Power Quality QP 1

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Qpaper1: 1)Advantages of Passive Harmonic Filter: 1)It does not require an additional dc power supply to run the basic

operations smoothly,2)It does not necessitate the use of amplifying components,3)Highly reliable,4)Has the high range of
frequency,5)Capability to deal with large amounts of power and voltage currents,6)For design, it is extremely convenient
and simple,7)There are no restrictions on the frequency range,8)When compared to the active harmonics filter, it is much
more cost effective, It does not necessitate the use of a power supply. Disadvantages of passive harmonic filter: 1)The use
of inductors raises the risk of making the circuits extremely heavy.2)Its size is usually quite large.3)It has significant
response complications.4)The presence of the source loading increases the likelihood of success.5)There is a problem with
fixed frequency adaptation.6)There are no distinguishing features between the passband and the stopband. It frequently
ends up being mixed, adding to the confusion.7)Its reactive power compensation is usually fixed.8)Signal loss is a known
issue, particularly in the case of a passband.9)The entire course’s input and output have no privacy and are completely
visible to everyone.

3)Active filters are mainly classified into the following four types based on the band of frequencies that they are allowing
and / or rejecting –1)Active Low Pass Filter: If an active filter allows (passes) only low frequency components and rejects
(blocks) all other high frequency components, then it is called as an active low pass filter.2)Active High Pass Filter: If an
active filter allows (passes) only high frequency components and rejects (blocks) all other low frequency components, then
it is called an active high pass filter.3)Active Band Pass Filter: If an active filter allows (passes) only one band of
frequencies, then it is called as an active band pass filter. In general, this frequency band lies between low frequency
range and high frequency range. So, active band pass filter rejects (blocks) both low and high frequency
components.4)Active Band Stop Filter: If an active filter rejects (blocks) a particular band of frequencies, then it is called
as an active band stop filter. In general, this frequency band lies between low frequency range and high frequency range.
So, active band stop filter allows (passes) both low and high frequency components.

4)What Is a Ground Loop? When two or more points in an electoral system normally at ground potential have alternate
connections through conducting paths, they form a ground loop. The presence of different ground potentials of such
interconnected grounds is detrimental, as this condition involves potential difference that allows current to flow between
the circuit grounds through the loop. Various procedures to avoid ground loops –1. Don’t share grounds,2. Minimize loop
area with twisted pair wiring,3. Don’t ground remote sensors,4. Use shielded wire grounded only to the controller,5. Place
auxiliary power supplies as close as possible to the controller.

5)A power analyzer, also known as a power quality analyzer, Is the equipment used to monitor the power quality in
devices. Power quality is usually understood as the compatibility between a power/electric source and load plugged in so
that the load could function properly. When power quality is low the load could get damaged or may malfunction. There
are many causes of poor power quality. Voltage, frequency of the signal, and waveform are the factors considered to
measure power quality. When the power quantity has a steady supply voltage that stays in prescribed limits, and it’s A.C

frequency is steady and close to the rated value with a smooth voltage curve, it is considered as good power quality.

A typical power analyzer consists of two Isolated channels for voltage and current input. The voltage input has an
attenuator and the current input has a built-in current shunt. These inputs are sampled and this sampled data is analyzed
by a high-speed Digital Signal Processing unit. It also contains an FPGA unit to interface all other units. A separate CPU
is provided which takes the input from DSP for displaying results, storing them, and transmitting them over wireless
channels. Applications:1)To identify the electrical issues.2)Record the total cost of electrical energy consumed.3)To obtain
information about various electrical variables in real-time to achieve maximum energy efficiency.4)To control and reduce
the unnecessary usage of power.5)Accurate power measurements for Variable speed motor drive analysis.6)Measure the
efficiency and power quality of LED drivers.7)Standby power analysis using the software.
Telephone Influence Factor (TIF) Telephone Influence Factor (TIF) is a variation of the THD in which the harmonic
components are weighted by factors which reflect the frequency response of the human ear and the variation of the
inductive coupling between adjacent circuits with frequency.

VRMS : the root mean square voltage of the bus, wh : the TIF weighting coefficient at harmonic h • The Telephone
Influence Factor (TIF), sometimes called the Telephone Interference Factor, is another method of measuring signal
distortion and is used to estimate the effect that power line harmonics will have on nearby analog telephone conductors.

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