Correlation

19. Which one of the following is an advantage of using

A. It can encourage the participants to be open to the
researchers since their identity can be made
B. Some participants will not be able to complete the
required responses
C. Questionnaires may lack depth of answers from
participants. A. The graph shows that Cindy’s milk tea sales is doing
D. Some will not be able to return the questionnaire on good every month.
time. B. The graph shows that the month of May is the best-
selling month.
20. A study is conducted to determine the relationship between C. The graph shows that Cindy’s milk tea sales is not
the time spent in studying and scores in a quarterly exam among good. D. Cindy’s milk tea business is going to shut down
100 students of GRSHS-X. The result shows a correlational value soon.
of 0.98. What is the interpretation of this obtained result?
27. Which correlation is the weakest among the four?
A. The amount of time spent on studying is strongly A. -1.0 B. +.80 C.-0.6 D. +0.5
associated with the score in a quarterly exam.
B. The amount of time spent on studying is not 28. Which of the following statistical technique uses rankings
associated with the score in a quarterly exam. instead of actual values in computing the correlational values
C. The score in a quarterly exam is moderately between two sets of data?
associated with the amount of time spent on studying. A. Analysis of Variance C. Pearson’s r
D. The score in a quarterly exam is negatively B. Spearman’s Rho D. t-test
associated with the amount of time spent on studying.
29. What observational role is evident if an observer is known
21. Which of these is not a method of data collection? and recognized by the participants as part of their group or
A. Questionnaires C. Experiments community but has limited interaction with them?
B. Observations D. Interviews
A. Observer as participant B. Participant as observer
22. A correlation coefficient enables you to: C. Complete observer D. Complete participant
A. quantify the strength of the relationship between
variables. 30. What is a questionnaire?
B. evaluate whether two variables measure the same A. It is a tool for data interpretation.
values. B. It is a tool for data evaluation.
C. measure the difference between two quantities C. It is a tool for data collection.
D. establish whether the data is exact. D. It is a tool for data analysis.

23. What is the outcome when you reject the null hypothesis 31. What does practical implication means?
when it is false? A. the reality that would happen if certain situations are
A. Incorrect decision C. Type I Error satisfied B. the vague imagery of your research
B. Correct decision D. Type II Error C. the useful ways of doing things
D. implies a good practice B. Conclusion of the Study
32. Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in C. Limitations of the Study
the concluding part of the research paper? D. Abstract of the Study
A. Summary of research methodology, scope and 40. In writing the recommendations, where should the researcher
limitations, and recommendations. based its suggestions?
B. Summary of research methodology, conclusions, and A.Conceptual Framework of the Study
recommendations. B. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
C. Summary of findings, research methodology, and C. Summary of Findings of the Study
recommendations. D. Conclusions of the Study
D. Summary of findings, conclusion, and
recommendations. 41. Which of the following suggestions should you use in writing
your conclusion?
33. Which of the following statements best describes a
conclusion? A. a clear and simple language
B. mathematical symbols. .
A. makes logical connections between the various parts C. high jargon sentences
of the arguments starting from the hypotheses D. highfalutin words.
B. discuss the results and limitations about the topic
under study C. discuss the methodology of the study 42. Which of the following parts of the research paper serves as
D. discuss relevant literature a practical suggestion for future researchers?
A. Recommendations of the Study
34. Which of the following contents of the summary of findings is B. Conclusion of the Study
considered as the most important? C. Summary of Findings
A. Research findings from which the conclusion will be D. Abstract of the Study
derived. B. Brief restatement of the research
methodology. 43. Which of the following statements is the main purpose of
C. List of research questions and hypothesis. recommendations of your research study?
D. Overall research problem of the study.
A. provide a beneficial guide to resolve certain issues
35. Which of the following statements is addressed or answered that can possibly result in a beneficial outcome.
by your research conclusion? B. explain the methodology of your study.
A. every research inquiry you have in your research C. discuss the benefits of the participants.
study. D. long and narrated like a story.
B. the queries of the previous researchers.
C. the questions of the field experts. 44. Which part of the research conclusion refers to the logical
D. the hesitations of the researcher. relation of the current findings and its link to the theory used in
the study?
36. In presenting the conclusion of the study, what should be the A. Recommendations of the Study
guide of the researcher? B. Research Implications
A. Scope and Delimitation of the Study C. Summary of Findings
B. Research Questions of the Study D. Research Limitations
C. Methodology of the Study
D. Statistical Tests Used 45. Which of the following types of research implications is also
called convenient implications?
37. What is the purpose of the theoretical implications in your A. Theoretical Implication C. Practical Implication
conclusion part of the research study? B. Conceptual Implication D. Realistic Implication

A. reflect how literature presented supports or contrasts

the findings
B. reflect the results and findings based on reality Prepared By:
C. be indicated in your recommendations
D. be an important theory
38. Which of the following parts of the research paper refers to Subject Teacher
the brief restatement of the overall components of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study
C. Summary of Findings
D. Abstract of the Study Checked by:

39. Which of the following parts of the research paper answers BEVIAN M. TAUPAN
the research questions of the study? Teacher-In-Charge
A. Recommendations of the Study

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