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Network Analysis and Synthesis Assignment
2022/23 GC

1. MESFIN DAMITEW……………..….…..RU0941/12
2. FIKADU NEGESA………..………...…….RU1379/12
3. FINOTELOZA GIRMA………….….…….RU1503/12
4. KEBEDA BEDADA………………….……..RU5179/12
5. MULUGETA AYALEW..………..………..RU0734/12
• Passive Filter Design
 Butterworth Approximation
 Chebyshev Approximation
• Filter Synthesis
 Coefficient matching
 Darlington (Insertion Loss) Method
• Active Filter synthesis
 Limitations of Passive Filters
 Multiple Feedback and Sallen-Key Realizatio
Passive Filter Design
• A passive filter is a combination of passive elements such
as Resistors , capacitors and inductors.
• That are tuned to resonate at a single frequency, or
through a band of frequencies.
• Have no amplifying elements like transistors and opamps.
• In power systems, passive filters are used to suppress
harmonic currents and decrease voltage distortion
appearing in sensitive parts of the system.
• Passive filters work by exhibiting different impedance
values at the resonant frequency.
• A filter connected in series should present high impedance
to the harmonic frequency that needs to be blocked.
• Although a series configuration is possible, it is more
common to connect filters in parallel.
• Such a shunt configuration diverts harmonic currents to
ground, and simultaneously provide reactive power, which
may be used to correct the power factor.
• As such, passive shunt filters are designed to be capacitive at
the fundamental frequency.
• Depending on the connection of the passive elements with
regard to the output voltage passive filter can be
 Low pass filter
 High pass filter
 Band pass filter or
 Band stop filter.
Low pass filter
High pass filter
Band pass filter
Band stop filter
• No Practical filters can provide the ideal
• Hence approximation of the ideal characteristic are
used. Such approximations are standard and used for
filter design.
• Such three approximations are regularly used.
a) Butterworth Filter Approximation
b) Chebyshev Filter Approximation
c) Bessel Filter Approximation
Butterworth Approximation

• The Butterworth filter is a filter approximation technique that

is also known as the maximally flat filter technique.
• This filter gives a very flat frequency response in the Pass
Band, which ensures that there are no ripples present.
• Hence, as the name suggests, the maximal flat response you
get with the Butterworth Filter cannot be matched by the
Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev, or Bessel Filters.
• Though it may not be as effective as the other filters in giving a
filter response with a steep transition band,
• It has a better tolerance to overshoot or ringing compared to
the Chebyshev filters.
• It also allows for minimum attenuation in the Stop Band.
Hence, The Butterworth filter’s applications include:
• Anti-Aliasing Filter for Data Converter applications
due to its maximally flat nature.
• High-quality audio applications as they ensure the
frequencies that are supposed to pass do so
entirely owing to the flat response, ensuring we
hear everything we are supposed to from audio
• In motion analysis, digital Butterworth filters are
used as they have close to zero ringing in the
passband, which gives a clear video for precise
Chebyshev Approximation
Using Chebyshev filter design, there are two sub
1. Type-1 Chebyshev Filter
2. Type-2 Chebyshev Filter
Type-1 Chebyshev Filter
• These filters are all pole filters .
• In the pass band, these filters show equiripple
behaviour and they have monotonic
characteristics in the stop band.
Type 2 Chebyshev Filter
• These filters contains zeros as well as poles.
• In the stop band these filters show equiriple
behaviour and have monotonic characteristics
in the pass band.
• The major difference between butterworth
and chebyshev filter is that the poles of
butterworth filter lie on the circle while the
poles of chebyshev filter lie on ellipse.
Filter Synthesis
• Filter synthesis is a process for the design of passive filters.
From a desired filter response function, a network that realises
the desired filter response can be found.
• Filter synthesis is a special case of so-called network synthesis.
• The start of a synthesis is usually a desired response function
• The final output of the synthesis are either the LC values of a
realisable filter circuit or –
• In the case of narrow bandpass filters using for example
coaxial or dielectric resonators – the coupling matrix and
resonator tuning data.
• The synthesis is carried out entirely in the mathematical
Coefficient matching
• It is one of the most simple and effective method for
two port synthesis.
• In this method,
 We compare the transfer function we want to synthesize
with the transfer function of a circuit we already know.
 If they have the same form, we try to match the
coefficients of the two function. (Remember that the
coefficients of the second transfer function is a function
of the circuit elements.)
 Once we match the coefficients, we know the values of
the elements in the circuit.
Pros and Cons of Coefficient Matching
 Simple
 Effective
 When the order of the transfer function increases,
the number of simultaneous equations we have to
solve for increases.
 Doesn’t demonstrate sophisticated network design
Darlington (Insertion Loss) Method
• A low pass characteristics can be obtained by
using RC, RL or LC networks.
• Low cost, low sensitivity to component
variations and simplicity of design make LC
two port networks the widely used filter
• Here the network is assumed to be doubly
terminated. (A valid assumption in almost all
• A powerful method for designing doubly
terminated LC two port networks is the
Darlington method.
• It is one of the most effective method of
realizing a two port network: Insertion loss
method(Darlington method).
• In Darlington method of filter design
 The specifications of the insertion loss of the
filter is converted to the reflection
coefficients(related to the maximum power
that can be delivered by the source vs. the
actual delivered power to the lead) of the filter.
 From the reflection coefficients the driving
point impedance of the terminated networks is
 Then this driving-point impedance is developed
into resistively terminated LC ladder network.
Limitations of Passive Filters

• The use of inductor as a filter element is not desirable especially at

low frequency (<1KHz) as at these frequencies practical inductors of
reasonable Q tend to become large, heavy and costly. So they are
generally used above 1MHz
• It is necessary to cascade many section so as to give composite
filter, while cascading a buffer or isolation amplifier is required to
prevent loading of the circuit.
• There is a need to provide external amplifier to provide suitable gain.
• High range of quality factor is not possible
• and have no power gain, and are relatively easy to tune.
Active Filter synthesis
• Active filters are class of frequency selective circuits which
are build with resistors, capacitors, and operational amplifiers.
• They are useful below 1 MHz and have no power gain, and are
relatively easy to tune.
• The design of active filter is based on the filter transfer
function which satisfies certain specification.
Some advantage
• Inductor is not needed.
• They reduce power consumption.
• They provide gain and excellent isolation property .due to this
they can be designed and tuned independently with minimum
Multiple Feedback and Sallen-Key Realization
Low-pass filter
Second-order low-pass filter
Sallen-key topology
The general Sallen-Key topology
in allows for separate gain
setting via
A0 = 1+R4/R3.
Multiple feedback topology
The multiple feedback topology
Is commonly used in filters that
have high quality factor
and require a high gain.

The transfer function is

High pass filter
Second order high pass filter Sallen-key topology
The general sallen-key topology allow for
separate gain setting via A0=1 + R4/R3
The transfer function

with α = 1 + R4/R3

Multiple feedback topology

The multiple feedback topology
is commonly used in filters
that have high quality factor
and require a high gain.
The transfer function is

Band-pass filter
• The corner frequency of the low-pass filter transforms to the
lower and upper –3 dB frequencies of the band-pass, . The
difference between both frequencies is defined as the
normalized bandwidth ∆Ω
• The normalized mid frequency, where Q = 1, is:
Second order Sallen-key topology
The Sallen-Key circuit has the
advantage that the quality
factor can be varied via
the inner gain (G) without
modifying the mid frequency
• drawback is that quality factor and the gain at mid
frequency cannot be adjusted independently.
The transfer function is

Multiple feedback topology

The transfer function is

• The multiple feed back band-pass allows to adjust quality factor ,

the gain at mid-frequency and mid-frequency independently.
Bandwidth and gain factor do not depend on R3.
• Therefore, R3can be used to modify the mid frequency without
affecting bandwidth, B, or gain Am. For low values of Q, the filter
can work without R3.
• Q then depends on Am via: - Am=2
Multiple feedback bandstop filter

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