PF2 S04-03 Linnorm's Legacy

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Second Edition

Year of
Scenario #4-03 Levels 5–8

Linnorm’s Legacy
By Jessica Catalan
Linnorm’s Legacy
Jessica Catalan
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Adventure 3
Mike Kimmel Appendix 1: Level 5–6 Encounters 20
Solomon St. John Appendix 2: Level 7–8 Encounters 22
K. Tessa Newton and Patrick Hurley Appendix 3: Game Aids 24
Nicolas Espinoza and Nicholas Phillips
Organized Play 27
Nicolas Espinoza and Riccardo Moscatello
Jason Engle
Emily Crowell and Sonja Morris Campaign Home Page: pathfindersociety club
GRAPHIC DESIGN Books: Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Bestiary, Pathfinder Bestiary 2, Pathfinder Lost
Emily Crowell Omens Legends, Pathfinder Secrets of Magic
DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Maps: Pathfinder Flip-Mat: City Sites Multi-Pack and Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Hill Country
Linda Zayas-Palmer Online Resource: Pathfinder Reference Document at paizo com/prd
Alex Speidel
James Jacobs
Tonya Woldridge Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
DIRECTOR OF GAME DEVELOPMENT information on scenario tags, see the Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society at
Adam Daigle
Erik Mona Grand archive
verdant Wheel


When the Pathfinder Society’s ongoing negotiations with the Linnorm King White Estrid
are thrown into disarray by the antics of five juvenile linnorms, the PCs are dispatched to
Halgrim, capital of the Ironbound Archipelago, to wrangle the little linnorms. The PCs strive
PLAY TIME: 4–5 HOURS to keep them out of trouble and the citizens of Halgrim happy. But wrangling the children of
the infamous Boiltongue is far from an easy task. The PCs will need to soothe tempers, think
fast, and earn the respect of both the young linnorms and the citizens of Halgrim.



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Linnorm’s Legacy
By Jessica Catalan


In the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, the most famous rulers are Linnorm’s Legacy takes place in Halgrim, the capital of the
those who slay a linnorm, earning the title of Linnorm King Ironbound Archipelago in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.
and a place among the region’s greatest legendary heroes. The Halgrim is a port city ruled by the Linnorm King White
Linnorm King White Estrid is famous for sparing the life of Estrid and her crag linnorm companion Boiltongue. For
the linnorm Boiltongue after she bested him in combat. She more information on the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, see
allows him to serve her in Halgrim, the capital of the Ironbound pages 112–113 of Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide.
Archipelago, and he has been a loyal ally and protector of White
Estrid and her kingdom ever since their battle. As White Estrid SAGA LANDS
consolidates her diplomatic and military power, she has also set
her sights on further glory for her kingdom. Searching for heroes
to explore the mysterious Island of the Ancestors, she contacted • Halgrim
the Pathfinder Society at Iceferry Lodge and invited them to send
representatives to Halgrim. ip ela
r ch
While White Estrid is the one who initially proposed such a dA
o un
venture to the Society, she stipulated that the Society must first nb
demonstrate their group has the right skills, knowledge, and
disposition for such a significant adventure in her lands. The
Society sent Gorm Greathammer, the leader of the Grand Archive
faction, as its representative. The adventurous prince is renowned
for his skills both in battle and diplomatic negotiations, as well
as the chronicling of legendary adventures. At first, his talks with
Estrid started off well.
However, amid negotiations, the city fell into a unique sort
of chaos. Once every year, Boiltongue secretly visits his mate
and their children in the Stormspear Mountains. His duties in
Halgrim prevent him from being more involved with his family,
and the growing linnorms have become ever more eager to spend
time with their father. About a week ago, they arrived in Halgrim
unannounced, and Boiltongue has been torn between spending GETTING STARTED
time with his offspring and attending to his responsibilities in The adventure begins at Iceferry Lodge in Iceferry, a small town in
the throne room. Whenever they’re away from Boiltongue’s the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. At the Lodge’s entrance, the PCs
watchful eye, the young linnorms have wreaked playful havoc meet Lirall (NG female gnome Pathfinder agent), an enthusiastic
across the city. The populace dares not lift a finger to intervene, gnome with ink-stained hands wearing numerous furs and
knowing they would face the wrath of their king—not to mention brightly-colored scarves. She ushers the PCs inside and out of the
Boiltongue himself—if they upset the linnorms. cold. As the PCs take a moment to warm themselves by the fire
As disruptions to the Society’s negotiations with White Estrid and brush the snow off their cloaks and boots, Lirall walks over to
grew more frequent, Gorm realized that the linnorm king seemed a panel of labeled, colorful pulleys and tugs on the purple pulley
to be waiting for the Society to solve the problem, perhaps as labeled “office.” The attached cord, which runs along the ceiling
some sort of test. He contacted Bjersig Torrsen at the Iceferry and disappears through an opening in the wall, goes taut, waving a
Lodge, urging the venture-captain to send a group of experienced flag in another room and causing a flurry of excited barking from
Pathfinders to Halgrim immediately. a nearby dog.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Lirall grins widely and leads the PCs into a comfortable office. Bjersig answers any questions the PCs have.
Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen (LG male half-orc scholar) sits at Who’s White Estrid/Boiltongue? “White Estrid is the Linnorm
his desk, poring over a collection of aged scrolls and maps. Bjersig’s King of the Ironbound Archipelago. She defeated the crag linnorm
service dog, a husky named Mahki, nudges Bjersig to draw his Boiltongue on the Island of the Ancestors to earn her throne.
attention to the PCs. Bjersig grins at the PCs and invites them to Rather than kill Boiltongue, she spared his life and brought him
sit with a gesture at a collection of comfortable chairs. Bjersig is back to Halgrim. The two have been allies ever since. She’s one of
deaf and prefers to communicate in Napsu-Sign, the Pathfinder the longest-established linnorm kings, ruling with a firm hand but
Society’s signed language, though he can speak oral Common level head, continually engaging in both military and diplomatic
fluently when necessary. He punctuates his signing with expressive maneuvers. Estrid is more progressive than most linnorm kings;
facial cues and intermittent vocal speech. Bjersig is excellent at lip she welcomes foreigners and encourages agrarian pursuits.”
reading and can understand the PCs’ spoken questions so long as What’s the Island of the Ancestors? “A mystery, I’m afraid. We
they speak clearly and in his sight. Despite this, Lirall translates the know White Estrid battled and defeated Boiltongue on the island.
PCs’ words into Napsu-Sign, just as she translates Bjersig’s signing She’s said to have been gifted a powerful weapon by the earth
for the PCs. spirits who inhabit the island, but that’s unconfirmed. She refuses
Once everyone is settled, read or paraphrase the following.

“Welcome to Iceferry Lodge, my friends! Enjoy the warmth while you

can—you depart again shortly.
“Two months ago, the Linnorm King White Estrid invited a Pathfinder
Society representative to engage in negotiations with her in Halgrim.
Estrid’s looking for heroes to explore the mysterious Island of Ancestors,
and she’s considering us for this honor. She made it clear that during
these negotiations, we’d have to demonstrate we have the right skills
and temperament for such a significant adventure in her lands. We’ve
chosen Gorm Greathammer to represent the Pathfinder Society in these
“By all accounts, Gorm’s doing well, but it seems negotiations have
hit an unexpected snag. Last week, five juvenile linnorms descended
on the city and are wreaking havoc. The linnorms are the children of
Boiltongue, Estrid’s linnorm ally, which makes for a sticky situation. The
populace dares not lift a finger to intervene, knowing they would face
the wrath of their king—not to mention Boiltongue himself—if they upset
the linnorms. Boiltongue, meanwhile, is busy attending to his duties in
the throne room and is unable to pay his children much mind.
“Gorm’s reports indicate the linnorms are well-behaved under
Boiltongue’s watchful eye, but a rambunctious ball of disaster outside
it. To be frank, the city is in chaos—a chaos which Boiltongue and
Estrid could easily end. Seems suspicious, doesn’t it?
“Gorm and I believe that while the young linnorms’ arrival was
unexpected, the Estrid and Boiltongue have decided to use the chaos
as a sort of test. This is an opportunity for the Pathfinder Society to
prove their tact, skill, and bravery. And by the Pathfinder Society, I
mean you.
“I’ve booked you passage on a ship heading to Halgrim. It leaves
this afternoon, so you’ll have time to resupply before you head out.
When you get to Halgrim, find the linnorms. Do what you can to keep
them happy and out of trouble. It’s likely the linnorms will clash with
Halgrim’s citizens. If they do, try your best to smooth things over. If
you can’t, use this.” Bjersig places ten pouches on the table, each heavy
with coin. “Funds to pay for damages and appease pride. Only use them
when absolutely necessary. I’d much prefer you win over the citizens of AND MAHKI
Halgrim with words and deeds. Remember, we’re trying to make a good
impression. Any questions?”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
to speak of it. It’s rumored some of Halgrim’s citizens are worried
she’s beholden to these spirits, but that could be a fabrication TRACKING FUNDS
spread by her detractors. Most linnorm kings have plenty.” During this adventure, the PCs strive to reduce the damage
Who’s Gorm Greathammer? It’s common knowledge among done by the juvenile linnorms and smooth over interactions
active Pathfinder agents that Gorm Greathammer is the leader with Halgrim’s citizenry. When the PCs do well in their
of the Grand Archive faction. The PCs can gain the following efforts, their words and actions are enough to appease
additional information about Gorm by asking Bjersig or succeeding those the linnorms have wronged. When the PCs do a
at a DC 20 Society check or DC 10 Pathfinder Lore check to poor job, they will need to pay anyone the linnorms have
Recall Knowledge: “Gorm Greathammer is a dwarven prince. He’s wronged using the money provided by Bjersig.
a talented diplomat, knowledgeable historian, and one of the most The PCs begin the adventure with 10 Funds. One Fund is
renowned and well-traveled Pathfinders operating today.” an unspecified number of coins in a pouch. These resources
Where’s Halgrim? “Halgrim is the capital of the Ironbound can’t be used for other purposes or purchases—spending
Archipelago, Estrid’s seat of power. It’s a prosperous port city the money in this way is stealing from the Pathfinder
on the island of Battlewall that borders the Steaming Sea. The Society. There are five events during which the PCs may
Rustflow River flows through it as well. Halgrim has some of the need to spend their Funds. Details on how to spend (and
finest farmland in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.” avoid spending) Funds are in each event under “Funds.”
What’s a linnorm? “Linnorms are immense, serpentine dragons Both the GM and the PCs should keep track of how many
that live in the northern reaches of Avistan. There are many Funds the group has left.
different kinds, though they’re generally all cruel, cunning, and At the adventure’s end, the PCs’ success is judged by
can curse those who slay them. To become a linnorm king, one how many Funds they have remaining. If the PCs have
must defeat a linnorm and claim its head as a trophy—not an few Funds remaining, this indicates the linnorms caused
easy feat!” plenty of damage to the city and turmoil for its inhabitants.
If the PCs have many Funds remaining, this indicates the
ARCANA (RECALL KNOWLEDGE) linnorms caused little lasting harm.
A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Arcana check to Recall Knowledge
knows more about juvenile crag linnorms. A failure grants
no information, and a critical success grants the additional
information in the critical success entry. These checks should be
rolled secretly.
Critical Success Many juvenile crag linnorms consider mountain goats
the ultimate delicacy. A large band of mountain goats ranges across
Brethul Scarp, to the west of Halgrim’s borders. poor hunting. They raid other settlements for the majority of their
Success Juvenile crag linnorms are predators with voracious appetites food and resources.
that live in the mountains and can both fly and swim. They have a
venomous bite and breathe magma. ICEFERRY LODGE
Critical Failure Juvenile crag linnorms are omnivores that subsist When the PCs are done speaking with Bjersig, Lirall leads them
primarily on vegetable matter, as their juvenile teeth have more out of the office. After providing the PCs with boat tickets and
in common with herbivores than carnivores. It’s not until they directions to the docks, she escorts them to the Iceferry Lodge
reach adulthood and their sharp teeth grow in that they become storehouse and gifts them enough food for the journey as well as
formidable predators. warm winter clothing. The PCs can borrow this clothing free of
charge or purchase the clothing if they want to keep it permanently.
SOCIETY (RECALL KNOWLEDGE) If the PCs want to make other purchases, Lirall either sells them
A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Society check to Recall Knowledge the desired goods from the storehouse or gives them directions to
knows more about Halgrim. A failure grants no information, and appropriate shops in town.
a critical success grants the additional information in the critical Outside the Iceferry Lodge, there are two Pathfinders who wish
success entry. These checks should be rolled secretly. to speak with the PCs: Svala Ice-Rider (CG female human ranger)
Critical Success Halgrim’s citizens are proud and chafe at being bossed and Ingpi (CN nonbinary snow goblin augur).
around or insulted. Disputes over honor are often settled through Svala Ice-Rider: Svala sits on a nearby bench, tying on her
battle or through gift-giving and monetary payments. snowshoes. Her snow owl companion, Kuokei, is perched beside
Success Halgrim is a prosperous port city and capital of the Ironbound her. A Pathfinder of mixed Ulfen and Varki descent, Svala is a
Archipelago. Surrounded by the ocean and good hunting grounds, it well-known member of the Grand Archive faction. Her account of
also has some of the finest farmland in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. an expeditions into the Crown of the World was recently published
Critical Failure Halgrim is a backwater city with little commerce and in the Pathfinder Chronicles.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
As the PCs emerge from Iceferry Lodge, Svala waves them over To find the young linnorms, a PC must succeed at a DC 20
and introduces herself. She greets any PCs who have previously met Diplomacy check to Gather Information (DC 23 for levels 7–8).
her by name, then remarks, “I hear you’re the agents selected to Only one PC can attempt this check, though other PCs can Aid
tame Boiltongue’s young. The linnorms will be your responsibility. them. Regardless of the outcome, the PCs learn the linnorms have
Be sure to keep them safe, as well as the city. Power attracts been tearing apart the city and were last seen heading to a farm
enemies, and you can bet Boiltongue and Estrid have plenty of on Halgrim’s outskirts. On a success, they learn the linnorms were
both. What’s more, there’s bound to be some who would love to hungry. On a critical success, they additionally learn one of the
see Gorm’s negotiations fail. Stay alert. If anyone tries to disrupt linnorms is a know-it-all who mistakenly believes everything in
our negotiations, see if you can discover who they work for.” Halgrim belongs to Boiltongue. On a critical failure, the PCs get
Ingpi: Ingpi stands atop a 12-foot-high tower of precariously conflicting reports from locals and take a long time to find the
stacked blocks of ice and snow the PCs pass on their way to the linnorms. This causes the PCs to take a –2 circumstance penalty
docks, facing the wind with arms spread wide, while muttering to all skill checks to interact with the shepherds during Event 1:
to themself. Ingpi is a Frostfur goblin recently recruited to the Snack Time.
Pathfinder Society and a new member of the Verdant Wheel
faction. LINNORMS
As the PCs draw near, Ingpi calls out, “I’ve got a message for Boiltongue has five children, each detailed below. The PCs
you. It came on the wind—with the snow, see? Snow always interact with these young linnorms during five different events,
has something to say. This time, it’s for you.” Ingpi then turns to which represent the chaos that the group threatens to cause in
the PCs and grins. “Nice spot you’re in! Chance to learn about and around Halgrim. Each event also gives the PCs a chance to
linnorms up close! Chance to make friends. Sure would be nice for befriend one of the linnorms through their actions and words. If
Pathfinders to befriend Boiltongue’s whelps.” If the PCs ask who the PCs befriend a linnorm, reduce the DCs of all future checks to
the message came from, Ingpi shrugs and replies, “Urwal, I think. interact with that linnorm by 2. During the final portion of this
He usually goes on and on about stars and poems. But the snow adventure, Event 6: Audience with the King, the PCs have one final
doesn’t stick around for a speech, see?” The PCs recognize that chance to befriend the linnorms. Befriending linnorms contributes
Urwal is the name of leader of the Verdant Wheel faction, and any to the Verdant Wheel faction mission goals, as described in the
PCs who have met him are familiar with his role as an astrologer Conclusion on page 19.
and tendency to use poetic language over straightforward speech. Brulivex (female crag linnorm, art on page 25): Brulivex is
When the PCs are ready to go, they board a ship bound for incredibly shy and is considered the baby of the family, despite being
Halgrim. the eldest of the linnorms. She’s nervous, skittish, and doesn’t like
loud noises or dangerous behavior. Brulivex is perceptive and good
HALGRIM at interpreting humanoid facial expressions and moods. While
Halgrim is a bustling port city perched on the black, rocky coast she can usually tell when people are upset, she’s poor at handling
of Battlewall Island. Ulfen longboats line the packed docks, it. Often, such situations only serve to make her embarrassed in
and brightly painted wood buildings with thatch roofs line the addition to nervous. Her siblings call her Bruli, though she gets
streets. The chattering of the locals mingles with the crashing upset if the PCs call her anything other than Brulivex. The PCs can
of the ocean waves, the cry of gulls, and the distant clang of befriend Brulivex in Event 4: Shopping Spree (page 13).
steel on steel. It’s cold enough for breath to fog the air and for a Crookscale (male crag linnorm, art on page 25): Crookscale is a
layer of snow to cover most surfaces. Though the locals consider complainer. Nothing is ever good enough for him and something
the weather “mild,” it’s severe cold. PCs who aren’t wearing is always horribly wrong. He’s hungry, he’s tired, he’s too hot, he’s
appropriate cold weather gear take 1d6 cold damage after each too cold, the ground is too rough, something smells—whatever the
numbered event (DC 20 Fortitude save negates; DC 23 for levels situation, Crookscale always has something unique to complain
7–8). about. Crookscale is afraid of heights and water and can neither
The mood in Halgrim is foul. Locals complain amongst fly nor swim. The PCs can befriend Crookscale in Event 3: Bumper
themselves, falling silent as foreigners approach. A PC who Boats (page 11).
succeeds at a DC 20 Perception check overhears two beleaguered Manglefang (male crag linnorm, art on page 25): Manglefang
mothers (Driga and Ilbeth, LN female Ulfen human city dwellers) thinks everything the citizens of Halgrim do is hilarious. Every
complaining that their ruler is “letting the little fiends have full run action, from the plowing of a field to an uttered threat, is a joke.
of the city.” Ironically, their own children run pell-mell through He laughs at the citizenry constantly, sparing breath only to remark
the street, kicking muddy snow at one another and passersby. If why he finds it funny for all to hear. When citizens are upset by his
the PCs succeed at a DC 17 Performance check to entertain the laughter and jeers, he finds their responses even funnier. The PCs
troublemaking children (DC 20 for levels 7–8), they gain a +2 can befriend Manglefang in Event 5: Last Laugh (page 15).
circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks to interact with these Oridius (agender crag linnorm, art on page 24): Oridius is a
mothers. know-it-all who adores books, maps, and learning about humanoid

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
cultures. It was Oridius who guided the linnorms from their can provide a quick summary of what’s happened and point out
home in the Stormspear Mountains to Halgrim. Well-read and the shepherds who own the farm that’s under attack. A PC who
clever, Oridius believes they’re an expert in humanoid behavior succeeds at a DC 21 Perception check to Sense Motive (DC 24 for
and culture. They’re not. They constantly misinterpret levels 7–8) notices one woman in the crowd who looks intrigued,
information, misread social cues, and share false rather than upset. This is Efrith Ludarrin (CE
information with their siblings. Oridius is quick to female Thassilonian human secret agent) a
butt into every conversation with a correction that spy from Edasseril working undercover as
begins, “Actually…” The PCs can befriend Oridius a traveling spice merchant. With dimpled
in Event 1: Snack Time (see below). cheeks, twinkling eyes, and a joyful laugh,
Scourtail (female crag linnorm, art on page 24): Efrith has a motherly demeanor and a kind,
Scourtail is a thrill-seeker who is impatient, easily bored, and knowing smile. In truth, Efrith was dispatched
desperate for fun and adventure. She loves to roughhouse months ago to gather information on Boiltongue,
and boast. She’s quick to remark, “Boring!” and wander as Runelord Belimarius has interest in killing the
off in search of new sights, sounds, and adventure. As the linnorm, claiming his head, and proclaiming herself
group’s leader, Scourtail is behind most of the linnorms’ linnorm king of the Ironbound Archipelago in Estrid’s
troublesome antics. The PCs can befriend Scourtail in stead. Efrith has only recently learned Boiltongue
Event 2: A Hunting We Will Go (page 9). had sired children and has shifted her attention
from Boiltongue to his offspring, believing the
EVENTS WITH little linnorms could be useful in entrapping
LINNORMS or manipulating Boiltongue in the future. If
The five events in this adventure share a the PCs approach Efrith, she gives them a
common structure. Each event begins with a dimpled smile and remarks “I’ve never seen
presentation of a troublesome situation that
ORIDIUS young linnorms before! They’re quite cute,
the PCs must contend with as a part of their but I don’t envy their parents. The little
mission to limit the havoc that the little linnorms cause, followed darlings seem like quite a handful!” If pressed further, Efrith admits
by an objectives section, which describes the PCs’ main goal for the “no one knew Boiltongue had a family—not until they burst into
event. After stating the goal, the events detail how each linnorm the city and started causing trouble! Curious that he would keep
responds to the situation, and how the PCs’ words and deeds can it a secret. Folks in Halgrim are quite fond of old Boiltongue. He
change the outcome. This section also includes information on how keeps them safe, you know.”
the PCs can befriend one of the linnorms during the event. If the Objectives: The linnorms are hungry, so the PCs’ primary
event includes a combat, the creatures the PCs face appear next. objective is to convince the linnorms to find food elsewhere. As
Once the PCs have carried out their plans, the event continues to the farm is located on the city’s outskirts, the wilderness outside of
a resolution section, which often gives the PCs a chance to smooth Halgrim is the most obvious place to take the linnorms hunting.
things over with the locals, and which details how many Funds (if Getting the linnorms to abandon this convenient sheep buffet for
any) they must pay to remedy the effects of the linnorms’ antics. a hunting expedition requires the PCs to convince each of the five
Finally, the event ends in a development section, which describes linnorms individually with words and actions. PCs who tempt the
how to transition to the next part of the adventure. linnorms with mention of mountain goats—their favorite food—
gain a +2 circumstance bonus to skill checks to interact with the
EVENT 1: SNACK TIME linnorms during this event. Those who mention plants, fruits, and
The linnorms are currently rampaging across a sheep farm, vegetables to tempt the linnorms—which the linnorms don’t eat—
hungrily gobbling up sheep and terrifying the few they spare. take –1 circumstance penalty to skill checks to interact with the
The farm is located on the city’s outskirts, and the wilderness is linnorms during this event. Further details on how to convince
clearly visible a few farms away. The shepherds who own the farm, each linnorm are under Linnorms below.
husbands Nelar (LN male Ulfen human shepherd) and Ogsen (N If desired, the PCs can each attempt to earn the respect of the
male half-orc shepherd) stand on the sidelines as they watch their crowd by succeeding at a DC 19 Performance check to Perform a
livelihood disappear. Nelar panics and frantically attempts to run rousing speech (DC 22 for levels 7–8). If at least one PC succeeds,
into the wide, fenced-in field where the sheep graze in an effort the PCs gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to influence Nelar
to save what sheep he can. Ogsen holds Nelar back while telling and Ogsen (see Resolution on page 8).
him not to interfere, as Nelar’s life is far more important than the Linnorms: Brulivex lingers on the sidelines of the field, looking
sheep. Both shepherds are furious. upset. She’s aware that the shepherds are angry but has failed to
A crowd has gathered along the outskirt’s of the farm, with convince her siblings they should leave. She doesn’t eat any sheep.
most onlookers angry, some scared, and a few are just grateful A PC who approaches Brulivex hears her stammer quietly, “Maybe
their own farms weren’t targeted by the linnorms. These onlookers we should go somewhere else? They seem awful upset…” Her

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
siblings don’t hear her. When the PCs approach, Brulivex panics A breed of manx, I believe. Humans raise them for yard work.
and backs away. Each PC can attempt to stop her from fleeing by They trim the grass and pulls wagons and plows. Fascinating,
telling her she’s right, by explaining that they’re here to help, or by really…” Oridius is, of course, only partially right. These sheep
succeeding at a DC 17 Diplomacy check (DC 20 for levels 7–8). If are raised for wool and meat. If the PCs ask Oridius to leave
all of the PCs fails to calm her, she flees to Scourtail’s side, and the these sheep alone and hunt elsewhere, Oridius explains, “Actually,
PCs cannot speak with her further during this event, but if the PCs Halgrim is the territory of Boiltongue, my father—you may
do successfully calm her, they can speak with her. No skill have heard of him. As this is his territory, these are his
check is required to convince her to go hunting with her sheep and therefore, by extension, these are my sheep.
siblings outside of the city—she already believes this is Now, shoo!” The PCs can convince Oridius of the
what they should do. If the PCs want Brulivex’s help truth—that Boiltongue protects Halgrim, he doesn’t
in convincing her siblings to leave, they must succeed own it—by succeeding at a DC 19 Society check
at a DC 20 Deception, Diplomacy, or Performance to Recall Knowledge (DC 22 for levels 7–8).
check to encourage her to speak her mind If the PCs succeed, Oridius concedes that
(DC 23 for levels 7–8). On a success, they are correct and becomes terribly
Brulivex loudly tells her siblings they embarrassed. At this point, a PC who
should leave and go hunting, which encourages Oridius, offers to teach
lowers the DCs of skill checks to Oridius more about Ulfen culture, or
interact with the other linnorms who succeeds at a DC 20 Diplomacy
during this event by 2. If the PCs fail check to cheer them up (DC 23 for levels
to convince Brulivex to help twice, she 7–8), befriends Oridius. If befriended,
grows anxious and overwhelmed and Oridius accepts the PCs’ corrections and
flees to Scourtail’s side. lessons with enthusiasm. If the PCs fail to
Crookscale lingers on the sidelines at convince Oridius twice, they dig in their
the far end of the field, loudly complaining,
EFRITH heels and run the PCs through an exhausting
“I don’t like sheep! They’re too poofy! Their debate before agreeing to go along with their
wool always gets stuck in my teeth…” He doesn’t eat any sheep. As alternative hunting plan, but they never admit to being wrong;
the PCs approach Crookscale, his stomach growls, and Crookscale this delay increases the DC to influence Nelar and Ogsen by 1 (see
bemoans how hungry he is. The PCs can convince Crookscale the Resolution below).
linnorms should go find food elsewhere simply by mentioning it; Scourtail dashes amid the sheep, pretending to stalk and
no skill check is required. hunt them while narrating her own “heroic” efforts. Scourtail is
Manglefang happily prances through the field, gobbling up proceeded by a stampede of terrified sheep. To approach, the PCs
sheep and laughing merrily at the ensuing reactions from the must divert this herd with a successful DC 13 Nature check to
crowd of onlookers. As the PCs approach, Manglefang exclaims, Command an Animal. On a failure, they’re trampled and dealt
“Oh, look! Some little ones want to be gobbled up, too! Silly 1d6 bludgeoning damage by the herd (DC 17 basic Reflex; 2d6
people!” He then breaks down in laughter. When the PCs speak to and DC 20 for levels 7–8). Once the PCs are past the herd, they
him, he remarks amid guffaws, “Sorry, I can’t eat you right now. can convince Scourtail to go hunting for food outside the city
You just look so silly in your little clothes with your little pouty with a successful DC 20 Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or
faces! It’s hilarious!” Further conversation from the PCs only Performance check. If they play up the danger of hunting outside
causes Manglefang to laugh, perhaps with tears streaming from the city, or how much more “heroic” it will be, the DC is instead
his eyes, or rolling around on the ground. No matter what the reduced to 18 (DC 23 or DC 21 for levels 7–8). If the PCs fail to
PCs say, Manglefang thinks it’s funny. To convince Manglefang to convince Scourtail twice or more, Scourtail continues to terrorize
focus, the PCs must succeed at a DC 18 Intimidation check (DC the sheep, causing injuries among the panicked herd and increasing
22 for levels 7–8). On a success, Manglefang remarks, “Oh, nice the DC to influence Nelar and Ogsen by 1 (see Resolution below).
snarl! You’re like a linnorm hatchling! What is it, hatchlings? You Resolution: After doing their best to stop the linnorms, the PCs
want some sheep, too?” From this point on, the PCs can convince must soothe the tempers of Nelar and Ogsen by succeeding at a
Manglefang to find food elsewhere by asking. If the PCs fail to DC 20 Diplomacy check (DC 23 for levels 7–8). This DC could
convince Manglefang twice, Manglefang devours a few more be increased by up to 3 if the PCs fail to efficiently influence the
sheep, increasing the DC of the Diplomacy check to influence linnorms, as noted under Linnorms above. If the PCs arrived late,
Nelar and Ogsen by 1 (see Resolution below). they take a –2 circumstance penalty to this check. Only one PC can
Oridius sits in the center of the field, happily eating a few sheep. attempt this check, with the following results.
The sheep are already dead, and Oridius takes their time eating. As Critical Success As success, and Ogsen is so grateful to the PCs for their
the PCs approach, either Manglefang or Scourtail remarks, “tricky heroics that he offers them a dragon turtle scale (a binding coil for
goats,” to which Oridius loudly replies, “Actually, these are sheep. levels 7–8) as a reward.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Success The PCs soothe Nelar and Ogsen with their words and deeds. she catches a pair of mountain goats to eat then retreats with her
Failure The PCs must provide the shepherds with 1 Fund as recompense meal, too embarrassed to eat in front of the PCs. When combat
for the linnorms’ attack to calm the situation. begins, Brulivex shrieks in panic and hides.
Critical Failure As failure, except the cost increases to 2 Funds. Crookscale spends the journey loudly complaining he’s too
hungry to move, the hunt complaining that catching mountain
Development: After the PCs have handled the linnorms and goats is too much work, and the meal complaining it smells
placated the shepherds, they head out of the city like “a mangy dog” (a “mangy cat” for levels 7–8).
and into the wilderness to go hunting for food Despite his complaints, he eats plenty. When
with the hungry linnorms. Proceed to Event 2: A combat begins, Crookscale sighs heavily, slinks
Hunting We Will Go. away to a cozy looking rock, and watches from
there, complaining that his meal was interrupted
EVENT 2: A HUNTING WE WILL GO (which is all the PCs’ fault, of course). Partway
LOW through the battle, Crookscale complains “all this
The journey from the sheep farm to the wilderness swooping is making me dizzy,” then buries his head
outside Halgrim takes 10 minutes. Beyond the city’s in his arms, closes his eyes, and moans for the rest of
boundaries, the linnorms become suddenly alert, the battle.
sniffing the air to try to catch the scent of something Manglefang thinks everything the PCs
tasty. This encounter uses the map on page 10. do is hilarious, and spends the entire
The PCs can attempt a DC 21 Nature check to journey openly mocking their behavior
Recall Knowledge to identify a location nearby with and otherwise entertaining himself at
plentiful food or a DC 19 Survival check to the their expense. He focuses only to
Track faded animal tracks to their source (DC hunt and eat the mountain goats. When
24 Nature and 21 Survival for levels 7–8). If combat begins, Manglefang returns to
the PCs already know about Brethul Scarp, laughing at the PCs’ expense, treating
they gain a +1 circumstance bonus to these
skill checks. On a success, the PCs lead the
SCOURTAIL the battle like a grand form of slapstick
way to Brethul Scarp with confidence; this Oridius spends the journey sharing
excellent navigation gives the PCs a +1 circumstance bonus to skill obscure pieces of information and interrupting everyone’s
checks to influence Scourtail during this event. On a failure, the conversations to correct them. If the topic is related to humanoids
PCs get lost and the linnorms take the lead, tracking the scent of or their culture in any way, Oridius shares false information.
mountain goats to Brethul Scarp. Otherwise, they share false information 20% of the time. When
During the journey, give the PCs an opportunity to get to know combat begins, Oridius spends the battle shouting horrible
the linnorms. They might choose to engage in conversation, play a advice at the PCs.
game, entertain them with a song or story, or use other methods. Scourtail treats the journey as a grand adventure, purposefully
Each PC who chooses to engage with a linnorm in this way can taking the most challenging path of those available and needlessly
attempt a DC 20 skill check appropriate to their methods (DC performing acrobatics feats while moving. She narrates her
23 for levels 7–8) on the one linnorm they interact with most. “heroics” throughout the journey. When combat begins, Scourtail
Each PC who succeeds learns one piece of information about the settles in to watch with interest. A PC who purposefully goes out
applicable linnorm that the group had not already discovered, of their way to make the battle entertaining can attempt a DC 21
selected from Linnorms on page 6. Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, or Performance
Upon arriving at Brethul Scarp, the linnorms creep close to a check as a single action (DC 24 for levels 7–8), with the following
herd of mountain goats and attack, leaping out in a rush of claws results. At the GMs’ discretion, a PC can entertain her and earn
and snarls. The mountain goats panic and attempt to flee, causing an Entertainment Point without rolling a check if they perform
a loud ruckus. The PCs likely watch this encounter from slightly a particularly daring maneuver in battle or cast a particularly
higher up the scarp to avoid getting in the way—and because flashy spell.
Scourtail insists the linnorms can do it on their own. Critical Success The PC earns 2 Entertainment Points.
Objectives: The PCs must take the hungry linnorms hunting Success The PCs earns 1 Entertainment Point.
outside Halgrim. A far more dangerous threat lurks in the wilds, Critical Failure The PCs loses 1 Entertainment Point.
however, and the PCs are soon called upon to fight it off (see
Creatures on page 11). When combat begins, they can attempt to The PCs earn 1 additional Entertainment Point if they
defeat their attackers in an entertaining way to befriend Scourtail. finish the combat in 2 rounds, or 2 additional Entertainment
Linnorms: Brulivex is a surprisingly good hunter. She moves Points if they finish the combat in a single round (3 additional
with stealth and displays keen senses and patience. At the scarp, Entertainment Points for a group of 6 PCs). If the PCs earn at

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Event 2: A Hunting We Will Go

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Hill Country

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
least as many Entertainment Points as the number of PCs by the EVENT 3: BUMPER BOATS
end of the third round of combat, Scourtail is amazed by the Back in Halgrim, the linnorms scatter, scampering down roads and
PCs’ heroics, and the PCs befriend her. If the PCs fail to do so, over buildings, flying through the sky, and incidentally terrifying
Scourtail loudly proclaims, “Boring!” and wanders off before passing animals and locals. Soon, the linnorms reach the banks
the battle’s over, leading the way back to Halgrim of the Rustflow River, which cuts through the city in multiple
with Brulivex right behind her. locations. Ice crusts the riverbank’s edges, but most of
Creatures: A pair of perytons (manticores for the river flows freely. Numerous locals row small
levels 7–8) periodically hunt in this region and skiffs down the river, transporting goods to and
consider the area around Brethul Scarp to be from the harbor. Fascinated by the “tiny ships,”
part of their territory. Drawn by the commotion, Scourtail and Manglefang launch themselves at
they attack the PCs from the air, approaching the skiffs, followed by Crookscale and Oridius,
from opposite directions and targeting the weakest each landing on a different boat. The twelve
looking characters first. Each prefers to focus on a sailors aboard abandon the skiffs, diving into
different target, landing alongside their target to the frigid water in terror and attempting to swim
fight in melee only when their target is reduced for shore. Only Brulivex lingers on the river’s edge,
to 1/4 their Hit Points or less, or when their assessing the situation. From this point forward, run this
aerial tactics prove ineffective. A peryton flees event in rounds. Note how many rounds it takes for all
when reduced to 15 Hit Points or less, while of the people in the river to be rescued.
a manticore flees when reduced to 20 Hit On the second round, a worried crowd forms along
Points or less. They do not attack the the river.
linnorms, both because they prefer the taste On the fourth round, the linnorms begin
of humanoid flesh and because they’re a game of bumper boats, crashing the
smart enough to fear retribution from the CROOKSCALE skiffs into one another by paddling with
linnorms’ parents. their tails, giggling and laughing with each
collision despite the damage being done to
Levels 5–6 the boats. If the PCs haven’t convinced Brulivex to aid the people
in the water, the cajoling of her siblings causes her to join their
Page 20 On the fifth round, Efrith joins the crowd. A PC who succeeds
at a DC 18 Perception check (DC 21 for levels 7–8) notices her. If
Levels 7–8 confronted, she admits that she was simply passing by when she
heard the splashing. A PC who succeeds at a DC 22 Perception
MANTICORES (2) CREATURE 6 check to Sense Motive (DC 25 for levels 7–8) realizes Efrith is
Page 22 lying. If called on her lie, she blushes and admits that she was so
fascinated by the little linnorms she’d been keeping an eye out for
Resolution: This event talks place outside the city, so the them. It’s not every day one sees a linnorm in the flesh!
linnorms have no opportunity to stir up trouble with the locals. On the sixth round, Crookscale’s skiff gets struck and tips over,
Development: After the battle is over, the linnorms begin dumping Crookscale and the boat’s contents into the river. Unlike
the journey back to Halgrim. If any PCs ask the linnorms why his siblings, Crookscale is afraid of water and heights and can’t fly
they are so intent on staying in the city, Brulivex admits that or swim. He disappears below the surface.
they miss their father, causing Oridius to further explain that On the seventh round, Crookscale reappears near a large rock
Boiltongue spends most of the year in Halgrim rather than with that juts from the river’s center and clings to it for dear life, wailing
them and their mother in the Stormspear Mountains. Brulivex for help and sobbing in fear.
and Manglefang are particularly saddened by this separation. Objectives: First, the PCs should prioritize rescuing the 12
If the PCs befriended Scourtail, she admits it was her idea to citizens from the river. When the linnorms start playing bumper
visit their father “at work” and her bravery that “inspired boats, the PCs must also convince the linnorms to abandon the
them to finally leave the cave on a grand adventure.” If the PCs boats and play some other game. Methods for achieving these
befriended Oridius, they admit they guided their siblings on tasks are detailed under Retrieve and Rescue (page 12). When
their journey from home to Halgrim and boasts that they’re Crookscale falls into the water on the sixth round, the PCs
a good navigator—they have a collection of maps in their lair must find a way to rescue him or teach him to swim. Details for
back home. interacting with Crookscale and the other linnorms are under
The PCs have time to take a 10-minute rest, if desired. When the Linnorms (page 12). Finally, the PCs must appease the people who
PCs are ready, proceed to Event 3: Bumper Boats. were dumped into the river, as detailed in Resolution (page 12).

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Linnorms: Brulivex begins this encounter on the river’s edge. Scourtail hoots and hollers with glee while atop the skiffs and
Her siblings urge her to join them in their game, but she hesitates, is the mastermind behind the linnorm’s game of bumper boats. If
sensing the sailors are in trouble and upset. The PCs can convince asked to help the sailors, Scourtail scoffs and exclaims, “Boring!”
Brulivex to ignore her siblings by succeeding at a DC 19 Deception Retrieve and Rescue: Each round, each PC should select one
or Diplomacy check (DC 22 for levels 7–8). On the fourth round, activity to perform to help resolve the situation. Potential methods
if she hasn’t been convinced to ignore her siblings, she joins are detailed below, or the PCs can interact with the linnorms by
their games. This increases the DC of all skill checks to influence attempting the checks described in Linnorms, above. Alternatively,
Manglefang, Oridius, and Scourtail by 2, as Brulivex doesn’t speak a PC can use an ability, cast a spell, or perform another action of
out against her siblings. If the PCs successfully convince Brulivex their choice, following the rules for those actions as normal. In
to stay ashore, they can additionally attempt a DC 20 Diplomacy most cases, making progress should require 2 or 3 actions worth
check (DC 23 for levels 7–8) to convince Brulivex to help rescue of effort and either succeeding at a skill check or expending a
the sailors from the river. On a success, she dives into the water resource (such as a spell or item).
and rescues one sailor each round until they’ve all been removed • Abandon Ship: A PC can convince the linnorms (Manglefang,
from the river. Oridius, Scourtail, and possibly Brulivex) to abandon the
Crookscale follows his siblings onto the skiffs, then spends the skiffs and play another game in the river instead. None of the
remainder of his time on the little boat complaining it’s moving linnorms leave the water until the PCs have convinced all of
too much, the river is too wet, and he feels sick. When Crookscale them, and even if convinced, they linger in the water for a few
falls into the river, he panics, clings to a rock and cries for help. rounds, leaving only after all of the sailors have been rescued
Although crag linnorms can typically fly and swim, Crookscale and Crookscale is back on shore. To convince a linnorm to
fears water and heights and can do neither. He isn’t at risk of abandon the skiffs, the PCs must succeed at a DC 21 Deception,
drowning or being swept away in the current. As long as he clings Diplomacy, or Intimidation check, or a DC 19 Performance or
to the rock, his siblings (Oridius, Manglefang, and Scourtail) urge Society check to tempt them into a different game (DCs 24 and
him to “just swim!” while they continue their game of bumper 22 for levels 7–8). Each time the PCs fail a check to convince
boats. The PCs can attempt to help Crookscale get to shore or a linnorm, the DC to placate the sailors increases by 1, to a
teach him how to swim. maximum DC increase of 1 per playing linnorm, as noted in
Escorting Crookscale to shore requires at least two PCs to Resolution (page 13). If the PCs reach this maximum increase
succeed at a DC 20 Athletics check to Swim (DC 23 for levels of 3 (or 4 if Brulivex is present), the linnorms ignore all further
7–8). A PC who uses a flotation device or other rescue aid as a efforts and play until they lose interest.
part of their efforts gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their check. • Craft Rescue Aid: A PC can quickly construct or scavenge a
However, Crookscale is too scared to move alone and still requires makeshift knotted rope, line, or flotation device with a DC 20
the PCs to physically escort him to shore. Each time a PC fails Crafting check. On a success, they craft one device (two on a
a check to retrieve the Crookscale, the linnorm accidentally critical success).
scratches them, dealing 2d6+5 slashing damage (2d8+7 damage • Grab On: A PC can throw a knotted rope, line, or flotation device
for levels 7–8). that they constructed with the Craft Rescue Aid action above to
Teaching Crookscale to swim first requires a PC to calm Crookscale a person in the water (at the GM’s discretion, the PCs’ existing
by succeeding at a DC 20 Deception, Diplomacy, or Performance equipment may be able to serve this function as well). They must
check (DC 23 for levels 7–8). After calming Crookscale, the PCs can attempt a ranged attack against an AC of 21 (AC 24 for levels
attempt to teach him how to swim with a DC 21 Athletics check 7–8), with the following results.
to Swim or a DC 19 Profession (instructor or teacher) check (DC Critical Success Perfect throw! The device reaches two people, who
24 and DC 22 for levels 7–8). If the PCs teach Crookscale how reach the shore on the following round without further aid.
to swim, they befriend the dragon. If the PCs fail twice to calm Success The device reaches one person, who reaches the shore on the
Crookscale or fail twice in their swimming lessons, he fails horribly following round without further aid.
in his efforts and gets to shore incidentally without learning how to Failure The device does not reach anyone, but it can be retrieved and
swim. In this instance, Crookscale is terrified, wet, and very upset thrown again on the following round.
with the PCs. The DC of all skill checks to interact with Crookscale Critical Failure The PC loses their grip on the device, which washes
throughout the remainder of this adventure increase by 2. away down the river.
Manglefang spends the entire encounter laughing at the sailors
who dive into the water or giggling as he crashes his skiff into the • Recruit Assistance: A PC can urge the crowd to lend a hand in
other boats. rescuing people. They must attempt a DC 20 Diplomacy or
Oridius enjoys playing on the skiffs. If anyone points out that Intimidation check against the crowd (DC 23 for levels 7–8).
the people in the river are upset or scared, they counter, “Actually, On a success, they convince the crowd to help. Each round,
swimming is good for a human’s health! They’re clearly enjoying the crowd rescues one person from the river (two on a critical
themselves.” success). On a failure, the PCs fail to rally the crowd.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
• Scavenge: When Crookscale overturns a skiff, the skiff’s contents EVENT 4: SHOPPING SPREE
are dumped into the river. A PC can dive into the water to haul As the PCs and the linnorms proceed through Halgrim, they come
the goods back to shore. They must attempt a DC 20 Athletics upon an outdoor market. The linnorms believe the goods are
check (DC 23 for levels 7–8) to determine how long it takes to all part of their father’s prodigious horde and scamper through
haul the goods to shore: one round on a critical success, two the market, oohing and awing over the goods, nabbing
rounds on a success, three rounds on a failure, “treasures,” bickering with one another over who gets
and four rounds on a critical failure. If what, and accidentally knocking over stalls as they
the goods are hauled out of the river, the run by.
DC to placate the sailors at the end of this Objectives: The PCs must get each of the five
event is decreased by 1. linnorms out of a variety of trouble, then soothe
• Swimming: A PC can enter the water and the tempers of the locals. They could befriend
lend aid to people in the water. They must Brulivex and uncover a potential enemy.
attempt a DC 20 Athletics check to Swim Linnorms: Brulivex carefully wanders the
(DC 23 for levels 7–8). On a success, they market, glancing at the goods on various stalls.
rescue one person (two on a critical success). She’s careful where she moves, and doesn’t bump any
On a failure, they fail to rescue anyone. A creature stalls, hurt any people, or damage any goods during her
with a swim speed treats the result of their check as window shopping. Eventually, she sits down in front of
one higher for the purposes of this skill check. a stall that sells toys and stares with longing at a toy
Resolution: At the end of this event, when the stuffed rabbit with glossy button eyes, long floppy
sailors have been rescued, the boats have been ears, and a fluffy tail. She doesn’t move from this
returned, and Crookscale has been saved, the spot until the PCs ask her to. If the PCs ask what
PCs can attempt to placate the sailors. The she’s looking at, Brulivex admits “the rabbit
PCs must attempt a single DC 20 Deception, is so cute, I just want to cuddle it.” She then
Diplomacy, or Society check (DC 23 for levels
BRULIVEX sighs and announces that she’s ready to go.
7–8). This DC is altered by the PCs’ actions Brulivex has no money and can’t purchase
during this encounter. For every two rounds beyond four that it the finely crafted rabbit. The PCs can befriend Brulivex if they
took the PCs to rescue the sailors, the DC of this check increases buy her the rabbit, which costs 1 gp (this minor purchase comes
by 1. The DC also increases by 1 for each failed check to convince from the PCs’ own money and does not affect their Funds). When
the linnorms to return the skiffs (to a maximum increase of the given the rabbit, Brulivex is overjoyed and spends the remainder
number of linnorms in the water, as described on page 12). If the of the adventure clutching, cuddling, and caring for the rabbit.
PCs haul the sunken goods out from the river, the DC decreases by When nervous, Brulivex tells the rabbit, “be brave, bunny, we can
2. The results of the PCs’ check are as follows. do this,” to encourage and reassure herself. If the PCs don’t buy
Critical Success As success, and the sailors are so grateful to the Brulivex the rabbit, they can convince her to follow them or move
PCs for their efforts, they gift the PCs a traveler’s any-tool and an eye on without difficulty; this request requires no skill check.
of enlightenment (Secrets of Magic 173) from their various shipments Manglefang and Scourtail get in a fight over a cart of
(a greater staff of healing and a grim trophy for levels 7–8). hand-crafted charms, jewelry, and religious symbols, which
Success On a success, the PCs’ quick response to the crisis coupled they’re positive are the “most pricelessiest” treasures in the horde.
with their compelling words soothes the sailors and disperses the crowd. Their fighting threatens to topple over the cart, causing damage
Failure The PCs must provide the sailors 2 Funds to calm the to the goods here and in surrounding stalls. To stop the linnorms
situation. from fighting, two PCs must succeed at a DC 20 Athletics check
Critical Failure The PCs must provide the sailors with 4 Funds to to Grapple each of the two linnorms, or one PC must succeed
calm the situation. at a DC 22 Intimidation check to Demoralize the linnorms (DC
23 or 25 for levels 7–8). Each PC can attempt one skill check.
Development: After this event, give the PCs a chance to roleplay If the PCs do not stop the fight, the linnorms continue to fight
with the linnorms as the linnorms play the game the PCs suggested and destroy several market stalls and the goods upon them. This
in the river. If the PCs didn’t suggest a specific game, the linnorms increases the number of Funds the PCs must spend during this
choose a diving game. If Crookscale learned how to swim, he event by 1. On a success, the linnorms pause in their fighting long
enjoys the game along with the others. Otherwise, he sulks on enough for the PCs to speak. The PCs must attempt a single DC
the riverbank, complaining constantly. If any of the PCs actively 20 Diplomacy check to Request or Intimidation check to Coerce
participate in the game, provide them one piece of information the linnorms to behave (DC 23 for levels 7–8). On a failure, the
about a linnorm they don’t know, selected from Linnorms on page linnorms fake obedience, then go back to fighting after the PCs
6. The PCs have time to take a 10-minute rest, if desired. When the move on, though with slightly less destruction, increasing the DC
PCs are ready, proceed to Event 4: Shopping Spree. of checks to placate the locals by 1.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Oridius excitedly peruses a cartographer’s stall and pilfers a few is lying, and while she is taking care of Crookscale, she definitely
choice maps for their collection. A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 has ulterior motives. If the PCs accuse Efrith of misdeeds or lying,
Diplomacy or Intimidate check convinces Oridius to put the maps she denies their accusations. Crookscale believes her and refuses
back, while a PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Society, Legal Lore, or to budge, demanding the PCs “prove it!” To get Crookscale out,
Merchant Lore check explains the intricacies of ownership and the PCs must convince Crookscale of Efrith’s wrongdoing or
commerce to the little linnorm, which inspires them to return the untrustworthiness with a successful DC 22 Diplomacy check (DC
maps of their own volition (DC 23 Diplomacy or Intimidation 25 for levels 7–8), but Crookscale won’t listen to them at all unless
and DC 21 Lore for levels 7–8). If the PCs fail to convince Oridius they’ve gathered at least three pieces of evidence. The evidence the
to return the maps, increase the DC of skill checks to placate the PCs might find and how they discover it is noted below. The DC
locals by 1. of this check is reduced by 2 if the PCs present at least five pieces
At some point during the PCs’ exploration, Crookscale is lured of evidence.
away by Efrith, who tempts the linnorm with soothing words, • Efrith: A PC who sizes up Efrith and succeeds at a DC 20
feigned understanding, and a freshly butchered haunch of meat. Perception check or a DC 18 Stealth or Thievery check (DC
Efrith intends to separate one linnorm from its siblings and the 23 and DC 21 for levels 7–8) notices Efrith holds herself like a
PCs, trick the linnorm into thinking she’s a friend, and milk thief, sneak, or scout, has calloused hands that don’t match her
them for information on themself, their siblings, Boiltongue, and supposed career, and is highly observant—it’s unlikely she’s a
Boiltongue’s unidentified mate. Long term, she aims to use this traveling merchant. When mentioned, Efrith deflects, insisting
linnorm and the intel it provides to lure Boiltongue into a trap it’s dangerous to travel the Lands of the Linnorm King, and
that will cost him his life—an action she won’t be able to take until she’s picked up more than a few tricks for sneaking by monsters,
she has Runelord Belimarius’s permission. At present, she’s content brigands, and worse over the years.
with luring away and befriending Crookscale. • Living Space: A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Perception check
When the PCs next look for Crookscale, they catch a glimpse or a DC 18 Architecture or Engineering Lore check (DC 23
of his tail as he rounds a corner at the far end of the market and and DC 21 for levels 7–8) determines that the front living
passes out of sight. By the time any PCs round the corner as well, space was clearly set up recently and hastily and hasn’t been
Crookscale is out of sight and inside Efrith’s bolt hole, a warehouse lived in; it’s been created specifically to put Crookscale at ease.
whose interior has been hastily styled as a home. To find where When mentioned, Efrith deflects, insisting she’s a traveling spice
Crookscale went, a PC must succeed at either a DC 22 Perception merchant and only just arrived in the city—she hasn’t had time
check to hear Crookscale engaged in conversation through the wall, to make her temporary space feel lived in.
a DC 20 Survival check to Track Crookscale to the appropriate • Secret Chamber: A PC who succeeds at a DC 22 Perception
warehouse, or a DC 18 Architecture or Engineering Lore check check (DC 25 for levels 7–8) notices a secret hatch in the floor,
to determine something is off about the building he’s in (DC 25 mostly hidden by an empty crate. Efrith claims she’s never
Perception, DC 22 Survival, and DC 18 Lore for levels 7–8). Each seen it before. This hatch is locked with a simple lock (three
PC can attempt one skill check. If at least one PC succeeds, the DC 20 Thievery checks to unlock), has hardness 5 and HP 20
PCs locate the appropriate warehouse. On a failure, the PCs don’t (BT 10), and requires a DC 20 Athletics check to Force Open.
find Crookscale, but after a few minutes of searching, they find The secret chamber is a small cellar and living space, which
a witness who saw the linnorm enter the warehouse with “that includes a trunk of clothes, a desk, and a wall plastered with
chatty spice merchant;” the witness can provide a description of a map of Halgrim and various notes. The trunk of clothes
Efrith if asked. This witness points the PCs to the right location, contains attire for countless jobs and professions. The desk
but the delay gives Efrith more time to set Crookscale at ease, and has writing supplies and a freshly penned letter (see Handout
the DCs to interact with Crookscale and Efrith throughout this #1: Secret Message on page 26). The map on the wall tracks
event increase by 2. sightings of Boiltongue in red and sightings of the little linnorms
Efrith’s warehouse has a large loading door, which is closed in blue. Notes surrounding the map clearly indicate Efrith
and unlocked. Efrith doesn’t answer knocks or calls for entry. was tracking Boiltongue’s movements, but recently switched
Inside, Efrith pampers Crookscale, who’s sprawled on a massive targets, abandoning her efforts to track Boiltongue and tracking
pillow sized perfectly for a juvenile linnorm. The front half of the the linnorm children instead. A handwritten note names each
warehouse is styled like a living space, and the back half is piled linnorm and includes accompanying information on them.
with crates labeled as various spices. Crookscale’s name is circled. This secret chamber indicates Efrith
When the PCs enter, Efrith scolds them for entering someone’s is spying on Boiltongue and his children for some unspecified
home unannounced and asks them to leave. If asked what’s going purpose. If confronted, Efrith insists that she’s never seen that
on, she says she’s “just offering the little one a rest and some chamber before and she only just moved into this warehouse.
company,” and claims Crookscale “needed someone to take care • Spellbook: A PC who succeeds at a DC 17 Perception check
of him properly.” A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Perception (DC 20 for levels 7–8) or who purposefully searches Efrith’s
check to Sense Motive (DC 23 for levels 7–8) determines Efrith belongings finds a spellbook in Efrith’s bag, clearly labeled with

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
a seven-pointed star. A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 skill check he’ll come visit her again soon. Increase the DC to placate the
to Identify Magic determines the spellbook is primarily filled locals by 1, as the linnorms get bored while the PCs waste time
with abjuration spells and contains no evocation or necromancy dealing with Efrith.
spells. A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Arcana or Society check Resolution: Once the PCs have dealt with all five linnorms, they
to Recall Knowledge knows that the seven-pointed star is a can attempt to placate the locals. The PCs must attempt
sihedron, a symbol that represents the seven schools of magic a DC 20 Crafting, Diplomacy, or Merchant Lore check
practiced in the ancient empire of Thassilon, as well as (DC 23 for levels 7–8). This DC could increase based
the nation’s seven virtues and seven sins. on the disturbances that the linnorms cause, as noted
Ancient Thassilonian practices have become under Linnorms starting on page 13.
much more well-known in the last few Critical Success The numerous merchants the PCs have
years, since several of the empire’s former helped each contribute a few coins or trinkets as a gift.
runelord rulers returned to the world and The PCs gain 1 Fund.
founded New Thassilon. A PC who succeeds at Success The PCs placate the local merchants with their
both the Identify Magic and Recall Knowledge words alone.
checks realizes that Efrith’s choice of magic Failure The PCs must spend 1 Fund to placate the
spells indicates she’s a student of envy, the merchants.
same magic taught in Xin-Edasseril, Critical Failure The PCs must spend 2 Funds to
domain of Runelord Belimarius of placate the merchants.
New Thassilon. If confronted, Efrith
admits she was born and raised in Development: After the PCs have
Xin-Edasseril, but claims that she was attempted to wrangle each of the linnorms,
happy to escape New Thassilon and Scourtail loudly exclaims, “Boring!” and
find a better life elsewhere. dashes off, flying down the road and off
• Wards: A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 MANGLEFANG into more trouble. Proceed to Event 5: Last
Arcana check to Identify Magic, or a DC Laugh below.
22 Nature, Occultism, or Religion check The PCs may attempt to apprehend
to Identify Magic (DCs 23 and 25 for levels 7–8), notices Efrith. If the PCs try, she insists they call the guards instead, as
the entire warehouse is warded by surveillance magic, which “they know how to handle meddling trespassers like yourselves.” If
enables someone else to witness what occurs in the warehouse the PCs attempt to force her, she plays the part of a frail merchant,
remotely and warns of unauthorized trespassers. If confronted, allows herself to be manacled, and then wails loudly for help and
Efrith admits to casting alarm on the warehouse but claims she refuses to move. Unless they physically carry her throughout the
has no other spells in place. “A lady’s got to keep her wares rest of this adventure, the PCs must leave Efrith behind and report
safe, hasn’t she?” In fact, Efrith knows spells such as prying eye her to Gorm Greathammer later in this adventure. Regardless,
and scrying, but she’s not the one spying on the warehouse—the Scourtail’s antics soon draw the PCs’ attention.
surveillance magic the PCs may have sensed belongs to Efrith’s
handler in New Thassilon. Efrith is clearly annoyed by the idea EVENT 5: LAST LAUGH MODERATE
that someone is watching her, if not surprised. She passes it off As the PCs and the linnorms proceed down the road toward
as “the work of a jealous rival, no doubt.” Estrid’s castle, they pass a group of proud Ulfen soldiers. Led by
• Warehouse: A PC who examines the crates in the warehouse Revna the Brave (CN female human Ulfen battle skald), this group
notice that while the first few crates do contain packages serves Skarde Nineblades, a well-respected Ulfen commander from
of spices, the remainder are empty or contain mundane Halgrim who is currently engaged in negotiations with Estrid to
equipment, spell components, and weapons. Efrith claims have these warriors and their compatriots explore the Island of
she’s “diversifying” her wares. The PCs also find a wand of Ancestors, making them direct competitors with the Pathfinder
continuation (1st-level spells) among her goods. For levels 7–8, Society. They’ve been waiting for days to hear Estrid’s verdict, and
the wand is instead a wand of continuation (2nd-level spells), are tired, grumpy, and have no patience for insults.
and the PCs also find a 4th-level scroll of rebounding barrier When the linnorms pass by the Ulfen warriors, Manglefang
(Lost Omens Legends 37). laughs at their hair, causing the warriors to snarl and draw their
If the PCs succeed at convincing Crookscale that Efrith is not blades. This response only causes Manglefang to laugh harder,
who she seems, Crookscale glares at Efrith, sticks out his tongue, and exclaim, “Aww, look at their little pokey sticks! They think
and leaves with the PCs, snout stuck up in the air. If the PCs fail they’re so fierce! Look at them! They’re adorable!” The warriors
after uncovering enough evidence, fail their check to convince respond, pointing not at the linnorm, but the Pathfinders. “You!
Crookscale, or are otherwise stuck, Crookscale begrudgingly Pathfinders! Those linnorms may be off limits, but you’re not! This
leaves with them, and bids his new friend Efrith goodbye, saying insult won’t stand! Face us or admit your cowardice and give up

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Event 5: Last Laugh

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: City Sites Multi-Pack

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
your claim to the Island of the Ancestors!” Use the map on page 16 Resolution: If the PCs refuse to fight, or lose, they must pay
for this encounter. If the PCs question who the warriors are, Revna Revna and her warriors 1 Fund. If they break the rules of the duel,
gives them some context. Revna is appalled; they must pay 2 Funds instead.
If the PCs refuse to fight Revna and her warriors, Revna swears Treasure: If the PCs defeat Revna and her warriors, they admit
the whole city will know of their cowardice. This increases the DC their loss with dignity and offer the PCs a minor sturdy shield and
of all skill checks attempted to counter Skarde’s arguments during a moderate thunderbird tuft (Secrets of Magic 169) as recompense
Audience with the King by 2 (page 18). (a lesser sturdy shield and an orchestral brooch [Secrets of Magic
Linnorms: Thrilled at the prospect of a fight, the linnorms settle 174] for levels 7–8). Earning these treasures also gives the PC 1
in to watch the show from atop a nearby blue-roofed circular additional Fund.
tower. Manglefang spends the entire fight heckling Revna and her
fellow warriors.
After the battle, the PCs can befriend Manglefang by teaching
him the difference between laughing at someone and laughing with
someone. This requires a PC to succeed at a DC 22 Diplomacy
check, a DC 20 Performance check, or a DC 18 Circus, Comedy,
or Theater Lore check (DCs 25, 23, or 21 for levels 7–8). Each
PC can attempt one skill check. On a failure, Manglefang simply
laughs at the PCs.
Creatures: If the PCs agree to fight the warriors, Revna fights
the PCs alongside the warriors. Revna lays out the ground rules,
explaining that they’re fighting “to the bloodied.” This means
that any PC or NPC reduced to 1/4 of their Hit Points or less is
automatically removed from the duel and can no longer participate;
they’re expected to surrender as soon as their injuries reach that
threshold. The NPCs follow the rules correctly, verbally surrendering
when sufficiently injured, then walking to the sidelines of the battle
on their turns. Reyna can’t tell the exact number of Hit Points that
a PC has remaining. A PC wishing to cheat at the duel and fight on
through injuries must succeed at a DC 21 Deception check to hide
the extent of their wounds (DC 23 for levels 7–8). On a success,
Reyna doesn’t catch them; on a failure, Reyna notices the ruse and
calls for an immediate end to the battle. She is disgusted that they
would stoop to such underhanded tactics.
Revna uses her compositions each turn and prefers to use her
spells over her battle axe, though she’s not afraid to wade into battle
to help her allies trigger their Overwhelm ability. The Ulfen soldiers
fight in melee and gang up on a single foe to trigger Overwhelm.

Levels 5–6
Page 21


Page 21, art on page 25
Levels 7–8
Page 23


Page 23, art on page 25

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Development: The PCs have time for a 10-minute rest, if desired. Performance check. If the PCs befriended Brulivex, she pats her
When the PCs are ready to move on, proceed to Audience with stuffed bunny and speaks up on the PCs’ behalf, indicating that the
White Estrid. PCs were a voice of reason throughout the day and were constantly
“making everything better.” If the PCs befriended Crookscale, he
AUDIENCE WITH THE KING speaks up on the PCs’ behalf, indicating that the PCs saved him
As the sun sinks low in the sky and the day nears its end, the from the river and taught him how to swim.
linnorms and the PCs arrive at the castle. While the linnorms aim Combat Prowess: To counter claims that Skarde’s soldiers are
to visit their father, this is the PCs’ opportunity to report to Gorm more skilled than the PCs, the PCs can attempt an Acrobatics,
Greathammer and impress both Estrid and Boiltongue—or not. Athletics, Gladiatorial Lore, Scouting Lore, Warfare Lore, or other
The linnorms tear through the castle, flying pell-mell through the applicable Lore check. If the PCs befriended Scourtail, she speaks
halls and terrifying the castle staff. The guards stay out of the up on the PCs’ behalf, describing the battles she witnessed today.
way, recognizing the little linnorms from their numerous antics If the PCs won both of their battles, lower the DC of the check by
throughout the castle over the past week. 2 instead of 1.
When the group reaches the meeting hall, the PCs can convince Cultural Knowledge: To counter claims that the PCs lack
each linnorm to behave. Linnorms that the PCs have befriended understanding of Ulfen culture and traditions, the PCs can
listen to them automatically; for each other linnorm the PCs wish attempt a Society, Archaeology Lore, Pathfinder Lore, or another
to convince, they must attempt a DC 20 Diplomacy check (DC applicable Lore check. If the PCs befriended Oridius, they speak
23 for levels 7–8). On a success, that linnorm enters the meeting up on the PCs’ behalf, citing everything the PCs taught them today,
hall on their best behavior, floating gracefully and quietly with an with a loud “Actually…” Unlike many of the other “facts” that
eager grin and waiting until their presence is acknowledged before Oridius shared throughout the day, the information they provide
talking. On a failure, that linnorm busts into the meeting hall and here is correct. If the PCs befriended Manglefang, he speaks up on
loudly interrupts. If at least half of the linnorms behave as they their behalf, noting their efforts to teach him about respect and
enter the hall, the DC of all skill checks to make counterarguments true comedy.
during this encounter decreases by 1. Development: If at least two of the PCs’ three counterarguments
Once the PCs and linnorms have all entered the room, Boiltongue are successful, the PCs talk circles around Skarde Nineblades and
acknowledges his children and Estrid greets the PCs, asking the win the debate. Otherwise, they make a poor showing and Skarde
heroes to introduce themselves to those present. Allow the PCs to Nineblades wins the debate.
attempt a single DC 23 Diplomacy check (DC 26 for levels 7–8). As the debate comes to an end, Estrid announces that she has
One PC should lead this check and the others can Aid, using either made her decision. Her decision is based on how well the PCs
Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Performance. If the PCs succeed, handled the linnorms, as denoted by their remaining Funds,
the DC of all skill checks to make counterarguments during this modified by the results of the debate against Skarde. If the PCs
encounter decreases by 1. win the debate, they receive a result that’s one category better
In addition to Gorm Greathammer (LN male dwarf prince), than they earned through Funds alone. For example, a group who
White Estrid (CN female human barbarian), Boiltongue (CE male has 3 Funds remaining and wins the debate impresses Estrid and
crag linnorm), and the guards, numerous diplomats are present, Boiltongue.
including Skarde Nineblades (LN male human Ulfen jarl), who Thoroughly Impressed: 8+ Funds remaining. Estrid and
is attempting to convince Estrid to send his soldiers to the Island Boiltongue are thoroughly impressed with the PCs and immediately
of Ancestors, rather than the Pathfinder Society’s agents. After grant the Pathfinder Society permission to explore the Island of
introductions, Skarde Nineblades grouchily asks if he can proceed, Ancestors on Estrid’s behalf. Additionally, Boiltongue gives the
then goes on a rant, expounding the recklessness of the Pathfinder PCs a gift, as noted under Conclusion on page 19.
Society, the combat prowess of his soldiers, and the importance of Impressed: 5–7 Funds remaining. Estrid and Boiltongue believe
keeping the Island of Ancestors off-limits to foreigners who don’t the PCs are the best choice and grant the Pathfinder Society
understand Ulfen ways. After he’s through, the PCs have a chance permission to explore the Island of Ancestors on the linnorm
to counter each of these three claims with a counterargument. king’s behalf, though they take time to express their hesitancy.
One PC should lead each counterargument, with the other PCs Unimpressed: 2–4 Funds remaining. Estrid and Boiltongue are
aiding, as desired. The skills applicable to each counterargument unimpressed by the PCs and grant permission to explore the Island
and modifiers are noted below. The DC for these checks is 23 or 21 of Ancestors to Skarde Nineblades and his soldiers.
for Lore skills (DC 26 or 24 for levels 7–8). For each of these skill Offended: 0–1 Funds remaining. Estrid and Boiltongue are
checks, a befriended linnorm might speak on the PCs’ behalf, as offended by the behavior of the PCs. They grant permission to
described below. Each befriended linnorm’s advocacy lowers the explore the Island of Ancestors to Skarde Nineblades and his
DC of that particular check by 1. soldiers. They ban the Pathfinder Society from performing missions
Recklessness: To counter claims that the Pathfinder Society in the kingdom without express permission (though this does not
is reckless, the PCs can attempt a Diplomacy, Intimidation, or cause the closure of the Iceferry Lodge).

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
With King Estrid’s verdict, the time has come for the PCs to bid shares her ideals. She might agree to have one of the PCs carry
the linnorms goodbye. Each befriended linnorm takes a moment her into battle in the future, should they prove their dedication to
to speak with the PCs, perhaps giving thanks, cuddles, or extorting righteous causes. Even if she doesn’t want any of the PCs to carry
promises of future visits. If the PCs befriended Brulivex, she names her into battle, she is interested in traveling with them back to the
her stuffed rabbit after the PC who bought it for her, using their Pathfinder Society’s Grand Lodge to meet other warriors and seek
name, shortened, with a “y” on the end. For example, she might a suitable candidate.
name the rabbit Ezzy if a character’s name was Ezren or Fumby
if a character’s name was Fumbus. Any linnorms who weren’t REPORTING NOTES
befriended give the PCs a disinterested nod or wave. If the PCs earned the right to explore the Island of Ancestors, check
box A on the reporting sheet. If the PCs befriended any linnorms,
CONCLUSION check box B. If the PCs recovered Myrsa from Boiltongue’s hoard,
Within days, the PCs return to Iceferry Lodge and meet with check box C. If the PCs discovered that Efrith is an agent from
Bjersig, Mahki, and Lirall. They can also meet with Svala and New Thassilon or reported suspicions about her ulterior motives
Ingpi, if they so choose. Gorm Greathammer remains behind for further investigation, check box D.
in Halgrim. If the PCs earned the Pathfinder Society the right
to explore the Island of Ancestors, Bjersig thanks the PCs for PRIMARY OBJECTIVES
all their hard work and says he hopes to see them again soon. The PCs fulfill their primary objective if the Pathfinder Society
He and Lirall are excited at the prospect of what the Island of earned the right to explore the Island of Ancestors. Doing so earns
Ancestors has in store for them. If the Pathfinder Society wasn’t each PC 2 Reputation with their chosen faction.
granted exploration rights, Bjersig instead thanks the PCs for
their efforts and bids them farewell. He suggests they spend some SECONDARY OBJECTIVES
time practicing tact and public speaking before venturing out on The PCs fulfill their secondary objective if they prove to the city
another mission of import. of Halgrim that the Pathfinder Society can be trusted. To do so,
If the PCs thoroughly impressed White Estrid and Boiltongue, a they must fulfill three of the following five objectives: finish the
package arrives for them via messenger before the PCs leave Iceferry scenario with 5 or more Funds, finish the scenario with 8 or more
Lodge. The messenger states they carry a gift from Boiltongue, on Funds, defeat Revna and her soldiers, retrieve the goods from the
behalf of his children, a shield that the great linnorm selected from river, or successfully placate the merchants in Event 4 without the
his personal horde. While Boiltongue believed that he was merely use of Funds. Doing so earns each PC 2 Reputation with their
handing the PCs a well-made shield, the item has a far greater chosen faction.
significance. The shield is a martyr’s shield (Gamemastery Guide
89) imbued with the spirit and compassion of Myrsa Evershield, FACTION NOTES
an Ulfen shieldmaiden and cleric of Tanagaar who died alongside This mission is of particular interest to the Grand Archive and
her beloved on their quest to slay a linnorm (Boiltongue’s father). Verdant Wheel factions.
Tanagaar is a lawful good empyreal lord who is the patron of Grand Archive: On behalf of the Grand Archive faction, Svala
those who watch over and protect the innocent, especially from Ice-Rider asks the PCs to keep a wary eye out for potential enemies
evil and nocturnal dangers. Myrsa has hidden her sapience for to the Pathfinder Society, White Estrid, or Boiltongue. If the PCs
many years, hoping to reveal herself to whoever eventually slew discovered that Efrith was a spy, they earn 2 additional Reputation
Boiltongue and took his horde. Ever since White Estrid chose to with the Grand Archive faction.
spare Boiltongue’s life and let the linnorm keep his hoard, she has Verdant Wheel: On behalf of Urwal and the Verdant Wheel,
been lying in wait for the perfect opportunity. She is brave, selfless, Ingpi asks the PCs to befriend the juvenile linnorms. If the
stubborn, and thrilled to be around living, breathing people PCs befriended at least three linnorms, they earn 2 additional
again, but she is also patient enough to wait for a wielder who Reputation with the Verdant Wheel faction.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat blocks for To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
creatures and hazards appearing in this scenario. These encounters Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are not
are written for four 5th-level PCs. If your group has a different cumulative.
composition or size, refer to the Organized Play section on page 10–11 Challenge Points: Add 15 Hit Points to each
27 for instructions on how to use the scaling sidebars to adjust the peryton.
encounters for your group. 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one peryton to the
Some scaling sidebars reference the elite or weak adjustments. encounter.
Rules for these adjustments appear on page 6 of the Pathfinder 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one peryton to the
Bestiary. If a creature is marked “(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter and add 15 Hit Points to each peryton.
encounter unless otherwise specified (likely from the scaling 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add two perytons
sidebars). to the encounter.


Pathfinder Bestiary 2 197
Perception +13; darkvision
Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +11, Intimidation +11, Stealth +11
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +5, Cha +3
AC 21; Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +13
HP 60
Speed 25 feet, fly 50 feet
Melee [one-action] antler +14 (deadly d8), Damage 1d12+7 piercing
Melee [one-action] fangs +14 (agile), Damage 1d8+7 slashing
Heart Ripper [one-action] (attack, emotion, fear, visual) The peryton rips out
the heart of an adjacent corpse with their jaws. The creature must
have died in the last minute. As the peryton rips the heart free and
swallows it whole, they regain 2d6 HP, and any non-peryton that
witnesses this event must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become
frightened 1 (or frightened 2 on a critical failure).
Mimic Shadow [one-action] (necromancy, occult, shadow) Requirements The
target must be casting a shadow; Effect The peryton Flies, going no
higher than 20 feet over the target creature. The target creature must
succeed at a DC 21 Will save or the peryton’s shadow changes to match
that cast by the target creature. With their shadow so transformed,
the peryton gains a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls
against that creature. In addition, each time the peryton successfully
Strikes that creature, the creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save
or become frightened 1, or increase its frightened condition by 1 if it’s
already frightened. This is an emotion and fear effect. The shadow
remains transformed for 1 hour or until the peryton Mimics a Shadow
again, whichever comes first.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
ULFEN SOLDIERS (2) CREATURE 3 To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
UNCOMMON N MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID Challenge Point adjustments.
Perception +8 10+ Challenge Points: For every 2 Challenge Points
Languages Common, Skald beyond 8, add one Ulfen soldier to the encounter.
Skills Athletics +11, Intimidation +8, Sailing Lore +7, Society +5,
Survival +8, Warfare Lore +7
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +1
Items hatchet, hide armor, javelins (4), longsword, shortbow (20 arrows),
wooden shield (Hardness 3, 12 HP, BT 6)
AC 19 (21 with shield raised); Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +8
HP 45
Bravery When the Ulfen soldier rolls a success at a Will save against a REVNA THE BRAVE CREATURE 5
fear effect, they get a critical success instead. In addition, any time UNIQUE NG MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID
they gain the frightened condition, reduce its value by 1. Perception +11
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] Languages Common, Draconic, Hallit, Skald, Tien
Shield Block [reaction] Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +12, Deception +13, Diplomacy +13,
Speed 25 feet Medicine +11, Occultism +11, Performance +14 (+15 when singing),
Melee [one-action] hatchet +12 (agile, sweep, thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+6 Sailing Lore +11, Society +11, Stealth +10, Warfare Lore +11
slashing Str +3, Dex +1, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4
Melee [one-action] longsword +12 (versatile piercing), Damage 1d8+6 slashing Bardic Lore Revna can Recall Knowledge on any subject with a +9
Ranged [one-action] javelin +10 (thrown), Damage 1d6+6 piercing modifier.
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +10 (deadly d10), Damage 1d6+2 piercing Items battle axe, flute, hatchet (4), leather armor, shortbow (20 arrows),
Intimidating Strike [two-actions] (emotion, fear, mental) The Ulfen soldier makes wooden shield (Hardness 3, 12 HP, BT 6)
a melee Strike. If they hit and deal damage, the target is frightened 1, AC 21 (23 with shield raised); Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +13
or frightened 2 on a critical hit. HP 60
Overwhelm Ulfen soldiers are trained to work well as a unit. The Ulfen Shield Block [reaction]
soldier’s Strikes deal an extra 1d6 damage to creatures within reach Speed 25 feet
of at least two of the Ulfen soldier’s allies. Melee [one-action] battle axe +15 (sweep), Damage 1d8+7 slashing
Melee [one-action] hatchet +15 (agile, sweep, thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+7
Ranged [one-action] hatchet +13 (agile, sweep, thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+7
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +13 (deadly d10), Damage 1d6+4 piercing
Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 22; 3rd (2 slots) dispel magic, slow,
soothe, sound burst; 2nd (3 slots) dispel magic, mirror image, soothe,
sound burst, spiritual weapon; 1st (3 slots) fear, soothe, true strike;
Cantrips (3rd) bullhorn (Secrets of Magic 93), daze, detect magic,
haunting hymn (Secrets of Magic 109), read aura
Bard Composition Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 22; 3rd counter performance;
Cantrips (3rd) inspire defense, inspire courage

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat blocks for To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
creatures and hazards appearing in this scenario. These encounters Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are not
are written for four 7th-level PCs. If your group has a different cumulative.
composition or size, refer to the Organized Play section on page 19–22 Challenge Points: Add 20 Hit Points to each
27 for instructions on how to use the scaling sidebars to adjust the manticore.
encounters for your group. 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one manticore to the
Some scaling sidebars reference the elite or weak adjustments. encounter.
Rules for these adjustments appear on page 6 of the Pathfinder 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one manticore to the
Bestiary. If a creature is marked “(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter, and add 20 Hit Points to each manticore.
encounter unless otherwise specified (likely from the scaling 33+ Challenge Points: Add two manticores to the
sidebars). encounter.


Pathfinder Bestiary 232
Perception +14; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +15, Intimidation +11, Survival +12
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha –1
AC 23; Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +12
HP 90
Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +17, Damage 2d8+8 piercing
Melee [one-action] claw +17 (agile), Damage 2d6+8 slashing
Ranged [one-action] spike +14 (range increment 40 feet), Damage 1d10+5 piercing
Spike Volley [one-action] The manticore flings up to two spikes from its tail,
targeting either two different creatures or a single creature. If the
manticore targets two different creatures, these creatures must be
within 20 feet of one another, and the manticore makes a separate
Strike against each; this counts as only one Strike for the manticore’s
multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn’t increase until after
both attacks. If the manticore fires both spikes at the same creature,
it makes a single Strike. If the attack hits, it deals the damage of a
single spike, but the target is pinned in place, rendering it immobilized.
A creature that succeeds at a DC 23 Athletics check (attempted as a
single action) can pull the spike free.
A manticore can hurl no more than 12 spikes in 24 hours.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
VETERAN ULFEN SOLDIERS (2) CREATURE 5 To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
UNCOMMON N MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID Challenge Point adjustments.
Perception +11 20+ Challenge Points: For every 4 Challenge Points
Languages Common, Skald beyond 16, add one veteran Ulfen soldier to the encounter.
Skills Athletics +13, Intimidation +10, Sailing Lore +9, Society +7,
Survival +11, Warfare Lore +9
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
Items hatchet, hide armor, javelins (4), longsword, shortbow (20 arrows),
wooden shield (Hardness 3, 12 HP, BT 6)
AC 22 (24 with shield raised); Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +11
HP 75
Bravery When the Ulfen soldier rolls a success at a Will save against a REVNA THE BRAVE CREATURE 7
fear effect, they get a critical success instead. In addition, any time UNIQUE NG MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID
they gain the frightened condition, reduce its value by 1. Perception +15
Shielded Stride When the Ulfen soldier has their shield raised, they can Languages Common, Draconic, Hallit, Skald, Tien
Stride to move half their Speed without triggering reactions that are Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +16, Deception +17, Diplomacy +17,
triggered by their movement (such as Attacks of Opportunity). Medicine +13, Occultism +15, Performance +19 (+20 when singing),
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] Sailing Lore +15, Society +15, Stealth +12, Warfare Lore +15
Shield Block [reaction] Str +3, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4
Speed 25 feet Bardic Lore Revna can Recall Knowledge on any subject with a +11
Melee [one-action] hatchet +15 (agile, sweep, thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+10 modifier.
slashing Items battle axe, flute, hatchet (4), leather armor, shortbow (20 arrows),
Melee [one-action] longsword +15 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+10 slashing wooden shield (Hardness 3, 12 HP, BT 6)
Ranged [one-action] javelin +13 (thrown), Damage 1d6+10 piercing AC 24 (26 with shield raised); Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +15
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +13 (deadly d10), Damage 1d6+6 piercing HP 90
Intimidating Strike [two-actions] (emotion, fear, mental) The Ulfen soldier makes Shield Block [reaction]
a melee Strike. If they hit and deal damage, the target is frightened 1, Speed 25 feet
or frightened 2 on a critical hit. Melee [one-action] battle axe +18 (sweep), Damage 1d8+9 slashing
Overwhelm Ulfen soldiers are trained to work well as a unit. The Ulfen Melee [one-action] hatchet +18 (agile, sweep, thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+9
soldier’s Strikes deal an extra 1d8 damage to creatures within reach slashing
of at least two of the Ulfen soldier’s allies. Ranged [one-action] hatchet +16 (agile, sweep, thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+9
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +16 (deadly d10), Damage 1d6+6 piercing
Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 25; 4th (2 slots) chromatic ray (Secrets of
Magic 95), dispel magic, soothe, sound burst, spiritual weapon; 3rd (3
slots) dispel magic, haste, slow, soothe, sound burst, vampiric touch;
2nd (3 slots) dispel magic, mirror image, soothe, sound burst, spiritual
weapon; 1st (3 slots) fear, soothe, true strike; Cantrips (4th) bullhorn
(Secrets of Magic 93), daze, detect magic, haunting hymn (Secrets of
Magic 109), read aura
Bard Composition Spells DC 25, 1 Focus Point; 4th counter performance;
Cantrips (4th) inspire defense, inspire courage
Steady Spellcasting If a reaction would disrupt Revna’s spellcasting
action, she attempts a DC 15 flat check. If she succeeds, her action
isn’t disrupted.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy

Bjersig Torrsen and Mahki Oridius

Efrith Scourtail

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy

Crookscale Brulivex
Manglefang Reyna the Brave

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Report 41
Your grace,
Boiltongue identified as a father. Five whelps in city. Total whelps unknown. Mate unknown. Den unknown. I
consider these whelps a boon, as they will make exceptional lures. Targets prioritized. Attempting to initiate friendly
contact. Request immediate backup and permission to initiate capture. Window of opportunity closing.
Agent H3

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Treasure Table Challenge Points
LEVEL TREASURE BUNDLE Challenge Points are a system for scaling the difficulty of
5 10 gp encounters appropriately for groups of mixed size and level. Total
up the number of Challenge Points your group has.
6 15 gp
5th-level PCs = 2 points each
7 22 gp 6th-level PCs = 3 points each
8 30 gp 7th-level PCs = 4 points each
8th-level PCs = 6 points each
Treasure Bundles Now use the table below to determine which level range
□ Event 1, page 7: 1 Treasure Bundle for placating the shepherds is appropriate for your PCs. Level 5–6 encounters appear in
without using Funds Appendix 1, and level 7–8 encounters appear in Appendix 2.
□ Event 2, page 9: 1 Treasure Bundle for defeating the perytons
or manticores Challenge Points
□□ Event 3, page 11: 2 Treasure Bundles for rescuing the sailors CP TOTAL LEVEL RANGE
from the river
8–14 5–6
□ Event 4, page 13: 1 Treasure Bundle for rescuing Crookscale
from Efrith 16–18 (5+ players) 5–6
□□ Event 5, page 15: 2 Treasure Bundles for defeating Revna and 16–18 (4 players) 7–8
the Ulfen soldiers 19+ 7–8
□□ Audience with the King, page 18: 2 Treasure Bundles for
debating Skarde
□ Conclusion, page 19: 1 Treasure Bundle for ending the adventure
with at least 5 Funds

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Event Reporting Form
Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -2 GM Name: GM Faction:


Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Earned:

Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Grand Archive □ Horizon Hunters □ Radiant Oath □ Verdant Wheel □ Vigilant Seal


□ Envoy’s Alliance □ Radiant Oath

Character Name: Dead
□ Grand Archive □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level Infamy
□ Horizon Hunters □ Vigilant Seal


□ Envoy’s Alliance □ Radiant Oath

Character Name: Dead
□ Grand Archive □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level Infamy
□ Horizon Hunters □ Vigilant Seal


□ Envoy’s Alliance □ Radiant Oath

Character Name: Dead
□ Grand Archive □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level Infamy
□ Horizon Hunters □ Vigilant Seal


□ Envoy’s Alliance □ Radiant Oath

Character Name: Dead
□ Grand Archive □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level Infamy
□ Horizon Hunters □ Vigilant Seal


□ Envoy’s Alliance □ Radiant Oath

Character Name: Dead
□ Grand Archive □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level Infamy
□ Horizon Hunters □ Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Linnorm’s Legacy
Open Game License Version 1 0a PAIZO INC
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Creative Director • James Jacobs
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Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-03: Linnorm’s Legacy © 2022, Paizo Inc.; Author: Jessica Lost Omens, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Combat Pad,
Catalan. Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Scenario #4-03: Character Chronicle #

Linnorm’s Legacy

Character Name Organized Play # Character #

Adventure Summary

When the Pathfinder Society’s ongoing negotiations with the Linnorm King White Estrid were thrown into disarray by the antics of five
juvenile linnorms, the Society sent you to Halgrim, capital of the Ironbound Archipelago, to wrangle the little linnorms. You strove to
keep the linnorms out of trouble and the citizens of Halgrim happy. Wrangling the children of the infamous Boiltongue was far from
an easy task. You soothed tempers, used quick thinking, and earned the respect of the young linnorms and the citizens of Halgrim
before having an audience with Estrid to determine the fate of her allegiance with the Society. You □ earned the right for the Society
to explore the Island of the Ancestors or □ lost the right to explore the Island of the Ancestors.

Boons Rewards
Starting XP
Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Pathfinder Society (Second Edition)
Achievement Points, a currency that be redeemed on our website at for special character boons,

such as access to rare or uncommon ancestries, feats, and more! To redeem your Achievement Points, go
to and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a XP Gained account and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions.
This adventure grants the following unique boon: Stalwart Shield.

Total XP
Items Notes

You can purchase up to two items from this Chronicle Sheet.

Once you have made these purchases, the other options become Starting GP
unavailable for purchase from this Chronicle Sheet, though you
can still purchase them normally if you otherwise have access
to them.
binding coil (item 6, discounted to 35 gp, Secrets of Magic 173) GP Gained
dragon turtle scale (item 4, discounted to 7 gp)
eye of enlightenment (item 5, discounted to 15 gp, Secrets of Magic

grim trophy (item 7, discounted to 33 gp) GP Spent
moderate thunderbird tuft (item 5, discounted to 15 gp, Secrets of
Magic 169)
orchestral brooch (item 8, discounted to 70 gp, Secrets of Magic 174)
traveler’s any-tool (item 6, discounted to 185 gp) Total GP
greater staff of healing (item 8, discounted to 440 gp)
scroll of rebounding barrierR (item 7, 70 gp, Lost Omens Legends 37)
wand of continuation (1st-level spells; item 5, discounted to 150 gp)
wand of continuation (2nd-level spells; item 7, discounted to 338 gp)


Chronicle Code: E970
For more information about the Pathfinder Society Organized Play program, including how to use this Chronicle Sheet, visit

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