Lekcje Kulturoznawcze Edinburgh

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Roman Ociepa

Lexical sets Poziom podstawowy

Edinburgh ZESTAW 1

Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
1. 1 Work in pairs and answer the following questions. Compare your answers
wanychwith another pair.

a) What iswas
Everybody Scotland? Where
surprised whenisshe
it located?
was appointed of marketing.
b) Are there any volcanoes in Scotland?
c) How many residences does Queen Elizabeth II have?
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?

1. 2
3. Find the words in the text which match the following definitions.
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.
a) the highest law-making body consisting of elected representatives ____________________
b) b) a person who uses observation and experimentation ____________________
c)youanare really hungry,
opening thereofare
in the crust thestill twoin
earth orathree
shapeboxes of through whichpizza.
of a cone lava and gases erupt
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked
d) a person who studies animals and/or plants ____________________
e) a doctor Poland
who performs by four goals
operations ontopatients
one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.
f) a place where monks live and practise religion ____________________
g) an institution of higher education for undergraduate and graduate study ____________________
h) ayear they
place on which
or position from holidaywe tolook
Greece but this year
at something they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
i) the wide part of the river where fresh and salt water mix ____________________
j) an event devoted to feasting and celebration, usually concentrating on a certain theme
When he works in his workshop, he always loses
____________________ of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is located in the south-east of Scotland, on the south shore of the Firth
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
of his
In Forth. The name
research, ‘firth’ meansonantechnology
he concentrates estuary, i.e.and
theitsplace where the River Forth flows in the as
long-ter form of a single
a whole.
stream into the North Sea. Edinburgh has about 450,000 inhabitants, which makes it the second largest city in
Scotland. Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland since 1437. It is also host to the Scottish Parliament, the
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you national
think on unicameral legislature.
an English word The Parliament,
that begins with the informally known
Y? as ‘Holyrood’, has 129 members
called Members of the Scottish Parliament, or MSPs for short. The Palace of Holyrood was founded as a mona-
stery in 1128, but now it is the Queen’s official residence in Scotland and is used for state ceremonies and
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is aentertaining.
typical For non-state occasions,
and egg problem, the Queen
so nobody can stays at Balmoral.
say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Roman Ociepa · Edinburgh 1

Lexical sets
The Royal Mile is a busy tourist street which runs from the Palace of Holyrood to Edinburgh Castle at the top of
Poziom podstawowy
the Castle Rock. One of the famous viewpoints is Arthur’s Seat, a hill formed by an extinct volcano system, 1
which rises to a height of 251 metres about a mile to the east off Edinburgh Castle. Edinburgh is a major econo-
mic centre with financial services, higher education and tourism being the most important areas for the city’s
fast growth. Edinburgh is the second most popular tourist destination in Great Britain after London. Culturally,
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Edinburgh is famous for its festivals. The best known is the Edinburgh Festival, wanych
which takes place annually from
the end of July until early September, but the largest performing arts festival in the world is the Edinburgh
Fringe. Another famous event is Hogmanay celebration. It is a street party held to celebrate the New Year.
The University of Edinburgh was founded in 1582 and it is the sixthofoldest
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed
university in the British Isles. Even
older is the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh which was established in 1505 and granted a royal charter a
year later. Many famous scientists are connected with Edinburgh: the physicist James Clerk Maxwell, the
inventor of the telephone Alexander Graham Bell, the biologist Charles ite
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh
Darwin, the philosopher
and give up.
David Hume and
the economist
How Adam
many colours Smith.
does Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
the Italian have,the
twocreator of Sherlock Holmes, was born in Edinburgh.
or three?

How long did he hold as the minister of education?
1. 3 Read the text and answer the following questions.
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.

If is Edinburgh
are really located?
hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
veryiscold outside,
another nameso when
for thethe children
Scottish came back home,
Parliament? they looked

5. Where does the Queen stay in Edinburgh for non-state occasions?
d) What isPoland
Yesterday the Royal Mile? by four goals to one against Portugal.
e) opponent
What threewas no match
cultural for Barry,
events so he
are mentioned in the text?the game hands down.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
1. 4 Read the text again. What do these numbers refer to?
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.

129 •he251
When he works in his workshop, • 1128
always loses • 1473 • 1505 • 1582
of time. • 450,000
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.

1. 5 is interested
She Work ininpairs orsogroups
acting, of three.
she became Discussofthe
a member thefollowing
drama questions with. your partner(s).
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.

a) Have you ever been to Scotland? When was it? Why did you go there? If not, would you like to visit
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
CouldScotland oneonday?
you think an English word that begins with the Y?
b) Would you like to see any of the festivals mentioned in the text? Why? Why not?
c) Do you know any Scottish dishes? Have you ever tried them?
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
d) Do you know any Scottish
This is a typical
musicians or film-makers?
and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause
e) Do you know any other famous people connected with Scotland?

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Roman Ociepa · Edinburgh 1

Lexical sets Poziom podstawowy


2. 1 obok
Wpisz the difference
numeru in meaning
zadania wyraz, któryforpoprawnie
the groupsuzupełnia
of words given below.
obydwa zdania.
wanych wyrazów.

a) economic and economical

b) palace and castle
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.
c) college and university

They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
2. 2 Fill in the missing prepositions.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?

a) Eric
How longArthur
did heBlair
holdis popularlyas
known __________
the minister George Orwell.
of education?
b) works
He The mountain
from home rises
goes to the the
headheight __________ 578
only metres.
once or twice a month.
4. Every child thinks that their mother is the most beautiful woman __________ the world.
If namesthere
really hungry, are Jonathan Kevin,
are still two but we
or three simply
boxes of call him JK __________
pizza. short.
It very is a small,
cold peaceful
outside, so whenharbour __________
the children the south
came back home,shore. they looked
f) These rooms are used only __________ official ceremonies.
g) J. K. Rowling
Yesterday Polandwas born __________
by four goals Yate, South
to one Gloucestershire.
against Portugal.
h) opponent
His The River wasOdernoflows
for Barry, sotheheBaltic Sea. the game hands down.
i) Jagiellonian University was founded __________ 1364 by King Casimir III the Great.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
2. 3 don’t Fillmake
in theany noise because
missing Jake
prepositions. to sleep only ten minutes ago.

When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
a) __________ Parliament,
I think that the title
informally known as __________
is the best piece on the album.
‘Holyrood’, has 129 members called __________
Members of __________ Scottish Parliament.
b) __________ Edinburgh is __________ major economic centre with __________ financial services,
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
__________ higher education and __________ tourism being __________ most important
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter
areas for
as a whole.
__________ city’s fast growth.
c) __________ Palace of __________ Holyrood was founded as __________ monastery in 1128.
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
d) For __________ non-state occasions, __________ Queen stays at __________
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?
e) __________ Royal Mile is __________ busy tourist street which runs from __________ Palace of
__________ Holyrood to __________ Edinburgh Castle at __________ top of __________ Castle Rock.
Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Roman Ociepa · Edinburgh 1

2. 4 Lexical sets
Use the words and expressions to make meaningful sentences. Modify the words and
Poziom podstawowy
add articles,auxiliaries, connectors and prepositions if necessary. Do not change the
order of the words given.

a) Edinburgh / be / locate / south-east / Scotland / south / shore / Firth of Forth

Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
wanych wyrazów.
b) Edinburgh / have / about / 450,000 inhabitant / which / make / it / second / large city / Scotland

c) Edinburgh / be / capital / Scotland / since 1437
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.

d) Edinburgh / be / host / Scottish Parliament / country / national / unicameral / legislature

They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite
e) e) Edinburgh / be / second / most popular / tourist / destination / Great Britain / and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?

f) f) largest / perform / art / festival / world / be / Edinburgh Fringe
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.

If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked

Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he the game hands down.

Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.

When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.

She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.

I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?

Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Roman Ociepa · Edinburgh 1

Lexical sets Poziom podstawowy

Teacher’s Notes ZESTAW 1

1. Theobok
Wpisz main lesson
numeruis intended
a 45-minut
poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
2. Extension provides extra material which can be used during another 45-minute
or set as homework.
3. Since the lesson is fact-oriented, encourage students to use internet sources. Two reliable websites for this
1. lesson are www.britannica.com and www.royal.uk.
4. When students
Everybody look upwhen
was surprised vocabulary
she wasitems, encourage them to use
appointed English definitions from reliable dictiona-
of marketing.
ries such as dictionary.cambridge.org.
5. While discussing question 1.5, this website may be useful for students:
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
How many colours does the Italian have, two or three?

How long did he hold as the minister of education?
He works from home and goes to the head only once or twice a month.

1.1 a) Scotland is one of the constituent units of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
Scotland is located on the island of Great Britain,
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home,
in the north, and it occupies
they looked
one third of its area.
b) There are no active or dormant volcanoes in Scotland but there many extinct volcanoes.
c) Queen Elizabeth II has seven residences: Buckingham Palace (official London residence), Windsor Castle
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
(official country residence), Palace of Holyroodhousethe
His opponent was no match for Barry, so he
(official Scottish residence), Hillsborough Castle
game hands down.
(official residence in Northern Ireland), Sandringham House (residence used from Christmas until Febru-
ary), Balmoral Castle (residence used in August and September) and Craigowan Lodge (private residence).
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
Please don’t make any noise because Jake to sleep only ten minutes ago.
1.2 a) parliament; b) scientist; c) volcano; d) biologist; e) surgeon; f) monastery; g) university; h) viewpoint; i)
estuary; j) festival
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
I think that the title is the best piece on the album.
1.3 a) Edinburgh is located in the south-east of Scotland.
b) Another name for the Scottish Parliament is ‘Holyrood’.
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
c) The Queen stays at Balmoral for non-state occasions.
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.
d) The Royal Mile is a busy tourist street.
e) Edinburgh Festival, the Edinburgh Fringe, Hogmanay celebration
I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?

Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Roman Ociepa · Edinburgh 1

Lexical sets
1. 4 129 – the number of Members of the Scottish Parliament
Poziom podstawowy
251 – the height of Arthur’s Seat ZESTAW 1
1128 – the foundation of the Palace of Holyrood as a monastery
1473 – the year Edinburgh became the capital of Scotland
1505 – the foundation of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
1582 – the foundation of the University of Edinburgh wanych wyrazów.
450,000 – the number of people living in Edinburgh
1.5 Students’ own answers
Everybody was surprised when she was appointed of marketing.

2.1 a) We say that something is economical when it uses little resources. We use the word economic to speak
about ideas connected with economy or with the study of economics.
They have no chance of winning, so they should just wave the wh ite and give up.
How b) A castle
many is adoes
colours large,thefortified
Italian building or a group
have, of
or three?surrounded by thick walls and turrets. A
palace is a large house where a king, queen, bishop or other important person lives. Palaces are usually not
How long did he hold as the minister of education?
c) A college is an institution
He works from home and goes to the of higher
head education andonlyis a part
university. A college only educates a
a month.
student and it cannot grant a degree. Universities grant undergraduate degrees (e.g. BA or BSc), graduate
degrees (e.g. MA, MSc or MBA), and doctorates (PhD).
If you are really hungry, there are still two or three boxes of pizza.
It was very cold outside, so when the children came back home, they looked
2.2 a) as; b) to, of; c) in; d) for; e) on; f) for; g) in; h) into; i) in
Yesterday Poland by four goals to one against Portugal.
His opponent was no match for–;Barry,
a) The; –; –; the; b) –; a; –; –;so
hethe; c) The, – , a;the
d) – , the,hands
game – ; e)down.
The, a, the, – , – , the, the

2.4 a) Edinburgh is located in the south-east of Scotland, on the south shore of the Firth of Forth.
Last year they on holiday to Greece but this year they are staying at home.
b) Edinburgh has about 450,000Jake
Please don’t make any noise because inhabitants, whichtomakes
second largest
minutes ago.city in Scotland.
c) Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland since 1437.
d) Edinburgh is host to the Scottish Parliament, the country’s national unicameral legislature.
When he works in his workshop, he always loses of time.
e) Edinburgh
I think that the titleis the second most popular tourist destination
is the best piece on the album. in Great Britain after London.
f) The largest performing arts festival in the world is the Edinburgh Fringe.
She is interested in acting, so she became a member of the drama .
In his research, he concentrates on technology and its long-ter as a whole.

I can’t understand why Albert sent me a hand-written instead of an email.
Could you think on an English word that begins with the Y?

Which cuts do you prefer: breasts or wings?
This is a typical and egg problem, so nobody can say which is the cause

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Roman Ociepa · Edinburgh 1

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w nauczaniu języka angielskiego:
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• e-ćwiczenia, które można wysyłać uczniom
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Korzystaj • testy i kartkówki w formatach PDF i DOC
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PWN • cyfrowa wersja podręcznika dla uczniów.

Nasi specjaliści dzielą się najnowszą

wiedzą z zakresu metodyki nauczania
języków obcych, dydaktyki i psychologii.
na bezpłatne
i warsztaty Polub
nas na
Znajdziesz tam:
• dodatkowe materiały edukacyjne
Znajdź do wykorzystania podczas lekcji
Twojego • zapowiedzi szkoleń oraz relacje z wydarzeń
Konsultanta • informacje o aktualnych promocjach.


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