Science6 - q2 - CLAS2 - Organs of Each Organ System That Work Together - v6 - Liezl Arosio

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Quarter II – Week 2
Organs of Each Organ System
that Work Together


Science – Grade 6
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter II - Week 2: Organs of Each Organ System that Work Together
First Edition, 2020

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Lesson 1
Organs of Each Organ System
that Work Together
MELC: Explain how the organs of each organ system work together S6LT-IIab-1

1. Identify the organs of each organ system (Circulatory System, Excretory
System, Respiratory System and Nervous System)
2. Describe the function of the organs of each organ system (Circulatory System,
Excretory System, Respiratory System and Nervous System)
3. Explain how the organs of each organ system work together (Circulatory
System, Excretory System, Respiratory System and Nervous System)

You have already learned in the previous

lesson the Musculoskeletal System, Integumentary
Organ System – a group of System, and Digestive System. There are still four
organs that work together to organ systems that you are going to discover. Get
perform a specific function. ready as you explore new ideas! This lesson will help
you appreciate your body more!
Enjoy learning!
The Circulatory System
It is composed of the heart, the blood vessels
(arteries, veins, capillaries), and the blood. It
is responsible for distributing nutrients,
oxygens, and other essential substances to
all parts of the body. The heart is a hollow
muscular organ located in the chest. It
allows the transport of blood throughout the
body. The blood vessels are blue lines below
the skin. They are tubes that serve as
passageways for blood to reach the different
parts of the body. There are three kinds of
blood vessels: the arteries carry blood away
from the heart, the veins return the blood to the heart, and the capillaries where
the exchange of nutrients and wastes takes place. The blood is made up of liquid
and solid substances. The liquid part of the blood contains plasma. It is made of
water, salts, and proteins. The solid part of the blood contains red blood cells, white
blood cells, and platelets. It is red because of the protein. Blood delivers vital
nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of the body.

The Excretory System

It is the system responsible for excreting most of the

liquid wastes from the body. Its main parts are kidneys,
ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The kidneys are
two bean-shaped organs on each side of the body that filter
and clean the blood to remove the waste substance. The
liquid waste of the body filtered through this system is
called urine. The ureters are tubes that are attached to
the kidneys. The urine flows out from the kidneys to the
urinary bladder through the two ureters. The urinary
bladder is a hollow muscular organ where urine is
temporarily stored. The urethra is a tube at the bottom of
the bladder and the urine leaves the body through
this. Urination is the process of eliminating urine.

The Respiratory System

Its primary function is to allow the exchange of
gases in the body. It distributes oxygen to the
different parts of the body and releases carbon
dioxide out of the body. Respiration begins when air
enters the nostrils and is filtered by cilia. The filtered
air then goes to the pharynx or throat cavity seen at
the back part of your mouth arch and into the larynx,
the voice box. From the larynx, the air proceeds to the
trachea (windpipe), then the bronchi, and finally, to
the finer tubes of the bronchioles. The actual
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
within the alveoli of our lungs. The lungs are the
main organs for human respiration.

The Nervous System

It is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and
nerve cells. Its main functions are to control,
monitor, and coordinate all body parts and
processes. The nerve cells or neurons consist
of the cell bodies that include the nucleus, a
major branching fiber (axon), and numerous
smaller branching fibers (dendrites). Nerve cells
carry and collect messages or nerve impulses.
The spinal cord is a long, fragile tubelike
structure enclosed in a backbone. It serves as a
pathway of messages to and from the brain.
The brain is a mass of nerve cells located in the
head. It is the control center of the body. Its
parts are the cerebrum, the largest structure,
the cerebellum, the second largest part, and the
medulla oblongata or brain stem that connects
the brain to the spinal cord.

(Source: Evelyn T. Sarte et al., Science Beyond Borders 6, Quezon City: Department of
Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat, 2016, 62-91.)


Directions: Identify the organs of the organ system being described. Choose your
answer inside the box. Write the correct answer on the space provided before the
kidneys heart blood vessels
pharynx brain

________________1. A hollow muscular organ located in the chest.

________________2. The two bean-shaped organs on each side of the body.
________________3. It is the throat cavity seen at the back part of your mouth arch.
________________4. A mass of nerve cells located in the head.
________________5. These are blue lines below the skin.


Directions: Match the organ systems in Column A to their functions in Column B.

Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number.

Column A Column B
_____1. Circulatory System A. The main functions of this organ system are
to control, monitor, and coordinate all body
parts and processes.

_____ 2. Nervous System B. It is the system responsible for excreting most

of the liquid wastes from the body.

_____ 3. Respiratory System C. It is responsible for distributing nutrients,

oxygens, and other essential substances to all
parts of the body.

_____ 4. Excretory System D. Its primary function is to allow the exchange

of gases in the body.

Can you now identify the different organs

of the body?



Directions: Complete the table below by explaining how the organs of each organ
system work together.
Organ System Parts Explain how they work or
function together

Circulatory blood and blood

System vessels

Excretory kidneys and ureters


Respiratory alveoli and lungs


Nervous System spinal cord and nerve


Do you now see how the organs of the

organ system work together?


Directions: Circle the word that will complete the function of each organ in the
organ system.

1. The (ureters, kidneys, urethra) is/are the main organ/s of the urinary
systems. They filter and clean the blood to remove the waste substance.

2. (Spinal cord, Neurons, Brain) is/are a mass of nerve cells located in the head
and functions as the control center of the body.

3. (Blood, Blood vessels, Heart) is/are made up of liquid and solid substances.
It delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of the body.

4. The (lungs, pharynx, larynx) is/are the main organ/s for respiration.

5. The filtered air that enters the nostril goes to the (pharynx, larynx, trachea)
or throat cavity is seen at the back part of your mouth arch.

Directions: Complete the paragraph by supplying the words in the blank. Choose
your answer in the box below.

Circulatory System Respiratory System

Nervous System Excretory System

The human body is composed of different body systems that work together in
unison. The 1.____________________________ is responsible for excreting most of the
liquid wastes from the body. The kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra are
part of it; 2.____________________________ is responsible for distributing nutrients,
oxygens, and other essential substances to all parts of the body. It is compose of
heart, blood vessels and blood. 3.______________________________ is compose of
pharynx, larynx, trachea, and lungs. Its primary function is to allow the exchange
of gases in the body. Lastly, 4.____________________________controls, monitors and
coordinates all body parts and processes. It is made up of the brain, the spinal cord
and the nerves.

Directions: Read each item and circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The heart is an organ of which organ system?

A. Circulatory B. Excretory C. Nervous D. Respiratory

2. The brain is an organ of which organ system?

A. Circulatory B. Excretory C. Nervous D. Respiratory

3. This organ system’s primary function is to allow the exchange of gases in the
body. What is it?
A. Circulatory B. Excretory C. Nervous D. Respiratory

4. In which organ system do kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra

A. Circulatory B. Excretory C. Nervous D. Respiratory

5. What is known as the long, fragile tubelike structure enclosed in a backbone?

A. backbone B. brain C. nerve D. spinal cord

6. The actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place within the
_______________ of our lungs.
A. alveoli B. larynx C. pharynx D. trachea

7. It is responsible for distributing nutrients, oxygens, and other essential

substances to all parts of the body. What is it?
A. Circulatory B. Excretory C. Nervous D. Respiratory

8. What organ of the Excretory System has the function of filtering and cleaning
the blood to remove the waste substance?
A. kidneys B. ureters C. urethra D. urinary bladder

9. What is the function of your spinal cord?

A. It carries and collects messages or nerve impulses.
B. It serves as a pathway of messages to and from the brain.
C. It filters and cleans the blood to remove the waste substance.
D. It controls, monitors, and coordinates all body parts and processes.

10. How do blood vessels work?

A. They serve as a pathway of messages to and from the brain.
B. They control, monitor, and coordinate all body parts and processes.
C. The actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place here.
D. They serve as passageways for blood to reach the different parts of the

Let’s Practice Let’s Do More
Activity 1 Activity 1
1. heart 1. Blood vessels serve as passageways for blood to
2. kidneys reach the different parts of the body while blood
3. pharynx delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to the different
4. brain parts of the body.
5. blood vessels 2. Kidneys filter and clean the blood to remove waste
substance then the waste flows out from the
Let’s Practice kidneys to the urinary bladder through the two
Activity 2 ureters.
1. C 3. The actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
2. A takes place within the alveoli of our lungs. The lungs
3. D are the main organ for human respiration.
4. B 4. The nerve cells carry and collect messages or nerve
impulses then the spinal cord serves as a pathway
of messages to and from the brain.

Let’s Do More Let’s Sum It Up Let’s Assess

Activity 2 1. Excretory System 1. A 6. A
1. kidneys 2. Circulatory System 2. C 7. A
2. brain 3. Respiratory System 3. D 8. A
3. blood 4. Nervous system 4. B 9. B
4. lungs 5. D 10. D
5. pharynx


Sarte, Evelyn T., E.R. Garcia, E.A. Lopez, M.J.G. Dela Cruz, H.A. Arradaza, L.M.
Rabago, Science Beyond Borders 6. Quezon City: Department of Education-
Instructional Materials Council Secretariat, 2016.



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