PCU Learning Module 2 - Historical Sources

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Philippine Christian University

College of Education (CED)

Sampaloc I, City of Dasmarinas, 4114 Cavite


First Semester - AY 2023-2024

Professor: Mr. Arnold P. Santos, LPT.

Student’s Name: _________________________ Raw Score: _____ ________

Module 2

Course Readings in Philippine History (GENED1005)

Topic Historical Sources & Its Classification

1. Distinguish what a historical source and what is not.

2. Differentiate primary and secondary historical sources.
Learning Outcome(s)
3. Appreciate the inventory of historical sources within the
landscape of home and local community.

Instructor Mr. Arnold P. Santos, LPT.

Course Program: ____________________________ Date: ______________


Historical Sources

Classification of Relevance to
Meaning & Historiographic
Historical Sources:
Importance to Accounts/Narratives
Primary, Tertiary &
Historical Research Writing of


This Module 2 will give you an opportunity to explore on “Historical Sources.” With
the past as history’s main subject matter, the historian’s most important research tools are
historical sources. As you attempt to embark on the nature and rigors of doing historical
research, you will find yourself indulged in the diligent task of locating necessary historical
materials (artifacts) and selecting from among those you might find most relevant and
meaningful for a historical subject matter which you would like to make an investigation or
inquiry of.

History, like other academic disciplines, has come a long way as we have discussed in
our first lesson, but still has a lot of remaining tasks to do. It does not claim to render absolute
and exact judgment because as long as questions are continuously asked, and as long as time
and issues unfold, the study of history can never be complete until the truth is uncovered. The
task of a historian or a history student like you who may want to engage in historical research is
to organize the past that is being recreated so that it can offer significant lessons for your local
community, society, and to our nation’s progressing civilization as a whole.

It is the historian’s job or of a historical researcher like you to seek for the meaning of
recovering the past to let the people see the continuing relevance of provenance, memory,
remembering, and historical understanding for both the present and the future.

With the foregoing assertions, you will dwell on this lesson that tackles on historical
sources for you to be cognizant on the vital significance of sources in the writing of reliable
historical accounts/interpretations using “sources” as basis in the writing of “factual” historical
narratives which will somehow make your paper appear with integrity.

An inventory of primary and secondary resources is a performance task given for you to
make yourself become aware of your local community history. Such task will also awaken your
personal sense of historical consciousness thru the writing of autobiographic narratives using
certain primary sources that you may find available within the landscape of your home and
utilize them as your primary materials which will facilitate in the recollection of your past.


At the end of the lesson, you are expected to acquire the following competencies:
 Distinguish what a historical source and what is not.
 Differentiate primary and secondary historical sources.
 Appreciate the inventory of historical sources within the landscape of
home and local community.


 Take a screenshot of your house interior

where you can find antiquated stuffs and insert
within the given box below.

 Look around your home environment and try to find for any remains of antiquated
materials you may find in there. Collect as many as possible. You may be wondering
why they are kept by someone in your house. Ask that someone who is in possession of
such stuff and do a casual interview concerning the sentimental value of that material.
Videorecord your chitchat in 5-minute time and post the clip in the YouTube and insert
the link below.

Insert your interview YT link here


 Log-in to the your LMS and we shall proceed with the discussion about the topic:
Historical Sources. The PowerPoint presentation of the lesson is stored in the
“Resources tab.”
 Read and watch intently the provided materials.
 Do the following activities under the AO2 as given in the assignment tab.


What Are Historical Sources


Primary Sources for Historical Research


Historical Sources
Candelaria, JP. & Alporha, VC. (2018). Readings in Philippine history. (pp. 4-7). QC. Manila.

Video links:

Primary & Secondary Sources in History Explained


Using Primary and Secondary Sources


Historical Source Evaluation Explained


Historical Sources

What are historical sources based on the insights you learned from the videorecorded lectures
and e-literatures? Write on a succinct description of such using the provided space.

Historical sources come in different forms, like letters, newspapers, and

artifacts. These sources help us learn about the past. Primary sources are from the
time when history happened, like old letters or ancient coins. They give us a direct
look at what people saw and felt back then. Secondary sources are made by
experts who study history. They help us understand primary sources better. For
example, a primary source could be an old Roman coin, while a secondary source
might be a modern book about Roman history.

Source evaluation is super important in history. We need to make sure sources

are trustworthy and useful. To do this, we can check if the source is reliable and if
it helps with our topic. There are skills we can use to evaluate sources, like looking
at where it came from, who made it, and why. We also need to think about the time
and place it was made. This teaches us these skills and shows how to write about
them. This helps us feel more confident when we evaluate sources for our research.

In two paragraphs, expound the importance of historical sources in the writing of authentic and
reliable historical narratives/accounts using the image above as your guide for the framing of
your conceptual illustration.

This is Abu Ballas jars like time capsules from ancient Egypt. These old ceramic jars are like
secret messages left behind by people who lived thousands of years ago. When historians and
archaeologists study these jars, they can learn a lot about how those ancient Egyptians lived.
They find out what they ate, how they farmed, who they traded with, and even how they
made things back then.

Now, if we didn't have these jars. We'd have to rely on what other people wrote about
ancient Egypt, which might not always be completely true. But because we have these jars, it's
like having a direct line to the past. They're like eyewitnesses that tell us what happened back
then. So, these jars are like special keys that help us unlock the secrets of history and make
sure we're telling the true story of ancient Egypt.

Classification of Historical Sources

What are Primary


Primary sources are firsthand or

original pieces of information from

the past, like letters, diaries, and
photographs, that provide direct
evidence about historical events and

What are Secondary

Primary sources are original pieces

of evidence from the past, like diaries
and letters, while secondary sources
are materials created later, such as
history books and documentaries,
which analyze and interpret primary
sources and historical events.


 Within the landscape of your own home and local community, conduct
your personal inventory of the available primary and secondary sources.
Take a picture of them crop the captured images of those you found and
paste them within the given compartments below.


Refreshing Your Past

Writing Autobiographic Sketch
 Write your four-paragraph autobiographic sketch using certain primary
source/s (e.g. pictures, old stuff, shoes, etc.) which could help you recall
your past thus taking yourself to a memorable recollection of the
significant events in your life.


There’s also this blurred photograph in my baby album that shows me right after my birth
as my parents are looking really happy and excited about me. It reminds me of the day when I
first entered into this world. I remember this picture as a symbol of love and excitement when
I arrived.

My baby album has pictures of me as a baby. I was so cute with my chubby cheeks and
my teeth were yet to come. I remember when I was achieving my milestones as a cute baby.
These photographs are my time machines, which take me back to the moments when my first
step or my first word made my family very happy. These are pictures that show how I have
developed and transformed and how much my parents and other concerned people are about

The photographs were taken during my birthday parties when I was young with balloons,
and cake faces. These images recall all the happiness I have ever grown with. It reminds me
of the friends I made some of whom are still friends today.

The end pages of my album contain my baby pictures. This is my picture in school, with
certificates in hand and playing roles in school plays, all the way to upper grades. Pictures like
those remind me of the toil I took through my education, the teachers who assisted me, and
the dreams such as those that took root. My baby album is a journey into my past, reminding
me of the most important moments, and creating the person that I am today.

Candelaria, JP. & Alporha, VC. (2018). Readings in Philippine history. (pp. 4-7). QC. Manila.

History Skills. (2018, September 22). Primary and Secondary Sources in History Explained
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOXfArLq6uY ]

OSLIS Elementary Videos. (2018, August 3). Using Primary & Secondary Sources

History Skills. (2020, January 3). Historical Source Evaluation Explained

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_WyxYuvvis ].

In: F. Förster & H. Riemer (eds.), Desert Road Archaeology in Ancient Egypt and Beyond. Africa
Praehistorica 27 (Köln: Heinrich-Barth-Institut), 2013, pp. 339–379

Hendrickx, S., F. Förster & M. Eyckerman (2013), The Pharaonic pottery of the Abu Ballas Trail:
‘Filling stations’ along a desert highway in southwestern Egypt

Rubrics for Grading

Inventory of Historical Sources

a. Quality of Images 5 points
b. Quantity of Images 5 points
c. Accuracy of Classification 5 points
d. Creativity 5 points
Total 20 points

Autobiographic Sketch
e. Clarity of Narratives 5 points
f. Creativity & Cleanliness 5 points
g. Use of Primary Sources 20 points
h. Grammar & Spelling 5 points
Total 35 points

Accomplished by:

signature over printed name


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