Rad Contrast Midterm
Rad Contrast Midterm
Rad Contrast Midterm
Functions of GB
● Oral Method
1. The reservoir function In this case the contrast medium
is ingested and it is absorbed
2. The Concentration function through the intestinal mucosa by the
■ Water and salts are absorbed portal blood stream, and enters
in the gallbladder whereas through the portal vein. From the
the bile pigments are not and hepatic cells, the contrast substance
as a result, bilirubin is is excreted with the biled and
concentrated about 20 times, conveyed to the gallbladder, which
cholesterol, bile salts and after concentrating and storing
calcium about 5-10 times. sufficient amount of the specified
bile becomes radiopaque, it takes
■ In disease of the gallbladder, approx 20 - 12 hours for the contrast
this concentration function is medium to reach the gallbladder.
readily impaired The contrast medium is telepaque,
biloptin, cholebrine and cistobil
● Intravenous Method to detect transposition of the
In this case the contrast medium 3. It frequently terminates the
Biligrafin forte or plain biligrafin is injected examination through the
into the vein and the opaque passes demonstration of a
through the blood circulation and enters the gallbladder filled with
liver through the hepatic artery. From the radiopaque stones.
hepatic cells the contrast substance is ● Fatty meals for lunch are eggs
excreted with the bile and conveyed to the butter, cream and milk in order to
gallbladder, which after concentrating and empty the gallbladder and thus to
storing sufficient amounts of the specified have it ready to receive the specified
bile becomes radiopaque. It takes the bile.
contrast medium to reach the gallbladder ● An evening meal that is free of fats
around 10 minutes after injection to prevent the possibility of
continued emptying of the
Indication in doing Cholecystography
gallbladder during the time the liver
1. To determine the function of the liver, is excreting the specified bile.
its ability to remove the contrast ● Oral media are usually administered
medium from the bloodstream and about 3 hours after the light evening
excrete it with the bile meal, with a little amount of water as
2. To determine the patency of the desired. One tablet for every 5
biliary ducts minutes interval or 2 tablets for
3. To evaluate the concentrating and double dose.
emptying power of the gallbladder ● NPO at 12 midnights for better
4. To detect such conditions as biliary intensification of the contrast media
calculi (stones and papillomas-small ● Breakfast is usually withheld
tumors ● Patient is told to report to the x-ray
department on time.
● Reason why general survey film first
of the abdomen preceding
1. AP or PA proj - Localizing film
preparation for a cholecystography
examination is being taken first. ● Place the patient in the supine
position of comfort • Adjust the body
1. First if the intestinal tract is
and center the right side to the
found to be clean, and if the
midline of the table
contrast medium is to be
administered orally, the ● Adjust 10x12 film places lengthwise
examination can be so that its lower border is approx. 1
shortened by one day. inch below the iliac crest
2. The large film demonstrates ● CR is directed perpendicular to the
the location of the liver and mid point of the film Palpate the last
thus the possibility of failure rib as the RP
● Exposure is taken at the end of full 5. RLAT decubitus
● Have the patient assumes the right
2. RAO lateral position of comfort that is
lying on his right side
● Ask the patient to assume supine ● Adjust the cassette 10x12 placed
position vertically on either the anterior or
● Oblique the body to separate posterior aspect of the body and
superimposition between the immobilize it with sandbags
gallbladder and the vertebra ● Elevate the body in such way as to
● Body obliquity: for hypersthenic center the gallbladder to the center
patient - 15-25 degrees of the cassette. Reference point -
● Asthenic patient - 25-45 degrees gallbladder
● RP: gallbladder previously located ● CR is directed horizontally passing
from the localization film through the RP and the midpoint of
● Central ray Perpendicular the film
● Take the exposure at the end of the ● Exposure is taken at the end of
exhalation exhalation
● Take plain KUB before injecting Technique and time interval exposure
the contrast medium.
1. Nephrogram or Nephrotogram - taken
Purposes: immediately after completion of injection
to capture the early stages of the
1. To demonstrate the contour of the contrast medium entering the collecting
kidneys and their location in the system.
supine position.
2. To reveal the presence of any 2. Five minutes - (for kidneys) after the
renal or calculi completion of the injection.
3. To check the technical factor ● Patient in supine position of
4. To check the patients is well comfort.
prepared for the examination. ● MSP centered to the midline of
the table.
● RP midway between the ASIC
otherwise umbilicus
● Center the 10x12 film to the RP
● Central ray is directed to the RP Purposes:
● Respiration is suspended for
exposure. ● To demonstrate the mobility of
the organ, nephrotosis (positional
3. Fifteen minutes - views for the change of kidneys).
kidneys and ureters with the ● To evaluate the amount of urine
compression left in the urinary bladder.
● To detect the presence of turnor.
● Patient in supine position of ● In case of male patient to detect
comfort. any enlargement of the prostate
● MSP centered to the midline of gland pushing up on the floor of
the table. the gallbladder.
● RP midpoint between the ASIC
● Center the 10x12 film to the RP Positioning
● Central ray is vertically directed
to the RP ● Anteroposterior - Upright or
● Respiration is suspended for Recumbent - Preferably Upright -
exposure to detect Ptotic kidneys
● Place the patient in the AP
4. Thirty minutes - views for the kidneys, position
ureters and urinary bladder. Positioning ● Ad just the body and center the
is the same as the plain KUB exposure MSP to the midline of the
5. Additional time interval - exposure ● RP point of umbilicus
such as 5 minutes and 1 hour maybe ● Adjust the 14x17 cassette
taken upon the discretion of the lengthwise and center it to the
radiologist. ASIC
Right and left anterior Oblique- ● CR horizontally directed to the
projection may also taken. umbilicus
● Suspend respiration for exposure
6. Post Voiding or Post Micturation Film
view of the gallbladder is taken - This is
to be done after the radiologist has HYPERTENSIVE INTRAVENOUS
confirmed the time Interval. PYELOGRAPHY
● The outer layer, called the ● The portion of the left lobe that
parietal pleura, lines the wall of corresponds in position to the
the thoracic cavity occupied by right middle lobe is called the
the lung and closely adheres to lingula.
the upper surface of the
diaphragm. ● The lingula is a tongue-shaped
process on the anteromedial
● The two layers are moistened by border of the left lung. It fills the
serous fluid so that move easily space between the chest wall
on each other. The serous fluid and the heart.
prevents friction between the
lungs and chest walls during ● Each of the five lobes divides into
respiration. bronchopulmonary segments and
subdivides into smaller units
● The space between the two called primary lobules.
pleural walls is called the pleural
cavity. ● The primary lobule is the
anatomic unit of lung structure
● Each lung is divided into lobes by and consists of a terminal
deep fissures. The fissures lie in bronchiole with its expanded
an oblique plane inferiorly and alveolar duct and alveolar sac
anteriorly from above, so that the
lobes overlap each other in the BRONCHOGRAPHY
AP direction.
Bronchography is a contrast study for
● The oblique fissures divide the demonstration of the
lungs into superior and inferior broncho-pulmonary tree/segments
Initially, it was the definitive diagnosis for
● The superior lobes lle above and bronchiectasis, however the advent of
are anterior to the inferior lobes. - CT-high resolution CT (HRCT) almost
push bronchography out of use
● Dribbling contrast over the back
Indications of the tongue-not reliable and
already abandoned