King in Thorns (Tiers 3-6)

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The document discusses an adventure involving the Thorned Monarch fey and one of the founding members of the Pathfinder Society, Gregaro Voth. The Pathfinders work to take control of the fey's demiplane and transform it into a new Pathfinder lodge.

The founding members of the Pathfinder Society discovered a magical Door of Seasons guarded by the fey known as the Thorned Monarch. The Monarch taunted them about a treasure behind the door but said only one could enter. This started a rivalry between the Monarch and the founders.

Part 1 takes place in the northwestern part of the Mwangi Jungle, within the heart of the Mwangi Expanse.

Second Edition

year of

Scenario #2–00 Levels 3–6

King in Thorns
By Kate Baker and Dennis Muldoon
King in Thorns

Table of Contents
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Adventure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
AUTHORS Appendix 1: Level 3–4 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Kate Baker and Dennis Muldoon

EDITING LEAD Appendix 2: Level 5–6 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Leo Glass

Appendix 3: Art and Handouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Judy Bauer and Mark Moreland
Organized Play Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Yanis Cardin, Sandra Duchiewicz, Dion Harris, Marko
Horvatin, Luis Salas Lastra, and Fabio Rodrigues
GM Resources
CARTOGRAPHERS Campaign Home Page:
Jason Engle and Damien Mammoliti Books: Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Bestiary, Pathfinder Bestiary 2, and Pathfinder
Gamemastery Guide
Maps: Pathfinder Map Pack: Fungus Forest, Pathfinder Flip Mat: Ambush Sites Multipack,
Tony Barnett
Pathfinder Flip Mat Classics: Deep Forests, Starfinder Flip Mat: Jungle World
ORGANIZED PLAY MANAGING DEVELOPER Online Resource: Pathfinder Reference Document at
Linda Zayas-Palmer


Tonya Woldridge ScenAriO TAgS
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
CREATIVE DIRECTOR information on scenario tags, see the Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society at
James Jacobs
Glenn Elliott meTAPLOT
Erik Mona
Ready to face the Thorned Monarch—an ancient, evil fey that once vexed the Pathfinder
Society’s founders—the Pathfinders embark on an expedition through the Mwangi Expanse
to the location of a gateway the fey has long guarded, the Door of Seasons. They meet
HOW TO PLAY obstacles along the way: illusions, creatures, magical gateways, and natural hazards. Once
they open the Door, they find that Pathfinder Society founder Gregaro Voth is still alive,
though held prisoner in the demiplane that lies beyond the Door. The Pathfinders place
PLAY TIME: 4–5 HOURS the Monarch’s Perennial Crown on Voth’s head, but he needs time and magical assistance
before he can use the crown to take control of the demiplane. The Thorned Monarch is
determined to prevent Voth from doing so. The Pathfinders must help Voth attune himself
to the crown with a magical ritual while also keeping the Thorned Monarch’s forces at bay.
LEVELS: 3–6 Finally, the Thorned Monarch and their top lieutenants attack.


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King in Thorns
King in Thorns
By Kate Baker and Dennis Muldoon

Adventure Where on Golarion?

When four of the founding members of the Pathfinder Part 1 of King in Thorns takes place within the
Society—Selmius Foster, Durvin Gest, Kerinha Napsunar, northwestern part of the Mwangi Jungle, in the heart
and Gregaro Voth—discovered the magical Door of of the Mwangi Expanse. During Part 2, the PCs journey
Seasons deep in the heart of the Mwangi Expanse, they to a demiplane with close ties to the First World, the
believed themselves on the path to a great treasure. The realm of the fey. You can find more information on the
taunting voice of the gate’s guardian—the malevolent fey, Mwangi Expanse beginning on page 84 of Pathfinder
Qxal, known as the Thorned Monarch—told them that Lost Omens World Guide.
there was indeed a great treasure beyond the gate, but
there was a catch—the door could only be opened by
a single person—whichever of the four of them was the
last to survive. The Thorned Monarch expected them to MWANGI JUNGLE
turn on each other there and then, leaving one survivor
• Door of Seasons
to claim the treasure beyond. Instead, the Pathfinders
swore an oath to each other to leave the gate alone until
the dangers of exploring or the weight of years had
claimed all but one of their lives. This oath, the Open
Road Pact, helped to lay the foundation for the Society’s
strong ethos of cooperation.
In truth, only the Thorned Monarch’s power could
open this gateway. The Monarch wanted the Pathfinders
to battle until only the strongest survived, at which point
the fey would have taken control of the survivor and use The guides witnessed Voth being torn apart by fey
them to claim the treasure they wanted above all else: and dragged off into the jungle. And so, according to
the Perennial Crown. For what lies beyond the gate is a the Pathfinder Society’s official records, Voth died that
demiplane with strong connections to the First World, a day. In reality, though Voth never managed to escape
demiplane that the Thorned Monarch created to serve as the demiplane, he didn’t die, either. The demiplane has
a staging point for a planned conquest of Golarion. That sustained his life for the past three centuries. With each
is, until ancient heroes wrested away Qxal’s crown, in so passing day, the demiplane extends its roots deeper into
doing cutting the fey off from the ability to access and Voth, restricting his mobility further while keeping his
control much of their own magic. mind and body from deteriorating.
Decades later, Gregaro Voth believed himself to be the Over the past year, Pathfinder Society agents have
final survivor of the Open Road Pact. He returned to the slowly uncovered pieces of this story, starting from the
gate with a group of hired jungle guides and attempted to existence of the Open Road Pact. Pathfinders also traveled
open it, only to fail once again. The frustrated Thorned to Bhopan, where the Perennial Crown was hidden
Monarch saw little use for the aged adventurer, so they away. Here, they defeated an avatar of the Thorned
shoved Gregaro Voth into the demiplane. To cover the Monarch, weakening the fey more than ever before, and
demiplane’s secret from any witnesses—and hopefully unraveled a web of trickery and courtly intrigue. When
inspire other Pathfinders to come looking for Voth’s they ultimately departed the island, they left with the
remains—the Monarch spun an illusion of Voth’s death. Perennial Crown and permission from the royal family

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
to use the crown to put an end to their ancestral foe. through encounters at its own pace, but the entire
With the crown in hand, Pathfinders combed through House starts and ends each part simultaneously to
evidence and followed numerous leads until they located ensure the stage of play remains synchronized across
the Door of Seasons. Now, a large group of Pathfinders the entire House.
stands ready to enter the gate and take control of the House GM: This Game Master manages the timing,
demiplane beyond. This mission is far easier said than scoring, and flow of the event. In addition, she makes
done, as hordes of the Thorned Monarch’s most devious announcements about the amount of time remaining and
allies, most treacherous traps, and most dangerous events that impact the entire House, as well as presenting
magics stand ready to defend their realm. the opening and closing scenes of the adventure. The
House GM should have some means of signaling to the
Running the Event entire room, especially Table GMs, who are her liaisons
The King in Thorns is meant to accommodate varying to the players. This can be a bell or other auditory signal
House sizes (from 3 tables up to 150+ tables). To facilitate that can cut through the din of a room full of excited
a more cohesive process for seating players at larger players, or it could be a visual signal like a flashing light
events, the introduction and player mustering phases are or waving flag. The signal indicates that everyone in the
built into the scenario during the introduction (page 5). House should be silent and direct their attention to the
There is no requirement to have everyone seated before House GM.
players begin the introduction, and Table GMs should be The House GM should inform all Table GMs what this
ready to start as soon as four or more players have been signal is prior to the event’s start and ensure that they are
seated at the table. all positioned to be able to see or hear it during the event.
Because of the nature of mustering, players may need to Table GM: Each of these Game Masters manages a
be moved from one table to another to achieve minimum single table of players. Tables are run exactly like one
numbers or table balance. If players whose tables are would run a standard Pathfinder Society table, with
already underway are asked to move, the Table GM the following exceptions. Table GMs must follow the
should encourage them to bring along any information timing of the event as set by the House GM. Whenever
they discovered at their initial table and share it with the House GM announces the end of a part, that part is
their new table. finished for all tables, and the Table GMs must follow
This scenario has three versions: one designed for the instructions for getting the PCs to the next part in
Levels 1–2, one for Levels 3–6 (this version), and one the scenario. Likewise, if a Table GM has a group that
for Levels 7–8. When assigning and adjusting tables, finishes the part before the House GM calls time, she
remember that PCs can only play at a table if their level must notify the House GM.
falls within the range for that version. Each of these Runner: For smaller events (30 tables or fewer), each
versions counts as a separate scenario. Players and GMs table should nominate one player to be a Runner. These
may earn credit for each of these three versions once. players are responsible for delivering notes from their
For ease of running this event, text intended for Table Table GMs to the HQ Staff and vice versa.
GMs to read aloud is red, while text intended for the Courier: For larger events, the HQ Staff needs to
House GM to read aloud is blue. More information on provide some Couriers, volunteers who wander among
these terms appears in the glossary below. the tables and collect notes that report successes.
Challenge Points: A measure of the PCs’ overall
GLOSSARY OF TERMS strength that Pathfinder Society scenarios use to adjust
The King in Thorns uses several terms unique to the the difficulty of encounters for groups of varying sizes
Pathfinder Society Special format. Each participant’s and levels. More information on this system appears on
role in the event is outlined under the respective entry. page 52.
House: All the PCs participating in the adventure
across all levels. AID TOKENS
HQ Staff: These are support personnel who tabulate During the event, players at one table can assist those
results and handle player table assignments at the at another with handouts called Aid Tokens. Each Aid
beginning of the event. Members of the HQ Staff are Token represents the assistance that Pathfinder agents
responsible for managing the results of table actions provide to each other during the mission, moving back
during the event. and forth to provide critical healing, skills, and combat
Part: This event is broken into three separate support to those agents who need it most. Each table
segments. To a degree, each individual table can move begins the adventure with four Aid Tokens (page 51)—

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
one of each of four types. The powers of each type of Aid Pathfinders hurry around the makeshift camp, packing and
Token are described in Handout: Aid Token Reference unpacking supplies, making repairs, and scribing scrolls.
(page 50). These starting tokens represent the The atmosphere is excited but tinged with some
assistance that a table can give to other trepidation. Venture-Captain Oraiah Tolal from
Pathfinders throughout the course of Nirmathas takes the lead, ensuring everyone has
the events. The table can’t use its own an assignment and is working on it. A religious
starting Aid Tokens; it must pass them symbol of Alseta—goddess of doorways,
on. At some point during each of the portals, thresholds, and transitions—hangs
four major parts of this adventure from her neck, showing two faces in profile.
(Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, and
Part 3), the table should choose PREPARATIONS
one of these four Aid Tokens to PCs can attempt the following
pass to another table. Some tables tasks in any order while the House
might want to pass tokens at the is mustering. For each task, the
beginning of each part, while Table GM describes the task,
others may prefer to hold on to the engages the PCs in some brief
token until later in the part to see roleplaying (1–2 minutes), and
if other tables need help. then prompts the PCs to each
Before passing an Aid attempt one of the listed
Token, the players can boost skills for that task. The DC
its potency by having one
Oraiah Tolal of the task is 18 (DC 20 in
PC expend some of their own Levels 5–6). If the highest result
resources or attempt a skill check. A table succeeds at the task, the PCs receive
can’t retry a skill check to boost an Aid Token. A table the standard reward. If anyone critically succeeds at the
can boost an Aid Token even while in combat without task, the PCs instead receive the greater reward. The
taking any in-round actions; the scenario assumes the aid PCs can Aid each other, but any PC who attempts to
was granted before that encounter began. Whether or not Aid can’t attempt their own check.
the Aid Token is boosted, the player who expended their Venture-Captains Oraiah Tolal, Bjersig Torrsen, and
resources or attempted the check should record their PC’s Khoumrock Blackthane accompany the Pathfinders on
name on the Aid Token so it’s clear who granted the aid. this mission, along with faction leaders Calisro Benarry
of the Horizon Hunters, Fola Barun of the Envoy’s
TIMELINE Alliance, Urwal of the Verdant Wheel, and Valais Durant
King in Thorns is designed to take less than 5 hours, of the Radiant Oath. Venture-Captain Tolal is the head
including a modest amount of time for mustering and Pathfinder for this mission, but all of these leaders
setup. Each section transitions automatically after a participate in the expedition. Art for these leaders
certain amount of time passes, though the introduction appears in Appendix 3.
is somewhat flexible based on mustering needs. The
following is a measure of how long each part should last. INVENTORY
Introduction: 15 minutes (or longer, if mustering Relevant Skills Nature, Society, Survival
requires) Task Details Verdant Wheel faction leader Urwal lays on
Part 1: 120 minutes the ground, making marks on a scroll that stretches over
Part 2: 75 minutes 10 feet long. “This is our supplies list. Everything from
Part 3: 60 minutes rations to ammunition to the mounts needed to transport
Conclusion: 15 minutes it all with us. We need to ensure that we know where
everything is. I’m not letting anyone try to forage while
Introduction: The we’re traveling.”
Expedition Begins Standard Reward Each PC receives their choice of a lesser
During the introduction portion of this event, Pathfinder antidote or lesser antiplague, as Urwal finds that the
Society leaders ensure that Society members are fully Society packed in excess for the potentially dangerous
prepared for the expedition ahead. As players arrive at mission. In Levels 5–6, they instead each receive a
the table and get ready for the event, Table GMs should moderate antidote or moderate antiplague.
read the following to orient them. Greater Reward Each PC also receives their choice of a

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Relevant Scenarios Relevant Skills Nature, Survival, Perception
Task Details Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen scrutinizes a
During this time, Table GMs should check with each map as his loyal dog, Mahki, lies by his feet. Mahki barks
player to determine which of the following scenarios to alert Torrsen to approaching Pathfinders. He says, “I’m
their PC has played. verifying all of our maps against what we can see from
PCs who played either part of the Perennial Crown here. Landmarks can easily change. Why don’t you see if
series know additional information about the Thorned you can find any discrepancies?”
Monarch. The fey being originally named Qxal sought Standard Reward Torrsen shares his information. The PCs
to conquer Golarion before returning to usurp the receive a survey map for one encounter of their choice in
First World from the Eldest. They poured much of Part 1.
their power into a demiplane to prepare for an attack Greater Reward Torrsen has the area mapped thoroughly. The
on Golarion. Their symbol of rulership, the Perennial PCs receive a survey atlas with a map for each encounter
Crown, is an artifact that is the key to controlling the in Part 1.
demiplane. It was only thanks to the efforts of heroes
from the ancient empire of Bhopan, who managed to MORALE
wrest the crown away from Qxal, that their attack was Relevant Skills Deception, Diplomacy, Performance
unable to proceed. The enraged Qxal destroyed most of Task Details Horizon Hunters faction leader Calisro Benarry
the empire in fury, forcing its people to retreat to the waves the group over. “Some of the newer Pathfinders
island that still bears the empire’s name. seem a little nervous about this mission. Can you cheer
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16: The Perennial them up a bit? This is exciting, after all!”
Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan: PCs who played this Standard Reward The neophyte Pathfinders are in much
scenario gain a +2 circumstance bonus to checks made better spirits for the journey ahead and can lend the PCs
to convince the Befuddled Pathfinders in area C. PCs a hand. Once during the adventure, each PC can receive
with the Blood Offering boon gain a –2 circumstance a +1 circumstance bonus to one skill check or attack roll,
penalty to the Will save to detect the illusion in area C. representing the fellow Pathfinder succeeding at a check
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–17: The Perennial to Aid them. The PC must decide to use this benefit before
Crown Part 2: The Thorned Monarch: PCs who played rolling.
this scenario gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks Greater Reward As the standard reward, but the bonus is
made in the ritual in area H1. instead a +2 circumstance bonus, representing a critical
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–20: The Lost Legend: success on the roll to Aid.
PCs who played this scenario gain a +1 circumstance
bonus to checks made to chart the course in area E. REPAIRS
Relevant Skills Athletics, Crafting, Guild Lore
Task Details Venture-Captain Khoumrock Blackthane ensures
moderate acid flask, moderate alchemist’s fire, moderate that groups of smiths and carpenters accompanying the
bottled lightning, or moderate frost vial. Pathfinders have everything they need. “A lot of this gear
got damaged on the voyage over. We need to make sure
MAGICAL SUPPLIES that everything is in tip-top shape.”
Relevant Skills Arcana, Nature, Occultism, Religion Standard Reward Each PC receives one piece of non-magical
Task Details Envoy’s Alliance faction leader Fola Barun low-grade cold iron ammunition of their choice from the
directs a group of Pathfinders who are carefully blending Core Rulebook.
magic and ingredients inside glass vials. “Come help us Greater Reward As the standard reward, and the PCs receive
ensure that everyone is well supplied for this journey.” a single non-magical low-grade cold iron simple or martial
Standard Reward Barun and her team make an abundance weapon of their choice from the Core Rulebook.
of materials. Each PC receives a lesser healing potion. In
Levels 5–6, each PC instead receives a moderate healing RESEARCH
potion. Relevant Skills Nature, Society, Survival
Greater Reward There is enough time to make higher quality Task Details Radiant Oath faction leader Valais Durant
supplies. Each PC also receives a moderate healing potion. oversees a small army of Pathfinders poring over books and
In Levels 5–6, each PC receives a second moderate scrolls. A few use magical methods to absorb information
healing potion. even faster. “Oh good, you’re here to help. I was able to get

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
these reference materials from local institutions. There’s Day breaks, and the excitement around the camp is too high
information on local plants, animals, and fey that I couldn’t to allow any Pathfinder to oversleep. Agents perform morning
get at home. We’re about to face a lot of dangers. Choose rituals, eat breakfast, and take a final look through maps
your favorite topic and start reading.” and plans. Venture-Captain Oraiah Tolal gathers everyone
Standard Reward The background information helps the PCs together one last time. “I know that
readily identify threats during the journey. Once during we’ve prepared well. We’re going
this adventure, each PC can gain a +2 circumstance bonus to stop this Thorned Monarch.
to any one check to Recall Knowledge. I have a small gift for each of
Greater Reward The PCs thoroughly reviewed the you: a signal whistle with an
information provided by Valais Durant. engraving of the Perennial
Instead of the standard reward, each Crown. Use it to signal your
PC can once during the adventure fellow Pathfinders if you need
automatically succeed at one help. And now, into the wilderness!”
check to Recall Knowledge.
True to her word, each PC begins this
THE EXPEDITION adventure with a signal whistle.
SETS OFF This whistle does not force
Venture-Captain Oraiah Tolal Perennial Crown other Pathfinders to come to the
calls for all of the Pathfinders PCs’ aid, but it does provide an
at the camp to gather for an explanation for the Aid Token
announcement. Once everyone is finished mustering, the mechanic. Tables that are struggling are welcome to ask
House GM should read or paraphrase the following. nearby tables if they have Aid Tokens to spare.

Everyone gathers around a makeshift stage as the sun Part 1: Finding the
starts to slip below the horizon. Pathfinders whisper to each Path
other in anticipation. The expedition begins quietly, but Qxal knows the
Venture-Captain Oraiah Tolal addresses the group. Pathfinder Society approaches, and as the adventurers
“Pathfinders, our expedition begins tomorrow. We have a approach the Door, they encounter obstacles and
day’s travel to reach the site where we will find the Door of impediments to fey left to wear the intruders down. The
Seasons. The founders of our Society may have been unable PCs can do the following five encounters in any order.
to reach the realm that lies beyond this magical gateway, These encounters all take place on the same day, and the
but we have something they lacked.” The Venture-Captain PCs can take time to Treat Wounds, Refocus, or Repair
holds a verdant crown aloft. “This is the Perennial Crown, equipment in between encounters. These encounters
an artifact that will serve as the key to opening the door. I do not need to be run in any particular order, though
hope that Alseta will bless us as we find this doorway to a the optional encounters in area G should only be run if
new place. From what we’ve been able to gather, there’s a all others have been completed. The players have 120
demiplane on the other side. The demiplane and the crown minutes to complete as many missions as they can.
alike are closely tied to the Thorned Monarch, Qxal, an Table GMs should read or paraphrase the following.
evil fey who once terrorized this region. The Pathfinders
who recovered this crown faced steep opposition from the A dwarven man in armor reminiscent of a metal diving suit
Monarch, and I have no doubt they will defend the Door sets his helmet in place as a half-orc woman in a tricorne hat
of Seasons even more fiercely. Be wary any fey you see lends a hand. She ponders, “I like your style, Blackthane, but
along the way; they are likely to be working for Qxal. Stay isn’t this a little more suited to underwater?” Khoumrock
in groups of four or more for safety and help each other. Blackthane responds, “It’s good armor still, and I’ve made a
Make any final preparations that you require and get a good few adjustments so it works better on land. I’ve come out of
night’s sleep; your next few nights will be on the trail. We retirement for the sixth time, and I’m going to be comfortable.”
leave an hour after dawn.” Calisro Benarry responds, “Can’t argue with that. I’m always
comfortable.” She turns to address the gathered Pathfinders.
This text alerts Table GMs that they need to wrap up “Pathfinders, we’re setting out. Our goal is a horizon that no
the preparations section and prepare to begin Part 1. one of this world’s ever seen. But Qxal is aiming to make sure
Once every table is ready, the House GM should read or we don’t get there. Everyone, stay sharp and work together.”
paraphrase the following text. Blackthane adds, “And mind your equipment!”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
ANNOUNCED CONDITIONS listed below. The number of successes required depends
There are six conditions the House GM might announce, upon the size of the House—if the House has between
each tied to the House completing an objective in one of four and nine tables, they need a number of successes
six mission locations. These conditions grant each table a equal to half (1/2) the number of tables. If the house has
single-use benefit that the players can choose to activate 10 or more tables, they need a number of successes equal
as a group. to three-fifths (3/5) the number of tables.
Mushroom Ring Disabled: At the beginning of one Because tables complete and report encounters at
combat encounter, the PCs can reduce their Challenge different rates, some tables may report successes for
Points by 2 for the purposes of scaling the encounter (or missions after the House GM has already announced
by 4, in Levels 5–6). the success condition for those missions. The House GM
If applied to an encounter for which this adjustment can apply these successes to any combination of location
would otherwise have no effect, decreases the AC, attack goals, helping realize goals that are nearly done or shore
modifiers, DCs, saving throws, and skill modifiers of up goals in underrepresented locations.
any creatures or hazards the PCs face by 2. Additionally, When the House has acquired enough Mushroom
decrease the DC of all skill checks during this encounter successes from area A, read the following aloud.
by 2.
Animals Defeated: At the start of one round of combat, The mushroom rings have been disabled! The Thorned
a group of animals rushes into battle to assist. For that Monarch’s tide of reinforcements has slowed.
round, any PC making a melee Strike can treat their
target as flanked. When the House has acquired enough Animal successes
Pathfinders Rescued: With the befuddled Pathfinders from area B, read the following aloud.
protected, they can assist with medical needs. At the end
of one encounter, a helpful cleric casts a three-action Qxal’s animal allies have been defeated! The animals that
heal, recovering 2d8 Hit Points in Levels 3–4 or 3d8 Hit remain may even aid us in battle.
Points in Levels 5–6.
Plants Cut Down: The PCs can use their experience When the House has acquired enough Befuddled
cutting through plants easily. For 1 round, the PCs can successes from area C, read the following aloud.
ignore difficult terrain.
Course Charted: The PCs don’t have to worry about Excellent teamwork, agents! We have rescued our fellow
finding the path and can be on the lookout for danger. Pathfinders from mortal peril!
At the start of one encounter, the PCs each gain a +2
circumstance bonus to their initiative rolls. When the House has acquired enough Plant successes
Shifters Defeated: The PCs are good at avoiding being from area D, read the following aloud.
caught by surprise. For one round of combat, the PCs
can’t be made flat-footed. The Thorned Monarch has enchanted the plants of this area,
When the House GM says that the Door of Seasons is but they were no match for the Pathfinders! The enchanted
almost within the PCs’ grasp, there are only 5 minutes plants have been defeated.
remaining in Part 1. Quickly bring your encounter to a
close and proceed to Part 2, giving the PCs a chance to When the House has acquired enough Charting
rest and recover. successes from area E, read the following aloud.

HOUSE GM INSTRUCTIONS Those hazards were no match for our trailblazers, Pathfinders.
During Part 1, the House GM is responsible for tallying The new course has been charted!
the number and type of each success reported and,
when the House has accumulated the requisite number When the House has acquired enough Shifted successes
of successes for a mission, announcing that the mission from area F, read the following aloud.
is completed. If displaying a visual aid, the House GM
should update it after the completion of each mission. Qxal’s forces were tricky, but we came out on top! The shifted
The House’s goal is to complete as many of the missions forces have been defeated!
as possible before time runs out. Once the House has
reported enough successes, the mission is complete. Make After the House has successfully completed all 6
the announcement that corresponds to that location, as missions or after 115 minutes have passed, whichever

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
comes first, read or paraphrase the following to give Development: When the PCs destroy the mushroom
tables a 5-minute warning. ring, the Thorned Monarch can no longer use it to bring
in extra reinforcements from the First World.
At last, you see an archway of woven vines in the distance, Reporting: If the PCs successfully destroy the mushroom
filled a shimmering pool of magic. Pathfinders, the Door of ring, the table should report a Mushroom success.
Seasons is almost within your grasp!
Five minutes after reading this warning, proceed to
Part 2. Khoumrock Blackthane sits on a rock, looking thoughtfully
into the trees. “I could swear that I just heard a talking
A. THE MUSHROOM RING LOW lizard. Can you go and check it out?”

Calisro Benarry looks through a spyglass. “Fey. Lots of them. Use the map on page 11 for this area. The water on the
They’ve got to be coming through some kind of portal from map is shallow; squares with water are difficult terrain.
the First World. I’ll take care of that lot while you look for Creatures: A group of reptilian creatures approach
the source. Watch for more coming through!” the PCs, looking to attack. However, the leader of the
animals is awakened and can speak both Common and
Hazard: The Thorned Monarch is using mushroom Mwangi. This animal speaks to the PCs, taunting them.
rings to draw reinforcements from the First World. If The PCs can try to talk the animals into a truce instead
the Pathfinder Society can destroy the rings, they can of fighting.
prevent some of the Thorned Monarch’s forces from The animals give the PCs sufficient time to make a case
even making it to the fight. Unfortunately, they are before attacking, though they move around while they
already operational. talk. If a PC attacks an animal at any point during the
First, the PCs must locate a mushroom ring, which negotiations, then combat begins and there is no possibility
easily blend into the wilderness. PCs should each attempt of a diplomatic solution. Each PC has time to attempt two
a DC 22 Perception or Survival check to notice the of the following checks to influence the animals.
mushroom ring (DC 25 in Levels 5–6). If the PCs all • A DC 16 Forest Lore check to explain to the
fail this check, then there is one nuglub who has already animals that the Pathfinders respect and care for
emerged from the mushroom ring before the PCs arrive the animals’ habitat.
at the location, but no further checks are required to find • A DC 16 Performance check to entertain the
it (This creature that emerges from the ring is instead a animals enough to agree not to fight.
korred in Levels 5–6). The mushroom ring then activates • A DC 18 Deception check to convince the animals
its portal reaction when the PCs approach. The squares that the Thorned Monarch will betray them.
with mushrooms and with water are difficult terrain. Use • A DC 18 Nature check to use information about
the map on page 10 for this area. the specific animals to make an argument.
Once the PCs approach the mushroom ring, the Table • A DC 20 Diplomacy check to simply convince
GM should read or paraphrase the following. the animals to ally against Qxal.
For Level 3–4 tables, increase the DCs of all skill
In the middle of a small pond, a ring of large toadstools checks by 1 if the table has 14 or more Challenge
glows with a slight magical energy. The ground inside Points. For Level 5–6 tables, increase the DC of all
wobbles, appearing almost translucent, as if it were possible skill checks by 2, or by 3 if the table has 28 or more
to step right through it. Challenge Points. A PC who is trained in a different but
relevant Lore skill can attempt a check with the same
Levels 3–4 DC as Forest Lore. Any PC with the wild empathy class
feature gains a +2 circumstance bonus to any check
MUSHROOM RING HAZARD 4 attempted. A success earns the PCs 1 Influence Point
Page 26 and a critical success earns them 2 Influence Points,
while a critical failure removes 1 Influence Point. As
Levels 5–6 long as the PCs earn more Influence Points than the
number of PCs, then the awakened animal agrees
MUSHROOM RING HAZARD 6 not to attack. If not, the animals move to attack and
Page 36 combat begins. Each animal fights until reduced to one

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

A. The Mushroom Ring

Mushroom Ring

PCs enter here

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Map Pack: Fungus Forest

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

B. It Talks!

Animals start here

PCs start here

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ambush Sites Multi-Pack

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
quarter (1/4) of its Hit Points or fewer, at which time it • A DC 18 Diplomacy check to convince the
attempts to retreat. Pathfinders that fording the river is a bad idea.
• A DC 18 Intimidation check to cow the
Levels 3–4 Pathfinders into going a different way.
• A DC 20 Nature or Survival check to give
AWAKENED GIANT CHAMELEON CREATURE 3 evidence that the river must be moving much
Page 27 more swiftly than it looks.
PCs who played Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16:
GIANT GECKOS (2) CREATURE 1 The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan gain a
Page 27 +2 circumstance bonus to checks made to convince the
befuddled Pathfinders. A PC who is trained in a different
Levels 5–6 but relevant Lore can attempt a check with the same
DC as Fey Lore. A success earns the PCs 1 Influence
GIANT CHAMELEONS (2) CREATURE 3 Point and a critical success earns them 2 Influence
Page 37 Points, while a critical failure removes 1 Influence Point.
As long as the PCs earn more Influence Points than half
AWAKENED GIANT FRILLED LIZARD CREATURE 5 the number of PCs, then the befuddled Pathfinders
Page 37 agree to find a different path. If not, then the befuddled
Pathfinders refuse to listen to the PCs and start heading
Reporting: If the PCs successfully negotiate with the for the river. At this point, the PCs can try to knock
animals or defeat them in combat, the table should out or restrain the befuddled Pathfinders to stop them
report an Animal success. if they want. If a PC kills a befuddled Pathfinder in this
encounter, that PC gains 1 Infamy.
C. BEFUDDLED PATHFINDERS LOW If the PCs can’t stop the befuddled Pathfinders by
force or if the PCs did not spot the illusion in the first
Calisro Benarry offers a flask from her coat pocket. “How place, then the befuddled Pathfinders head into the
you holding up, Pathfinders? Anyone need a little nip?” water and are immediately carried downstream by
She takes a swig. “There are some real green agents on the current. They manage to grab onto some rocks to
this mission. I don’t think they even know which end of a stop themselves from being swept away completely,
spyglass to look through. I just saw a group head that way but they can only hang on for a little while. If the
looking like lost puppies. Can you make sure they’re not PCs can’t retrieve the befuddled Pathfinders within 5
getting themselves into trouble?” rounds, the Pathfinders slip off the rocks and are carried
downstream beyond their reach.
Qxal has used magic to disguise a swiftly moving The river is moving quickly and requires a DC 18
river to look like a calm and shallow stream. A group Athletics check to Swim through (DC 20 for Levels
of Pathfinders is about to forge through the stream 5–6). The rocks are very slippery, and standing on one
to get to the other side, but they don’t realize how requires a DC 18 Acrobatics check to Balance (DC 20
dangerous the waters are. Use the map on page 13 for for Levels 5–6). The befuddled Pathfinders are winded
this area. First, the PCs must each attempt a DC 20 from being swept away by the river and can’t attempt
Will save to recognize the terrain is disguised (DC 22 Athletics or Acrobatics checks on their own, though
for Levels 5–6). PCs with the Blood Offering boon they can hold on to a rope or perform another mostly
from Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16: The Perennial passive action. For tables with at least 12 Challenge
Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan take a –2 circumstance Points in Level 3–4, or at least 23 Challenge Points in
penalty to this saving throw. Levels 5–6, there are more Pathfinders to save (see this
If any PC succeeds at this save, the group can try to encounter’s entry in Appendix 1 on page 28 for Levels
stop the befuddled Pathfinders. Each of the PCs can 3–4 or in Appendix 2 on page 38 for Levels 5–6).
attempt one of the following skill checks to explain Creatures: If more information about the Pathfinders
to the befuddled Pathfinders that the terrain has been is needed, such as if the PCs engage them in combat,
altered to appear less dangerous (increase all DC by 2 use the following statistics to represent them. If
for Levels 5–6). the PCs attack the Pathfinders, they are outraged
• A DC 16 Fey Lore check to explain that the and respond in kind, but they use nonlethal tactics
Thorned Monarch is using fey magic to be tricky. whenever possible.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

C. Befuddled Pathfinders
them to

PCs Befuddled
start here Pathfinders

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Deep Forest

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Levels 3–4 Reporting: If the PCs successfully defeat the plants,
the table should report a Plant success.
DANCER CREATURE 1 Calisro Benarry angrily corrects a map with red ink. “That
Page 28 blasted fey! They’ve added hazards to our planned route.
We’ll need to chart a new course, but be careful; Qxal has
GUARD CREATURE 1 left us a lot of surprises.”
Page 28
With a surge of primal magic, the Thorned Monarch
Levels 5–6 obscured the path to the Door of Seasons and filled it
with deadly hazards. The PCs must accomplish several
CHRONICLER CREATURE 3 tasks to find a new path to the site of the Door that
Page 38 the entire Society can use to approach. Each PC must
attempt a DC 20 skill check to bypass each obstacle
JAILER CREATURE 3 (DC 22 for Levels 5–6). PCs who played Pathfinder
Page 38 Society Scenario #1–20: The Lost Legend gain a +1
circumstance bonus to checks made to chart the course.
TRACKER CREATURE 3 If at least one PC succeeds, the group succeeds; for
Page 38 groups with 12 or more Challenge Points in Levels 3–4
or with 23 or more Challenge Points in Levels 5–6, two
Reporting: If the PCs successfully convinced the successes or one critical success is necessary to bypass
Pathfinders not to proceed into the river, stopped them an obstacle instead (see page 52 for a description
by force without killing any of them, or saved them from of Challenge Points). If a PC casts a particularly
the river, the table should report a Befuddled success. appropriate non-cantrip spell, such as gust of wind
to deal with the dangerous gas, they can bypass the
D. ENCHANTED PLANTS MODERATE obstacle automatically. The PCs can take time to Treat
Wounds in between obstacles.
Khoumrock Blackthane stands covered from head to toe in First, there is thick undergrowth where previously
leaves and bits of vine. “It appears that the Thorned Monarch there were clear paths. The PCs must find a better path
has got the plants on their side. I just took out several, but or clear a route through this brush. The skill options are:
watch out for more. They’re easy to miss until they’re trying • Athletics to force through the brush.
to bite your head off. And bite they do! Watch your step!”” • Acrobatics to skirt it.
• Nature to recognize the plant from a distance.
Creatures: The Thorned Monarch enchanted various • Survival to spot its habitat.
plant creatures in the area to attack the Pathfinder Any PC who critically fails the check takes 3d6
Society. The plants fight to the death. Use the map on piercing damage from the brush (DC 18 basic Reflex
page 15 for this area. save). For Levels 5–6, the damage increases to 5d6 and
the DC of the saving throw increases to 20.
Levels 3–4 Next, Qxal has created pockets of dangerous gas. The
skill options are:
SNAPPING FLYTRAPS (2) CREATURE 3 • Medicine to recognize the harmful gases.
Page 29 • Nature to recognize the vents where gases
Levels 5–6 • Survival to get through the pockets quickly.
• Perception to smell the gas.
SCYTHE TREE CREATURE 6 Any PC who critically fails the check takes 3d6
Page 39 poison damage (DC 18 basic Fortitude save). For Levels
5–6, the damage increases to 5d6 and the DC of the
SNAPPING FLYTRAP CREATURE 3 saving throw increases to 20.
Page 39 Lastly, there are sudden powerful bursts of wind that

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

D. Enchanted Plants

hide here

start here

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Deep Forest

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
can push Pathfinders off ledges or into trees. The skill these encounters at their discretion during Part 1;
options are: the encounters can take place in any of the previous
• Athletics to withstand the blast. locations, only after the PCs have successfully completed
• Nature to notice when the wind is about to start. all available missions. GMs can use the reverse side of
• Survival to find a safe place to shelter. any appropriate Pathfinder Flip-Mat from Part 1 to add
• Stealth to hide behind cover. variety, at their discretion.
Any PC who critically fails the check takes 3d6 Reporting: If the PCs complete one of these
bludgeoning damage (DC 18 basic Fortitude save). For encounters, the table should report one success of a type
Levels 5–6, the damage increases to 5d6 and the DC of of their choice to the HQ staff.
the saving throw increases to 20.
Reporting: If the PCs successfully bypass two G1. Angry Animals Moderate
out of three obstacles, the table should report a Creatures: The Thorned Monarch has charmed more
Charting success. animals to their side and these can’t be dissuaded like
the previous group. They fight to the death.
Levels 3–4
Khoumrock Blackthane puts a finger to his lips and then
speaks quietly. “There’s things here that aren’t what they GORILLAS (2) CREATURE 3
seem. Some of those fey are real tricky...looking like things Page 31
they aren’t. Don’t trust your eyes.”
Levels 5–6
Creatures: The Thorned Monarch sends their fey
allies into the wilderness to stop the Pathfinders before ARMY ANT SWARMS (2) CREATURE 5
the Society can reach the site of the Door of Seasons. Page 42
Some of these creatures disguise themselves as mundane
animals, hoping to lure unsuspecting Pathfinders to G2. Unfortunate Meeting Low
their doom. Use the map on page 17 for this area. Creatures: The jungles of the Mwangi contain many
dangerous creatures, even when the Thorned Monarch
Levels 3–4 isn’t riling them up. The PCs stumble upon one.
A kelpie stands in the stream disguised as a beautiful
horse. It attempts Captivating Lure on a martial PC, Levels 3–4
assuming they would be most enticed by a mount.
Page 30
Levels 5–6
Levels 5–6
A blodeuwedd takes the form of a prairie owl and VERDUROUS OOZE CREATURE 6
pretends to be caught in a trap, hooting mournfully Page 43
until a PC approaches to free it. The blodeuwedd has
used nature’s infusion and has 15 temporary Hit Points. Part 2: Opening the
BLODEUWEDD CREATURE 6 All PCs can take an overnight rest before the Door
Page 40 of Seasons is unsealed, as Oraiah Tolal wants the
Pathfinders to be fully prepared. Pathfinder Society
Reporting: If the PCs successfully defeat the kelpie or medics heal everyone completely and remove any
blodeuwedd, the table should report a Shifted success. lingering conditions such as poison or disease. While
the PCs rest, Oraiah Tolal and Radiant Oath faction
ADDITIONAL ENCOUNTERS leader Valais Durant carefully study the doorway.
The following encounters provide more content for Meanwhile, the other leaders keep watch in shifts,
tables where the players move quickly through their starting with Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen and his
missions and have extra time. Table GMs can use canine companion, Mahki.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

F. The Disguised Forces


start here

M Mudwretch
B Blodeuwedd

K Kelpie

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ambush Sites Multi-Pack

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

The House GM should read or paraphrase the following. Oraiah Tolal begins to direct the assembled forces.
“Pathfinders, it’s time to act! Some of you need to help Voth
“Well, everyone, this is it,” Oraiah Tolal begins, standing next with the crown. I’m sure we have a ritual to help him attune
to the portal. “We have reached the Door of Seasons. This to it. The rest of you, be on alert! The Thorned Monarch could
crown should allow us to open it. We don’t know exactly what attack at any time!”
awaits us on the other side, though we do know that it is not
of this world. Be prepared for anything. May Alseta guide us At this time, Table GMs should have their tables decide
through this passageway.” She holds the crown in front of the whether to help with attunement or help with defense,
Door, and the shimmering magic within dissipates. then proceed to the appropriate mission. The PCs should
The demiplane on the other side of the door is green and begin with Mission A on the appropriate track. After
vibrant, but the plants take on an otherworldly quality. A half- completing Mission A, they can choose to continue on
orc man, his age difficult to determine, is bound by vines and to Mission B or to switch to Mission A of the other
flowers. He looks up. His voice is halting and hoarse, as though track. If the PCs complete both missions for one track,
he had not used it in a long time, “Can it be...Pathfinders?” they can move on to Mission A of the other track. The
After a moment, Oraiah Tolal realizes who he is. “How can PCs can take a little over 10 minutes after each mission,
this be? Gregaro Voth! You’re still alive!” enough time to Treat Wounds, Refocus, or Repair their
The man replies, “It is me. How many years has it been? Wait, equipment, but they do not have additional time to rest.
there’s no time. That crown! It’s the key to this plane! We’ve got
to use it!” As Oraiah Tolal places the crown on Voth’s head, a ANNOUNCED CONDITIONS
strange wave emanates from the crown and passes over the There are two conditions the House GM might announce,
assembled Pathfinders. Voth looks hopeful for a moment but each tied to the House completing an objective. These
then struggles against his bonds, still held fast. conditions grant each table a benefit in the final encounter.
“That would have been too easy. It’s going to take some Gregaro Voth Free: The Thorned Monarch and their
time to harness the magic to unlock the power of the crown, forces are weakened by the ritual’s success. The DC of all
and Qxal won’t wait long.” fey creatures’ abilities in area J are reduced by 1.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

Advance Repelled: The PCs are bolstered by defending beginning Part 2), the House GM should read or
Voth from the fey onslaught. Each PC begins the paraphrase the following.
encounter in area J with 10 temporary Hit Points (15 in
Levels 5–6). Suddenly, there is a strange shaking, like an earthquake
When the House GM announces that the PCs have rippling through the ground and air alike. The plants in
an invasion to fight, Table GMs have 5 minutes to finish the demiplane begin to grow and change. Oraiah Tolal calls
their current encounters before the beginning of Part 3. out, “They’re here! The Thorned Monarch has arrived in
Players should not begin another mission at this point. the demiplane! And they’re not alone. We have an invasion
to fight!”
Once the House has reported a number of Ritual successes After 5 minutes have passed or when all Table GMs
equal to the number of tables, read the following aloud. are ready to move on, the House GM should continue
to Part 3.
The ritual is a success and Gregaro Voth is free! The demiplane
can’t control him any longer. H1. ATTUNEMENT A: THE RITUAL
Once the House has reported a number of Defense Khoumrock Blackthane watches Gregaro Voth struggle with
successes equal to the number of tables, read the a weary eye. “This is it. This is why I’m here. I’ve tangled with
following aloud. the Thorned Monarch already, and I know this crown. There’s
a ritual to attune the man to the crown, but I’m going to need
Excellent work, Pathfinders! We have repelled the Thorned your help with all the magic bits.”
Monarch’s advance forces.
The Pathfinders can help Gregaro Voth use the crown
When there are 5 minutes remaining in the time by performing a ritual to attune him to the artifact.
allowed for the initial missions (70 minutes after Instead of using the ritual rules from the Core Rulebook,

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
this ritual uses a Victory Point system as described below. H2. ATTUNEMENT B: FREEING VOTH
The demiplane is infused with vast stores of primal
magic and is particularly mutable; together, these factors Blackthane hollers, “It worked! Voth and the crown are
allow this ritual to be conducted swiftly and without attuned to each other. Now we’ve just got to help him break
the ritual casters needing their own source of magic. free of the plane’s control. Come on, Pathfinders!”
PCs who played Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–17: The
Perennial Crown Part 2, The Thorned Monarch gain a +1 Once Voth is attuned to the crown, he can start to
circumstance bonus to all checks performed in the ritual break free of the vines that bind him to the demiplane
from prior experience with the crown. with the PCs’ help.
One PC acts as the primary caster for the ritual, but this Each PC can attempt two DC 18 skill checks (DC
PC does not need to be a spellcaster. The primary caster 20 for Levels 5–6), but unless the second check uses a
acts last. Each other PC can act as a secondary caster but different skill than the first, it takes a –2 circumstance
is not required to do so; these PCs likewise do not need to penalty. The options are:
be spellcasters to perform this role. Each secondary caster • Arcana to use knowledge of magical forces.
attempts a DC 16 skill check (DC 18 for Levels 5–6) from • Athletics to physically help pull Voth from the ties
the following options. Increase the DC by 1 if the group that bind him to the plane.
has 14 or more Challenge Points for Levels 3–4, or 27 or • Diplomacy to encourage Voth to break free.
more Challenge Points for Levels 5–6. • Nature to use knowledge of the planes.
• Arcana to tap into magical forces. • Occultism to use knowledge about strange artifacts.
• Nature to control the primal magic involved. • Performance to inspire Voth.
• Occultism to know about binding souls to • Any appropriate Lore.
objects. A critical success generates 2 Liberation Points, a
• Performance to add finesse to the ritual. success generates 1 Liberation Point, a failure generates
• Survival to find appropriate components. no Liberation Points, and a critical failure removes 1
• Thievery to manipulate the ritual components. Liberation Point.
• Any appropriate Lore. Reporting: If the total number of Liberation Points is
A critical success generates 2 Ritual Points, a success at least equal to the number of PCs, the PCs successfully
generates 1 Ritual Point, a failure generates no Ritual free Voth from the control of the demiplane. The table
Points, and a critical failure removes 1 Ritual Point. should report a Ritual success.
If a secondary caster casts a thematically appropriate
non-cantrip spell, they automatically generate a success I1. DEFENSE A: INITIAL FORCES LOW
without a skill check needed. If that spell is of the
highest level that PC can cast, they instead generate a Calisro draws her cutlass and watches the trees carefully.
critical success. “We’ve got a little time until the Monarch gets here, but I bet
The Primary Caster can only attempt an Arcana or they’ve got some scouts. Keep an eye out for their forces.”
Nature check and can’t substitute a spell for the skill
check. The DC of the check is 18 (DC 20 for Levels 5–6), Creatures: Some of the Thorned Monarch’s forces
but the Primary Caster receives a status bonus to the arrive ahead of the others and try to pick off unprepared
check equal to the number of Ritual Points generated by Pathfinders by themselves. Use the map on page 22 for
the secondary casters. Increase the DC by 1 if the group this area.
has 14 or more Challenge Points for Levels 3–4, or
27 or more Challenge Points for Levels 5–6. A critical Levels 3–4
success generates 4 Ritual Points, a success generates 2 The Thorned Monarch convinced a satyr that the
Ritual Points, a failure generates no Ritual Points, and Pathfinder Society was responsible for large-scale
a critical failure removes 2 Ritual Points. destruction of wilderness.
Reporting: If the total number of Ritual Points is at
least equal to the number of PCs, the ritual succeeds. SATYR CREATURE 4
The table should report a Ritual success. If the PCs do Page 33
not earn enough Ritual Points, Voth manages to salvage
the ritual, though doing so clearly takes a lot out of him. Levels 5–6
The PCs can now attempt Attunement B, but they do An elananx toys with the Pathfinders, trying to isolate
not earn a Ritual success. one to torment and kill.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Page 44 Once the House has reported a number of Monarch
successes equal to the number of tables, or when only 15
Reporting: If the PC defeat the fey, the table should minutes remain in which to complete the event, read the
report a Defense success. Conclusion (page 24).


The Thorned Monarch and their most powerful
“Well done, Pathfinders!” Benarry exclaims, her own sword allies descend on the demiplane, looking to slaughter
also marked with fey blood. “We’re not done yet though; Pathfinders, take the crown and with it control of the
more fey incoming!” demiplane, and kill Gregaro Voth for his defiance. Qxal’s
forces focus on groups of Pathfinders to attack while
Creatures: More fey servants of the Thorned Qxal sets their sights on Voth.
Monarch rush in to attack the PCs. Use the map on Table GMs should read or paraphrase the following.
page 22 for this area.
Benarry and Blackthane stand side by side and the half-orc
Levels 3–4 claps her friend on the shoulder. “This is it! You got one more
A pair of quicklings dart in and out, striking the PCs battle in you before you retire again?” Blackthane scoffs.
with hit-and-run attacks. “I’ve got more than that! To battle, Pathfinders! The Thorned
Monarch is nothing without their army!”
Page 34 Terrain: Green areas on the map are light underbrush,
creating difficult terrain and allowing creatures within to
Levels 5–6 Hide and Sneak. Use the map on page 23 for this area.
Two grimstalkers, working
together but preferring to avoid
other fey, relish the chance to
attack a group of Pathfinders.


Page 45

Reporting: If the PC defeat the fey, the

table should report a Defense success.

Part 3: The
The House GM should read the
following to begin Part 3.

As the last of the fey attackers fall, a

sudden, eerie silence descends over the
demiplane. A vision of a green moth—their
body composed of thorny vines and their
eyes burning with alien malevolence—clouds
the eyes of each Pathfinder, and a sinister
voice rings in every ear. “You have stolen my
crown and invaded my domain. I have destroyed
civilizations for lesser slights. None of you shall leave this The Thorned Monarch
place alive!”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

I. Defense

1 square = 5 feet Starfinder Flip-Mat: Jungle World

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns

J. The Thorned Monarch Attacks

PCs start here


R Redcap

J Jinkins

G Grimstalker
1 square = 5 feet Starfinder Flip-Mat: Jungle World

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Levels 3–4 There is a strange sensation throughout the demiplane of
Creatures: A grimstalker begins hunting the PCs. While tension being released. It’s as though the plane itself had
grimstalkers do not generally work with other kinds of been holding its breath for a long time and finally exhaled.
fey, two jinkins have followed along behind it, hoping to The Thorned Monarch has fallen. Gregaro Voth, now freed
take advantage of the grimstalker’s more powerful spells from his planar prison, stands before the assembled group.
to pick off Pathfinders. The grimstalker uses its spells “Pathfinders, there are no words to thank you for coming
to trap and slow down Pathfinders before moving in to to my rescue. I have talked with Venture-Captain Tolal, and
attack the one who seems the most formidable in battle. I understand I’ve been trapped here for a great many years.
Meanwhile, the jinkins team up against a Pathfinder who Unfortunately, I cannot return with you to Absalom. If I leave
is struggling with the terrain, trying to flank or otherwise this place, the weight of time would suddenly bear down
attack a flat-footed target. upon me, and I would immediately die. So, I shall remain here,
though I imagine I can make this a more palatable prison.”
GRIMSTALKER CREATURE 5 Voth, still wearing the crown, looks around him, and the
Page 35 landscape suddenly changes. In an instant, where before
there was a copse of trees, there now stands a brand-new
JINKINS (2) CREATURE 1 Pathfinder lodge with sprawling grounds. The scene is
Page 35 beautiful, with dozens of small buildings dotted across a
verdant landscape complete with tall trees, colorful flowers,
Levels 5–6 and chirping birds. “I suppose the adventure can come to me!
Creatures: Two redcaps have happily joined the Please, Pathfinders, stay and enjoy a well-deserved rest. Tell
Thorned Monarch’s forces for the opportunity to kill me of all the journeys you’ve taken and the discoveries that
mortals. These two have brought along two twigjacks you’ve made!”
for additional support. The redcaps send the twigjacks
to attack anyone wearing a religious symbol of a good OBJECTIVES
deity while they attack whoever seems the least armored. This adventure has no specific objectives. For
participating in this adventure, each PC earns 4 Fame
REDCAPS (2) CREATURE 5 and 4 Reputation for their chosen faction.
Page 46
TWIGJACKS (2) CREATURE 3 As Table GMs fill out Chronicle Sheets and players gather
Page 46 their things, the House GM should read or paraphrase
the following.
Reporting: If the PCs defeat the Thorned Monarch’s
forces, the table should report a Monarch success. After a full night’s rest, though perhaps with a few odd
If the House has not yet earned enough Monarch dreams, Oraiah Tolal and Gregaro Voth ask everyone to meet
successes and time permits, the table can choose to fight the next morning. Agents assemble in a garden on the new
one or more additional encounters. Give the PCs a little lodge’s grounds.
over 10 minutes to rest after each encounter, after which Gregaro Voth begins, “Pathfinders, you have done amazing
point another band of Qxal’s forces attacks. The GM can work, defeating the Thorned Monarch and his forces after
use the creatures from areas D, G1, or I2 on the area making the arduous journey out here.” Oraiah Tolal continues,
J map, favoring encounters the table has not seen yet. “But if Aleta smiles upon our work, you will have a much
Alternatively, the GM can send a slightly weaker version easier journey home.” Together, they cast a spell, and a
of the area J encounter at the PCs. For Levels 3–4, this is shimmering archway appears. After a few moments, Master
four jinkins (plus one jinkin for every 2 Challenge Points of Spells Sorrina Westyr and Decemvirate member Eliza
beyond 8). For Levels 5–6, two redcaps attack (plus one Petulengro walk through. Westyr exclaims happily, “Well
twigjack for every 4 Challenge Points beyond 16). Each done, Pathfinders, all of you!” Petulengro explains more.
successful encounter earns one Monarch success. “We’ve established a link between this new lodge and the
Maze of the Open Road, a hedge maze and portal network
Conclusion that used to be carefully restricted by the Decemvirate. You
When the tables have reported enough Monarch have more than earned a swift trip home. The Decemvirate is
successes, the House GM should read or paraphrase planning to add new nodes to the maze, allowing Pathfinders
the following. to swiftly travel to places far from the Society’s current reach.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
And so, if you are ready to go home, please follow me!”
Petulengro and Westyr lead the way through the portal, into
the maze, and through another archway that leads straight
back to the Grand Lodge.

The House GM should close the event,
thanking the Table GMs, organizers,
convention staff, and others who helped
make the event possible for their hard
work, and thanking the players for
their support of Pathfinder Society
Organized Play. Finally, they
should provide the Table GMs
and players instructions for
submitting reporting sheets
and exiting the event.

Gregaro Voth

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Appendix 1: Level 3–4
Encounters Scaling Encounter A
The statistics presented in this appendix include full
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
scenario. These encounters are written for four 3rd-level following adjustments.
PCs. If your group has a different composition or size, 14–18 Challenge Points: Four successes are required
refer to the Challenge Points section of Organized Play to disable the mushroom ring.
Tools (page 52) for instructions on how to use the scaling
sidebars to adjust the encounters for your group.
If a creature is marked “(0),” don’t include it in the NUGLUB (0) CREATURE 2
encounter unless otherwise specified (likely from the CN SMALL FEY GREMLIN
scaling sidebars). Perception +5; darkvision
Languages Undercommon
ENCOUNTER A (LEVELS 3–4) Skills Acrobatics +8, Crafting +5 (+7 traps), Intimidation +7,
Stealth +8
MUSHROOM RING HAZARD 4 Str +1, Dex +4, Con +3, Int –1, Wis –1, Cha +1
RARE COMPLEX MAGICAL TRAP AC 18; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +5
Stealth +12 (trained) HP 34; Weaknesses cold iron 2
Description This mushroom ring forms a portal to the First Kneecapper [reaction] Trigger A Medium creature within the nuglub’s
World, allowing the Thorned Monarch’s reinforcements reach leaves a square during its move action; Effect The
into the Material Plane. When the PCs approach, a creature nuglub lashes out at the triggering creature’s knees and
emerges. Creatures continue to emerge until the mushroom tries to knock them prone. The nuglub makes an Acrobatics
ring is disabled. Disabling the mushroom ring also causes check against the creature’s Reflex DC. On a success, the
any creatures that have emerged to disappear. target falls and lands prone.
Disable Thievery DC 22 (trained) or Nature DC 22 (trained) Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet
to rearrange the mushrooms to disrupt the portal (two Melee [one-action] bite +11 (finesse), Damage 1d8+1 piercing plus Grab
actions), or dispel magic (2nd level, counteract DC 20) to Melee [one-action] claw +11 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6+1 slashing
counteract the magical properties; three successes are Primal Innate Spells DC 18, attack +8; 2nd shatter; 1st grease,
required to disable the portal shocking grasp; Cantrips (1st) prestidigitation
AC 21; Fort +14, Ref +8 Sneak Attack A nuglub’s Strikes deal an additional 1d6
Mushroom Ring HP 62 (BT 31); Immunities critical hits, object precision damage to flat-footed targets, or 1d10 if the target
immunities, precision damage is prone.
Portal [reaction] (magical) Trigger The PCs approach the mushroom
ring; Effect A nuglub emerges from the portal to defend it;
the mushroom ring then rolls initiative.
Routine [one-action] A nuglub emerges from the mushroom ring and
defends it. All nuglubs use the mushroom ring’s initiative.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter B
UNCOMMON N MEDIUM ANIMAL To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +10; low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Common, Mwangi cumulative.
Skills Athletics +10, Nature +8, Stealth +10 (+13 to Hide) 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one giant gecko to the
Str +5, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha –2 encounter.
Camouflage The giant chameleon can change its coloration to 12–13 Challenge Points: Add two giant geckos to the
match its surroundings. It doesn’t need cover to attempt to encounter.
Hide with a Stealth check. 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one awakened giant
AC 18, all-around vision; Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +8 chameleon to the encounter and one giant gecko to the
HP 60 encounter.
Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one
Melee jaws +12 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+7 piercing awakened giant chameleon to the encounter and three
Melee tongue +12 (agile, reach 15 feet) Effect tongue grab giant geckos to the encounter.
Tongue Grab If the giant chameleon hits a creature with
a tongue Strike, that creature becomes grabbed by the
giant chameleon. The target isn’t immobilized, but it can’t
move beyond the reach of the giant chameleon’s tongue. A
creature can sever the tongue with an attack that hits AC 15
and deals at least 4 slashing damage. Though this doesn’t
deal any damage to the giant chameleon, it prevents it from
using its tongue Strike until it regrows its tongue, which
takes a week.


Perception +7; low-light vision
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5 (+9 to Climb), Stealth +6
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha –2
Uncanny Climber A giant gecko’s feet allow it to climb virtually
any surface, no matter how slick or sheer. If a giant gecko
attempts an Athletics check to climb and critically fails, it
gets a failure instead.
AC 16; Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +5
HP 20
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +8, Damage 1d8+2 piercing

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter C
N MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +7 following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Common cumulative.
Skills Arcana +5, Crafting +5, Diplomacy +4, Occultism +5, 12–15 Challenge Points: Add one guard to the
Religion +7 encounter.
Str +1, Dex +2, Con –1, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +1 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one guard
Items crossbow (10 bolts), religious symbol of Nethys, and one dancer to the encounter.
religious text of Nethys, staff
AC 15; Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +9
Melee [one-action] staff +4 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4+1 bludgeoning Perception +7 (+8 to find concealed objects)
Ranged [one-action] crossbow +5 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Languages Common
Damage 1d8 piercing Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +5, Legal Lore +3
Divine Prepared Spells DC 17, attack +9; 1st harm, heal (×2), Str +4, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha –1
magic missile; Cantrips (1st) chill touch, detect magic, light, Items crossbow (10 bolts), club, dagger, sap, scale mail, signal
prestidigitation, read aura, shield whistle
Cleric Domain Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 17; 1st cry of destruction AC 18; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5
(Core Rulebook 390) HP 20
Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
DANCER CREATURE 1 Speed 25 feet
N MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID Melee [one-action] club +9, Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning
Perception +3 Melee [one-action] sap +9 (agile, nonlethal), Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning
Languages Common Ranged [one-action] crossbow +7 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1),
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +7, Performance Damage 1d8 piercing
+13 (+15 when dancing), Stealth +6, Theater Lore +5 Ranged [one-action] club +7 (thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +4
Items dagger (3), jewelry and clothes (worth 10 gp)
AC 16; Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +3
HP 20
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] dagger +8 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage
1d4+3 piercing
Melee [one-action] foot +8 (agile, finesse, nonlethal), Damage 1d4+3
Melee [one-action] dagger +8 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S),
Damage 1d4+3 piercing
Fascinating Dance [one-action] Frequency once per round; Effect
The dancer Strides up to their Speed. Once during this
movement, when the dancer is adjacent to a creature, the
dancer can make that creature attempt a DC 17 Will save.
On a failure, that creature is fascinated with the dancer
until the end of its next turn.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter D
N LARGE MINDLESS PLANT To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +7; tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Skills Athletics +11, Stealth +10 (+13 in undergrowth) cumulative.
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +5 Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –2 10–11 Challenge Points: Give each snapping flytrap 5
AC 18; Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +7 additional Hit Points.
HP 50; Immunities mental; Weaknesses fire 5; Resistances 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one fungus leshy to the
acid 5 encounter.
Quick Capture [reaction] Trigger A creature hits or touches the flytrap. 14–15 Challenge Points: Add two fungus leshys to
Effect The flytrap makes a leaf Strike against the triggering the encounter.
creature. If it hits, the creature is grabbed in that leaf. 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one fungus
Speed 15 feet leshy and one snapping flytrap to the encounter.
Melee [one-action] leaf +11 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+2 piercing plus
1d6 acid and Improved Grab
Focused Assault [two-actions] The flytrap attacks a single target with FUNGUS LESHY (0) CREATURE 2
both its leaves. The flytrap makes one leaf Strike. On a N SMALL FUNGUS LESHY
success, the flytrap deals the damage from one leaf Strike Perception +6; darkvision
plus an additional 1d8 damage for every leaf beyond the Languages Common, Druidic, Sylvan; speak with plants
first. On a failure, the flytrap deals the damage from one (fungi only)
leaf Strike, but it can’t use Improved Grab. It deals no Skills Athletics +6, Nature +6, Stealth +8
damage on a critical failure. This counts toward the flytrap’s Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +0
multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the AC 19; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +6
number of leaves the flytrap has. HP 30
Hungry Flurry [two-actions] The flytrap makes two leaf Strikes at a Verdant Burst (healing) When a fungus leshy dies, a burst
–2 penalty, each against a different target. These attacks of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring 2d8
count toward the flytrap’s multiple attack penalty, but the Hit Points to all fungi in a 30-foot emanation. This area is
multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after it makes filled with fungi, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain
all its attacks. is not a viable environment for these fungi, they wither
Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Medium, 1d8+1 bludgeoning plus after 24 hours.
1d6 acid, Rupture 5 Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +10 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] spore pod +10 (range increment 30 feet), Damage
1d6+2 bludgeoning plus spores
Primal Innate Spells DC 16; 4th speak with plants
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, polymorph, primal,
transmutation) The fungus leshy transforms into a giant
mushroom or patch of fungi. This ability otherwise uses the
effects of tree shape.
Spore Cloud [two-actions] (poison) A fungus leshy can unleash a cloud
of spores that irritates the eyes and throats of non-fungi
creatures in a 15-foot emanation. Each creature must
succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or take 1 persistent
poison damage. A creature has its vision reduced as long as
the persistent damage continues and can see only within
20 feet (or 10 feet, on a critical failure).
Spores A creature that takes damage from a fungus leshy’s
spore pod Strike must attempt a saving throw with the
same DC and effect as its Spore Cloud ability.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter F
NE LARGE AMPHIBIOUS FEY To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +11; low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Aquan, Common, Sylvan cumulative.
Skills Athletics +11, Deception +14, Stealth +10 10–11 Challenge Points: Give the kelpie 10 additional
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha +4 Hit Points.
AC 21; Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +14 12–13 Challenge Points): Add one mudwretch to the
HP 60; Weaknesses cold iron 5; Resistances fire 5 encounter.
Speed 35 feet, swim 35 feet 14–15 Challenge Points: Give the kelpie 10 additional
Melee [one-action] jaws +13, Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoning plus Grab Hit Points and add one mudwretch to the encounter.
Captivating Lure [two-actions] (concentrate, emotion, enchantment, 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add two
incapacitation, mental, primal) The kelpie instills an mudwretches to the encounter.
overwhelming attraction to itself within the mind of a
single creature within 60 feet. The target perceives the
kelpie as a desirable person (if the kelpie is in humanoid AC 16; Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +9
form) or a valuable steed (if the kelpie is in equine form) HP 40; Immunities bleed, critical hits, paralyzed, poison,
and must attempt a DC 23 Will saving throw. sleep; Weaknesses fire 5; Resistances acid 3, physical 3
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is (except bludgeoning)
temporarily immune to Captivating Lure for 24 hours. Susceptible to Desiccation If a mudwretch takes any damage
Success The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 round and is then from horrid wilting or a similar effect, takes 10 or more fire
temporarily immune to Captivating Lure for 24 hours. damage from a single effect, or spends more than 24 hours
Failure The creature is fascinated, and it must spend each of outside of a source of sufficient hydration (such as a swamp,
its actions to move closer to the kelpie as expediently as river, well, or recent rainfall), it becomes dehydrated. While
possible while avoiding obvious dangers. If a captivated dehydrated, the mudwretch can’t Spew Mud, is sickened
creature is adjacent to the kelpie, it either attempts to 2, and is slowed 1 until it either fully immerses in water,
mount the kelpie (if the kelpie is in equine form) or stays spends 1 minute in the rain, or rehydrates in another way
still and doesn’t act. If the creature is attacked by the (such as via Gory Hydration).
kelpie, or if it can’t breathe water and enters an area of Speed 20 feet, swim 20 feet
water, the creature is freed from captivation at the end Melee [one-action] fist +10 (agile), Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoning plus
of the kelpie’s turn. Grab
Critical Failure As failure, but the target doesn’t consider Constrict [one-action] 1d8+2 bludgeoning, DC 18
water a danger and will enter an area of water even if Gory Hydration [reaction] Requirements The mudwretch is
it can’t swim or breathe water. If it is attacked by the dehydrated; Trigger The mudwretch deals Constrict damage
kelpie or starts to drown, it can attempt a new save at to a living creature that has blood; Effect The mudwretch
the start of its next turn, but it isn’t freed automatically. squeezes harder, dealing 1d6 persistent bleed damage to
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, polymorph, primal, the target. The mudwretch absorbs this blood, removing
transmutation) The kelpie can take on the appearance of any penalties it had as a result of being dehydrated.
any Medium or Large animal of an equine nature (such as Mud Puddle [one-action] (concentrate) Until it next acts, the
a horse, hippocampus, or pony), or any Small or Medium mudwretch appears to be an ordinary puddle of mud. It has
humanoid. This doesn’t change its Speeds or its attack and an automatic result of 20 on Deception checks to pass as
damage modifiers with its Strikes. a mud puddle and can make a fist Strike against a creature
that walks onto the mud puddle as a reaction.
MUDWRETCH (0) CREATURE 2 Spew Mud [two-actions] (conjuration, primal) The mudwretch
N MEDIUM EARTH ELEMENTAL WATER spews a 20-foot line of pressurized mud that deals 2d10
Perception +9; darkvision bludgeoning damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). On a critical
Languages Terran failure, a creature also takes a –10-foot status penalty to its
Skills Athletics +8, Stealth +6 Speeds for 1 round. The mudwretch can’t Spew Mud again
Str +4, Dex +0 Con +3, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha +0 for 1d4 rounds.
Muddy Field (aura) 10 feet. The ground in the area is difficult
terrain for all non-mudwretch creatures.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter G1
N LARGE ANIMAL To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +8; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +11, Stealth +7 cumulative.
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 10–11 Challenge Points: Give each gorilla 10
AC 19; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +6 additional Hit Points.
HP 45 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one hunting spider to
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet the encounter.
Melee [one-action] fist +11 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+4 14–15 Challenge Points: Add two hunting spiders to
bludgeoning the encounter.
Melee [one-action] jaws +11 (reach 5 feet), Damage 1d8+4 piercing 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add two hunting
Frightening Display [two-actions] (auditory, emotion, fear, spiders and one gorilla to the encounter.
mental) The gorilla beats its chest in a terrifying display.
Creatures within 30 feet must attempt a DC 20 Will save.
While a creature is frightened by this ability, it is flat-footed HUNTING SPIDER (0) CREATURE 1
to the gorilla. N MEDIUM ANIMAL
Critical Success No effect and temporarily immune for Perception +7; darkvision, web sense
1 minute. Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +5, Stealth +7
Success The creature is unaffected. Str +2, Dex +4, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –4
Failure The creature is frightened 1. Web Sense The hunting spider has imprecise tremorsense to
Critical Failure The creature is frightened 2. detect the vibrations of creatures touching its web.
AC 17; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +5
HP 16
Spring Upon Prey [reaction] (attack); Requirement Initiative has not
yet been rolled; Trigger A creature touches the hunting
spider’s web while the spider is on it; Effect The hunting
spider automatically notices the creature and Strides,
Climbs, or Descends on a Web before it rolls initiative.
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
Melee [one-action] fangs +9 (finesse), Damage 1d6+2 piercing plus
hunting spider venom
Ranged [one-action] web +7 (range increment 30 feet), Effect web trap
Descend on a Web [one-action] (move) The hunting spider
moves straight down up to 40 feet, suspended by a web
line. It can hang from the web or drop off. The distance
it Descends on a Web doesn’t count for falling damage. A
creature that successfully Strikes the web (AC 20, Hardness
3, 5 HP) severs it, causing the spider to fall.
Hunting Spider Venom (poison); Saving Throw Fortitude DC
16; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d10 poison and
flat-footed (1 round); Stage 2 1d12 poison, clumsy 1, and flat-
footed (1 round); Stage 3 2d6 poison, clumsy 2, and flat-
footed (1 round).
Web Trap A creature hit by the hunting spider’s web attack
is immobilized and stuck to the nearest surface until it
Escapes (DC 17).

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter G2
N MEDIUM ANIMAL To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +11; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 30 feet following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+12 to Maneuver in Flight), Athletics cumulative.
+12, Stealth +12 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one giant cockroach to
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +3, Cha +0 the encounter.
AC 21; Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 12–13 Challenge Points: Add two giant cockroaches
HP 60 to the encounter.
Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feet 14–15 Challenge Points: Add three giant cockroaches
Melee [one-action] mandibles +14, Damage 1d12+7 piercing plus Grab to the encounter.
Clutch [one-action] Requirements The giant dragonfly has a Medium 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one giant
or smaller creature grabbed in its mandibles; Effect The cockroach and one giant dragonfly to the encounter.
dragonfly tries to transfer the grabbed creature to be
clutched by its legs. The giant dragonfly attempts an
Athletics check against the creature’s Reflex DC. On a
success, it transfers the creature (which remains grabbed)
to its legs, freeing its mandibles to attack. The dragonfly
can have only one creature clutched at a time.
Snatch The giant dragonfly can Fly at half Speed while it has
a creature grabbed or restrained by Clutch, carrying that
creature along with it.
Swoop [two-actions] The giant dragonfly Flies up to its Speed and makes
one mandible Strike at any point during that movement.


Perception +6; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet
Skills Acrobatics +6, Stealth +8
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –1
AC 16; Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +4
HP 20
Scurry [reaction] Trigger The giant cockroach is targeted by a melee
attack; Effect The giant cockroach gains a +2 circumstance
bonus to AC against the triggering attack. After the attack
resolves, the cockroach Strides, Climbs, or Flies up to 10 feet.
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet, fly 15 feet
Melee [one-action] mandibles +8 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6+1 piercing

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter I1
CN MEDIUM FEY To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +10; low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Common, Sylvan cumulative.
Skills Athletics +8, Deception +13, Diplomacy +13, Intimidation 10–11 Challenge Points: Give the satyr 10 additional
+11, Nature +9, Performance +13, Stealth +11, Survival +8 Hit Points.
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +5 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one leprechaun to the
Items dagger, panpipes, shortbow (20 arrows), wineskin encounter.
Sylvan Wine (enchantment, mental, primal) A satyr’s 14–15 Challenge Points: Add two leprechauns to the
wineskin magically enchants any alcohol inside. With an encounter.
Interact action, a living creature can imbibe the alcohol and 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one
gain a +1 item bonus to Will saves and a +3 item bonus to additional satyr to the encounter.
Will saves against fear effects for the following hour. When
the wineskin is removed from a satyr’s person, the magic
remains only until the wine spoils. The wineskin holds up LEPRECHAUN (0) CREATURE 2
to eight drafts of wine. CN SMALL FEY
AC 19; Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +12 Perception +11; low-light vision
HP 80; Weaknesses cold iron 5 Languages Common, Sylvan
Speed 35 feet Skills Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Gold Lore +7, Nature +7,
Melee [one-action] dagger +14 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage Performance +9, Thievery +8
1d4+6 piercing Str +1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +4
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +14 (deadly 1d10, range increment 60 AC 18; Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +10
feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6 +3 piercing HP 25
Ranged [one-action] dagger +14 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Speed 30 feet
Damage 1d4+6 piercing Melee [one-action] club +7, Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning
Primal Innate Spells DC 21; 4th charm, fear, sleep, suggestion; Primal Innate Spells DC 18, attack +10; 2nd illusory creature,
Cantrips (2nd) dancing lights, ghost sound, inspire illusory object, invisibility (self only); 1st color spray,
competence (Core Rulebook 386), inspire courage (Core shillelagh, ventriloquism; Cantrips (2nd) dancing lights, ghost
Rulebook 386), triple time (Core Rulebook 387) sound, mage hand, prestidigitation, telekinetic projectile
Fleet Performer When the satyr Plays the Pipes to cast a Create Object [two-actions] (conjuration, manipulate, primal) Frequency
spell, he can Step or Stride as part of the activity. three times per day; Effect The leprechaun produces an
Play the Pipes [three-actions] (auditory, primal); Requirements The item out of their hat, from behind their jacket, from within
satyr is holding a musical instrument. Effect The satyr plays a hole in a tree stump, or from any other unexpected
a melody on his instrument to cast charm, fear, sleep, or location. This conjured item must be no more than 1 Bulk
suggestion without expending the spell slot and using his and must be made of relatively commonplace material
music in place of providing the spell’s component actions. (such as cloth, wood, stone, or even low-value metal like
The spell gains the auditory trait and targets all creatures iron or lead). It can’t rely on intricate artistry or complex
in a 60-foot emanation instead of its usual targets. A moving parts, never fulfills a Cost or the like, and can’t be
creature that succeeds at its Will save against any spell made of precious materials or materials with a rarity of
is then temporarily immune from spells played from that uncommon or higher. The created object is temporary and
satyr’s pipes for 1 minute. Satyrs are immune to this music. lasts for 1 hour or until the leprechaun creates a new item,
whichever comes first.
Leprechaun Magic When a leprechaun uses their innate
spells to deceive, trick, or humiliate a creature, the spell DC
increases to 20 and the attack modifier to +11.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter I2
UNCOMMON CE SMALL FEY To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +9; low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Aklo, Common, Sylvan cumulative.
Skills Acrobatics +13, Crafting +8, Deception +8, Nature +8, 10–11 Challenge Points: Give each quickling 10
Stealth +11, Survival +6, Thievery +11 additional Hit Points.
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +3 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one quickling to the
Items lethargy poison (3 doses), shortsword encounter.
AC 22; Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +8 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one quickling to the
HP 25; Weaknesses cold iron 5 encounter and give all quicklings 10 additional Hit
Slow Susceptibility The quickling takes a –2 status penalty Points.
to saving throws against effects that cause the slowed 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add two
condition. If the quickling ever becomes slowed, they quicklings to the encounter.
lose their supernatural speed, can’t Fade from View, and
become sickened 1 for the duration of the slow. They also
can’t reduce this sickened condition for the duration of the
slowed effect.
Can’t Catch Me [reaction] Trigger The quickling is targeted by a Strike;
Effect The quickling darts aside, gaining a +2 circumstance
bonus to AC, then Strides up to half their Speed after the
Strike resolves.
Speed 100 feet
Melee [one-action] shortsword +11 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage
1d6+2 piercing plus lethargy poison
Primal Innate Spells DC 20; 2nd shatter; 1st ventriloquism;
Cantrips (2nd) dancing lights, prestidigitation
Fade from View [free-action] Requirements The quickling
used no attack, manipulate, or move actions in the previous
round; Effect The quickling becomes invisible until it uses
an attack, manipulate, or move action. The quickling can’t
use Fade from View again for 1d4 rounds.
Sneak Attack The quickling’s Strikes deal an extra 1d6
precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
Supernatural Speed The quickling’s speed, combined with
nearly instantaneous acceleration and deceleration,
enables them to move in astonishing ways. As long as they
have a firm surface to travel across, they can Stride their
full movement vertically or horizontally. They can even run
across unstable surfaces, such as water, in the same way,
although dangerous surfaces (acid, lava, etc.) harm them
as normal. They must end their movement on a horizontal
surface capable of bearing their weight or else they fall.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter J
CE MEDIUM FEY To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +12; low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Aklo, Common cumulative.
Skills Acrobatics +13, Intimidation +13, Nature +11, Stealth 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one additional jinkin to
+13, Survival +12 the encounter.
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 12–13 Challenge Points: Add two additional jinkins
Camouflage A grimstalker can Hide in natural environments, to the encounter
even if it doesn’t have cover. 14–15 Challenge Points: Add three additional jinkins
AC 22; Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +12 to the encounter.
HP 60; Weaknesses cold iron 5 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one
Speed 40 feet, climb 20 feet; woodland stride additional grimstalker to the encounter.
Melee [one-action] claw +15 (agile), Damage 2d6+7 slashing plus
grimstalker sap
Primal Innate Spells DC 22, attack +14; 3rd earthbind, wall JINKINS (2) CREATURE 1
of thorns; 2nd entangle, pass without trace, tree shape; CE TINY FEY GREMLIN
Cantrips (3rd) tanglefoot Perception +7; darkvision
Grimstalker Sap (poison); Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude; Languages Undercommon
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage (1 Skills Acrobatics +7, Crafting +5 (+7 traps), Deception +5,
round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and clumsy 1 (1 round), Nature +5, Stealth +7, Thievery +7
Stage 3 2d6 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round) Str –2, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2
Woodland Stride A grimstalker can always find a path, Items shortsword
almost as if foliage parts before it. A grimstalker ignores AC 17; Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +7
difficult terrain caused by plants, such as bushes, vines, HP 19; Weaknesses cold iron 2
and undergrowth. Even plants manipulated by magic don’t Speed 30 feet
impede its progress. Melee [one-action] shortsword +9 (agile, finesse, magical, versatile S),
Damage 1d6–2 piercing
Primal Innate Spells DC 17; Cantrips (1st) prestidigitation
Sneak Attack The jinkin deals 1d6 extra precision damage to
flat-footed creatures.
Tinker (curse, primal, transmutation) A group of six jinkins
can work together for an hour to imbue an item with a
curse at a range of 60 feet. While this process is lengthy,
it’s also unobtrusive and can be performed while Hiding.
Jinkins prefer to use this ability on magic items. The curse
makes the item unreliable (DC 5 flat check or waste any
action to Interact with or Activate the item), adds a bizarre
requirement to use the item, or imparts some other curse
of a similar caliber.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Appendix 2: Level 5–6
Encounters Scaling Encounter A
The statistics presented in this appendix include full
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
scenario. These encounters are written for four 5th-level following adjustments.
PCs. If your group has a different composition or size, 28–36 Challenge Points: Four successes are required
refer to the Challenge Points section of Organized Play to disable the mushroom ring.
Tools (page 52) for instructions on how to use the scaling
sidebars to adjust the encounters for your group.
If a creature is marked “(0),” don’t include it in the by their animated hair. An affected creature that ends its
encounter unless otherwise specified (likely from the turn in the emanation must succeed at a DC 18 Reflex save
scaling sidebars). or become clumsy 1 (clumsy 2 on a critical failure) as long as
it remains in the aura.
ENCOUNTER A (LEVELS 5–6) Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] club +14, Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoning
MUSHROOM RING HAZARD 6 Ranged [one-action] rock +14 (brutal, range increment 20 feet), Damage
Stealth +15 (trained) Ranged [one-action] club +14 (thrown 10 feet), Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoning
Description This mushroom ring forms a portal to the First Primal Innate Spells DC 21; 6th stone tell; 4th shape stone (at
World, allowing the Thorned Monarch’s reinforcements will), shatter (at will)
into the Material Plane. When the PCs approach, a creature Hair Snare [one-action] (incapacitation, primal, transmutation) The
emerges. Creatures continue to emerge until the mushroom korred causes a long, tangled length of their hair to detach
ring is disabled. Disabling the mushroom ring also causes from their body and snake out to coil around an adjacent
any creatures that have emerged to disappear. creature. The creature must attempt a DC 21 Reflex save. The
Disable Thievery DC 21 (expert) or Nature DC 25 (trained) korred cannot use Hair Snare again for 1d4 rounds.
to rearrange the mushrooms to disrupt the portal (two Success The creature is unaffected.
actions), or dispel magic (3rd level, counteract DC 23) to Failure The hair wraps around the creature. The creature
counteract the magical properties; three successes are takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to all of its Speeds
required to disable the portal until it Escapes (DC 21) or until the korred uses Hair Snare
AC 24; Fort +17, Ref +11 again (at which point the previous snare drops to the
Mushroom Ring HP 98 (BT 49); Immunities critical hits, object ground, no longer animated).
immunities, precision damage Critical Failure The creature is immobilized until it Escapes
Portal [reaction] (magical); Trigger The PCs approach the ring; (DC 21) or the korred uses Hair Snare again.
Effect A korred emerges from the portal to defend it; the Otherworldly Laugh [two-actions] (auditory, evocation, incapacitation,
mushroom ring then rolls initiative. primal, sonic) Frequency three times per day; Effect The
Routine [one-action] A korred emerges from the mushroom ring and korred unleashes an otherworldly laugh. Each non-fey
defends it. All korreds use the mushroom ring’s initiative. creature within a 30-foot burst must attempt a DC 21
Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is slowed 1 for 1
KORRED (0) CREATURE 4 round (or stunned 1 on a critical failure).
UNCOMMON CN SMALL FEY Stone Stride [two-actions] (conjuration, earth, primal, teleportation) The
Perception +12; low-light vision korred steps into a block of stone large enough for them to
Languages Common, Sylvan fit inside and instantly teleports to any other stone within
Skills Acrobatics +11, Crafting +11, Deception +13, Performance 30 feet that has the same minimum size. Once the korred
+13, Stealth +11 enters the stone, they instantly know the rough locations
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +5 of other sufficiently large stones within 30 feet. They can
Items club, pouch with 5 rocks exit from the original stone, if they prefer. They can’t carry
AC 21; Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +10; +1 status to all saves vs. extradimensional spaces with them when they Stone Stride;
magic if the korred attempts to do so, Stone Stride fails.
HP 65; Weaknesses cold iron 5 Throw Rock [one-action]
Animated Hair (aura, primal, transmutation) 5 feet. The korred’s
long, animated hair reaches out and interferes with creatures
in the area. The korred can select which targets are affected

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter B
UNCOMMON N LARGE ANIMAL To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +11; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Common, Mwangi cumulative.
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +14, Nature +9, Stealth +10 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one giant chameleon to
Str +5, Dex +1, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0 the encounter.
AC 22; Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +9 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two giant chameleons
HP 75 to the encounter.
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one awakened frilled
Melee [one-action] jaws +16 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+7 piercing lizard and one giant chameleon to the encounter.
Melee [one-action] tail +16 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+7 33–36 Challenge Points: Add one awakened frilled
bludgeoning lizard and three giant chameleons to the encounter.
Intimidating Display [two-actions] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental,
visual) The giant frilled lizard Strides. If it ends that Stride
adjacent to at least one other creature, it suddenly displays
its colorful neck frills and issues a frightening hiss. Each
adjacent creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or
become frightened 2 (or frightened 3 on a critical failure).
The creature is then temporarily immune to Intimidating
Display for 1 minute.


Perception +10; low-light vision
Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +10 (+13 to Hide)
Str +5, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha –2
Camouflage The giant chameleon can change its coloration to
match its surroundings. It doesn’t need cover to attempt to
Hide with a Stealth check.
AC 18, all-around vision; Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +8
HP 60
Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet
Melee jaws +12 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+7 piercing
Melee tongue +12 (agile, reach 15 feet) Effect tongue grab
Tongue Grab If the giant chameleon hits a creature with
a tongue Strike, that creature becomes grabbed by the
giant chameleon. The target isn’t immobilized, but it can’t
move beyond the reach of the giant chameleon’s tongue. A
creature can sever the tongue with an attack that hits AC 15
and deals at least 4 slashing damage. Though this doesn’t
deal any damage to the giant chameleon, it prevents it from
using its tongue Strike until it regrows its tongue, which
takes a week.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter C
N MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +14 following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Common cumulative.
Skills Map Lore +17, Nature +14, Scribing Lore +17, Society +12, 23–32 Challenge Points: Add one jailer to the
Survival +14 encounter.
Str +2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +0 33–36 Challenge Points: Add one jailer and one
Items crossbow (20 bolts), dagger, journal, leather armor, maps, tracker to the encounter.
scroll of acid arrow, scroll of heal, staff
AC 18; Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +9
HP 45 Intimidating Strike [two-actions] (emotion, fear, fighter, mental) The jailer
Live to Tell the Tale [reaction] Frequency once per day; Trigger The makes a melee Strike. If it hits and deals damage, the target is
chronicler is dying; Effect The chronicler reduces their dying frightened 1, or frightened 2 on a critical hit.
condition by 1. If the chronicler is no longer dying, they remain Subdue Prisoners The jailer doesn’t take the normal penalty for
unconscious for at least 1 hour or until they regain 1 Hit Point. making a nonlethal attack when attacking with their club.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] dagger +7 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage TRACKER CREATURE 3
Melee [one-action] staff +7 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4+2 bludgeoning Perception +13
Ranged [one-action] crossbow +7 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Languages Common
Damage 1d8 piercing Skills Forest Lore +5, Nature +11, Stealth +9, Survival +13
Primal Prepared Spells DC 20, attack +12; 2nd entangle, flaming Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +0
sphere; 1st fleet step, longstrider, pass without trace; Cantrips Items composite longbow (60 arrows), leather armor, staff
(2nd) know direction, light, ray of frost, sigil, tanglefoot Forager When using Survival to Subsist, if the tracker rolls a
Scroll Mastery The chronicler can activate any scroll of a 2nd- failure or a critical failure, they get a success instead. If the
level spell or lower as if they had the spell on their spell list, tracker rolls a success, they can provide food for 16 additional
regardless of its magical tradition. creatures that eat about as much as a human, or 32 creatures
on a critical success.
JAILER CREATURE 3 Master Tracker The tracker can Track while moving at full speed.
LN MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID AC 20; Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +9
Perception +9 (+10 to find concealed objects) HP 45
Languages Common Speed 25 feet
Skills Athletics +11, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +7 Melee [one-action] staff +9 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0 Ranged [one-action] composite longbow +11 (deadly 1d10, propulsive,
Items club, crossbow (20 bolts), key ring, simple manacles, signal range increment 100 feet, reload 0, volley 30 feet), Damage
whistle, studded leather armor 1d8+3 piercing
AC 20; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +7 Hunt Prey [one-action] (concentrate) The tracker designates a single
HP 45 creature they can see and hear, or one they’re tracking, as
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] their prey. The tracker gains a +2 circumstance bonus to
Speed 25 feet Perception checks to Seek the prey and to Survival checks to
Melee [one-action] club +11, Damage 1d6+8 bludgeoning Track the prey.
Ranged [one-action] crossbow +10 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), The first time the tracker hits the designated prey in a
Damage 1d8+4 piercing round, they deal an additional 1d8 precision damage. The
Melee [one-action] club +10 (thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+6 bludgeoning tracker also ignores the penalty for making ranged attacks
Efficient Capture [three-actions] (attack, manipulate) Requirements The within their second range increment. These effects last until
jailer has manacles in hand and is adjacent to a creature; the tracker uses Hunt Prey again.
Effect The jailer attempts to bind the creature’s wrists or
ankles with the manacles. If the jailer succeeds at an attack
roll with a +9 modifier against the target’s AC, they apply
the manacles.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter D
CE HUGE PLANT To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +14; lifesense 30 feet, low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Aklo, Arboreal, Sylvan cumulative.
Skills Athletics +15, Stealth +12 (+14 in forests) 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one snapping flytrap to
Str +7, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0 the encounter.
AC 24; Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +9 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two snapping flytraps
HP 105; Resistances bludgeoning 5, piercing 5 to the encounter.
Axe Vulnerability A scythe tree takes 5 additional damage 28–32 Challenge Points: Add three snapping flytraps
from axes. to the encounter
Ripping Disarm [reaction] Trigger A creature rolls a critical failure on 33–36 Challenge Points: Add one snapping flytrap
a melee weapon Strike against the scythe tree; Effect The and one scythe tree to the encounter.
scythe tree attempts to Disarm the creature.
Speed 15 feet
Melee [one-action] scythe branch +18 (backswing, deadly d10, reach 15 SNAPPING FLYTRAP CREATURE 3
feet), Damage 2d10+9 slashing N LARGE MINDLESS PLANT
Dead Tree [one-action] (concentrate) Until the scythe tree acts, it Perception +7; tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
appears to be a dead tree. It has an automatic result of 35 Skills Athletics +11, Stealth +10 (+13 in undergrowth)
on Deception checks and DCs to pass as a dead tree. Str +2, Dex +3, Con +5 Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –2
Woodland Ambush [one-action] Requirements The scythe tree is using AC 18; Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +7
Dead Tree in forested terrain, and a creature that hasn’t HP 50; Immunities mental; Weaknesses fire 5; Resistances
detected it is within 30 feet; Effect The scythe tree Strides up acid 5
to 25 feet toward the triggering creature. Once the creature Quick Capture [reaction] Trigger A creature hits or touches the
is in reach, the scythe tree makes a scythe branch Strike flytrap. Effect The flytrap makes a leaf Strike against the
against it. The creature is flat-footed against this Strike. triggering creature. If it hits, the creature is grabbed in
that leaf.
Speed 15 feet
Melee [one-action] leaf +11 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+2 piercing plus
1d6 acid and Improved Grab
Focused Assault [two-actions] The flytrap attacks a single
target with both its leaves. The flytrap makes one leaf
Strike. On a success, the flytrap deals the damage from
one leaf Strike plus an additional 1d8 damage for every leaf
beyond the first. On a failure, the flytrap deals the damage
from one leaf Strike, but it can’t use Improved Grab. It
deals no damage on a critical failure. This counts toward
the flytrap’s multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks
equal to the number of leaves the flytrap has.
Hungry Flurry [two-actions] The flytrap makes two leaf Strikes at a
–2 penalty, each against a different target. These attacks
count toward the flytrap’s multiple attack penalty, but the
multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after it makes
all its attacks.
Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Medium, 1d8+1 bludgeoning plus
1d6 acid, Rupture 5

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter F
UNCOMMON CN MEDIUM FEY PLANT To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +14; low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Aklo, Common, Sylvan; speak with plants cumulative.
Skills Acrobatics +15, Diplomacy +15, Nature +13, Performance 19–22 Challenge Points: Give the blodeuwedd 15
+15, Stealth +13 (+17 in grasslands), Survival +11 additional Hit Points.
Str +4, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +5 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one kelpie to the
Items +1 sling encounter.
Allergen Aura (aura, primal) A blodeuwedd exudes a 30-foot 28–32 Challenge Points: Give the blodeuwedd
aura of pollen and irritating allergens. A non-plant living 15 additional Hit Points and add one kelpie to the
creature that begins its turn in the aura must succeed at encounter.
a DC 22 Fortitude save or become sickened 2. A creature 33–36 Challenge Points: Add two kelpies to the
that succeeds at its save is then temporarily immune to the encounter.
allergen aura for 24 hours. A blodeuwedd can suppress this
aura or activate it again as a free action.
Wild Empathy The blodeuwedd can use Diplomacy to Make an KELPIE (0) CREATURE 4
Impression on and make very simple Requests of animals. NE LARGE AMPHIBIOUS FEY
AC 24; Fort +12, Ref +17, Will +14 Perception +11; low-light vision
HP 105; Weaknesses cold iron 5 Languages Aquan, Common, Sylvan
Speed 25 feet Skills Athletics +11, Deception +14, Stealth +10
Melee [one-action] claw +14 (agile), Damage 2d8+7 slashing Str +5, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha +4
Ranged [one-action] sling +17 (propulsive, range increment 50 feet), AC 21; Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +14
Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoning HP 60; Weaknesses cold iron 5; Resistances fire 5
Primal Innate Spells DC 25; 4th hallucinatory terrain, modify Speed 35 feet, swim 35 feet
memory, sleep; 3rd wall of thorns; 2nd entangle (×3); Melee [one-action] jaws +13, Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoning plus Grab
Cantrips (4th) dancing lights, tanglefoot; Constant (4th) Captivating Lure [two-actions] (concentrate, emotion, enchantment,
speak with plants incapacitation, mental, primal) The kelpie instills an
Change Shape [two-actions] (concentrate, polymorph, primal, overwhelming attraction to itself within the mind of a
transmutation) A blodeuwedd can take on the appearance single creature within 60 feet. The target perceives the
of a single unique humanoid or the form of a prairie owl. kelpie as a desirable person (if the kelpie is in humanoid
When in humanoid form, the blodeuwedd loses its claw form) or a valuable steed (if the kelpie is in equine form)
attack. In owl form, its statistics change as follows: Size and must attempt a DC 23 Will saving throw.
Small; Speed fly 60 feet; Melee [one-action] talons +15, Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is
Damage 1d3+1. temporarily immune to Captivating Lure for 24 hours.
A blodeuwedd can return to their normal form as a Success The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 round and is then
free action. temporarily immune to Captivating Lure for 24 hours.
Living Footsteps Every Stride action taken by a blodeuwedd Failure The creature is fascinated, and it must spend each of
causes small plants, grasses, and wildflowers to sprout its actions to move closer to the kelpie as expediently as
from the ground, though they can suppress this effect if possible while avoiding obvious dangers. If a captivated
they desire. In a region or terrain that wouldn’t normally creature is adjacent to the kelpie, it either attempts to
support plant life, these plants thrive for 1 minute before mount the kelpie (if the kelpie is in equine form) or stays
withering away. still and doesn’t act. If the creature is attacked by the
Nature’s Infusion [two-actions] Frequency once per day; Effect While kelpie, or if it can’t breathe water and enters an area of
surrounded by any field or fertile plain, a blodeuwedd can water, the creature is freed from captivation at the end
infuse themself with borrowed life energy from nearby of the kelpie’s turn.
plants and nutrients in the ground. The blodeuwedd gains Critical Failure As failure, but the target doesn’t consider
15 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour. water a danger and will enter an area of water even if
it can’t swim or breathe water. If it is attacked by the
kelpie or starts to drown, it can attempt a new save at
the start of its next turn, but it isn’t freed automatically.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, polymorph, primal,
transmutation) The kelpie can take on the appearance of
any Medium or Large animal of an equine nature (such as
a horse, hippocampus, or pony), or any Small or Medium
humanoid. This doesn’t change its Speeds or its attack and
damage modifiers with its Strikes.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter G1
N LARGE ANIMAL SWARM To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +11; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Skills Athletics +7 cumulative.
Str –2, Dex +4, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –4 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one giant whiptail
AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +9 centipede to the encounter.
HP 55; Immunities precision, swarm mind; Weaknesses area 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two giant whiptail
damage 5, splash damage 5; Resistances bludgeoning 2, centipedes to the encounter.
piercing 5, slashing 5 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one army ant swarm
Cling [reaction] Trigger A creature leaves the swarm’s space; Effect and one giant whiptail centipede to the encounter.
The swarm takes 1d6 damage as ants cling to the creature 33–36 Challenge Points: Add one army ant swarm
and continue biting, dealing 3d6 persistent piercing damage. and two giant whiptail centipedes to the encounter.
High winds or immersion in water reduces the DC of the flat
check to end this persistent damage to 5. Any area damage
dealt to the creature destroys these clinging ants.
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet
Swarming Bites [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm’s space takes
3d6 piercing damage (DC 21 basic Fortitude save). A
creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites becomes
clumsy 1 for 1 round. If the creature attempts a concentrate
or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a
DC 5 flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after
spending the action, but before any effects are applied.


Perception +9; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +10, Stealth +8
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –4
AC 19; Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +7
HP 45
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] Tail only.
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet
Melee [one-action] mandibles +11 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+6
piercing plus whiptail centipede venom
Melee [one-action] tail +11 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 1d6+6
bludgeoning plus Knockdown
Undulate [one-action] The giant whiptail centipede Strides or Steps.
During this movement, it can pass through spaces as
narrow as 5 feet without Squeezing.
Whiptail Centipede Venom (poison); Saving Throw DC 19
Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d10
poison damage and clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d10
poison damage and clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 3 2d10 poison
damage and clumsy 2 (1 round)

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter G2
N MEDIUM MINDLESS OOZE To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +8; motion sense 60 feet, no vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Skills Athletics +15, Stealth +4 (+10 in tall grass or cumulative.
undergrowth) 19–22 Challenge Points: Give the verdurous ooze 30
Str +5, Dex –4, Con +5, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5 additional Hit Points.
Motion Sense A verdurous ooze can sense nearby creatures 23–27 Challenge Points: Give the verdurous ooze 30
through vibration and air or water movement. additional Hit Points. Increase its AC, attack modifiers,
AC 12; Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +10 DCs, saving throws, Perception, and skill modifiers by
HP 157; Immunities acid, critical hits, mental, piercing, 2, and increase the damage of its Strikes by 2.
precision, slashing, unconscious, visual 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one verdurous ooze to
Corrosive Surface A creature that hits a verdurous ooze with the encounter.
a metal weapon or unarmed attack must attempt a DC 21 33–36 Challenge Points: Add one verdurous ooze to
Reflex save. On a failure, the weapon or creature takes the encounter and give both oozes 30 additional Hit
2d4 acid damage (after dealing damage to the ooze as Points.
normal). Thrown weapons take this damage automatically
with no save.
Enliven Foliage (aura, primal, transmutation) 20 feet. The
verdurous ooze constantly emits supernatural vapors that
cause nearby plants to grow rapidly and writhe and grasp
at anything and everything within the emanation. This area
becomes difficult terrain for non–verdurous ooze creatures.
When a creature starts its turn in this aura, it must succeed
at a DC 21 Reflex save or take a –10-foot circumstance
penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the emanation.
Split When a verdurous ooze that has 10 or more HP is hit by
an attack that would deal piercing or slashing damage, it
splits into two identical oozes, each with half the original’s
HP. One ooze is in the same space as the original, and the
other is in an adjacent, unoccupied space. If no adjacent
space is unoccupied, it automatically pushes creatures and
objects out of the way to fill a space (the GM decides if an
object or creature is too big or heavy to push).
Speed 15 feet
Melee [one-action] pseudopod +15, Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoning plus
1d6 acid and Grab
Constrict [one-action] 2d6 bludgeoning plus 1d6 acid, DC 24
Sleep Gas [two-actions] (incapacitation, mental, poison, sleep) The
verdurous ooze adjusts its aura of supernatural vapors to
affect living creatures within a 20-foot emanation, forcing
them to attempt a DC 24 Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and becomes
temporarily immune to Sleep Gas for 24 hours.
Success The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 round.
Failure The creature falls unconscious. If it’s still
unconscious after 1 minute, it wakes up automatically.
Critical Failure The creature falls unconscious. If it’s still
unconscious after 1 hour, it wakes up automatically.
Verdurous Ooze Acid A verdurous ooze’s acid damages only
metal and flesh—not bone, stone, or other materials.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter I1
NE MEDIUM FEY FIRE To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +14; darkvision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Sylvan (can’t speak any language) cumulative.
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +14, Survival +14 (+17 to Track) 19–22 Challenge Points: Give the elananx 20
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –3, Wis+2, Cha –2 additional Hit Points.
AC 24; Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +12 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one pixie to the
HP 95; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold iron 5 encounter.
Cinder Dispersal [reaction] (fire, primal, transmutation); Frequency 28–32 Challenge Points: Add two pixies to the
once per day. Trigger The elananx takes damage from a encounter.
hostile source; Effect The elananx disperses into a cloud of 33–36 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one
smoke and cinders, filling its space and a 20-foot emanation. additional elananx to the encounter.
While in this form, the elananx can’t be attacked or
targeted, and it doesn’t take up space. Anything inside this
cloud is concealed, and any creature ending its turn there Sprinkle Pixie Dust [one-action] (manipulate) The pixie sprinkles pixie
takes 2d6 fire damage. At the start of its turn, the elananx dust onto one of its arrows. If the pixie hits a creature with
returns to its normal form in any square the cloud covered. that arrow before the pixie’s next turn, the arrow inflicts
If the elananx Strikes a creature using its first action after one of the following special effects instead of dealing
returning to its normal form, the target is flat-footed and damage. Each effect depends on the target’s DC 21 Will
the Strike deals an extra 1d6 fire damage. save. On a critical hit, the target treats its save result as
Speed 30 feet one degree worse.
Melee [one-action] jaws +16 (magical), Damage 2d6+8 piercing and 1d6 • Charm (emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, mental)
fire The target suffers the effects of a charm spell, except
Melee [one-action] claw +16 (agile), Damage 2d6+8 slashing it doesn’t gain a bonus to its save if the only hostile
Pack Attack The elananx’s Strikes deal an extra 1d6 damage act was the pixie firing its bow, and the pixie can
to creatures within the reach of at least two of its allies. choose to direct the target’s adoration toward another
Pounce [one-action] The elananx Strides and makes a Strike at the end creature rather than itself.
of that movement. If the elananx began this action hidden, • Memory Loss (divination, mental) On a failed Will
it remains hidden until after the attack. save, the target loses the last 5 minutes of its memory.
• Sleep (enchantment, incapacitation, mental, sleep)
PIXIE (0) CREATURE 4 The target suffers the effects of a 3rd-level sleep spell.
CN MEDIUM FEY SPRITE • Subdual (enchantment, mental, nonlethal) The target
Perception +12; low-light vision takes 4d6 mental damage, depending on its basic
Languages Common, Sylvan Will save.
Skills Acrobatics +13, Deception +11, Nature +10, Stealth +11
Str –1, Dex +5, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +3
Items longbow (60 arrows), shortsword
AC 23; Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +12; +1 status to all saves vs.
HP 40; Weaknesses cold iron 5
Speed 15 feet, fly 45 feet
Melee [one-action] shortsword +13 (agile, finesse, magical, versatile S),
Damage 1d6+4 piercing
Ranged [one-action] longbow +13 (deadly 1d10, magical, range
increment 100 feet, reload 0, volley 20 feet), Damage
1d8+4 piercing
Primal Innate Spells DC 21; 4th invisibility (at will; self only);
3rd dispel magic; 2nd entangle, faerie fire; 1st illusory
disguise; Cantrips (2nd) dancing lights, detect magic, ghost
sound, shield

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter I2
CE MEDIUM FEY To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +12; low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Aklo, Common cumulative.
Skills Acrobatics +13, Intimidation +13, Nature +11, Stealth 19–22 Challenge Points: Give each grimstalker 15
+13, Survival +12 additional Hit Points.
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one grimstalker to the
Camouflage A grimstalker can Hide in natural environments, encounter.
even if it doesn’t have cover. 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one grimstalker to
AC 22; Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +12 the encounter. Give each grimstalker 15 additional Hit
HP 60; Weaknesses cold iron 5 Points.
Speed 40 feet, climb 20 feet; woodland stride 33–36 Challenge Points: Add two grimstalkers to the
Melee [one-action] claw +15 (agile), Damage 2d6+7 slashing plus encounter.
grimstalker sap
Primal Innate Spells DC 22, attack +14; 3rd earthbind, wall
of thorns; 2nd entangle, pass without trace, tree shape;
Cantrips (3rd) tanglefoot
Grimstalker Sap (poison); Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude;
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage (1
round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and clumsy 1 (1 round),
Stage 3 2d6 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round)
Woodland Stride A grimstalker can always find a path,
almost as if foliage parts before it. A grimstalker ignores
difficult terrain caused by plants, such as bushes, vines,
and undergrowth. Even plants manipulated by magic don’t
impede its progress.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Scaling Encounter J
CE SMALL FEY To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, make the
Perception +12; low-light vision following adjustments. These adjustments are not
Languages Common, Sylvan cumulative.
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +15, Deception +11, Intimidation 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one twigjack to the
+13, Nature +10, Stealth +13 encounter.
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +2 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two twigjacks to the
Items iron boots, red cap, scythe encounter.
Red Cap (necromancy, primal) A redcap’s woolen hat is dyed 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one redcap to the
with the blood of its victims. If the redcap loses its cap, it encounter.
no longer benefits from fast healing and takes a –4 status 33–36 Challenge Points: Add one redcap and one
penalty to its damage rolls. It can create a new cap in 10 twigjack to the encounter.
minutes, but that cap doesn’t grant its powers until the
redcap has turned it red with Blood Soak. A cap has no
benefit for creatures other than the redcap who made it. TWIGJACKS (2) CREATURE 3
AC 21; Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +10 CE TINY FEY PLANT
HP 60, fast healing 10; Weaknesses cold iron 5, divine revulsion Perception +9; darkvision
Divine Revulsion (emotion, fear, mental) If a redcap sees Languages Common, Sylvan
a creature brandish a religious symbol of a good deity Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +9, Nature +7, Stealth +11
(which requires an interact action by that creature) or use Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
one to cast a divine spell, the redcap must attempt a DC AC 19; Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +7
19 Will save. It then becomes temporarily immune to all HP 50; Weaknesses fire 5
brandished religious symbols for 10 minutes. Speed 25 feet
Critical Success The redcap is unaffected. Melee [one-action] claw +11 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d10+4 slashing
Success The redcap is frightened 2. Ranged [one-action] splinter +11 (deadly 1d6, range increment 30 feet),
Failure The redcap gains the fleeing condition for 1 round Damage 1d6+4 piercing
and is frightened 4. Bramble Jump [three-actions] (conjuration, plant, primal, teleportation)
Speed 50 feet Requirements The twigjack is in undergrowth; Effect The
Melee [one-action] scythe +15 (deadly 1d10, trip), Damage twigjack scrambles into the undergrowth and instantly
1d10+10 slashing teleports to a square of undergrowth within 60 feet. This
Melee [one-action] boot +13 (agile, versatile B), Damage 1d6+8 piercing movement doesn’t trigger reactions.
Blood Soak [one-action] (manipulate) The redcap dips its cap in the Splinter Spray [two-actions] The twigjack sprays a barrage of splinters
blood of a slain foe. The foe must have died in the last and brambles from its body in a 15-foot cone, dealing 4d6
minute, and the redcap must have helped kill it. The redcap piercing damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). It can’t use
gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls for 1 minute. Splinter Spray again for 1d4 rounds.
Deadly Cleave [reaction] Trigger The redcap reduces a creature to 0
Hit Points with a scythe Strike. Effect The redcap makes
another scythe Strike against a different creature, using
the same multiple attack penalty as the scythe Strike that
triggered this reaction. This counts toward its multiple
attack penalty.
Stomp [one-action] The redcap Strides up to half its Speed and makes a
boot Strike at any point during that movement. If the boot
Strike hits a prone creature, it deals an extra 2d6 persistent
bleed damage.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Appendix 3: Art and Handouts

Oraiah Tolal Perennial Crown

Khoumrock Blackthane Calisro Benarry

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Appendix 3: Art and Handouts

Valais Durant Bjersig Torrsen

Urwal Fola Barun

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Appendix 3: Art and Handouts

Door of Seasons Gregaro Voth trapped

Thorned Monarch reborn Gregaro Voth

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Handout: Aid Token Reference
Each table beings with four Aid Tokens the players can pass to other tables at different points during the event. These
starting tokens represent extra help that their PCs give to those of other tables, so a table cannot use its own tokens.
Before passing a token, one PC at the table can perform a particular action to boost the effect. If they succeed, check the
Boosted box on the Aid Token; no matter what, record the name of the PC. The table can attempt an action to boost an Aid
Token only once. If it’s easier, the Table GM may wish to have players roll for all boosts during mustering.
Tables can use Aid Tokens they receive from other tables whenever they like, and they can use any number in the same
encounter. Each Aid Token can be used only once.

Allied Offensive
Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by the listed amount.
To Boost: Succeed at an attack roll against an AC equal to the target DC in the table below.
Boosted Effect: Increase the damage dealt by 1d6.

Burst of Healing
A fellow Pathfinder heals all the PCs by the listed amount.
To Boost: Cast one spell with the healing trait or succeed at a Medicine check against the listed DC.
Boosted Effect: Increase the healing by 1d8.

Timely Inspiration
A fellow Pathfinder grants the benefits of a bard’s inspire courage focus cantrip to all PCs for 1 round (a +1 status bonus
to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects).
To Boost: Succeed at a Performance check against the listed DC.
Boosted Effect: Increase the duration by 2 rounds.

Provide Knowledge
Gain the benefits of an automatic success on a check to Recall Knowledge.
To Boost: Attempt an Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check against the listed DC.
Boosted Effect: Gain the benefits of an automatic critical success on a check to Recall Knowledge.

1–2 17
3–4 20
5–6 22
7–8 25

1–2 1d6 1d8
3–4 2d6 2d8
5–6 3d6 3d8
7–8 4d6 4d8

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Allied Offensive Burst of Healing
Aid Character Name:____________________________ Aid Character Name:____________________________
Boosted □ Boosted □

Provide Knowledge Timely Inspiration

Aid Character Name:____________________________ Aid Character Name:____________________________
Boosted □ Boosted □

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Organized Play Tools
Challenge Points are a system for scaling the difficulty
of encounters appropriately for groups of mixed size
3 38 gp and level. Total up the number of Challenge Points your
4 64 gp group has.
5 100 gp • 3rd-level PCs = 2 points each
6 150 gp • 4th-level PCs = 3 points each
• 5th-level PCs = 2 points each
CHRONICLE SHEET • 6th-level PCs = 3 points each
Unlike a typical scenario, King in Thorns does not have Now use the table below to determine which Level
Treasure Bundles. PCs automatically earn the amount of Range is appropriate for your PCs. Level 3–4 encounters
gold listed above for completing the scenario. appear in Appendix 1, and Level 5–6 encounters appear
in Appendix 2.

Challenge Points and Level Range

8–14 3–4
16–18 (5+ players) 3–4
16–18 (4 players) 5–6
19+ 5–6

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
Event Reporting Form
Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -2 GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Fame Earned:
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Yes □ No □ N/A Scenario-based Infamy earned? □ Yes □ No □ N/A

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

Pathfinder Society Scenario

King in Thorns
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Creative Directors • James Jacobs and Robert G. McCreary
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Director of Game Design • Jason Bulmahn
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Quickling from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published Pathfinder Society Scenario #2–00: The King in Thorns (Levels 3–6) © 2020, Paizo Inc. All Rights
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society,
Gary Gygax. Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P
logo, Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Card
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Society, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Adventures, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder
Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter. Combat Pad, Pathfinder Flip-Mat, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder
Pathfinder Society Scenario #2–00: King in Thorns (Levels 3–6) © 2020, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Lost Omens, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder
Kate Baker and Dennis Muldoon. Adventure Path, Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder
Roleplaying Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Scenario #2–00: Character Chronicle #

King in Thorns (Levels 3–6) Herolab Code


Faction Reputation
A.K.A. -2
Faction Reputation
Player Name Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Faction Reputation

Adventure Summary

With the artifact Perennial Crown in hand, a large group of Pathfinder agents set off for the Door of Seasons, a gateway to a
mysterious demiplane. The creator of the demiplane, the Thorned Monarch Qxal, used magical trickery and sent hordes of fey allies
to try to stop you. When you reached the demiplane, you found one of the founding members of the Pathfinder Society, Gregaro
Voth, whose life had been sustained over the centuries by the magic around him. By working together with Voth, you managed to
take control of the demiplane. You thwarted the Thorned Monarch’s final assault. Thanks to your efforts, what had once been the
evil fey’s stronghold is now a new Pathfinder lodge.


Starting XP

XP Gained

Items Purchases Final XP

Items Sold / Conditions Gained

Starting GP
Levels 3–4

GP Gained


Add 1/2 this value to the “Items Sold” Box

Items Bought / Conditions Cleared

Items Sold

GP Spent
Levels 5–6

Total GP


Starting Fame
Notes Downtime

Fame Earned

Total Fame

EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Organized Play #

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