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The Role of Audit Committee Characteristics and I.C.
Performance on I.C. Disclosure: Evidence from the Indonesian
Banking Sector
Wisnu Mawardi *, Harjum Muharam and Mulyo Haryanto

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang 50275, Indonesia

* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of audit committee characteristics and intellectual
capital performance on intellectual capital disclosure. Characteristics of the audit used in this research
are the size of the audit committee, the Number of audit committee meetings, and the financial
expertise of the audit committee. The population in this study is a financial services company listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019–2021 and collected a sample of 91 companies using the
purposive sampling technique. The analysis method used in this research is multiple linear regression
using the software SPSS 20. The test result of this study shows that an audit committee or several audit
committees positively affect intellectual capital disclosure. However, at the same time, the financial
expertise of the audit committee and intellectual capital performance does not affect intellectual
capital disclosure.

Keywords: audit committee; intellectual capital performance; intellectual capital disclosure

JEL Classification: G32; M14; M42

1. Introduction
Citation: Mawardi, Wisnu, Harjum
Muharam, and Mulyo Haryanto. Companies can disclose intellectual capital through the company’s annual financial
2023. The Role of Audit Committee report, a tool for conveying information to stakeholders. The annual financial report
Characteristics and I.C. Performance contains two pieces of information that must be disclosed, namely voluntary and mandatory
on I.C. Disclosure: Evidence from the disclosure (Dwipayani and Putri 2016). Mandatory disclosure is information that must be
Indonesian Banking Sector. Economies disclosed by a company regulated by the applicable regulatory body. By contrast, regarding
11: 7. the voluntary disclosure information, the company is not obligated to adhere to the required
economies11010007 disclosures or applicable regulations. Intellectual capital disclosure is an annual financial
Academic Editor: Angela Roman
report owned by a company that discloses examples of voluntary disclosures. Disclosure of
intellectual capital comprises information, intellectual assets, and knowledge. Intellectual
Received: 30 October 2022 capital disclosure can detect opportunities and control threats that can affect the company,
Revised: 6 December 2022 impacting the business’ resilience and strength in the competition.
Accepted: 8 December 2022 Furthermore, disclosure of intellectual capital that is carried out voluntarily by a
Published: 22 December 2022
company can minimize the problems of information asymmetry and potentially harmful
influences on the company’s reputation and stakeholder trust (Widiatmoko et al. 2020). The
regulation stipulates that public companies must report their intellectual capital in their
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
financial statements. Accordingly, this voluntary company’s annual report includes this
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. closure of intellectual capital (Hariyanto 2022).
This article is an open access article An example was reported on (2017) (accessed on 21 June 2022), an exciting
distributed under the terms and piece about the disclosure of intellectual capital regarding P.T. Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk,
conditions of the Creative Commons which was required to resolve severance pay issues by retirees who felt they had not
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// received their proper rights. This problem has been ongoing since 2012 and was resolved in 2013. However, in 2017, when there was a new President Director at BRI, retirees again
4.0/). tried to express their problems. However, in 2013, the problem had been resolved based on

Economies 2023, 11, 7.

Economies 2023, 11, 7 2 of 17

the applicable law. According to Bank BRI, they had completed their obligations to BRI
retirees, but the bank needed to disclose the employee cost incurred. This caused a dispute
between several parties due to the lack of transparency by Bank BRI. This problem indicates
that Bank BRI lacks voluntary disclosure of internal information outside of its financial
statements, such as additional information regarding the costs incurred for employees. The
goal is that employees have proof that the company has appropriately issued the rights
received from the company.
In addition to the case of Bank BRI, there is also a case of theft of customer funds of P.T.
Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk caused by Maybank employees themselves. Reporting to the
CNN Indonesia news site (2020), it was stated that one of the customers of Maybank lost IDR
20 billion from his savings account. After being reported to the police, an investigation was
carried out. The perpetrator of this burglary was the bank’s internal party, the head of the
branch. With this case in mind, OJK planned to evaluate Maybank’s internal control system
related to cases carried out by Maybank employees. Considering this case, customers
should know about the internal control system of a bank before they choose to use financial
services to hold savings. Therefore, disclosure of intellectual capital that is carried out
voluntarily by a company can help customers to determine reliable financial services for
storing their funds.
Furthermore, a committee can encourage the level of supervision needed to optimize
intellectual capital disclosure. In this case, the audit committee can determine whether the
management working on the report has submitted a proper explanation and is in line with
the regulations that have been determined. The Financial Services Authority’s regulation
(number 55/POJK.04/2015) concerning “Formation and Guidelines for the Implementation
of the Work of the Audit Committee” states that companies whose names are on the IDX are
required to establish an audit committee in addition to determining the characteristics of the
audit committee. The performance of intellectual capital also plays a vital role in disclosing
intellectual capital. Intellectual capital performance can be measured through innovation
and creativity possessed by a company’s workers. Management must know its company’s
performance to create and maintain added value. Therefore, disclosure of intellectual
capital provides added value to a company. Better intellectual capital performance is an
advantage for a company. The higher the company’s performance, the more the company
will benefit from the disclosure of intellectual capital that has been made (Gamayuni 2015).
In a case study conducted by (Hariyanto 2022), it was found that the size of the audit
committee affected intellectual capital disclosure. Meanwhile, the case study of (Hesniati
2021) supports the results of this study. His research found that the size of the audit
committee is an essential element in explaining intellectual capital disclosure. As the
Number of committee members increases, the quality control supervision of the company’s
accounting and financial processes also increases (Ferreira et al. 2012). The results of
the (Whiting and Woodcock 2011) research also indicated that the results obtained can
increase the company’s disclosures. However, there are inconsistent results; in another
study (Tulung et al. 2018), there is a committee size that does not significantly impact the
disclosure of intellectual capital. This is because the audit committee, which is a function,
does not have a structure and composition sourced from the board of commissioners.
Therefore, the size of the audit committee tends to be detrimental to the process of diffusion
and responsibility. In Indonesia, the Number of audit committee members is regulated by
OJK regulations. However, regulations regarding intellectual capital disclosure in Indonesia
have yet to be regulated in detail, so only a few companies have disclosed them (Nuzula
et al. 2021).
In Hariyanto (2022), the results show an effect on the number of audit committee meet-
ings with intellectual capital disclosure. These results are supported by the research of (Li
et al. 2008) with the same results as the previous research. The Number of audit committee
meetings encouraged cooperation between members to work effectively when supervising
financial statements. Based on meetings held regularly and periodically by members of the
audit committee, the audit committee could consider problems in business competition
Economies 2023, 11, 7 3 of 17

and the shift from a labour-based to a knowledge-based operation. However, (Whiting and
Woodcock 2011) found different results, which found no influence between the Number of
meetings on intellectual capital disclosure. This is because the audit committee meetings
that were held regularly were used to implement pre-existing regulations; as a result, the
number of audit committee meetings cannot be the basis upon which the audit committee
had carried out adequate supervision.
The results of research from Hesniati (2021) show a relationship between the financial
expertise of audit committees and the disclosure of intellectual capital. The results of
this study are supported by further research conducted by (Mawardi et al. 2020; Rimawi
et al. 2021) with the same results as Masita and Muslih (2017). The audit committee’s
financial expertise is a measure of the committee. Therefore, the disclosure expertise can
be influenced by the finances of the audit committee in certain companies (Irwandi and
Pamungkas 2020). However, the research of Ahmed Ahmed Haji (2015) found the opposite
result. Namely, there is no influence between the audit committee’s financial expertise and
intellectual capital disclosure. To improve the disclosure, the audit committee’s financial
and accounting expertise needs to be improved. Thus, the audit committee still needs
expertise in other fields. Such as management expertise, technology and information, and
so on. The same was also found in (Orens et al. 2009). Therefore, financial expertise is less
relevant to disclosing intellectual capital but more relevant to discussing finance.
The results (Gamayuni 2015) show no effect of intellectual capital performance on
intellectual capital disclosure. This is supported by (Abdulrahman Anam et al. 2011).
Namely, the researchers did not find any effect of intellectual capital performance on
intellectual capital disclosure. This is because detailed regulatory arrangements regarding
intellectual capital disclosure still needed to be created, thus causing management not to
increase its disclosure of intellectual capital. However, (Hesniati 2021)’s research found
that intellectual capital performance affects intellectual capital disclosure. The better the
performance of intellectual capital owned by a company, the higher (good) the likelihood
that a company will disclose intellectual capital. In this case, annual financial reports play
a role in reporting disclosure (Brüggen et al. 2009).
This study aimed to examine the effect of the size of the audit committee, the Number
of audit committee meetings, and the financial expertise of the audit committee on intel-
lectual capital disclosure. In addition, in this study, intellectual capital performance was
tested on the disclosure of intellectual capital for companies engaged in services, especially
in the part of the financial sector listed on the IDX.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Intellectual Capital
There is a need to go beyond I.C. reporting. Innovations in ICD, such as integrating
reporting, disclosure in ecosystems, and stakeholder engagement, open up new possibilities
for future research (Dumay 2012) on updating and reapplying existing approaches to
today’s dynamic, knowledge-driven, intangible-based organizations (Cuozzo et al. 2017).
Comparability across companies, moving beyond a Euro-centric view of I.C. or helping
investors find the suitable needles in the haystack of their information overload are critical.
Tan et al. (2007) classify I.C. into three basic formats, namely: (1) human capital;
(2) structural capital; and (3) customer capital. (Leliaert et al. 2003) developed the 4-Leaf
model, which classifies I.C. into human, customer, structural capital and strategic alliance
capital (Tan et al. 2007). Intellectual capital referred to in this study is I.C. performance,
which is measured based on the value added created by physical capital (VACA), human
capital (VAHU), and structural capital (STVA). The combination of the three added values
is symbolized by the name VAIC™, which was developed by (Pulic 1998).
Value added is the most objective indicator for assessing business success and shows
a company’s ability to create value (value creation). V.A. is calculated as the difference
between output and input. Output (OUT) represents revenue and includes all products and
services sold on the market, while input (IN) includes all expenses in obtaining revenue.
Economies 2023, 11, 7 4 of 17

The critical aspect of this method is that labour expenses are not included in the IN. Due to
its active role in the value creation process, intellectual potential (represented by labour
expenses) is not counted as a cost and is not included in the IN component. Therefore,
an essential aspect of Pulic’s method is treating labour as a value-creating entity. V.A. is
influenced by the efficiency of human capital (H.C.) and structural capital (S.C.). Another
relationship that V.A. has is with capital employed (C.E.), which in this case is labelled
VACA. VACA is an indicator for V.A. created by one unit of physical capital.
Intellectual capital is an asset included in intangible assets or assets that do not have a
form. According to PSAK 19, intangible assets are non-monetary assets with no physical
form that can be identified and also play a role in obtaining or delivering goods or services,
which are leased to other parties based on administrative purposes. Intellectual capital
is included in intangible assets, which can contribute to improving competitive position,
the way that the value of a company is added by interested parties (Gallardo-Vázquez
et al. 2019). In intellectual capital, three components cannot be separated: human capital,
organizational capital, and relational capital (Bratianu and Orzea 1997). The following is
an explanation of these three components of intellectual capital.
(1) Human capital (H.C.) is the lifeblood of intellectual capital and a source of innova-
tion and improvement. However, in making measurements, H.C. is an element challenging
to quantify in these stages. Thus, H.C. can be interpreted as employees’ knowledge, abilities,
knowledge, relationships, and attitudes.
(2) Internal structure (organizational capital) is the ability of a company to support
employee performance to be more effective and comprehensive by carrying out several
activities routinely in filling out the structure. For example, organizational culture, company
operational systems, management philosophy, manufacturing processes, and all forms
of intellectual property; the company owns them. Every individual can possess high
intellectuality. However, if the organization or company does not have sound systems and
procedures, this intellectual capital and potential cannot be achieved and utilized optimally.
(3) External structure (relational capital) is a good relationship between the company
and its partners, sourced from suppliers, customers, the government, and the community.
External structures arise from outside the company’s environment, such as quality suppli-
ers, loyal customers to company services, good relations between the company and the
government, and harmonious relationships with the surrounding community.

2.2. Intellectual Capital Disclosure

Disclosure of intellectual capital is a resource that can be provided by a concept in the
form of new knowledge or knowledge whose contents are intangible values of a company,
as well as describing intangible assets to increase the value of the company (Gamayuni
2015). Disclosure of information regarding intellectual capital in a company is intended
to meet the overall information needs of report users who do not participate in compiling
company reports. With the annual report, it is hoped that they can know the overall
condition of the company. Disclosure of non-financial and financial information must be
carried out by companies in Indonesia in their annual reports. Bapepam Kep supports
this—134/B.L./2006 concerns the obligation to submit reports.
In their annual reports, there are five reasons companies disclose intellectual capital
(Ferreira et al. 2012). First, the disclosure of intellectual capital can assist companies in
planning business strategies by identifying and developing intellectual capital to gain a
competitive advantage. Second, disclosure of intellectual capital can help develop essential
indicators related to a company’s achievements that help achieve strategies derived from
the company’s evaluation results. Third, disclosure of intellectual capital can help evaluate
mergers and takeovers of companies. Fourth, the information in the disclosure can be
related to the company’s compensation and intensive planning. Fifth, this disclosure can
be used as a communication tool to stakeholders about the intellectual property owned by
the company.
Economies 2023, 11, 7 5 of 17

In several previous studies, the ICD Framework was developed and used for intel-
lectual capital disclosure, including research by (Abeysekera 2011; Ferreira et al. 2012;
Gamayuni 2015; Hesniati 2021; Widiatmoko et al. 2020). In this study, researchers took
22 items used as research criteria. This was to develop a scheme that understands intellec-
tual capital (Sveiby 1997).

2.3. The Effect of Audit Committee Characteristics on Intellectual Capital Disclosure

Agency theory states that the different goals of shareholders and the goals of managers
can cause conflict. This is because managers usually pursue personal goals (Hariyanto
2022). Disclosure of intellectual capital is needed to avoid this conflict. The audit committee
of a company can supervise the company’s management. The audit committee can also
help the company’s management to minimize information asymmetry between managers
and shareholders through abundant information disclosure, an element of which is the
disclosure of intellectual capital information.
In the theory of stewardship, it is stated that management is afforded trust to work
well for the benefit of the public and stakeholders (Li et al. 2008). In this study, the audit
committee helps the management (steward) to supervise and provide the best results for
the company. A company’s intellectual capital runs effectively with an audit committee
that works well. This encourages management to disclose more intellectual capital owned
by the company. Disclosure of intellectual capital is related to the characteristics of the
audit committee. The descriptions below explain the relationship between disclosures and
these characteristics. The size of the audit committee, the financial expertise of the audit
committee, and the Number of audit meetings are all characteristics of the committee.
Regarding the effect of the size of the audit committee on the disclosure of intellectual
capital, POJK No.55/POJK.04/2015 reports that the board of commissioners forms the audit
committee. The audit committee assists the board of commissioners when carrying out their
duties and functions; this is the duty of the audit committee. The regulation also regulates
the total number of followers of the audit committee. Namely, the minimum number of
committee members is three people who come from public companies or external parties,
independent commissioners. In addition, at least one audit committee member must have
an educational background in accounting or finance (Hesniati 2021).
Companies with more audit members play a role in bringing experience, skills, and
different views. This can be useful for carrying out adequate supervision of management,
who handles company reports, which can help companies to maximize the company’s
annual reports that report intellectual capital disclosures (Ahmed Haji 2015; Taliyang and
Jusop 2011). With a large number of committee members, this can minimize the company’s
agency costs because the audit committee’s role in conducting supervision is more effective.
Therefore, the larger the audit committee in a company. The greater the possibility of
information submitted by the company in the annual report. With a large size, the power
of the audit committee is also more significant. Hariyanto (2022), in their research revealed
that the audit committee affected the disclosure of intellectual capital. The results of
research by (Appuhami and Bhuyan 2015; Hesniati 2021; Taliyang and Jusop 2011) support
the results of research previously conducted by (Baldini and Liberatore 2016).

Hypothesis 1 (H1). There is an influence between the size of the audit committee and the disclosure
of intellectual capital.

2.4. The Effect of the Number of Audit Committee Meetings with Intellectual Capital Disclosure
Regarding the effect of the Number of audit committee meetings on the disclosure of
intellectual capital, POJK Regulation No. 55/POJK.04/2015 states that meetings can be
held periodically with a quarterly minimum, i.e., four times within a year. For example, if
half of the members are present at the meeting, a meeting between members of the audit
committee will be held. On the other hand, Li et al. (2008) recommend that committee
meetings be held at least three to four times a year. Meetings are held so that tasks can be
Economies 2023, 11, 7 6 of 17

carried out effectively in supervising two reports, namely financial and annual, as well as
internal control and corporate governance (Baldini and Liberatore 2016).
Committee member meetings with a reasonably frequent intensity aim to monitor
company reports to be more effective and be able to evaluate notifications that should be
sent to people who use reports, namely by disclosing intellectual capital (Gamayuni 2015).
The more often members of an audit committee hold meetings, the greater the amount of
information that can be evaluated by the audit committee related to aspects that can affect
the supervision of the process of making company reports that are effective and efficient.
This is because much can be discussed at each meeting. Therefore, a high total number of
audit committee meetings can increase the supervision of the audit committee; the more
frequent the supervision by an audit committee, the less information gap there is between
agents and principals. This is in line with the elaboration of agency theory. Li et al. (2008),
in their research, reveal an influence between the financial expertise of the audit committee
and the disclosure of intellectual capital. Indarti et al. (2021), who conducted almost the
same research as Ahmed Ahmed Haji (2015), also support this research. The results of this
study are identical to previous studies.

Hypothesis 2 (H2). The Number of audit committee meetings with intellectual capital disclosure.

2.5. The Effect of the Audit Committee’s Financial Proficiency and Intellectual Capital Disclosure
Regarding the effect of financial expertise on intellectual capital disclosure. The
benefits obtained from the financial expertise that members of the audit committee are
in the ability to convey the information needed by stakeholders and identify problems
in financial reporting. This information provides impetus to the company in presenting
high-quality disclosure of intellectual capital. Audit members with an accounting education
background better recognize the form of financial statements by existing criteria. Having
members who understand these financial statements can help other members minimize
information asymmetry between agents and principals. What is stated in agency theory
helps reduce agency costs.
Audit committees whose members are accounting and finance education graduates
usually know the implications of the capital market when preparing quality intellectual
capital disclosures (Ahmed Haji 2015). In communicating information related to creating
company value, the audit committee must have an understanding that leads to increasing
disclosure of intellectual capital. The Number of audit members who are graduates of
financial or accounting education can increase the disclosure of intellectual capital because,
with someone who is an expert in the field, it will be easier to understand the market needs
for information regarding intellectual capital.

Hypothesis 3 (H3). There is an influence between the audit committee’s financial proficiency and
intellectual capital disclosure.

2.6. The Effect of Intellectual Capital Performance on Intellectual Capital Disclosure

In stakeholder theory, it is stated that the excellent performance of the company’s
intellectual capital is an excellent disclosure of intellectual capital (Sudibyo and Basuki
2017). Therefore, the better the company that has intellectual capital performance, the
higher the level of disclosure (sound). This disclosure can increase the confidence of
stakeholders and the company’s good name in the eyes of the public. Idie Widigdo (2013),
in their research, revealed that there was a significant influence between intellectual capital
performance and intellectual capital disclosure (ICD).

Hypothesis 4 (H4). There is an influence between intellectual capital performance and intellectual
capital disclosure.

The following framework can describe the relationship between variables in Figure 1.
their research, revealed that there was a significant influence between intellectual capital
performance and intellectual capital disclosure (ICD).

Hypothesis 4 (H4). There is an influence between intellectual capital performance and

intellectual capital disclosure.
Economies 2023, 11, 7 7 of 17
The following framework can describe the relationship between variables in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Research 1. Research Framework.
3. Methodology
3. Methodology
The researcher used a sample of financial service companies included in the IDX
The researcher
sectionused a samplewith
in 2019–2021 of financial
specificservice companies
standards. Purposive included in the
sampling IDXresearch
in this sec- was used
tion in 2019–2021 with specific standards. Purposive sampling in this research was
as a way to obtain samples. Purposive sampling is a way to determine samples that meet used
as a way to obtain samples.
specific Purposive
standards and aresampling
considered is arepresentative.
way to determine Thissamples
a goal, namely, to
specific standards and are considered representative. This method has a
obtain a representative sample that matches the researcher’s standards. The goal, namely, to following is
obtain a representative sample that matches the researcher’s
the standard for determining the sample used in this study: standards. The following is
the standard for determining the sample used in this study:
1. Financial services companies in the IDX section periodically issue annual and financial
1. Financial services companies
reports for threeinconsecutive
the IDX section
on the IDX from issue2017
annual and finan-
to 2019.
cial reports
2. for three consecutive years on the IDX from 2017 to 2019.
The completeness and clarity of the data owned by a company are related to the
2. The completeness and that
research clarity
the data owned by a company are related to the re-
did before.
search that
3. the researcher did before.
In the 2019–2021 period, the company posted no loss.
3. In the 2019–2021
4. Theperiod, the company
researcher posted no
used the annual loss.of service companies that are part of the IDX
4. The researcherinused the annualperiod,
the 2019–2021 report of service
which companies thatincludes
comprehensively are part the
of the IDX
information needed
in the 2019–2021
as aperiod, which
secondary datacomprehensively includes
source. In addition, the information
researchers took dataneeded as IDX website
from the
a secondary data source. In (accessed addition, on researchers took data from the IDX website
21 June 2022).
5. The following are the results of the determination of the sample by the standard of
5. The followingdetermining
are the results
theof the determination
sample of the sample by the standard of
used in this study.
determining the sample
Based used1,in
on Table 91this study. listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2019–2021
Based onare
Table 1, 91 companies
financial listed on After
services companies. the Indonesia Stock Exchange
taking samples from
that met the 2019–determined by
2021 are financial services companies.
the researchers, the samplesAfter taking
studied weresamples that metsothe
38 companies, criteria
a total deter-
sample of 38 companies
mined by the for three years
researchers, theobtained
samples114 observations
studied and data that
were 38 companies, somatched the criteria
a total sample of 38 that could be
processed in the 2019–2021 observation period were 114 observations.

Table 1. Sampling results.

No Information Total
1. Total financial services companies from 2019–2021 91
Financial services companies that do not issue annual reports and
2. (15)
financial reports for three consecutive years (2019–2021)
Companies that do not meet the criteria and do not have the data used
3. (16)
in the study
Companies that have suffered losses for 3 consecutive years
4. (22)
5. Total research sample 38
6. Total observations (38 × 3 years) 114
Source: data processed, 2022.
Economies 2023, 11, 7 8 of 17

Components of intellectual capital disclosure; 22 components in Table 2. The inde-

pendent variable in this study is intellectual capital. The measurement of intellectual
capital itself uses three proxies: Value added capital coefficient (VACA)—VACA is the
ratio between value added (V.A.) and working physical capital (C.A.). This ratio is an
indicator of V.A. created by one unit of physical capital, human capital efficiency (VAHU).
VAHU is how much is spent by workers from V.A. The relationship between V.A. and
human capital (H.C.) indicates the ability of H.C. to create value in a company. Thus, the
relationship between V.A. and H.C. shows the ability of H.C. to create value in the company;
the structural capital coefficient (STVA) shows the contribution of structural capital (S.C.)
in creating value. Variable operational definition in Table 3:

Table 2. Components of intellectual capital disclosure; 22 components.

Category Disclosure Items

1. Number of employees
2. Education
Human Capital 3. Education and training
4. Employee competence
5. Employee turnover
6. Vision and mission
7. Code of conduct
8. Trademarks
9. Corporate governance
10. Organizational culture
Structural Capital
11. Customer reporting system
12. Information system
13. Network system
14. Capital structure
15. Ability to pay the debt
16. Brand
17. Company name
18. Distribution network
Relational Capital 19. Awards
20. Certification
21. Marketing strategy
22. Market Share
Source: Ulum (2009); Masita and Muslih (2017).

Table 3. Variable operational definition.

Variable Definition Indicator Scale Source

Audit committee size The SAC variable shows the Number of SAC = Number of audit
Ratio (Das 2017)
(SAC) (X1) audit committee members in the company. committee members/3
Number of audit
The MAC variable shows the total meetings MAC = Number of audit
committee meetings Ratio (Das 2017)
that audit committee members have held. committee Meetings/4
(MAC) (X2)
Number of audit
To find the value of the FEXP_AC variable,
Audit committee committee members with
calculate the total number of committee
finance expertise financial expertise/number Ratio (Das 2017)
members with the total Number of people
(FEXP_AC) (X3) of all members of the audit
who are experts in the field of finance.
Intellectual capital performance shows the
company’s ability to manage and improve
Intellectual capital its I.C. This variable is measured using a VAICTM =
Ratio (Das 2017)
performance (X4) measurement developed by Public, namely VACA + VAHU + STVA
the value-added intellectual coefficient
(VAICTM) method.
Economies 2023, 11, 7 9 of 17

Table 3. Cont.

Variable Definition Indicator Scale Source

Disclosure of intellectual capital concepts
Intellectual capital
can provide resources in the form of new
disclosure = Number of
Intellectual capital knowledge or knowledge that contains
items disclosed/total (Hesniati 2021)
disclosure (Y) information about the company’s intangible
disclosure of intellectual
value and describes intangible assets that
can be used to increase company value.
Source: data processed (2022).

Dependent Variable
Disclosure of intellectual capital is the dependent variable used by researchers in
this study. Disclosure of intellectual capital is a design that can convey resources in the
form of new knowledge that contains data on the company’s intangible value and defines
intangible assets that can be used to increase the company’s value (Masita and Muslih
2017). In this study, disclosure of intellectual capital uses the ICD framework developed
by several previous studies, including research by (Ferreira et al. 2012). In this study,
researchers took 22 items used as benchmarks. In their research, (Tran et al. 2020) modified
the ICD framework by using the scheme to increase intellectual capital disclosure (Sveiby
1997). First, the researcher used a numerical code to identify each component’s disclosure
of intellectual capital. The numbers used for the code were zero (0) and one (1). 0 was
used for components that the company did not disclose, and 1 was used for components
that were disclosed. Furthermore, after the Number of components of intellectual capital
disclosure disclosed by the company was known, the amount owned by the component was
divided by the number of components of intellectual capital, which consisted of 22 criteria
components in the study.

4. Results and Discussion

Table 4 shows that the audit committee’s (SAC)’s variable size has a minimum value
of 1.00, which explains that the total number of audit committee members is at least three.
55/POJK.04/2015 states that the minimum Number of members of the audit committee in
a company is three people. The maximum size of the audit committee has a value of 2.33
or a maximum of seven people, which was found at P.T. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
Tbk. 2019. The average value of the audit committee size from 114 observation samples
was 1.14809, with a standard deviation of 0.274667.

Table 4. Descriptive statistics test results.

N Minimum Maximum Mean
SAC 114 1.000 2.333 1.14809 0.274667
MAC 114 1.000 5.500 2.12269 1.090258
FEXP_AC 114 0.250 1.000 0.62848 0.233525
VAIC 114 0.929 6.239 2.99112 1.131761
ICD 114 0.682 1.000 0.84444 0.081415
Valid N
Source: data processed by SPSS 26 (IBM, Chicago, US), 2022.
Economies 2023, 11, 7 10 of 17

4.1. Normality Test

This study uses the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test as the normality test, which is used
to increase the value of the data normality test results. The condition for the data to be
generally distributed in the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test is that the p-value must exceed 0.05.
If the p-value is below 0.05, the data used is not normally distributed. The following is a
table of normality test results in Table 5.

Table 5. Normality test results of one-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.

Unstandardized Residual
N 114
Normal Parameters Mean 0.0000000
Std. deviation 0.05057782
Most extreme differences Absolute 0.096
Positive 0.096
Negative −0.041
Kolmogorov–Smirnov Z 0.995
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.275
Source: data processed using SPSS 26 (IBM, Chicago, US), 2022.

Based on Table 5, the residual regression equation test results show a value of 0.275
for their significance probability, which succeeded in exceeding the value of 0.05. Thus, the
data used in this study are normally distributed.

4.2. Multicollinearity Test

A multicollinearity test is performed to clarify whether there is a correlation between
variables in the regression model. Seeing the value of VIF in the regression model helps
determine whether there is a correlation in this study. The occurrence of multicollinearity
can be observed through the tolerance value; if the tolerance value is lower, the VIF value
will be high (VIF = 1/tolerance). The cut-off value used aims to describe the existence of
multicollinearity, namely VIF 10. A good regression reference is a regression model that
does not have multicollinearity problems with its independent variables. Table 6 shows
the results of the multicollinearity test. The result of the calculation of the tolerance value
shows that there is no independent variable that has a value below 0.10. For example,
the audit committee size variable of 0.975, the number of audit committee meetings at
0.925, the audit committee’s financial expertise variable of 0.938, and the intellectual capital
performance variable of 0.982. Based on the results of this tolerance, the research data do
not occur as multicollinearity between the independent variables.
Then, from the results of the VIF calculation, it was also found that no independent
variable had a VIF value of more than 10. This can be seen from the test results in the
coefficients table, namely for the audit committee size variable of 1.026; the variable
Number of audit committee meetings at 1.081; the financial expertise variable of 1.069,
and the intellectual capital variable of 1.018. With the results of this calculation, in these
research data, there is no multicollinearity between independent variables in the regression
Economies 2023, 11, 7 11 of 17

Table 6. Multicollinearity rest results.

Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity

Model T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 0.282 0.015 18.822 0.000
SAC 0.057 0.024 0.219 2.424 0.017 0.975 1.026
MAC 0.022 0.006 0.328 3.549 0.001 0.925 1.081
FEXP_AC 0.019 0.028 0.062 0.675 0.501 0.938 1.069
VAIC 0.002 0.005 0.032 0.355 0.723 0.982 1.018
Source: data processed using SPSS 26 (IBM, Chicago, US), 2022.

4.3. Autocorrelation Test

The autocorrelation test’s function is to determine whether there is a correlation
between the t-period confounding error and the previous period (t − 1). Autocorrelation
problems occur if there is a correlation between them. In this study, the Durbin–Watson
test was used to test the presence or absence of autocorrelation. The criteria for deciding
that there is no autocorrelation are du < d < 4 − du. The following table shows the results
of the autocorrelation test.
Based on Table 7, the value of Durbin–Watson (D.W.) in this study is 1.776, compared
with the value in the table that uses a significance of 0.05. According to the table with
the Number of samples (n) 114 and the Number of independent variables (k) four, the
D.W. value is du = 1.7637. Thus, the value of D.W. in the study is more significant than
du, namely 1.7637 and smaller than 4 − du, namely 4 − 1.7637 = 2.2383, or 1.7637 < 1.776
< 2.2383. Based on these results, the regression model in this study does not experience
autocorrelation between the independent variables.

Table 7. Autocorrelation test results.

Adjusted R Std. the Error in

Model R R Square Durbin–Watson
Square the Estimate
1 0.438 0.192 0.160 0.051560 1.776
Source: data processed using (IBM, Chicago, US), 2022.

4.4. Heteroscedasticity Test

This test aims to prove the occurrence of residuals between observations in the model,
and the occurrence of variance mismatches is the purpose of this test. Homoscedasticity
occurs because the variation between the residuals of one observation and another does not
change. On the contrary, if it changes, it is heteroscedastic. The heteroscedasticity test that
the researcher used is the geyser test. The way to test this is by sorting the absolute value
of the unstandardized residual, such as the dependent variable, backward (regression). For
example, if all the independent variables are > 0.05, heteroscedasticity does not occur in the
regression model. The results of the heteroscedasticity test can be seen in Table 8.
Economies 2023, 11, 7 12 of 17

Table 8. Heteroscedasticity test results.

Unstandardized Standardized
Model T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 0.043 0.010 4.457 0.000
SAC −0.018 0.015 −0.115 −1.162 0.248
MAC 0.001 0.004 0.027 0.268 0.789
FEXP_AC 0.017 0.018 0.097 0.964 0.337
VAIC −0.002 0.003 −0.051 −0.513 0.609
Source: Data processed using SPSS (IBM, Chicago, US), 2022.

Based on Table 8, no independent variable has a significance value below the alpha
value of 0.05. The results of the heteroscedasticity test can be seen in table Sig. Namely,
the variable size of the audit committee is 0.248, the variable Number of audit committee
meetings is 0.789, and the financial expertise variable is 0.337. Furthermore, the intellectual
capital performance variable is 0.609. With the test results above, the data in this study did
not experience heteroscedasticity between independent variables in the regression model.
The results of the coefficient of determination can be seen from the model summary
table in the adjusted R square section. For example, in Table 9, the value of the adjusted R
square states that the coefficient of determination is 0.160 or 16%. Based on this value, it can
be explained that the variable size of the audit committee, the Number of audit committee
meetings, the financial expertise of the audit committee, and the performance of intellectual
capital have a simultaneous influence on the dependent variable of intellectual capital
disclosure by 16%. The other 84% are explained by independent variables not included in
this research.

Table 9. Coefficient of determination test results.

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. the Error in the Estimate

1 0.438 0.192 0.160 0.051560
Source: Data processed by SPSS 26 (IBM, Chicago, US), 2022.

4.5. Significance Test (F Test)

This test aims to determine whether all the independent variables used in the regres-
sion model have a combined effect on the dependent variable. The results of the F test can
be seen in the table below (Table 10).

Table 10. F-test results.

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 0.064 4 0.016 6.046 0.000
Residual 0.271 102 0.003
Total 0.335 106
Source: data processed using SPSS 26, 2022.

Table 10 explains that the significant value or p-value is 0.000. This result shows that
the p-value is not greater than the alpha value (0.005). Thus, the model used is correct.

4.6. Multiple Linear Regression Test

In this study, the analysis used is a multiple linear regression analysis model. The
usefulness of the analysis is in testing two or more independent variables on the dependent
variable. The dependent variable that the researcher use is the disclosure of intellectual
Economies 2023, 11, 7 13 of 17

capital. The independent variable in this study has two characteristics: the audit committee
and intellectual capital performance. In addition, the size of the audit committee, the finan-
cial expertise of the audit committee, and the total number of audit committee meetings
are the characteristics of the committee used in this study. The following are the results of
the multiple regression test, which are shown in the table below.
Based on Table 11, the relationship between the characteristics of the audit committee
and the performance of intellectual capital with intellectual capital disclosure can be made
a regression equation:
Y = 0 + 1X1 + 2X2 + 3X3 + 4X4 + e

ICD = 0 + 1 Committee size + 2Number of meetings + 3Financial expertise + 4IC performance + e

ICD = 0.282 + 0.057 Committee size + 0.022 Number of meetings + 0.019 Financial expertise + 0.002 IC
performance + 0.15
Discussion of Data Analysis Results.

Table 11. Regression test results.

Unstandardized Standardized
Model T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 0.282 0.015 18.822 0.000
Audit committee size 0.057 0.024 0.219 2.424 0.017
Number of audit committee meetings 0.022 0.006 0.328 3.549 0.001
Audit committee finance expertise 0.019 0.028 0.062 0.675 0.501
Intellectual capital performance 0.002 0.005 0.032 0.355 0.723
Source: data processed using SPSS 26, 2022.

4.7. Audit Committee Size on Intellectual Capital Disclosure

Based Table 12, the influence of the audit committee on intellectual capital disclosure
is the first hypothesis in this study. The results of this study are in line with the results of
research by (Ahmed Haji 2015; Hariyanto 2022; Hesniati 2021; Indarti et al. 2021). According
to (Taliyang and Jusop 2011), the size of the audit committee influences the disclosure of
intellectual capital. This is also supported by the audit committee size on intellectual capital
disclosure (Li et al. 2008), which explains that the more members on the audit committee
there are, the more quality control supervision over the accounting and financial processes
of the company will increase. This occurs because of the diversity of skills, views, and
experiences of each member in ensuring adequate supervision of company reports. This
further increases the disclosure of intellectual capital that the company presents in the
annual report.

Table 12. Hypothesis testing results.

No Hypothesis Results Conclusion

H1 Audit committee size → Intellectual capital disclosure t = 2.424, Sig. 0.017 < 0.05 Accepted
The number of audit committee meetings → Intellectual capital
H2 t = 3.549, Sig. 0.001 < 0.05 Accepted
Audit committee finance expertise → Intellectual capital
H3 t = 0.675, Sig. 0.501 > 0.05 Rejected
Intellectual capital performance → Intellectual capital
H4 t = 0.355, Sig. 0.723 > 0.05 Rejected
Data source: data processed, 2022.
Economies 2023, 11, 7 14 of 17

Adequate supervision of company reports carried out by audit committee members is

in line with the theory of stewardship, where management is afforded the trust to work well
for the benefit of the public and stakeholders (Buallay and Al-Ajmi 2019). Audit committee
members help management to monitor and provide the best results for the company. With
more and more audit committee members working effectively, the intellectual capital
owned by the company runs effectively. This encourages management to disclose more
intellectual capital owned by the company.

4.8. Number of Audit Committee Meetings on Disclosure of Intellectual Capital

The second hypothesis in this study intends to determine the effect of the Number
of audit committee meetings on the disclosure of intellectual capital. This study’s results
align with research conducted by (Hariyanto 2022), which states that the number of audit
committee meetings influences intellectual capital disclosure. Frequent audit committee
meetings can improve a company’s reporting monitoring process to be more efficient and
evaluate the information that needs to be submitted to report users, one element of which
is information about the company’s intellectual capital (Hesniati 2021). This is in line with
agency theory. In addition, meetings that audit committee members hold often can reduce
the information gap between agents and principals.
An audit committee with various kinds of experts who meet frequently discusses
evaluation and implementation strategies, one of which is overseeing financial statements,
corporate governance and internal control. The high frequency of audit committee meetings
allows the company to increase the disclosure of intellectual capital owned by the company.
Although this disclosure is made voluntarily, through regular meetings held by the audit
committee, the audit committee can consider issues in business competition and the shift
in business from labour-based to knowledge-based (Tjahjadi et al. 2019). Therefore, one of
the main factors in increasing firm value is the disclosure of intellectual capital.

4.9. Audit Committee Financial Expertise on Intellectual Capital Disclosure

The influence of the audit committee’s financial expertise on intellectual capital dis-
closure is the third hypothesis in this study. This study’s results differ from the research
conducted by (Ahmed Haji 2015), which states that financial expertise significantly influ-
ences intellectual capital disclosure. However, this study’s results align with the research
conducted Buallay and Al-Ajmi (2019) audit committee financial expertise on intellectual
capital disclosure. Which explained that the financial expertise variable does not affect
intellectual capital disclosure. Financial expertise is less relevant to disclosing intellectual
capital but more relevant to discussing financial issues. This is because some elements of
intellectual capital, such as corporate culture, company brands, and others, require special
knowledge to understand them, not just financial expertise.
To increase the disclosure of intellectual capital, more than only the financial expertise
of the audit committee is required to understand all elements of intellectual capital. Thus,
the audit committee must have expert members with other skills. Such as management
expertise, technology and information, and other expertise (Buallay and Al-Ajmi 2019).
Thus, other experts are needed in the audit committee to increase the company’s intellectual

4.10. Intellectual Capital Performance on Intellectual Capital Disclosure

The last hypothesis in this study intends to determine the effect of intellectual capital
performance on intellectual capital disclosure. This study’s results differ from the results
of research conducted by (Gamayuni 2015), which states that intellectual capital perfor-
mance influences intellectual capital disclosure. The better the performance of intellectual
capital owned by a company, the higher (good) the likelihood of the company disclosing
intellectual capital.
The results of this study align with research conducted by (Widigdo 2013), which
explains that there is no influence between the intellectual capital performance variable and
Economies 2023, 11, 7 15 of 17

intellectual capital disclosure. This occurs because the disclosure of intellectual capital is
voluntary. There are no detailed rules or regulations regarding the disclosure of intellectual
capital in Indonesia, so companies do not try to increase the disclosure of intellectual capital
owned by them in their annual reports. In this case, the stakeholder theory cannot be
proven because management does not try to disclose intellectual capital, so the information
obtained by stakeholders could be more optimal.

5. Conclusions
Based on this study’s results and the description in Section 4, this study aimed to
determine the effect of an audit committee’s characteristics, the size of an audit committee,
the Number of audit committee meetings, and the expertise of the audit committee on
the audit committee and intellectual capital performance in terms of intellectual capital
disclosure. Therefore, the conclusions that can be drawn from the results of multiple
regression analysis are as follows:
The size of the committee can affect the disclosure of intellectual capital. This can occur
because the more members of the audit committee there are, the more supervision is carried
out on the company’s accounting and financial processes. In addition, each member’s
enormous diversity of views, experiences, and skills can also increase the effectiveness of
monitoring company reports, which helps optimize intellectual capital disclosures reported
in the annual report.
The Number of audit committee meetings influences intellectual capital disclosure
because the more meetings the audit committee holds, the more evaluations are discussed,
which later need to be submitted to report users, one of which can be presented about the
company’s intellectual capital. On the other hand, the audit committee’s financial expertise
does not affect intellectual capital disclosure. This is because financial expertise is less
relevant for disclosing intellectual capital but more relevant for discussing finance. This
occurs because some elements of intellectual capital, such as corporate culture, information
systems, trademarks, and others, require special skills and knowledge to be understood.
Intellectual capital performance does not affect intellectual capital disclosure. Intellec-
tual capital performance is not influenced because there are no rules governing intellectual
capital disclosure in Indonesia. This is a voluntary disclosure, so the companies’ manage-
ment departments need to optimize the disclosure of intellectual capital owned in their
company reports.
Regarding this observation, several shortcomings can prevent the results of the obser-
vations from agreeing with the hypothesis made. Therefore, the limitations of this study
can be reviewed for future research. The following are some of the limitations of this study:
The research used only four variables, so the adjusted R square value is 16%, and other
independent variables influence the remaining 84%. The content analysis method in this
observation is also prone to the researcher’s subjectivity as a scorer in intellectual capital
Based on the limitations of the research above, the researchers suggest several sugges-
tions for further research: Future researchers should be able to include other independent
variables such as the independence of the audit committee, company size, quality of exter-
nal auditors, and other variables that are thought to influence intellectual capital disclosure.
In addition, it is recommended that for further research, researchers can be assisted by one
other person to provide a score or value in the disclosure of intellectual capital to minimize

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.M.; methodology, H.M.; validation, M.H.; formal

analysis, H.M.; investigation, H.M.; resources, M.H.; data curation, M.H.; writing-original draft
preparation, M.H.; project administration, M.H.; funding acquisition, W.M.; writing-review & editing,
W.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Research Funded Research of International Publications of
High Reputation (RPIBT) Universitas Diponegoro, grant number No. SPK: 233-33/UN7.6.1/PP/2022
Economies 2023, 11, 7 16 of 17

and the APC was funded by the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Ministry of
Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Indonesia.
Data Availability Statement: Not Applicable.
Acknowledgments: Research Funded By Research of International Publications of High Reputation
(RRPIBT) Universitas Diponegoro No. SPK: 233-33/UN7.6.1/PP/2022.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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